curiosofthechasm · 2 days
Asova accepts the platinum pieces and gently places the shell in Fleer’s hands. “A pleasure doing business with you! Thank you for shopping a the Curios of the Chasm! Remember to think of us the next time you have life-extension needs!”
@runningskaven Fleer enters, aged and leaning on her cane. "Store goddess.... You you have elixers or potions to make make some one young again? A young young lady I used to baby sit is having a pup pup..... I want to help help raise them like I did did her.... Oh mighty store goddess, can can you help?"
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It was strange how things didn’t change in the shop.
The shopkeeper smiled from where she perched behind the counter. Asova looked precisely the same as she had decades before. The items filling the shelves of the Curios of the Chasm changed constantly, but the dark, shadowed store itself remained the same. “Welcome to the Curios of the Chasm” she chimed, tilting her head inquisitively, causing the light to gleam across her spectacles.
The display along the front counter had all sorts of glowing vials and brews. Everything from obvious potions to beer cans to lab appropriate equipment. “You will find no shortage of age-defying drafts in our stock.” The shopkeeper grinned eerily as a vial of violet, glowing elixir appeared between her fingers.
“Take this, for example… Faux Death” she twirled the vial. The liquid shimmered within. “Distilled from the tears of mighty death herself… or so the manufacturer tells us” she snickered. “For the simple price of 256,400 gold pieces… even you could live forever.”
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curiosofthechasm · 2 days
Asova mouthed a word of understanding, then tossed the vial into the shadows. “Ah… a savvy mortal shopper. You always were one to know what you wanted.” She snickered as she turned her hand in air. A new item appeared in her fingers, an obsidian colored shell.
“A lot of these items have maddening side effects… but not this one. The Shell of the Eternal Nautilus… it’s made of crystallized spacetime. Just grind it up and sprinkle it on your favorite dish. Easy on the stomach, but kicks in another 30 years in humans… probably an easy 50 or 60 in your kind!”
She tapped a nearby fishbowl where a small nautilus with a similar shell swam about, looking eternal and timeless. “Don’t worry, he’s doing fine. Gives up his shell about once a millennia, so I can afford to part with this one for… three platinum pieces… or a trade of equal value.” She grinned.
@runningskaven Fleer enters, aged and leaning on her cane. "Store goddess.... You you have elixers or potions to make make some one young again? A young young lady I used to baby sit is having a pup pup..... I want to help help raise them like I did did her.... Oh mighty store goddess, can can you help?"
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It was strange how things didn’t change in the shop.
The shopkeeper smiled from where she perched behind the counter. Asova looked precisely the same as she had decades before. The items filling the shelves of the Curios of the Chasm changed constantly, but the dark, shadowed store itself remained the same. “Welcome to the Curios of the Chasm” she chimed, tilting her head inquisitively, causing the light to gleam across her spectacles.
The display along the front counter had all sorts of glowing vials and brews. Everything from obvious potions to beer cans to lab appropriate equipment. “You will find no shortage of age-defying drafts in our stock.” The shopkeeper grinned eerily as a vial of violet, glowing elixir appeared between her fingers.
“Take this, for example… Faux Death” she twirled the vial. The liquid shimmered within. “Distilled from the tears of mighty death herself… or so the manufacturer tells us” she snickered. “For the simple price of 256,400 gold pieces… even you could live forever.”
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curiosofthechasm · 2 days
@runningskaven Fleer enters, aged and leaning on her cane. "Store goddess.... You you have elixers or potions to make make some one young again? A young young lady I used to baby sit is having a pup pup..... I want to help help raise them like I did did her.... Oh mighty store goddess, can can you help?"
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It was strange how things didn’t change in the shop.
The shopkeeper smiled from where she perched behind the counter. Asova looked precisely the same as she had decades before. The items filling the shelves of the Curios of the Chasm changed constantly, but the dark, shadowed store itself remained the same. “Welcome to the Curios of the Chasm” she chimed, tilting her head inquisitively, causing the light to gleam across her spectacles.
The display along the front counter had all sorts of glowing vials and brews. Everything from obvious potions to beer cans to lab appropriate equipment. “You will find no shortage of age-defying drafts in our stock.” The shopkeeper grinned eerily as a vial of violet, glowing elixir appeared between her fingers.
“Take this, for example… Faux Death” she twirled the vial. The liquid shimmered within. “Distilled from the tears of mighty death herself… or so the manufacturer tells us” she snickered. “For the simple price of 256,400 gold pieces… even you could live forever.”
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curiosofthechasm · 1 month
Eppli crossed her arms. “You would… delay your time with your charges and… assist me?” She sounded surprised, like she hadn’t expected the oni to be so agreeable. “Even… for meager payment? I wasn’t kidding about the payment.” She pulled out a small purse and dumped several silver and a handful of copper pieces into one hand. “I had enough money left for a few nights at the inn… it can be yours, I suppose.”
She moved back to the yurt and rummaged through her things. “I believe I can find the tower ruins in just a few hours, though I suspect the snow won’t make the going very easy. It’s northeast from here, in the woodlands… the tome should be in the basement library. I suspect we will be gone at least a day… and we may have to wait out the night at the ruins.”
She was well aware, of course, that the snows during the night would be dangerous. She was likewise aware that, given the environmental circumstances, it was entirely likely that someone had taken up occupancy in those ruins.
“I would bring whatever weapons suit you. I will carry what I can. Just let me know when you are ready and…” she glanced at Aura. “And… thank you.”
"What do you think about that bard you found in the woods?" Aura asked. It seemed she was trying to figure out how to feel about Noelle, if she was a possible threat to her friends. (Aura @raging-soul-of-fire)
Asta smiled as she assisted Aura with washing their linens. “Miss Noelle? I think she means well. Do you see how she is skittish with us? I think she is lost like everyone here is. Hopefully we can help her stay on her feet, yes? After all, she is a bard! My sister and I find that bards are usually good people…” she giggled, being a bard herself.
“Do you have a feeling on the matter, miss Aura? You are better at seeing threats, I find.”
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curiosofthechasm · 1 month
Eppli walked down cobblestones, silently parading her way through the early morning streets. Few were out at this hour, which suited her. She carried her parasol, but the sun was so low on the horizon that she didn’t really need it.
She paused briefly at the alleyway where she had seen the Curios of the Chasm, but ultimately elected to move on.
She arrived at her bookshop to find another Sigil of Light painted on the door. She frowned, reaching out to touch it with a gloved finger. The burn feeling almost made its way through her glove. A small wisp of smoke rose from where she touched it. “That’s going to leave a mark on the window” she whispered to herself. Luckily it wasn’t on the doorknob.
She moved inside and turned the closed sign to open.
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curiosofthechasm · 1 month
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Eppli Lemont
Book keeper, clerk, conservationist.
Probably also a vampire in this setting...
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curiosofthechasm · 1 month
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"Ah... there you are..."
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curiosofthechasm · 1 month
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The bookstore clerk emerged from her shop and carefully locked the door behind her. Securing the key, she shuffled down the cobblestone street in the direction of her home. Yet as she passed the ever-familiar canal side alleyway, she noticed a new sign up. The door had previously been unoccupied and abandoned, but now there hung a cheap, wooden store marker.
Curios of the Chasm
She frowned at the name. Who would put a business right here next to the runoff canal? There was hardly any foot traffic. She turned and departed, unwilling to investigate further. She really didn’t want to spend too long out here, not with the sun so high in the sky.
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curiosofthechasm · 1 month
Asova stopped her work for a moment to offer a quizzical look towards her customer. "Sell.... items? I'm sure you're confused, dear friend. Perhaps you bought a stein last time? One of our draft glasses?" She smiled as she motioned towards a small shelf full of Chasm brand tankards and drink glasses.
She poured something from one of the brassy spickets along the wall and delivered it. "Charcoal 9991, on the rocks... popular in Hades." She grinned. The whiskey had a smokey smell and the surface seemed to gleam with some unseen red light. She tipped a tiny jar of honey over it... a single drop hit the surfaced and hissed. "...with honey."
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"Quiet tonight...." Asova said to herself as she wiped down the bar top.
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curiosofthechasm · 1 month
Asova grinned toothily as he entered. "Of course, welcome to the Curios of the Chasm! I can pour you a house whiskey but... truth be told I have countless options."
The space along the wall, behind the bar, appeared to be occupied with whiskey taps. Had it looked like that when he walked in? Surely... Regardless, she offered him an unobstructed view of her options... which appeared to be from every conceivable realm and make. She merely stood there, smiling.
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"Quiet tonight...." Asova said to herself as she wiped down the bar top.
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curiosofthechasm · 1 month
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"Quiet tonight...." Asova said to herself as she wiped down the bar top.
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curiosofthechasm · 2 months
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"You're looking a little starstruck"
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curiosofthechasm · 2 months
//I met a family of squidlies
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curiosofthechasm · 2 months
Though she was still grinning, the look behind the barkeeper's eyes betrayed her though processes. "Nope! Because no entity is employed here! You're looking at the one and only Chasm employee!" She reached over and ran a finger down the edge of a dusty "Small Business" plaque.
Asova tapped her finger to her chin as she leaned over the empty bar. “We really need to bring in customers…”
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curiosofthechasm · 2 months
“Oh no, I don’t think that will be necessary. I have several people already working on that. I need word of mouth… maybe stifle some of the competition.” She grinned devilishly.
Asova tapped her finger to her chin as she leaned over the empty bar. “We really need to bring in customers…”
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curiosofthechasm · 2 months
Asova blinked absently as she smiled. “Branching? Oh no, this location is entirely unique. Perhaps one day we will open additional locations, but not at this time.”
She produced elven wine of a generic variety. “Start a tab?”
Asova tapped her finger to her chin as she leaned over the empty bar. “We really need to bring in customers…”
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curiosofthechasm · 2 months
Asova tapped her finger to her chin as she leaned over the empty bar. “We really need to bring in customers…”
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