#movement disorder treatment online
batboyblog · 8 months
Things Biden and the Democrats did, this week #3
Jan 26-Feb 2 2024
The House overwhelmingly passed a tax deal that will revive the expanded Child Tax Credit, this will effect 16 million American children and lift 400,000 out of poverty in the first year. The deal also supports the building of 200,000 housing units over the next two years, and provides tax relief for communities hit by disasters.
The Biden Administration has begun negotiations on drug prices for Medicare. Earlier this year the administration announced it would negotiate for the first time directly with drug manufacturers on the prices of 10 common medications. This week they sent their opening offers to the companies. The program is expected to save Medicare and enrollees billions over dollars over the long term and help push down drug prices for everyone.
The Department of Transportation has green lit $240 Million to modernize air ports across the country. Air Ports in 37 states will be able to get much needed updates and refurbishment.
The Biden Administration announced 10 sites across America as sites for innovation investment. They will receive up to 2 billion dollars each over the next 10 years. The goal is to stimulate economic growth and innovation in semiconductor manufacturing, clean energy, sustainable textiles, climate-resilient agriculture, regenerative medicine, and more.
The State Department reviews options for recognizing Palestinian Statehood. While as of yet there's been no policy change this review of options is a major shift in US diplomatic thinking which has long opposed Palestinian Statehood and shows a seriousness of reported Biden plans to push for Statehood as part of a post-war Israel-Saudi normalization deal.
President Biden imposes sanctions on Israeli settlers who have engaged in violence against Palestinians and peace activists. This marks the first time the US has leveled sanctions against Israelis and sets up a standard that could see the whole settlement movement cut off from the US financial system
the Department of Energy has tentatively agreed to a $1.5 Billion dollar loan to help reopen a Michigan nuclear power plant. This would mark the first time a closed nuclear plant has been brought back online. Closed in 2022 it's hoped that it could reopen in time to be generating power in late 2025. This is part of Biden's plan to decarbonize the electricity grid by 2035.
the Internal Revenue Service launched a program to allow tax fillers file for free directly with the government. In 2024 its a pilot program limited to 12 states, but plans for it to be nation wide by tax day 2025
The Department of Health and Human Services announced $28 million in grants to help with the treatment of substance use disorder, including a program aimed at pregnant and postpartum women, and expanded drug court aimed at directing people into treatment and out of the criminal justice system.
The Department of Energy announced $72 million for 46 hydroelectric projects across 19 states. This marks the single largest investment in Hydropower in US history.
The Senate confirmed President Biden's 175th federal judge. Biden has now appointed more federal judges in his first term in office than President Obama did in his, however still lags behind Trump's 186 judges. For the first time in history a majority of a President's nominees are not white men, 65% of them are women and 65% are people of color, President Biden has appointed more black women to judgeships than any administration in history.
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coyotecoining · 4 days
Hatsune Miku Personality Disorder (HMIPD)
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Hatsune Miku Personality Disorder (HMIPD) is a medically unrecognized disorder characterized by an individual's extreme identification with the popular virtual singer, Hatsune Miku, in response to RAMCOA trauma. This disorder is marked by a pervasive pattern of behavior, cognition, and emotional experience that mirrors the characteristics of Hatsune Miku.
Diagnostic Features:
A. The individual exhibits a persistent and pervasive preoccupation with Hatsune Miku, manifesting in at least five of the following symptoms:
Vocal Style: The individual adopts a singing style identical to Hatsune Miku's, including tone, pitch, and cadence, even in everyday conversations.
Fashion Sense: The individual dresses in outfits inspired by Hatsune Miku's iconic turquoise twintails and Gothic-inspired attire, often incorporating similar accessories and hairstyles.
Vocal Range: The individual believes they possess a vocal range identical to Hatsune Miku's, often attempting to sing complex melodies and harmonies with ease.
Personality Traits: The individual displays an exaggerated sense of optimism, cheerfulness, and playfulness, mirroring Hatsune Miku's persona.
Lyrical Knowledge: The individual has an encyclopedic knowledge of Hatsune Miku's song lyrics, often reciting them verbatim and incorporating them into daily conversations.
Digital Obsession: The individual spends an inordinate amount of time engaging with digital media, including video games, anime, and virtual reality platforms, often to the detriment of social relationships and daily responsibilities.
Creative Expression: The individual expresses themselves through music, art, or writing, often creating content inspired by Hatsune Miku's style and themes.
B. The individual's behavior, cognition, and emotional experience are significantly influenced by their identification with Hatsune Miku, leading to significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other areas of functioning.
Associated Features:
Individuals with HMIPD may exhibit a strong desire for attention and admiration, often seeking to be the center of attention.
They may experience feelings of anxiety or inadequacy when unable to meet their own expectations or when others fail to recognize their "talent."
HMIPD individuals may engage in excessive online activities, such as streaming, gaming, or social media usage, to compensate for feelings of isolation or loneliness.
They may demonstrate a lack of emotional regulation, rapidly shifting between euphoria and despair in response to perceived criticisms or setbacks.
CBT Therapy
subliminal messaging
image reassociation therapy
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy
DBT therapy
Humanistic therapy
online therapy
MUD evaluation therapy (you can find one if you know where to look)
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
art therapy
music therapy
12 step programs
dance therapy
trauma centers
cognitive processing therapy
RAMCOA survivor networks
Gestalt Therapy
past life regression therapy
Exposure therapy
relationship therapy
uhh hi
idk what to put here
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rippedangelwings · 4 months
Why are so many proship accounts accepting paraphiles and radqueers with open arms? I thought we were against that nasty shit. You know, separating fiction from reality, so why the hell are y'all accepting people who don't know how to differentiate the both of them? Y'all are fucking up this movement BIG TIME. I won't sugarcoat what I'm going to say, Y'all are being mentally SLOW AS FUCK, this is why we have such a bad fucking rep because of these fuckers and y'all being stupid. Fucking nasty
Edit: I'm talking about the ones that seek validation from minors online in the proship community instead of getting professional help/treatment. Because I have been seeing that there's a large group lumping in that do this thing and they get popular and nobody talks about it or calls them out for it. I'm saying this because it's mostly accounts from adults who willingly do this. Some even spread false information about mental health such as mental/personality/neurodivergent disorders. Which is also harmful.
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Websites we do NOT recommend for systems or those questioning
The Plural Association/Power to the Plurals
Reasoning: TPA (and by extension Power to the Plurals) claims to be a nonprofit, but does not reveal financial information, audits, or annual reports that are common among respected, genuine nonprofits. Most of TPA’s resources are behind paywalls, with options to donate on every page of the website. We’ve written before on why we think TPA/Power to the Plurals is a grift (in the link are sources to back our claims). The creator of TPA/Power to the Plurals has also manipulated statistics to make alternate claims, and does not understand the differences between fusion and integration in disordered systems.
Astraea’s Web
Reasoning: Astraea’s Web is very vocal about being anti-psych, anti-therapy, and anti-recovery. They continually refer to DID as MPD and drive a wedge through the plural community by attempting to separate and distinguish “natural multiples” from “disordered systems.” They have referred to systems seeking treatment or struggling with dissociative disorders as “basket cases” and attempt to claim natural multiples are better than and unaffiliated with systems with complex dissociative disorders. It is their plainly stated goal to demedicalize complex dissociative disorders and have them removed from the DSM! They sensationalize dissociative disorders and rely on stereotypes to get their messages across - on their site, they mention the infamous Sybil case almost twice as much as they mention dissociation or dissociative disorders.
You can read their FAQ to see all of this for yourself (brace yourself - this website is rife with ableism!)
Reasoning: Like Astraea’s Web, Kinhost is also anti-psych, anti-therapy, and anti-recovery. They would rather plurals pay for their life-coaching program than seek actual treatment for debilitating symptoms. They scorn therapy and treatment in their Multiple Manifesto, and claim that receiving treatment is akin to “being experimented on” which could not be further from the truth. The system who runs this site has referred to systems seeking treatment and the state of therapy today as a “therapocalypse” and is very open about being anti-recovery for systems who desperately need it.
Websites like these divide the plural community, cause misunderstandings, spread horrible stereotypes and disinformation, encourage infighting, and reject recovery. They perpetuate an “us vs. them” mentality that pits “empowered” (ie natural or nontraumagenic) multiples against systems with or without DID or OSDD who require treatment in order to live happy lives.
We’ve recommended some of these sites in the past before we knew more about the empowered multiple’s movement and exactly what it entails, or how each of these sites have caused tangible harm in the past. However, we will never recommend or advocate for these sites in the future.
Please take care of yourselves and use critical thinking when searching for plurality resources online. Watch out for ableism disguised as resources for nontraumagenic plurals, and remember that all systems are valid and unique in their own ways. No one deserves to be vilified or outcast for seeking healing, recovery, and stability, or for listening to experts and doing research.
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frostyreturns · 2 years
It always annoys me when Christians who are confronted with transgender ideology respond with "God doesn't make mistakes" as their way of dismissing the idea of being born in the wrong body.
For one thing while I agree that God doesn't make mistakes, he does allow disorders and maladies to exist. By saying God doesn't make mistakes to dismiss a disorder you're denying the existence of disorders. Do you also say God doesn't make mistakes when people have downs syndrome?
You can't deny that downs syndrome is a disorder, it is something those people have to struggle with. Does that make them mistakes...no I don't think it does. If you've ever known someone with down syndrome or know people who do they'll all tell you the same thing, despite their disabilities they not only able to still live happy and fulfilling lives but they often make life better for the people around them. Because of their disorder they're some of the happiest people there are and that joy can be contagious.
If God allows people to have downs syndrome and other disablities and illnesses why would he not also allow people to suffer from mental disorders about their sexual idenity. I don't think the answer is the answer being peddled by the progressives, I don't think the solution is to embrace it accept it, pretend to be the opposite sex and have surgeries and all that...but if we're not acknowledging that it is a disorder then we're not going to get anywhere with the conversation.
Part of the reason the trans cult is able to recruit so well from these people is because when presented with two options, one is denying the problem and the other is offering a solution they pick the solution. It's the same with neo nazis online, they recruit because people see denial of any issues for white people on one hand and on the other they see people who want to do something about the problem and many times it's the neo nazis who are the only ones acknowledging the problem.
I believe dysphoria/body dysmorphia is real and I believe the root of a real mental illness that. Of course it's also become a social contagion and many embrace the ideology who don't have this mental illness but that's another problem altogether. It's the same kind of illness that goes into things like anorexia. But for some reason this kind of dysmorphia we treat in the opposite way, imagine telling an anorexic that they are fat and prescribing diet and exercise as treatment. That's exactly how irresponsible and backward that trans ideology is in treating the root cause of the disorder.
As Christians I think being outrage at the movement is justified especially as it gets more aggressive and has targeted so many vulnerable people including young children. However it's important to also approach the issue with some compassion as well. These people are sick and they're being taken advantage of by a satanic world that's using their illness as a depopulation tool and by the medical industry who's cashing in on it big time.
I think we need to be better about being accepting of people that are different without accepting their worldview or their choices that don't agree with us or the truth of God's word. Remember you don't go to the hospital when you are healthy, church is essentially a spiritual hospital and if only the healthy are being welcomed then the church isn't doing it's job. We need to be better at providing alternatives, the trans cult provides them with belonging and acceptance...so long as they adhere to the ideology and that belonging is what drives people who struggle with those issues to the lgbt cult.
And also remember the rules of the faith apply to those inside the faith, you should call out brothers and sister in Christ when they are doing something wrong...but the same does not apply to non believers. You have no right to demand or expect Christian behaviour from non Christians. You do not have to make yourself blamesless in order to be a Christian in fact that is impossible. You come as you are and then from there God can deal with the issues in your life and the changes you need to make.
Especially when the issue is something so close to the core of someones identity, I don't think you can really say anything to make them want to change, that's something I think only God can do because I don't think people are capable of drastic change except through God. All the things wrong with the ideology aside, there's nothing in the Bible saying you can't change your name or that you have to wear your hair a certain way or dress in certain clothes or have all your original body parts in order to be saved.
I think if we were a little less standoffish with people who are really committed to playing pretend they might seek answers less frequently from the lgbt cult and in witchcraft and satanism. Of course I don't mean we need to accept the ideology in the slightest, never go full united church. I just think we need to be better about picking out the important ideological distinctions and not be caught up in unimportant details, and make sure that we can welcome everyone without welcoming any new ideas.
Just a few thoughts
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politics-project · 1 year
Hi guys!!
So, I’ve chosen the prompt ‘Explore how online activist movements are contributing to political change in today’s world.’ And certainly the post influential two I can think of is the Black Lives Matter and the #Metoo movements, at least in my lifetime. But let’s start with some context as to why this movement occurred and was needed.
the practice or system of owning people
a condition of having to do very hard work without proper remuneration (payment) or appreciation
Many free and enslaved Africans were taken to aid with the establishment and survival of the colonies in America and the rest of the New world. Some historians estimate 6 - 7 million people were enslaved there during the 18th century alone. They were used for their cheap labor in mainly the agricultural industries. An industry that is not as integral to the North so they were more likely to be anti slavery although this did not mean they all viewed black people as their equals.
The treatment of enslaved in the south was inhumane, especially in regards to the sexual violence perpetrated by white masters onto black women. This links into the #metoo movement and why systemic issues of sexual and gender based violence has always been a major issue especially when it comes to the most vulnerable and marginalised women. The oppression of southern in slaved people in the south caused the abolition movement to grow further in the North. Free black people and other Northern abolitionists began to help enslaved people escape from southern plantations to the north by a loose network of save houses that lead to the Underground Railroad.
Abolition and Abolitionist:
The act of abolishing a system, practice of institution
A person who favours the abolition of a practice, or institution, especially capital punishment and slavery
This angered white slave owners who were loosing more of those who they had deprived of their freedom but they had a system of returning fugitive escaped slaves by this point…
[The 13th Amendment was passed on the 31st of January 1865, then was ratified in 1866. It outlawed slavery across the nation but it had a loophole:
“Except as punishment for a crime whereof the party shall be duly convicted”
This lead to the prison labour system that heavily effects black people who are more likely to be put in prison for minor crimes compared to their white counterparts.]
Slave catchers turned police officers:
Although America had watchmen to protect the King’s peace and militas to defend them/fight their battles. It was not till the creation of slave patrols that we begin to see something similar to the the police we’re familiar with. Slave catchers as the name suggests were people who were sent out to capture fugitive enslaved people. It was not a new concept, slave patrols occurred in Cuba in 1530’s and later occurred in Barbados.
Slave owners from Barbados’s authorised the first slave patrol in America in Southern California. Virgina and North Carolina followed later on. Slave patrol’s combined the role of the militia and watchmen. But none of these were called the ‘police’, that was a French concept at the time only appearing in places like New Orleans. It was noted in 1789 that it had entered the English language with a similar meaning to its modern one: to keep peace, justice and punish disorder. The creation of the police in Britain was inspired by slave codes and patrols, which the US then copied.
American urban policing started in Boston, Massachusetts in 1838 because of the mob attacks on abolitionists in an attempt to create order. Other city’s created their own police forces from the mid 1840’s to the end of the 1850’s. The increased policing was caused by the rise in crime during the Industrial Revolution due to increased population and poor quality of life. Unlike their British counterparts they fell under local jurisdiction with limited supervision which lead to corruption. They were also armed with guns unlike the other. Outside of these big cities law enforcement was severely lacking and was left to the federal courts and the army which shows the beginning hints of how it became so militarised.
Link to Theorist:
This links into Karl Marx because their labor was exploited and enforced by the ruling class.
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thepsychologytemple · 2 years
The end doesn't justify the means
The transgender collective is one of the most full of people with mental health problems. People who practically live online and who, the second they read a negative comment, or get rejected, or become incels, hate themselves, can't get over it, can't breathe, can't live. And they need so much help. They're angry they don't feel right in their bodies. They're sad they can't find true love like they see others find. And they hurt so badly when they don't like their reflection in the mirror. They're isolated by family and friends who don't understand, and end up living online, believing everything they read. They think pills, surgeries, and convincing the world to act like they don't have problems will be the solution, but they're wrong. They don't even want to listen to therapists and doctors who're just trying to help, so they campaign so that they're not lawfully forced to see a doctor before transitioning.
You becoming full of hate, cancelling people and threatening them is not going to help them. Hate has never saved a life. They need love. They need a lot of medical help, therapy, counselling... Many transmen are simply women sick of sexism who believe life would've been better as men. Many transwomen are just men who don't feel they fit in with other men, that perhaps it's be better to be a woman. Only a small percentage of the collective are actually simply trans individuals who are mentally healthy and in full mental capacity to decide to transition. But those who aren't so lucky are in desperate need for mental health professionals who help them heal their minds before they can decide to transition. Life-changing decisions can only be made with a health heart and mind, it's the only way to ensure you won't regret something you won't be able to help.
A lot of these damaged individuals cannot withstand the idea that there's something wrong with them, because there's so much prejudice about mental health problems. You say you've got depression or something and it's like you're less than everyone else all of a sudden. People don't accept that it's simply illness, conditions, disorders, that have treatments, that can be improved, but you need to accept them first and to understand having a problem doesn't mean you're less good than anyone else. Would you be ashamed of saying you've got cancer? no. So don't be ashamed to say you're mentally ill. It's OK. There's help. But you have to accept it.
Instead, they're advocating to remove requirements of health evaluations before transitioning. And then they're trying to convince you that you're a bad person for the fandoms, books, people you like and support. That you are killing them. But it's not you. What's killing them is poor mental health. What's killing them is people who actually tell them to kill themselves, people who won't hire them for who they are, or who'll actually murder them in the streets. Not your love for Harry Potter. And if it does, it says more about the depth of their health issues, than it says anything bad about you.
Do not support a movement based on hatred. Do not support a movement that all the time tells people to kill themselves. That actively threatens you with death, rape, abuse and assault. That makes you feel you want to die. That makes you feel guilty just for loving say, Harry Potter, when you've done nothing wrong. Love can NEVER be wrong. They say the end justifies the means. That the people you're torturing don't deserve to live in the first place. That they're horrible TERFs. But they're wrong. Ask yourself, how often have you heard of any supposed Terf who's taken a knife against a trans people? And how often have you heard a supposd Terf simply beg for trans people to have access to mental health help? Since when is wanting people to be helped by professionals a bad thing? Since when is having love and passion for a fandom a bad thing? And since when are collectives who campaign with hatred, who threaten left and right, the good side of history?
Who are you to judge? Who are you to decide who lives and who dies? Who are you to decide some people deserve life and love, but others, it's your duty to threaten them and kill them?
You know, Hitler turned Europe upside down because he kept telling people that Jews were a cancer of society. That they deserved to die. They started by simply saying they should scrub the streets with toothbrushes, and people didn't think that was so bad. They laughed. They taunted the Jews because it seemed innocent fun. And look where it ended.
If you weren't so far-removed from the world in the US, if you were more aware of Nazism, you wouldn't let anyone brainwash you and put hatred, guilt and the responsibility for others' lives into your hearts. The only people responsible for life and death are politicians, doctors, cops and firefighters and other health and safety workers. Not you. Not kids online. The end doesn't justify the means. Don't let them put darkness into your hearts. Don't become instruments of hatred and violence and threats. Don't let what happened with Nazism happen to you.
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mariacallous · 2 years
While mobile health options have been celebrated by doctors and advocates as a way to expand treatment for substance use disorders, there has been persistent concern over how private the websites offering treatment and support really are—especially now that the US Supreme Court’s toppling of Roe v. Wade has reignited the national conversation about how far medical privacy protections extend online.
The Opioid Policy Institute (OPI) and Legal Action Center (LAC) today released the findings from a 16-month analysis of a dozen major substance-use-focused mHealth websites, revealing details of how much data is shared with third parties. While the sharing of any kind of patient information is often strictly regulated or outright forbidden, it’s even more verboten in addiction treatment, as patients’ medical history can be inherently criminal and stigmatized.
Generally, patients seeking treatment for substance use disorders, or SUDs, are protected not only by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) but by a law called 42 CFR Part 2 (commonly known as “Part 2”), which guarantees the confidentiality of treatment records and protects individuals from having their treatment history used against them. Browsing histories, however, exist in a gray area, and though it’s not exactly medical information, experts find these sites’ monitoring of it concerning.
The OPI and LAC analysis used Blacklight, a privacy tool created by news nonprofit The Markup to analyze the websites for Bicycle Health, Boulder Care, Bright Heart Health, Confidant Health, DynamiCare Health, Kaden, Loosid, Ophelia, PursueCare, reSET-O, SoberGrid, and WorkItHealth on four timepoints from March 2021 to July 2022. All 12 websites included technologies that collect, identify, and share information about users with third parties and had ad trackers that are used for advertising purposes. The average number of these trackers “generally” increased over the 16 months, researchers found.
Furthermore, 11 of the sites used third-party session cookies that identify visitors and track them across other websites to serve ads, and four of the 12 used session recording, which monitors the behavior of visitors to the sites, from their mouse movements and clicks to their scrolling and typing, even if the text input is never submitted. Half of the websites used Meta Pixel to send user data to Facebook, 10 used Google Analytics (which can track user metrics), and all 12 sent some data to ad tech companies that buy and sell user data for advertising.
Many of the providers highlight their commitment to “privacy” on their websites. However, as Regina LaBelle, director of the Addiction and Public Policy Initiative at Georgetown Law’s O’Neill Institute, explains, “In the addiction policy field, when we define our position about privacy, I think it is much more comprehensive than what is laid out in some of the companies’ definitions of privacy.”
Ad tracking is commonplace across the internet, but these are sites for individuals with highly stigmatized medical conditions. Experts are concerned about what could happen as a result of the tracking, but not necessarily that it’s already been used nefariously. Part 2 exists because the sensitive information people share during treatment for substance use disorders could easily impact their employment status, ability to get a home, custody of their children, and even their freedom. Health care providers and lawmakers recognized long ago that the potential threat of losing so much would deter people from getting life-saving help and set up strict laws to protect those who do seek treatment. Now, experts worry that data collected on telehealth sites could bring about the harm Part 2 was designed to prevent and more, even inadvertently.
Pointing to the recent case of a Nebraska teen who was charged for self-administering a miscarriage after police reviewed her Facebook messages, Dr. Westley Clark, who formerly lead health IT initiatives at the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, drew a parallel: “It won’t take long for the narcotics section of criminal justice to realize that the abortion section of criminal justice has tools that they can also use,” Clark says. “With these technologies, all I have to do is get an administrative subpoena … if I suspect you of being an addict. I can go to Facebook. I can go to Google.” He also expresses concern that for the right price, entities holding such data wouldn’t even require a warrant to hand it over.
Clark cautions that he isn’t aware of law enforcement looking at data from addiction-focused mHealth sites but believes it could happen in the post-Roe world. He, like other experts contacted for this story, is a strong proponent of telehealth as a tool to tackle the ever-expanding overdose crisis and wants to see telemedicine companies do a better job of protecting patient privacy. LaBelle says she thinks these mHealth companies are helmed by “well-meaning people who want to do good but may not understand the totality of the issues that are involved in getting people the services they need, and how critically important a broad definition of privacy is to protect these people.” The Legal Action Center’s Dr. Jackie Seitz, one of the authors of the research, says she also appreciates the value of these online services and questions whether providers themselves realize “all the different, leaky ways that the information they’re collecting about patients is sort of floating out.”
One person who does know about those leaky ways is Sean O’Brien, a lecturer on cybersecurity at Yale Law School who founded the Privacy Lab at Yale’s Information Society Project. He worked with the OPI and LAC on previous research that focused on mobile apps in the addiction telehealth space and lamented that it’s “shocking” to see mHealth providers still using so many third-party trackers despite the fact they’ve been “under the microscope” for some time now. “They’re just sharing it with everybody they can,” he says, adding that what he finds particularly problematic is the caching of the data on servers, where someone could “scoop up” the information.
Leaders at some of the analyzed companies were quick to respond and share their thoughts on privacy, noting they always aim to improve the services offered to such a vulnerable population.
Boulder Care CEO Stephanie Strong says her company is subject to HIPAA and Part Two and “takes patient privacy extremely seriously.” She adds that her company uses digital advertising and web measurement tools “sparingly” (indeed, Boulder Care used fewer of the tools than others in the report) and limits the use of ad tracking software to website visitors and inquiries only, without reporting back to Google or Meta on any actions that could be “indicative of actual treatment.” Patient care is delivered by Boulder’s app, which does not use any tracking software.
Lisa McLaughlin, co-CEO of WorkIt Health, says her company “is committed to creating a safe place for our members to receive discreet and accessible virtual care.” A representative for Confidant Health echoes that the company recognizes the importance of privacy in SUD care and will “continue to adhere to HIPAA and similar legislation as well as upholding our own internal protocols which we developed to protect our members.”
Representatives from other companies included in the study did not deny the use of the third parties that researchers identified, but they maintained that this poses no threat to patient privacy and is in keeping with standards across the internet and in the medical space.
Nick Mercadante, founder and CEO of PursueCare, says his company does not collect, store, or forward protected health information from visiting users, and that patients don’t receive their care directly on the PursueCare site. He also said PursueCare does not share protected health information (PHI) with third parties, though it does “utilize Facebook Pixel and Google Analytics for internal reporting purposes.”
“It is a reality that users of most websites on the internet today are subject to collection of user data,” Mercadante says. “Health-care-related websites, including those of health systems, hospitals, inpatient care facilities, and other brick-and-mortar care facilities, are no different.”
Pear Therapeutics, responsible for reSET-O, notes it doesn’t share PHI without patient consent, does not use any digital footprints to identify user identities, and reports data “on an aggregated and de-identified basis.”  Experts remain concerned by the collection of the data in the first place, de-identified or not, but acknowledge that what’s happening here isn’t illegal and is likely to continue for that reason. Danielle Tarino, who formerly led the health IT team at SAMHSA and now works in cybersecurity, has spent a considerable chunk of her career investigating the privacy implications of mHealth, especially for people with substance use disorders. She believes the best shot at protecting privacy will come from the creation and implementation of additional tools.
“This is how small tech businesses work, and absent anyone telling you that you’re not allowed to do that, you’re allowed to do that,” she says, questioning whether the sites’ use of ad trackers and outside software boils down to finances. Clark, too, expresses concerns that the use of data collection is financially motivated and, for the right price, could be sold or leased to law enforcement or other parties. “When there’s monetary incentives, people make the changes. When there are no monetary incentives, they don’t,” he says. In short, data privacy experts don’t anticipate that mHealth companies will stop collecting data unless forced.
The opinions of cybersecurity professionals and telehealth company CEOs are relevant, but perhaps most important are the opinions of individuals with substance abuse disorders, the people who stand to lose the most if experts’ fears are realized and for whom Part 2 was designed. After being shown the data from the analysis, one patient who utilizes brick-and-mortar health care providers said via direct message, “Thank you for reaffirming why I don’t use telehealth.” He added that he wasn’t sure the findings would stop anyone from using telehealth if that were the only way they could get treatment. Those patients would simply have to trust their providers act in their best interest.
Another patient who uses one of the companies analyzed by the OPI and LAC was alarmed by the findings.“They should [be required to] have a service that prevents them from being able to track anything like that,” he says.
“How much is my information worth?” he asks, questioning whether data from his and other patients’ website use was more valuable than the few hundred dollars they generate each month as patients. “It’s so scary. This is the first time in my life I’m not on probation in 10 years. Now, I’m not. Thinking that someone could really just look at that … Who knows what’s going to happen?”
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alighted-willow · 2 years
It's interesting how cultural norms, even subcultural norms, can effect how even the most benign and simultaneously fundamental aspects of the self.
Case and point: a classmate of mine back in an art course two years ago conversed with me briefly while naturalistically observing me (as in, you know, existing in the same area as myself for a short time) and asked me before the end of class if I was Italian (I am).
Everyone else asks me when I'll go to counseling or start taking meds to ‘fix’ my fidgeting.
Now, to make an obvious point, those things can be very helpful! I'm actually starting Adderal tomorrow morning to help with my unspecified sleep disorder, memory issues, and proprioception! But it's such an insult to be told or have it implied to you, constantly, that the way I express myself is a problem because it is “counter to societal norms”.
If they were intrusive or disruptive I would get it, but we're talking about drawing while watching movies with the family or cooking while entertaining guests (the food being for the guests)— I'm talking about swaying when standing, talking with one's hands, or pacing a room when laughing. I love these things! People are always saying that we need to move more and that living a too sedimentary life style is damaging, but then they see someone who does that and suddenly the problem is ‘moving too much’???
Unnervingly often of late, folks have been pointing it out to me. Oh no, I sat forward in my chair again. Oh no, I stopped sitting cross legged because it started hurting my hips. Oh no, I made a "clack" noise instead of saying “eyup”. Whatever will your fragile, insecure self doooooo?
I'm talking about this mostly because I've brought up that I'm seeking treatment for my memory issues (ADHD), proprioception (ASD) and sleep troubles (hiiigh, Long-Covid) to a few friends, family, and medical professionals— and the responses have been staggeringly consistent. My online friends have been absolutely lovely in their support and actively helpful, giving me advice where I needed it and helping me maintain my spirits as time dragged on. In person folks… did not.
The first friend I talked to, while meaning well, could only respond with how much less I'll squirm once I get the proper medication. I love her, but I really wish she phrased things differently. My bio-Mom (long story) has been pretty firm in being against me getting treatment (but I'm an adult so she can go pound sand) and has routinely pointed out little quirks or oddities in my movements (such as the sitting forward thing). The nurse practitioner I saw tried to convince me that my issues were all stemming from anxiety and that all I needed was counseling to help me conceal my hyperactivity and so that I could “learn to live” with all of the issues I had gone to her for. My doctor, thank the stars, vetoed her when I wasn’t around and so I received a call a few hours later telling me to go to the pharmacy in a day or two.
Is there a point? Did I have a reason for writing this all out other than to vent out my frustrations? Not really. I've been waiting for my lentils to boil and then cool so this was just me waiting out the clock. The closest thing to a moral is this: if someone reading this has a problem with one of their friends jittering their leg, ask yourself why.
Why are you so offended by someone standing when your sitting? Why do you find it annoying when someone's drawing instead of watching? Why are you so incensed and offended when someone does something as innocuous and benign as walk from one end of the room to the other and back? Ask yourself that and go fix your problem so that you stop nitpicking and brow beating the people around you.
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onlinecbttherapy1 · 3 days
Enhancing Corporate Mental Health with AXA Therapists: How EMDR, CBT, and Reflective Sessions Drive Success
In today's fast-paced corporate world, mental health has become a crucial factor in driving individual and organizational success. High-performing executives often face immense pressure, leading to stress, anxiety, and burnout. For C-level professionals and corporate teams, investing in mental health services, such as online CBT therapy and AXA-approved therapists, can help enhance well-being and performance. This blog explores how therapies like EMDR, ERP, and reflective sessions can boost mental health in the corporate environment.
The Role of Online CBT Therapy in Corporate Mental Health
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a proven approach for managing a range of mental health issues, from anxiety to depression. In the corporate context, online CBT therapy offers executives and employees a convenient, confidential way to address personal challenges, improve coping strategies, and optimize mental health.
For C-level professionals, working with a C-level therapist through Online-CBT can help tackle stress, improve decision-making, and enhance emotional resilience. The flexibility of online sessions means that busy executives can receive support without disrupting their schedules. In addition, AXA-approved CBT therapists provide a structured approach to addressing work-related stressors, helping clients build mental resilience and thrive in high-pressure environments.
EMDR for Performance: Breaking Barriers to Success
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is often associated with trauma therapy, but it can also be highly effective for performance enhancement. EMDR for performance is particularly beneficial for individuals dealing with past experiences or mental blocks that hinder their success.
An AXA EMDR therapist can guide executives and professionals through the EMDR process, helping them reprocess negative experiences that may be impacting their work. By resolving these internal barriers, individuals can unlock their full potential, perform at their best, and tackle new challenges with confidence.
Tackling Insomnia and Sleep Disorders with Online Therapy
Sleep is essential for maintaining mental and physical health, but many corporate professionals suffer from sleep disorders such as insomnia. Insomnia therapy online and sleep therapy online provide targeted treatment to address these issues, ensuring that executives get the rest they need to perform effectively.
CBT-I (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia) is a structured, evidence-based approach that addresses the root causes of insomnia. By combining online CBT with personalized sleep therapy, professionals can improve their sleep patterns, leading to better focus, decision-making, and overall performance.
ERP Therapy for OCD in the Workplace
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) can be debilitating, particularly in the high-stakes corporate world. ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention) therapy is the gold standard for treating OCD, helping individuals confront their fears and resist compulsive behaviors.
An ERP therapist can provide online therapy tailored to the unique needs of executives and professionals struggling with OCD. This approach is highly effective in reducing anxiety, improving focus, and allowing individuals to excel in their roles without being held back by obsessive-compulsive tendencies. For those seeking expert guidance, Online-CBT makes it easy to find a CBT supervisor to oversee ERP and OCD therapy.
Sports Performance Anxiety Therapy for Corporate Leaders
Corporate executives often face the same pressures as elite athletes—constant scrutiny, high expectations, and the need to perform at peak levels. A sports performance anxiety therapist can help professionals manage the mental and emotional challenges of their roles, using techniques typically reserved for athletes. This can be particularly beneficial for executives who need to maintain focus and confidence under pressure, helping them perform better in high-stakes situations.
The Importance of Corporate Mental Health Services
Corporate mental health services are essential for creating a healthy, productive workplace. Mental health issues, if left unaddressed, can lead to burnout, absenteeism, and decreased productivity. By investing in services such as professional reflective sessions, businesses can support their employees’ mental health and well-being.
Professional reflective sessions provide executives and teams with the opportunity to process challenging experiences, reflect on their professional development, and gain insight into their emotional and mental states. These sessions, combined with other mental health services, can help leaders become more self-aware, improve communication, and enhance their decision-making abilities.
Crisis Response and Traumatic Event Services
In times of crisis, businesses need to respond swiftly to protect the well-being of their employees. Crisis response and traumatic event services are vital for helping organizations navigate difficult situations, whether it’s a critical incident in the workplace or an external event that impacts the team.
AXA-approved therapists, including AXA EMDR therapists and AXA CBT therapists, can provide immediate support to those affected by trauma. By offering specialized therapy and support, businesses can ensure their teams recover quickly and maintain resilience in the face of adversity.
Finding AXA-Approved Therapists for Your Corporate Needs
When it comes to mental health, finding the right therapist is crucial. AXA-approved therapists offer a range of services tailored to meet the needs of corporate clients, including CBT supervision, EMDR for performance, and ERP for OCD. Whether you're looking for a C-level therapist to support executive performance or need crisis response services, AXA therapists provide high-quality, accessible care.
Online-CBT makes it easy to find the right therapist for your needs, offering a network of experienced professionals, from AXA EMDR therapists to AXA CBT therapists. With online therapy, executives and corporate teams can access the support they need, whenever and wherever it’s most convenient.
In today’s competitive corporate world, mental health is a key driver of success. By investing in online CBT therapy, EMDR for performance, and professional reflective sessions, businesses can ensure their leaders and teams perform at their best. Whether you’re seeking to address sleep issues, manage OCD, or respond to a crisis, the right therapist can make all the difference. At Online-CBT, we provide tailored mental health services designed to support corporate success. Explore our range of AXA-approved therapists today and take the first step towards better mental health for your team.
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johntaylor0706 · 5 days
Coping Strategies for Living with Generalized Anxiety Disorder
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Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is a prevalent mental health condition characterized by excessive, uncontrollable worry about various aspects of life. Individuals living with GAD often find themselves trapped in a cycle of anxiety that can affect their daily functioning and overall well-being. While it can feel overwhelming, there are effective coping strategies that can help manage symptoms. In this blog, we will explore these strategies and highlight the importance of seeking support through Generalised Anxiety Disorder therapy Dublin and other professional services like anxiety psychologist Dublin and social anxiety disorder therapy Dublin.
Understanding Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Before diving into coping strategies, it’s important to understand what GAD entails. Individuals with GAD often experience:
Persistent Worry: Worries that are disproportionate to the actual situation, covering various topics like health, finances, relationships, and work.
Physical Symptoms: Common physical manifestations include restlessness, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, muscle tension, and sleep disturbances.
Avoidance Behavior: Individuals may start to avoid certain situations or activities that trigger their anxiety, leading to a decrease in quality of life.
Recognizing these symptoms is the first step toward seeking appropriate help and implementing coping strategies.
Coping Strategies for Generalized Anxiety Disorder
1. Practice Mindfulness and Meditation
Mindfulness involves focusing on the present moment without judgment. Regular mindfulness practice can help reduce anxiety by allowing individuals to acknowledge their thoughts and feelings without becoming overwhelmed. Meditation techniques such as deep breathing, body scans, or guided imagery can also be beneficial.
How to Start: Set aside a few minutes each day for mindfulness exercises. Apps and online resources can guide you through the process, making it easier to incorporate into your routine.
2. Engage in Regular Physical Activity
Physical activity is a powerful tool for managing anxiety. Exercise releases endorphins, which are natural mood lifters, and can help alleviate symptoms of GAD.
Recommended Activities: Consider incorporating aerobic exercises like walking, jogging, or swimming into your routine. Yoga and tai chi can also be excellent options, as they combine movement with mindfulness.
3. Establish a Routine
Having a structured daily routine can provide a sense of normalcy and control, which is particularly beneficial for individuals with GAD. Creating a consistent schedule for daily activities, meals, and sleep can help reduce feelings of chaos.
Tip: Use planners or digital calendars to help you organize your day and set achievable goals.
4. Limit Caffeine and Alcohol Intake
Both caffeine and alcohol can exacerbate anxiety symptoms. Caffeine can increase feelings of restlessness and jitteriness, while alcohol may initially seem calming but can lead to increased anxiety once its effects wear off.
Suggestion: Monitor your intake and consider reducing or eliminating these substances from your diet.
5. Practice Cognitive Behavioral Techniques
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is an effective treatment for GAD. It focuses on identifying and challenging negative thought patterns and replacing them with more constructive ones.
Self-Help: Journaling can be a helpful practice to identify anxious thoughts and work through them. Write down your worries and evaluate their validity to create a more balanced perspective.
6. Seek Professional Help
One of the most crucial steps in managing GAD is to seek professional help. Engaging in Generalised Anxiety Disorder therapy Dublin can provide tailored strategies and support from trained professionals.
Types of Therapy: Look for anxiety-specific therapists or psychologists who specialize in GAD. They can offer various therapeutic techniques, including CBT and exposure therapy, to help you cope more effectively.
7. Utilize Support Networks
Connecting with others who understand what you’re going through can be invaluable. Whether through support groups or friends and family, sharing experiences can reduce feelings of isolation and anxiety.
Finding Support: Many organizations and community centers in Dublin offer support groups specifically for individuals with anxiety disorders.
8. Prioritize Self-Care
Engaging in self-care activities is essential for managing anxiety. Make time for hobbies and activities that you enjoy, whether it’s reading, gardening, or painting.
Tip: Schedule self-care activities into your week to ensure you prioritize your well-being.
9. Stay Informed but Avoid Overexposure
Educating yourself about GAD can empower you to manage your symptoms more effectively. However, be cautious of overexposure to anxiety-inducing media or information.
Balance: Set limits on how much time you spend reading or watching news that may trigger anxiety.
10. Develop Relaxation Techniques
Finding effective relaxation techniques can help calm your mind and body. Explore different methods, such as progressive muscle relaxation, aromatherapy, or warm baths.
Experiment: Everyone responds differently to relaxation techniques, so try various methods to see what works best for you.
Living with Generalized Anxiety Disorder can be challenging, but with the right coping strategies and support, it is possible to manage symptoms effectively. Incorporating mindfulness, physical activity, routine establishment, and professional help through anxiety psychologist Dublin and social anxiety disorder therapy Dublin can create a solid foundation for improved mental well-being.
If you or someone you know is struggling with GAD, don’t hesitate to reach out for support. Remember, you are not alone, and seeking help is a courageous step toward a healthier, more balanced life. By adopting these coping strategies, individuals can take control of their anxiety and work towards a brighter future.
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resilientroot · 10 days
Therapy in Australia: Finding the Right Approach
Resilient Roots is a trusted provider of mental health services in Australia, offering a range of evidence-based therapies, including Schema Therapy, EMDR, and CBT. These therapies are designed to help individuals overcome trauma, emotional distress, and mental health challenges. If you’re searching for options like Schema Therapy Australia, EMDR therapy near me, or CBT therapy Sydney, Resilient Roots can help you find the right support for your unique needs.
Schema Therapy in Australia
Schema Therapy is an integrative therapeutic approach used to treat chronic emotional difficulties and personality disorders. It combines cognitive-behavioral techniques with elements of attachment theory and psychoanalytic models. At Resilient Roots, Schema Therapy focuses on helping individuals understand and change deeply ingrained beliefs or "schemas" that negatively influence their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. These schemas often develop in childhood and continue to affect relationships, self-perception, and emotional responses in adulthood.
Resilient Roots provides Schema Therapy across Australia, including in Sydney. Their team of therapists is trained to guide you through a journey of self-awareness, helping you reshape harmful schemas into healthier, more adaptive ways of thinking and behaving. Whether you’re dealing with depression, anxiety, or relationship issues, Schema Therapy at Resilient Roots can help you make lasting changes.
EMDR Therapy in Australia
EMDR Therapy (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is one of Resilient Roots’ primary offerings for individuals struggling with trauma, PTSD, and anxiety. EMDR is an evidence-based therapy that helps reprocess traumatic memories and reduce their emotional intensity. If you’re searching for EMDR therapy near me or EMDR Australia, Resilient Roots provides this highly effective therapy through experienced and certified EMDR therapists.
EMDR therapy is conducted in phases, starting with history-taking and preparation, followed by the actual reprocessing of traumatic memories using bilateral stimulation. This might involve tracking the therapist’s hand movements or auditory stimulation, helping the brain to process distressing memories in a less harmful way. The end result is a significant reduction in emotional distress related to past trauma.
Resilient Roots offers EMDR therapy both in-person and online, making it accessible to individuals across Australia. Whether you're in Sydney or elsewhere, you can find an EMDR therapist near me through their platform.
EMDR Therapy in Sydney
For those specifically searching for EMDR therapy Sydney, Resilient Roots has several therapists in the city who specialize in this trauma-focused therapy. Sydney residents can benefit from local therapists who understand the challenges of trauma recovery and can offer tailored EMDR treatment plans. These therapists are equipped to handle PTSD, anxiety, depression, and other emotional disorders rooted in past trauma.
CBT Therapy in Sydney
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is another core service offered by Resilient Roots in Sydney. CBT is one of the most widely practiced therapeutic approaches and is highly effective for treating anxiety, depression, and behavioral problems. At Resilient Roots, CBT therapy Sydney focuses on helping individuals identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors that contribute to emotional distress. The goal is to help clients develop healthier coping mechanisms and perspectives, leading to improved mental well-being.
CBT therapy is structured, goal-oriented, and typically short-term. It’s an ideal option for individuals looking to address immediate issues like stress, anxiety, and depression. The therapists at Resilient Roots work closely with clients to create personalized CBT treatment plans, ensuring that the therapy meets their unique needs.
Finding the Right Therapist at Resilient Roots
Whether you’re seeking Schema Therapy in Australia, EMDR therapy near me, or CBT therapy Sydney, Resilient Roots offers a wide range of qualified therapists who can help you on your journey to better mental health. Their therapists are certified, experienced, and compassionate, ensuring that you receive the highest quality of care tailored to your specific concerns.
By choosing Resilient Roots, you’ll have access to evidence-based therapies that can help you overcome trauma, emotional difficulties, and mental health challenges. From Schema Therapy to EMDR and CBT, they provide holistic support designed to promote long-lasting healing and well-being across Australia.
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healthcareaedubai · 12 days
Top Neurologists in Dubai: Expert Care for Your Neurological Health
Finding the best neurologist in Dubai is crucial for diagnosing and treating various neurological conditions. Neurological health is a critical aspect of overall well-being, encompassing everything from migraines to complex disorders like epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, and multiple sclerosis. Dubai is home to a number of highly qualified neurologists who offer world-class care using the latest medical advancements.
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Why Choose a Neurologist in Dubai?
Dubai’s healthcare system is renowned for its excellence and innovation. The city’s top neurologists are trained in the latest techniques and have access to cutting-edge technology, ensuring that patients receive the highest standard of care. Whether you’re dealing with chronic headaches, sleep disorders, or nerve damage, the best neurologist in Dubai can provide a tailored treatment plan that addresses your specific needs.
Common Neurological Conditions Treated in Dubai
Neurologists in Dubai treat a wide range of conditions, including but not limited to:
Migraines and Headaches: Chronic headaches can significantly impact your quality of life. The best neurologists in Dubai specialize in diagnosing and managing various types of headaches, including migraines, tension headaches, and cluster headaches.
Epilepsy: This disorder affects the brain’s electrical activity, causing recurrent seizures. Dubai’s top neurologists use advanced diagnostic tools and personalized treatment plans to manage epilepsy effectively.
Parkinson’s Disease: A progressive disorder that affects movement, Parkinson’s disease requires expert care. The best neurologist in Dubai can help manage symptoms and improve quality of life through medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes.
Multiple Sclerosis (MS): MS is a chronic condition that affects the central nervous system. Neurologists in Dubai offer comprehensive care, including diagnosis, treatment, and long-term management.
Stroke Rehabilitation: After a stroke, rehabilitation is crucial for recovery. Dubai’s neurologists work with multidisciplinary teams to create customized rehabilitation programs for stroke patients.
How to Choose the Best Neurologist in Dubai
When looking for the best neurologist in Dubai, consider the following factors:
Experience and Expertise: Look for a neurologist with extensive experience in treating the specific condition you’re dealing with. Board certifications and specialized training are indicators of expertise.
Patient Reviews: Online reviews and testimonials can provide insight into the patient experience. Positive feedback from other patients is a good sign that the neurologist is both skilled and compassionate.
Hospital Affiliation: The best neurologists in Dubai are often affiliated with top hospitals and medical centers in the city, ensuring that they have access to state-of-the-art facilities and resources.
Personalized Care: Choose a neurologist who offers a personalized approach to treatment, taking the time to understand your unique needs and concerns.
Final Thoughts: Ensuring Your Neurological Health in Dubai
Your neurological health is too important to leave to chance. By choosing the best neurologist in Dubai, you’re taking a crucial step toward managing your condition and improving your quality of life. Whether you need a diagnosis, treatment, or ongoing care, Dubai’s leading neurologists are here to help.
Remember: Regular check-ups and early diagnosis can make a significant difference in the outcome of neurological conditions. Don’t wait until symptoms worsen—seek expert care from a top neurologist in Dubai today.
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Therapy for PTSD in California: Exploring Effective Treatment Options
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition triggered by experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event. While PTSD can affect anyone, its impact on daily life can be profound, disrupting sleep, relationships, and overall well-being. In California, a wide range of therapy options is available to help those suffering from PTSD reclaim their lives. This article explores the various therapeutic approaches for PTSD in California, highlighting the importance of seeking professional help.
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Understanding PTSD and Its Impact
PTSD often results from experiencing intense stress or trauma, such as military combat, sexual assault, natural disasters, or accidents. Symptoms of PTSD may include flashbacks, nightmares, severe anxiety, avoidance of certain situations, and changes in emotional reactions. These symptoms can be both distressing and debilitating, affecting one’s ability to function in daily life. Seeking therapy is crucial for managing these symptoms and improving mental health.
Effective Therapy Options for PTSD in California
California offers several therapeutic approaches tailored to the diverse needs of PTSD sufferers. Here are some of the most commonly used and effective methods:
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
CBT is one of the most widely used forms of Therapy For PTSD California. It involves identifying and challenging negative thought patterns related to the traumatic event. In California, many licensed therapists specialize in CBT, helping patients learn new coping mechanisms and reframe distressing thoughts. This approach can be particularly effective in reducing the impact of flashbacks, intrusive thoughts, and avoidance behaviors.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
EMDR is a specialized therapy that uses guided eye movements to help patients process traumatic memories and reduce the emotional distress associated with them. Therapists in California trained in EMDR use this technique to assist clients in processing their trauma in a controlled environment, enabling them to reframe their experiences in a less distressing way. Research has shown EMDR to be effective in reducing PTSD symptoms, making it a popular choice in many California therapy practices.
Exposure Therapy
Exposure therapy helps patients gradually face and overcome their trauma-related fears in a safe and supportive setting. By exposing the individual to distressing memories or triggers in a controlled manner, the therapist can help desensitize them to these fears, thereby reducing anxiety. California offers numerous therapists skilled in exposure therapy, providing tailored approaches depending on the individual's comfort and progress.
Group Therapy
In addition to individual therapy, group therapy can be incredibly beneficial for those dealing with PTSD. It provides a supportive environment where individuals can share experiences, gain insights from others with similar challenges, and develop coping strategies. In California, there are many PTSD support groups and therapy sessions available, both in-person and online, offering a sense of community and understanding that is crucial for healing.
Medication Management
While therapy is often the first line of treatment, some individuals may benefit from medication to help manage their symptoms. Psychiatrists in California can prescribe medications such as antidepressants or anti-anxiety drugs to complement therapeutic approaches, particularly in severe cases.
Finding the Right Therapist in California
Selecting a therapist who specializes in PTSD is crucial for effective treatment. California is home to numerous licensed professionals and mental health centers that offer a variety of treatment modalities. When seeking Online DBT Therapy, individuals should consider factors like the therapist's experience with PTSD, preferred treatment methods, and the comfort level in communicating with them.
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Find Your Path to Healing: PTSD Treatment in Melbourne
Are you searching for effective PTSD treatment in Melbourne? Look no further – we have your path to healing right here. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) affects millions of people worldwide, but seeking treatment is an important step towards recovery. You'll find various therapeutic options in Melbourne tailored to your unique needs.
At our clinic, we understand that every individual's experience of PTSD is different. Our highly trained professionals are equipped to provide personalised PTSD treatment in Melbourne that addresses the root causes of your trauma. Whether you prefer psychotherapy, medication, or alternative approaches such as EMDR or mindfulness, we have the expertise to guide you towards healing.
We prioritise your mental well-being and strive to create a safe and supportive environment. Our compassionate team is dedicated to helping you regain control of your life and move forward on your healing journey.
Don't suffer in silence – reach out today and let us help you find the right PTSD treatment in Melbourne. Together, we can pave the way to a brighter, more hopeful future.
Types of PTSD treatment options available in Melbourne
Melbourne is home to a diverse range of PTSD treatment options, each tailored to address the unique needs of individuals. One of the most widely recognised forms of PTSD therapy is cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT). CBT helps individuals identify and challenge the negative thought patterns and behaviours that contribute to their PTSD symptoms. Through a series of structured sessions, patients learn to reframe their perspectives, develop coping strategies, and gradually confront their traumatic experiences in a safe and supportive environment.
Another effective PTSD treatment option in Melbourne is exposure therapy. This approach involves gradually exposing the individual to the traumatic memories or situations that trigger their PTSD symptoms. Under the guidance of a trained therapist, patients learn to confront and process their fears, ultimately reducing the emotional and physiological reactions associated with the trauma. Exposure therapy can be conducted in various formats, including imaginal exposure, in-vivo exposure, and virtual reality exposure therapy, depending on the individual's needs and preferences.
For those seeking alternative approaches to PTSD treatment, Melbourne offers a range of options, such as eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy. EMDR utilises rapid eye movements or other bilateral stimulation to help the brain reprocess and integrate traumatic memories, leading to a reduction in PTSD symptoms. This approach is highly effective in treating trauma-related disorders, and many PTSD treatment providers in Melbourne are trained in this specialised technique.
Self-help strategies for managing PTSD symptoms
While professional PTSD treatment is essential for long-term recovery, there are also several self-help strategies that individuals can incorporate into their daily lives to manage their symptoms. One of the most important self-help techniques is the practice of mindfulness and relaxation. By learning to be present in the moment and cultivate a sense of calm, individuals with PTSD can better regulate their emotions and physiological responses to triggers. Deep breathing, meditation, and yoga can be particularly helpful.
Another effective self-help strategy for managing PTSD symptoms is the development of a supportive social network. Connecting with others who have experienced similar traumas can provide a sense of understanding and validation and a safe space to process emotions and share coping mechanisms. Many PTSD support groups and online communities in Melbourne offer opportunities for individuals to connect with others on similar journeys.
Additionally, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can have a significant impact on PTSD symptom management. Regular exercise, getting enough sleep, and practising good nutrition can improve mental and physical well-being. By prioritising self-care and incorporating these healthy habits into their daily routines, individuals with PTSD can build resilience and better manage the challenges they face.
Finding the right PTSD treatment provider in Melbourne: Tips and resources
When it comes to PTSD treatment in Melbourne, finding the right provider can make all the difference in the recovery process. It's important to do thorough research and consider factors such as the provider's qualifications, specialisation in PTSD, and the overall approach to treatment. Many PTSD treatment providers in Melbourne offer initial consultations, which can be an excellent opportunity to assess the fit and ensure that the therapist's style and approach align with the individual's needs and preferences.
Another valuable resource for individuals seeking PTSD treatment in Melbourne is the network of mental health organisations and support services. Organisations such as the Australian Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health (ACPMH) and the Trauma Recovery Network provide comprehensive information, referrals, and resources for those affected by PTSD. These organisations can be a valuable starting point for individuals who are unsure of where to begin their PTSD treatment journey.
Additionally, many general practitioners (GPs) in Melbourne are well-versed in the management of PTSD and can provide referrals to specialised PTSD treatment providers. By working closely with a trusted GP, individuals can ensure that their PTSD treatment is integrated into a holistic approach to their overall health and well-being. The GP can also monitor the individual's progress and adjust the treatment plan.
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neustartpsychiatry · 23 days
Tips for Overcoming Anxiety in Salem, Oregon
Anxiety is a common mental health challenge that affects many people at different stages of life. Whether you’re dealing with everyday stress or a more severe anxiety disorder, finding ways to manage and overcome anxiety is essential for maintaining your well-being. Fortunately, there are several strategies you can use to reduce anxiety and regain control of your life. Here are some practical tips for overcoming anxiety in Salem, Oregon.
1. Practice Mindfulness and Meditation
Mindfulness and meditation are powerful tools for managing anxiety. These practices help you focus on the present moment, reducing the impact of worrying thoughts and fears about the future.
Mindfulness Techniques: Try incorporating mindfulness exercises into your daily routine. This could be as simple as taking a few minutes each day to focus on your breathing, notice your surroundings, or engage in a mindful activity like walking or eating.
Guided Meditation: There are many apps and online resources available that offer guided meditation sessions specifically designed to reduce anxiety. These sessions can help you develop a regular meditation practice, which can significantly reduce anxiety over time.
Mindfulness and meditation are effective strategies that can be used alongside professional treatment options, such as those provided by experts in psychiatry Salem Oregon.
2. Engage in Regular Physical Activity
Exercise is one of the most effective natural remedies for anxiety. Physical activity releases endorphins, the body’s natural stress relievers, and helps improve mood and overall mental health.
Find an Activity You Enjoy: Whether it’s walking, swimming, yoga, or cycling, find a physical activity that you enjoy and make it a regular part of your routine. Consistency is key to reaping the mental health benefits of exercise.
Set Realistic Goals: Start with small, achievable goals to incorporate more movement into your day. Even short bursts of activity, like a 10-minute walk, can help reduce anxiety.
Incorporating regular exercise into your lifestyle can complement other treatments, such as those offered through psychiatric care in Salem, Oregon.
3. Limit Caffeine and Alcohol
Caffeine and alcohol can both contribute to increased anxiety levels. While caffeine is a stimulant that can exacerbate anxiety symptoms, alcohol is a depressant that can lead to mood swings and heightened anxiety.
Monitor Your Intake: Pay attention to how much caffeine and alcohol you’re consuming and notice how they affect your anxiety levels. Reducing or eliminating these substances may help you feel calmer and more in control.
Healthier Alternatives: Consider switching to herbal teas or decaffeinated beverages to reduce your caffeine intake. For alcohol, try cutting back or opting for non-alcoholic alternatives during social events.
Making dietary adjustments is a simple yet effective way to manage anxiety, especially when combined with professional guidance from a provider specializing in Psychiatry Salem Oregon.
4. Develop a Relaxation Routine
Relaxation techniques can help calm your mind and body, making it easier to manage anxiety. Creating a relaxation routine that you practice regularly can provide you with tools to use when anxiety strikes.
Deep Breathing Exercises: Deep breathing can help activate your body’s relaxation response, reducing the physical symptoms of anxiety. Practice deep breathing exercises daily to make them a habit.
Progressive Muscle Relaxation: This technique involves tensing and then slowly releasing each muscle group in your body, helping to reduce physical tension and anxiety. It’s a great way to unwind at the end of the day or before a stressful event.
Establishing a relaxation routine can be a valuable addition to a comprehensive anxiety treatment plan.
5. Seek Professional Help
If your anxiety is persistent and interfering with your daily life, it’s important to seek professional help. A mental health professional can provide you with the tools and support you need to manage your anxiety effectively.
Therapy: Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a highly effective treatment for anxiety. It helps you identify and change negative thought patterns that contribute to anxiety. Therapy can be provided by a psychologist, therapist, or psychiatrist.
Medication: In some cases, medication may be necessary to manage anxiety. A psychiatrist can evaluate your symptoms and prescribe medication if appropriate, as part of a broader treatment plan.
Seeking professional help from a specialist in psychiatry in Salem, Oregon, can provide you with a personalized approach to overcoming anxiety.
Overcoming anxiety requires a combination of self-care strategies and professional support. By incorporating mindfulness, regular exercise, relaxation techniques, and making healthy lifestyle choices, you can significantly reduce anxiety and improve your overall well-being. If you need additional support, don’t hesitate to reach out to a mental health professional.
For expert guidance in managing anxiety, consider reaching out to NeuStart Psychiatry. Their experienced team specializes in psychiatry in Salem, Oregon, and is dedicated to helping you find the best strategies and treatments to overcome anxiety and achieve better mental health.
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