#moving toward goals
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infoincharge · 5 months ago
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There is an animal called the African impala. If you know about it, you’d know that it can leap nearly 3 meters high while standing in one place and can jump forward up to 9 meters.
When this African impala is captured in a zoo, the wall surrounding it is only about 1 meter high, yet it never tries to jump over it. When research was conducted to find out why it doesn’t jump, it was discovered that unless the impala can see what lies ahead, it feels it cannot move forward. 
Read Also: Be a Bee, Not a Fly: Your Choices Shape Your Destiny
The same thing happens to us. When we can’t see the road ahead, we hesitate to take that first step because we want to see everything all the way to the end. But the truth is, there’s a much bigger path ahead of what we can currently see. 
You should take that first step. When we start climbing stairs, we don’t practically see the last step, but as you move forward step by step, you eventually reach the final step.
Vikram Sharma...
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soothifying-sounds-asmr · 4 months ago
I was accepted to a paid video editing internship and a lot of the work is very reminiscent of what I used to do here. It makes me so happy to know that my silly little Tumblr blog gave me good practice :3 I hope everyone is doing well <3 Tell me what you're going to be for Halloween!
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akkivee · 2 months ago
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bc i’m still obsessed with the ghosts lmao, i think since ghost ichiro might be a tad more proactive about pushing forward with what he wants than ichiro, he’s a liiiiiittle 🤏 more confident pursuing his kuukou lmao
and i think ghost kuukou will only open his heart to the following: his believers and the actual kuukou LOL
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happybird16 · 1 year ago
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Some people dwell in the past, some people are always thinking of the future.. but not Levi. Levi is always focused on the moment, what he can do to help -to make a change- here and now. He keeps moving forward through pain and trauma, living life with no regrets, but he also never forgets about those around him who are in need.
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simplyghosting · 5 months ago
I’ll be honest, for as many years at I’ve seen October art/writing challenges (and art challenges the rest of the weeks/months of the year), I’ve only attempted a few and never finished any.
That being said, I think what I’m going to do for my umpteenth attempt this new October is to just.. do. Just do something every day. Any challenge, any prompt, any event, even if it’s mixed and mismatched. Doesn’t matter if it’s finished, though I will try for it. A few well-typed sentences, a sketched drawing, an unfinished study, I’ll still label them a success. I want my goal for this month to be to make improvements in my art and passions and to make an effort. Not bogged down by perfectionism or despair or lack of motivation or whatever else may stop me. I want to make the challenge of this month for me to live my life thoughtfully and love and respect what I bring into it again.
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jayyydez · 4 months ago
600 words added to my Wicked Game planning doc and you should all be worried lol
It's gonna take me at least two years and probably more to get there, given my current posting speed, but BE WORRIED
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tj-crochets · 9 months ago
Hey y'all! Weird question time again, this time about push-ups! So I have a weird assortment of health issues, which makes most exercise in general somewhere between difficult, impossible, and inadvisable, but back before I got sick I was learning to do handstands and I loved it. Long story short, my new meds are helping, but it's been more than a decade and I want to work myself into being able to do handstands again without my arms collapsing and landing on my head, so I've been trying to strengthen my arms a little at a time So far, that's mostly been pushups*, but today I tried pushups with my feet elevated and that was significantly easier than normal pushups??? I'm pretty sure it's working different muscles, but it's also closer to a handstand, so have I been doing pushups wrong this whole time if my goal is handstands??? Also, are there other exercises you'd recommend if my goal is handstands? I want to really overprepare my arms in particular, because sometimes when my blood pressure is wonky my muscles are weaker than they should be, so I can't rely on them reacting correctly and I really don't want to fall on my head
*I also have a weird headstand trainer contraption thing that's basically like a shoulder rest so you can be upside down, like a headstand, without putting all your weight on your head? idk how to describe it but it helps practice the "being upside down" and "various torso muscles keeping you balanced while upside down" parts of handstands. I have no idea what it's called my mom was thrilled I wanted to do handstands and sent it to me
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nbmudkip · 11 months ago
im at 1918 srs for alpha sapphire mudkip. odds are 1/4096. last time i did this for treecko i went over double odds to 8236. when do y’all think i’ll get it, gimme guesses
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elvenfoe · 1 year ago
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i call this a Lovecraftian angel sigil. i start with a statement of intent, make a sigil out of it, and go to town on it lol. It's time consuming but i find it therapeutic. this one symbolises the statement "i am capable"
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music-for-them-asses · 6 months ago
Things I need to do to un-fuck my life:
Get a new job! Even if it's temporary on my way to a different career, I need out of this career field!!!
Start researching different places to live. Talk to my friends who have moved to different states. Bring up my concerns with those closest to me, instead of hiding them.
Cancel the personal trainer for good and start saving money again.
Make more efforts to do new things, even if it's just a new coffee shop or taking a day trip somewhere!
Make small talk with strangers more. Keep volunteering at the animal shelter. Find new communities I can volunteer at, or meet new people.
Keep traveling to see old friends and new places!!
This trip has really lit a fire under my ass. I can't keep living the way I was! No wonder I was so depressed all the time. It's a lot of changes, but I can break them up into smaller goals. I want to do this. I've wasted enough time at this job in a career I hate. I'm just so glad that this trip helped open my eyes to that.
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himblebo · 2 months ago
All I want in 2025 is to be able to move out
#partly for peace of mind#partly for self actualization#partly to not have to commute so far#but primarily so that I can have a space I can arrange however I want#to have an actual room to use as a sewing studio and not have it be the desk in my bedroom#it’s so hard to save up money on my current salary because 2/3 of it immediately goes to loan payments and bills#but I’m gonna do it somehow#all I want is a clean manufactured home in a trailer park within 30 minutes of the museum#manifesting#but also strategizing#sewing and experimental archaeology are what bring me the most joy#and that is what I want to build my future for#that is what I want to be doing#researching and making and doing things#and if I can get a place of my own that’ll be a big step towards that goal#especially because investing in a trailer home will make me feel more secure than renting#if most of my money is going to a monthly payment I’d rather it be for something I will actually own at some point#it’s just saving up for the down payment that’s card#but a trailer home will cost me about as much as my degree did and I’ve almost paid off those private loans#so I know that it is an achievable goal in the not too distant future#my private student loans are almost paid off then I’ll work on paying down my credit card balances#and my car payment is just background noise because when I’m driving 500 miles a week for work I’m glad I invested in a newer car#the car payment I’ve accepted will just be there for a couple more years#but the private student loans and credit cards I think I can take care of this year#and then I’ll be able to put more away each month#I think I’ve got 2 years max before I actually go insane if I can’t move out#though Lizzie Borden was 32 so that gives me 6 more years before reaching the point of homicide as a coping mechanism#a very normal and healthy thought to have
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akkivee · 16 days ago
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rei: it’s freedom that you’re looking for. you’ve been having doubts. “why were we created?” “what drove the person who created us?” until you find the truth, you feel as if you can never be free from the shackles that bind you. am i on the money?
ghost rei: …hm. aren’t you the same, though? i will uncover the truths of this world and rewrite its rules. i won’t be dancing along to someone else’s tune. and at the end of it all, it’ll be “i” who will have the last laugh. this is our aim
rei: …i see. so that’s what your endgame looks like. well, the way i see it, to be able to live freely and without restraint is a privilege of the youth
ghost rei: oh? are you saying we are different?
rei: something like that’s just not feasible for me. i’m a guy entangled in societal threads and caught up in all sorts of relationships. but y’know, that’s just how life is
i just wanted to highlight this conversation rei has with his ghost lol, since we just had a conversation on this blog about how bb (and bat lol) by being young, are able fight for change with everything they have and how adults are usually too weighed down by society to fight in the same way
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fungusqueen · 1 year ago
i'm starting a spanish class tomorrow, they assigned some pre-class homework and the first exercise was easy peasy, but the other two were kind of hard. there's this weird indescribable feeling when venturing into uncharted learning territory...like i'm confronted with how much I don't know (if I take an uncompassionate approach to this, it's like i'm struck by my own stupidity and i feel so lost) but then it becomes a challenge that can be solved with time and dedication....so I've been wondering all my life when/if I'll ever feel comfortable calling myself bilingual but i'm so sick of learning at a slow pace and not asking for even more help than i've had (I need more help to become fluent, my friends have been helping me but I need something rigorous), i just want to be bilingual already so i'm trying to make this happen haha
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cloudbends · 8 months ago
Skip and loafer rant incoming in tags
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volivolition · 10 months ago
Hehee! ok, for the questioning I have chosen 7, 12, 25 and 28. Also if you are feeling very spicy you can also do 37.
hehehe hello red!! <33 THE QUESTIONING BEGINS.... >:3!!!
7) what scares you the most and why? ✨ confrontation~!! ✨ [jazz hands] B') like, conversation is already hard enough, and then you have to add the fact that someone is mad at the other person?? ough!! awful!!! i don't want people to be mad at me! and i dont want to be mad at other people!! wuahg... D: also centipedes, millipedes, and caterpillars. bros why you got so many legs for. you dont need that many. aeugh... :|!!!
12) what’s some good advice you want to share? technically already answered, but here's more advice hkjgh - install sponsorblock as a firefox extension if you don't want to see Raid Shadow Legends or Audible sponsorships anymore :P - having a mermaid blorbo/oc will make you better at art (mostly because it helps you practice a lot of line-of-action and flowing poses and also drawing water) - when writing, skip to the parts you're excited to write and fill in everything else later. when editing, save parts you dont want in a different scrap document so it doesn't feel scary to delete it all hkjgh - create whateber you want forever, be unapologetically self-indulgent, make things that you want to make! cringe culture is dead; dance upon its grave <3
25) fave season and why? i love autumn :] when it gets cooler again, but not too cold yet. the state of transition... crisp air and pretty colors... ough what good vibes. i love you autumn <3
28) do you collect anything? i dont think i collect anything in particular! i wanted to start a pin or acrylic charm collection at some point though <3
37) share a secret oooh hm, whats a good secret... oh, this one's funny: the first fanfic i ever wrote was an extremely comphet one direction fic when i was 12. it was extremely poorly written because i only had cliche wattpad fics for guidance. and the worst part is i didnt even LIKE one direction, i just thought one direction was the only fandom you were allowed to write fanfics about, WHICH IS A WILD THING TO THINK, PAST ME??? LMAO!!!
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faggling · 4 months ago
I love taking care of people omggg 😍😍😍
#i love when i can go into nurse mode and get people what they need and run through the checklist of what helps#especially if i know the person because then i already have a handle on preferences or what they typically need#i have like. half a degree for a few things and i have a specific interest in physiology and psychology#i also used to really enjoy crisis management and peer support stuff but theres a lot of elements of that i cant do anymore#because the toll that shit takes is more than i can pay#specifically crisis related events#theres a lot I have to work through yet before i can manage those situations#anyway. my dream situation would be to work with someone to help them figure out what they need#like. assess the situation. find resources if needed. check on their ability to address basic daily tasks. make crisis plans.#start some basic dbt conversations and try to figure out what help they need and how to get it#i know some people dont want to go to a traditional psychiatrist or psychologist for whole host of extremely valid reasons#so being able to help them with self help or finding other alternatives. or just like. being a person they can regularly talk and vent to#because sometimes people don't have anyone. and just one person in their life can make a major impact#and like. its not exactly like therapy in that way. like i have the knowledge base to incorporate aspects of it in if wanted/needed#i think some people just need to be heard and that can help them move forward#and my goal isnt to like. transform you or whatever. there are people out there who need help but its hard to start#or it's difficult for them to access what they know they need#and i just want to meet people where theyre at and help them take enough small steps to being able to live how they want#like. harm reduction type shit. if you just need clean needles thats a step forward. and maybe its the only step they feel they need#to be happy. and now they can have a little bit of a safety.#like. a little more agency over how they want to live their life while improving quality of life#a step is a step man#anything that moves you toward the life you want counts#you deserve a win#the edible hit part way through so sorry if theres incomplete and tangential thoughts#also how can i do this shit for profesh??#i know similar jobs exist but theres a huge foundation of shit i just dont agree with built into them
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