#mrs. Patmore
bonhughbon · 1 year
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DOWNTON ABBEY + Barbie Posters (3/3)
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politicallydreadful · 2 years
Remember back in season 3 when Daisy decided to go on strike because she wanted more help in the kitchen? Then Mrs.Patmore while rolling her eyes exasperated realises that Thomas gave Daisy the idea? Yeah, this made it canon that Thomas spends his time in the servants hall smoking, scheming, blackmailing and ranting about workers rights.
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bitletsanddrabbles · 2 years
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“The Gambler”
Produced by British Lion Films
Starring Guy Dexter, Myrna Dalgleish, and Some Other People
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Mrs Patmore & Daisy by Nathanna Erica
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manyrandomfandoms · 1 year
just remembered that scene in Downton Abbey where Daisy is telling Mrs. Patmore about how she ✨likes✨ Thomas, and Mrs. Patmore is just like “how about let’s not”
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forsuperbang · 3 months
Mrs. Patmore accepting the marriage proposal in stead of Daisy will never be not infuriating
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julic-art · 2 years
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Downtown fanart!?!?
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sarcasmisfluffy · 2 years
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timewandererus · 2 years
People always take cooks for granted. All human beings require food to survive and live.
Of all the characters on Downton Abbey, I feel that Mrs. Patmore gets taken for granted far too much.
Beryl Patmore is a strong, dedicated, caring woman. She loved Daisy like a daughter and cared for William almost like a son. She helped feed wounded veterans during the war, taught Alfred how to cook, helped Mr. Mason in his old age.
Without Mrs. Patmore and her excellent cooking, all of Downton would starve. She is an integral and essential part of the Abbey’s staff and she deserves to recognized for it.
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Mrs. Patmore when the assistant cooks and footmen are having a love quadrangle and she’s just trying to get the salmon mousse out on time
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queenmelancholy · 8 months
Everyone’s reaction when they thought Thomas was leaving:
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To them at Downton, Thomas is really a son, a brother, and a father.
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elorrabean · 1 year
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Downton Abbey and Onion Headlines: Downstairs Edition
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velvet4510 · 5 months
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bitletsanddrabbles · 2 years
Random Prompt List
Five days before the end of NANOWRIMO I decided to start a random prompt list. I figured if I did ten a day, I would have fifty when I was done and I could post them for people to use as they saw fit - inspiration, challenges to friends, text on memes....whatever.
I was 100% successful except for the part where I forgot to post then when I was finished. Oops. Rectifying that now! Now, clearly these are rather Downton Abbey themed, but most of them are vague enough to apply to any fandom you like and even where there are names, those can be swapped out, so if you feel something you like for, say, Star Trek or something, don’t feel like it’s off limits. Go for it. If people are having fun, success has been had.
1. "If Mrs. Patmore murders you, I'm telling the jury it was suicide."
2. "Let the numbers be off! I'm not sitting at the same table as that man!"
3. "Oh bother."
4. "Downton's been a convalescence home and a movie studio. Why not this?"
5. "Where are we going to get a spare butler at this time of night?"
6. "There's not enough wine in the wine cellar for this."
7. "For the last time, put that back where you found it."
8. "Just don't tell the police. Or Carson."
9. "There is a God!"
10. "Help me with this and you can keep your job."
11. "I'd bet a year's wages it was Lady Mary."
12. "Don't you dare try to blame this on the dog!"
13. "Just think, we're getting paid to do this."
14. "Well, this situation calls for tea. And possibly a bludgeoning instrument of some sort."
15. "That's a grand idea. Why don't we simply teach the dog to carry a tray?"
16. "Did she give in gracefully, or do you need help burying the body?"
17. "Just imagine if we were American and buying nine Worth dresses per season."
18. "It could be worse, just don't ask me how."
19. "Are you certain this is a good idea?"
20. "How many bets Mrs. Patmore quits over this one?"
21. "What sort of mad suggestion are you going to make next? We get a cat?"
22. "Reading? Heavens, don't hurt yourself."
23. "You've not touched your food. Are you dying?"
24. "Try the blue one instead."
25. "That's hideous. Buy it."
26. "I hate arm garters. Why can't they just make shirts that fit?"
27. "Knife? Oh no, I slipped and cut myself on a collar."
28. "I'm not shaving in the dark, I'd be lucky if I slit my throat!"
29. "Oh, well, thank you Sweeny Todd."
30. "As if you'd survive reading anything less than Milton. A penny dreadful would finish you off!"
31. "You weren't a son either, so we're both failures."
32. "Oh dear, my actions had consequences. Blub blub."
33. "What's it like to have parents who care about you?"
34. "You want it so badly? Here. Enjoy."
35. "What do you mean she's run away to join the circus?"
36. "Well the surprise worked..."
37. "You're lucky I love you."
38. "That is not where that goes!"
39. "Dare I ask what happened to your dress?"
40. "Oh don't do that, it would make a mess of the roses."
41. "Dukes don't just vanish, unfortunately."
42. "I'm not paid enough to care about that."
43. "Now that the wireless is catching on, you should try and do something in that field. You have the face for it."
44. "Are you going to sell me into slavery if I ask for more?"
45. "If you want me to love you more then stop screaming when I have a headache."
46. "Oh don't do that! You'll hurt yourself."
47. "Oh go for it, I won't tattle."
48. "I was just committing the unholy sin of enjoying life for a few seconds."
49. "Would it kill you to smile? Wait, never mind, of course it would."
50. "Does anyone in this house happen to have some spare sanity?"
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polikszena · 1 year
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Downton Abbey: A New Era - Behind the Lens Episode 3 (Part 2)
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sxnyarostova · 11 months
downton downstairs and how they eat their toast:
carson: lightly toasted with a very thin layer of butter on top. look me in the eye and tell me he'd like it done any other way.
mrs hughes: not the biggest fan of toast. prefers scones, but when she absolutely has to eat it, she likes it toasted with jam only. she is eventually influenced by mr carson and puts minimal butter before she slathers it in strawberry jam.
mrs patmore: toast connoisseur; she has to be the one to crisp the bread and will not eat it otherwise. butter and preserves are the way to go. in a modern context she is a marmite lover; not a huge fan of crusts though
thomas: eats it plain with absolutely nothing on it. will put parsley butter if available though (but it never is so the mystery of whether thomas actually puts condiments on his toast remains very much intact). avid marmalade hater.
o'brien: would be gluten-free in a modern context. does not enjoy toast. don't even think about giving her some she will bite your hand off
william: he likes english muffins. if forced to eat toast he nibbles at it until it vaguely resembles an English muffin.
gwen: cuts the crusts off her bread and gets the most bombastic side eye from mrs p. liker of marmalade and heckler of daisy's anti-marmalade stance
anna: does not toast her bread and likes a thin layer of jam, so long as it doesn't overpower that taste that makes bread, well, bread. likes scones more but isn't excessively picky about it. will occasionally pop scrambled eggs onto her toast, and gets mr bates into it.
mr bates: toasts his bread, and puts butter and jam in even quantities. apparently he is a liker of marmalade, but this was only said in response to thomas' denouncement of it at the table. does he actually enjoy it? we'll never know. crust enjoyed. as mentioned above he puts scrambled eggs on his toast every once in a while.
daisy: very particular about how it's done. she wants untoasted bread, lots of butter, and lots of jam, but not too much of either condiment or it'll make her sick. she despises marmalade and would actually cry as a child if someone forced her to eat it. always eats her crusts, and will eat toast as a midnight snack. she's clearly a fan.
ivy: no crusts, no toasting, no butter, and just puts jam. fights with daisy sometimes about their stances on how toast is supposed to be enjoyed. eventually caves and starts toasting it.
alfred: did not inherit his aunt's genes and is a huge fan of bread. he will literally talk to you for hours about baking bread and how much butter is too much butter. will literally not shut up about toast. eats it with what he believes is the golden ratio of butter (it isn't).
jimmy: likes it a little burnt. that's it he has no other preferences
ms baxter: anna got her scrambled egg thing from her. ms baxter is the original inventor of scrambled eggs on toast actually she patented the term
mr molesley: huge toast enjoyer. initially very adamant that it should be eaten with just butter but changes his ways after ms baxter comes into his life <3
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