#my bf is great but he would never do this kind of shit
300lifetimes · 8 months
thinking about my ex that upon hearing i had a crush on gansey from the raven cycle began to try and emulate him. the guy had scary jealousy issues but he was a true romantic ❤️
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izzy-b-hands · 1 month
My doctor messaging me at 12:30 in the morning to tell me she wants to do a telehealth visit abt the side effects I'm having with my new Lamotrigine dose (including worse insomnia than my usual insomnia, as u may have guessed lmao) is. something.
#text post#like i know why i am awake babe why are YOU awake this late#and god why do we have to do another visit#they aren't bad enough to make me stop this dose and i haven't been on the new dose long enough to let it even out#can i not just Not have to do another uncomfortable visit where even if things turn out okay after#i later feel like I'm still not being wholly trusted/treated like i know my body and how i feel#i had worse side effects restarting this med months ago and we didn't have any additional visits for that#they fucking forgot to even book me for a f/u and i had to call in and beg for one basically#and then they misbooked it for the wrong reason and with the wrong doctor#and made it out like it was my fault when i made clear i begged and told the receptionist i spoke to to book said appt#that it needed to b with my doc for the Lamotrigine and that i hadn't been told when to follow up so i was just. doing it#bc she said i needed to but then didn't say when to book it#they're trying hard and im trying to give them grace but then this shit happens and like#im tired. makes me want to go into my new doc like nah never mind im fine. don't ask me nothing and i won't bug you with anything#unless im dying or nearly dead already.#would suck beyond believe attempting to raw dog life mostly again but goddamn. im so sick of this lack of stability with my care#anyway. probably an appt next Tuesday which is great#that's the week of the weekend that i work again and the week before my bday#(a bday I'll be working now which I'm not normally irked abt but. i am a bit rn)#so cool. yeah. let's stack anxiety and fear over a medical appt on top of everything else for that week#and that's not counting that this weekend I've been tasked with buying and getting signed a v expensive and rare figure#for my mum's bf and I'm kind of terrified im gonna fuck it up#he paid for tickets to the con the figure will be sold at and that the person he wants to sign it will be at#so if i fuck this up he'll want (understandably) to be paid back asap for that#and that's money i don't fucking have rn#i really wish she had waited till the actual day proper to contact me bc i couldn't sleep before this#and now i definitely cant bc like#it's dumb. but what if she takes my med away. it isn't perfect but it works better than any other med I've tried#what if she wants me to try a new one. i cant do that and b dealing with major side effects during the intense work schedule#that'll be happening for me v soon and then into November
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AITA for ignoring my mom's bf?
Okay so this happened a while ago and my mom has since broken up with the guy so it's super low stakes but it was brought up recently and I was rethinking how I behaved in the situation.
To clarify, my father had been dead for over five years at the time of this story. Ages are at the time of this all happening, I'm now in my 20s.
My mom (46F) met her bf (probably around 46M) when I (16F) was just about 14. I met him, found him to be kind of quiet, and did not have an opinion of him besides being happy to see my mom happy. Two years later, it was decided that he would stay with us in the US long-term. Again, I had only met him once briefly. My sister (18F) was the same, but I think had a slightly worse first impression. She's always been a better judge of character than me.
It immediately didn't go great, my mom was on some trip when he arrived, and so my sister and I were hosting him for about a week before mom came home. We tried to introduce ourselves, give him a tour of the house, etc, but he didn't really interact with us at all. My friend, who is much more charismatic and outgoing than I am, couldn't even get an introduction out of him. All one word responses. Okay, so he doesn't want to be bothered. We lived in a big house, we didn't need to cross paths all that much. It was fine.
Then, my mom came home. And suddenly my sister was the devil's spawn -- it was ridiculous how late she was out, that she was drinking, that she was wearing shorts. My mom and sister didn't have the best relationship, but it had never gotten to the point where they could barely be in a room together before this. (In my mom's home country drinking from a young age is very normal, and my sister was never stupid about her drinking or let her partying affect her school work, if that seems relevant.)
It was obvious that the bf was the one complaining to my mom, who was then going to my sister about it -- he had even yelled at my sister for "dressing inappropriately" directly (it was summer and about 90 degrees, and in the comfort of our own home. She was wearing shorts and a tee shirt that wouldn't even get her dress coded at school. He thought she was "too seductive"). Whenever they fought, he would sleep with my mom. Loudly. My sister's room was right below them, so it was not fun for her.
I was on my sister's side in all this, and my opinion was known but really didn't help much. Most of the arguments seemed to be over normal "rebellious teenage behavior".
(To defend my mom though, she never actually saw her bf treating either of us badly -- besides once and she physically pushed him away from me and seemed ready to hurt him if he didn't leave -- and my sister did have a habit of making shit up to start drama. When she did break up with him later down the line it was for trying to keep her from comforting my sister through a rough patch. It was apparently all very loud and dramatic and she abandoned him in a foreign country in the middle of the night. I already had my own place by then, so I unfortunately missed it.)
Come the end of summer, my sister went off to college and the house was quiet. My mom and I have always gotten along quite well, and in highschool I was always very diligent in informing my mom where I was and when I'd be home, etc. This isn't to say I was a perfect child and my sister was the demon in the house, just that it would be fairly in character for my sister to go out of her way to piss off my moms bf and straight up out of character for me.
So I didn't. I didn't interact or acknowledge him at all. I didn't make eye contact, I "looked through" him if I happened to look in his direction. It was obvious that he didn't like anything my sister did and so I would do nothing. At all.
He started complaining to my mom that I was treating him like a ghost. I reminded my mom that I was not like my sister, and I wouldn't hold a grudge or anything like that. I was just treating him as he treated me. (He also tried the "sleeping loudly" trick on me, as I moved into my sister's room after she moved out. After I also complained, my mom realized that my sister had not been lying about being able to hear it and stopped letting him get away with that. They were still sleeping together, just not Loudly Right Above Me.)
It obviously stressed him out. I don't know the psychology behind it or anything, but I think living in a house with someone who seemingly can't see or hear you must be really awful, because he started to yell at me about anything. (Since I literally wasn't doing anything, he did not manage to get my mom to turn against me like he did to my sister.) I was childish for making food in the kitchen, apparently*. If I needed to use the bathroom at night I was waking him up on purpose (he didn't have a job or any reason to wake up early, like I did with school and my hour walk bc he didn't think my mom should have to wake up to drive me). My panic attacks, obviously, were a direct insult to him specifically.
*I know this seems like I'm not including context, but I literally just made myself a quesadilla, cleaned up, sat down to eat, and he came in to yell at me for being childish. My best guess is I woke him up with the noise? But it was lunch time, so.
I just would continue to ignore him, even while he yelled. Admittedly, if he went on long enough, I would eventually just stare at him, which is what I usually do if someone is angry at me and I don't know what to say.
He eventually left our house because he "felt unwelcome". Good riddance. He did continue to date my mom, but he never visited again while I was there.
I still think that he was "the asshole", and that my mom wasn't great either for staying with him so long despite my sister and I complaining. However, my ignoring him stressed him out in a way that I've never seen someone stressed before or since. I think I was probably escalating it, at least. Tbf though, he never once tried to actually sit down and have a conversation with me. I wouldn't have ignored him if he had.
What are these acronyms?
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creedslove · 1 year
I just got my masters degree and my bf did not want to celebrate because it’s not that big of a deal and instead he went out by himself.
Would you do an imagine with any of the Pedro boys or him himself celebrating it? I just need a Little pick me up ❤️
No outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader
A/N: OH MY GOD HONEY!!! CONGRATULATIONS 👏🎉💐🎉 This is amazing! Such great news honestly, I couldn't even make it through graduation so if you managed to get your masters degree this is a huge deal!!! I hope you are enjoying yourself at the moment and forgive me if I step outta line here honey but your bf is a piece of shit honestly, you know what's not a big deal? His mf ass!!! Once again I'm sorry bestie but you deserve way better than this guy honestly, and well, I thought about it and I decided to go with Joel because he would exactly how to treat you right ❤️
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• Joel loves how smart and hard working you are, he is a guy who isn't book smart even if you praise him for his emotional and rational intelligence, he knows that in your relationship you got the brains
• he supports you through everything you decide to do, concerning your academic or professional life, he supports you no matter what and he loves bragging about you and how successful you are
• he would proudly tell anyone you were getting your masters degree because
"you gotta be smart for that, you know, darlin'"
• and once you finally get your masters degree, Joel feels his heart bursting with pride and love and he just gets too excited about you, he wants to know if you will have some kind of ceremony because he will be there
• he hopes he doesn't have to wear a suit but he would if he had to, as long as you are happy he is happy
• Joel would get himself a new shirt and some new jeans, he would put on his good boots™ and his leather jacket 🫦 looking his best for you
• afterwards he would take you out to celebrate just the two of you to some place where you can have some drinks and good food, he's a steakhouse man and no one can try to prove me otherwise but I'm certain he would go for a japanese or italian restaurant if it makes you happy
• he would gift you something too, I'm sure he would go for jewelry, not something awfully expensive, our sweet Joel ain't rich but you can bet he would choose either a beautiful bracelet or a gorgeous pair of earrings and perhaps a necklace
• or even that kind of ring we all would dream of getting from him 😉
• on the weekend he would make sure to throw a barbecue in celebration of you, calling your family, your friends, Sarah and Tommy so everyone could cheer and congratulate you for your achievement
• he is just so happy you managed to accomplish your stuff, he can't even describe into words, he just loves it and he could never hide how proud he is ❤️
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weolucbasu · 1 year
So, @da-proti-toku-grem kind of inspired me to make a lengthy post, sharing some positive vibes across the fandom, listing the reasons why I love each member of Joker Out and why I would go full mom-mode on them and cook for them and bake them gluten-free cookies.
A Joker Out, brain-rot, appreciation post
(members listed in alphabetical order)
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First up - as someone who had the chance to see them live, he is an insane performer
His ability to enchant the crowd is insane and you can tell really well that he has great acting abilities too
Watched him in Gospod Profesor too, spot on for someone who is a so-called amateur
His singing voice is... amazing to say the least, it feels really unique
Also, the way he talks, the sound of his voice, the words he uses, his pronunciation, if there were awards for talking he would get one
The languages he speaks, I want to study him, linguistically, he is truly a phenomenon
We of course love a bilingual king
He looks like he has his priorities straight
I also respect him so much for how open he is about his mental illness
I might relate to him a bit too much at times whoops
And the fact that he can somehow befriend literally anyone??? Love that
His friendship with Jere is the main one of course
Oh yeah and the fact that he literally helped people who collapsed at their gigs a few times
Bless him, he deserves all the rest he is hopefully getting
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First things first, I have a soft spot for math guys
And the way he talks about math is fascinating (but you still won't get me to like it Jan)
Cat dad???? We absolutely adore Igor and a man loving cats is such a green flag
I know people say he mumbles a bit and it's hard to understand him at times, but idk, he talks nice and slowly, so it's still really easy to understand him
He comes from my home region, so I am very biased haha
Also, every band needs a guitarist with luscious locks
He absolutely owns the colour red, that colour was invented specifically for him
The nose ring suits him so well too, this man KNOWS what fits him
And if that ends up being jackets with nothing underneath when he performs, THEN SO BE IT
I know people call Kris the lesbian icon, but from what I've seen lesbians are very drawn to Jan as well
Oh, and he gives me Klaus from the Umbrella Academy vibes (I blame the hair and the pink boa)
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Holy shit, sunshine in human form????
The most underappreciated one in the band imo
His surname literally means 'cat' and I am so normal that Jan has called him 'muca'
He also comes from my region haha, bias again
He's really good at filming, he actually shot a few things for RTV (national TV station) and edited them as well, god, talent
Also playing drums... I have sang, I have played guitar, played bass, but drums is something I feel like I could NEVER do, so hats off to you
As @da-proti-toku-grem pointed out, THE MOLE ON HIS LIP? weak knees, yes
He also reminds me of a good friend of mine and I vibe with him so much, I feel like I would vibe with Jure as well
I really don't like the fact that drummers tend to get ignored and I just wish there was more Jure performing content
Though I love it how every time, during Novi Val, he comes to the front and hangs with the others
His hair also looks so soft and fluffy aaaaaa
Again, biased but he resembles my bf the most out of everyone so hmmmm
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The baby of the band! (and the only one in the band I could actually call 'mulc')
In case you didn't know yet, he's half Dutch
And he speaks Dutch, which, as someone who speaks Dutch (in theory, not in practice) makes me really happy
I wish to study him linguistically as well
Also his parents' story feels very close to me, as I'm dating outside of my culture as well
According to him he was menace as a kid and I think we should normalise the fact that you can become a better person as you grow up
But pls don't honk at me on the road Kris, pls, I will cry
The songs he wrote??? NGVOT and Vse kar vem??? Oh boy, I love them, adore them
His holey sweaters are also a vibe
Dutch fans, if you don't shower him and the rest of the band with gifts at their Dutch concerts, I will be mad
Also gotta honorably mention Maks
They gotta be my fav nepo-but-not-really babies out there
Kinda like Maya Hawke?
I am ranting
He also looks like the only member of the band that I would fight, and idk why
Also, I must know if he supports Max Verstappen haha
Minus points for chemistry though, I cannot with that
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Okay everyone
Here we go
We have reached my beloved
I love all of them, but Nace just a bit more
It was love at first sight, I cannot lie
I have a soft spot for bassists and he might actually convince me to try and play bass again
He has been playing it for so long too??? like wow
I will always go feral about his tattoos
At every concert
I know he was the last to join the band but it looks like he fits in so nicely, it's beautiful
Strong mom-codded dad friend vibes
He kinda is the dad of the band haha
And he looks like he gives amazing hugs (lucky all of you who had managed to get one already)
A nice addition to the band
Oh and he's apparently shit at sports which is like... felt
Plus the fact that he wanted to be a vet?
Me too boo, me too, but neither of us is there now
Anway, I'll stop now. In conclusion, this band has my whole heart and they deserve every good thing that happens to them and so much more.
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justeliiijah · 22 days
1:25 Siffrin!
submitted by @sammusbird my beloved <3
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
HOOO boy okay a lot of characters with anxiety, PTSD, and depression in media are shown as uwu soft or evil with NO in between and siffrin has a LOT OF NUANCE TO HIM. there was a lot of care and love put into how they react to the hopelessness of their situation and by god do i adore it.
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
dude is so fuCKING shape. also SUCH fun nonbinary rep??? give more queers knives. i know a lot of us have them but more. more should have them. me. give ME a knife.
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
how do i draw him in color he looks Wrong
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
ace attorney bc i think it wld be funny. they wld get framed for a murder that they did commit somehow i can Feel it
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
dont kill me bc this is kind of hilarious but the song is called Time Travel by Never Shout Never it's linked lol. u can extrapolate abt who's talkin to who in the song but i imagine it's loop and siffrin
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
[thousand yard stare] hot and transmasc next question
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
fuck that lad up yall ur doing great
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
as king of angst every time i see siffrin unburdened with trauma i lose ten years off my life span (i don't have any real pet peeves and am not super active in the fandom!)
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
i can't even be roommates with my roommates, man
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
unfortunately i am a bit of an asshole and i also have ptsd i think we wld kill each other with our eyes immediately
11. Would you date this character?
we are the same type of fucked up so that is a solid dear god no
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
ftm (i am projecting ok). they are canon nb i believe but i don't know if. like. there's a canon depiction of them w top scars or some shit but it wld fuck!!!
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
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feel free to assume what i mean from this bc i'm not adding context
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
i am not a fashion bitch but i think someone shld give him a choker
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
surprisingly canon for once! isafrin <3
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
mira or odile w siff. those mfs are his besties stop trying to make them kiss. also mira is aroace
17. What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
loopfrin. ironically my bf @codacheetah is extremely abnormal abt this one lol
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
mira and siffrin's relationship makes me fuckign emotional literally dont look at me???? but siffrin and odile too bc like. they share that lack of ability to Know where they come from (if only partially on odile's part). and bonn-- okay i think. i think all of their relationships are insanely complex and important ok
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
not applicable tbh. i do think that he shld kick the king in the wiener tho
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
mira my beloevd <333
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
i havent posted fic since like. 2017
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
i love the introspection abt the recovery i've seen!!! like, ppl showing how they think siffrin copes after the fact.
as for dislike,,, hm. i don't love the Other People Loop aus despite how intriguing they are because,,, well. there's a Reason to me that it was siffrin, a reason that their desperation to stay was so powerful. they are singularly capable of that level of need, i think.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
man its gotta be
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24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
ur gonna laugh but. like s4 jon sims. i think they wld get along but jon is far more of a loser
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
honestly i think i thought they were a very malleable char? like, that he wld change w the player's decisions. and i wasn't wrong entirely, because that's. how story driven gaming works, but siffrin has a much stronger personality and identity than i thought. i also thought they were in space for some reason i did NOT listen to coda's rants
hes a cutie :3
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dirtybitfic · 8 months
Chris sturniolo x fem reader
(Story line- you go to a rave and someone kissed you but something happens after the kiss and you bump into your celebrity crush Chris sturniolo as your spiraling.)
Contains- drugs, throwing up, flirting and kissing
Red-your best-friend
Green- the guy you end up kissing and anyone else at the rave who compliments you and shit.
You and your bestfriend had dreamed of going to a rave for years but you never managed to actually get tickets but this year you got lucky and got tickets for your dream rave .
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You had rented an air bnb kind of close to the festival cause camping did not sound appealing to either of you.
You had just gotten ready and decided that walking to the festival would be better than trying to get an Uber.
(Your outfit)
(Your bestfriends)
You both grab your phones and lock up before starting your 10 minute walk to the festival.
Oh my god I can’t believe we’re finally going to electric forest
Literally we’ve been dreaming of it for so long
Like the lights …the music …in the woods is gonna be beautiful
A spiritual experience for sure
We just gotta be careful you know some people slip shit into peoples drinks without them knowing
Yeah I know kinda scary but I’m only buying water with a cap no one is getting anything in there
Smart I honestly don’t even wanna drink I wanna fully be in the experience
Yeah same I wanna be fully in control of my body for this shit
God how much longer do we have until we reach the gates these shoes are kinda hurting
Uhhh only like 5 more minutes
Thank god
Yeah I didn’t really think about my shoe choice either
You finally reach the gates and show your wrist bands as they check the fanny pack your friend brought just so you could store your phones safely and then walked through the metal detectors. Once you were in you followed the path as the music got louder and the lights got brighter.
As you guys kept walking people were roaming around talking going to the bathroom area and grabbing drinks
hey you wanna grab waters then head up to the big stage
yeah sounds good to me
You both went to buy water then made your way to the stage .
Hey I love your outfits
Thank you so much you look amazing I love your outfit so much
Thank youuu
Of course have a good time
You too
As you both approached the stage the lights went crazy as
Was playing.
Oh my god this song is good
Right brings me back to like middle school dude
Real as fuck let’s get into the crowd deeper
You both held hands tightly as you weaved through groups of people dancing around having a good time
You wanna go up further or go like middle crowd
Let’s get up further closer to the large tree line
You both got to the area you wanted to be and just started dancing around having fun with each other to some more songs .
Was playing as you both held onto each other laughing and dancing all over each other
You guys look great like those outfits wow a deep voice says from behind
You both turn to look at who said it . THE HOTEST MAN YOUVE BOTH EVER SEEN In YOUR ENTIRE LIFE. He had tattoos all over his neck ,chest and arms . He was GORGEOUS.
Thank you so much ! I love your tattoos by the way
Oh shit thank you I did most of them myself my friend who’s here with me did a good amount of them too
Wow you guys are talented. Are you a tattoo artist
Yeah we own a shop in new York
That’s so cool
Yeah it’s pretty fun he says smiling at you
So where is this friend your here with
He was following me he’s gotta be close
As he says that another super hot guy comes behind him
Hey man sorry I got caught in a big group and lost you
Nah your good man
So who are these lovely lady’s
Oh I’m y/n you say
I’m bf/n
Nice too meet you guys I’m John . I hope blain wasn’t annoying you guys he says smirking over at his friend.
Oh no not all
Would you guys care if we hung with you guys
Not at all the more the merrier you say smiling at him
He comes closer to you as his friend goes over to your bestfriend.
Blain wraps his arms around your waist from behind causing you to smile .
Is this okay
Yeah of course I don’t mind at all
You look over at your best-friend who is talking to blains friend smiling having a good time.
Starts playing as you and blain sway to the music you rest your head back on his chest.
Your both a little sweaty from how hot the June air is but it’s nice .
This song is so pretty you say looking back over your shoulder and up at Blaine
Yeah it is . I like the way you described it
Yeah it’s like cool but it’s just feels pretty
I get what you mean he says smiling down at you making you smile then look back up at the stage and lights
These lights are so fucking cool he says in your ear
You shudder a little from his breathe fanning your neck and his deep voice echoing through your ear
I know right it’s one of my favorite parts of a festival especially the glitter lights you say
Starts playing as you both continue fluidly swaying to the music as you look up the sky as a nice breeze blows over you .
Blaine spins you around to look at him as he grabs your waist and pulls you closer.
He’s significantly taller even on the shoes your wearing causing you to have to look up at him.
He smiles down at you as he lowers his face slowly til his mouth is at your ear.
Is playing as you feel his breathe hit your ear causing you to shiver a bit.
You are one of the most beautiful girls I’ve ever seen y/n
T-thank you Blaine you say getting week in the knees a bit from how close he is to you
He lifts his face a bit as he grabs his water taking a sip .
You look over at your friend to see her dancing with his friend watching the stage.
You look back at Blaine as he smiles at you and grabs your face bringing his closer.
His lips meet yours as you close your eyes and lean into the kiss immediately kissing back .
He slips his tongue in your mouth deepening the kiss . As your making out you swallow feeling something go down your throat but write it off as your mouth being dry .
He pulls away smiling down at you .
You smile at him as you spin back around too look back at the stage
Is playing as you bop your head to the beat.
Hey I’m gonna run to the bathroom
Okay sounds good
He walks over to his friend saying he’s going to the bathroom I’m guessing he had to go to so they both walk off .
Your best-friend comes back over to you smiling wide at you
I saw that kiss giiiirl they are so hot
I know right like damn also uh my mouth is dry and I need more water
Alright want me to come with
No no stay here have fun it shouldn’t take me too long I’ll just take my phone if I need you I’ll text you
Okay just be safe
I will love you be back in a sec
Love you too
You start walking through the crowd and back down the path through the trees to the drink areas
Playing as you make you walk.
Your head starts to feel fuzzy and your eyes have a hard time focusing causing you to stumble and fall into a hard object .
Whoever they are catches you
Wow you okay
I… um I don’t know you say trying to focus your eyes as you stand back up on wobbly legs
You definitely don’t look okay I mean that in the nicest way your eyes just look really weird
Y-yeah I can’t get them to focus I’m sorry for falling into you I don’t feel so normal right now
I’m sorry to ask but um did you take something
Hell no I would never ever take drugs
Your eyes finally start to focus but your limbs still feel heavy.
Did you by any chance kiss someone the guy asks causing you too look at his face causing your eyes to get wide
Did I just fall into . CHRIS STURNIOLO.you say in your head slightly still disoriented maybe you were seeing things.
I… um why would that matter
You say as you stare at him. Nope that’s definitely Chris sturniolo.
People will put pills on their tongue then kiss someone and let it go into their mouth . Pretty much drugging someone without them knowing
WHAT THE FUCK you accidentally yell In His face
S-sorry i didn’t mean to yell in your face
No your okay . But I’m guessing from that reaction you did kiss someone
Y-yeah I did but now that I think about it I felt something weird in my throat but I thought it was just my mouth being dry . Fuck how could I be so stupid
Hey hey your not stupid people are really sneaky about it it’s not your fault
It’s my fault that I’m such a whore for kissing a random guy without even thinking twice about it you say slapping your hand on your head disappointed by yourself
He grabs your hand taking it off your head
Well he was definitely hot wasn’t he he said laughing a little
Causing you to smile and laugh
Yeah sadly he was
I’m sorry he did that too you that’s really fucked up
Yeah I know how can people do that to someone else like drugs are dangerous I don’t even know what I am on right now
You say looking into his eyes . God is he beautiful through a screen but in person GOD DAMN .
Honestly it’s probably Molly or ecstasy that’s what most people bring to festivals
Fuck me dude this is bad you say starting to freak out . The last thing you expected is to be drugged your first night at the festival then stumble upon your fucking celebrity crush who has voiced he doesn’t like drugs causing you to be even more anxious knowing that this will be the way he remembers you . The drugged out girl who ran into him and waisted his night .
Where were you headed
Ummm … water I was going to get water
Okay come with me I’ll take you to get some water but uuuh… he stops talking
But what you say a bit confused
You wanna try and throw up before it fully gets in your system?
Actually that’s a good idea
Yeah okay I’ll hold your hair back but this way the trip might not come at all or at-least not as bad
Ugh Fuck okay I’m so sorry this is probably not how you wanted your night to go
No don’t apologize you definitely didn’t want your night to end up like this
No definitely not
You slowly bend over as he holds your hair back
You try pushing your fingers down your throat to make yourself throw up but it doesn’t work your fingers didn’t get deep enough .
Fuck it’s not working you say getting anxious you won’t be able to throw it up
Fuck okay try one more time for me
Mmm okay you breathe out
You try again but all it does is make your eyes water .
Fuck I can’t get deep enough . My gag reflex is barely there in the first place you say as you stand back up him still holding onto your hair
You look up at him as he looks down at you with a face you can’t read .
Okay what if I you know stick my fingers down your throat. I know that’s weird but my fingers are longer it might be the only way to get it out of your system
Oh Jesus are you sure that’s like really nasty
I’m sure I care more about you getting it out of your system then me having to stick my fingers in your mouth
Okay fine I’m sorry again this is so embarrassing
No it’s not trust me it could be way worse
Yeah your right
You bend back over as he brings his finger to you lips . You pause . Chris fucking sturniolo your celebrity crush is literally about to stick his fingers down your throat . How is this my life right now you thought .
Sweetheart you gotta open your mouth for this to work he chuckles slightly
Oh Fuck I’m sorry
You open your mouth as he slides his fingers down your throat hitting the back causing you to cough and gag on his fingers . He pulls them out as he hears you gag more .
Jesus how did you not throw up I was touching your uvula
Fuck idk maybe go deeper as deep as you can go
open back up he says causing you to laugh
Oh come on now is not the time to have a dirty mind
Sorry I’m sorry you say still laughing a bit . You look at him his face stern as his fingers move to your lips .
You look back at the ground as you open your mouth . He shoves his fingers deeper hitting the right spot as you throw up . He pulls his fingers out and that hand moves to your back rubbing softly as you get it out of your system.
That’s it’s let it out
You have tears running down your face as you gag and cough until your finally done and everything is definitely out of your system .
Your body and hands shaking a bit as you stand up and wipe your mouth .
I’m so sorry that was so disgusting
Again with the sorry . You don’t have to apologize to me about this really it’s okay
He moves his hand to your face as he rubs the tears away with his thumbs.
You smile slightly as the sweet gesture causing him to smile at you .
What he asks looking into your eyes
Nothing your just a really sweet person
Well thanks but let’s go get you that water and maybe something to eat since you just threw up everything you had all day .
yeah im really shake right now
I can see that he says laughing a little at you
hey don't laugh at me you say feeling still a bit embarrassed by the entire interaction you guys are having.
sorry sorry but come on you can hold onto my arm if you need to stay stable
you hold onto his arm as you both walk side by side slowly to the drink area.
so what's your name
nice to meet you y/n im chris
oh uhh yeah I know
oh ... you do
yeah ive watched your YouTube videos before you say awkwardly hoping that doesn't make him uncomfortable
he pauses walking
im sorry if that makes you feel uncomfortable
no no it doesn't just uhh awkward I just stuck my fingers down a fans throat he adds an awkward chuckle after
I mean I wouldn't call myself a fan tbh just someone who stumbles upon your videos sometimes for a good laugh
I get what you mean by that to be honest
im glad you do I don't want you thinking im like a crazy mega fan
honestly I don't think a crazy fan would act so chill in this situation he says as he starts walking again pulling you along with him.
yeah true honestly they would probably stutter and cry
yeah probably
you both laugh as you finally reach the drink stand
here sit down ill grab the stuff alright
oh no I cant let you pay for my stuff
no seriously its no problem just sit down
you sit down as he grabs some waters and food them comes back over to you sitting next to you at the table
here you go hopefully it will make you feel a little less sick
thank you Chris seriously
of course he says with a smile
im glad you were the person I bumped into
oh yeah and why is that
honestly no-one would have even tried to help me get it out of my system or even been nice enough to notice something was wrong
yeah I guess your right about that most people would have just kept walking
you both are sharing fries he had gotten as you just share glances here and there.
so are you here alone or with people
im here with my best friend
ahh I see why didn't she come to get water with you
I told her to stay back I thought I was fine just had a dry throat
rookie mistake huh
Maybe but I wouldn't have met you so maybe it wasn't so bad she didn't come with me
he just looked at you smiling rolling his eyes playfully
so who did you come with
nick and matt and a couple other people
oh fun honestly im a little shocked raves don't really seem like your type of crowd
I mean I guess not but a brand sent us all here for promotions of their clothes that we have to wear every night so you know we thought why not
damn that's so cool ive dreamed of coming to this rave for years
so this is your type of thing
yeah I love raves and concert their like my happy place
yeah I get that music is one of my favorite things
yeah I don't know how life would be if music didn't exist
life would suck everyday would be dull and boring
I always like to say that music brings color to the world . I don't know if that makes sense but ... you look over at him seeing he's already staring at you . his eyes are soft and the smile on his face makes your breathe catch . he's looking at you with such love it makes you nervous.
w-what did I sound dumb
no that was just ... such a beautiful way to put it. I like the way you think
oh thank you you say as your checks flush pink from his compliment
no problem
I should probably call my friend ive been gone for a while I don't want her to freak out
yeah that's probably a good idea
you call your bestfriend
Hey are you okay you've been gone for a while
yeah im okay but um are Blaine and his friend back with you
ummm yeah why
you know how we kissed earlier
girl yeah obviously he was practically eating your face
yeah well um... he had a pill in his mouth and when we kissed he put it in mine and drugged me
no no im safe actually um I ran into someone... he helped me get it out of my system and we grabbed water and food
mmm okay why did you sound so weird when you said someone
ill give you a hint okay ummmm cc
girl wtf is this Morris code how could I ever guess what ccmeans
oh my god okay guy who ive showed you before
yeah bitch Jesus I feel like that was an easy guess
no it fucking wasn't
alright whatever anyways yeah that's where I am right now
so your telling me you are sitting ... with Chris sturiolo because you casually bumped into him as you slowly started tripping
yeah pretty much that's exactly what happened
you have insane luck I swear to god
I know right what are the odds
so how are you feeling as of right now
still weird my limbs are heavy my eyes keep loosing focus and my brain feels foggy
any other feelings im just trynna figure out what it could have been that he uh you know
I don't know like what do you mean
well Molly makes you insanely horny so is that a feeling your having at all
ummm I don't think so but who knows if however much made it into my system has hit yet
I feel like you'd feel that by now so we can count that out . what about like your vision you been seeing things like weird shapes and colors
fuck then idk maybe it did all get out of your system fast enough
yeah maybe hopefully that's the case
yeah lets hope so ... so im guessing you puked it up
yeah his idea of course
hes smart
I know right I would be tripping balls right now if I didn't run into him so praise the lords for him
for real but omg you threw up in front of your celebrity crush
don't remind me like how embarrassing is that and that's not even the worst part dude
how could it get more embarrassing
oh idk maybe the fact that I couldn't do it myself sooo
nooo y/n tell your joking he did not
yep sure fucking did
wow just wow
yeah not so pleasant but um im gonna finish off this food hopefully ill stop shaking soon and then ill head back to you but maybe move away from Blaine and his friend I don't want so be around him at all after what he did
oh girl I already moved the second you said he drugged you im closer to the middle now by the vip area
okay ill try my best to find you ill see you in a bit
okay just please be safe and no more kissing strangers
trust me im not planning on it
alright love you just look for the big pink bubble looking thing and im right bye that
okay big pink bubble thing got it love you bye
you hang up and look back over at chris
all good with her
yep she moved spots so that will be super fun trying to find her
don't worry ill help you im actually in the vip pink bubble thing so I know exactly where that is
oh thank god
you wanna head back to the stage or are you still shaky
im still super shaky and feeling really hot actually
really it doesn't feel that hot its cooled down a bit from earlier
yeah it like 48 degrees right now
shit I feel like its 100 degrees
y/n look at me
what why
just look at me
you look over at him his eyes widen as he looks at you eyes
wh-what why are you looking at me like that
your pupils are blown
fuck we didn't get it out of my system fast enough
judging by your eyes and the fact you feel hot and shaky probably not
fuck me this is bad like really bad
lets get back to your friend before it really hits and shit hits the fan
okay good idea
you both get up and start your walk back to the stage and crowd
as your walking back you start to stumble as your vision blurs
shit y/n you good
mmm y-yeah just my vision is a little blurry right now
come here he says as he pulls you closer
fuck your skin feels really hot
yeah tell me about it
he spins you around to face him .
you look up at him as his eyes move around your face with a slightly worried expression.
he moves his hands to your waist holding you tightly as you slightly started to lean back on uneven legs
you look into his eyes. Then study his facial features and the feel of his hands on your waist as your mind goes back to his fingers shoved in your mouth.
A wave of butterflies goes through your stomach as waves of heat flood your lower half.
fuck . I think it was definitely Molly .You thought as you started to feel the effects
why are you looking at me like that
like what you slur out
like you wanna eat me alive
w-what I wasn't
yes you were
im sorry I didn't mean to I just ummm I think its kicking in
what are you feeling
trust me you don't want to know
yeah I do he says as he brings his face closer to yours.
your breathing gets heavier .
lets just say .. it was definitely molly
oh ... OH uhhh well then
like I said you didn't wanna know
well at least now we know what type of trip your having .What type of asshole gives a girl Molly at a rave
I don't know but we all know what Molly does to people maybe he was trying to get me hot and bothered but that's fucked up . why give a girl drugs for that
there's definitely easier ways to get that effect that drugging a girl
Yeah like his tattoos were working well enough he could have I don’t know said things in my ear waited until the festival ended tonight and asked me to come back to his place
That is true I just don’t get guys like him
Me neither
You think your good to keep walking
Yep let’s just take it nice and slow my vision is crazy right now especially with the lights
Yeah your pupils are dilated as fuck probably making your sight super sensitive
Yeah your probability right you move to his side as he keeps an arm around your shoulder now keeping you close just incase you stumble again
Your mind wanders back to him holding your hair with his fingers down your throat as he spoke sweetly to you to let it out. Even though the actions were to help you puke your guts up . They were so dirty when you forgot about that detail .
What you thinking about he asks looking down at you smiling
Oh ummm nothing
No that pretty little mind was wandering I could tell by the smirk on your face
I wasn’t thinking was just looking ahead at the lights you try to play it off hoping he’d drop it . The last thing you want is to have to explain to him that the Molly is making your mind wander to his fingers in your mouth making you horny as a mother fucker.
Your lying to me right now
What Chris no I’m not just drop it
I’ll drop it for now but we’ll circle back later
You sigh and roll your eyes at him and you finally reach the crowd as the music is loud as ever and the lights are going crazy.
Was playing causing you to smile and look up at Chris
What you smiling for
I love this song
Yeah it’s pretty good
So where is this pink bubble bitch
Woah why are you calling me a bitch
No not you I wasn’t calling you a bitch I’m sorry
Your fine I’m only joking but it’s this way he says pulling you to the left
You start walking with him your limbs finally starting to move normally even though they still feel fuzzy.
Hey you stopped shaking and your skin isn’t as hot
Yeah but uhh all the other effects are still very much here
Mmm should I let go is that making it worse
No no your good I just gotta keep my mind on other things
Alright then he chuckles
Sorry that probably sounded weird I promise I wasn’t saying your hand on my waist was making me uh you know just uh
Your fine but you know if it was I would not be offended he says smirking down at you
Oh shut up you say smiling and playfully showing him a bit
I’m kidding he says making you look at him with a “you sure about that” expression
Okay maybe I wasn’t kidding but what were you smirking about earlier
Nope not telling you it’s gonna make this weird
Now you have to tell me that made me even more curious
Chrisss come on it’s to weird for me to say
I promise I won’t judge just tell me and we can blame it on the drugs if it’s that bad
Fuck ok fine I was… thinking about you having your fingers down my throat . You quietly said the last part from how weird it felt saying it out loud
Sorry what I couldn’t here you
I was thinking about your fingers down my throat okay there I said it . You cringed after saying it .
You look up at him as he stopped walking
I made it weird didn’t I
No you didn’t actually hate to say it but it was kinda hot even though you know the reason I did it wasn’t hot
Oh … well glad I’m not the only one
Mmm yeah come on let’s keep walking
So where are you and your friend staying
We’re staying at a house about a 10 minute walk from the gates
Wait you guys walked here he asks kinda shocked
Yeah it would have been an hour if we tried to drive or even get an Uber
Yeah I guess one luxury of being here with a brand is early access and they provide cars to take us . But how are your feet not killing you in those boots
Oh trust me they are . But I’m thuggin it out . And the drugs are making my limbs so tingly I can’t really feel my feet hurting so there’s that
Well I guess that’s one good outcome
Yeah I guess. Where are you guys staying
Oh a bigger house about 15 minutes out the neighborhood is cool . It’s got a cool fountain in the middle
Wait … a blue fountain
I think we’re in the same neighborhood then
What are the odds
Right crazy huh . Maybe this was fate you say laughing obviously joking
I don’t know maybe your right he says seriously
You look up at him a little dumbfounded by the sincerity in his voice
He looks down at you smiling giving you a small wink causing you to smile
Your eyes look crazy right now
Yeah I feel like I’m seeing everything through bright lenses right now
What is your friend wearing we’re getting close to the bubble maybe I can spot her
A white top with a long ish white skirt and like cool Pearl looking things all over it and her waist
Okay hum.. wait right there is that her
You follow where is hand is pointing .
Yes yeah that’s her
You both walk up to her
Hey bitch you yell as your approach her
Oh my god y/n how are you doing … oh god your eyes
Yeah yeah I know
And you must be the guy who helped her out thank you for taking care of her that’s was very kind of you
You looked at him smiling as he spoke
It was my pleasure you know she isn’t so bad
Haha funny but really Chris thank you . You were more than kind
Of course he says looking down at you smiling
your brothers are probably wandering where you are I know you should probably get back to them
oh I mean I was thinking of actually having them come to us ... unless you want me to leave
no no I wouldnt mind at all if you stayed
good cause to be honest I didn't want to
you both smiled at each other for what felt like hours but was only a minute
let me call them real quick
he calls them and tells them a small part of the story and for them to come meet up with us.
after a couple minutes you hear a couple voices coming from behind you .
you turn to see matt and nick walking up to Chris beside you
Yo Chris
Chris turns around
hey guys sorry I was gone for so long
hey it was for a good reason so its okay
facts well this is y/n and her friend ybf/n he gestures to you both
they look at you smiling you give a small wave and a smile saying hi
wow your outfits are amazing
aww thank you you look great the distressed looks on you and matt your mesh shirt is so cool
thank you they both same at the same time making you laugh a bit
so how you feeling Chris told us a bit about what happened
I feel okay I mean my eye sight is crazy right now but other than that im feeling better than before
that's good im glad you ran into Chris instead of someone else
was that a compliment orrrr
im just saying that out of all the people she could have fallen upon in her situation im glad it was you because you know we don't do drugs or drink so you were fully in your right mind unlike most people here
that is true
yeah I get what your saying
so what even happened with the guy that did this to you
uh I don't know ... ybf/n what did happen with them
oh dumb and dummer are probably still standing where I left them thinking were coming back to hang with them
damn poor guys how embarrassing for them
they can stand there all night for all I care
trust me if catch even a glimpse of the guy ill get violent
oh yeah what are you gonna do beat up a super muscular 6'5 man it came out a bit more sassy then you meant it causing matt and nick to look at you in shock and Chris to glare down at you
I-im sorry that came out more rude then I meant it
no its okay but yeah I would at least try and beat his ass
I wouldn't let you risk ruining that pretty face over him he's not worth the effort you say smiling at him
he smiles at you .
pretty face huh?
okay Christopher shut up
you all laugh as you guys stand around listening to the music playing .
you watch the light beams move around with the different tempos and bass drops
you decide to lean your head on chris's shoulder not even thinking about it.
he looks down at you smiling admiring the way you feel leaning against him and how fascinated you look by the show going on in-front of you all
don't you worry child started playing as you started to feel rain droplets fall on your skin.
it was about 2 am and you had forgotten there was a chance of rain but it made the experience so much better
everyone in the crowd is singing along it sounds so beautiful as the crowds voices blend together as the rain pours down.
the rain feels amazing
yeah ...oh god
he says looking at your face
w-what what's wrong you say scared something is wrong
no sorry just your mascara is running everywhere
oh fuck is it bad
kinda but here he says bringing his black shirt up to your face wiping at your face where the mascara had bled down
you hear an awww come from your left
you look over at nick who's smiling
sorry that was just cute i've never seen Chris act like this in-front of us
don't get used to it I wouldn't ruin my shirt for just anybody Chris says to nick . that brought a smile to your face . was he saying you were special. or Maybe you were just reading into it.
after about thirty minutes it was the end of the first night of the festival
god that was amazing I cant wait for tomorrow
I know right but we should start our walk back to the house
why don't we walk with you guys since were staying in the same neighborhood
yeah sure why not you say looking up at him smiling.
hey guys were gonna walk home since were all in the same neighborhood and Ubers are gonna take forever he says to his brothers
sounds good to me
how long is the walk
about like 10 minutes
oh that's not bad at all
yeah not too bad
you all start making your way through the wood path and out the gates starting your walk to the air bnb
after about two minutes your feet start to hurt really bad you really start to regret your shoes choices.
fuck dude my feet are on fire
those shoes are so cute but they don't look comfortable at all
yeah im fully regretting my choice of choosing them
Chris turns to you.
just hop on my back I got you
chris hahah no ill just take them off
and risk stepping on glass now way ...get on my back he says more in a demanding tone
chris no im too heavy ill just thug it out
he grabs you and throws you over his shoulder
too heavy my ass he says in a hushed sharp tone
everyone continues walking
chris come on put me down
you smack his back repeatedly
calm down were almost to the neighborhood
ughhhh you groan out as you go limp knowing he's definitely not putting you down
you see matt take a video laughing
your arms just swinging is so funny oh my god
nick laughs as you flick them off jokingly
making them laugh harder
all the sudden chris sets you down as he sees your best friend start to walk up the drive way to malls house .
y'all go a head ill catch up.
mmmkayyy nick says as they start heading to their house.
would it be weird if I umm asked you to come back to ours for the night
i... ummm no not weird just uhhh
If you don't like me like that I get it he says a bit hurt but still smiling
no...no chris not that I was just gonna say I need to get these fucking shoes off and change
oh okay cool ill wait for you then
alright well come in for a bit it might take me a second
alright he says as he follows you up to the front door as you open it and let him in
make your self comfortable ill be as quick as I can
no no take your time no rush
he says taking a seat on the couch as you head up the stairs to your room.
you get your shoes off thank fucking god and then go and find some pajamas to throw on . The only thing is you only sleep in t shirts and underwear so you have no pants to wear.
welp...thats gonna be awkward you say as you head into the bathroom your best friend is in there taking off her makeup.
hey girl what's up
oh you know just getting ready ... to spend the night with chris
she turns jaw dropped at you
whattttt... he asked you to go back with him
damn girl... okayyy get it
like im excited but also... im gonna spend the fucking night with my celebrity crush what is this life dude
I don't know but I cant wait to hear about it tomorrow
she heads to bed since its around 3 am.
you finish taking off your makeup , change and do your skincare.
you go to your best friends room planning to ask her if she has shorts you can borrow for the night.
hey ybf/n
she's already knocked out .
fuck me is all you can think . you go to the drawers where she had unpacked her stuff and sorted through to see if she had any shorts and to your luck . she didn't.
fucking great you whisper to yourself as you go to your room grabbing some socks and slippers putting them on then grabbing your phone charger.
you slowly walk down the stairs trying to keep you shirt from riding up.
hey sorry it took me a while
no your good you ready
ummm yeah
he turns to look at you smiling as he looks you up and down .
you sure you didn't sound like you were
no yeah im ready I just um... I only sleep in a t-shirt and underwear so I have no pants to put on
no worries you can always borrow some sweats if you want
oh alright that sounds good
you say as you walk to the door opening it letting him out first then using your key to lock the front door.
you follow him as he walks further down the road.
hey you look really pretty without makeup on
you smile up at him.
t-thank you
of course he says as he throws his arm over your shoulder keeping you close to his side as you continue walking.
so you wanna watch a movie or something or are you really tired
we can definitely watch a movie I just cant promise ill stay awake the whole time
fair but sounds good to me
you reach a really pretty house and he walks up the drive way to the front door, he opens it and waves you to walk in and you do.
alright were gonna be on the third floor he says as he starts walking up the long spiral staircase .
Tumblr media
you follow after him once you reach the third floor it opens up to a big room . it was definitely a renovated attic.
Chris walks over to the bed setting his phone down.
come sit down make your self comfortable i'm gonna run to the bathroom but here's my computer you can pull up Netflix, Hulu or prime video and pick anything. ill be back in a second
okay sounds good you say as you sit down and and type in prime video and start looking through for a movie.
You decide to put on The Visit since it looked good and waited for chris to come back.
the door opens and you look up thinking it was chris but it was matt.
oh hey y/n chris told me to bring these to you he says handing you sweatpants.
oh thank you you say getting up and taking them then slipping them on
they are freshly clean so be happy about that
you laugh lightly at that .
so you guys uhh seem to be getting along really well
yeah I don't think i've ever gotten this close with someone in one night
he hasn't brought a girl home since like uhhh honestly I don't know if he ever has so you must be special
oh god don't feed my delusions matt he's just being nice
nice... no he definitely likes you
you blush at that and you smile at him .
well thank you matt
no problem . im going to bed but tell chris I said good night when he gets back in here
I will goodnight
see you in the morning he says before heading out the door and back down the stairs.
after about 5 more minutes chris comes back up shirtless and in sweatpants hanging dangerously low showing his black Calvins band
you cant help but stair he's so attractive . but god his broad shoulders and collar bones have you drooling . His v-line though god that makes you clench your thighs together as unholy thoughts run through your head.
you good he asks with a smirk letting out a small chuckle.
y-yeah sorry
no need to apologize sweetheart he says as he walks over to get into the bed next to you
he settles into a comfortable position as you sit awkwardly on the opposite side of the bed
he looks over at you smiling.
come here he says as he puts his arm out and pats his side encouraging you to cuddle into him
you smile as you scoot into him and he puts his arm around your chest rubbing your right arm softly.
so what movie did you decide on
the visit
alright what genera is it
oh god okay he says making you laugh
you don't like scary movies do you
they are not my favorite but its okay . it cant be that scary right?
nahhhh we'll be fine you say as you click play
after about 30 minutes into the movie you cuddle into chris a little more since the movie was scarier than expected. He holds you close since he's also creeped the fuck out.
it gets to a scene that is super scary causing you to hide your face in his chest as he hides his face in your hair.
after that scene was done chris looked down at you.
hey uhhh this movie is really scary can we stop watching it
yeah agreed turn this shit off
he immediately exits out of the movie and closes his lap top.
he puts it on the floor as you slide down the pillow to get more comfortable.
what should we do now he says turning towards you
uhhhhh I don't know
alriiight ummmm you hungry at all ...thirsty anything
actually I am kinda thirsty yeah
time to raid the kitchen come on he says pulling you out of the bed.
you both make your way down to the kitchen as he turns on the lights blinding the both of you.
Jesus Christ its so bright
he flips the lights back off and turns his phone flashlight on instead .
okay whatchu want we got dr.pepper, water, sweet tea, Pepsi, cherry coke uhhh
ill take a dr.pepper
coming right up he says before grabbing one from the fridge and bringing it to you
thank you
he cracks open his Pepsi as he turns to you smiling .
of course
you smile back and he maintains eye contact as he takes a sip of his drink.
you take a sip of yours then break eye contact.
wanna head back up to the room
yeah sure
he takes your hand as you walk back up the stairs back into his room.
he closes the door and you go to set your drink down on the bedside table and crawl back onto the bed.
he sets his drink down and lays back down on the bed getting comfy under the covers.
god they need to add a fan in here it so hot
yeah it really is
do you mind if I take the sweats off
no not at all get comfortable
you slip the pants off and throw them on the floor .
you look over at him seeing him looking at you with a small smirk
why are you looking at me like that
like what
like your scheming I can see it in your eyes
no no I was just admiring you
oh really? you say in a teasing tone
yeah your just so beautiful inside and out
you blush bringing your hands to your face.
he brings his hands to yours pulling them off your face
I mean it you really are beautiful
thank you chris you say as he leans closer to you
your breathe catches and he leans into your ear .
his breathe fanning your neck making you shiver
I really wanna kiss you right now
I would be okay with that you say
he comes up from your ear and leans down kissing you .
it was a sweet but hungry kiss.
he moved his hands to your sides pulling you closer and pulling your leg over his side as he caress your thigh causing you to let out a soft moan into his mouth .
he smiles into the kiss then pulls away his face still close to yours
you tired
eh not really you say smiling
good cause im about to do so many things to you he says as he brings his mouth down to your neck .
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yuujisonlylove · 6 months
Emergency call
Sypnosis: You recently graduated as a nurse, oficially working like one already. You had to attend some people that were injured on an accident, is there when you find your ex bf from like 2 years ago is there too!
Words count: 1.6k
TW: No one? Slightly mentions of physical damage, nothing serious.
Btw, my first time writing! I've never written before and english isn't even my first language. Sooo; anyways, I had this idea hearing "Llamado de emergencia" - Daddy Yankee.
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Well, it's been like 2 years already?
The last time he saw you, you were almost in the middle of your nursing career or something. He assumes you are already working or something, he doesn’t really understand how medicine careers work or something, it's kinda complicated. 
The only reason he cares it’s because it was the reason he broke up with you, some shit like “I want more time to study, but don’t worry, I will come back after some years”.
Surprise, it's already been two years and no notice of you after you left the town.
Anyways, he was cooking some shitty recipe he saw on instagram, he didn't even know why he even tried. The only times he eats decent cooked food is when he goes to dinners or when you used to cook for the both of you. He thinks he is almost over your awesome self; he doesn’t cry hearing cigarettes after sex songs while he sees your polaroids together. Plus, he remembered you because he can’t believe how someone can be that bad at cooking, i mean, himself.
He smelled something weird, gas? Nah, it can’t be, he is very careful with that and plus he trust the safety of the complex of his apartment enough to assume it can’t be a gas leak. So, he saw the third step of the recipe and went to the oven to see how it was all going until… Bum!
Yeah, to the surprise of no one, it suddenly all burns in fire. It was a gas leak, of course it was, the smell warned him like ten minutes ago but he is just too fucking stubborn.
You were resting calmy, eating a piece of bread and a coca cola with your work buddies. Until you get a call. Some people were hurted by some kind of explosion and they needed immediate help; it was your work anyways, now that you are officially a nurse.
You fastly fix your uniform and get onto the ambulance with the rest of your coworkers. Well, it’s not the kind of thing you would like to do on your first day in this hospital after they transferred you back to your hometown. But, work is work and you get paid for this.
You are on the back with Shoko, your friend. A guy it's driving to the building and the other passenger puts on some music. It's not the best to put Ariana Grande on the way to attend people probably dying, but it calms you all in the meantime.
When you arrive, you already see the firemen attending to some people and turning off the fire of the building. You fastly got out of the ambulance and went to the first person you saw, fastly making him (apparently, you haven’t paid attention yet) lay down on a stretcher while you took out your first aid box and finally saw him.
For your surprise, and his surprise too. It's him, your ex, great. Congratulations I guess, you kinda missed him when you were gone, welcome back Satoru Gojo!
“What a surprise, mhm?” You said with a subtle smile, checking his vital signs while he looked at you in amusement.
“You- Uh…” He tries to say, you just made a “shhh” sound, putting your index fingers softly over his lips to shut him up, you knew him. You ignored his attempts to talk and leaned over to hear his heartbeat with your stethoscope.
“How bad, it seems we have to get you to emergencies” You say, fastly keeping all your supplements in their box again, calling two of your coworkers to put his stretcher on the ambulance. In less than a wink, he is already being attended by other people and you were looking out for other hurted people.
For his sweet delight, he saw you. How lucky he felt, he was just thinking of you some minutes ago, what a coincidence.
It was sweet seeing you, at least he knows now you are officially graduated and working already, and in this town. Fuck, you would miss him? He wouldn't mind coming back to your arms again and eating your delicious food every day.
He can’t think that much with those annoying murmurs of the doctors attending him and the insufferable screech on his ears. He just gets to distinguish something about some high pressure? I guess.
Anyways, going back to the initial and important theme. Damn, you looked good on your uniform, too good. How lucky he is to be saved by you. Maybe not saved because he will probably survive this but, anyways, you get the point.
After like an hour, you come back to the ambulance. You sigh and make a messy ponytail on your hair, sweating a bit. “God, luckily just him is gravely hurted” You said, sitting beside his stretcher and you chuckle quietly looking at him.
He slowly started to feel dazed, looking badly and even imagining hearts in his view as he saw you. What was that? Effects of the anesthesia, better late than ever, right?
He felt kinda drugged, ngl, but in a good way. If you already looked good, now having you in front of him seeing you prepare a needle with hearts (that he was imagining) around you and like a pink kdrama type filter it just makes everything better.
“Satoru, I'm going to put this in your arm, okay? Stay still” You saw, one hand softly resting on his stomach as you stood up next to him, looking down at him with a calm expression.
*”Satoruu” He repeats giggling, it seems he just heard that; looking at you even with more hearts and everything, hell, he even thinks it's in the background reproducing some romantic music.* Well, news, it was like some the weeknd song btw, nothing romantic.
“Yeah, ‘Satoruu’. You knew it was your name?! Wao!” You giggled, seeing the man smiling lazily at you and giggling. You take advantage of his calm state to introduce the straddle.
“Mhm. But it sounds better when you say it.” He hummed, replying as you put a band-aid on his arm.
“Oh, don’t tell me” You laugh again, checking his vital signs again and letting out a sigh of stress. For then, start to drink from a bottle of water you had around.
“You.. You and I should be sleeping happily, maybe even in this shit. It can stand the two of us, you aren’t that heavy” He says suddenly, looking at you. You, in disbelief spill out a bit of your water out of your mouth in a laugh. Even the other people laugh, hell, even Shoko who was driving.
“Fuck… Sorry?” You try to calm your laugh at him, both of your arms softly resting on the side of where he is laying.
“I told you, like, you look good enough right now. You take off my pants and th-” He tries to say, only to be interrupted by you softly slapping his chest and laughing loudly again with the rest of the people.
“Control your mouth” You said laughing again, you can’t believe this man. It has been two years and he hasn't changed a little, he always used to expose you and himself like this.
When everything has calmed down, you led his stretcher to the emergency room fastly and prepared himself to rest. He wasn’t that badly injured really, he can leave in like an hour.
“Well, Satoru, you seem well. If you’re lucky, you can leave in like 30 minutes” You said, checking his papers and writing something on the other. Standing next to him.
“Im not well” He says with a pout, it seems the anesthesia still have effects.
“Oh, and that's why?” You sit next to him with a smile, looking at him with your eyes, battling your eyelashes at him unconsciously.
“You left me, a long time ago” He said sadly, yep, it seems he still has the anesthesia effects. You just chuckled and rolled your eyes, seeing him slowly fall asleep.
Some hours after, he woke up feeling a bit bad, a bit better, a bit of everything. He had a headache, kinda hard.
He groaned and looked up, not remembering well the events of yesterday more than your beautiful self. He fastly rubbed his eyes and tried to look up for you, abruptly trying to stand up.
“Calm your ass, she isn't around right now.” A female voice says, the woman placed a hand on his chest to stop him. He looked at her and well, it was Shoko, unfortunately.
“Shoko, the fuck? I haven't saw her in like two years and then she came but then she is g-” He tries to say, his pressure abruptly growing. Shoko makes an “ooo” sound, checking some appliances around him.
“Calm down Satoru, look at your pressure. I think you should check yourself out sometimes, something is wrong with your pressure” She says, looking at him.
“Oh, I almost forgot.” She humm, taking all the appliances and things on him out, letting him free to go.
“Good luck, she gave me this.” Shoko said, her hand looking for something in her pockets. She take out a pack of cigarettes, her keys and then… Finally!
She gave him a paper, she didn’t read it so she can’t explain to him what it is. Anyways, she has more work and she can text him later, she walks out the place while she waves her hand at him.
Satoru walks out the place with a sigh and look out at the paper.
“Heyy, so here’s my number ****-**** !!
missed u, ig :p
w love, Y/n”
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sinecosinewheel · 1 year
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curate amelia n vicar laurence
amelia lore under the readmore (warning: long)
ok so. curate amelia is laurence's successor publicly, but in private she's known by the choir and hunters of the church as the Vicar's Hound. if laurence is suspicious of or annoyed by someone, she will discretely kill them and leave them in a public area as an example (it's blamed on beast attacks but the message is understood)
basically if your coworker ends up mulched one day in the courtyard you know to stay in line or else
shes takes gehrman's old role as his right-hand man so i wanted her to resemble gehrman without cosplaying as him (capey thing, big loose collar) and her church pick is 1. gigantic 2. modeled after the burial blade
brador is supposed to hunt down those who spread the church's secrets but amelia is meant as a bodyguard/intimidation so it doesn't come to that they're similar but different roles i prommy
amelia is the only person laurence trusts. since gehrman left for the dream he's become more paranoid and he trusts her because he has blackmail on her from the hunter she killed, and because of her complete devotion to the church and him
more on why laurence is paranoid in his old age: he used to need glasses before he started using blood ministration on himself and his encroaching beasthood is making his vision fail but he can't get glasses because it would raise questions like 'why is the healing blood not working, whats wrong with the vicar, whats wrong with the church etc', plus that ascending thing isn't going great, his bf is trapped in a pocket dimension, and the beasthood means hes running out of time. thats why he needs a successor, enter amelia, who can also function as personal assassin and bodyguard
laurence likes to think of her as the daughter he and gehrman could have had. part of the reason why he chose her is because she reminded him of himself. sir that's not your daughter you fucked up a perfectly good hunter shes got religious trauma. anyway she's kind of a foil to maria/the doll
amelia's dynamic with laurence is very confused. he's my blackmailer, he's my christ figure, he's my dad, he's my boss, etc.
she was good friends with the hunter she killed, so the blackmail is less 'ill tell on you' and more, 'you can only be absolved of your sins in service to me, what would your friend think of you'
brador hates her. he considers amelia unnecessary and feels like shes usurping some of his position with laurence
when laurence gave in to beasthood and died she was completely out of her depth and was completely unprepared to actually take over after him. some part of her thought he could never really die, such was the depth of her worship
as vicar she has heavy scarring from being there when he transformed, she froze in the face of the beast and couldn't bring herself to fight him
brador killed him instead and thinks she's a coward for not being able to put laurence down, considering it a failure of her faith
he says as much to her face and in grief and retribution her first act as vicar is to lock him up for killing the previous vicar
hes got his bell so he can still do his job, and he eventually dies in his cell and ends up in the nightmare
amelia has no idea what to do when things go to shit so she seals cathedral ward in an attempt to lock the beasts out, but she didn't understand they were already there until it was too late
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zoozvie · 2 months
Fucking, no one told me there would be a cat.
A Quiet Place: Day One spoilers
CW: dark themes, death, and death of animal talk. I just woke up sorry if this doesn’t make any sense.
First of all, he’s SO cute. What a good boy being a good actor cat.
I didn’t see the trailer so if it showed Frodo in it then that’s why I didn’t know.🤷
I will never be ashamed when I say that I’m ok with spoilers and I’ll look up the endings to stuff while I’m watching it or see social media post about it before I’m done with a series. It genuinely enhances my time watching it if I know certain things. The reason why I like to watch something is because I’m seeing it happen, as a massive rewatcher I don’t need to feel the suspense and confusion before things get are concluded in the plot. I’m happy just to see it happen.
It also takes me so so so long to finish a series or start watching a movie I want to watch, I’ll watch the entire movie when I sit down but once there’s multiple episodes or parts to something it’s going to take me a while to see it all. I just don’t like feeling like I’m watching tv all day.
So, when my boyfriend and I were sitting in the theater yesterday, and we saw a cat show up in a murder movie. Both of us were like 🫣🫢🫠fuck.
When the first explosion of the Death Angels hit New York, when Samira was on the bus, bf and I didn’t see Frodo anywhere and we were like ok, off screen death, we aren’t going to see him the rest of the movie cool.
But then we did!! And he almost got killed!!! Samira jumped and grabbed him and we were writhing in our seats!
We have 2 cats at home for context, any and every cat is like a baby to me and I am fiercely protective over them. I tell them this all the time. I look into their little face and say, “Suki, Jojo, I would kill for you, do you understand?” Boyfriend knows if he fucked up majorly (I had a dream once where I came home and he had accidentally offed Jojo) he says he would allow me to hit him or something and we would break up immediately.
So now every time Frodo is on screen I start getting worried and crying (I’m also crying because it’s a beautiful movie). I don’t remember what scene it was but eventually I fish out my phone (there were 2 other people in the theater, in front of us) and he starts laughing and says he was about to do the same.
So I look it up, and great, now we know Frodo survives the whole movie. We can enjoy wtf is happening with these aliens. And I can better love the movie inconsistencies with an animal.
What I mean by that is, they went under water for a good while to escape, popped up and was struggling to get out because Samira has fucking cancer and is in pain, and then we see Frodo. A little wet.😂
I love it, I love shit like that because it doesn’t matter in the plot if they make sure the cat is drenched or not. But it kind of gives off the vibe that cats are just untouchable beings and I’m wholeheartedly ok with that.
I was just going to talk about Frodo in this post but now I gotta say, Feeling Good is such a good song. She’s such a baller for going out that way. Cinematically really satisfying.
Thank you, ok I love A Quiet Place, Bye!
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glasswingowl · 1 year
Uzi's wing backpack is really cute! hope it's not foreshadowing anything :)
also was Nori the one initially obsessed with doors? and doll's dad. he was in the photo too, but then again, so was khan. Was he infected or not? if he has an id card, i didn't see it
does. does no one know who uzi is?? she literally exploded a gun in the middle of class that isn't something you'd easily forget. i mean i guess no one would really "know" her considering her complete and utter lack of friends up until now
all the other drones immediately fawning over N and V lmao.
ooh uzi's got a much better grasp of her powers now. someone's been practicing
oh N and V playing nice with the workers is really cute (also lizzy gets to sit with V!)
(also was i not paying attention or did thad just straight up disappear halfway through the episode)
V's being weird and cryptic again... also girl you know you're bluffing stop pretending you can just get rid of Uzi without consequences.
is uzi... resentful? is she upset that two literal murderers are able to make friends easier than her? poor girl.
oh hey doll. we thought you were dead (and you might still be idk what your fucking deal is anymore)
the killing/not killing the bug symbolism carries over to this episode too.
this bug can communicate! and we know for sure that it's connected to the solvers now!
it called her 002. it thinks she's nori. Were the inital test subjects registered, but not their children? would doll scan as yeva's number? (can't remember it off the top of my head)
oh she just turned that arrow into flesh. oh dear god it's alive. i never thought i say this, but i'm with uzi's classmates on this one what the fuck was that
"i live in the woods now!" ah yes that'll solve everything great job
oh uzi :( so this is why doll had such a large supply of oil on hand. good thing she had the stomach to drink it
(ok yeah thad's not with the group anymore where did he fuck off to)
"she's a kid, like us V!" ... ok how old are they actually i want to know. "like us" implies similar age range at least and they kind of hinted at Uzi being 18-20 with the prom posters but i wish they'd just TELL us in canon or word of god it on twitter or something
I thought rebecca's bf was Brad? did they break up? quick rebound time damn
oh doesn't matter they're gonna fucking die
JCjenson made a tape about "zombie drones". what did they know.
Flashback images: Tessa (looking VERY drone like), a severed hand hanging from a chandelier, and an explosion (that looks VERY solver-esque.)
oh shit's going downhill very quickly.
OH DEAR GOD. REBECCA. sorry Rebecca enjoyers that's an L for you guys.
"Killing her, not saving you." it can be both V it's ok
did. did V just call her CYN? DID V JUST CALL HER CYN????
oh her tail's got teeth. no nanites though...
ngl N's pretty much the best person who could've possibly shown up at that moment
her wing joints are human arm skeletons. nope. don't like that.
ohh N is just the sweetest. very emotionally aware too
V what are you smiling at. V is there something you want to tell us
i know we were all joking about V x Lizzy but i'm not sure it's a joke anymore
i'm not going to ask how riding the bus like a stagecoach works
V taking blame for the murders? aww you do care <3
is n scared of his connection to uzi? worried that he might be dangerous to her? or is he secretly scared of her but not willing to leave his first real friend?
( i know i've mentioned this three times now but thad's not on the bus. where did he go. did he just decide fuck this i'm not dying here and walk home?)
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ditzydreamsss · 1 year
he fell for him (but literally)
if you. cant tell already, i freaking love the fallen au. literally pinned the original post on my discord so i can get my little box of serotonin any time i want (is that weird, i just really like the arts,,)
bizly falls so he can join grizzly (500 word drabble)
and a lil rant on how my brain expanded on that au at the end :D
Wings sprouted from his back as he fell hundreds of blocks into the pit. More feathers being ripped away from the wind than actually growing, and a constant feeling of your hair getting ripped out but ten times worse because the new anatomy was fresh and vulnerable. He held on to much of the wings as possible, but it didn't do much.
He thought he'd hit bedrock, but no, he just kept falling into the void because there was already a giant hole in the bedrock layers.
It must've been so much more painful for Grizz.
Then his lungs were being ripped out, drained, squeezed until there was nothing left. But he couldn't die, he was still immortal. And he fell, deeper and deeper into the darkness of the void until he felt something somewhat familiar: teleportation.
His sunglasses felt somewhat different.
He had a new anatomy.
He was where Grizzly was.
His sunglasses were lifted up for a second, rubbing his eyes and looking around. Red, a lot of red-
A knife at his throat.
Everything was still blurry and dizzy, but he knew who it was. He'd recognize those eyes anywhere.
Red eyes, brown hair with a streak of white, ram horns and pug ears. A great, black wing raised high in the air in authority.
Cold laughter filled the Nether, echoing around the duo.
"You've come here to chase me even after death? Oh, I thought it would be Charlie, or even Condi!" Charlie's name was spat with venom. Grizzly had a psychotic smile. Kind of hot-
The knife inched closer to his throat.
"I guess I should've known you'd betray me too." Grizzly's voice was almost soft, if not for the slight singing of the words and the anger behind it. "Bizly."
His mind froze. His name. His name coming from Grizzly- said like that-
He hated it.
“Don’t say my name!” Grizzly hissed. Blood dripped onto Bizly’s hands.
Bizly couldn’t move. Not even to flinch away from the pain. More blood. But he... did deserve it, didn’t he? He was so pathetic. Couldn’t even stand up for someone he loved. His cheeks were wet, and something was running down his face. But it almost instantly disintegrated into the air. The knife was lifted from his throat, and he almost chased after it.
He didn’t register the knife being flung away, the loud clunk of it hitting the floor. He couldn’t process the warmth of arms around him, a body being pressed against him. A hand uncovering his hoodie and resting itself on his hair. Wings surrounding them.
Only the presence, the familiar scent was translated into comfort.
They exchanged no words. Not even “sorrys”. But they both knew what they meant. Regret, guilt, anger, shock, it was all thrown out the window when the two made contact.
They’d figure something out. Right?
But for now, the only thing that mattered to the fallen duo were their hands laced together, wings uneasily converging, and feeling each other’s presence, their heartbeats slowly falling into one simple rhythm.
-🌹🟦 -
So Grizzly's been corrupted by the apple. Apple was trying to take over Fallen Grizzly, and almost succeeded before Bizly landed. Apple's goal is to cause destruction and pain because it feeds on that. That's why even though Grizzly's gay as shit in this au for Bizly (/pos ofc) he doesn't hesitate to almost kill Bizly on the spot. But then Grizzly sees Bizly actually cry and that kinda brings the normal-ish Grizzly back.
Apple saw a moment of vulnerability when Grizzly was physically tired from growing his wings and literally breaking through bedrock with his body, and mentally drained from the betrayal.
Bizly doesn't even care anymore. Grizzly's like "oh shit thats my bf, apple get out of here"
They never exactly talk about it but Bizly's overheard Grizzly talking to himself (apple) enough to vaguely know what's going on. So he shows more affection than he usually would in an attempt to prevent apple from completely corrupting Grizz. This doesn't last forever.
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honkceasar · 1 year
Okay big infodump that might not make any sense about The guy who didn’t like musicals, Black Friday, and genloss!!! They’re very similar and I think that’s very cool!!!! I love finding similarities between media I enjoy!!!!!!!!!!
‼️Spoilers for all 3 episodes of generation loss, Black Friday, and The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals!!! Also various descriptions of gore!!!‼️
-So this isn’t really an actual in-depth comparison but both the hatchetfield musicals and genloss are live comedy-horror shows that reuse actors and have an edited version posted on YouTube later and I think that is a really funny coincidence lmao
Okay so the first real thing that stuck out to me is that the comedy to horror balance of genloss is SOOO reminiscent of the hatchetfield musicals!! It’s part of why I adore genloss so much honestly. Starkid already has such a place in my heart, so watching something that gave that same comedy-to-horror balance made me fall in love with it immediately.
- Tgwdlm and Spirit of the Cabin I think are most similar in terms of tone. Both genloss and tgwdlm have that quality of “not scary until you think about it but once you do it’s HORRIFYING” concept and I’m SUCH A SUCKER FOR THAT. Granted, the horror of the first ep of genloss doesn’t hit that hard without the revelations of the second, but I feel like my point still stands. Also they both kind of poke fun at the horror genre in general?? Tgwdlm is supposed to parody the ENTITE horror genre, and I feel like with the amount of references to old horror movies in spirit of the cabin, I think it’s safe to say ranboo was doing something similar. (Also they both involve strange colored goo that replaces the appearance of actual gore?? Like when I realized what the slime was in genloss I couldn’t stop thinking about Charlotte’s blue intestines in Join Us And Die)
- While I don’t think it’s as great of a comparison, ep 2 and 3 of genloss definitely have a tone similar to Black Friday. Black Friday and The Mastermind of the Warehouse both have parts of them that are so absurd you start to wonder how it’s ever going to get that scary and then a bombshell drops out of NOWHERE. Like the feeling I got between What Do You Say and Feast or Famine in BF was the same as Charlie’s silly slime dissection turning to real blood and guts. I’d say towards the end of Black Friday it starts to feel like The Choice, but I don’t know how similar I could really say they are without reaching lol.
Okay here’s where I might just really want these to be more similar than they are BUT there’s also some really fun plot similarities between the hatchetfield musicals and generation loss!
- Mind control!! They both kind of have mind control! With tgwdlm, the weird goop shit can make people do things they normally would NEVER do. (Paul participating in a musical, Charlotte hurting people, Sam literally pointing a gun at his wife’s head and later ripping her insides out.) Wiggly in Black Friday also alters people’s perception in that way, making them more violent and desperate. The comparison of tgwdlm and genloss gets me the most though honestly. I think about how Professor Hidgens sings “you’ve just got to give up your choice” in Let It Out a LOT in terms of genloss ranboo. Nothing gl!ranboo does is HIS choice. He has to comply with the various games showfall makes him play if he wants to live or have any free will at all. Any time he breaks through the control and the filter, he becomes even more of an npc. None of his choices are his own.
- Okay this one’s more funny than serious but all of the hatchetfield shows and genloss have fucking time loop theories that make me insane actually. I keep desperately trying to make What If Tomorrow Comes make sense for genloss cause of the time loop implications but I’m really just grasping at straws lol let me BELIEVE.
- THE PROTAGONISTS DONT WIN (and it makes me so sad every time). Literally everyone in tgwdlm eventually dies/becomes a weird singing zombie. They even lure you into a false sense of hope with Paul and Emma that they managed to escape, just for it to be revealed that Paul has already been transformed and Emma has no hope for survival. In Black Friday, Wiggly remains undefeated, and the implied ending is that they get nuked by Russia due to the misplaced bomb. (tomorrow never comes!!) In generation loss, Sneeg is always so close but never truly reaches freedom, Charlie dies the moment he understands what has happened to him, and ranboo…..well. ⬛️ He even gets that same false sense of hope!! He defeats showfall, shuts it all down!! The exit is right there!!!!! He’s going to escape!!!!!! Just for him to get captured and crucified. The audience doesn’t even get to know if death really freed him. It’s that same kind of cruel ending where the protagonists efforts just,,,, don’t accomplish anything. The hero doesn’t succeed, and suffers for trying at all.
-there’s also like,,, religious imagery in Black Friday and genloss but nothing really to compare there, just neat
Okay silly rant over!!! I just really like genloss and the fact that it feels so similar to previous fixations I’ve had just makes it even more special to me :^)
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many-gay-magpies · 8 months
She sounds so. So. I beg yuo………..
dude you do not even know I have been trembling like an anxious chihuahua just waiting to be able to go full feral about her to someone. this rocks
OKAY SO. the entire story kind of started because i was listening to a song and i was like you know what this would be great for? being the backing track to a cold open where some girl is running through the woods mid-panic attack after having just killed someone. then it kind of grew a plot from there.
(me, foolishly: oh this will probably not take too long or take up too much space. clearly i forgot just how Able i am to ramble when prompted. put the rest under a cut bc it got LONG)
the cryptid wolf girl herself is named rosalind, or roz for short, or possibly rory for short once she figures out some gender stuff later on... the Central Relationship in the story is between her and her little sister anna. they did... NOT have a great life growing up—dad was an abusive alcoholic, mom was a DEPRESSIVE alcoholic and even when they split up, mom kinda left roz to raise/take care of anna completely on her own... things are better now; mom has cleaned herself up and is trying to be better—but like. that messed roz up lmao. go figure.
so for their whole lives growing up, roz and anna were kind of glued together... ROZ was more of a parent to anna than their own mom, and anna went to her for everything. but in the time of the story, anna's started to Grow Up and Grow OUT of needing her big sister for everything, AND ON TOP OF THAT she's just got herself a boyfriend who fucking sucks and reminds roz WAY too much of their dad... (in my mind I feel like when their parents split and dad left, roz was old enough to actually understand how abusive and shitty he was, but to anna it just seemed like he'd abandoned him, so she's probably a bit stupid about relationships because she's searching for the love she never got from her father/searching for a bandaid to the feeling of abandonment she has from him, but she isn't exactly the healthiest about that and latches onto the first guy that shows her attention, thinking it's Love.)
anyways, this whole deal—anna getting distant, anna being stupid about her bf—makes roz feel Some Type Of Way. she's kind of latched onto her position as anna's pseudo-parent as the crux of her self-worth, so now that anna seems to not NEED her anymore she does not take it well. she wants to protect anna from her toxic bf and from HERSELF, but she can't do a thing and just feels useless because everything she TRIES just ends up pushing anna further away from her. then on her birthday, when she's at her friend's house to celebrate (the best friend she's gay af for, zoe), she makes a wish to be able to protect anna like she used to—aaand the literal moon overhears and basically goes "you have a noble desire, i'll give you my blessing" and turns her into a werewolf (sort of - it's not a whole "turn every full moon" deal, just whenever there's a specific trigger)
anyway like a week after roz's bday when she makes the wish, it's homecoming, and her mom (who is also stupid and just thinks roz hates mark (anna's bf) because she's jealous) has asked her to drive anna to this party mark invited her to... which is in the middle of the woods. with a whole bunch of older high school guys. sure, mom, that's bound to be perfectly safe and legal.
roz has been feeling a little off all week and having weird dreams (unbeknownst to her thanks to her new lunar benefactor). after homecoming, she drives anna to her party... but there is NO FUCKIN WAY she trusts those dudes with her, so she sneaks up to spy on them from the bushes to make sure they're not getting up to any unsavory shit and hurting her little sister. (spoiler alert: they absolutely get up to tons of unsavory shit.) so roz is watching these guys, and it's literally all guys, like anna is the ONLY girl, and they're all older—and they're drinking alcohol, getting progressively more wasted, and anna is refusing but mark keeps pressuring her, and eventually he makes some vague allusions to ah... "loosening her up" with the alcohol so he can have his way with her, while touching her in not-so-great ways... and seeing that triggers roz's first transformation. she just full-on catapults in and tears him to SHREDS, literally. then someone stabs her with a beer bottle and she flees, turns back human, and starts freaking the fuck out because she just killed mark.
okay um. i did not intend to just tell you the entire story up to the point that ive written it. but OH WELL I DID! hope u enjoyed that lmao.
the whole premise of the story is that, despite how much it sucks at first, roz being a werewolf actually kind of brings her, her mom, and her sister closer together... the thing is, the moon, when it heard her wish, it didn't just give her what she asked for—it gave her what she NEEDED. and in general i have lots a feelings about werewolves as the representations of our deepest, most repressed emotions and desires, like if you've seen the whole thing about like "the werewolf is the part of you that LOVES YOU. it is the part of you that is mad at how wrongly you've been treated and wants to PROTECT you." yeah. and i have lots of feelings about the MOON and moon deities as gods of honesty, vulnerability, and seeing the truth of our deepest emotions...
so the wolf is kind of all roz's anger issues just smushed into one big wolfy body. a big theme ive started exploring with the story is that being a werewolf isn't exactly CHANGING roz or making her feel things she's never felt before (like, you know. the murder urges), it's just bringing things she ALWAYS FELT to the forefront and making them unignorable. because above all what roz NEEDS is something to force her to face herself to be able to overcome all the self-hatred she has (because BOY SHIT THERE'S A LOT OF IT). which is also where her relationship with zoe (who ive thought, written, and posted about almost more than the relationship between roz and anna... whoops) comes in.
roz and zoe are best friends. they have been since they were five years old, and zoe has been with roz through like ALLLLL the shit of her seventeen long years. roz is incredibly gay and absolutely in love with zoe, but doesn't realize because she's a fucking dumbass and thinks that's a normal way to feel about her best friend (or, like, maybe she kind of knows something's Different and knows what it IS, but she can't ever let herself realize it fully because ✨internalized homophobia✨).
when the whole wolf thing starts out, roz doesn't tell zoe what's happening, because she's afraid zoe will be afraid of or disgusted by this part of her... which she likes to think is the wolf's doing, but she knows it's really ALWAYS been a part of her. roz keeps the secret from zoe for a WHILE because of this, and keeps pushing her away, but zoe (who Knows roz and loves her back just as intensely) will NOT fucking let her. so there's gonna be like this whole stage of incredibly painful pining, where the moon goddess makes roz realize that she's in love with zoe, but she still hasn't even TOLD zoe about the whole werewolf thing, so there ensue events like: roz in wolf form subconsciously seeking out zoe, breaking out of her house in the middle of the night, going to stand below zoe's window, and then waking up in the morning thinking it was a dream until she sees her window is open and her pajamas are shredded to all hell and goes "shit".
eventually, of course, zoe DOES find out (either by accidentally witnessing a transformation one day or because roz finally caves and tells her, i havent decided yet), and spoiler alert, she isn't disgusted or afraid—she's actually, like, wildly attracted to the feral bloodthirsty vengeful side of roz, because that's the embodiment of roz's deepest, more true self, and zoe has wanted nothing more than to know roz completely—and of course it still takes roz a while to realize zoe's wide-eyed, drop-jawed stares at her are not FEAR but I'M SO GAY IM GONNA OASS OUT HOLY SHIT, because she's fucking stupid.
another honorable mention character: himbo soccer team boy tentatively named matt (gonna change either his or mark's name cuz they're too similar) who witnesses roz partially-transform by accident one day and decides he's going to be absolutely ride-or-die for this tormented lesbian werewolf. he's there for her until she finally gets her shit together and tells zoe what's going on, and long after that. they become a cute little bestie trio and matt ABSOLUTELY realizes how gay roz and zoe are for each other before roz does and he's like JESUS CHRIST JUST KISS ALREADY
(also. most worthy of mention in the yet-to-be-written zoe-and-roz scenes i feel feral about: there's gonna be one after zoe finds out where roz has a really bad transformation, and passes out still wolfed-out in zoe's lap... and she's visibly having a nightmare (plus she's still a wolf which means she's still in crisis mode even though she's sleeping), so zoe starts reading aloud to her while she sleeps until she calms down enough to turn back human... and it starts out as just zoe doing what she's ALWAYS done to comfort and soothe roz, but since roz is ASLEEP it devolves into zoe pouring out her true feelings without roz awake to hear them... then roz wakes up in the middle of zoe reciting shakespeare's sonnet 57 to her and it's like. INSANELY gay. and the whole time matt's off to the side like holy shit.)
ANYWAYS YEAH THAT WAS. A LOT HAHA. I hope u like my feral unhinged asshole werewolf girl :)
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andypantsx3 · 2 years
so yesterday when you posted about Class 1-A vs The Curse of Rule 34 i immediately read it and i loved it and so i read a few of their other fics and loved them and so i was wondering if you have any more fic recs that you’d like to share? it could be reader insert, oc or neither tbh i just trust your judgement in fics so i’m sure anything you recommend will be great! (also i love your writing so much i stumbled upon it multiple times in a03 and then tumblr just to realize it was yours before i decided to follow you (i tend to be really picky on who i follow idk why) because i went through your masterlist an read everything and then re-read everything)
Ahhh hello my love, I am honored by your follow!! You're literally so sweet and I can't tell you how much it means to me that I made the cut lol. Please don't feel pressure though, I'm always happy with just an occasional visit too!!
I definitely recommend anything in my fic recs tag - the fics I recommend here on tumblr are generally character x reader or character x OC and they range from smutty to fluffy lol.
My guilty pleasure though, and the majority of my fave fics are gen or ship fics!! I actually hardly ever read x reader fic--absolutely no idea why I am this way--but if you're up for some gen or ship fic, I'm happy to rec a couple others.
I'm not sure what you're into at the moment but I will give you some of my faves!!
Don't Ask Don't Tell by Ms_Chunks Bakugou/Uraraka. I probably don’t even need to describe this one since this is the flagship Kacchako fic lol. But Bakugou and Uraraka explore the compatibility of their quirks and create a pair combat style, and fall in love along the way. I fucking love the way the author uses the chemistry of their quirks to parallel the compatibility of their personalities, and Uraraka is such a bad ass in this one ughghgh I love it.
who lives, who dies, who tells your story by aloneintherain Todoroki/Midoriya, though mostly gen. Examines Toshinori’s life post-retirement and the exploits of class 1-A post-graduation, through narrative and social media blurbs. I’ve never read anything that manages to be so bittersweet, so hopeful, and so funny all at once.
Thanks for Saving Me by Esselle Todoroki/Midoriya. This is a pro hero Shouto/quirkless science nerd Deku fic that is one of my all time faves. This is the type of shit my fics wish they were doing. This author is out here peddling the slightly-sugar-daddy-but-also-slightly-a-little-bit-of-a-shit Shouto agenda and it is absolute perfection. I routinely reread for comfort.
Slow to Start (But Quick to Burn) by mousapelli Kirishima/Bakugou. It's an ABO AU where omega Bakugou slowly figures out how to manage his relationship to alpha Kirishima, while Kirishima is predictably kind, patient, and understanding. This fic is totally stuffed full of domesticity--lounging around doing laundry and homework together, baking together, and napping together. Actually my all-time fave comfort fic, I have read this probably a million times.
journey to the past by aloneintherain Gen fic. A time travel fic where the members of Class 1-A go back in time to protect Izuku during the various stages of his life, as villains with a time travel quirk attempt to target the future number one hero while he's still a kid. It's so good and sweet and heartfelt and lovely and the author does an amazing job exploring Izuku's relationship with several of the major characters.
And probably a fic rec closest to the Rule 34 rec would be:
A Demolition Boy & his Cryptid BF by kewltie Bakugou/Midoriya. This is a social media fic similar in style to Class 1-A vs The Curse of Rule 34--it’s a youtuber AU where bkdk are youtubers in different genres, and the internet has a conspiracy theory that they’re together. Another really good send up of fandom and fandom culture, and another one of my faves.
I hope at least one of these is something you're in the mood for!! And please send some of your faves my way!! I'm a slow reader but literally always open to more recs!! 💕💕💕
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bisluthq · 7 months
Something I don’t like about the internet is that everyone seems to think that every single person should support you through your mental health struggles. It’s a nice thing to do and people who love you do usually stay by your side, but it can get to a point where you’re affecting their mental health and it’s fair and healthy for them to leave. So much of the discourse around Joe and Taylor seems to be that he didn’t support her based on the line “I know my pain is such an imposition”. But it’s totally fair if he can’t deal with it.
I would also like to add that, in my opinion, everything she says in that song (that line but also “I wouldn’t marry me either”) is what she thinks he’s thinking, not necessarily how he actually felt. It doesn’t sound like he said that to her, but whatever he did (or didn’t do) made her feel like her pain was an imposition and like he didn’t want to marry her, whether that’s true or not.
so I’ve been going to couples therapy (second time today, we’re doing a course of 5 and will then see) and she has a few things she’s said - she’s super great - that really stuck out to me. One of them is that we all have our own story and a lot of the time our story is informed by what we’re thinking and our pasts and shit and has fuck all to do with what our partner (or really anyone we have relationships with - broadest sense) is thinking. That’s been really powerful for us because we’ll say something to each other in the session and she interrupts like “so that’s the story you're (me for example) telling, what’s the story you (him for example) hear?” And like a lot of the time it’s vastly different stuff. With Taylor, I think the stories she tells herself are very powerful because the stories she tells us are lol and that’s a watered down version of what she’s thinking and feeling and believing. But they’re HER stories. And I think I’ve always been saying that but I’ve become more aware of it in this therapy bout right because I’ve never done a couples thing before and so I’ve pretty much always told my story only.
like to give a random example right one of the issues we’re dealing with in therapy is my tendency to binge drink and that’s something I’m dealing with on my own time also but some of the stuff he’s upset about didn’t make any sense to me when he got mad originally (which is why we’re in therapy now). For example, one time we were out with friends and he wanted to go home and I didn’t and he said “I’m cold, let’s go” and I said “I’ve still got half a glass of wine left”. What I meant is “I want to stay at this restaurant longer, I’m still having fun” and what he heard - because of his own cockroaches in his head and like his alcoholic SIL and BIL and actually his ex wife and shit - is “I’m prioritizing alcohol over you and your comfort because I want to keep drinking.” That genuinely wasn’t what I meant, but it’s what he heard and that’s valid right like because we all hear different shit. We all have these things right and our stories and whatnot. We only EVER hear Taylor’s story on her lyrics and that’s FINE but it’s not the absolute truth because there’s no such thing? Like in real life personal relationships there’s no objective single truth?
the other thing the therapist talks about a lot is how every relationship requires a lot of work. people all come into the relationship with their own baggage and preconceptions and ideas around shit and even if you don’t fight or talk about it, resentment grows. My bf and I do fight lol that’s why we’re in therapy and she says conflict is an opportunity to resolve that stuff instead of letting it fester and yeah I mean that’s why we went to therapy. I’ve been in prior relationships where there was no fighting but a GREAT deal of resentment on my side and no opportunities for growth or fixing it idk. To me, YLM sounds like that kind of relationship. “How can you say you love someone you can’t tell is dying” idk dude because you haven’t told him and he’s not a mind reader? And I say that with 0 judgment but like that’s legit a problem.
finally I think Swifties need to realize Taylor’s partners have their own stuff going on and like no they can’t just orbit around Taylor. That wouldn’t be healthy at all? You can’t exist in a happy relationship purely to satisfy your partner like you both need to do shit idk.
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