#my fellow monsterfuckers I want you to think so hard
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leaderincrows · 6 months ago
I had a lore dump written out and then it was gone, so here’s attempt no2 + some shots of the other side of his face. This is trimmed down and not all my thoughts. I’ll stick most of it under a read more because it’s a smidge more body horror of the eldritch tentacle variety.
In canon I believe Sylus started out as something, had something else inflicted on him, and then the addition of the aether core changed him some more. My intent with this design is that you shouldn’t be able to tell exactly what his original state should be because we’ve gotten CRUMBS on this guy so far. Of the handful of little things he’s given us, my brain has latched so hard on to his promise card where he didn’t want you to watch him dig bullets out of his arm because he didn’t want you to think he’s a monster??? What’s going on under your skin my dude??? Serial killer talk but I wanna know. He’s so confident in every other aspect of his being but he feels some amount of shame for what he is, and I think it’s because he’s some twisted broken thing lacking identity or kinship.
Due to his business model of (crime) gambling and making deals, I think he’s lacking a life/heart/mortality to lose because of a deal he made. It’s unclear if this was bad or good for him. I like the fallen angel theory but I don’t think he fell for the same reasons as Lucifer, I think it’s far more in character for him to have made a deal with a demon/a devil figure because he did not like the high authority he was under and wanted out, and not because he wanted to be king of the world. He doesn’t like authority in general, and for being a bad guy he doesn’t seem to punch down. He said he doesn’t like or dislike animals but the Disney princessesque things that keep happening to him say otherwise, I think he respects them a little more than most of the people he deals with to be honest. While I was typing this out the first time I was reminded of Alucard from Hellsing, as this powerful immortal being who finds mortality and mortals beautiful. He especially liked the ones with strength in some form, physical or in their resolve, will to live etc but animals just sort of exist. They lack those human flaws that seem to annoy Sylus (incompetence, cowardice, disloyalty, to name a few I’ve noticed) and remember that he doesn’t think of Mephisto as a pet. The way that he can seem to get animals apart from cats to just listen to him is. Interesting. I can argue he’s got some bird traits but a lot of them actually overlap with the dragon association so I think you guys get it. My additions are a little obscure and largely opinion as someone who owns both reptiles and birds lol
But back to his inability to die, my theory is a Davy Jones situation where his life exists somewhere but he doesn’t have it. Maybe he gave it to mc, or gave it up for her, but whatever it is I think he at least knows where it is. I can’t imagine someone like Sylus would be content with someone else possessing something so important, unless it’s mc of course.
I am a pretty firm believer that eternal beings always end up jaded and miserable. Sylus has built himself a lifestyle where he can acquire any material thing he likes, so I think he might be in the early stages of chasing any and everything that makes him happy. He’s not desperate for the serotonin yet but it’s only a matter of time. The addition of mc is a refreshing breath of that life he’s lacking into his existence.
On that note, this monster form I made for him is damaged/incomplete, and it’s asymmetrical and imperfect. Without a driving life force he’s crumbling, but since he can’t die he’s stuck. Whatever he is, it’s unnatural, neither life or death want him so he’s some in between thing. Leaning a bit more into that horror his body is broken, haphazardly kept together by his evol. Outside the crystalline wanderer claws and ruby veining he’s very dull, no shine in his eyes as if he’s an empty husk. BUT he’s got something sloshing around inside him, I just don’t think it’s blood and organs. His ridiculous heart rate is probably something else, something that’s only kind of good at mimicking a heart beat.
PERHAAPPSSs is the gross bubbling of viscous eldritch void soup and tentacles helping keep him the motor running. Again it’s only kind of good at pretending to be alive. He’s already pretty broken so he breaks himself up sometimes, on purpose.
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Like when he’s feeling bitey, or really wants someone to leave. Like for the few mentions of having a scarred past and being a monster I sure do hope he’s some genuinely beastly blighted looking thing. Maybe he really is a wanderer that caused the appearance of all the wanders in the world and that’s why he doesn’t want mc to know, but I’m not convinced. I feel like it’s gotta be worse than that. Infold can we have 1 memory that doesn’t take place in the present day
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My take on whatever is going on with Sylus, combining the demon/fallen angel and wanderer theories.
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thegnomelord · 1 year ago
this isn’t a request but you’re the only writer i know who writes the monster!au so
dragon!reader and dragon!price are haunting my thoughts. dragons usually have to hold themselves back when sparring because they’re so much stronger than other monsters but with price & reader they don’t need to, to the point where the other members of the 141 are kinda wondering if they need to intervene.
what they do or don’t know is this is you and price courting, testing each other’s strength to assess whether you’re suitable mates. once you have decided you’re suitable it continues in the bedroom, fighting for dominance and testing each other’s stamina as price rides you or you pin price down and see if he can take all the strength behind your thrusts.
OH god I LOVE the way you think! I know @rodolfoparras also did a dragon price some time ago but I'm happy to let my monsterfucker out lol :D I'll consider this a spitball thingy but GOD DAMN did my hyperfixation hyperfixate on this :Ddd kinda rushed at the end but it's 3AM :/
What about if dragons measure not just raw strength, but all other aspects as well? They're prideful by nature and with so little of them remaining no self-respecting dragon will settle for a witless brute or a powerless scribe.
Price had lost hope in finding a mate centuries ago because he's even pickier than most of his kin; in his view, a proper one needs to be strong enough to completely pin him down, needs to be smart enough to see the insults in his honeyed words and give back as good as he does, needs to be clever enough to lead men as good as he does.
A proper mate needs to keep up with him on all levels.
And for a dragon of his age, that's an unachievable set of criteria. Oh sure, many of the dragons he's met over the years have tried to match him, but all fell short, leaving him lonely and unsatisfied.
Then he met you, a fellow Captain, a fellow dragon. Though only a few centuries younger than him, you're a wyrmling in his eyes, your scales like shining metal compared to his muddled gemstones. An arrogant wyrmling if the way you peacock for him the first time you enter the training room has anything to say about it— your wings spreading out and muscles rippling, back straightening out to make you taller, scales glinting in the artificial light; little details that anyone else can brush off as a simple stretch but to a dragon it screams of your interest in him.
His slitted eyes roam across your body, both equal parts disdain and curiosity. "Got somethin' ta say there boy?" His words are rough like sandpaper.
"No, no." You hum as you get into the ring, every little movement purposely done to showcase your hard earned musculature. "Just that you should skip out on this fight. Wouldn't want you to throw your back out old man."
"Old man huh?" His eyes blaze with the same fire at the end of his cigar, your words igniting something in his chest that had long been extinguished. "I'll show you old."
And suddenly he's in the ring, both of you trading blow for blow with the same savagery your progenitors had frightened mankind with for millennia, your claws leaving deep grooves in the concrete when you miss his side, his tail smashing a portion of the ground into dust when you avoid it, the ground between you cracking when you try to push the other away, loose scales and dust and debris littering the ground as you and Price wrestle on the ground.
Both of your teams watch from the sidelines, your team calming the other members of TF141 that this is just how dragons are, pointedly ignoring your victorious snarl when you pin Price down to the ground, your clawed hand harshly pushing his face into the concrete to the point you might break his nose as you bite the back of his neck, forcing him to submit. "I win,"
"Not fer long." He snarls back just as deep, feeling alive for the first time in who knows how long. "Best two out of three." And with that he jerks, remaining wing slamming into your side and knocking you off balance long enough for him to fling you into the wall opposite of him.
You don't know how many rounds you go before you're forced to stop by a very pissed off Laswell, who also pointedly ignores the obvious bulges in what remains of both of your pants, giving both of you a stern talking to about wrecking the damn training room.
You're ready to leave after being chastised like a child but Price is quicker, passing you with a "Good fight back there." rumbling in his throat, the soft scales of his wing brushing along your jaw. Your eyes nearly pop out of your skull when you meet his gaze, and Price has a good poker face but the smoldering look in his eyes and the low grumble in his chest makes it's obvious you've peaked his curiosity.
But that's just the start, the hard part is keeping it. While regular dragons may spend time with a potential mate conversing on scholarly subjects or having philosophical debates, you and him have a more practical way of assessing the other's intellect — Battle plans.
To your teams it sounds like a harsh argument, ideas thrown around and sharp insults tacked on top, their heads ping ponging between you and Price as you look over maps, trying to one up the other. Eventually your teammates leave you to settle this on your own.
"And I'm telling you, old man," You growl, both of you so close there's barely any space between you as you point at the map. "We can push a smaller team through the forest while we lead the frontal assault, our wip's not going to have anywhere to go then." You huff, holding your head up high to make it obvious you're proud of your idea.
Price gives you the stink eye, before he scans the map again, humming to himself. After a few seconds he lets out a scoff. "We don't have enough men for that." He says, but the sharp edge in his tone is dulled. "But—" His tail moves to brush against your own, your rough scales brushing against his smoother ones. "—It has some merit."
Price doesn't draw attention to the way your tails intertwine, wrapping together like two snakes, and neither do you. But the short purr that bubbles out of your chest says everything he needs to know, growing louder when he answers with his own, your shoulders brushing together. "Aight, back to work." He cuts your purrs short, but you can't hide the pleased look on your face as your tails remain coiled together.
Then comes the actual courting dance.
One late evening spent looking over documents in the privacy of his office, your tails once again coiled beneath the desk after successfully having proved your wit to him again, absentmindedly telling embarrassing stories of your respective teams. . . Price has a revelation. You might be it. "Hey lad."
You look up, your full attention on him. "Yeah?"
With a mumbled grunt too quiet for you to hear Price slides a hand beneath his shirt and pulls a large green scale from the meat of his shoulder blade, the wound healing before it can even bleed.
Instinctively you know what this means, for knowing how a prospective mate treats an extension of you will show how they'll treat you. But you still speak up, needing proof for your own mind that you're not insane and haven't been burning the wrong tree. "What?"
Price glares at you, "Don't play dumb," He says as he slides the large scale across the table to you. "It doesn't suit you." There's an underlayer of heat in his words, blue slitted eyes looking you over in a much more appreciative light.
You can't control the big grin that spreads across your face, "Oh, then what does suit me?" You ask as you follow his lead, yanking out one of your larger scales from your own back and sliding it to him. It makes the difference between you two obvious, his green scale muddled with age compared to your shiny one.
"Arrogant muppet." The gentle way he picks up your scale clashes with his harsh words, cradling it in his hand like it'll crack at the slightest of touches, his face reflected in the surface.
You grin, "Just confident." You feel his sharp eyes judge every minute twitch of your fingers as you pick up his scale. Price's poker face hides the way his heart melts at the loving way you brush a thumb across the surface, how it throbs when you don't immediately attempt to make it shine like some whelps once did, accepting him for how he is by putting it in your breast pocket.
God, he doesn't even know how much he'd fantasized about something like this when he was still young, vestiges of a purr escaping his throat at the tender way you treat his scale. "Right." He shakes his head and places your scale in his own breast pocket, handing you another stack of papers. "Get back to work."
You grin and do as he says, wings twitching as a sign of joy, your tail squeezing down on his and receiving a squeeze in kind.
Price feels like a horny teen when he lays awake in bed late at night with your scale held between his claws. He feels stupid for feeling so giddy at the thought of having a mate, a proper mate, yet his body thinks differently. Just holding it in his hand is enough to make him grow hot, your scent still clings to the scale and Price finds himself holding it close to his nose to familiarize himself with it and Hell his body loves it, cocks growing hard in record time and his thighs wet with slick. The poor thing doesn't even know what to relieve first, his free hand constantly going between stroking his cocks and fingering himself, mind craving the heat of another dragon that he'd been deprived of.
What Price doesn't know is that you're in the same boat, biting your arm to silence yourself as you imagine it's Price you're breeding instead of a pillow, splintering the headboard from how hard you're gripping it in an attempt to not damage the scale.
Then shit hits the fan when during a routine mission you two are ambushed, and while two dragons are no easy prey for mankind, humans have long since gone from using rocks and sticks. You catch sight of a sniper's scope glint seconds before the bullet targets Price, and in only a few seconds to think you throw yourself in the way, Price's scale in your breast pocket puts enough resistance to make you survive the bullet, but you feel it crack, and that. . . that sets you off.
Price doesn't even have the time to lift his gun before you're tearing through the battlefield like a man possessed, anger burning like a volcano in your chest for trying to hurt him, elemental breath and draconic strength unleashed to it's fullest potential.
And Price? Price watches the show with that same heat burning in his belly, forced to bite his lip to silence the pleased purrs as he rubs his thighs together while you tear flesh from bone, mate flashing in his mind. Look how he protects you His mind purrs, Good mate. Perfect mate.
"I'm sorry." You whimper when you've finally calmed down, the battlefield nothing but a ruined crater and the shards of his scale held tenderly in your cupped hands. "I failed, I-"
"Come here." Price cuts you off quickly and pulls you down into a harsh and desperate kiss, all teeth and tongue and need. He parts just a fraction of an inch, "You passed." He growls and only then do you notice the sharp arousal in his scent, your animalistic hindbrain jumping for joy as you kiss back because holy shit he considers you worthy.
And now that he's found his mate? You best believe his body is going to make up for all the centuries he'd spent alone.
It doesn't even take a week for him to enter heat, waking in a daze with his twin cocks hard and his thighs glistening with slick, your scent lingering in the sheets and your side of the bed still warm. The walls almost shake from how deeply he growls when he registers that you're not next to him, just enough sense in his head to throw on a towel around his waist before angerly stomping through the halls to find you, sniffing you out like a bloodhoud.
"Bloody muppet." Price growls as he yanks you by the horns back to his room, the scent of his arousal so potent you're struck dumb, letting yourself be pushed down. Price's claws slice through your clothes, his hole so slick and eager for you he doesn't even need to stretch, just jumps onto your lap and in one fluid motion takes one of your cocks to the root. "Fuckin' finally." Price hisses, instantly setting a harsh pace of bouncing on your cock that would have had a lesser race end up with a crushed pelvis.
You grip his hips for dear life, surging up to mark his neck and shoulders with bites as he does the same, his ass clapping against your thighs. "Mate." Price moans, hole clenching around you, his cocks leaking against your stomach. "My mate." He grips your hair and pulls you into a bruising kiss, "Going to last long for me yeah?" He asks, a bit of mockery on his flushed face as he feels you cum inside him, riding you through your orgasm as the sudden onslaught of sensations frazzles the intelligent parts of your brain. "Not going to disappoint me now are you?"
Good thing dragons have really short refractory periods.
"Not a chance." You snarl and flip him over suddenly, rumbling purrs escaping your chest from the surprised sound he makes. You attempt to pin him down and he squirms out of your hold, another bout of wrestling breaking out between you that has you two tumbling off the bed and onto the ground.
"That so whelp?" Price breathes out when you manage to pin him down, your strong hand keeping his face flush with the floor. "Do you really think you can keep up?" A pleased thrill runs down his spine from the sensation of your weight bearing down on him, his knees automatically locking up to hike his ass up, tail flipping up to display his slick hole for you.
"Do you?" You counter, one hand on his head, the other pressing both of your dicks together, your two tips pressing against his ass. "You're so wet and desperate, should have just pinned you down the moment I saw you instead of courting you." With one sharp thrust you push in, a pained and elated moan tearing out of his throat at the sensation of your twin cocks spreading him wider than any toy ever could, scratching that itch he'd had for who knows how long.
The stretch and burn and pleasure muddles his mind, reduces him to low animalistic snarls and growls as he does his best to push his hips into yours. "Hurry the fuck up." Price orders, whole body shaking from the way you set a harsh pace, bashing on his prostate, your balls slapping against his own, each hard thrust pushing and pulling his face across the floor. "I'll- fuck- fall asleep."
"You sure about that?" You push your weight further on him, forcing his wing to spread out, your own partially wrapping around him, "Seems to me like-" A bit of elemental breath leaves your throat when one particularly strong thrust has his hole clamping down on you, his back arching to push his hips as close to yours as one of his cocks spews cum on the floor, "-like you're not in a place to order me around."
"You- ah-fuck-ah- wanker." His insult would be a lot more hurtful if he didn't whine like a bitch in heat, both of you devolving into primitive snarls and growls with the only thought on both of your minds being the need to fill Price with as much of your cum as you physically can.
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secretkittywolf · 1 year ago
Zexal shipping Incorrect Quotes
Yuma: WHAT’S YOUR TYPE Reginald: Anything, honestly, but idiots especially Yuma, desperately, as Reginald bleeds out: YOUR BLOOD TYPE! Reginald: Oh! B positive Yuma: DON'T TRY TO CHEER ME UP JUST TELL ME YOUR BLOOD TYPE!!! Reginald:
Trey half asleep: Do you think you’d actually notice if someone didn’t cast a shadow? Or if their limbs were just slightly too long? Or if they had just a little too many teeth? Like how many times have you passed Something on the street and you just didn’t notice it? Yuma, also half asleep: Stay woke monsterfuckers your love is out there!!!!! Trey: Y'know what? Not my point at all in any way whatsoever, but I’m glad I could be an inspiration
Yuma: You often use humor to deflect trauma Vector: Thank you Yuma: I didn't say that was a good thing Vector: What I'm hearing is, you think I'm funny
Reginald: I made tea Kite: I don’t want tea Reginald: I did not make tea for you. This is my tea Kite: Then why are you telling me? Reginald: It is a conversation starter Kite: That’s a lousy conversation starter Reginald: Oh, is it? We are conversing. Checkmate
Quattro: I turned out perfectly fine! Dextra: Honey, this morning you thought a ghost made your toast Quattro: I DIDN’T PUT THE BREAD IN! YOU DIDN’T PUT THE BREAD IN!!!
Astral: How do I deal with my enemies? Reginald: Kill them Astral: That's a bit extreme, I was hoping for a more passive solution Reginald: Kill them only a little?
*Yuma and Shark sitting in jail together* Reginald: So who should we call? Yuma: I’d call Kite, but I feel safer in jail
Yuma: Let’s watch Sharkboy and Lavagirl! Reginald: Okay Yuma: And make out during the scary parts Reginald: Th- Reginald: The scary parts? Reginald: Of Sharkboy and Lavagirl?
Vector: Welcome, fellow idiots Yuma: Hello, Ray! Vector: No, no, not you, you're not an idiot Yuma: You underestimate me
Reginald: I'm 10 times funnier and sexier than you Kite: 10 times 0 is still 0 though Reginald: Jokes on you, I can't do math
Dextra: I actually have a black belt Quattro: In what, karate? Dextra: No, from Gucci *shows off belt*
Reginald, pointing: May I sit there? Astral: That's my lap Reginald: That doesn't answer my question, Astral
Vector: Okay. I get it. You've had a really hard time lately, you're stressed out, seven people died- Yuma: Twelve people! Vector: Not the point. Look, they're dead now and really whose fault is that? Yuma: Yours! Vector: That's right: no one's
Yuma: So that’s my plan Trey: Are you alright with constructive criticism? I don’t want to sound mean Yuma: No, go ahead, I want to hear it Trey: It fucking sucks Yuma: That’s not constructive criticism
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primewritessmut · 1 year ago
hey i'm someone other than punch-love! 12, 13, 14
Hi! Although now I know that we are all distracting each other from writing and I somehow think that's worse...?
12. How Many Different Fandoms Have You Written For?
Oh, yikes. I'm going to just count posted works because if I tried to calculate all the fanfics that have flitted across my brain I'd probably die before I managed it.
I think I've posted fic for 8 fandoms: harlivy, good omens (crowley/aziraphale obs), malevolent (john/arthur), venom/symbrock, spideypool, harry potter (drarry), carry on (simon/baz mostly), and my current hyperfixation which is, as you know, lokius.
SOME of that work has since been deleted, for reasons, so there's only 6 fandoms on my AO3 dashboard.
13. What's Your Goal For Your Writing In The Future?
It's two-fold!
I want to finish an original novel. I usually stall out around 40k and then start something else. I actually got into fanfic just to see if I could finish something (surprise, I can) so that's still my goal in the future.
Keep writing! I went through a long, dark period of my life where I wrote next to nothing except what was required of my job. Which was just enough to keep the embers glowing, but that's it really. I genuinely plan to never let that happen again.
14. Favorite Works From A Fellow Writer?
The horrible secret is that I write a lot more fanfic than I read. I wish I could shout out a million fanfic authors here but I'm just not that widely read. Secondarily, a lot of my bookmarks are in a fandom that I just cannot participate in anymore so it's hard to say, "Oh yeah, these are great" because they give me hives now.
Here's what I've got:
Black Ace by @punch-love (yes, spideypool makes me want to scream nowadays but 10/10 would come back for this space opera)
spirit box by @punch-love (another one that feels like it was specifically written FOR ME)
Both of your advent fics. (It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like %@$&*mas and The Time of Miracles again, 10/10 would return to Spideypool to see how the Die Hard fic ends)
Among the Stars by @mirilyawrites (super creative, cosmic monsterfucker vibes)
I wish I read more (and had a better memory) so I could shout out more authors but... alas.
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spaceofentropy · 1 year ago
20 questions for fic writers (and artists)
I was tagged by @dragonflylady77 and, why not? Why not procrastinate a bit? :P
1. How many works do you have on ao3(Tumblr)?
2. What's your total ao3 (Tumblr) word count?
253,035 as of right the fuck now. Holy moly that's a lot.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I've written for Why R U? and now for Stranger Things.
4.What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Of soulmates and colors (a chonky metalsandwich soulmates AU)
What happens in Vegas... (a WhyRU? canon divergence with Tor waking up in Vegas, married to his ex)
I just came to say... (modern era Harringrove meet cute)
Amok (modern era Harringrove thing about Billy meeting his mom by chance and being conflicted as fuck)
Like a curse (the WhyRU? heist AU nobody had asked for but they still had to face)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try. Sometimes I'm slow as fuck and sometimes I'm perched on my inbox like a starving hawk, but I always try.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably What doesn't kill you makes you a monster, which is an angst fest built around body horror and body mutation which ends with Steve having basically no hope about the future. But then, months after, I went and wrote a follow up fic where Steve gets to find another monster and fall in love with him and have a HEA, so I guess it only half-counts ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Uh... I honestly don't know. I mean, I mostly write fics with a good ending or at worst a hopeful ending (like Come Close) and I honestly don't think I can't rank which of my HEA fics is the happiest, so, all the happy ones? I guess?
8. Do you get hate on any fics (Art)?
So far, never.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yep, I do, even if it's hard as hell and I always feel like it sucks. As for what kind... uh... I don't know how to answer... The smutty kind? Sometimes it's soft. and sometimes it's hurried, and sometimes it's filthy monsterfucking because monsters, too, deserve to get laid.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
My heist AU is a crossover between one show, a different show, and an AU of the first show. Two actors from the first show play minor parts in the second show. It's a wild, wild thing.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Probably that one Gallavich thing I wrote 90k words of because I had to put it out of my head and is close to the end but when I look at it makes me feel eh because Ian's part of the plot feels to passive and NOPE!, that's so fucking wrong, vade retro Satana!
16. What are your writing strengths?
Plotting and dialogue. And wild ideas.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions. Smut.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
To quote Guin, "get it checked by a person who speaks that language before you post". Preferably a native speaker who can tell you if it sounds like your easy going teenager was possessed by the ghost of a stuffy academic from the 1820s. Also, it's a hard balance to make it not too distracting, to make sure it doesn't kill the pace of the story, so good luck in your endeavours, fellow writers!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Honestly no idea.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I love them all, they are my self-indulgent nuggets of entertainment and I won't pit them one against the other trying to choose a favorite. I reject this question. U_U
I should tag people, theoretically, but honestly I don't have the brain power for it tonight. If you read this and want to do this, consider yourself tagged. Have fun! :3
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starvedvampire · 2 years ago
a little introduction before you proceed
hi everyone, my name is Sabre🩸i’m 25, i only use he/him pronouns, although i don’t identify as 100% male. i’m transmasc, in any case. a bisexual switch, i welcome all queer people to this space (especially fellow transmascs hi there).
please keep in mind that i’m in a fulfilling relationship with my partner, @my-vampires-favourite-treat (yes matching usernames 🥰). she is not only the object of all my love and adoration, but also my proud owner and my lovely bun🌻 my mind, body and soul are his🖤 (also he’s responsible for so many of my current kinks i fucking love her)
we’re both polyamorous tho, so if you want to sext/flirt with me that’s cool, just as long you know i’ll communicate it to her
UPDATE: hehe now i have two partners❤️ my lovely bunny and my silly, adorable bear 🖤 he teases me so much and constantly reminds me how hot he finds me and between the two of them i’m so full of cum love that sometimes i can’t even think straight 🥰 i’m so so grateful to be theirs and cannot wait for the day we’re all together again
please remember that this blog is for me and me alone. if you enjoy the things i post or rb, that’s great, i’m glad to know there are others who share my insanity, but keep in mind i don’t owe anyone here anything and i will block whoever makes me uncomfortable or disrespects me.
I firmly believe the best experiences related to intimacy are the ones that include enthusiastic and clear consent. even if some of the scenarios in this blog don’t explicitly show it, never forget that all sexual interactions fundamentally require consent from all parties involved, as it’s crucial to have it before you engage in kinks (also while you’re engaging bc it’s important to check up on your partner).
Kinks, asks, terms, DNI below the cut…
🩸fuck yES: monsterfucking, aliens, demons, tentacles, slime, belly inflation, oviposition, size kink, hucow/lactation/breast expansion, biting and blood as in vampirism, dumbification, breeding (pregnancy but only in theory, never in practice), praise and degradation, corruption, CNC, drooling, use of aphrodisiacs, body worship, free use, restraints, humiliation. pet play bc my partner got me into it 🌻 hypno and voyeurism are both tumblr’s fault.
🩸 maybe/sometimes: priest kink, forcemasc, exhibitionism, dacryphilia, hierophilia, light intox (alcohol), r4pe play. double penetration but almost exclusively with my partners, don’t know if i’d want it with someone else.
🩸 dislike/don’t include me: birth (mentions are fine but no graphic descriptions), guns, belly bursting, gore, feet, anything unsanitary
🩸 hard no: detransition kink, misgendering, incest, dd/lg, age play, bestiality
Regarding asks and dms:
🩸 to be honest when it comes to messages i’m not consistent at all but you can try your luck if you want. just please ease into it before jumping into graphic stuff, say hi and your pronouns and stuff.
also please don’t text me in a sexual way if you’re under 22 or over 35, not your fault tho i just don’t feel comfortable.
if you identify as a cishet guy, you can interact with my posts, but pls refrain from flirting with me or anything like that
🩸as for asks, please send more and give me an excuse to touch myself (just keep my pinned info in mind)
Terms you can use when referring to me:
Please only use these, i will only accept others if i’ve previously agreed:
🩸pet and filth names: darling, slut, cumslut, cockslut, pet, love, whore, beloved, sweetheart. call me good boy/pretty boy and i will literally melt🖤
🩸body parts: regarding to the ones that may cause me dysphoria, please only use cunt, hole, tdick, dick, cock, strap, clit, chest and tits. terms for other body parts are all fine.
❌ you’re a minor (under 18) or your age isn’t visible in your bio/pinned.
❌ if you send me pictures of genitals with no context/unprompted, i will block you
❌ you fetishize trans people/trans experiences. remember i’m a person and i am worthy of respect just like everybody else
❌ you’re a terf, swerf, transmed, pro-life, ableist, racist, misogynist, homophobic, islamophobic, antisemite, zionist. bigots in general please don’t come near here
❌ thinspo blogs stay the fuck away
❌ p*dos i will fucking report you, don’t try me🔪
Tags i’ll be using:
🩸#sabre posts: for random thoughts and whatever
🩸#thirsty sabre: this is my horny license which i can whip out at a moment’s notice
🩸#sabre types: for answering all your (horny) asks
Anon tags: #💜 #💫
the #🌻 is reserved for my beloved bunny
the #🐻 is for our cute, soft bear
*i’ll try to tag my kinks as they appear in my posts but i get distracted easily so no promises.
i reserve the right to change/update/alter this at any given time
🖤🩸that’s all, remember to take care of yourselves while misbehaving🩸🖤
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riotwritesthings · 3 years ago
Sleeping In
WinterIron, E, 3.7k - PWP, consensual somnophilia
I did have a fic planned for every day of this month, but then LIFE and at this point I’m just happy to have finished more than one ahaha. Sorry it’s a little rushed plzenjoy!
(And to my fellow monsterfuckers HAVE NO FEAR, there will be halloween monsterfucking fic…. eventually….)
“How long until you get home?” Tony demands, even though he has to know that they’ve both been anxiously counting down the days.
“Three weeks,” Bucky says dryly, and then laughs when Tony lets out a loud huff.
“Don’t even joke,” Tony says and even over the phone Bucky can easily hear the exaggerated pout on his face, “I will leave your ass that is way too long.”
“No you won’t,” Bucky says confidently.
“No, I won’t,” Tony says with a rueful sigh and then pauses just long enough for Bucky to dare to think he’s won before adding, “but only because you’ll be home in two days. And listen to me carefully, okay, because I am dead serious; I want your dick in me as soon as you get home.”
Bucky can’t deny he likes the idea of that, likes it a lot, but they don’t even know what time of day he’s going to be home and Tony doesn’t exactly have an empty schedule, oh, ever. “What if—“
“No no, there is no caveat to that statement,” Tony interrupts, and he certainly sounds dead serious, even if he does also sound like he’s smirking wickedly. “Drag me out of a board meeting, bend me over a worktable, pin me up against the fridge, whatever you have to do, just fuck me.”
“‘M gonna hold you to that,” Bucky says and he’s not joking at all anymore, can already feel arousal threatening to twist him up tight and he still has two more days.
“You fucking better,” Tony says back and there’s not a hint of teasing in his voice, just heat and promise and fuck Bucky can’t wait to get home.
But two days turns into three, and then four, and by the time Bucky finally makes it home he’s more than ready to follow through on that promise of fucking Tony wherever he finds him, public decency be damned.
Luckily, Tony is in their room, already stripped down to his boxers in their bed and Bucky doesn’t actually have to traumatize any of his friends. Unluckily, Tony is also passed the hell out and doesn’t so much as twitch when Bucky gently shakes him, or when Bucky not-so-gently shakes him. Or when Bucky just can’t resist dragging his hands down Tony’s chest, all golden skin and muscle under his palms, and even pausing to tweak Tony’s nipples gets him only the barest hitch in Tony’s breathing.
Bucky is just starting to get concerned when FRIDAY speaks up to let him know that Tony stayed up the past two days waiting for him, that he hasn’t been sleeping much or well while Bucky was gone anyways.
As much as it makes something in Bucky’s chest go warm and soft at the proof that Tony missed him, that these days Tony doesn’t sleep alone any better than Bucky does, he still feels more than a little guilty that Tony was staying up waiting for him. Bucky does consider just leaving Tony be, but fuck he’s been half-hard for most of the flight home, fueled by adrenaline and the thought of finally getting his hands on Tony again, seeing his smile in person, and he still has Tony’s demand ringing in his ears.
‘Whatever you have to do,’ Tony had said, so Bucky helps himself.
Tony’s first thought when he wakes up is that dammit he hadn’t meant to fall asleep. At least he can tell from the lack of human space heater in the bed next to him that Bucky didn’t get home while he was passed out, like a weakling.
It also means, however, that Bucky still isn’t home yet.
He’s two days late at this point and Tony is about ready to threaten to take over the world himself if that’s what it takes to get his goddamn boyfriend back in the goddamn state.
Tony flails the sheets off of him with an unhappy groan, and that’s when he notices the ache, settled low in his core, warm and familiar. God he burns, Tony isn’t sure how the sweat coating his skin wasn’t the first thing he noticed when he woke up, the sheets beneath him clinging to his flushed skin as he pushes himself upright. And that’s about when Tony’s still-waking-up brain identifies the unmistakable itchy, flaky feeling on his stomach and the insides of his thighs as dried cum.
He sucks in a sharp breath, wondering if he’d had the first wet dream he’s had in decades, and if that’s the case why is he still hard, and that’s when Tony finally notices the heavy scent of fresh coffee and all the pieces snap into place.
Apparently, Bucky is home.
And apparently he took Tony’s instruction to fuck him as soon as he was entirely seriously, and damn Tony loves him so much. He also needs Bucky to get back here and finish the job, because while he apparently got Tony off in his sleep at some point (and Tony’s stomach gives another hard clench at that thought), there’s still a demanding knot of arousal in his gut, twisted so tightly it’s almost painful and damnit he needs Bucky to fuck him while he’s awake, too.
Tony opens his mouth to call out and demand that very thing, but all that comes out is a weak groan, his throat rough and dry and it seems like he’s going to have to go with plan B) going after Bucky himself.
Actually dragging himself out of bed is a little more difficult, his thighs aching and his breath coming in uneven gasps, pure need roaring through his veins so hard that it leaves him lightheaded. The movement makes it much more difficult to ignore the demanding throb of his cock, fuck he can feel his pulse, and Tony doesn’t even bother pulling back on the underwear Bucky must have stripped off of him some point, just stumbles out of the bedroom completely naked.
At least he doesn’t have far to go, following the familiar sounds of Bucky moving around in the kitchen and the heated throb of arousal in Tony’s core spikes higher as he feels more cum begin to slide down the insides of his thighs. By the time he rounds the corner, pure stubbornness is the only thing keeping him moving forward, keeping Tony from just taking his cock in hand and finishing the job himself. He’s so close though, and Tony barely even registers the plates of food on the counter, no matter how amazing they smell, his eyes only linger briefly on the steaming mug of coffee waiting for him.
All of his attention is on locating Bucky, that's all that really matters, and the only thing Tony cares about right now is that when he spots Bucky standing by the sink Bucky is already watching him right back with a wide smile. He's dressed in his favorite pajamas, his hair pulled up in a messy little bun, and it’s so familiar, feels so much like home, that for a second it almost makes Tony forget that he’s burning.
Bucky’s eyes are already on him, as heavy as a physical touch, and Tony is pretty sure Bucky’s attention had snapped up the second he stumbled into the room. Tony opens his mouth to demand Bucky abandon those dishes and get over here and touch him, or plead for it, or beg, but all that comes out is a rough, breathless sound.
“You need somethin’, sugar?” Bucky asks with a shit-eating grin, but the way his dark eyes immediately track down Tony’s body kind of ruins his attempts to sound innocent. Tony’s cock gives a hard, obvious twitch under Bucky’s lingering stare, and Bucky’s smirk pulls a little wider.
“You,” Tony finally manages to croak after another second of struggling to force the sound out, already stumbling forward and reaching for Bucky with both hands, but Bucky is quicker and he presses a glass of water into Tony’s hand instead. “What- I don’t-” Tony splutters out, and then huffs when Bucky continues pressing the glass into his palm rather than letting Tony immediately set it back down on the counter.
“Drink that first,” Bucky says sternly and then his voice drops a little, goes deep and warm, as he adds “I can hear how rough your throat is.”
“And who’s fault is that?” Tony grumbles, but he chugs down the water without further complaint because Bucky isn’t wrong, trying to speak is actually a little painful and the water does help. Plus it’s generally easier to make his point when he can actually get a word out without his voice cracking halfway through.
As soon as the glass is empty Tony goes to set it on the counter with a shaking hand, already reaching out for Bucky again with the other and opening his mouth to finally demand Bucky get over here and kiss him already. Bucky beats him to it though, stepping in close and stealing the words out of Tony’s mouth with a fierce, hungry kiss.
Now that he’s starting to fully wake up Tony can’t deny the breakfast Bucky has made does smell amazing, but none of it is nearly as tempting as Bucky. Kissing him is so familiar, but it’s been too long and the way he tastes and smells and feels takes Tony’s breath away all over again, the way his hands drag strong and demanding down Tony’s back, pulling him in closer like Bucky could possibly be as worked up as he is. No amount of coffee or fresh-cooked waffles are going to keep Tony from melting into the solid weight of Bucky against him, from rocking his hips forward to grind his throbbing cock against Buck’s thigh.
Bucky makes a low sound deep in his chest and kisses Tony harder, fingers digging into the curve of his ass as Bucky yanks him in and presses his leg a little further between Tony’s. Eventually Tony has to pull away to breathe, his lungs burning almost enough to compete with the fire spreading from his core and raging through the rest of his body.
He doesn’t detangle his fingers from where they’ve wound their way into Bucky’s hair though, keeping Bucky close as he sighs out “Honey, please—“
“You need somethin’, baby?” Bucky asks again and Tony can feel the edge of Bucky’s smug grin so he doesn’t bother with words, because dammit Bucky knows what he needs, so instead Tony just bites at his lower lip in retaliation. Bucky laughs softly against the corner of his mouth and his grip on Tony tightens, trying to pull him impossibly closer as Bucky’s voice dips low and hungry as he grows “knew it would drive you fuckin’ crazy t’ wake up like this, used and leakin’ and burnin’ with it.”
The words drag a shaking groan out of Tony because it’s true, he is fucking crazy, the thought that Bucky thoroughly fucked him without even waking him up, just using him, enough to leave Tony aching and then leaving him sprawled out and sloppy. Before Tony can voice any of that, or make any perfectly reasonable demands that Bucky do it again, Bucky is moving him and Tony’s stomach swoops hard.
Bucky easily boosts him up onto the counter, apparently still aware of their surroundings enough that nothing goes clattering to the ground and Tony doesn’t end up sitting bare-assed in any food. After a second of adjusting to the shock of cold marble against his flushed skin Tony lets himself flop back to lay across the counter, groaning in complaint when it forces him to break the kiss. He’s having trouble thinking past the pure need racing under his skin, but Bucky wastes no time tugging Tony forward until he’s hanging off the edge of the counter just enough that Bucky can press three fingers against his loose hole.
Tony lets out a loud, shameless moan as he drops his head back against the counter and rocks his hips down against the pressure of Bucky’s fingers sinking into him easily, highlighting just how loose and used he is. He can feel more cum bubbling out around Bucky’s fingers as they press deeper, sliding down his skin and making an even bigger mess of him, hell probably the counter and maybe even the floor too and Tony doesn't care. He doesn't care about anything but the feeling of Bucky's fingers pressing and curling deep inside him.
“You were supposed to wake me up,” Tony complains half-heartedly, torn between the urge to just melt into the pleasure racing through him, to just let it overwhelm him, and the undeniable need to continue rolling his hips, trying to get more.
“I did try,” Bucky says with a soft, gravely laugh, “you’re th' one who stayed up for days an’ then slept through the good stuff. An' trust me sweet thing, I was not gentle with you.” As if to prove his point he thrusts his fingers in harder, pushing the burning ache that’s settled in Tony’s hips higher, and Tony's fingers scramble at the edge of the counter just for something to hold onto as he lets out a sound that he would probably be embarrassed by if he had any blood left in his brain at all.
“Fuck me,” Tony sobs out as soon as he can get enough air to actually string the words together, and once he’s started Tony finds that the rest flows easily. “God please fuck me, need to actually feel you," Tony moans, squeezing his eyes shut as his gut gives another hard twist-and-jump at the filthy sounds of Bucky's fingers twisting inside him, spreading him wider, "want you to make an even bigger mess of me, missed you so goddamn bad want you to make me fucking ache- Bucky—“
Bucky makes a sound that can really only be described as a snarl, pulling away and ignoring both Tony's groan of complaint and his shaking, grasping hands. Tony's eyes fly open as Bucky's fingers slip free and leave him empty, a protest on his lips that is almost immediately smothered by Bucky leaning down to kiss him and Tony gets only a split-second's view of Bucky's eyes gone wild and dark before his own are falling closed again.
Bucky presses in closer and Tony wastes no time wrapping all of his limbs around him, struggling to continue kissing Bucky between panting breaths. He’s so lost in the feeling of Bucky's tongue tracing teasingly along his lips that the first nudge of Bucky’s warm cock against his hole drags a loud cry out of Tony’s chest, wavering and desperate. He claws at Bucky’s shoulders, digs his heels into the small of Bucky’s back, and then finally, finally the thick head of Bucky's cock is pressing into him, sinking deeper, slick and easy and Tony moans brokenly through the entire amazing aching burn of it, until Bucky is pressed against him entirely.
“Oh- fuck that’s so perfect,” Tony sighs as Bucky’s hips press tight to his own, clenching around the wide stretch of Bucky’s cock and then gasping when it throbs directly against his prostate.
“Mm, that what you wanted sweetheart?” Bucky teases, his lips dragging over Tony’s jaw. His hands move restlessly along Tony's sides, from his chest to his waist and back again, despite the fact that Bucky's hips stay pressed snugly against Tony's with no apparent intention to move, to give Tony anything more than the weight and stretch of Bucky's cock buried inside him.
Tony hums, happy and needy and more than a little dazed, and shoves his fingers into Bucky's hair again so he can pull him up into a kiss. “Perfect,” he says again when he pulls away, rocking his hips against Bucky’s in barely-there motions and dragging his teeth sharply over Bucky’s lower lip before adding, “now fuck me.”
Bucky makes a sound caught somewhere between a laugh and a growl, but finally withdraws just a little and then snaps his hips forward again, driving his cock in hard and Tony nearly sobs at the slick, messy feeling of it. "You want me t' fuck you, baby?" Bucky demands, his grip tightening on Tony's hips to hold him in place as Bucky thrusts into him again, "really make you feel it? Stuff you even more full until 'til you jus' can't take anymore?"
“Yes, yes- fuck I missed you so much,” Tony gasps out as Bucky starts up a quick, desperate rhythm, completely at odds with the air of nonchalance he’d been trying to put on when Tony first walked into the kitchen and it immediately has Tony rocketing towards the edge. “So good, god you feel so fucking good please—"
It doesn’t matter that he’s already been worked open and well-fucked, every deep thrust of Bucky’s cock has him aching in the best possible way and Tony is reduced to breathy sounds of pleasure as he lets himself drown in it. Bucky continues fucking into him with steady, inescapable rolls of his hips and Tony had thought he woke up already on the edge but Bucky just keeps pushing him higher, until Tony’s sure every thrust is either going to break him or drive him out of his mind.
Bucky curls in around him tighter, metal fingers digging into Tony’s thigh and hitching it up higher as his other arm wraps around Tony’s shoulders, yanking him back into every thrust. “Couldn’t fuckin’ wait to get inside you again,” Bucky growls, his lips pressed to the shell of Tony’s ear and his voice a low rumble that Tony can feel all through his chest. "Couldn' wait to feel you clenchin’ around me again, so tight an' perfect, an’ even in your sleep you make that gorgeous little noise when I press so deep-“ Bucky pauses to snap his hips forward again hard, driving his cock so deep that Tony swears he can feel it everywhere and it forces a broken, hiccuping moan out of his chest. “Yeah, jus’ like that," Bucky says smugly, tightening his hold on Tony’s hips and holding him in place as Bucky rolls his hips and presses impossibly deeper, deeper, until Tony’s breath comes out as a wail, and then resumes his quick, brutal thrusts.
Tony is reduced to moans and mindless pleading noises, tightening his grip on Bucky’s hair as the knot of tension in his gut winds tighter, almost painful. He’s so close, his orgasm building so intently that he can feel it through his entire body, almost too much, but try as he might Tony can’t form the actual words to beg for what he needs. Bucky understands him anyways though, and leans back just enough that he can slide his hand down Tony’s chest to wrap around his cock.
“Yes,” Tony finally finds the air to sob as Bucky works him with quick, tight strokes, perfectly in time with the steady thrust of his hips and Tony is burning, “so good, that’s- just like- fuck, Bucky—“
Tony's pretty sure the sound that escapes him when he comes isn’t even human, his head snapping back so hard that it thumps against the counter and Tony can’t even feel it past the overwhelming waves of pleasure crashing through him, over him, carrying him away. All Tony can do is cling for all he's worth and gasp out broken, pleading moans as Bucky continues thrusting into him hard and deep, wringing every last drop of cum from Tony's cock, every last spark of pleasure from his body.
"Fuck," Bucky growls and slams into him again, grinding as deeply as he can until Tony can't even breathe past the feeling of fullness, "so fuckin' perfect baby, Tony—“ Bucky ducks his head with a loud groan as he comes, his teeth sinking into the meat of Tony's shoulder, and Tony kind of loses track of everything that's not the throb and swell of Bucky's cook against his every nerve and the warm, messy feeling of it as Bucky spills inside him.
They take their time catching their breath, still clinging to each other, and if it takes a little longer than usual as they just breathe each other in Tony is sure Bucky doesn't mind any more than he does. Eventually Bucky starts dotting kisses along Tony's shoulder and up the line of his throat, and Tony lets out a happy sigh as he tips his chin up to give Bucky more access to his neck. Otherwise though he doesn’t move at all except to hug Bucky a little harder, tightening his legs around Bucky's waist just in case he was planning on pulling away.
“Okay," Tony says once his heart rate has at least mostly returned to normal, not counting the occasional jump when Bucky's teeth drag over his skin, "coffee time.” He finally untangles one hand from Bucky's hair to start blindly feeling around on the counter for the mug that he knows must be somewhere around here. It would probably be easier to find anything if Bucky wasn't taking up most of his line of sight, but after not seeing him for weeks like hell is Tony going to complain.
Bucky laughs softly when Tony huffs in frustration and pushes himself upright just enough to reach over and pull the mug into Tony's reach. It doesn't take Tony long to realize he won't actually be able to drink it without sitting upright, which would involve Bucky pulling away entirely, which is just unacceptable. So Tony sets the coffee back down with a regretful sigh and returns Bucky's fond grin with a wide smile of his own, pulling him down for another kiss.
There's still a lot of things Tony wants to say, like that this is now officially his favorite way to wake up, how goddamn badly he missed Bucky while he was gone and that Bucky is never allowed to leave again, but he figures that can wait until they eventually get around to eating the waffles that are slowly going cold on the island. For now Tony has Bucky's arms wrapped around him, Bucky's lips against his own, and nothing is more important than that.
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soulvee-animationz · 3 years ago
Queens of Caninia as incorrect quotes!!
Jenn: With great power comes great need to take a nap. Wake me up later.
Indy, threatening the others with a paintball gun: Listen... Life comes at us fast. We don't know what life is gonna give us... And today, it's gonna give you... a paintball! Katherina: Okay okay stop asking me if I'm straight, gay, bi, whatever. I identify as a FUCKING THREAT.
Moon: You can de-escalate any situation by simply saying, 'Are we about to kiss?' Moon: Doesn't work for getting out of speeding tickets, by the way.
Amber: You’ll have a hard time believing this because it never happens, but I made a mistake.
Fiona: Not trying to brag or anything, but I can wake up without an alarm clock now simply due to my crippling and overwhelming anxiety, so...
Jenn: I prevented a murder today. Katherina: Really? How’d you do that? Jenn: self control.
Jenn, standing with their back turned: I’ve been expecting you, Katherina. Katherina: How did you do that without turning around? Jenn: ... To be perfectly honest, the first couple of people I did that to were not you.
Jenn: I'm incredibly fast at math. Katherina: Alright, what's 30x17? Jenn: 47 Katherina: That's not even close. Jenn: But it was fast.
Indy: I think I'm having a mid-life crisis.  Fiona: You're like 15 years old  Indy: I MIGHT DIE AT 30!
Indy: Here's some advice Fiona: I didn't ask for any Indy: Too bad. I'm stuck here with my thoughts and you're the only one who talks to me
Indy: Hey, you want some leftovers?  Fiona: What's that?  Indy: You've never had leftovers???  Fiona: No, because I'm not a quitter.
Amber: This is a mistake  Fiona, enthusiastically: A mistake we're going to laugh about one day!  Amber: But not today  Fiona, still enthusiastic: Oh, no. Today's going to be a mess
Moon: English is a difficult language. It can be understood through tough thorough thought, though. Amber: You need to stop.
Moon: Today is a day of running through hurdles. Amber: Aren’t you supposed to jump OVER hurdles? Moon: Whatever. Fear is only something to be afraid of if you let it scare you.
Fiona: Welcome, fellow idiots  Amber: Hello, Fiona  Fiona: No, no, not you, you're not an idiot  Amber: You underestimate me
Fiona: Do you think you’d actually notice if someone didn’t cast a shadow? Or if their limbs were just slightly too long? Or if they had just a little too many teeth? like how many times have you passed Something on the street and you just didn’t Notice It? Amber: Stay woke monsterfuckers ur love is out there!!!!! Fiona: Yknow what? Not my point at all in any way whatsoever, but I’m glad I could be an inspiration.
Fiona: Lol heads up if you try to make a candle with food coloring, the food coloring will just sink to the bottom of the glass, and when the flame eventually reaches the bottom all the food coloring will catch fire and become one giant tall flame that you cannot possibly blow out and the glass will start to crack and then you'll throw your tea on it in a panic and then the extremely hot food coloring will boil and sizzle horribly and then the glass will shatter. Please take my word on this lmfao  Amber: What did you do Fiona?  Fiona: A MISTAKE
*Squad reactions to being told ‘I love you’*  Moon: Thanks fam!  Jenn: oh no  Amber: *cries* I love you too  Katherina: Sounds fake but okay  Fiona: *A flustered mess*  Indy: can i get a refund
Moon: Hewwo.  Amber: Hihiiiiii!  Jenn: Greetings, Humans.  Katherina: Three kinds of people.  Fiona: I want pudding.  Moon: Four kinds of people.  Indy: WHAT’S UP FUCKERS?  Katherina: Five kinds of people.
Moon: If you bite it and you die, it’s poisonous. If it bites you and you die, it’s venomous.  Amber: What if it bites me and it dies!?  Jenn: Then you’re poisonous. Jesus Christ, Amber, learn to listen.  Fiona: What if it bites itself and I die?  Indy: That’s voodoo.  Katherina: What if it bites me and someone else dies?  Amber: That’s correlation, not causation.  Fiona: What if we bite each other, and neither of us die?  Indy: That’s kinky.  Moon: Oh my God.
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featherquillpen · 4 years ago
Reclist: Eldritch/Inhuman Castiel
My interest in Supernatural, such as it is, begins and ends with Castiel, a gay angel who is portrayed by known human being Misha Collins, but is shown by visual storytelling (shattering glass, fallen trees, dramatic lightning flashes) and in dialogue ("I am a multidimensional wavelength of celestial intent", "my true body is the size of the Chrysler Building") to be an incorporeal nightmare monster who just so happens to have possessed a suburban dad. I am a monsterfucker who absolutely wanted to read about a terrifying eldritch gay angel, but I discovered to my great disappointment that most SPN fanwork portrays him as a quirky human man lightly dusted with halo spice.
However, I have managed to find some fanwork that gave me the many-eyed, mind-breaking, dorky gay possession spirit that I crave, and I thought I would share my finds with all my fellow alienfuckers. Also, for those alienfuckers who are not in this fandom (excellent life choice, by the way) I have marked with an asterisk (*) those fanworks that I think work well without any knowledge of SPN.
Contra's trueform!Cas art
Contra's take on Cas's trueform is inspired and incredibly cute. I love how he draws Cas as his usual nearly expressionless human vessel, but then has a very expressive trueform expanding like a giant cloud of wings and eyes around him.
Carolina's trueform!Cas art
Carolina's take on Cas's trueform is very abstract and intriguing. In the example I linked, the blue and tan and white of Jimmy Novak's iconic outfit spill out in a chaos of triangles and wings and animal heads from Jimmy's body as Cas possesses him, as well as the red burn of Cas's handprint on Dean.
Friendly Pigeon's Giant Castiel series*
Friendly Pigeon heard Castiel say that his true form was the size of the Chrysler Building and decided to take that to its logical fanart conclusion. This art beautifully communicates the awe-inspiring scale of a cosmic being like Cas.
angel-derangement's trueform!Cas art*
This fanartist draws Cas so different every time, and so WEIRD that I am honestly inspired. These trueforms are inspired by everything from the lighting aisle at a hardware store to Lisa Frank. Feast your eyes.
Long Fanfic (>50k)
Cruel Angels* by orphan (107k)
The ultimate in eldritch!Cas. This author delivered to me everything I wanted: Cas walking the earth in a giant, freaky, many-headed form that sends everybody but Dean screaming for the hills. The sheer power, scale, and alienness of Castiel in this fic is unparalleled, and yet he always tries so hard to do the right thing, in his endearing way.
Cinderwings* by bendingsignpost (182k)
The Cas in this Cinderella-ish AU is technically not as alien as in most of the fics on this list, in that he is a corporeal humanoid being who just happens to have ginormous wings, but the fic does a great job of portraying Cas and angels in general as very culturally distinct from humans - a lot of the drama of this fic comes from Cas operating from totally different first principles than humans do.
So Says the Sword* by komodobits (85k)
An AU(-ish? it's complicated) where Dean says yes to being Michael's vessel, and Castiel is assigned to guard him. Castiel and Dean are basically locked in a holodeck together, under terrible circumstances, and bond with each other while they wait for the apocalypse. The Castiel POV is beautiful, his true form scene is awe-inspiring, and the fic is so poetically written in general.
Medium Fanfic (10 - 50k)
Broadway Musical* by Griftings
An exceedingly silly AU that includes references to Jewish angel lore, angels having three animal heads as per the Book of Revelation, and Cas having previously possessed a dinosaur as a vessel. I love that Cas has an internal conversation going with Jimmy throughout the fic, a stream of petty arguments and useful tips for playing human, which emphasizes how Cas is not his vessel.
closer (isn't close enough) by fleeceframe
A finale fix-it in which Cas is now an archangel. While Cas is roughly humanoid in this fic, you still get the immensity and power of his true nature. In this fic, he heals trauma damage directly from Dean and Sam's brains, and designs a heaven for bees, which is just... such wholesome weird angel content.
Autrement, Danger - or, The Account of an Exceedingly Long Day by awed_frog (31k)
The description of Cas's true form in this story was so poetic and beautiful I actually cried. This fic captures the concept of the sublime: the feeling you get in prayer or in contemplation of nature that you are very small and the universe is vast and frightening and breathtaking.
Short Fanfic (<10k)
Fata morgana. by orange_crushed (7k)
Castiel in hell, searching for Dean, from demon!Bela's point of view. I love how Bela's demon senses can see Cas's Grace fading and warping in hell. Cas is also just so hopelessly sweet amidst the bleakness of this story.
diamond star halo by jad (5k)
Castiel possessing Dean, from Sam POV. I love fic where Cas possesses other vessels than Jimmy, because it emphasizes that Cas is not his vessel - he is an incorporeal entity who needs help from humans to interact in the human world. Castiel!Dean in this story is just so weird and I love it.
Everyone is Trying to Get to the Bar by Balder12 (8k)
A very weird eldritch Cas made of blade-feathers and spinning wheels and tentacles, AND it's hurt/comfort! I'm such a sucker for fic where a monstrous/alien character is hurt and receives comfort, because monsters deserve love and care, too.
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littlesilverdiary · 5 years ago
This blog is an experiment. I haven't entirely decided on specific details, but I wanted to get the blog started anyway so I can start playing the game, taking notes, and writing. The gist is this:
- can't decide whether I want this to be in a diary format or another perspective, so I'm gonna play with both and see which I like best!
- I'm going to be playing pokemon soul silver, silver has always been one of my favorites, so why not write smut about it!* not sure if I wanna play by any special rules, but I'm always open to suggestion and am considering some loose nuzlocke rules to make things interesting. Oh, of note! I'm playing soul silver*, and writing shit about said gameplay, but I'm not writing about Lyra*! She's a child, and that's gross. Maybe I'm a certain kind of gross, writing about pokefucking and being a monsterfucker at all, but I'm not a pedophile, lmao. Please just go away if you're looking for that. I'm writing my own character who is well into her adulthood, a researcher who never did the gym challenge as a youth, too focused on being a bookworm, and decided to partake of the challenge since she decided to start catching Pokemon as well as studying them. I probably won't go too into the story, unless any readers super want that.
*uhhh I'm not playing soul silver, I'm at a point, with certain Pokemon that I don't want to erase, but I'm far enough that I can't exactly remember and I do want this story to be a certain way. lmao... So... I'm gonna be playing something else. I looked through the games I have and I think I have to restart let's go eevee anyways so probably that! If not.... Well, then I'm gonna beat one I'm almost done with and play that one. I'll figure something else out lmao. If it's gonna take a while I might write some smut as a warm up, but we shall seeeeeee
- yes, this will be smut! primarily pokephilia. pokefucking? new to participating in fandom, and new to writing a smut series, especially like this... please be kind in your constructive criticism? but it's absolutely welcome, I'll never get better at writing if I don't learn what I've done wrong! That being said, this still is a just a smutty, highly self indulgent fanfic. This lady is going to fuck some pokemon, maybe gonna even romance some who knows! She might even fuck some of her fellow trainers, but I imagine that will be rare. NO-NON CON! I'm going to do my best to do some general content tags at the start so you know what to expect, especially because sometimes I do like to be other kinds of gross. Don't be afraid to ask for me to tag things, sometimes I forget or it just doesn't occur to me. Don't be afraid to send me requests too, if you wanna see me write a certain kink. ;) At some point I'm going to get a list of stuff I will and won't write.
- please be kind about my timing. I'm a thirsty pervert, but I'm also fighting those mental health demons and sometimes writing is hard. I will do my best!
Uhh I think that's it's for now. I'll add more as I think of it, reformat this, what have you. If you're still sticking around to the end of this, thank you! Hope you enjoy whatever I manage to write. Feel free to make suggestions for which game I should tackle next, if I manage to beat SS!
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