#my dream!!!
ashadeintheshade · 2 months
City of Angels, 8 and 9 for the fic ask!
Hey, ya'll are fantastic people for sending me asks!!! I'm SUPER lame for having reblogged this very fun ask game and then like, gone off tumblr for days. Unintentional!
Thanks so much for the ask @heyitszev!! Unashamedly, I love talking about COA, so, yay!
City of Angels, Fic Ask Game
8: Did any real people or events inspire any part of it?
This is such a good question and one I don't think I've really thought of before. The easiest answer is that Christine is me, but I don't mean in a self-insert into fic way. I mean that I worked out (unintentionally, really, unknowingly) a lot of things while she worked them out too. I had panic attacks, so she did also. I was graduating college when I started the fic, and her absolute attachment to that place was mine. I can't say that any of the other characters or plot points were particularly based off any specific real event or person, other than the fact that I once did attend a sort of competition thing for singers in New England to end up at the Met, which is how Christine gets there too.
9: Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
Hoo boy, were there. HOO BOY, WERE THERE. It's so funny to even think about trying to explain the original versions to people who know it as it is now. First of all, the ORIGINAL plot line had Erik say, as Lerik does, that everyone should be dead and buried. He blew up the Campbell building, intentionally, knowing tons of people lived there, and he wasn't sorry. This got changed in like, chapter... 12?? When I realized this Christine could absolutely, positively never forgive the actual murderer of her father. So it had to become something slightly less bad lol. Just a little oops. Other original plot lines involved Madeleine actually being alive but having been driven crazy somehow by the poison she took ala Sweeney Todd, and Erik finding her in Los Angeles when he and Christine go together. Listen... this story went through a lot haha. It's been ten years since I started writing it!
A special shout-out must be given to @flora-gray for helping move COA from the original plot lines that didn't work to the ones that I feel do in the current version. We talked about this almost three years ago now! Thanks Flora!!!
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bob-artist · 5 months
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I had an upsetting dream last night.
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diabloku · 7 months
Lucifer: *enters the hotel*
Alastor: I cast vicious mockery 😈
An animation my sis and I made for fun
Music is Perception Check by Tom Cardy.
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shurinpat · 6 months
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boops you
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hamoodmood · 3 months
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namedvesta · 2 months
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Antonio Frilli, “Sweet Dreams”, Marble sculpture (𝟣𝟪𝟫𝟤).
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sing-you-fools · 1 year
me: this is a background character who's in one scene, has two lines, and is completely irrelevant to the rest of the story. i am going to stop obsessing over what to name him and use the random name generator on behindthename.com. i am going to accept the first thing it gives me and move the fuck on.
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spyglassrealms · 2 years
had a fucking hilarious dream that tumblr replaced the "block" function with the far funnier "glock" function, which did the exact same thing except whenever anyone blocked you a random bullet hole, like a png of a bullet hole, would appear on your blog. discourse blogs were unreadable bc you'd go to the page and the sheer amount of bullet hole pngs stacked over the blogs obscured everything. I woke myself up laughing
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heavyfandom · 10 months
Hello!!!! No one gonna talk about this???
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fandolion · 3 months
Incredible artist Julia Stoess makes these giant 100:1 insect models, I have never seen something more beautiful !
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Definition of mastering your craft, they are PERFECT
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bluebeesknees · 4 months
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𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘢𝘸 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘵𝘰𝘰 ✨
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littlestpersimmon · 2 months
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corrodedparadox · 4 months
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I love watching birds fly south for the winter
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shadowriel · 8 months
New idea: instead of writing the fic, you come over to my house and I tell you the entire plot while I pace my tiny kitchen. There’s a cup of tea, warm in your hands. The words don’t stop and the affection never leaves your expression.
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shitbl0gger · 25 days
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hamoodmood · 1 month
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