Curios of the Chasm
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RP/ASK/ART BLOG BY ZANDO, This is an item shop designed to help your muse find items!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
curiosofthechasm · 24 days ago
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curiosofthechasm · 26 days ago
get yourself a wife that will unmake causality and usher in the timeless void in the background of all creation
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curiosofthechasm · 2 months ago
Quetzalcoatlus Challenging Tyrannosaurus [Prehistoric Planet]
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curiosofthechasm · 2 months ago
//Another holiday season goes by in which I neglect to draw Asova as the ghost of Christmas present
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curiosofthechasm · 2 months ago
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‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the shop Not a trinket was stirring, just silence nonstop, The price tags were hung by the shelving with care, In hopes that small Celio soon would be there; The squidlies were nestled all snug in their homes; While poisonous doodle-dags squared off with blue gnomes; And I with my coin purse and my small little map, Had just stumbled on into this strange tourist trap, When out on the dark there arose such a rumble, I sprang from my shoes right into a tumble. Away to the doorway I flew like a flash, Tore open the doorknob for I had little cash. When what to my wondering eyes did appear, But an azure blue girl of a species unclear. With a little radio crackle, so sparse and so strange, It was Celio before me, with shelves to arrange. She paid me no heed and averted her gaze, So I turned to the doorway and peered down the ways.
More rapid than mynocks, those beasties they came, But she whistled, and shouted, and called them by name: “Go, Dasher! And, Dancer! And uh- Trancer and Dixie! On, Cobalt! on, Cranberry!, At least one of you is Pixie? To the front little door, where that little man stands! Now heel now! Stop! You must heed my demands!” As leaves that before the wild hurricane fly, When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky; To an abrupt stop, the coursers they flew Nearly crushing me there in the the doorframe, askew.
There she stood, all bundled and smiling, that otherworldly woman, completely beguiling. “I must ask you to move” she said with a grin. Only then did I realize the trouble I was in. “I beg your pardon, good ma’am” I soon replied, I gave her a bow and then stepped aside. A crack of the whip, a sudden rush of the air, Asova was in with hardly a care. Eight wild reindeer now pranced in the shop but the proprietor grinned against the darkened backdrop. “We have a new product” she proclaimed with glee Celio nodded, then looked at me. “Begone now sir” she laughed with a sneer. “We’re closed at the moment, We must clean some reindeer.” And thus I was gone, with more answers to find, yet I knew altogether, I had lost my own mind. As I walked out the door, jingling coins in my hand. The door swung free behind me, without my command. Asova sung loud, her voice cackling again, “Merry Christmas to all! The shop opens at ten!”
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curiosofthechasm · 3 months ago
major traffic incident
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curiosofthechasm · 4 months ago
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"This is a useful trend! I'm learning so much about all my customers!"
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curiosofthechasm · 4 months ago
Legal   Name:   Asova
The Shopkeeper
Eye of Virgo
God of Sales
Clerk of the Chasm
Date  of  Birth:   Presumed to be either a very long time ago... or beyond the classical idea of time.
Gender:   ??? (Usually appears female)
Place   of   Birth:  ??? Presumably somewhere in the cosmos but...
Currently   Living:  Possibly beyond this dimension, spacetime gets a little weird around her
Spoken   Languages:
Asova has never failed to communicate with a customer, apparently.
Appears to be learning constantly
Physical   Characteristics:
Hair Color: Dark Ruby Red
Eye Color:  Bright Gold
Miscellaneous: A mouth full of sharp chompers. Spectacles. Might also be a neutron star hypercomputing space entity.
Height: 5'6"
Weight Mass:  1.9-2.4 solar masses
Noelle: Customer Employee
Neph: Customer Employee
Celio: Customer Employee
Effectively everyone else who has ever met Asova is a customer to her eyes
Relationship Status:
???, probably doesn't have relationships in any sense that organic creatures can comprehend
Tagging anyone who wants to do it!
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curiosofthechasm · 4 months ago
Asova didn't hesitate. She held out a corndog "What is this? Is it made of tastier humans? Or something else?"
She then produced a book. Lusty, Lucious, Lonely Knights. The cover had an impressionist painting of a medieval knight in a risqué pose. "What is this? I notice it's full of markings.... I know what most of the markings mean, but I don't understand the context! Some sort of historical record, right? A learning book!?"
The child-like Asova burst into Noelle's dream. "Found you!" She burst into laughter as Noelle's dream shifted into... an approximation of a human playground. "This was a really good hiding spot miss Minette!" (@curiosofthechasm)
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Wha!? How did?
Wait...this wasn't her home realm, and the war was a long time ago. This was just one of her usual nightmares.
And that was...Asova?
Her brain caught up with things. "I-I suppose you did find me, Miss Asova." Noelle began, still very confused. How did she get in here? After their conversation the other day, she'd assumed the child wasn't looking for her.
The shift to a playground was oddly a great relief to her. A nice change from the fires. "I'm really impressed you found me here. You must be the hide and seek champion. What gave me away?"
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curiosofthechasm · 4 months ago
“The screaming gave you away” the child said without hesitation. She smiled toothily as she dangled on the slightly uneven monkey bars. “But even then- it was hard to find you! You’re a good hider!” She giggled as the monkey bars turned into a something
 four dimensional.
“So- so do you want to hide next!? Or tell me about more human stuff!?”
The child-like Asova burst into Noelle's dream. "Found you!" She burst into laughter as Noelle's dream shifted into... an approximation of a human playground. "This was a really good hiding spot miss Minette!" (@curiosofthechasm)
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Wha!? How did?
Wait...this wasn't her home realm, and the war was a long time ago. This was just one of her usual nightmares.
And that was...Asova?
Her brain caught up with things. "I-I suppose you did find me, Miss Asova." Noelle began, still very confused. How did she get in here? After their conversation the other day, she'd assumed the child wasn't looking for her.
The shift to a playground was oddly a great relief to her. A nice change from the fires. "I'm really impressed you found me here. You must be the hide and seek champion. What gave me away?"
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curiosofthechasm · 4 months ago
Would Asova celebrate human holidays?
//She can't help herself. Humans fascinate her
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curiosofthechasm · 4 months ago
//In previous holiday seasons its been asked what Asova would look like as the Ghost of Christmas future but...
She'd almost certainly be Ghost of Christmas Present.
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curiosofthechasm · 4 months ago
Trinity's reaction didn't sting anywhere near as much as her comment. She tongued her fangs behind her lips out of habit. She could smell their flesh, however faintly. She could sense their warmth. She had nearly all the traits of her full blooded kin, just without most of the hunger.
"You... won't need to worry" she said solemnly, removing the rest of her equipment. Without looking up, she removed some of her dry jerky and her water skin. "I wouldn't want to intrude on your ringmaster.... I carry a noble title, but I am not welcome in the Imperial courts. I am merely a traveller caught in the rain..."
She sensed the tension in the room. Eppli wasn't yet ready to divulge her destination. After running her hands through her hair to seep free the rainwater, she spoke again. "Tell me of you two. You are... performers, I take it?"
Eppli Lamont stumbled into the camp as the rain poured. Soaked through her cloak, she saw warm light shining through many of the camp flaps. The tents were unusually colorful, and she quickly realized she was in a sort of entertainers camp.
She hesitated outside one of the smaller tents. The sun had set, her lamp candle was gone, everything she had was soaked and it didn’t look like the rain was going to stop anytime soon.
But half blood vampires didn’t usually garner sympathy from other travelers. She readied her pack, knowing she might have to run, then carefully lifted the flap on the nearest tent. “Hello? Is someone there? Could I inquire of your hospitality
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curiosofthechasm · 4 months ago
The rain soaked archivist swallowed. This wasn't what she was expecting. She dripped in the doorway as she gazed upon the unusual pair. "I uh... well I... thank you." She removed her muddy boots and stepped inside. Her cloak came off next, and she knew there would be no hiding what she was. Her hood slipped free, revealing orange eyes and pale, bluish skin and pink gargoyleish nostrils.
"I didn't know... of any show" she said, trying to avoid their gaze. "I need shelter. Uh, from the rain. I-I can be on my way before sunrise... if that is acceptable." She swallowed again and looked around the tent. Whatever smells were present in here were magnified to her sensitive nose.
"I... I'm Lady Eppli Lemont, Imperial Archivist... previously. Now book keeper and scribe." She bowed politely.
Eppli Lamont stumbled into the camp as the rain poured. Soaked through her cloak, she saw warm light shining through many of the camp flaps. The tents were unusually colorful, and she quickly realized she was in a sort of entertainers camp.
She hesitated outside one of the smaller tents. The sun had set, her lamp candle was gone, everything she had was soaked and it didn’t look like the rain was going to stop anytime soon.
But half blood vampires didn’t usually garner sympathy from other travelers. She readied her pack, knowing she might have to run, then carefully lifted the flap on the nearest tent. “Hello? Is someone there? Could I inquire of your hospitality
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curiosofthechasm · 4 months ago
Eppli Lamont stumbled into the camp as the rain poured. Soaked through her cloak, she saw warm light shining through many of the camp flaps. The tents were unusually colorful, and she quickly realized she was in a sort of entertainers camp.
She hesitated outside one of the smaller tents. The sun had set, her lamp candle was gone, everything she had was soaked and it didn’t look like the rain was going to stop anytime soon.
But half blood vampires didn’t usually garner sympathy from other travelers. She readied her pack, knowing she might have to run, then carefully lifted the flap on the nearest tent. “Hello? Is someone there? Could I inquire of your hospitality
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curiosofthechasm · 4 months ago
The child’s eyes lit up as she floated very close to Noelle. “Hide and seek! Hide and seek! I’m good at that one- I want to seek! I want to seek! I’ll count to -VRRRPT- and start looking! You go hide!”
The door to the Chasm space reopened.
"Hi Noelle!" The child said with a smile, appearing beside Noelle between blinks. "Wow! A human? Are you a human? So Cool!" She poked Noelle's shoulder. "You should be my friend"
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curiosofthechasm · 4 months ago
Asova observed her fingers a little closer. “Manipulation
 Oh! That answers so many questions about human stuff! These must work on doorknobs?”
Asova’s idea of a normal human room appeared around them. She hurried to a door and started opening and closing it repeatedly. “Wow!”
She appeared in front of Noelle. “I’m the only Asova! I like games! I never get to play games! But those can wait
 I need to know more about human stuff! Like pain! Or- wait
” She moved closer, her eyes focused on Noelle’s chest. “Yours is
 making pulses?”
Her own heart started beating in unison with Noelle’s as she scratched her head. “So weird! Humans are so different. What kind of games do you like to play human Noelle?”
"Hi Noelle!" The child said with a smile, appearing beside Noelle between blinks. "Wow! A human? Are you a human? So Cool!" She poked Noelle's shoulder. "You should be my friend"
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