#i just think that him being connected to war and nature and peace and life and poems and death andandand
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floralovebot · 1 year ago
recently i've been a little obsessed with the character designs in dislyte and naturally i've been thinking of the winx in it and like,,, helia blessed by morrigan... dudes.....
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piracytheorist · 3 months ago
So about that grenade pin...
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On first glace, this is certainly a top-notch proposal scene. A spy and an assassin, who are hiding their identities from each other, arranging their marriage for mutual benefit while fighting criminals, and the proposal ring coming out of a grenade pin, followed by an explosion from said grenade behind them? It's so absolutely badass and fun and as wacky as the story goes.
But I also like over-analyzing this story and making that everyone's problem, so I would like to share with you my thoughts on the symbolism of that gesture.
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1. It's unconventional.
Twilight's original plan was to use the diamond ring from the repossessed artifacts to propose to Yor. In his mind, he wanted to create a family that's as conventional as it gets, in the hopes that it won't attract too much attention. Losing that diamond ring is a sign by the narrative that there was actually no chance this family would be anything but extraordinary. A grenade pin is not only unconventional for a proposal ring, it's also the result of impulsive thinking, of using what he has on hand.
Over time, this family will cause Twilight especially to act more impulsive than he's used to. All three of them will also be able to be themselves within this family, without putting any acts - Yor has already started feeling more confident than what she started as. There won't be any need for fancy diamond rings, or for any part of the family to be the perfect husband, wife or daughter. They will feel free to be themselves and know that they won't be judged for their secrets.
2. It represents the life of violence both Twilight and Yor are living.
Being in dangerous situations, protecting themselves from such dangers, and killing people is by now second nature to both of them. Throwing a grenade at a group of thugs after them is nothing out of the ordinary for them. It's very fitting to connect that with the thing that brought them together - the mutual need for a cover spouse.
But it also represents a truth; Twilight lies to Yor about the reason why he's being pursued by murderous thugs, and Yor lies to Twilight about how she became so good with self defence tactics. There's a TON more violence in their lives than they let on. The grenade ring is kind of a symbol of all that violence they're hiding from each other, and almost like an admittance of it, from the narrative at least.
3. Despite its catastrophic nature, it's a gesture of defence.
Twilight might have stolen back the stolen art pieces, but getting shot at by the first thieves was not a fair retribution. Plus, they weren't shooting just at him, they were also shooting at Yor, without knowing for sure whether she was an accomplice or not. She did kick a few of them unconscious but neither that nor taking the art pieces back guaranteed the death penalty. So he was acting out of defence when he threw the grenade at the people shooting at him AND Yor. Yor, on her own, only attacked a thug when she saw he was directly targeting Loid, so she was also acting in (self) defence.
And this parallels the reason behind their motivation for their jobs; Twilight wants to stop a war from happening and to avoid all the pain and casualties brought by one, and Yor wants to stop violent people from causing pain to her family or other innocent people. It is dirty work, without any consideration of their own innocence and well-being, but it's one they do for someone else's peace and safety.
That's what that grenade did. It killed the thugs, but it kept both of them safe.
4. They match each other's freak.
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I don't think I need to point out how downright wacky it is for someone to propose with a grenade pin. We joke like "If my significant other doesn't propose to me like this they shouldn't even bother" or something, and it's a good joke, but in reality we would be horrified to see someone pull a pin from a grenade, throw it at a group of people, then propose to us with that same pin while those people are being blown to pieces right next to us. We would also be horrified at the prospect of us being the person to pull the pin and propose like that.
Yet neither Twilight nor Yor find any of this weird in the slightest. Twilight doesn't hesitate for a second to use the pin as a proposal ring while he's reciting his vows to her, and Yor accepts it wholeheartedly and even looks at him with admiration, not even worrying about the fact that this near stranger is holding her hands in his - a kind of proximity that would normally cause a violent reaction from her.
Not only is neither of them weirded out by the whole situation, not only do they not suspect the other might find this whole thing weird... their inner thoughts even match here. Cause the main feeling in that moment, for both of them, is a kind of relief that their plan for a cover spouse was successful, much faster and much easier than anticipated, and a security that they don't have to fake their feelings to each other. Until Twilight's mission and Yor's real job do them part.
I can't be certain how much of all that was intentional, but it was fun looking for what that grenade pin could symbolize. And I'm always down for an excuse to go meta on this story :D
(anime only here, don't spoil me for the manga)
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a-force-dyad-in-space · 7 months ago
So I've been rewatching the Twilight movies and certain scenes from them recently, and there's something that caught my eye while going through the post-battle scene in Eclipse.
We have Jane and the others show up, being like "blah blah blah, you guys did pretty well against all these newborns, how curious, blah blah" before Jane notices that one of the newborns is still alive, pointing out Bree.
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Now, here's where it gets interesting for me. Because Jasper immediately moves and stands next to her protectively.
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And yeah, sure, he's the newborn expert, he's in charge of all-things newborn vampires, so in that sense alone it makes sense for him to associate himself with her in that way, but I think it's a lot more than that; namely something that is always mentioned in passing in the movies, but never really pointed out as something significant (unlike Edward's telepathy and Alice's precognition, which are always mentioned first in terms of desirable acquisitions of power). I of course speak of his pathokinesis.
Bree is scared. At this point she has realized that she's a vampire and what that means for her life, but she has no idea if she will come out of this stand-off alive, so naturally, she is nervous.
And thanks to his pathokinesis, of course Jasper can feel that. So I think he's standing with her, almost protectively, not just because he's in charge of her, but because he can feel her fear and tries to comfort her with his presence (she with her vampire sight can of course see that his skin is decked out in scars, so that intimidating display alone probably tells her him being on her side is a good thing).
And then we come to Jane starting to torture Bree, and me having another observation.
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When she falls to the ground and is screaming in agony, we can assume that Jasper can feel that, too (not the pain itself, but the mental anguish connected to it). And look how startled he seems when he sees her fall and looks from Bree to Jane.
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This moment here makes me think that this is probably the first time he's ever seen Jane's power in person. Of course he knew about her, knew what her powers are. Alice probably filled him in in detail about the events in Volterra from New Moon, and I assume Carlisle has shared many stories over the years, too.
But hearing about something and actually seeing it first-hand are two very different things.
For someone like him, who can feel what other people are feeling, from their happiest moments to their most devastating mental pain, watching Jane not only use her powers, but relish in their effect without a second thought since she can't feel the pain she's causing, must be absolutely nauseating, for lack of a better word.
Jasper's experienced several lifetimes of anguish by proximity and is trying his best to make others feel better, while Jane deals blow after blow with her powers without any consequence. It must feel wrong and unfair to him.
Anyway, back to the point.
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This is the face of a man who has fully realized what the antagonistic force is capable of, and he'll be sure to be prepared, next time they cross paths.
And lastly, something sad.
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He turns his back on Bree, probably because he can't deal with watching her die on top of feeling her fear and pain. Neither he nor the other Cullens can stop Bree's death from happening without declaring war on the Volturi in the process (because I'm certain that's how Jane and the others would see their push-back).
So all he can do is turn away, and maybe make an effort to lessen her pain (it doesn't look like he did, but I think it would make sense if he used his powers to make death less frightening for Bree).
Anyway, rest in peace, Bree, you would have made a wonderful addition to the Cullen family. ♥
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moo-blogging · 10 months ago
Being inspired by Levi's backstory in Bad Boy:
Levi said it so naturally about why he held cups at its brim with his fingers. Gabi and Falco were apologetic for asking such a sensitive question. Levi shrugged and sipped on his tea. You studies his face carefully, but finding no sadness or remorse in his face, just peacefulness.
It had been 2yrs since the war ended. You stayed in Marley with Levi, rebuilding the country together. Levi once told you that he found peace in rebuilding than destructing like he used to in the army. It was true that everything turned red when Levi swung by with his blades. And now his hands grew new life and hope.
You might have asked Levi why he held his cups the way he did when you were on Paradis Island, but you couldn't recall. Levi stared at you from the back of his palm, and you blushed. You felt as if there was more to Levi than you had uncovered, and you were embarrassed that you knew almost nothing about him. But the soft look that he gave you showed that he was ready to unveil himself to you.
That night he unloaded more about his life in the Underground to you than he ever did. You cried with heartache and Levi was comforting you. There were tears in his eyes as he spoke, but he felt lighter. You kissed him again and again, holding you in his arms. Levi stroke your hair lovingly, assuring you that he was alright now.
A couple of weeks later, you took a stroll with Levi down the new street in the evening. New shops showcasing attractive products on the window. Your fingers interlaced with Levi's as you walked, taking in what you had rebuilt together.
And you came to a pottery shop with a Closed sign on and signalled Levi to enter the shop. Puzzled, Levi pulled you gently, "Y/n, my love, it's closed. We can come back tomorrow morning."
You smiled at him and shook your head, "it's opened for us, Levi. Let's go." You led him onto the steps and into the shop. There was a dim light at the end of the shop and a young storekeeper greeted you. He shook your hands and thanked you for helping him rebuild his father's business after the war had ruined their lives. And he was thrilled to have these private tea set making sessions with you.
Levi's eyes widen and you nodded to assure him he could make his mother's tea set from scratch. The young storekeeper asked for a design. You looked at Levi expectedly. Instead, Levi signed and smiled gently. He said, "I think we'll make a new tea set for ourselves." He turned to look at you, "Y/n, I know you are trying to have me connect to my mother. I love you for that, but I would like to make this tea set for us. A new one with a new design." Tears were gleaming in his eyes as he looked into yours. You nodded and you pulled him in for a hug.
You spent the evening designing your very own tea set, adding yours and Lev's personal touches to it. For the next few days, you came back to the shop after it closed to work on the tea set. Your hands were cold with wet mud as you shaped the tea cups. Levi worked on the saucers. The young storekeeper guiding you here and there and helping to fix any defects.
A few weeks later, a box of beautifully glazed tea set were sent to your house. Gabi and Falco had come to swe the tea set you had been working on. They bought some new tea leaves from other countries. Levi brewed the tea in the tea pot and hot tea were shared.
You sat next to Levi, sipping on some foreign tea, listening to Gabi and Falco quarrelling about something you could hardly understand. You turned to watch Levi, and he was staring at the new tea pot. He noticed you staring and he stared back at you. Mirroring each other's soft smiles, you lean in for a kiss. Happiness filled your chest. You could feel the warmth radiating from your skin. What a beautiful you had started with Levi.
"How do you kiss like that?" Gabi asked loudly. You both turned toward her at the same time. Levi had one eyebrow raised. Gabi clarified, "I mean, how do you know when to kiss? Like you didn't even ask but you just moved your head together and MUAH you kissed!"
"Gabi, that's inappropriate to ask!" Falco tried to shut her up. You shared a look at Levi, you grinned as Levi smiled, and you leaned in for a kiss again.
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tadc-harlequin-au · 5 months ago
Heyyyy I need to know what Swap!Harlequin Pomni's living situation is, and how her Caine fits into it... No reason in particular..
(Totally not for a fic I'm cooking, not at alllll)
Her living situation is the fact that I was thinking: she's living in a large underground hideout (one of those war bunkers) hidden inside a broken down shed that sat abandoned for years until roleswap!Pomni and Abel found it and repurposed it for themselves. Since they're on the run, they can't exactly risk on staying on a big mansion like Harlequin!Caine does in the canon story.
On the surface, it looks like a very dilapidated bunker entrance and opening the surface entrance door would lead to an "unstable" walkway down that had seemingly collapsed in on itself, but if you were able to put in the effort of moving the "debris" out of the way, You'd realize that it's actually just a coverup to make sure the place never gets explored beyond the "collapsed" walkway. How is this coverup possible? One of Pomni's many magic tricks.
Opening the inner door and hopping onto the open elevator with barely any protective railings on it, it's layers upon layers of rooms, and there's a small open space in the middle of it all, with a tall high beam support connecting the layers to ensure that the place doesn't collapse in on itself. Caine likes to use these beams as like an obstacle course of sorts for getting up and down.
This is a rough layout on how I think it'd be, not the final look obvs but it is a start that I can improve on later down the line
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There's a number of 'broken-but-still-kicking' Puppets living in this space, all being taken care of and attempted to be fixed back into their prime to give them a shot at living a life that was robbed from them. Not exactly in tip top shape, but hey. At the very least, they have a safe space away from their abusive masters, and the duo never claimed they were good at this kind of thing anyways.
Pomni does have an office, but it's significantly smaller, very homely and she doesn't spend as much time in there unless it's wanting a small enclosed space to simply smoke in, thinking of a gameplan for their current situation or figuring out what to do for the day, and the day after that. Even more surprising is the fact that Caine likes this area the most and stays in there for extended periods of time, whether Pomni is in or not. He's in a calmer state when that happens, so Pomni lets him be.
Speaking of Caine, how does he fit into all this? He just does. He's actually not as energetic as Harlequin!Pomni, being an Assassin Harlequin instead of an active fighter; he's much more toned down and surprisingly well-behaved in the grand scheme, if at all irritated at the entire situation and how he had let his guard down enough to be roped into her mess. Passive-aggressive and speaks in a low tone like he's constantly judging, which he is lmfao.
... But that doesn't mean he doesn't ask for a target Puppet to locate, capture and bring back (if he can't kill them lol) to be inaugurated to Pomni's cause. He's still acting on directives like a normal Puppet would.
He does find out one day that he has a knack for making/fixing mechanical things, after finding Abel's pathetic attempt to reverse engineer an old mechanical wonder. This newfound passion of his could occupy him for hours (or days usually) on end, and frankly? it's nice to have peace and quiet instead of him going off on her ear about how the whole place is a damn OSHA violation completely.
Even goes to the extent that he knows the ins and outs of a Puppet body like an expert surgeon would with the body of their patient, which... Pomni finds quite interesting because as far as she knows, there's only one person in her eyes who could be a natural at something like that.
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thelovelylolly · 1 year ago
Moments On Pabu
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Summary: You watch the sunset with Tech Warnings: reader is described as short and smaller than Tech Word Count: 780 Notes: season 3 has broken me and we're only 3 episodes in IM SCARED i have theories and im convincing myself tech is alive (because he is wdym hes dead?) i have so many thoughts its insane (also this may become a lil series idk)
Sunset was the best time on Pabu. Ever since you befriended Phee and she showed you Pabu, you made sure to watch the sunset every night. You made routines and plans around it. With the galaxy at war with itself almost constantly and your life being turbulent before coming to Pabu, the sunset gave you peace and a sense of stability. Things may change around you, but you will always have the sunset.
Phee introduced you to the Bad Batch when they first arrived on the island, and you instantly clicked with Tech. It was a silent connection, but when he smiled back at you, you knew you were going to like him.
He was more reserved compared to his brothers and sister, but he quickly opened up as time went on. You loved listening to him ramble about anything that piqued his interest. You two tended to gravitate to each other, naturally sitting next to each other at gatherings or finding each other around the island and walking together.
That led to you asking Tech if he'd like to join you to watch the sunset.
"Where would we watch it?" He asked in reply to your question. "The beaches and docks tend to be a bit crowded during that time, and I don't particularly enjoy those kinds of situations."
"Don't worry about it, I know a spot where it'll be just us," you quickly replied. "I don't mind if you don't want to go, I don't want to make you uncomfortable."
He thought for a moment, then gave you a small smile. "I suggest we leave now so we don't miss it."
You smiled and took his hand in yours, leading him down the winding paths of the island. You had found the alcove one day when wondering the island, and no one else knew of it. Or at least, they didn't go there.
Tech's eyes widened a bit when you two arrived at the empty beach. The blue waves gently lapped at the shore, filling the alcove with the soft sound of waves crashing. The setting sun made the horizon a beautiful, bright orange while the rest of the sky was still a light blue. You led him closer to the water, showing the setting sun to your left.
"This is a beautiful beach," Tech commented before looking at you, "no one else has found it yet?"
You shook your head with a smile. "Not yet. I usually come here by myself when things get too much or to just watch the sunset. I don't bring anyone here. Well, except for you now."
You noticed how his cheeks turned pink before he looked away.
"I feel honored that I am the first person you brought down here," eh said softly.
Now you felt your cheeks heat up, a contrast to the cool sea breeze. You ignored it, instead taking your shoes off and placing them in the sand. You walked closer to the water, stopping when it just covered your feet. You turned and looked back at Tech, who was watching you.
"C'mon, it's just a little bit cold," you called with a smile.
He returned it and quickly followed your lead. He took his shoes off and joined you in the shallow water. The sun dipped lower and lower as the minutes ticked past. You two watched it from your spots in the water, letting the waves splash against your feet and onto your lower legs.
You took a deep breath, closing your eyes and tilting your head back. The peace of sunset by the ocean always made you happy, and Tech made it so much better.
When you opened your eyes and looked back down, you caught Tech looking at you. You smiled, squinting a bit when the sun got in your eye.
"What is it?" You asked.
"I-it's nothing," he answered, "you just look very...peaceful. And happy."
"I am, but I think I'm really happy because you're here with me," you replied. You reached for his hand and gently took it in yours. "You wanna take a walk down the shore?"
He smiled, ignoring the way his cheeks continued to heat up. He intertwined his fingers with yours. "I would like that very much."
You led him down the shoreline, keeping your feet in the water. You two walked hand-in-hand as the sun continued to set. You glanced over at him and saw him bathed in the golden light from the setting sun. You felt butterflies in your stomach as you looked away, continuing down the shore.
You liked the quiet moments on Pabu, but you liked them more with Tech by your side.
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idv-sunsxin3 · 1 year ago
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Diggers // Dating Headcanons
Note// I gotta write this since i successfully managed to bring him home;;; 🥺
Diggers is canonly a hippie. He is based on them, his voice lines often tell how peace is better than war- I don't have the mind to interpret him with many kinds of hippies stereotypes because I'm still skeptical about some things that I don't even know better- 🤔🫠
There may even be misunderstandings because it actually really happened to the hippies from the 60s sometimes -
Diggers cherishes the times he gets to talk with you, always looking forward to seeing every day and getting to know you...
He is even eager to share his passions while he learns to understand yours as well. He has always been accepting and non-judgmental, ever since you first met. No matter the flaws.
It's probably how he treats everyone because of his moral standards- but it's also more than that... because it's you.
He definitely senses something different about you the moment your fingers touched..
You're his muse, "the sunlight from the mornings, the starlight of the night.... his whole universe." Yes, he said that to you once once--- 😭🫠🥺
But well, he loves showing some of his works of art - well, only the ones he managed to keep. He most likely does graffiti and flower power aesthetics.
Imagine there is a time you two painted a mark of your initials inside a heart with a paint spray on the same bench you both sat in where you first met each other--- it would be fate for sure smh;;;;
Hangouts usually would be staying with him at the back of his van with the doors open, so the windy day can go through. You sometimes lay down on the carpet he places down. You would hear him play his guitar as he sits across from you, serenading you with his slow, soothing tunes.
The sight of the grassfield's landscape can be seen from the van's back seat, along with the small silhouette of London from afar. Once Diggers stops playing, he tends to place his hand on your head and give it headpats... slowly massaging your scalp after as you try to stay awake.
He loves pampering you in his own way, letting you rest with him during lazy days.
He is a sweet, laid-back lover... He trusts you enough that his jealousy levels are low to none just by simply thinking of the many things that can make you feel safe and happy with him- having himself being part of your life is already an honor to him.
But of course, I can imagine he would be like a kicked puppy whenever you ignore him for too long... like not seeing for 3 days can already make him feel droopy;;;
You'll do a lot of outdoor activities with Diggers when dating him-- he would always say things like like "be one with the forest" or "connect with mother nature" while making you these pretty flower crowns to adorn them on your head,,,
Camping in a forest is one of the common things you two do, Diggers knowing lots of things about how to survive in the wild while only having his van as a refuge.
Don't underestimate for his slender figure!!! He can even name you many kinds of herbs, flowers, and berries. Even point out the ones that are venomous or poisonous. He can't do math or this deep insight science, but at least he is knowledgeable in certain fields.
This is just me, but I love a Diggers giving his s/o the passenger princess treatment. No more questions/ih
He talks to you in a very honeyed and flowery voice, you don't even know if he's ever angry at you even while being this upset---(to be true, he never brings himself to be angry at you-- it wouldn't be cool) With how he calls you "Honey", "Baby ", "Love", and so much more, you'll probably need a sleeping bag because man, his voice;;;
He is very affectionate - maybe a bit touchy even. Lots of hugs, kisses, hands on the small of your back, waist, or hip - he always has this tendency of keeping a hand on you when you're around.
If you give him the consent(because consent is beautiful✨️), he doesn't feel embarrassed when pulling you to his lap or holding you so close from behind around anyone.
His holds are meant to be pure and innocent. Having your bodies touch helps him charge his batteries from any stress he ever has to experience in a fast-faced world you both are living in.;;😔
He always likes to carefully plant soft kisses on your forehead, eyelids, cheeks, hands, and shoulder,,, (neck if he really wants to make out with you;;; 👉👈 *gets bonked for not being normal *) Lots of smooching when he finds the lovely opportunity.
He is 100% honest with you, never lies at all. Even would tell you his honest opinions in a sincere, half-hearted manner. Otherwise, it would be against his principles of a peace and love relationship. He wants to love you unconditionally no matter the future struggles that may happen between you two. Always avoiding toxicity and any form of hate towards you.
He loves taking care of his body, eating natural and non-processed food as possible, and going on vegetarian diets. He wants to share his little routines with you, if you want to, of course,,, it is pretty much a way he shows that he enjoys living life with you and taking care of you if you allow him to once in a while. It's like a sign of building trust for him. 🥺
It's so cute when he wants to try and persuade you to try these vivid color clothes with lots of patterns on it, even having these flower matching Keychains.;;
No matter the path you want to go to, he'll always support you and your choices,,, he'll encourage you to do anything your heart desires to achieve, as long as you're true to yourself. 🥺✨️
Overall! He is such a walking green flag. What else can I say to support that? You probably might have more ideas, and the floor is always open for them, my friends 😌✨️💅
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shiorihyugawrites · 4 months ago
The Devil's Bride
Aurora Jaeger, Eren's long-lost childhood friend, was taken from him when they were children. After years of suffering under Marleyan control, Aurora is reunited with Eren while he’s undercover in Marley, igniting a bond neither of them expected. Despite her gentle nature, Aurora breaks her vow of pacifism to save Eren’s life, solidifying their deep connection. Secretly married before the Raid on Liberio, Aurora is swept into Eren's world of chaos and destruction. As the Scouts learn of her existence, tensions rise on the airship home. Mikasa’s heart shatters, and Levi demands answers. And Eren will stop at nothing to protect the only light left in his dark world—his bride, Aurora.
In this journey of love, loyalty, and war, Aurora must reconcile her innocent heart with the brutal reality of the man she loves, while Eren faces the truth of what he’s become. (Eren x OC)
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Chapter Ten
Eren had spent his entire life chasing after the elusive concept of freedom. From the moment he was a child, he had yearned to break free from the walls, from the terror of the Titans, from the weight of the world pressing down on his people. He had fought, bled, and suffered for it. But now, standing in the middle of a field where the flowers were blooming, with Aurora by his side, he realized that true freedom wasn’t just the absence of walls or the defeat of enemies. It was this. It was being with the person he loved, in a moment untouched by war or fear.
Three days had passed since their wedding, and those three days had been the best of Eren’s life. Every moment he spent with Aurora as his wife felt precious, like time had slowed down just for them. He didn’t know what the future held, and he didn’t care right now. For once, he wasn’t thinking about the Raid on Liberio, the War Hammer Titan, or even the looming threat of Marley. His world had shrunk down to just Aurora, the woman he loved more than anything, and the peace they had found in these fleeting moments together.
He wanted to give her something��anything that could resemble a honeymoon, despite the circumstances. So he brought her to the fields where the flowers were blooming, knowing how much she loved her plants. Aurora’s eyes lit up as soon as they arrived, her excitement palpable as she practically bounced on her feet, turning to him with a wide smile.
“Oh, Eren!” she exclaimed, her voice filled with joy. “Look at all of them! The flowers are blooming so beautifully!”
She rushed toward the meadow, her dress flowing behind her as she moved, her hands reaching out to gently touch the petals of the flowers. Eren followed her at a slower pace, a soft smile tugging at his lips as he watched her. Aurora, his wife. She was everything to him now. If he was the devil, the embodiment of destruction and wrath, then she was his angel—the light that kept him grounded in a world that threatened to tear him apart.
Aurora twirled in the field, her laughter filling the air as she spun, the flowers surrounding her like a sea of color. Her dress fanned out around her as she moved, the soft fabric catching the sunlight in a way that made her look almost ethereal, like a being out of a dream. Eren watched her, his heart swelling with so much love and admiration that it almost overwhelmed him.
“She’s perfect,” he thought, the words echoing in his mind as he stood there, rooted in place. “She’s everything.”
Aurora stopped twirling for a moment, her eyes catching sight of a particular flower she recognized. With a grin, she rushed over to it, crouching down to inspect it more closely. “Eren, look! It’s an Eryngium!” she called out, her excitement bubbling over. “I’ve been looking for this one! I read about it in one of my books.”
Eren chuckled softly, moving to stand beside her. “You’ve really memorized all these, huh?”
Aurora nodded, her eyes sparkling with happiness. “I’ve spent so much time studying the fauna around here that I’ve almost mastered it,” she said proudly. “There’s just something so calming about knowing the names of the plants and flowers. It makes me feel… connected to this place.”
Eren crouched beside her, watching as she gently touched the flower, her fingers delicate and careful. He admired the way she found joy in the smallest things, how she could find beauty in a world that had shown her so much cruelty. Her ability to find happiness in the simple act of identifying flowers was something Eren deeply cherished. It reminded him that not everything had to be about war, about fighting and surviving. There was still beauty in the world—beauty that Aurora showed him every day.
“I’m glad,” Eren said softly, his eyes never leaving hers. “I’m glad you found something you love here.”
Aurora looked up at him, her smile softening as she reached out to take his hand. “I found something else I love here too,” she whispered, her voice filled with affection.
Eren’s heart skipped a beat at her words, and he felt the familiar warmth spreading through his chest. He squeezed her hand gently, his thumb brushing over her knuckles as he leaned in to press a soft kiss to her forehead. “I love you too, Aurora,” he whispered.
She stood up, pulling Eren up with her, and with a gleeful laugh, she threw her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. Eren wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her close as she kissed him—quick, excited pecks on his lips and cheeks. Her happiness was contagious, and soon Eren found himself laughing with her, his heart lighter than it had been in years.
Aurora pulled back slightly, her eyes shining as she looked up at him. “Thank you for bringing me here,” she said, her voice soft but filled with sincerity. “It means so much to me.”
Eren smiled down at her, brushing a strand of hair away from her face. “You deserve this, Aurora. You deserve everything.”
Aurora’s eyes shimmered with emotion, and she leaned up to kiss him again, this time slower, more deliberate. Eren’s hands tightened around her waist as he deepened the kiss, pouring all of his love and devotion into it. When they finally pulled apart, both of them were breathless, their foreheads resting against each other as they shared a moment of quiet contentment.
For the first time in his life, Eren felt truly free. Not the freedom he had always imagined as a child, where there were no walls and no enemies. This was different. This was a freedom born of love, of being with someone who accepted him for everything he was, even the darkest parts. Aurora didn’t see him as a devil or a monster—she saw him as Eren, the boy she had known since childhood, the man who loved her with every fiber of his being.
As they stood there, surrounded by the blooming flowers and the soft breeze that rustled through the meadow, Eren felt complete. For so long, he had been searching for something—freedom, peace, a sense of belonging. And now, he had found it. He had found it in Aurora.
He watched as she twirled again, her laughter ringing out through the meadow, her dress spinning around her in the most beautiful way. She was his angel, his light, the one thing in this world that made him feel alive. Eren’s heart swelled with love and protectiveness as he watched her, and he made a silent promise to himself.
No matter what happened, no matter the cost, he would protect her. He would give her the world she deserved.
Eren and Aurora sat together in the meadow, the soft blanket beneath them spread out over the field of flowers, a gentle breeze rustling the petals around them. The sun hung low in the sky, casting a golden glow over everything, making the entire scene feel almost dreamlike. Aurora had made sandwiches for their little outing, and she sat perched comfortably on Eren’s lap, her legs draped across him, a playful smile on her lips as she fed him a piece of the sandwich.
“Come on, Eren,” Aurora teased, holding the small bite just in front of his lips. “Say ‘ah.’”
Eren couldn’t help but smile at her playful tone, his heart swelling with affection for her. He had never seen her this happy, this carefree. Aurora had always been gentle and kind, but here, as his wife, she was also flirtatious and playful in a way that made his chest tighten with love. She was truly glowing, the joy of being newly married evident in every movement, every smile, every laugh.
He leaned forward slightly, taking the bite she offered him, his eyes never leaving hers. Aurora giggled softly, her fingers brushing against his lips as he chewed, her laughter like music to his ears.
“You’re going to spoil me if you keep feeding me like this,” Eren said, his voice soft and full of warmth. He adored how lighthearted she was, how happy she seemed just to be with him, to share these simple moments together.
Aurora grinned, her blue eyes twinkling mischievously. “Well, I am your wife now. It’s my job to spoil you, isn’t it?” she teased, leaning in to press a quick kiss to his cheek before offering him another bite.
Eren chuckled, shaking his head slightly, but the warmth in his chest only grew. He couldn’t help but admire the way she was so full of life, so radiant. Every moment he spent with her was precious, a reminder of why he was fighting, why he had made the choices he had. This—this joy, this love—was what he wanted to protect.
“I think you’re doing a pretty good job of it,” he murmured, his voice laced with affection as he brushed a strand of her hair away from her face, his fingers lingering against her cheek for a moment. “You’re incredible, you know that?”
Aurora’s cheeks flushed a soft pink at his words, and she giggled again, leaning into his touch. “You’re just saying that because I’m feeding you,” she joked, though the tenderness in her eyes told him she appreciated his words.
“No, I mean it,” Eren said, his expression softening as he gazed at her. “You’ve made me happier than I ever thought I could be.”
Aurora’s playful smile faltered slightly, replaced by a look of deep affection as she set the sandwich down beside them. She shifted in his lap so that she could face him more fully, her hands resting on his shoulders as she met his gaze.
“I feel the same way,” she whispered, her voice softer now, filled with sincerity. “These last few days… they’ve been the happiest of my life, Eren. I never imagined I’d get to feel this way again.”
Eren’s heart clenched at her words, the memory of everything she had endured, everything they had both endured, flashing through his mind. He reached up, cupping her face in his hands as he leaned his forehead against hers, his voice low but firm.
“You deserve this happiness, Aurora. You deserve so much more.”
Aurora closed her eyes for a moment, her fingers tightening slightly on his shoulders as she breathed in his presence, feeling the warmth and strength of him beneath her hands. When she opened her eyes again, there was a flicker of something deeper in her gaze—love, yes, but also determination.
“We deserve it, Eren,” she whispered. “Both of us. And no matter what happens, I’ll be by your side. Always.”
Eren’s chest tightened at her words, the weight of her promise sinking into him. It wasn’t just love between them—it was a bond forged through shared struggles, through loss, through the determination to survive in a world that had given them so little.
He pulled her closer, his arms wrapping around her waist as he buried his face in her hair, breathing her in. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you,” he murmured, his voice thick with emotion.
Aurora smiled softly against him, her hands moving to rest on his chest as she leaned back slightly to look at him. “You’ve always been there for me, Eren. Since we were kids. You’ve always protected me, even when you didn’t know you would find me again. And now… I’ll protect you too.”
Eren’s heart swelled with emotion at her words, and for a moment, he could hardly speak. He simply held her, his fingers gently tracing patterns along her back as they sat together in the meadow, the world around them forgotten. In that moment, nothing else mattered—no war, no enemies, no uncertain future. It was just the two of them, wrapped up in each other, in their love.
Aurora eventually pulled back, her smile returning as she grabbed another piece of the sandwich and held it up to him again, her playful energy returning. “Now, finish your food, Mr. Jaeger,” she said with a wink. “You’ll need your strength.”
Eren laughed, shaking his head but leaning forward to take the bite she offered him, his heart lighter than it had been in years. As he chewed, Aurora leaned her head against his shoulder, a contented sigh escaping her lips.
“I could stay here forever,” she murmured softly, her fingers absentmindedly tracing patterns on his arm. “With you.”
Eren smiled down at her, his heart filled with warmth as he pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “Me too,” he whispered. “Me too.”
And as they sat there in the field of blooming flowers, the sun beginning to set behind them, Eren couldn’t help but think that this—this peace, this love—was worth fighting for. Aurora was worth fighting for. 
As the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the fields, Eren and Aurora made their way back toward the cabin. The walk was peaceful, with the soft sounds of nature surrounding them, and Aurora’s voice filled the quiet as she talked excitedly about her latest experiments with the elixirs.
“I think if I add just a little more of the yarrow root, it could increase the potency,” Aurora said, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “But I’m also considering trying a new method of drying the herbs. That way, I can preserve their strength for longer periods. Imagine how much more effective the elixirs could be!”
Eren walked beside her, listening with a soft smile on his face. He loved hearing her talk about her work, seeing the passion in her eyes. It was one of the many things he adored about her—how deeply she cared about her craft, how much joy it brought her to create something with her own hands. It was so different from the world he was used to, a world full of violence and survival. With Aurora, there was gentleness, and her elixirs were just another way she showed that she valued life.
“You’ve been amazing with all of this,” Eren said, his voice filled with admiration. “I can’t believe how much you’ve learned in such a short time.”
Aurora beamed at him, her eyes filled with warmth. “I couldn’t have done any of this without you, Eren. You’ve given me the chance to focus on my work, to feel safe again.” She looked up at him, her expression softening. “You’ve given me so much.”
Eren felt his heart swell with affection, and without a second thought, he stopped walking and scooped Aurora up into his arms. Her surprised gasp turned into a laugh as she wrapped her arms around his neck, looking up at him with wide, playful eyes.
“Eren!” she exclaimed, giggling as she tried to steady herself in his arms. “What are you doing?”
Eren looked down at her with a mischievous smile, his arms holding her securely against his chest. “You looked so happy, I figured I’d make you feel even more like the princess you are,” he said, his voice soft but teasing. “You deserve it, Aurora.”
Aurora’s heart fluttered at his words, and she smiled up at him, her hands tightening around his neck as she settled into his embrace. “You’re always so sweet to me,” she whispered, her voice filled with affection. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you.”
Eren chuckled, shaking his head slightly as he began walking again, carrying her easily in his arms. “You’ve always deserved to be treated like this,” he said, his voice a little more serious now. “You’ve been through so much, and you still manage to find joy in the small things. You deserve to be happy, Aurora.”
Aurora felt tears prick at the corners of her eyes, not from sadness but from the overwhelming love she felt for Eren in that moment. He had always been her protector, her rock, and now he was her husband, the man who loved her with everything he had. She leaned her head against his chest, closing her eyes as she let the warmth of his presence wash over her.
“I love you, Eren,” she whispered, her voice barely audible above the soft rustling of the wind.
Eren’s grip on her tightened slightly, and he pressed a gentle kiss to the top of her head. “I love you too,” he whispered back. “More than anything.”
The cabin came into view as they rounded the last bend in the path, its simple structure illuminated by the soft glow of the fading sun. It wasn’t much, but to them, it was home. A place where they could be together, away from the chaos and danger of the world.
As Eren carried Aurora across the threshold of their cabin, a playful smile tugged at the corner of his lips. “I suppose this is the part where I say something about carrying you over the threshold, right?”
Aurora giggled, her eyes twinkling with happiness. “You’re a little late for that, but I’ll forgive you,” she teased, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek.
Eren gently set her down inside the cabin, his hands lingering on her waist for a moment as he looked into her eyes. “I’ll make it up to you,” he promised, his voice low and full of warmth.
Aurora smiled up at him, her heart full as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “You already have,” she whispered, leaning in to kiss him softly.
Their lips met and the world outside seemed to fade away once again, leaving only the two of them, wrapped in each other’s love. It was moments like this—small, quiet moments—that made everything they had gone through feel worth it. Aurora’s giggles filled the quiet room, a sound that made Eren’s heart race with joy. Their playful energy from the meadow seemed to follow them, and every kiss, every touch between them was filled with laughter and love.
Eren’s hands roamed over her waist, feeling the soft fabric of her dress beneath his fingertips as he pulled her closer. Aurora’s hands were in his hair, her fingers tangling gently as she pressed herself against him, their kisses becoming more urgent. Eren couldn’t get enough of her, couldn’t get enough of the way she smiled between each kiss, the way she fit so perfectly in his arms.
Without thinking, Eren’s hands slipped lower, resting on the curve of her hips before trailing down to the small of her back. He felt a surge of affection and desire, and his grip tightened as he squeezed her rear through the fabric of her dress. Aurora let out a surprised squeal, her giggles bubbling up again as she pulled back slightly to look at him, her eyes shining with playful mischief.
“Eren!” she exclaimed, a mock scolding tone in her voice, though her smile betrayed her amusement.
Eren grinned down at her, his hands still resting on her hips as he held her close. “I couldn’t help myself,” he said, his voice soft but full of affection. “You’re just too irresistible.”
Aurora’s heart fluttered at his words, and she felt her cheeks flush with warmth. Despite their playful teasing, there was so much love in Eren’s gaze, so much care in every touch. She leaned in, pressing a quick kiss to his lips before pulling back again, her eyes filled with a combination of love and teasing.
“Well, maybe I don’t mind so much,” she whispered, her voice soft and filled with affection.
Eren chuckled, leaning his forehead against hers as he held her close, their breaths mingling in the small space between them. “Good,” he whispered back, his hands resting gently on her waist now. “Because I’m not letting you go.”
Aurora smiled, her heart full as she wrapped her arms around his neck, resting her head against his chest. The playful moment between them had shifted into something deeper, something more tender. They stood there in the quiet of their cabin, holding each other, the world outside forgotten for just a little while longer.
The weight of Eren’s love for Aurora pressed against him, and as he held her close, he felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude. She was his light in a world filled with darkness, and he knew—no matter what came next—he would protect her with everything he had.
They didn’t need words in that moment. The soft sound of their breathing, the warmth of their bodies pressed together, and the quiet beat of their hearts were enough to remind them of the love they shared.
In this moment, they were together. And that was all that mattered.
Eren lay still in the darkness, the quiet of the night wrapping around him like a heavy blanket. The only sounds were Aurora’s soft, even breaths as she slept soundly against his chest, her nude body draped across him, her skin warm and comforting. Eren held her close, his hand gently resting on her back, feeling the steady rise and fall of her breathing. She was at peace, lost in the deep sleep that came after another night of passionate lovemaking. The past few days of their marriage had been like a dream, a brief escape from the harsh reality that awaited them.
Eren wished, more than anything, that he could stay like this forever. Here, in the safety of their cabin, with Aurora resting peacefully in his arms, everything felt so right. For the first time in his life, he had found someone who truly understood him, who loved him despite everything. But deep down, he knew this moment couldn’t last. He couldn’t afford to stay still. The world was still moving, and the cruel truth of their situation loomed over them.
Eren’s gaze moved to the ceiling of the cabin, his thoughts drifting to what lay ahead. The festival in Liberio was just days away, and with it, the start of the raid. The plan he had set in motion would change everything—there would be no turning back. And as much as he wanted to protect Aurora from the horrors of the world, he knew that the only way to ensure their future was to keep fighting.
Because if he didn’t, everything would be lost.
Aurora. The Scouts. Paradis. They would all be slaughtered by the forces of Marley and the rest of the world. Eren couldn’t allow that to happen. He refused to let anyone take away the people he cared about, especially Aurora. His wife. His light. She had already suffered enough at the hands of others, and Eren had made a promise to himself that he would give her the life she deserved—a life where she could be free, where they could be free to love each other without fear of war or death.
His resolve, already strong before, had only deepened since marrying Aurora. These past few days had shown him what he was truly fighting for. And if becoming the devil was what it took to secure their future, then so be it. Eren had made his choice long ago, and nothing would stand in his way. He didn’t care if the world saw him as a monster, didn’t care if they called him the devil of Paradis. As long as Aurora was safe, as long as he could build a future where they could be together, he would do whatever it took.
Eren’s arm tightened slightly around Aurora as she stirred in her sleep, her soft body pressing closer to him. He closed his eyes, letting himself savor the warmth of her presence, the comfort of her closeness. These moments with her—these precious, fleeting moments of peace—were what fueled his resolve. They were what reminded him why he was doing all of this.
But he knew it wouldn’t last. The festival was just days away, and with it, the beginning of his plan to take down the Tybur family and claim the War Hammer Titan. It would be a turning point, a point of no return. He would have to say goodbye to this brief period of bliss and prepare for the chaos that would follow.
For now, though, Eren wasn’t ready to let go of this moment. He would make every second with Aurora count. He would treasure the remaining days they had before the storm hit. After all, this was what he was fighting for—this love, this connection, this future they both deserved.
As Aurora shifted in her sleep, her head nuzzling deeper into his chest, Eren pressed a soft kiss to the top of her head. He wanted to protect this—her. He wanted to protect the life they could have together. And for that, he would fight with everything he had.
The weight of the world pressed down on him, but with Aurora in his arms, he felt stronger than ever.
“I’ll protect you,” he whispered, his voice barely audible in the quiet of the cabin. “I’ll protect you no matter what.”
And as the moonlight filtered through the small window, casting a soft glow over the room, Eren lay there, holding Aurora close, knowing that the days ahead would be brutal. But for now, in this moment, he allowed himself to just be with her—to love her, to cherish her. Because soon, the world would demand everything from him.
But he was ready. He had to be.
For her.
For them.
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nadiajustbe · 8 months ago
Don't think I'm finished on "Movie is how Howl tells the story..." statement. Because it's fundamentally wrong.
Look, I get it when you want to say that the hmc movie is its own story with an original plot — because it is, mostly, the only things that remain are the concept and some hits given here in there that lead to nowhere. However, movie is absolutely not how Howl would tell the story. It is, in fact, pretty opposite of it in some aspects.
Even when talking about Howl self-image, wich started it all, I think people keep forgetting how self-aware Howl can be. He knows he's vain and cowardly and an absolute loser and he doesn't want to be respectful whatsoever. He even tells Michael that, quote
“I know I’m slapdash, but there's no need for you to copy me"
And the whole ending sequence is just him being honest with Sophie and telling her the truth about who he thinks he is and his weaknesses. He pretty much states all he flanks are weak — he knows it, and it is true. Would he try to make it all more romantic and cool and so he would make himself seem less of a loser? Yes, absolutely. Would he make it by erasing absolutely everything about his character being unique and standing out turning it into a whole-blown "love peace not war" story? Absolutely not.
He may not mention him getting with another women every week, that's true. But he wouldn't leave out his stupidly-"romantic" nature while he was doing so, and he would not leave the guitar courting stuff out just because it's connected to it, gosh, he thinks it's cool.
Yes, he is quoting Shakespeare and John Dohn and he is poetic and sometimes overly romantise thinks to make it more dramatic, but that does not mean he's gonna achieve it by leaving out all his shenanigans whatsoever. Also, note, he does not want to be seen perfect by everyone, just by ones he thinks is important to him or his life or his stupid decisions. After all, he was the one who started the rumors about Wizard Howl being a heart-eater. He was the one to ask Sophie to blaken his name — to show him in the worst light possible.
"He wants to be seen perfect by everyone" is such a... mediocre analysis of his character, honestly, it might work with appearance, in Ingary at least, but personality wise. He want to be seen so only when it benefits him and people he thinks highly of. When he thinks that too high thoughts about him would bring him into trouble, give him unwanted attention or make him actually works, that his last wish ever. That's the whole subplot of the book — Howl does not want to be seen too good by the king because it's gonna lead him somewhere he doesn't want to be. Hell, he even denies doing something just because he wanted to help, saying that he "did it for money".
(it doesn't mean he wants people to see him as someone great, it's just that's pretty selective and his "perfect" persona is as fake as his "horrible wizard one)
Movie!Howl might be Book!Howl propaganda, but definitely not ALL of him. Some parts, some scenes, some moments might work (and that's actually the most accurate thing out of all statement), but I don't personally think this is the EXACT way Howl would tell his character.
Him telling about Sophie is the whole other thing. He LOVES Sophie for how crazy and stubborn and nosy and moody she can be — there's NO WAY he's not gonna give weed killer a half an hour or screen time just to talk about what haos of a woman his wife is. Yes, some of them might not fit into his "perfect picture" but he loves Sophie, and he loves what she does with this "perfect picture" and he's gonna give another hour on them bantering just because Sophie is being Sophie. He's NOT gonna leave out everything he loves about Sophie making her kind-hearted quiet protagonist with one mean line, the ones she was supposed to be the opposite, the caricature of.
There's also no way he would make Michael into a... white about six years old child? He may see him younger than Sophie does due to them growing up in a different environments, true, but 1) not that much 2) the whole thing about Michael is that he's the most responsible adult-like person in the whole Castle, despite being the youngest of all them, and Howl also KNOWS that. Also there's no need to change his skin or hair colour, as well as making him having no role in the story. I don't think he'll mention Michael trying to catch a star because of his nephew's homework — this is embarrassing, after all, but there's so MUCH more of Michael than that.
He's not gonna may ms. Pentstemmon a villain of any kind. Letting alone mixing her with Ben for some reason (who to hell is ms. Suliman, seriously?? W H Y). He highly respects her, to the point he's ready to attend her funeral even If it's gonna make him dead. If anything, he's gonna show her figure even more heroic than she is, maybe adding a whole sequence with her heroicly fighting with WoTW and loosing with an epic SGI. But making her a villain? No. Just not. There's no reason for that.
There's also no WAY he wouldn't mention Wales. He LOVES his country, he outright states it with "I love Wales but Wales doesn't love me" quote. Yes, there's jokes about Megan being a war metaphor, but Wales is not just Megan — it's also Mari, Niel, his old rugby team, his childhood and teen years, his memories and his experience. He would not make that portal If there was no things he wants to go back for — it's such an obvious weakness of his that WoTW notices it right away. He may not mention getting drunk before a fight, but he's gonna mention Wales.
(also I think people exaggerate Howl's hate for Megan. Yes, their relationship are far from perfect, but they still talk, she lest him go into her house announced and her family is what triggers him to fight with his evil ex in the first place. They may not be on a good terms but they DIDN'T cut off their connection. And "hate" is def not the word for that. Don't forget his first reaction to Sophie being in danger in CITA is "send her to Wales to his sister". He sees Wales as safe and reliable place, this is his first solution for dangerous situations. Even when he's not the biggest fan of his sister herself.)
He's also not gonna leave the sister subplot simply cause it was funny. He may change WoTW because he doesn't like her but he's not gonna make her live with them and feed her with a spoon, for the God's sake, that's disgusting. Him making himself Ingarian is the last thing he would do. He would NEVER.
(he's also not gonna leave out Shakespeare quoting in the sake of "romantise sequence you guys are talking about.)
Also, he could not care less about the war. I've seen a war with my own eyes, and... this is really, eh, too optimistic image of it I might say. Somehow realistic in showing it, but not by the way it provides solution, honestly. "Let's all just create love and King's gonna cancel war" IT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS. NO.
When he did attend war in CITA, he literally have won it by bringing IBUPROFEN onto the war field. Ibuprofen and bandages. What a "all-giving" reckless hero, really.
Book!Howl is a caricature to everything Movie! Howl is, and otherwise would not tell the story providing cliches he himself is the opposite of. He's a loser and an idiot and we love him for that.
It's two completely different stories. There's no need to connect them. Please.
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mortalityplays · 9 months ago
It's obviously kind of an oversimplification to say Gomorra is 'about' homosexuality. It's about a lot of things. But it's also completely true and I would even possibly argue that it is the load-bearing point of the show.
On a macro level, the whole thing is about the endlessly bloody and destructive struggle of a life in organised crime. But even in that sense it puts a very specific thematic point on the way love, relationships and blood relations are constant casualties of this way of life, and the effect of that relentless human loss on the players who keep choosing war over peace. Ciro blazing his trail by killing women, children and parents specifically is not a 'kick the cat' villain beat, it's the whole point of the material. Genny being perpetually struck down by his own nuclear family because he is competition to them is part of it. Being in the life means eventually sacrificing those you love on its altar. You murder your wife, you send your son to die in the jungle, you send your father-in-law to prison.
As we absorb that, we're presented with this succession of queer characters living in the periphery of the story. One by one they're introduced to us, they explicate themselves as divergent from heteronormative sex and gender roles, and then we watch them die or disappear. It's heavily implied that the 'lesbian' from the tower blocks may be a trans man, but she doesn't exist in a context where articulating that is an option, and she dies in a white wedding dress inherited from her father. Conte's relationship with a trans woman can only exist behind closed doors. He dates her sister in public, he puts off introducing her to his mother, he appeals to his catholicism to distance himself from his own sexuality. Gege panics and folds because he's afraid for his boyfriend and his daughter. What do I care about the guy fucking you in the ass? Genny sneers, before he beats Gege to death with the watch that signifies his connection to a mob family. Much like the harrowing shit the show delves into around race, the message is 'there is no mercy here'. There is no oxygen for the articulation of queerness. It can only survive unspoken, in negative space.
And there's no argument that the show is about the negative space between Genny and Ciro. Neither of them know how to articulate their relationship. They're best friends, they're worst enemies, they grew up together, Ciro raised Genny, they're brothers, they're father and son. They use the word love. They also use the word hate. They come as close as anyone ever gets to putting bullets in each other's brains. They keep taking turns to ask each other can we do this now? and the answer is always not yet. Even when they're on the same side, they can only discuss the nature of their relationship by proxy, through their mutual relationships with others. Pietro is one. And I could write a fucking essay on the Enzo situation.
The negative space is physical, too. They hover around each other. They talk nose to nose. In the first season they can't stay apart, they grab each other, they pepper each other with kisses. After the life erases all of their visible human connections and sets them at odds, they're shot like orbiting planets. Empty space takes up entire frames between them. Ciro is fucking constantly looking at Genny, to the point that shots are composed around his furtive glances. After they finally reveal themselves to Analisa, Ciro catches Genny by the arm to pull him away from the meeting. That's not a gesture we ever see between other characters, especially in a context like that. They are constantly either 1 inch or 12 feet apart.
But most of all, there's negative space in the title. Gomorra. Yeah it's a play on Camorra. Don't worry about it. Don't think too much about it. Just ignore the primary association with that word that floats into your head when you hear it. It's absent from the show, right? It's absent from the life. This is a mafia show about two straight friends.
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toomanythoughts2 · 1 month ago
GodKlok HC Ideas + Old Fic Idea
In order for my old fic idea to make any sense, I need to first discuss my ideas for Godklok and how they present to me.
GodKlok HCs
Setting: Post-AOTD
Toki: To me, Toki is the messenger of death. He isn't just the god of death, but a messenger, which is further pushed by his association with rabbits. After AOTD, there is still a lot of destruction and death around the world. Toki's duty as the messenger is to guide those who have passed into the other world and also grant those the peace of death who hadn't quite died. He has to basically travel the world and help guide masses of people to the other side and take others along with him. Rabbits are used as his personal messengers through the worlds, mainly to help Toki keep track of the other side. Now, Toki, being a messenger, can also call on and talk to anyone who has passed through possession, meaning, as that being who exists in both realms, he can grant whoever is trying to speak with the living world his body to talk. This shows in a number of different ways such as a simple possession to downright body modification to look, sound, and act like that person when they were alive. He also works in getting messages between loved ones who have passed and who have note, which his bunnys help out with the most. If it's super important, he'll deliver the news himself as the passed on loved one
Skwisgaar: Skwisgaar is life BUT he is not healing! I want to make that clear because I don't think Skwisgaar's duty is to necessarily heal the sick or heal the world, his duty is to provide fertility for the world to heal on its own. For example, there was an interview that stated that Dethklok's music made women hella horny, right? Skwisgaar's influence doesn't make people healthier, it's gives their body's the ability to create and continue. Now, I also see him very tightly connected to music, more so than any other member. That being so, Skwisgaar's influence to encourage life is passed on through his music. I see him spending a lot of time Post-AOTD playing in different areas, affecting the earth and its people. For example, if Skwisgaar were to play on a patch of scorched earth, his influence would allow that earth to become fertile once more, allowing nature to grow there again. His influence also helps re-grow the population, giving humans the ability to grow in numbers in way they have lost. He would spend a lot of time working in tandem with nature to create pieces that fit them. In a way, he can listen to the earth and it's people and know what to play back in order to get the best result. In a way, if Toki is the Messenger of Death, Skwisgaar is the Harbinger of Life.
Pickles: Ok, I know Pickles is the god of Chaos but stay with me on this. I think Pickles is also of the god Alchemy AKA he is the god of healing. As the person who is chaos, who understands chaos, who grew up in chaos, who is (in a way) immune to chaos (drugs and alcohol), he would be the one who could fully understand how to tame chaos. With his knowledge of so many substances that bring chaos, he would be able to understand how to take it out of the equation and start to heal people around him. Nothing is more chaotic than pain and war, something that they are all suffering from after AOTD. I think, once Pickles has a handle on his duties and powers, he could create concoctions and blends from, not only the substances he uses on a daily basis, but the substances of the world around him, kinda like a medicine man. He knows how to get the desired affect out of different ingredients, which allows him or help those who are hurt or ill. He spend a lot of time hands on with people all over the world and helping provide the necessary drugs for victims.
Murderface: Murderface is the god of ugliness HOWEVER! I think this can be heavily interpreted into something else. In respects to AOTD, I believe that there is nothing more ugly than war. That being said, Murderface is 1. a war fanatic 2. a "morbid crap" fanatic and 3. a jack of all trades. Murderface has a natural inclination toward war and history, ultimately liking the "ugly" parts of war. He is also someone who understands a lot about everything but is not an expert in anything either. For these reasons, Murderface is the god of war and turns into a tactician. His duty is to help the populations be able to face what has happened to them and then provide a plan of what they need to do next. Now, he isn't an expert in anything, so he has to have experts in their fields around him to help, but he is able to craft that much larger picture to start from. Being able to understand "ugliness" means that people must know the truth, and the truth will ultimately set you free. By not being afraid, by saying that he will face this "ugliness" head on, gives others the courage to look at it to and not be afraid.
Nathan: Nathan is the all encompassing sheer dominating power, which we have seen him use in the shower before. HOWEVER! In AOTD, Nathan deliberately went from "the fist" to "the hand" which ultimately changed him as well. Nathan is the voice, he's the spokesperson, he is that over arching power, BUT he is not scary. He is not terrifying. In fact, he becomes this calming presence of, "Nathan is here. Everything is going to be ok." which is what happened when he became "the hand". His voice is used to speak to people day in and day out, whether it be face to face or on tv or over radio, he has the ability to calm nations, to provide security, to provide HOPE! His job is the most important of them all because without his presence helping the public trust them, trust the others, they wouldn't be able to do their job. Think of it like a gothic superman mixed in with Brendon's own words of him being like Jesus and Dethklok are his prophets. He works in tandem with the others so that they can do what needs to be done.
Old Fic Idea
Basically, time has passed since AOTD and the group are exhausted. They decide to take a break for a while. One day, Murderface corners Toki to ask him a question. He'd seen Toki use his body to give those who have passed a chance to talk to their living loved ones. Murderface asks Toki if there is a chance to speak to Knubbler. Unbeknownst to Toki, Murderface is feeling like shit about everything that happened. Toki agrees and they go into a separate room to do it. However, when Toki is calling out for Knubbler to come speak, he does not appear, which is the first time it happens. Murderface thinks Toki is doing it on purpose while Toki is freaking out that something is wrong with his connection. They seek out the others and tell them what happened, which they are all shocked about because they've all seen Toki call onto the other side without fail. So Toki wants to run an experiment, they give him a person to contact and see if he can get to them.
So Pickles goes first and asks to speak to an old friend of his in high school who passed away from an OD. When Toki calls, he answers. Pickles and his friends share a tearful reunion, where Pickles apologizes for what happened to him that night but his friend reassurances him that there wasn't anything he could have done to save him, that he holds nothing against Pickles, and that he's glad he was able to be his friend when he was still alive. Upon coming back, Murderface asks again to see Knubbler, to no avail.
Skwisgaar is up then and he asks to see his grandmother (you can rip Grandma Skwigelf out of my dead fingers, I love her) He feels a weird sense of shame in front of her, feeling like he didn't turn out the way she wanted him to be (mild-mannered, average, married, children) but she reassures him that he wouldn't have him any other way, that she always knew he was destined for greatness. She knew since the moment he was born. So after, yet again, another tearful reunion, where she tells Skwisgaar how proud she is of him, she leaves. Murderface tries once again for Knubbler but gets no one. Toki and the guys are very worried about this revelation.
So lastly, Nathan asks to see old childhood dog, who passed after young Nathan left the back gate open by accident and he got hit by a car. While no words are exchanged, the dog is very clearly not upset with Nathan and missed him. When the dog leaves, Nathan tells him that he expects to see him first when he passes, which the dog barks at. Finally, Murderface is at his wits end and demands to see Knubbler. So Toki tries one more time and finally, someone connects.
But it's not Knubbler.
It's his mom.
After a very tense moment, she rejoices him and Murderface, for the first time in possibly forever, is held by his mother again. She explains how proud of him he is, how much she loves him, how she never once stopped believing in him. But Murderface is so strung up on Knubbler's death that he can't accept her grace and love. This is when she reveals that Knubbler is not dead. He's not dead because he too is still apart of the prophecy in some way and his journey has not ended. It will one day, but for now, he is performing his own duties on another plane. Murderface is finally able to believe her then and accept her love before it's time for her to go.
After this, the guys are relieved that nothing is wrong with Toki's connection and that Knubbler is still "alive" in a sense and working. At the end of the story, Murderface asks if they think that once Knubbler does truly pass that he'll answer Toki's call and talk to them (though he really means him), which they tell him yes.
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twsthc · 11 months ago
savanaclaw headcanons and projection 🦁
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...this is what the poll from like last week was for. sorry heartslabyul and diasomnia fans teehee </3
⚠️ warnings: self harm, eating disorders
last updated: may 4, 2024
Leona is actually the twst character I've drawn the most
I hc all beastmen to have fur everywhere thats elastic and akin to mink skin
You know the texture of squishmallows? It's like that.
╰Doesn't include the thick hair in other places (head, facial, armpits, chest, pubes, etc)
Lots of scars in general + healed dermis self harm scars on thighs
Has a flat nose like a cat
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Savanaclaw mom/big sister...
Overstimulating thunderstorm? Go whine to Leona. Diasomnia students bothering you? Get leona to deal with them. Your food is too hot? Cry to Leona.
During freshman year she was way more outgoing and extroverted but eventually She mellowed out (depression moment)
She used to change hairstyles a lot before settling on freeform dreads
Also got into way more fights back then (also how she became housewarden)
Now she is (kind of) calm. Tranquil. At peace. Has depressive episodes. Relaxed.
Mostly does her own thing, and if that "thing" isn't sleeping it's some other bullshit the underclassmen roped her into
╰While wandering the castle one day, Leona stumbled upon the servants quarters. They taught him life skills (mending clothes, cooking, etc :3)
Despite being a big sis figure if she doesn't want to do something she Will Not.
And if she does do it afterall it's because she gets something out of it.
NPD, GAD, PDD (persistent depressive disorder)
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🇺🇸🇧🇷 UNLABLED + TRANS MAN (he/him)
Similarly to Leona he has a furry textured skin
Though his body hair is more coarse and longer due to him being a hyena
He has a lazy eye and tipped ear similar to Ed from The Lion King
Probably my second most drawn twst character :3
Healed epidermis self harm scars on inner wrists 🥶
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He's like the cooler afrolatino Luke Blovad
He's either winning the idgaf wars or dying on the battlefield
Has an insane collection of weird shirts from thrift stores
And he makes it work every single time! his outfits go crazy!
More connected to his AADOS/Gullah side than his Brazilian side
Though he does speak Portugese!
In fact, he speaks multiple languages because polyglots are marketable
The type of person to take a half empty bottle of ketchup and rotting apple from an empty ass fridge and make dinner happen
Constantly going to Scarabia to snag their party leftovers
Used to be a scene kid!!!! This is canon and true!!!! Pls trust me
diabetes, GAD, MDD, undiagnosed ADHD
triggering content ahead !!
he has bulimia nervosa
╰fun fact! a lot of food insecure people have eating disorders
self harmed a lot from the ages from 10-12 before eventually stopping at 13
he stopped after his grandma found out and started checking his arms regularly (#projecting)
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WAY thicker fur than leona and ruggie
Trims his body hair a lot because he overheats in savanaclaw easily
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The type of guy to be totally in love with the world and nature
They're just like. Wow. We were put on a spinning rock. With food to eat, and water drink, and air to breathe. I love being alive.
Had a little garden back at home and named every single plant
Remembers small things about people and brings them up in conversation
╰Hey dude I got you a Chipotle bowl. How did I remember your exact order? You told me. Yeah, I know it was a year ago, but--
Random but I think he dresses how Tupac did
Not even to be tough
But because he's a black suburban kid
(I'm a black city kid but this is probably how black suburban kids dress trust)
Loooves chewing on things. Has one of those chew necklaces
Autistic with botany and physical health special interest
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broken-endings · 10 months ago
The Earth Avatar
So one thing Legend of Korra did great was make sure not to repeat most story and character beats from The Last Airbender.
Aang was a simple monk with spiritual upbringing, communing with nature and peace. He was also out of his time, and being introduced to this world as an audience we learned about all forms of bending as Aang learned about all forms of bending. Culminating in ending a long war.
Korra was a rough and tough gal with a rural upbringing. Punch first, ask questions later. She was one with bending that came easy, because we the audience already knew about the forms of bending. One thing we never saw through Aang was the struggle to learn airbending. So like a 4th book to the first series, we got to see the avatar learn airbending. Korra was sheltered never traveling like her past life, and so we see the new Republic city through her eyes. Someone who has never been to the city. The rest of her story builds on lore in the world and the evolution of the people in it. Each season she faced a different "tyrant" whose stance has good intentions but they become villains.
I'm trying to think of what types of things neither series touched on that the 3rd series could explore. The only things we know are -They're an Earth Kingdom native -Their only past life connection will be with Korra
What kinds of stories have we not seen the avatar go through? Let me speculate below
My first thought is highly desirable but feels unlikely which would be for this avatar to be nonbinary. Having the Korrasami ending makes it feel not totally impossible. But I'm not holding my breath for this one.
Have the Avatar be an adult. The original audience of the series are all adults now. It would be fitting to have a series about an adult avatar.
Learn about the new avatar gradually through flashbacks. Perhaps there could be a mystery tied to information they've forgotten or are trying to keep hidden.
Have the avatar grow up in the city, and be forced to adjust to being thrown into a rural environment (opposite of Korra). Learning about the differences in life between the two.
Have the avatar be a parent. We haven't witnessed what it's like to be a young child with an avatar parent. We've only seen the avatar's children as adults.
Expand on the treatment of nonbenders. this was the biggest plot point that LoK kind of abandoned once Amon was gone.
Possibly discover a way to reconnect the avatar to all previous past lives. With only Korra as a guide, I feel like she might not excel at guidance, so being able to reconnect to history could empower this avatar. Just like Korra reconnected to her bending.
The previous avatar spirits have been zen and helpful. Korra's spirit should challenge that cliche. Perhaps her spirit gets angry with the avatar and she ignores them at times.
Have this avatar be an intellectual. Korra had a jock personality (gryffindor). Aang had a goofball, spiritual personality (hufflepuff). Perhaps this avatar reads and studies about everything in theory but struggled to put it into practice (ravenclaw).
Have this avatar have a physical disability. Toph was blind, we saw a waterbender with no arms. It would be new to see an avatar that is perhaps deaf or hard of hearing, be unable to walk, colorblind, or have only one seeing eye.
Have the avatar deal with death. Aang learns about all the people he lost but he never lost someone right in front of him. If this series is permitted to not be a kids show, it could deal with death head-on.
Have the avatar be one that needs redemption (slytherin). Now this is unlikely, but what if we were introduced to an avatar that rejected destiny and made selfish choices, and we learn all the things that pushed them down that path, maybe it would be too much of a repeat of Zuko's journey. But there are more ways to build a redemption arc.
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goodlucksnez · 4 months ago
Lovesick another oc story
I bet you all, are tired of hearing about mine and @dr-ground-zero OC'S but too bad. I love them- Speaking of love welcome our 2 newest counsel members Casanova and spirit
Casanova is basically a valentine day embodiment and their partner spirit who is basically just the embodiment of the night
this fic is like 90% set up and like 10% snez sorry- i got carried away describing them and their relationship
High above earth clouds, ancient elemental live in peace and harmony. Well, most of the time. Beings who had been here since the dawn of the new era, who have seen wars, rebirth, society grow and expand, there is a small garden grown with ancient powers. The grasses, delicate and soft, sway gently in the breeze, their pastel hues of pale greens, pinks, and blues creating a soothing, dreamlike landscape. The trees, tall and majestic, shimmer with a mystical glow. Their leaves are a mix of silver and gold, and when the sunlight filters through them, it creates a dazzling display of light and shadow on the ground below. This is where the birth of love is made- at least that is what Casanova thought.
Casanova had been around since 300 AD, he was an idea back then and did not really gain power until Saint Valentine in 500 AD. He was a striking figure, with vibrant pink hair that matched the petals of the trees and eyes that shimmered like rare gems. He walked with an aura of light and wishful thinking. After all being the element of love, one looks at the world through rose-colored glasses, no red flags to be seen. He admired love! The artistry and dedication. The vastness of the chase and how no matter how hard the humans tried to study it, quantify it, there was something unidentifiable; so natural and raw, it left him breathless.
Now being well versed in the world of love and romance, you would think he would have a partner. Well truth be told he didn’t. He had just had a century-long admiration that if you asked him he would say they were just good friends. He wanted them to be more but every time he tried to ask them he would chicken out. “The timing isn’t right, or I don’t know if he likes me back” Numerous excuses filled his brain. And so the two of them stayed good friends, until the prior week.
Spirit had been around longer than Casanova. A tamer of wild beasts.  A model figure for the mythical and the out-of-sight. And the bringer of night. Spirit’s air is one of calm and tranquility, yet it holds an underlying sense of vast power and ancient wisdom. He is both a nurturing presence, offering solace in the quiet of night, and a formidable force, capable of invoking fear and awe. His connection to the night makes him a protector of dreams and a guardian of the secrets hidden in darkness.
Throughout his time had had seen many things, both beautiful and dangerous. He was a quiet individual wanting to stay in the shadows, an observer. That changed when Casanova began taking a liking to him. His cheery disposition and overview of life were so refreshing that he found himself smiling when thinking about him. This feeling continued to grow until finally he asked Casanova out and he quickly agreed to a first date.
Casanova had everything prepared: a wicker basket filled with delicacies, a cozy blanket, and a picturesque spot under a sprawling cherry tree. The light danced playfully across the grass and trees, creating a mesmerizing interplay of brightness and shadow. The air is filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers, their petals delicate and in every shade of pastel imaginable. Yet, there was one small hitch—he had caught a cold. His nose was tinged pink, his eyes were watery, and he stifled sneezes behind tissues.
Despite his sniffles, he was determined. He wanted this day to be perfect. He sniffed back congestion and began to set out the picnic scene. His heart raced with a mix of excitement and nerves. The vibrant pink petals fluttered gently around him, creating a serene and romantic atmosphere. Just as he was finishing setting out the plates, the all too familiar feeling of a sneeze came back to him. The issue with his sneezes is they tend to take a long time. He would be sitting as one as his elements described “hitching limbo” until he finally sneezed.
He took out a tissue from his hoodie and held it to his nose and waited. Finally, after what felt like forever he dove forward into the tissue. “Hh…h-hihh… Ih'shuhh! Ih'yishuu! heh'ushuu! Ngh!”
“Bless you.” said a whisper in the night, and Casanova wiped his head to see Spirit leaning against the tree watching him. “I thought it would be best to not distract you while that was happening, glad you finally got it out.”
He blushed before replying. “Thanks, um please sit down.” As he sat down Casanova made a mental note: nothing is going to ruin this date.
 "I made some grilled cheese sandwiches, and fruit salad, and brought a thermos of hot tea," he said trying to not cringe at how stuffy he sounded.
Spirit smiled, his eyes twinkling with appreciation. "That sounds perfect," he replied, reaching for a sandwich. "Thank you for going to all this effort despite not feeling well."
Casanova blinked and sniffed before responding. “I am feeling fine, and this was no trouble at all.”
Spirit rolled his eyes “Clearly you are fine, I mean I have a flushed face and watery eyes when I feel fine as well.” Casanova opened his mouth to retort back but a tickle took his breath, and he tried to speak but he found his breath was betraying him. “I as..hehh assure you I feel- Hh…hehh…hihh..perfectly fine. Its noth- hihh ing.”
Spirit felt bad for him, he had put so much effort into this date and yet he was miserable in a place of pure beauty, he could not let this continue..
"Cas, you really don't look well," Spirit said gently, placing a hand on his arm. "Maybe we should cut the date short and get you home. You need to rest."
Casanova "I don’t Hh…hehh…hihh want to hihh ruin our chance, what if this never ha- Hh…h-hihh… Ih'shuhh! Ih'yishuu! heh'ushuu!.happens again.”
Spirit shook his head, his expression soft and understanding. "Bless you!! We will get another chance, so do you think I am so shallow that I would let a few adorable sneezes get in the way of our love? No. I love you, all of you and if that means waiting a few more days, I can wait. I waited this long, what is a few more days. Now let's get you home so you can rest and get better."
Cas blushed and took out a pink scarf he had been wanting to put on and wrapped it tightly around himself. His nose twitched and he quickly turned away from Spirit who was already packing up the basket. “Hh…h-hihh… Ih'shuhh! Ih'yishuu! heh'ushuu…h-hihh… Ih'shuhh! heh'ushuu!”
With the basket in one hand and his other arm around Cas for support, Spirit guided him out of the garden and towards his home. Cas leaned on him, grateful for his care and understanding.
When they arrived at Casanova’s home, Spirit helped him inside and settled him on the couch. He fetched a blanket and wrapped it around him, his movements gentle and caring. "You should get some rest," he said softly, brushing a strand of pink hair from his forehead. "I'll make you some tea before I go."
Cas looked up at him, his eyes filled with gratitude. "Thank you. You're amazing. I lo-..love…you…. Hh…h-hihh… Ih'shuhh! Ih'yishuu! heh'ushuu!"
Spirit kissed his forehead, “I love you too.”
-the end-
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dangermousie · 1 year ago
I am not sure what made me more !!! - the fact that we see him build a cairn and pray to/for the people he's killed (we see him flashback to the war) or the moment I realized that the flashback from an earlier episode where he is asleep in her lap, at peace, is at this tree - by the cairn to the souls of people he's killed, who torment his sleep.
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I think one of the things she finds the hardest, that is driving her mad, is that the more she is around him, the more he becomes a real person, not just abstract enemy she must kill to avenge her family - she sees him be mistreated by his father or sacrifice to people he killed and things become so messy but the fact remains is that he's still defeated her country and killed her family.
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That is why her anger - because she is coming to realize he is an honorable man, a duty driven warrior for the country of his birth BUT IT FIXES NOTHING! This is how you do enemies while lovers btw.
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It's pretty telling he does not hide what he was doing. His method is to confront everything head on. I said he's like a sword earlier, but it's a mix of a sword and a battering ram. No wonder he was able to function even trapped as a ghost. He has such a singularity of purpose.
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I love how she gets angrier and angrier but her impressions of why he's doing these things keep getting upended.
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Because he regrets the necessity of bloodshed but not the fact of it, if it makes sense. He is a very dutybound person - you get the sense he gets pleasure from nothing in his life - he fought like a maniac in that battle but you never had sense he was particularly enjoying it. He executed her whole family as a showstopper but he had no bloodlust over it either. He's living as if he's already dead, driven by a grim sense of duty. No wonder he doesn't care if he lives or dies.
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When she asks him this in response to his comment that destroying rebels was unavoidable to end the war quickly, his response floored me. His character is so consistent and so clear-eyed - he has no illusions and sees things (and people) the way they are. It doesn't mean he won't work to change things but he has no illusions what state things are in. And his comment is especially !!! because something being a duty not obviating it being a sin is such an amazing bit of understanding.
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Once again - he does not believe this will give him peace but he hopes even as he knows it's futile. I wonder if this radical acceptance of things was always part of his nature or a coping mechanism he developed after living with his monster father.
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(The fact that he ends up doing this in her arms in this very spot makes me !!!!)
She asks:
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His answer floored me. Isn't it the extension of his rigid sense of what is proper? It is proper to ask forgiveness for a sin, but it's entirely different thing to expect forgiveness for that sin. Once again, those two things are not connected but most people conflate it. You ask forgiveness because it's the right thing to do, even if you don't expect forgiveness.
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As I said, he's so clear eyed. And the fact that he says even though this was a sin and the blood haunts him, he'd do the same thing. He actually is very much opposite of what-if person. In modern day, after 1500 years as a ghost who cannot leave despite wanting to (!!), you still get the sense he'd not have done anything differently. Once he commits to a course of action, that's it. (Side note - for a man who wanted peace and oblivion, being stuck in the world with his memories for 1500 years is an exquisitely crafted punishment, isn't it?)
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He is an incredibly honorable man (within the moral precepts of 6th century warfare) and it makes nothing better for her. It makes it so much worse.
PS I love that even this early on he tries to shield her from his monster father (by lying she's a random servant he acquired for debt) and that she's the bossy one even if she's an enemy captive servant - "let's go, we don't have all day" or similar she snarls at him before their little expedition, and he - her master and terrifying Silla general, follows.
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linnoya-writes · 2 years ago
Aang actually *was* a Terrible Dad (and we should stop making excuses for him).
One thing I cannot get over is how people say that Aang actually wasn't that terrible of a father, and I keep hearing the same excuses to his behavior: he didn't grow up with conventional parents, he had to focus on bringing back his air-bending culture, Katara was already a natural parent and was totally okay being the housewife/mom who let Aang off the hook with most of the serious parenting duties... ugh....
Anyway, I have three points to give:
1) Aang may not have grown up with conventional family structure, but he certainly knew enough about the world (being a nomad his whole life pre-war) to understand what a healthy family dynamic looked like. He knew enough about Toph's dad and Zuko's dad to understand what a poor father figure looked like. Aang also spent time with Hakoda, in ATLA season 3, to see the characteristics of a good father -- and this doesn't even include the time he spent traveling with Sokka/Katara alone and noticing how their dad's absence was affecting them. I put a lot of emphasis on Katara, here, because she makes it very clear in Season 3 that her father leaving the family was devastating... and this girl would want a partner who understood those feelings and do absolutely everything to keep the family together. It's what she did throughout the entirety of ATLA-- Katara was the glue that kept everyone close -- and you would think Aang would pick up on those cues, rather than let history repeat itself after he had his family with Katara. Imagine how awful it must've been for Katara, watching the man she married ultimately go off with their air-bending son on these cultural excursions, and not even consider that their two other kids might want to learn about air bending culture anyway. They're a bi-cultural family, after all, right? Wouldn't that have been a prime example for the new world, showing a blended family being together and not separate? Just let that sink in for a moment.
2) Many people say that any misunderstood family dynamics between Kya, Bumi and Tenzin came to a peaceful conclusion in LOK season 2 with a happy family portrait. Here's the thing-- a posed, smiling family portrait doesn't necessarily indicate a healthy family unit. I'm also making note of LOK Season 3, when Bumi admits that he finally feels more connected to their father after he magically gets Airbending, and also that scene when Kya/Bumi arrive to the Northern Air Temple and the acolytes are shocked to hear that Avatar Aang had other children besides Tenzin. I mean... how much effort would it take, exactly, for Aang to just mention to the temple monks and acolytes that he had two other kids? Was he embarrassed to tell them they weren't air benders? Was he ashamed? In any case, he was the Avatar and he should've demonstrated pride for the children he had regardless of their bending ability or lack their-of. It goes without saying that, while Aang did grow up differently and had many priorities being the Avatar and the Last Airbender... he still made some conscious choices about how little of a "family man" he wanted to be. Aang clearly favored the air-bending life and didn't process that he was also raising a family that was part WaterTribe (perhaps because many of their customs clashed with his air-bending way of life... but that's another conversation.)
3) Yes, Bryke are notorious for writing examples of poor father figures (Ozai/Unalaq/BeiFong/Yakone/Hiroshi) and I'm also here to tell you that they're known for writing women who lose agency and turn devoted-doting-domestic-docile once they get with their man. Pema from LOK is a good example-- all we know about her is she literally gave her life to be an air-acolyte and carry Tenzin's children (the only backstory we get is Pema secretly pined for Tenzin until it became too much and she had to say something), and be the good housewife and mother to those air bending kids. We know nothing about this woman's individual wants or needs outside of motherhood. Another example is the backstory of Yakone and his unnamed wife who-- after giving this man two sons, completely disappears from the narrative and is not aware Yakone is abusing his kids. And she's still exists, because Amon refuses to go with Noatak so as to not abandon their mom. Their mother was so unnecessary as a character after she had the kids, she became this oblivious/silent character in the background who let her own kids get abused. Another example is Unalaq's wife-- again, about a father using his two kids like his henchmen and the mother isn't even in the picture. We know she exists because after Unalaq gets destroyed... Esna turns to Desca and says "what're we gonna tell Mother?"  It may have been written as a subtle joke... but the underlying sentiment is still there.
I'd say my favorite example is the fate of Fire Lady Ursa-- a woman once determined to protect her children that she was willing to commit murder and treason -- ends up choosing to forget those same children and instead wipes all her memories of them entirely to start a quiet domestic life with her childhood sweetheart, a man who very much knows the life Ursa left behind and has the power to decide what truths he wants to tell her about the world and live like there wasn't even a bloody war happening. (Don't even get me started on how The Search disappointed me. Oy).
Perhaps Aang and Katara -- even without intent -- might have fallen into that formulaic pattern when Bryke wrote out the first two seasons of LOK, because that was during the time The Promise, The Search and The Rift comics got published, and Katara's character was definitely becoming that unquestionably-loyal/no fuss/devoted girlfriend to Aang where she would go with everything he decided and sadly sit in a corner while Aang got all the praise and attention and never considering her feelings. Bryke picked up on these mistakes, however, because in the later comics like North & South and Imbalance, you can see them giving Katara some leadership moments (particularly when Aang isn't around) and Aang more of a mature, considerate approach with Katara, saying things like "I'm sorry I just left you to fight alone like that!" and "You're always asking me if I'm okay. Now it's my turn-- are you okay?"  The effort was definitely there to make Aang and Katara look somewhat more compatible than they let on. But things didn't really seem that promising in Legend of Korra... as Katara's character arc gets breadcrumbs of acknowledgement regarding what she did for the world outside of Aang's narrative.
It seems like Katara's badass individual characteristics were written second only to whatever she needed to be for Aang, including being the primary parent to his non-airbender kids while he focused on the air-bending culture.
In any case-- I'm almost certain Bryke will be bending over backwards to "fix" all of these flawed elements of Kataang and Aang as a father figure in the upcoming animated feature films, because if there's anything Bryke likes to do... it is "tell" us that Aang was a great guy and there absolutely was no other better person for Katara.
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