#mostly gregory
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annalaynee · 11 months ago
im getting fixated on fnaf once again....get ready for me to be super annoying abt my favorite characters 😇😇😇
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chloesimaginationthings · 9 months ago
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Gregory making sure Michael is a true FNAF fan
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scintillatingshortgirl19 · 1 year ago
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i think im having a stroke
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lil-dragon-rawr · 2 months ago
Y'all what if FNaF and DC were in the same universe can you imagine the chaos
Part Two, Part Three
Michael: *applies for a security job at WE because go big or go home amirite)
Tim, doing the interview because everyone else was freaked out by Michael: so, uh. What's your work experience
Michael: oh! I was a security officer for a bunch of places. Only for like a week at a time though cause I was only working there to set them on fire
Tim, now deeply concerned: um. So uh. That's a crime
Michael, realizing he made a Mistake™ and attempting to defend himself: hey, with the last gig it was literally in my contract that I had to burn the place down
Tim, contemplating insurance fraud:
Michael: also I'm great with lawsuits
Michael: *is living in Crime Alley because of course he is*
Michael: *gets shot while interrupting a gang war*
Michael, staring at the bullet in his chest: oh cool! My first souvenir from the east coast!
Red Hood, trying to get the obvious civilian out of the way: uhh hey buddy, are you good?
Michael "Allergic To Dying" Afton: yeah I'm good! Check out this bullet!
Red Hood, deeply concerned: what the [REDACTED]
Michael, remembering most people die when they're shot: oh don't worry, ever since I got scooped I can't die!
Red Hood, deeply concerned and regretting this conversation: uh. Scooped?
Michael, excited to talk about his trauma: yeah! My dead sister tricked me into getting my insides scooped out so she and her friends could wear my skin as a disguise to escape their prison
Red Hood:
Michael, working at WE and high on fear gas thanks to Scarecrow: oh, the nightmares are back!
Michael: *ignores them and keeps flipping through the cameras to see where Scarecrow went*
Red Robin, trying to help his employees: sir, you need to evacuate the building. Also, here's an antidote to the fear toxin-
Michael, annoyed: hey can you get out of my face? You're blocking the bestest boi
Red Robin: you're on fear toxin, whatever you're seeing isn't real
Michael: yeah and it wasn't real the first four years either but nightmare foxy is back and I'm never letting him go, he's the only one I like
Red Robin: sir please
Tim: *checks in on Michael and sees a little robotic bear reading an official-looking paper*
Tim, incredibly confused and praying that's not confidential WE info: hey Mike, whatcha got there
Michael, scooping up Helpy to present him like it's his favorite child: this is Helpy! He's the best and is so helpful. He also cuddles really nicely!
Michael, getting flashbacks: unlike SOME animatronics
Tim: what's he. What's he holding
Michael, with the energy of a parent excited to show off his kid's latest project: oh it's a lawsuit!
Michael, having a Conversation™ with Red Hood: wait you're dead too!
Red Hood: uhh yeah?
Michael: but why aren't you purple? Are you an animatronic?
Red Hood, incredibly confused: ...why would I be an animatronic?
Michael: cause you aren't decaying like me???
Red Hood: ok cool new question
Red Hood: HOW would I be an animatronic?
Michael: what, like it's difficult?
Michael: I mean, my little brother got rebuilt into an animatronic when he died so it's not that much of a stretch
Red Hood, realizing this is karma for every joke he made about his own death:
Michael: and there was that time a pile of robot spaghetti wore my skin so they could be a real person
Red Hood: would you pLEASE stop talking about that
Michael, ignoring him: didn't stop me from decaying though. Hm
WE: *gets shut out of their systems by an unknown hacker with a robot fox face*
Michael: don't worry guys I got this!
Tim, severely concerned that Batfam stuff is going to get leaked: but you're a security guard?? How-
Michael, typing in LOL: yeah don't worry it's just Lolbit! They like to cause problems on purpose from time to time
Tim: Lol...bit? Causes problems on purpose?
Michael: it's like enrichment
*Batfam realizes they have to start investigating Michael*
Red Hood: I mean, we could just ask him
Red Hood: the first time we met he told me exactly how he died in great detail
Red Hood, reminiscing (read: war flashbacks): he had a twenty-four slide powerpoint
Red Robin, realizing Michael's purple and smells bad for a reason other than "classic Gotham chemicals": he's dead???
Red Hood, desensitized: yeah, he didn't tell you?
Red Robin: *approaches Michael outside of work*
Michael, no longer high on fear toxin: oh hiya boss!
Red Robin, panicking: uhh what
Michael "FoxyBro" Afton: is there a reason you're talking to me outside of business hours? Am I in trouble?
Red Robin, wondering how he was going to explain this to Batman: uhhhhhh
Batman: please explain your previous jobs. For the investigation
Michael: oh! Well it all began when I tried to play a prank on my brother, shoved him into Fredbear's mouth, and got him killed-
Michael: then the nightmares started, which I later found out was partially due to my dad running experiments on me every night-
Michael: eventually he died but not really,
Michael: oh! And my sister got eaten by Baby-
Batman, lost at "shoved him into Fredbear's mouth":
*Batfam arrives at the Pizzaplex to try and figure out what the heck is going on*
Michael, there because he's visiting his siblings, standing next to Baby, Golden Freddy, and Gregory (on Glamrock Freddy's shoulders): oh hi guys!
Red Robin, who read the Funtime schematics: Michael what the [404 SWEAR NOT FOUND]
Red Hood: there's a child?? Why is there a child???
Michael: didn't I tell you about him? Anyways this is Gregory, he's the robot version of my dead brother!
Michael, gesturing to Golden Freddy: and this is my dead brother
Michael: though technically that's also another kid who lowkey kinda scares me
Michael, moving on: and this is my sister!
Michael: y'know, the one who tricked me into getting my insides scooped so she and her friends could wear my skin as a disguise?
Red Hood: can you PLEASE stop talking about that
Baby: I told you you wouldn't die!
Michael, looking at the Batfam like they're cameras from The Office: and she wonders why she's not my favorite sibling
Nightwing, having a moment but still trying to get information: who's. Who's the other bot
Michael, patting Glamrock Freddy: oh that's me!
Michael: a piece of me anyways
Nightwing: I have so many more questions
Signal, who can see the ghosts: please do not ask for answers.
Michael, showing the Batfam around the Pizzaplex: do you want to see my favorite ride?
Red Hood: ...sure
Michael: it's Foxy's log ride! Foxy is my favorite, I'm so upset he got replaced with Roxy but at least he's still around! Y'know when I was a kid I used to wear a Foxy mask, which is coincidentally the mask I wore when I got my brother killed-
Michael: *goes on a whole rant of the evolutions of Foxy and why OG Foxy is his favorite*
Red Hood: *starts taking notes*
Roxy, storming through the Pizzaplex: Gregory, you lawless RAT, how DARE you replace my HAIRBRUSH with a pORCUPINE-
Gregory: *running to hide behind Spoiler because he associates purple with Michael*
Spoiler: *as Roxy runs up* oh uhh hi there. Roxy right?
Roxy: you're not Gregory
Spoiler: haha nope! No Gregory here!
Roxy: oh. Sorry
Roxy: love your outfit though!
Spoiler: thanks, love your makeup!
Roxy: I know, right? I'm gorgeous!
Roxy: ...wanna have a girl's night with me and Glamrock Chica where we get dressed up and make Sun swear in binary?
Spoiler: did you even need to ask?
Robin, in a corner vibing with Mangle: *petting Mangle*
Mangle, also vibing: ._.(^w^)
Red Hood, realizing this is a staring contest: *goes halfway across the Pizzaplex to get popcorn and comes back to them in the exact same positions* ooh. Getting interesting
Nightwing: *argues with Circus Baby about clown etiquette*
Signal, overwhelmed by all the ghosts: man sure wish I had my lofi beats to study and relax to right now
DJ Music Man: *climbs out of the wall*
Signal: *unholy screeching* HOLY M- wait you're chill aren't you
DJ: *starts playing his version of lofi beats to study and relax to*
Signal: ...huh
Black Bat: *disappeared, found Ballora, and is now dancing with her* (^ ^)
Red Robin, recognizing the fox face from the WE hack: yOU
Funtime Foxy: I appreciate the enthusiasm for performing arts, but you must be thinking of my sibling!
Red Robin, who didn't find Lolbit's blueprints: your what
Lolbit, appearing out of nowhere: he means me!
Red Robin, with newly energized fury: YOU!
Lolbit: ...LOL!
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hiyyihrts · 9 months ago
obtaining inner peace is realizing that the majority of the men in the Bridgerton book series are mediocre at best and not that great of guys while their show counterparts are arguably infinitely better and well-rounded
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killjoy-prince · 1 year ago
House M.D. but it's when House says Wilson's name
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wilsonsmcgillsweatshirt · 1 year ago
I will never recover from the knowledge that thymoma generally has a very high survival rate, and in most cases that it becomes fatal, the patient has unknowingly lived with the cancer for years. There's a chance that Wilson was sick for half the series and didn't even know it.
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x-birdsong-x · 8 months ago
I just think multiple House characters should be allowed to have a dream where they are hitting their dad with a baseball bat and he is screaming and crying for help and maybe halfway through it has more to do with them killing him than it ever did protecting themselves
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occultbooks · 2 months ago
house + chase dynamic and house + thirteen dynamic are so special to me. give that man a damaged adult child. he can't raise one from birth but he can sure as hell nurse one back to health in his insane, roundabout way.
the prodigal son returneth and the daughter has taken her final leave, both changed irreparably in ways they cannot fathom to have been the result of the holy father. pushing himself out of their lives in return for them realizing who they are with or without him.
their worth is not tied to their bloodline. house knows what it is like to be disdainful of one's father, and he will know what it is like to know one is going to die prematurely. he knows what it is to be distrustful of religion, and he knows what it is to lose one's autonomy. he will hold their hands and tell them harsh truths and he won't look them in the eyes until he's sure the reflection of himself he sees in the white won't squeeze him out of the place where he is the strong one. and they may respond with anger. and they may respond with sadness. and they may respond with solemn understanding. but at the end of the day he will still be there, standing in the whites of their eyes, blinking in time, poking and prodding at their malleable brains to make sure they don't become the version of himself that he became.
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ljblueteak · 21 days ago
Chase and House in Paternity, 1x02 and Black Holes, 6x16
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The more things change, the more they stay the same?
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rinto190 · 1 year ago
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i like to think they're playing animal crossing and cassie is explaining how much real time it takes to unlock everything
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beebfreeb · 10 months ago
I got curious about the difference between the English dub and original Japanese voice acting...
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rainosa · 3 months ago
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I’m rewatching House rn and my roommate won’t stop saying “kill him”
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rinisdrawing · 1 year ago
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the golden princess & the sorcerer prince
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wildfey · 6 months ago
Thoughts on the new investigations official art as I suddenly realised I had some (also I really like it! I actually think it's one of the best of the big AA group portraits and clearly a lot of thought went into where each character is in relation to their role in the plot and to each other.)
Images are all terrible phone screenshots sorry but I'm on my lunch break at work
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This is one of my fave official gumshoe images of all time. Up there with giving pearl a piggyback and fishing with Maggey. Look at them. I love them. Gumshoe and his lil puppy. Also a real cute missile. But also this is Edgeworth's game and Gumshoe is Edgeworth's friend (one of Edgeworth's closest friends - and we get to see the origins of that in aai) so it fits that we get to see the loveable gumshoe that Edgeworth sees here, right behind him, with his dog. It's adorable.
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AHH my faves. First of all I just love seeing Shih-na looking very cool and mysterious whereas Lang looks cool at first glance and then you look closer and realise that his pose is actually really stupid. It's very them. And they are obviously next to each other as always - Lang in front but pushed out to the side, whereas Shih-na is behind him and slightly hidden but she's actually closer to the centre which is a nice little metaphor for their positions in the plot. She's also next to Kay which is a clever nod to what we learn in aai.
(Also maggey and lotta in the background are cute too).
No notes really just nice to see new art of team Interpol.
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Okay so this is the bit I really do have thoughts on because positioning! Obviously Miles in the middle, it's his game after all. But having Gregworth and MVK in the background is just a fun choice - after all, they are literally his background! They are facing away from each other, going in opposite ways and Miles is in-between them! Just a nice bit of visual metaphor considering how much a theme of the games is his background and upbringing, and how Miles has to choose between these two opposing influences in his life and find a path between them (and both appear more in the investigations games then they do anywhere else so their size and influence is really significant here).
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And finally, Fran! Only her 13 year old design is on this poster, despite the fact that she actually appears as an adult in the game more but that makes sense, this is advertising and this is a unique design for aai. But I like how she's also in the background, she's a figure from Edgeworth's past, but in a much more active pose than MVK or Gregworth are - she remains an active player in his story, unlike them. Also she's placed next to Edgeworth and MVK, which makes sense considering their relationship.
Also I genuinely do just like this design for Fran - I think one place where aai really works is its character designs which are almost universally really well done and nice to look at visually. I like that she's a horse girl and you can tell. I like that it references her trilogy outfit but with a far less adult silhouette. It's just good.
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9raay · 15 days ago
house and wilson arguing over what to watch 🗣️🗣️
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