#mothie's headcanons
mothiepixie · 4 months
Something I'm curious about, do you have any head canons about soulbonding? If so, who would Motti have soulbonded with? 💜💙💚💛🧡❤️
Sorry for taking so long to answer! I hope you enjoy! I kinda got carried away ahaha
Soulbonding is an ancient and intimate affair and rarely practiced in modern day, but it is considered the highest form of trust and some would say it transcends usual bonds. Once soul bonded; the individuals can experience a merge of memories, feelings, etc. It can also extend or decrease one’s life to the corresponding partner who initiated the act, thus the individuals can live their life as long as their chosen partners. 
Although soulbonding is a form of strong magic, it can also be broken. However, the individual(s) will experience a sense of intense loss and an emptiness that may never be filled. The reason being is when the soulbond happens it creates an invisible “string" to the respective partners. If the “string” is broken the merge isn’t completely severed, and the missing specs will constantly call out to each other. It’s one of the reasons why it's not a common practice anymore as the few who have broken the bond cannot stand the feeling. 
If a partner were to pass away by unnatural means, the bonded individual(s) would also experience an intense sense of loss and most do not come back from that. Especially for monsters; their hope would drop to practically nothing and eventually the grief would cause them to dust. Most bonded individual(s) will age and pass away alongside each other. 
Soulbonding isn’t reserved for just romantic partners as many platonic individuals can bond. In ancient times it was a great way for members of armies/guilds/party members to better fight alongside each other, and if ever lost in battle the bond acts like a beacon. This was only done with close and trusted parties though. 
But as monsters were cast underground, and times became more modernized it wasn’t really necessary to continue that kind of practice. (Depending on the AU, monsters became pacifists or many lost trust in others to bond). The history behind soulbonding eventually died for humans as well once the monsters were no longer on the surface. 
Who would soulbond:
Boysen: However, this would be many years down the line and the thought of Motti aging and dying without him would definitely have him initiate the bond. (He would actually dust if Motti were to pass away, his HP just couldn’t bear the loss regardless bonded or not.)
Passive Nightmare: Even without soulbonding he is so deeply attached to Motti, and vice versa, that he could not even bear the thought of losing her. He is willing to let Motti initiate the act, but Motti would rather he do it so they could make up for all the tragedies they suffered. (I guess Motti would become immortal if that’s the case)
Farmer: A country man stands by his partner through and through, and given Motti’s life span being shorter than his, he would think about it for a good long while before having the discussion with her. Mainly it would be because he doesn’t want her to feel pressured into something like that and if she ever would want to leave, he’d like her to have that choice. But boy, he would be over the moon when she agrees.
Blue: This monster loves long and hard. He would not think twice about approaching the subject and offering it to Motti. There will be a discussion of who will initiate the act, but Blue would 100% be okay with either decision. 
Who would be apprehensive:
 Sans: While he would never let anyone know or show it, he is scared by the prospect that if he bonded with Motti and something were to happen to her; he knows he will dust instantaneously. He most likely will never approach the subject to her and would hope that no one ever mentions to Motti about it. 
Dream: He already has commitment issues and is already overwhelmed with his powers of empathy. It makes sense that soulbonding may even be a more exhausting and stressful experience. It took him years to accept that Motti’s feelings were genuine and not a by-product of his powers, so the thought of bonding to a degree could be more harmful to his psyche than good. 
Horror: He actually leans into being apprehensive to not even consider it, but he would be lying if he said the thought never occurred to him. Especially when he is in a good head space, he does fantasize what a nice domestic life would be like with Motti, but he would eventually convince himself that’s just a pipe dream. Although if Motti showed genuine interest/want, he just may be persuaded. 
Who would not:
Big Red: That’s far too intimate and scary, he already cannot handle his emotions as is and his trauma would make him scared to bond with Motti. He may just dust on the spot if something ever happened to her. 
Killer: It’s already hard for Motti to discern if his affection comes from a genuine place to begin with and even for Killer that may be a step he has never considered. 
Dust: He has experienced far too much trauma and his brother haunting him does not help in the slightest. He already knows what it is like to have someone’s feelings and influence hanging over his head and he would never want to subject Motti to his warped mind and soul. 
Ink: He doesn’t have a soul to bond with, but he may play with the idea by using physical strings if Motti were to bring it up. He doesn’t really understand the idea or appeal, but he likes the thought of crafting an idea. 
Nightmare: He doesn’t really have much of a soul to begin with, but even so Motti would not entertain the idea if she knows she’ll feel what he feels. (Him embodying all negative emotions and enjoying it is not a good time in Motti’s eyes)
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motheline · 7 months
WoF Headcanons:
LeafWings' wings and frills change colour depending on the season, they get greener with warmer months and duller/browner with colder months
MudWings often get markings engraved on their tusks or horns, royal ones get them engraved in gold
BigWing MudWings wear gold rings on their horns- one for each of their siblings
HiveWings have their own language similar to SeaWings' Aquatic- which revolves around various flight patterns similar to how bees communicate, usually used as a way for soldiers to get a message across quickly
Some SeaWings live in polar waters near the Ice Kingdom- have thicker scales and blubbery skin similar to whales or seals
SilkWings have long tongues like butterflies- nectar is repurposed as a sweet and rich drink, seen as a delicacy- sometimes alcoholic
SandWings have a third eyelid and thick eyelashes to keep sand out of their eyes
SandWings hold their tails up when threatened or as a warning sign to enemies, giving them a chance to back off
Sky Islands exist because I said so, magic can exist so why can't floating islands, SkyWings don't deserve to just live on mountains
SkyWings can handle much higher altitudes than other tribes, some choose to live on the floating islands- most of which are so high up only SkyWings can reach them
NightWings born under blood moons have red tinted wings
SkyWings have hooked snouts like beaks, as well as feathers because I can
MudWings are incredibly culinarily (???) advanced and see food as a very vital part of their culture. They hold tribe feasts on special events
LeafWings have green blood
LeafWings need sun time as much as RainWings do- they still eat actual food but get most of their energy from the sun
SeaWings are slow fliers, their wings more built for swimming than flying
SkyWings have courtship dances similar to birds
RainWings aren't fit for flying long distances as their wings are built more for gliding through trees than flying
NightWing seers have white diamond shaped markings on the top of their heads, usually resembling a third eye
That's all for now, follow to see me break canon even harder
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mellowwillowy · 1 year
An imagine of my current WIP
Yan! Nemesis: Tell me, do you wish to escape?
Doll Reader: ... where is he?
Yan! Nemesis: He will die and so will you, burnt in this revolutionary fire. Tell me, do you want to escape?
Doll Reader: ...
Yan! Nemesis: ... do you perhaps wish to die in the same fire as that tyrant did?
Doll Reader: *shakes head* I don't wish to die for him and I don't wish to escape. I only wish to live and die for myself.
Yan! Nemesis: Then why won't you escape with me?
Doll Reader: Because I know if I ever run away from this room, I will only be bound to live in another room. I know what I am. I am merely a porcelain doll, no?
Yan! Nemesis: I'm sorry... I had to leak your writings...
Doll Reader: No... It's okay. Instead, I'm thankful. You granted my one wish of being able to do something that was not controlled by him... although it was still controlled by you...
Yan! Nemesis: ... sorry...
Doll Reader: Thank you...
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hellfirebride · 1 year
I really love how realistic your headcanons are, ooc saturated fandoms kill me. 😭 I was wondering if you had any thoughts on L falling in love e.g traits he’d fall in love with, moments he’d make the realization, how his behavior would change towards the person of interest over time, etc. I’m not sure if I worded this well or if you’ve already done this, if so then don’t mind meee. 😬 if you don’t wanna do this one or already did then I’d be happy just to hear literally any hc’s you have about him lol
first req first req first req
hiiiiii !
So, L falling in love. Putting this under a read-more because my stupid ass is going to ramble.
I think he would usually fall in love with people who are relatively capable. I have no idea how to describe this more. You wouldn't have to be some genius, just be able to operate independently because the man is no caregiver. Also, I think you'd have to make an impression of some sort on him, otherwise he probably wouldn't even pay enough attention to get to know you. A big trait L would like to see in someone is understanding. You're gonna have to be able to at least tolerate his attitude and more bizarre mannerisms if you intend on becoming a permanent fixture in his life. Even more than that, he would want someone who would be able to understand just what kind of person he is: how he's not exactly pure, how he would rather do things if they interest him instead of doing them out of the goodness of his heart, the things he's willing to do to get the results he wants. You don't need to agree with him on everything, he probably would like it more if you didn't. You can't change him, but it gives him more to think about when he weighs his decisions.
So! L falling in love. I did touch on this in a previous post, but I'll paste what I said here:
L will know as soon as his feelings appear. Depending on what he's doing at the time, this discovery could be anywhere between a mental footnote and an outright statement directed towards you. He's become fond of you, far beyond a passing fancy or a momentary infatuation. He'll be requesting your input on whatever he's been working on, or making sure Watari knows to bring extra sweets when you're present. If you're really lucky, he might just feed them to you.
I think it's something he would figure out super quickly and then just. Sit on until he's pretty sure you feel the same. He doesn't want to have to confess just to find that you don't share his affection. 10/10 you can just expect a "I've fallen for you" from him and have no idea how genuine it is because it wouldn't be unusual for him to say things like that to get a reaction. You would have to pay attention to how he interacts with you and matters regarding you to know just how true his statement was. (To a point, I think he'd kinda be lowkey obsessed with you. Like, he's not gonna be thinking about you all the time or think about you over the case he's currently working on, but there's definitely something there.)
Things you can expect from L when the two of you are an item:
Don't be surprised if he encourages you to pick up some kind of defensive martial arts. He knows several, so it's really not a shocker. The man's really thinking you need to learn how to beat the shit out of someone so it's one less thing he has to worry about now that he's let you in.
Luxury. Absolute Luxury. L's funds are near bottomless as far as you should be concerned. You have his heart but he's not always the most emotionally available, so you have his wallet. If you're travelling with him, he's actively making sure you get the best. Watari probably would've picked up on your tastes and knows to accommodate them if he wants the detective's best work. An extra slice of cake meant for you? Sure. A whole floor of the headquarters building just for you? Take two.
Vulnerability! Holy shit, vulnerability. It's something that's so rare for him to show. He's almost always working like, five steps ahead of everything else, why would he need to be vulnerable? I think I can count the times he's canonically showed his cards on one hand and most of them were in the episode where he fuckin' dies(showing some regret over the deaths of the FBI agents, the interaction he has with Watari in the monitoring room where the older man asks him what's wrong or w/e, the rooftop scene, the foot thing, and then him dying.) He's more willing to show the cracks in his façade to you, and that in itself is super powerful evidence about how you make him feel.
I absolutely think he would have some kind of system set up to look after you if something happened to him. They had the dead man's switch to let Roger know if L died so whatever successor would know to take over without letting the world know the original L was gone, but that seems more like something Watari would've insisted on. A place to live, expendable funds, hell there's probably options for a new identity in there somewhere if that's what you'd want.
aaaaa i've never filled a request before so i rlly hope this is satisfactory djgfhfjghf. i hope it's in character enough, at least. i always kinda stress over like. what if my interpretation of a character is total dogshit and people don't like my writing. thanks for the ask!
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mothymayhem · 1 month
Honestly, Evil Lunar is just,,, an objectum. The black hole / spiral. His one true love. He's so fascinated with it. He wants to go in there.
@radio-atlas YOU DID THIS.
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irregularevil · 10 months
I've had this joking, crazy, absolutely RIDICULOUS thought of someone making a headcannon of Irina being in love with Elluka, but the malice from her defective her gene caused it to come out as more of a yandere kind of love alongside extreme denial due to Elluka being able to delete the her gene.
I honestly have no clue with this, but it was a funny thought that I just had to get out there.
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Hello, I have seen Ichika publishing a doodle with Seth and Lich in this link.
Is it possible to have this translated, or at least get to understand the content a bit?
I think if I was in a better place focus-wise I would translate it, but unfortunately I'm not, so I'll just give a summary of the contents if that's alright.
This is, I would assume, during the Second Period. Lich appears to be running an experiment (it appears to be largely question-and-answer) on Seth as a member of the mask race (he calls them "hereditary malice cultivators", which suggests to me that the mask race is the origin of HER).
There's a bit of back-and-forth on Lich having given Seth a female cadaver to use as a vessel to control. He'd have preferred a living male subject to control instead, but this was rejected because there was no guarantee that Seth wouldn't give him HER.
The discussion here is a bit long and involves some terms I'm not immediately familiar with, but the gist of it is that Seth tries to persuade Lich to wear Seth (or at least, give him a more suitable body) by appealing to his scientific vanity regarding the making of artificial humans (talks about his own species, a man-made race with personalities and generations and such that nonetheless functions more like a virus than people, talks about his understanding of human science, Lich's own work, the comments of the scientists who study him, etc), essentially concluding with "Hey, wouldn't it be cool if we made human beings? I could help you!", suggesting in his dialogue that Lich is unscrupulous enough that he wouldn't mind risking someone catching HER for the chance to use his expertise.
Lich ends the experiment there, and there is an implication that Seth, at least, believes Lich will take him up on his offer the next time around ("I think we're going to be real good friends!" and so on)
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For Hazbin Hotel, can you do headcannons for what Angel Dust, Husk, Lucifer, and Alastor would want in an s/o and what would attract them to someone? Like whats the first thing that they tend to notice in a potential partner, what do they generally find attractive, and what would they need in a long term partner. Those kind of vibes. Thank you lovely <3
~~~~ HEADCANONS ~~~~
HH Angel Dust, Husk, Lucifer, Alastor x Reader
TW: Sexual Assult, Violence, Mental Health, Fluff, Drinking
Angel Dust
Angel fell for you the day he saw you on the streets of hell helping out some women in the porn district who were Val's latest victims.
You were kind and caring, gently cleaning wounds, offering a full meal, and providing preventive care.
To most, you were nothing special—just a demon seeking to help those who were hurting. Many, like Alastor, thought you were more insane than others because you wanted to help.
When Angel informed Charlie about you, he was oddly excited to learn that the princess of hell was seeking you out to join the hotel.
Your story was sad about how you died, being assaulted, and using self-defense, landing you in hell unfairly.
Angel was enamored by you and how you cared so much about sex workers and those who were involved in his profession.
When Angel finally confessed, it was after you confronted Valentino.
Angel was so scared Val would hurt or bind you in a contract; however, he was wrong.
You were a sleeper weapon because as Val opened his mouth to harm you or Angel, you ripped out some of his mothy fur.
You had learned that trick from Niffty.
Angel loved having you as his partner, ready to clean his wounds and be his voice when he needed one.
He never had to describe what was happening to him in detail; you just knew and were always there to help him.
He was absolutely in love and would do anything to break his contract so he could join you on your healing escapades.
Husk fell for you hard and fast while you two were having a drinking competition.
You were no lightweight, seeing as you had died due to alcoholism.
Husk, however, was the notorious drunkard of the hotel, so having a challenge was a new joy for him.
Starting the challenge, he was purely ready to beat you, nothing else.
However, when he saw you downing pint after pint like it was no one's business, he thought it was the most beautiful thing ever.
He was even more surprised by you being completely fine afterward.
You helped clean both of you up, doling out pain meds, water, and crackers.
As you doctored him and helped make sure his hangover wasn't so bad, he was just falling for you more.
Someone who could out-drink him and cared enough not to be a sore winner was impressive.
After that day, he sought you out as a casual drinking buddy, but the conversations you two had led to less drinking than usual.
As you two bonded, he finally grew the courage to ask you to be his.
When he confessed, he made a bet with you that you had to go out with him if he could down 25 beers in 10 minutes.
You laughed and let him act out his game, choosing to not let him know you would go out with him without the gamble.
He was happy to have someone who genuinely cared about him and didn't pry.
You were a breath of fresh air to all the other sinners in hell.
Lucifer fell watching you care for Charlie at the hotel when he couldn't.
Lucifer was enamored at how parental you were with his child, even though she was a grown adult.
He was a family man, and someone with a healthy relationship with Charlie set his heart aflame.
You were never pessimistic about Chalries's ideals or plans, and it made him so happy to see such a strong, supportive person guiding her.
Lucfier never failed to commend you for explaining projects and ideas well to the fast-paced girl.
Looking at you, he saw all the good things Lilith once offered but so much more.
When he finally caved into his feelings, he asked you for advice more often.
When he found out your death was a consequence of your ex-husband and his mistress, he was livid.
He was half tempted to call on I.M.P. to ruin that man above.
Your smile and optimism were contagious, though; you never let your death get you down.
When Lucifer was ready to confess, he got Charlie to help him.
The two brought you a cake, asking you to join the family.
There was also a huge musical number you just smiled through and clapped.
Alastor was an enigma; he didn't know when or how he fell in love with you.
It could have been several things, ranging from your morality, thought process, ideals, and thirst for all things powerful.
All he knew was one day, you weren't a part of his everyday life, and the next, he couldn't bear the thought of you being gone.
He hated weakness, though, so he never verbally informed you or anyone that he cared so much.
Instead, he did small acts of service for you to show that he listened and cared.
When he allowed you to touch him for the first time, he was embarrassed at how happy you were.
He then swore that any touch from you was worth it if you smiled like that more at him.
He made you a permanent fixture of his broadcasts and allowed you to torment the souls that would be heard all over hell.
He knew he was whipped when he took you to meet Rosie, and she could see it all over his face.
She asked you about how you two started dating, and when Alastor went red and pulled his ears back, it was a dead giveaway.
You, however, never pressured Alastor to make anything official, allowing him to choose when he was ready.
As soon as he was ready, though, he took you out on a fancy dinner and a high-class evening of dancing.
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puyopuyoconfessions · 1 month
Welcome to the Puyo Puyo confessions blog!! Send in takes, opinions, or just things you like about the Puyo puyo (or madou monogatari/sorcery saga) games! (Feel free to repost, by the way. I request you credit me, but that’s not required.) Along with that, I’d like this blog to be a fun place to discuss Puyo and interact with the community!!
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My main account; @pancake-moth ☆
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Blog Moderator Bio
Names: Moth, Mothy, Harpy
Pronouns: He/him (she/her is fine though, due to just how I act lol...)
Age group: Minor
Favorite Puyo character: I really like Satan (Dark Prince) and Sig! Harpy too, of course.
Timezone: EST
Please tell me if you want a post removed, or I made a mistake on your post. Love you all!! ❤️
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-No graphic violence or nsfw, slight nsfw comments are fine as long as they are not directed to minors
-no images (unless fanart or image submissions for backgrounds on the posts, or merchandise!)
-dont make it too long, one paragraph is enough. Do not write a whole essay. Preferably 4/6 lines of text max.
-DO NOT TALK about the character’s ages in involvement to shipping ESPECIALLY SCHEZO (and other characters where the age is unknown)
-Along with that, please don’t mention pedophilia, non-con, or anything of the sort in confessions.
- DON’T. ARGUE. It saddens me to have to say this but of course confessions might start controversy. I want to have fun takes about characters, ships, theories, or just funny comments! I do NOT want people arguing about trivial matters…
-Doesn't HAVE to be a confession. You can share some of your own puyo stuff as well!! It will just be tagged as #not a confession.
-Headcanons are always welcome, I have nothing against neurodivergent headcanons, transgender headcanons, sexuality headcanons, or even race headcanons!! I have some headcanons of my own, and I’d love to share them if you ask.
-if you have pictures of harpy please send them i need photos of my girlfailure loser
Well… that’s it for now… have fun sharing~♪!
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mothiepixie · 2 months
I know fae dream isn't yours but do ya have a head canon voice claim for him since he is also more fanciful kind of royal with magic?
I heard your prior vc and they were lovely just curious if it has carried over to what you think fae dream is like... also maybe what is nightmares vc if ya thought about it in general heh heh.
I do have headcanons of what I think Fae Dream and Nightmare sound like!
I'll have to post separately with Dreams since i can only do one video per post
Dream's voice headcanon
Fae Dream and Nightmare belong to @/antlered-prince and @/owl-bones
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cardentist · 1 year
apparently there's discourse (not in the bad way, just the discussion way) surrounding lich and trans headcanons because of how he talks about michaela in the books
so here's my opinion as a trans person (other trans people are allowed to have different opinions but this one is mine):
I believe that mothy himself is well meaning about his trans and gay representation, but is unfamiliar with what We'd consider problematic. I'm not familiar enough with either mothy or the general culture of japan to say if this is the result of mothy himself being out of touch, or japanese queer culture just being different from the US's. but either way this is my read on the situation.
and so I engage with evillious with that in mind. it's a series that means well but has problematic elements. and that doesn't have to be a Bad thing, it's just something that needs some awareness while taking it in.
so when mothy writes lich openly acknowledging and accepting that michaela is his sister but then Also has him refer to her with her dead name I don't see that as mothy intentionally portraying lich as transphobic or unaccepting of her. it is, after all, how mothy chose to reveal that she was a trans woman in the first place (introducing us to "lich's brother michael" and having it revealed that she was michaela all along, and having lich acknowledge her as his sister now).
and I think there are two ways to go about this with this understanding.
we could simply gloss over the issue, because at the end of the day we're not going to be able to sit mothy down and explain why it can be hurtful to trans people. we don't have that direct communication with him. and it's not being written with the intent of being read as malicious on lich's part, so it's simply easier to smooth it over.
Or we could translate mothy being well intentioned but misinformed onto lich as a character trait. this works best within the context of him having to learn what he's doing wrong and grow, but obviously it's up to personal interpretation.
as for trans headcanons, there's nothing wrong with that in the first place. trans people are misinformed sometimes, nobody comes out of the womb socially conscious and fully aware of modern sensibilities.
having lich realize that they aren't a man could be tied into lich gaining a better understanding of transness. having lich be transmasc already and just not knowing any better because He doesn't mind these things and hasn't stopped to think that other people may feel differently. having lich be whatever flavor of trans you want in whatever way you want just because it's fun and you'd like to. it's all fine and doesn't hurt anybody
I would Also like to point out that levia has been making fun of behemo for wearing dresses and make up since she was introduced as a character, and people tend not to call her transphobic or highlight this as transphobia.
yes, there is more ambiguity in behemo's case as mothy has never stated outright what behemo's identity is, but calling someone you interpret as a man disgusting or weird for wearing dresses Is Transphobia (and was specifically highlighted As transphobia/bigotry that behemo has faced during barisol's child) regardless of what that person's gender actually is.
I personally like levia a lot, just like I like lich and behemo and michaela, and Personally I think they're all trans Because I like them. and I'm not saying that we should Start defining levia's character by this trait.
but I Am saying that it's an obvious double standard to hold lich as a character accountable while Not doing the same for levia when arguably levia is intentionally written as being harmful while lich isn't.
anyways, I think it's funny if levia realizes he's a trans man that still likes to wear dresses and make up, and I think lich is seth's boyfriend and banica's girlfriend and eater's -̴̱͔̫̭̎̆͆-̴̠͚͘͜-̶̺̰̙̦͗-̸̡̻̽̅-̴̢̹̰̠͐͑̃̈̑friend, and equally trans no matter what
(also potential lich and carlos dynamic intrigues me but I think it's much funnier if they aren't dating each other. banica's husband and banica's girlfriend silently and awkwardly eating brunch together because they figure they're supposed to hang out but between the two of them there isn't one drop of social intelligence)
(they do this every day, it never gets any better)
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self-indulgent-devils · 2 months
can I request a Discord! (Any gender) Reader that acts just like discord from my little pony and has his exact powers with Valentino?
Of course!!! I hope you enjoy! I'll probably keep it gender neutral and ambiguous then. I'll write the oneshot then add some headcanons at the end for Valentino with them. :) Might switch between they and you pronouns throughout it.
Valentino x Discord!Reader
Chaos in Hell
Valentino had seen many demons forms and demon powers in his day. He had been an overlord for a long time and been in hell even longer. He had seen a million bodies. From the more human ones to the furries to the eldritch horrors that took shape down here. Valentino had seen it all, at least he believed he had. What was he to do when he ran into the strangest sort of demon he had ever seen?
Every part of them was different. It was as if they were made up of several different animals. A reptilian scale, a furry body, a bird foot alongside an adorable little paw, a horn upon their head along with an antennae. They were an embodiment of chaos. Just seeing their form made Valentino want them. After all, such a rare demon form in hell could bring in a lot of money. All he had to do was work his charm and he was certain he could get them under his control.
As Valentino strutted up to the demon he saw them suddenly poof. Then he heard a voice whisper,
"Now what does an overlord like you want with lil' ol' me~?" Valentino couldn't help helping with mothy squeaks as he turned around. There was the demon, floating there as their mismatched wings flapped. They practically posed like a model as they smiled at him.
"Well you certainly have a few tricks up your sleeve~" Valentino attempted to keep his cool demeanor. He knew better than to let any part of his facade drop. The demon just smiled before rolling around in the air as if they were rolling around on the floor.
"Then don't approach random demons if you aren't expected to encounter their powers." They acted so dramatic yet so casual as well. "But that isn't an answer to my question." They reached out and pressed their finger to where his nose would be. "Boop." They giggled and sat up then poofed a phone into their hands and focused on it.
"I found your form so beautiful and unique~ I was wondering if you'd like to come back with me and we can...get to know each other is all." Valentino smirked, eyeing them up obviously. If they saw what he was doing they gave no sign.
"Okay. And? It's Hell. I'm not about to go with a stranger to his house. I'm either gonna be assaulted or murdered." They got bored and flew the phone into the air poofing it away before another poof gave a pillow that they laid back against and watches the sky, all while floating in the air.
"That's a very fair point. It's always good to be cautious~ But I suppose the thing I want most is to see if you would be interested in a job. I think you'd do well in my busines~ Especially with your form~ I've seen a LOT of bodies, but never one like yours." Valentino watched the demon. Their eyebrow cocked and they looked towards him.
"Oh? And what is it that you do? I'm quite curious. You've got my FULL attention." They bat their eyes cutely and turned to face him, tilting their head ever so slightly.
"I'm in the business of lust, my dear~ And with your powers AND your form, I think you could become quite the star. I can already make any plain jane a real star and dazzle the masses! But you already have natural advantages. You work for me and I offer you protection, a place to live, and everything you could ever want~ Fame, sex, drugs, alcohol, parties. Or anything else that might not be that if that's what you're into." Valentino made his pitch, making it seem as enticing as always. He had done this thousands of times before. "You just sign a contract, we get you all set up, and then BOOM!!! An icon of lust and adored by every horny fuck here in hell~" He wasn't going to let someone like you go. In his very soul, he knew that letting a demon like you go would be the mistake of a lifetime. He wanted to own you. His mind was already filled with all the ways he could possibly use you. It had been a while since Valentino had felt this way about a demon. The last time probably being Angel Dust. Even his main whores Summer and Dia didn't compare to Angel and recently Angel was getting on his last nerve so you coming into his life meant he had the perfect replacement.
"Well that IS pretty fun sounding." They tapped their chin, playing up the dramatics as they say back, poofing in a lawn chair. "But I'm not really interested in the whole 'fame' business. I prefer something more...wild!!!" You snapped your fingers and suddenly the world around the two of you turned into a mess of chaos. Bright colors, a checkerboard, laughter in the air, and confusing and strange mazes. It was like some abstract painting or a painting of one of those confusing staircases or mazes. Nothing made sense.
Valentino looked around, stunned. He was sure this had to be an illusion, but it also seemed so real. It kind of hurt his head to try to process especially with his shit moth vision.
"What is this place? Where are we?" Valentino couldn't hide his confusion or keep up his suave persona. Not when he needed answers.
"This is what true beauty is!!! Pure and utter chaos!!!" They gave off a laugh that could be seen as psychotic, but Valentino was used to it considering who he lived with. "This is what I really want!!! I don't care about being famous. So then. If I WERE to sign with you, what would I get out of it?"
"Well. I do more than just work in porn. Though we could certainly use this kind of power in it. I'm already thinking of fascinating ideas~ Even with ones not starring you, it would be amazing to use! Bringing a whole new genre of porn to life!!! But I also run the drug industry here. I have plenty of people I need to make pay. I could use someone that can help intimidate some people and especially if I ever get into any danger~" Valentino's mind swirled with all the ways he could use you. You were perfect in every way. This power, this confusing chaos, your eagerness for any sort of chaos. It was perfection. He could use you for all you're worth and as long as you got what you wanted then you'd go long along with it. How perfect. Valentino knew that what he stumbled upon wasn't just a rare beauty, but a whole treasure trove of rarity. Just seeing your powers, the way your form was like nothing else. It felt as if he had stumbled upon a rare piece of art, or rather, the rare and talented artist themselves. The masterpieces you two could make together would be perfect. Whether you were his whore, his bodyguard, his business partner, it didn't matter, Valentino just wanted you as his. He was going to own that soul no matter what.
"You drive a hard bargain. Show me this contract then!" You poofed up some glasses and created a formal suit to act as if you were a lawyer ready to review the legally binding terms and conditions. Valentino poofed up a soul contract and handed it to you.
"I will say. This isn't a typical contract. It's a soul contract. A special kind here if you don't already know. You promise me your soul for me to do as I please with and in exchange I shall provide you what you want. Typical things like shelter and needs, fame if you want it, but also chaos as we promised." Valentino smirked as he crossed his arms, sticking his hip out. He had them right there. He didn't think it likely they'd refuse.
A smile played upon your lips. As you smirked, you conjured up a quill and ever so dramatically signed it as if you were the fanciest person.
"Not like I need my soul anyway. Just don't restrain my chaos and we are peachy!" At that moment you caused a load of peaches to appear and laughed at it. "Oh I have more where that came from~ I've been playing nice so far! And I DO love a good pun." You grinned like the Cheshire cat and your tail flicked around in your excitement.
"Well then," Valentino glanced at the contract, "(Y/N), I'm glad you now officially belong to me~"
. . .
Headcanon time!
★Valentino loves to just stim with and play with the different animal parts on you. Especially if you ever use your magic to switch a few up. It's like you're a stim toy to him. He adores it.
★Valentino loves to use your magic in his films and to intimidate his contracted souls and business associates, but he also just likes to use them in personal time with you anyway. Especially if you create a personal and sexy space as he absolutely enjoys you.
★He feels some relief in knowing you can handle yourself. He loves protecting someone so weak, but it also means that if he can't constantly protect them then they're at risk of being taken from him. So he much prefers someone that can handle themselves and he knows you can.
★He loves to especially have you around for when Angel is filming. Either to taunt him or to just create even more wild scenarios that he can film Angel in. It's gotten him a lot of boosted fame and credit for his films and that man LOVES what boosts his ego.
★Having someone that has such wild powers under his control is a MAJOR ego boost for Valentino. It's something not many overlords can brag about so you know he will absolutely love to see you show off your abilities at different events. All the while he's holding you close best he can (unless you decide to mess with him and not stay put.) Running his hands along your body and grinning at everyone as a sign of "This little cutie belongs to ME."
★He would love to push you to perform in his films or even on stage. He's always hyping up your looks and praising you for your appearance and is convinced it'll bring in quite the crowd. Mostly he just loves to see his favorite little whores perform for him~ Like some weird voyeur kink.
★Valentino would love to dress you up especially with accessories made for your different parts. Taking care of the different parts too. Scale care, any molting, preening your feathers, brushing your fur, anything at all. He would absolutely love to dote on you. Or if he didn't want to dote on you then he'd simply have his servants do it. And they BETTER do it right or he is NOT going to be happy. After all, his favorite little whore deserves only the finest things.
★He knows he can't exactly control you since you're very independent and chaotic. A part of him absolutely loathes that since he enjoys having FULL CONTROL over all of his contracted souls. But eventually he gets used to it. You crave chaos, he provides chaos, and he provides you everything you could want. Val knows you aren't going to be leaving him any time soon. (As if you even could considering soul contract.) You're a being of a chaos. It's shocking you're contained at all under that contract.
★Valentino does love to flaunt you. Not even just because of your powers or looks, but also at the fact that you are so obedient to him. When a lot of other whores of his can be bitches or brats or rebellious or just half ass their work or uncaring, you take pride in everything you do. He loves to show you off as the top bitch, the perfect example of what he desires. Someone that stays loyal to him and satisfies what he wants.
★Valentino isn't the best at knowing feelings. So he doesn't exactly know that he's in love with you. All he knows is that he NEVER wants you gone and absolutely adores having you around. And he enjoys the cuddles and the kisses and playing with you. He enjoys having you nearby as he sleeps at night as if you're some comfort plushie for him. And instead of the rebellious streak he gets from others or the on again off again that he gets from Vox, he has you. And for once, it's somewhat stable in his life. So whenever he has anything wrong, he goes to you, even just to vent. You've had to start dealing with his rage episodes because of it. Vox has even given advice for it and you've learned how to use your powers to help him calm down.
★Valentino may not know he's in love with you unless you disappeared. Or if you tried to have a conversation with him about it. But he's not exactly the typical romantic type unless he's love bombing someone, luring in more souls to be his victims, or just being a needy little bitch because he absolutely is kind of a sap sometimes, mostly with Vox.
★Valentino gets drunk and high a lot obviously. And he hates if you ever mess with him when he's like that. It makes it even worse, but his reactions to it especially with his moth self being entertained by light makes for some really funny moments.
★Valentino loves your silly sense of humor. Using your powers to conjure up props, floating in the air, being so dramatic or even pretend offended, having a very non-serious nature, being very apathetic as long as you get chaos. He fucking adores it all. Just don't use it against him too much or he might get mad. It's funny when it's against others, not him.
★Valentino will have a favorite body part of your different animal parts every so often. Especially if you ever change them up for any reason using your powers. He will just absolutely love to feel it, hold it, take care of that part especially. And he's very good with his hands.
★He loves your little dates. In all your chaotic nature and yet you enjoy just staying at home and having tea or watching movies. It seems so contradictory and simple compared to the chaotic mess you usually do. Though he appreciates it a lot. He likes everything about you. He adores how truly chaotic you are because everything is a surprise to him. He could learn new things about you forever and that would keep him happy.
★He loves the ego boost of bringing you in to intimidate someone's he's pissed at especially seeing them be freaked out by the chaos and unable to comprehend it. It gives him such a power boost whenever he just calls you in to handle things and then he sees his loathed enemies or pathetic souls terrified and confused and unsure. It plays to his sadistic nature and it makes him just want to make out with you right that second. Cause as he watches you laugh too, he finds you so fucking beautiful.
★Valentino's life wouldn't be the same without you. Waking up without you trying to prank him or change some things, messing with Vox together, taking care of business together, the dates you guys have, being able to hold you close and show you off, getting to kiss you whenever he wanted. Not a single thing would be the same if you weren't there. Maybe he figures out he loves you, maybe he doesn't. But Valentino is fully aware that for the rest of his afterlife, he wants you there with him.
. . .
I hope you enjoyed and this was to your liking! It's my first request and so I did my best to deliver on it. It's been a while since I've seen Discord or My Little Pony, but I still very much adore him so tried my best with it. I'm still getting used to writing for him so I go back and forth between more canon and more soft Val. I try to balance them out.
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hellfirebride · 1 year
girl ur L headcanons r so good i love them sm !!!💕 i was wondering could u do some headcanons on L's first kiss with the reader? i have a feeling he hasn't kissed very many ppl sooo 💀
thank u bestie !!! thanks for requesting
L's kiss experience (excluding the time Misa kissed him on the cheek) is probably limited to him getting smooched on the forehead by his mom when he was like. under eight years old. He knows how kissing works from both a scientific and literal perspective, he's seen it billions of times between any kind of media and his case-related surveillance. It's like this aspect of nature he can't avoid seeing, but he's also never longed for it before.
Assuming you're someone he's in a relationship with, he figures it's probably something that's just inevitable. Personally, I think it could go down in one of two ways: 1. he outright asks you if he can kiss you or 2. you kiss him first.
He's not playing around here, okay. It's really just gonna be a "Can I kiss you?" or a "Would you like to kiss me?"
He's been reading your body language for a while by now and he can tell what you're planning on. Not only have you been facing towards him and leaning into your interactions, but your eyes have been flickering between making eye contact and glancing at his lips.
Either way, I think the first way I could describe it is. Awkward. It's either too long or too short, I mean, how is he supposed to know the time duration of a kiss? Would he average it out from comparing footage? I also feel like he would keep his eyes open the entire time. It's his first kiss, of course he's going to observe it and commit it to memory. Imagine kissing L and the first thing you see after you pull away a little is him and his huge ass owl eyes right in your face. smh.
I'd love to say he would improve a lot from that point, but like. Nahhhh. I think kissing would follow the 1 or 2 formula I mentioned earlier for quite a while. Another scenario I can see in the future is just him staring at you until you notice him and just saying "I would like a kiss." He is kinda spoiled.
L would taste so sweet that it's almost bitter.
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kyouka-supremacy · 5 months
for the character ask game, would you mind doing odasaku? 🤭♥️
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Of course!!! <333
Favorite thing about them: He's normal. He's plain and uneventful and almost supposed to go unnoticed. Which makes him the perfect common man and character who's the easiest to relate to and see oneself into. He's the bridge between the extraordinary, superpowers world and our ordinary reality. The author loves to delve into the theme of “ordinary”, “avarege”, “uninteresting” men (x) (x) (also see: Sigma's whole character), and I think they're very good at executing it, and it really shows in the composition of Oda. It's a very compelling concept!
Least favorite thing about them: Well. Not his fault. But if I had to be honest the whole oda/zai fandom drama is, politely, quite tiring... I used to have my perplexions about Oda's moral code the first time I watched the anime, but I've long come to terms with the fact that bsd's worldviews are simply different from mine, so I don't really have issues with it anymore. I sincerely enjoyed his character during the anime rewatch of the Dark Era arc.
Favorite line: I guess “people live to save themselves” hits quite hard. I may disagree with bsd's morals, but I suppose a poignant line is still a poignant line.
brOTP: Buraiha trio,,,,,, Oda and his orphans,,,,,,, Also, I know they didn't have much space to interact in canon, but Oda and Akutagawa. It's kinda sweet how Oda stepped up to go to Akutagawa's rescue.
OTP: I like odazai a lot :) Buraiha trio too as a whole, probably.
nOTP: Oda/ngo; not because I take any issue with it (I ship pretty much everything), and I'm sure they care about each other a lot, but every single time without exception I've been exposed to fancontent of them it always framed them as “Dazai's parents”, which I personally find extremely distasteful. Personally, I perceive it as infantilizing Dazai, and it bothers me in particular in the way it clashes with the image of the Buraiha trio I have of people who respect each other and consider each other equals and on the same level despite their rank.. So, y'know.
Random headcanon: Right now I can't take off my mind this headcanon that Oda wears bracelets made for him by his orphans.
Unpopular opinion: He's the author's self-insert lmao. From the way he's the only writer character, to how Asagiri has him as their profile picture on their socials, to how he haunts the narrative but isn't directly part of it, it's really clear as the light of day for me. Which makes Dazai's reverence for and idolization of him a little funny pffttt.
Song i associate with them: I heavily associate Lovers' Suicide Oblivion by OPA to odazai. For some reason, another song that makes me think of Oda is Servant of Evil by mothy, with Oda as Allen and Dazai as Riliane. You know, I suppose. Deeply loving someone despite their being inherently evil due to being able to see the childish, genuine side of them no one else can see. Dying in front of them as the ultimate act of selfless love and their death prompting the other's redemption. One looking over the other after their death and guiding / protecting them. Yeah, I think it fits them.
Favorite picture of them:
Favourite illustration:
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Favourite illustration in the anime art style:
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Favourite Mayoi card:
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Send me a character?
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tsukikoayanosuke · 4 months
Are you still updating your twst au?
Anon, which TWST AU are you asking?
I want not expecting to get this ask but no worries~
Overall, many are in hiatus mostly because I want to revamp it, some are just funky headcanons.
So, these are some that I could recall:
Mafia AU, Hybrid AU & Royalty AU
I'm lumping these three because I have similar problems: handling others' OC in an OC centric AU. While I don't mind writing about other people's OCs, I am cautious. It is different from canon character with an understandable progression throughout the story (example: Canon Azul compare to OPT Azul), when writing other OCs, I do aim to make them static, unless there's a potential of a character development. Especially after a bad experience in the past, I become afraid in touching with other people OCs even after getting permission from the owner. Unless it is someone I trust, aka very close mutuals.
For Royalty AU, it is just really for funzies. There aren't really a future plan other than one-shot collections. I think I had a plan to make it based on 'I Hear a Symphony' by Cody Fry, but other than that, nothing really.
For Mafia AU, I really want to revamp it, but the hardest part is really tracking all the OCs and finding who left the fandom and who hasn't. I do want to come back to this one day and instead of a collection of one shot, it'll be a Bungou Stray Dog AU or something. I don't have further plan just yet.
Hybrid AU is probably the most heartbreaking because I was so excited back then but then never make it because communication error. If I ever continue this, I really want to make it into a game instead. I always knew hubris will be my downfall.
Project Sekai AU, Daemon AU, Vanguard AU & MDZS AU
Lumping these four together because, technically, they're finished.
For Project Sekai AU, I don't really have plans in making a full fic for it, mostly just headcanons. I do want to make a soft reboot and rearrange some of the group, especially after Episode 7. If I do ended up making something more out of this, it would be just  one shots.
I don't have further plan for Daemon AU. It is really just assigning animal companions for the kiddos. I don't really want to make a His Dark Material/Golden Compass AU just yet.
Same as Cardfight Vanguard AU. While there was a brief plan to write a fanfic for it, I was held back because o the mere thought of making the card fights. I do need to update both this and Daemon AU.
For MDZS AU, I did have plans to write something about it, but haven't get around it. Maybe after rewatching the donghua and the live action I can make something.
Evillious Chronicles AU & Kingdom Hearts AU
These two are the AUs that I actively still engage in behind the scene.
Evillious Chronicles AU is probably the one I have most trouble with and actively think about a lot. Very time I did something, mothy will come in and ruin it. I'm just mostly assigning the characters and seeing how many reincarnation are there. Once I have at least the base without any conflicting cast, I can update it.
Kingdom Hearts AU started as a gift fic for the close mutual of mine and they help me many times in the making behind the scene. I am in a process of rewriting the early chapters and the difference are very telling. Once the rewrite are done, I'll be writing a new chapter.
I'm pretty sure I have more AUs but can't remember. If you want to know more specific AU let me know, anon~
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ruefanofall · 8 months
Thinking about Anne because I love her so much.
DISCLAIMER: This is very Headcanon influenced and I have some negative opinions on how Mothy characterizes Anne later on and in the Horse of Evil novel. So Pls do not take what I say as canon!!(it's Canon in my heart <\3)
It's the way she represents Life in my eyes... The light at the end of the tunnel, she's love and life. Anne's always been a kind person, a protector. Her dream was to create a kingdom where children could play safely and I'M SICK. I'M SICK
I have my . Opinions on the Horse of Evil Novel. But what never struck right with me was trying to push Anne as Cruel. It never made sense to me tbh. Sure maybe she could be stern, and she was DEFINITELY mourning her late lover and That def had an influence on her but to make her so cruel???? It feels Icky and I think Anne deserves So Much Better.
She's the Goddess of Victory!!! She's a kind soul!!! Anne is the anchor to Arth to Lucifenia and she is sooooo dear to me. I love her sm.
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