don’t you dare remember my name
71K posts
Elijahhe/him | 21 | ur local short angry overdramatic transmasc jew@endingsmakeroom is my art blog lol. empty blogs will be blocked and reported on sighthttps://eliiijah.carrd.co/ this is an attack on titan hate blog. for some reason i occasionally draw or write for money. i do not have a dedicated writing blog and will not make one. TW for my insane ex boyfriend who I regularly engage in confused screaming matches with. lovingly.
Last active 4 hours ago
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
justeliiijah · 5 hours ago
I would love to see a fantasy novel where the lore that the reader / protagonist learns at first is not true
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justeliiijah · 5 hours ago
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justeliiijah · 5 hours ago
not to brag but im wanted by some very important organizations
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justeliiijah · 5 hours ago
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so this is exactly how season 8b is gonna go right
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justeliiijah · 5 hours ago
all i do anymore is have a cut on my finger
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justeliiijah · 5 hours ago
Omg.. okay I follow a bunch of channels that are made by people who do free cleaning for people in really dire hoarding/damaged house circumstances mostly older disabled people and the free cleanings are often recorded to show how to take care of extremely bad damage to houses yourself, anyway one of them recently had to put out a statement where she said the GREAT MAJORITY of requests for CHARITY CLEANING she gets was fucking LANDLORDS!!!!!! Particularly those that recently had someone move out and want free cleaning before marketing again. And she basically made a big statement politely stating she’ll never do a cleaning for a landlord and they need to stop asking. Ngl that’s some crazy composure if I was in her position I’d just come over and bulldoze the house
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justeliiijah · 5 hours ago
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we went to bed at 6pm last night and whenever i woke up my brain would try to slowly reconstruct the phrasing and imagery of McDonald's Honey Bustard Pickled Sea fuck meal and as soon as id get it right i would fall back asleep happened about a dozen times
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justeliiijah · 5 hours ago
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justeliiijah · 5 hours ago
God the prices of tvs have changed so much let me get my graph
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justeliiijah · 5 hours ago
Guys, queers. Specifically my fellow queers.
I work at a library. We do this thing where, every so often, we weed the collection. It hurts to see books go, but it's necessary to make sure there's room in the library for new materials.
I have seen so much support for the library in text, and I've seen folks pass around those beautiful "queer your library" flyers. Keep doing that. That's great. Nothing wrong with that. But you HAVE to turn your words into action. We MUST remember to actually go to our local organizations and libraries and actually, with our own fucking hands, interact with these materials we want to see more of.
My branch is medium-sized for a library, maybe a little small. We don't have as many materials as I'd like, but we have fundamentals. Tell me why, even with all the verbal support I've gotten from my local community for the library as a resource for our LGBT+ community, every single trans biography and a good chunk of our vaguely queer theory books were on the list. This isn't a scheme to take the books off the shelves, it isn't another bigoted American governmental push. The only thing we look at when we weed is how long it's been since the last time the item was checked out.
Three years.
No one in my community interacted in any meaningful way with the few books on trans life and history we physically had on the shelves for three fucking years.
I promise you the materials you want and need are there, but this isn't a horde. This isn't a static safety net. You have to use them. You MUST use them or, in the future, maybe in three years, they *won't* be there anymore.
This isn't a vague post, there's no one person I'm hinting at or calling out. I'm not even talking directly to anyone who's directly in my line of sight. I just want everyone to hear this. Big library, small library, whatever. Doesn't matter. Please, we cannot be losing our shelf visibility like this.
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justeliiijah · 5 hours ago
*baps you with my paws* *baps you with my paws* *baps you with my paws* *baps you with my paws* *baps you with my paws* *baps you with my paws* *baps you with my paws* *baps you with my paws* *baps you with my paws* *baps you with my paws* *baps you with my paws* *baps you with my paws* *baps you with my paws* *baps you with my paws*
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justeliiijah · 5 hours ago
any computer people wanna explain how the hell this works
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it wont let me do shit bc i apparently have 81 gigs of apps clogging my c drive, but my largest app is 0.4gb?????? its not system applications either because system is its own segment of storage. wadda hell are you talking about
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justeliiijah · 5 hours ago
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justeliiijah · 5 hours ago
A lot of fantasy goes with Tolkien explanation of fantasy racism being the result of ancestral grudge.
Then you got Dungeon Meshi which is like:
"Elves and Dwarves hate each other because their respective empires make up 2/3 of the imperial core and are stuck in a cold war as the planet runs out of uncolonized land to grab. Elves are able to live in pastoral paradise because they've horded most of the settings farm-able land and natural capital, displacing and mass murdering any natives in the process. Orcs and goblins are hostile to other races because there the primary targets of an ongoing slavery and genocide campaign. The dividing line between human and inhuman is arbitrarily assigned via a phrenological pseudo-science that quickly falls apart when questioned by anyone who wasn't indoctrinated into it since birth."
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justeliiijah · 5 hours ago
Love it when Ra's gets genuine grandpa moments
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"experience a little culture... awful California rolls..." his mega boomer is showing
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justeliiijah · 5 hours ago
the true meaning of this post will be revealed in 2016
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justeliiijah · 6 hours ago
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