#mp police transfers
nhpnews1 · 2 years
MP IPS Officer Transfer: 12 IPS officers transferred, Makrand Deuskar Indore and Harinarayan Chari sent to Bhopal - NHP NEWS
IPS Officer Transfer. Election gathering has started in Madhya Pradesh. Today 12 police officers of the state have been transferred from here to there. In these, the police commissioners of Bhopal and Indore have also been affected. The first police commissioner of Bhopal, Makrand Deoskar, has been given the command of Indore while Hari Narayan Chari Mishra, the first police commissioner of…
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lego-man-speer · 4 months
Nuremberg Defendants: Part 5, Wilhelm Frick - Reich Minister of the Interior
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This is the next part of my Nuremberg Defendants series. Click the names below to see previous parts + the post I already made on Rudolf Hess
Rudolf Hess
Alfred Rosenberg
Joachim von Ribbentrop
Baldur von Schirach
Julius Streicher
-Wilhelm Frick was born on the 12th of March in 1877. He was the youngest of four children of Wilhelm Frick Snr, who was a Protestant teacher. He was born in Alsenz.
-He graduated from the Kaiserslautern Gymnasium in 1896, and went on to study Philology at the University of Munich. Early on he would change his studies to Law and transferred to the University of Berlin. In 1901 he received his doctorate in law and from 1903 he started working as an attorney at the Munich Police Department.
-Frick married his first wife, Elisabetha Emilie Nagel in 1910. Their marriage produced two sons and a daughter before ending in an ugly divorce in 1934. He remarried a few weeks later to Margarete Schutze Naumberg (the former wife of a Reichstag MP). Their marriage produced a son and a daughter and lasted until Frick's death.
-Frick did not serve in WW1 because he was deemed unfit. After the war he was put in charge of the political police as a district officer. In his role he had sympathies for the far-right extremists. On one occasion, Frick helped a Freikorps member, who had committed murder, to escape by issuing him a false passport.
-Frick was introduced to Hitler in 1919 by the Chief of Police, Ernst Pöhner. He willingly helped Hitler obtain permission to hold rallies and demonstrations.
-In 1923 he became a senior officer and head of the security service of the Munich Criminal Investigation Department. Frick later participated in the 1923 Munich Putsch. Had the Putsch succeeded, Frick was to become the new police chief. During the Putsch he remained in the police headquarters and ensured that the state police and the representative of the police president were not alerted immediately. After the Putsch, Frick was arrested and tried for aiding and abetting high treason. After several months in police custody, Frick was given a suspended sentence of 15 months imprisonment and was dismissed from his police job. During the disciplinary proceedings the dismissal was revoked after being declared unfair on the basis that his treasonous intent had not been proven.
-Frick was elected as a member of the Reichstag in 1924. He had been nominated by the National Socialist Freedom Movement. His speeches in the Reichstag were characterised by his radical anti-semitism and racism, as well as abuse and insults at his political opponents. He officially joined the NSDAP in 1925 after the ban on the party was lifted.
-In 1929 the NSDAP joined in a coalition government for the state of Thüringia. The party received the state ministries of the interior and education. In January 1930 Frick was appointed to these ministries - becoming the first Nazi to hold a ministerial post at any level in Germany. Frick used his position to dismiss communist and social democratic officials and replace them with NSDAP members. As minister he also used his power to make Hitler a German citizen (or else he could not stand for Reich Presidency in Germany). He also used his power to appoint Nazi race theoretician, Dr Günther, as professor at the University of Jena as well as the compulsory introduction of Nazi prayers in schools. Due to the character of these prayers, three out of the five introduced were declared unconstitutional by the German Constitutional Court in July 1930. Frick was removed from his office in April 1931 after a motion of no confidence by the SPD.
-In 1933 Frick was made Minister of the Interior, shortly after Hitler's appointment as Chancellor. Along with Göring, Frick was one of the two Nazi ministers in the original Hitler cabinet and the only one to serve with a portfolio (Göring originally served without one). In October that same year he was appointed a Reichsleiter (the second highest political rank in the party). In 1934 he replaced Göring as Prussian Minister of the Interior thus giving him control of the police in Prussia.
-As a result of the Reichstag Fire Decree 1933 and the Enabling Act 1933, Frick's power increased tremendously. These acts would pave the way for dictatorship by abolishing numerous constitutional protections (including the right to free speech and freedom of the press).
-Frick was responsible for drafting up numerous laws to consolidate the Nazi regime. For example the 14th July 1933 Law Against the Formation of Parties - making the NSDAP the only legal party in Germany. Frick was also responsible for drawing up anti-semitic laws such as the law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service. The law forbade Jews, political opponents and non-Aryans from holding positions as teachers, judges or government positions. He also drafted the Reich Citizenship Law and the Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honour. (These became known as the Nuremberg Laws).
-In July 1933 Frick implemented the Law for the Prevention of Hereditary Diseased Offspring, which included forced sterilisations. This would later lead to the T4 exterminations. During the Second World War Frick was made aware that mentally disabled, sick and aged people (which the Nazis deemed as “the useless eaters”) were being put to death, but did nothing to intervene. An estimated 200,000+ (under Frick's jurisdiction) were systematically murdered.
-Frick took an active role in Germany's rearmament, in opposition to the terms of the Treaty of Versailles. He drafted laws introducing military conscription and extending the Wehrmacht service law to the annexed Austria (after the Anschluss in 1938) and to the Sudetenland. He introduced German law, the Nuremberg laws and the military service law to Austria. He further established the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia.
-Frick's power began to decline around the late 1930s during a power struggle with Himmler, who wanted control of the German police force. In one example of the struggle for power, Frick tried to restrict the widespread use of protective custody laws in 1933, only to be convinced not to by Himmler. In 1936 Hitler named Himmler the chief of German police which effectively united the police with Himmler's SS. In August 1943 Himmler replaced Frick as Minister of the Interior. Frick however remained in Hitler's cabinet as a minister without portfolio.
-After being replaced as Minister of the Interior, Frick was appointed the Reich Protector of Bohemia and Moravia, making him Hitler's representative in the Czech lands. This role was merely a representative one and Frick had no real power. Instead the power lay with his superior Karl Hermann Frank. However, Frick did take a general responsibility of the oppression in Bohemia and Moravia, for example terrorism of the population; slave labour and the deportation of Jews to concentration camps. Of the 82,309 Jews deported from the protectorate, around 71,000 were killed in the Holocaust. The occupation authorities and their collaborators killed another 7,000.
-Frick was indicted at the Nuremberg Trials on all four counts. Frick was the only other defendant besides Rudolf Hess who refused to testify on his own behalf. Frick was absolutely certain that he would be sentenced to death, therefore he chose not to bother, however he did state “Hitler didn't want to do things my way. I wanted things to be dine legally. After all, I am a lawyer.” He was found to have an IQ of 124 (just about below average of the other defendants). As a prisoner, a former guard described him as someone who was always willing to talk.
-At Nuremberg he was described as one of the architects of the Holocaust. From 1933 onwards he used his power to fulfil the threats he made to his opponents in the Reichstag in 1932: “Don't worry, when we are in power we shall put all of you guys in concentration camps.” Frick's ministry was the highest controlling authority of the concentration camps and Frick personally inspected them. Frick also took an interest into the experimentation on prisoners inside the camps, such as forcing malaria onto heathy prisoners and the air pressure and freezing experiments.
-Frick was unrepentant in his final statement and was found innocent on count 1 of the indictment, but was found guilty on the other three charges brought against him. He was sentenced to death by hanging.
-Frick was executed on the 16th of October 1946, aged 69. It is believed that the executions were deliberately botched so that the convicted Nazis suffered ling and agonising deaths. One of these botchings included the size of the gallows trap door, which was too small, thus leading to some defendants (including Frick) to hit their heads as they dropped, making them suffer head injuries (and this is quite evident in Frick's post-execution photo, which can be found on wikipedia). On his way to the gallows he seemed the least steady of any of the condemned and stumbled on the gallows steps. His last words were “Long live eternal Germany.” He died 12 minutes after the initial drop.
OBLIGATORY MENTION: This post is purely educational and is in no way supportive of any right-wing ideologies
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dontforgetukraine · 12 days
Excerpt from an interview between Kostyantyn Grechany (a journalist at The Ukrainian Review) and Maria Mezentseva (Ukrainian MP).
K.G.: Recently, I had an interview with a soldier from a National Guard of ours who was captured in Azovstal and spent over a year and a half in captivity. Most of the time was spent in Horlivka on the territory of the so-called “DPR.” There were beatings and moral pressure, but he could somehow survive. Just before the exchange in January of this year, they were transferred to a camp in Taganrog. He said that in Taganrog, in one week, he suffered more than in a year and a half in Horlivka, and he couldn’t understand how the other guys lasted the entire time since the beginning of their captivity, as there was a complete set of tortures. I understand that this is just one case, and we shouldn’t make global conclusions based on it, but where I’m going with this: apart from centralised communication with the enemy, is there any separate dialogue about prisoners of war with the self-proclaimed republics? M.M.: As far as I know, they are not the decision-makers in this process. They are the executors of torture within the genocidal policies of the Russian Federation imposed according to a manual. For example, we found out that there is a clear motive behind the raping of women and children (including boys): to discourage, pardon the bluntness, the desire to reproduce and give birth to more Ukrainians. In other words, rape was ordered as a policy. We try to comment on this from a human perspective, but there is nothing human about it. I was in Kupyansk. They turned the district police department into a torture chamber. I can’t even describe in words the methods and ways I saw there.
Source: Torturing Ukrainians is a state policy of the Russian Federation – Maria Mezentseva
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Former Conservative cabinet minister and MP for Labrador Peter Penashue was arrested Saturday after a long-simmering dispute Penashue claims is fuelled by illicit drug dealing and police inaction. 
Penashue says he smashed the windows out of a vehicle parked outside a Sheshatshiu home, in part, because of a dispute over who owns the house. [...]
"I put on Twitter, I said, at 10:30, I'm going to break every window ... just watch how quickly the RCMP come to protect the drug dealers, and sure enough, five minutes later, I'm arrested. It don't take long," Penashue said.
Penashue told CBC he bought the house for his son, Ben, last summer, and Ben moved into the house with his children in September.
However, he said because of issues with drugs and alcohol, Ben agreed to transfer ownership of the home to Jeremy Andrew in January in exchange for about $2,500 worth of cocaine and a promise of about $12,000 more in cash.
"The way it works in Sheshatshiu, the band council owns all the houses in the community, they're all social housing, and so if you give away your house or buy a house, you have to do up a letter and it goes into the band council, and then they recognize the new owners," he said. [...]
Continue Reading.
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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noforkingclue · 9 months
Man you're going to LOVE this one. A co worker of mine had a customer who did not agree with our policies and so they asked to speak to a manager and then have the manager DIRECTLY transfer the customer to a member of parliament who was currently at Parliament house to lodge a complaint about the polices. They were told no because we DON'T have a direct line to parliament but the customer still demanded it and even when the manager told them that we didn't have that direct line and still argued with the manager. There is no issue with contacting your local MP, you can do that but just can't transfer you to parliament.
That seems like a completely reasonable request!
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Mayor Dark (Mrs. Dark) here,
I heard commotions going on at Horrorland? Lucy-Dear said the Horrors were chasing her friends and there seems to be a “Menace” running rampant? I need details on what happened so that we can resolve this.
Mayor Dark, so good to hear from you. We ourselves are still piecing together the details of what exactly is happening, although right now our claws are full. Between our dwindling staff and the monster channel trying to run programs that make us look even slightly in control, you can see why organization has been such a tall task. You, as a mayor, must understand the immense pressure we at horrorland— or, rather, we the few trying to keep this place from collapsing— are under.
With that said, this is what myself and our new chief of police have gathered; amidst the juvenile attack on horrorland, something else has resurfaced, a creature we are becoming less and less sure we know the origin of. Additionally, there may be other parties assisting the creature, one which calls themselves "the butcher." Anyone who has learned anything about these creatures has promptly gone missing, first Jerry, then several MPs, the social media guy, that Keith boy- hell, they may have taken down the very owner of this park. Additionally, the intruders formerly known as the special guests have dissapeared too.
There's something deeply wrong here, Mayor Dark. It's too early to call it, but we may need assistance.
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mariacallous · 2 years
A four-year-old girl who was separated from her parents as they tried to board a migrant boat from Tunisia to Italy was forced to make the journey across the Mediterranean without them.
The girl, referred to as Linda by Italian authorities, disembarked on the island of Lampedusa on 17 October after 26 hours at sea on a crowded wooden boat carrying a further 70 asylum seekers from Tunisia.
Authorities in Tunisia are attempting to repatriate her. Her parents have been given a travel ban and are accused of abandoning a minor.
“Linda is doing well, and she is in a community centre for children in Palermo, after having been transferred from Lampedusa to a community in the province of Agrigento,” said Majdi Karbai, who is one of three Tunisian MPs who represent Tunisians living in Italy. “She’s constantly asking about her parents and when she will be able to see them again.”
He added: “Her parents are in Tunisia and Tunisian authorities [on 26 October] imposed a travel ban on them. They would prefer to repatriate Linda, but the procedures are not so easy as the girl is under the legal protection of a local guardian.”
Karbai said Linda did not understand what was happening and had suffered an emotional shock.
The international NGO Save the Children has provided support to Linda. “She’s playing with other children and a psycho-social support team is helping her release her fears and pressure,” said Giovanna De Benedetto, a spokesperson for Save the Children. “We are taking care of her wellbeing.”
Linda and her family are originally from Sayada, a coastal city near Monastir, in the Sahel area, 20km (12 miles) south of Sousse and 162km south of Tunis.
Due to the current political crisis and food shortages in Tunisia, her father, a street food vendor selling chapati and mlawi sandwiches in Sayada, has not been able to make a living and decided to leave Tunisia with his family. Linda’s sister, who is seven, has a heart condition and needs constant health assistance. Her parents hoped in Europe the child could receive necessary care and before leaving had prepared a dossier containing her clinical records.
Migrant boats must be reached by sea and passengers must walk or swim in order to reach the vessels. On 16 October, as Linda’s father held her in his arms, he suddenly heard his wife scream. The woman, who was accompanying their other daughter, had entered the water carrying some luggage and was afraid of drowning before reaching the vessel.
“At some point Linda’s father had to step back to support the rest of the family and so temporarily sat Linda on the boat,” says Karbai, who worked as a cultural mediator on Lampedusa in 2011 and learned the details from one of Linda’s family members after the boat left Tunisia. “Meanwhile, the boat driver saw the big headlights of a truck and thought it was the police, so he started the engine and set off, leaving Linda’s family behind.”
Linda’s parents have refused to talk to the media. They are accused of abandoning a minor and could be charged with human trafficking. They were released from jail after the news of the girl’s arrival on Lampedusa.
Tunisia’s ministry of family, women, children and the elderly said in a statement that discussions were under way with the Tunisian consular services in Palermo to repatriate the child, and that a Tunisian diplomatic delegation is expected to meet the judge of the juvenile court in Palermo.
On Friday, a Sicilian judge blocked the girl’s repatriation. Before making a final decision, the magistrate asked that a report be sent to Palermo on the causes of the accident and Linda’s departure without her parents.
The newly elected government in Italy led by the far-right prime minister, Giorgia Meloni, the leader of Brothers of Italy, a party with neo-fascist origins, has promised the introduction of hardline measures to block the arrival of asylum seekers from north Africa.
North Africans are often considered “economic migrants” and are repatriated by European authorities who, despite the political instability and poverty in their countries, do not consider them deserving candidates for international protection. EU immigration policies are pushing thousands of people to risk their lives to take more dangerous routes to reach Europe.
The bodies of two men and two women were recovered off Lampedusa on Monday. The four people had been missing since Sunday when a boat carrying about 30 people sank 24 nautical miles south of Sicily. The body of a newborn girl was found the day before after another boat capsized off Lampione, an uninhabited islet.
Meanwhile, two NGO rescue boats carrying hundreds of asylum seekers in the central Mediterranean are expected to face the first test of migration policy under Italy’s new far-right government after Rome threatened to prevent them from entering Italian waters.
The Norwegian-flagged Ocean Viking, operated by the NGO SOS Mediterranée, has more than 200 people onboard. The other vessel, Humanity One, flying the German flag and run by the German charity SOS Humanity, is carrying about 180 people. Most of them left Libya on small boats. The ships have asked the Italian authorities for permission to disembark their passengers in a safe port in Sicily, but so far have received no response.
The decision on whether to allow those onboard the two NGO vessels to disembark will rest with the new interior minister. The post that Matteo Salvini, who made high-profile moves to block such arrivals at Italian ports, had wanted to reassume, was given to Matteo Piantedosi, a technocrat backed by all parties. Piantedosi, who has said “governing migration is a priority”, sent a note to police departments and port authorities on Tuesday in which he wrote that the two ships were failing to “follow the rules in matters of security, border control and combating illegal immigration” and that the government could ban the vessels from entering Italian territorial waters.
Almost 20,000 people have died or gone missing since 2014 in the central Mediterranean, the most unsafe passage to Europe and one of the deadliest borders in the world.
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brazilnews · 2 months
MP Govt Announces ₹1 Cr Reward to Vivek Sagar for Bronze Win
The Madhya Pradesh government on Friday announced a reward of Rs 1 crore to hockey player Vivek Sagar Prasad, who was part of the Indian men's team that won a bronze medal in the Paris Olympics. India won its second consecutive bronze medal in the Olympics by beating Spain 2-1 for the first time in 52 years on Thursday. Chief Minister Mohan Yadav congratulated Prasad, who hails from Madhya Pradesh.
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In a telephonic conversation with the player, Yadav said, "It was a good performance. The entire nation is happy with all of you. Congratulations to you and the entire team for this success. The Madhya Pradesh government will transfer Rs 1 crore to your account as a reward." "You are working as an honourable deputy superintendent of police (DSP), and now the state will reward you with Rs 1 crore," he said.
A native of Itarsi in Narmadapuram district, Prasad was also part of the Olympics 2020 (Tokyo) hockey team that clinched the bronze medal.
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news-venue · 2 months
MP Govt Announces ₹1 Cr Reward to Vivek Sagar for Bronze Win
The Madhya Pradesh government on Friday announced a reward of Rs 1 crore to hockey player Vivek Sagar Prasad, who was part of the Indian men's team that won a bronze medal in the Paris Olympics. India won its second consecutive bronze medal in the Olympics by beating Spain 2-1 for the first time in 52 years on Thursday. Chief Minister Mohan Yadav congratulated Prasad, who hails from Madhya Pradesh.
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In a telephonic conversation with the player, Yadav said, "It was a good performance. The entire nation is happy with all of you. Congratulations to you and the entire team for this success. The Madhya Pradesh government will transfer Rs 1 crore to your account as a reward." "You are working as an honourable deputy superintendent of police (DSP), and now the state will reward you with Rs 1 crore," he said.
A native of Itarsi in Narmadapuram district, Prasad was also part of the Olympics 2020 (Tokyo) hockey team that clinched the bronze medal.
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itsrattysworld · 8 months
Without Prejudice Mervelee Myers Name A-Z Of Abusers After Mama Lou Died Dementia Transfer BIB LEYF June O'Sullivan Mastermind Richard Harty MIC HOC Nursery Equality Act Law 2010 Protected Characteristics Did A Voice Of A Child Participant Dr Maria Hudson The Experience Of Multiple Discrimination Policy Studies Institute Recommended To ACAS Fact Is Drag Queen Storytellers Jump Ship EYFS Ofsted Turn Blind Eyes Mayor Of London Advised By Psychopath Wants To Be Remembered As A Disruptive Influence Criminal Need ERT Book In Honour Of Strong Women Everywhere Sign By Sir Mark Rowley Nigel Pearce YouTube Sensation On Day Met Police Haters Came To Terrorise Me For Deborah Agnes Gilchrist Racist Junkie Terrorists Pose Threats To My Husband Me Unlawful Illegal Injunction Imprisonment Eviction Can't Override 23 Years Of Data H4W Wipe From Portal Housing Ombudsman Complaint MPs Neil Coyle Harriett Harman Failed To Act Discrimination After Mum Died Indicative Of Why I Told Dilys Epton At HOC Nursery If I Was An Animal The RSPCA Would Rescue Me The Names Of HMCTS CPS CJS Career Criminals Are Defensive Practice Across Social Media Guy Lawfull Oxfordshire Association For The Blind Contacted Me Re My Vision Website Created From Scratch 2012 Please Subscribe To Safeguard Children Young People From Childhood Traumas To PTSD Where Is Neil King Rashid Iqbal Hilda Miller Conor Bathgate MIC Blogger Abusers CEO Had Under Her Control 26/1/2024
Without Prejudice Mervelee Myers Asks Metropolitan Police To Let Me Volunteer At A New Met For London In Brixton On September 23 After I Was Made A Criminal Need ERT To Cover LEYF Richard Harty MIC Abusers In Reviews During ET/EAT Exacerbation Of Mental Physical Health Affected By Continuing Discrimination At Home Landlord Coerce Neighbour To Harass Intimidate Bully Me And 100 Year Old Husband…
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blogynews · 1 year
"Unveiling the Untold: Shocking Revelation - Why Has the ED Decided Not to Place AAP MP Sanjay Singh in Police Lock-Up?"
Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) MP Sanjay Singh has filed an application at the Rouse Avenue Court, claiming that officials from the Enforcement Directorate (ED) attempted to transfer him to the Tughlak Road Police Station in order to subject him to torture. The ED, however, informed the court that they have no intention of moving Singh to the lock-up at the Tughlak Road Police Station, as pest control…
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blogynewz · 1 year
"Unveiling the Untold: Shocking Revelation - Why Has the ED Decided Not to Place AAP MP Sanjay Singh in Police Lock-Up?"
Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) MP Sanjay Singh has filed an application at the Rouse Avenue Court, claiming that officials from the Enforcement Directorate (ED) attempted to transfer him to the Tughlak Road Police Station in order to subject him to torture. The ED, however, informed the court that they have no intention of moving Singh to the lock-up at the Tughlak Road Police Station, as pest control…
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newsbites · 1 year
News from NL, Canada, 11 July.
Only one company bid on construction of shared use path linking the network from east to west and north to south, which will involve changes to Elizabeth Avenue. VOCM Radio reports that the tender will be ratified in council today.
2. Police in Labrador need help with theft of constructions signs from Northwest River beach.
3. A west coast driver was clocked significantly over the speed limit at Rocky Harbour in 90 kmph zone.
4. The name of the Marine Atlantic passenger ferry vessel focuses on truth and reconciliation.
5. Unemployment rate for NL is in single digits. Highest in the country but now lower than it’s ever been.  Premier Andrew Furey thinks it’s a testament to good things happening in the province.
6. The long-awaited High School project in Portugal Cove is being met with some concerns by parents who are wondering about disruption for students who enter other schools and then transfer to new school when it opens in 2026, reports VOCM Radio.
7. Federal NDP MP Laurel Collins has described the impacts of climate change as being "extremely scary." Climate activists are arguing that the burning of fossil fuels, particularly in the oil and gas industry, is a major contributor to the bad wildfire season that Canada is experiencing.
8. Affordable housing opening in Happy Valley Goose Bay today.
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ultrajaphunter · 1 year
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French racism is not the problem
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From magazine issue:08 July 2023
Last week we learned that a woman in a park in Skegness was dragged into the bushes and raped by a 33-year-old male. The man had arrived in the UK illegally on a small boat just 40 days earlier.
If you have open borders and no checks on who is arriving, an uptick in crime will inevitably occur
Strangely, I can find little anger about this.
The story was reported in a couple of papers but there were no fulminating editorials or emergency questions in the House.
Jess Phillips hasn’t found room to grandstand about it. Nor have Yvette Cooper, Stella Creasy or any of those other Labour MPs who like to shake their heads in disgust as the Home Secretary explains that the British taxpayers can’t forever foot the hotel bills of illegal migrants.
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The Conservative MP for Skegness, Matt Warman, described the rape as ‘hugely shocking’.
Which it both is and isn’t. Every-one should by now be well aware that if you allow very large numbers of young men to break into your country illegally, this sort of thing will happen (as Germany, Sweden and France can all attest).
What are you gonna do about it?
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Personally, I would tear up the earth to find which officials in the Home Office, UK Border Force, NGOs and others encouraged, helped or permitted the suspect to come to this country, let him stay and later let him loose.
And I don’t just want them to lose their jobs.
I want them to serve prison time for aiding and abetting people smuggling. After all, someone let the attacker into this country, didn’t they?
And then couldn’t be bothered to deport him.
‘It goes from 0-100°C in under six seconds.’
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Naturally, at this stage we have to say that not all migrants are rapists or terrorists.
But if you have open borders and no checks on who is arriving, a certain uptick in rape and other crimes will inevitably occur.
We all know this, but because politicians from every main party have presided over or actively encouraged it, the whole business becomes just one of those unacknowledged downsides of diversity.
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In France in October the body of girl called Lola Daviet, aged 12, was found in a travel trunk in Paris.
She had been sexually assaulted, asphyxiated, stabbed and mutilated.
The person arrested for her killing was a woman of 24 from Algiers who was in France illegally and living with an expulsion order.
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And while there was political anger around the killing, nothing happened.
As with the UK, by now everybody knows the score.
There are benefits to allowing ongoing illegal mass migration – like getting to feel all warm and good about yourself. And then there are the negatives – such as the occasional raped and mutilated 12-year-old.
Now a different killing in France actually has provoked reactions.
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This is the death in Nanterre of Nahel Merzouk, 17 and of Algerian descent. Merzouk was too young to have a licence to drive, but was careering around in a Mercedes when the police tried to stop him.
He resisted arrest and was shot.
In the days afterwards there were riots, lootings, assaults and burnings across France.
From Paris and Strasbourg to Marseilles, much of urban France resembled a warzone.
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Of course the media – in the Anglophone world in particular – has been keen to talk about the ‘victim’, his family and the horrors of police violence (especially ‘racism’).
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All of which explains next to nothing.
It does not explain, for instance, why these millions of North African migrants and others are in France in the first place. Why would they be if it is such a terrible country?
There have been large population transfers between North Africa and France before.
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If the situation is so bad, why not move again?
The answer is that France is not the problem.
A significant chunk of the non-integrated immigrant population is.
They use the country without belonging to it.
Moreover, many of them clearly know that as long as they say ‘racism’, France will be in fear of them.
All the while, the chances of them leaving the hellhole of France and returning to the garden of Algeria are near zero.
France – like Britain – is one of those countries that we are always told people ‘risk their lives’ in order to get to.
Once they arrive, we are then told how little we do for them, how terrible our housing and integration systems are.
We hear only what evil, racist countries we are.
None of this – like the other responses to the killing – makes any sense.
Let us say for a moment that you do think the police were heavy-handed, and that when they encountered a teenager tearing around a neighbourhood at the start of the school day they ought to have let him drive on, or at least approached him in a more kindly manner. But even if you do think that, why, when they failed to behave as you wished, should you set fire to libraries or other municipal buildings or smash your way into the local luxury-goods stores?
Does the society that sheltered and paid you owe you a spate of shopping with violence?
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One business paper this week led with ‘Irate rioters in France looted high-end stores such as Louis Vuitton, Zara and Nike amid violent protests over the death of a 17-year-old boy’. Ah yes, those ‘irate’ people who head straight to the handbag section when they want to protest against police racism.
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thxnews · 1 year
Falkland Islanders Sovereignty: UK Statement to the Organization of American States
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Original Speech delivered at Washington D. C. By David Rutley MP.
Secretary General, Assistant Secretary General, Ministers, Delegates - friends and colleagues. It is an honour to represent the United Kingdom here as a permanent observer state. Ten years ago, their government asked the people of the Falkland Islands whether they wished to retain their links to the UK as a self-governing Overseas Territory. In a referendum with a 92% turnout, 99.8% of those who voted chose to retain the Island’s links to the UK. An observer mission from six countries, including OAS states Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, Canada and the USA oversaw this referendum, and their ringing endorsement of the process was that it was “free and fair”. The people of the Falkland Islands have made their wishes clear - they do not wish to be incorporated against their will into Argentina. Likewise, they make it very clear to me that the UK has no mandate to negotiate with Argentina on the future of their home. I am not here to talk about events in the 19th century – who claimed what rock first. What we are talking about is the democratic rights of the community who live on the Islands, and their right to decide their own future. They have no other home and, despite the challenges of living on these remote islands, they are proud of their community and what they have achieved. Today the Islanders are economically self-sufficient, run a sustainable fishery, and have one of the highest per capita incomes in the world. They are probably the smallest jurisdiction to have an a plus credit rating- an endorsement of their stable and democratic government. Before adopting this motion today, you should all be clear what you are endorsing. Argentina officially argues that the right to self-determination does not apply to the people of the Falkland Islands – so putting it bluntly, they argue the islanders are not entitled to democracy. This motion calls for two larger countries to negotiate, without the consent of those who live there, over the transfer of the islands to Argentina. The United Kingdom will not negotiate to transfer the sovereignty of the Islands as the local population have clearly shown they do not want this. The Falkland Islands are internally self-governing, and the Islanders fiercely guard their constitution and the powers of their elected government. They have their own constitution, laws, currency and traditions. It is absurd to argue that this community, which stretches back 10 generations on the islands, is not a real community and does not deserve the democratic rights we expect for ourselves.  
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Royal Falkland Islands Police headquarters. Photo by Liam Quinn. Flickr.   Their elected representatives make decisions that affect the lives of the people on the Falkland Islands - they want to focus on issues that matter to their community, better education, healthcare, environmental conservation, and they are doing very well in all of these areas. It is sometimes asserted that the United Kingdom is ‘militarising’ the South Atlantic, but the forces on the Islands are entirely defensive. The United Kingdom’s military presence has significantly reduced since 1982 and are at the minimum necessary to defend the Islands. Any suggestion that we are seeking to militarise the wider region is entirely without foundation and is not based on fact. The UK wants and continues to seek a positive and constructive relationship with Argentina in the best interests of both our countries and of the wider region. It is to be regretted that Argentina has chosen this year to further undermine its relationship with the UK, both on South Atlantic issues but also, as a consequence, on wider bilateral matters of interest. March 2023 saw Argentina unilaterally withdraw from the 2016 Joint Communique. This landmark undertaking offered great benefits to the people of the Falkland Islands, the United Kingdom and Argentina. These included a commercial flight to the Falkland Islands from Brazil that stopped in Argentina – the second commercial flight to the Islands from the South American mainland, fisheries cooperation, and the establishment of a framework for humanitarian work to take place. The Falkland Islanders and the United Kingdom scrupulously followed its undertakings. No one could fail to have been moved by the ground-breaking work undertaken in 2017 and 2021 by the International Committee of the Red Cross to identify Argentine remains from 1982.  
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Goose Green, Falkland Islands. Photo by John5199. Flickr.   Through this period Falkland Islanders supported numerous visits by relatives of those killed to enable them to pay their respects by the graves of their loved ones. This is despite the fact that memories of the Argentine invasion and occupation remain fresh in their minds. The politicisation of this humanitarian work by the current government of Argentina is especially unfortunate, and it is impossible not to interpret this as a clear signal this Argentine government does not want to discuss anything on the South Atlantic in good faith. Despite this, relatives of those killed in 1982 can – and do – visit the Falklands via the commercial flight from Punta Arenas to visit the graves of their relatives which are being maintained by the Islanders. The Falkland Islanders and the UK remain committed to the humanitarian work. However, the withdrawal – on the eve of the final negotiations for the third phase of the humanitarian project – has made agreeing this work much harder. I once again encourage the Government of Argentina to reconsider its decision to withdraw from the Communique. The draft declaration the Argentine government presented today refers to its “constructive approach towards the inhabitants” of the Falkland Islands. The Falkland Islanders would feel justifiably puzzled by this claim. Argentina has imposed sanctions against companies wishing to do business with the Islands, halted the sharing of scientific data for fisheries management, and first blocked and then cancelled the resumption of a commercial flight route between the Islands and São Paulo. It has redeployed Argentine jets and ships to the South of Argentina – a move that the Argentine Defence Minister has confirmed was to control the airspace and fisheries around the Falklands. It has even protested against a children’s ice hockey team competing in a regional competition. The UK has no doubt about its sovereignty over the Falkland Islands, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands and surrounding maritime areas. We also have no doubt about the principle and the right to self-determination as enshrined in the UN Charter and in article one of the two UN Covenants on human rights, by virtue of which Falkland Islanders can freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development. We want to work constructively with Argentina. But its rhetoric and activity in the South Atlantic is preventing us from reaching the full potential of our bilateral relationship. Argentina must accept that there cannot be any dialogue on sovereignty unless the Falkland Islanders wish it. The 2013 referendum - in which the Islanders voted to maintain their status as a self-governing British Overseas Territory – made very clear they have no wish for such a dialogue. On behalf of the people of the Falkland Islands, the UK asks the General Assembly to take note of their right to self-determination and that this statement is read into the record of this meeting. Thank you.   Sources: THX News, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office & David Rutley MP. Read the full article
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