#morning after prompt
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fe-fictions · 10 months ago
Hi hi hi! Do you have anymore Niles f!Corrin? I needdd >:)
(I do indeed!! Maybe a little morning after with this devilish rogue? ;0 )
“I know you’re a mess, and that you take pride in these sorts of things…but you really should stop strutting about.”
Your new husband, of one full day, was currently acting as though he were the cock of the walk. He was humming to himself, chest puffed out, not a care in the world as he moved about your bedroom.
All while he remained totally naked.
“I don’t know what you mean, sweetheart.” He replied as smoothly as usual, like he wasn’t phased at all by the events of that night. “You’ll have to be more specific.”
“Niles, I can’t move!!” You cried, exasperated, “M-my legs are so sore and shaky I don’t even think I can walk! Why are you acting like this isn’t a problem?”
“‘Cause it’s not.” He hummed in reply, casually preparing a pot of tea. You glared at him, unimpressed with his nonchalant behavior.
“I have training to do today, a-and I have to help Ryoma and Xander with council meeting preparations, a-and that’s not even starting to mention all the other tasks I have to do, today.”
“I guess you’ll just have to stay here with me for a while, then.” He shrugged, “It’s the day after our wedding. I don’t think they’ll be so surprised if neither of us show up for our duties.”
“You’re planning on skipping out, too? You’re not crippled like I am!”
“Ha~” He laughed to himself, running a hand through his hair. “To think I’m so good I crippled my wife on our first night. That’s cause for bragging, don’t you think?”
You threw a pillow at him.
“Don’t act so upset,” He snickered, “I’m sure they’ll have some sort of replacement plan in place for you if you don’t show up. Probably Kaze or Jakob, one of those useless retainers. Probably Jakob, though. I did pay him more…”
Your eyes narrowed, the gears in your head slowly turning faster.
“…What do you mean, ‘paid him more’?”
He grinned at you.
“Oh my gods, Niles- did you do this on purpose? You did, didn’t you?!”
“There’s only one way to make sure that everyone knows you’re mine,” He responded simply, setting the teapot on the tray, along with an array of breakfast items that had to have been prepared prior to your waking up. He brought it all over, setting it on the bedside before he returned to his place beside you.
You were strongly considering headbutting him.
“W-why would you do this? I can’t believe you just…they’re all going to think that we’re scandalous, indecent-”
“Husband and wife,” He corrected you, “We’re married. We can do whatever we like. They’ll all understand the allure of your beauty. If they were in my place, they’d want to keep you all to themselves for a single day, at minimum. I just had to make sure to seal the deal.”
“By trapping me in bed?”
“Hey, you weren’t complaining about it last night.”
“Okay, okay. Uncalled for.” He grinned at you again, “But I know what I’ve got.”
“An unhappy life partner?”
“Someone I care about, very deeply…” He kissed your cheek, “…Who everyone now knows without a doubt belongs to me.”
You blushed, but retained your glare. “I’m not an object to be owned.”
“Didn’t say that. You belong to me, the same way I belong to you.” He held up his hand, wiggling his ring finger so that his new golden band might glimmer in the morning light.
He kissed your lips until the grimace melted away, drawing a giggle from you instead. He smiled softly at you, running his fingers along your cheek.
“So you belong to me, huh?” Your gaze was so very sweet and vulnerable in a way that made his heart skip a beat. It wasn’t something he’d readily admit; this was far too much sap as it was.
“Every inch of me, sweetheart.” He promised, “Hells, if you wanna start marking your territory, I’m more than happy to let you-”
“I’m not a brute like you!” You laughed, pushing his hand away.
“Hey, now. I’m not a brute, I’m just a proud husband. You’re telling me you don’t wanna flaunt me around? I’m your new plaything too, y’know.”
“You’re not a ‘plaything’, you’re the man I love very much.” You corrected him gently, nuzzling into his neck. Niles wrapped his arms around you, drawing you as close as he could (without any foul play, that is).
“Love you too, Princess.” He hummed. The stillness was intoxicating and sweet, the peacefulness a truly welcome and wonderful thing.
Suddenly there was a jolt through his system, and a pair of lips sucking on his neck.
“Whoa, now-”
“There.” You pulled back to look at him, with a very smug, sneaky little grin. “We’re even.”
“That wasn’t a fair fight!” He put a hand to his neck, the skin still tingling where you had left an undoubtedly sizable mark. Glancing to the mirror, he clicked his tongue. “There’s not a collar high enough that’ll cover that up.”
“Well, you wanted me to mark you, so I took you up on the offer!”
“I’ll be honest, I didn’t think you’d actually…” He laughed some, incredulous at this daring new side of his wife. “I suppose I’ve got to take the consequences of my actions, huh?”
You nod solemnly, “I’m afraid you must. Especially since I’m stuck here. Can’t have you gallivanting about, making everyone think you’re still a free agent. They should all know you’re mine just as much as I’m yours.”
Niles dropped his hand from the mark to tousle your hair, beaming at his silly princess.
“Sweetheart, they’ll never doubt it.”
He might have been a total numbskull, but even Niles knew when he had a good thing. As far as this was concerned, though…he’d lucked out.
You were the best thing to ever happen to him; no way was he gonna let you go. He wore that mark with pride (even though Jakob seethed at him the rest of the week just at the sight of it).
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unboundprompts · 2 years ago
an enemy to lovers and one bed trope but I need their responses in the morning being strangled to eachother
One Bed Trope: Morning After Dialogue
-> feel free to edit as you see fit
"Get off of me."
"Is it weird I'm comfortable?"
"Jesus Christ how did we manage to fall asleep like this?"
"How the hell did you wrap your leg around me?"
"You've been laying on my arm all night and I can't feel it."
"I would've moved to the floor but you were using me as a pillow."
"I almost fist-fought you last night when you took the blanket."
"I have to pee so bad please get up."
"I don't think I'm going to be able to look you in the eyes after this."
"You snore. Loudly."
"I do not snore, you liar."
"We don't have to talk about it, just get dressed."
"It's too early for this, we'll talk about it later."
"I don't understand how I slept so good last night."
"Let's keep it professional, alright?"
"Don't get confused, I was only clinging to you because you stole the blanket and I had no other way to keep warm."
"We're not going to bring this up ever again, right?"
"I slept really good last night." "That makes one of us."
"My arm is still asleep."
"Did you know you talk in your sleep?"
"How did the blanket end up on the floor? No wonder I was freezing."
"Go back to sleep."
"You're the only source of warmth in this stupid hotel, come back to bed before I get hypothermia."
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mischievous-thunder · 2 months ago
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Right. What's your pretty Kitty's name, Wade?
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justaz · 9 months ago
married merthur lounging in bed, gently caressing the other as sunlight streams through the windows and across the bed, warming them even more. though its a slow morning, the weight of their duties is slowly growing heavier and heavier as the time for them to get up approaches. merlin remembering arthur’s dream of sometimes wanting to run away and live on a farm where no one knew who he was. as grateful as he is for the happy ending he’s been blessed with, he can’t help but also wish to get away with arthur and escape their responsibilities.
his magic thrums under his skin and his hands still. it takes arthur a moment to call him out on it. merlin asks if he still wants to run away together. arthur shifts to look him in the eye and is like “sometimes, i suppose. why?”
merlin drags his finger down arthur’s side and lets his magic dip beneath his king’s skin, “why don’t we go?”
arthur shivers as he feels the warm, buzzing magic settle over his ribs and is like “we have a kingdom to run. can’t exactly just leave it all behind.” and merlin grins and brings his hand to hold arthur’s, lacing their fingers together.
“who says we leave it all behind? why not a…a vacation?” arthur raises an eyebrow and echoes his suggestion. merlin nods.
“and what if something happens while we’re gone? an attack or a sickness or…”
“i have magic, arthur. if i can use it to get us away then i can use it to bring us back,” he reminds his husband, “morgana and gaius can reach us with communication spells if there’s truly something wrong. we can leave gwen and morgana in charge. we can get away for a bit. like a honeymoon.”
“we’ve been married for a couple years now. can we even still have a honeymoon?”
“i didn’t get a honeymoon before, i should get one now.” arthur concedes to his point and considers his idea. merlin pushes further, “with my magic, we could go anywhere in the world. wherever you want. greece, egypt, china…” merlin smiles and presses a kiss to arthur’s pouting lips, “anywhere, everywhere.”
arthur sighs out of his nose as a smile grows on his face, captivated by the idea, “somewhere warm with a beach.”
merlin laughs giddily and rolls over on top of arthur, pressing kiss after kiss to his lips, cheeks, and jaw, “anywhere else?”
arthur drags him back down into a tender kiss and rolls them back over, arthur pressing merlin down into the mattress, “anywhere as long as i’m with you.”
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thestalwartheart · 1 day ago
You’d think this would excite a writer but man, it’s so disheartening going through the tag for any piece of media (especially new media!) and seeing a bunch of posts saying some variation of: “fic writers hurry up! where are you?! why aren’t there more fics about x and y??”
It’s just so disrespectful to me. So entitled. I don’t know when we started thinking of fic authors as content farms, but I’m begging readers (at least the readers who don’t write) to realise writing is an extremely time-consuming labour of love and the process of getting it right doesn’t align with your schedule for binge-viewing or fleeting hyperfixation, sorry.
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geraskierfanficprompts · 10 months ago
Prompt 61
Was talking back and forth with @bakewrite in the comments of my other prompts and this idea popped into my head and won't leave me alone I think @thedemonofcat did a similar prompt to this, about Geralt buying a book about caring for your companion (dog)? Can someone link that to me if they find it lol Geralt walks into a bookstore, and asks if they have anything on how to care for bards. The bookstore clerk has bad hearing, and mistakenly thinks this witcher is looking for a guidebook on how to care for birds. He has a copy of one, so he hands it over in exchange for a reasonable amount of coins, he thinks. Geralt meanwhile is pretty sure he was ripped off. Some of this stuff doesn't sound right.. But he doesn't know enough about normal humans - let alone BARDS - to truly disprove of anything. Some of it makes sense. It recommends to not clip their wings, unless their reckless flight could end up in them being injured. Geralt understands that one. He agrees, in a way. He would never restrict his Bard's freedom, but sometimes he must deny his bard a sexual conquest or party he wants to attend, in order to keep him safe from something or someone. Not even mentioning all the times a hunt is so dangerous he has to keep Jaskier safe at the inn, much to Jaskier's chagrin. It also recommends to feed them fresh fruits along with their seed. It must mean to give them some healthy vitamin-filled fruit alongside bread and other grain based foods, right? All of these sound well and good, but then there's also a chapter explicitly stating that albeit they love touch and petting, you mustn't touch their backs, or else they'll get aroused. Geralt has touched Jaskier's back along the years, he should've known better than to make Jaskier uncomfortable. But Jaskier never seemed angry? In fact, he seemed to enjoy whenever Geralt touched his b- Oh gods, Jaskier LIKES when he touches his back! But page 202 says you aren't to let them like when you touch their back! It also says not to let them be attracted to you, but Geralt wouldn't actually mind if his bard was attracted to him- He shouldn't keep thinking along this path. Its dangerous. It says they like shiny, colorful, and easy-to-destroy enrichment items, but Geralt's bard must be special, in that Jaskier loves shiny things and colorful things, but would prefer things to stay together. Then again, some of his clothing WAS quite delicate... They're very clean, they enjoy baths, and they love to preen. Yes, yes, he already knows this. Sometimes they bite when stressed? Odd, Jaskier hasn't bitten him when stressed. Perhaps he's one of the more docile bards... Bards more unruly than Jaskier... Now that's a terrifying thought. Jaskier starts mumbling in his sleep, and Geralt sets aside his book, tucking it into his bags. He'll hold onto his bard now, and finish his book tomorrow night.
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driftingballoons · 10 months ago
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Day 6: Farewell
Imagining it takes Partner a while to feel comfortable letting Hero out of their sight
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fe-fictions · 2 years ago
Seadall morning after headcanons PLEASE 🙏(I'm in love with this series on ur blog hElp-)
(We LOVE Seadall in this house ;; A ;; )
Well for one thing, he’s feeling a lot less shy now that the two of you have made the marriage “official”.
He’s the first one to wake, naturally, and starts to get up in order to begin his morning stretches and his typical rituals and routine.
But of course, he’s so enraptured by his new spouse that he can’t help but linger in bed.
Well, that, and you’re both still naked, so naturally he wants to cozy up to you and enjoy the intimate skinship for as long as he can before the real world forces you both back into a frantic schedule and into unwanted interactions with people he doesn’t care for.
Seadall is far from a cold person. But now that he’s gotten share such a beautiful, momentous moment with you…he’s utterly enraptured.
He doesn’t want to do anything but stay by your side for as long as he possibly can.
When you finally do wake up, you find yourself smothered in a barrageg of sweet kisses, starting featherlight from the tiptop of your head to far more deeper, passionate and longing kisses that are seared against your lips.
He does not plan on letting you leave, not without a fight.
No amount of reminders that you’re the Divine One, who has duties and responsibilities to tend to, would persuade him.
Just for this moment, he would whisper, resting long, slender fingers on your breast, just fyou are Seadall and Alear. And he does not want toshare that reality with anyone else, yet.
In other words, he not so subtly is requesting that you stay in the bedroom with him for as long as physically possible until someone arrives iwht a matter that simply can’t be ignored.
As far as Seadall’s concerned, pretty much all of the requests coming your way will be easily dismissable.
Once he convinces you to stay with him as long as you possibly can, he’s immediately relaxing with you, lounging in bed and resting his head on your lap.
A tuneless song is hummed while you play with his hair, the two of you enjoy thenjoying the delicate morning light.
Seadall’s beauty is hypnotic; impossible to tear your gaze from. That, and the fact that his touch is  impossible to resist.
The dancer has a deep understanding of how his beauty impacts others…but most of all, how it affects you.
It’s quite adorable, when he realizes you’re just as head over heels for him as he is, you.
The honeymoon the two of you share in the Somniel’s bedchambers may or may not have to be extended for a few days, so the two of you can fully enjoy one another’s company as spouses.
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unboundprompts · 4 months ago
Hey dear! I really need your help with this!
trope: exes to lovers (they were once married, but they divorced because she couldn't cope with the loss of her parents).
She wakes up after they spent the night together (just sleeping), she can't believe they're together after so much time (she's the big spoon).
Then, she wants to prepare him breakfast (she's an excellent cook); he mumbles in his sleep, something like "Mmm, no, don't go. Stay… feels better when you're here."
Thank you so much!!
Exes to Lovers Morning After
-> feel free to edit and adjust pronouns as you see fit.
She blinked awake, feeling the warmth of him against her, and for a moment, she thought it was a dream. His solid form pressed into her, the familiar rise and fall of his breath. Her arm was draped over him, her fingers resting gently on his chest, and the sense of closeness sent a rush of feelings that almost hurt. They hadn’t been this close in years. Her mind spun as memories of what they’d lost surfaced, mingling with the ache of what they’d once had. But right now, in the quiet morning light, it felt like none of that distance had ever come between them.
Careful not to wake him, she started to slip her arm free, her heart stirring with the idea of surprising him with breakfast, something comforting like the meals she used to make. Just as she eased herself back, his hand reached out, warm and drowsy, resting on her wrist as he mumbled, “Mmm, no, don’t go. Stay… feels better when you’re here.” The words were thick with sleep, simple and unguarded, but they struck deep, so deep she almost couldn’t breathe. She looked at him, at the faint crease between his brows as if he were afraid to lose her again, even in sleep. Her chest tightened, and for a moment, she allowed herself to believe that maybe, just maybe, they could find their way back to each other.
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florenceafternoon · 9 months ago
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Do we see the vision
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semi-completely-original · 1 year ago
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🌱🏛️ #femhkvthmweek2024 day 2: akademiya days ooouuuuhh someone has a cruuuush
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gatzbright · 1 year ago
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eepy dnf drabble
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camels-pen · 1 year ago
If you’re still taking writing prompts how about zoro being overprotective of usopp and trying and failing to be subtle about it lol. Love your writing btw it’s always so good💕
:D I'm glad you like my writing! And thanks for the prompt!
warning: choking
“You’re gonna choke.”
“Shut up, I’ve got this,” Usopp said. At least, that’s what it sounded like muffled by the 20-odd octopus weiners shoved in his mouth. Zoro was sitting beside him, chin resting in his palm and eating his breakfast at a much more leisurely pace. He was also sitting a reasonable distance away to avoid getting hit with any stray weiners that might slip out. On Usopp’s other side, Robin was doing the same.
Usopp followed up with something about beating Luffy and Zoro lazily dragged his gaze across the table. Their captain was also stuffing his mouth, but with whole pancakes rather than weiners. He was also glaring at Usopp between stuffing more food in his large rubbery cheeks.
Zoro rolled his eye. “You’re both gonna choke.”
Usopp smacked his shoulder and made a noise of disagreement. Zoro took a sip of his coffee and went back to his breakfast. 
A moment later, Usopp slapped him again.
“Yeah yeah, I get it, you’re the Great Usopp and you’ve never lost a food stuffing contest.” His lips quirked as a thought occurred to him. “Or should I call you God Usopp now?” Usopp made a noise of disagreement and slapped him again. Zoro laughed.
He watched Usopp carefully add another weiner, his hand as steady as ever, out of the corner of his eye before taking another sip. Usopp made a noise of success. Next to Luffy, Franky laughed at something or other—maybe Usopp himself with how ridiculous he looked—and slapped the table. The little picnic table shook and Usopp made a noise like he was being strangled. 
With his free hand, Zoro gave him a good slap on the back—maybe too good with the way Usopp nearly faceplanted into the table, but it got the job done. Usopp turned to hunch over the side and made some truly pitiable sounds as he spit out his food. 
As soon as Usopp’s coughing had started to subside, he said, “Don’t say it.”
Zoro smirked. “Say what?”
Usopp swatted his side before bending over again. He was practically lying on the bench, his head pressed against Robin’s thigh and forearms hanging over the seat. Robin gave him two pats on his hair before saying something vaguely morbid. Usopp shivered just as Franky laughed again.
Zoro picked up his mug again. Usopp looked comfy down there. He wanted to lay down and nap with him. Unfortuantely, the seat was far too small and Robin wouldn’t tolerate two people on her leg, so he settled for rubbing circles in Usopp’s calf.
A tiger mink, one of the ones that had brought their breakfast, was passing behind them. She had an empty tray in one hand. Zoro watched with a curious eye before stiffening at her other hand reaching for Usopp. 
In one swift movement, he was dangling the mink by her shirt collar and glaring into her startled eyes. The tray fell with a clatter.
“Don’t touch him.”
The surrounding chatter from his crew—and, he supposed, the other minks—died down. He could feel stares at the back of his head. Something—someone familiar tugged at the hem of his shirt.
He glared at the mink until she nodded frantically, then dropped her. She landed gracefully on her feet, though she immediately stumbled when backing away. Huh, he supposed those old sayings about cats had some merit.
“Zoro,” came a tired, irritated voice. There was a slap to the back of his head and he hissed out of reflex. The hand returned, running through his hair lightly and he had to fight back a content sigh. Then his head was jerked down into a bow.
“Amazing,” Brook said quietly. “You’d think he wouldn’t fall for that by now.”
Zoro made a mental note to kill Brook later.
“I am very deeply sorry for this idiot,” Usopp started, the routine speech making Zoro grind his teeth. He half paid attention as Usopp said the same shtick as usual, a distant feeling of something wet on his hand.
“Ah,” he said, staring at the little white splinters in his hand. He forgot about the coffee.
“Don’t interrupt—Zoro.” Somehow Usopp’s voice was more irritated. He turned back to the tiger mink—who was rather calm for someone Zoro had just threatened—and wrapped up the apology speech before excusing himself to look at Zoro’s hand. 
By the end of it, the tiger mink looked bewildered by whatever Usopp had made up about him and grabbed their tray before leaving. Their crewmates went back to their breakfast, talking as if nothing had happened. Usopp tugged Zoro back down to his seat and Zoro kept his eye averted. 
Usopp sighed, digging around in his bag. “You’re something else, you know that?”
“It’s not that bad,” he said.
“I’m not talking about your hand.”
Zoro didn’t say anything for a long moment. Usopp pulled out a pair of tweezers and held his hand gently. The other minks and pirates started talking again, although quieter than their crewmates. Zoro stubbornly waited until Usopp pulled the last splinter. 
“...I’m not overprotective,” he eventually grumbled. “I’m keeping an eye out.”
“Uh huh.” He frowned harder. “Aww c’mon don’t pout.” His frowned eased and loosened as Usopp leaned forward to peck him on the lips. “I appreciate you looking out for me, okay? Just please learn to lighten up.”
His frown returned. “You shouldn’t be so trusting.”
Usopp huffed. “You should be more trusting.”
He narrowed his eye. “Whiskey Peak.”
Usopp threw his head back with a groan. “That was one time! And the others fell for it too!”
“Uh huh,” Zoro said, mimicking Usopp’s voice.
Usopp swatted him with a mumbled, “Shut up.” His brows were furrowed, a harsh frown on his face as he stared intently at the small cuts on Zoro’s hand.
Zoro slid his fingers into Usopp’s, intertwining their hands. He tugged them up to his lips and pressed a kiss to Usopp’s wrist, to his pulse point. His gaze stayed on Usopp, steady and imploring.
Usopp sighed, the sound resigned. Fond. “I know,” he said softly, a smile curling his lips. “I love you too.”
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bunnyboy-juice · 2 months ago
huh. the smallest silliest things really do pull me from my own head
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chiropteracupola · 1 year ago
Teresa in Heartaches??
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First and fierce affirming sight / Of sunlight, sunlight, sunlight...
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cultivating-wildflowers · 1 year ago
I am an uncomplicated woman: tell me you need me and I'll be there.
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