#but mostly im hype for new fans
wildfey · 23 days
Thoughts on the new investigations official art as I suddenly realised I had some (also I really like it! I actually think it's one of the best of the big AA group portraits and clearly a lot of thought went into where each character is in relation to their role in the plot and to each other.)
Images are all terrible phone screenshots sorry but I'm on my lunch break at work
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This is one of my fave official gumshoe images of all time. Up there with giving pearl a piggyback and fishing with Maggey. Look at them. I love them. Gumshoe and his lil puppy. Also a real cute missile. But also this is Edgeworth's game and Gumshoe is Edgeworth's friend (one of Edgeworth's closest friends - and we get to see the origins of that in aai) so it fits that we get to see the loveable gumshoe that Edgeworth sees here, right behind him, with his dog. It's adorable.
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AHH my faves. First of all I just love seeing Shih-na looking very cool and mysterious whereas Lang looks cool at first glance and then you look closer and realise that his pose is actually really stupid. It's very them. And they are obviously next to each other as always - Lang in front but pushed out to the side, whereas Shih-na is behind him and slightly hidden but she's actually closer to the centre which is a nice little metaphor for their positions in the plot. She's also next to Kay which is a clever nod to what we learn in aai.
(Also maggey and lotta in the background are cute too).
No notes really just nice to see new art of team Interpol.
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Okay so this is the bit I really do have thoughts on because positioning! Obviously Miles in the middle, it's his game after all. But having Gregworth and MVK in the background is just a fun choice - after all, they are literally his background! They are facing away from each other, going in opposite ways and Miles is in-between them! Just a nice bit of visual metaphor considering how much a theme of the games is his background and upbringing, and how Miles has to choose between these two opposing influences in his life and find a path between them (and both appear more in the investigations games then they do anywhere else so their size and influence is really significant here).
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And finally, Fran! Only her 13 year old design is on this poster, despite the fact that she actually appears as an adult in the game more but that makes sense, this is advertising and this is a unique design for aai. But I like how she's also in the background, she's a figure from Edgeworth's past, but in a much more active pose than MVK or Gregworth are - she remains an active player in his story, unlike them. Also she's placed next to Edgeworth and MVK, which makes sense considering their relationship.
Also I genuinely do just like this design for Fran - I think one place where aai really works is its character designs which are almost universally really well done and nice to look at visually. I like that she's a horse girl and you can tell. I like that it references her trilogy outfit but with a far less adult silhouette. It's just good.
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angels-fantasy · 6 months
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Top-Secret Fiction Ch. 1
Date Scored
Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Description: After meeting the one and only pro hero Dynamight on a dating app, you two begin to see each other. Because of the dangers that come with his hero work, you both promise to be completely honest with each other from the beginning; though you can't help but keep one big secret from him.
You write fan fiction, mostly about him.
Chapter Details: This story is honestly mostly fluff, some crack fic elements lol, lowkey fast pacing but IM IMPATIENT LOL sorry
Word Count: 1.2k
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It was a Tuesday night when you were on your computer, logged into HeroFiction.com and typing away at a new fan fiction you promised your readers.
You had been writing fan fiction as a hobby for about three years now and over time quickly began gaining followers. Now, you had almost four thousand readers that loved your work.
At first you wrote for a variety of heroes, until Dynamight started becoming really popular. You didn't see the hype in the beginning. He was so rude and destructive, why would you write about him?
Your mind didn't change for a while until you saw a video of him getting interviewed after taking down a villain. He was as rude as ever of course, but his face was covered in soot and his hero costume was ripped, showing his chest and arms. Watching that video made you realize how hot he actually was.
That was the moment you decided to start writing for him.
He quickly became a favorite among your readers, so you kept writing for him. It seemed as the more you wrote for him, the more you liked him. He was suddenly your favorite pro hero.
Now, you focused every piece of writing on him. It worked out perfectly for you. You and your readers loved it, it was a win-win.
So now as you were thinking of what to write next, your phone buzzed next to your thigh, breaking you out of your thoughts.
You grabbed your phone and looked at your new notification, seeing it was from the dating app you recently downloaded.
Now curious, you opened up the app to see what the notification was. It appeared to be a message from a recent match.
Hey sexy. Meet up 2night 👀?
Face curling up in disgust, you blocked the person and deleted the message. It seemed as if everyone on that app was just looking for a hookup, and not something long term.
Maybe it was foolish for you to think you'd find something serious on the app, but it didn't hurt to try right?
You closed your laptop, making sure to save your work, and began swiping through profiles on the app.
You continued swiping left for who knows how long, until you came across a profile claiming to be Dynamight.
Sitting up in bed quickly, you looked at the profile closely and read through it.
Katsuki Bakugou, 30
Pro hero. No, I'm not hooking up with you. Yes, I'm fucking real.
It was short and not so sweet, but it didn't seem fake. You swiped through his pictures. The first one was of him and other pro heroes dressed in their hero costumes. The second was a picture of him, flexing in the mirror, and the third was a selfie of him and a german shepherd outside.
Maybe you were being way too optimistic, but you really believed that this could be him. If it was, then you hoped that somehow he'd match with you. If it wasn't real, then it wouldn't be an issue, but you would be disappointed.
Feeling brave, you decided to swipe right.
It's a Match!
You never gasped so loud in your life. If it was already a match, then that meant he had to have swiped right on you before right? You bit your nails as your heart raced in excitement, wondering what you should even say to him now that you were matched.
But what if he wasn't even real? You'd just be embarrassing yourself by believing that Dynamight of all people, would be on a dating app and actually matching with you. This could be some horrible person messing with people, trying to humiliate them.
Now discouraged by your own thoughts, you just shook your head and closed the app.
Katsuki Bakugou: Hey
Your eyes widened and your eyebrows raised so high up they could probably touch your hairline.
"Oh my word!" You cried while gripping your phone. You opened the app once again and tapped on the new message, typing your own.
Me: Hello!
Me: I'm sorry but I just have to ask. Are you actually Dynamight?
You chewed on your fingers nervously as you watched the text bubble pop up, a message eventually following it.
Katsuki Bakugou: Yes I'm real. I can prove it to ya if you need me to. Idk how but I will.
You hummed out loud, thinking of what he could do to prove he's real.
Me: Uhh could you send a pic of yourself with a spoon on your nose?
Katsuki Bakugou: That's what you came up with?
Me: That's the only specific thing I could think of!
Katsuki Bakugou: Yeah yeah
Katsuki Bakugou: [image attachment]
Opening the picture, you saw exactly what you asked for. It was Dynamight with a damn spoon on his nose.
You threw your phone across your bedroom and shoved your face in your pillow, screaming in excitement.
"Holy shit." You said in disbelief, "I'm actually talking to Dynamight."
You got up out of bed and picked your phone up off the floor.
Me: Oh my word you're actually real
Me: Thanks for the pic lol sorry you had to do that
Katsuki Bakugou: It's fine. I get why you'd think otherwise so that's why I agreed to it.
Me: Well thanks again
Me: Anyways, can I ask why you're on here? Most people I've come across so far are only looking for one thing. If that's you then no judgement here.
Katsuki Bakugou: Someone I know recommended it to me. And nah that's not me. Being a pro hero and one night stands do not mix well.
Me: Understandable. I'm no pro hero, but I'm on here for something more serious you know? Even just finding friends would be nice.
You cringed at how pathetic you sounded and sent another text.
Me: Sorry, didn't mean to get sappy there lol.
Katsuki Bakugou: You're good. But I feel the same about wanting something more serious. Sucks that almost everyone on here is just a horny bastard.
Damn, who knew Dynamight was so relatable?
Right when you were typing a new message, another one from Dynamight came in.
Katsuki Bakugou: But anyways, when are you free? I wanna take you out.
Katsuki Bakugou: If you want me to, obviously.
You squealed at the message, kicking your feet in excitement. It was kind of surprising that he asked you out so early, but just from what you know about him and his personality, it wasn't out of character. Fast and straight to the point.
You bit your bottom lip as you typed up your response.
Me: Of course, I'd love to! I'm free this weekend.
Katsuki Bakugou: Alright, I'll pick you up Saturday at 5:30 pm.
Me: What do I wear?? Pls tell me where we're going.
Katsuki Bakugou: Can't. It's a surprise. I'll tell you what to wear the day of.
Me: Okay...
Katsuki Bakugou: Don't back out now.
You grinned and held your phone against your chest. You couldn't believe you scored a date with your favorite hero.
Suddenly, your cat jumped up onto your bed and in your lap. You gasped and picked him up, carrying him in front of your face.
"Hey Cheerios." You cooed, "I'm going on a date with Dynamight!"
next chapter
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authors note
i hope you enjoyed the first chapter of Top Secret Fiction lol. this is my first multi-chapter fic so i'm a little nervous, but i think it's okay so far! pls let me know what you think 😊
also, if you noticed that bakugou seems to be a bit more mellow here, its bc he's older in this fic and i just imagine him as being a bit more calm as an adult.
btw sorry if the fast pace isn't something you like. i'm impatient lol
love ya!
taglist: @doumadono @lovra974 @54fangirl @andysdrafts @dagger-dragger @l4rsun1vrrse @emmab3mma @littlkittenfan @tatiquichi @cloudxluv @seonne @shonen-brainrot @the2ndl
those in pink cannot be tagged for some reason!
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PLEASE 🙏🙏🙏🙏 YOUR DSB PLAYLIST!!! I keep seeing u talk about it and you have BANGERS on that pl
I think I have shared it before but back when I was only on like chapter 2 so its been buried and has changed ALOT- But here you go!!
Full list (and notes)
Oh No! (Tims "Grand plan")
Flight of the Crows (Running away from what he loves, of course)
Nobody (Self imposed curse of isolation)
Colors (Yes. (also just a fav tim song regardless of AU)
United in grief ( Acting as Timothy Drake)
Teen Idle (Mourning his youth, for a second time)
Gasoline (Tim breakdown in luxury vibes)
I cant fix you (I still religiously listen to fnaf fan songs, this one just fits)
Brother (MY COUNTRY ASS SNUCK IN- It doesnt even relate to the AU, I just love the vibe- if anything it fitd Dick towards Jason but thats besides the point)
Passing through (cant the future just wait) (Times running out)
Are you Satisfied? (Literally perfect song about his situation)
Look who's inside again (Again, Isolation)
Coffee (Internal struggle- but the caffine isnt the problem)
Digital Silence (Again, just in here for the vibes)
Over & Over (AMAZING imagining song, like a little movie)
Problems (Tim to Jason)
Oh Ana (Not even kidding, THE MOVIE song- (from breathing as tim bleeds out to the The Angel I couldnt kill just AHH)
Rat (Just a vibe)
Lotta True Crime (Not for Tim actually, but related)
Misery Meat (Mans is the rainbow fish)
Feel Better (Y E A H- No explination needed)
Arms Tonight (This but literally, though he wont admit it)
The Burning pile (Tim ignoring his problems for the "greater good")
Family Jewels (The Drakes.)
Devil Town (Life in Gotham, reminishing his Time as Robin w/ his old fam)
Hermit the Frog (Another "just a vibe")
Michelle (Not for Tim, but relevent :)
Girls (The horror in being Timothy)
Saint Bernard (THIS- THIS THIS THIS (literally so mmmm lore))(might make a PMV when the fic is finished just for THIS!!)
Washing Machine Heart (A vibe.)
The Bidding (Timothy but less ironically)
Seventeen (Tim and Timothy- also just "seventeen" when he died s o)
Cupid (He still loves them...)
Hidden in the sand (Memories.)
dumb dumb (Tim pulling off his shit, mostly Cardinal)
American Healthcare (glitzy) (Tim in his career)
Treehouse (STAY OFF MY LAWN!!!)
Worlds greatest actor (Rec by @ihavenotsleptindays my dear, and its perfect. Tim as Timothy, or are they one in the same??)
Rule #34 (Not for Tim, but TOO him :)
Harpy Hare (Im obsessed okay?)
Prom Queen (Beautiful tragedy all the people envy)
No place like home (Not what it seems)
Again & Again (Another "movie in my mind") song
Labryinth (Movie mind!! Lots of lore and distortion lol)
Youth (Tim being self aware, for once)
Just one Yesterday (YES YES YES YES)
Angry too (Just a vibe.)
Pompeii (He misses what things can never again be)
spy? (Two face.)
Lullaby of the False Hydra ( Once again, im obsessed but for diff reasons)
Sweet Hibuscus tea (GAHHH)
Lights out (Hype song- and Cardinal BAMF)
Nothings New (Tim repeating his whole life and yet failing all over again)
Little Lion man (He wasnt really doomed wasnt he?)
Guilded Lily (The awnser is no, its never enough)
Underground (Once again, Gotham.)
Cast the Bronze (More a canon Jason song actually, but I still adore)
Could Have been me (Not Tim :)
Savior (Duet- but with who??)
Take me home, country roads (The country got me again. And yeah Tim longing for home he lost)
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yarnpika · 4 months
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heres some moonpaw designs from what i Want to be real all the way down to what she will probably look like. thoughts under the cut
so i like everyone else am almsot certain moonpaw will be a night/sun baby and im fine with that! esp bc i want her to be a torbie soooo fucking badddd- which is number one!
i would rather she have no white and jsut be named moonpaw on a cute nod to their names and the fact that the New Moon exists ya know? but she will probably have white on her so i added it
number 2 is her as just a regular calico which i think is more likely and im fine with it!
number3 is her being all white/mostly white which is... fine. we havent had an all white main protag to my knowledge unless theres a secret white protag in dawn of the clans?? i dont think moth flight is pov in the main series sooo probably not?
my biggest worry si they will give her eyes that dont match her parents. liek oh she magically has green eyes. i wouldnt hate it but i feel like theyd fuck it up immediately so here comes dovewing 2.0. but anyway sunbeam has white on her so white or mostly white is on the table
number 4.......... listen no hate to anyone who draws her a a grey cat with blue eyes but grabs the camera erins please give us a unique character ffs i will even take a black and whtie cat since violetshine means Nothing to them anymore but theres too many grey bitches i cant design another grey motherfucker PlEASE!!! AND WHERE WOULD THE BLUE EYS EVEN COME FROM AUGH
anyway i will cope but i love all the weird fan stuff on her and im so hype to be wildly disappointed about her canon design and personality
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sanjisblackasswife · 1 year
Hi Timi! I don’t know if you’re request are open and if they’re not then please ignore this! Could I get your thoughts on the monster trio and their music taste please? Also I’m jealous of your set up I want it 😭
A/N: Awe:) Thank u smm :))))❣️ Enjoy!
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𝕄𝕠𝕟𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕣𝕚𝕠’𝕤 𝕄𝕦𝕤𝕚𝕔 𝕋𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖
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Ft. Luffy, Sanji, Zoro
CW: None, Sanji is implied to be in a established relationship (or u can view it as him having a crush on you), Also im not a music expert I listen to the same three songs every single day🧍🏾‍♀️, All opinions too so dont fuckin try and add your own or correct mine make ur own damn post abt it
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Luffy isn’t biased about much so I doubt he’d be biased about music. His playlist can go from Avril Lavenge to friggin Tupac to it doesn’t really matter, it’s always on shuffle too when he listens
A LOT of Eminem (Moreso his Slim Shady Era). Bro really gets hype when he listens to him. Knows the words VERY quickly.
Knuck if You Buck🧍🏾‍♀️….just….don’t ask..just know ..if he plays that song he about to get ignorant.
Missy Elliot. Loves Missy Elliot, loves her songs, style, everything.
Kinda unrelated but he has a celeb crush on Sade and Lauryn Hill. Which he also listens too.
He does love Nicki Minaj. He is a fan, he likes her 2013-16 era the most
Blast Cardi B mostly because Zoro doesn’t like her
MJ LOVEEERRRRRRRRRRRR Absolutely loves “Thriller”, “They Dont Care About Us”, and “Smooth Criminal”🧍🏾‍♀️
Plays alotta krunk songs to battle against Usopp🧍🏾‍♀️
Also he likes alotta ignorant ass TikTok audios: i.e “Island boy”
Mf be walking around the sunny like
and here go Chopper because he wanna be included: “HMMM 🅰️🅰️🅰️!”
BUT SEAN PAUL IS HIS MF GO TO. If you dance with him to any of his songs be prepared for Luffy to grind against you…it’s so attractive when he sings the song because his accent peaks through
Very old school R&B, classical guy.
He also loves a few Megan the Stallion Songs
Another hardcore MJ fan, plays a lot during the evening
Another song he loves is Jealous by Labrinth. It’s something he usually plays when he is on the deck smoking and thinking.
Same with Jorja Smith he loves her songs as well
If you can catch it, while Sanji is cooking you can sometimes hear him sing Love Story by Indlia and it’s the prettiest voice you’ll ever hear.
He also plays songs like Tadow and Infruanami. They’re his new faves.
Will play them old school songs like Just The Two of Us and some Al Green
He has such an old soul😭
He really plays them because they remind him of you, but three songs that reminds him of you (besides all of ‘em) are Easily by Bruno Major, Dark Red by Steve Lacy, and Not Around by Nova
Also loves Teynna Taylor and Rihanna sm
A “guilty pleasure” song he loves to hear is that one song that go like “my neck my back lick my 🐱 and my crack”🧍🏾‍♀️
and yes he made you a playlist
also yes he has a playlist for when he has sex (it’s really good actually)
I’m sorry.
Just kidding.
Eh. Zoro just hates Cardi B songs.
Dont ask why he just does they irritate him.
Anyways ummmmmm he listens to chill lo-fi. He does he is a very simple guy. There are a few Lauryn Hill songs he vibes too, a few very chill R&B
I actually don’t see him listening to anything very loud like rock music or anything. If he is ganna listen to music while working out he needs to be as focused and relaxed as he can.
Somehow always finds THE BEST underground jazz/R&B artist???
Like his playlist is SO interesting and filled with hidden gems
He like SZA on the low
Luffy put him on
Vibes to Brent Faiyaz when he is just chilling cleaning his swords
He doesn’t listen to music much in the first place but it’s cute to hear him mutter the songs to himself when he does.
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ezlo-x · 1 year
tbh my biggest gripes with totk is the fact that they did it beginner friendly new comer friendly... like i know this is gonna sound mean but genuinely I wish it didn't try to cater to new fans who want to get into tloz cause totk's story failed cause it needed to cater to new zelda fans
idc abt the lore getting rebooted, sure im going to miss the triforce being an essential piece of the story and lore, only to become the Hylian symbol and game's logo (which tbh is strange its like pokemon using the pokeball as their logo/symbol but pokeballs becoming obsolete in new pkmn games). But because it wanted to be new comer friendly botw's story and lore aspects are long gone and only to be referred to as easter eggs to ppl who played botw know. When characters talk about things that happened in botw as if it was a long time ago like the attack of the Calamity 100 years ago but things that actually happened a very long time ago make it sound like its pretty recent.
I don't like how the new sages just don't remember the champions at all. If you get the divine beast helms through sidequests and read their dialogue they speak in this way as it is their first time seeing it like?? Which is so strange cause totk would gladly reference Sidon and Link's companionship with a statue when trying to access Vah Ruta in BotW, but Mipha gets barely a mention from him? My biggest hopes before we got the title of the game was to let go of the champions, as in we don't need them to be back as they already have done what they need to do. But also I didn't want them to be completely gone from the game and only know them through easter eggs and references.
Like yeah TotK is a sequel to BotW but its more so "ok botw was a rough draft, THIS is the story we wanted to do" and it turns out to have inconsistencies. Zelda mentions the Calamity a few times, there are tombstones to placed around Hyrule commemorating people who lost their lives by the Calamity. But the Sheikah technology is completely gone, the towers that were there for eons are gone. I feel like the towers could've been an easy fix to explain why they are gone like "oh these chasms appeared and collapsed the towers, so now we built these new towers in replacement."
Like with Majora's Mask being separate but also a follow up to Ocarina of Time works because. While yes they are using the same characters and same game mechanics. They are using a whole different world/setting that is different from OoT. Where it excuses using the same characters and same game mechanics, cause it has a complete different story but is consistent on where it left off with Ocarina of Time. I honestly thought TotK was going to take place mostly in the skies than in the surface. Since they kept hyping people up with the teaser trailers and then we had SkSw HD being released. Like yeah it will be like some glorified version of SkSw
When I was reading the interviews Nintendo uploaded a few days before TotK's release and saw Fujibayashi say ,"We put in some effort to make sure that it feels comfortable for both first-time players and those with experience of the previous game." In the back of my mind I questioned a bit this cause I mostly asked myself "isn't this a sequel?" but then I reassured myself that they'll probably would reexplain certain things about the previous game and what happened in the story for new comers. But not to this extreme
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marimayscarlett · 3 months
Im shocked none of those liars has apologised to till for their false allegations
Hi 👋
I'm not going to go into who said what and how, what's true and what's not - we've had enough of that, and since I'm neither a public prosecutor nor the police, that's not my job. I'm a big fan of facts that I can see and grasp. (Not discussing my own opinion on the matter here, mostly stating facts and giving sources.)
What I see is an investigation that was dropped after nobody came forward, that was only taken up because uninvolved people reported it based on media articles, that the whole thing was hyped up by the press by mixing up the wrong legal terms and by giving the same women different aliases in different articles to make it look like more women, a story of the main witness that she changed several times and which finally threatened to fall apart because she had consumed more alcohol than she originally stated and also no longer cooperated with the police, I see prejudgement and a willingness to use vandalism, a fundraising appeal for alleged victims which raised €800,000 to cover any legal costs, none of which was apparently needed and used as well as the expression of one's own moral code on others and in the end disappointment that nothing could be proven against Till, which doesn't stop the press from continuing to rail against him.
Here in Germany nobody will apologize, I can guarantee that. The mood in Germany simply doesn't allow for that.
The media houses are still congratulating each other, e.g. journalist Daniel Drepper received an award for his Rammstein research. He also wrote a book this year called 'Row Zero', which deals with which deals with apparent abuse of power in the German music scene—several chapters in it are dedicated to Rammstein, which contain no new information (source: I have read these chapters and compared them with known information), there was a documentary this year which barely had new information, there are currently two podcasts about the Rammstein scandal made by big media outlets and the mood towards the band itself is still bad in the press, although nothing legally usable has really come of it.
Rammstein's reputation in Germany has been ruined so far, this suits a lot of people and this won't change again.
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i agree fully with what you said about the lennon-mccartney thing becoming a brand on itself, and i think people dont look enough into it tbh. because it's really deep when you think about it and it doesnt cancel john and paul's relationship at all (it actually is a really interesting part of the whole johnandpaul deal, to think how much of their professional lifes affected directly their personal lifes, but i think this can be said about the beatles as a whole as well.) anyway i know your blog is mostly about george (and im mostly a george fan as well!) but this has always been an interesting part on the whole lennon-mccartney//mclennon deal to me, and also on the beatles as a whole ofc (like, looking at how paul and george's relationship went, for an example). sorry if i got a bit lost but i needed to make a comment on it too :)
Yes. I think that the Lennon-McCartney brand is one of the big factors behind the breakup but it's not mentioned as much just their joined contract with the publishing company is what forced them to write with their wives if they wanted to get royalties for their new songs.
They made a business out of their friendship and of course that eventually bit them back. And it puts many of their comments in context, because they wanted to be themselves but also neither of them could outrun the myth. Paul in particular likes to hype up Lennon-McCartney, even with unnecessary lies sometimes (like that the tapes in anthology were his idea) and at the same time fight for the recognition of his individual work during the Beatles. I believe that the pressure of being Lennon-McCartney again was one of the reasons why both were reluctant to work together again even when they missed each other's company.
Don't get me started with how the Lennon-McCartney myth also played a big part in Paul and George fallout. There is so much to discuss about this topic.
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solarwynd · 27 days
I don't know if you have heard of the popstar academy docuseries on netflix but it's about the group katseye and how they debuted and stuff but anyways. their main goal is for them to find a global group that will essentially carry the company from now on like they want this group to be their next BTS but mostly focusing for success in the US. theres this girl there that was a trainee and she was very talented and had star quality but they weren't as interested in her because they felt she was not "the cool rebellious girl" US fans will love and that got me to think about jungkook and jimin. the tattoos, piercings, muscles, the pr smoking incident, him drinking on lives deleting his instagram vs jimin who only does lives at the company, doesn't even like to talk about alcohol in fans vicinity, timid, tries to keep a clean image, the goody two shoes (said lovingly)
now it makes sense to me as to why they push jk so hard especially in the US. he is much more marketable and what supposedly US fans want in male pop artists. they know that the rugged bad boy sells and jimin isn't that
Yea I did. I’ve been in eyekon business for a day or two now lol. I even started watching the show but I haven’t made it past the first episode. I’m really just privy to the Manon drama, but I have seen screenshots of Bang and his foolishness.
“Cool & rebellious” are interesting buzzwords. Two that I can’t exactly say aren’t popular because it sounds like aespa and blackpink. And kpop stans do love that. But what’s really popular right now is the newjeans aesthetic. Which is exactly what Touch was in “sound” and also why I’m confused on what they’re going for in the group’s image. It sounds like they don’t even know. The only thing for certain is that they wanted a multi ethnic group. I listened to their EP and it doesn’t seem like they’re gonna have a set sound and I don’t think that’s an issue. Their music is nice, most of the songs give real summery coming of age vibes. (I liked tonight I might, im pretty and my way) kinda wish they would’ve stuck with that throughout the album cause debut and touch seem like the odd ones out.
Back to the actual topic, Yes I think that cool and rebellious image has more of an advantage for a male popstar for obvious reasons. Jimin not fitting Hybe’s image has been discussed as a possibility as to one of the reasons he’s not getting pushed before but to actually see they confirmed what their ideal is let’s me know how shallow their vision of a true artist is. You’d think they see the results, hype and intrigue Jimin pulls just being him and see that ideal doesn’t hold that much weight as a standard but w/e ig lmao. JK didn’t even fit that stereotypical “bad boy” mold up until recently imo.
Anyway the way HYBE seems so intent on finding the next BTS and strictly speaking in business terms, I really do wonder how much longer BTS themselves are in this for cause to me, it seems like there’s a clock running and Katseye does not seem like the long term solution to me. I know it wouldn’t be smart to wait until BTS calls it quits to then try to build a new group, but they give new jeans. I believe that they’ll find success somewhere down the line, especially if HYBE starts pushing them. But might fizzle out after some time. Touch seems to be gaining some traction and they are building a fanbase. But if they want BTS level fame, it’s gonna have to be a devout one that actually moves for them and not one built of male gg stans that use them for a twitter layout and move out once they get bored. Fandom>>>GP
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seiko-e · 2 months
Last and final
Part1(hoshina x y/n)
*still no NSFW
*lazily written, so pls don't make your expectations high
*still long and easy to read
Gen narumi x y/n park (backstory in part 1)
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Art by me(the girl is y/n or in other words, you)
After passing the test, you and y/n choi(hoshina fans) got separated, if only y/n choi also uses firearms instead of melee weapons, you two wouldn't have to be separated.
You were introduced by Eiji hasegawa, he led you to the captain's office, once you arrived you were surprised to see a room instead of an office, chips everywhere, stacks of manga, and a BED???
After a bit of nagging from vice captain eiji, you start to introduce yourself
"hello, im y/n park, im the new officer from korea, thank you for having me"
"stop the formalities, call me narumi, formalities don't really matter here in 1st division, what matters here is your abilities and skills"
fascinated and pressured, you salute and he bonks your head with his hands
"i told you to stop the formalities didn't I?????!?"
"now that you've finally met, I'll lead you to your room" Eiji Stated
"NOW NOW ,GO, GO, i just got a game over because of this"
As you and eiji were about to walk out, narumi halts the two of you
"wait, you said you're a defense force from korea correct?"
"no wonder why your combat power was high, also, the other one, i refuse to accept her, she reminds me of a certain bowl cut in the 3rd division"
"ah, i see.."
"and just so u know, i have 98.1 expectations from you since you're a defense force before, so its normal to expect something high, BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOUR STRONGER THAN ME ALRIGHT, DON'T GET MY EXPECTATIONS STUCK IN YOUR HEAD, NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO, IMM STILL STRONGER GOT IT?!"
Happy from this news you exclaimed "I WON'T LET YOU DOWN CAPTAIN!" And you left.
The next day, your training in korea and here were no different, both were challenging.
Overall your days here were great and normal, nothing much different in korea. But if you compare the strategies and way of protecting, here and in korea, korea was more on the sky and here in Japan was more on land, in korea, each officer used personalized jets and planes, if a jet starts to malfunction or on the verge of crashing, it releases the officer as they start shooting mid air, while the melee weapon user officers went inside the kaijus and destroy their core from the inside
Planes do mostly the same thing, however, they immediately deploy officers once they reach the target and leave the scene once finished deploying.
One day, on a kaiju mission, you somehow ran out of bullets, and decided to retreat and go back to where the others are, and unfortunately, a kaiju was in front of you, now both your back and front have a kaiju moving towards you, the only way left is the building.
Without hesitation you went inside and ran towards the rooftop while both kaijus are after you
As soon as you reach the rooftop, you jump, landing on the ground while in the high ground wasn't difficult since you had a personalized jet before
To your dismay, as soon as you land on the ground, another pair of kaijus appears, at this point you're completely surrounded, kaijus above, back, front, and one on every side, there is no way out
*i decided to just draw it at this point cuz i have no idea how to keep the same hype with this
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Ok, i give up, want part 3? I seem to have a writer- block or idk what you call it, but i can't remember how to write🥹
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boyfridged · 11 months
im curious though, what do you think it was that caused this sudden slander recontextualisation of jason in the 90s. was it dc editorial i bet it was fucking dc editorial
i don't think it was sudden at all, nor that it was specifically a 90s issue. it was already, in a way, facilitated in adift (although not as radically as some believe it to be; i always say that ironically, in spite of his hatred for jason, starlin still afforded sympathy in his portrayal that editorial later on seems to completely abandon). it's also visible in the responses to fan letters after it- victim blaming followed as the first explanation, both to the event as a creative decision and in order to justify bruce's ability to keep going as batman in-universe... and of course, as they quickly realised that there's no batman without robin, to set up the introduction of the new sidekick. a lonely place of dying comes out in 89, so that's right before the decade ends, and the robin solo comes out in jan 91... so it's all a quite rapid (negative) development that is mostly used to hype up tim's character. which is also why it does strike me as a bit ignorant irt the source material when fans claim that tim has absolutely no interest in jason in any sense when in fact his origin story was built upon jay's death and it's a recurring theme in his solo... so much of his identity as robin is based around jay's suffering and his perception of him as a failure... the "good soldier" case was literally invented for tim's angst, and he misses no opportunity to spit at jay's memory. this is of course not merely tim's in-universe opinion, this is also the narrative that dc tries to sell in order to put their brand-new robin on a pedestal. and besides tim, jay was obviously fridged mainly for bruce's sake – except the editorial has lost all ability and willingness to criticise bruce in any matter, so any indication that his choices could have played a role in a child's death ought to be swept under the rug. and butchering jay's personality was the easiest way to do it.
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loulooser · 7 months
Hi wife!!(ilysm mwah)(you are so handsome by the by)
Could you inform me bit more about this new TØP album perhaps???
Im genuinely going to explode.
1) the theme.
So, as always, the boys changed their hair. It happens every era and i love it. Now from some screenshots from the Super Bowl where they where wearing hats, the fan base figured that Josh went red again and Tyler shaved his hair. Now from Josh’s pfp on instagram, we can see that we were right:
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And I’m very happy about it.
Also, people have been calling it the ‘fire era’ or variants of that and I’m digging it icl it sounds AMAZING. The theme is- obviously- mostly red but I’m guessing its red+black. Funny thing is, there’s a few MASSIVE ties to their other album Trench (my favourite, which we will get into) and the trench theme was yellow+black. Yellow (in the lore so far) has always been a sign of the good guys or the banditos if you like to name them, and red has always been the bad guys (Dema, blurry face/nico, the bishops etc). The contrast is FABULOUS.
2) Release date.
So BBC radio 1 has leaked that they will be playing ‘the new hottest record’ from said album on the 29th of February 2024 at 6pm English time. Obviously this means that it will release the same day, being two days away from the making of this post (I am going FERAL.)
3) Details
Sadly I have no details along the lines of album title, song titles, how many songs are on it etc, but I think it’s only going to make the first listen better imo.
4) Trench links
There are a few main links, one of them being in the actual music as Paulmeany, who had a VERY big influence on the sound and contents of trench, posted a mildly cryptic photo on Instagram not too long ago.
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As we can see, the people’s eyes in the photo are covered up with red (tape) which has already been seen in the teasers leading up to release covering the eyes of those on the main album covers. This is an obvious hint that he’s come back to collaborate with TØP for this new album, and also that it may sound as if ‘returning to trench’. This is important for reasons in my next point.
Aside from the tape, the letters, and the social media changes, the big way we found out a new album was on the way was through the Instagram video. This video basically gave us a run down on all of the lore up until now, confirmed that Tyler is Clancy, and also mentions at the very end that Clancy (the main character of the lore) will be ‘returning to trench’. This is said in the last few seconds of the video where he states:
“I am a citizen. I am an escapee. I am an exception. I am returning to trench. I am Clancy.”
This. Is. MASSIVE. I’ll leave the link to the video at the end of the post so you can see why, but mostly it’s that this is likely to lead to a massive showdown/rebellion and a huge turning point in the lore. This could literally go any which way and I- like every other fan- am hyped beyond words. (Get it? The Hype is a song in Trench hehe)
That’s all I have to say at the moment, but as soon as I find out more you already KNOW I’ll be posting about it for days.
Instagram video:
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mcdonaldsnumberone · 1 year
NEW GAME ALERT 🫡 Assign a song to each of your tumblr friends?? 💪
IM SORRY FOR TAKING FOREVER W THIS AOUGHGHGHHGHGH im rlly bad at answering asks on time 🤡 anyways without further ado (buckle up for mostly kpop)
@pernonix: cliche but it has to be cast me a spell by mili! perno is like The mahoyaku mutual for me so it's only natural that i associate the mhyk theme song w them AHAHAHA if i had to give a non-mhyk song, it'd be in&out by red velvet!
@pocasu: AOUGHGHGH ion my beloved 🫶 suit dance by onlyoneof is the song i'd give them! it's got the suave elegant #swag that i associate with them <3 keep serving all that cunt bestie bae we love to see it
@ai-kan1: (grips ai) i give you boy by the boyz! it's super cheerful and fun, which is genuinely the vibe u give off hehe i also think the song is super ace-core which works perfectly well for one of our resident acekissers xoxo
@anzepanpan/@venushotline: i'm giving you new by yves (loona)! this is actually my favorite loona solo and i stand by it when i say yves only makes music for hot girls <3 it's classy, it's girly, it's got the pretty girl energy dia embodies perfectly!
@senqv: your song is sunny side up by red velvet! i kinda associate you with a sweet, lackadaisical energy, and i think this is the perfect kaiserkisser enemies to lovers thing (pov im delusional) im thinking of <3 we love to see it nyehe
@tartppola: im giving you by other ace anthem, which is we must love by onf! our taste is impeccable and our shady smut peddling dms are even more tasteful. keep kissing adeuce and letting me beat u up w love &lt;3 also liar liar by oh my girl is my deuce anthem so im tacking that onto u as well
@scornelious: hello tv :] my song for you is meddle about by chase atlantic! this is what u get for being my resident aikukisser. im sorry i have to. i didnt want to assign you a machine gun kelly song, so ur getting chase atlantic instead. love u to pieces muah hehe
@pearly-elain: elain my bbg (fuckboy lipbite /j) i'd be doing u dirty if i didnt give u a girlboss anthem! so im giving you snapping by chungha <3 please dont grill kaiser too hard i still need him sort of alive if i wanna continue by whiteboykissing
@sophiethewitch1: im assigning you villain by stella jang! it's so preppy and mature, and i think that suits you very well! i love seeing u in pitlock, and i think the nuanced nature of the song is very sophiecore in my opinion :]
@takumipineapplexd: taku babe u are love o'clock by wjsn! it's the perfect teenage-girl daydream heartthrob crush song, and it fits your vibe to a T! love seeing u being delulu and love smacking u into the ground with said delulu
@spadecentral: im giving you hula hoop by loona! it's such a cute, fast-paced bubblegum song, and that's generally the vibes i always get from you when we talk! thanks for always being supportive of my interests, and keep brightening my day lovely!!
@antiv3nom: POPPET <3 you are getting wow by loona! it's another banger song, very cute very fun very dancey! i wanted to give u smth more creative than slapping on some videogame-themed kpop song, so loona it is 🫡
@yaakultt: aough anyone who has been on my blog for like . longer than 3 seconds knows that i am Not the biggest fan of newjeans but i truly mean this when u give me immaculate hype boy by newjeans vibes! it's the girlypop, chillax big sis vibes yanno? only the cool girls get assigned newjeans songs by mac :]
@katasstrophy: ur song is so what by loona (can u tell im an orbit ADKGKJSD)! it's so loud and unapologetic and layered, it's the perfect bad bitch song for none other than the baddest of them all <3 thank u for feeding me so well w kaiser thoughts always hehe
@leiqi: ur getting superhuman by nct! idk why but i keep associating nct with u 💀 and this song for some reason but its ok!! its a super fun song that fits a super fun person, and i love how u always indulge in my delulu ass tbz x bllk thoughts HAHA
@kruinka: hello kaiserkisser :) you're getting picassO by onlyoneof! it's such a beautiful sensual artsy song, which is perfect for The kaiserartist of tumblr dot com! i love seeing ur art, and i cant wait till i get to commission u again!
@torufilms: im giving u the One and Only heart attack by chuu! it's cutesy and fun and so so so huggable, which sums up everything about you so well! even ur acc theme is adorable, so i think heart attack rlly is the cherry on top <3
@gloriium: your song is to heart by fromis9! it's a super heartfelt coming-of-age song and i cant help but think abt how well it'd fit ur yumeship w sebek :] it's so pure and catchy and innocent, and it's definitely a song i associate with you!
@earthtooz: my song for you is change up by seventeen! you're like a spark of joy to see, so naturally, my song for u is something that matches that high-tension energy! you never fail to make me crack up, so i adore having u around!
@aanobrain: every time i see u, all i can think abt is the tag u left abt me almost making u like kaiser, so i just Have to give u gaslighting by onlyoneof! the enemies to lovesr arc before becoming a fullfledged kaiserkisser is a rite of passage <3 u'll become like us soon enough
@hammannii: man there's like . a bajillion songs i cld give u, but i am assigning you with begin by jungkook! i think it's a good testimonial song to our . unconventional friendship, and i hope we continue indulging (read: bullying) each other!
@notaliarr: hello kaiserkisser :) your song is the stealer by the boyz! it's such a slutty yet like . oddly yearnful song? and if that doesnt sum up kaiser–and by association, you–then i dont know what does <3 i love seeing ur art, and i always gobble it up
@hyomaluvr: my song for u is rococo by iz*one! i remember u mentioning them being ur ults, and rococo is one of my favorite songs by the group :) have fun with ur dangans and ronpas or whatever, and ill be back to smack u over the head w kuroo at some point
@chaosinanutshell: your song is dkdk by fromis9! can u tell im a sucker for cutesy pop? it's so whimsical yet endearing, and that's the sorta vibe i get from you! i love seeing u pop into my inbox and im so so sorry for being so bad at answering ur asks, but ur effort doesnt go unnoticed here!!!
@itshis: i'm assigning you get it by pristin v! it's such a good song, and it's so pussyslay just like u <3 i look up to u a lot, so im always excited to see u on my dash and to see whatever it is ur up to! im cheering u on zari!!
@by-moonflower: i salute to the backbone of kaisernation 🫡 my pick is velvet by exid! it's such a chill, sensual grown-woman-ass song (im so sorry i wish i cld be more elegant) which is genuinely the kind of vibes i always get from u. like the red-wine-rich-aunt-poetry-night sort of aesthetic, yanno?
@aiixen: your art is sOOOO cute!! i love seeing ur oc smmmmm im giving u flash by rocket punch! ur art is always so smooth n yummy n i wanna shove it into my mouth like taffy (pov i have the impulse control of a toddler)
@echarie: your assigned song is orbit by jonghyun! your bllk takes are so big brained (like u deadass predicted lorenzo being a major character before any of us did, and im excited to see what role drago might play!), and i love hearing ur input!
@daiseukiis: my pick for you is eve, psyche, and bluebeard's wife by lesserafim! it's the "it girl" song, the boss bitch song, the hot girl summer song if u will :3c keep doing ur thing and slaying, cuz we love to see it!
@00fabulous/@doki-doki-imagines: your song is love on the floor by nct! our dms are . A HOT MESS so to say, and it's uncanny how well our thoughts match up HAHAHA it's real genius to genius (read: clown to clown) communication up in this bitch
last but not least @ayushipop: my sharty bae, my babagrill, my mark to my lee <3 your song is irreplaceable by nct! it'd be illegal of me to give u any other song after ive heard u going apeshit over teehee go drown oingo boingo in a vat of water for me <3 hope u get unbanned from twt soon and have a safe trip <3
if i missed anyone, pls dont take it personally! as u can tell, this was a longass list, so im bound to accidentally let a few people fall thru the cracks 🤡
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controlvariable · 9 months
myth's game writeup of 2023
i waited until the new year to finish this in case i managed to beat a game during december. i did not. ANYWAY.
this will contain new games as well as games i only got around to in 2023. light on spoilers but be warned
Octopath Traveler II (2023)
as far as i remember, this was the first new game I played this year, and god did it deliver. I've been a fan of octopath since the first one came out on switch in 2018, counting it as my favorite game of all time, so to have a sequel after all this time was thrilling. it did almost everything octopath 1 did and better. new path actions, day/night system, branching stories, fucking boats?? incredible.
my biggest gripe has to be the new hidden classes. I started with throne so getting inventor 10 minutes after my chapter one did definitely fuck up the progression a little bit. I think I preferred ot1 hidden classes. while the dungeons were underwhelming, the boss battles really make you fight for these secret techniques, something absent in 3 out of the 4 hidden classes of octopath 2.
overall: 4/5 BP.
Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed (2023)
xenoblade 3 as the end of the klaus trilogy really didn't sit well with me, for reasons that don't belong on my review of its dlc, but future redeemed fixed nearly every problem i had with base xc3 — both story and gameplay wise. it ties every xenoblade game and even some of gears and saga into a neat little 40 hour bow, and is truly a love letter to the entire series. I can only think of one problem I still have with it. the fucking menu music.
where do i even fucking start with this one really. relatively speaking, I'm a new xenoblade fan, having started xc1 in march 2022 during a harrowing experience with adhd meds, and since then it had kinda consumed me. I finished it in about a week, went on to watch xenoblade 2 because I had heard the gameplay wasn't great, and got my hands on xenoblade 3 day of release.
overall: 5 dance apples.
Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (2023)
as someone who was not immune to the hype surrounding botw, I had high hopes for the sequel. hopes that were painfully, slowly, fed into a trash compactor over my playthrough. this is another game I got on release day, lining up outside gamestop in the heat, and lets not forget that it's the only first-party switch game with a price tag of seventy bucks.
the game plays like a tech demo. I have a lot of love in my heart for it. the story was better that botw, the world was more expansive than botw, but the problem here is that everything it does is directly compared to breath of the wild. it doesn't get enough time to shine, because we're in the exact same world as 6 years ago, but instead of pinkish black malice we have blackish pink gloom. i much prefer the runes to the zonai abilities, and the sense of wonder that permeated breath of the wild is replaced by a sense of nostalgia that just doesn't appeal to me much.
all of this isn't to say it's a bad game. I think it's a great game, honestly, but a great game that wasn't meant for me. I've seen the insane shit people do with ultrahand, but it just... isn't my style.
overall: 441/1000 korok seeds
Pikmin 4 (2023)
it's pikmin. i dont have much to say about it. it was a lot of fun, loved that part where i bulborbed all over those guys. im not a gameplay reviewer, at heart i mostly talk about story, and a game like pikmin doesn't have much for me to comment on. good fun. lived up to expectations. probably wouldn't replay.
overall: 7500 sparklium
Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood (2017)
oh, stormblood... the rage you still fill my veins with. I'm not going to spend too long on this one because I have better things to do with my life than shit on an expansion everyone already hates, but let me make it clear I actually do have reasons for disliking it.
having ala mhigo built up since the very start of a realm reborn, only to have half of the ala mhigo expansion take place halfway across the star, was very disappointing. the monotony of the three areas in gyr abania compared to the three far east areas was very disappointing. the treatment of the people of the steppe and honestly that entire segment in the main story quest was very disappointing. hien, as a character, in his entirety, was very disappointing.
I will say it had strong parts. the 61-70 quests for several jobs were the strongest in their entire story (see: dark knight). the dungeons started to get more interesting. it gave us the quest Child Labor, which is hilarious and I'll never be finishing it because I want it there forever.
overall: 1/3 WHM Lillies.
Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers (2019)
ffxiv immediately got better the second 4.0 was over. even the patch quests instantly shot up in quality. it's not even funny. the lead up to shadowbringers was the most fun I had had with the game since a realm reborn, and all of the first was heartbreaking to go through even though I was spoiled on That Character's Identity.
the duty trust system (is that what it was called?) made dungeons much more fun. getting to go through hell with alphinaud alisaie and thancred made everything 10x better, even if it was a lot slower. the story, again, heartbreaking — ryne's arc in particular felt like being stabbed by thousands of little needles while trying to play. in the best way, of course. and amaurot... amaurot. getting to quote our favorite knight in there was my 8th umbral calamity.
shadowbringers also marks when a lot of your job's functionality is really unlocked, so doing the level 80 raid series was genuinely a ton of fun. and again the thousands of little needles. i cried at least 7 times during the main story.
overall: 85/100 kenki gauge.
Katana Zero (2019)
possibly my favorite game this year. the protagonist, zero (or as i like to call him, katana from zero,) ticked all the boxes for a character I'd be absolutely obsessed with. true enough, i fell in love. the fast-paced gameplay, the diegesis of gameplay elements which would typically go unquestioned, and the care that seeps through every dialogue choice all solidify katana zero as one of my favorite game experiences ever. I'll leave it at this, because I encourage everyone to at least give it a try.
overall: Yes, that should work.
Fire Emblem Engage (2023)
this is one of the few 2023 releases on this list that I didn't get on launch, because at the time I had relatively little interest in fire emblem as a series. then I made a lot of friends who enjoy it, and in october, bestie sen decided to buy it for me as an early birthday present. everyone say thank you sen.
considering this is my first fire emblem game, i have absolutely no deeper insight into how it matches up compared to the others, and plenty of people more eloquent than me have already talked about that. what I do know is that the gameplay was surprisingly fun as my first tactical rpg, and the story was passable. all the characters were appealing in one way or another, and I'm still mad I had to choose between marrying kagetsu or fogado. they're both my husbands at heart.
overall: I didn't internalize enough of this game to come up with a clever rating.
Fire Emblem Engage: Fell Xenologue (2023)
I was expecting the dlc to continue the main story, so I put it off until I had finished the base game. in hindsight, I regret it, because I'd love to have brought the winds and twins with me to fight their evil versions and alternate universe dad. the story was... alright. I really liked all the small battle interactions between fell characters and our party members which they would've known. I instantly recognized fogado in chapter 1 because I am in love with him by the way.
overall: i dont know. 1¾ dragonstones
with 2024 upon us, I'll probably be writing reviews for games as I play them. I'm trying to use tumblr more as a social platform instead of just reblogging. we'll see how that plays out. if you like any of these games (yes, even tears of the kingdom) please talk to me about them! that's all for now. look out for my mangled thoughts on SANABI and Nier: Automata next :)
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spoopydooblr · 1 year
My King Will Be Kind Chapter 7 / Kendall Roy x OC
an: YALL ITS BEEN A MIN! my bad!!! ive just been doing my thang and honestly fell out of love with this story for a sec.  i had to rewatch some episodes of s4 to get myself back into it and here we are!  this chapter is a bit of a filler, as next chapter is going to be Living Plus which should be a shitshow lmao.  PLEASE enjoy and lmk what u think!  i love getting your messages it literally makes my day! 
tw: mentions of death, cursing
Even when the first season of Delirium came out and was trending on every platform, Stella was still flying mostly under the radar. Sure, she had her fans, but the hype around her was nothing like it was now.
Stella had given up on Twitter, as the reactions to her and Kendall were not so great. People either had no fucking idea who she was or were completely disappointed in her choice in men.
im not gonna lie idk who tf stella allen is
Stella...girl...kendall roy...?
E! News even did a segment on her a few nights ago.
"Who is Kendall Roy's new girlfriend?" The peppy anchor said. "Well I've got you covered, folks!"
Some of Stella's scenes from Delirium flashed across the screen. They even had a blurry pap picture from the wedding to complete the package.
After the segment, her mother called her, almost in tears.
"Stelly, baby, what have you gotten yourself into?" She asked.
"Everything's fine, Mom, please don't worry."
"I don't want you involved with that family. Your dad hated ATN, remember? And that guy...how old is he?"
She cringed. "I know, I know."
"I thought you liked that boy from the movie?" Her mother mentioned.
"You mean Damien?" Damien was a costar who she went on two dates with over a year ago. she knew her mom wanted the best for her, but that had been over.
"He was such a nice boy. Why don't you call him?"
"He broke up with me, remember?"
"Oh." She thought for a moment. "What about--"
"I like Kendall, Mom."
"Really, babes?"
"Yeah..." Stella paused. "I mean, he's actually a really good guy."
"I'm sure he is, but doesn't he have kids? Doesn't he have an addiction problem? Are you really ready to deal with all that?"
"He's clean now, he told me."
"Isn't that what every addict says?"
"He barely has time to use, Mom, he's so busy."
"How does he make time for you, then?"
Stella thought for a moment. To be honest, she didn't know how to answer her mother's question. Things were hectic, to say the least, for the Roy's right now.
As she sat in her apartment, scrolling through Twitter and defending herself against her mother, Kendall was at his father's wake. He had invited her to go with him, but warned that all of his family and company would be there.
"It's gonna be a fucking fuckfest." He had told her.
Though meeting Shiv was definitely on her radar, Stella couldn't bring herself to go. It wasn't even really a wake, it was more like a business meeting in a dead man's penthouse. There wasn't a place for her there, and she didn't want one. Kendall didn't seem disappointed, as there were other things on his mind. Neither of them wanted to be questioned by his family when there were important decisions to be made.
"It's going to be tough, Mom, but I like him. It'll be okay."
It was later that night when Kendall appeared on Stella' doorstep again. They had been texting every day, but with Logan dying, Kendall and his siblings were busy. It almost felt like things were back to normal, if it weren't for the thousands of tweets about their relationship. She thought that Logan's death would have surpassed them in the news, but it only intensified the spotlight on her and Kendall.
Again, it was late at night when Kendall called her, saying he was at the front door. This time Stella was more prepared, as she was still up doing work. Still, she was eating cold pizza out of the box and wearing a big t-shirt and shorts when he called.
"You need to stop doing this." She teased, opening the door for him.
He was quiet as he stepped into the threshold of her tiny apartment. For once, he had nothing to say to her as he entered.
"What's up? How was the wake?" She ran her hands down his arms, genuinely concerned about his mood.
"It's--" He started. "It's me."
"What do you mean, baby?"
"It's me. I'm...I'm CEO. Me and Rome, we're gonna do it but it's me, mostly."
Stella's jaw dropped. Sure, she was used to having Kendall as COO of WayStar, but CEO? This was on a whole different level.
"You're what?"
"I'm the fucking CEO." He said, looking at her, his hazel eyes brimming with tears.
"You're the fucking CEO."
Stella threw her arms around him. Though it was a bit of a shock, she knew that CEO was Kendall's dream. He worked his entire life to be in this position and he was finally getting to it. He returned the hug, picking her up.
"H-how did this even happen?"
"Dad wrote it down. Before he died. The board still has to decide, and the GoJo deal is still there, but for now, yeah, I'm it."
"Oh my God. That's insane."
"I know. Fuck."
"What have you done to celebrate?" She asked.
"Well, I just got out of the wake." He sat down on her couch. "I came right here."
Stella's heart soared. It made her incredibly happy that Kendall wanted to share this news with her first. She sat down next to him, trying to ignore the pizza crusts on the table next to them.
"Well what do you want to do?" She genuinely meant it, not in a sexual way.
"Honestly, I just really need to sleep. I, uh, have to be in the office tomorrow at eight."
"Oh, shit, okay."
"It's okay. I wanted to see you before the shit show starts tomorrow."
"Well, you're welcome to stay as long as you want, but I don't want to keep you."
"No, no." He pulled her into him. "You're stuck with me."
"In that case..." She kissed him softly. "Do you wanna smoke some weed?" Stella nodded towards the pipe on her endtable. There was a half-smoked bowl inside already.
Kendall smiled, "I think you read my mind, pretty girl."
She laughed, trying to reach the pipe while still in his grasp. Her hands reached the bowl and Kendall magically produced a lighter.
They sat across from each other on the couch, Stella handing the pipe to Kendall.
"You first, Mr. CEO." She giggled when a giant smile spread across his face.
He thanked her, taking the bowl and lighting it.
"Wait," Kendall said. "Won't this set off the alarm?"
"Oh, they're broken, don't worry." Stella laughed.
He nodded, lighting the pipe and inhaling.
After twenty minutes and a few too many puffs later, Stella was curled into Kendall's arms on her tiny couch.
"The wedding was nice, you know." She whispered into the cold morning air.
"I'm sure it was. Con planned the whole thing."
"It was beautiful. Even the loony cake."
Kendall chuckled. "I'm glad you stayed. It says a lot about you."
"I love family. And I love weddings."
"You want a big wedding, Stella girl?" He said, weed clouding their minds.
"Yeah." She said, eyes glazed over. "I want a huge ring too. You think you can do that, Ken?"
"Definitely." He smiled, secretly promising to himself that he would actually, one day, make that happen.
"Not a boat though. Kinda tacky."
"Anything you want, Stell."
"Think you can get both of our families to get along?"
"That, I'm not so sure about."
She was quiet for a second. As much as talking about weddings was fun, it just reminded her of her father. Who would walk her down the aisle? Who would she dance with at her first dance?
"What's on your mind?"
"Nothing, I--" She started, "I miss my Dad."
"Me too." Kendall said.
She immediately felt bad for even thinking about her own grief. Kendall's wound was still fresh while Stella had grieved over a year ago.
"What happened to him?"
"He, um, went to sleep one night and didn't wake up." Hot tears pricked at her eyes. "My mom woke up next to his body. It was like, the worst thing ever."
"I'm sorry."
"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't be talking about it right now. You're like, grieving your own loss."
"My Dad was a piece of shit." Kendall laughed. "But he was still my Dad."
"I know baby." She looked up at him, both holding back tears. "I know."
He kissed her softly.  All she could see in the dark room was his face.  
"I think I love you."  Kendall said, like it was the easiest thing in the world.
"What?"  Stella sat up.  She was not expecting to hear those words.
"Sorry, uh--"  Kendall stuttered, and for once, he didn't really know what to say.  
"You love me?"
"Yeah.  I fucking do."  They sat across from each other on the couch again, Stella frowning to herself.  
She had no fucking idea what to say, but she knew one thing.  "I love you too, Ken."  Stella mirrored the goofy smile plastered on his face.
"I fucking love you, Stella girl."  He kissed her face all over, pushing her down on the couch.  "Let me make you mine."
She hummed as his lips traveled down her neck.  "I'm yours, Kendall."  Stella giggled as his cold hands reached under her shirt.  
"As much as I'd like to fuck you, I really have to get some rest."  He whispered, putting his head on her collarbone.
Stella nodded, knowing tomorrow was just first day as CEO and staying up late wasn't exactly the best idea.  "Do you wanna stay?"
Kendall's face lit up.  He nodded eagerly.
Stella was awoken the next morning by her dog growling and barking from the kitchen.  He probably wanted to be taken out.  She rubbed her eyes, realizing that there was barely any light coming from the curtains.  It had to be four in the morning.  She rolled over, expecting to find Kendall, but he was nowhere to be found.  
"In here!"  His voice boomed from the kitchen.  
Stella reluctantly got out of bed, walking to the kitchen and seeing possibly the funniest thing she had ever seen.  
Kendall was sitting criss-cross on the counter, hiding away from her dog.  Stella couldn't help but laugh.  Her dog was less than 15 pounds and was all bark and no bite.  Of course, Kendall didn't know that and probably had never been around dogs in his life.  
"Ken, oh my God."  She giggled, taking a picture of his scared state on top of the counter.  
"He was barking at me!"
"He's a chihuahua, Kendall."  Stella said as she scooped up the little dog.
"Last time I checked, chihuahuas were mean."
"Okay, true.  But Kurt is a sweetie, right baby?"  She kissed the dog on the forehead.  "Don't be mean to mommy's friend."
"Friend?"  Kendall pretended to be hurt.  
"Sorry.  Don't be mean to mommy's boyfriend."
Kendall got down from the counter where Stella noticed he had been trying to make coffee with her old ass coffee maker.
"Oh, God, you didn't try to make coffee, did you?"
Kendall looked at her sheepishly.  "When did you get this fucking thing?  1998?"
"When I was two years old?  No."
"Jesus, you're a baby."  He smiled at her.  The age-gap thing was kind of weird for her still, as she had never dated someone as old as Kendall.  
"And you're fucking old."  She said, rummaging around to make coffee for him.  "This coffee isn't great, sorry."
"It's okay.  I'll have Fikret get me some.  He's on his way."
Stella frowned, not ready to let Kendall leave their little bubble yet.  "I'm so excited for you, Mr. CEO."  She wrapped her arms around his neck.  "You're gonna kill it."
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uriekukistan · 3 months
hello hello!! Here with some asks for you ^^ !!
What is your favorite thing about Megumi? Like a trait or maybe a certain thing he does :)
Who were you rooting for while Watching Death Note? :D I see a lot of people that say they were rooting for both L and Light so I'm curious!
What is your favorite thing about writing?
What are some musical artists you listen to! :D ( list as many as you want!)
Did you know that you're a great fic writer? Cuz you are!! >:3 ( I feel like I tell you this almost every time I interact with you but you actually are like my favorite itafushi writer) (I'M SO HYPED FOR SUMMER LOVIN' CHAPTER 3, WHENEVER YOU RELEASE IT!!)
What is the fandom you're most active in besides JJK? :)
How do you describe your fashion sense? :3
I'll probably ask more another time!! If you don't want to answer some of these you don't have to! Answer the ones you want :)
Don't forget to take care of yourself!! <3 Take breaks and just breathe ^^
hiii thank u sm for the asks :3 hope youre doing well !!
1 - hmmm this was hard to narrow down so i'll talk abt a specific scene that's been on my mind. okay ig honestly the detention center is Always on my mind because it's the first time we get a really good look at megumi's character and what he values. but mostly i was thinking abt the part where megumi takes the name tag from the guy he was so adamant about not saving for his mom. i don't think he changed his mind, but to me, it just shows how much he cares about his friends. like i think when he originally took it, it was so he could give it to yuuji so he could give it to the guy's mom, but then when he thought yuuji was dead, he delivered it as a way to pay respect dkfgjhd idk current top megumi moment
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2 - nowadays when i rewatch it im team near & mello actually🤞 and pretty anti-light, but i think the first time i watched it, i was so wrapped up in the back & forth between light & l that i probably did root for both this was like 10 years ago tho so i dont remember fs 😭
3 - ooh i think like. in terms of writing fanfic its like when i was a kid & played w dolls like it gives me the same type of feeling, but also i've always been the type to use imagination as escapism, so being able to bring the things in my head "to life" is really satisfying as well
4 - kfgdjdkg theres so many im like always listening to something different. recently i started listening to this artist called juliet ivy, her songs are all super relatable and have a rlly whimsical sound too. another artist i'll always promote is dream, ivory, i've been a fan for a while. i've also been into deftones recently. generally im more the type to listen to random songs rather than specific artists
5 - THANK UUU im always a bit hard on myself so its nice to hear that (new summer lovin' chap july 10! i think)
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6 - tokyo ghoul probably? i used to be suuuuper active but im more passive w it rn...i need to do a reread of the manga soon (<- been saying this since my jjk era started sorry to my tokyo ghoul oomfs i love u all)
7 - wait this is so hard...ig like misa amane if she was on tumblr in 2016?
thank you againn for the asks <3
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