#mostly for Tara
autisticrosewilson · 4 months
I read your wilson headcanons and I would like to hear more if you don't mind. Or anything about Tanya and the rest of deathstroke Inc. (That's what theyre called aren't they?)
I haven't a clue but boy oh boy do I want to talk about them. Uh go in with caution, there's discussion of experimentation and eating disorders and childhood homelessness in Tara and Poppy's parts. I know you specifically asked for Tanya but I talked the most about Tara because I realized I haven't really made a post yet about my version of her story, and I figured now would be a good time to get into that.
Be warned I haven't read Tanya's Titans era yet so these are pretty solely based on her time with Defiance.
She definitely went to a private school, and it's not an experience she would wish on her worst enemy. Had really long braids as a kid but too many people pulled on them so she decided on the iconic pom poms.
I don't remember if her dad was ever mentioned so she primarily grew up in a single parent household, which didn't really bother her as a kid but she did have to be more responsible at a young age.
She just seems like a volleyball girly to me, I don't know. Probably did a lot of sports and had a million clubs. Never took a class that wasn't AP. My girl was a PRODIGY.
Band kid 💔💔💔 (yes she went to band camp, no she doesn't want to talk about it. Clarinet player.)
Begged her mom to let her come to the lab, she always knew she wanted to follow in her mom's footsteps.
Going from having a sous chef to living with Slade "joined the military at sixteen so he can only make MREs" was not a change she appreciated.
I feel like she was scouted for modeling as a teen and she thought about it but ultimately decided that she wanted to be known for her brain and not her face so she turned it down. She still brags about it though.
She forced Slade to take etiquette classes so he'd stop eating like a barbarian and embarrassing her in front of her coworkers. He already knew most of it but he pretends to be clueless so she'll keep going with him. This is like peak bonding to him
Poppy they could never make me forget about you<33 literally my daughter if anyone cares.
Everyday the fact that she didn't get a last name makes me froth at the mouth, I have to do everything myself around here. I've decided it's Hayes, but she doesn't really use it so it doesn't really matter.
Firstly there is something so real to me about trans fem Poppy (She/They) and I just need everyone to stick with me.
So I don't think Poppy is her original name anyway, I think she came up with Poprocket first and then spawned Poppy from there. I don't think she remembers anything about her time before the Dark Side Club, and I don't think she wants to. I think she checked, y'know just to see if there was a police report or missing posters. Nothing. So I don't think she ever went out of her way to find her previous family.
Banned from multiple public places for dying her hair in their bathrooms and staining their sinks pink.
She is a biter she will bite you it doesn't even matter if she likes you or what the situation is if you get close enough to her teeth she will fucking bite. Tara has many imprints of her teeth and is immune to them at this point.
She's definitely a little chubby and a little short for her age, I think her time on the streets + in the Dark Side Club made her malnourished and she kind of hoards food/over eats to make up for it
She was the kid in the galaxy print leggings that hissed at you in the hallways I fear, drew the Dan & Phil cat whiskers on her face everyday. Original Tumblr user, mostly reblogs cat videos. Warrior Cats kid, used to roleplay her catsona with her friends on the playground
Had to be physically removed from the room when they started dissecting frogs in bio, Slade had to pick her up because she was crying so much and they couldn't get her to stop, he ended up taking her for ice cream
Tanya and Poppy for all they're polar opposites get along pretty well. I think Tanya gets really protective of her, definitely the one Slade has to answer to before he does anything with Poppy or Tara
Tanya is the one who teaches Poppy to do makeup and they have little spa days
Poppy keeps bringing stray cats home and Slade keeps trying to say no but Tanya doesn't see an issue so she buys all the stuff for them herself
Tanya tells her gross stories about shit she saw when she was interning at a hospital while Poppy's eating to make her gag
Poppy constantly steals Tanya's clothes and it always leads to a fight first thing in the morning when Poppy tries to wear Tanya's crop tops or god forbid her Christian Dior perfume to school
They're like the sisters ever and no one even cares, DC let me in the writers room
Tara my love, they didn't do you ANY justice. The SA storyline just... wasn't done well, or handled with any respect, and it kind took away all the interest I had in Slade because the most interesting part of his character is his family and their dynamics but I couldn't focus on that when he was being weird about underage girls so it really just kind of threw me off, so I guess my prognosis is that it just,,,,didn't happen in my version of events.
Like there was a weirdly codependent father-daughter bond where he projected onto her, because she was looking for a family and he was coping with Rose blaming him for Lili's death, but there was nothing sexual or romantic because that's fucking weird and I don't want to write about it
I'm including some of her New 52 origin but I'm changing it a little, so instead of growing up with Beast Boy (he keeps his original origin) her story coincides with Poppy's since The Ravagers are so similar to the Dark Side Club anyway.
Tara is raised in the castle as a maid like her mother, Nadia, but when her powers show up she's exiled by queen Illiona who sends her and her mother away to a cabin in the middle of the snow laden woods, far away from anyone else. Well, anyone except for Dr. Helga Jace, a woman claiming to be a doctor for meta humans with a grudge against the king. In the end she convinced Nadia that Tara's best bet was being fostered by a family in the U.S. to which the woman agreed. What they didn't know was that Tara's "foster" family were agents of the Dark Side Club.
I always imagined Tara with a Russian accent for reasons I can't explain, but I was vindicated by Markovia being a part of the Soviet Union
She used to have brown hair down to her hips but the scientists cut it short, and when she escaped she bleached it to hide better.
She hates doctors because they remind her too much of the experiments, so Slade only lets her get checks ups by Dr. Villain, who is only allowed to do house calls
Jokes about her and Rose being twinsies because they're both bastard kids
Her and Brion used to be close as friends and he even sent her letters once in a while when she was exiled, I like to think he's still looking for her but she doesn't trust he wouldn't tell her location if she sought him out
They grew up close, like their mothers before them, and I imagine that Brion learned combat as part of his lessons and Tara would always beg him to teach her. The one time he actually did she was such a natural at sword fighting he joked she'd make a better knight than a maid
Crazy good at strategy games, for all she's never been interested in academia I think she's crazy smart and a thorough planner. Maybe a little bit of a control freak. It's something her, Slade, and Rose all bond over
Her superhero name being Terra and her civilian last name being Markov is soooo stupid, I can buy that she as a homeless 15 year old came up with it but I refuse to believe that Slade let her out into the real world with that. Her civilian name is Terra Hayes and her alias is Bishop (chess connotation = Defiance uniform + the bird has similar colors to her independent costume)
She knew very little English before Slade, luckily she came to him after he had some practice teaching English (Rose also didn't speak much English at first)
She got very good at cooking, cleaning, sewing, gardening, and the like young so she was always relatively independent to begin with but a lot of those old hobbies remind her of her mom now, who she doesn't know the status of
She and Poppy survived together on the streets, Poppy was 11 or 12 to her 14 or 15 so she took the big sister role pretty seriously
Slade found them together and Tara initially attacked him but he managed to talk her down after getting his ass kicked
They both have food issues, understandably, but where Poppy tends to over eat to the point of getting sick Tara will stop eating for days if she feels like food is running low so that Poppy can eat more
Probably one of the most financially responsible of Slades kids, arguably too cautious about money at first. There's a difference between knowing her mentor is rich and processing it, and she's not entirely sure what to do with big displays of wealth. She worked in the castle, she was a servant no matter how well taken care of, she's not meant for the princess treatment.
She does like going with Tanya to her work parties and high society events though, she learned a lot about social etiquette and politics as part of her curriculum and she's very charismatic when she has the chance to be
Put this girl in a theater class!!! She loves undercover missions, especially ones where she's undercover as like a waiter or a chef or something, she's thriving. Sometimes she gets so caught up in the job that she forgets about the actual Job™️ though.
Her and Joey put on wigs and coordinated outfits,take their fake IDs to fancy restaurants and pretend to be a proposing couple to get free food. They don't even need to they just think it's funny.
Sunny is an enigma, I almost hesitated to include her just because we know so little but Slade does explicitly say she's family and I like that she bullies him so I decided to.
Once again no last name, and it's debatable if Sunny is even her actual first name. I think she tells everyone she meets something different so no one knows if she's lying or not. The only person who knows her actual first name is Slade, but he doesn't use it because she doesn't.
She low-key gives estranged mob daughter to me, really funny if she has a whole family that she just doesn't talk to. Probably ran away to be a mercenary after one too many attempts to marry her off.
I'm not saying she intentionally copied Laura Croft but I am saying that she spent an inordinate amount of time playing Tomb Raider as a kid
Can and will whoop ANYBODY'S ass in Just Dance, her and Joey aren't allowed to team up
Very competitive about family game nights, she has resorted to physical violence multiple times
She has a lot of tattoos but only ones that can be easily covered, claims it's just so she's harder to identify but I feel like she grew up in a strict household and she's got lingering paranoia about self expression
Acts really unbothered all the time but she has never once won the idgaf war
She's about college age but I don't think she actually goes, never all that interested in school but she's definitely been to some college parties. She tried to bring home a frat boy once and the whole family collectively bullied him so bad he ghosted her and none of them ever let her live it down
Steals Slades leather jackets and he complains about it but he's started specifically picking out ones she'd like and modifying them all with extra padding and armor that he wouldn't really need just so she'll be safer when she wears them
Sunny's not invited to Tanya's work parties anymore because she shows up high, eats all the food, and then complains halfway through about being tired till someone takes her home early
Caught Poppy doing her eyeliner with a fine liner sharpie and dragged her to the nearest store to get her actual makeup
The fights her and Tanya have over clothes are the worst because they're similar sizes. Sunny wore one of Tanya's EXPENSIVE dresses to a college party and it's a good thing the dress was dark because there are definitely blood stains. Tanya accidentally shrunk Sunny's favorite pair of jeans in the dryer and let's just say one of Tanya's pom poms was a little sparser than the other.
Poppy made glitter bombs to use in the field but one time it missed and hit Sunny on her motorcycle to this day Sunny is still finding it in her armor and sometimes her tires leave faint glitter tracks
One year for Halloween they tried to do matching Charlie's Angles costumes but it was so unrecognizable without the three of them together and they all had different things they were going to (Sunny had a costume party, Tanya was handing out candy, Poppy was going tricker treating) that no one knew who they were supposed to be
Poppy, Tanya, Sunny, Tara, and Rose all have girls nights which can range from your average sleepover to them terrorizing the town, either way Slade always has to clean up the mess
Thanks for the ask and sorry it took forever! This kind of got buried under a bunch of other notifications lmao
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snarkspawn · 7 months
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Mr Dekarios please stop daydreaming
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mixmangosmangoverse · 6 months
So when a celebrity says something pro Palestine or even pro Hamas everyone goes "yeah woo celebrities should always use their platform to talk about issues"
But when a celebrity says "actually killing Israelis is bad" suddenly celebrities shouldn't get involved in conflicts and shouldn't use their platform to talk about issues
It's so blatant that people just mean "celebrities should only boost the opinions we deem correct and should never ever express sympathy for Jews, that's so lame"
I'm so done
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raspberry-arev · 1 year
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It's finished! I made it before the end of Pride Month!! Here are our favorite Heartstopper kids having fun
Nick flexes his rugby-lad-ness. Darcy insisted to be the runner and firmly believes she can catch up with Nick&Charlie, while Tara is seconds from falling off her back. Tao is a short king and he is trying his best. Isaac is a good boy and we love him :')
(look.. the colors aren't the best, the composition is so-so, but I had fun drawing the kids again, and that's what counts) (as you can see im trying to get back into art through hand-drawn stuff. and alcohol markers from Lidl.)
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galedekarios · 8 months
visited jaheira's home with alton, gale and jaheira and:
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gale: a natural impulse to try and shield one's loved ones from danger, especially when you feel a moral compunction to run head-first towards it.
it makes me think of the fact that we learn in an origin playthrough that gale completely cut off his contact from his mother, knowing that he himself has become a danger and a threat to her well-being.
such a threat and such a danger that it ultimately led to gale leaving his beloved home behind to seek treatment and, even though he has found nothing to indicate it exists, perhaps a cure.
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tara: she still wants to know when she'll see you again, sir. i avoid giving any answers. but she misses you. gale: i can't risk putting her in danger. tara: i know that, but she doesn't.
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tara-maclays-gf · 2 months
YOU like hush because it’s a groundbreaking work of tv with amazing acting and an amazing score. I like hush because it’s tara’s first episode
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pzyii · 10 months
BTVS + text posts
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Jesus... pt 2, pt 3, pt 4, pt 5, pt 6, pt 7, pt 8, pt 9
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redkelpfish · 1 year
Hug Your Goddamn Kids: Why It’s A Terrible Idea to Leave Your Teenaged Newly-Hormonal Child To The Terribly Confusing Ordeal of Having Their Only Regular Physical Contact Be People Stabbing Them
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vampirejuno · 3 months
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This was... Probably a bit too much effort for a ref sheet lol. Full body next 😬
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coraniaid · 10 months
Willow does a lot of terrible things in Season 6 but I will always refuse to accept that bringing Buffy back to life was one of them. Contrary to what I sometimes read on here, Buffy did not have a "good death" or a "meaningful death" (there is no such thing) and it wasn't "her time" (she was twenty years old!). She was deeply unhappy by the time of The Gift, at least bordering on suicidal -- "I don't know how to live in this world [...] I don't see the point [...] the hardest thing in this world is to live in it" -- she was terrified at the thought of losing another family member after her mom and she didn't think she had a better choice. Yes, Buffy didn't want Dawn to die. But the act of dying in her place wasn't some carefully made informed decision that Willow had some sort of obligation to respect.
What Willow did was reckless, sure, and she didn't really know as much about what she was doing as she thought, but I wouldn't ever say that it was wrong.
And while obviously taking the details of Buffy's theology seriously enough to argue about them is an even sillier prospect than debating vampire soul lore, I think it's worth noting that we do not actually know that Buffy was in heaven. The show doesn't even commit to the idea that heaven exists! We only know that Buffy believes she was in heaven, and that her description of being in heaven ("I knew that everyone I cared about was all right") does not match up with the observable reality of the show (what part of the first half of Bargaining makes you think any of the people Buffy cares about were doing "all right" without her?).
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krikeymate · 11 months
Fictober 2023: Day 20: “This better be good.” - Kirby gets a call at 3am. Fandom: Scream Rating: T Warnings: None.
Kirby gets the call at 2.37am.
In her line of work, she’s no stranger to being called in at all hours of the night, it comes with the job. Every second of lost sleep is worth it to keep the streets safe from creeps and monsters.
Besides, better the demons on the streets than the nightmare in her head that haunts her at night.
Needless to say, she’s used to it, reaching over to grab her phone off the nightstand and answer it without even opening her eyes. A familiar routine.
Less familiar is the voice on the other end of the line.
“Hello? Is this… Kirby Reed?”
Jesus, why is a child calling her. He has the cracking voice of a teenager. But hey, could be worse. At least it wasn’t Ghostface this time.
“Detective Kirby Reed, FBI. Who is this?”
“It’s uhm- I’m Officer Parker, NYPD.”
She waits a beat, becoming irritated when he doesn’t continue.
“It’s 3 in the morning, I have to be in work at 6, and you just woke me up. This better be good. What. Do. You. Want?!”
God she just wants to-
“There’s, uhm. There’s two girls here, suspects. They wanted me- requested you.”
-murder him.
Murder them.
Two girls.
She doesn’t even bother asking for clarification
Who else could it be?
She hits the end call button with more force than necessary, and wonders if it’s worth it.
Glancing to the side, she stares at the framed picture on her bedside – Sam, smirking, with an arm resting on Kirby’s head. Tara, plastered to her side and planting a kiss on her cheek. A birthday gift, poorly wrapped and made with love, in her hands.
She gets out of bed and suffers through getting dressed.
She might as well get an early start on the day. Who needs sleep anyway?
It only takes her 20 minutes to reach the station. The Officer Parker, third on her shitlist, looks about as old as he sounds.
Jesus, she’s turning into Gale.
Her second worst nightmare.
(Her first is waking up and realising she’s alone again.)
Kirby stands tall and puts on her work face as she tries to get some answers.
“Why am I here?”
“Because I call–”
“Why are they here?”
Were the police always this incompetent?
The thought makes her mind flash to Woodsboro. Never mind.
The question seems to rally the Officer as he becomes serious.
“They’re suspects in a murder enquiry, Detective.”
Kirby sighs. When are they not?
“Who is it th- who is it?”
“The victim is Christina Carpenter.”
She listens with one ear as he explains the situation. Kirby takes the opportunity to stare into the interview room.
Neither girl looks fazed.
Nor do they look upset.
Given what she knows about their mother, she guesses she shouldn’t be surprised. It’s hardly a death worth crying over.
She doesn’t give herself a chance to feel guilty at the thought, cutting off Officer Peter Pan by shouldering the door open.
“Thought I told you two to stay out of trouble,” she says, announcing herself and waving away the Officer as he tries to follow her in.
“Trouble finds us,” Sam answers cooly. She does a good job of appearing unaffected, but Kirby can hear the relief in her voice.
“Weren’t sure you were coming,” she continues.
Ah, that’s why.
“And leave you to get into even more trouble when you try to punch a cop? Mmm, I’ll pass on that paperwork.”
Sam scoffs. “I’ve never punched any cops… Recently.”
It almost makes Kirby smile. Sam’s so different than who she used to be, and yet, still the same troublemaker she was drawn to back in high school.
She turns to Tara, eyeing the bruising around her neck and splattered across her cheek. “What happened to you?”
“Got jumped. Didn’t see who it was,” she answers smoothly and without emotion. The way one might if it was a preprepared lie.
Inside Kirby a war rages. The detective inside her demands an investigation, begs to involve herself, to find out more and unravel the truth. There’s reasonable suspicion, they have motive, they certainly have the means.
The part that loves them says let it go, that some things are more important.
Some things are more important.
“C’mon,” she sighs. “I’ll take you home.”
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sovamurka · 1 year
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Buryatia, Ivolginsky Datsan Khambyn Sume
*Altan, Yuma, their mother and grandmother speak in Buryatian here, Russian translation is in square boxes and I took them as a base for English translation
Mother: ...now take three sips and pour the rest on your head.
Yuma: Hey, are you finished?
Mom: Not yet. Wouldn't it be a shame to leave without touching the wishing stone?
Altan: Wishing stone? I want to go to the wishing stone!
Yuma: What kind of stone, Mom?
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Grandmother: And where did you get this boldness from?
Yuma: From you, grandma, who else?
Grandmother: Well, I guess you are right.
Mother: According to legend, Green Tara touched this stone and left her palm print on it. If a person touches it, asking for the fulfillment of his most cherished wishes, they will surely come true. You need to stand on this line, close your eyes and go straight towards it.
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Altan: Will my wishes not come true now?
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Part 1 of shows I thought were fever dreams but are apparently not
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A miss mallard mystery: was a show about a ducktective and her nephew travelling the world and solving crimes.
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2. Tara Duncan: Tara and her friends, Cal the thief and Sparrow the princess who turns into a beast, are all a part of the Alpha team. They fight threats from the OtherWorld, while balancing the challenges of high school life.
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3. Stoked: is a show about a group of surfers who meet one another at a resort whilst working there during the summer.
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bloomfish · 6 months
James Marsters' accent definitely slips/wavers sometimes and, even as someone who is hypersensitive to accent slips when Americans play British characters lol it's not the worst thing ever because he's usually pretty solid and it just kind of seems like Spike has spent a lot of time out of the UK. Which he has.
But the two British potentials are unforgivably bad. I think I would like them more as characters if their accents weren't so terrible. Why didn't they just get British actresses??? Or spend more time coaching them for their 6 lines of dialogue??? God it drives me insane. The fact that the first 3 potentials we're introduced to are these two and Kennedy (who is extraordinarily unlikeable) means the introduction of the potentials suffers a lot. Molly should have just been allowed to be American because other than the accent she's fine and they should have introduced Vi (one of the few likable potentials) here too.
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autism-swagger · 1 year
Elaborating on my food insecure Tara headcanon because I have brainrot:
My original thought process was: Christina was gone a lot -> Sam left when Tara was 13 -> Tara wouldn't be able to get a job for a couple years -> Christina could've provided money but a good amount of it had to have been spent on things other than food -> ergo not a lot of money for food, and she couldn't have been relying on her friends for food very much otherwise someone would've absolutely noticed that something was wrong.
Tara had very limited food supplies. Between the ages of 13-19, he mostly ate instant noodles, rice, and oatmeal (all of it either plain or with very little flavoring), as well as like. Idfk saltines or something
In the rare occasions in which Christina was home, she would frequently use food as a punishment (e.g. taking it away for any perceived wrongdoing)
As a result, Tara eats insanely fast, typically with an arm curled around the food so it can't be taken away. If you reach for his food (or really just make any movement towards it), he will start crying (and also potentially bite you). She also hides nonperishables in her room
She's used to really small portions that are typically either under or overcooked
If he n Sam are gettin low on groceries, he immediately starts makin a plan to ration (Sam just goes out and buys the groceries while Tara is at home makin a spreadsheet)
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diablodevilgod · 6 months
Lucy: i wasn’t injured, I was lightly stabbed
Kate: i’m sorry, you were stABBED?!
Lucy: LIGHTLY stabbed, I didn’t want to frighten you
Kate: you are my wife, I want you to tell me everything, ESPECIALLY things that might frighten me, how can you not know that? Lucy you are unbelievable
Kai: heyyy Lucy, you look so tall…
Lucy: what you have done is beyond unprofessional, you cannot muck around in other people’s lives. Get. Out. Of. My. Apartment.
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