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welele · 3 months ago
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yuujisonlylove · 1 year ago
Emergency call
Sypnosis: You recently graduated as a nurse, oficially working like one already. You had to attend some people that were injured on an accident, is there when you find your ex bf from like 2 years ago is there too!
Words count: 1.6k
TW: No one? Slightly mentions of physical damage, nothing serious.
Btw, my first time writing! I've never written before and english isn't even my first language. Sooo; anyways, I had this idea hearing "Llamado de emergencia" - Daddy Yankee.
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Well, it's been like 2 years already?
The last time he saw you, you were almost in the middle of your nursing career or something. He assumes you are already working or something, he doesn’t really understand how medicine careers work or something, it's kinda complicated. 
The only reason he cares it’s because it was the reason he broke up with you, some shit like “I want more time to study, but don’t worry, I will come back after some years”.
Surprise, it's already been two years and no notice of you after you left the town.
Anyways, he was cooking some shitty recipe he saw on instagram, he didn't even know why he even tried. The only times he eats decent cooked food is when he goes to dinners or when you used to cook for the both of you. He thinks he is almost over your awesome self; he doesn’t cry hearing cigarettes after sex songs while he sees your polaroids together. Plus, he remembered you because he can’t believe how someone can be that bad at cooking, i mean, himself.
He smelled something weird, gas? Nah, it can’t be, he is very careful with that and plus he trust the safety of the complex of his apartment enough to assume it can’t be a gas leak. So, he saw the third step of the recipe and went to the oven to see how it was all going until… Bum!
Yeah, to the surprise of no one, it suddenly all burns in fire. It was a gas leak, of course it was, the smell warned him like ten minutes ago but he is just too fucking stubborn.
You were resting calmy, eating a piece of bread and a coca cola with your work buddies. Until you get a call. Some people were hurted by some kind of explosion and they needed immediate help; it was your work anyways, now that you are officially a nurse.
You fastly fix your uniform and get onto the ambulance with the rest of your coworkers. Well, it’s not the kind of thing you would like to do on your first day in this hospital after they transferred you back to your hometown. But, work is work and you get paid for this.
You are on the back with Shoko, your friend. A guy it's driving to the building and the other passenger puts on some music. It's not the best to put Ariana Grande on the way to attend people probably dying, but it calms you all in the meantime.
When you arrive, you already see the firemen attending to some people and turning off the fire of the building. You fastly got out of the ambulance and went to the first person you saw, fastly making him (apparently, you haven’t paid attention yet) lay down on a stretcher while you took out your first aid box and finally saw him.
For your surprise, and his surprise too. It's him, your ex, great. Congratulations I guess, you kinda missed him when you were gone, welcome back Satoru Gojo!
“What a surprise, mhm?” You said with a subtle smile, checking his vital signs while he looked at you in amusement.
“You- Uh…” He tries to say, you just made a “shhh” sound, putting your index fingers softly over his lips to shut him up, you knew him. You ignored his attempts to talk and leaned over to hear his heartbeat with your stethoscope.
“How bad, it seems we have to get you to emergencies” You say, fastly keeping all your supplements in their box again, calling two of your coworkers to put his stretcher on the ambulance. In less than a wink, he is already being attended by other people and you were looking out for other hurted people.
For his sweet delight, he saw you. How lucky he felt, he was just thinking of you some minutes ago, what a coincidence.
It was sweet seeing you, at least he knows now you are officially graduated and working already, and in this town. Fuck, you would miss him? He wouldn't mind coming back to your arms again and eating your delicious food every day.
He can’t think that much with those annoying murmurs of the doctors attending him and the insufferable screech on his ears. He just gets to distinguish something about some high pressure? I guess.
Anyways, going back to the initial and important theme. Damn, you looked good on your uniform, too good. How lucky he is to be saved by you. Maybe not saved because he will probably survive this but, anyways, you get the point.
After like an hour, you come back to the ambulance. You sigh and make a messy ponytail on your hair, sweating a bit. “God, luckily just him is gravely hurted” You said, sitting beside his stretcher and you chuckle quietly looking at him.
He slowly started to feel dazed, looking badly and even imagining hearts in his view as he saw you. What was that? Effects of the anesthesia, better late than ever, right?
He felt kinda drugged, ngl, but in a good way. If you already looked good, now having you in front of him seeing you prepare a needle with hearts (that he was imagining) around you and like a pink kdrama type filter it just makes everything better.
“Satoru, I'm going to put this in your arm, okay? Stay still” You saw, one hand softly resting on his stomach as you stood up next to him, looking down at him with a calm expression.
*”Satoruu” He repeats giggling, it seems he just heard that; looking at you even with more hearts and everything, hell, he even thinks it's in the background reproducing some romantic music.* Well, news, it was like some the weeknd song btw, nothing romantic.
“Yeah, ‘Satoruu’. You knew it was your name?! Wao!” You giggled, seeing the man smiling lazily at you and giggling. You take advantage of his calm state to introduce the straddle.
“Mhm. But it sounds better when you say it.” He hummed, replying as you put a band-aid on his arm.
“Oh, don’t tell me” You laugh again, checking his vital signs again and letting out a sigh of stress. For then, start to drink from a bottle of water you had around.
“You.. You and I should be sleeping happily, maybe even in this shit. It can stand the two of us, you aren’t that heavy” He says suddenly, looking at you. You, in disbelief spill out a bit of your water out of your mouth in a laugh. Even the other people laugh, hell, even Shoko who was driving.
“Fuck… Sorry?” You try to calm your laugh at him, both of your arms softly resting on the side of where he is laying.
“I told you, like, you look good enough right now. You take off my pants and th-” He tries to say, only to be interrupted by you softly slapping his chest and laughing loudly again with the rest of the people.
“Control your mouth” You said laughing again, you can’t believe this man. It has been two years and he hasn't changed a little, he always used to expose you and himself like this.
When everything has calmed down, you led his stretcher to the emergency room fastly and prepared himself to rest. He wasn’t that badly injured really, he can leave in like an hour.
“Well, Satoru, you seem well. If you’re lucky, you can leave in like 30 minutes” You said, checking his papers and writing something on the other. Standing next to him.
“Im not well” He says with a pout, it seems the anesthesia still have effects.
“Oh, and that's why?” You sit next to him with a smile, looking at him with your eyes, battling your eyelashes at him unconsciously.
“You left me, a long time ago” He said sadly, yep, it seems he still has the anesthesia effects. You just chuckled and rolled your eyes, seeing him slowly fall asleep.
Some hours after, he woke up feeling a bit bad, a bit better, a bit of everything. He had a headache, kinda hard.
He groaned and looked up, not remembering well the events of yesterday more than your beautiful self. He fastly rubbed his eyes and tried to look up for you, abruptly trying to stand up.
“Calm your ass, she isn't around right now.” A female voice says, the woman placed a hand on his chest to stop him. He looked at her and well, it was Shoko, unfortunately.
“Shoko, the fuck? I haven't saw her in like two years and then she came but then she is g-” He tries to say, his pressure abruptly growing. Shoko makes an “ooo” sound, checking some appliances around him.
“Calm down Satoru, look at your pressure. I think you should check yourself out sometimes, something is wrong with your pressure” She says, looking at him.
“Oh, I almost forgot.” She humm, taking all the appliances and things on him out, letting him free to go.
“Good luck, she gave me this.” Shoko said, her hand looking for something in her pockets. She take out a pack of cigarettes, her keys and then… Finally!
She gave him a paper, she didn’t read it so she can’t explain to him what it is. Anyways, she has more work and she can text him later, she walks out the place while she waves her hand at him.
Satoru walks out the place with a sigh and look out at the paper.
“Heyy, so here’s my number ****-**** !!
missed u, ig :p
w love, Y/n”
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denizkabugu · 1 year ago
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atlas-cian · 9 months ago
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Twenty One Schizophrenics
feat @mailo030-mrk
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viejospellejos · 2 years ago
Una vez que lo ves ya no puedes desverlo
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mural-9o · 1 year ago
Para ti... van estas dulces palabras sin razón de ser, sin importar la vida o lo alto que debas caer. No... No es suficiente, ni hoy ni mañana, tenerte solo en mi mente Quiero más, mucho más de ti.
-Fragmento Del libro Sigue mi Voz por Ariana Godoy.
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mascotasdemarcaswannabe · 1 month ago
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Chico skater, de aderezos "D'fiesta" (también aparece, aparte de Ketchup, en mayonesa y mostaza).
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despertarsabiendo · 2 months ago
¿Por qué si hiervo huevo se endurece, pero si hiervo papa se ablanda?
Podríamos pensar que al someter dos “sujetos” (en este caso la papa y el huevo) al mismo estímulo (el agua hirviendo) la reacción resultante sería la misma para ambos, pero sabemos que no es así. Si hervimos huevo, este se endurece haciendo huevo duro, mientras que si hervimos papa esta se ablanda, y la diferencia clave entre el resultado de la papa y el huevo hervidos tiene que ver con la…
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escuelaterradescudella · 5 months ago
Receta de Cake de setas y sobrasada con mayonesa de queso azul
Receta de Cake de setas y sobradasa con mayonesa de queso azul Publicado por Escuela de Cocina y Pasteleria Terra de Escudella el 15 de octubre de 2024 Requiere 30 min, para cuatro personas. Ingredientes · 180 gr. de harina · 8 gr. de levadura química · 3 huevos · 150 gr. de queso rallado · 100 ml. de aceite de oliva · 100 ml. de leche · 100 gr. de sobrasada · 200 gr. de setas variadas · 2…
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egvyume · 8 months ago
Abres la  nevera y lo primero que sueltas es:
¡ppfff! ¿otra vez lo mismo? Soy la primera que está más que encantada de comerse gambitas, pollo, tortilla, etc, pero sempre de la misma manera cansa…. ….peeeerooooo Y si te dijera que en 1 minuto, 4 ingredientes y 1 procesador (o batidor) puedes darle la “vuelta a la tortilla” y tener una vinagreta buenísima, y que además es todo terreno? Pues, ven, ven que hoy toca salseo ⤵️ Si prefieres…
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bearbench-img · 1 year ago
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原料: マヨネーズの主な原料は、卵黄と植物油です。一般的には、植物油として大豆油や菜種油が使用されます。また、酢やレモン汁、マスタード、塩などの調味料も加えられます。
製法: マヨネーズは、卵黄に植物油を少しずつ加えながら混ぜ、エマルションを形成します。その後、酢やレモン汁、マスタードなどの調味料を加えて味を調え、滑らかなテクスチャーのソースとなります。
用途: マヨネーズは多目的に使われる調味料であり、サンドイッチやハンバーガーのソース、サラダのドレッシング、ポテトサラダやコールスローの調味料など、さまざまな料理に利用されます。
バリエーション: マヨネーズには様々なバリエーションがあります。例えば、特定の素材を使用した特別なマヨネーズ(例: オリーブオイルを使ったマヨネーズ)や、味付けされたマヨネーズ(例: ガーリックマヨネーズ、わさびマヨネーズ)などがあります。
保存: マヨネーズは冷蔵庫で保管することが推奨されます。密封された容器に入れ、清潔なスプーンやナイフを使用して取り出すことで、長期間保存することができます。
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gastronomissima · 2 years ago
12 de agosto de 2023
Eu amei essa maionese temperada.
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makeitasone · 2 years ago
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#Argentina #BuenosAires
Mi mamá viene a casa y me da ésto toda sonriente...
((¿Cómo le digo que esta #mayonesa NO es #vegana como afirma porque #Hellmanns misma advierte de forma CASI IMPERCEPTIBLE que “Puede contener #huevo” 🥚? 🤔😐))
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generalmoradito · 2 years ago
Mayonesa es eterna
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pavsy · 10 months ago
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Extraño ésta serie 🥲
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la-florecita · 2 months ago
i am reallyyy craving elote rn omg
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