#mustafar au
corukant · 11 months
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mourn them do not…
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…miss them do not
sketch for my lil headcanon that anakin had a pre mustafar moment on naboo as well,, knowing this might be the last time he remembers it like this…. i am insane
rlly taking yoda’s speech to heart 🥲
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Piecing together me and @tricksterscorvid's Star Wars AU is interesting.
recent thoughts:
I feel like Anakin would be nervous at his first command; The Death Star.... so for a while, a long while, he would have workers and such go through his Apprentice, Lord Kenobi, to get to him.
this of course would make rumors start that Vader was unapproachable, unpredictable, and possibly violent... cuz... you know... Sith Lords can be quite temperamental.
eventually Obi-Wan realizes this, and mentions something about it to Anakin. the following day Anakin arrives in the mess hall. all talking stops. all eyes on him. His response? "what. do I have something on my face?"
cautious tittering. the workers. do we laugh? do we not? is this a Sith trap? And then Lord Vader keeps TALKING.
within a few days, more and more of the crew start approaching Lord Vader, cautiously at first, then when they realize he's NOT going to kill them at the drop of a hat... he becomes one of the more popular people.
very soon when a new crew member joins the crew of Vader's Death Star, they're scared. having heard the old rumors of him being a terrible tyrant.
wordlessly the older staff take the new person to the tech bay, where Lord Vader sits in the middle of the floor, surrounded by droid parts, tinkering with various pieces.
"THAT'S Lord Vader?"
"yes. he's made at least 19 fully functional and very helpful droids in the past six months. reduced our workload by half. Go say hi."
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star-lights-up · 3 months
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Paleontologist Ben. You're welcome.
Also, Rey makes her appearance!
I've kind of worked out everyone's roles. Basically, Jannah is Monica, and was adopted by Han/Leia so she has the Ross/Monica sibling relationship with Kylo/Ben. Then Joey and Chandler are Poe and Finn, and Rose is Phoebe. Annnnnd making an appearance hopefully soon is ✨Hux✨ as Mike/David. Does any of this make remotely any sense? no. Am I rolling with it? yes, yes I am.
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tennessoui · 3 months
hiiii miss kit
re: ur hanahaki fic -
is anakin the one who carried out the jedi culling? i was reading the first chapter and you mention that master vokara che's padawan had not survived the jedi culling.
did anakin carry out the culling?
hey!! nope, in this au Anakin’s hands are clean of youngling blood (so far) - the divergence of this fic from canon rots is a little vague and it’s not something I’m planning to go into detail about. But basically the vague and amorphous is that obi-wan didn’t go to confront grievous and instead he turned around and anakin brought him to Palpatine and they faced him together - but palpatine triggered Order 66 earlier than in the movie, so an untold but unprecedented amount of Jedi still died
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swift-creates · 5 months
@chrumblr-whumblr day 10: whipping betrayal (alt 5)
wc: 193 | warnings: Force choking | characters: Dick Grayson (pov), Jason Todd, Tim Drake
Mustafar, anybody? Brotherly betrayal, anybody? Revenge of the Sith, anybody?
"Jason, please don't do this." "Don't tell me what or what not to do. I'm done taking orders from you!" Jason's fist tightened, and Tim struggled harder against the invisible grip on his throat. Dick's heart sank.
How did we get here?
"The Dark Side is corrupting you, Jason. You're not thinking clearly." Jason laughed, narrowed eyes a sickly yellow-red instead of the bright, happy blue Dick had always known and loved to see. "No. No, now I see more clearly than I ever have. The Jedi are a bunch of liars, Dick. Bruce is a liar, they're all deceiving you! And this one- This one is helping them spread their blight on the galaxy." His lip twisted as he looked back at Tim, and Dick watched in horror as his frantic movements slowed to a stop. "Let him go. Please." "Join me," Jason said, as if he'd never spoken. "Join me, and together we can rule as brothers. We can overthrow the Emperor. No one will be able to stand against us!" His smile was crazed, and Dick couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
Oh, little Wing.
How did we get here?
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maulfucker · 8 months
This song is making me want to start yet another fic to never finish,, "Tell me... Where is your hideout? Who are we running from? I'm starting to think that you were right, and now I'm afraid of letting go of your hand...." Maul giving up on his Mandalore plan and deciding to just stalk Kenobi to tell him about his vision. Staying illegally in Obi-Wan's room because I love putting these guys in situations (and because Maul would NOT leave him alone until Obi-Wan actually accepted Maul is right, which he won't). Following Obi-Wan to Utapau and helping him escape after the clones attack, feeling equal parts vindicated and enraged (because he was proved right but Sidious still won). Them being on the run together....
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Heartbreaking: this post ROTS fanfic has all the tropes you’re looking for, but they made Vader suitless
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vodika-vibes · 9 months
The way that Delta Squad dotes on their Jedi (wife) 🥹 and the ribbing they gave Scorch for a clumsy braid 😂
Oh to be a jedi Knight with four overprotective husbands who dote on you~
"So this planet looks...cheerful." Rynn says wryly as she leans over Sev's shoulder to peer out the front window. "Cheerful isn't quite the word that I would use," Fixer replies from the co-pilot's seat, "Menacing, maybe." "Why are we here anyway?" Scorch asks, "None of our explosives will work on a lava planet." "We have other weapons aside from explosives," Boss points out, "But he's not wrong. A lot of our equipment isn't going to work around open lava." "I know, I know." Rynn pulls away from Sev to look at the others, "Master Mace says that there's something here that needs to be investigated, and I believe him." "Yeah, but...Mustafar?" Scorch asks, "Why couldn't Palpatine hide his evil palace someplace nicer...like Scarif? Or Naboo?" "Naboo would be a little too on the nose, don't you think?" Fixer asks. "Where do you want me to put down, General?" Sev asks, "It looks like there's a landing pad in the palace, itself." The familiar air in the cockpit shifts into something more professional as every person on the ship slides into a working mindset. Rynn closes her eyes and focuses, "That should be fine. I'm sensing...something from the palace, something dangerous, but it also feels like it's asleep." "Head on a swivel then." Boss orders, "Everyone gear up. Are we dropping you first General?" Rynn hums, "No. Not this time. This time we stick together and we move slow." "Understood."
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aleatoryw · 1 year
Asajj Ventress as this quasi-eldritch-horror figure who everyone used to know as a sith, who uses strange green magic and moves completely silently, who can kill you in a dozen ways even without the use of her dual green sabers, with eyes that reflect the light and intimidating tattoos and a smile that's still just a little wicked...
but no one can say shit about her living in the temple now because they know she's one, quite genuinely redeemed, two, immensely helpful in fighting the new sith empire, and three, master Obi-Wan's beloved partner. he's mostly known for his leadership and diplomacy after his injury on Mustafar, but if needed this feral green blur will come eviscerate you and then return to his lap, so watch out!
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fanfic-phoenix · 1 year
Obitine Week 2023, Day 1 - Triumphant
Prompt: Triumph
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 350
Read on AO3
He stank of smoke. They’d never escape it. They could run for the rest of their lives and never escape.
He stank of smoke.
Satine noticed that first, how he’d carried the stench of Mustafar back with him.  The sort of smell you’d dream of, she thought.  The kind that haunted nightmares, made guest appearances in flashbacks.  
They’d never escape it.  They could run for the rest of their lives and never escape.
“Padmé…”  Obi-Wan swallowed convulsively.  “Bail…”
Bail has Padmé, she translated.  And then, he cannot speak.
Weeks ago - days ago - hours ago - she would have said it was impossible to render Obi-Wan speechless.  His voice was his greatest weapon and greatest gift.  He could never be without it.
And yet…
Still.  They’d manage until it came back.
“The baby?”
Not born.  That was good.  She was sure that was good.  Right now the baby would be early.  Better it stay in a little longer.
“You should rest,” she said.  “You need rest.  I’ll go to Padmé.”
“Can’t,” he said.
“Can’t.”  After a moment he added, “He choked her.”
No.  “What?”
“The Force…”
Ani Force-choked Padmé?  No.  No.
After all she’d seen today, everything Anakin had done today, Satine shouldn’t have been stunned by the notion of him choking his wife.  Shouldn’t have rejected it out of hand as impossible.
And yet she was.  She had.
“The Darkside?”  She didn’t need to ask, not really, she knew Anakin had to have Fallen.  But some desperate part of her hoped it wasn’t true - despite everything, despite knowing deep down…
“His eyes,” Obi-Wan started, and that was proof enough.  “I…”
Satine’s stomach sank.  She knew, already, what Obi-Wan was going to say, and her heart was breaking.
“Dead,” he said.  “He’s…”
His breath shuddered.  His eyes fluttered shut.
Satine was on her feet in an instant, leading him to a seat before the first tear fell.  “Ben…”
“He’s dead,” Obi-Wan gasped.  “He’s dead.”
“I know.”  Tears pricked her own eyes.  “I know, darling.  I’m so sorry.”
“My padawan-”
His voice broke on a sob and there was nothing Satine could do but hold him.  Obi-Wan had killed his padawan.  There was nothing anyone could say to make it better.
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Tagging: @weekofobitine
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hayden-christensen · 1 year
that was..idk what was going on plot wise but oml it had it’s Moments
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tennessoui · 8 months
Anakin Shmison calling Obi-Wan “Master” mid-heavy petting session and Obi-Wan cming in his pants immediately.
Obi-Wan: 😳
Anakin: 😚😜
Neither of them realizing what Anakin said until later 👀
!! an ask about the amnesia/anakin shmison au!
(tag here/fic on ao3 here)
ok but the follow up is that anakin avoids obi-wan for months because he wants obi-wan to be with him because he likes him and not the ghost of anakin skywalker and so it's vaguely upsetting that one, anakin skywalker forced his way out of the cage in the back of anakin shmison's head and called him master, and two, that obi-wan came because anakin called him master when obi-wan the rebellion's top general has never been the master of anakin shmison, the rebellion's ace pilot!
and the other follow up is that obi-wan avoids anakin shmison for months because he's deeply ashamed by his love for anakin skywalker, who murdered the jedi and was his padawan, and also because he can't look anakin shmison in the eye---shmison is the first person in the entire galaxy to know (intimately well) how obi-wan felt about his padawan...he just also happens to be wearing the same face which is....not convenient
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The iconic line "It's over Anakin, I have the high ground" was stated by Obi-Wan standing on top of "Lava Beach", a famous Coruscant Shopping Mall, located on Mustafar Street.
Anakin was not burned that day, he got a makeover sponsored by the Jedi Council.
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spikybanana · 2 years
Could be Darth Grim, maybe
oh my gosh you're right. that's got to be the best option so far & am gunna credit you if I ever use that haha
now all we've got to decide is whether we should spare sirius' pretty face or let him burn and chuck him in a suit
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intcthatgoodnight · 2 years
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@diplomacyfcrged: ❛ You’re killing me slowly. ❜ The “beauty and the beast” verse where vaderkin has Padme hidden away after mustafar
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Anger flashed across his face, visible in the tight press of his lips and the furrow of his brow. How could Padme say this? Did she not see that everything he had done, he did for her? He would never forget the dreams that haunted him in the last days of the Republic - Padme crying out in pain, crying out for him, before dying with Kenobi by her side. He had stopped that vision from coming to pass. He hadn’t been able to save his mother those years ago, but he had saved Padme. She and their children were safe, and he would continue to do whatever he had to to ensure their safety. And she said he was killing her?
“I am protecting you Padme! Just as I said I would. You’re safe here.” The fortress he quickly had constructed on Mustafar was heavily guarded, no ships could land without his approval. He had the best medical droids brought here to look after Padme after she gave birth. He knew it wasn’t…it wasn’t the place they had once imagined as they daydreamed of decorating a nursery in a lakeside house on Naboo. She deserved that, and one day, maybe… The Empire was still new, it would only grow stronger, and then he could consider moving them somewhere else.
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fanfictasia · 2 years
Chapters: 1/2 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars: Rebels Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Obi-Wan Kenobi & Anakin Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker & Ahsoka Tano, Obi-Wan Kenobi & Ahsoka Tano, Obi-Wan Kenobi & Anakin Skywalker & Ahsoka Tano, Ezra Bridger & Anakin Skywalker (minor) Characters: Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano, Ezra Bridger (minor), Leia Skywalker (minor), Luke Skywalker (minor), Padme Amidala (minor), Sheev Palpatine | Darth Sidious (minor) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Presumed Dead, Anakin Skywalker Needs a Hug, Ahsoka Tano Needs a Hug, Obi-Wan Kenobi Needs a Hug, Protective Anakin Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker & Ahsoka Tano Friendship, Anakin Skywalker & Ahsoka Tano Are Siblings, Obi-Wan Kenobi & Anakin Skywalker Friendship, Obi-Wan Kenobi is Anakin Skywalker's Parent, Battle of Mustafar (Star Wars), Sith Ahsoka Tano, Movie: Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Eventual Happy Ending, Family, Friendship, Siblings, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Ambiguous/Open Ending, Flashbacks, Jedi Master Anakin Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker Doesn't Turn to the Dark Side
Ahsoka comes back to the Order before the end of the war for reasons Anakin doesn't know. As the world crashes down around him, as the Jedi Order and Republic fall, the Empire rising from their ashes, as he sees the security recording of Ahsoka kneeling to Sidious, her new master, Anakin knows nothing will ever be the same again.
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