#morrigan is first obviously
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crows-of-buckets · 4 months ago
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Zevwarden friendship is so important to me... I love them so much
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cicide76536 · 5 months ago
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Wouldn't it be cool to have a bar with your friends like they have in those TV shows?
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This was one of my art pieces for Dragon Age Create-a-Thon 2024 and I had so much fun making it!
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magilament · 7 days ago
morrigan dragonage was not only brought up in a way that will skew over someone's worldview but as it is known she had no frame of reference of save what she herself said she had observed from afar. it could be argued that her lack of empathy towards other people who like her desire bodily autonomy (ie zevran) or situations where the same question is brought up (ie caradin asking to destroy the anvil) comes not only because the whole 'survival of the fittest' rhetoric was the main ingredient in her personal torment nexus orchestrated by her mother but also for her to express empathy would mean separating herself from her mother in a way that would have morrigan take the first step where she admits she IS like her mother
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faejilly · 9 months ago
Finna Brosca
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I have no excuse for this collection besides the fact I laughed so I'm sharing:
1: Dwarves are short and Alistair is tall 2: Finna is round and Morrigan is Too Skinny (Finna is absolutely going to get her So Much Food & So Many Blankets)
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3 & 4: Idk, Sten's huh face as he looks down at the dwarf that just opened his cage for the heck of it after one (1) quick conversation (she never did talk to the boss-lady in the chantry. because chantries are weird and she doesn't get it.)
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5: They are both short and covered in blood and delighted with each other's existence: BFFs 5evar
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thedragonagelesbian · 5 months ago
God i need to start keeping track of scenes i want to rewrite/elaborate on.............
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agathabridgerton · 7 months ago
12 year old me 🤝 20 year old me: solavellan hell
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totentnz · 2 years ago
i will forever be the guy who picks a romance based on class and there is nothing i can do about it
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amatres · 2 years ago
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meet cute in the wilds ❤
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also morrigan speaks to you so kindly when you're in her mother's hut, it's always interesting to see
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floralovebot · 1 year ago
recently i've been a little obsessed with the character designs in dislyte and naturally i've been thinking of the winx in it and like,,, helia blessed by morrigan... dudes.....
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0alix0 · 5 months ago
Rook's backgrounds make no sense or gatekeeping is good, actually
It's didn't sit well with me ever since bioware admitted that all 6 background for Rook can be played by any race you choose
Looking back at Origins it's clear why most of the backgrounds were race-specific. Not only it provided a better understanding of the separate cultures (you wouldn't really understand what dwarfs are about if you were able to play as a surface dwarf commoner) it also established the rules of the world (elves are opressed, you can't become a queen/king cuz the nobles will riot, humans colonize them and inforce their religion and rules on everyone, dwarfs are considered weird)
Now, looking at the veilguard, I can't help but ask:
How can a fully grown dalish with vallaslin be a crow? They buy slaves as a way to get more assassins, usually elves, children, so they could easier ruin their psyche. why the hell would a dalish stand for it?
How can a qunari be a Gray Warden? Wardens don't discriminate, sure, but this far, we haven't even heard of a qunari warden. Rook should be a legend, Rook should be questioned at actually being a warden by NPCs, OR sit in some Warden outpost and being studied by their mages, because no one actually knows how Blight and joining might work with Kossith body instead of running around with Varric.
Veiljumpers were organized by dalish, right? Then why in the world would a human be allowed to join? How and why did they change their minds to accept literally anyone, even if it's a potential threat/thief(Morrigan)/zealot/etc..?
How can a dwarf, someone who isn't even connected to the fade be a Veiljumper?
How can a dwarf be a part of the Mourn Watch? A Mortalitasi, an exclusively MAGE order? What can they even do?? Preform a non magical mummifications with herbs and salts like Egyptians did? Sweep the mausoleum? Be some sort of a funeral organizer/lawyer/genealogist? That could've been really interesting if only the game actually bothered to say anything about it. It did not
"Well it's up to your headcanons!" then why make the backgrounds in the first place??? They don't matter anyway!
I mean, obviously it was just a way to promote the game to older fans. Look, the backstories! The thing you've been craving for is back in game! Only they forgot what actually made them so great. The most important part. They mattered, they created a basis for my character. They gave them families, connections. They changed the way my character is perceived (elves in general) and what they can do plotwise (become a monarch/paragon).
I don't fucking care if 3-5 NPCs might have some additional dialogues for me, cuz they don't matter anyway. I don't even know these people, i never met them before, my character did, but I didn't. And now I don't care enough to know. like, i'm playing as a mourn watcher, but before going to Nevarra i barely knew anything about them, and what i know now is still rather surface level shit
Let alone the fact that all the backgrounds are practically the same. You pissed off some influencial people by doing good and was send away. Bravo.
........if this post gets one like I'm writing my own ideas for DA4 protagonist's backgrounds
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athenasdragon · 4 months ago
Lot of good options in the notes. Here are my two proposals:
Some time after Zevran's banter with Shale about wanting to get Alistair to "hop borders," Leliana offhandedly mentions to Zevran that she got Morrigan to sleep with her once. Everyone in the active party is appropriately surprised but this never comes up again and Morrigan still won't romance a female PC.
The warden asks non-romanced Alistair to do the dark ritual and he's like "sleep with Morrigan? oh no.... never......." and it's heavily implied that they have a weird hatefucking/fwb thing happening
Ok you know how since DA2 there have been at least allusions to companions getting together if you don’t romance them. What would be the best/funniest version of that in Origins?
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libraford · 2 years ago
Okay so here's what's going on with the bird crimes.
On thursday I was going to Powers Park when I saw what I thought were 2 chickens hanging out in the parking lot, and a lady watching them from the fence. I thought... they could belong to the lady, but chickens aren't the kind of pet that you just let hang out loose.
I approach.
Lady: "These aren't mine."
I look closer. Its actually 2 roosters, one of which is a very small breed and is missing his tail feathers. Both of them have an injury to their backside- like its been plucked.
So we talk about what to do, I end up calling Animal Control. The actual Animal Control officer doesn't get there until noon, I get a police dispatcher. She says she can send one of the cops to grab them until the actual professional gets there.
I tell her that the roosters are being kept by the woman I met, she's coaxing them into her house.
I post about it on the facebook group in case someone knows who they belong to. The comments are full of jokes, obviously. But no leads. Eventually the big rooster gets caught by someone running a sanctuary for abandoned and abused livestock, but they're still looking for the little black one. Evidently they got out of the lady's backyard and were loose again.
I figure he's going to be a coyote snack and don't think about it for the rest of the week.
So now it is Sunday and I'm opening up the bathrooms. I'm at Summit Grove park and as I'm about to reserve the shelter for a birthday party I see...
A black pigeon.
Pigeons are not a common animal in this area- you're more likely to see house sparrows, crows, and mourning doves. So that's odd. What's more, she doesn't seem to be skittish and is definitely accustomed to humans. And she keeps trying to bite my fingers, so she associates hands with food and she's skinny as a rail so she's been abandoned for a minute.
Why does this keep happening to me? Is this the Morrigan come to teach me a lesson in pigeon form?
So I remember the number of the woman running the sanctuary and I give her a call. I tell her I've got a pigeon here that can't fly, is super hungry, and doesn't seem to have any issues biting fingers. She says she can't take her, but she can find a home for her because pigeons have specific needs. But she won't be able to get there until 12:30. We (my work partner and I) have to deal with the bird in the meantime.
We absolutely cannot take this bird with us on our route because we are in a tiny truck cab and don't have a cat carrier to put her in. So our solution is to lock her in the janitor's closet until the rep can get here.
Around 12:15, we head back to the shelter to make sure she's still there and hasn't been disturbed... and I realize that the reason I even saw her in the first place...
...was because there was supposed to be a birthday party at the shelter at noon.
The party is strongly underway and they have shoved a table against the door of the closet.
The sanctuary lady comes by and waves, we ask the party people politely to move the table slightly because we're trying to rehome a pigeon that's inside that closet.
They move the table, but not all guests see this interaction- because it looks like a bunch of maintenance people are just here to boss folks around during a little girl's birthday party and this draws a crowd.
The sanctuary rep arrives and we open the door just a little bit to let the bird out. She bobbles towards us, hoping for food, when one of the older ladies at the party exclaims:
"Does that ANIMAL just LIVE in there?!"
I mean... sure. For the past few hours, she did live in there.
"Do you have any IDEA how many DISEASES pigeons carry?"
The rep scoops the pigeon into her arms and takes her out of the shelter area to inspect her wings, feet, and back. She shows us her breastbone and explains that its been several days since the bird ate anything, which was why it was going for fingers.
Meanwhile, Aunt Ornithophobia over here: "I can't BELIEVE you would just TOUCH a BIRD like that in front of CHILDREN!"
We take the bird away to the van so the rep can thank us and explain what likely happened- which is that someone abandoned the bird when they couldn't take care of her anymore they just let her loose.
"I understand you got one of the roosters," I said.
"Yes, the big one. But the little bantam rooster is very fast- he darted into someone's backyard and I never found him again. If you see him, give me a call."
"I've been told that chickens are legal to own here, but roosters are not."
She gets an exasperated look on her face. "If you're going to allow backyard chickens, you're going to have to allow roosters. It's impossible to sex an avian chick and they don't get their dimorphic traits until they've reached the young adult stage and chick sellers don't care about whether they're a hen or a rooster. They care about the sale. We get roosters more often than egg-layers because someone sold them a male as a female and they don't want to pay the fine. I'd rather have the laws allow both, or neither. But disallowing roosters is patently stupid."
"Hm. Well. Note to self."
"Anyways, you're heroes to this little rock dove and I want you two to know that. She's going on a trip to a bird sanctuary in Toledo where she'll have lots and lots of snacks to eat that aren't fingers."
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extremely-judgemental · 19 days ago
Ways Rhysand has been manipulative but no one noticed.
I find it strange that Rhysand never gets angry with Feyre. Not once in four books, omitting the first of course. Some may argue it’s because he is a loving partner who understands her that well. That’s plausible if Rhysand didn’t have any anger issues.
To preface this, Feyre naturally has darkness in her that isn’t overt until ACOMAF, and with Rhysand, she gets the freedom to be herself without judgement even if she is wrong. Feyre is not brainwashed to become Rhysand’s puppet, however, she is a victim of his control, lies, and manipulation to a degree.
One of the biggest flaw in Tamlin is his anger. It’s how he becomes a danger to Feyre, to his friends, to everyone around him. But what people miss is that Rhysand isn’t that different either. While one’s expression is explosive and physical, the other’s is more psychological.
There are clear instances when Feyre acts on her own or disagrees with Rhysand, but she is never the subject of his temper. One such scene is when she goes looking for the Suriel (because this stands out a lot to me and my memory sucks).
Considering Rhysand’s character, it’s not unreasonable to believe he’d lash out on Morrigan first and then Nesta. But the moment Feyre is back, he is the epitome of love and compassion.
We know he is easily provoked just as any other MC. He lost his mate while he was out in the battle somewhere and when she returns, he is collected. Where frustration and anger would be justified, he is as calm as the dead.
There is a mix of emotions like fear and relief too, but I am talking about expression here. Not what he feels, rather how he presents them and lets others see him.
If I had a telepathic partner with whom I share a consensual live stream of feelings and thoughts all day long, I’d be more frustrated that he put me through the very thing that he knows will hurt me. But Rhysand never has a negative reaction to Feyre. Ever.
This is the same old ‘Rhysand is better than Tamlin’ or ‘Rhysand will never hurt Feyre’ propaganda but it fails. It’s impossible to not get angry with anyone ever. At some point, something will disappoint you no matter how deep the love is.
Also, if Rhysand treated everyone from this level, this wouldn’t be out of norm. He is very expressive when it comes to his anger—with Cassian, Azriel, Lucien, Tamlin, Morrigan at least once, and obviously, Nesta. He doesn’t hold back his words and often his temper is translated into dominance, his High Lord power that he uses to subdue the rest of them. This happens time and time again but seen as a badass move where Rhysand is always right.
So why is Feyre spared? It isn’t out of love. It’s about control. Cassian, Azriel, Amren, and Morrigan owe Rhysand for the life they currently have. There is always a limit to how far they can push him. When they cross it, he uses his rank to put them in their place. He can’t do the same with Feyre because the moment he does that, he becomes exactly like Tamlin. The illusion of the High Lady title shatters.
It’s so Feyre never sees him for who he is. As long as it’s not directed at her, she will sit on her high horse and coddle him, like she does about his hatred for Nesta. Feyre is self-centred and she can’t take criticism. Imagine if Rhysand pushes her too far, Feyre will leave him like she left Tamlin. Because of the bond, Rhysand will suffer. He will also lose Nyx, an extension of him.
The only way to keep Feyre under his control will be to make her feel loved and safe in whatever delusional capacity so she never questions him, proven by the pregnancy debacle.
Which is why this isn’t a sign of emotional maturity rather a repression of his true feelings to get his way.
Anyway, I consider this an oversight from SJM because she doesn’t let Rhysand be himself. She desperately wants to show how he is the perfect match for Feyre, the greatest partner anyone can ever have. But the contrast in his behaviour screams manipulation.
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kcwriter-blog · 7 months ago
More thoughts on Solavellan
I started replying to a post about the psychological aspect of Solavellan because it was interesting, well thought out and I thought good points were made but it got very long, and I had new thoughts. I wanted to put them down. This is not a criticism of that post in any way, it’s good and I urge people to read it. I just see things differently.
The big problem I have with most takes on Solavellan is how they take agency away from Lavellan whenever Solas is mentioned. We have a woman who grew to be one of the most powerful leaders in Thedas but when we talk about her and her feelings, she suddenly becomes this naive child desperately in love with the man who broke her heart. I just don’t see it. I don’t see a relationship – no matter how intense – of a few months, defining her going forward. So, let’s look at it.
Solas and Lavellan do love each other deeply. We don’t hear Lavellan say I love you until the breakup scene and she never calls him vehnan until Trespasser. Obviously, that is, as with most things in the romance, because it was a rushed, late add to the game. But it is interesting.
People get on Solas’ case for not defining the relationship, but I would argue she isn’t in a hurry to define it either. Which is smart. They haven’t been together long and one, the other, or both of them could die.
It’s possible that Crestwood is the first chance they have had to talk about it. I’ve never liked the first dialogue option because Lavellan seems genuinely surprised that up until now, she doesn’t know what to call Solas. Which is silly. They have been exclusive for a few months now. They are in love. She’s been calling him something and my guess is it is vhenan (her heart, home). And Solas fully intends to have that discussion. He just gets cold feet because what he has to tell her isn’t something she is going to believe.
Moving on. The valleslin scene has had a lot posted about it and I don’t want to get into it. I think what’s important is not whether it is removed or not but the idea that Solas alone destroys her faith by telling her the truth. Did he hammer the final nail in the coffin of her faith? Yes, but a smart Lavellan has to be questioning everything already. Why? Because she met Mythal.
Even before she meets the head of her pantheon, she has been to the Temple of Mythal and learned a lot that differs from her people’s mythology. She learns that Mythal was murdered, not locked away. She learns that the Dread Wolf had no part in that murder. She sees a depiction of the Dread Wolf in an antechamber of the temple in a guard dog position which is weird. If she drank from the Well, she has a lot of ancient elven voices in her head telling her stuff. If she didn’t, she would have Morrigan telling her the same stuff.
She meets ancient elves. And those elves don’t see her or the Dalish as their own. Just as a reminder, Solas isn’t the only ancient elf to have feelings about the Dalish. Abelas is very pointed about saying Lavellan isn’t one of his people. Felassan makes fun of the Dalish. Mythal says “the People bend the knee to easily” in DA2. Heck, Felassan thinks more of the city elves than he does of the Dalish. Solas eventually comes around. It’s a grudging respect but he does allow that they have some good qualities.
Lavellan meets Mythal and Mythal isn’t exactly a nice person. She has chosen to possess the body of a human, not an elf. She never helps the elves. So, you have an elven goddess in diminished form running around helping human heroes but doing nothing for the people that pray to her. That must rock her world and her faith.
Her faith is already on the ledge by Crestwood. Solas possibly pushes it over. And he never would have told her if he hadn’t messed up and changed his mind about the other thing. It’s all impulsive. He isn’t thinking straight, just covering his ass and it hurts her. However, I think he still intended to carry on the relationship without telling her the truth. During the kiss, he finally realizes that if he loves her so much he almost told her everything, then not telling her is morally wrong and he comes up with a reason to end it.
After the breakup, Lavellan is hurt. It always hurts when someone breaks up with you. What hurts the most is knowing he still loves her. What also hurts is he won’t give her a reason. I don’t think she is questioning everything he told her at this point. He’s just the cold-hearted son of a bitch who broke her heart.
Most of us have been there. We’ve got breakup playlists, alcohol and friends to help get us through it. I usually imagine my Lavellan grabbing Bull, Dorian and Cole to help her take out her anger on a poor unsuspecting dragon. I also put off triggering the Wicked Grace game until after the breakup.
That doesn’t mean she isn’t angry or crying on Josephine’s shoulder. Of course she is, but she isn’t questioning her life choices. She could tell Solas to get lost, but she keeps him around. She is even kind to him when the Orb is discovered broken.
And everyone is kind of busy planning to find and finish Corypheus off once and for all. I see her putting a pin in it. Once they win, she will confront him and demand answers.
She doesn’t get the chance because he leaves without saying goodbye. That has to hurt. I don’t see her in a place where she could never trust anyone ever again. It’s more likely, she throws daggers at a drawing of him out in the practice yard. Even if she still loves him, she is an adult not a maiden in distress. As much as she loves Solas, her entire world does not revolve around him.
Solas made his choice. She may be concerned about him - especially after Cole’s cryptic message - but I don’t see her searching frantically for him. He knows where she is and can send her a message if he needs her.  
And she is busy. She must help clean up the mess Cory made. She has rifts to close. She has dignitaries to meet. She has paperwork. That doesn’t leave a lot of time for pining.
There is an idea that Lavellan is alone because all of her inner circle except her advisors go off and do their own thing. Except that isn’t true. They write letters – which you can find exploring the Winter Palace – in those letters some of them mention having visited or that they will visit. Lavellan is also capable of making new friends. She is not static.
Solas leaving her may still hurt. She may have (and probably did) tried to move on but so far no one matched him for any number of reasons. She is only alone in the sense that any leader is alone. What she probably misses the most about Solas is that he always treated her like a person, not an icon.
Then we get to Trespasser. If you have found all the clues for the secret dialogue option, she has figured out Solas is the Dread Wolf long before she confronts him. She has seen the murals, learned his story. She knows the Dalish got it wrong. She knows from experience that the Dalish get a lot wrong. And he’s Solas. She might not know him as well as she thought but she saw beneath his mask a little. She isn’t going to be afraid of this figure out of Dalish legend. Mostly she is going to be pissed because he didn’t tell her the truth, because he didn’t trust her.
As far as the arm thing goes. Weekes and Epler have said, he did not amputate her arm. Solas drew out the magic that was killing her. The arm disintegrated. It was already doing so by the time she meets Solas. If he hadn’t drawn out the magic, she would have disintegrated just like Solas’ friend Wisdom. I think arguments that she would have trouble trusting anyone based on this are a non-starter
Once all that is over, will Lavellan have a hard time trusting anyone? She will have a hard time trusting Solas. Who wouldn’t? Will it color her perception of anyone she might want to be romantically involved with? For a few years maybe but what are the chances she will fall in love with another god?
Trust isn’t just about people you’ve been romantically linked with. She still trusts her inner circle. They help her. A bad experience with one person, no matter how much she may love him, isn’t going to make her stop trusting people entirely.
Now apart from Solavellan, I’m pretty sure Lavellan is messed up psychologically. You can’t go through what she did and not be a little messed up. But it is that experience that may make her empathize with Solas and understand why he left her.
She knows what it is like to be a leader. Not in the sense of leading her clan but in the sense that her decisions have huge consequences. She knows how a leader’s decisions are always second guessed - like they are at the Exalted Council if you chose to exile the Wardens. She knows what it is like to have to step up and be the one to save the world. She knows that sometimes there are no good choices, and you do the best you can. She knows it messes you up and you can lose your way. Solas has lost his.
Is it ten times harder to empathize when you loved that person, and they destroyed your trust? Yes. Solas will have to win her trust back. She will view anything he says or does with suspicion, as anyone would. However, Solas rarely outright lies. She knows this. She will be asking a lot more questions and be paying more attention. She also knows that he didn’t lie about loving her.
Okay, but he is still planning to tear down the Veil so he must not love her very much. Her love moved the needle. He went from believing nothing was real to thinking everyone is real. Is it so hard to imagine that Lavellan thinks he can be reasoned with? I doubt she thinks her love alone will change him. That doesn’t mean she won’t want to try. That doesn’t mean she will want him back when it’s all over. It also doesn’t mean she is a quivering mess obsessing over their relationship.
Solavellan can be whatever you want it to be, based on your own experiences. For some it's an angsty story with a Lavellan pining for him. For others, she gets over it fast with Cullen's help. For me, she is a strong, proud woman who is able to use her own experiences to empathize with Solas and want to save him from himself. She may still love him, but that love has been tempered by her experiences with him. They will need to have a long talk if they ever meet up again.
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abyssal-ilk · 1 month ago
i think one of the most unfortunate parts of dai when it comes to vivienne is that we have zero idea how she is regarded amongst the other mages outside of the inquisition. we know how dorian and solas feel about her obviously, and we get little snips between vivienne, fiona, and morrigan, but the average mage? we don't really get anything. we don't really get anything about how the loyalists or the rebels actually feel about her. we don't even have any information on how her own circle feels about her or what she was like as first enchanter.
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achaotichuman · 8 months ago
Recently I delved into the depths of my docs to find the first fanfiction I wrote for ACOTAR that never saw the light of day.
Obviously it's horrible writing, but I like the premise and since I am addicted to piling more projects on top of my scheldule I rewrote the first chapter and redid the plot for it.
Originally these events take place a year or two after the war with Hybern, and everything is the exact same EXCEPT for somethin Tamlin is doing.
I changed it so that this is a fic of what would have happened if Tamlin didn't give over that drop of power to bring Rhysand back.
Anyway, here's there rewritten chapter. Tell me if you guys like it!
“Be happy Feyre.”
The words nearly tumbled out of his mouth. The carefully loving words that wrapped like ivy around his throat, choking him, those last cords of love that had twisted into something else. That had made him soft for her. He had offered his heart like ripe fruit on a silver platter for her to take and now look at where he stood. 
Bloodied, gore and guts clinging to his armour like a second layer of skin, mud caked on his legs and arms. Hair a mess, dirty and disgusting. His people, his armies, whom he had gone to his knees to earn the trust of them back, after she twisted their minds, undid their memories, stared in every personal thought to create a new story for all of them. One that fit her narrative. 
The damage she had caused, the things she had taken. What she had done, what she had cost not just them but all of Pryhtian. Destroying the Courts she had saved not even a year ago. 
Now, on her knees, holding the man who had assaulted her night after night after night whilst she vomited, cried and danced and laughed, and been drugged. She screamed his name whilst she cling to his lifeless form. 
The good for nothing bastard Lord was finally dead. Tamlin should have breathed a sigh of relief. 
Instead every High Lord stood around awkwardly, as one after the other they had willingly handed over their magic despite what this man had done to them. Despite how much they all hated him. They did it for his grief-stricken mate who screamed for them to help. To bring him back the same way she had come back. 
But he was dead for what he had done. Giving over power to remake the Cauldron, the mother had taken his very soul with the magic, the price paid to put the world back together. 
Truly, who were they to defy her?
Tamlin stood up straight, when Feyre stared up at him, eyes filled with tears as she saw his stone-cold face. 
“Please,” She screamed, “Please I’ll do anything!”
Green eyes cut from her to the other Lords. None made eye-contact with him. All looking elsewhere, anywhere, the grey-red clouds above, the torn battlefield layered with bodies on decaying bodies, the rivers running red with blood. Some of them, no doubt reminded of Amarantha’s reign of terror by the bloodshed, looked to the muddy ground. 
But none dared look in his eye, all knew what she had done to him. Her reasons for doing so. They also all knew what he had done to her. 
But staring down at her now, thinking back on all of it. 
Thinking back on the slander of Court, the destruction of his people. The lying, the scheming, the pure hatred. 
Then there was one final thought that struck true. 
What would they have all done if it had been him dead on the floor and not Rhysand?
The image of his bloodied mother, his dead brothers, even as cruel as they were, flashed before his eyes. 
“No.” He said. Standing tall and true, “I will not hand over my magic.”
“You fucking monster!” A girl with gold streaked blonde hair lunged at him from out of nowhere. Morrigan. 
She didn’t get far, from where she was knees deep in the mud. A flash of gold and a short-sudden scream from her. She was pinned to the floor with golden threads. Not painful, but certainly startling, and no doubt humiliating. 
Tamlin couldn’t find it in himself to care. 
Feyre stared up at him. Her wet blue eyes boring into his own with a deep-cut grief that would have broken him just a few weeks ago. 
Now all he felt was mild pity, and a distant sadness, for the girl who had been killed under the mountain and never brought back. 
“Who's to say the real Rhysand would even return?” Tamlin said, voice mockingly kind, “When the first time we brought a human back, she was not the same at all?”
Feyre’s saddened eyes turned wrathful, her beautiful face twisting into a deadly scowl. All that hatred, focused solely on him. 
“You were what led me to my death! And now you refuse to even help him!” She screamed, the pain and grief tearing through her, along with the emptiness of where her mating bond used to be no doubt fueling her rage. 
“You led yourself to your death as did he.” Tamlin said, perfectly calm and stoic. She wouldn’t get a rise out of him. Not anymore. 
Tamlin looked to the others, “Think about all that male has done to us. Think of what his mate has brought down upon our lands. And maybe rethink tossing your magic carelessly at whatever dead corpse lays before you.”
“He is not a corpse!” Feyre shrieked. Her cries and screams becoming distant. Vague. As weariness bore heavy on him. For the mortal, the living, unfortunately exhaustion was a natural occurrence. 
Tamlin’s eyes went down to Rhysand. Least he’ll never be exhausted again. 
The thought was cruel, and maybe he was a horrible man for feeling relief. Staring into that lifeless face, knowing he was dead forever. Gone. Bound to never bring him misfortune again. 
“You are a heartless male.” A seething voice said somewhere near him. Tamlin looked towards where a limping Illyrian with blue siphons hissed, looking like he wanted to tear the High Lord to shreds but his own limitations and injuries prevented it. 
A cold, humourless smile broke out on his face. The Spring Lord looked down upon Feyre. 
“Give him your own magic.” He said, tilting his head, “Why don’t you hand over those drops of power you claim to make yourself so, so powerful?”
She was silent, as tears continued to stream down her face, he couldn’t stop himself from saying, “Oh right, you can’t.”
He would leave after this and never see her face again, he hoped, but he didn’t bite his tongue to prevent the final blow, “Our magic is the only thing holding you together. You claim yourself so powerful. Above the rest of us entirely. The self-proclaimed High Lady of the Night Court, equal to the most powerful in all the Earth. But you really aren’t. You need our magic to survive.”
Tamlin looked back at Rhysand, and didn’t hide the relief on his face, “You can’t bring him back without us.”
The Nightmare was gone. Now all that was left was the cleanup. 
Feyre screamed, whether it was an insult, her hatred or simply incoherent, he didn’t know. He winnowed away. Back to Spring. 
It was time for a cleanup. 
And he had plans to make things right in his Court. In Prythian in its entirety. 
I probably will not continue this fic since I have so much I need to write already, but I think its fun to go back and reflect on my old ideas and rewrite to compare to how my form was before and how it is now.
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