#mostly because they already know anyways also because they Get It. they understand the distinction in a way other people wouldnt
termagax · 4 months
tldr "what does his face look like" that is his face. dont be rude.
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bookwyrminspiration · 1 month
Hi there!
I had some questions (or statements I wanted to discuss I’m not sure what to call them) because I genuinely don’t know much about the subject. I’m on anon right now but I may comment on my own account later. Also don’t feel obligated to answer if this makes you uncomfortable.
So I was wondering if you could articulate any thoughts on proshipping in the kotlc fandom? I wanted to know your thoughts as from my understanding (and please correct me if I’m wrong) you see it pretty positively, and I wanted to better understand the ‘issue’ (idk what to call it)
Anyways I thought I should include what I already know.
So I understand that when people participate in proshipping it does not reflect their actual worldview.
I understand that it is fictional and really doesn’t affect real life.
I think my issue with proshipping has to do specifically with it happening in the kotlc fandom, and this has to do with Keeper of the Lost Cities being a kids series. My problem isn’t specifically with that, but mostly with the amount of “kids” participating in our fandom space (not actual kids like ten year olds but from my understanding we have an array of people from ages 13-16 who I would consider pretty young)
I just worry about when people make posts about, for example, one of the main cast and an adult in the series, because the Keeper casts ages may closely reflect the actual ages of people in the fandom, we’re creating an unsafe environment and these posts may affect what these ‘kids’ think is okay in real life or for themselves.
Anyways, I wanted to share my thoughts but I really mean it when I say I want to hear your thoughts, I don’t think I know enough about the ‘issue’, especially from the other perspective.
(Also, this isn’t really about your call out post about call out posts, I’ve just seen you liking some pro shipper stuff so I thought you might be interested in that sort of thing)
Hi! Thank you for being respectful about this. First, I avoid labels like "anti" or "proship," as they tend to create an unhelpful us vs. them dichotomy. Especially when, like these terms, they have strong associations and generate strong reactions upfront. It's not, in my opinion, conducive to productive conversation
I believe that all fiction, including disgusting, depraved, uncomfortable fiction, should be allowed to exist without restriction. Whether that's incestuous, predatory, or otherwise.
We don't have to read/watch it. We don't have to like it. Or be comfortable with it. But it needs to be allowed to exist.
It's existence does not harm us (the most that happens is we realize, we are uncomfortable, and then we stop watching/reading/etc. and move on), and there is no way to reliably moderate fiction. It will always be arbitrary, and those arbitrary distinctions will always be enforced by the privileged with power, who will use it to create their narrative and silence others.
The issue many people get stuck on, like you, is about children. Now I'm not saying this is what you're doing, but I'd like to bring up the Think Of The Children logical fallacy. It's a more recent one, so it's less known, and I'm just linking the wikipedia.
What it does is switch to emotional thinking, creating this idea of these helpless little things in danger we need to protect. It creates moral panic, because what are you gonna do? Argue against the children? You monster! It can shut things down.
And while children are young and still learning and need guidance, they're also people. They have their own thoughts, reactions, and choices. They use their childhood to practice that, which is aided by fiction. Fiction is a practice run for the real thing; it can be that learning and guidance
Children take what they see in fiction, where no real people are hurt or in these scary situations, and react. They form opinions, determine what they think is right or wrong, and they have more room for error. For example, it is safer for them to misjudge an actually malicious adult in a story, learn what the warning signs were, and be more cautious going forward with no real life consequence than to make that mistake for the first time with a real person.
This is just a general overview. To specifically address this fandom and its ships, I'm going to start with this: when you were 14, did you think it was okay to date an adult? Did you ever see incestuous art/fic and start wondering if it was okay to date your sister?
Yes, consistent, repeated exposure of concepts from influential places can normalize them. Is that a genuine risk here, or what is happening? Have you seen it happen before on a wide enough scale to be generally applicable? I, of course, cannot speak for everyone, but I already knew those weren't okay by the time I joined the fandom at 13. Yes, 13 is young, but 13 year olds are capable of complex thought and reasoning. Their minds aren't going to be changed that easily, and a lot of them would probably resent the implication (even if unintentional, this is nothing against you) they couldn't figure it out for themselves. At least I would've
And more specific to keeper again: we have maybe a handful of these "weird" and "gross" ships/aus/etc. Posted by a number of people I could likely count on one hand, incredibly infrequently. This is a genuine invitation to think it through: what is that going to do?
Is that from enough places with enough power to normalize these ideas? Who is seeing it? How impressionable are they? Have they already formed ideas of right and wrong? Will this change that?
The conclusion I've come to is: 13 years old is young in the grand scheme of things, but at 13 years old you are capable of complex thought. I don't think the limited number of these "objectionable" topics and posters, which/who can be easily avoided, is going to normalize or make people think it's okay irl. It didn't happen with us, did it?
And I think, to some extent, limiting exposure or controlling media access takes away agency and choice, and that young people being able to experience difficult concepts in fiction before seeing them in real life is beneficial. This often then leads to "but what if they read something really icky they hate!" to which I say, kids aren't going to do things they don't want to. They won't watch movies, shows, or read books about things they're uncomfortable with or disinterested in. I simply put the book down and read something else.
And if they're being forced to, that's a different problem, and the solution is not to make sure the media doesn't exist or they can't access it.
This has been long, broad, sometimes specific, and more all in the attempt to be thorough. What it boils down to is: I don't think what you're worried about is going to happen, or is even slightly likely enough to genuinely plan for or worry about (not that you're unreasonable for worrying, though), and I don't think there's any trustworthy course of action that would separate the "good" from the "bad" and reliably, fairly decide who can see it and when.
I hope this helps answer your questions :). I'm happy to talk about it more, though I don't want to devolve into arguing, so if that starts to happen (with you or anyone else), I will likely end the conversation.
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scarlet--wiccan · 2 months
I’m not sure if you’ve already answered this but is there any way to update Django’s “shaman” stuff to be culturally accurate? And if not what would you retcon it to be?
I guess I didn't get around to answering this fast enough, since you decided to ask somebody else basically the same question. Itzel covered a lot of what I wanted to talk about, and provided some really great info about drabarne, who act as healers and leaders in Romani communities.
What I will add is that I think Django's position as a so-called shaman-- and the apparently widespread use of magic in his community-- is an extension of a very common trope in which "gypsies" make up a sort of mystical society, rather than simply being an ethnic minority. It's a trope that is usually very easy to debunk by just learning more about our history and social circumstances. You don't really need to intrude on potentially closed cultural practices to understand, generally, what Django's role would have been as a healer, a head of family, or spiritual leader in a marginalized community. Those are actually pretty universal concepts, and I think it's more than enough, in this case, to just build a character around that. Django's also.... dead, and he only really appears in flashbacks, so you're always going to be painting in broad strokes with him anyways.
Retroactively, if we are revisiting Wanda and Pietro's childhood, I do think we need to get rid of the hokey "shaman" role and the nivashi stone-- whatever the hell that was supposed to be. I would like to see more representations of Roma communities that are mostly made up of ordinary, non-magical people. With characters like Wanda, Django, or Natalya, there needs to be more of a distinction that while their magic is entwined with their Romani heritage, they are not magical simply because they're Roma.
Anyways, Scarlet Witch (2016) did actually retcon Django's powers as being derived from the same magical lineage as Natalya's. I know that the Natalya story needs to be fine-tuned, but I still really like that character. In the right hands, I think that the idea of Romani family who have cultivated ancestral magic to protect themselves and serve their community could be really powerful-- but it needs to be told with a lot of clear boundaries in order to avoid falling into the old tropes and stereotypes. Having a character like Django, who mostly functions as a more normal person and applies his mystical gifts in a much more grounded way, would help to balance out Natalya being a sort of magical superhero.
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dmwrites · 2 years
It was to the point that xB stayed up for days on end, finding any excuse to not even look at a bed. Luckily for him, Beef was similar, but mostly because he was so obsessed over his card game project. There may not even be hermits to play it, by god damn it Beef was going to finish this card game.
xB helped where he could, it was nice to have someone to talk to at the very least. And Beef, as a fellow loner, was very understanding when xB went out on his own. Beef never asked questions, or at least, never pried too often.
Today was not one of those blessed days.
“Dude, when was the last time you got a good night’s sleep?”
xB grimaced and put down the shulker full of carpet down hard, hoping this would end the conversation before it really started. “Uhh, dunno, been busy.”
“Dude!” Beef, clearly ignoring xB’s silent pleas to stop talking, said in concern. “That’s no bueno, my friend. Sleep is important from time to time. I know you’re like, a fish, or something I don’t know, but fish sleep too… I think, do fish sleep? Aren’t their like eyes open but they’re- anyway, the point is, you gotta rest those vibrant blue orbs of yours, get your beauty sleep!”
“I thought I was pretty already.” xB replied slyly, always willing to stir the pot.
“Oh, well, of course, xB, you’re like the second hottest hermit here, but you’d look even prettier if you slept. You look like a haggard witch- in a good way!” Beef said.
xB, despite his trepidation about the night to come, giggled. “A haggard witch?? Oh my god, I’m leaving you.”
“In a good way!” Beef reminded him, also laughing, and slung an arm around xB’s shoulders so he couldn’t fly off. “I will make you sleep, xB. As your friend, currently your only friend here, it is my duty to. Come on, the sun is setting. Put down your bed, you can even put it next to mine if you want, and we’ll catch some Z’s.”
xB wished he could explain, wish he knew even where to begin with why he didn’t want to sleep. But Beef was stronger then him, and xB reluctantly put down his bed. Just looking at it made a wave of dizzying tiredness rush through him. He got in, and before Beef could even say goodnight to him, he was out.
And then, he was awake again.
“God damn it.” He muttered.
Even thought his eyes were closed, the sun was shining through his eyelids. He reluctantly opened his eyes and sighed. A slime squished nearby. He got up from the bed he’d hastily set down at the foot of some giant statue of a man with a pink coat or something. The sun was rising over this swamp kingdom. Might as well keep heading on, xB thought, since I’m here. He packed up his bed, the bits of food he’d collected, and found a path to walk on.
He supposed it could be worse, waking up in this dream world. He just wished that it felt less real then the Hermitcraft world, so he really knew which one was a dream. He was tired in both, which was annoying. And both felt real, which was just confusing.
Every time he fell asleep, he just kept walking, kept exploring this abandoned land. Despite it all, xB was curious. These lands, kingdoms really, all felt so loved. Blocks placed with care, well-worn paths, silly jokes on signs. So why was it empty? He felt like an intruder, but then again, how can one intrude when there is no other life to intrude upon?
He’d been to the land across the ravine, so he picked another direction, and by nightfall, ended up in the far end of some other kingdom, which had bits of red stuff all over the ground. He settled down by what looked like a summoning circle, which was concerning, but hey, what wasnt anymore.
He got into bed, watching the sun start to set. And just as he closed his eyes, he heard a distinct pop, and a voice he’d never heard spoke.
“Hola? Hello? Who are you?”
xB gasped and jolted upright, grabbing onto the closest thing to him.
“Woah there, you trying to feel me up already?” Beef chuckled.
“Oh, sorry.” xB said, wrenching his hand back from Beef’s bicep.
“Didn’t mean to startle you. You must have been sleeping hard.” Beef said, making his bed. “Don’t you just feel so refreshed now after such a good night’s sleep?”
xB had never felt so tired in his life, and his mind raced, playing that voice over and over again in his head. There was someone else in the abandoned world!
“Yeah, never felt better.” xB said, hoping his voice wasn’t shaking.
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mbti-notes · 21 days
Anon wrote: hello! so, for the longest while, i was convinced that i was an infp. but, very recently, i realised that the struggles that i was going through, the problems that were coming up repeatedly, seemed to be more indicative of ne-te loop. i didn't actually get very far with the function development guide once I'd determined myself to be an infp btw. life kinda got in the way.
anyway, this realisation prompted me to delve back into your type theory guide. for the past week or so, I've been going through it in detail with a clear mind, considering every single type as a possibility and rejecting them one by one according to the evidence I'm typing up. I'm still about midway through the inf functions in the proper procedure that I'm following, but i've skimmed that entire post and others, because there's a couple of questions that's been bugging me throughout.
I've more or less narrowed myself down to an xnfp, although like i said, I'm still open to considering other types as well. what I'm mostly stuck with is the following:
1. how is an enfp's ne-te loop going to look in contrast to an infp's te grip?
2. how is an infp's fi-si loop going to look in contrast to an enfp's si grip?
i understand that, of course, every person is a unique example of their type. but I've been stuck with these two points, since i couldn't find anything on your blog related to how a specific tert function's loop looks in tandem with the type's corresponding dom function. like, i know what te-loop looks like, but i don't know how it would work with ne dom. i suspect where i might have gone wrong with typing myself (if i was mistaken, like i said, i am still going through the theory guide intensively), was misidentifying si grip as fi-si loop.
if you do have any past posts that I've missed, I'd appreciate you redirecting me to them. and i hope my doubt is clear, and that you'll be able to help me out. thank you!
As far as I can tell, there are several issues to address:
1) Overemphasis on how functions "look": This usually means you're too focused on outward behavior (superficial) and not really understanding how functions operate inside the mind (fundamentals). Until you are able to draw a proper distinction between cognition and behavior (which is the first major principle that I teach in the Function Theory guide), your focus will likely be misplaced on the what and then missing the why. Asking "what does my Te look like?" won't get you as far as asking "WHY do I use Te in this way?" Basically, you're not going deep enough.
2) Not accounting for Function Dynamics: Newbies often get stuck on viewing functions in isolation, which exacerbates problem #1 above. Once your learning becomes more advanced, you'll understand that functions are dynamic and intertwined. For instance, tertiary loop and inferior grip are very different because the function interactions that produce them are very different:
- Tertiary loop arises due to a unique relationship to i) dominant dysfunction, specifically dominant immaturity, and ii) auxiliary underdevelopment, specifically auxiliary resistance. Thus, evidence of tertiary loop must also include evidence of those two issues, which I have already included in the guide under the dominant and auxiliary function sections. These three parts must fit together properly.
- Inferior grip arises due to dominant dysfunction, specifically dominant extremes that create a troubling imbalance. One reason people find themselves in dominant extremes is because they're trying to force the function to work in unsuitable ways/situations, which causes escalating problems with stress, to the point of not being able to cope and adapt well. Thus, evidence of inferior grip must include i) evidence of dominant extremes, and ii) eventual loss of healthy dominant functioning, information which is already included in the inferior function section of the guide.
3) Not accounting for Type Dynamics: Type dynamics refers to the theory of the functional stack, of how the whole is more than just the sum of its parts. Each of the four functional stack positions serves a unique and specific purpose in your psychology with regard to what the ego needs and wants, which is briefly explained in the beginning of each stack position section, as well as the type dynamics section of the Type Dev guide.
For example, the proper purpose of the tertiary function is to complement and temper the auxiliary function. However, tertiary loop means that this healthy dynamic is altered and the tertiary function is being misused for a different and more nefarious purpose of propping up a failing dominant function.
This goes back to point #1 above of not grasping the "WHY" - what is the purpose of each function in the mind? It's very important to ask yourself WHY you are using the function in that particular way, in relation to the other functions. To what end or to what purpose is the behavior meant to serve?
It looks like all the information you need is already included in the study guides, so perhaps you have only been picking out some superficial points about the "look" of functions and ignoring the more important theoretical concepts that would help you understand WHY functions look a particular way. The problem with not reading the guide all the way through to full understanding before you start doing the hard work of analyzing yourself is that you won't see the bigger picture of how all the parts are meant to fit together.
Psychology is complicated, so function theory isn't exactly easy to learn. There are many levels of comprehension and you're still at the beginner level. It's certainly not a crime to be a beginner, since we all have to start somewhere. However, don't sabotage yourself with poor learning methods such as disorderly/unfocused reading, taking shortcuts, or thinking that the "gist" equals complete knowledge - these are common learning obstacles for NPs.
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lavenderbexlatte · 2 years
day 31 - breeding kink
Tumblr media
nct 1.5k words female reader insert Reader x Kim Jungwoo NSFW
🖤 warnings: teasing, degradation bc i have needs and that is one of them, pet names, kink negotiation, kim jungwoo is the hottest fucking man alive i don’t make the rules i just enforce em 🖤
kinktober masterlist
connect with me! / masterlist
His sense of humor is one of your favorite things about him, even when it's being used against you.
But seriously, mark this as the final time in your entire life that you're going to be vulnerable on a human-to-human level with Kim Jungwoo. Boyfriend or no boyfriend, he's not getting anything else out of you.
You should be fucking right now.
You were supposed to be, anyway. It's rare enough these days that you get to snag all of Jungwoo's attention, and much rarer still to have an entire weekend to mess around together, with no work commitments or appointments or other scheduled interruptions.
He's naked, and you're naked, and that should mean that you're about to have some delightful private-time fun with your favorite guy, but no.
Instead, you're getting laughed at.
Not really laughed, if you're honest, but definitely smirked at. That's a smirk.
"You're serious," Jungwoo says, through that smirk.
"I mean...yeah, I am," you say.
You're not pouting. You're totally not.
But Jungwoo reaches out and tweaks your lower lip with his thumb. "Quit pouting."
"I'm not-"
"I just wanna be sure," he continues. "It's kind of a big deal, you know? I'd hate for you to regret it after and get pissed."
"I won't regret it."
"Or worried, I'd hate to worry you."
You scoot around on the bed so that you're sitting upright, next to Jungwoo. Just two stupid people sitting criss-cross-applesauce and buckass naked because you couldn't let things be as they are. Quite the evening, you're having.
"Look, we don't have to-"
"That is not what I'm saying," Jungwoo interrupts. He keeps interrupting you.
"If it's going to be such a big deal, then we just shouldn't do it."
He's still smirking. "It's not like you want it for any weird reason."
What you asked for, that thing that's causing all of this, that's got you practically squirming with embarrassment, practically dying because of the way Jungwoo is digging into it, insisting he understand ever bit of it, is to go raw.
No condom, just this once. Just to try it.
You're a double-protection proponent, most of the time. Your own birth control method, and then the added protection of the simplest method of all. Condoms are easy and safe, and Jungwoo, as a rational person, has never minded them.
But this relationship has been going on for ages, and you got curious. The two of you are exclusive and clean, dammit. You want to try it. Sue you.
And if there's a little second secret reason in the dark corner of your mind that's also motivating you, well, that's your business.
Jungwoo just seems to think it's his business, too.
"Unless you do," he adds. "Unless you have another reason that you're just not telling me."
"Even if I did, I wouldn't have to tell you," you mutter.
"You wouldn't have to. But you should."
Jungwoo's blinding mischief and good nature just knows no bounds. "Because if it's something I can help with, I will."
His words are open and inviting, but you can tell that he can tell that you're embarrassed. And he's going to pull whatever secret you're holding back out of you the way he knows best: by being so unbearable that you crack.
He's so devilishly smart, much smarter than you'd ever imagined when you were just casual friends. And he's the absolute master of switching things up on you, good at verbal parlay and teasing and making you feel things.
Right now, those things are mostly embarrassed.
"I mean, think about it," he says. "If we do it like this, and I finish inside you, since there's only the one method, then your chances of getting pregnant are that much higher. Which is risky."
You have the distinct feeling, in this moment, that he knows exactly what he's doing. Here he goes, already, being too smart for your own good.
"Unless," Jungwoo muses, and oh God, oh no, here he goes-
"Unless?" you repeat weakly.
"Unless that's what you want."
Your protests are similarly weak. "You know I don't want - we couldn't-"
"Not for real," he assures you. "I know you don't actually want that part, just like I don't. No offense, but now is not the time for a kid."
You know that fully well. "Agreed."
But Jungwoo's expression is still dangerous, as he turns slightly sideways, tapping a finger to his gorgeous lips as if he's deep in thought. His profile is so stunning, even in this low light. The wavy fringe of his hair, the curves of his nose, lips, chin, the softly defined slope of his features. You're aware that you're just kind of staring at him, dazed, but you don't care.
"I think I'm right," he says. "I think that what you really want...is to get fucked, and then get stuffed."
Vulgar, ungraceful, unpretty words, but they go buzzing right to your core. He's the worst.
"That's dirty," he admonishes.
"You're the one who-"
"It wasn't my idea, was it? I just figured it out," Jungwoo says.
He leans toward you, now, so close and so beautiful that you forget how to breathe for a second.
"Jungwoo, just drop it, I-"
"You do," he presses. "You just want to get used, huh? Filled up?"
Of course, he's absolutely, undeniably right.
That's what you want.
And if you keep denying it, eventually, for the sake of respecting your boundaries and not actually upsetting you (which is never his goal, ever, no matter how agonizing he is), he's actually going to let it go. Which would be a real pity. That means...
"Yes," you admit.
"Is that what you've been thinking about?"
"And you couldn't tell me because you're embarrassed that you want to be treated like a little cocksleeve? Just for me?" His voice is light and melodic as always, a gentle tone saying the filthiest things.
He's a juxtaposition like no other. His pretty, innocent face and his angel's voice, talking to you like this, taking this bit of obscenity and running with it. You're being nudged backward, pressed to lie on your back among the pillows before you know it
"I don't blame you," he informs you, as he spreads your legs indulgently. "For feeling weird about it, that is."
"Why not?" you ask.
Jungwoo's answering smile is deceptively soft. "Because it's such a dirty thing to want."
"You want to do it, too."
"Anything for you, baby," he replies. "No matter how depraved you are."
Ouch. The dig smarts, but in just the right way. Like a challenge. Like he's provoking you, which he is.
"I'm not!" you protest.
"No, I just-"
"You just want me to cum inside you, just because." He's talking through pouted lips, practically cooing at you. "You want to feel filthy, wanna end this dripping cum and begging for me to do it all over again."
Jungwoo has his erection, hard and insistent and betraying his own investment in this little game, pressed up against your entrance as he talks.
He raises a perfect brow. "Can I?"
Even as you nod your consent, you're trying, arguing fruitlessly and knowing that you're making it all up on the spot, "It's not like that, I just-"
"Don't lie to me. You want me to breed you, is that it?"
You hadn't thought of that particular word, yourself, but fucking shit does it render you brainless beneath him, eyes shut and fists clenching the sheets.
It's all you can do to gasp and cling to him as he sinks into you. Hot, hard, perfect, the lack of condom giving you direct contact with inch after inch, and though you've done this before, you've never done it like this with him. If you thought you were brainless a moment ago, it's nothing compared to now.
"Oh, you do."
You can't deny it. You can't do anything.
"You do want it, look how much you're working around me already."
Of course, he's never felt you like this, either, and it's not like he's immune to it.
"Fuck," he mutters, driving into you again, slowly, experimentally, "You're giving me plenty of motivation to do it, you know. Look how wet you are from just the idea of it. You want me to fill you up that badly, you horny little mess? Got yourself all soaking and ready for it?"
He never fails to floor you with how perfectly mean he can be, how insistently, indulgently cruel with his words and his delivery. Simple words, but with this twist that makes them just-
You open your eyes, just to see him, to see if all of this is affecting him as much as it is you. And what you find is simply too much to bear.
Jungwoo is just smiling, clear and unbothered despite the way his hips move against yours, eyes glinting with something intelligent and mean. So unassuming. You'd never guess what he's up to, never associate his words with his visage.
"I'll do it for you, don't worry," he promises. "Whatever you want, baby. Pretty little breeding bitch."
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madelynhimegami · 10 months
About twenty years ago (probably closer to nineteen), I finished my playthrough of Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life.
This morning, I finished my (first?) playthrough of the A Wonderful Life remake.
Well before I finished, I decided I wanted to make a post talking about it, giving my general thoughts on it. And I'll probably just end up rambling. Who knows if it's at all interesting to people but. Here goes.
Being able to save and load anywhere at any time is such a game changer. Holy moly. Even though I didn't really have to do a whole lot of reloading (except where fishing requests were concerned). But it still felt very good to have.
On a related note, the remake is so transparent about its mechanics, it's amazing. I know that AnWL already had some tranparency added to it (especially wrt your kid), but just. Having as much info as the remake gives you, at all times, is nuts. Makes things so much easier to finagle around.
Likewise, thank god for automatically recording cooking recipes. It was already practically impossible to remember how to make anything in the GCN games. The fact that the Harvest Sprites gave you a new recipe every day also helped. As did telling you when your cooking skill levelled up, because the GCN games didn't tell you anything.
Characters actually sound distinct now! The thing about mediocre localizations is that you don't know what you're missing out on until you get a good localization. And wow, the amount of personality shown by having characters speak differently adds a shocking amount.
Even with all of the QOL updates... the main thing that makes me never wanna touch the GCN games again is that they're a lot less bugged. I once again blame the old localization.
(you think there's weird stuff going on in the remake. you have no idea.)
That being said, aside from being able to select your pronouns at the start of the game, the cast (including yourself) don't really do much of anything to gender you. AnWL gave me so much gender euphoria before I even knew what it was. (Not to mention the FoMT remake set the bar for being gay in a way that AWL is set up couldn't really replicate). So... who knows. Maybe I'll end up replaying it someday anyway.
Granted, I say that, but as I was typing that sentence I thought about how the event for giving your toddler a bath was broken so that you could not give him one. Instead of a Yes/No prompt the game just said "Several days later..." and then continued like you had said no. Maddening.
Nuts to it, someone just give me an annotated textdump.
After so much hemming and hawing about who to marry in the remake, I ended up just marrying Nami again. One part autistic lesb solidarity, one part her kid being so goshdang powerful. Either way, I joked about how nothing about me had changed in twenty years.
Once I got to chapter two, I started screencapping like crazy. Got almost 400 of them on my switch now. I just wanted to note everything I could about what my darling baby girl was doing throughout her life. Also my wife.
In my original playthrough, even though I tried to influence my son into either art or academics, he ended up becoming a farmer. But then again, I also didn't understand how to influence him optimally. Which sounds awful out of context. Oh well, at least his life was mostly organic.
I managed to get my daughter into academics before chapter two ended. Probably the most interesting thing that happened was how her dialogue changed. She started reciting her ABC's to herself, and mumbled about books, and said that gemstones were like puzzle peices. It was darling.
Since I've only played the entire game with Nami's child, though, I do wanna replay the game just so that I can see what a different kid is like.
Problem is, it just brings back the marriage problem. And the child career problem, because even if I marry Muffy, like hell will I raise an athlete (but I don't want scholar again... but also if they're an artist they run away from home after the game ends, which is kinda messed up).
A lot of people in the village make comments about how air conditioning isn't good for people's health. They did that in the original game too, if memory serves, but it's still weird. Is this a thing in Japan, or was the person that wrote those parts of the dialogue have a vendetta of some kind?
This is another thing that I know got changed in AnWL, but I'm still so glad that chapters are only one in-game year long. There's a special kind of pain to get to the end of the year, only to learn there's more you need to play before you see your kid get older.
Despite that, I still got a whole lot done, to the point that I spent most of the last two years just idling because I had nothing else to do. Same way I got to the endgame of the original, come to think of it.
I never bought the teddybear. I wasn't gonna do it when my daughter was a teen by the time I had the money. I'm not that dumb. Doesn't do anything but be spoopy anyhow.
I seem to remember the seed maker being instant in the GCN game. If it was, it got seriously debuffed in the remake-- you can only put up to twelve crops in at a time, and it takes 20 in-game hours for the seeds to be produced. Obviously meant to balance how absurdly high tree seeds could be sold for, but the prices were already slashed to pieces, so it was just overkill and made it hard to keep up with what crops I did or didn't have seeds for.
I genuinely hope I never have to make nine of each rare crop again. I mean, technically I never had to anyway, but I did and it was so much pain.
Cows are absurdly expensive in the remake. I guess it's to balance the fact that there's no limit on how long cows can be milked, but
here's the dirty secret
If you have a cow and a bull, they'll mate on their own without you needing to order for it. My cows in the GCN games were constantly getting pregnant. Anyone who complains about cows going dry was doing it wrong.
Sheep are significantly more affordable, though. So I ended up getting mostly those instead.
That being said, a star/brown/marble cow giving S Milk (and the latter two getting their milk processed into butter and cheese respectively) does give you more profit than golden wool does... until you get the Blessed Clippers and you start getting two bundles of wool per sheep (which is insane). But wowie are they expensive...
My new personal hell is having a dozen sheep following me around to scream at me. Did they do that in the original(s)? I never bothered with them....
I'm still sad Flora's not a marriage candidate.
As I mentioned, I was basically without anything to do by the end of the game. Which makes the infinite postgame chapter's existence kinda funny? I don't know what else I'd want to do with that, since as far as I've been able to tell nobody has new dialogue.
No really. I can't even 100% the game anymore because Van stops selling goats, I have over 5 million G, I've grown each one of every plant, caught every fish, dug up all the digsite items, and have all in-game achievements. What would I wanna keep playing for?
Also, why isn't Nina in said postgame chapter? If it's the afterlife anyway, then she should be there too, dangit!
I still don't understand why the dog is trainable.
The player's child is so adorable. I love my daughter so much, she's such a sweetheart.
Wish her self-esteem wasn't so low from chapter 3 onwards, though... another reason to see the game married to somebody else.
I am so grateful there's no friendship decay for the villagers.
What a great game.
And now, some of me rambling about my history with the series:
I don't know what drew me to the original AWL game. All I knew is that there was coverage of it in an issue of Nintendo Power, and I just kept reading and re-reading it. I had a couple friends that swore by the HM games (in particular, 64 and StHL), but beyond that I guess something about it intrigued me to the point that it became a game I really wanted. Had a plan of how I would run the farm and who I'd marry. And counted the days before I finally got it (must've been a birthday or Christmas present).
And I played through it, beginning to end. Despite my brother scorning it. Despite one of the friends that swore by HM64 thinking it was such a watered down derivative it made him laugh several times even as he tried playing it himself.
I also got the girl version when it came out. Don't remember how I afforded it, but I remember that I was too embarrassed by wanting it to let anyone know I did get it but myself. Never managed to finish it, but boy howdy did it have a lot of gender euphoria. I got to be a mom.
...I tried other HM games since. I got Magical Melody (which I recall using Action Replay to turn my player character into a girl that make perfect sense to me now but I don't know what I had been thinking at the time), but dropped it shortly after my wife started expecting.
I got both versions of HMDS (mermaid wife yes please), but only stuck with them for about two or three in-game years each.
I got Isle of Happiness, but honestly the fact that every item had decay to it stressed me to the point I couldn't play without Action Replay codes to keep everything top quality and freshness forever-- and even then the crap you gotta juggle is crazy. Played long enough to marry the Witch though, so that ruled.
I got Hero of Leaf Valley, and that one I actually stuck through to the end (including forgetting how many zeros were in fifty thousand and ended up raising up half a million G before the second year's end), but got too paralyzed with indecision on who to marry (it was mainly between Gwen and Aurelia, since I read that Alice couldn't be raised to red heart after the credits. Game seemed to have thought I had my sights set on Lyla, though).
I tried Rune Factory 4... but something about it just didn't vibe with me so I bounced early.
Every now and then, I thought about going back to A(n)WL, or maybe trying a different one. Never did, though. And Stardew or other inspired's didn't ever really grab me.
And yet I inhaled the chance to play the AWL remake when the time came. And now I've finished it. Go figure. I'm still not sure what it is about that game specifically that calls to me.
I think the amount of interactability with your kid is a big factor, though.
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nifflering · 27 days
Part two Beware spoilers for life on mars series one and two
Hello, hello, hello (some brainrotted fellows will understand this reference) Welcome to another edition of
*me rambling at you about life on mars (the UK version)*
Most important thing: this is my interpretation/analysis.
So, these are my personal, quite uneducated opinions. Also: I bought the series on DVD. No one will be safe.
Today, we'll be talking about the usage of colours in lom in general. If I do start and finish a rewatch and find some interesting scenes – I will add my commentary on them.
Like I already said many times before – there aren’t really many scenes in 2006/2007.
The shooting script of the first episode (I found it while floundering around on the waybackmachine) originally includes a scene in Sam and Maya’s appartement. (Context my beloved: Sammy boy is being kind of an ass, too busy with his job to solve his issues with Maya. She attempts talking to him but fails. I don’t know why they deleted it, because it would have really provided more context to their relationship and – most importantly, for my cause, a sneak peek of their apartment – I imagine it as very clean and kind of impersonal, a few personal touches, Maya’s attempt to brighten up the place. I think they’re both really busy, they started decorating but then Sam became DCI and he got too busy to use the apartment for anything except for sleeping. #Overwhelmed king)
Anyway, let’s take a look at.... a shot that to me represents a big theme of the show and some ✨️colors✨️.
After Sam gets hit by the car , he wakes up in this construction site with a poster of the soon to come high way. An image of the Future.
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There’s a really distinct difference between the colour palates. The “future” sky is a nice light-blue, not a cloud to be seen, with some touches of orange and green. Everything is all white, clean and perfect – and it’s all coming soon(er or later).
Of course, it’s a very idealized version of the future. Because it’s how Sam perceives it – at this point in time, he’s very desperate to return.
(Just look at the scene where he first gets contacted through the math programme through the TV. The way Sam crawls towards the TV….. SIR, YOUR ACTING CHOICES. PLEAAASEEE.)
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But it’s still surprisingly accurate. However, the idealistic picture of the future is quickly shattered, if you consider that – let’s squint our eyes - to see little Sam’s limp body lying on the ground. Surprisingly, in the 1970s we don’t really see a person being hit by a car (as far as I can remember - except Sam ofc)- But – let’s be honest in 1973 the streets are just every ground that is remotely driveable on.
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The past still contains traces of those colours, mostly orange as seen in the dirty underneath the bridge. The air is heavy and greyish, trash and building material is littered on the ground.
The only bits of white are the high-flats in the background, but they are far far away.
Those buildings and streets are still being built – everything’s in flux. Things can change. But, should they? Sam is generally really unsure in that whole department but that’s the thing about it:
We never actually find out, (side note: I haven’t yet seen ashes to ashes) if Sam’s choices actually make an impact in the present. It certainly gives you the impression – his father staying away, his mentor teaching him those lessons, Maya’s birth, etc. etc.. But does it really matter in the end?
Or is it just all in his head? Is he still Sam Tyler in a hospital bed in 2006 or is he an amnesiac Sam Williams in 1973 on an undercover operation?
In the past, there are several buildings – bound to Sam Tyler’s identity, and which I will be further explaining in another ramble.
Let’s get back to colours. Two examples where a similar concept applies: The interrogation room and the general office space of the police department.
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The room is flooded with light – courtesy of the huge windows (side note: privacy??? What’s that?). The situation is very transparent as the interrogation is literally being recorded. The person being interrogated has their whole support team with them, including lawyer, social worker and psychiatrist. This scenario is as by the books as you can get it.
I also really like that little shot of Sam adjusting the pens, character go brr.
Same thing in the general offices – a 2010s fever dream with all those clunky computers – which school computer lab have you magically transported me to?
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Imagine the absolute horror that Sam feels when he sees the past police department.
Look at it
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Without considering the lighting and furniture, the room looks sort of modern – it has a lot of windows and could be causing the same effect as the interrogation room on a visitor.
The officers are working diligently and carefully through every case and issue – investigating every clue and they never rest until they catch the perpetrator.
But that’s wishful thinking - In reality (at least in the past)the room is tinged with brownish yellow lighting, there’s no order to the tables, paper strewn all over the desks and even spending a second in this room will lead you to smelling like smoke for the next 55 years. I would faint. And I’m not even talking about the consequences of not being a white straight guy….
This police department doesn’t even have an interrogation room, they also rarely record any interrogations (leaving a lot of room for interpretation or using some creativity to catch the suspect or get an important lead) and mishandle, don't notice or even collect crucial evidence.
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In the lost and found
Even asking for a lawyer – leads to being laughed at and insulted by the literal governor of the department. It’s quite dark and very cramped – it’s quite private – so no one will notice you beating up an innocent person….
But I still feel the office feels very lived in.
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There’s a giant dart board, random trophies, dirty dishes strewn about… Good luck getting your case solved. Where’s the evidence that could solve your murder? It’s probably buried under some spicy magazines and a bunch of cigarette buds.
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For all the time the police spend at the office, they sure do know when to stop and start going to the pub.
One scene in the later seasons – in the episode about the false imprisonment of the teenager who murdered his younger girlfriend, Gene Hunt is determined to catch her killer for good. He’s made a promise to her father and he’s willing to do almost everything to make his city a safer place (any means necessary). He urges the police men to do anything they can, work day and night and not sleep a wink until they’ve put the right person in prison.
And then, he peeks at his watch and drops everything because they need to get drunk in the pub.
and that's it, hope you enjoyed :)
BONUS: have some cinematic shots
For u @roxannepolice <3
featuring: desperation, isolation and crippling loneliness
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lom 1
lom 2
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the-nameless-juan · 1 year
So guess what just came in the mail today! (Err well not technically today as I was out of country but y’all know what I mean!)
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That’s my copy of the 2nd edition Oracle Dice by @publishinggoblin, as you might know by my posts I am a big fan of Tarot and tarot adjacent practices but I also a big fan of the first oracle dice which I got as an add-on in one @publishinggoblin’s previous crowdfunding campaigns (believe it was for The Narmol Tarot 2nd Edition) which I absolutely adored. Haven’t really posted it much about it mostly because it more than an other form divination seems to almost gleefully cut to the heart of things and hit nothing but nerves, but not in a bad way? Honestly don’t know how to explain it, it’s just the reading we’re always intensely personal and raw, so I never felt comfortable posting about my readings with them.
Anyways, when this 2nd edition was announced I backed it almost immediately at the Etched in Stone tier, to get those fancy dice made of, you probably guessed it stone. So I’ve decided to do this rambling review first impression thing for… well anyone who wants it!
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First a look at the mat
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The very that jumps out at me is what an improvement it is over the first one! Not to say the first mat is bad, the things takes center stage of my tarot reading and in fact has shaped it radically I love it to bits but the design of this new mat is just 💋.
Plus the texture is just fantastic, has that fantastic smooth silky thing going that I just love to glide my hand along.
And then there is the second side, while the loss of the rubber bottom to prevent slippage is regrettable this second reading space is wonderful. I haven’t even cracked open the guide to see the traditional use and interpretations but I am already feeling inspired. I cannot wait to get started, and I have a distinct feeling this may well be taking over as the centerpiece of my divination practice going forward.
Now then, onto what is probably the main event, the Dice
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Ahhhhhh they’re so preety 😍 As a reminder these are the fancier Etched in Stone tier dice, each is made of a different stone and the faces are all etched in and inked and look absolutely stunning in person. Just holding them is a treat and the noise they make when you shakey-shakey them in preparation for a throw is fantastic. I fear now that I have experienced non-plastic dice I will never be able to go back, I have yet to even properly cast them but I love them already.
But wait, there’s more!
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There were two Oracle decks on offer so of course I had to get both.
On the right we got the Dice Face Oracle which turn each dice face into its own individual card along with a guide to reading them as cards, but also encourages you to read them as their dice versions meaning you have options when performing readings and I love that shit, there is nothing that I love more than a reading that evolves and shifts the more you stare and stew on it. Also every one of the dice face icons are excellently designed and having them in a bigger blown up form is wonderful.
On the left we got the 22 card Lords of Oracle deck. Each of the dice has its own lord who is an embodiment of their die with their own lore and my god I love this art! I can absolutely see myself pulling one of these cards and having on of these lords color a reading in a completely new light, the potential is just breathtaking.
And last but certainly not least, the tomes.
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I haven’t had a chance to truly sit down and read the guide, but from a quick skimming it is still written in the same easy to understand way as the 1st edition. The first edition was a fantastic guide to a admittedly complex divination practice and as long as this second edition continues that with the new dice it is a welcome edition to the books I reference on the regular, plus having page size version of the Lords of Oracle art is just wonderful.
The reading journal is a fantastically designed tool especially for those beginning with these dice. I would have loved something like this for when I started with the first edition as it was a tad bit overwhelming with it’s… everything. I will most certainly be making use of it
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Righto, that’s my first impressions/ review of the Oracle Dice 2nd edition done. Will be trying a few reading when I have a chance and will hopefully remember to talk about is here! So if you got any questions or if I forget to talk about the reading experience feel free to textually yell about it here or in my ask box, see y’all!
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nananarc · 9 months
So anyway I finally started with the graduation project and, lemme tell ya, it was annoying. I mean I expected this, but it's still annoying.
The school and the mentor wants things to be of a certain aesthetic and standard so it can fit with the general public's taste and eventually it can be picked up by a publisher. it has to be commercial and easy to digest, for a lack of better words. Which is like, the opposite of essentially what i am as a person and as an artist.
So anyway I'll be doing Truyện Kiều again, illustrating the full book with better art this time. Here are some sketches I did:
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Below is the mentor's very quick sketch for demo:
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Which is. Ok cool, it's very traditional, Vietnamese fine art design and aesthetic. The thing that you see everywhere in books and media. The thing that is taught in fine art school. And it's also very HIM because he's a very prominent artist since a long time ago. I'm not talking about the difference in the era clothing tho because he demoed in Nguyễn dynasty while mine is of the Trần dynasty.
My style was criticized (politely) that the face doesn't look pretty, the nose is too prominent and big, the lineart is too scratchy and loose, and that I have to restrict the freedom in my lineart more.
Which is. Like. Pretty much all the things that i like about my art the most. I don't really like drawing "pretty" people, I wanna draw distinct and unique people. I like the fact that the nose is prominent because that's a very Vietnamese facial feature. Our nose is big, flat and flared. And I like it. AND I DIDNT EVEN DRAW IT THAT BIG. it's already stylized and stuff. The lineart is scratchy and spontaneous because that's how my ADHD brain works! And I like the freedom, the raw unfinished feel to it. And my way of scrawing is kinda similar to sculpting in a way that I like to put in a block of line or shape (yang) and then erase it and putting in more nothing space (yin). And I like Maximalism and Kitsch and Neo-traditionalism so I love to do things a bit crazy and new and filled with emotions.
My mentor comes from a very different generation, and a different field than me. He's very commercial, leaning more into minimalism, fine-art conservative and traditional aesthetic. WHICH IS THE OPPOSITE OF ME. Sadly we don't get to choose mentor cos there's only one lmao.
And also I don't understand why I have to aim for publishing in Vietnam too, because that's not where my target customer is. I'm a niche artist with limited customer base and they are international clients (who mostly pay better, treat you better, and appreciate your art more than the general public in VN do). Luckily I have a bachelor in business admin so I know how to do brand and marketing myself, othewise id just keep on trying to please everyone (flexing a little bit, but i was graduating with excellence and on the top 10 of my intake lmeo). Not to mention the fact that why do I even have to publish in the first place, because this is a school, it is a place to experiment, make mistakes, and learn. It's not a place to conform to the industry to make a living. If I wanna do that I would not be here and start working for a company already!
I understand it when they said that it would be a huge advantage if you can get published, but then again, that route is not for everyone, and it's not the only way to be an illustrator like they said. I have my own path to walk on, and I don't think they are aware that we even have those paths, because they are from a different generation. I mean, that's why I was struggling so much before to find a footing, because virtually no one here knows there are other paths! I had to dig things up myself through sweat, blood and tear.
Anyway I rant but i will keep trying to fight and do it on my own terms. They can't make me anyway. There's gonna be sticks and stones, but I mean, I can't physically make myself do something I do not wanna do. There's another option which is to drop it because I don't need the certificate anyway, but I wanna finish a big project of my own too.
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livelymyrtle · 1 year
Honestly atp I don’t know how to feel about Lin Manuel Miranda. I don’t want to be in that crowd of the “Hamilton and everything else he does sucks and it’s all awful” because it’s not really true… Hamilton was very good (mostly brought down from excellence by the second act), and I actually quite liked Encanto (aside from the fact that Abuela gets pretty much excused at the end + Disney forced him to do stuff like writing in Isabela). In The Heights I haven’t paid much attention to, but what I saw I remember being good, and I know he has plenty of other gems…
so why is it that I, like so many people, am just not feeling it? Netizens have recently been feeling more meh on him or even begun to hate him. So why this shift in perspective?
I think the sudden scrutiny against LMM has two main components:
1) Overexposure
After Disney has been putting him in everything, which was already after everyone was saturated with Hamilton and ITH stuff, I think people are just getting a bit sick of the man. It’s especially damning for Lin that he tends to make every main character himself, and that he has such a distinctive lyrical style(or rather, he is unwilling to diverge from that style - he wrote How Far I’ll Go for Moana and that was more off par for him). As a result, it just feels like you are watching the same thing over and over and over again with him - and at this point it’s just getting kind of exhausting to see him all the time doing what feels like the exact same thing.
It also probably doesn’t help that he has become associated with Disney just as Disney has begun losing popular favor. Nowadays, they mostly are doing mediocre movies with the exact same plot, characters, art style, aesthetic, and message(basically trying to be Studio Ghibli in plot except that they don’t have the slow pensiveness, nor the understanding of what consumers actually want, nor the desire to create art for art’s sake), and extremely awful live action remakes that literally nobody likes, so Disney’s new stuff has been bleeding popularity like a bullet wound. Now, people think of Lin in the same vein that think of their disappointment with Disney, which is probably not making him look better. I’ve even seen people blame Disney’s negative shift on him, which isn’t really fair, but… I can see why someone would draw that conclusion, you know?
2) More importantly, cultural shift in attitudes.
Post COVID and what I like to call the Reality Exodus, everyone went on their phones, got really depressed and pessimistic, and got really online. I think that this has directly lead to why people are no longer ok with some aspects of LMMs stuff. In 2015-16, we all loved Hamilton: it was an inclusive and fresh new take on US history, something that we were pretty starved of pride in. With the election of Trump, things seemed bleak: but people remained hopeful still that there could be pride in this country. The concept of Miranda only hiring actors of color was also just the right amount of groundbreaking but not too shocking for the culture - we were committed to diversity, but not so much to the point where we wanted truly diverse stories to be told, so the all-POC cast in a very white story was a good way to knock on the glass ceiling without breaking it. The added message of “we are all a part of America” was fitting for the widespread “we don’t see color, everyone is welcome, hakuna matata” brand of anti-racism that was the most widely accepted narrative at the time.
But as we got into COVID, we see In the Heights released. And all of a sudden, the Twitter mob has come out against LMM for… colorism in his casting, of all things??? Casting that was very diverse?? And that he wasn’t even in charge of anyway???
In hindsight the whole Twitter cancellation thing seems ridiculous, but I do think it’s an important example of how much more aware and critical we had gotten as a culture. And I think our new perspectives shifted our views on some of his earlier work, too: namely, Hamilton.
After COVID, a play written by a nonblack man about rapping slave masters (but they are all played by POC) didn’t really seem all that revolutionarily anti-racist. We as a culture had developed our understanding of racial theory to a different, more radical narrative: we should start uplifting the stories of real POC and make actual changes. All of a sudden, LMM’s rooting for diversity just didn’t seem genuine anymore the the culture at large. I think that has played one of the biggest parts in his loss of popular favor.
And that’s where we get to now: I just don’t know what to think. I mean, on the one hand, of course Lin Manuel Miranda does some great stuff artistically. But his art, his messaging, his image in general has become associated with an era of lenient attempts at equality that I just don’t really support. And no, before you think it, this isn’t going to devolve into the regular separation of art and artist stuff. But it is a question of separation: Can we separate the goodness of an art piece from its intent? Can we judge art or media as being good objectively? And how important of a part does messaging play in what makes something “good”?
My answer? I don’t know. I need a cup of tea and a nap. Peace.
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snekplush · 1 year
We got ten notes on the hidden dimension au so we have another post abt it.
Fun fact: this au is partially inspired by hollowknight and rain world. Time for some world building in the prison dimension woooooo. So there are layers and different zones in the prizon dimension. A large part of the prison dimension is the dead zone, the area where the krang still roam. Then, there is a massive debris zone between the dead zone and the hidden city. There would be several different hidden cities, all having their own special theme and environment that affects the yokai living there. Draxum would come from like the main hidden city, like the most popular, safest, well known, of all the hidden cities.
In this au, all yokai hate humans. Which is understandable, because the entirety of their kind was banished to another dimension with bloodthirsty bubblegum aliens. However, the reason Draxum was exiled from all hidden cities is because he begins performing very unethical experiments and taking large risks by getting stuff from the deadzone to destroy humanity and stuff. And by unethical experiments, I mean he experiments on other yokai and living things like animals and plants. So he gets exiled and makes the turtles from krang dna and turtle yokai dna that he just has on him. He would live in the debris zone, which is mostly just the ruins of past yokai civilizations.
And then the turtles! They would be raised by draxum as soldiers and to hate humanity. They all have a very close brotherly bond ofc. Also, I want them to all have a distinct element. Because of that, the bois get a few tweaks. Since draxum has a lot less morals here he would still continue to experiment on the turts to continue improving them. This would include adding machinery to their bodies to enhance their abilities and make them easier to control after seeing how difficult it is to manage them due to them being living beings with their own consciousness. Raph has the most krang dna, mikey being next, then leo, then donnie. Donnie had the most machine enhancements, then leo, then mikey, raph. And by machine enhancements, I don’t just mean like prosthetics that add weapons, I mean he put machinery inside of them.
They all have some sort of machinery in their brains to enhance their intelligance (ai and stuff) and so draxum can control them. You know how ai are with chess, that combined with leos already strategic mind is going to be a nightmare to deal with. Donnie’s brain is now a literal computer with files and folders he stores. They have parts of machinery connected to other inner parts of the body maybe to enhance or control something. Like maybe Mikey has machinery imbedded into his hands because draxum realized the potential he has for being a mystic warrior. Donnie’s battleshell has parts of it imbedded into his shell. Raph has something inside him to automatically shut him down in case he gets too out of control.
Also, leo’s new thing is now water. Like, he just forms it and can turn it into a portal and even shape it and control where it goes. So thats fun. Anyways, thats it for the rant. Another ten notes and ill upload abt this again.
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marengogo · 2 years
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I posted 258 times in 2022
That's 258 more posts than 2021!
124 posts created (48%)
134 posts reblogged (52%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 151 of my posts in 2022
Only 41% of my posts had no tags
#asks - 35 posts
#jikook - 33 posts
#bts 7 nation army - 21 posts
#people who are lost - 20 posts
#jm - 16 posts
#jk - 12 posts
#bts chapter 2 - 10 posts
#about marengo - 9 posts
#jkk nak - 8 posts
#jimin - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 36 characters
#we ain’t about that life around here
My Top Posts in 2022:
i cant stop thinking about the way jimin was giggling like a school girl after he called jk over as a guest for his bday party, and then getting all awkward and flustered as if talking to his school crush. he was smiling so much even if jungkook was just standing there— and the way jungkook was also giggling when he said "jimin came by" to greet him happy birthday on his recent live. my boys are so smitten for each other its so adorable
It’s the way they do things all the members do, but when they do it every so often it feels like we are intruding, you know?
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Oh and let’s UNOT7nify things for a change, shall we? for all those people out there going “but Hobi was there as well so”. To begin with, we have no idea of how it all went down. If JM didn’t come forth with that Hobi super-crop, we could have assumed that maybe they visited him at different times. But even with Hobi being there, who was the one that was so eagerly awaiting this day? Who was the one who gave us another very cute super-crop picture, of JK this time, while he is seemingly blowing out candles? 
Hobi also joined them during JM’s birthday live last year, and people that don’t want to acknowledge it will not, but the change of atmosphere was instant. Before his arrival, not gonna lie to you, I was in disbelief and I didn't realise I was holding my breath until Hobi came in. Same with the Team Party-Party~! V-Live in LV, the way JM’s whole demeanour changed when JK walked into that room. Tae unbothered and Hobi moving aside, both probably being very used to this dynamic by now, but us still watching and wondering if all of this is okay to witness?! LOL
See the full post
43 notes - Posted September 12, 2022
QUICKIE - 1: The Moon Embracing The Sun
LOVE AGAIN - by Daniel Caesar, Brandy  [CASE STUDY 01]
[Music is a very big part of my life and I’m MOSTLY INCAPABLE of writing without music, so I just thought I'd share what I am listening to while writing this]
Constantly, I hope everyone is doing great and I’m guessing we are all very excited about tomorrow! I’m perhaps overly excited and all I need to do at this point is try and get some sleep, like for real, but I feel like I’m a kid again and it's Xmas Eve’s Night where even tho I ain’t tryna catch Santa, I’m too hyped to sleep 🙃 … ANYWAYS, As the name of this series suggests, this is not going to be anything excessively long, but rather just a quick observation regarding some cute/lucky/noticeable occurrence I might have noticed or that might have happened in correlation to Jikook.
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Today I’d like to talk about a “little” K-Drama called The Moon Embracing The Sun, which is from 2012, like, a good 10 years ago, but good stuff, good stuff! I literally just finished watching and it took me two weeks because I was trying to make it last (and it is a good 20 episodes). As you might already have deduced, the fact that it talked about The Moon and The Sun made me think of Jikook and straight away my brain started braining as I began to better understand a very distinct difference between how The West and The East perceive the relationship between the Moon and the Sun (myself being born and brought up in The West). 
First of all, I was quite intrigued to find out that the drama was a love story between the Sun and the Moon, since (as some might have gathered by now) with me being really big on mythology (greek/roman in particular), I’ve always had a hard time thinking of the Sun and the Moon as anything other than twins, which is what Apollo (eventually god of the Sun) and Artemis (eventually goddess of the moon) are. In The East it appears that they for the most part star crossed lovers for something the moon did apparently, but lovers nevertheless.
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46 notes - Posted October 14, 2022
Silver Lining - What If #2 : I Caught You Bae Bae! [PART 1]
Dreamers - by Jungkook of BTS  [Music from the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 Official Soundtrack]
[Music is a very big part of my life and I’m MOSTLY INCAPABLE of writing without music, so I just thought I'd share what I am listening to while writing this]
🐺 — 🐺 — 🐺—
This week has been a bit messy hasn’t it? And to top the madness all off, though I’m sure we are all happy to see that JK is doing well, thanks to his IG updates, it would have been great to “hear” from Jimin as well 🥹at this point is like, I know you working but, help a sister out you know? Like we be “worrying”/hella selfish here in this neck of the woods, like … jimiii↗️↘️iiin, I MISS SO MUCH IT HURTS 😭. So I thought I’d stop by to write something … cute me thinks? I think we can all use some fluffy, tender and light STD: Speculations, Thoughts and Delulu. In fact, the idea for this post was the result of me reading this post → Jikook After Tokyo by @wingzie. So welcome to another long ass post! 
Though wingzie’s post was clearly about both JM and JK, I haven’t been able to shake off the image of Jimin blushing/being shy. I’ve always felt like Park Jimin is the kind of human being who, at least until circa pre-2018, would instantly wear his heart on his sleeve full-throttle. As of present, he seems to be much more in control with regards to the majority of emotions that he can control, sometimes even resorting to smart talk/ cynicism as a substitute as well. But oh boi, it used to be that we were always made aware of any kind of emotion he felt from little happiness and ecstasy to pet-peeves and straight up being bothered.
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The only time we are now privy of a non-controlled emotion from Jimin is when he blushes/gets shy. There are infinite reasons why different people get shy. Some people get shy out of being complimented, some people get shy just being in the proximity of the person they maybe fancy, some people get shy when put on the spot, etc etc etc. When it comes to JM, what in my opinion, seems to be his shy trigger are situations where he REALLY doesn’t know what to do. So he “blushes” or becomes “shy”, so to say, and in his case it seems to happen mostly on 2 particular scenarios:
He is out of depts, not in his element, doesn't want us to know, and he is well aware that it will show on his face.
He hasn’t yet processed his feelings with regards to a certain situation. Hence, he hides his face so that we don’t see how he is feeling in that moment, before he himself can actually process what it is that he is even feeling.
Now, though JM has admitted on many occasions that he is indeed the shiest member of the band, people who are just focused on his performance persona, or just observe him within his comfort zone (which is for example anything with his members RUN BTS, BON VOYAGE etc) will not notice this side of him all, in fact they might even think that he is “capping”.
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52 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
hi dunno if you had this question or not but do u think before jikook become a "thing" vmin and jihope messed around... cos if u ask other blogs they will beat around the bushes but aint nobody actually answering lol im saying this cos vmin are close as jihope hobi was his roomate tho (roomates) i didnt see jimin &hobi dynamic turn around like this until bv in malta or burn the stage..?
anyway it doesnt changr my opinion on jikook im just curious cos it looks like they prob messed around lol and
at some point i think rm had a crush on jimin too thats why sometimes jungkook had ?? a "problem with minimoni " monitoring jikook
Hello Anon,
Sure, let’s talk abou it.
No, I don’t think JM messed around with any other member in BTS before, during or after JK. Short answer; amongst other factors, one (not the main factor but  …) is it would take a person who actually thinks they are desired in such a manner to do so, and quite unfortunately, for the longest time, I do believe JM didn’t believe himself to be said person at all. As for the Long answer, let’s look at each pairing you mentioned, shall we?
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Let’s start with giving some context to my thoughts: 
Not sure if you read any other of my posts, but I think 2015 was the year JK started “peacocking” so to say, at JM, and through ups and downs it took them 2017/2018 to actually enter a steady relationship and by steady I don’t mean they were in an open relationship prior to this. What I mean is that they both were trying to figure out things like, for example; what they actually were feeling for each other, or would them “being together” actually work, or could they really actually do this., etc, etc etc.  
Furthermore, I should add, that I believe JM “taunting” JK with requests of kisses and telling him he liked him and wanted to go out with him etc, as they already had a very good relationship off-camera (as proven by various interviews), was just an also quite naive approached mixing at an attempt to establish a connection with JK on camera, with feelings he still himself hadn’t quite properly acknowledged. In simple words: He was consciously kidding about feelings he subconsciously already had but never really took seriously. 
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57 notes - Posted September 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Well Well Well … - 1 : … BRUH~!
Shinunoga E-Wa - by 藤井風 (Fuji Kaze)  [HELP EVER HURT NEVER]
[Music is a very big part of my life and I’m MOSTLY INCAPABLE of writing without music, so I just thought I'd share what I am listening to while writing this]
I’ve been wondering.
For the past week, I’ve been wondering about what Jeon Jungkook would do for Park Jimin’s birthday  privately. Because I was 100% sure he wouldn’t appear in JM’s vlive, just as much as I was 100% sure JM wouldn’t vlive from his private home (my reasons being, are probably for another post though … 😁). BUT, at the same time I did  wonder; since JK doesn’t have the excuse of being at the company anymore, and since he is not going to release another 100% centric Jimin GCF; … what is he going to do? So you might be wondering: if you didn;t think he was going to do anything public, why still wonder about what he could do?
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MIND YOU, being the private person that he is (they are), I did for the most part  expected JK to not post anything at all. So I was actually at work wanting to talk to my loved one and not being able to (don’t ask…) while waiting for some Jikookers to beg for JK to post something, the whole time thinking “…  it would be nice if they’d leave JK alone, is not like he is going to publicly do anything ..”. AND THEN, the second I thought that, I remember about last years birthday and I was like “🤦🏾‍♀️🙄😒😬…”.
Which brought me right back to the me that had been hypothetically thinking about “if, then what?”. If JK really wanted to publicly wish JM a happy birthday in a still intimate way but still not being caught: HOW THE FUCK WOULD HE DO THAT? 
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60 notes - Posted October 13, 2022
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Three characters to describe yourself with
Tagged by the marvelous @the---hermit ! Thank you!!
Preface: Listen. Listen. I have been waiting for precisely this kind of tag for AGES. THANK YOU FOR THIS TAG. I have a multi page spreadsheet with MANY colorful charts about this because I am a nerd that is DEEPLY invested in personality systems.** (A few characters already mentioned here and here)
Rachel Elizabeth Dare.
Okay, I was HIGHLY tempted to put Annabeth here instead (bc of the obvious sustainable design architecture connection) but I think Rachel is the funnier option of the two bc of my history with it. If you were here about two years ago, you might recall the initial Rachel Elizabeth Dare comparisons (referenced here and here). It is my great pleasure to inform you all that I have firmly crossed over from Blonde territory into Redhead territory due to the passage of time and the insanity that is hair color genetics. My hair also gets puffy and curly now, just because it really wanted to commit to the Rachel Elizabeth Dare bit. I don't know how this happened, honestly, but strangers now refer to me as a redhead, and I'm fairly certain it is through the power of manifestation of all the mutuals who called me Rachel. Well done friends. You are all magical beings who have cast Become Rachel spell on me so consistently and for so long that it WORKED. I was always decently Artsy + Environmental Justice-y, but I am especially so nowadays, mostly by virtue of being involved directly in both fields as a sustainable design, marine science, and bio-systems design student. There’s just a lot of environmental stuff happening in those, but it all has a distinct artsy side to it bc it’s heavily design oriented. So. Yea. Redhead, artsy environmentalist with,, ahem,, relatively loud opinions. Oh, I also own a blue hairbrush!
RACHEL’S PERSONALITY DATA:  ENFP - 4w3 - sx/so - 478 - EIE - SLUAI - EFVL - Sanguine [Dominant]
COMMONALITIES: Ne-dom (ENxP), 3 feature (4w3 to my 613), SXXAI (SLUAI vs. SCOAI), E1 V3 (EFVL vs ELVF), Sanguine feature (Sanguine vs Choleric-Sanguine)
Mark Watney
This one is also admittedly here partially for the joke. If you’ve been following me for awhile, you might have noticed that I seem to be allergic to a lot of things. Like way too many things. A concerning amount of things. But fret not friends, because I, like Mark Watney, have the ever reliable Irish staple that is the potato to keep me from dying! For whatever reason this food has been consistently pretty kind to me, even when everything else tries to kill me a little bit. Which is great! And just,, really weird. Anyway Mark and I both seem to inhabit a world that constantly poses threats, a world that no one else experiences but that they still try to understand and support us through. And we don’t have a lot of food options, but we both have the potato. Blessed be la pomme de terre. Honestly any character in a hostile environment is one I immediately and irrevocably pack-bond with (see also: Katniss Everdeen, Robyn Davidson (a real person!!), Pi Patel, Steven Callahan. (also a real person!!)…), but I ESPECIALLY identify with Mark for his commitment to levity. I love that he is a relentless problem-solving optimist, quick with a joke, but also expressive of other emotions too. My identification with Mark is more,, aspirational than of Rachel. Mark is me at my best, and I hope to become more like him with time. Also, he’s into botany and mechanical engineering which is just the COOLEST. I love both of those things but haven’t made a career out of them (though I’m not ruling it out!).
MARK’S PERSONALITY DATA: ENTP 6w7 so/sx, 638, SCUEI, phlegmatic-sanguine (I’d argue for sang-chol, but phleg-sang is PDB’s verdict.)
COMMONALITIES: ENTP, 6 primary type, 36x (3 and 6 feature in tritype, 6 lead), SCxxI (SCUEI vs SCOAI), sanguine component
Ariadne from Inception
I tried to pick characters that I haven’t already expressed an instant pack bond with, so here I am with my last choice: Ariadne. First I would like to plainly state that Ariadne is, like, way cooler and more fashionable than me. This comparison will not be one of THOSE metrics bc she and I are just,, very different in those regards. HOWEVER, these other two characters don’t quite carry themselves with the seriousness that (I have been repeatedly told) I do. Ariadne is a dreamer, a visual thinker, and a creative soul, but she’s rather less sanguine about it than Rachel or Mark. She knows her goals, she sets her sites on them, and she pursues them without hesitation but WITH consideration for how her actions might ripple out and effect change. I really admire her deep consideration of things, her ability to think abstractly, and her willingness to just Go Try New Things. I might not be quite on her level in those regards, but I’ve been told I SEEM like her at least, and I do actively try to be embody those traits. So, like Mark, her character is one I generally aspire towards. On the flip side though, Ariadne can get a little lost in her head and can become pulled into things that she’d probably be better off leaving alone, which I completely understand and relate to. Curiosity and cats and whatnot. Also, she’s an architect, so there’s that. Similar training!
ARIADNE’S PERSONALITY DATA: INTP, 5w4, so/sx, 514, FLEV, melancholic-dominant
COMMONALITIES: xNTP (NeTi as primary and auxiliary), tritype featuring 1 (also 2nd placement), 2L & non-dialogic F
ALSO, while we’re on the topic of characters and personality, I am once again imploring all of you to take the open psychometrics character personality quiz. It’s SO COOL.
**if I receive any asks about it I will very much share chart data. It’s also a whole standalone system, so if you provide a list of characters you identify with, I can run the system for your specific characters based on Personality Database data (with optional alterations provided by yours truly for data gaps)!
No pressure tagging: @daydreaming-optimist @sweetlikehoneysteve @oh-toasty @willowstea and anyone else who wants to! (The personality data stuff was just a thing I added. I promise you guys don’t have to do that.)
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astaroth1357 · 3 years
The Brothers Have Been Multiplied!!!
Look. In his day-to-day life, Lucifer has always had to struggle with being one of, if not the only, capable person in the room. His brothers don't always try to help him and even if they do their help may just make things worse…
So this should be a dream come true right? Not only does he have competent help, they'll all also himself! Who better to trust his more difficult tasks to, right? Right??
Well… wrong. Unfortunately for as much as Lucifer is, there is one thing Lucifer and his clones just aren't… Good minions.
Complain as he might about his brothers, they know who's in charge. As it turns out five Lucifers in a room can only screw in a lightbulb after they agree on who's giving the orders and being the "original" means nothing at all!
Poor MC gets saddled with mediating the most confusing squabbles in their life between Lucifer, Lucifer, Lucifer, Lucifer, and OG Lucifer (the name dubbed to him by Levi)
So aside from this being a trainwreck for anyone not named Diavolo (who's thrilled to have so many Lucifers to talk to!), it's also a headache for himself too!
The next week is spent with Lucifer literally arguing with himself over who's doing what while the brothers all cower in their rooms to keep from incurring their wrath… Five angry Lucifers is a sentence for certain death, somebody hide Mammon…
Lucifer's worst nightmare has been realized… Not only does he live in a world with one Mammon, now there's five! Five!!! Five Mammons!! The world isn't ready for this, no one is!
Of course, a pack of Mammons absolutely get into as much trouble as you think they would. The moment he realized there was more of him, the secondborn was already scheming up what kind of ploys he could pull off with five of himself...
Barbatos is upping the Castle security as we speak...
To his credit, you can't say that the Mammon-squad doesn't have hustle either. It may be either a blessing or a curse to go to five different stores and see a Mammon working there all at the same time, depending on your preference.
(Unfortunately for the brother and anyone with pickpocket-able wallets, it's mostly a curse).
Honestly, the biggest downside for poor MC is that they're all. so. clingy!!
If the MC wants even a minute to themselves, they'll be swatting away Mammon's like a swarm of mosquitos! Better learn an invisibility spell quick, or else their greedy companions will never, ever leave…
Holy cow, it's a gamer's dream come true!! Screw underwhelming AI and goodbye unreliable party members, he has all the team he needs right here!! They should go national or even pro!!!
Ah yes, Levi was truly elated for like, a couple days over this development. Why shouldn't he be? Having a whole herd of himself was a blast!
They're all great at gaming, they like the same things, they dislike the same stuff, and (most importantly) he's not any better or worse than any one of them! There’s nothing to get jealous over, right?
Well slap a big fat wrong on that because there's one thing to always get jealous over and their name is MC!
MC could come home from class one day to find five Levi's all wanting them to do five different things and NO THEY'RE NOT SHARING-
Unfortunately for Levi, the poor guy is so prone to jealousy that he can't even cope with it when he's jealous of himself…
It is at least a little entertaining to watch a pile of otakus fight themselves, it's kind of like watching a deadly game of high-stakes LARP-ing. Just less imaginary spells and more giant sea monsters popping out of nowhere… Someone grab some sponges…
Which is more likely to rule the world, one Solomon or five Satans...?
Having five Satans around is kind of terrifying… Just one can scheme up a storm and cause a lot of damage so add on four others and you got a recipe for a bad time… 
If you're Lucifer, anyway.
In truth, the band of Satans are all about as independent as their original counterpart, so they don't often do things together as a group.
This can create a lot of deja vu scenarios where the MC will swear they've already passed by a Satan in the hallway… like three times.
Unfortunately they also get the urge for affection around the same time, so the MC may go a whole day without seeing them then suddenly get surrounded by needy and bickering Satans at all sides...
When the pack does work together, however, they're a well-oiled machine. Capable, logical, practical: basically everything the Lucfier-squad wish they could be without all the pesky pride in the way!
… until someone ticks them off and they become their own angry mob, but hey, still better than a pack of Mammons.
… We all know an orgy is happening right? Like, it may not be the first thing he thinks of, but it's on the list. He'd never pass up the chance to selfcest when possible. Never.
That being said, the Asmos actually get sick of each other surprisingly quickly… Only a few days in and they'll be squabbling like crazy!
Why you might ask? Well not for any particular character flaw or anything - it actually boils down to the clothes… and makeup… and face… and attitude... and-
Basically, how in Diavolo's Hell is he supposed to stand out as the world's most singularly beautiful creature if there are FOUR OTHERS that keep stealing his style?? It's a nightmare!!
It didn't take long for the Asmos to start trying to find their own, completely distinct identities like Goth Asmo, Sporty Asmo, Hipster Asmo, etc… All claiming to be WAY better than the original, of course.
As entertaining as it may be to see a bunch of Asmos go through an identity crisis, he wants them GONE and he wants them gone NOW!! He's blowing up Solomon's phone every hour of the day until it gets fixed so better sit tight for a while…
You know, this is actually one of those, "Worst Case Scenarios" that Lucifer and Dia drew up shortly after they had their Fall: what does one do with five Beels exactly...?
You can't possibly feed them all, at least not all at once… and letting any one get too hungry is asking for trouble.
Do you let them run through the city streets and chomp up its citizens like a game of Pacman? Scatter them to other realms and hope that they don't do a ton of damage? Pit them against each other in "There-Can-Only-Be-One"-style gladiatorial combat?? 
Well… there isn't really a good solution. Food is still a finite resource but the Beels TRY to be understanding and TRY not to push their luck at mealtime...
It has varying degrees of success, but hey, it's sweet that they're even trying...
Aside from the ever-present threat of being eaten out of House and realm, everybody kind of likes having so many Beels around. They're easy-going and helpful, which generally makes life easier for everyone and like… it's Beel. Who doesn't like hanging out with Beel?
The Beels even get along with each other so they regularly go to the gym and games together. Though it’s not super sportsmanly to switch out Beels between quarters in fangol, it's not technically against any rules either so the past few games have gone very well! (It's he'll, who even reads the rulebook anyway?)
It actually took a little while to notice that there were even two Belphies, let alone five…
MC would walk into a room and see a Belphie sleeping on the couch. Perfectly normal.
Then, they'd go into another a few minutes later to see Belphie napping a chair… A little off, but still okay.
Well sure, but in the next room he's also apparently on the floor too and….
Wait a minute.
Turns out five Belphies is either a breeze to deal with or absolute hell and there's no in between.
If they're all asleep, things are fine. Just artfully pile them on top of each other like dead bodies in a stealth game and move on.
If they're awake, then there's just way too much Belphie! And they play off each other in just the worse ways… The Anti-Lucifer League has never been so active, much to his brother's dismay...
This can be mitigated slightly by pawning a few off on Beel (who is more than happy to mind his duplicated twin) but that solution doesn't work forever… 
Moreover, the MC can't sleep anywhere without them all gravitating towards them so even the shortest nap results in waking up under a dogpile of cow-men… It's a wonder they don't suffocate...
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA 323: “I Don’t Know How to Explain to You That You Should Care About Other People”
Previously on BnHA: Kacchan was all, “Izuku, I’m sorry.” Bakugou Stans were all, “[sobs for a week straight and tearfully awards him the Nobel Prize for character development].” Deku was all, “[faints in Kacchan’s arms].” Iida was all, “[trying to decide if Ochako genuinely tried to kill him a few minutes ago].” Horikoshi was all, “NO TIME FOR HUGS WE MUST GET BACK TO UA.” The civilians holed up at U.A. were all, “WE TOOK A VOTE AND DECIDED THAT WE’RE ALL GOING TO BE JERKS ABOUT THIS AND MAKE A BIG FUSS ABOUT YOU LETTING DEKU BACK INTO THE SCHOOL.” Deku was all “[stands there looking like he expected nothing less and breaking my heart more and more with each passing moment].” Ochako was all, “that does it, looks like I’m gonna have to do something about this... next chapter, that is.”
Today on BnHA: Flashback!Rat Principal is all “I just want you all to know that I spent nine million dollars turning U.A. into a giant Battleship-style grid that can burrow underground and zoom around in a giant subway maze because Horikoshi lacks a grounded understanding of both civil engineering and economics.” Back in the present day, Jeanist is all, “EVERYONE TAKE HEED, MY COMRADES AND I HAVE DEEMED IT EXPEDIENT TO CONVEY THIS AUSPICIOUS YOUTH BACK TO THIS STRONGHOLD. WE ANTICIPATE THAT WE MAY DEPEND UPON YOUR GOODWILL AND ACQUIESCENCE TO THESE TERMS.” The civilians were all, “NO.” Ochako was all, “EMPATHY, MOTHERFUCKERS, DO YOU SPEAK IT?!” The civilians were all, “oh shit.” Anyway so Ochako is a giant badass, but I’m a little worried that she’s going to get struck by lightning. Please come down from there.
so before we start this chapter, I would just like to apologize for having not posted the ch 321 recap yet, and would like to reassure everyone, and especially Iida who is staring at me with Sad Wobbly Guilt Trip Eyes, that I will get to that as soon as I can
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yes please Horikoshi please show us more of class 1-A and their Deku intervention strategy jam sessions
oh dear
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Iida you are too pure and good for this cruel world. [sprays the U.A. civilians with a water bottle] NO. BAD CIVILIANS! NO OSTRACIZING SCARED AND EXHAUSTED CHILDREN IN THE HOUSE
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RAT PRINCIPAL: he’s free to return to us at any time!!
ALSO RAT PRINCIPAL: but it’s too risky for him to return to us
?? ??????? ?????????????????????
so now he’s going on about how strong the U.A. Barrier is, and how it’s comparable to the defensive capabilities of Tartarus. this would have sounded a lot more impressive before chapter 297 lol
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so now Rat Principal says he upgraded U.A.’s security systems with his own “modifications”, whatever the fuck that means. I mean look, I’ve been saying for a long time now that U.A. is the best place for everyone to hole up, don’t get me wrong. but that was mostly on account of there not being any other practical alternatives. but you’re making it sound like you figured out a way to actually make it Decay-proof or some wild shit like that
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oh okay so the whole campus is basically capable of burrowing itself underground. that’s insane lol I wonder how they pulled that off. probably got poor Cementoss working overtime
blah blah blah so basically the entire campus is split into a grid and each section of the grid is capable of its own independent movement. lol this is just the Merone Base from KHR. you thought no one would notice this casual plagiarism ten years after the fact, but YOU UNDERESTIMATED YOUR AUDIENCE, HORIKOSHI
“joke’s on you imma just lampshade it” WELL ALL RIGHT THEN
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“look at me I’m so fucking self-aware” fucking swear to god. I can’t believe this man is my favorite mangaka of all time smdh
“excuse me, I wasn’t finished describing all the rest of this bullshit yet,” Rat Principal breaks in impatiently. “we also added a steel wall all around the underground of the campus that’s 3000 steel plates thick. that’s fifteen fucking meters of solid fucking steel just fyi. and if anyone fucks around with any part of it the defense system will activate immediately! and also all of the plates are independently motorized, whatever the fuck that means!! in conclusion you’re gonna need a fucking tower crane to suspend all of your disbelief by the time I’m through with this paragraph”
“also Shiketsu is almost as reinforced as U.A. but not quite because we still had to make sure we were better.” but of course. and apparently the two schools are connected via a secret tunnel as Hagakure mentioned earlier
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(ETA: moment of appreciation for Shouto and Katsuki having the same thought at the same time and making Knowing Eye Contact and saying the exact same thing out loud in perfect unison like the best friends they are. what a blessed day.)
so Tokoyami is all “but wait if you engineered all this shit all the way back during the Band arc how did you even know that Tomura’s quirk awakening would become a thing, Horikoshi -- uh, I mean, Principal Nezu”
and Rat Principal is all “lol idk”
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“basically I just woke up one morning and was all ‘say, you know what this school really needs? a fifteen-meter-thick underground steel wall, and the ability to break up into little pieces that individually zoom around wherever the fuck they want.’ jesus christ. lol if money and common sense were apparently no obstacle why didn’t you just teleport U.A. to the fucking moon or something. maybe I should shut up before I given him any ideas
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you heard it here first, folks, all of this cost a grand total of nine million U.S. dollars. well technically it cost “more than” nine million dollars. never has that distinction been more important lmao. are we sure this barrier was really made of steel and not cardboard? who the hell sold it to them, Ea-Nasir??
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this is my favorite manga series of all time. yes I am ashamed
“in conclusion please do your best to reach Deku-kun” SO WHAT WAS ALL THAT NONSENSE ABOUT IT BEING TOO RISKY THEN. anyway thank you for this super informative and edifying flashback, Horikoshi. I will cherish it always. I don’t even want to read another translation of this absurdity lmao, there’s something special about it just the way it is. pretty sure Horikoshi just had a cracked out fever dream one night and transferred it to the pages of the manga verbatim
anyway so back to the unruly mob
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not their finest moment. please excuse me while I cover poor Deku’s ears and give him a good shoosh pap
oh wow the parents are out here too
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is Mitsuki trying to hold Inko back?? that’s the last thing this fandom needs right now is more Mitsuki discourse fffwlkjs. and even Jiroudad, scientifically proven to be the best dad in all of BnHA, is just standing there silently looking vaguely unhappy. way to rise to the moment you guys
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so this settles it for me that Aizawa is not at UA. I know a lot of people have been wondering about his whereabouts, and if I had to wager a guess it would be that something happened with Shirakumo/Kurogiri. I can’t think of anything else -- even the loss of an eye and a limb -- that would keep him from his kids at a time like this
anyway but this is excellent Monoma content right here though. I love that he apparently adopted Eri after a single interaction with her. also WHERE IS SHINSOU DAMMIT. THE PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW
and Kouta’s there too looking like he wants to run over to Deku but Ragdoll won’t let him :/
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so now Mic is telling them to calm down. at least someone’s speaking up here, geez
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truly in awe of this man’s ability to take messages which could easily be conveyed in ELI5-speak, and stubbornly convert them into incomprehensible language the likes of which you need a graduate degree in order to understand
“hey guys, so originally our plan was to use Deku as bait for the villains, but that didn’t really work and also we realized it was kinda dumb and was probably gonna get him killed, so we brought him back here instead.” was that really so hard, Jeanist. also are we all really just gonna sit back here and watch Jeanist take full credit for Bakugou’s plan just like that lmao
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WHERE DID ENDEAVOR GO AND WHO IS THIS DIABOLICAL MASTER OF DISGUISE. lol I genuinely didn’t notice this because I was too busy digging through thesauruses trying to rewrite Jeanist’s speech; many thanks to @class1akids​ for pointing it out and making my day immeasurably better. take it easy there Dick Tracy.)
“anyway so please stop being dicks and let him fucking rest so he can save all your ungrateful asses” what an impassioned and inspiring plea. time to see if the masses will listen to reason
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narrator: they did not listen to reason
oh my god finally Ochako is doing something. YEAH OCHAKO WOOOO SHOW THEM HOW IT’S DONE
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this entire chapter is truly and utterly nonsensical to me lol
(ETA: on my second readthrough I’m fucking dying at how she stole the megaphone right out of Mic’s hand lmao. and how Kacchan is all “fuck yeah nothing I appreciate more than some quality fucking larceny.”)
oh I see she was jumping on top of the main building so as to scream down at them all more impressively
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“ANYWAY DEKU IS PRETTY COOL ACTUALLY, YOU GUYS ARE JUST MEAN” couldn’t have said it better myself Ochako
lol uh
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gotta say I did not have “Ochako reveals the secret of OFA to the entire U.A. Citizen Clown Parade” on my bingo card for this week. it’s a bold strategy cotton let’s see if it pays off
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so she is basically explaining the entire Deku Angst arc to them and explaining what a good and selfless protagonist Deku is, YES, PREACH
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not to insinuate anything, but what exactly were you doing standing out here with the hysterical mob, Gigantic Fox Lady? you’re better than that
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sdlkfjl. thanks for weighing in with that helpful and important observation. where have you been for the last five minutes. were you asleep. was it Jeanist’s speech
never mind, now he’s yelling at the civilians so I instantly forgive him
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“anyway so I’m just going to end the chapter here” lmao seventeen pages truly do go by so fast. at least he didn’t try to force in a cliffhanger at the end this time. dare I say, growth
so I guess the civilians are either gonna have a Kamino and/or Fukuoka-esque moment where they remember how to be decent people and apologize to this poor young man, or else they’ll remain unpersuaded, and so Kacchan will have to knock a few of their heads around until they become more inclined to be reasonable. either option is fine by me lol
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