#my ask box and messages are always open
mackthecheese · 1 month
I don't wanna rb cause one of them is on here, but the talking points of the evening so far have been
1. Burning the American flag should be considered heresy and the act of a traitor
2. The ppl threatening to kill abortion doctors were based
3. Bodyshaming a quote "big huge man-girl" and her "girlfriend, i think, I dunno they were really weird"
4. Michelle Obama is definitely a man cause "look, she's kinda an uggo girl"
5. Not as bad but kinda making me feel bad for eating chocolate
6. Learning I've kissed a guy before and being weird abt it (why. we're all 18+)
I posted abt it earlier but I learned today the dress code at the school I used to go to states that the girls can't wear yoga pants unless they're QUOTE "skinny minis". One of these girls is the person who made that rules daughter
I'm so disappointed. I've known these girls for 10 years and never realized how low key hateful they were
Sorry for ranting, I'm anxiously clammed up trying not to start anything
Jesus fucking Christ…
These girls need a serious wake-up call to realize that there is more to life than just cishet white conservative Christian ideology. A bit of a come-to-Jesus moment, if you will. What ever happened to “love thy neighbor??”
1. Burning old or damaged American flags is a sign of honor and respect. What the actual fuck are they talking about????
2. Aborting babies is EVIL MURDER, but killing whole-ass human adults is… not… evil??????? HELLO????
3. A big huge man girl sounds really cute actually and I bet their girlfriend is hot too
4. Ummm… I honestly don’t even know how to dispute this one. Do they have eyes??? Because I’m not sure they do…
5. Eating chocolate (especially dark chocolate) in moderation has been proven to reduce stress. It is genuinely, actually healthy to have a little chocolate treat. And even if it wasn’t, they can fuck all the way off with that BS.
6. What. Just… what???????????
7. What in the smol doggo live laugh love pupperoni fuck is that supposed to mean
I can’t tell you how to live your life, but I would seriously consider cutting all of or at least most of them out of your life if they’re gonna make you feel so miserable about such little things like kissing a guy or eating chocolate. Do they know any joy in their lives? I really wonder.
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jetsetromance · 1 year
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gothcleats this swiftli that but you're missing the bigger picture. *pulls out my Riz Gukgak conspiracy board with all the red string from my crochet ben and hits it with my yard stick* they're a POLYCULE! ALL THREE OF THEM ARE IN LOVE!
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thirteenemeraldcats · 2 months
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okay this was uncalled for !! i was having a perfectly lovely sunday then you made me think about jamie and broke my heart again. pls stop (don’t, i love your tags)
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seekingjamaharon · 1 year
Kirk/Spock Fic Recs (2)
(These recommendations are not organized by rating, universe (AOS/TOS), or tags, so it is your responsibility to check before reading!)
Sha Ka Ree - ThereBeWhalesHere
One of the first stories I read when I came into the fandom. I personally consider this story to be something of a fandom classic. Kirk and Spock are strangers who become stranded on an uninhabited world. They have to learn to work together to survive, and we get to come along on that journey as they grow as individuals and together. They build their own world--but can they be content if their world is all there is? There are several "famous" scenes in this story that you might have probably seen art for. If you haven’t read it, you should.
The 1,000 Hour Sleep - spqr
The SNW crew adopt Jim, and it's the found-family and found-T'hy'la story of my dreams. As a certified Jim Kirk Enjoyer, I love when an author gets right to the heart of the man that we love.
Chains of Command - WhatIfImaMermaid
The TENSION. The YEARNING. The PINING. It’s a different take on the usual ‘getting together’ story and it’s DELICIOUS. 
With My Feet Toward the Stars (let me remember you as you were when you existed) - kariye
A unique and beautiful story. It’s hard to describe this one without spoilers, but it’s an absolutely lovely read that (once again) made me cry. 
Daffodil Time - ladyblahblah
An AU where Amanda Grayson visits her friend Winona Kirk every summer and so Spock and Jim meet when they're children. Utterly adorable. I’m a sucker for a well-written kid-fic, and this one delivers. 
Though this be madness - ladyblahblah
In every universe--even the Mirror!Universe--Jim Kirk is prone to leaping before looking. It’s possible that this time he might have misjudged.
(You can find the first rec post here)
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napolka · 5 months
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Thank you so much!!! 🥰😍🥰 I'm so happy reading this 🩷🩷🩷
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mushluv · 5 months
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juicy tracksuit whenever im feeling bummy 🩷✨
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nerdalmighty · 5 months
I gasped when I saw ur follow notification I’m glad we’re mutals now ;-;
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madame-fear · 4 months
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I swear to God the first thing I saw when I woke up this morning was THIS and... I can’t stress how much I had to hold myself to not fangirl and heavily gush ABSJJEJEKRJRLR THIS MAN MAKES ME FEEL SO WEAK I LOVE HIM!!!!! 🤭🤭😍😍😍😍💗💗
This gif gave me years of life and cleansed my soul... sigh... 😍
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Hello my friend, I am now back home from my trip up to OakRidge to see my brother and his GF at their house!
I had the best week I had all this year!
I went to the mall that was an hour away (I got SO much stuff it's crazy if y'all wanna ask about them in my inbox), went to a local cafe and had an awesome breakfast there, watched my brother's boss' band play at a bar (and he shredded right at our table in front of me it was amazeballs), and overall just hung out with my bro and his GF the whole time!
I really hope to talk with y'all in my inbox if y'all wanna ask more!
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hotcat37 · 8 months
Here to drop in to say I absolutely loved the new chapter but the cliffhanger at the end was
thank u <3!!!💖💖💞 Tbh the cliffhanger is Jan's fault for his lack of impulse control ☠☠ But no worries there's still 8 chapters left to fix this mess.... So glad you're enjoying the fic!! 🐻💖🦈
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ghost-proofbaby · 1 year
Eddie is just perfect
Like Eddie would keep a stash of your favorite munchies for after a smoke session knowing you would want something sweet and savory as always.
He would blare Dio and Sabbath with you on 2am rides in his van while you both sing (scream) the lyrics anytime you had the chance. He loved nothing more than the one on one time with you, the empty road and his favorite music.
He would turn down his favorite guitar solo to listen to you rant about what your co worker said to you that made you feel a certain way.
He would tell you how good you would look dressed as your dnd character but that it would be to much for him to handle so maybe don’t do that.
He would tell you crazy stories about anything and everything some times make believe sometimes about his life and views on different subjects, until you fell asleep.
He would look like an innocent child when he first wakes up and immediately smoke with you only to get up and make you bacon and waffles with chocolate chips and sprinkles just cause.
He would always open doors for you calling you m’lady and kissing your hand once you were out of said door.
He would devote songs to you while you sat at the bar on a Thursday night at The Hideout listening to the same songs for the 100th time like it was the first.
He would help you dye your hair and subsequently get it everywhere in a 10 foot radius of the area you were doing it in.
Eddie would take you to get your first tattoo especially after you picked it out from his monster manual sketchs but only after he questioned your confidence in the decision 700 times. Then when you are getting the tattoo he looks more in pain then you do.
This was gonna be an ask but kinda turned into a rant of ideas that I wanted to thank you for because of the fact your writing makes me think of him this way. I mean look at that ✨smile✨💖🦇
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oh my god i'm melting. one on one time would be so important to him, and i just know 2 am car rides screaming along to music is his love language. i need it immediately. it would solve 99 of my current issues.
and the hair dying and the first tattoo??? PLEASE. he'd brag to everyone about how badass you are, going on and on about how you didn't even flinch. he'd just be so proud to call you his truly.
GAAHHHH i just really love eddie munson. it's been a year and i'm still not over this man. i mean, like you said, look at that goddamn smile
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jamiesfootball · 11 months
apologies if this has been asked/answered/referenced somewhere i haven't seen but where did the title for 'oh god, you're gonna get it (you have not been given love)' come from??? every time i see/read it i feel like i've read something inherently profound. if you came up with it you're even more of a poet and a genius than reading the fic had led me to believe - which was a lot lol (seriously it's so good, literally how???????????????????? i feel like this title is haunting me and the fic has definitely caused some level of brain rot)
The closest I have come to talking bout the title is here but at that point the title was still redacted on my posts so I'd say that barely counts!
So this is going to be long. Do try to bear with me, I've done my best.
The title is pieced together from two different song lyrics, but I think I did an excellent job in both picking a title that echoes the themes AND in smushing it together to make something new.
Oh god you're gonna get it is from Florence + The Machine's 'Girls Against God', which is one of those songs that came on when I was deep in the blorbo feels and they imprinted on the song so now that song just is a Roy Kent song to me, with many parts of it speaking to the vibe I wanted to bring into this fic. The quiet helplessness, the barely restrained incandescent rage -- all set against tragic, mundane life.
What I love most about this part of the title is that it's so loaded with meaning. Because 'oh god you're gonna get it' can read as 'oh god, you will understand'. Is it reassurance? Is it telling someone that it's okay if you're confused and lost now, because in the future they will understand?
Is it foreshadowing? Is it a warning? 'Oh enjoy you're obliviousness and confusion now, because one day it will make sense and you will understand. Oh god, will you ever understand.'
Then we have the part of the song that contains the title:
Oh God, you're gonna get it You'll be sorry that you messed with us
And here it becomes a threat of violence, and echo of rage acting against outside forces.
So that's part 1 of the title.
The nested part of the title, the part in parenthesis, is 'you have not been given love' by A Balladeer. Now, this song is more vibes than lyrics, though it does have some echoing ideas towards Jamie regarding generational trauma. That mixed with the lamenting tonality with which it's sung made this one really stick out.
Well, that and the fact that the title is repeated no less than sixteen fucking times. You can see why it was stuck in my head, yes?
Again, though, the lyric when taken at face-value feels loaded with meaning. On the one hand, it's someone recognizing, 'oh, I understand now. there have been circumstances in your life that have brought you to were you are now, and how you are able to perceive love has been directly affected by how you have not received it before.' But then it's also saying 'hey, those things you lived through, those things that other people gave you. those weren't love. you know that right?' And finally it's an understanding about someone, 'oh, you are an unfed thing. you do not know what love is, because you have never been given it'
Even if you take each part of the song piecemeal, with each section representing a different character, you end up with a fascinating tension. But if we combine the two we get this reverberation between the getting and the given. 'You will get', and nested with it 'you have not been given'. You will get your understanding (that you have not been given love). Oh god you will understand (that you are an unloved thing). You will make them pay (for they did not give you love). And most importantly
Oh god you're gonna to get (the love you were not given)
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Do you have any tips for starting to write fanfic? I would love to write Jonsa but I always feel like I don't have any ideas or that the ideas I have aren't original if that males sense?
Thank you for all your wonderful writing you share with us!
My advice is - WHO CARES!!
Is your idea unoriginal? WHO CARES! The thing is, the fic WILL be original because it's YOU writing it and not someone else (obviously as long as you're not fully plagiarizing lmao, I mean in general). I am not kidding when I say I can read the same "idea" a million times if it's my jam. Salty teens? Sign me tf up. Fake dating? YES PLEASE. Arranged marriage? Love it. I have written all of these things and yet I would gladly read more that anyone else writes. And there are plenty of other genres I will read no matter what.
And I bet if you ask any person that reads fanfic, they will tell you the same. They have certain tropes that they will read over and over and over and over...
If you need more convincing - take the fic I'm currently writing. Is it that original? No, not really. Is it deep? Nope. I'm writing it because I needed something super light after mongrel heart and it's fun for ME.
That's advice I've given before - write what you want to read. It will be obvious if YOU are having fun (and not, say, writing something because you think it will be a hit with an audience).
And now, what may actually be my biggest piece of advice - write something, without the expectation that you will post it and others will read it.
The first fic I ever wrote for this fandom (after 10 years of not writing at all) sat around in my head for about a month before one night, unable to sleep because of a really bad anxiety spiral, I sat there in the dark, for hours, just writing out thousands of words of this story idea. It was only when I was about 3/4 done that I went, ok, maybe I will actually post this, just because it's already written and why not, and I created my ao3 account.
The lovely thing about fic writing is that you do not need to be original, you don't even need to be great. Just have fun, and others will have fun with you!
I really hope you do write, anon, if only for yourself, though I'm sure people would love if you did post it.
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hayffiebird · 3 months
Hi, this blog has been kinda quiet, just wondering if everything is okay with you :)
Hi anon! Thanks for thinking of me. ❤�� I’m OK, I just took a little break from all social media this past month. Mindless scrolling and especially posting stuff stresses the hell out of me!
A sort of writer’s stage fright I suppose so I pretty much go underground whenever I’ve posted a new chapter, haha! The pause just got slightly longer this time. Time to rest and recharge.
I pour so much of my soul into Taste of Strawberries (my lil’ hayffie fic) and Haymitch and Effie in general. Maybe more than is healthy sometimes and so breaks helps reduce stress like when Perfectionism or Low Self-Esteem raises their ugly heads. *hate them*
Helps me remember what is really important, like taking care of yourself and live in the present.
But it was really sweet of you to check on me!
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free-for-all-fics · 2 years
So MANY cool and talented writers I wanna talk to 🥰✍️
So LITTLE time ⏳⌛️
So MUCH social anxiety 😩😫
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