#sanses x motti
mothiepixie · 12 days
Will also have some asks/drabbles, but not all. I may make a Masterpost for asks in a separate post.
Some arts/comics are excluded due to tumblr's NSFW policies.
-straIN wHEEZE- please enjoy this took forever.
Fae Motti Concept ◽Fae Motti Finalize || ART1 || ART 2 ||
Fae Motti Ask Series
ART: ART1 || ART2 ||
FIC: CH1 || CH2
ART: ART1 || ART2 || ART3 || ART4 || ART5 || ART6 || ART7 || ART8 || ART9 || ART10 || ART11 ||
ART: ART 1 || ART2 || ART3 || ART4 || ART5 ||
This will be in parts since there is a link limit!
Part 1
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mothiepixie · 4 months
Something I'm curious about, do you have any head canons about soulbonding? If so, who would Motti have soulbonded with? 💜💙💚💛🧡❤️
Sorry for taking so long to answer! I hope you enjoy! I kinda got carried away ahaha
Soulbonding is an ancient and intimate affair and rarely practiced in modern day, but it is considered the highest form of trust and some would say it transcends usual bonds. Once soul bonded; the individuals can experience a merge of memories, feelings, etc. It can also extend or decrease one’s life to the corresponding partner who initiated the act, thus the individuals can live their life as long as their chosen partners. 
Although soulbonding is a form of strong magic, it can also be broken. However, the individual(s) will experience a sense of intense loss and an emptiness that may never be filled. The reason being is when the soulbond happens it creates an invisible “string" to the respective partners. If the “string” is broken the merge isn’t completely severed, and the missing specs will constantly call out to each other. It’s one of the reasons why it's not a common practice anymore as the few who have broken the bond cannot stand the feeling. 
If a partner were to pass away by unnatural means, the bonded individual(s) would also experience an intense sense of loss and most do not come back from that. Especially for monsters; their hope would drop to practically nothing and eventually the grief would cause them to dust. Most bonded individual(s) will age and pass away alongside each other. 
Soulbonding isn’t reserved for just romantic partners as many platonic individuals can bond. In ancient times it was a great way for members of armies/guilds/party members to better fight alongside each other, and if ever lost in battle the bond acts like a beacon. This was only done with close and trusted parties though. 
But as monsters were cast underground, and times became more modernized it wasn’t really necessary to continue that kind of practice. (Depending on the AU, monsters became pacifists or many lost trust in others to bond). The history behind soulbonding eventually died for humans as well once the monsters were no longer on the surface. 
Who would soulbond:
Boysen: However, this would be many years down the line and the thought of Motti aging and dying without him would definitely have him initiate the bond. (He would actually dust if Motti were to pass away, his HP just couldn’t bear the loss regardless bonded or not.)
Passive Nightmare: Even without soulbonding he is so deeply attached to Motti, and vice versa, that he could not even bear the thought of losing her. He is willing to let Motti initiate the act, but Motti would rather he do it so they could make up for all the tragedies they suffered. (I guess Motti would become immortal if that’s the case)
Farmer: A country man stands by his partner through and through, and given Motti’s life span being shorter than his, he would think about it for a good long while before having the discussion with her. Mainly it would be because he doesn’t want her to feel pressured into something like that and if she ever would want to leave, he’d like her to have that choice. But boy, he would be over the moon when she agrees.
Blue: This monster loves long and hard. He would not think twice about approaching the subject and offering it to Motti. There will be a discussion of who will initiate the act, but Blue would 100% be okay with either decision. 
Who would be apprehensive:
 Sans: While he would never let anyone know or show it, he is scared by the prospect that if he bonded with Motti and something were to happen to her; he knows he will dust instantaneously. He most likely will never approach the subject to her and would hope that no one ever mentions to Motti about it. 
Dream: He already has commitment issues and is already overwhelmed with his powers of empathy. It makes sense that soulbonding may even be a more exhausting and stressful experience. It took him years to accept that Motti’s feelings were genuine and not a by-product of his powers, so the thought of bonding to a degree could be more harmful to his psyche than good. 
Horror: He actually leans into being apprehensive to not even consider it, but he would be lying if he said the thought never occurred to him. Especially when he is in a good head space, he does fantasize what a nice domestic life would be like with Motti, but he would eventually convince himself that’s just a pipe dream. Although if Motti showed genuine interest/want, he just may be persuaded. 
Who would not:
Big Red: That’s far too intimate and scary, he already cannot handle his emotions as is and his trauma would make him scared to bond with Motti. He may just dust on the spot if something ever happened to her. 
Killer: It’s already hard for Motti to discern if his affection comes from a genuine place to begin with and even for Killer that may be a step he has never considered. 
Dust: He has experienced far too much trauma and his brother haunting him does not help in the slightest. He already knows what it is like to have someone’s feelings and influence hanging over his head and he would never want to subject Motti to his warped mind and soul. 
Ink: He doesn’t have a soul to bond with, but he may play with the idea by using physical strings if Motti were to bring it up. He doesn’t really understand the idea or appeal, but he likes the thought of crafting an idea. 
Nightmare: He doesn’t really have much of a soul to begin with, but even so Motti would not entertain the idea if she knows she’ll feel what he feels. (Him embodying all negative emotions and enjoying it is not a good time in Motti’s eyes)
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mothiepixie · 2 months
I’m not the anon but a sort of follow up to the poly ask
If motti dating everyone isn’t possible, what’s probably the biggest poly that’s possible with the others and who are in it?
My first thought is the bad sans’s plus nm, maybe with add ons of other characters too?
It would be Nightmare and the bad trio. Always like the idea that in one AU Motti would be Nightmare's sugar baby and the bad trio are there to be bodyguards of some sort with benefits. 🫣😌 No one else would be able to join, however, they all bearly tolerate sharing as is. Also Motti can only juggle and mentally handle the big babies so much.
A healthier polycule tho would be Dream x Motti x Blue. Cross could join without any resistance. Ink, too, maybe, but he wouldn't care too much. Be the one to flake the most.
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mothiepixie · 1 month
I’m really curious because a lot of the Sanses have a jealous/possessive streak to them, and Motti seems so free-spirited and kind to everyone… does that ever cause conflict in their everyday life? Whether it’s from her hanging out with or getting hit on by other attractive people or monsters or, I guess in terms of “the bad Sanses”, would they ever try to get back at one another at all for hogging extra time with her behind the scenes? And does Motti ever feel stifled or is she appreciative and see it as them looking out for her?
I guess in general what I’m trying to ask is: To what extent are each of the Sanses with that quality jealous/possessive over Motti and how might she react to their behavior based on whatever level they happen to be at?
A lot of it really depends on who openly displays jealousy versus who is seething on the inside. Many of the Sanses lean towards redirecting her attention back to them or even asserting themselves so the person who is flirting or getting too close to her will sense the tension and back off. 
Others will openly show aggression and rudely call out the person which will embarrass Motti. Motti doesn’t perceive people flirting with her quite a lot because she gives the benefit of the doubt that they’re just being friendly since that is the energy she gives. So it will come off unexpected and unwarranted if one of the Sanses reacts boorishly.  While Motti is generally really easy going she doesn’t stand for rudeness and will reprimand if need be. 
Boysen, Big Red, the Bad Time Trio, and Nightmare are perhaps THE worst of the bunch. They don’t hold back or care to be couth and it will cause a lot of arguments.
Boysen is 50/50 with either showing or keeping his jealousy to himself. He has a three strike system he follows and while he does feel secure in himself, he does not like sharing and doesn't like someone lesser than him to even dream of thinking they have a chance. His methods are more insulting the person's intelligence, or attributes before his mask slips and threatens them. Motti will wait until they're home to have a heated discussion. A lot of it will be Boysen pointing out things about their character and that they annoyed him which will make Motti so frustrated she can't explain other then huffing.
Big Red and Motti will butt heads and while she would like to have a proper discussion when they get back home, he does test her patience and sometimes her hot headedness wins. They will have it out right then and there.
The Bad Time Trio see Motti like a cute kitten when she is upset and reprimanding them. It really doesn’t phase them in the slightest (mostly Dust and Horror), Killer likes to act like a kick puppy and try to use cuteness for her to forgive him (he’ll just learn to be more discreet and take care of the person out of view). If jealousy is amongst the three, then it’s one upping the other, smacking the other when Motti isn't looking, or even full on brawls. 
Nightmare doesn’t care in the slightest how upset or long Motti goes on a tangent about how he should act. He has made his claim on Motti and he’ll be DAMNED if he lets some nobody even think they can breathe her air. 
Other Sanses that keep to themselves when they are jealous try not to let it affect the quality of her life. Many of them genuinely know that their jealousy is indicative of their own personal gripes about the fear of losing her. 
Sans, Farmer, and Passive will simmer on the inside then be the kind to redirect Motti back to them, or display affection more so they feel more secure with her. 
Blue cares for Motti so much that if she chose another he would not stand in that person’s way because he cares for Motti’s happiness over his own. He will be the shoulder for her to lean on, but he will always pine for her. 
Dream is a conflicted and complicated fellow. He spends so much of his time giving every piece of himself to others, but also keeping everyone at arm’s length. So when he finally allows himself to love Motti, there are times he doesn’t want her to get too close because he struggles to accept her love for him isn’t due to his powers. However, when someone else gives Motti attention he may feel malcontent and unwilling to share her attention. He won’t ever admit he feels a sense of possessiveness, and will try to ignore his own feelings to make her happy. Lots of forced smiles. He could only share or allow someone to flirt with her if he has complete trust in them not taking her fully away from him. -cough- maybe someone like Blue-cough-
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mothiepixie · 3 months
Hey, there! Still loving all your work. So, we've seen some of the Sans's interact what about a meeting of the Motti's? Would Uncorrupted Nightmare's Motti inspire the others to talk about their scars by how openly she wears hers?
And all the drama of the boys eavesdropping and being in different stages of this being the first they heard of their Motti having scars at all to the first time getting the whole story.
I just love these guys.
In a way, Passive Motti would have the other AU Mottis think about being more open about their scars. Passive Motti does it to show her Night not to ashamed and guilty for what happened, because she doesn't blame him in the slightest. It's so both of them gets used to it and there's no hang ups.
Swapfell/Precious Stone(Including mafia) Motti may be a little more apprehensive showing hers because Boysen may seek out who caused the scars. He may not let her know right off that bat of what he's doing but there would be signs.
Farmtale Motti isn't apprehensive, it kinda comes with such hard labor and working with animals.
Dream's Motti is an archer and fighter, so she wouldn't mind having scars. However, Dream often heals her wounds before she can really develop any.
Overall scars aren't such a BIG deal to them. All Mottis have a habit of keeping to themselves about things that really affect them and kinda work at it in their own way to be okay with things. They don't want their respective partner(s) to worry about things they deem trivial.
But if the boys were easedropping a fight might break out, (mostly boysen making some off hands comments to Night and Dream even tho he heals his motti. Boysen just hates Dream's guts LMAO
Farmer being all nonchalant would only step in if blame if shifted his way.
It would just be a whole thing and all Mottis would be exasperated. Wheeze
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mothiepixie · 9 months
If I may, and if you haven’t answered it yet, how do all the boys react to Mottie being/getting sick?
Absolutely!! I hope you enjoy
He knows something is off immediately; Maybe he hasn't gotten a call or a text like he's used to that day. He tries to think nothing of it but usually before noon he gets at least a text. He sends a quick meme that he knows would have her key smashing a reply, but he gets nothing. He lets it be and just figured she's busy, but when half the day has gone by that's when he decides to give a call.
The moment he hears her voice, he grimaces at how coarse it sounds. “geez, have you been chewing glass?” And he knows it's bad when she doesn't retort and just hears a quiet sigh.
“yeah, i agree.. not one of my best jokes… hang on, kiddo.” He doesn't give time for Motti to think and hangs up. He'll show up at her house with a bag full of soup and such. He's nonchalant about the hold thing, but he's pretty worried. He doesn't like that she barely responds.
He stays late making sure she's okay.
Their world isn't soft when it comes to caring for others. Boysen has different ways of showing affection, and only will get better in the later years that doesn't have to do with showering in gifts. And so, when Motti first gets sick he is concerned but he's also unsure what to do. He is a bit of a germaphobe and human sickness is always something that disgusts him.
So, there he stands at Motti's side; he has gloves on, clear up to his elbows, an apron while holding a tray of soup, juices and medicine. Through his mask, he tells her sternly that she's to finish it all and to shower after and he'll wash her clothes. She'll thank him and he just says “Don't thank me, just quit being diseased.”
Big Red:
He doesn't realize right away that Motti is sick, but when she blatantly tells him, he inwardly panics. He's reliving trauma from his younger years of when he,or Papyrus, was ill, and they had to hide it. Staying locked away or pretending they weren't weak in fear of someone coming for them at their worst.
He doesn't know how to react other than telling her she can't leave their house and to stay out of sight. It confuses her, and freaks her out a little, and Red gets more angry at himself for frightening her.
He barks at her to relax and obviously she can't now. So in frustration, he asks what she needs and he'll get it. He doesn't know how to take care of her needs since monster illnesses are different from humans, and he hates how he feels helpless.
Although there isn't much for him to do but watch her sniffle and hack her lungs out, he sulks and gets frustrated when she tries to do anything herself. “ya dont gotta get up, damn it! i'm right here!” And will grumble all the way to the kitchen.
It's nearly the crack of dawn when he gets a call from Motti. She can barely get a word out without going into a coughing fit. He hears her sniffling, but he cannot tell if it's because of her stuffy nose or she's crying.
“I'm so sorry, but can I ask you to take care of my animals for me?”
The cracking of her voice breaks his heart. “you never have to ask, peaches.”
He has the majority of her chores done before the sun even rises. Of course, Papyrus helped as well since he was already up, but he pushed Sans to go check on her frequently.
Homemade soup was brought over frequently and Farmer tells her about how sassy Creampuff has been since Motti has been bedridden. Farmer is a master at playing it cool, but when he goes home he lies in his bed worried about her. He doesn't like that she's alone and ill. He thinks about changing that.
He senses it and will come to check on her. Although he's never been sick himself, he has felt it through millions of lives and knows just how miserable Motti is.
He is the best at taking care of her because he will know when the symptoms get worse or come back before she does. She'll wake up and he will be there with a glass of water and medicine, urging her to take it before her previous medicine fully wears off. She doesn't have to ask, seek or express her needs and Dream is there with whatever she requires.
With him being there also improves her mood and makes her feel better faster.
He fumbles around the most when he realizes she is sick. “Oh whoa, okay. Let's get you to bed, yeah???” but he's quick to make sure she's taken care of. He feels a bit awkward and not sure what she needs so he looks up what's best for humans. But he also realizes humans can die (that's his fault for looking at webmd)
But he'll make chicken soup from scratch, and feed it to her. He doesn't like how miserable she sounds and he will pull her into his lap to let her rest against his chest. He doesn't know how else to help but feed her and comfort her. He's not a big fan of feeling helpless and secretly panicking that she has some terminal illness disguised as a cold.
Unfortunately he doesn't really take care of Motti. He will hang around her and keep her company, maybe grab a few things for her here and there, but he's more interested in distracting her. If he drinks one of his vials, then the worry sets in and he comforts her.
He will feed off her misery and surprisingly that makes her get well faster? Forces the others to take care of her though and gets agitated if they buffoon around. Ends up doing himself and snippily if anyone points it out.
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mothiepixie · 9 months
With New Year's approaching, I was super curious.
How would each of the Sans spend New Year's with Mottie?
Love your work! (I live on a ranch and Farmer has my heart right now)
Thank you so much!! He's definitely my comfort character right now 🥹
I hope you enjoy this and also I hope you have a wonderful New Years! 🎆
He likes to keep things really simple. He loves parties but he's definitely the type to be glued to the couch and watch everyone from a distance. This includes watching Motti interact with others. There's just something about watching the way she interacts with each person that fills him with a sense of ease.
But as it strikes closer to midnight, he'll leave his spot and ask Motti to come with him. He'll shortcut her to the roof and wrap a blanket around them both. As it strikes midnight the fireworks in the neighboring city go off, and he'll kiss her cheek. (Which she steals a full on kiss in return)
Big Red🔭:
He's not a fan of boring get-togethers and just chilling with his family. He's more used to living it up at the bar, where everyone is sloshed to the nines. But he knows that's not Motti's jam, and that she's not a fan of loud and rowdy places. He'll do something different for her, and for himself, by taking her to the mountains where the light pollution doesn't reach.
In the back of the truck, he's got blankets and his telescope set up. He's unsure by the whole thing and trying to save face that he's not at all embarrassed by this display of love, but he gradually becomes more relaxed as the night goes on. Once it hits midnight he's about to kiss her when Motti beats him to it. It throws him off and makes him super flustered.
The week leading up to this he has been mad busy with work, but even so, he made arrangements at a popular and expensive restaurant. He has rented out the entire rooftop for the evening and it will be just Motti and him. He messages her the day of and says to be ready and dress up. He may or may have not sent her several outfits and jewelry for her to choose from. Boysen will come home and quickly get ready himself, and shoot glances at Motti when she makes remarks she's ready before he is.
The evening is spent dining and making quips at each other while they enjoy a fire in front of them. The location he chose has the best view once midnight hits and the fireworks go off, but both of them were long locked lips that they never saw them. 💋
Everyone is gathered outside at his and Pap's place, and have set up a movie projector and snacks galore. No one is really paying attention to the movie, which is fine because it's just there for anyone's enjoyment. However, Motti will be wondering where Sans is though. He has rarely been seen all night and so, she ends up finding him on the veranda sitting on the porch swing.
He beckons her over and while she's getting situated he pulls out a thermos and pour some hot apple cider. While curious, Motti will ask if he's not enjoying the festivities and he tells her that it's nice to have everyone here, but he just wants to see the new years with just her. Motti will rest her head on his shoulder and he rests his head on top of hers. They both go into the new year looking at the stars and hearing the distant cheering at midnight.
It's not really something he celebrates since acknowledging the passage of time is a mortal thing. However, that doesn't mean he does not care when it's important to Motti greeting a new year. He'll hang around at the party she's throwing, but he's standing off to the side like a pretty wallflower and observing the festivities.
He has a red cup in his hands, but he more or less has it to feel like he's fitting in. The party has started off fun, but he's just around so many people, and in an enclosed area, that his empathic abilities are starting to overwhelm his senses.
Motti takes note that Dream is looking off and takes him elsewhere that is vastly more secluded. She gives him the option to leave, but he refuses. Every second, every minute with Motti is important and that means celebrating the concept of time with her no matter what.
To be honest, he gets invited to the party and has a grand time, but he's inwardly nervous. He was just told about the tradition of kissing at midnight and he spends majority of the time hyping himself up to kiss her.
He's overthinking about it; does he just swoop her up and kiss her? Maybe dipping her??? He could also spin her around and into his arms before cooly and awesomely placing a big fat kiss on her lips.
But he starts thinking of all the ways he could mess up and now in a mix of confidence rising at one thought and shattering his own self-esteem the next.
With midnight just minutes away, he's standing near Motti wondering what tactic to choose, and when the clock strikes midnight he's frozen in performance anxiety. Motti doesn't hesitate and grabs his shirt collar and pulls him in for a deep kiss. He was worried for nothing.
He doesn't care much for it. Hell, he doesn't really even remember what's the point of celebrating when he was trapped in the anti-void. But Motti is yapping about the importance of celebrating and he begrudgingly finds himself wearing a party hat and party horn stuck in his mouth.
He hates it he doesnt, it's not fun at all he's having a blast and doesn't like the streamers Motti put up or the table filled with his favorite snacks he already devoured the chocolate. He's sitting on his bean bag like a perturbed cat being disturbed during their nap. But Motti mentions she wanted to spend it with just him and part of him wants to believe it so badly. Motti asks if she can give him a kiss on the cheek and he becomes a flustered mess, and begins short circuiting at the thought.
He takes Motti through multiple AUs and changes their outfits to fit each occasion. He's party crashing and eating the food, while Motti is trying to play devil's advocate and calm down all the people Ink has upset.
By the end of the night, she is growing exhausted, but Ink will take her to Outertale and he finally calms down. Motti gets to enjoy the beauty of space and finally relax. He will paint the scenery before him, including Motti, effortlessly and gift it to her.
To be honest, he will swoop in at the stroke of midnight and steal Motti away right in front of everyone. He relishes in their shock expressions and rash responses.
He spends the rest of the night huddling a pouty Motti to his chest, chuckling the whole time.
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mothiepixie · 9 months
Heyo sorry to bug. I am just curious on how you think your head canon of the skeletons would react to seeing Motti in a Virgin killer sweater. Sorry if it was asked already. Its my current fixation lol. Thank you for your time.
oh me oh my, luckily it has not be asked before 🫶😌
Sans: Wow. That's new. He's not entirely sure what to do with himself, but he's starting to feel a little warm under the collar. He's trying not to look at her disrespectfully but his eyelights can't help but wander over the curves of her exposed back. He feels a little tense and his smile stiffens a little tighter than normal. Were her curves (especially her butt) always that prominent? He can feel himself sweating.
Big Red: He immediately stiffens and takes Motti's silhouette in. He doesn't know what to focus on the most and he can feel other parts of himself stiffen up too. 👀 He doesn't take too long in purring compliments and encasing her against the wall. He takes no time whisking her away to the bedroom.
Swap Sans: Was most likely preoccupied with something and dropped whatever was in his hands. Pulling at the scarf around his neck and his eyes darting anywhere but her outfit. Motti turns around coyly and his eyes are glued to her back and why do her curves become even more beautiful in that sweater???? The sweater is so impractical, he thinks to himself but also thanking whoever the hell invented it. He thinks about it for WEEKS.
Boysen: His stare could very well burn away the fibers of that sweater. It takes everything in him not to sweep off the items on his desk and take Motti right then and there. Instead with one finger beckons her closer before pulling Motti on his lap and his hands playing with the soft folds on her back. Motti comes stumbling out of his office later with hair askew and bite marks littering her shoulders.
Dream: I think his mind short circuits although part of him was prepared for something coy when he felt Motti entering the room and feeling her mischievous feelings. But nothing could have prepared him. He's still outright a gentleman and compliments her, but he is oh so strained about it. His polite smile felt forced. Images of her pretty frame flashes in his mind at very inconvenient times for the months coming.
Cross: He turns into a plum and becomes speechless. He really doesn't know what to do with himself and feels very caught off guard. If Motti touches, either innocently or not, Cross is not opposed but his eyes are shut because he doesn't trust his body combusting before anything happens.
Farmer: Just like Classic, he's trying to play it cool and not at all hot and bothered. It almost disappoints Motti, until she turns around and he appears behind her. His hands slither into the opening, running along her hips and his thumbs pressing into the dimples above her bum. But before she can even comprehend his touches and his teeth against her bare shoulder blade, he's over in the field pruning like nothing happened. Motti is the one flustered.
Nightmare: It ends up on his floor. End of discussion.
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mothiepixie · 10 months
We all know that Sans (Classic) is an expert gift giver, but who else would be a giftmas expert (at least when it comes to Mottie)?
Oh, how fun!
The other best Giftmas Givers:
Swap Sans: he's very attentive and observant. He would make mental notes if something sparks a reaction out of her. But he would casually go around the other guys and lead the conversation to get other's present ideas/see what they got Motti. So he can avoid getting a duplicate gift.
Dream: Knows immediately if Motti likes something without her having to say a word or physically react. He may even know what she likes before she even realizes it herself.
Boysen: His gifts are always thoughtful and lavish. Nothing is too expensive, but he does know when to dial it back and get something midrange or just overall practical (nothing is poor quality tho!). But his gifts are also very romantic and with the forethought Motti will ALWAYS think of him when she lays her eyes on the gift.
The thought is there Givers:
Big Red: he's never 100% or certain of himself to get something she'll like. It's kinda mushy and makes him feel weird and he only knows to give jewelry (gold) as a gift. On the occasion he does take the safest route and gives her sunflowers (that would be the greatest length he'll go too since they're out of season).
Cross: It wouldn't just be a Motti thing, he just kinda sucks at getting gifts to anyone because he overthinks. His gifts usually land on the practical side. Motti will be given decorative knives as a gift, but hey, they're pretty but they can do damage. So a win/win in Cross’ books.
Ink: Either teeters from actually being really good at giving a gift or bombs it completely. But his strengths are the gifts he would actually craft himself. He crafts or paints a portrait of Motti in how he sees her, a very artistic take and not a hyper realistic take. Or he would make origami insects and pin them in her room to surprise her.
Farmer: He's just a simple guy and his gifts reflect that. Doesn't mean that they don't have any heart in it at all, oh no. Whatever he does give her, he wants it to spark joy and give the twinkle in her eye because that's all he wants. But he would probably propagate various plants and give them to her so they start young and she can recount how many months (or years) the plants have been growing strong. (More or less when she's not looking he's checking them over so they can flourish, not doubting her skills but just so they can stick around longer for her enjoyment.)
The ones who suck at being Givers:
Nightmare: IF he does give a gift, it's all for selfish reasons and trying to one up someone. Or he even stole a gift and presented it as his own. Never presented to Motti as loving and kinda sours the moment. Or Motti finds out he stole it.
Error: Probably would make a doll and then get fluster if she shows any positivity that he gets outlandishly embarrassed. Or just throw a bar of chocolate at her head that he stole from Red and say “she can't say he never gave her anything.”
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mothiepixie · 9 months
Very random question but I'm curious, if any of your Sanses had to share Motti with another Sans, who would it be?
Oh gosh, tbh I think Dream would be 100% okay with Motti dating another Sans. I headcanon he'd be poly or okay with poly, but only if Motti's other partners will treat her well.
There is Stone and Merlot who would be okay with that too. (Please correct me if wrong, Kins and Smoks 🫶) Tic would totally be okay with it since he's poly himself. (He's in a relationship with Toriel and Grillby)
Maybe Farmer? I would need to look more into his character, but he's such a sweet guy and secure guy, I think he would be fine with it.
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mothiepixie · 1 year
Hi Mothie! I love your art style and how you draw the sanses! I know fell and Mothie have a kid, do the rest of the sans au's also have families with Mothie?
Hi there and thank you very much!
At the moment, it is only Red and Motti who have a kid as they're much farther along in their relationship than the other sanses. (And that being their relationship I have been working with the longest aside from Error.)
I do believe that Franklin would just be slightly different in the other AUs since she is a child of a sans and Motti.
This is where the others relationship are right now and if they will have a child (this being sanses i have worked with):
Classic Sans has yet to even make it official with Motti and is pussy footing around that subject although flirting with her horrendously. Them having a child won't be for a long, long time.
Butch and Motti are somewhat in the same boat as above. At the moment it is still semi one sided as Motti is pining for Butch (unknowingly she even has a crush) and Butch is still just gadging Motti's intentions with amusement. Them having a child is uncertain because it's going to be years before Butch even falls for Motti like that. And he may be uncertain having a child with her. (To be further investigated)
Unless you have followed my old acc, not anyone new here will know that one AU Motti was married to Geno before he upped and disappeared. They didn't have a child. And now, Error and Motti have a developing relationship, but more or less will not have a child together given certain reasons.
Dream is still trying to court Motti and win her over. Which won't be long how charming and bold he's being. But given his longevity, he may hesitate. I feel they could have Franklin unexpectedly tho. (Ehehe)
Nightmare and Motti, oh boy. That's a bit tough. For one, their relationship is the least developed and more on Nightmare playing with Motti's feelings and easing his boredom. He feels possessive of her but at the moment it is more of a claim factor than him having real feelings for Motti yet.
Reaper and Motti having a teasing game that bounces back and forth. Reaper is highly sexually frustrated because of Motti. He would definitely have a child, or more, with Motti if he was able to even touch her. Just because y'know 😏
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mothiepixie · 6 months
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U mad?
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mothiepixie · 5 months
Little Lies
Horror x Motti, Bad Sanses x Motti
Word count: 951
Horror ruminates.
Their arrangement is all casual, or it was supposed to be. They all agreed upon it that their relationship was simply to get out of Nightmare's face and to dump the three at Motti's place when he had enough of their antics. Neither of them anticipated it growing more than just a place of repose. However as time went on things changed and mostly for Horror. 
He wouldn't dare admit it to anyone, let alone to Motti. He's still not sure where he stands with her and part of him is afraid to know, yet, here he is with her laying on his chest like his body was made to caress hers.  
His phalanges combed her hair as gently as he could, but she didn't seem to mind the occasional bump or tug.
He liked this. 
He wants more of this. 
Just the two of them together alone and living in domestic bliss, but even Horror laughs at his own desires. Him? Playing house? Is he even allowed that?  But if not, then what have they been doing all day? She cooked him a full meal and he helped lift the couch so she could vacuum under it. He attempted to help dry the dishes but broke a few, and now they're cozy up to each other watching a dumb B-rated thriller. 
It tugs at his soul and his head pounds from the thoughts swarming. Motti and him used to be at each other's throats; the very sight of each other could ruin their day. He is not at all sure when that changed. All Horror knows is that it began to irritate him when Motti would neglect herself from overworking and then putting Killer or Dust above her own needs. What a stupid girl. 
He gets irritated at those thoughts, his brow furrowing and he has to stop himself from growling. He can't deny that if Killer or Dust was out of the picture Horor would be a lot less territorial, a little easier to deal with, but he's nowhere near ready to open up to Motti about how he feels or what he really wants. 
Everytime he catches a glimpse of himself he gets an ugly reminder of what happened to him and, truthfully, he doesn’t understand how Motti can stand looking at his face. Some days he can’t even look himself in the eye as he’s just constantly reminded of how different he is from his old self. 
A yawn causes Horror to steal a glance down at Motti and watches as she tries to keep her eyes open. He sighs and runs the tips of his phalanges along her arm. 
He wants to laugh at himself, he really does, because he knows that if the core didn’t shut down and caused the magic in the underground to go haywired he still would have been his charming, pun loving self. Now look at him. A massive beast with an unsightly hole in his head and a former shell of who he used to be. 
He hates having to think how Motti would have instantly liked his old self and she wouldn’t have met this jaded old bastard. It would have been so easy to sweep her off her feet, just a pun here or there, casually dropping hints and making her feel like he was her everything. But no, instead, Motti got an insidious freak with a quick temper and more LOVE than he ever thought was possible. She would not feel so safe curled up on him like this if she really knew what he had done or what his hands were stained with. 
Even if he never ate a human Horror can’t bring himself to tell her the truth. The thought of her eyes looking at him with disgust causes his old bones to ache with a feeling he can not yet discern. It’s kind of pitiful that Motti can wear her heart on her sleeve and opened up to him more than he has even graced her with. Yet, he has resolved to himself that he will keep it that way as long as he can. If he can continue to make believe and fool himself that he’s all she wants, he can live with that. Live with the lies and live with the love she gives. 
He’ll tolerate Killer and Dust for now.  Since he has yet to tell Motti he doesn’t want to share because then that would mean he would have to admit that he cares for her in a manner that he hasn’t felt like for some time, if ever. Would she even look at him as a partner? He doesn’t particularly believe that even with how she treats him now. Maybe it’s because neither of the other boys are here to keep her entertained… 
His soul drums against his ribcage, his anxiety spiking. That’s got to be it. She got tired of being irritated by him because Killer and Dust can’t be around all the time. Even if they do mundane things together that she doesn’t really do with the others, it must because he’s just a massive heap of bones. How can she give and receive any sort of affection from him? 
Maybe he is just the placeholder after all. 
Horror growls loudly while his eye forms into a slit and his mouth pulls into a harsh snarl. Motti becomes alert, snapping out of her drowsy state and goes to look at Horror but her world spins as she’s dropped to the floor. “Wha-” Before Motti can finish her sentence Horror shortcuts out of her apartment. Dazed and confused, Motti just stares at the spot where he once was. 
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mothiepixie · 1 year
This is an Adult space ONLY.
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Please do not interact with me or my account if you are a minor. Minors will be blocked.
This account will not show anything sexually explicit. But it contains suggestive and mature themes.
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kofi ☕️
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I do NOT give permission make an AI of any of my characters nor use my artwork for them. I do NOT give permission to trace or repost my work.
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Do's& Don'ts, FAQ Below
I do not do yn x canon content. Asks pertaining to yn x canon content will be discarded!
I'm only interested in creating content of my OCs x canon.
Be ⚠️ warned ⚠️:
Some of my content may include dealing of drugs/drug abuse, depression, past abuse and possessiveness. There will be possible depiction of wounds, blood, violence and fictional murder. It will be tagged.
If any of my content makes you uncomfortable feel free to block me and stay safe.
Do's and Don'ts:
An indication you're an adult must be visible for me to interact with you!
Commissions or tips are the only way I will draw if you are not a mutual, of my own device, or friend.
please don't ask content of pregnancies. I will not draw Motti pregnant, giving birth or talk about pregnancy related content.
Some related asks for your info ⤵️:
SOME Sanses will want kids, not all will. Passive cannot have children, he's infertile. Motti doesn't want kids in most AUs.
Please be advise I am not aware of every UTAU or its creators. I cannot draw them all or may not get into them, so please don't ask.
Also please DO NOT tag me on other's content to show me.
Please ask permission to dub my comics. I can revoke my permission at any given time and for any reason.
Can I ship my oc/myself with Boysen, Crust, any other of your skellies variants or Motti?
I don't mind you ship yourself or your ocs with the skellies. But please be respectful and don't do anything immoral with them.
I don't mind answering asks about the skellies height, appearance or use of my art, but I won't answer asks that involved how they would treat a partner that isn't Motti. That falls in YN content and as stated at the start of this pin I don't do yn x canon content.
Please do not ship yourself with Motti. Motti is only for close friends. Don't draw NSFW of Motti unless I gave permission.
If permitted: Please do not draw Motti in situations where she cannot consent: i.e: drunk, non-con, coercion. It will result in a block.
Do you do Art Requests?
No. I don't really have the mental capacity to take on requests. What free time I have, I draw art for myself or friends.
Do you do Art Commissions?
I do! I usually make an announcement when they're open and how many slots. I provide a google form to be filled out. I do not take commission inquires through DMs or Asks. Check my Bio or Badge for when I'm open.
Failure to comply to my TOS will result in a blacklist.
⛔️I refuse to draw inc3st, loli/shota, non-con or hateful content. ⛔️
Do you go by Mothie or Motti?
I go by Mothie! You can find my sona here
Motti is my main muse and separate from me.
What are your pronouns?
My pronouns are They/them/fae/she.
Questions about Motti!
What are Motti's pronouns and sexual orientation?
Motti goes by she/they. She is Demisexual/Pansexual.
Is there different versions of Motti?
Consider each AU I dabble in as a different Motti, but they are essentially the same person/personality. I won't always draw a different design for Motti or take away her key features.
Can I write/incorporate Motti in my fics?
It's friends and close mutuals only. I am not comfortable with people I don't know writing/using Motti like that.
Can I make fanart/fanfic of your ocs?
Can I draw your Sans designs?
Other Questions:
Do you have other socials?
Yes, I do. But they show explicit content so you have been warned ⚠️. Tumblr's nsfw rules are more restricted and thus account will only show suggestive themes. Minors not welcomed!
If you are a person who does not like explicit content, but doesn't mind suggestive content; this acc will be your safe place.
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mothiepixie · 6 months
I LOVE your mottie x swap comic! You made them so FREAKING ADORABLE! May I ask if that comic is its own separate au, or was set in the same universe as the last few dream-centric comics you've shared recently (and are we're seeing the beginnings of a love triangle/possible polycule)?
It's a start of a their own separate AU! In the dream-centric one, Swap is purely Motti's friend.
I usually try to make it apparent if there's a love rivalry going on (kinda like the bad sanses x motti).
I haven't come across a polycule dynamic yet cause I depict most of them jealous (not wanting to share her) and I dont wanna represent poly on those terms. 🤔
But for now, Swap is getting his own time to shine and his own Motti. ☺️
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