#my brain confuses the two sometimes okay
thegroundhogdidit · 1 year
hold on hold on. i think i'm onto something
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ah yes. gay, brainwashed in the beginning, the queen is dead
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lilgynt · 4 days
i don’t think it is but maybe the getting extremely high and drinking everyday is why i feel so awful all the time. probably not i can’t even see how that’s could be connected
#personal#my buddy asked me if i need an intervention one i will lie to you jot that down#two probably not i have my normal about of edibles and most likely a hard cider and a half before i pass right the fuck out#also i’m functioning i have my job i have hobbies i still go out bam.#also this is harm reduction places my brains been at we don’t want me totally aware#with that tho the weed and hard cider probably isn’t helping my brain issues#especially the issues are BAD dissociation#anyway it’s varies day to day but ever since i was like let’s have the latest breakdown about my family and i just kinda gave up#the days have been foggy in my mind#first while after every interaction just ended up weird and i couldn’t follow it too well#everyone sounded muted or underwater?#things still feel foggy but interactions are back to normal#i’m just heavily out of my body and not completely there mentally a lot lately#and sometimes it’s nothing like feels like nothing and i’m just gone#other times i feel sick and confused#had a call with my mom and brother the other day i was phoning that in so bad and i couldn’t feel anything#and i’m leaning heavy into spacing out but that’s warring with me being present in reality and that. hurts my head?#it’s not hurting but it hurts me it feels like my brain is splittering#like i’m losing my mind but also im fine and it’s okay#anyway even if my friends had an intervention i’d be like guys given the issues i’m dealing with im not gonna stress about weed and some#hard ciders i’m gonna be so real with you.#i feel loose i feel like oil on water
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tiyoin · 2 months
having jade be the love sick twin instead of floyd is SUCH a mega brained idea
(i’m def gonna reblog & add more to this because i’m tired & sleepy 🥱 )
because what’s better than flustered floyd than a flustered jade??!
trying to keep his calm and composure whenever in your presence, meanwhile floyd and azul both look at him in confusion because ???
jade what the hell?? total 180 (to them)
no one else noticed jade’s… differences when he starts ‘liking you’ (if one could call it that. jade is.. just as unique as floyd is so no one quite knows the story with him)
but jade will sometimes.. for a better use of words- lag, when confronted with a complex scenario (you asked him for his opinion on something and jade doesn’t know whether to be truthful or ‘truthful’)
jade will be the type to… keep an eye out for you whenever you pop up into his mind. like he’ll suddenly become conscious and discreetly scan the room and when you’re not there he simply moves on with his task(s)
that’s if you’re not there HOWEVER
if you are there, then he’ll lag for just a second, eyes on you as he scans you up and down, vision focused for on your face for half a second before he politely clears his throat and goes back to the task at hand.
jade leech is a enigma. plain and simple. floyd leech and azul ashengrotto have never seen jade give a person that kind of look before.
it’s kind of a 🤨🤨 scenario with the 2 of them. because they also pause and give each other a look (when they catch jade’s habit that is, it goes on for a while before the two catch on. he has his secrets, and so do they☺️ (if he wanted them to catch wind of it or if he just did it unconsciously and they were lucky enough to catch it- we’ll never be known))
but now they know something is up with the vice house warden and they were going to pry and manipulate their way into knowing WHAT was going on.
their suspicions only heighten when they see jade hesitantly looking at you during the second and first year classes were teing up for the day. everyone is was bustling around the classroom in search of a suitable partner for this section’s potionology project. jade, cute as feral dog was glancing at you nervously as you got swarmed by first years. it was probably the most nervous they’ve ever seen jade! (jade in question :) )
‘he’s so cute 🙈’ floyd says to azul as he sees jade float by your noisy circle. he tries opening his mouth to speak to you but your friend pulls you in another direction while the eel sulks away.
in comes floyd!! who not a minute later grabs his twin’s shoulder, dull dozes through your friends and presents you with two new partners! azul as witness, has never seen a crowd disperse as fast or jade jaw clench as hard as you looked at the pair wearily.
jade is not happy right now.
all he wanted to do was follow his meticulously crafted plan to get you to become closer and trusting with him so he could steal your heart. 😠
is that so bad?!?
azul advisors him to word it better because yes jade, that does sound bad… :|
jade definitely gives me the vibe that he’d tell floyd to ‘shut up’ under his breathe whenever you were around because we all know the shit stirring floyd does. and it gets awkward for a moment before one of them expertly moves everyone onto the next conversation.
ACTUALLY- what if floyd begs crewel to make the 3 of you (leeches + a shrimp) into a group!! this way jade can get closer to you, and floyd gets his entertainment! perfect plan! great job floyd!!😸
jade punches him when back at the dorm
SIGHHHH jade fiddling with his fingers trying to talk with you while absolutely chaos erupts in the lab. floyd’s causing shit, adeuce and grim are being maniacs and MAYBE having sebek epel and kalim in a group wasn’t exactly a great idea but at least jamil is with azul and ortho-
good lord they’re making out (jamil and azul) okay uh.
so jade is awkward, yet smooth in my opinion. MY OPINION (gotta keep adding that for chronically online people, yes this is a call out. yes you’re chronically online. anyways) jade has a habit of tucking his hair behind his ear when nervous or whenever he tries to distract himself form something else.
so for floyd to see jade repeatedly tuck his strip of black hair behind his ear, it’s going to raise some alarm bells.
yes you’re on his radar because he knows jade likes you but seriously??? floyd never knew jade to be serious with ‘crushes’- if you could even call them that.
they’re more like ‘infatuations’ which he quickly gets over within a week or two (maybe a month if it’s bad) but’s it’s been 2 months. two. and jade is still trying to approach and possibly court you????
yes he approaches you when azul needs something or when you’re summoned to the lounge… but on his own? for his own schemes? yikes.
i like to think jade is bolder yet shyer than floyd. he’s shyer in the beginner while floyd is bolder while jade is bolder in the ‘end’ while floyd is shyer in the end. so cute 😸
meanwhile you’re confused as to why jade leech is becoming a.. reoccurring guest star in your life as of late. he’s in the library when you are, he’s your waiter at the lounge whenever you’re there, and he’s requesting to be your partner whenever the chance arises. (not often due to grade differences, but it’s happened enough times to make you suspicious)
no one believes you when you say jade will sometimes stutter, or his face would show a twinge of flushing- EVEN when he gives you something, ie: borrowing a pencil- for free.
jade leech.
offering a pencil. for free. no charge. no favors…
you’re confused as to why jade leech is hovering around you all of a sudden. like night and day you suddenly have a body guard on you for half of the day. he would always just be… there.
jade says he’s playing the long game and WILL wife you up while floyd’s calling him a stupid cuck for letting people flirt with you in front of him.
jade merely shrugs and tells him he clearly hasn’t been in love before and will only understand when he is in love himself. of course that pisses floyd off (or he doesn’t care, im not sure) but when jade walks away, he walks away with a new determination about him. he’s gonna wife you up BAD.
jade leech is nothing but patient and will slither his way into your heart just as you did his.
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Dreams, A Nightmare and A Kiss
Summary: Logan x Fe!Reader -> After you have a dream about Logan, your brain can't seem to forget it. And neither will Logan.
Disclaimer: Descriptions of torture, crying, a creepy guy. Apart from that, teasing, fluff, a little dash of steam at the end. Not Proof Read
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You kept having this recurring dream. Or maybe it was a nightmare. It was hard to tell. What do you call it when, what seems like a dream, turns into a very awkward situation where you don’t know what to do with yourself when you wake up? 
Do you try to forget it ever happened? Do you talk to someone about it? Do you talk to the person about it? Are you meant to talk to the person about it? Or would consulting a psychiatrist be easier, considering the person who you dreamt about…was not someone you would, or even should be dreaming about?
Storm placed down her coffee on the table before pulling out her chair. “Penny for your thoughts?”
Storm pointed at you, “You look like you’re thinking too hard.”
“Too hard for this early in the morning,” you mumbled. 
“Well, then, talk to me. Maybe I can help.”
“I don’t think even the world's best psychiatrist can help me with this one.”
Storm shrugged. “Maybe you don’t need the world’s best. Come on, try me.”
You took a moment and looked at Storm. Maybe it was worth a go…
“Okay,” you sighed. Storm got comfortable in her seat and leaned forward. Meanwhile, you practically had to pull your legs under the table and untrap your hands from between them. 
“I had a dream.”
“You had a dream?”
You nodded, trying your best to look her in they eyes when you spoke. Was you really going to admit this outloud to someone? 
“I had a…dream.”
It took her a minute. “Oh…oh. Okay, well anyone will tell you that’s normal. Healthy even. You know, sometimes-”
“About Logan.”
Storm faltered and then came to a full stop, her hand still in the air and her jaw slacked. “Logan.”
Storm spoke slowly as she looked at you, trying to gauge if this was some big prank you were playing on her. It wasn’t April. 
“L…ogan?” She asked this time, just to be sure. 
You nodded. 
“Our Logan?”
“Do you know any other Logan’s?”
Storm shook her head and blinked her eyes for one second too long before coming back into movement. “No, I guess not. So…what’s the issue?”
You looked at her like she was both crazy and confusing. “You don’t see the issue?”
Storm shrugged, taking a sip of her coffee. “Not particularly. I mean, it is a little odd considering…well considering you two aren’t the most…harmonious.”
And it was. 
Both yourself and Logan, although civil most of the time, weren’t exactly known for being best pals. 
“So what was it about?”
She just smiled, “What? I want to know. How was it?”
“I…I can’t answer that.”
“Sure you can! Oh, come on, Y/n. You can’t tell a girl you and Logan shared…something and not tell her about it.”
You sighed, “Yes, I can.”
“Oh my god,” Storm smiled, leaning back in her chair. “You liked it.”
“What?” You could practically feel your face bursting into flames. “N-no. No I didn’t.”
But she just laughed in response. “You sooo totally want it to happen in real life.”
“Want what to happen?” 
You practically squealed with fright as both you and Storm sat straighter in your chairs and turned to see Logan walk through the door and over to the coffee machine. 
“Uhhh, nothing. Nothing at all. How did you sleep?”
From pouring coffee, Logan repeated your question. “How did I sleep?”
You nodded, willing the redness from your face to disappear. The grip you had held on the back of your chair as you twisted your body was growing stronger by the minute. 
Logan placed the coffee pot back in its place and looked to Storm. “Is she okay?”
Then you felt yourself go back to normal. “I’m fine, Logan.”
Logan looked back at you. The general look of disgust and disinterest, a little more prominent on your face. 
“I slept fine.” Logan answered. Then his face turned into a grin he was holding back. Well. Trying to hold back. “How did you sleep, Y/n?”
Storm watched your eyes widen for a second and the blush heated your face once more. “Fine.” you were forced out. 
Logan just nodded and sipped his coffee. “And you? Storm?”
“Like a baby.”
Logan nodded and smiled. “Good. Good.”
Then the bell went. “I better get going. I guess I’ll see you later. Or should I say tonight?”
Logan watched as your face twisted from nothing, to confusion, to shock to embarrassment to…turning around and hiding it completely. 
“Have a nice day, ladies.”
Covering your face, you hid it on the table, letting your muffled voice speak out from your arms as Storm placed a hand on your back. “How much do you think he heard?”
“Not much…I think.” Storm looked behind her, a pained look on her face for you. “If he had heard it all, he would have gloated more.”
You gave a whimper in pain and Storm placed her hand on the back of your head. “It shouldn’t be too bad.”
“It’s Logan.”
“Okay, so you’re screwed.”
Thankfully, you had managed to avoid Logan all day. Jean had found you hiding in the teacher’s lounge when you knew Logan was teaching. Even him thinking you were alone in your classroom was hard enough. 
“You don’t have anything that could reverse time? Or make me forget all of today?”
Jean smiled, “No. I don’t think so. But Storm told me what happened.”
“Oh, God.” You groaned, placing down your food by your feet and burying your head by your knees. “How many people know?”
“Just me and Storm,” Jean assured you. “And Logan,” she added. 
You groaned again. 
However, now that everything was finally silent, you took time to breathe. Maybe Logan would finally drop it. 
Not that he had said anything to you apart from that morning. But…it was Logan. When it came to you, he’d never let you live it down. 
Stepping a little higher on your feet, you reached into the back of the cupboard to try and find the last box of tea bags. Why Scott had been assigned to stock away the one thing he didn’t drink was beyond you. He always put it at the very back of everything on the top shelf of the cupboard. 
Not even on the first shelf at the back. 
No, he’d rather have you pull a muscle or get yet another bruise from the knobs on the oven. 
Finally reaching it, you stepped back and closed the cupboard door just as someone shouted your name. 
You let out a little scream that was followed by his laughter. 
“Logan! Jesus Christ.”
He smiled sheepishly, “Sorry. Was just too easy.”
You gave him a glare and bent down to pick up your box of tea bags before walking away to the other side of the kitchen where you had left the kettle by the sink. 
“It’s almost midnight. Don’t just sneak up on a girl like that.”
“Forgive me.” He was still smiling. Even with your back to him, you could tell. “But I figured you’d be busy dreaming about me.”
“Having a nightmare, more like.” 
“Oh, come on. You had a dream about me. Admit it.”
You scoffed and rolled your eyes before pushing down the kettle lid and placing it back on its holder before flicking the switch on. 
“Oh, please. You just want to gloat.”
“No, no. Okay, maybe a little.” Logan lowered his hands before using them to lift himself onto the counter where you stood by the island, chopping up some carrots. “What are you? The Easter Bunny?” Logan lifted a piece before putting it back down. 
With the knife still in your hand, you made direct eye contact as you pushed the knife down hard, listening to the snap of the carrot before returning your gaze to it. 
“So…tell me.” Logan began, picking up yet another piece of carrot yet this time eating it. “What was it about?”
“What was what about?”
“Your dream.”
“Logan,” you sighed. 
“What? Oh come on, we both know you dreamt of me. You could at least tell me what it was about considering you didn’t ask for my consent.”
You looked at him for a moment before walking away, towards the kettle that had finished boiling. 
Pouring the hot water into the cups, back on the island, you returned the kettle to its place, allowing the bags to steep in the water for a while. 
“Come on, you know you want to tell me.”
“I don’t want to tell you anything.”
“Did we kiss?” Logan asked, trying to find his answers. “Did we have sex? Sorry, make love. Did we get married? Did we-”
You sighed, placing down the knife. “We did nothing, Logan. I had a dream. You just happened to be there.”
“So what happened?”
“Nothing happened.”
Logan gave a coy look and lent down a little so he was closer to you. “Something happened.”
“Nothing happened.” You pressed. “Trust me, if anything you just asked me happened between me and you in any capacity, I’d be calling it a nightmare.”
Logan pouted and held his hand over his heart. “Oh, how you wound me.”
“You’re a grown man, Logan. Deal with it.”
Logan laughed, taking a couple steps back. “Okay, okay. I’ll drop it.”
“Thank you.” 
“For now.”
Leaning closer to you and over you, Logan reached for the second cup you hadn’t realised you had made of tea and took a handful of carrots with him. 
You berated yourself for having closed your eyes for a split second, letting his touch warm you. 
Logan was not a man you should or would ever go for. 
But Storm was right. 
You did enjoy it. 
You just never wanted Logan to know that. 
Over the following days, you could feel Logan’s eyes on you wherever you went. From the both of you standing by your classroom doors, watching the kids leave your classroom and making sure the right ones came in. 
Some students recently had a tendency to swap certain classes for others. 
Or like when you were at dinner and sat outside. From the grass below where he was coaching a game of baseball, you caught him looking at you and smiling as he turned away. 
So, when you saw him again in the empty hallway, you pushed him inside the nearest classroom. 
At least, what you thought was the nearest classroom. Turned out to be a storage room for school supplies. 
“Okay, what the hell is wrong with you?”
“I could ask you the same thing. You know, I think this is against the law, holding someone hostage inside a storage closet.”
“Every day this week, you’ve been staring at me. Why? Do I have something on my face? Or are you trying to see if you’ve suddenly developed telekinetic powers?”
Rather than replying, Logan just looked at you. Was he…studying you?
“You had another dream.”
You reeled back for a moment, trying your best not to squirm under his gaze. “Excuse me?”
Logan couldn’t help but smile. Or maybe it was a smirk. 
“You had another dream.” Logan repeated. “Was it any different, or was this just part two.”
“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”
Logan shrugged. “It’s not every day you learn that someone is in love with you.”
You practically laughed. “In love? With you? Oh, that’ll be the day.”
Logan practically sang what he said next. “Oh, you are so totally falling in love with me.”
“Like hell.”
“Oh,” he laughed. “She’s already prepared the wedding vows.”
“I hate you.”
“Love you, too, Sweetheart.”
However, before you could reply to Logan’s statement, you both turned and found the door wide open. 
“Rouge,” you almost yelled her name in surprise. 
“Hey. Sorry about…interrupting. I just need some…” She pointed to behind both of you where the stack of boxed pencils were kept. 
Logan reached behind him and handed her a box. “Here you go, kid.”
“Thanks. I guess I’ll just uh…” 
Closing the door on both of you, she walked away, hearing a small thud on the door behind her. 
Little did she know it was your head. 
“Be careful, she might be thinking we’re doing something else in here.”
“I hate you,” you groaned. 
“Love you, too, Sweetheart.” Logan repeated, folding his arms and smiling. 
Turning the door handle, you swung open the door and walked out of it. 
It was halfway through the next day before you saw Logan, and it wasn’t exactly what you had in mind when you thought you next saw him. 
The heating on the top floor of the school; the floor which both yourself and Logan, along with a couple of other pupils happened to sleep on, hadn’t been working for a month. 
A trustworthy company couldn’t come out to inspect it for at least that time but now that they are finally here, part of you wished they hadn’t turned up at all. 
Because, for as much as you enjoyed talking to people, one of their tradesmen…you would have happily gone your whole life without ever having spoken to them. 
From the minute he walked in the door, he had been eyeing you up like you were his next meal. He always stood too close for comfort, trying his best to leave his hot breath behind your ear whenever he spoke which only made your skin crawl and when he blatantly started flirting with you…you more than obvious distance and replies of “No,” didn’t seem to do the trick. 
“I’m married.”
“I don’t see your husband anywhere, sweet cheeks. We could always get to know each other a little better, if you catch my drift.”
Then Logan turned down the hall. 
Finally spotting him, you gave a smile of relief. 
He started walking closer to you. 
“Here he is, my husband,” you took him by the arm, putting him between yourself and one of the tradesmen. “Logan.”
Logan looked at you with a slightly confused look whilst you looked both scared, panicked (for two reasons) and was forcing a smile on your face the whole time. 
Logan took a breath and turned back to the tradesman who had everything, save from the actual word written across his head in bold ink, creepy going for him. 
“Can I help you?”
The guy practically tumbled back. “No, no. Just having a conversation. I guess I’ll get back to work.”
You watched as the guy tripped over his own feet trying to scurry away from yourself and Logan, neither of you missing the way the guy told two other workmates of his that you were, in fact, married. 
“Thank you. I’m sorry I dragged you into that but- Why are you smiling?”
Logan shook his head, standing in front of you, pressing his hands behind his back and bouncing on his feet. “No reason.”
You relaxed your face. “He was being a creep. What would you have had me do?”
“Come and got me.” Logan answered honestly. “But…I was right.”
“Right about what?”
“You had written the vows.”
With your arms crossed, your eyebrows relaxed as you looked at him. “I want a divorce.”
“Ooh, do you not remember, Sweetheart? That night you burned the marriage certificate?”
You started walking away. 
“What was it that you said?”
Logan followed after you. 
“Good luck returning me without the receipt. Now, that is better than Shakespeare, don’t you think?”
“I hate you.”
“See, I don’t think you do. Considering…”
“Considering what?”
“The fact that you keep dreaming about me.”
You sighed. “I already told you, it wasn’t about you. You were just in it.”
“Oh, that’s true love if I ever did see it.”
“Don’t you have a class to teach?” You asked as you turned into the kitchen. 
“I wonder what we did this time? Frolic on the beach? Have to say though, I’m not one to frolic anymore, but I could make an exception-”
You stuffed an apple into his mouth before turning to face him. “Remind me, how does the saying go again? An apple a day keeps your wife from killing you in your sleep?”
Walking away, you headed through the back doors and outside leaving Logan to bite down on his apple, all the while smiling. 
Something that you didn’t think through however, was having to keep the rouse up. And it wasn’t long before everyone knew. At least, all of the team knew. 
“I hear congratulations are in order,” Xavier said as he entered into the living room where you were sitting on one end of the sofa, curled up with a book, whilst Logan sat diagonal to you across the table, spread out, grading papers. 
“I have to say though, I thought I’d at least get an invite.”
Logan smiled, “That makes two of us.”
You just glared from over your book before going back to reading. 
“I have to say also, you both make a very cute couple. Of course, I was betting on it taking an extra couple of months.”
“I think Y/n helped to speed things up a little.”
You continued to glare. “You’re really enjoying this, aren’t you?”
“How could you tell?”
Rolling your eyes, you went back to trying to read your book. 
“Well, I suppose I best leave you both alone. What with you two still being in the honeymoon stage and all.”
Charles chuckled to himself as he left the room, not forgetting to shut the door behind him. 
You and Logan remained in silence for a while longer. However, Logan didn’t miss your gaze. Every couple of minutes you would look up and watch him. He could feel your eyes on him, heating his skin from under all his metal. 
“You know, if you didn’t keep staring at me every five minutes, you might have finished your book.”
“Ooh, feigning disinterest. How original.”
After a moment, Logan stood and started walking over towards you. “You know, you could just ask.”
“Ask what?”
Logan sat beside you on the sofa, facing you, leaning in a little closer. “If that’s what it would be like?”
“If…what would be like what?”
Logan’s arms fell to either side of you on the sofa, caging you in. “If that’s what it would be like for us to be in the same room as each other without fighting. I’m sure you’ve thought about me once or twice. It’s nothing to be ashamed about.”
“Am I really that transparent to you?”
Logan practically smirked as his head tilted a little and he came closer to you. “You forget I can hear your heartbeat, Sweetheart.”
Your lips parted for a moment, feeling your heart rate increase even more. 
“I think you’re forgetting something else, too.”
“What’s that?”
Logan reached for you. Or rather, behind you. 
Pulling the cord, the lamp came on. 
“You hate me.”
That night, you lay awake in bed, wishing and hoping and praying on every goddamn star in the sky that you wouldn’t dream about him again. 
That you wouldn’t dream about the way his touch warmed yours, or how he would kiss you in all the right places, willing his name from your lips. That you wouldn’t dream about his arms wrapping around you or how, in a dark bedroom alone, you would hear the shower turn off only to have him emerge in a billow of steam like some kind of Greek or Roman God, just wrapped in a towel looking at you like…that. 
 That you wouldn’t dream about him in a way that you wouldn’t let yourself acknowledge. That you wouldn’t want to outwardly and knowingly fall in love with him, and have him fall right back. 
But, of course, the wishing and the hoping and the praying didn’t work. 
Because when you next opened your eyes, you were left with the memories of a dream that included not only you teaching – like you did most days of the week – but the classroom emptying to allow both yourself and Logan some privacy where he placed his hand against your stomach and kissed you. “She’s got her daddy’s strength, all right. I feel like I’m being kicked by a horse.”
You woke up with the fading feeling of the gentle yet firm hand Logan had on your stomach, and your heart’s growth fading a little when you realised it was just a dream. 
For the fifth dream in the space of a week, you were beginning to think you were cursed. Or, at the very least, had a problem. 
However, it all changed when you woke up in a sweat. 
Finally, three days had passed and no dreams at all. Nothing to do with Logan. Not even a single thought whilst you were asleep. 
And then things grew dark. 
You had been running. For your life. All around you, stars were falling from the sky, hitting the ground and shaking it from beneath you. Each way you turned kicked dirt into your face, making it harder to breathe. Your lungs felt like they were on fire before you finally reached a set of metal doors. 
Inside, you ran around, dipping in and around different stacked crates, your head whipping around you trying to check all angles. “Where are you?” you kept asking yourself. “Please be here.” 
Then you found him. 
But you heard him first. 
A scream. 
Turning, the room turned with you until you found yourself in some kind of lab. Logan strapped to the table, and just as you stepped forward you found yourself being held back by two soldiers who had to be at least seven feet tall and six feet wide. 
No matter how you moved, you couldn’t. 
They were branding Logan. Burning him with needles and different iron poles and wires. He was screaming in pain, unable to turn his body away from it. 
“Stop! Stop! You’re hurting him! Please! Stop!”
But they couldn’t hear you. No glass was in front of you, but there might as well have been. 
“No! Logan! Please! Stop hurting! Just…Please!”
Logan now turned to look at you. And as he did, your heart broke. He wasn’t walking away from this one. Looking at you, you saw silent tears roll from his eyes and down his cheek. “I’m okay. I’ll be okay.”
Your body was becoming limp in the soldiers arms. 
“I’m sorry, Sweetheart. I’m-” With a hot iron rod to his back, he screamed out in pain trying to move away from it. 
You screamed again, willing them to stop hurting him. To hurt you instead. But they wouldn’t. It was killing you. And everyone could see that. Even Logan as he took his last look. 
You called out his name. 
And woke up, calling out his name as you threw yourself to sit up in bed. 
Around you, your entire room was cased in darkness save for the moon-light flooding in. It wasn’t much, but it was enough for you to make out the outline of your room and the things in it. 
It took you a moment to catch your breath long enough to find a clear head to know your body was moving. 
Pulling the covers from you, you made your way out of your room and down the hall before you found his room. Except, as your hand hovered over the knob, it swung open and you stepped back. Whatever breath you had caught in your room was once again gone. 
Logan stood, his eyes adjusting to the light from the hallway, shirtless. Along with the pyjama bottoms Rouge had given him in a set last Christmas. 
“Y/n…I was just coming to check on you. Are you-” 
Surprising Logan, and perhaps yourself, you hugged him. Tight. “Okay?” Logan finished his question but didn’t expect an answer. 
It took him a moment, but he quickly wrapped his arms around you. Even though he could, he didn’t need to hear your heartbeat to know you were nervous, scared and relieved all at the same time. You were still shaking and you were just starting to catch your breath again. 
“I heard you shout me…are you okay?” Logan asked in a soft voice. 
You just tightened your grip. “I thought….I thought…”
Logan shook his head. Feeling your heart bash against your rib cage and into his was enough to let him know now wasn’t the time. 
“You don’t have to explain right now. Come and lie down.”
And you did. 
Letting go of Logan for a moment, he led you inside, shutting the door behind him and lifting the covers for you to slide inside. 
He lay down next to you and held onto your hand, two fingers holding onto your wrist. 
He had more natural light in his room which allowed him to see you a little clearer in the dark as you lay and faced him. 
He pressed your hand over his heart and he spoke to you softer than he ever had before. 
“Just count my heartbeats.”
And you did. 
Logan began counting yours in his head as he held onto your wrist but soon lost count when your gaze eventually met his. 
Your heart rate eventually also began to slow. Rather than having it thunder against your chest, leaving both you and Logan wondering if some kind of Looney Tunes spell had been cast on the school which would make your heart physically leap out of your chest, it beat like normal. 
He watched as your eyes started to grow heavier before they finally closed and your breathing became even. And only once that happened, did he allow himself to relax. 
By the time you woke up, you found your own nose and forehead pressed lightly against Logan’s, your bodies naturally falling closer together as his hand held onto yours whilst his other was pressed under your neck and against your pulse point. 
Then you remembered last night. Your nightmare. Waking up in a sweat. Rushing down the hallway towards his room. Hugging him and never wanting to let go. His own heartbeat against the palm of your hand. His scent enveloping you whilst the heat from his body made you feel safe, warm and relaxed. 
Softly, you brought your gaze back to Logan’s eyes. You never got to see this side of him. The fresh out of bed – in this case, in – look. 
“Do you want to talk about last night?”
You swallowed lightly and shook your head. “It was nothing.”
“You had a nightmare.”
You looked away from him for a moment but felt his fingertips press into the back of your neck, begging you to look at him. 
“It wasn’t nothing. Please…talk to me.”
Your gaze flicked back and forth between his eyes, trying to get a read on him. 
He really wanted to know. 
“You died, Logan. At least…I think you did.”
And you went on to explain. About the running, the cave, the metal rods, the screaming, the shouting, the soldiers – all of it. 
Every final detail. 
“All I wanted was to get to you. To make it stop. But I couldn’t. You were screaming in pain and telling me you were going to be okay. I wanted to get you out- I needed to get you out. But every time I tried to move…”
Your voice broke, your eyes filled and Logan felt his own heart break looking at you. How he wished he could erase it. How all he wanted to do in that moment was erase away your pain. 
Logan shushed you a little before pulling his hand from yours that he had continued holding, to allow his arm to go around your back, pulling you flush against him. 
The hand that had been by your neck, pushed to the bottom of your hair line, his fingers tangling with your strands. 
With a pressed kiss to your temple, Logan shook his head. “It was just a nightmare. I’m here. You’re here. We’re both safe. Hey, hey.”
Logan pushed himself back for a moment to be able to look at you. His thumb traced under your eye, brushing the tears away before they could fall down your face. 
“At least this is how I find out, maybe you don’t hate me.”
You laughed a little at that. “You’re a jackass.”
“Maybe,” Logan shrugged. “But you’re in love with me anyway.”
With a scoff and a smile, despite how much you tried not to, you hit Logan in his chest. He chuckled softly for a moment, taking hold of your hand before you could do him any more bodily harm. 
Not that he probably even felt you hit him. He was 90% metal. It probably would bruise you if you actually hit him. 
But when Logan took your hand, things seemed to slow down. 
With his gaze on you, his fingers started tracing your hand. His thumb working its way from your wrist to your palm, all the while his fingers traced up and curled around your own before your hand was flush against his, your fingers only a movement away from falling and intertwining against his. 
And they did. 
Logan took a minute to look at where your hands joined and any control he had over his heartbeat disappeared into an oblivion. 
He looked back at you. 
His fingers locked with yours and you felt your body shift closer towards him. Not fully aware of his own body, Logan had leaned up a little further from his pillow and leaning in closer towards you. 
You were both hesitant, at first. Unsure of what was happening, but fully aware that it was. 
The kiss was soft. Unfamiliar. Neither of you had expected this to happen when you had woken up. In all honesty, neither of you had expected it to ever happen. 
Well, maybe your subconscious. 
But that was a debate for another time. 
However, as it came to an end, reality stuck Logan. He had kissed you. You had come to him because you had a nightmare. You had stayed by his side, in his room, for the rest of the night. And now he had kissed you. 
You were right. 
He was a jackass. 
“I…I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have-”
You shook your head and furrowed your eyebrows. Your own internal monologue was having a whale of a time confusing you. Convincing you that the kiss didn’t happen. Then that was always meant to happen. That maybe…maybe it was always meant to feel like that. Or maybe it was never meant to feel like that. 
For a brief moment, Logan looked confused. Were you going to yell at him? Curse him? 
Instead, you untangled your hand from his and Logan felt his heart sink. Then stop. 
That same hand slowly, hesitantly, reached for his cheek and you…
Kissed him. 
This time, it was more searching and more familiar. More trusted. 
His hand now free, Logan pressed his hand to your own face, drawing you in closer whilst his arm curved around you and he allowed his hand to slip over your shoulder, down you back, towards your hip and up, inside the back of your t-shirt. 
His touch was warming to you. 
Your own hands traced down the side of his neck and up the side of his arm before meeting at the back, your nails scratching at the base of his hairline and neck. 
Finally having moved you onto your back, Logan leaned over you, his weight shifting onto you a little. 
Bringing his hands down to your hips, Logan lifted you a little further up the bed and you let out a small squeal. 
And he smirked. 
“You love it.”
Logan caught your smile against his own and pressed further into you, his legs slowly tangling with yours before he found his place locked between them. 
Pushing the hair from your face with his hand, Logan and yourself continued searching each other. Pressing against the boundaries that had been your last partnership together. 
Maybe it would take a short while to find your footing with each other. And maybe it would take even longer before you finally told Logan the truth about your first dream. 
And maybe, when you finally did, he spent the entire night helping you recreate it. Proving that the reality was better and so much more than your dream. 
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sinofwriting · 2 months
The One With All The Hand Holding - Max Verstappen (I ❤️ MILFS VERSE)
Words: 1,120 Summary: The one with all the hand holding. (part of the I ❤️ MILFS verse)
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Masterlist | Support Me! | I ❤️ MILFS verse
Logan, Pan and Max have an order of things. Pan is always in the middle of them. Not because she needs to mediate or because Max and Logan don’t like each other. She’s in the middle because it means that they both can hold her hand.
Both of her boys are clingy, Logan is a momma’s boy, maybe the biggest one to ever exist and she’s been told she indulges him too much but how she can pull her hand away from him when he grasps it. Especially when she still remembers when her hand enveloped his instead of the other way around. And Max, Max is touch starved. He grasps her hand, any part of her he can, and never let's go until he absolutely has to. There’s only been a few people in his life that have only ever touched him with kindness. And the list of them is surprising until you really think about it.
So, they have an order. Logan on her left and Max on her right. Both of them holding her hands, sometimes making her arms swing.
That order has only been messed up one time:
Max smiles, eyes crinkling as he watches Logan immediately grabs her hand, it makes him want to ruffle his hair, but he knew that Logan had fretted over his this morning, so he doesn’t, instead reaching for Pan’s other hand only to freeze as he feels a piece of warm jewelry on her ring finger and he quickly drops it.
He barely hears the confused noise she makes as he moves, hands grasping at Logan’s shoulders as he tugs him away and puts him on the correct side of Pan, waiting to see Logan reach for her hand before he grabs her other. Feeling at ease when he doesn’t feel a ring.
“You okay?” Max feels his cheeks turn a little pink at the question, her small smile, and both of their concerned looks. “Yeah, just was on the wrong side. I could feel your ring.” The concern fades to such a fond look at his answer and Logan lets out a small laugh. “I thought something felt weird.” Pan sighs, shaking her head, but she still looks unbelievably fond. “So picky, my boys.”
Logan watches as Max presses a kiss to the side of his mom’s head, his arm falling away from her shoulders when he pulls back. It makes him smile, the easy affection between the two. His eyes fall lower looking at their hands that are brushing against each other but fingers not yet intertwining and a mischievous grin takes over his face as he sees a few photographers. A bit of nerves threatens to stop him, but he quickly catches up to them.
“Hi Momma, Hi Max.” he greets before putting himself in between them, his hand instantly grasping his mom’s as the two greet him. He smiles at his mom before looking at Max, eyes dropping to his hand and he sticks his own out a bit, fingers grasping at Max’s. He waits for Max to laugh, pull his hand away quickly, shove Logan gently, but instead Max beams, taking Logan’s hand in his own.
“How you feeling?” “Uh,” His brain is struggling to process Max holding his hand, holding his hand in public, with photographers around. “I’m okay. You?” Max squeezes his hand, “Well, I’ve got my girlfriend and kid. I think I’m doing good.”
In the year Pan and Max have officially been together, Max has learned lots about Pan and Logan respectively. Pan doesn’t take care of herself, never thinks of herself as a priority. Logan is anxious, it’s mainly low level anxiety, but sometimes it spikes and when it does, he picks at his skin. Mainly the thin skin on his knuckles or at the inside of his wrist.
Pan has a radar for it, always pulling one of Logan’s hands into hers or handing him something to fiddle with, but Pan’s sick. Back at their hotel room no matter how much she protested and said she was fine, Max had put his foot down, especially seeing how worried Logan was every time she coughed, which was every few seconds, so she relented and Max can only hope she’s actually resting and not putting together new food sheets.
But Max is also wondering if he should’ve let her come, because Logan is so clearly anxious he’s afraid the journalists are going to notice. His lips are bitten quite a bit and his eyes are constantly moving and Max knows that it has to do with Pan being sick, but it also has to do with one of the more nosey journalists being here, poised to start asking questions as he, Logan, Charles, Zhou, and George sit on the large sofa for the drivers press conference.
As they begin to open up to the floor for questions, Max catches from the corner of his eyes Logan’s dominant thumb and pointer finger go to his opposite wrist and he quickly intercepts it, taking his closest hand in his. Logan startles a bit at the touch but sends Max a thankful smile.
Max glances around but no one has seemed to notice other than Charles who gives a small chuckle, scooting a bit closer so he can lean in since Max is more or less unable to. “Such a softy.” Max rolls his eyes. “As if you could say no.” The other driver glances over at Logan, his expression softening a bit. “No, I suppose not.” He sighs. “I never thought my first nephew would be from you.” “Arthur, right?” Charles scoffs, the two ignoring the journalist that has started to speak, just pausing to see if the question is directed at either one of them before continuing. “Of course Arthur. My maman is both relieved he has not come home telling her he is to be a father and also disappointed.” “Time for you to step up?” He shakes his head, lowering his voice a bit more. “Lorenzo is getting the heat. Family dinners have turned quite entertaining, after all I gave her Leo, which is acceptable, but Lorenzo.” He clicks his tongue shrugging, “she’s starting to think he doesn’t know what he is doing.” Max can’t help the laugh that escapes him as Charles grins, laughing himself.
A few of the journalists look at them, but George is still speaking so they continue to ignore them. “Maybe he still wants to practice.” “Well, he needs to get out of practice. He’s been doing practice for nearly twenty years. It’s nice and all, but it doesn’t beat that,” and he gestures to Max holding Logan’s hand. “No,” Max smiles. “It doesn’t.”
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cutielando · 1 month
Hiii I'm kinda nervous cuz I'm still kinda new to requesting stuff! Could you maybe do like female!reader x Oscar Piastri where r is not English but knows it fluently but when it comes to talking in it she stutters and stuff cuz she's shy but wants to say things good like she does in her head and maybe Oscar comforts her or teaches her to say them easier myb??? Idk if you understood my request, hope you did.. write it if you fell comfortable with it!! 🤎🤎
language troubles | o.p.
warnings!!: difficulty speaking English
my masterlist
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Oscar loved the way you talked.
Especially your accent whenever you spoke English.
It wasn't your native language, you had learned it your whole life as a second language, so you still had some troubles when it came to pronouncing certain words and expressing yourself.
When you met Oscar, the whole dynamic between you two was very funny and awkward at first due to his accent and the differences between Australians and other English-speaking countries.
It was especially endearing to both of you whenever he would use certain Australia-specific words, which you would have no idea what they meant, and watching your cute scrunched up face made Oscar's heart swell even more in his chest.
In contrast to Oscar's endearment of your little pronunciation problem, you were embarrassed every time you wouldn't be able to say a certain word.
You found that you struggle most with talking in English right when you wake up. It takes a while for you to function in the mornings, so you always need a little time before things get going in your brain.
That's also Oscar's favorite time with you, mainly because he loves the way you stutter because of how tired you are.
It was currently 8 in the morning and you had woken up purely by accident, therefore ruining your sleep. Oscar was still sleeping when you walked out of the bedroom silently, but it wasn’t long before his steps slowly walked towards the kitchen where you stood, his tired eyes taking in your figure immediately.
“Morning” he murmured, kissing the top of your head once he was close enough.
“Hey” you smiles tiredly at him, leaning against his warm body.
“What are you doing?” he asked, wrapping his arms around your shivering body.
“I’m waiting for the kapushino machine to finish my drink” you said, not even realizing what you had said.
“What machine now?” Oscar asked you, trying to suppress the laughter threatening to escape his lips.
“The kapushino machine” you repeated, confused and unaware still.
Oscar couldn’t help now but chuckle, making you look up at him as you felt his chest vibrate against your cheek.
“It’s cappuccino, babe” he corrected you, making you furrow your eyebrows.
Slowly, realization started spreading out all over your face, making your cheeks pink up in embarrassment.
You hid your face into Oscar’s chest as he laughed softly, rubbing your back in soothing manners.
“I can’t believe I just mispronounced cappuccino” you groaned, making Oscar pout at how cute you were.
"That's okay, you don't need to be embarrassed about it" he cooed, kissing the top of your head just before the coffee machine finished brewing the fresh pot.
You threw your head back as you stepped away from Oscar's hold, filling your mug and taking a sip of the hot beverage.
Oscar was used to correcting you whenever you would fail to pronounce things correctly, it was something you secretly loved about him.
He never made fun of you, never made jokes about the fact that you sometimes struggled to speak the language, he just accepted you for who you were, helping you along the way as best as he could.
That was one of the many reasons why you loved him.
Even if it sometimes got annoying for the both of you.
Another cute moment like this happened at dinner with his family after the Australian Grand Prix.
You were fairly new to the whole world of Formula 1 and frankly, you were still a foreign when it came to Australian culture.
Oscar’s family always did their best to help you adapt more and more with each visit there, especially his mother and sisters.
You spent a lot of time on Twitter, it was a very bad habit for you, but you were very confused when tweets about your boyfriend being a serial killer popped up on your page.
Your eyebrows furrowed, looking at the posts confused. Oscar came into the room in the middle of your deep dive, stopping when he saw how focused you were on your phone.
“Babe? Everything alright?” he asked, watching you jump up and look up at him.
You hadn’t even realized he had come into the room, that’s how distracted you were.
“Why is everyone on Twitter saying you’re a mureder?” you asked with a frown on your face.
Oscar tried to contain his laughter when he heard you trying to pronounce the word murderer, but he figured laughing in the current situation was not the best idea.
“Who’s saying that?” he asked, indulging you as he slowly walked and sat down next to you on the couch.
“There’s a bunch of people who made a thread on Twitter saying you’re a mureder and that you killed people” you urgently explained, showing him your phone.
He took the phone from your hands, barely glancing at what you were reading before he gave it back to you.
He tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear before he cupped your cheek in his hand, smiling at your still distressed face.
“They’re confusing me with someone else, Oscar Pistorius. I’m not a murderer” Oscar explained, putting an emphasis on the word murderer.
You nodded silently, taking in his words. When you noticed the smile with which Oscar was looking at you, you slowly realized that, most probably, you had just had another fail when dealing with the wonderful English language.
Smiling sheepishly, you buried your head into his shoulder as he chuckled lightly and wrapped his arms around you, hugging you close to his chest.
"English gives up on me when I least expect it" you complained, getting more comfortable in your boyfriend's hold.
"You just have an on-and-off relationship, pretty toxic if you're asking me" he joked, making you laugh out loud.
Oscar always knew how to make you feel better, especially after some fails which would leave you embarrassed in front of him. He was sweet like that.
Even when your own brain and language failed you, Oscar never did.
You'd conquer English one day.
Oscar would make sure of that.
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comments and re-blogs help us grow!
much appreciated!!
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yawnderu · 9 months
If Simon and bimbo!reader ever had a big fight (not petty disagreements), what would they fight about? How do both handle serious fights and making up?
ahhhh :((( anon when I catch you. It'd likely be at the beginning of the relationship, before she knows about his job and he always leaves for weeks without telling her much about it
>Simon and bimbo!reader fight and make up.
“I just don't understand why you do this to me... just tell me.” Your voice is as pleading as it is demanding, eyebrows furrowed and face scrunched up in a mix of frustration and sadness.
“I can't—” He's interrupted by a small scoff coming out of you, your arms crossed as you look away and take a deep breath. He's never seen you like this before, never so... frustrated and angry. Anxiety starts to fill his soul within seconds, stuck between wanting to keep you away from his job, and wanting to reassure you.
“Do you just.... have a second family or something? Is that what it is?” The accusation makes his own face scrunch up in a mix of mild disgust and confusion. Was his unwavering loyalty to you not obvious? He never even looks at other women at all, his eyes are for you only.
“I don't.” It's all he can say to defend himself. How does he go about telling you he kills people for a living? Sure, he's protecting the world and serving the Queen, but would you look at him differently when you find out the same hands that are so gentle with you will forever be tainted with another's blood?
“Then what is it, Simon?” You never call him Simon. Even when you first met, you've always called him Si. He lets out a small sigh, shaking his head. He doesn't want to be around to fight, he just wants it all to be okay like before— yet he also understands why you're acting that way after months of being kept in the dark.
“I'll be back later.” He turns around to leave the shared flat, only being stopped by another scoff.
“Fine. Leave like you always do.” It was a low blow, you can tell that much by the way his muscles visibly tense up, bulging out of his black shirt. He shakes his head, the hand on the doorknob trembling slightly. He loves you more than anything, but can he really handle seeing the expression on your face when he tells you why he's away?
“'M in the military.” He finally turns around, walking back to you and holding your hand, sitting down on the couch and pulling you on his lap, one of his hands running down the length of your hair.
“SAS. I'll show you my contracts if you don't believe me.” He's willing to do anything to make you believe him. Each silent second only increases his anxiety, barely managing to look down at you just to see the gears shifting in your brain, putting two and two together.
“.... Is that why you always stink when you come back?” There's enough mirth in your tone to let him know you're joking, barely managing to hide the smile tugging at your lips.
“Y'sniff me like a fuckin' police dog when I'm back, love. You like it.” No matter how much you roll your eyes in fake annoyance and pretend you don't like it, you both know the truth. You cuddle up closer to him, resting comfortably on his burly body.
“Y'wear the cool uniforms, Si?” Your voice is softer, almost shy to even ask the question. He knows you like masked men— he's heard you rant about Pyramid Head and Ghostface enough times already. He hums softly in reply, nodding his head.
“Sometimes. Cool mask and all, you'd like it.” He's just teasing you at this point, trying to hold back a smile when he feels you rapidly shifting in his arms just to get closer to his face, unable to hide your excitement.
“Yeah? Can I see?” Your giddiness is almost contagious, making a deep chuckle finally escape his lips. You're not looking at him like he's a monster, you're simply excited about the idea of him wearing a mask. Maybe letting you see Ghost isn't a bad idea.
“Hmm...” He drags out, looking away and pretending to think about it just to tease you. The smack to his arm is enough to make him grin at you, stealing a kiss before adjusting you on his lap, finally allowing his body to fully relax.
“Yeah, I'll show you.”
Bimbo!Reader Masterlist
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greeniegaes · 3 months
SQQ fake marrying himself
Basically mushroom plan is going to go through! Great! We can blame HHP for SQQ’s death and everyone gets mad at them and LBH goes back to CQ. Except…. SQQ doesn’t really want to leave. Like yea, being the scum villain was stressful and he wants out of that body but he doesn’t just want to abandon his peak, all his students are there and he’d feel bad.
So SQQ and SQH make up an elaborate fake marriage between SQQ and SY (the mushroom body). Obviously they can’t have SQQ in two bodies at once so SQQ just drops silly hints.
“He used my teaware for alcohol! Can you believe him?” “No I can’t, shixiong”
“He brought me a bunch of things from his travels but won’t even stay around for a day, ugh.” “I sometimes wonder why you keep him around.”
And all of the peak lords are so confused but they assume that it’s like SQQ’s friend, not like, a marital partner.
Until at the trial when HHP is like “yea uh… SQQ kinda died.” And SQH dramatically ends up being like “Oh no! What will his husband think.”
Dramatic turning of the cultivation world’s head
SQH: did y’all not know he was married?
Everyone: no?!
SQH: well he has been in secluded cultivation or traveling for the past three years ig.
And SQH makes this big deal of going out to get the ‘husband’ and saying HHP must give repetitions blah blah blah. But really he’s just bringing SY back to QC and being like “yea, just chill on your peak.”
And SY has a great time, he gets to act like a poor widow, continue being around his students (plus GYX, idk he was the one who confessed that SQQ had died or smth) and eventually the peak lords are like “well shit, we need a new peak lord and he seems to know what he’s doing… and he’s already a Shen soooo”
And SY ends up the peak lord again.
(Binghe is trying to take care of SQQ’s house during this and is so confused about this new guy. Like ‘Shizun got married?!’ To ‘okay why does he kinda look like shizun.’ To ‘WHY DOES HE ACT LIKE SHIZUN.’ He’s just going in circles in his brain lol
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seongclb · 1 year
— enhypen reaction to you being upset when they cheat on you in a dream !
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bf!enha x gn!reader, fluff & humour, established relationship au, mentions of cheating & nightmares.
req. by anon! pls let me know if u like it :3
n. @woon2u u might be a bit delulu but i’m def delulu 4U
♫ phases by chase atlantic.
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𖠗 이희승 | lee heeseung.
would probably be dead asleep when you whack him awake
“y/n, what is going on??” he slurs in his sleep
his eyes shoot wide open and he jumps to sit up, but still remaining groggy while he tries to think of what he’s done
“is this bc i ate ur cookie bc i said i would get you one tomorrow” he whines
you hit him with a pillow and he whelps
“i’ll get you two???” he says, and dodges your next hit
“you cheated on me.” you say and he looks at you with disgust
“oh shush,” he says, pulling you back to bed
he obviously wins against your attempts to push him away and traps you in his warm, snug embrace
he speaks softly with his hands tracing shapes on your arms, “why would i need to cheat when i have everything i’ve ever wanted right here with me?”
judging by the amount of kisses you place on his face, he can tell he’s done a good job at shooing away your concerns for the night.
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𖠗 박종성 | park jongseong.
now, you’re the only one he’ll allow to disrupt his sleep
but.. this reason
he would just let out the biggest sigh before consoling you bc even though he’s tired as heck, you’re his love and he can’t afford for you to be bothered by something
“what’s up, love?” he’d ask while stroking your back
“i had a nightmare.”
he would immediately comfort you and question what it’s about, if you’re comfortable with saying
“you cheated on me”
oh gosh he has to fight the urge to roll his eyes
“i would never do such a thing, i love you far too much”
indeed he does since he’s willing to comfort you over his sleep and just in case the thought actually does bother you, he’ll be extra affectionate and loving to you as a reminder that he’s all yours
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𖠗 심재윤 | sim jaeyun.
you’d have to literally first pry his clinging body off of yours and then shake him awake
he has the audacity to be grumpy, you think
“sim jaeyun.”
“uh oh” he sits up and rubs his eyes. “whatever it is, i’m sorry and i love you.”
“you think that’s enough for me to forgive you for CHEATING???”
he’s like wth and laughs
“babe, what are you even sayinggg? stop being so silly i’d never do that to you,” just kisses your forehead repeatedly
just forces you back to sleep against his chest and tomorrow if you’re still sad, he’ll make it up to you
but rn, man is too sleepy so he’ll show his reassurance in sleepy kisses and whispers of affection
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𖠗 박성훈 | park sunghoon.
probably feels you jolt awake which is what wakes him up
“babe, are you okay?” while getting the glass of water for you just in case
“when were you going to tell me?” you whisper
“tell you what…” man is so confused like you just woke up from bed didn’t you???
“that you’ve been cheating on me.”
he’ll roll his eyes now
“and what evidence of this do you have, my love?” sunghoon would literally look at you with no expression
“i saw it.”
you pause, “inmydreams”
“i didn’t quite catch that, y/n”
“in my dreams” you say.
he just sighs and pulls you in his embrace
“aigooo you’re so dramatic sometimes what will i do with you” but when he sees the pout fall even lower in your lips
he just kisses it away
“don’t let these silly dreams put things into your brain, i would never do that to you, i love you the most in the world.” he’ll make fun of you another day
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𖠗 김선우 | kim sunoo.
another one who would have to be shook awake
would be so sassy straight away too
“what is so important that you had to wake me up at 2:48 am for ???”
“you cheated on me in my dream,” you pout.
now he pouts
immediately becomes more concerned
i just feel like sunoo would be more understanding that this is more than a silly dream
“awww, my love,” would first try calming you down if you’re too upset but would then just pat your head
“as if theres anyone better than you to cheat with anyway! nobody compares seriously,” he reassures
after you’re calm he probably focuses on making you laugh and comfortably going back to sleep
would hate for you to sleep with something so horrid on your mind
ur his other half why would he ever want to cheat???
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𖠗 양정원 | yang jungwon.
your movements would wake him up
initial reaction is to check up on you
“y/n, are you okay?”
“jungwon would you ever cheat on me”
he’d first look at you like you have two heads
but becomes softer when he sees your eyes
“of course not!! you’re the only one i want; you’re just so perfect for me, babe”
he’d say a million things to show why he would never cheat
“the thought of being with someone else disgusts me, honestly.”
oh man and if you giggle
he’ll be like mission accomplished
that’s just his sign that you’re okay now
so all is good and you’re back off to sleep
does keep an eye on you for a few days just in case
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𖠗 西村力 | nishimura riki
he’s a young, growing lad who needs his sleep
so when he wakes up to you frantically waking him up
hes a mix of grumpy and concerned
“what’s wrong?” while getting up to look at you
“i had a dream that you cheated on me.”
literally can’t take you seriously but is too tired to react
“a dream? y/n what the heck,” he says.
he’ll frown when he sees you’re serious
cups your cheeks in his hands
“you don’t have to worry about something like that, i love you and even if one day we don’t love each other anymore i would never cheat”
smiles at you with so much love
“now can we go back to sleep, i’m so tired”
he’ll treat you to ice cream tomorrow though :)
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evnnkinard · 4 months
the first time after tommy bottoms for buck, he doen't expect much in the way of aftercare, honestly assumes that he's still going to be the one to move, the one to clean them both up- not because of evan, himself, or anything that he's said or done. it's just. what tommy does. it was how it had always been with his exes; he was the one to take care of them, not the one to be taken care of. but he should've known that it'd be different with evan. it was always different with evan. better. good.
after, evan collapses on top of him, panting, skin flushed and sweat soaked, says, between breaths, "f-fuck," and, "god, that was so good," and, "you were so good, tommy, so perfect for me," and paws at him, petting at any and every inch of tommy's skin that he can reach and- and it doesn't register then, what his boyfriend is doing; evan's always been extra tactile, affectionate, after sex, always touching and wanting to be closer, closer, closer, like he'd climb into tommy's skin and tuck himself between tommy's ribs if he could. he's never been shy on returning the praise that tommy gives to him, either, always lets tommy know how much he'd enjoyed it, how good tommy had made him feel, knows that even if it doesn't do quite the same thing that it does for himself, that it still makes tommy feel good, proud, pleased-
-so tommy doesn't think anything of it, just reaches for evan back, hands clumsy as he grabs at him, pets at him and pulls him in closer. murmurs about how good evan always is for him, lets evan take what he needs from him and greedily soaks in the comfort of evan's weight on top of him, the feel of evan's skin against his own in return. lies there for another minute, two, loose-limbed and feeling completely wrecked in the best way possible, lets evan's touch, his words, continue to wash over him as he tries to get his brain to come back online long enough to get his boyfriend taken care of properly.
eventually, feels evan start to shift against him, thinks he must be starting to feel uncomfortable, is starting to feel uncomfortable, himself, with his own come drying on his stomach between them and evan's beginning to leak out of him. musters the energy to get his hands beneath himself, and careful not to jostle evan too much on top of him, pushes up onto his elbows- and then evan's hand is on his chest, strong and firm, stopping him from moving any further.
"h-hey, what- where are you going?"
tommy looks down at him, a little confused, a little concerned, and finds evan already looking back at him with his brows furrowed. he searches evan's eyes, but doesn't see any worry, or fear, there. brings a hand up to cup evan's face, rubs his thumb across his cheek, feels a little giddy at the way evan immediately leans into the touch and reassures, anyway, just in case, "i was just going to get something to clean us up, kid. i'll be right back, i promise."
evan pulls away from him, slightly, at that. tilts his head, scrunches his face up further, looks baffled, and, tommy can't help but think, adorable, and says, "um, no- no you're not. that's my job tonight."
and tommy pauses. takes a minute, processes. shakes his head, says, "evan-"
"tommy," his boyfriend immediately parrots back, cutting him off, says, like he knows exactly what tommy's thinking- probably does, honestly, knows tommy so well at this point that it scares him sometimes, "you just got your brains fucked out, let me take care of you, okay? stay here and i'll be right back, okay?" doesn't wait for an answer, leans forward and distracts tommy with his mouth, keeps it chaste as he presses his hand further into tommy's chest, pushes gently, firmly, until tommy falls down onto his back again and then pulls away and clambers off the bed, completely ungraceful but still, somehow, looking stupidly attractive to tommy's malfunctioning brain.
tommy lifts his head, slightly, watches him walk away until he disappears out of view and then thumps his head back down into the pillows. lies there, stunned. feels slightly off kilter but, he thinks, not in a bad way. tucks an arm under his head, lets the other rest at his side, away from the mess on his stomach and waits paitently for his boyfriend to come back, feeling warm, and soft, and safe as he does so, in the way that he's found only evan has of surprising out of him.
he doesn't have to wait too long before evan is walking back into the room, soft smile on his face and a damp wash cloth in his hand. he slips back into the space between tommy's legs, fits perfectly, just like he does in tommy's arms, like tommy's body was made just for him and tommy thinks, quietly, as his boyfriend rests a hand on his thigh, that it was. knows that he's been ruined for anybody else. says, "hey, baby," because he likes the way evan blushes, even now, smiles, small and pleased when he does. says, because he feels like he should, "you really don't have to, baby, i can do it, i don't mind."
evan's already shaking his head before he's even finished, says, "nope, it's my turn tonight, remember? and- tommy, i want to do it, okay? i like getting to take care of you," leans over him and runs the cloth carefully over his stomach, down his thighs, face focused, like this is impotant- like tommy's important. wipes the cloth lower, down tommy's ass and gently over tommy's hole, repeats the motion, once, twice, says, "sorry, sorry baby, i'm done now, you did so good," and soothes a hand over his thigh when it makes him flinch, oversensitive, barely imperceptible if not for the way that evan's become so quickly attuned to him over the past few months.
evan tosses the cloth, and tommy's sure that it's landed nowhere near where the laundry basket is, but can't find it in himself to care when his boyfriend drops most of his weight back down over him, dips his head and catches tommy's lips with his own all in one smooth movement. immediately begs for entry with his tongue and tommy lets him in, fists a hand in his curls, lets evan take control, lets him kiss him soft and slow and until there's no air left in either of their lungs. lets evan pull away, lets him dip back down and steal another, quick kiss before he pulls away again, breathless.
evan drops down next to him, wraps an arm over him and pulls him in close, and then closer still, tucks him up against his chest. presses a kiss to his head. tommy lets his head fall into the crook of his neck, hums, content, says, "mm, thank-you, this is nice."
"don't have to thank me, baby. i love you, i'm always gunna take care of you."
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helioswritings · 3 months
“Hey,” Hinata asks you one day, as you both sit on the bed in your dorm, “have you ever been kissed?”
The sudden question startles you, causing you to raise your eyebrows at him. “Huh? What brought this on?”
He shrugs. “Eh, Atsumu talks about kissing sometimes. I’ve never done it.”
“I haven’t either.” You tell him a little quietly. It’s always been a spot of insecurity with you, your lack of experience, especially since people say college is supposed to be the perfect place to experiment and have fun.
You haven’t done any of that, and the only person you hang out with regularly is Hinata, and he’s not too keen on partying either.
“Maybe we should.” Hinata says, a bit obviously.
You roll your eyes. “Yeah, okay Hinata. Let me know when you find someone, and then come back and set me up too.”
He nudges you playfully. “No, I mean maybe we should. You and I. Kiss.”
Feeling like you’re dreaming, you pinch yourself a bit, then turn to him with wide eyes when you don’t wake up. “You want to…kiss each other? Why?”
“Practice.” The tone in his voice indicates that it should’ve been obvious to you, but you’re still not convinced you haven’t been asleep or in a coma.
But on the other hand, he’s right. And practice is good, because it’s be embarrassing if you didn’t know how to kiss. No other reason.
You set your textbook down and turn your body towards Hinata. “Okay. You’re right. Lay one on me.”
“Me? Why don’t you do it?”
“It was your idea.”
“But I don’t know how!”
“Neither do I!”
It takes about ten minutes of bickering and researching on the internet for the two of you to figure out what to do. It makes you feel a little silly, looking up how to kiss, but Hinata is looking at you with a fierce determination in his eyes that only rivals the look he puts on when he’s playing volleyball.
“Okay, are you ready?”
He doesn’t really give a response, as it were, he just…kisses you. He’s not bad, if you were being honest, not that you have anything to compare it to.
The two of you kiss for what feels like ages and when you pull away, Hinata’s face is flushed.
“I think we need to do it again.” He tells you. And you agree.
It becomes a thing. The kissing. Every time Hinata is over, he always wants to kiss. And you don’t argue! You like it, you do. But it’s also been stirring up feelings in your chest.
You know you like Hinata, you’ve always liked Hinata. You’re of the opinion that someone would have to be an idiot to not like him. But the fact remains that you don’t know how much longer you can take all of the kissing without shaking him so hard his brain falls out of his ears.
Like now. You’re kissing and his hands are sitting very politely on your waist, occasionally twitching and causing you to laugh because it tickles. Your hands are on his cheeks. The swelling in your chest is almost painful.
You pull away from the kiss abruptly and Hinata frowns. “What’s wrong?”
“I understand for the first time. Maybe the second and third, too. But it’s been weeks since then, and we kiss almost every day.”
“I thought that’s what people who date do.” He tells you, a bit confused.
“What do you mean by that, Hinata?” You feel a bit dizzy.
“Aren’t we?”
“No! I don’t think so?”
You think back to every interaction you’ve had over the past few weeks, and more and more the pieces start clicking.
“Oh my god.”
Hinata hands you some water.
You take it, still a bit thrown. You’ve been dating him for ages.
“Can we kiss now?”
He’s lucky you don’t throw him out the window.
764 notes · View notes
mionemymind · 4 months
Chapter 3: Choosing for You
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My Rival Series
Series Summary: The time where Y/n Y/l/n and Wanda Maximoff were academic rivals that fell for each other.
Chapter Summary: The competition is here. Who will be the winner?
A/n: This was a long chapter, honestly might rewrite it, but here it is with all its mistakes and glories. And I'm sorry if you've asked to be tagged and wasn't included in this post, I'm posting this from work because I promised to give y'all something. (Gif credits to @elizabetholsens)
Warnings: Rivals to Lovers, Obvious Feelings, Stubborn Reader, Cursing, Alcohol, Mentions of Puking, Memory Loss, Panic Attack
Word Count: 7.2k
Series Masterlist
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 |
Fall Semester - Freshman Year
“Why does winning matter so much to you?” Winning hardly had rewards in life. Sure, there was sometimes money involved on the line but other than financial gain, winning was mainly there to feed the ego. For Natasha, she never viewed Y/n as someone that cared about being number one in life. Based on the few phone calls she overheard, the university felt like a getaway from troubles at home. So why did Y/n even want to win? 
The brown eyed girl sat in confusion. Her pencil was still as she wracked her brain for an answer. By all means, winning is fun. Back in high school, Y/n would naturally win things that being number one felt like home at that point. But having moved on from that mentality, winning wasn’t quite the same in Evergreen University. Well, it’s not like she had a chance to feel it when Wanda Maximoff was around. 
“If I’m being honest…I don’t think I’ve ever worked for a win in my life before.” The two locked eyes as Y/n softly confessed what was long on her mind. She placed her pencil down and gave Natasha her undivided attention. “Studying has never been my thing before up until now. Don’t get me wrong, I quite hate it, but it feels different now. Like if I just beat her once, then that high will be like nothing ever before.” 
“Does she really challenge you that much?” The question sunk into Y/n’s brain and into her deeper subconscious. She sat quietly, overthinking her answer. 
“I think…she’s the only one that ever challenged me at all.” 
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Competition Day - Spring Semester - Junior Year 
‘Why does winning feel so wrong?’ Y/n looked in the mirror, splashing small bits of water on her face to help wake herself up. Rolling her neck, she could feel how stiff her bones were from last night. Unfortunately, the bus was no help at all, only providing mild comfort on their four hour journey. 
Stepping out the bathroom, Y/n wore the tightly pressed and cleaned uniform as Wanda started her speech for the group. “I want to thank you all for joining us today at this competition. For some of you, this is your first time ever attending the conference while for others, you are returning. Regardless, you’ve all earned your spots on this team, so congratulate yourself for that.” 
A couple of applauses were heard as Wanda smiled at the team. She briefly glanced to Y/n who was sitting all the way at the back of the bus. “I know that this bus is carrying some of the brightest minds that Evergreen University has to offer. Without a doubt in my mind, I know we can win this competition.”
Y/n looked away to the view of the hotel where the conference took place. The turmoil in her gut was hard to ignore as she focused on other things besides Wanda’s eyes. ‘Winning is a must. If I want to come back to her here, then I need to win.’ 
“However, winning is not always the priority. Overall, I’ve been more than happy to see everyone grow into their strengths and even improve your weaknesses. Your efforts have been highly noted by both of your captains.” Y/n looked back at Wanda, her stare as confident as ever. 
“We want to thank you all for all the nights, practices, and energy you’ve committed to be in this competition.” Wanda looked over as the bus entered the garage of the hotel. “Okay, everyone come in for a quick send off.” 
Everyone gathered into a huddle, placing their hands in the middle. “On three - one - two - three - Evergreen! Fight! Fight! Fight!” Their hands lifted into the air as Wanda looked at Y/n with a determined smile. 
‘I’m going to win.’ The brunette thought as she stared into those brown eyes, but little did she know the costs of this win.
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The hotel was massive. It was honestly a surprise at how many schools can fit into one place. Some had to fly in, having been more than five hours away. The group followed Wanda to the selected tables meant for Evergreen University. 
“Break into your groups, Y/n and I will be investigating the brackets to see who we will be versing first. We have about an hour before round one is officially called. If you need to change or use the bathroom, this is definitely the time to do so. If you have any questions or concerns, please let Y/n and/or I know immediately.” 
Doing as told, the members immediately broke into their four person group and discussed strategies for round one. When no one came up to ask any questions, the pair walked off out of the conference room, and into the large hall that had many posters hung up with all the different brackets. 
There was a small but comfortable silence as Wanda walked slightly ahead from Y/n, focusing on finding out who they were versing first. While Y/n was also thinking of the competition, she wondered if they were ever going to talk about last night. 
Walking up to the first bracket they could find, Wanda took a picture of it and sent it to the math club group chat for everyone to see. “Princewell University, Maroon State College, and Gale College, not a bad start. Looks like we’re going to easily make it into the second round.” 
Since Y/n was unable to sleep last night, she made use of her time by looking over the bracket. Going over the many possibilities, there was still a high chance of her group making it to the top five. Round one was thankfully full of easy opponents having judged their previous matches with other schools. 
“I agree. Looks like our main trouble is with Harford University. But they’re all the way at the otherside. I’m hoping Legacy College takes care of them so we don’t have to,” Wanda comments. She turned to face Y/n, taking a good look at her clean uniform and brushed hair. 
“I need you to be on your A-game today.” Unsure of where Wanda’s seriousness was coming from, Y/n nodded in understanding. “If you can give me that, I’ll overlook this morning.” 
Puzzled by her statement, Y/n asked, “What are you talking about?” Wanda crossed her arms, trying her best to be level headed at the moment. 
“You wreaked alcohol. Last night was a supposed to be a get together, not an opportunity to get drunk.” The judgment coming from Wanda’s tone felt like a slap in the face as Y/n took one step back. 
“Are you kidding me? I took one drink. I wasn’t the one that was drunk last night. Are you seriously remembering the same night as me?” The small moment with Wanda was all that Y/n replayed in that moment. 
‘Apologize and I’ll forgive you for everything - apologize and I’ll let go of this whole feud.’ Whether Y/n was going to loudly admit it or not, the small ounce that she saw of Wanda’s true personality changed her view of the brunette. Even if the conversation was small, even if Wanda didn’t hear her response, even if it was a drunk confession, Y/n was going to cling to it. 
Wanda was always the girl that was number one but in that small moment, Wanda was just a girl who wanted to win for the sake of not disappointing her father. Because God, how could someone ever be disappointed in Wanda Maximoff? And how could they not see just how amazing she was? 
But as Wanda rolled her eyes, and hardened her stare, Y/n knew none of that moment mattered to Wanda, not when her green eyes still showed some form of hatred. “I remember last night clearly. Everyone in the group arrived and managed to say check in with me. You were the only one in the group that I didn’t even get to see. Once it was late, I went back to my dorm and slept. But it’s obvious why you avoided me - you were too busy drinking rather than focusing on the competition.”
“That’s not-”
“I don’t want to hear your explanation. Your team deserves a good leader and if you can’t provide that, I’ll make sure that math club will be looking for a replacement captain next semester.” The pounding in Wanda’s head was hard to ignore as she walked away from Y/n, not even bothering to hear her side. 
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‘Focus. Everything will be alright if you just focus.’ The ringing in Y/n’s ears was louder than the judge in front of her. The question left his lips almost slipped past the girl but thankfully her teammate, Luke, was paying attention, easily answering the question. 
“Another point for Evergreen University, which solidifies their victory for this match!” Cheers erupted from the crowd as each group got up, giving the other members handshakes for the great match. 
‘I can’t fucking focus.’ Y/n wore a fake smile as she congratulated the other captain on the team, quickly walking off the stage. Ever since her interaction with Wanda, her nervousness and anxiety came back in full throttle. Her mind went from completely tired to panic. And while her drive to win increased, it came with overthinking as well. 
“That was a great match everyone! I’m so proud of you all for being so great for these four rounds that I haven’t had to worry one bit.” Well Y/n did worry, just not for her team’s sake. “I’m going to go ahead and let the staff know about our victory. In the meantime, go ahead and relax at our table. After the fifth round, let me know if y’all want snacks. I can go ahead and purchase them for everyone.” 
“Thank you Y/n. We appreciate it!” Luke stated, he was a returning member of the competition, one that Y/n knew well. Letting the group walk away, Y/n finally brought her guard down as she walked out of the conference room and to the direction of the staff booth. 
‘I can’t believe I fucking froze.’ Y/n knew the question was for her, yet she had to rely on her team member for something she could’ve easily answered. Wiping her frustrations off her face, Y/n tried to compose herself before she approached the staff. 
“School, team, and placement?” The lady wore rectangle shaped glasses. She offered Y/n a kind smile, ready to write the results. 
“Evergreen University, team two, and we won our match.” Y/n peeped her name tag, Laura, as she wrote down the results. 
“Looks like you’ll be versing Apollo College next in conference room seven.” Laura handed Y/n a slip of paper with the information before calling next. 
Shoving the paper in her pocket, Y/n walked past several conference rooms, their doors open for anyone to watch their matches. None of them interested her, but her voice certainly did. Stopping at the entrance of the doors, Y/n watched Wanda flawlessly answer the question. 
The bright light focusing on her group amplified her natural beauty. Y/n could pick up on every single detail, something she already knew like the back of her hand. Her jaw clenched as she noticed Wanda's smile, the same type of smile she had when she got hundreds on tests. 
The anger inside Y/n manifested once more. She could legitimately feel herself start to boil the more she stared at Wanda. It was dangerously coming close to the anger she felt when she lashed out at Natasha that one night. 
Clenching her fists, Y/n walked away from the match, unable to stand Wanda any further with thoughts of winning in her mind. 
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‘You’re making mistakes.’ Wanda stood in the crowd with her arms crossed. The displeased look on her face was hard to miss as she witnessed Y/n make her third mistake of the match, causing another precious point to be missed. Her brain rushed through many thoughts of disappointment towards the girl she used to hold to a high regard. 
‘This isn’t like her.’ But the frown on Wanda’s face deepened, did she really know Y/n at all? Yes, she can admit that Y/n was smart. Smarter than a lot of people at their university. But other than that obvious characteristic, Y/n was admittedly someone she only knew at surface level. They’ve hardly spoken outside classes or math club. Essentially, she was just a stranger that was smart. 
Shaking away the sadness that was snaking through her, Wanda watched as Y/n sat back in her seat. 
The shame that Y/n carried on her shoulders felt massive along with the anxiety that continued to paralyze her more and more. The brown eyed girl was certain of her answer, so when the judge loudly announced that she gotten it wrong, embarrassment flooded her senses knowing that Wanda was in the crowd, silently judging her every move. 
It all came down to the final question of the match. Whoever answers correctly will have to verse Wanda’s team. Luke, once again, got up, ready to answer the question. All eyes were on him besides Wanda and Y/n. 
As the two finally locked eyes, Y/n couldn’t help but drown further in Wanda’s rage. ‘Forget everything I ever said - I do fucking hate you, Wanda Maximoff. And I hope you never forget that.’
“We need to talk.” Celebrations for Evergreen University were deaf to Wanda’s ears as she held Y/n’s wrist. Quickly, she led them out the crowd and through the near empty hallway outside the conference room. Dropping her wrist, Wanda stood there fuming with anger. 
“What was that?” Y/n didn’t want to speak, unsure of what would be the ‘correct’ choice of words for the brunette. And by the looks of it, nothing was going to satisfy her. Choosing to be silent anger Wanda ever further. 
“This isn’t the time to be childish - you’re making mistakes and if it wasn’t for your team, you wouldn’t have had this spot in the finals.” Y/n clenched her jaw as she bit her tongue. Sure she made mistakes, but it hurt Y/n to realize that Wanda didn’t even care for the ways she did contribute to the team. 
Mistakes were permanent for the girl that was always perfect. That was something Y/n realized now more than ever. 
“Can you not let go of three mistakes, Captain?” Y/n continued to stare off at the other side of the hallway, refusing to make eye contact with Wanda. Her words sneered off her mouth, feeling disgusted at the way Wanda ridiculed her every move. 
“Un-fucking-believable. Dean Holloway was right.” At the mention of the Dean, Y/n’s blood ran cold. Her eyes locked with Wanda’s, as the brunette stood there. “You take everything as some type of joke. And to think I stood up for you.” 
Y/n’s mind scrambled on what possibly happened between Dean Holloway and Wanda. ‘Does she know about my scholarship?’
But why on Earth would Wanda assume such things if she knew about her scholarship? Pressing for more information, Y/n asked, “What did he say?”
Wanda rolled her eyes. ‘Of course that’s what she would focus on rather than her own mistakes.’ Looking at the time, there were twenty minutes left before the final. The brunette should have been using this time to help practice with her team, yet here she was arguing with Y/n. 
“Last week,” Wanda sighed. This all felt pointless to admit but she felt that Y/n needed to know. Maybe this could be what straightened up her act. “Dean Holloway asked me to reconsider your place in this competition.” 
“What?” Y/n took a step back at the confession, feeling more hopeless at how rigged everything was. ‘How could he do this to me?” 
“I told him that I could trust you - that you were the only person besides me adequate enough to lead the math club. Somehow, he managed to let me know that you were slipping in classes. No longer being at the top.” Wanda looked at Y/n. She focused on all the minor details of the face that haunted her mind. But upon seeing how hurt those brown eyes looked, Wanda couldn’t help but falter slightly. 
“I wanted to believe that it was all wrong, but now…” Y/n silently pleaded as her mind went into overdrive. Couldn’t Wanda see how innocent she was? How she had been studying day and night for weeks just to make it another year at Evergreen? Couldn’t she see that this was all for her? 
“I think we should go back to our groups. We need to prepare for the final. But Y/l/n…after this competition, we might have to reconsider your place as captain for math club.” 
How cruel the world must be for the universe to deal Y/n such a bad draw? And how awful it must feel to know that Wanda was the one that delivered the final blow? 
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‘I have to win for me.’ Water dripped down Y/n’s face as she stared at herself in the mirror. There was five minutes left before she was expected to take the stage. Currently, Y/n was in the bathroom, hoping to subside the panic attack that was itching to come out. 
‘Even if the school doesn’t want me, even if Wanda doesn’t want me, I want this more than anyone.’ Gripping the counter for stability, Y/n slowed her breathing down, hoping it would be enough. She wasn’t going to let the world decide her fate even if it had cheated her of a fair opportunity. 
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“Welcome everyone for the final match for the annual math club state competition. I’m thrilled to announce that this year’s top two teams both come from Evergreen University!” Applause rumbled throughout the large conference room as the rest of the school's watch in anticipation. 
Wanda sat in her seat, overthinking her conversation with Y/n earlier. ‘Did I go overboard?’ Sneaking a glance at Y/n, it was hard to get a read of what the brown eyed girl was thinking. ‘Whatever, she needed to know.’
Pushing her thoughts to the back, the brunette focused back on the competition. It was finally her turn to go up as well as Y/n’s. 
“Please find the inverse of the following equation.” Like a switch, everything in Wanda’s mind grew silent as she focused on the question on the screen. In seconds flat, she hit the buzzer to submit her answer. 
“And the correct answer choice was…C, point goes to team # 1.” This was Wanda’s element - this was her reason for being. Glancing at Y/n, Wanda knew her purpose. She was number one and god forbid anyone that stood in her way. 
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The competition went by like a blur. In the first quarter of questions, Wanda’s team led with a gap of seven points. However, after a couple small mistakes by her team members, Y/n’s team was able to catch up and shorten the gap. 
Right now, there are only five questions left. The score remained tied as Y/n tried her best to remain perfect. If things were to continue the way they were, the last question would determine the winner. 
Before she knew it, it was finally her turn. Standing up to take the podium, Y/n glanced at Wanda accidentally locking eyes. ‘I will be the one to defeat you, Maximoff. I will make sure of it.’
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Fall Semester - Freshman Year 
“I’ve never seen you study so much before. It’s kinda freaky.” The two roommates sat around the small circular table in the middle of the room, enjoying a couple of drinks and snacks. Natasha begged for Y/n to stop for at least a small break, having missed talking to her roommate. 
“Trust me, I hate it just as much as you do.” Y/n stretched her legs at her sat position. Rolling her neck around, a couple of pops and clicks could be heard. 
“Why do it? Your grades are fine the way they are.” Y/n looked back at the pile of books on her desk. She never really recalled studying this much before during her high school days. Heck, she’s been able to get by this whole time just by how naturally smart she was. So when she looked back at Natasha, there was this ‘ya know’ look in Y/n’s eyes. “Does it have to do with Wanda?”
Y/n smiled at the mention of the brunette. It was odd at how many classes they were in together even though their majors were entirely different. There was something about Wanda that caught Y/n’s eye. She didn’t quite know what it was and didn’t quite want to delve too much into it. 
“And if it does?” Y/n sipped on her drink, a smirk on her face as she avoided Natasha’s question. The red head shook her head, grabbing a chip.
“Well - you speak of her like she’s a God.” Eating a couple more, Natasha watched as the glimmer in Y/n’s eye brightened every time the brunette was brought up. Like the simple mention of Wanda could make Y/n smile instantly. 
“Wrong, Wanda’s not a God. Gods make mistakes,” getting closer to Natasha’s face, the red head could smell the faint of alcohol on Y/n’s lips, “and Wanda Maximoff does not make mistakes.” 
Y/n leaned back, still drinking the rest of her drink as Natasha looked at her roommate with a puzzled look. “Whatever you say. Just try not to make this a habit now.”
Y/n shook her head, feeling optimistic that she’d beat Wanda soon enough. Probably in the same semester. “I won’t. Promise.” 
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“Ladies and gentlemen, for the first time in our state’s history the competition’s fate lied in the last question.” The crowd applauded for the accomplishment as the judges beamed in smiles towards Evergreen University. “.As your judges, we believe this calls for a special problem. We’ve rewritten the last question to make it a more challenging problem.”
“With one point in the lead, if Wanda answers the question correctly, her team will solidify the win. If Y/n answers the question correctly, this competition will proceed to overtime.” 
Y/n and Wanda stood at their podiums, anticipation both killing them. “Here is your question.” 
As the screen showed off the problem, Y/n could feel herself standing tall as she looked over the problem. It was a multistep calculus problem that involved finding the inverse of a 3x3 matrix. Essentially, a problem that would require two pages of work just to find a solution. And by the looks of it, Wanda was already finished with the first quarter of the work. 
Calming her breathing down, Y/n cleared the noise from her head.  She looked back at the problem, digesting all of what it told. ‘This is just another problem, Y/n.’ Thinking lightly back to the days where math was just a fun activity to do, Y/n finally smiled, remembering the feeling where math naturally came to her. 
Letting the feeling sink in, Y/n started to solve it. The crowd waited with whispers and talks of who was going to win. Many people in the crowd believed Wanda would secure another victory as she did in the past. Very few people cheered for Y/n, simply wanting to believe in the underdog. 
A few minutes later, Y/n approached the final bits of her answer, immediately eyeing the answer choice on the screen. Her heart skipped a beat realizing that she could do this - that she could win. 
Before she could reach out for the answer, Wanda had buzzed in first with her choice. Suddenly, everything inside Y/n shut down as she saw Wanda smile once again. It was that infamous smile that she grew so used to. 
‘This can’t be it. This can’t be the end.’ Feeling herself lock up again, Y/n didn’t dare to look at the screen, hoping to save some of her dignity that was barely left. 
Believing the world to be crashing in front of her, she failed to realize that Wanda had made a mistake. The screen glowed in bright red as her answer choice was incorrect. “Y/n, looks like the question is left to you. You haven’t locked in your answer, so what will it be?” 
Y/n looked up, unable to digest that Wanda actually messed up. The Wanda Maximoff made a mistake. Fighting back the smile on her face, Y/n reached out for the correct answer choice, her finger tips grazing answer choice B. 
The smug look on her face was hard to miss. Everyone on her team knew they would come home with the victory. Wanda’s team sighed in defeat knowing that Y/n would answer correctly. 
So why did everything change when Y/n glanced at Wanda? Why did her heart hurt at the sight of Wanda spilling angry and frustrated tears? Why did her breathing stop? And why did all thoughts consume her? 
Wanda never cried or at least in front of Y/n or anybody. She was always the strong and confident girl that knew every answer for every question. She walked like she was untouchable. So how did she mess up? 
‘Please stop crying,’ she thought. Her heart constricted knowing she was the reason Wanda was crying. Yet every ounce of her brain yelled for her to press the damn answer, to finally prove to Wanda that she could be defeated, to finally get the win that she had been craving for since freshman year. 
So why couldn’t she just fucking press it? Looking back at the crowd and at the answer written down on her paper, her free hand crumpled the sheet as her heart overtook what her mind pleaded. 
Feeling like time stopped, Y/n held her breath when those green eyes locked with her. ‘I want to win…I want to stay…but at the cost of this…this isn’t a win.’ 
Beyond logic and reason, Y/n pressed her answer. Confetti blew in the air as the judge announced, “And the winner is team # 1 with Wanda Maximoff as their team captain. Congratulations to Evergreen University!” 
Regardless of what Wanda had ever done, said, or thought, Y/n knew that today was all because the school wanted to so badly pin Wanda against her. But Y/n finally knew better. This will not be the day she wins. This will be the day she was finally okay to be second to Wanda. 
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Many cheers and laughter filled the bus as the group celebrated the Evergreen University win. Wanda had been smiling so hard since the award ceremony that her cheeks started to hurt.
As she looked over the trophy, her eyes couldn’t stop looking at the sleeping figure near the back of the bus. ‘I almost lost it,’ Wanda thought. It was unlike her to make a mistake and if she was being honest, she didn’t know what to blame. 
As much as she wanted to overlook her work, she wanted to leave that mistake in the past and enjoy the win. But as she kept looking back to Y/n, who hadn’t said a word to her since the final match, Wanda couldn’t help but feel like something was wrong. 
Regardless, the drive back to Evergreen was filled with joy as Y/n finally slept after a long exhausting day. 
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Finals Week - Spring Semester - Junior Year
Wanda loved winning…but lately, it had a sour taste in her mouth. Finals week came in full swing, giving zero time for Wanda to dissect this weird feeling in her chest. She had helped some of her friends and classmates with studying, making her even more busy than usual. 
By the time she was done with tests, the sour feeling still sat in her chest. With only two days left, Wanda couldn’t help but lose some sleep over this feeling. Why was winning suddenly so bad? When did it become something she felt guilty for? 
Subconsciously, her mind gravitated towards Y/n. In her dreams, the moment before Y/n answered the final question replayed constantly. It was as if her mind took a vivid recording of the whole interaction. And as she replayed the moment she locked eyes with Y/n, Wanda couldn’t help but feel like the trophy wasn’t meant for her. 
Of course she downplayed the scenario, believing that this was another mistake that Y/n had made for that day. And the words of Dean Holloway, this was something Y/n never took seriously. So why did she vividly remember how Y/n’s eyes looked the moment she had chosen her answer? Why did Y/n look so accepting of defeat? Why was there no anger or thrive behind them? 
And the more she thought, the more she realized how little she saw of Y/n during the whole week. Friday, the last day of the semester, came around. During the test, her mind suddenly diverted to her. So when Wanda looked up and found Y/n in the crowd, she couldn’t help but want to talk to her, to see what exactly happened in that moment. 
Was it something she made up in her head? Was she feeling weird for actually making a mistake in front of people? Was this blown out of proportion? 
Regardless, Wanda didn’t dare describe this feeling as part of missing Y/n. Cause if she had, maybe she would have realized sooner that winning felt wrong this time. Because maybe, just maybe, it had pushed away the person that actually understood her better than anyone else. 
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Last Night - Spring Semester - Junior Year
Y/n Y/l/n,
We regret to inform you that your scholarship has been revoked for the following 2019 fall semester. This decision was not made lightly as the board is aware of the accomplishments you’ve brought to Evergreen University. Nevertheless, the requirement to place #1 in the most recent STEM competition was something we could not ignore. 
We do hope you decide to enroll for your senior year. For further information on financial aid or loan applications, please visit the Bursar’s office. 
Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences
Cedric Holloway 
Evergreen University
The letter sat on the Y/n’s near empty desk as she continued to pack in preparation for tomorrow. It was the last night on campus for every student. While many chose to celebrate it with a party, Y/n chose to spend it alone. 
The silence of her room provided some comfort as she cleared her bookshelf. “Why must I have so many books?” 
While Y/n never imagined this would be where her college career with Evergreen ended, she certainly never regretted her choice. Then again, she hadn’t been home in forever, so that may change soon once she goes back. 
Looking back at Natasha’s fully furnished side, Y/n could feel some guilt rising to her chest as she hadn’t broken the news yet to her best friend. Not wanting to burden the red head with a sad night, Y/n remained silent, hoping tomorrow would be best to break the news. 
As for Y/n’s group, none of them were particularly angry about her mistake. Everyone tried their best to cheer their captain up, providing some comforting smiles and words. None of it truly mattered though. This was Y/n’s choice to make and she fully knew the consequences of it. 
So for the first time in a while, Y/n was actually alone and not studying. That was until she came. Wanda stood in the hallway, thinking of how she would talk to Y/n, to hopefully apologize. She carried the trophy that was mailed in from the conference, one that actually had her name engraved on it. 
But the trophy felt heavy and awkward in her hands, but it was the closest thing Wanda could think of as a conversation starter. Pushing her anxieties away, Wanda walked to Y/n’s dorm, surprised that the door was actually opened. 
The first thing she noticed was the pile of boxes that almost blocked the doorway. Looking past it, Wanda couldn’t help but notice how bare Y/n’s side looked. 
“What are you doing?” Y/n jumped from the corner of her room, hand on her chest.
 “Jesus Christ, Maximoff, can you give a girl a warning?” 
Wanda placed the trophy in the hallway, and walked around Y/n’s room, not caring for an invitation inside. Thinking back to the dorm setup, Evergreen University typically had students stay in the same dorm assigned to them from freshman year all the way to junior year. During senior year, students would be upgraded to bigger dorms. 
“I thought you couldn’t transfer dorms till senior year was closer?” Wanda turned around to face Y/n, the empty side didn’t make sense as juniors typically left their items alone throughout the summer. 
Y/n’s eyes glanced at the letter on her desk. “I’m moving to a new scenery.” She picked up the box with her knick knacks and placed it on top of the letter, hoping Wanda didn’t notice. The brown eyed girl leaned against her desk. She tilted her head noticing the shiny object in the hallway. 
“Is that the trophy?” Wanda looked back, almost forgetting what she came here to do. She walked back to the hallway and grabbed the trophy. Their fingers brushed as Wanda handed it to Y/n. “Wow! It’s…it’s really beautiful.” 
Y/n rubbed her thumb across Wanda’s name. Wanda Maximoff 2019 Champion. “Congratulations by the way. Sorry I wasn’t able to say it back on stage.” Y/n handed the trophy back to Wanda. If the girl was paying attention, she would’ve noted the odd look Wanda gave her. 
Something was different and Wanda hated it. Winning always gave her a high but something about this interaction increased the bittersweet feeling in her chest. “What dorm hall are you relocating to?” Wanda placed the trophy on Y/n’s desk. “I could help you out if you need it.” 
Already ready to help out, Wanda lifted the box of knick knacks, her fingers brushing over the letter. “Wanda-,” Y/n startled herself, not expecting to nearly yell at Wanda, “I- I -” 
No words left Y/n’s mouth as those green eyes stared back at her. Suddenly, all those times where they yelled in each other's face came to mind. How close were they to ever…? 
Y/n sighed, there was no use hiding from the truth now. “I’m actually going back home.” Wanda placed the box back down, still not understanding why Y/n’s things were packed. “I’m-” 
Y/n scratched the back of her neck, avoiding Wanda’s stare. “I’m transferring to Langford University.” An eerie silence settled in Y/n’s room. So when Y/n got the courage to look back at Wanda, she hadn’t expected the teary eyes and offended look on Wanda’s face.
“You’re transferring? Why?” Moving off the desk, Y/n sat on her bed as Wanda leaned back on to the desk. “It’s - complicated. I really don’t want to go into it.” 
Wanda’s hand balled up into a fist. The lack of details pissed her off. “You’re seriously not coming back?” Wanda hated how bitter everything tasted. The sight of her trophy pissed her off even more. 
Y/n opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out. She didn’t know what to say. She was leaving what she called home for the past three years. Not only that, she was leaving the girl that has been there since her first day. What could she even say?
Before she could admit anything, Y/n’s phone rang, breaking the tense atmosphere. “Sorry, let me take this real quick.” Y/n walked out to the hallway to answer her phone. 
Wanda sighed with her head hung low. What was she going to do now? Being #1 was something her parents always pressured her to do. But ever since she met Y/n, #1 was something that motivated her to get out of bed and start the day extra early. Meeting Y/n meant countless hours studying just to make sure she knew the lessons by heart. Meeting Y/n meant her life revolved around beating the girl in every single thing. And as harsh as it sounded, it was the only way Wanda knew to get closer. 
She turned around and glanced at the open box. There was a various amount of figurines, crystals, and journals thrown in. Wanda picked up a green crystal, one that almost matched her eyes. She remembered the day back in freshman year where Y/n had admitted she recently got into collecting crystals. Wanda thought at first it was a waste of money until she stopped by a local shop. 
The red head could see why it was intriguing to buy them especially when you believe the auras and specialities that a certain rock can bring to your life. So in secret, Wanda bought a sphere of rose quartz and placed it in her room. She didn’t notice anything different in her life but then again, all her thoughts already surrounded Y/n. 
Wanda looked back at the hallway and could hear Y/n still talking on the phone. It felt wrong to steal, especially since that was a no no in the crystal community. But the idea of Y/n leaving her without a single thing to keep for herself felt cruel. So when she slipped on the necklace, as if it already belonged to her, she could feel her heart skip a beat at the thought of Y/n giving it to her. 
Wanda tucked the crystal under her shirt when her fingers brushed the letter once more. The school logo printed on the top right called her name. It felt wrong to intrude, but the more she reminded herself of the situation, the less she cared about her morals. 
Gently sliding the letter from under the box, Wanda quickly read it. Eyebrows furrowed, Wanda read “We regret to inform you…”
Y/n shuffled back into the room causing Wanda to straighten up. “Sorry about that. I need to get Natasha. She’s stuck at some frat party without a ride back home.” The brunette crumpled the piece of paper and tucked it into her pocket.  Y/n was too distracted to notice. “Again, I’m really sorry but congratulations on the win Wanda.” Y/n looked at Wanda with the most sincere eyes. “Incase no one has told you, I’m really proud of you.” 
With one last look, Y/n left her dorm, hoping the Wanda would be decent enough to lock it up for her. And all Wanda could focus on was the sound of her name leaving Y/n’s lips. ‘You never call me Wanda.’
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‘Like hell I’m going to let this happen.’ Wanda stormed into her father’s office, knowing he would be working another late night. The clear warm glow from his room indicated that he was there. 
Storming through the doors caused him to look up from his computer, clearly unexpecting guests at that moment. 
“Give her scholarship back.” Wanda slammed the letter onto his desk, crossing her arms hoping to show that she wasn’t messing around. The brunette couldn’t think straight about anything after she fully read the letter, and by now, she didn’t know whether to strangle Y/n for not telling her or for her father to even approve such decisions. 
“This decision was not made lightly.” Wanda could read past her father’s sentence and she was not going to take no for an answer. 
“Then clearly you’ve made the wrong decision.” Eric sighed knowing just how stubborn his daughter was. It was unfortunately a trait she got from him. Knowing fully well just how smart Wanda was, explaining this decision was going to be a disaster and a headache away. 
Looking past the letter and into his daughter’s eyes, he’s never seen her be this angry. Sure they’ve had arguments, but they’ve subsided ever since she started to attend college. Eric was hoping it was because Wanda was getting older and more mature. 
But as she stood there, eyebrows furrowed with a frown on her face, it felt like she was 16 all over again. Not wanting to beat around the bush, Eric figured to cut to the chase. 
“She’s a threat.” He didn’t like to admit it, but there was hardly anyone on campus that could match his daughter’s intelligence. This was something Eric wanted to keep. But the more he noticed Y/n move up on the Dean’s list, the more he feared Wanda’s spot would be threated. While he was confident in his daughter’s ability, he simply wanted to keep her spot safe. And that meant dealing with Y/n.
“She’s my equal.” All the guilt from the competition finally made sense. And as more things continued to click, the more Wanda stood in horror at the things she said to Y/n. This was all starting to become a nightmare, one that Wanda prayed to go away. But the look on her father’s face pissed her off even more. “If you don’t, I’m transferring. And there’s nothing you can do that will stop me.” 
Giving him no time to respond, Wanda walked out of the office. There was no time to think about her ultimatum, not when all she could think about was Y/n. 
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‘Say something to her, Wanda, for fucks sake.’ It was finally the last day of the semester. Every student was mandated to leave by a certain time. While there was a large crowd of kids with their backpacks and suitcases, all Wanda could focus on was the goodbye happening between Natasha and Y/n.
The brunette had stayed up all night figuring out ways to get Y/n’s scholarship back. At one point, she even considered paying for Y/n’s tuition herself if it meant getting her to come back. But her father would immediately block her allowance if he caught wind of this. 
So far, she hadn’t gotten a response back from him. ‘Maybe he needs more time.’ But time was running out as Natasha helped Y/n with the last box. Percy was already in the driver seat, ready for the long drive back home. 
She could overhear their goodbyes and that Natasha would visit soon to hear the full story. But still, Wanda stood paralyzed, unable to move. ‘What if she doesn’t want to see me? What if I was too mean to her?’ 
And as Y/n got into the car, waving her goodbyes, Wanda stood behind the tree, clutching on to the only thing she had of Y/n. Tears quietly fell down her cheeks, a lingering question on her mind. ‘Did I push you away when you needed me the most?’ 
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Taglist: @halobaby  @arelyitsherec8 @blackxwidowsxwife @cristin-rjd @madamevirgo @trikruismybitch @paradiselost916 @mmmmokdok @morbid-gaymer @dailyavengering @itsnottilly @helloalycia @randomshyperson @tomy5girls @daenerys713 @ensorcellme @lezzzbehonesthere @imagine-reblog
@sighsam @olsensnpm @tquick99 @feolok @emilyprentisslittlewhore @mvddison99 @iamapotato @yuhloversxx @mjaudrey @upsidedowndanvers @wandavixen @magicallymaximoff @username23345 @coollemonsaresour @littlewinchester15 @aimezvousbrahms @afuckingshituniverse @am-just-a-cosmic-joke-to-me 
@ohmygooddamnbisexualmood @diaryoflife @s7uts @newyork1432 @the-anxious-stargazer @hello-mtf @marvelousbelladonna @ima-gi–na-tion @obsessed-with-wandamaximoff @the-camilucha 
@itsnottilly @171611 @kaitlynroseb @daisybri7 @drpepperobsessed @bemyvitamin @musicinourlips @marvelousbelladonna @gingerbreadcookieforlife @xastrydx @chasethemoon @naixia00 @lostandsearching @stupidsapphicsstuff @haechanana @the-camilucha @severepeanutartisanhands @owloftheshadows @ywuen @mixed-fandom-mess @loomontoia @ilovemarvelwomen @coxmicbabygirl  @cyanide-mustard @mrs-avenger3000 @prentisshoe @andrea-stark @simpforwandanat @yourtaletotell @magically-queer-stuff 
@imapotatao @iliketozoneout @maximoffbrossupremacy​@olsensnpm​ @psychadelichues​ @whitelotus00 @taliiiaasteria @tynix @autorasexy @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @hiiraya @reginassweetheart @milkeeteaa @alyciaddict @justgotlizzied
@msmothermaximoff @ielliesitchyeyereposts @nothanksbye07 @unicorniusfallapatorius @misshelchwhen @marvelogic @emiliaisdead @tobiaslut
@fawnedolly @lizzieswife101 @viosblog112 @theenglishswiftie @chickenlittlsblog @starry-night17 @autorasexy @alyciaddict
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juiles · 1 year
We’re always with you.
Requested: yes.
Summary: you have autism and hide it from the team and your girlfriends until one unfortunate party incident.
Pairing: wandanat x autistic!reader
Warnings: overstimulation and a small panic attack
Tags: hurt/comfort
Masterlist here.
Taglist here.
Request form here.
A/N: sorry it took so long for me to respond to this request but I really hope you enjoy!! If you want something written message me or send me an ask!!
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“Come on detka. It won’t be that bad.” Nat muttered into your ear as she held you from behind as you stared at your form in the mirror, her arms wrapped around your waist gently. “It’ll be a couple of hours then we can come up here and cuddle okay?”
You hummed looking up, meeting her eyes through the mirror. At the moment, all you wanted was to rip away from Natasha, strip down, put on some safe comfy clothes and burrow into your special duvet however you nodded, putting a small smile on your face. “Okay Natty…”
She released your waist, one hand dragging down to capture your hand gently and tug you away from the mirror. You pulled your hand back, a normal motion for you. The girls didn’t know why but sometimes being touched made your skin crawl however they never questioned it much. You fidgeted with your top as you followed your girlfriend out to meet up with Wanda.
“You two finally ready?” She mused turning around to look at the two of you. Her face turned from a smirk to a loving smile. “You two look amazing…”
“You look great too detka.” Nat said placing a soft kiss on Wanda’s cheek before the two of them turned to face you, your hands fidgeting with your shirt again. Each of them placed a chaste kiss on your cheeks before the three of you made your way down to the party.
The music was loud as Natasha pushed the door open, revealing a throng of people dancing around, milling around the bar and sprawled out on the multiple couches chatting. Going in there seemed like the worst idea however, you had gone this long without anyone finding out as you managed to avoid any parties that Tony had thrown. Your brain instantly started to scream however you put your mask on and followed the two in front of you to the bar where they both ordered a drink before turning to you.
“What do you want malysh?” Wanda asked placing her hand on the small of your back, bringing you back to the present. Your eyes glanced over to Natasha who had concern swimming in her green eyes. “Do you want me or Natty to order for you?” She mumbled into your ear. You nodded softly, one hand going up to fidget with your necklace.
After ordering your drink and receiving the three of them, the three of you made your way over to the couches where all your friends were sitting.
You sat silently between the two girls as they all chatted. Your body stopping you from talking, earning you a few glances from your concerned friends, glances you brushed off with a small excuse of being tired.
After a couple of hours, your mask had started to slip and your could feel overstimulation take over. Your hair being in your face was causing you to constantly push it behind your ears. The clothes you were wearing were too tight, the shoes pinching your toes, your makeup felt like it was burning your skin. The music suddenly felt like the sound of nails on a chalkboard. the throbbing lights causing a migraine to start forming behind your eyes.
You started to feel your fuse grow shorter and unfortunately it was Natasha that received your final snap.
“Oh my god Natasha. Just fuck off!!” You screamed, your whole body freezing as soon as you realized what happened. Natasha turned to you with wide eyes, confusion running over her face. “Detka…?”
Your head whipped around to face a mad Wanda. “Y/N! Natasha did nothing wrong! What is wrong with you?! You’ve been nothing but stand off ish all night! She was checking to see if you were okay!” You could feel electricity running through your veins so you stood and bolted out of the party, ignoring all the people trying to bring you back with tears now streaming down your face.
You pushed the door to the staircase open and bolted up to the living floor where you flung your old bedroom door open and closed it behind you. After some digging through your drawers, you found some old safe clothes and peeled the fancy clothes off pulling on the cotton material. You flicked the small light off and burrowed into your weighted blanket after whispering for Friday to sound proof your room and unplugging all the electronics. It couldn’t have been more than 5 minutes before you heard a soft knock on your door and you let out a soft whimper.
The sound shattering the hearts of the two women outside your door. Natasha pulled Wanda a little farther from your door. “Autism.” She muttered causing the witch to look at her in confusion. “She’s got all the signs. I don’t know how we’ve never noticed it before. It explains why she exploded.” Wanda’s heart shattered again taking a glance at your door.
“I snapped at her… what do we do?” She asked softly looking back at the assassin who wiped the tears off the brunettes cheeks.
“We put on some cotton clothes, grab her little stuffed animal and her other comfort items and go check on her. She may not want us to touch her and that’s okay but she needs to know we’re here to support her okay?” The redhead said with a soft smile at the witch before the two rushed off to their room.
Your heart felt shattered as your brain played Wanda’s little rant at you over and over again. You had messed up and now she hated you. You knew eventually your autism would ruin it for you. It always did. It’s the reason your parents gave you up and you never found a forever home, dealing with the shit side of the foster system. You hid it from the team over the last 3 years, the fear of being a burden to strong to tell them.
You were once again snapped out of your thoughts with a soft knock on your door. You didn’t respond but the door opened anyways letting in some light causing you to whimper, pulling the cover over your head blocking it out. You heard two sets of footsteps and the door closing before pulling your head out of your blanket to see a sheepish Wanda and a concerned looking Natasha holding all your comfort items.
“Im so sorry detka… i shouldn’t have snapped at you…” She muttered placing your bear in your arms before taking a step back, your hand instantly reaching out towards her and your other girlfriend making grabby hands. “Do you want us to hold you malyshka? It won’t be too much?”
You shook your head. “Pressure…” Your voice came out shaky and almost silent. Both girls climbed into bed with you, you settling your head on Wanda’s chest, Natasha spooning you from behind.
It took around 40 minutes for you to finally feel okay to talk. “Im sorry… I-I-I… I didn’t mean to be a burden… I tried so hard to be normal… but I can’t…”
“And you don’t have to love. You are NOT a burden and anyone who ever called you that is wrong. You are you and that is beautiful.” Natasha muttered pressing soft kisses to your head.
“We love who you are no matter what you think. Your autism doesn’t change that detka. Being “normal” isn’t real sweetheart. Your differences are what makes you exactly what you need to be. Understand me?” Wanda said softly into your hair.
You sniffled and nodded softly in her shirt. Both women pressing kisses into your hair is what you fell asleep to that night.
The next morning, you woke up buried into your two girlfriends who were talking quietly. “Morning sleepyhead…” Wanda said looking down at you, you just tucking into her neck again with a soft whine. “How are you feeling?”
“Better but still tired…” You murmured. “I’m sorry again… i should have been honest with you but… i don’t want to lose you…”
“None of that. We aren’t going anywhere baby. Nothing will change that. Understand?” You nodded into the witches neck receiving soft kisses. “I can’t imagine how bad it was last night but you never have to go to one of those parties again okay?”
“I can go just not for that long… I have to learn my limits…” You said glancing up at Natasha who smiled softly.
“We will help you with that baby.” She said tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “Because we’re always with you.”
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juicedaloe · 1 year
Mithrun and brain damage
I'm not sure if anyone is interested in this, but I wanted to make a post talking about why I think that Mithrun has brain damage from a traumatic brain injury instead of him being a representation of other neurological disorders or mental illness. I'm not that involved in the dunmesh fandom so I don't know how common this headcanon is, though I've seen a few people mention it here and there.
This is just my own opinion so if you disagree then that's fine. Some of this is just speculation and I can't say what Kui's intentions were. This post isn't meant to be that serious. I just wanted to talk about it and hopefully inform about how brain damage can affect some people in a way that I hope is interesting and relevant.
This will be kind of long because I like to talk so it will be under the cut. Apologies for the length and how much I ramble. Feel free to give input especially if I got anything wrong or if this is too confusing.
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Okay let's go
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is incredibly complex. The long-term effects of a TBI include a wide array of symptoms. Each injury is different, and some people can completely recover rather quickly while others can become permanently disabled, even for seemingly "minor" injuries. What I'll cover here isn't a definitive representation of the experiences of all those who have long-term effects from TBI, nor do I speak for everyone with brain damage.
Here are some long term symptoms relevant to this post:
Alexithymia (inability to process and name emotions)
Inability to process and name physical perceptions
Mood swings and emotional regulation difficulties
Communication difficulties
Social impairment
Apathy about caring for oneself
Lack of motivation
Alexithymia and inability to process physical perceptions
This one is rather obvious. While Mithrun is shown to feel emotions and have physical sensations (for instance, describing his location when he gets lost in the dungeon as "a cold place"), he is also apathetic to how this affects him. This means that his physical and emotional perceptions are reduced in some way. He says that becoming lord of the dungeon will leave someone "empty", showing he is aware of his dulled emotional state.
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A good example of this is can be seen here in a bonus comic where he doesn't give much of a reaction to burning his mouth on hot food.
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(I love these two a lot, by the way. Pattadol is really under appreciated.)
He is also not able to recognize bodily signals, such as hunger or when he is tired. Despite collapsing from exhaustion and not eating for long periods of time, he still insists he is not tired or hungry.
Mood swings
Mood swings in combination with alexithymia can be an especially disorientating experience. Those who struggle to perceive their own emotions can still feel them even if they don't know how to recognize it.
Individuals with brain injuries often experience drastic mood swings, particularly anger. To those around them, they can appear to go from 0 to 100 in an instant.
This is more speculation/headcanon on my part, as the strongest emotion Mithrun has for most of his appearances is anger. However one could interpret this as being unrelated as he is seeking revenge for a traumatic experience.
Communication difficulties and social impairment
Not only can naming personal experiences be incredibly difficult with a brain injury, but other areas of communication are often affected as well.
Mithrun is not able to set boundaries for himself even if someone is doing something he would not actually want them to do, which can leave him in a vulnerable position.
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People with brain injuries can sometimes have a paradoxical experience when it comes to communicating with others. They can go from being very quiet to speaking at length about one topic, seemingly without regard for the importance of each bit of information. (I see it like Newton's first law of motion. It is hard to start speaking and it can be just as hard to stop.)
I really like this aspect of Mithrun's characterization. Usually, he is very quiet because he has no reason to speak. However, once he starts talking he is shown to be overly specific and goes on for long periods of time. Kabru has to spend multiple days figuring out his story.
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In a side comic, Kabru tells Mithrun he should condense some of the personal details that Kabru finds irrelevant to the topic of the dungeon.
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Mithrun shares many details about himself because his desire not to do so is gone. This mirrors the experience of many people who have brain damage to overshare and not understand how their words will come across to others. Sometimes they say or do things that are insensitive or inappropriate for the situation.
Caring for oneself and motivation
In the dungeon, Mithrun becomes reliant on others for self care. He also seems especially incapable of motivating himself to take care of his body when he is particularly focused on his goals.
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In these panels, thus far he had been fairly receptive of Kabru trying to take care of him. However, he could sense that the demon was close and was too focused on that to care to eat.
Refusal of care and treatment is often an effect of traumatic brain injury. This can be for seemingly no reason, even if the person knows that this will help them. Sometimes people will lie about receiving treatment or doing things to take care of themselves, either so they can avoid it or avoid having someone take care of them.
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He knows that eating regularly and not pushing himself too much will help him - he's been told multiple times on-screen - but he still has to be continuously told by others to give him that motivation to take care of himself. He's very apathetic to his physical state, even if it seems his only desire is for revenge and he should be doing anything he can to achieve that.
Other things of note
I wasn't sure where to put this, but while Mithrun's sense of direction is speculated by Kabru to be left over from his time as lord of an ever-changing, confusing dungeon, having poor sense of direction in the way he does could also be indicative of brain injury as well.
While the dungeon is confusing and illogical, he is known to have a poor sense of direction and to get frequently lost by those around him, even trying to exit an entrance he just came through. He is shown to be very intelligent, but memory is greatly impacted by brain injuries which affects a person's sense of direction and location.
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Something that really stands out to me about Mithrun is how much the things that help him are particularly helpful to those with brain damage. He is physically capable of performing tasks, but he needs an outside source to remind him and get him started. He relies entirely on routine, and when that regularity is taken away he shows extreme difficulty taking care of himself.
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Sometimes, the care that some people need is simply someone else to encourage them or to tell them when to do things. The care that he needs is pretty consistent with a person with a brain injury who does not need a full time caretaker and would prefer to have some independence.
Also, healing magic is specified to not work with brain injury unless the person is killed and revived. Mithrun had not been revived after his injuries, so it is entirely possible for him to have sustained a TBI. I don't think this matters that much because one is still allowed to have headcanons even if there is a magical explanation or isn't really possible in canon, but I thought it was an interesting detail.
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In conclusion
Because of all this I don't believe that his lack of self care is due solely to mental illness. While mental illnesses like depression or PTSD can cause a decline in self care, the reasons why the affected individual is avoidant of these tasks differs. These disorders can also cause cognitive difficulties and emotional regulation issues, but not to the same extent or in the same way that brain damage would. I think that he does have both depression and PTSD (both are common after a TBI) but those are not his only disabilities.
And on a personal note, I just think that having a character with brain damage is really cool. Most of the time I've seen it the characters are not given very much respect and they are treated as comic relief and a joke. Regardless of whether you agree with this post or not, it is still nice to see a character with a disability like this.
Thank you if you read all of this. I hope it was easy to understand and I did not ramble too much. I don't have anything else to say but I've been wanting to write this out for a while.
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Okay bye
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fixyourwritinghabits · 5 months
How to Handle Critique
I’ve got to admit, I wish I was one of those beatific saints that could take critique with a grateful smile. Instead, I am constantly suppressing a horrible little gremlin at the back of my head hissing at anything from legit plot critiques to grammar corrections. I’m well aware I used that comma wrong, GOD.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m very good at suppressing that gremlin, but the little bastard is still there. He exists because even though your brain knows critique can help, it also knows you worked damn hard on the thing being critiqued, and goddamnit, isn’t that enough???
Anyway, here are some tips on getting that gremlin to shut the hell up.
It is okay to be upset. You worked really hard on this thing, and now someone’s gone and pointed out all the things that suck about it. You cannot control how you feel about one thing or another, but you can allow yourself to feel that way and let it pass through you. Let your critique partner you’re taking time to reflect on it, and go for a walk. Do something else. Let those feelings pass through you before you get back to the page.
Give yourself time. Don’t feel like you need to correct things right away (unless they are minimal grammar tweaks). Some pieces of feedback might take awhile to sink in, especially when you’ve got a whole novel to wrestle through. Set it aside, think about something else for a week or so, and get back to it when you’ve reset.
Get a second opinion and/or ducky friend. It can be very hard to tell the difference between good and bad feedback sometimes. Someone who means very well could give feedback that just doesn’t work for you, and someone who doesn’t give two shits could have spotted that fatal flaw right away. You can bring in a real third party or just make use of the old rubber duck technique, where you talk through the issue with a friend or a Naruto poster telling you to Believe it. Working it out out-loud is a really effective technique to figure out what needs fixing and what doesn’t.
Guide critique-givers toward the feedback you want. I, a person who prefers straightforward fantasy and sci-fi, cannot give the fine-tooth points on how a romance novel should work. However, I can give feedback on what works for me and what doesn’t story-wise. Giving your beta reader or critique partner a list of questions to look for will help avoid vague feedback based on how they don’t like the genre. There are many ways to do this, but consider using the following as a base to tailor your own questions:
Did you get a good sense of the setting? Did the worldbuilding make sense to you?
Was this story clear? Where there any parts that seemed confusing?
What characters did you like and why? What characters didn’t you like?
Did any parts of the story feel slow or repetitive?
Did the beginning draw you in? Did the middle keep you engaged? Did the ending feel satisfying?
If you were to write [insert plot point here], what would you do differently?
Again, all of the above questions are up for debate depending on your goal, but we are rarely taught how to give good feedback, and a guided feedback session would work better for you than a free-for-all.
Figure out what kind of advice doesn’t work for you. It is really hard to give good feedback sometimes, even with guided questions. It can also be really hard to figure out why some feedback doesn’t click with you, and that’s a matter of digging deep to figure out what you really want. You may lean toward characters who are horrible fuck-ups, but your partner prefers more steady characters who always strive to do the right thing. Your characters, therefore, may never click with this person, no matter how much they want to help you. And that’s okay! Figuring out where your critique partner is coming from can help you figure out what parts of their feedback isn’t working for you. Sometimes the only thing you can do is thank them and move on, but you might also want to guide them to focus more on the plot or the worldbuilding when looking at your work.
And last, don’t focus on grammar. It’s great if they point that out, but if you end up changing everything, trying to fix that first is a waste of your time. Grammar tweaks last, plot points first.
And, I dunno, give yourself a treat to get that horrible little mind gremlin something else to focus on. Sometimes patting those bad feelings on the head and sending them away can help way more than ignoring them.
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astonmartingf · 6 months
— co-parenting with alonso has been smooth sailing, until he starts dropping hints that he wants to be with you again
amgf written portion down below. we have lore 😌 n e ways me inserting the strollonso agenda, ales being indoctrinated by lance, uhmm i can't wait for the next updates hehehe okay enjoy 👍
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Lance waved his hands, calling the attention of his nephew wandering around the Aston Martin headquarters. "Ales! Come here!"
Watching his nephew look around the area for the source of the voice. "Ales! Over here."
The younger boy walks over to his uncle, smiling brightly at him, "Uncle Lance! Do you work here with Papa?"
Matching his nephew's excitement, Lance nods his head, walking with Ales along the hallway. "I heard you're here with your father, where is he by the way?"
"Papa is trying to ask Mama out on a date!" The younger boy spoke enthusiastically, unaware of the implications of his statement, leaving Lance surprised.
"What did your mom say?" Lance tries to ask discreetly, helping Ales on his designated couch, filled with legos, miniature dinosaurs, and toy cars.
Ales shrugs, "I don't know, but papa told me if it's okay with me if he will ask mama out on a date, remember what you told me last time?"
"Why are you leaving early Uncle Lance?" The young boy tugs on Lance's fingers watching him style his hair in front of the mirror.
Lance kneels down, facing his nephew, "I'm going on a date with my girlfriend," watching Ales' face form deep into confusion. Titling his head to the left Ales points his finger in front of Lance.
"A date? What is a date?"
Smiling to himself, Lance holds his hand walking further into the office. "Going on a date is like having fun with the people you love. Going outside, spending time with them, eating together. Just like what you do with your mom and dad."
Ales nods his head, thinking of the times he went to the beach with his father, and eating together with his mom. "Mama and Papa love me, so we go on dates!"
Lance nods his head in agreement, "Exactly, I love you so we hang out sometimes, that can be called a date. And tonight I'm going to eat dinner with my girlfriend, we're going on a date."
Ales tilts his head, the gears turning into his little brain as he begins to recall his thoughts.
"How come Mama and Papa don't go on dates?"
It was Lance's turn to tilt his head, he knew Ales was aware of your relationship with Nando, it was something you had been discussing with Ales.
"What do you mean Ales? They go on dates with you." Lance treaded lightly, it had stumped him, especially when he could easily say something you two both didn't intend.
"So does that mean Papa and Mama love me?" Ales questions, leaving Lance filled with pride— smiling to himself.
"Of course Ales, your Mama and Papa love you the most."
"I think Papa loves Mama, since he wants to go on a date with her." Lance bit his lip, hiding the laughter growing inside him.
"I did say that about dating huh, you remember that?"
Ales nodded his head, now focused on the Lego in front of him. "You said people go on dates with people they love. Yesterday papa asked me if I'm okay with that."
Lance hands him the blocks, keeping the conversation going, "What do you think?"
"Papa talks about mama all the time, and mama does the same when we're together." Lance raises his brows at his response.
"Your mom talks about Nando huh."
Ales shows Lance a Lego building, "They go on dinner dates you know."
"They leave you alone at the house by yourself?" Lance was shocked to say the least, he knew you rarely spent time together with Fernando, but leaving your son alone in your house is something he didn't imagine happening.
"Huh? Why would they leave me alone? I see them on call and eat dinner together, isn't that a date?" Lance sees the pout building over on Ales' lips at the thought of being left alone, the sight leaving a smile on his face.
"You said they went on a date, I thought they left you alone." Ales shakes his head furiously, throwing the Lego on the floor.
"I don't want to be left alone, I want to go on a date with mama and papa."
Lance turns to Ales, making him face the younger boy, "But didn't your father say he wants to go out with you mom alone? Are you okay with that?"
Pausing, Ales thinks to himself, "But will I be there at the date?"
Lance nods his head, "Probably. I don't think they would want you away from them."
Ales hums, deep in thought, "Then, I'll just give them time together."
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★ YOU'VE BEEN ON MY MIND — @namgification @nebarious @minkyungseokie @viennakarma @lxclerc @booksandflowrs @c-losur3 @lichterfee @moonyzsworld @e-nonsense
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