OK Daddy. My friends and I have decided the best way to address your ogling us while we were trying to have a good time is for each of us to take turns spanking you over our knees and then for you to lick each of us to multiple orgasms, starting with me!

Best hot tub party guests ever!
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So, you know what happens to bad boys? That's right - they go over mommy's soft thighs for a good, hard, spanking! So, get my hairbrush my naughty husband. Time to address your flirting with our young waitress tonight. Oh, and in this house, after a naughty boy has been soundly spanked to tears, he has to lick mommy's creamy pussy until her toes curl.

You’ve still got it lady
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Yes, the hairbrush! I'm tired of you cumming before I even start to reach a climax. So, from now on when you can't control yourself, you'll find yourself over my knees being spanked to tears. And then your tear-stained face will be planted between my thighs until you have brought me waves and waves of pleasure. And if you fail in that task, you'll be back over my knees for as many times as it takes for you to learn to lick pussy properly.
There is no saying no to this beauty.
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I know you are my husband and a grown man, but you are acting like a immature brat. And immature brats get spanked in this house when they act like you are. So, pants and underwear at your feet and get over my knees. Mommy is going to teach her bad boy a good, hard lesson.

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OK. Let me make sure I understand this. Your third date fantasy is for me to put you over my knees and spank your cute buns until you are begging for me to stop. And once I do stop, and I won't stop until you are really, really red, you are to thank me on your knees until I cum at least three times. Glad this is our third date!

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Yes - Everything off! And get my hairbrush off my vanity. I warned you that if you really wanted a strict wife, you would have one. And a strict wife would not tolerate the way you leered at our young waitress tonight; a strict wife would promptly deal with it once we were home; and a strict wife would spank you over her knees until you are a kicking, squirming, and blubbering mess! You are so going to regret asking for a strict wife. I, on the other hand, are going to enjoy it very, very much!

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So let me make sure I have this right. You will give me the raise I asked for as long as I agree to occasionally put you over my knees and give your bare bottom a good, hard, spanking? Did I get that right boss? Well, that's not going to be a problem, at least for me. But I should warn you that I'm pretty dominant by nature, which means that I'll be the one deciding when and how you are spanked! Which means it may not necessarily be after the office is closed, or on the weekends. I may decide to spank you when the office is open, and with your office door cracked open just enough for your cries to be heard down the hall. In fact, depending on my mood, I may just decide to strip you completely nude, grab you by your ear lobe, and march you down the hall, to the office lobby, where I will put you over my knees and spank you with my brush until you are one kicking, squirming, and howling boss.
Oh, and you just doubled my raise!

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Come on now. Don't get all shy and timid on me. You are the one who picked this spot, half an hour's drive out of town, because you said it would be deserted and we would be alone. That way, I could act out your biggest fantasy - spanked bare bottomed, over the knee, and to tears, in public, by your hot wife! And I wore the dress you picked out. And I shaved my legs. And I have the ebony hairbrush - the one that always brings you to tears - right here.
So, we need to get started, don't we. And yes, I do see those ladies way over there having a picnic. But they are pretty far away, and they may not even notice you being spanked. Of course, if you can't keep your cries down, then I think there is a pretty good chance that they might look over here to see what all of commotion is all about. Lucky, they look middle aged, so they might even be cool with it. But know this, it doesn't matter if they watch or don't watch. Or even if they decide to walk on over to get a better view. You will be spanked long and hard until you are kicking, squirming, and pleading for mercy, which you know you will not get until I hear real sobbing from you. After all, that's what "spanked to tears" means my handsome husband.
In fact, since this may be a once in a lifetime event, let's make the most of it. Let's have all of your clothes off. I want you fully nude when I redden your cute rump over my knees.

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Here he comes! Late again! And I already know what he is going to say: "Sorry honey. I lost track of time again. You know, you really shouldn't put up with it. Maybe you should spank me when we get back to my apartment." And then he'll flash me that disarming smile of his and hope that I'll take him up on his suggestion later so he can cum over my knees in the bedroom. Which is really just rewarding him for being late.
This time, I've got a little surprise for him. After he makes his little speech, I'll tell him I agree with some of what he says, but not all. And when he asks, and I know he will, I'll tell him that "Yes, I agree that you do deserve a spanking. A good hard bare bottom, over my knees, spanking. But I disagree that it can wait until we get to my place. So, drop your pants and underwear. You are getting a spanking right here and right now."
Let's see how he reacts to that!

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Revealing that I'm a Spanked Husband
Some years back, my wife and I started a little game whereby she would "order" me to purchase a sturdy hairbrush and to tell the sales lady why I was buying it. I was also required to tell the sales lady that being made to tell her was part of my "punishment." If the sales lady didn't seem to be offended by the notion, I was to ask her to sign the sales receipt in such a way that I could prove to my wife that I did as I was told. I quit doing this after a while because it got old, and I didn't want to risk making people uncomfortable with our unique lifestyle. I thought, however, that I would share some of the signed receipts I saved to see if anyone would like to comment on them.
Here is the last one, and my personal favorite.

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Revealing that I'm a Spanked Husband
Some years back, my wife and I started a little game whereby she would "order" me to purchase a sturdy hairbrush and to tell the sales lady why I was buying it. I was also required to tell the sales lady that being made to tell her was part of my "punishment." If the sales lady didn't seem to be offended by the notion, I was to ask her to sign the sales receipt in such a way that I could prove to my wife that I did as I was told. I quit doing this after a while because it got old, and I didn't want to risk making people uncomfortable with our unique lifestyle. I thought, however, that I would share some of the signed receipts I saved to see if anyone would like to comment on them.
Here is the eighth one.

31 notes
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Revealing that I'm a Spanked Husband
Some years back, my wife and I started a little game whereby she would "order" me to purchase a sturdy hairbrush and to tell the sales lady why I was buying it. I was also required to tell the sales lady that being made to tell her was part of my "punishment." If the sales lady didn't seem to be offended by the notion, I was to ask her to sign the sales receipt in such a way that I could prove to my wife that I did as I was told. I quit doing this after a while because it got old, and I didn't want to risk making people uncomfortable with our unique lifestyle. I thought, however, that I would share some of the signed receipts I saved to see if anyone would like to comment on them.
Here is the seventh one.

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Revealing that I'm a Spanked Husband
Some years back, my wife and I started a little game whereby she would "order" me to purchase a sturdy hairbrush and to tell the sales lady why I was buying it. I was also required to tell the sales lady that being made to tell her was part of my "punishment." If the sales lady didn't seem to be offended by the notion, I was to ask her to sign the sales receipt in such a way that I could prove to my wife that I did as I was told. I quit doing this after a while because it got old, and I didn't want to risk making people uncomfortable with our unique lifestyle. I thought, however, that I would share some of the signed receipts I saved to see if anyone would like to comment on them.
Here is the sixth one.

23 notes
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Revealing that I'm a Spanked Husband
Some years back, my wife and I started a little game whereby she would "order" me to purchase a sturdy hairbrush and to tell the sales lady why I was buying it. I was also required to tell the sales lady that being made to tell her was part of my "punishment." If the sales lady didn't seem to be offended by the notion, I was to ask her to sign the sales receipt in such a way that I could prove to my wife that I did as I was told. I quit doing this after a while because it got old, and I didn't want to risk making people uncomfortable with our unique lifestyle. I thought, however, that I would share some of the signed receipts I saved to see if anyone would like to comment on them.
Here is the fifth one.

15 notes
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Revealing that I'm a Spanked Husband
Some years back, my wife and I started a little game whereby she would "order" me to purchase a sturdy hairbrush and to tell the sales lady why I was buying it. I was also required to tell the sales lady that being made to tell her was part of my "punishment." If the sales lady didn't seem to be offended by the notion, I was to ask her to sign the sales receipt in such a way that I could prove to my wife that I did as I was told. I quit doing this after a while because it got old, and I didn't want to risk making people uncomfortable with our unique lifestyle. I thought, however, that I would share some of the signed receipts I saved to see if anyone would like to comment on them.
Here is the fourth one.

15 notes
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Revealing that I'm a Spanked Husband
Some years back, my wife and I started a little game whereby she would "order" me to purchase a sturdy hairbrush and to tell the sales lady why I was buying it. I was also required to tell the sales lady that being made to tell her was part of my "punishment." If the sales lady didn't seem to be offended by the notion, I was to ask her to sign the sales receipt in such a way that I could prove to my wife that I did as I was told. I quit doing this after a while because it got old, and I didn't want to risk making people uncomfortable with our unique lifestyle. I thought, however, that I would share some of the signed receipts I saved to see if anyone would like to comment on them.
Here is the third one.

11 notes
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Revealing that I'm a Spanked Husband
Some years back, my wife and I started a little game whereby she would "order" me to purchase a sturdy hairbrush and to tell the sales lady why I was buying it. I was also required to tell the sales lady that being made to tell her was part of my "punishment." If the sales lady didn't seem to be offended by the notion, I was to ask her to sign the sales receipt in such a way that I could prove to my wife that I did as I was told. I quit doing this after a while because it got old, and I didn't want to risk making people uncomfortable with our unique lifestyle. I thought, however, that I would share some of the signed receipts I saved to see if anyone would like to comment on them.
Here is the second one.

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