A Code: Realize fan blog where you can request headcanons, share your own headcanons, and send mail to your favorite characters!
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Today’s anime mascot of the day is...!
Sisi from Code: Realize Guardian Of Rebirth!
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#this is a warmup from mod apostle#I want to start writing HC again but I am a little rusty#starting with something simple!
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Could we perhaps get hcs for the main cast (+ finis and Sholmes) as to what they would do with a s/o on valentines day? (I have ordered release date delivery for Wintertide Miracles and have asserted that Van Helsing is going to be my valentine)
Valentines headcanons!
First, I am terribly sorry for the tardiness of my response! It is completely mod Apostle’s fault, and she humbly asks for forgiveness. I was away at a convention this weekend and underestimated how little time I would have before I left. Love doesn’t go out of date, I hope??
Mod Nautilus offers sweet love notes, while Mod Apostle’s are ficlets based on a theme of being separated on Valentine’s Day... with happy endings!
We hope you enjoy! We’ll see you again around the beginning of March! Until then have fun with Wintertide Miracles! ❄️
They are behind the cut for length....
“I’m so glad you accepted my Valentine’s Day invitation, mon trésor! You look so excited, have you been wondering what sorts of adventures I have in store for you? Haha, calm down, calm down! There will be many surprises for the two of us.
Hmm… how does an invitation to a masque sound? I find that nobles are much more fun when they’re masked, it gives us glimpses of the true selves that they usually hide behind their reputations.
Ahaha, what’s with that expression? You want to know if I have something mischievous up my sleeve? My dear, who do you think you’re speaking with? Oh, but please don’t worry. Tonight, all eyes will be on you, and only you.”
Lupin planned for the day for weeks. He made all his lover’s favorite treats, made reservations at her favorite restaurant and bought romantic gifts. So when the day came and his lover needed to be away from home on Valentine’s Day, he was supremely disappointed. He didn’t want to make her feel bad, so he hid his feelings and told her they would celebrate when she come back, but Arsene Lupin, Gentleman Thief, couldn’t let his lover be alone on Valentines Day!
He saw her off with a kiss and a smile, asked Impey to use the ornithopter, loaded it up with all of his gifts, and headed to her destination. A little breaking and entering later, he snuck into her room...
He lit his rose-scented candles, put his champagne on a tray by the bed, donned his new red silk robe and arranged himself seductively on the bed to wait.
He heard the door open a few minutes later. His lover took in the sight of Lupin’s roguish grin, temptingly open robe, and champagne and laughed with relief, “I knew I could count on you.”
Lupin was confused for a moment, but then his lover took off her coat...
The gift he bought for her- the very one he couldn’t find that morning- adorned her body most enticingly.
“Were you looking for this?” she said with a giggle, “I didn’t think you bought it for yourself...” she looked a little ashamed, “I am sorry... but... I hoped you would come. I would have felt silly wearing this to return to an empty room.”
Lupin gave his most winning grin, “Never fear, my dear. I would never allow my lover to sleep alone on Valentine’s Day.” he said warmly, and kissed her until she melted in his arms.
“I’m glad you could make it. Hm? Why do I…? No, I’m not unhappy to see you, you should know better than that. I just had planned to cook a nice dinner for the two of us, but Lupin and the others… it turns out that they made dinner reservations for us.
… It’s at the Reform Club, one of the most exclusive locations in all of London. Lupin said that the Count had to go to a lot of trouble to get us access. I don’t know why they went to all of that trouble, I wanted to… hm? You look rather happy. What, you want me to relax tonight? Heh… I always have trouble saying no to that smile of yours. All right, then. But don’t worry, later on I’ll be sure to spoil you.
At that time… would you prefer chocolate or vanilla?”
Van hated to see the disappointment on his lover’s face when he told her he would need to travel on Valentine’s Day, but he could not shirk his duties to Delacroix. They shared a tearful kiss at the door before he left, and he promised to celebrate as soon as he came back, but he knew it wasn’t the same. He had forgotten such sentiment for a long time, but now even he recognized the importance of observing traditions together.
He finished his duties for the day and brooded over his lover being alone... it was wrong. No, he couldn’t let this happen. What kind of lover would he be to do something like that? He stood up.
“Hey, Helsing! Why are you making that face? Don’t tell me you and your sweetie are fighting again!”
He glared at the young king, “We don’t fight...”
“Well you must be if you’re here on Valentine’s Day looking like that! Or did you forget?!” he looked horrified.
Van berated himself silently, even the child king knew it was wrong to leave a lover on Valentine’s Day, “I didn’t forget. It was my duty to be here.” he muttered, “But now I—
“Don’t be stupid, Helsing. Go right now! Take the automobile. Maybe you can still make it back before midnight!”
His watch read 11:55pm when he squealed up the driveway. He vaulted out of the car and crashed through the door.
His lover ran out of the living room in a white cotton gown, hair loose around her shoulders. He felt starved of the sight, though he had only been gone for two days. He pulled her in his arms and kissed her until they were both breathless.
“Happy Valentine’s Day.” he said between kisses, “I am... sorry...” he kissed her again, “to have left...” he lifted her in his arms and held her tightly against his chest, “Tell me, “ he undid the ribbons on her delicate gown, and kissed her throat. She made a little sigh of pleasure, “Tell me how I can make it up to you...”
She whispered her desire in his ear.
He felt his face warm at her suggestion, and smiled back at her. If that was his penance, perhaps he should misbehave more often.
“Oh, you’re here! I’m so glad. The tests had gone well, but Sisi has a mind of his own at times… I wasn’t sure he’d follow the scent to deliver your invitation. Huh, the costume? Y-Yes, I put it together… I’m glad you thought it was cute.
Ah, I hope you like the flowers! I know roses are traditional, but I just couldn’t decide… so I also got you a daisy bouquet and a tulip bouquet. I thought they’d make a nice backdrop. I made some sandwiches for us, they aren’t fancy but I asked for Impey’s help so they should be delicious.
E-Eh? Feed me? Haha, that’s really… really cute of you. All right, but only if I can do the same. Hehe, okay, now… say ‘ahhh’!”
Fran hated that he needed to be away from home on Valentine’s Day, but he knew the conference was too important to miss. His lover encouraged him vigorously to go, but he still felt guilty about leaving.
Which is how he found himself coming home with the basket of kittens.
He often worked late or needed to attend lectures. He hated to think of his lover all alone and hoped the kittens would keep her company.
A tiny paw darted out and grabbed his finger.
“Ow!” he yelped, nearly dropping the basket.
The rest of the kittens joined the game and leapt out of the basket to climb up his chest and up to his shoulders, knocking his glasses askew and getting tangled in his hair while he yelped from being scratched with their sharp little claws. He desperately tried to get them to go back in the basket.... just as his lover opened the door to the house to see him covered with kittens.
She stared at him for a moment. A bemused expression on her face, and burst out laughing.
“Happy Valentine— Woah...!” Fran cried as his lover pulled him into her arms, kittens and all. Half the kittens leapt from his shoulder to hers. One still dangled from his coat.
She kissed him, “Welcome home... all of you!” she said, still giggling, “I love you, and I love our new family members.”
“Okay, my cute little engine, get ready to take my honey and I on the best Valentine’s Day date ever! I thought this would be fun, you know? Taking a nice drive out into the countryside. The sun is just beginning to dip, so we’ll be able to watch the sunset together and then…! Yes! Then we can go stargazing! Ahh, to see the stars reflected in my lover’s eyes, it’ll be like a dream!
Cold? Well, yeah, I guess it is February… but Mr. Impey thought of everything! Ta-daaaa! Check out these portable heating pads I made! Oh, don’t worry, I tested them a lot… got burned a lot, too, but hey! All’s well that ends well, right? E-Ehh… what’s with that expression… okay, okay! I have blankets, too! We’ll just have to scooch up real close-like together. … Ehehe, that might be even better. Waah, Impey, you’re a genius!
Hm? You saw me… working on the Ornithoper earlier? Yeah, I thought at first that a date above the clouds would be fun, but… I realized it would be too dangerous. Hahaha, not because of the Ornithoper, but because… honey, I don’t think I’ll be able to keep my hands off of you tonight. Pulling over is much easier than maneuvering an emergency love landing! Ahaha, your blushing so cute! But, there’s no need to be embarrassed… tonight, the only one watching us will be the moon.
“I’ll be back as soon as I can!” Impey declared confidently when he left two days ago. But there he was with a busted engine helplessly waiting for the replacement for the broken part he needed to be delivered.
He felt unaccustomedly depressed. He couldn’t believe he was leaving his precious angel alone on this most important day. He knew she would understand. She was a smart and resilient girl. He would make it up to her at length later, but he never wanted to disappoint her. He wanted to always be there to make her smile, always wake up with her tucked in his arms on special days. He certainly never wanted to leave her alone like this.
But there he was, miles away from the nearest train station with a busted motor and no way to get home.
He gazed up at the moon wistfully, thinking of all the nights they spend curled up under blankets looking at the moon and making plans... making love, too. It was the best time in his life.
He squinted up at the moon... was that a new crater? No... it was moving. He could hear a familiar high-pitched buzzing....
He jumped up from the hood of the car and stared at the sky in shock.
The ornithopter was coming.
His heart leapt. The Ornithopter was coming! That meant—!!
The ornithopter circled the clearing where he stood. He jumped and waved enthusiastically. The little aircraft flashed its lights and descended to land next to him. The door was flung open and his beautiful angel of the sky leapt out and into his arms, wrapping her arms around him while he laughed, “My honey came to the rescue! But that’s not fair! It is the noble knight that must rescue his princess!”
“Nonsense!” she snorted, “We don’t live in the dark ages.” she kissed him soundly, “I couldn’t let my hapless prince lie alone in a field on Valentine’s Day!” she held up the blankets she brought.
He grinned as brightly as the moon itself, “I am in your debt, Princess!” he gave her a suggestive wink, “Now what would you like for your reward, eh?”
She kissed him fiercely, “I can think of a few good ways for you to repay me.”
“I’m taking off the blindfold now. Hehe, were you able to figure out where I took you? Yes, I thought it would be a nice surprise… oh, tonight they aren’t performing any operas or ballet… tonight is something very special.
I remembered how fondly you were looking at my antique collection, and I thought it might be fun for us to visit an auction together. These auctions are usually so crowded, though, so I arranged for us to have a private viewing the night before. This entire theater is just for the two of us tonight, our own antique gallery. And, my dearest, if you desire anything you see… it’s yours. Whether it’s a few items or the entire show, I will make sure you’re able to start your own collection here tonight.
After that, I was thinking the two of us could go on a cruise- oh, you don’t have to worry about packing. I’ve ensured that everything you need has already been loaded onto the ship. Please forgive my selfishness, but the last time I was invited to an auction cruise, things didn’t go exactly as planned… haha, you understand, right?
Well then, beloved, the night is ours. Let’s dedicate it to our love of art… and our love for each other.”
She dropped her suitcase on the bedside table and dropped herself on the bed. She had been away too long. She didn’t think she could bear another lonely night. She knew Saint felt the same way. Sometimes she could feel his emotions from far away like the touch of ghostly fingers caressing her face. She sighed and flipped open her suitcase—
There, on top, was a letter.
She gazed at the familiar stationary, Saint‘s exquisite handwriting spelling out her name. She breathed in the faint scent of white flowers that was her beloved’s signature.
The only trouble was that she had been traveling for days. There was no such letter in her case.
Trembling, she opened the envelope—
“Happy Valentine’s Day, my beloved lady,
It pains me to apart today of all days, even if it is unavoidable. I miss you tonight. Do you have all you need on your travels? Do my words warm your heart enough to endure this absence?”
No... she thought. I need so much more.
“I cannot say the same. I can still feel the shape of you beside me in this bed, your fragrance on my pillow, your sweetness on my tongue. I need all of you here with me always. I wanted to leave you roses on your pillow, kisses on your lips, share tea with you in the morning, read to you in the afternoon. I want to take you places tonight that you’ve never seen. I want to see the wonder in your eyes. I want to hear you gasp with delight. I am a terribly selfish man, as you know too well, but tell me your desires and I will fulfill them. Your pleasure is mine also.”
How many times had he told her that? How many times had they done those things? How many times had she fallen asleep with a smile on her face, her body and soul perfectly content in every way? She kept reading...
“Close your eyes for me. Hear my voice. I am touching you now, my fingers on your lips. Now part them for me, yes... like that. Taste this. Is it sweet? This chocolate is said to be the finest in the world. Do you agree? It will taste sweeter from your lips, my love. Now lie back and think of me. Your wish is my command, tell me your desires. Tell me your needs. Tell me anything at all.”
She could almost taste the chocolate. Feel his fingers on her lips, “I love you.” was all she said. She could almost feel his body against hers. She laid back, undressing as if he watched her from the page of the letter.
“I love you, too. Hehe, Are you surprised that I can hear you? I can feel you, too. Can you feel me now?”
She could... it was almost too real.. she moaned a little...
“I know you can. I know. Oh, how I know. We share a bond to deep for mere miles to erase.
I need more than the thought of you. If you feel the same way...
Open your eyes.”
She felt soft lips against hers. Very real lips... her eyes flew open.
“Hehe. Are you surprised?” Saint said softly.
“What!? How—”
He put a finger over her lips, “Shh, it doesn’t matter. All that matters is that I am here with you now...” he kissed her again. His lips tasted of dark chocolate.
He pulled her into his arms, “Now, please, let me love you.”
“… And here you are. I’m not surprised, you’re always good at solving the fun little riddles I leave for you. Still, I found it rather charming that you left a riddle for me, as well. … It looks like we had the same place in mind, too. Yes, you told me once that you wanted to visit this tea house, didn’t you? Haha! Was that how it went? I was the one who wanted to come here? Well, I really must thank you for remembering that, then. … You made reservations as well? My, it looks like we’ll have the whole room to ourselves…
Hm? You’re disappointed that I didn’t bring my violin? My dear, did you really believe that the night would be ending here? Hehe, no, it would be too early for that. After this, I want to take you to a garden I recently found. There’s a beautiful gazebo there, and I think the acoustics will make the performance much nicer. … Besides, tonight, you’re the only one I want to hear my music.”
Sholmes sighed and put down his newspaper. He knew he was being foolishly sentimental. February 14th was just a date on the calendar. It was nothing to get upset about to miss a single day together.
So why did he feel so out of sorts?
He knew perfectly well, but the knowledge was uneasy. He never felt this way before and it unnerved him. He considered his intellect to be above such trivial things.
He attempted to forget his melancholy by tidying the house, but was useless. He decided a walk might clear his mind...
....And immediately spotted a familiar figure slipping between two buildings.
No one else would have noticed her unique gait and peculiar habit of looking up at the sky when she was trying to be nonchalant, but he certainly did.
She told him she would be away for the week. What was she doing sneaking in alleys?
A little troubled, he turned from his path to follow her.
She led him on a merry chase through the city, ending when he saw her slip inside a window on a sleepy, tree-shaded street.
Waiting only a moment, he followed her.
—only to be lifted off his feet and pulled through the window.
The scent of his lover’s sweet vanilla perfume surrounded him.
He was being kissed.
He answered with hunger to match. It had been too long.... He suddenly didn’t care why his lover was sneaking through the city...
She released him, “Did you like your Valentine’s Day present?” she whispered in his ear.
He understood.
Feeling a little foolish, he laughed, “You win this time.” he kissed her, “Next time you won’t get so lucky.”
“I think it is you who is about to get lucky.” she said before wrapping her arms around his neck again.
“Ha! Well, look at how dressed up you are! Huuuh? Date? You really went to all that trouble because you thought… V-Valentine’s Day? I wasn’t particularly paying attention to it… sister baked cookies for it, which you’re welcome to have. They really…. they are rather burned, aren’t they? Sheesh…
Candles? Can’t a man light some candles without it suddenly being for a particular occasion? And the flowers… wipe that smile off your face, it makes you look like a fool. … Ahh, fine! Fine! H-Here. Huh? No, my sister didn’t make these chocolates! … I made them. Had to fight off a fork-wielding little… b-but, anyway… I’m sure you’ll find these far better than those cookies—or anything else you might have received today.
I’ve never really… Valentine’s Day never… ….. I… hope you enjoy them. The fact of the matter is, I wanted to see you. I want to see you. It doesn’t have to be a particular day… I simply… want to be with you. … There’s that smile, again. … I suppose it isn’t always a foolish one.”
Finis was in a bad mood.
That wasn’t unusual. How can one be in a good mood surrounded by incompetents?
It had nothing to do with a certain person being absent from work because of a cold on Valentine’s Day. They were just the only person capable of doing their job correctly. He was just annoyed because it made his workload worse.
If he kept telling himself that, he might even believe it.
He finished up early and left without an explanation.
On his way home he was further annoyed by the displays in the shops. All lurid red hearts and foolish Cupids. Childish nonsense for frivolous people. He stomped away not looking where he was going and upset a cart full of flowers. A bucket tipped as he collided with it and spilled its contents on the ground.
It was his fault. He couldn’t expect the flower girl to suffer for his clumsiness, so he bought the things.
Now what? He certainly didn’t need a bucket full of pink roses.
That certain coworker wasn’t feeling well. Maybe this would cheer her up.... so she could get back to work and do her job!
Feeling thoroughly convinced, he turned toward her house.
He found her quietly reading a book with a cup of tea. Her face turned red when she saw the flowers. Maybe she had a fever.
She was crying and smiling as she thanked him. Her eyes bright with gratitude. He didn’t understand why girls did that. But... deep in his heart... he had to admit it made him... very happy.
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Hey hey positivity anon from Monday! I just wanted to say I'm glad you both appreciated my message earlier and I wanted to wish you both a happy Valentines Day! I hope it's full of love and affection of any kind! Have a wonderful day!
Happy Valentine’s Day to you too, positivity anon!! Thank you once again for your kind words. I have lots of chocolate all ready and I’ll be waiting by my mailbox for my copy of Wintertide Miracles to come. (Staring at Amazon....)
We have gone ahead and closed the ask box so the mods-- I mean, uh, all of us, can really sit down and enjoy Wintertide Miracles. (There’s also the fact that there’s a convention this weekend and one of the mods got a new job and... mumble... mumble...)
BUT DON’T WORRY! We got a sweet Valentine’s Day ask (I SEE YOU ANON AND I HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR VALENTINE’S DAY WITH VAN HELSING!) and we’ll be answering that one.
So here’s to a fantastic Valentine’s Day from Mod Apostle and myself, and we’ll be baaaaaaaaaaaack~!
-- Mod Nautilus and Mod Apostle
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Hi everyone 😊 have you any headcanons or stories about boy's childhood?(with Hansel and Nemo )
We hope you enjoy this small glimpse into the kids’ lives before they became the heroes we love!
- Mod Apostle and Mod Nautilus
- Lupin started out smaller and weaker than most of the otherstreet kids, but he proved to also be the cleverest. The other kids began tolook up to him and treat him as a leader, despite his youth and small size.They were so skilled at their work using Lupin’s methods that people began toavoid the popular markets they haunted. The police took notice and the kidsonly grew more talented at playing hide and seek with the police and makingthem look like fools.
- Lupin’s first brush with being a ‘thief with a heart ofjustice’ was when he saw a frail old woman robbed and thrown down into analley. He always picked the pockets of the rich and considered it poor form topick on ‘easy targets’. He stole back the woman’s purse, only to find it veryheavy with gold. He was tempted to keep it, but recalling the woman’s frailty,he dutifully brought the purse back to its owner. The old woman exulted overhow honorable he was and gave him his first ‘finders fee.’ Which turned out tobe more money than he could steal in a month.
- Lupin was intelligent, but he preferred practical studies tobook learning. (His teacher did make sure he knew how to read and write, etc.Even though he balked about it being boring.)
- He and his fellow urchins often made up their own gameswhich helped them with their thieving.
- Lupin usually had to sleep outdoors, so thefirst time he had a bed of his own he was so happy that he didn’t even want tomess the sheets up. … Of course, about twenty seconds later he jumped right onin and rolled the sheets around himself like a cocoon.
- Lupin was surprisingly nervous the first time he left France, though he would never admit it. He loved the adventure, of course, but there was something a little anxiety-inducing about taking those first steps.
- Van was always a dutiful brother and son. His father passedaway when he was still quite young, so he felt it was his duty to care for hismother and little brother. They didn’t have a lot of money, so he learned tomake the things they needed and repair clothing and other things to extend their life. He became quite skilledat woodworking and made his mother a beautiful vase that she kept on herdresser that held three flowers, one for each of his family.
- Van and his brother always went berry picking in the summer.It was the brothers’s favorite time of year when their mothers would make themmagnificent pies. One time Van decided to make a pie for his family… withpredictable results. The mess in the kitchen was extraordinary, but his mothercouldn’t scold him because he tried so hard, and pretended to enjoy hiscreation. It may have been better for his future friends if she had told himthe truth.
- Van was a smart, serious student. His favorite subject inschool was mathematics. He taught his little brother to read.
- Vanwas always athletic and participated in many different sports.
- Would always help his mother with the sewing andclothing repair. He learned how to knit when he was eight years old, and becamequite skilled. His family could never leave the house in winter without ascarf. And gloves. And a hat.
- He was always very open about how he doted over his family. He once had his heart on his sleeve….
- Fran grew up surrounded by beautiful natural wonders. Of ascientific bent since childhood, he found it soothing to walk in the woods andstudy nature. He could often be found reading in the shadow of his favoriterock, or collecting various specimens to study in his little attic laboratoryunder the eaves of his home.
- Fran had a cute spaniel that always stayed at his side whenhe was a kid. They went on many adventures together. Fran even taught her tosniff out certain plants or other things to use in his experiments.
- Fran helped keep his parents’ gardens. He had his own littlepatch where he grew his own medicinal herbs.
- Fran’s favorite subject was obviously science, especiallyalchemy and biology. He was equally good at all subjects and was recommended togo to college in the U.K.
- Knew he wanted to be a doctor for as long as hecould remember. He was the greatest teddy bear doctor in all of Switzerland,always performing regular check-ups. Of course, if someone came to him with adoll that needed repairs, he’d have to go to his mother… but he would alwayssupervise the procedure!
- Impey was alone much of the time as a young child. He neverreally fit in with his peers and always dreamed of leaving his little villageand seeing what the world beyond held. Many vampires hated the cities, but Impeyknew that his future would lie in the cities beyond his claustrophobic littletown even before he saw the train.
- Impey was an eager student once his imagination was ignited.The Old Man was delighted with how smart he was. He read voraciously once hehad the opportunity, though he found history boring. He hated stories about waror weapons, but he loved the romances. (He cried easily over tragedies.)
- Impey’s first device was a telescope to look at the moon,made from a cardboard tube, a piece of glass and a broken mirror. He was veryexcited and proud of his creation.
- Impey never had any sense of a bedtime, and often tinkeredand experimented with machines all night. The old man would often find himslumped over his work bench fast asleep. In that way, not much has changed.
- Impey didn’t change too much from when he was akid, so he would always be running on fumes. All too often, his old man wouldfind him passed out with a wrench in hand and grease stains on his cheeks. Heonly put a stop to it one time after Impey caught a bad cold. “That’ll teachyou to not get proper rest, now you have no choice.” (I think it’s cute we both had the same idea about Impey sleeping on his work bench - Mod Nautilus)
(Because there is so little information about Saint’s youth,this is longer and more… dramatized… than the others… – Mod Apostle)
- Saint doesn’t remember his childhood before he was a slave,erroneously believing he was born into slavery. The trauma of the sack of hisvillage made him block it from his memory. He was born in an ancient isolatedvillage in the eastern foothills of Mesopotamia. Its isolation meant that theever-changing political situations and the rise and fall of cultures passedthem by harmlessly, until an avalanche caused the king’s military to divertcourse and they raided the peaceful village.
- Saint was a priestess’ son. He was a gentle, fragile child.His task was to read and memorize the holy books, study their rituals, andlearn from his mother how to lead their people. He was a dreamer who loved thestars, the quiet hills at night, and the sound of his mother’s voice singingthe sacred songs.
- Despite being two years younger, his brother always lookedafter him. They played games, told stories, read every book in the village,especially the tales about a time when they lived in a city overlooking thesea. Neither of them had ever seen a body of water larger than small lakes andrivers. They had never even seen the great Euphrates or Tigris. They promisedeach other to go to the sea someday. To sail away and find their lost city andbecome kings. Saint said he would be the high priest and talk to the gods,while his brother could be king and govern the people. The village elder’sfortune said Saint would suffer much and travel far before he found hisdestiny, but then such things seemed incomprehensible to the children who builtstone forts for castles and tended their goats.
- Later, after he forgot his past, he still sought out tabletsand and stories of the gods and sacred texts, never wondering how a slavelearned to read. Despite the differences in language, he was able to teachhimself the new alphabets and lettering. He kept a horde of discarded tabletsand broken styluses buried in a hole with his few belongings, including a stonenecklace given him by his only friend, the boy who he no longer recognized ashis brother.
- Saint sang to himself at night sometimes when he could getaway with it. They soothed him and helped him to sleep. He still remembers thesongs, though the source is lost to him.
- In a life usually filled with misery, Sainttreasured every bit of ‘ordinary happiness’ he could find. Usually, this was inthe form of watching the sun rise. It was such a little thing, but he lovedwatching the light slowly paint the sky different colors. The sun looked like abig bright ball that he wanted to play with, but he was content just to feelits warmth.- Out of all his duties, Saint enjoyed fishing themost. He wasn’t able to do it often, but being near the water always made himfeel at peace. He enjoyed the fact that what he was doing allowed people to befed. He wanted to be a gracious host for many people from a very young age.
- Hansel’s favorite memories are of the summers before the warstarted. His mother would bake cookies and make a picnic lunch and Hansel wouldtake Gretel on forest adventures. Hansel would gather wildflowers and makeflower crowns for Gretel and the siblings would splash around in the brook andlaugh and play until nightfall.
- Gretel occasionally had trouble sleeping and would visit herbrother’s room. He would let her cuddle with him and told her fairytales untilshe fell asleep.
- Hansel made friends with the deer of the forest and lovedtaking Gretel out to feed them sometimes.
- Hansel became Omnibus’ precious son, and she knew that treating him as such would tie himfurther to her. She taught him personally about the duties of Idea, somethingthat was usually reserved for a fellow Apostle. Saint would often joke withOmnibus about how he was being spoiled.
- Omnibus would teach him in the garden, and he wouldoften occupy his hands by tending to her garden. It shone even brighterafter receiving attention from him, and afterwards Omnibus would reward hisobedience with a cookie shaped like a daisy. Those were always his favorites…
(FUN TRIVIA! According to Jules Verne, Captain Nemo’s birthname was Dakkar. Mod Nautilus has adopted this into her Code: Realizeheadcanons, so if you see the name “Dakkar” floating around—it’s pre-RevolutionNemo.)
- Dakkarwas a polyglot from a very young age. Languages always came easily to him,among them English, German, and French. (And back then he actually spoke… um…he didn’t sound like… HE DIIIIIDN’T TAAAAAAAAAALK LIKE THIIIIIIIIIIIIS.)
- Dakkar had two little sisters that meant theabsolute world to him. Oftentimes, late at night, he would sneak out of hisquarters to spend time with them. Once he started getting caught, he would slippast by dressing up as a beautiful woman. As long as he kept his mouth shut,nobody noticed.
- … He was always very, very proud of being called “brotherdearest”.
- Dakkar was an accomplished pianist, but he much preferred playing the pipe organ, saying that it stimulated his mind more.
- He was sixteen years old when he became a lead strategist in the uprising against Britain, though he participated in any way he could long before then. He has always been passionate about the things important to him, and the freedom of his country was the most important thing to him growing up.
- Herlock —er, Sherlock as he was known backthen—has an elder brother named Mycroft. Though Mycroft is just as much of agenius as his little brother, the two of them often clashed on a moreclandestine subject: housework. See, much like Sherlock, Mycroft was also arather deplorable housekeeper and they would often compete to see who could getout of the most chores. It became a game for them, one which Sherlockultimately won by devoting his time to a new hobby: the violin.
#code: realize#code realize#Arsene Lupin#abraham van helsing#victor frankenstein#Impey Barbicane#count of saint germain#nemo#herlock sholmes#Hansel Hexenhouse
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Hi, this isn't a request but I've been into Code Realize since the year it got translated and I'm always looking for more fanfic so I'm really happy to stumble across your account! But what makes me even happier is the vibe your account gives off! A lot of fanfic writers kinda- make it kind of intimidating to connect with or send in requests but especially after reading your rules you guys seem really sweet and approachable! That is all! ^-^
Oh my gosh, receiving this ask first thing on a Monday morning was such a fantastic way to start the week!! Both Mod Apostle and I are thrilled that we seem approachable, as at the end of the day this blog is a celebration of fantastic characters that we all love! We want to celebrate all of it with you!
(I’m so happy it took awhile to write a coherent sentence, ehehe...)
Thank you so much for sending us this ask, and we hope to see a request or two from you soon if you feel the urge!
Hugs and Kisses,
Mod Nautilus and Mod Apostle
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So. What turns the guys on? 🤣
It’s the season for love, and things are getting a little steamy! This is going under a cut for length.
Mod Apostle’s answers will be bold, Mod Nautilus’ answers will be italicized.
- It is a huge turn on for Lupin when his lover treats himlike their hero. Give him honest praise and he’s putty in their hands.
- He loves it when his lover wears his coat and hat. Hethinks they look adorable in it. If they really want to get him going, appearingat the door wearing his coat and not much else will do the trick handily.
- Lupin finds little sexier than executing the perfect heistwith his sweetheart. Working as a team with his lover and outwitting the badguys is the ultimate aphrodisiac. The nights (or morning) following asuccessful heist with his lover are always especially intense.
- Lupin loves having liaisons with his partners in placeswhere they shouldn’t be (like near Baker Street or Buckingham Palace). Thethrill of potentially getting caught drives him wild, and he loves to put afinger to his partner’s lips to shush them when someone walks close by.
- Lupin loves using his hands on his partner. From sensualmassages to fast, intense pleasuring, Lupin is wonderful at using his digitsfor more than just sleight of hand.
- Van loves to pamper his lover and put them on a pedestal.If his lover wears the outfit he bought them, or tells him how much theyenjoyed the novel he brought home for them, they won’t believe how turned on hewill be. He is a little insecure as a boyfriend/husband, so letting him knowwhen he is doing things right is both a turn on and will make for a very happyVan.
- If his lover has a strong enough constitution, letting himcook for them and… actually eating and enjoying it… would make him feelvery excited indeed.
- Van is turned on by a partner who initiates intimacy. Heis absolutely respectful of his lover’s boundaries and would never be pushyabout sexy times. His partner will be shocked at just how much he was holdingback when they give him the sign they’re ready.
- Van has an incredible weakness for getting a glimpse ofhis partner’s chest. If you want to get Mr. Van Helsing’s attention, wearsomething with a teasingly low cut… especially a sweetheart cut, the curve ofthe fabric over his partner’s chest drives him wild.
- In the same vein, his partner pulling him to their chestmakes Van absolutely melt. He’s ready for anything after that, from a romanticnap together to heart-pounding… er… pounding.
- Get that man in the kitchen. Flirt with him there, pullhim to you by the straps of his apron, his partner acknowledging him in thekitchen is a huge turn-on.
- Fran is pretty visual. He would get super turned on byseeing his lover in a beautiful, sexy outfit and shoes to go out on a date.
- Fran would be delighted by a lover who would surprise himby fixing up their bedroom during the day like a private love nest and plan anevening spent cuddled up in bed with hot cocoa talking about anything thatcomes to mind and then kissing until they’re both breathless.
- Fran’s posture while working isn’t the best, and he cansuffer from back and neck aches. It is both relaxing and sensual to him whenhis lover gives him a gentle massage when he’s working. Sometimes he’ll justmelt under their hands.
- Three words: Steal. His. Sweater. Seriously, seeing hispartner in nothing but his long, soft, green sweater is dangerous for Fran. Feelinghis partner’s body underneath it would be fatal.
- He likes it when his partner tries to get him to come tobed—and I don’t mean for romance, I mean for sleep. He works way too hard, buta firm voice and hand will have him sleeping soundly… and ready to show histhanks when he wakes up.
- Impey finds honest kindness most attractive. Seeing apotential partner going out of their way to be kind to someone or some creaturegets him every time.
- Once Impey is in a relationship he loves the little thingshis lover does to tease and seduce him. Kisses and touches while they worktogether, sweet nothings, even a bit of naughty talk will really get him in themood when the day is done.
- And, of course, Impey will always be turned on by apartner who is excited to share his dreams and love of space. Who finds theperfect private spot to watch an eclipse and brings blankets to lie on toscheme and plan and make love all night once the eclipse is through.
- Impey loves to watch his partner tinkering. It fills himwith a sense of pride, of pure happiness… but if you toss a bit of flirting inthere, Impey will turn redder than a cherry from the sudden change in gears! He’dbe very happy to oblige, but that bit of surprise in there makes it evenbetter. Plus, when his partner has a bit of motor oil streaked on their cheek…it gets him going so much!
- Impey loves his ornithopter and his automobile. If hispartner stood seductively next to them, or pulled him inside for a steamyliaison, he would be at full attention even faster than usual.
- Impey has sensitive ears. Kiss them, touch them… not onlywill the look on his face be adorably shocked, but his ears will blush red,too!!
- Saint is a romantic. The key to his heart and body also isthrough his emotions. Writing him little love notes, giving him flowers,special smiles, entwining fingers while sitting at the table together… all ofthese small gestures of love will warm and charm him utterly.
- Saint craves touch after having been denied it for solong. Spontaneous hugs and kisses will always be welcomed. If his lover isphysically affectionate with him, he will return it tenfold.
- He would absolutely be enchanted by a partner who isadventurous and daring. One who is always up to a little mischief and is readyfor adventure would be thrilling for him.
- When it comes to the act, absolutely nothing turns onSaint more than to know how much he pleasing his lover. He is one who wants tosee himself in his lover’s eyes. He wants to watch them lost in abandon. Themore emotive they are, the more powerful his own pleasure will be.
- Saint loves being intimate in sacred spaces—I don’t meanhe’ll get down in a chapel or something, but sacred spaces like… librariesfilled with historical volumes, a clearing in the forest where the sunbeamswarm the grass, ancient places filled with the history of life and love… all ofthese places are sacred.
- It might surprise him, but he would love receiving gentlekisses on his eyelids, or when his partner enjoys eyelash kisses. He keeps hiseyes closed and hidden, someone who would show him affection even while hiseyes are hidden… they might be special enough to get a glimpse of his babyblues.
#code realize#code: realize#Arsene Lupin#abraham van helsing#victor frankenstein#Impey Barbicane#count of saint germain
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I just tried to respond to a message but my tumblr app is acting weird so perhaps I should put this up here for all.
Hello everyone! We are glad you like our headcanons! Mod Nautilus and I are both a bit swamped with work and a move for me right now and are working through the queue. The Ask box is still open and you may still send us requests, but they may take a little while for us answer right now. We are looking forward to responding!
—Mod Apostle
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Hi! Can I request this: if the guys (+ Sholmes & Finis) had to be the hero of a classic fairytale with Cardia, which one would it be? I personally think the elder sister from The Fairy by Perrault perfectly fits for Finis, aha!
This was a fascinating request! It proved to be quite a challenge for us. Apparently we need to brush up on our fairytales! Here are our collaborated results. Mod Nautilus found Impey’s, Van’s and Finis. We both came up with Lupin’s. Fran, Saint and Sholmes are from Mod Apostle. We hope you enjoy them!
—Mod Apostle
Sleeping Beauty.
The handsome prince must rescue the sleeping princess from the tower and pretty much falls in love with her at first sight. Plus he also has to fight a dragon and … yeah. Finis is like a dragon, right? No? Isaac, then?
The prince must fight his way to the tower to ‘awaken’ his sleeping princess. That is hard to beat for Lupin.
Van Helsing:
East of the Sun and West of the Moon
A prince cursed by a wicked parental figure to take on a standoffish and dangerous form—though in Cardia and Van’s case, it’s the shell he built up after the Vampire War. It takes Cardia’s determination and love to break through the shell and match wits against the true identity of Azoth!
(Mod Apostle thinks this fairytale works quite well for Saint, too.)
“The Snow Queen.”
The heroine must save Fran from the machinations of the cold hearted queen Victoria. It could be said to work in reverse, as well, with Fran saving Cardia in return.
“The Wawel Dragon”
A craftsman, as opposed to a knight, defeats a terrifying dragon using his brains instead of his sword. He outsmarts the villain and saves the kingdom, much like Impey had to do (though I seem to recall a pretty grand roundhouse kick or two…)
I (Mod Apostle) researched for many hours, but nothing really fit perfectly. So, here is my somewhat unsatisfactory list that fit various aspects of Saint and his story:
“Beauty and the Beast.”
The most obvious choice is Beauty and the Beast. Cardia is captured by the cursed Saint, but her steadfast love breaks his cursed chains and sets him free.
“The Old Woman in the Wood”
Cardia must battle the old witch Omnibus to break the curse and allow Saint to live as a person.
An old German fairytale that rang especially true for the heroine’s resourcefulness and courage in defeating the witch.
“Snow White”
The fairytale for all occasions, would see Saint work well in the Huntsman’s role. Saint is tasked to kill Snow White by the wicked queen’s command, but finds he can’t and helps set her free. This works for him especially well in the anime and Lupin’s route.
Snow White
Aleister as the evil jealous queen poisons the heroine and Sholmes must find the antidote to awaken her.
A boy becomes real with help from a blue (glowing horologium) fairy.
Finis and Cardia:
I (mod Apostle) feels like this is too obvious, but... Hansel and Gretel. In the original tale, the brother and sister are abandoned by their parents and OUTWIT the wicked witch to triumph over evil. The story is coded into the Finis route with Hansel coming to the twins’ (eventual) rescue.
#code realize#code: realize#code:realize#abraham van helsing#count of saint germain#arsene lupin#impey barbicane#victor frankenstein#herlock sholmes#finis beckford#code realize headcanons
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I really enjoy your imagines and I'm thankful for your work

Mod Nautilus and Mod Apostle thank you very much! It is a labor of love for us. We hope you continue to enjoy our headcanons! —Mod Apostle
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how would the lupin gang react to a taller (like, taller than them by at least ~10cm) S/O? any awkwardness while kissing, feeling insecure, or maybe finding it refreshing or fun?
I am VERY sorry for the delay in responding! I made sure to include something for everyone to make up for it a little. I hope you enjoy these headcanons!
—Mod Apostle
Lupin is a little intimidated by a partner who is that much taller than he is. It isn’t that he is bothered per say, but he does have a certain amount of vanity. He would take to wearing platform boots if they go out on romantic dates, and gets a little flustered if he needs to stand on his toes to kiss them. He does NOT like being patted on the head or lifted off his feet one bit! He definitely does find their height useful for a partner in crime to more easily reach hidden cameras, out of the way safes, or to spy over fences.
It wouldn’t bother Van if his partner was taller than he is. He isn’t vain or insecure about his height. He might even find a very tall, strong woman with graceful carriage attractive. He would most likely just pull them down to him in order to kiss them. He has a good sense of humor about any awkwardness and appreciates his lover’s beauty no matter her height.
Fran would be a little surprised to find himself attracted to a lady who was much taller than he is. (Especially since he’s pretty tall himself.) He might have to remind himself to keep his eyes up on her face so he’s not constantly staring at her boobs, which definitely makes him blushy and flustered. Once his lover realizes his troubles, she likes to prank him by wearing especially beguiling blouses to catch his wandering eye. She also loves to run her hands through his messy hair and kiss the top of his head, which makes him even more flustered, but he secretly likes it, too.
Impey would be downright SHOCKED to find himself with a lover that much taller than he is! He is always the tallest person in the room. He would be absolutely dazzled and call her his goddess and refer to her beauty as resembling Venus Herself! A mighty Amazon, or a fierce Valkyrie! He might make his partner a little uncomfortable with his effusiveness at first, but once she finds out that he really means well, she will be charmed by his honest praise and kindness. Impey enjoys his beautiful Venus and thinks he’s the luckiest man to have found such a treasure.
Considering the time of his birth, Saint would have also once been as used to being the tallest person in any room. (People were much shorter in the past.) As a slave it did him no favors. Later, when he found his much taller Lady, he was secretly a little dazzled by her. She commanded attention and respect. He had never commanded either of those things at that time. He was often seen at her side, the Goddess with her slight, ethereal companion. Both extraordinary. He felt no discomfort or awkwardness at her height. When she held him, his head fit nicely between her breasts, and his arms went comfortably around her waist. It was beautiful and comforting to feel her hand stroking his head while enveloped in her embrace.
More recently, taller ladies never fail to remind him of her. If a lady feels uncomfortable being taller, he subtly acts to make her feel less awkward without calling attention to it. Kissing her while she’s sitting, gathering her in his arms, or just gently drawing her down to kiss him. All such variety is refreshing and fun to him. Even better if it makes his lover feel better about herself.
Sholmes would tell you it makes no logical difference what height someone is, but he is a traditionalist at heart. His mental image of an ideal lover is one he gazes tenderly down at, not vice versa. So... he’s probably a little... disoriented when he falls in love with a lady so much taller than himself. If he deduces that she is worried about her height, he will do his best to not make her self conscious. If she’s the mischievous type, she could have fun calling him her ‘little detective’ and kissing his head.
Hansel was stunned the first time he saw his tall beauty. It wasn’t her height that made him fall in love with her, but he loved how she looked as much as he loved the rest of her. She was the strongest woman he’d ever met, but she loved to be treated just like a normal girl. He of course, is plenty strong enough to pick up and carry his lover. The best place to kiss her is with her cuddled in his arms like a delicate new bride.
Nemo doesn’t care about height. What difference does such a thing make? It has no bearing on one’s ability in SCIENCE! It was only after he found himself with a much taller, stronger partner that he realized having such a partner had its advantages. She could haul machine parts and devices without assistance. And... it sometimes wasn’t so bad when she chose to haul him around for her own purposes. She loved putting him in front of her and tilting his head up to kiss her. Far from awkward, both of them enjoyed taking full advantage of the situation!
Whether his partner is taller than him or not, they will always find themself in the same position with him. Which is to say, under his thumb and wherever he wants them. It might amuse him to allow them to believe their height and/or greater strength offers them some advantage. But in the end it’ll be them on their knees looking up at him.
#code realize#code: realize#code:realize#abraham van helsing#count of saint germain#arsene lupin#impey barbicane#victor frankenstein#nemo#jimmy a aleister#hansel hexenhouse#code realize headcanons
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could you do the most romantic, fluffiest, possibly domestic, sugar-filled headcanons for nemo, aleister, finis, avido and... impey? you know, to warm up the heart in this cold, cold winter. thanks for all the hard work you do both do writing!
My, my, this ask seems perfectly tailored to Mod NAUUUUTILUUUUUS! Ehehehe, how fun! Thank you for letting me talk about my boys~!(These turned out to be more ‘romantic’ in the warm, general sense than in the ‘love’ sense, so I do apologize if this isn’t what you wanted.)
ALEISTER:- Despite being a man of many talents, Aleister is only so-so at cooking and baking. He knows how to prepare any kind of tea perfectly, but it’s usually accompanied by store-bought food items.
- Probably because of this, it’s become sort of a custom at the university for his students to bring him biscuits before their graduation.
- Every Sunday at promptly 2 o’ clock in the afternoon, Aleister visits his favorite barbershop to get his beard trimmed. He often laughs about how old men need to let themselves get spoiled every once in awhile.
AVIDO:- Prides himself on luxury, not only keeping on top of fads but innovating them. All of this is to say that he does stuff like drink champagne while soaking in the bathtub.
- Though it would be easy (and half-right) to say that Avido’s love of the Gloria came from the luxury she represented, he does love sailing. Being on the water makes him feel like he really is king of the world.
- Though it takes a lot for him to get inebriated, when Avido is drunk he’s actually a lot of fun to be around! He lets down some of the man he’s fashioned himself to be and honestly laughs and has fun. He’s the kind of drunk who would walk straight down to the beach and take off his shoes just because he wants to feel the sand between his toes. He is so much warmer than he is usually. It’s almost like the alcohol warmed up his heart. He remembers hardly anything about this the morning after when he’s coping with a massive hangover, of course…
FINIS:- Finis is quite fond of clothes shopping and enjoys visiting London with his sister to peruse the different boutiques. He’s rather disappointed that his sister doesn’t enjoy trying on clothes as much as he does, but he’s happy to let himself be the center of attention, of course.
- He’s an avid reader and misses the access he had to books back when he was the head of Twilight. However, he has more time to truly enjoy the books he has now, so he considers it more than an even trade. Though he will never consider himself to be “close” to Saint Germain, in Saint’s visits and letters to Cardia he often includes different recommendations for him. Finis will argue that such recommendations are ‘hardly necessary’, but he often finds himself reading those exact recommendations sometime later.
- He will never say it out loud, but if you ask him who his best friend is, the image of Hansel will flash in his mind. He also enjoys it when he sees Delly, though Van being there tends to make things rather awkward. Out of Cardia’s possible beaus, he enjoys Fran’s company the most… though he is a fan of reading Sherlock Holmes’ adventures!
IMPEY:- If someone close to him gets sick, congrats they have a Nurse Impey. He gives ‘round-the-clock care, cooking nutritious meals and making sure they get plenty of fluids. If it’s particularly bad, he’ll personally run into the city and haul over a doctor (usually Fran or Watson). (A certain lavender-haired ‘rival’ of his might or might not have faked being sick for attention once, only to find himself flung into a freezing cold bath as revenge.)
- Makes all kinds of things for Sisi, most of which go unnoticed. He made Sisi a two-level dog house with a plush interior that’s never been used, an invention that will throw a ball for him– never used, and even invented a pillow that regulates and distributes heat evenly. Thanks, but Sisi would prefer Cardia’s lap.
- Though he doesn’t ‘chill’ with him as often as Lupin or Fran, Impey really enjoys Saint Germain’s company the most. They have a mutual love for mischief that feeds off of each other until they end up doing some escapade at 3AM. The usual result is Impey screaming while Saint is calmly chuckling. If Impey has some harebrained idea, you can bet that more often than not, Saint will be on board because it “looks like fun”.
NEMO:- An incredible artist. Though he mostly does technical drawings and mechanical diagrams, he could easily apply it to portraits or painting. He has no interest in doing so, though. His concept art of the Nautilus is confusing, a little frightening, and awe-inspiring.
- Is a remarkable tailor, too! What, do you think he just walked into a store and bought his clothes? No way! He sketched, designed, and modified them himself. Even his Royal Society lab coat was modified to suit his taste (his usual black coat is modeled after it, in fact, though he turned the customization up to eleven in a form of rebellion).
- He really, genuinely considers Cardia and Finis to be little siblings to him, especially Cardia. He wants to be someone that will be able to ‘save the day’ for them.
- Is capable of eating anything, his mouth is a garbage disposal. So… no need to worry about your cooking skills! He’d love it if anyone cooked something with him in mind! Just, uh, be careful if he decides to return the favor.
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Any ideas on what type of music would the guys be listening to if they lived in our age? (Originally I wanted to ask what they themselves would be like - how'd they dress, their interests, professions, apps they'd use, how much time they'd spend on their cellphones etc., but I guess it's a lot in one question so whichever you feel like answering is fine :) I think Impey would be building his own space rocket, hehe.) And thank you for your effort!~
Thank you for the fun question! Both Mod Nautilus and Mod Apostle are chiming in with our headcanons this time! We hope you enjoy!
—Mod Apostle
Mod Nautilus’ Headcanons:
- Wears the exact same Phantom Thief outfit and has to put up with the resulting Tuxedo Mask jokes
- If you were to rip out his headphones there is a 50% chance you would get Top 40 and a 50% chance you would get Broadway showtunes
- His everyday clothes are still very fashion-forward and a little eccentric, lots of red jackets with a key brooch in the buttonhole.
- His hideouts are subleased apartments of broke college students
- Would literally wear his work uniform all day, every day if he could get away with it
- Tends to listen to calm things like slow jazz. Impey calls it ‘elevator music’.
- Still an ex-Twilight agent– Twilight in modern AU is more like MI6, only with a plague doctor aesthetic. Nice.
- His favorite TV show is The Barefoot Contessa, but he always enjoys having one cooking show or another playing in the background while he’s working.
- In modern AU he doesn’t wear his white coat as much, but you can bet he still wears super-soft sweaters.
- One of the youngest graduates from Oxford. Like, ever.
- The Royal Society is still kicking (seriously) and Victoria is still trying to get him back.
- Really… really… REALLY likes ABBA. He can often be found humming Chiquitita while he’s working.
- If you’re looking for him, you’ll often find him volunteering in the poorer parts of the city. He’s still a wanted man, but he can’t just sit by and watch people suffer. Once his name is cleared, he becomes an advocate for medical treatment being available to everyone.
- Saint enjoys listening to the most popular music as he sees it as a window to the current era. So, yes, that means that you will hear him blaring Beyoncé from his car.
- His fashion sense is almost too cutting-edge for everyday wear. It’s like he took David Bowie and shoved him through fifteen coffee shops and twenty wine tastings so you get something eccentric, rich, and head-turning.
- Idea is a very internet-based organization, using technology that is still too mythological for the likes of Isaac Beckford to comprehend. Meaning, Saint lives on the internet. He is the King of Memes and has a youtube account solely dedicated to the fine art of YouTube Poops.
- Owns a garage where supposedly does car repair. In actuality, he mostly tinkers on his “babies”.
- Has wanted to be an astronaut for as long as he can remember, and thinks humanity needs another moon expedition. He is totally UK Space Agency material, but due to his rough childhood and lack of funding, he wasn’t able to get the training and doesn’t want to take on even more loans.
- Enjoys robot competition, especially ones where he can demonstrate innovative ways that his “babies” can help people. However, he doesn’t shy away from robotic combat competitions, either…
- Even though he prefers mechanical and robotic engineering, he’s also a total genius when it comes to computers. He just prefers more “physical” engineering.
- Loves old-school rock and hiphop, also adores cheesy 80s love ballads and knows all the words to every Meat Loaf song ever.
Isaac Beckford was a genius in the STEM fields and, as I’m sure you know, his greatest accomplishment was a pair of artificial life forms made to contain the data that will eventually be compiled into the Philsopher’s Stone. One is an immortal database that contains not only the data on “Code: Realize” but also the data of Isaac himself after he destoys his physical form. The other is a young girl who carries the prototype Philosopher’s Stone, the Horologium, encrypted in a pretty stone on her chest. Unfortunately, the excess power of the Horologium manifests in a poison that makes the young lady deadly to the touch…
- Has a USB port in the back of his neck for direct charging. Though it isn’t usually necessary due to Isaac’s technology, it’s a failsafe. (His sister also has one of these located on the Horologium.)
- His eyes become blue screens of death whenever he’s killed.
- He enjoys fashion based on school uniforms, claiming it to be “ironic” since he is nothing more than a doll.
- Enjoys listening to high-brow music like opera and symphonies. Nemo got him a “Kidz Bop” CD once and Aleister was the only thing stopping Finis from murdering him.
- Still somehow a university professor and the second-in-command of Twilight. How the heck…?
- He responds to e-mails the way most college professors do:
“sounds good
Sent from my iPhone”
- You’ll know you’re on his good side if he responds to his messages with a “:)”
- Just watch out, you MIGHT be on his ‘good side’ the way Van and Sholmes are.
- Also listens to high-brow music but he isn’t a douche about it like Finis is
- I honestly can’t see his outfits changing all that much, except maybe the top hat. His style is universal and timeless.
- The green hair dye isn’t permanent… underneath it, it’s still the lovely shade of pink we all love! He just likes for his hair streak to match his outfit. (He’s still a slave to his aesthetic…)
- A hacker extraordinaire who’s working on the ultimate virus, NAUUUUUUUUUUUUTILUUUUUUUUUUS….EXE.
- Uses his spare time to tinker in the junkyard he lives next to, build model kits, and dabble in robot combat (where he meets his most formidable rival, Impeeeeey Barbicaaaane).
- He also has been known to build and theorize weapons of mass destruction, and this is what got him kicked out of the Royal Society.
- As always, he just really… really wants to pursue science. :(
- Enjoys listening to a wide variety of music, from death metal to techno, but all stops are pulled when it’s time for Eurovision! He is a f a n a t i c.
- Speaking of fanatic, he’s also a huge fan of Disney-Pixar films and his room is COVERED in Finding Nemo merchandise.
- Nemo made a little robot version of himself named, appropriately, “Little Nemo” who serves as file storage and a super-cute personal assistant who sounds like a cross between Nemo on helium and Yoshi.
- Little Nemo can also attach to the strangest-looking roomba anyone has ever seen and ride around in it.
It’s called…. the Roombautilus.
- Owns and runs a top-of-the-line super-exclusive Italian restaurant that it’s impossible to get reservations for and is definitely not a front for a high-end casino that is also not a front for a drug operation.
- Yes, this means that he is an incredible chef. His skills rival even Impey’s, but Impey would win because of the heart he puts into his cooking.
- Likes to enjoy quiet piano music, nothing over-the-top… classy, yet restrained. Just like he is, of course.
- Yes, he still owns a tank. And a ship. Actually, he owns multiple ships but the Gloria will always be his favorite.
Here are Mod Apostle’s headcanons! Including photos of likely outfits!

Work: Lupin owns his own tech company now, but he still does some Gentleman thieving and his Heart of Justice is still strong as ever. He is especially fond of stealing artifacts and jewels wrongfully smuggled by greedy corporations.
Home: Lupin has apartments in several cities. His Paris apartment is his base, where he does most of his plotting and tinkering with devices for his underground activities. His London apartment (and official residence) is an elegant flat from which he runs his tech business. His New York and London homes are well-appointed, but not lavish. (His Paris apartment is cluttered and bohemian.) He doesn’t like the coldness of ultra modern decor, preferring a warmer color palette. Traditional with a modern twist.
Style: Contemporary and classy, with a little bit of flashiness. He likes perfectly tailored suits, cashmere scarves and Italian leather shoes. He also has a wide array of ‘work clothes’ to blend in almost anywhere.
Car: Lupin loves fast sports cars. After a particularly good heist, he bought himself a Jaguar sports car.
Phone/electronics: Lupin has an Android that he’s made lots of adjustments and enhancements to. He spends a lot of time on his phone using social media to debate current events, reading fanfics about his exploits and keeping in touch with his friends . He has a couple nice computer setups for business and pleasure.
Favorite music: Lupin is fond of alternative rock with meaningful, socially-conscious lyrics. He went through a punk phase, but rarely listens to it now.
Coffee drink: Fair Trade organic Dark Roast freshly ground by a local coffee house. Light cream, one sugar.
Favorite hobbies/entertainment: Lupin plays arcade games that help hone his dexterity. He is also VERY fond of thrillers and superhero movies. Anything with a good car chase and heroes beating bad guys really gets him going. (Mission Impossible is his favorite.)
Hope for the future: He dreams to own a private jet someday.

Van Helsing:
Work: Van was a trooper in the elite British SAS until a mysterious incident led him to leave military life. Now he works as a bodyguard for hire for A List celebrities and visiting foreign dignitaries.
Home: Van has a modest apartment in London that serves his needs. He often travels for work, but he enjoys having a peaceful home to return to. He has a well-used, comfortable chair for reading, a nice sized bookcase full of novels, a well appointed kitchen and an elegant old bedroom set. He has a secure room and safe to keep his gun collection. He prefers classic, timeless styles and has no interest in trendiness.
Style: understated and classic. His clothes are of good quality and made to last for many years, though he is surprisingly fond of shopping.
Car: A nice sedan. Again, he would want a car that is made to last with a minimum of fuss.
Phone/electronics: Van is not technologically inclined. He has an iPhone because his friends convinced him they were easier to use. He will read the news sometimes, but mostly just uses it as a phone. He also has a computer from which he follows cooking blogs. He uses Facebook because his friends kept bugging him to get one… they have had some reason to regret it when his debates with Lupin and Impey get especially heated.
Favorite Music: Van definitely isn’t fond of anything loud or jarring. He will listen to adult contemporary radio and occasionally finding himself humming along to the tender ballads and tragic love songs.
Coffee drink: He usually stops at the same coffee shop for a large black coffee every day when he’s home. He isn’t fussy about the type. At home he tries out different preparation methods which no one can drink but him.
Favorite hobbies/ entertainment: Van loves to read espionage novels and historical war novels. He also has a wide selection of cookbooks and binge watches cooking shows, with less than… delicious results. Gordon Ramsay is his hero, but it is very good that they never meet.
Hope for the future: Van would secretly love to have a family with a couple of kids, a dog and a normal life.

Work: Fran is a physicist, graduated from Cambridge University specializing in nuclear physics and quantum mechanics. His work was quickly noticed by certain members of the military as useful for weapons production and he was given a job directly out of college in what he thought was purely theoretical work. He found out the truth and escaped. After many adventures he now teaches advanced quantum mechanics at MIT.
Home: Fran has a townhouse in a historical building. It is overflowing with books, research equipment and various clutter. He often eats at cafes or absently at his desk, so his kitchen is uninspiring. He has a comfortable sofa with cozy blankets situated before a beautiful window that overlooks the park to read and dream.
Style: Fran prefers comfortable, warm clothes in earth tones. Sweaters and jackets suited to a northern climate and his work as a professor.
Car: Fran drives a hybrid out of respect for the environment.
Phone/electronics: Fran is fond of electronic devices. His phone is an Android with a few enhancements. He has several computers he built himself, and a few tablets for reading, researching and browsing the Internet. He uses social media to post pictures of his cats (he has two) and keep in touch with friends. He is often a peacemaker among his more opinionated friends.
Coffee: He is especially fond of pumpkin spice lattes and caramel mochas in the morning. He often drinks chamomile tea or hot cocoa before bed.
Music: Singer songwriter folk, acoustic Guitar music, classical. He has tried his hand at songwriting, but he would never tell anyone.
Hobbies/entertainment: Fran enjoys tinkering with computers, playing adventure games and reading science fiction about robots and AI.
Hope for the future: Fran would love to make an important discovery that furthers human understanding of the universe.

Work: Impey’s big dream since childhood was to work for NASA. As a vampire he faced discrimination, but his genius and skill got him in the door. Now he works on finding solutions and new technologies to build a spacecraft to go to Mars.
Home: Impey has an old former farmhouse in the country with a huge barn where he can tinker with machines and cars away from neighbor disapproval. It isn’t fancy, but it suits him and has a especially well appointed kitchen. He loves to cook for and entertain his friends.
Style: Impey doesn’t care much about clothes. He’s perfectly happy in work clothes, but if he has to dress up, he prefers a quirky bohemian style.
Car: Impey LOVES tinkering with cars and especially loves muscle cars and hot rods. He has several he has modded to his preferences.
Phone/electronics: Impey has tried to build his own phone with limited success, so he uses an Android with a few enhancements similar to Lupin’s. (He is jealous of Saint who succeeded.) He has a room full of computers and computer parts in various states of completion. He has all the social media and joins lots of groups pertaining to his many interests.
Coffee: All coffee is good when he’s pulling an all-nighter and he needs to stay awake, but he prefers a milder, but still flavorful brew, lightly sweetened. He makes beautiful cappuccinos for friends.
Music: He’s not an expert on any one kind of music, but he likes anything that gets him going, from ‘80’s hair metal, to J-rock, to weird spacey prog rock. He’s a big fan of Yes.
Hobbies/entertainment: Impey has lots of interests. Cars, electronics, machines, spaceships, you name it. He is also an amateur astronomer who loves to stargaze. He loves science fiction conventions and is a frequent panelist.
Hope for the future: TO GO TO MARS!! Especially in a spacecraft he built himself.

Work: Saint is still an apostle, but considering that he is the most well adapted to technology of all the apostles, he strictly works in cybercrime and as a hacker now. He still is capable of destroying an empire or rendering a dangerous individual harmless, but now he does it via his extraordinary custom computer builds. He has his own undetectable computer viruses that can invisibly wipe out financial data, sell off one’s assets, disable or enable nuclear devices, and much more. In certain circles he is called only ‘The Ghost’ and is widely feared and revered. He has recently retaken his ‘Count Saint Germain’ persona, keeping a business as an antiques expert. He is admired and desired by many in both worlds.
Now he is seeking information on a lethal virus introduced by a rogue hacker, former MIT professor Isaac Beckford… a virus imbedded into an AI of an innocent girl… Captivated by the girl, Saint suddenly finds his situation no better than it was as an assassin.
Home: Saint still maintains his many mansions, but the influence of his friends has led him to branch out into different styles. He has both beautiful, ultra-modern flats and cozy townhouses full of antiques depending on his mood for the day. His mansions have each acquired secret computer labs overflowing with the latest tech.
Style: Saint’s style is likewise a mixture of old and new. His closet features both the most cutting-edge, avant-garde designers and beautiful antique coats and robes from long ago, which he wears juxtaposed with stunning results. His favorite designer is Alexander McQueen, and is still loyal to his fashion house after his death.
Car: Saint has several cars. His favorites are elegant, comfortable, but still fast and well suited to his persona as a indolent noble. The Aston Martin Rapide S four door sports car is perfect for him.
Phone/Electronics: Saint built his own phone. It can use any network, can disable security systems, gather or remove data, and much more. All completely undetectably. Being exhausted by the killing he was forced to do, he put all of his prodigious intelligence into building his systems where he could retire from the field, while still being useful to Idea. He also maintains his persona by frequenting social media and posting about his antiques business… with the occasional off-color meme thrown in to shock his friends.
Coffee: Saint prefers high quality black tea to coffee, but he also enjoys drinking rich espresso and alcoholic coffee drinks on occasion.
Music: Saint’s musical taste is highly eclectic. He enjoys everything from classical and dramatic soundtracks, avant-garde classical, opera… to exceptional metal, gothic music, emotional pop and show tunes. He would say that all music that is written out of passion and true feeling is good. Saint much enjoys Dead Can Dance.
Hobbies/Entertainment: Saint still keeps his gardens, and loves to read dramatic and often tragic literature. He has a marked fondness for dark, gothic romances… but he also enjoys popular works and has read all of the Harry Potter books. He enjoys the challenge of his tech work, but still takes the most comfort in those timeless things whose beauty doesn’t change.
Hopes for the future: The same as ever. To someday know peace and normal happiness.

Work: Sholmes is still a detective working in London who is frequently consulted by the police. There is little difference in Sholmes work. He still trusts his personally developed methods over modern technology, usually outperforming the police.
Home: Sholmes home is as messy and cluttered as ever. The only difference is that he was convinced by Watson to input his overflowing files onto his computer. His furniture is over worn and in need of replacement. It isn’t because he can’t afford it, he just can’t be bothered to go shopping.
Style: Sholmes does pay attention to his appearance. He dresses in classic, easy care styles.
Car: On the outside it is a pretty normal looking SUV, but inside there are lots of little improvements to performance and durability to help when chasing criminals.
Phone/electronics: Sholmes has a pretty standard iPhone. He reads the news on his phone constantly. He keeps tabs on social media, annoying Lupin by figuring out his aliases. ‘hidden object’ games amuse him. He has a good quality computer, but secretly he prefers his messy files.
Coffee: Sholmes buys his coffee beans from the same shop as Lupin, much to Lupin’s annoyance. He also enjoys cold brew coffee.
Music: Smooth Jazz, some unusual contemporary classical, solo violin and piano. Elegant music to help with the thinking process.
Hobbies/Entertainment: Sholmes doesn’t waste mental energy with fiction or frivolous activities (aside from the aforementioned hidden object games… which he considers brain exercise.) But he considers lurking on social media an interesting exercise to study human nature. He also much enjoys discomfiting Lupin by following his blogs and commenting on his predictability.
Hope for the future: To catch his nemesis Moriarty and retire to a life of giving lectures on criminal behavior to university students.
#code realize#code:realize#code: realize#count of saint germain#arsene lupin#abraham van helsing#victor frankenstein#jimmy a aleister#nemo#avido crudele
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Hi! Any headcannons for the guys (include Sholmes , Nemo and Hansel) when they have the first sex with Cardia after dating? 😂
Mod Nautilus and I were overjoyed to receive your request for first time sexy times! We absolutely welcome sexy headcanons and other written NSFW type asks at anytime! We split these between us, with Mod Nautilus taking Impey, Sholmes, Nemo and Hansel and Mod Apostle taking Lupin, Saint, Fran and Van.
They are behind a cut for NSFW content.
We hope you enjoy reading these as much as we did writing them!
—Mod Apostle
Arsene Lupin:
Lupin noticed that Cardia has been acting a little differently lately. Her eyes following him a little more closely, her kisses a little hungrier. One day he walked into her room to find her quickly pulling her hand from under the blankets with a red face. He promised himself that he wouldn’t push her. She was a special lady with unique circumstances. He wanted her to understand her own body before introducing her to his. He was confident that she would come to realize her own desire, and when she did, he would be waiting.
He was changing his shirt in his room when she came running in. Her wide eyes staring at him as if hypnotized, her red face and heavy breaths told him all he needed to know. He gave her a gentle smile and promised to make all of her his.
Later that night, after dinner was finished, Cardia put her hand on his. The look in her eyes said she was resolved. He kissed her and lifted her in his arms. She gave him a shy smile as he carried her. She was so adorable he had to use all his training to be patient until he arrived in his rooms and sat her down on the bed. She looked a little nervous, but not alarmed.
Lupin knelt in front of her, “Do you know why I brought you here?” he asked gently.
She blushed so prettily, but nodded, “I love you Lupin… I want to know… I want to know what these… feelings mean.”
He gave her what he hoped was a dashing smile, “Then allow me to teach you, my beautiful lady.”
He slid his hand to the back of her neck and kissed her. He had kissed her many times by then, but this was different, still gentle, but more serious… Unlike in the past when his stronger approach made her shy away, she willingly opened herself to him, pulling him closer. Her own kisses became urgent. It was him who had to pull back, or it would happen too fast, and he had no intention of rushing this most precious moment.
He unbuttoned her blouse with his expert fingers, letting them linger over her bare flesh, enjoying the way her breath caught when he touched her skin. Skin that was once toxic, but now only warm and soft beneath his fingers. It almost made him lose control, but a thief must be patient. He pulled open her blouse. Her crystal jewel glittered harmlessly above her soft, full breasts. He kissed her jaw, her jewel, the hollow between her breasts, letting his fingers brush her rosebud nipples as he pulled off her blouse and smiled at the little gasp she made as he did.
“Lupin.” she breathed. She lifted her hips eagerly for him to take off her pants. Lupin felt his excitement grow. Oh she was definitely ready… She lay back in the bed, her exquisite body revealed to him, the most precious jewel he had ever stolen. She looked up at him so intently as he undressed, her attention making him fumble like a boy, though hearing her little gasp when he at last stood naked before her made him feel very much a man. He laid beside her and kissed her again. She was as urgent as he. He felt a thrill to hear her low moan when he touched between her legs. She was already so warm and wet beneath his fingers, her body rose as he touched her, but he didn’t hurry. He wanted her to feel nothing but pleasure in this act of love.
“Lupin… please…” she pleaded, her body hot with need.
Just at the moment he knew she could stand no more, he moved down to taste the sweet fruits of his patient labors.
She gasped with shock, her hands tangling in his hair. She cried out as the tremors shook her body with the strength of her orgasm. That pushed him to his limit, too. He rose and kissed her fiercely, she put her arms around him and he entered her as slowly as he could manage, it was such sweet torment, the feel of her soft, sweet body accepting him readily, the pleasurable sounds she made at the feel of him. His control unraveled quickly and he was afraid he moved too fast, but as he found his release her body also reacted, her inner muscles holding him fast as she came again.
A little while later she lay sleeping in his arms. A gentle smile on her still-flushed face. Lupin was surprised that she fell asleep so quickly, but he was delighted he could satisfy her so completely.
“fais de beaux rêves, ma dame bien-aimée.” he said softly, kissing her sweat-damp hair, “Sweet dreams, my beloved lady.”
Abraham Van Helsing:
Truly, the library of Saint Germain contains books on every topic.’ Cardia thought to herself as she perused the books. She pulled one out at random with the odd name of ‘Kama Sutra.’
She was startled by its contents and nearly put it back on the shelf, but she was alone in the mansion and curiosity got the better of her. She recently started thinking of things like those in the book, but was too shy to ask Van about them. The book offered her a chance to learn without embarrassment.
She spent the next several hours reading. It was shocking and exciting how many ways there were to be touched. She tried touching herself, too. It felt very good. She imagined Van touching her as she explored herself, “Van…” she cried out into the empty room, “Van… please…!!”
“Van… please!!” Van heard Cardia’s voice cry urgently as he walked in the door.
He flew up the stairs in a panic, afraid something terrible happened, and threw open the door to Cardia’s bedroom, “Cardia!? What—“
He quickly took in the scene before him. Cardia lay on the bed, legs apart, her fingers still touching herself as if she had been paralyzed by his voice. Her beautiful face was as red as a rose.
Van imagined his face was in a similar state, but he couldn’t look away. His heart pounded at the sight of her that way. He was a gentleman. He promised himself to wait until Cardia gave him a sign that she was ready.
She was certainly giving him a sign.
He had been ready for a long, long time… probably since she risked her life to save him. She was so strong and precious. He wondered how long she had such desires?
He cleared his throat, “You called for me?” he asked dryly.
Cardia gave a little squeak and closed her legs, much to his disappointment, “I… I w-was just…”
Van walked to the nightstand and gazed upon the stack of books… most of the titles were not familiar, but he could tell their topics readily enough. He sat on the bed next to her, “I feel the same way.” he hoped to soothe her embarrassment.
“You… feel the same way?”
“Of course. A man always desires the woman he loves.” he kissed her lips, “Every waking moment.”
She returned his kiss, “I can’t stop… thinking about—“
That was all he needed to hear. Van stood and stripped quickly. He could feel her eyes on him. He wasn’t shy about his body and much enjoyed her attention. He stood before her in nothing but his undershorts, “Your turn. Or would you prefer me to do it?” he gave her a hungry smile.
Cardia’s hands were trembling as she fumbled with her buttons. He saw her panties already thrown aside next to the bed. Growing impatient, he pulled off her dress to reveal her delicate white slip, “let me see you now.” he said huskily, “I will return the favor.”
Cardia shyly pulled up her slip. Van’s mouth watered at the sight of her. The flush of darker pink between her thighs clearly visible. The gentle bounce of her breasts as she pulled off her slip. “You are so beautiful.” he murmured. He kissed her lips, her beautiful breasts, her belly… his fingers seeking downward between her legs to find her already wet and hot. She moaned as he kissed and stroked her, her hands clutching the sheets, “Van!? Ah!! Ahhhh!”
When she’d had all she could take, he rose to lift her in his arms, his hands cupping her bottom while she wrapped her legs around his waist and he entered her easily. She felt so good he thought he couldn’t stand it. He gazed at her face, alive with desire only for him. He rocked her hips against his, her inner muscles already beginning to flutter against him, until she threw her head back and screamed. The sight of her beautiful face radiant and wild with abandon, made him come hard as he pushed her against the wall, thrusting deeply into her. She gasped and cried out his name.
Cardia panted hard as Van held her tightly, waiting for the pounding in her chest to slow down. She had never felt more alive than she did at that moment. She never felt more fulfilled.
Van pushed her back gently, his face worried, “Are you all right? Did I hurt you?”
She smiled at him, feeling as if her heart might burst from the joy she felt. Van always treated her with so much love and concern, it made her want to weep from happiness.
“Yes… I am more than all right.” she said, and kissed him again.
Victor Frankenstein:
‘Just one more closet to organize and I’ll stop for lunch.’ Cardia said to herself as she finished folding Fran’s sweaters.
She spotted a package tucked between the hat boxes as tidied the shelves. She picked it up and saw that it was an unopened gift box. She must have put it there by mistake when she got her new hat.
It had no return address, but the quality of the box and wrappings were hints as to its sender.
She opened it to find a note-
“Wear this for a pleasurable evening with Dr. Frankenstein.”
Fondly, V”
Cardia was confused at the contents. It seemed awfully… short for a dress… and it was only held closed with a pink ribbon. The fabric was very sheer… there was also a pair of lace underwear and fluffy shoes with heels. She blushed at the thought of wearing it. But… it made her excited to think about Fran’s reaction.
She vowed to put it on before Fran came home and went to finish her chores.
Fran was tired as he made his way home. The only thing that made his heart feel lighter was the beautiful girl waiting for him.
He opened the door, but Cardia was nowhere to be seen.
“Cardia?” he called, a little worried.
He heard unfamiliar clicking heels and a vision appeared before him in the foyer.
“Welcome home, Fran.”
Fran was speechless. The vision wore Cardia’s face and spoke with her voice. Cardia’s face looked perfectly normal, or he thought so… he wasn’t really looking at her face. There was just… so much of her to see. Her hair braided with pink ribbons, the rose-colored silk that made her skin look radiant. The hint of deeper rose at her breasts beneath the sheer fabric, the ruffles framing her bare stomach downward to lace panties and the tiny bow at her—
Cardia covered herself with her hands, “Do I look ugly?”
Ugly? Fran’s brain could not fathom the vision saying such a word, “Wha?!!?! No! Y-you look… um…” he shook himself out of his stupor, “I… haveneverseenanythingsobeautiful….”
The vision of Cardia’s blush only made her lovelier. Fran tried to gather his thoughts. He knew it would only confuse her to introduce feelings she wasn’t ready for. He was ashamed not to have been more attentive… but determined to make up for it. He had been ready for a long time.
He dropped his bag, threw his coat and sweater in a heap next to the door and pulled her into his arms before embarrassment could overtake them both. He tried to kiss her gently, but the feel of her body through the thin silk ignited a fire in his heart that threatened to consume all reason. She seemed surprised, but her arms encircled his neck, “Fran…” she breathed, “What is this…?”
“It is okay. You don’t need to be nervous.” he didn’t know if he was talking to her or himself. He took her by the hand and led her upstairs.
He opened the first door he saw, glad it had a bed and not caring about anything else. He cut off Cardia’s questioning exclamation with another kiss. She slipped her hands under his collar and he shed several buttons in his haste to give her what she wanted. He untied the bow beneath her breasts to free them. He knew he should go slower, but it was as if a dam had burst and he needed touch all of her… or the moment would be lost and he would lose his nerve. He leant down to kiss her breasts, teasing her beautiful nipples into hard points. How had he waited so long to do this?
“Fran… that… that feels… Oh!”
He untied the little bow on her panties and touched her carefully, aware that she would be sensitive for not having been touched before. He had to be careful…
“This… this feeling… it is…” she began to pant just from this lightest touches. He looked forward to the day when he could do more, but for now this gentle stroking was all she could take. Her body tensed as he slipped his fingers inside her so what came next would feel as good for her as it would for him…
She nearly fell to the floor with the shock of her orgasm. He had enough wits to make sure she would only fall back on the soft bed.
She was beautiful like that, her heaving chest sweat-damp and panting from his touch. He stripped off what remained of his clothing and kissed her deeply, swallowing her gasps.
He entered her as slowly as he could. The pleasurable sounds she made told him she felt good, too. He held back to enjoy the feel of her, the sounds she made, the way her nails dug into his skin… all of it. This gentle girl who made him want to be so much more than he was. Now she gave her whole body to him too.
“I love you, Fran…” she panted, clutching his shoulders hard as she came again. He thought she might draw blood, but he didn’t care. Anything she did was sweet to him.
“I love you, Cardia!” he moaned in the trembling aftershocks of her release, and finally surrendered to his own.
Cardia’s heart and mind were likewise overwhelmed by the shock of what happened. She had read love stories and understood how men and women joined their bodies, but she never dreamed how good it would feel.
Cardia turned to her love, still catching his breath and said the first thing that came to mind, “Victoria was right.”
Fran turned to her, a look of confusion on his face, “Victoria?”
“Victoria said if I wore this I would have a pleasurable evening with you… she was right.”
Fran’s face passed from confusion to understanding to beet red embarrassment in seconds, “Aaaah! So that’s what she meant the other day when she asked if I had a ‘good night?!’”
“I will need to send her a thank you card.” Cardia smiled happily, “It was a very pleasurable evening.”
To say that Cardia and Impey had passion would be an understatement. When nothing stood in their way anymore, you couldn’t claw the two of them apart.
However, when ‘push’ comes to ‘shove’, Impey’s surprisingly cool. It’s not that he doesn’t want to, nor is the timing particularly bad, it’s just… something always seems to happen. Sisi runs in. One of his gadgets blows up. Fran shows up.
Finally, Cardia realizes that she will have to take matters into her own hands.
The next time Impey decides to take a shower, she joins him. She’s the more forceful of the two, using Impey’s stunned silence to wrap her arms around him from behind and memorize the features of his body with her fingertips. She only stops when she reaches down far enough to get a little worried.
To say that Impey is well-hung is a bit of an understatement.
Sensing Cardia’s nervousness, Impey turns around so she can fully see what she’s dealing with.
“I promise, my honey, I will do whatever it takes to make you feel good!” Impey clasps her hands, looking at her with a devoted smile, and Cardia nods.
Somehow they manage to get out of the shower without slipping, and Impey carries Cardia to the bedroom where they can continue.
It’s very slow at first, a little too slow for Cardia, in fact. Impey’s looking at her so worriedly that she almost regrets how much her nerves were showing.
She puts her hands on his chest and pushes him back, and he settles into the pillows, his usual smile returning when Cardia climbs on top of him.
“Want to ride the cannon straight to the moon, huh?” he winks.
… Cardia’s almost tempted to leave him there, but she’s waited too long for this. Ignoring Impey’s worry, she thrusts on him as hard as she can, and it isn’t long before both of them melt into their bliss.
Saint Germain:
Saint finished his hosting duties and walked back to the rooms he shared with his new bride. A full moon stood high overhead. He remembered another full moon when he saw her for the first time; a beautiful, tragic girl with sad eyes. He thought something deep in his frozen heart was captivated from that moment. He never dreamt the day would come when he would take her hand and speak the most sacred vow he had ever taken.
He wanted nothing more than to rush to their rooms and take her in his arms, but her circumstances were unique. He would not press her. He learned at least that much from his mistakes.
For now, it was enough just to share her heart.
Cardia was nervous, but she wanted to feel more of Saint. He kissed her countless times. She accepted his warmth and touch, but lately that feeling had become something deeper and more mysterious. A strange ache that left her wanting something she couldn’t quite explain. The poison held her back in the past, but now—
She heard Saint’s quiet, slow knock on the door.
“C-Come in.” she called, her voice trembling slightly.
She heard the door open behind her and smelled Saint’s cologne, like sweet, clean herbs and warm resins. Her heart gave a little jump.
—It was their wedding night.
Saint heard the tremor in her voice and opened the door worriedly, “Cardia? Is everything all right?”
She was sitting at the dressing table, her silver-white gown spread around her. She gave him a radiant smile in the mirror and her eyes sparkled. His heart was pierced by her beauty.
“Oh… yes, I-I’m fine.”
He walked up to rest his hand on her bare shoulder and kissed her ear, “Are you happy?”
“Yes…” she sighed, “But…”
“But? Cardia, did something—“
“No! Nothing like that. Saint… t-this is… tonight… I—“
“Has someone been telling you about the wedding night? Hehe. You are a special lady. I can wait until you are ready.”
“No…! I… do… want…” she blushed scarlet.
He could see she was nervous, but there was fire in her eyes, too. He smiled, “I see…” he pulled off her long silk gloves slowly and kissed her wrists, her palms, her fingers, breathing in her rosewater perfume. He lifted her chin to kiss her lips, just the lightest touch, then unfastened her hair ornaments. She shuddered as he kissed the nape of her neck. He wanted to cherish every moment, every sigh she made and hold it in his heart, to fill it with so much love there was no room for anything else.
He kissed her neck, tasting her skin, honey sweet. Listened to the sound of her sighs, felt the way she trembled at the touch of his fingers down her back as he unfastened the tiny jeweled buttons on her dress. He designed it to be easy for her to wear, and if he gave thought to its removal he would never tell.
Her dress fully loosened, he lifted her into his arms and kissed her again, this time more deeply.
“Saint?” Cardia asked softly pulling away, “May I do… the same for you?”
“hehe. You wish to undress me? I am happy to oblige.” he was surprised… and pleased… by her suggestion.
He put her down when they reached the bedroom. The dress slid off as easily as he expected. The silk slip she wore was more beguiling than the dress. The delicate blue ribbons at her breast made him want nothing more than to untie them, but Cardia had her own ideas. Her expression was adorably serious as she attempted to undress him. He hadn’t given thought of the ease of his own clothing’s removal. Her shaking hands definitely weren’t helping.
“Here.” he put his hand over hers when her frustration appeared to be escalating. He helped her undo the pearl buttons on his vest, but she was determined to do the rest herself. She kissed his chest as she pushed his shirt off his shoulders. She appeared reluctant to go any further.
“Are you satisfied, or would you like to finish?” he teased.
“…. I-I think this enough for now.”
“Then it is my turn.” he whispered. His hands at last found those tempting ribbons. He untied each one with a kiss and opened her slip. He kissed her breasts, aware that her skin was was still sensitive.
She gasped at the feel of his tongue on her nipples. Her breaths coming in short gasps, “Saint! This feeling is…!” He released her to let her to catch her breath. It would not do to rush.
“Cardia.” he breathed… “Are you all right?”
She was nervous, but he could see she wanted more, too. “Yes… I-I am prepared…”
Saint lifted her off her feet and laid her on the bed. He undid his final button, but she rose to stop him, “Wait!” She wrapped her hands around his waist and pushed down his pants and underwear in one motion. She gazed at him intently for a moment and kissed his stomach… and lower…
He was startled. Did she mean to…? He felt a most uncharacteristic rush of heat to his face as well as elsewhere, “Cardia…?”
She smiled up at him, a little mischief glittered in her eyes, “You are much more beautiful than the illustrations in books. I have wanted to see you for a long time.”
“Aha…You need only have asked. I am flattered, but it is my turn first. A gentleman must see to his wife’s pleasure.”
He knelt before her and kissed her belly and untied the blue ribbons at her hips. He was honored and humbled to be her lover. This precious, strong and gentle girl. She who fought fate, who defeated and saved him. Starting now, he would atone by giving her body all the love and joy his skill was capable of bringing her. He pushed her gently back against the bed and lowered his head between her legs. His kisses were light and teasing, enjoying the sight and taste of her, carefully gauging her reactions, cherishing them and letting them build until the urgency of her cries told him that the time had come to finish, and he took her into his mouth. She screamed his name and arched off the bed, her hands gripped his hair. It was the most beautiful pain he ever experienced. The most exquisite sound he ever heard.
He rose to look at her. Even he had his limits, “Does this feel good to you? Tell me.. please tell me…”
“Yes…” her voice was barely a breath. She opened her eyes.
Her eyes told him everything. He was shocked at what he saw there. No one had ever looked at him like that. He felt both vulnerable and stronger captured by those eyes.
It was too much. He took her in his arms and kissed her lips, she accepted his kiss… she accepted all of him. She moaned a little when he entered her, but her smile said that she felt only pleasure.“I love you.” he said breathlessly as he began to move slowly inside her, and again in the languages of his long ago youth as the tension built to a exquisite shared release, of his soul bound to hers. Of their bodies joined as one.
Cardia lay long after in the afterglow of more pleasure than she thought her body could experience. She felt beautifully exhausted, as weak as a kitten, and profoundly loved as she lay wrapped in her husband’s arms.
“Are you happy, beloved?” Saint repeated his earlier question softly.
“I am happy.” she replied with a content sigh, “I believe I will be happy for the rest of my life.”
Cardia’s romance with Sholmes was so magical that at times it felt almost like a fairytale, and the first time is no different. He greets Cardia with a bouquet of red roses and takes her to the sitting room, where he prepares her tea and plays her a song on his violin.
The scent of roses and the warmth of the tea is perfect background to Sholmes’ performance, and Cardia looks at him in a daze when he finishes and takes her hand in his.
“Tonight, I want us to do all of the things that lovers do. I want to touch you, embrace you, kiss you with unrestrained passion… will you allow me the honor?”
Cardia smiles and begins to stand up, but Sholmes gently guides her back to the chair. Once she’s seated, he bends down and gently begins to lift one of her boots, asking for her permission with his gaze.
Cardia nods, and Sholmes begins to take it off.
A fairytale, indeed, but Sholmes has no glass slipper, instead opting to undress Cardia with a reverence one might hold for a beautiful work of art.
“Cardia…” he says her name, repeating it like a prayer as he begins to slide down her stockings. “Cardia, I will do everything I can to bring you happiness.”
She arches her back so he can loop his fingers through the fabric of her pants, continuing to undress her as he finally kisses her, slow and gentle.
It’s only when she’s completely undressed that he takes her in his arms, following a candlelit path to the bedroom.
Every moment of that night is perfectly planned, from the candles to the soft bedsheets already folded down.
Did he… actually clean up in preparation for this?
As Cardia looks at Sholmes’ smiling face, she comes to the conclusion that he had to have assistance in some way or another. Sholmes is still Sholmes.
He sets her down on the bed and sits down next to her, bringing her hands to him. Letting him lead her, Cardia begins to undress him just as slowly and reverently as he did to her. Then, to her surprise, instead of climbing on top of her he shifts so that he can reach around and pleasure her with light touches of his fingertips, just enough to tease and give hints of the bliss waiting for them both.
Cardia’s breathing deeply when Sholmes lays her down and climbs on top of her, the tips of his violet hair grazing her skin and giving her goosebumps.
“May I, Cardia?”
She nods, and Sholmes enters.
“Cardia, if you feel uncomfortable…”
She wraps her arms around him, and he laughs.
“I see, then, shall we?”
His thrusts are determined and precise. He really did plan out everything, from the romantic candlelight to the rhythm of his hips.
Sholmes is concentrating so hard that Cardia wonders if he’s getting any pleasure out of it, it feels like the entirety of his focus is on her.
That’s not right.
She digs her fingers into his shoulders and kisses him, catching the great detective off guard enough for his thrust to turn into a grind that makes both of them moan.
He’s still precise, with Cardia’s teasing they’re both able to coax each other over the edge.
Hansel’s always been physical with Cardia, ever since they first met. It’s only natural that Hansel would be very sensual once he starts dating Cardia.
“Your scent… it’s so sweet…”
With Finis still at his job in London, there’s nobody at the house except Hansel standing next to an overturned basket of sweets, his arms around Cardia.
“Sweeter than the best treat… I want a taste…”
That’s how it begins, with a kiss on the cheek. He really is taking in her scent, his lips slowly and deliberately tasting her in the sweetest spots. Hansel removes her clothes as he does so, like he’s unwrapping a warm cookie fresh from the bakery.
Looking around, Cardia notices that Gretel is nowhere to be found.
“Hmm? Don’t worry about her… sometimes siblings want to spend time by themselves, don’t you think…?”
It’s all going so fast, but with Hansel’s slow voice and deliberate pacing, Cardia feels like they’ve spent an eternity just touching each other.
She would look amazing dripping with sweet cream and honey, strawberries dotting her stomach and icing drizzled across her breasts—but not this time. No, this time Hansel wants Cardia as herself. He wants that intoxicating taste that has been tempting him since he first met her.
He props Cardia up on the table and begins to taste the sweetest spot, the fragrance of her skin making his breath catch in his throat.
Cardia wants more, but Hansel seems to have no intention of taking his mouth away from between her legs.
“More… and more… sticky and sweet…”
When Cardia orgasms, Hansel lethargically rises and scoops her into his arms, carrying her back into her bedroom.
The cookies lie on the floor, forgotten, as Hansel finally gets his favorite sweet.
He starts out slow, agonizingly so. Cardia tries to whisper for him to go faster, but he shakes his head.
“Every moment, every drop, I want to drag it out so you can really… truly… feel all of me.”
But Hansel can only keep that slow pace for so long. The heat is getting to him, and soon he’s moving just as needily as Cardia.
As sweet as her body tasted, as delicious as her arms around him is, the best moment for Hansel is when Cardia begins to seize, trembling with delirious release.
Hansel can’t hold back after that, finishing as soon as Cardia’s sinks into her pillow with exhaustion.
“You keep on asking about Nemo! I’d better be careful, or I might have to start taking Nemo’s ‘rival’ talk seriously, huh?”
Impey’s joke is probably what made Cardia start thinking about it. And when Cardia started thinking about it, Finis noticed. And when Finis noticed, he started questioning his sister’s sanity. And when he started questioning his sister’s sanity, the sister in question knew she had to visit the jail under Buckingham Palace.
“Oh-hooooo! If it isn’t myyyyyyyy sisteeeeeeeer!!”
Cardia’s a little surprised—not because of his nickname, he always calls her that—but because of her reaction to it. She’s always hated it when he called her that, but the reasoning…
It feels different this time.
It makes her realize that perhaps, just perhaps, she wants a different sort of closeness.
And hearing his voice again makes her also realize… she really missed it.
She really missed his voice–?!
“Hmmmmm, you look a little perturbed. Want to tell your ~darling big brother~ about it?”
“… Don’t say that,” replies Cardia. “I just, uh…”
She takes a deep breath.
On the surface level, nothing she’s said to him as really made an impact.
But she has to ask about this feeling.
That was the start of it all, really! Well, sort of. Cardia had to call Impey because Nemo short-circuited rather spectacularly when he figured out what ‘feeling’ Cardia was talking about.
I mean, his words started out promising!
“Of coooooourse I would set your maiden sensibilities a-flutter! It’s only naaaaatural that you, the daughter of Professor Isaac, would… ahh…”
… Started out promising, I said.
And then he went quiet, his last word a very quiet: “C… Cardia…?”
About fifteen minutes later, Cardia and Impey are staring at him.
“Wow, I can’t believe you killed Nemo,” says Impey.
Their relationship blossoms over the course of Nemo’s jail sentence. And when I say “blossoms”, I mean that Nemo gained enough of his senses back to assure Cardia that he found her to be a charming young lady!
He just… hadn’t thought of it like that before. She’s Isaac’s daughter.
“What, so I’m not a soulless doll?” Cardia asks him with a wry smirk.
Nemo hums loudly, deep in thought.
“…I wooooouldn’t call a ‘soulless doll’… my girlfriend….”
But the chaste pecks on the lips and fingertip touches between bars aren’t what you all are here for, right?
No no you want me to hit that ‘auto’ button and skip past the weeks of the Lupin Gang warming up to the idea of their princess falling for a mad scientist, the months of trials and even the moment when Cardia stood to testify that—Nemo had never really hurt her. Even when he considered her a doll, even when the only “precious” thing he saw about her was the Horologium—he hadn’t hurt her.
And how one by one the Lupin Gang fessed up: if it weren’t for Nemo, they’d be dead.
But nope, nope, you all want the Good Stuff. And the ‘Good Stuff’ doesn’t come for a long time, even after Nemo is released. Of course Nemo is very affectionate, Saint-Germain even jokingly calls Nemo Cardia’s ragdoll (“AAAAAAAPOOOOSTLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!”).
But one night, the gentle, hesitant kisses get deeper, and Cardia realizes just how much Nemo has been holding back.
“Y-You’ve never…” he looks away, pale violet eyes flickering in the lamplight. “If you don’t want… I meeeean…”
Cardia cuts off his worries with another kiss, untying the bandages from his fingers so they can finally have skin-to-skin contact.
He had only touched her with tools before, and suddenly all the barriers are gone.
His hand, his bare hand on her cheek feels so warm. That one simple touch conveys more feeling than weeks of his experimental prodding and poking.
“It’s been a long time for me, too, honestly…” Nemo’s grin is lopsided. “Buuuut… just relaaaax… I’ll show you all the wonderful things that science can do for a woman’s body.”
But Cardia notices, after they undress, how he can’t stop looking at the Horologium. Even after all this, that gem is what catches his eye.
If she wants to be with him, she really will have to test her patience. Can she do that? Will she go that far for Nemo, of all people?
She takes a deep breath and nods before leaning forward and cupping his cheeks in her hands. She tilts his face upwards until their eyes lock, and it’s like Nemo’s released from a spell that the Horologium held over him. He smiles at her, that wide and dopey smile that for once, sincerely… looks happy.
Yes, she will go that far for him.
He’d experimented on the Horologium dozens of times with all kinds of tools. But now all he has are his fumbling hands and his soft lips planting kisses across her chest.
At first, Cardia’s nervous that the Horologium is the only thing he’ll pay attention to, but soon his lustful sighs increase in ferocity as he seeks out other, warmer parts of her body: her jawline, the inside of her wrist, the heat beneath her breasts, the flat of her stomach, her hip bone, lower and lower until Nemo’s loud voice is muffled by her soft thighs and consumed by her scent.
“I can stoooop if you want me to…” Nemo is on top of her, his eyes glinting with mischief.
His piercings… aren’t just on his face. She was distracted by his kisses, but with him getting ready to enter her it’s rather hard to ignore.
“… Did those hurt?”
“No,” Nemo chokes.
“W-Well, they don’t now! They feel wooooooonderful, and I’m sure you’ll discover too, Cardia…”
His voice becomes strained.
“Cardia, my lovely, precious Cardia!”
Nemo’s more manageable size and the attention he lavished on her beforehand makes Cardia’s first time almost immediately a pleasant one. Any anxiety is drowned out by eager compliments he’s moaning in her ear, and the laughter, all the laughter. It’s infectious! She can’t stop herself from giggling, too, at the wonderful sensation of their bodies finally linking and how strange it all is– strange and perfect and fun!
But it’s all over so quickly.
Nemo’s eyes are wide as he stares at Cardia, his mouth drawn thin as his face begins to redden from embarrassment.
“Ohhhh…..” he groans. “Ohhhh noooooooo…..!!!”
He rolls off of her, sweating profusely as he realizes that, well, he just got TOO excited.
Frustrated tears begin to form at the edges of his eyes, making Cardia immediately sit up.
“It’s okay, Nemo,” she says in a calm voice, making him look at her with a pathetic sniff. “This is just the first time. We… both of us… have a lot of time to practice.”
Nemo sniffs again, his happy grin slowly beginning to return. “R-Really?”
“Really, Nemo,” says Cardia.
“T-Then…” he wipes his nose on his arm. “I guess, in the meantime, I’ll have to use…”
His voice darkens. “Phalaaaanges.”
Cardia recalls the lessons she took from Fran and narrows her eyes at Nemo’s menacing aura.
“I know what fingers are, Nemo, you can’t scare me.”
That doesn’t stop him from wiggling them threateningly in her direction before he pounces on her once more.
#code realize#code: realize#code:realize#cardia beckford#arsene lupin#victor frankenstein#abraham van helsing#count of saint germain#impey barbicane
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Hey! Any headcannons for the guys (plus Sholmes, Nemo, Aleister and any other characters you'd like to add) when they are drunk? (idk if this was done before) xD
We covered drunken headcanons pretty well awhile ago. See here for those:
But, in the spirit of New Years Eve, Mod Apostle has provided a few additional drunken headcanons for the guys. Enjoy!
Lupin’s stories of daring escapes get more exciting when he’s drunk. The bigger audience he has the wilder his stories get. He is also inclined to attempt to recreate some of them with predictably calamitous results.
Van’s dry humor amps up into practical jokes when he’s drunk. Impey is his usual target, but no one but Saint is usually immune, but he’s even pranked Saint at a few parties.
Fran talks a lot when he’s drunk. A LOT. About anything and everything. It can be anything from alchemical history to rumors about Victoria’s love life. If he’s latched on to you as his conversational partner be prepared to be there awhile.
By all means KEEP IMPEY AWAY FROM ELECTRICITY when he’s drunk or he WILL electrocute himself by doing something completely ridiculous. This is a proven fact and it is fortunate that vampires heal quickly. His flirting becomes very funny when he’s drunk. Potential partners are sometimes tempted to go along with him because he makes them laugh.
As I said previously, it is very rare for Saint to get drunk. His apostle’s constitution doesn’t allow for it easily. He has played drunk to get information though, and has sometimes ended up in compromising situations even he had a hard time extricating himself from. Sometimes he’ll simply play along just for amusement.
Sholmes knows his limits and rarely overindulges. If he does it is most likely in to be in his own home with no one to witness his reactions. Sholmes is a pretty serious drunk. He doesn’t get silly, but he will become more animated about his interests, and if anyone could see, his cleaning attempts while drunk are even more hilariously pitiful than usual.
Aleister becomes rather maudlin and introspective when he drinks too much. Anyone uninitiated would think him just a harmless, sad lonely man who needs a hug. They would be very wrong.
Nemo could go two ways. Either he’d be ear-splittingly loud and outrageous or unnervingly quiet and... angry. The injustices that were done to him coming to the fore of his mind, which could make him dangerous. The first would be far preferable to the second.
#code realize#code: realize#code:realize#code realize headcanons#count of saint germain#abraham van helsing#arsene lupin#impey barbicane#victor frankenstein#herlock sholmes#nemo#jimmy a aleister
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if the ask box is open: can i request what type of character/personality (maybe even looks/aura) the code realise boys would be into if it weren’t for cardia? i feel like they’d all have completely different types 💌
You get double the headcanons and bonus extra guys this time! Mod Nautilus and Mod Apostle are both giving our takes on what kind of love interests the guys would prefer.
Mod Apostle’s headcanons:
Lupin would be happiest with a self-reliant, quick thinking and courageous partner who is perhaps just a little dazzled by him. He is a natural leader and a wonderful teacher, but he prefers a partner to a charge. He would want someone he can rely on in a pinch, but who would still let him be a hero. Someone who’s skillset meshed with his, without conflicting with it would be ideal. Lupin is chivalrous, but he doesn’t like pushovers. He wants a partner who will look in his eyes after a dangerous escape from a successful heist and say, “That was fun! I can’t wait to do it again!”
Character would be more important to him than looks. He might be attracted to a pretty, beautifully dressed young lady, but if she couldn’t keep up with him he would lose interest. A plainer person who is lively and spirited would have a much better chance at capturing his heart.
Van is the most traditional of the CR guys once he is in a healthier place. He will be best suited to a mature-minded, strong hearted lover with a gentle nature. Someone who would let him provide for and cherish them, who appreciates his somewhat clumsy attempts to please them and enjoys or at least good-naturedly tolerates his overprotectiveness. He would be happiest with a settled, peaceful life, and a partner who wants to enjoy simple domestic pleasures, while still being strong enough to stand by him when his past begins to weigh too heavily on his heart.
Van would be physically attracted to an elegant woman who carries herself gracefully. He prefers women possessing modest, natural beauty and a genuine smile. He isn’t impressed by glamor or pretentiousness.
Fran would be best suited to a kind, smart partner who doesn’t mind mothering him a bit when he becomes oblivious to his own needs. Physical appearance wouldn’t matter as much to him as a loving heart and a giving nature. He would love a lady who wouldn’t mind taking charge occasionally, even if he would get flustered and embarrassed when she did. Like Van, a practical, domestically-minded lover would suit Fran best.
Fran would be most attracted to a genuine and caring person with a certain sweetness about them. Someone smart enough that he can talk to and have them be able to grasp his ideas quickly would be very appealing to him.
Impey would do best with an active, non- traditional dreamer like himself. Someone who loves science or engineering, and who can share his dreams and be part of them. Someone able and willing to work hard and enjoy days spent getting dirty in the workshop. A partner who wouldn’t mind if he disappeared into his head for awhile and became engrossed with his work, because they were doing the same thing. He would love to share romantic dinners spent enthusiastically discussing their respective projects. Even better if both of their projects furthered their joint passions. And, when work is done, he would love a partner that was just as passionate in the bedroom as they are about their work.
Impey would be initially attracted to exactly the wrong kind of person for him. That is certainly why he’s done so badly at romance so far. He would be dazzled by glamor and practiced beauty. The sort of person who would be utterly unimpressed by a starry-eyed weirdo in an orange jumpsuit. Because of that, it would likely take awhile for him to find his special one.
Assuming a free Saint, he would likely be attracted to an unconventional person; perhaps with a Past or with something they have overcome. Someone a little vulnerable, but still a strong survivor. He would find helping his lover through their troubles deeply rewarding. They would find in him a heart where their secrets and insecurities would be safe, and who would listen without judgement. He would also need someone who could accept that he also has a Past, and harbors many secrets they might never know. A lover who finds his enigmatic nature part of his appeal, and is willing to take him as he presents himself. Aside from that, he would most love an intelligent, gentle, yet adventurous partner with a love of learning and a curious, imaginative mind. Someone who would be happy with a restless, nomadic life full of romance, adventure and excitement at his side.
Saint has seen many beautiful people, and it would take more than that to attract his attention. However he would likely find an innocent, tragic, victim of circumstance with a beautiful heart and a strong core captivating. Especially someone who is always kind despite their difficult circumstances.
It wouldn’t be easy to capture Sholmes’ attention. He would be most attracted to someone who was a challenge or possessed some elusive quality that intrigues him. Providing something of a game for him, whether they be a lawbreaker or not, would much add to his fascination. Even better if they can beat him at his own game. He would be happiest with an intelligent, independent and bold partner with whom he could share intelligent conversation. Perhaps their house would still be a mess, but their lives would never be boring.
Sholmes would be far more attracted to wit and intelligence than physical appearance. His mind is the way to his heart.
A pure and simple girl. A gentle, bright happy person with a clear, kind heart. He would love someone who treated Gretel just like a normal girl and loved sweets and liked spending time with him. Someone who doesn’t care or even seem to notice he’s an apostle or dangerous, and could make him forget he isn’t a normal person. Someone he could cuddle with and make happy. A girl in whose face he can see a reflection of the man he never had the chance to become.
He is attracted to natural beauty. A long haired, fresh-faced sweet girl with an open, innocent countenance.
To quote a different Professor Moriarty, Nemo is a “ship who needs a rudder.” Nemo would do best with another scientist, who is a strong willed, independent person who ignores his histrionics and puts his brain to work. He would thrive given positive direction and respect for his work instead of being used. He is isn’t going to have a normal relationship with anyone, but if his needs are being met he would calm down a little and become healthier. It would a true marriage of minds.
Nemo is beyond mere physical attraction, but a brilliant person who respects his own genius would be irresistible to him.
Here’s hoping you don’t mind a few small spoonfuls of sugar from Mod Nautilus! Hmm, what sort of person they’d like other than Cardia, eh? Let’s see!
Lupin is a master of surprise, so of course he’d enjoy having a partner whose reactions he could treasure—but I think he’d really enjoy someone who could turn around and surprise him just as much. A gentleman thief must always be on his toes, you know? Actually, someone with some of the same traits as a certain detective would be good for him… I’ll start running away now.
Van needs someone who can bring out his softer side! Someone he can spoil and be a real homemaker for, someone he can surprise by taking them out to dinner or shopping. His lover would be rewarded with that sweet, genuine smile he so rarely gives. Van needs family again, and someone who could be that family for him would be an irreplaceable treasure.
Fran’s perfect lover is someone who can walk the balance between what Fran WANTS and what Fran NEEDS. Fran would want a lover who will depend on him, someone who can lean their head on his shoulder and feel safe. Someone he can really enjoy “sweetie time” with, who will make him feel a little… well, manly. What Fran NEEDS is someone who will be a little stern with him, who won’t let him stay up until 3AM working! Someone who won’t let him disappear for days at a time without telling anyone, someone who will keep up with him and support him and MAKE THE MAN EAT. SOMEONE FEED THIS MAN.
Impey would love someone with an insatiable curiosity. Someone cute, whose eyes light up when he talks about his projects. Someone who would think outside of the box like he does, someone who isn’t afraid to take risks even if the consequences might be a little… explosive. He’d love someone who could laugh at his jokes, but could also be an anchor tethering him when he needs to be grounded. He’d like being with someone he could impress and make smile! Most importantly, he would love a dreamer.
Saint would want someone living in the moment, someone who enjoys life as it is while having a healthy appreciation of the past. He’d want someone who would enjoy listening to his stories without prying too deeply, someone innocent but intelligent enough to know that some things are better left uncovered, left unsaid. He would want someone who wants “now” without worrying about the future, a beautiful glimpse of love in eternity.
Okay, first of all Sholmes needs to hire a housekeeper so his poor lover isn’t forced to live in his mess. That aside, Sholmes would want a lover who looks at him with wonder in their eyes. Someone he can surprise with gestures that they recognize as precious. He would want someone who loves both the grand and the mundane of their relationships, whether it’s a violin concert or reading the newspaper together. Someone who will listen and appreciate his eccentricities, maybe even enable him a bit! Oh, dear, poor Watson will have a second one to reign in…
Above everything, Nemo wants someone who will appreciate him. Though his dream partner would be an equal in science, he would be plenty happy with someone whose intelligence comes from their passion instead of booksmarts. He wants someone who will listen to him, someone who will smile when he finishes speaking and ask him questions. He wants someone who will walk beside him on the path to glory, someone who will hold his hand and encourage him to overcome all the obstacles life will throw his way! (Finally, he wants someone who’s physically affectionate. He thrives on physical contact from full, warm hugs to idly brushing hands while working.)
Aleister needs someone who interests him, plain and simple. He has had a family, he’s done the domestic life, what he needs is someone who will keep him interested. The perfect love for him would be someone who can actually manage to surprise him after all these years in the darkness… a person that will make him laugh at his own reactions. Someone who will make him shake his head and wonder, “Ah, what have you allowed yourself to get into now, Jimmy?”
#code realize#code:realize#code: realize#abraham van helsing#count of saint germain#arsene lupin#impey barbicane#nemo#victor frankenstein#hansel hexenhouse#herlock sholmes#jimmy a aleister
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Since the ask box is open, How about sone christmas headcanon about all the lupin gang? Invludr NEEMOOO and Alesteir.

So sorry for the tardiness of this response! Mod Apostle hopes everyone isn’t already sick of Christmas by now.
Here are some Holiday Headcanons by Mod Apostle, a special Nemo appearance by Mod Nautilus and Mod Apostle’s take on Jimmy A Aleister!
The holidays hold a unique magic for Lupin. The decorating, the giving of gifts and the gathering of friends are all still new to him, since he never had a family or a home growing up. He is quite thoughtful with his gifts and likes to buy his friends useful, tasteful things that they wouldn’t necessarily think of themselves. When it comes to his lover, he wants to dazzle them. He is most likely to choose jewelry or perhaps a fine scarf or purse. He has an eye for quality, and the recipients are usually quite delighted by their new treasures. He prefers shopping and organizing to cooking and decorating. His taste in wine is exquisite, and he is often put in charge of buying the spirits.
He has a preference for gifts he can wear that remind him of his lover. It allows him to feel they are always with him, even if they have to be apart.
The holidays can be a painful time for Van, as they remind him of his family. He should spend holidays with friends to avoid becoming bitter and despondent. He enjoys the simple pleasures of cooking, (much to everyone’s chagrin) and long walks to take in the sights of the season. He loves to spoil his lover with plenty of gifts. It is best that they tell him what they want or he can be off the mark. His friends might get a glimpse of his surprisingly dry sense of humor. He doesn’t have much patience for decorating, but if he can participate in such activities with his lover, he will always be happy to help.
Van’s favorite gifts are those he can use. He will be delighted by even everyday things that show how much his lover thought about his needs.
Fran usually spent holidays with his parents, so his part was usually just to enjoy his mom’s food and help with the clean up. He enjoyed choosing and decorating the tree. Spending time in the chilly air walking through the woods with his dad to find a perfect tree is a special memory for him as a child. More recently, he, along with Impey, is always first to pitch in to help with the decorating. His gifts tend to be useful and practical, rather than lavish, but the recipients will often keep them for years. He enjoys spending the days doing winter sports and then sitting reading books and drinking cocoa by the fire with his lover.
Fran’s favorite gifts are handmade items and warm clothing, like scarves and sweaters. He is always happy to know his lover cared enough about him to spend so much time making something just for him.
Impey, like Lupin, never experienced Christmas festivities growing up, but he embraces the spirit of the season wholeheartedly. He is the first one to volunteer for cooking and decorating duties. He loves to sing Christmas songs and do all kinds of preparations. As long as everyone is enjoying themselves, he will be happy. He would rather take his lover shopping and buy them what they want most than go shopping for them himself. He likes making devices of varying usefulness and welcomeness for his friends.
Impey gets most excited by surprise gifts of things he wanted, but never would have thought to ask for, or think he would ever get. He likes unconventional gifts that fit his interests or inspire him.
Saint observes the spiritual side of the season for its sacredness both personally, and for its significance to humanity throughout time. No matter the era, the period around the winter solstice has always been regarded as a time of reflection on the past and the celebration of the birth of hope at the darkest hour. Despite his private observances, he has never had the opportunity to share them with loved ones until he met Lupin and the others. He delights in participating in all aspects of party preparation, from writing invitations to buying exquisite and carefully chosen gifts, and preparing a menu to please everyone. These simple joys are precious and irreplaceable to him, and he enjoys even the most mundane aspects.
Saint’s gifts for his lover are sumptuous and unique, silk gowns, beautiful jewels… all carefully chosen with an expert eye. His taste is impeccable and his gifts are always sure to delight, but above all he loves to spend time simply enjoying their company and sharing peaceful moments. To have been granted the privilege to observe the sacred season with his most beloved one by his side and in his arms is the the most miraculous wonder of all.
It sounds sappy, but for a man who can buy anything he could ever want, the gift of his lover’s presence, the one thing he has never experienced, is more than enough. He will be delighted with almost anything his lover buys or makes for him, whether it is a cake or an afghan. He is especially touched by something he can share with his lover.
Sholmes enjoyed Christmas as a child, but hasn’t given it much thought in his adult life. He would visit Watson and Mary for Christmas dinner, but wouldn’t be of much use except for company. His gifts tend towards the practical, If he remembers. He takes a keener interest in the season once he has a lover, and tries to buy them romantic gifts and enjoys spending warm and comfortable time with them.
Sholmes lover can never go wrong buying him books, especially nonfiction. He will be happy that his lover paid such careful attention to his interests.
Hansel approaches the season with pure, childlike wonder. He loves the sweets, of course, but he is fascinated with all aspects of the holiday. His gifts are likely to be quirky and perhaps a little impractical, but endearing in their heartfelt simplicity. His lover will certainly receive plenty of flowers and candy, but he could also surprise them with something they might have wished for without hope of receiving. He’s also happy to just cuddle on the couch and watch the snow fall.
It may be too obvious, but truly, the best gift for Hansel is a basket of his favorite homemade sweets. He will just melt to know that his lover spent time making him the things he loves.
A Nemo holiday headcanon provided by Mod Nautilus!
For someone like Nemo (he likes his coffee as bitter as he is), you might think that he would find Christmas to be a waste of time, something too simple for a man of his great brain.
Well, you would be wrong. He LOVES Christmas. A part of him finds it fascinating how most of humanity can be taken in by this yearly phenomena, but the truth is much simpler than that: it makes him happy.
He loves watching the snow, he loves the food (oh my god he loves the food), he loves—okay he can take or leave the caroling but that’s mostly because they never let him join, he just loves how everybody seems to… notice him more during Christmas. I mean, they notice everybody more but THAT’S NOT THE POINT THE POINT IS THAT PEOPLE NOTICE HIM. People notice him and smile when he yells “MERRY CHRISTMAS!” and they wave and it just makes him feel so warm inside!
And oh, presents! He loves loves loves LOVES giving presents to literally everybody he comes across! I mean, there’s a strong chance they might break (or blow up), but his gifts come from the HEART and that’s what counts at Christmas! THE HEART!
At the end of the day, that’s why he loves Christmas so much—as a scientist who has merged his heart and his brain, it’s a perfect holiday for him.
Even if he doesn’t often get presents in return. Even if he doesn’t often get invited to dinners or get to spend time with friends. Somehow, Christmas is a time of year where the entirety of the world just seems… a little less rotten.
Now for something COMPLETELY different… Mod Apostle is taking on Jimmy A Aleister. This is likely to be the one and ONLY time Aleister’s headcanon is longer than Saint’s! The scene just struck me and wouldn’t leave me alone.
It’s a little long so beyond the cut it goes!
Aleister never cared for Christmas. It held no meaning for him. The constant bustle of crowds and merriment served for nothing but to remind him of his own loneliness. On Christmas Eve he usually found himself at a bar uncharacteristically drinking too much to numb the emptiness.
Perhaps especially on this particular Christmas. He was still surprised at the choices he’d made on the Nautilus. Why he decided to help the boy. Did watching those two siblings, once no more than tools of Isaac, affect even the Napoleon of Crime, James Moriarty? He couldn’t say.
The door to the bar opened and he glanced behind him curiously. Who would come to such a place on a night like this? Perhaps someone whose loneliness would provide some interest and distraction from his uncomfortable rumination.
“James Moriarty.” a familiar voice said, tinged with the satisfaction of a terrier who finally drove his prey to ground, “I have finally found you.”
Aleister felt a little thrill to hear the voice of the Great Detective, Sherlock Holmes himself. His foil. A criminal mastermind needed a worthy adversary to justify his existence, and Holmes was certainly that. Aleister felt himself begin to smile, “heheh. Long time no see, Holmes. What brings you to such a place on Christmas Eve?”
“Shouldn’t you be more worried that I will take you straight to Scotland Yard?”
“Now now, Holmes. Why would you do such a thing?” Aleister said mildly, “I am just an old man sitting at a bar minding his own business.”
“We both know that isn’t true.” Holmes countered sharply, “I have more than enough evidence to convict you for any number of crimes.”
“I also helped save the city.” he was too weary to play this game that night. He called the bartender over, “Now you never answered my question. What brings you here. You would not be so sloppy as to chase me without a warrant.”
Holmes glared at him, “The same as you, I suspect.”
Aleister smiled to himself, “Ah. Just another lonely man out numb himself with drink, then.”
Holmes’ expression was sour, but he didn’t deny it. He ordered his drink and nursed it in silence for awhile before turning to Aleister, “There is something I want to know.”
Aleister inclined his head, “I assumed so. Ask away.”
“What made you do it? Why did you help them?”
It was the very question he had been asking himself, “heheh. Who’s to say? Perhaps an have changed my ways.” Aleister said mildly.
“We both know that is a lie.” Holmes said flatly.
“Perhaps. Perhaps not. I have yet to answer that question for myself.” he wondered if the drink had already made him unusually candid.
Holmes looked surprised to hear him say so, “You really don’t know.” he murmured wonderingly.
Aleister shrugged, “I imagine I will find the answer in time.”
Holmes sighed and ordered another drink, “It is Christmas Eve. I will call a truce for the time being, but next time we meet—
“—We will be enemies. Yes, I know. That is as it should be.”
Holmes nodded in satisfaction, “I won’t hesitate to take you down.”
Aleister chuckled, “Indeed not.”
They both fell silent, ruminating over each other’s words.
“Merry Christmas.” Holmes said, holding up his glass.
Aleister clinked his glass against Holmes’, “To old enemies.” Aleister said, meeting Holmes eyes with a smile.
Holmes smiled back for a moment. The Detective and the Criminal understood one another perfectly.
Aleister threw back his drink. His heart almost felt light to know there was one person in the world who understood his loneliness and provided meaning for his existence.
Yes, on Christmas Eve a miracle could visit even the empty heart of James Moriarty.
#code realize#code:realize#code: realize#arsene lupin#count of saint germain#victor frankenstein#abraham van helsing#impey barbicane#nemo#jimmy a aleister
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