#apologies if i may have misinterpret nonbinary
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pinesfamilyguidetotheweird · 6 months ago
Huh...in addition to headcanonning that Ford is aroace...I can see him also nonbinary.
Because here's the thing...he's been through many dimensions over the past three decades and I doubt that all of them has the same gender concept as we do.
(Say he appears in a Dimension similar to the Gems from Steven Universe. The Gems are nonbinary by nature!)
So, I have a hard time believing that he would have a problem with gender identity and the like currently (in the past, maybe. Filbrick doesn't seem like the pride kinda guy if you catch my drift)
I can see Ford seeing all of these gender identities and realizing a bit about himself.
Hell, maybe he actually read about it in college. Nonbinary has a vast and rich history in of itself and maybe Ford stumbled across a book about it at some point. Or something he learned from his studies at Gravity Falls. Who knows.
And of course kept it to himself because...well, he's got enough baggage.
Ford does see himself as a man...but doesn't feel that he 100% fit the mold of a man.
Ford is an aroace nonbinary man for the win!!!!
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cazort · 13 days ago
Thank you for this thoughtful and thorough response, you have added another dimension I hadn't thought about thoroughly. I think I am more-or-less in agreement with you.
I agree with you 100% about other people not necessarily seeing gender the way I do, and that being okay. I agree about gender being personal. I am not saying "we need to be casual about the gender(s) people identify as" but rather "we need to normalize a broader range of language in casual usage so that we remove the sexist disparity in casually-gendered references."
I tend to see a big difference between formal speech and casual speech. In English, it may be a more blurry boundary than in languages like Japanese with the formality more built into it, but the distinction is still there.
In typical usage, words like "woman" and "man", which are more formal, are unambiguous. This is where it is generally agreed-on as offensive, and as misgendering, when we refer to someone with the wrong term.
However the word "guys" is ambiguous, usually meaning a group of male humans but also referring to a mixed-gender group.
Your original post astutely pointed out sexism and double standards in the way words like "guys" as well as "dude(s)" or "bro(s)" are used in these casual, ambiguous ways, but female-coded words are not used in corresponding ways. And this is related to the sexism in our society, how male is considered as the "default", which is closely intertwined with patriarchy.
I think it is entirely reasonable to assert boundaries about being referred to as a woman or man in more formal settings. It makes sense you would object more strongly to "bro" as that term is less commonly used to refer to women. And, also, anyone I know, if someone says "I don't want to be called such-and-such, please don't call me that." I will defer to them just out of respect, even if I find their request a little bit weird. It's like I'll change how I bake if someone has an allergy, I'll change how I talk if someone has trauma. Someone doesn't need to give me a reason, they can just say "please don't do that".
But...I think there is a point at which requests can be taken too far, especially when it comes to policing the use of casual language in a general setting. This may not have been your intent. I apologize if I misinterpreted your post in this way.
Where I was coming from, I have encountered MANY people who try very hard to police everyone's use of language. I.e. they're not just asserting "Hey, can you please not refer to me this way?" but they're making a prescriptive statement like: "We shouldn't refer to people this way."
I think this is taking it too far. I see a danger in asserting "this is my gender, therefore I want you to refrain from referring to me with such-and-such (casual) terms" in casual settings especially with people you don't know well.
Gender is already a bit of a minefield in society. Strictly-enforced gender roles hurt people of all genders. And people, especially people not familiar with more progressive views of gender, can be really worn down by coming into a new setting and suddenly have people get offended by their use of language. I find it difficult as a nonbinary person deep in subcultures that question and try to change language, so I'd imagine it could be even tougher for people less familiar with these subcultures, especially older people, and people with less free mental bandwidth to take these things on.
I am a strong believer in picking and choosing your battles, and as someone who deals with a great deal of backlash directed at me, resulting from other people who have been chastised, sometimes harshly and disrespectfully, by other people policing their language coming from a progressive perspective, I am acutely aware that wide-scale harm can come from "reaching for too much" in how we try to police other people's language.
So I wanted to make sure that your post was not intended (or interpreted by others) as advocating for this more aggressive sort of policing of language (i.e. "Don't call people dude/bro unless you know for sure they're comfortable with it!"). And it seems this was not your intent so I want to apologize for the misinterpretation and thank you for your clarification.
Is this making sense? This stuff is subtle. But I do think it is important!
yeah you're up on all of the latest preferred queer terminology but do you respond normally when a woman asks you not to call her Bro, Bruh, Dude, Guy, etc.?
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icewindandboringhorror · 4 years ago
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Okay, here’s a final answer, just for clarification - 
Firstly, please understand that I’m not angry, and I’m not upset. I just tend to speak very matter of factly, I guess? If I seem cold or something when typing this response, it's not a personal attack towards you or some display of aggression, that's just how I word things sometimes, I don't mean for them to be misinterpreted or want you to think I’m like getting mad with you or etc. Me disagreeing does not inherently equal me being mad about something, it merely means that I disagree, which is an emotion neutral action. If someone said 2+2 = 6, I would disagree, and openly so, but that doesn’t mean I’d also be like, crying about it or upset with them or something lol. 
 I actually even stated so at the end of my tags last time - 
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 So, I apologize if you interpreted my tone as being mean, but I was simply trying to be firm and direct in how I said things so you understand that it's a very serious matter, and I didn't want to be light about it. 
There was a bit of jokiness/sarcasm/exaggeration as well I suppose, but again, that’s not an inherent indicator of upset, just the way I speak - especially when your question can be seen as rude to begin with (which usually leads people to care less about faking positive emotions or seeming polite to others. If a person is not polite to you, you’re not likely to watch how you communicate as much or attempt to display high politeness back). My default state is a neutral flatness as I have a very shallow emotional range (shout out to schizophrenia spectrum negative symptoms and other various issues lol), any excessive positivity or “perkiness” or something that I display is just an attempt to be polite and communicate with others in a simple and kindly manner (in real life I’m often seen as too stoic, blunt, detached, cold, etc. lmao, so in general communication with strangers I tend to overcompensate to being excessively polite instead) - but that also means I can accidentally drop that sometimes if I’m being “real” or whatever. 
Anyway, now that concerns over my tone have hopefully been explained, I’ll address this issue about your previous ask in a numbered list. Please read ALL of this, if you are actually taking this seriously. If you don’t actually read, in detail (no skimming), this entire response, then this is not even a discussion since you’re not willing to genuinely engage in the first place. -  
Firstly, here is the original ask, for reference  ----
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 As for how your question can be rude: 
(1.) In my initial response (in the tags of your answer), I asserted various things, mostly that the question was rude, and that it’s not appropriate to ask people, for a variety of reasons. I’ll explain those in more length here. 
My main point is that even asking the question in the first place is rude. It doesn’t matter how specifically you word it, it’s not appropriate. Just like any personal issue. At least in my culture, it’s typically thought of as inconsiderate and inappropriate to ask random strangers personal questions. for example, it would be rude to approach a random stranger on the bus that you’ve never even seen before and ask them why the have the haircut they do, who their sexual partners are, if they’ve just had a death in the family, how well their marriage is going, what their gender is, etc. etc. 
(2.) On top of this personal boundary issue, another concern would be that the nature of the question itself is baseless -- 
Would you ask a cis woman why they're a woman? Or a cis man why he chose to be a man? Would you ask a straight person why they chose to be straight?
Would you find it acceptable and polite if a random stranger approached you on the street and asked you for an explanation as to why you're the gender you are? Imagine that exact scenario happening to you, and if you would find it odd or overstepping boundaries at all.  
I doubt you ask this same gender identity question to everyone in your life, to your parents, friends, the cashier at your grocery store.  Why is it only certain groups that need to explain or justify their identities to you? Only certain groups that you feel the inherent need to question? It's a double standard which further serves to prove the question itself is unnecessary. 
(3.) Additionally, in case you're genuinely unsure of tone (maybe you have difficulty reading social cues or something, that’s understandable) I will explain - the way in which the question was asked has certain implications. 
The statement “Why are you nonbinary? You seem like a pretty girl to me”, implies that - due to your beliefs about me/how you see me, you find it confusing that I could have a certain identity that you see as not matching your perception of me, or that you see as an invalid label, and are asking for me to justify or explain myself/my identity to you because of that. 
Even if this implied meaning was not intentional, it is what most people will interpret upon reading the question, and would be a commonly held understanding. There are other ways you could have asked the question which would be less condescending, yes, but again, the other points still stand (like that the question in itself is impolite to ask to strangers, etc.)
Again, revisit the imaginary scenario of a stranger approaching you on the street and asking you why you’re the gender you are - would there not be some of this implication present? For example, say you’re a man - would it not feel as if someone were questioning your manhood, or implying you weren’t truly a man, or must not be a man ‘correctly’, or that ‘man’ is not a valid label for how they see you? Why else would they approach you and ask you in confusion for you to justify your identity to them? The implication is that they don’t see you as a valid man, or at least not how they see a man, and thus are having a hard time accepting that someone like YOU could ever be a real man - that it’s hard for them to believe you are what you say you are, because they see you differently.
(3.a)  As an additional sidenote (one which I addressed in the tags replying to you initially), your ask (as well as this more recent one) also made certain assumptions. There are plenty of people who ''look like girls'' or 'look like boys' but aren't as they “seem”, even if you're someone who only believes in a “binary biological sex model” (I’ll include some links at the end about this). It's strange to assume someone's body parts or identity just based off of pictures you see on the internet (which often have specific lighting, angles, or in the case of many people are even edited and etc. I don't do this but it's really common nowadays with phone editing apps and stuff). Just because I appear a certain way to you, in no way implies that I have the physical form and traits you assume I have Consider how you may feel invalidated or uncomfortable if people sent you messages assuming personal things about you that are incorrect or that they have no way to possibly know.
 Your standards and perception are also not universal, various cultures and groups have different ideas about what outward traits would make someone considered a “man” or a “woman”, so making your judgement of someone else’s identity based only on your own (extremely shallow, since it’s only from online pictures) perception of them, is also inherently a bit flawed. 
(3.b-ish side tangent) In extension to this, your ideas and how you view me are likely incorrect. Just as it is similarly true that, from afar, any assumptions I make about you would likely be inaccurate as well. We are strangers.
For example, if you really knew me, you would know that I don’t pride myself in costumes and makeup - It’s a fun creative activity for me definitely, but I feel no pride over it, I don’t do it to look good or seem a certain way, and actually I resent it in a way, because often it feels like people mostly only pay attention to blurry pictures of me looking silly in cheap wigs, but don’t give that same level of engagement to the other more important things I do that I personally care about 100x more, like my worldbuilding and other projects lol. Absolutely nothing against the people who like my costumes, I appreciate them of course!!, and I still love doing costumes - BUT, to imply that it’s a primary source of pride in my life or a characteristic that defines me over other things, would be a mischaracterization. 
Anyone who knows me in real life would certainly list a million other stand-out traits to define me, rather than ‘pretty make up woman’ (most people I know in real life would also not describe me as ‘pretty’ or as a ‘woman’, just for reference lol). 
Your one sided perception of me (which I’ll address in the next section) may allow you to have a shallow idea of me as some sweet pretty costume girl or something, but just know that the reality is more like: I haven’t had much time lately to do costumes because I’m working on a game and other art which I see as much more important, I haven’t bathed or brushed my hair in weeks because of mental illness/functioning issues, 99% of the time I’m not ‘’dressed up’’ - I wear the same pajamas and cardigan that I’ve worn for the past 3 years and barely wash to the point that it’s disintegrating and leaves fabric scraps around the house lol, I have a little moustache right now and a unibrow and other “””non-womanly”””” traits (at least by common media western standards, which is what I assume you go by), I’m excessively analytical, detached, and in real life you would probably see me as blunt and cold and cynical (also commonly missing social cues) - as well as being hugely asocial/ a hermit and mostly lacking the ability to form attachments to others (So definitely not  ~pretty and cute and approachable~ ghgg), I have obsessive compulsive disorder and am regularly so anxious that I’m throwing up and have various other issues - I’m also not Fun or Cool or Spontaneous because I’m too busy being rigid and high strung lol (even before the pandemic, I don’t like to leave the house or interact much at all with others, I’d rather be in my little controlled environment where I don’t have overwhelming sensory information and distractions raising my anxiety constantly),, and my favorite activities are literally all just stuff like pacing around my home alone talking to myself in different voices creating gods and fake religions for my fantasy worldbuilding while I eat boiled cabbage and light little pieces of paper on fire over a candle to help me think - not doing makeup and other Pretty Woman Things. 
Which I don’t want to be too harsh or focus on this tangent too much, since obviously as you don’t know me in real life, these are all things you couldn’t possibly be aware of, and it simply comes with the territory of posting publicly online - so I absolutely don’t blame you for perceiving me incorrectly. If “pretty” pictures are all you see, then that may very well be the only impression that you have. I just personally dislike this certain interpretation some people have seemed to have of me (you’re not the first person to think of me as a Pretty Makeup Girl or whatever lol), since it’s so completely opposite from the truth of who I am, I feel the need to explain it like this sometimes. Just accepting the false perception some people have of me without any argument feels disingenuous and like supporting a version of myself that doesn’t exist. 
 So anyway, no issue with you personally, but just trying to set the perception of me straight a little more accurately lol.. now, back on topic -- 
(4.) Lastly, and here’s the main thing I’d like to stress, there's the issue of personal boundaries. Again, you're a complete stranger to me, I don't know who you are, and you have no idea who I am. Even if you've followed me online for years and read every post I've ever made, you still have no idea who I truly deeply am, only a vague scattering of snapshots over time.  
Here are some definitions for Parasocial Relationships: 
“Parasocial relationships are one-sided relationships, where one person extends emotional energy, interest and time, and the other party, the persona, is completely unaware of the other's existence. Parasocial relationships are most common with celebrities, organizations (such as sports teams) or television stars.”
“Parasocial interaction (PSI) refers to a kind of psychological relationship experienced by an audience in their mediated encounters with performers in the mass media, particularly on television.[1] PSI is described as an illusionary experience, such that media audiences interact with personas (e.g., talk show host, celebrities, fictional characters, social media influencers) as if they are engaged in a reciprocal relationship with them. The term was coined by Donald Horton and Richard Wohl in 1956. “
This is all anyone can ever have with people they follow online. You can perceive them, but you cannot know them or truly understand them. I think this is very important to remain cognizant of in such a massive social media age, as often times people are fostering one sided concepts that are inaccurate or unhealthy (no so much with just you sending me a simple ask, but in a broader sense, how people act towards celebrities, other bloggers, etc. etc. seems to have little boundaries, and often results in a similar manner with people forgetting to maintain acceptable boundaries with those they follow or know about from afar). 
-- This next part is very important, I think it’s a super valuable way of thinking about this sort of stuff, so if you take away nothing else from this, at least remember this next portion -- 
A very good way to think about online boundaries that I heard someone mention in a post once (though I can no longer find the post), is to take whatever you're going to say to someone online, and imagine saying it in person, in real life, to a barista. Before you send an ask or make a comment, think about if it’s something you would really genuinely say face to face to a stranger. 
Would you walk into a random Starbucks and ask the dude at the counter a bunch questions about their gender identity? Or about his personal life in general? You probably recognize that that would be strange and socially inappropriate. It's similarly inappropriate in a case like this. 
Even though you may feel a sense of familiarity with someone online from reading their social media posts, or even speaking to them once or twice through asks and etc. etc., at the end of the day you don’t really know each other much more than you’d know a random stranger. 
Unless someone is inviting personal questions (like by reblogging those ‘ask me anything’ posts or etc.), or has the sort of blog where they are commonly asking people about/discussing their own intimate personal experiences or etc. (mine is not this way), then questions like this are very out of the blue and similar to asking a random person working at a store things like that. It can be seen as rude and inappropriate in general to give those sorts of questions to people who are complete strangers, and typically comes off as crossing personal boundaries. Again, think about a random stranger asking you these questions, and how you may perceive it. 
In summary: 
1. The question itself is borne from an double standard and isn't very good to ask in the first place. 2. The way you asked the question was worded  with certain implications. 3.  Your ask is also assuming certain things that you don't know are true, which can be uncomfortable for some people. 4. Even were it not for the three other things, it's commonly considered rude in many cultures to ask serious questions about the personal details of complete strangers, even if it's online. It could prove useful to utilize the ‘barista test’ to better determine this in the future. 
Final Thoughts: 
Anyway, I wasn't mad and I have no beef with you or whatever lol. Hopefully you can understand what I mean. I've also explained myself as well as I think I can though, so I don't feel like discussing it any more and won't respond to further asks about this. I have a lot of things going on in my life right now (as I'm sure everyone does given the pandemic and everything, you probably do too, so hopefully you can empathize with that), so I’d like to limit my time spent online, especially discussing topics I already don’t like to discuss or am not open to accepting questions about (I just want to talk about cats and elves and stuff lol). 
 If you still can't at least kind of get where I'm coming from then it's perfectly fine to just agree to disagree. If aspects of myself upset you or cause you discomfort, then there's no harm in just unfollowing me or something! Or if you don't even follow me, I would encourage you to block me so my posts no longer come across your dash (or block/unfollow me on whatever other social media you may be seeing my posts on ,etc)., etc. That way you don't have to see content or hear from someone who makes you uncomfortable that way, and there also won't be any need for this to come up in the future. Part of using the internet in a healthy and productive manner is to know when to disengage with certain content and just cut it off/unfollow/block people/etc. if it’s causing you unnecessary conflict or distress, or makes you uncomfortable or etc. to look at. Thank you for the question! Hopefully this response explained things a little better. 
Links and Further Info: 
On the off chance that you were genuinely curious, here are some resources where you can learn more about people of different gender identities and also hear them explain their experiences, etc.  Since these people are actually openly discussing their experiences/making educational content and are obviously actually open to talking about it,  that would be a better place to field any further questions or learn about things. :3
Here’s some reading - 
Understanding Nonbinary People (link)
Gender Variance Around the World (link)
12 Questions About Nonbinary Gender Answered (link)
About the Sex Binary (link)
Ask LGBT subreddit (link)
one ‘ask a nonbinary person’ blog i found (I don’t know if they’re still active, it’s one of the first ones that came up for me lol, but I guess could be helpful) (link)
And here’s some videos with people talking about their experience, or being educational - 
(NOTE: I just did a quick google search and did not deeply research these people and their entire histories and etc., so I can’t say I stand by literally everything they say or know what type of people they are, but it’s just a general place to start~!)
A video examining the idea of gender in general and how it even exists and nonbinary people (definitely interesting to watch) (link)
video about nonbinary gender/explanations (probably at least watch this one too) (link)
What is a nonbinary gender? (shorter general info) (link)
answering all your nonbinary questions q&a (link)
Video about binary sex/gender/etc. (link)
5 nonbinary people explain what nonbinary means to them (link)
another video about similar stuff (link)
#Please stop sending me asks about this now. I just want to talk about elves and cats and fantasy writing and stuff#No personal questions unless I specifically comment on something/initiate the discussion or they're about my art or something else I'm doing#lol... especially with everything going on this year#just a big Let Me Relax I Will Deal With Anything Even Remotely Stressful Later mood#ANd anon if you're still here - go listen to 'And the beat goes on' by The Whispers#no real reason gjhgjhg it's just a good song and I had it playing while I was proofreading#(also for context - it hasn't just been two asks - I'm pretty sure this person sent me others. If that's not true then I apologize anon -#but I definitely got multiple asks that were mentioning similar things/of a similar tone (intentionally referring  to me as a 'girl' 'woman'#consistently and in a kind of agressive way or etc. (which you can block asks even if they're on anon (i think it's just an IP block) so if#it was indeed this anon sending them then they may be blocked from sending any more asks already because I blocked all those weird ones#I got lol. if it wasn't them then they should still be fine though- but anyway. there were other messages being sent#etc. consistently - which only happened after the first initial ask and would happen regualrly so. etc. etc. Just wanted to mention it since#the 'stop sending me asks about this now' comment doesn't make much sense if you think there was only two asks lol. I'm preetty sure#there were more - though of course they're all anon so I can't confirm. ANYWAY - again.. i have no beef with you but if we don't agree then#please just disengage and stop following my content/sending me asks - and maybe watch some of the videos and stuff or go to#other reasources if you really want to know about this stuff because I'm just not the right person/in the correct mindset to explain it to#you. I can barely do basic daily functions like making sure I eat 3 times a day lol.. I don't have the mental energy to write educational#essays and etc. but SOME people do - which is why pursuing other resources is important. ALSO - listen to The Whispers. that is my#final advice.. put on some good music and just dance and eat some cheddar cheese or something. this will soothe every issue )
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clarenecessities · 5 years ago
so shit’s fucked
here is a timeline
two people in a 70 person server discuss the SU movie in the general chat channel, using spoiler tags because it had just recently been released. this lasts five posts.
alyson comes into the general chat channel and says man, isn’t it a bummer that SU is n*zi apologia and racist and actively harmful?
Donnie says yes, it’s harmful, but drop the n*zi comment because RS is jewish (alyson does not, then or the other two times donnie asks, despite donnie being jewish himself). He later says he doesn’t care about SU at all
Synth says it’s understandable that people would drop the show because of poor handling or the racism issues, but agrees that n*zi is too far when there’s genuine propaganda out there
Beta says yes, the writers could have handled things better, but reducing the message of the show to “n*zi good” is a deliberate misinterpretation
A fourth person comes in briefly to say they also don’t care about SU and that this should probably be in the discourse channel.
About halfway through the conversation, after his second request to stop calling SU apologia was met with a sourceless insistence that other jewish people criticized it (though alyson did not specify whether they used the term n*zi apologia), Donnie told her she was taking this very personally, which Alyson met with “Am I? I said a thing, said it was unpopular, and left it. and then got swarmed?”
At this point she held ~46% of the conversation.
She then abruptly left, saying, “like. Hooooboy, there's so much assuming and passion and defensiveness going on here, so I guess I'll leave since I've seen this all before and know for a fact that no one is going to let it rest.“
She held 41% of the final conversation. Everyone who weighed in was either explicitly open to criticizing SU or completely indifferent, and were simply asking her not to refer to the work of a Jewish nb woman as n*zi apologia.
Alyson writes a post. The introduction is more or less “if you uncritically like SU, unfollow me” and goes on to say she underestimated how few people in the neopets fandom recognize its harmfulness. She says she’d been thinking about leaving the Neolodge discord for a while, but her mind was made up on the 3rd when she saw "a lot of hype and support" (5 posts), four full days before she posted in the general chat. She says she "was swarmed by questions asked by people who didn't want to hear [her] answers." (there were two questions asked of her: “did you just kind of want to get mad at us for enjoying steven universe?” and “were you venting?")
She says that SU is her “litmus test” of sorts, implying--possibly by accident--that she was then testing the Neolodge by dangling some SU-discoursey bait. 
The post was tagged #the problem isn’t liking a thing and #it's denying anyone from not-liking it for very valid reasons
Except the problem was demonstrated to be specifically that she was asked not to use a particular term to describe that not-like
7 months later, 4/16/2019
There is a Neolodge board on our own neopets.gov. Alyson shows up and is polite & sociable until more people that she recognizes filter in. She neomails hollis to broach the subject of what had happened in september, saying “from what i remember it was mostly synth who was very reactionary and aggressively posting at me because i criticised steven universe“ which, if you’ll review the logs, is both not about synth, who only posted twice (probably an honest mistake), but also grossly mischaracterizes the nature of the incident. Over the next day or so she and Hollis discuss the nature of the lodge and what transpired in September. Hollis emphasizes that the Neolodge has never been a place for bigots or their sympathizers, and Alyson goes radio silent.
Alyson writes a new post. It tells a different narrative than we see play out in the logs. Her summary of events is as follows:
So, when wondering on the chat if anyone else was critical of the franchise, instead the chat suddenly sped up and i was swarmed by a bunch of anti-criticism fans who almost immediately -instead of reading my beginning attempts to elaborate on where i was coming from- posted over and over again that rebecca sugar is a marginalized voice and as such, immune to criticism, and how dare I insinuate a jewish woman of writing nazi apologia.
To reiterate, she began a discussion. Every person who responded was either openly critical of SU or indifferent. They were not suggesting RS is immune to criticism because she’s marginalized; they were in fact largely agreeing with the criticisms that Alyson raised, but asking her to be more conscious of the impact her choice of terms could have (and in fact was having).
I (a neurodivergent, mentally ill, pansexual aromantic woman, aka also a marginalized voice) was talked over and treated as if i ate babies. Obviously, I left the neolodge discord after that.
Again, she held 41% of the conversation--and by her own admission had already been planning to leave the Neolodge, and had thrown down this final ‘litmus test’ despite not wanting to engage with the results.
Now, obviously marginalization isn’t a contest. There’s no “I have more problems” or “I have worse problems” that will ever get us anywhere constructive. As I said in my own reply to her post, this was not a matter of RS being untouchable because she’s marginalized, but of Alyson’s behavior when asked not to draw the comparison between RS’s work and literal N*zi apologia.
Hollis refused to read and think about what i had said and the information i linked to, despite apparently going back in the discord chat and viewing the whole mess, where i had also laid out information to back up my observations.  Instead, my voice talked over, my words and concerns discarded, I was treated as if I had committed some heinous act, and if i had changed as a person then maybe they might let me back in to the neolodge.
Now being privy to the entire conversation, I can assure anyone reading this that Hollis read & thought about everything Alyson said very seriously. We had an in-depth and nuanced discussion, and ultimately realized that this was not simply a matter of whether or not SU is a poorly handled cartoon or full-on apologia. It was a matter of Alyson’s unwillingness to engage in a discussion she herself began, her repeated refusals to respect the comfort and wishes of our Jewish members, and her later misconstruals of the conversation as a ‘bombardment’.
Alyson insists she did not call RS a n*zi, and that critiquing the show is not equivalent to doing so, but unfortunately ended that thought with this:
Words mean things: look up apologia.
Now, I’ve already pointed this out, but apologia means “a formal written defense of one’s opinions or conduct.” Thus, every time Alyson has insisted SU is actual, literal N*zi apologia, she means that a Jewish nonbinary woman conceived of and executed an explicit defense of fascism, n*zis, the H*locaust, regardless of how involved she was or wasn’t in the production of the show itself.
Personally, I choose to believe that Alyson herself is unaware of the definition, and instead meant that SU makes excuses for fascism, or alludes to n*zis, or much gentler (if still harmful) language. I choose to believe that she’s conflating it with an apology, and simply didn’t follow her own advice.
The Neolodge is home to actual children/minors/underage people and most of the people in the incident were younger than 21. That is children.  I was getting annoyed at young non-adults. 
This is blatantly false. The Neolodge has always been a minor-free space, and there’s been discussion of upping the minimum age to 20. That Alyson herself is 30 may have skewed her perception, but as you can see in our response to this angry anon, we have always been concerned with the protection of minors & the promotion of a safe, comfortable atmosphere.
Alyson goes on to say that she had liked & trusted Hollis, and this came with no prior warning--presumably because Hollis had been polite and even friendly when she came to our board, and they hadn’t interacted much over the previous months since her exit from the discord.
So if you’re like me, and don’t put up with bullshit, and refuse to lie down and let bigotry get further footholds into western culture and be lauded for it, consider staying away from the neolodge and users like hollis and synthaphone
I still don’t quite understand how we got here, tbh. People standing up against a stark refusal to respect someone’s comfort as a Jewish person has somehow been skewed to mean they’re the bigots, and “western culture” is in danger, specifically from this gay nb & their nefarious lesbian pal, who spoke the least of anyone in the conversation.
I can’t speak to what’s going through her head right now. I don’t even know if she read the replies enough to know she was spreading misinformation about the Lodge’s age restrictions, let alone her (hopefully accidentally) drawing an obliquely antisemetic portrait of RS. I’m not even mad at her at the moment so much as confused. I genuinely don’t understand her rationale or what she thinks would motivate us to do the things she says we’ve done. I don’t think she’s a bad person, or even that her actions would be unfair if the situation were what she’s purported it to be.
But the fact of the matter is, it isn’t. She tried to start a fight seven months ago and has been hanging onto it since, convinced that she was in the right, never considering the express opinions of the people she claimed were so passionate about the show she so loathes. She’s attempting to drag Hollis’s name through the mud because they were kind enough to give her a chance to explain her side of things & she squandered it by instead parroting the talking points of the video we had all watched back in September, when she originally posted it.
She’s throwing Synth in for good measure, because they’re the only person she could be bothered to identify.
It’s not a true account of events, she made no effort to have a good-faith conversation at any point (particularly about her own behavior), and frankly it’s unfair. It’s easy to dump snippets of DMs and announce that you’re blocking anyone who disagrees with you, sure--it can even be good for you. But in this case it’s more of what we saw all those months ago in the discord, when she tried to stir the pot and left after scarcely 30 posts had gone by; it’s cowardice. It’s a way to frame the narrative in such a way that she can maintain her illusion of moral superiority, secure in the knowledge that everyone who has criticized her or her behavior is a bigot and and writes n*zi "apologia” apologia.
She’s isolating herself from the community one group at a time, and I still don’t know why, because she won’t talk to me about it. She won’t talk to any of us about anything that isn’t SU, and I don’t care about SU. I care about her & her motivations, and I’m starting to accept I’m never going to truly know either.
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silenceinthenull · 5 years ago
I should probably actually set some ground rules here shouldn't I? Probably should have done it sooner actually.
Lets start with what I will do.
I will respond to every prompt I receive, not always with a story, but I will respond so that you know I got it.
I will do write most kinds of stories from fluff to whump.
I will add or change tags if anyone needs me to.
I will always ask permission to put anything on this blog that I did not make. (If you make something for something I made I will always double check, even if it specifically says you want me to see it.)
Now for what I won't do.
I won't write NSFW content. (I may imply something happened but I will never write out a scene about it.)
I won't write character death. I can never bring myself to do it...
Here's some stuff about me.
I have ADHD and a mild form of autism. I am high functioning but I can often misinterpret things.
I am a cis white woman. I don't claim to understand the deep and omnipresent hardships minorities face and I will not write about them without being specifically asked to because I do not want to misrepresent them in any way that makes them seem less serious then they really are.
I am acearo. I am not sex repulsed and sexual content does not upset me specifically. (beyond the "Wayne doesn't want NSFW stuff being made" thing. If you make content like that and you make it so it is something he is likely to ever see you're an asshole. Make it if you want, but don't make it public.)
I am more comfortable writing some characters then others. In order of most comfortable to least those characters are: Gordon, Benrey, Tommy, Coomer, Bubby, Darnold, G-man and finally forzen. (I have no clue how to actually write forzen...)
The average time it takes me to respond after seeing a prompt varies based on how I'm answering it. If I'm asking for clarification I usually only takes me a few minutes. If I'm responding with information or a headcanon it usually takes up to 30 minutes. If I'm wrong a story it can take anywhere from 30 minutes to a couple days if I'm not having difficulties for some reason or another. Unless my ask box is closed I will always want more prompts.
I will be changing this post as time goes on.
I should probably but my headcanons here so that you all know what I would be willing to write.
The only reason Gordon was so aggressive to benrey during the series was because he was having a string of mental breakdowns and couldn't control his temper. He normally is very polite and gentle.
Benrey, Tommy and Mr. Coolatta (G-man) aren't human. I don't know what they are, but they're not.
Tommy, Benrey and Gordon are all mildly autistic at least. Bubby might also be mildly autistic but its difficult to tell sometimes.
Gordon thinks benrey is hilarious when he's not having a breakdown. Benrey is a massive flirt. They get together pretty much immediately after the series because benrey genuinely apologized and Gordon had time to calm down after everything.
Bubby and dr. Coomer are married and hopelessly romantic. They adore eachother.
Tommy is acearo (that's not me projecting, I just genuinely see him as someone who has lots of friends but no romance.) And is best friends with darnold.
Gordon and mr. Coolatta are great dads and no one can change my mind. They would go to war for their children.
Mr. Coolatta tries to help a lot, but something usually gets in his way.
Everyone human is cis Male. Bubby is agender, but probably couldn't care less and is fine with either he/him or they/them. Benrey is somewhere between nonbinary and masculine, same pronouns as bubby.
"Forzen is an asshole. I wish he wasn't, but he threatened to kill a dog over a guy on the internet and nothing will change that.
Forzen and benrey were dating. Forzen was terrible to and for benrey."
Okay, so I was wrong. Something can change the above. I've been given a story for frozen that saves his character and I'm using it. Now he's a himbo with a tragic past and no clue what a dog even is.
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slavmaedasaga · 4 years ago
Cracking “Journal of Slavmaeda” Enigma-encrypted text
EDIT: Do not reblog this post. If my interpretation of the rules is correct, it’s forbidden by the fanfic’s author.
Greetings. On September 7th, 2020, at 7:20 PM, CEST, @fieldofsunflowers8 found a piece of fanfiction titled “Journal of Slavmaeda” on Archive Of Our Own. As of September 8, 2020, 8:00 PM, CEST, the work has three chapters. The link:
At the end of Chapter 1, it contains something coded in Enigma:
cqgwp zwgiz vdolj brhed eidnr pmbfg fssyf iqdgb mcjfi vvyzd bkqcr quvca grbqe pqdnc nwiir wyrbc fxbuo qzzpu cbrkf mprlh mqhin jimiw okrzk kgedj jeats tsxyt jpnzw swzrw iimdg iku
As of August 8th, 2020, 8:02 PM CEST, the meaning of the message is unknown.
Some words were italicized in the text:
enigma, machine,  Kirigiri Jin, Momota Kaito, like Komaeda Nagito, blood, Kuzuryu,  too, Owari, like, 3,  Komaeda Nagito, chest
Based on “enigma” and “machine” we deduced that the text is coded in Enigma, while with “Kirigiri Jin” and “Momota Kaito” we deduced that the model is most likely Railway Enigma “Rocket I”.
Other than that, our ideas were not enough to decrypt the text.
We got some hints in the second chapter:
Too is a homophone.
Rocket is correct.
You are misinterpreting the word like.
I wish you luck. [Note: in the fanfic, the word was underlined, however, I cannot see this option on Tumblr.]
I should note that we were interpreting the word “like” as indicating similarity, rather than fondness.
Our attempts still are not enough to solve this.
Later, the third chapter was posted, and provided us with a word scramble:
otSua, siTiumk, a dnlbeo oewsh tlsa mnea gesnib ihwt S.
[Translation: Satou, Tsumiki, a blonde whose last name begins with S.]
The three names refer to characters related to “Twilight Syndrome Murder Case”. “A blonde whose name begins with S” refers to Saionji Hiyoko. 
I should note that other characters involved in it include Koizumi Mahiru, Kuzuryu siblings - Fuyuhiko and Natsumi, and Mioda Ibuki.
It was also noted:
“If decoded and interpreted correctly, a passing remark of mine may become the only evidence that is needed. Let it be only a last resort.“
I personally suspect the “passing remark” may be one of those three sentences:
I wish you luck.
V igorous it may be, but  I ’m sure it is not hard to discover. [Note: V and I are separated.]
A small breakdown or nothing at all.
And six sentences, out of which two are stated to be true:
All numbers are irrelevant to the rotors.
Like does not refer to Hinata’s chest size (91) or Hinata.
The blood type of Komaeda is the ring letter of rotor 1.
Kuzuryu and Owari are in italics to confuse you and are completely unrelated to the solution.
Kirigiri Jin and Momota Kaito are not both intended to figure out the enigma model. Only Kirigiri is.
Most of the positions and rings are by letter, but the third rotor is based on numbers.
I should note that there are fifteen possible combinations of true and false sentences.
It was also said that:
I will grant you a hint but at a price. You are figuring out what is true and what is a lie.
Glitter stated that she apparently is good at figuring out “truths and lies”, and pointed at those two sentences as true:
Kuzuryu and Owari are in italics to confuse you and are completely unrelated to the solution. 
Kirigiri Jin and Momota Kaito are not both intended to figure out the enigma model. Only Kirigiri is.
As of September 8th, 2020, 9:12 PM CEST, it is unknown if she was right. We also do not have any other clue than this.
Less than a minute after posting the latest update on our progression, I found that the fanfic updated:
The separated V and I were nothing more than mistakes from an undone clue. In that way, you could think of it like a cheat sheet. An answer to the lie puzzle.
In case you cannot understand, think of boots and connect the dots.
The word scramble results have no connection to Twilight Syndrome Murder Case. Koizumi Mahiru and Mioda Ibuki will not come into play. Neither will Tsumiki Mikan or Saionji Hiyoko.
I suspect the first statement means hints I and V are true, or, is the position and ring number of some rotor.
Statements I and V are:
All numbers are irrelevant to the rotors.
Kirigiri Jin and Momota Kaito are not both intended to figure out the enigma model. Only Kirigiri is.
As of September 8th, 2020, 9:20 PM CEST, I have no other ideas.
On September 9th, 2020, around 6-7:30 AM CEST, I have discovered that the fifth chapter was posted. It contained another message in Enigma:
zmyjn rdjxb ojbfm tejwm mfkng kfccm qsgtw rmynt spezc kepzf iiing pcjsi vqoqf aapdi gespd vdayg fkons tnlgr gtlmn zejlc hkvja azbbm adwfc hatdw oizje mveqa mncxd wnwev bodzu zsnjy atvbv opmow oev
This time, it was stated that the code was simpler. Also, more data was already provided:
The message is encoded in Enigma I. The rotors are all I.
Rotor I position and ring: Hot pink, purple, blue.
Rotor II position and ring: Yellow, white, purple, black.
Rotor III position and ring: Pink, white, purple, black, blue.
I quickly recognized that those are pride flags: bisexual, nonbinary and genderfluid.
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Putting in their shortened forms did not work. The fic was later updated to say that:
I apologize. It seems I have given false information. The 3rd rotor is actually III.
I have quickly updated the rotor number and got:
the solution to the word scramble you currently have is incorrect
only the first rotor is one 
the position of the first rotor is p and the ring is t representing komaeda nagitos like of pretty things
Interestingly, the author of the fanfic also included six rules:
There are 6 forbidden actions. I use the term rather than rules because they are irrational.
1) You cannot ask for hints at all for this code.
2) You cannot speak of this chapter in the Slavmaeda channel.
3) A former Slavmaeda tumblr head cannot share their solution with anyone but a fellow former Slavmaeda tumblr head. You can say you have the answer or hint at what is true, but giving the solution or showing it is unacceptable.
4) You cannot tell others of this chapter in the Slavmaeda channel in any situation. If it is mentioned in a post, you cannot share that post in the channel until you have properly decoded the text.
5) If I suspect that you have broken a rule above or witnessed a rule being broken, I am allowed to take action.
6) All rules except 5 are invalid if Firanka is participating in a discussion.
I currently do not know why all discussion of this chapter is prohibited unless I am present. 
My apologies for lack of updates. The rules have been changed to my disadvantage.
From the time I last updated this post, seven new chapters have been posted.
We have cracked the original enigma.
It says:
My name is Slavmaeda. I have stolen the title of Russian president from Ouma Kokichi-san. As the man who danced alongside myself in the "Fingers in His Ass” video would say, get dunked on.
We were enraged, as we expected the solution to tell us the identity of the author.
Chapter 6 forbid me from speaking about this fanfic on my own on days other than Wednesdays.
It also provided additional tips for solving the enigma.
Between the release of Chapters 7 and 8 we finally cracked it. I included the solution above.
Chapter 8 provided another enigma and a promise of a game. The enigma was never solved.
xy nqo bdji rpeq ue. b pn acbh oqdeduuxw. dspc hvh rvt jojbk, l zev rs umtv fwvqhm axvtx hnw fn. noklt mqtgddk pi ea elq. yh sml rk doqvm ugi jtxgwe btv zyoohuc.
hbj z ydp'h qgcmo vxsganv, nyv j? wncl erye.
tq'm irpmfsp ceyx
z vuv gnm adyy esjqslv, oss?
We also received tips:
Fried sugar, 6m
1 October, 4m
First Blow, 10m
Breathing Hana-san, 12m
With Chapter 9, we found out about the nature of the game - the title was “Secret Hitler”. Its rules were also described within the chapter.
Chapter 10 provided the link to the game. The victors were Marshpy and Glitter, who received additional tips.
After that, Author-san joined Tropical Despair Discord server, and the new Slavmaeda Discord. They later invited us to another game, “Buffet”. It was a game invented by Author-san themselves. We were provided around 60 words, most of which were dummies, and six phrases, which we were supposed to define with the phrases. While Author-san said it should take us around 10 minutes, it actually took us several hours. We still needed a high amount of assistance, and we only had the solution once Author-san revealed it to us.
Author-san also stated they are Glitter, and Glitter confirmed it.
The meaning of the word scramble was confirmed to be:
Satou, Tsukimi, a blonde whose last name starts with S.
Which, rather than tying into “Danganronpa” series, referenced characters from “Your Turn to Die”.
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A later chapter stated that this was not true. As of September 16th, 2020, 22:15 we do not know the true identity of Author-san.
Today we also received a new chapter, and another game offer.
Interestingly, the chapter, despite its number being divisible by two, did not wish us luck in any way.
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sapphicconservative · 5 years ago
(pronouns anon) did you even read the second ask i sent? it’s literally the second sentence. pronouns are not the be-all end-all of gender. i clarified what i meant. i apologize for my wording in the first ask and concerning GNC/nonbinary mixup. my point still stands that pronouns do not constitute gender. that concept of pronouns showing someone’s gender is a societal concept (as are most things, but that’s not what this is about).
Hmm... Perhaps I misread? It certainly came off to me as a continuation of your previous ask than a more separate post. While we don’t see eye to eye on this topic, I do appreciate the apology, and I also apologize for misinterpreting your previous ask.
I don’t have it in my to continue this debate much longer as I’m rather tired and I’m trying to clear up my inbox some, so here are some sources on the English language and gendered pronouns.
I don’t fully agree with this article as it includes MOGAI pronouns, but this does a good enough job breaking down the linguistical reasons for why the English language has gendered pronouns.
This is a college’s English writing stance on gendered pronouns. Chances are if you’ve taken an advanced English course or taken English at a college level, you’ve used this site before. Source.
If you read both of these and still disagree with me, then that’s fine. You obviously are seeing something about this situation that I cannot see. It may be best for us to end up agreeing to disagree.
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guiltyidealist · 5 years ago
1) I am calm. I normally would have just snapped and blocked you because my patience for transphobia (even unintentional; see below) is rather thin.
2) Being transphobic doesn't simply mean "hating trans people". It's any kind of bigotry, oppression, or discriminatory treatment of trans people on the basis of their trans identity. For example, it was transphobic to refer to us as "transsexual"-- even though you didn't know! But you corrected yourself and know better now, and that's what's important. If a trans person informs you that something is transphobic, you ought to do what you did-- apologize, correct yourself, and do your best not to do it anymore in the future. Even trans people can be transphobic, such as trans men saying there are only two genders (transphobic toward nonbinary people).
3) I think I'm confused about what you originally meant. I think I may have misinterpreted it, but I don't know what else it would have meant.
Could you maybe reblog this post if you think respecting trans peoples’ names and identities is a basic right and not a political opinion?
No pressure. Just seeking some validation of my sentiment. Due to some. people
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nightcoremoon · 8 years ago
now that I've driven home and had a few minutes to cool off and collect my thoughts, I feel I should explain myself to the people who have been following me and know who i am so I don't damage my relationship or reputation more than I probably already have. there was a post that an autistic person I follow made, where he vented about bigotry against autistic people, and ended with a passive aggressive "...janice". there was another post that a nonbinary person I follow made where they vented about bigotry against gender nonconforming people, and ended with a passive aggressive "...denise". I'm not 100% sure which was which but I DEFINITELY remember the posts, as well as the profile pictures of the people who posted them. I don't remember the urls though, and even if I did remember them I wouldn't list them in case the people who are now harassing and spamming me in my inbox and activity feeds decided to also hop on their [proverbial] dicks as well as mine because they apparently culturally appropriated those post templates, of ending extended rants about various bigots and ending them with names befitting of middle aged suburban soccermoms, karen. now, when listing people of this demographic, I used to include white among those adjectives. however, there are black middle aged suburban soccermoms, hispanic middle aged suburban soccermoms, and asian middle aged suburban soccermoms, and pretty much people of every race who have the potential to be this type of person the practice strawmans. obviously not every single middle aged suburban parent of children who participate heavily in after school activities is going to be the type of person to scream at retail workers or starbucks baristas or people who cut off their minivans when they're driving 15 under the speed limit in the left lane. not every single middle aged suburban person is an undeducated bible thumping bigot with their head shoved up their ass. not every one of them is a problematic piece of shit that stands by the #alllivesmatter crew or trump or whatever the republicans are rallying around this week. not even all of the white ones, and there are some people who fit the trope who are not white. I've dealt with many of them during my days at target, but I always stood by including white. until recently. when I learned it made black people uncomfortable when white people made white jokes, I was of course initially hesitant. "that's fucking stupid!" I though. "I'm not assuaging white guilt by doing this, I'm just finding it in me to laugh at myself". and then I read a bit more about the subject and figured it isn't worth the potential heartache if I fought it because in all honesty it kind of makes sense. my mom's boyfriend's son is black (and hispanic), and I had once made a white girl joke to my sister in front of him and mom told me later that both he and her boyfriend were uncomfortable with me saying that. after seeing the post that talked about it, and my... slight breakdown where I may have dramatically overreacted... I decided to try and stop with the white people jokes because I want to unlearn all of the racist shit that my dad, stepmom, aunts, uncles, grandparents, former friends, former acquaintances, and society in general that I possibly could, because racism as a concept digs into my skin and fucks me up. it used to make me absolutely seethe with rage, and I still get a little steamed by it. in fact I once got in a LOT of trouble with my high school sociology student teacher because I got really shitty with her when she- an anthropology student no less- kept calling one kid in our class by his initial because apparently kudsai is just Too Hard™ to pronounce. one day, an off day where I forgot to take my medicine, she called him that and I yelled at her "he has a name, so use it". granted I didn't like the kid. I thought he was annoying; loud, obnoxious, constantly making sex jokes while we were studying freud (and even the fucking holocaust), in the choir and the football team... basically like any other cishet teenage boy. but being annoying is no excuse for a teacher to not take five fucking seconds of her day to learn how to say his name right just because it wasn't franklin or gregory, two of the other black kids who I went to school with. anyone following me as far back as when annie got remade with quvenzhane wallis as the titular role might have read my thoughts on the matter of pronouncing people's names right. i'm not saying this to pat myself on the back for not being racist, because WOW was I a rough mess of things back then, but I was never like my dad's side of the family about race. back when michael brown's death and ferguson were still talked about, I found myself agreeing with rush limbaugh about some of the things he said, so clearly I haven't been a perfect angel my whole life. anyway, back to white people jokes making black people feel uncomfortable. I've been trying to make myself agree with that, which as anyone who has the syndrome formerly known as aspergers can probably attest to, is hard as shit to do. possible but hard. like, I'm even now still unlearning some acephobia, transphobia, queerphobia, islamophobia, and even though I know the occasional fleeting thoughts that I think are wrong and bad, they still happen very frequently. same goes with various forms of racism and xenophobia. my dad (and former stepdad's) influences are probably so deep because of various issues with abandonment and abuse that I'm not gonna discuss here, and they're both absolutely reeking with white supremacist microaggressions. so I'm definitely trying my hardest. part of that is why I reacted so negatively when people misinterpreted what I said, put words in my mouth, and straight up told me to kill myself in all of these messages that are still flooding in. another part is because I truly do stand by the things that I meant to say, rather than the things that it appears I've said. I really do think that it's unreasonable to say that it's racist for people who aren't black to make posts where we vent about various injustices we face from people who are misinformed and ignorant and straight up smarmy condescending assholes and then end it with a passive aggressive name of some baby boomer fuckwit, peggy. because these baby boomer fuckwits come in many colors (black people are still capable of being racist [against hispanic/asian/etc people, not whites, I need to make that abundantly clear], classist, misogynist, queerphobic, ableist, otherwise bigoted prejudiced assholes), and these names that are heralded as "typically white", like henry or franklin or gregory or harold or penelope or alice or etc, are not exclusively white names. I've seen or met black people with names like this and while it's definitely not the majority (not even close), and it's definitely partially due to cultural erasure perpetuated by gentrification, it still exists. so it doesn't make sense to me why the person who wrote the post that started me on this whole sequence of posts about this topic insisted that it was a 'white people names' thing. especially when white people names are more like khaeylieghhe or miakkaylia or annedeeye or some other ridiculous bastardisation of english language in order to make your child feel special and unique and end up growing to be a cookie cutter member of the conservative party that tries to take down affirmative action because they feel like it's reverse discriminatory or some shit. if it was something like that, making fun of those names that are actually like making jokes at the expense of white people [I think I should apologize in advance because technically this counts as a white people joke even if it's just an example] would make perfect sense. however I have not only seen posts in this template of ending with baby boomer names being used as tools to express their distaste in queerphobia, ableism, classism, xenophobia, and intolerance of other sorts, but I've made them before, and it has had not a god damn bit of racial connotation to it at all unless it's been specifically a black millennial on tumblr venting specifically about a white people-ism, and to make a post that shits on everybody who uses this template to cope if they're not black, and causes those kids who use it to cope to ask why not, and then get immediately shit on by assholes who treat them just like people are treating me, who tell them that it doesn't matter if they're neurodivergent or gay or trans or whatever because they're being Big Bad Evil Racists™ by ending their rant posts with names like becky, allison. I don't care if you're black. if you treat queer or disabled kids like shit and call them racist when they're not being racist, no matter what color your skin is, you're an asshole. and to act like fucking salem massachusetts when confronted with legitimate criticism of your ill-informed unbridled assault of an angry mama bear to queer and disabled kids, is just DISGUSTING. WEAK. and PATHETIC. and only serves to strengthen my points. so you know what, go ahead. keep sending me your hate anons. keep sending me the smarmy condescension. I can take it. just stop being fucking assholes to my family. your race isn't something I have any authority over but I won't let you use it as a weapon to beat people over the head with just because you get high off of the power you get from the veil of anonymity. false accusations of being a tier 6 skinhead is more palatable than telling us to kill ourselves.
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