#my headcanon is Ford aroace
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modist07 · 6 months ago
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Toxic yaoi, not necessarily a ship but toxic af
I spend too much time doing this lol
Based on the pages of journal 3
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triangular-static · 6 months ago
look i understand if people just don't like the idea of billford, i think we have a different internal concept of what shipping means (they're not good for each other at all but i need to dissect their dynamic like a bug. you understand. it's fun) but it's fine to avoid things you don't like, good for you genuinely
however people saying they like. don't see it. like. i'm not saying there's no platonic way to read it, i'm aroace spec myself i'm all for reading things in different ways. but i do think saying they weren't partners in any queer sense at all is trying too hard to go against what the narrative is trying to say, or missing it. somehow
anyway media literacy time if a character makes a joke like this
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and the previous context of that joke within the show is that it's about an ex wife. what connection do you think the text is trying to get you to make.
and that's just from a writing point of view. not even noting that from an in universe perspective ford likely knows the joke from the same source as stan. and is therefore. placing himself in that role of the joke are you seeing where i'm coming from
(not to mention bill's side of this text which is. extremely manipulative but also does not read very platonic. again, it can technically be read as platonic! bill literally can manipulate ford's feelings. but the specific wording used is very much meant to look like possessive ex partner wording whether the character means it that way or not. it's coding. look again i'm not saying it was good for them i'm just saying there was something there.)
and then there's also the divorce/break up/rock bottom input on the website. like. how else is that supposed to be read. and the corresponding page in the book itself.
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the language being used here. like yes he's saying it in a joking way but then there's the other side that isn't joking which is him crying at the bar. it's the both sides (the very coded language on top of the very genuine emotions and dynamic beneath)
i know most of us are on the same page with this i've just seen a couple people saying they don't see it when this is some of the most clear cut coding i've ever seen. and these are just the things that explicitly reference a relationship off the top of my head i'm not even including the general vibes of Everything
tl;dr it's barely even subtext anymore it's all but straight up text. what's not clicking have we forgotten what coding is (lighthearted i just enjoy the phrase what's not clicking. what's not clicking)
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dolls-self-ships · 3 months ago
related to my last post (on Ford's sexuality/romantic orientation)
ok, this is going to sound really stupid so please, bare in mind that I am aware that this is a fictional character and he isn't real and even alex hirsch himself said that anyway a fan might resonate with a character can be true to them. With that being said, I personally don't love the headcanon that Ford is gay. I myself am aroace, and a lot of what he seems to experience in terms of romantic relationships and his feelings on them seem to align more with my own and lots of other aroace people that I know. And idk why but fandoms and esp just the lgbtq community in general seem to be really dismissive of aroace people (some don't even consider us queer but thats another post), and idk why but it just bothers me that anytime a character in canon expresses little to no intrest in romance it becomes almost automatically fanon that said character must be gay and not know it, as if being aroace just isn't an option. Because, I feel like those are two different experiences, not completely but, different enough since one can still feel romantic attraction and one feels little to none of it. I also think it's over looked/never discussed how much of Ford's struggles with romance can also come from trauma (being ostrochized, bullied, dont even get me STARTED on it post Bill, etc.) which I also relate to, as someone who for mental health related reasons hasn't dated in years. And I've met lots of people, including men, who have struggled with the same thing. I've had my best friend suggest to me multiple times that I might be a lesbian since men seem to scare me (I've tried, I am not one) and idk I just wish there was more space in fandom to discuss how trauma and being nd or even just being on the aroace spectrum (or all 3) might affect someone's dating life instead of just coming to the conclusion of "oh he struggles with women so poor guy must not know he's gay". Not saying if you headcanon Ford as gay that you're wrong, he can literally be whatever, he's not real. I just wish I had more people that shared this point of veiw on his character with me because I resonate with those parts of his character just in different ways.
I also want to preface that it gives me the personal ick that whenever a male character is more effeminate/eccentric people think that it's an automatic precursor to them not liking women. Like, idk I really hate that it's 2024 and people still base their hcs off of that. There are (very few but they exist) straight drag queens. Femininity is not inherently connected to being attracted to men.
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greenbunny7 · 2 months ago
Do you have any Gravity Falls headcanons?
Yeeesssss tysm for the ask! 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
This got kinda long, so the headcanons are under the cut.
I'm just gonna go character by character.
Ford headcanons
Ford is aroace.
He definitely had a situationship with Bill, but it wasn't romantic or anything like that.
Also, he would never in a million years forgive Bill Cipher.
Ford is terrible with computers.
Ford needs a nap. My otp is literally Ford x sleep
Ford is a good brother. And I will not be hearing otherwise.
Stan headcanons
Bi bi bi! Also, non binary, yes beanie.
Stan didn't immediately get all their memories back at the end of weirdmageddon, just the ones from the summer.
Literally, Soos's dad.
Stan is a good sibling. And I will not be hearing otherwise.
Dipper headcanons
Trans Dipper.
Dipper definitely gets that ghost hunting show when he grows up.
Fiddleford headcanons
Fidds got a one-sided crush on Ford (Ford is none the wiser about said crush).
Ford is like, "I'm so glad to no longer be traveling alone, cause now I have my bestist friend in the whole world with me."
Meanwhile, Fidds is internally screaming.
Thanks again for the ask, Anonymous. you know who you are. I mean, I don't. but you do, probably
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pinesfamilyguidetotheweird · 6 months ago
Huh...in addition to headcanonning that Ford is aroace...I can see him also nonbinary.
Because here's the thing...he's been through many dimensions over the past three decades and I doubt that all of them has the same gender concept as we do.
(Say he appears in a Dimension similar to the Gems from Steven Universe. The Gems are nonbinary by nature!)
So, I have a hard time believing that he would have a problem with gender identity and the like currently (in the past, maybe. Filbrick doesn't seem like the pride kinda guy if you catch my drift)
I can see Ford seeing all of these gender identities and realizing a bit about himself.
Hell, maybe he actually read about it in college. Nonbinary has a vast and rich history in of itself and maybe Ford stumbled across a book about it at some point. Or something he learned from his studies at Gravity Falls. Who knows.
And of course kept it to himself because...well, he's got enough baggage.
Ford does see himself as a man...but doesn't feel that he 100% fit the mold of a man.
Ford is an aroace nonbinary man for the win!!!!
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pinetreeparadoxx · 5 months ago
do you think billf0rd is meant to be canon in any way? i wont have a chance to read the books for a while. tbf im not the best at reading tone or between the lines anyway, or updated on lore things either, but i love the show (but not billf0rd).
one of my pals thinks people are reading with shipping glasses on, but a summary of b.o.b. i read seems like it does imply feelings, but i cant tell if thats intentional or is other characters being amatonormative about unhealthy relationships and behaviors.
sorry if this isnt the kind of ask you usually get, idrk any other gravity falls blogs
I personally think it's up to the eye of the beholder.
I think it's played up in the book for a joke by the writers, to some degree. Because it IS kinda funny to imply that lol, but also I don't really take it seriously. There's also a moment where Bill says that Ford isn't really attracted to much, and is more focused on planning and being logical.
But also I also am not really a fan of BillFord, not really at all. My personal headcanon is Ford is aroace and obsessed with Bill as an anomaly, a god, and someone who treats him as a genius. Bill's species, to me, is asexual (the biological definition) and reproduce via their magic or some other way. Bill does not think like a human, and thus doesn't have human rules of attraction.
To me, it's not romantic, or sexual, or like the normal ways we think of platonic. It's a secret fourth thing that's extremely toxic and messed up and leaves both characters worse off (for a while). And that isn't NOT supported by the book. The book can be read how YOU want it. It's written in a certain way to be funny, and it IS funny. The 'hee hee toxic exes' is written in a way that made me laugh a ton.
It was a terrible, fucked up relationship, which is shown in the show, elaborated on in the book, and HAMMERED home HARD in the thisisnotawebsite site. And the fun part is, YOU get to decide how to read and determine it.
I choose to see it as 'trickster god and devotee, where one thinks he is the god's equal and one thinks he is independent of any connections but is really not and HATES it' to sort of sum it up. You can also choose :)
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spinnysocks · 11 months ago
hey you know what? bless you . *aroaces your lion guard character*
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bugsinshoes · 11 months ago
What are your gravity falls characters headcanons?
gender and sexuality hcs:
dipper: trans guy, he/they, asexual, demiromantic/cupioromantic (IM ON THE FENCE SOOO lets just say hes arospec. maybe aroflux?)
mabel: either transfem or genderqueer (i love both), bisexual, she/her but im not opposed to the thought she uses neos/xenos
stan: transitioned to male but later found out hes genderfluid, bisexual, also arospec, he/him
ford: transitioned to male but later found out hes agender, asexual, demiromantic, and gay. as for pronouns he/him, but probably has a bunch of cool alien neos he picked up during his 30 years travelling. but mostly uses he/him for simplicity's sake
ford loves mabel juice. when ford came back dipper and him binged watched all of the star wars movies he missed. ford LOVES cats and i mean LOVES them (mabel is ecstatic when she finds out). dipper played guitar for probably like a month before giving it up completely. fiddleford gave ford his iconic coat during their college years. also the pines are all somewhere on the autism/adhd spectrums
theres like a BUNCH others i cant all put on one post + i cant remember atm sooo i hope these will suffice :D
BUT here are a couple links to some REALLY good character analyses that really resonated with me that you guys should totally check out (if you haven't already)
Why Stanford Pines from Gravity Falls is Autistic and Why it Matters
Gravity Falls and LGBTQ+ subtext: Decoding the Queercoding | A Video Essay
anyways, this was long. wow.
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astro-b-o-y-d · 8 months ago
Being on the aro spectrum while in a relationship/with past relationships makes it so much more satisfying to slap aro/aroflux headcanons on fictional characters.
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volt-reblogs-n-rambles · 2 months ago
Actually ok the oc chart is making me think about the crossover I'm cooking up and ok. Ok. Samus Aran and Stanford Pines are like two people on weird opposite yet similar sides of the character alignment. They're in a diagonal line on that chart thing. Samus is more of a creature than a human but she's got slightly more optimism even if she thinks she doesn't. Ford is more of a bastard, and that doesn't make him a bad person, just a person who's made bad decisions.
And man. They both have a martyr complex don't they? Or at least they do at one specific time (Samus "I have to send them to oblivion. Them, the station, and myself, if I have to" Aran vs Stanford "I brought him into this dimension, and I'll take him out. If it's the last thing I do" Pines. Oh no. Oh my gosh. Do you see it. Do you see why my brain picked Ford as my favorite because apparently being a Metroid fan for 10 years does that to you.
And neither of them can really afford to form friendships can they? At least with Ford pre-series finale (this post is thinking in terms of Portal Ford). Ford can't, won't let himself be tricked again, so why trust anyone. Why give them the chance? Meanwhile, Samus can certainly trust people (though certain big space governments are proving very suspicious as of Dread), but is she willing to get close to someone at the risk of endangering them?? Does she want to risk getting another person killed? Is it worth being the survivor of another story if it means that everyone else she cares about is gone?
This isn't even a ship thing. I'm not even shipping them, I think they'd be friends but DO YOU SEE THE CONNECTIONS OUGH
Anyway back to being normal on... well, this is a sideblog. Normal on sideblog. Mmhmm :]
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the-unlucky-foster · 3 months ago
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I was bored, so I drew Abi in a onesie (her pjs?)
Now, I'll explain age regression below, because not too many people in the fandom know about it, so heck it.
Age regression, to put it simply, is regressing into the mental state of someone younger. It can happen to both kids and adults, at any time.
Age regression is also a common coping mechanism for those who've had hard times, and is often a way to vent or release stress. Some people even regress because they want to.
In many cases, they have gear to use, like big ol' clothing, binkies, toys to play with, plus others.
It's usually nonsexual, and some actual age regression blogs don't want any 18+ blogs to interact with them, with one example being this. (credit to @zack-agere)
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(the proship part being the fact that billdip, billford, and dramione exists.)
Now, the reason I decided I would headcanon Abi as a regressor is, I dunno. I just thought she was cute, and I just put up @little-kitty-official, and I just decided to headcanon her as that. I mean, to be fair, she might’ve done it before to cope with the trauma of being attacked by her father, but I still don't know.
Anyways, that's my take. Please don't make fun of me or ostracise me. I recently had a nervous breakdown, and I'm pretty sick.
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lynn-the-lynn · 9 months ago
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edit: not a year i can't count 🥲
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dimonds456 · 9 days ago
Oh yeah if you read the notes on my last post I have another one for you
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lavendersixer · 4 months ago
my mystery trio AU headcanon (Fiddlestan):
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- Fiddleford finds out one day that Stanford has a twin brother, and was like "how have I known you since uni and you never once mentioned this" (Ford probably got drunk and blurted it out).
- Fidds also finds out about the whole "Stanley is estranged after being kicked out by our father" bit.
- Fidds really values family and he's kinda torn up with guilt that he left his wife and newborn to be here in the first place. He persuades Ford to invite Stan to Gravity Falls so they can make up (family therapy by proxy).
- Ford is aroace and Fidds is VERY repressed homosexual. The teeny tiny crush Fidds had on him died out in college because Ford doesn't want him like that.
- But when Fidds sees Stan.... wow. It's everything about Ford he was attracted to but BETTER. He's completely enamored. He's also taking the "am i gay" quiz STAT.
- Stan sees Fidds and practically has a cartoon AWOOGA moment. He's smitten at first sight, will do absolutely anything for this damn engineer.
- Stan is very open about his sexuality because in his mind, he has a lot more to worry about than who he fucks.
- Stanley wants to make amends with Ford because he never truly hated him, not really, and he knows it was mostly their father's fault anyway for favoring Ford.
- Stanley originally thinks Fidds and Ford are together just by the fact that they're grown men who moved in together. He thinks the whole "lab partner" title is an elaborate cover up for what's really going on. (It was the 80s.)
- And he's honestly a bit jealous, something something about Ford always being preferred over him. (He's very mentally ill okay...)
- "Oh no darling, Ford and I aren't like that"/"🙂"/"Between you and me, I reckon he doesn't have those types of feelings for anyone..."/"😄"/"Besides, I got my wife and kid at home"/"🤯🤯🤯😨😨☹️☹️"
(sorry guys i can't type in a southern accent)
- Fidds calls people pet names casually, makes Stan melt inside and also throw up.
- Fidds gets a letter from his wife serving divorce papers
- Stanley outside: ☹️☹️☹️ Stanley inside: 🤩🎉😍
- When they finally open up about their big fat crushes on each other Stanley is just so overwhelmed because for once in his life. HE is the first choice and not his brother.
- And during all of this Ford is off having a queer platonic situationship with a triangle
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dylanmct00ny · 7 months ago
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lots of cartoons boggling in my brain atm i desperately want to draw more bill possessing people its one of my favourite gravity falls things to draw, that and dipper with a big big massive forehead hehehe
btw crazy how most of the gravity falls characters are lgbt (all headcanons wahh) stan is aromantic, mabel is bisexual, dipper is trans, wendy is bisexual (CANON BTW!!), soos is pansexual, ford is asexual homoromantic and bill is aroace?!?!?! woaghhgh cant believe that's all true and factual!!!!!! /silly
normal show and the smiler man are here as well lol
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artsymeeshee · 6 months ago
Tbh I kinda wish the parallels between Dipper and Stan got more attention in the fandom. Mabel and Ford have been getting a little bit more attention (especially after the BoB released (which I still haven’t gotten but want to)) which I’m happy about but Stan and Dipper also have their similarities which don’t get a lot of attention.
Also your aroace!Ford art is always a treat on my dashboard and I’m happy to not be the only one clinging to that headcanon like a life preserver lol
I agree, you're not alone. I've been trying hard to come up with anything really for those two but I will figure something out! I know people point out that Stan sees Ford in Dipper but I also like to think he sees a lot of himself in Dipper as well.
Also thank you! :D Aroace Ford keeps me going
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