#more seances cannot hurt!
victorluvsalice · 3 months
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Welcome to Summer Wednesday in the Chill Valicer Save! Had a busy SimCity Founding with my favorite OT3 – which of course involved some glitchiness and some of me having to work very hard to wrangle them and stop them from doing forbidden activities. Because that is a key part of my Sims 4 experience. :p Let’s get into it –
-->Started right after midnight on Summer Wednesday, with Smiler playing Blicblock, Alice playing laser pointer with one of the cats on the porch, and Victor peacefully snoozing – at least, until the house started making creepy noises. *shakehead* I put Victor right back to bed since it was still super early in the morning, then had Smiler hop on their video creation station to edit up their latest fashion tips video while Alice fed Toothy the cowplant, did some recycling from her inventory (of stuff like spoiled sweet batter she’d forgotten to put in the fridge, some spare utranium and wraith wax, and a poop – tried to have her recycle a llama toy Victor had in his inventory from his past Love Day date with Smiler too, but it didn’t actually get ground up for some reason) before joining Victor for some snooze times. Smiler finished up their editing while those two slept, then started studying the latest trends. Turned out tech reviews would be hot for a few hours, so I had them start adding effects and transitions to their candybar phone review, figuring I could post it within the window and get some good royalties. They were almost done –
When the house made some MORE creepy noises, startling everyone and waking Victor and Alice up. *grumbles* Stop that, house! I really need to have Victor do some more seances...dunno if it would actually HELP, given how buggy this game is, but it would make ME feel better.
-->Anyway – Victor and Alice chilled in their room for a bit (Victor sitting on the bed and serenading Alice, aww) while I had Smiler resume their interrupted transitions...then I noticed Alice’s werewolf instincts demanding that she both go outside and get more sleep, so I sent her off to the front lawn to nap under the moon for a bit. Because gotta keep that inner beast happy! While she snoozed, Smiler finished up their video editing, hyped their latest release, then sent it off into the world before going back to their regular computer to play some Road Rival Alpha (which looks like a fighting game, weirdly – I would have bet money that it would be a RACING game). Their session was interrupted briefly by a busted computer, but they quickly fixed it back up and got back to it – continuing until they’d maxed their Video Gaming skill! :D Now they are a legend among n00bs. :p Victor, meanwhile, got put on upgrading duty, because, well, why not? Upgrading things is only for the good and he likes Handiness. :p Specifically, I had him upgrade the shower in the blue-and-white upstairs bathroom so it had a water recycler (using eco parts, of course), a water flow regulator, and pulsating massage jets. :D So now taking a shower in this thing must be an absolute dream – and use up less water from the collectors to boot! We love to see it.
-->With the shower almost fully upgraded (it just needs the “never needs cleaning” upgrade now), I had Victor hop in and test it out, then woke Alice up to get her started on the various farm chores – starting with harvesting the prairie grass in Moory’s pen! I was hoping for something interesting, but alas, all she found in there was an onion. *shrug* Undaunted, I then had her go clean out the chicken coop (which at least yielded some more Super Vitality fertilizer) while Victor cleaned out the spoiled food in the fridge and Smiler flew down to the greenhouse to collect their plasma fruit and herbalism stuff before heading over to Moory’s pen to give it a clean.
-->And then Victor went and had a cupcake for breakfast. XD Specifically, he originally went to the fridge for a minty mocha cupcake, but got distracted by Shock and Surprise being cute together nearby. That’s when I asked him to clean the spoiled food out of the fridge – but once he was done washing the plates, he went right back to the fridge to get a strawberry fizz cupcake instead. XD I let him have it and then directed Alice to get the same for HER breakfast. And had Smiler grab some PlasmaFizz from the fridge for THEIR breakfast as well. XD Cupcakes and what is essentially fruit soda for breakfast – living the dream!
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fromthemouthofkings · 6 months
Jeeves and the Thorny Hedge
Summary: While Bertie is well used to fielding the odd scandal and disappointing his aunts (including in the matrimonial department), Jeeves has always kept his unfailingly upright professional life and his queerer personal life strictly separated. When Bertie’s old flame comes to stay in the Metrop. at the same time that Aunt Agatha has decided that Bertie will help her host a seance, two separate worlds stand ready to collide.
Chapter 1
When the post came, my heart sank. It is often said by those most worn-down, jaded, and humorless, who are additionally a good deal older and brainier than your own B. W., that it is difficult to move through this world without making the occasional enemy. I have often found it difficulter to move through this world without making the occasional friend. But even for one so amicable as I fancy myself, there are bally times when, despite one’s best efforts, one cannot help but let someone’s feelings get hurt. I was presently facing just this kind of tangle. “Oh, Jeeves?” I called, for my man is the absolute top notch when it comes to plucking me out of the broth. Like an experienced angler, he has that talent for smoothly walking in and assessing any situation, and then casting his hook in right where the fish are about to bite. Why, he has so many brains, I think that the Lord has probably had to let some poor other chappies go without, so as not to go too far into the red on the old Earthly Brains Budgeting Sheet. “Yes, sir?” said the man in question, materialized out of his den. He had evidently been hard at work, as his shirtsleeves were rolled up to the elbow, showing off quite a lot of shapely forearm. He had his apron tied on over his broad and catlike body, which he employed with a dancer’s grace in gliding over to stand by my side. There was a little lingering pinkness to his deft fingers. Perhaps I had interrupted him doing the washing up. “I have a bit of a pickle for you,” I said. “A teaser. A little exercise for the old gray stuff.” “Indeed, sir?” “It is a bit of a delicate matter, though.” I worried at the paper in my hand. He raised his right eyebrow a fraction of an inch. “A thorny hedge of brambles. It wants a valiant knight to come in with sword swinging and give the waiting dragon a bit of the what-for.”
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Random Thoughts! That will not leave me be until they are shared!
Fumikage’s Quirk
I would say part of Fumi not noticing “Seance” would be that, because he isn’t around people with Vestiges, most of the “side effects” of his Quirk can be explained by the animal senses thing. Like, Fumi always knows where people are. He can’t be snuck up on. For the most part, these things can be excused by the animal portion of Fumi’s Quirk. Though not all. The closer he is to someone, emotionally, the better he is at telling where they are in particular, possibly how they feel, if they are ok. Growing up, this connection was strongest with Eimi - Fumi always knew where she was, if she was hurt, if she needed help. When people asked, the two said it was a “twin thing” (they are, actually, half right. The twin thing is not why Fumi knew all those things. The twin thing was why Eimi could basically “piggyback” off the connection to know how Fumi is. It’s why they can fight as basically one person when they need to. It’s highly unlikely Fumi will get that kind of connection with anyone else).
When Fumi goes to U.A., he starts to have similar connections with his classmates, but probably wouldn’t notice right away. If he’s asked, he puts it down to the bird thing giving him increased situational awareness (Koda is sceptical). I’d imagine the first inclination he gets is Aizawa accidentally Erases Fumi’s Quirk … and Fumi FREAKS OUT.
Regardless of whether he was aware of it or not, Fumi’s had this “Sixth Sense” basically his whole life. It’s part of the way he perceives and interacts with the world. Cutting it off is, for him, similar to someone getting blinded or deafened. All of a sudden, Fumi can’t sense where people are. He can SEE them, but they don’t feel REAL. Images, rather than people. They seem EMPTY. Even more disturbing he can’t sense Eimi. He’s ALWAYS been able to sense Eimi, to know where she is, if she’s safe, if she’s hurt, now he CAN’T! As far as Fumi’s concerned, his sister just straight up VANISHED.
Of course, this doesn’t last all that long. Maybe a few seconds, cause Aizawa notices Fumi’s freak out, stops using Erasure, and Fumi’s senses come back. Aizawa, of course, wants to know “What the hell”. Eimi also wants to know “What the hell” because their connection just went WEIRD. Not “dead” exactly, but Eimi could barely feel Fumi at all. Fumi, shaken, tries to explain what just happened. Apparently Aizawa erased his bird senses?
Aizawa, of course, goes “I did what?”. Because he cannot do that. He very much cannot “erase” someone’s senses - most people with “extra sense” Quirks are mutation types, and Aizawa can’t do much if anything to mutation type Quirks. Like, if he uses Erasure on Jiro, he MIGHT dampen her range, but he isn’t going to completely cancel her hearing. Her whole thing is hearing. She’s built for it. It is IMPOSSIBLE for Aizawa to completely negate her hearing. Similarly, if he went against someone, like say, Pony, he might be able to erase her Horn Shots, but he can’t erase anything else. He can’t erase Officer Tamakawa’s Quirk at all, because it’s just the cat head thing. The only way he could “erase” someone’s senses, are if they’re part of Quirk that isn’t Mutation based.
The more the twins explain, the more Aizawa has a headache. Cause I’m assuming he did this once already with Hagakure, possibly Uraraka. He’s wondering if he can find the idiots with Quirk Counsellor Licenses some of his kids went to and smack them, because good grief.
tbh my only hesitation in this is that I did already write Aizawa using his Quirk on Fumikage before. He was attempting to get ‘Dark Shadow’ under control and realized that it didn’t work at all which led to him looking more into whatever’s going on with those two.
But also. HELL YEAH.
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
Hannibal Crack-Cannons: aka Incorrect Quotes:
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@myers-meadow-selfship @iloveslasher @the-limp-linguine
Despite what you think, Hannibal IS a himbo…
Now hear me out. He’s obviously very educated, but when it comes to being a person he is CLUELESS.
Like Hannibal never expects someone to actually get close to him, and when they do, he panics. And he makes a bunch of clumsy little social mistakes, that frankly, are adorable.
He’s a friendship himbo and I stand by that!
S/O: *touches Hannibal’s hand in public, unprovoked*
Hannibal who is not used to genuine affection: *staring at them* why?
S/O: *facepalming*
But if we wanna talk real Himbos….
Cause bro! Wtf are you doing? Homeboy is a MESS.
The only thought in Will’s head is that tik tok audio that’s like “I don’t know what’s going on, and frankly, I don’t wanna know” and he likes it like that.
Will on his 4th cup of coffee of the day: *pushes a door that CLEARLY says pull*
S/O: For your sake, I’m going to pretend I didn’t see that *holds open door for him, smiling at how adorable he is when he gets flustered*
This man is a FREAK!
Look me in the eyes and tell me you don’t think he’s into a lot of kinky shit in the bedroom. Man is a respectful switch!
Will: *seeing his boss by rope and duct tape at the corner store*
Jack: it’s not what it looks like-
I think Alana is also a switch, don’t know when this became a NSFW post but we’re rolling with it 🤪
But I totally see her letting men be dominate cause she doesn’t want to hurt their fragile little egos. But with a woman, oh boy! Alana cannot keep her hands to herself, and she doesn’t pretend to want to.
This woman is a flirt by nature. She will Gaslight, Gatekeeper and Girlboss her way into your heart. She’s a smooth motherfucker and you’ll never see her coming… I mean… unless you want to 👀 then by all means 😉
She totally humble brags about you latter.
A Roxy kinnie, prove me wrong!
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That’s it, that’s the whole headcannon. If you know, you know!
Abigail is just Violet Harmon in a different universe, and thank god she never met her Tate. Oh dear god, what a night mare that would be!
Abigail with S/O:
There’s not even a headcannon here, just like, imagine if Fred was played by this motherfucker…
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Instead of this motherfucker…
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Also have this video of Fred’s actor being iconic, this is just Frederick when he’s alone 😂.
So I guess the headcannon is that Frederick is a musical theatre kid confirmed!
Wine Mom confirmed!
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As we fucking should!
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This is just a shameless way for me to promote one of my old videos. I was proud of this meme and more people should see it!
Drinks respect boyfriend juice!
But I also hope you like being a third wheel on dates, cause where Brian goes, Jimmy will be there. Good thing they’re both cute 😉
Jimbo texting his S/O:
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And anyone who gets a glimpse at these text is instantly terrified and convinced you’re both doing some sort of seance through the phone. But it’s just you’re average Tuesday.
Margo Verger as a lesbian icon:
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sillysootyboi · 2 months
C!tntduo/c!Quackbur drabbles 420 edition
(assume !c/!q for all ideas please)
+Quackity would be a sensual/cuddly high one. Gotta drop those defenses being the overly workaholic
+Schlatt tried and failed to introduce Q to weed. Mostly, because Schlatt was so sappy and sweet while high and he realized that and immediately reversed his entire policy and claimed "God fearing Catholic men don't smoke weed" before eating way too many edibles not five minutes later in an attempt to get rid of the evidence.
+Tommy and Tubbo witnessing this became firm on their anti drug (or honestly, just anti whatever the fuck Schlatt was on--he was just a poor autistic sheep man way too high)
+Wilbur introduced it to Quackity with 'evil' plans to get Q's defenses down and break into Las Nevada's, but Q had a genuine moment of sensitivity and vulnerability while high, that Wilbur immediately dropped the plans and instead consoled him
+"I'm always worried you'll leave me," Quackity says. "you're rotten for me. You make me worse, but at least you're here. Unless I'm in the mood to seance Schlatt or--Ha, I don't know. What I did to Slime was fucked up, huh....Bet you cannot relate. Did you ever think Tommy would turn out like this?"
"Tommy is better than me. Better than us."
"he's fucking traumatized, asshole. He isn't better, it just hasn't kicked in."
Wilbur laughs. There isn't humor, only a dry creaking sound.
"you got me high to get in. Didn't you?"
"caught me red handed. What can I say, never a good deed for free."
"but yet here you are, fucking sitting beside me in the hallway. We're only 3 doors down from the bathroom. 2 pathetic grown as men in a casino hallway, sitting on their asses on cheap carpet that barely covers the concrete below. I had to fucking cut costs somewhere. I'm already underpaying Foolish as is." Quackity huffs and tangles a hand through his hair.
"neither of us look successful." Quackity states.
"in the shiny glitzy gold on your walls--"
"it's a type of cheap alluminum. Not thick at all. But makes it look fancy."
"Our reflections, Alex. All tarnished and darkened by gold."
"You're worse high," Quackity says and leans against Wilbur.
Forget everything you know about zombies. That they're supposed to be cold. Dead. Men who come back from the dead should be more obviously wrong. But he isn't. Other than the white streak, and darkening depression circles under his eyes, he's not a dead man. Like he should be. He's warm under Quackiy's cheek where it presses against his ratty coat.
"so are you. You're honest," Wilbur says. "scared."
"I'm not scared." Stubborn.
"you asked why I wouldn't leave..." Wilbur starts. Considers his words. Looks at his hands.
Too long passes.
"it's times ike this i remember you care. And you hurt for it. And I don't want to be the one to hurt you."
Those red-tinged brown eyes, more amber, more akin to the shiny backside of a beetle. Something that was a part of nature but off-putting all the same.
"but...you know me..places to be. People to see," Wilbur pushes himself up. A full rest passes.
And with the down beat on two he says, "You don't have to worry. Your secret is safe with me. That there's a human inside that corporate shell."
And there's another one in Wilbur too. Hiding in the shadow of Phil and Techno, on the other side of the same coin as Dream... A figure so clearly him. But so well concealed.
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cursesavior · 11 months
post 3-5 songs that remind you of your muse. repost, don’t reblog.
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1: bullet with butterfly wings - the smashing pumpkins
the world is a vampire sent to drain / secret destroyers hold you up to the flames / and what do i get for my pain? / betrayed desires and a piece of the game // despite all my rage, i am still just a rat in a cage! / someone will say, "what is lost can never be saved" // now i'm naked, nothing but an animal / but can you fake it for just one more show? / and what do you want? i wanna change / and what do you got when you feel the same? // and i still believe that i cannot be saved!
2: custer - slipknot
because anything exceptional gets crushed by common people! / with jealousy, and ignorance, and all their common evils! / this planet isn't special, collections made of clay / i'm waiting for the punishment, i know it's on my way! / so cut, cut, cut me up and fuck, fuck, fuck me up // irreverence is my disease! / it's secondhand, but you know me! / this son of a bitch is on his knees / the last man standing gets no pity!
3: this is how i disappear - my chemical romance
to unexplain the unforgivable / drain all the blood and give the kids a show! / by streetlight, this dark night, a seance down below / there's things that i have done, you should never know / and without you is how i disappear / and live my life alone, forever now! // can you hear me cry out to you? words i thought i'd choke on, figure out / i'm really not so with you anymore, i'm just a ghost / so i can't hurt you anymore! / and now you wanna see how far down i can sink / let me go, fuck! / i'm so away from you.
4: hurt - nine inch nails
i hurt myself today, to see if i still feel / i focus on the pain, the only thing that's real / the needle tears a hole, the old familiar sting / try to kill it all away, but i remember everything... / what have i become, my sweetest friend? / everyone i know goes away in the end / and you could have it all, my empire of dirt / i will let you down, i will make you hurt.
5: numb - marina
i can't breathe, and i can't smile / this better be worth my while / i feel numb most of the time / lower i get, the higher i'll climb / and i will wonder why, i got dark only to shine / looking for the golden light / oh, it's a reasonable sacrifice / burn, burn, burn bright / forgo family, forgo friends / that's how it started and it how it ends / i can't open up and cry / 'cause i've been silent all my life // ooh, i get dark, oh, and i'm in hell / i need a friend, ooh, but i can't yell / yeah, i'm no good, no good to anyone / 'cause all i care about is being number one!
tagged by: @anvevennad !! tysm!!
tagging: @chaoslulled (for any jjk muse!) @umbralrosa + whoever else wants to!!
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brw · 2 years
Sue/Crystal for the spooky movies
Which one is more fond of scary movies: Mmmm I think Sue enjoys to watch one every once in a while but I can see Crystal forming a weird obsession with them despite almost pissing herself every single time a jumpscare happens.
Which one gets the most excited about Halloween: Historically Sue, but I imagine after Franklin and Val some of the joy got a little bit sucked out because there's so much to prep with costumes and buying candy and setting up the house for spooky times and she generally doesn't mind it but she's often doing the bulk of the work, but after Crystal gets super excited and into This Fun Earth Tradition she kind of rediscovers some joy for it :)
Which one would be more likely to survive the apocalypse: Crystal would literally let everyone fucking die on the moon and just watch like damn. yikes. But the moment that shit reaches Attilan she is fucked along with everyone else, so ultimately I think Sue, who like is the last surviving member of her family and is battle hardened and is surviving but not living etc.
Which one would literally kill for the other: Crystal, Sue would also but I think Crystal generally is quicker to kill a bitch for the newest person she's obsessed with while Sue will repress that urge until it comes forward all at once. She is very willing to kill under certain circumstances tho.
Which one likes to scare or startle the other: They both will try to scare each other but Sue is MUCH better at it by being quiet and invisible while Crystal cannot stop audibly giggling right before she jumps out from behind the door to spook her.
Which one is more likely to need comforting when they get spooked: Crystal obnoxiously snuggling into her girlfriends chest at any given opportunity
Which one always puts on a brave face: Sue moreso, being the leading lady of the most iconic super hero team etc etc has to put on a brave face, while Crystal certainly tries but I do think ultimately Crystal has never learned to mask her emotions or ignore them
Which one would be more dangerous if they suddenly became violent: Sue. I needn't explain.
Which one would be more likely to commit a crime: Crystal, she's Royalty, you expect her to care about human laws? It's very stressful for Sue seeing her GF almost get arrested for immediately trying to assault a guy that looked her in the eyes too long.
Which one believes in ghosts: Hmm, Sue I think. She knows weird shit exists in her line of work and she's not going to discount ghosts either. I don't know if Attilan has a strong ghost culture but maybe it does.
Which one likes to watch spooky show on television: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm probably Sue if only because I think she's watching more television in her downtime than Crystal, who's out I dunno trying as many boba tea flavours as she can and throwing up later from drinking like 12.
Which one would propose the idea of holding a seance: Crystal because she thinks it sounds fun, Sue thinks it's a ridiculous idea but will go along with it and maybe purposeful move stuff to scare the shit out of Crys
Which one has nightmares more often: Mmf.... probably Sue, but I think they emotionally effect Crystal more, like I think Sue can calm herself down more and remind herself of her power and her growth while Crystal will I dunno, dream of all the people in Attilan that seemingly regularly commit suicide by throwing themselves off balconies or of Luna getting hurt and really struggle to calm down.
Which one would want to explore a real haunted house: Crystal, Sue would start playing tricks but then they would both see some Actual Freaky Paranormal Shit and would freak out and leave.
Scary OTP Meme
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thequietmanno1 · 1 month
TheLreads, Vigilantes ch 118, Replies Part 1
1) “So, as it turns out, there is in fact 126 chapters rather than 121. I’m not sure where I got the impression that there were 5 less chapters in the story, my brain was apparently trying to protect me. 
Regardless, we had our seance there, Koichi got another power up but not the will to kill, and we continue our spiraling madness into Chapter 118: All the Fun.”- Koichi could have ended this on his own without allowing the “clean-up” to be passed onto “official heroes”, which I think says a lot about missed opportunity here. It was his time to shine, and given the outcome, defeating a rampaging villain on his own like that wouldn’t have really changed much, but instead this got dragged out beyond the necessary stage and handed off to less deserving individuals to finish the climactic battle, just so Koichi can keep his pacifism intact. And I don’t think that marks any good character development for him.
2) “Huh looks like even McBee’s skeleton is starting to evaporate now, the upper half of his skull is gone, exposing his brain.
You know, like a Nomu.”- Which, in hindsight, just raises further questions as to how he was even in one shape, let alone semi-solid, for one final conversation with Koichi. He should have been melting everywhere like Clayface on a bad day.
3) “There’s the man, I wonder if he’s having all the fun here”- He’s having a blast. Us? Not so much, even with Koichi finally stepping up to the plate. 4) “Is it, All for One? Are you sure about that? Because he didn’t even trained that much and he’s able to fucking bulldozer over a nigh-unstoppable juggernaut like that.”- Like so many people in the story, AFO judges on appearances…which is both ironic and appropriate, given his current disfigurement. Guy looks the part of the evil villain, and he wants to be judged that way to boot!
5) “No, it definitely isn’t. Koichi trained the quirk, but he didn’t polish it that much, people in the hero course train their quirks far more intensely and even so they can’t bring out such improvements. Koichi’s quirk is far from mediocre, in fact, it might be one of the most OP things in this story.”- Koichi went from Mineta’s power level to “potentially challenging to OFA” over the course of a single battle.
6) “Oh, okay, so now we need to handle a bullshit reason for AfO to not have stolen Koichi’s quirk as well huh”- The reason is: AFO can’t steal shit if he doesn’t have his passport for an overseas trip!
7) “KOICHI MY MAN, CAN YOU FINE TUNE YOUR AIM A BIT? REMEMBER THAT GHOST POP GAVE YOU THE ALL CLEAR TO KILL”- His aim is fine, it’s his will that’s the problem…and the will to not kill is sadly unbreakable.
8) “So, what will be the excuse for AfO not try to steal Koichi’s quirk? It either is strong enough with barely any training that it can suit Shigaraki, or it would be useful after AfO bodysnatch him, since he’s far more adaptable. There’s literally no reason for him not to try.”- The reason is that powerful as the Quirk is, it pales still in comparison to OFA, and AFO judges that the effort required to go halfway around the world for a single Quirk won’t be worth the payoff, especially when his ongoing operations need his direct oversight for the moment. Essentially, Koichi has caught his eye, but he’s not as invested in chasing him down as he is All Might and Izuku, who literally cannot run away from him no matter where in the world they go.
9) “Yes because, you know, he can regenerate, and we haven’t decided if that’s actually plasma or if he managed to solidify it into a physical form.”- Still should be taking a lot out of him to generate this much mass, so lord knows where he gets the strength form to last a further 5 or so chapters.
10) “I love how this is again throwing shit at McBee. Koichi is actively not giving his all so as to not hurt him, and the guy is getting obliterated to hell and back.”- When taking the gloves off still does nothing to stop you enemy treating you with kid gloves…
11) “Good thing all the buildings around here are conveniently totally empty, it would be a real tragedy if this was taking place somewhere not completely devoid of people”- A magnificently abandoned section of the city this, to have a final battle in. Not like it’s within driving distance of a major hospital or anything…
12) “even my sarcasm doesn’t work when they literally use it as an excuse the following page”- Your sarcasm Quirk is hard countered by Furuhasi’s tendency to play all the absurdity straight as an arrow. @thelreads
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toa-arania · 10 months
At this point I just want to talk about Val more
My girl. My beloved Hot Mess Express. This fucking disaster of a woman.
Within a week of arriving in town, someone tried to murder her, and she responds by getting the closest anyone has ever come to actually knocking that bitch off her pedestal. Her friends made her promise not to keep fucking with her and now she is instrumental in their plan to fuck with her. She wants to punch all of them in the dick(s) but is too smug about having been right the whole time to say so.
She once accidentally contacted an eldritch entity.
She has given plants sentience and had to set them on fire because it ate a fairy.
Her sense of curiosity is cripplingly overwhelming to the point where she causes supernatural harm to people who try to obstruct her because she has a massive complex about how she absolutely has to know things.
She is one of the most arrogant people ever and is also incredibly jealous of how powerful the other witch is. She desires him carnally.
She frequently clarifies that she has never done anything stupid and is always right, and then proceeds to do something that was technically a smart idea but also goes catastrophically wrong. Technically she is right when she says she's always right and doesn't do stupid things because she agonisingly overthinks everything at mach twelve, but her magic is screwy and sometimes goes wrong in ways she can't predict. When this happens she tries to figure out how to do it on purpose.
There is a non-zero chance she will fall ass-backwards into lichdom.
She is planning to make a warlock pact with four demonstrably malicious gods and is utterly convinced that she will be in control of the situation.
She has the hots for a magic-resistant werewolf who has agreed to help her dig up a body if necessary.
She got left on read by a dead person while trying to do a seance.
She is (probably) going to kill that fucking clown.
Someone accidentally spread a rumour that she had a threesome and now she wants to have the threesome that people think she had so she is probably going to go along with it. Because of plans she is going to blame someone else for spreading it.
Monsterfucker Wrongs
My plan for her character arc is for her to end up losing herself to her evil magic pact but she will refuse to accept that she is not in control of the situation because it will intensify her magic power so much that it feels like everything has gone how she wanted.
She can and will drink undiluted blackcurrant squash.
The fairies are ignoring her for something that was technically not her fault.
One of her plans involves necromancy but the fucking ghost won't pick up the damn seance so she can't check if this is something the ghost will cooperate with in the first place.
She tries to ruin this one girl's life as a way to relax. In her defence, this girl is the one who tried to murder her. Val also desired her carnally but got bored because she stopped after one relatively mundane murder attempt.
She was completely fine after she touched a rock that made her feel soul-crushing despair but had to go and throw up after touching a rock that made her feel relentless joy.
I have joked that her middle name is hubris and the GM and I have decided to never reveal whether this is canon.
She cannot handle her drink at all but also makes incredibly strong drinks because she doesn't give a fuck.
Her cousin is a shapeshifter and the rest of her family are also completely unhinged.
She has a spell to stop someone from hurting people and the last time she tried using this on the werewolf (at his request to be clear) she accidentally put him in Plant Shibari and wasn't not into it.
Her (sort of) ex got sent to Superhell for being edgy.
She is a pathological liar and kleptomaniac and everyone is just kind of fine with this? They don't like the lying very much but they're used to it.
She has no idea how to process people just doing nice things for her for no reason, and the only reason she isn't completely convinced that this guy was doing it for an ulterior motive is because she doesn't think he's smart enough to have one.
She has green hair and pronouns.
0 notes
servin-up-surveys · 2 years
survey #109
(taken january 31st, uploading surveys taken while gone... we're at least over halfway done? haha)
Have you ever gotten your legs waxed? No, that sounds absolutely excruciating, especially when your hair is as thick and long as mine is. Waxing my lip and eyebrows back in the day hurt enough.
Have you ever read anything by Edgar Allen Poe? Yeah, The Raven and The Tell-tale Heart off the top of my head.
Do you know anyone named Hunter? I do; he was my neighbor when I lived in the woods (I think where I've lived most of my life so far), and we used to play together as kids a lot. I'm quite a bit older than him, but he was still fun to hang out with, especially when it came to catching bugs and stuff and playing video games. He's all grown up now with his own girlfriend. :')
What was the reason for the last time you restarted your computer? Oh I was SO annoyed, Roman walked on my keyboard and did something where the computer totally, completely froze, and I was deep into an RP post so I was furious. Had to restart it incorrectly, but THANK GOD the drafts function on the site saved my post, lol.
Can you say anything in Korean? If so, please do: Nah, I can't.
Do you like horses? I absolutely love horses and I am VERY much looking forward to photographing horses soon thanks to a friend. <3
What are your grandfathers’ names? William/Bill and... WOW I'm awful, I don't remember Dad's dad's name. :/
Were you forced to read The Odyssey in high school? Yes; maybe not all of it, but I at LEAST remember reading some. We also watched the movie.
Have you ever seen a snake in real life? Yeah, both in the wild and as pets. I currently have one and love her to death.
Are you against seances? I don't care. I DO believe in treating the dead with respect though, if you're gonna do that; we don't have the slightest idea what really happens after death and I definitely do believe in angry spirits and their ability to loosely interact with our reality, so I wouldn't tempt shit, just to be safe.
Do you own any superhero shirts? No. I only have a couple Harley Quinn ones.
Game you were best at in P.E./gym? I absolutely hated P.E., so nothing.
Favorite crystal? Dragon's breath opal.
What did you learn from your first job? I am an absolutely horrible salesperson.
Favorite website from your childhood? Webkinz.
Least favorite flavor of food or drink? Cranberry flavored drinks are so awful I literally cannot drink them. I also don't like really fishy foods.
Least favorite pattern? Uh... I'm not sure. I'm not big on like, animal print as a fashion thing I guess. I love cool patterns ON the animals, of course, but not elsewhere.
Favorite weird flavor combo? I absolutely love waffles that also have a layer of peanut butter on them, like I prefer it over only syrup.
Favorite potato food? French fries.
Earth tones or jewel tones? Oh, come on, that's hard! It really depends.
Do you call them fireflies or lightning bugs? I've used both, but I think I only ever said "lightning bug" as a kid.
Writing or drawing? I get more joy out of creating a drawing I'm proud of, but I'm much more likely to write.
Lamps, overhead lights, fairy lights, or sunlight? FAIRY LIGHTS!!!! For Christmas I got this "tree" that you can wind across your wall(s) that have little tiny light bulbs as its "foliage" and I cannot wait til we can move my bed and set it up because that shit is ALWAYS gonna be on.
Nicknames? "Britt" is the most common one that everyone uses. Online though, "Ozz(y)" is frequented bc of the username I usually use. In WoW, everyone in my main's guild know me as "Alessa" because my main character is Alessand(a)ra. Oh, and my childhood nickname from Mom is "Twinkie" lmfao, she gave all her children sweets nicknames. She still uses it sometimes. Girt's pointed out he wants to have the "perfect" nickname click for me one day, which I think is absolutely adorable, but he can't pick one.
How many phone numbers do you have memorized? I have only JUST memorized my mother's phone number, and that's it. It took months upon months of regularly giving it to doctors and stuff to learn and as terribly sad as this is, I'm literally PROUD of myself for finally internalizing a phone number.
Do you prefer heroes or villains? Villains, duh.
What political cause are you most passionate about? Proooobably LGBTQ+ rights. I just find it so, so remarkably hard to fathom how people are against people consensually being in love.
Have you ever considered having children? I've never considered it for like, that current moment, but I go back and forth about the future.
Have you ever considered acting? Nope.
Who was the last person you slept next to? Girt.
Do you think you can be in love and still cheat on your S.O.? No, I don't.
What is the most embarrassing thing anyone has on video of you? Oh who even knows.
Did you ever get lost as a child? Yeah, in a Food Lion I think? Maybe Wal-Mart? An old lady helped me find my mom.
What was the last dream you had? I had a newborn baby is all I can remember. I forgot it until I read this question.
What is the best television show you’ve ever watched? Extraordinary Attorney Woo had the most touching story to me.
What do you believe is your weirdest habit? I take my breakfast biscuits apart to eat each thing individually.
What color are your parents’ eyes? They both have brown eyes.
Have you ever had a surgery before? Yeah, tubes put in my ears and a pilonidal cyst removed. I'm also being put to sleep to get my wisdom teeth taken out; there's simply no fucking way I can stay calm through it with my newfound fear of the dentist. I very barely stayed calm during my last filling.
Would you rather visit the Taj Mahal or the Eiffel Tower? Taj Mahal.
Was your mom over 30 when she had you? Yes.
Who is your 4th phone contact and how do you know them? Dad, and well... he's my dad.
Have you ever lived in a dorm? No.
Do you live in an apartment? No.
What’s the story behind your most noticeable scar? I passed out in the bathroom directly onto my chin.
Have you ever SERIOUSLY considered any kind of plastic surgery? I am very serious about getting loose skin removal on at LEAST my stomach if/when I lose all the weight I want to, and a breast lift also because of the effects of extreme weight loss.
What was the last thing you cleaned and why? My desk, because it was quite the mess.
Does blood make you queasy? No.
What physical features can you just not stand about yourself? My weight in literally every part of my body. How dark and thick and obvious my leg hair is. Cellulite and stretch marks. How insanely dry my skin is everywhere. I have absolutely zero ass. Because of my weight I developed sagging breasts. I could go on and on and on still but I'd really prefer to stop upsetting myself.
What is your favorite crayon color? I like hot pink ones.
Have you ever snorted cocaine? No and I absolutely never will.
Where is the scariest place you’ve ever been? In a bus-like... truck thing that carried me and other mental hospital inmates (some that were VERY unstable and aggressive) in full-body restraints to the local courthouse to argue about our expected stay lengths. If I hadn't argued, I would have been in this specific hospital for months. That whole experience, getting there and talking to the judge, was one of the scariest things I've ever done.
Do you like string cheese? No.
What state/province/country is to the west of your own? Tennessee.
Were you breastfed as a baby? Yes.
What is the cutest baby animal in general? Maybe I'm biased, but meerkats; they're cute when they're born, but pups become absolutely precious once their fur grows out and they open their eyes. I also really love kittens.
Do you find it difficult to tell others what you want for Christmas? Unless you're my mother, yes. Well, I'm even kinda uncomfortable telling Mom, but she's very insistent on us kids telling her straight-up what we want.
Do you enjoy literature from the past or more recent times? I'm perfectly capable of liking both; I don't have a preference. A good, strong story is a good, strong story.
Do you know anyone who plays World of Warcraft? Do you play? *raises hand* Girt also used to play, but it's not his thing anymore. My former roommate Jacob played, too, but he doesn't now (I know because we're friends on there and you see when they log on). I'm absolutely positive I have other gamer friends who have in the past too, just from like, contextual Facebook posts and stuff.
Have you ever been called a nerd? Yeah, but just playfully and not at all with degrading intent.
What is something that you do not like that everyone else seems to love? Manicures and pedicures come to mind. They make me uncomfortable. Oh, and the beach.
Do you enjoy poetry? I really do. I'd love to start writing it again... I even have poem concepts saved in my phone notes, I just haven't written them. I'm always so afraid of it not coming out how I want.
Have you ever written a poem? Oh, loads since middle school.
Do you own any fingerless gloves? Haha I sure do, all the way back from high school... They're still in my top drawer. I barely ever wear them anymore, though; they don't fit as well but also when I tried a few on the last time, I thought I looked pretty childish. I don't at all think fingerless gloves in general are, I think they're hot as fuck, but these ones just didn't look right on me anymore.
Last time you went out to eat, where did you go? We most recently went to McDonald's a good few days ago.
Tell me about the last animal you touched. My cat, Roman. <3 He's my literal shadow - he goes where I go almost without fail, unless he really feels like napping in bed. He's a COMPLETE cuddlebug that very, very obviously adores me/his mama and he's everything to me, too. ;_; <3 He is SUPER shy around strangers, like he will run and hide under our bed the moment he thinks he hears someone at the door, and it takes seeing you MANY many times before he's cool with you; like it took Girt months to earn his trust, and he comes over regularly. He is such, such a loving cat though once he's into you. Oh, and also very bossy, lol. He has such a personality.
Have you ever witnessed a birth? I've only seen cats give birth from my childhood; I absolutely fucking refuse to witness a human birth, I will not make it through it still conscious, and I also DO NOT understand the "oh but it's beautiful!" argument, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck no it isn't. I don't even like seeing videos of animals doing it, but it is slightly more bearable.
Have you ever known something that no one knew you knew? Uh, maybe?
Your thoughts on bacon? I like it, so long it's not mega crunchy or burnt.
Out of the 7 deadly sins, which are you most guilty of? Sloth.
Ever held a newborn animal? Kittens, yes.
Do your pets have collars? Describe them: Yes; Roman's is a light blue, and Cookie's is... wow, I don't remember, but I'm pretty sure pink.
Why do girls go tanning when it just makes them look orange? Because girls can do whatever the fuck they want with their own bodies.
What is the last thing you searched for online? "What is a revenant" haha, I've heard it plenty in fantasy material but I never really learned what it was.
Do sluts make you mad? lol no???????? If a person engages in a lot of completely consensual - and safe - sex and isn't keeping it a secret from a partner or something, that's whatever. If the person is open about it and takes care of their safety, that's their goddamn business that they shouldn't feel shitty about. Get mad over something that actually matters.
If you could live for a year with any foreign family, where would you go? Germany. If I hadn't had a boyfriend I refused to leave, I would've loved to do that in high school.
Think of a friend you know; how would you feel if they kissed you? I wouldn't be okay with anyone who is just a friend kissing me because I'm in a monogamous relationship. I would also probably stop that friendship because I expect my friends to respect my relationship. I don't think a kiss on like, the forehead or something from a close friend comforting me or something like that would upset me, but on the lips would.
Do you have bills to pay yet? No. Something Colleen once said that haunts me to this day is the claim that I'm never going to know what it's like to get my first paycheck and pay my own bills.
Will you be changing your hair any time soon? I desperately need a trim, so I hope I can at LEAST do that soon... but I can't afford to put money aside to dye it when I'm saving for my tattoo, no matter how badly I want it dyed.
Does your mom have a celebrity look-alike? I don't think so. There is, however, a deceased celebrity who had her exact first and last name, and people her age would sometimes point out how cool it was.
Why don’t girls like porn? ... Many... do...? I personally don't just because I have no interest in seeing two random people have sex, but that's just me.
Do you think it’s pretty when 100s of balloons are let loose into the sky? I don't even think about whether it's pretty or not, because I find it extremely, extremely upsetting. Those balloons end up as litter, and many animals even get wrapped up in the strings. If I'm not mistaken, in the ocean, some sea life mistake the deflated balloons as jellyfish and even ingest them. Don't fucking do this shit.
0 notes
thebeeduo · 3 years
Ranboo: That's fine. That was on the ground by the way
Tubbo: I copped (the merch)
Ranboo: Wow, look at this. That is incredibly
Tubbo: I copped the merch! I'm not on brand
Ranboo: You too can cop the merch September 5th! *thumbs up*
Tubbo: *thumbs up*
Ranboo: That was good. That was a good transition
Tubbo: *laughs*
Ranboo: That was a good (transition)
Tubbo: (I did) I fixed it..
Ranboo: You fixed it? Ok, that's good
Tubbo: ..when I was inside. It does this weird thing where it goes grey..
Ranboo: Yeah?
Tubbo: ..every now and then
Ranboo: Okay..
Tubbo: That's because that thing got wet once and now it just keeps going grey randomly
Ranboo: Well, we hate it so.. *mouth fart noise* Maybe it was the tree demon
Tubbo: We don't hate me. That cost me a lot of money!
Ranboo: Maybe it was the tree demon the whole time
Tubbo: The tree demon is messing with the stream?
Ranboo: People are saying that the camera is still glitching. Are they just straight up lying?
Tubbo: That's cringe!
Ranboo: Are they just straight up lying?
Tubbo: I'll go see.. Um..
Ranboo: "It's Lani"? Lani is actually sitting right there so..
Tubbo: Uh.. Shake your hands around lots
Ranboo: *waves at camera* Greetings! I don't know what wrong with the camera
Tubbo: It's fine!
Ranboo: It's fine?
Tubbo: Yeah
Ranboo: You sure?
Tubbo: Yeah
Ranboo: Alright. Alright, "We're good now"? "It's fine now"? That's good. That's good. Alright. Subscribe for- Ok, whatever. Alright, mkay. What are- Ok, wait wait wait. We can use the ghost hunting app
Tubbo: I don't want to do ghost hunting
Ranboo: No let's see what words we can get. Let's see what words we can get with this
Tubbo: Ahh.. Can I talk to it?
Ranboo: I mean that's not the talking one
Tubbo: Hello Ranboo phone!
Tubbo and Ranboo: "Designate"
Ranboo: It actually changed as soon as it got to your hands
Tubbo: What am I designating bro?
Ranboo: What are you designating? It just gave us the words "designate" and I just don't know what that means
Tubbo: "Designated driver"? Am I the designated driver?
Ranboo: You cannot drive
Tubbo: Is this because I don't drink?
Ranboo: You just cannot drive
Tubbo: Yo, how ghosty are you? *puts phone to Ranboo's neck*
Tubbo: *Ranboo receives a notification* Oh. Well..
Ranboo: You got a notification as soon as you did that. So pretty ghosty I think. Alright, what's my ghost word?
Tubbo: Maybe if I just flip it upside down
Ranboo: No no no no, what's my ghost word? Let's put it, like, on me. What's my ghost word?
Tubbo: I'm designated *thumbs up*
Ranboo: Give me my ghost word. Give it to me
Tubbo: I'm designated
Ranboo: Give me my ghost word. It's not giving me my ghost word. You suck!
Tubbo: You're just not as cool as I am
Ranboo: You suck! and I hate you!
Ghost app: *growling/whispering noises*
Tubbo: *scared* Why did it just roar and why did it just get windy?
Ranboo: "Along"
Tubbo: You're "along", I'm "designate"
Ranboo: "Designate along". What does that mean?
Tubbo: Designate along..
Ranboo: At first I thought it said "among" and I was about to lose my mind. I was so excited for a second there
Tubbo: I really want to go inside now. Can we stop playing now?
Ranboo: No no no no no! Ok, here, let's use the radio one, alright? Let's use the radio one. Oh, I immediately get a negative.. sign
Tubbo: No, that's because I flipped off the ghost
Ranboo: Flip off the ghost some more, I wanna see what happens
Tubbo: Noo, no I don't want to. I feel like I've got spiders all over me. Ow
Ranboo: Come on! I want to be the one who got possessed, why is it you! Gosh darn it!
Tubbo: I'm not possessed
Ranboo: You sure? You're feeling spiders on yourself. That's kinda.. you know..
Tubbo: Maybe there's just spiders in your dress
Ranboo: I don't know! Let's start another seance thing. Let's do that, ok? Let's do it
Tubbo: *whining*
Ranboo: What is your name or are you here, answer one of those, I do not know.. Let us see
Ranboo: Are you here? Why are there so many bugs on the pentagram. There's like an unearthly amount of- There's actually so many.. Get the bugs off the [unintelligible]
Tubbo: Because bugs are attracted to light
Ranboo: Are you here?
Ranboo: I don't- It's just not moving anymore. You have angered it a lot
Tubbo: Nooo, I'm sorry
Ranboo: You realise as soon as you said it, it, like, turned it off
Ranboo: Do something! Please! Alright, you know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna take some recommendations from chat on what shall we do. Let take some recommendations on chat, alright?
Tubbo: I don't want to..
Ranboo: "Among us". "Tubbo is possessed let's go"
Tubbo: I'd better not- If I'm possessed dude, I'm kicking you out of my house. Go somewhere else. Go get a hotel, I don't care
Ranboo: Dude, if you get possessed, that gives me ever more reason to stay because that means I get to live with a possessed person which is awesome!
Tubbo: Noo. If I get possessed, I wanna be left alone! I wanna be left alone!
Ranboo: Which is awesome. Alright, "Say goodbye to the demon"? No, I want the demon here. I wanna fight it. I wanna fight the demon. "Tell the demon to buy merch". So true, I love the VIPs in my chat.
Tubbo: I.. am.. unhappy
Ranboo: "Put salt"? *gasp* We should put salt on him.. and see what happens
Tubbo: No
Ranboo: Hmm... Hmm... "Ever since it counted down it stopped working". That is true, you did kinda..
Tubbo: I broke it
Ranboo: You did kinda- "Ask it to scratch one of you". Scratch one of us! Scratch me! Scratch me! That would be awesome
Tubbo: *punches Ranboo*
Ranboo: That was just a punch and that hurt!
Tubbo: Good. I'm not having a good time
Ranboo: Ow! O-Ow... That a-Ow.. wow
Tubbo: I mean, to be fair, it hurt me more than you. I punched with my thumb on the inside of my hand
Ranboo: Oh that was just your fault
Tubbo: Ow.. Yeah
Ranboo: Scratch me! Scratch me! Fight me, actually! Punch me, perhaps. But not like that *points at Tubbo* You notice how as soon as I asked the demon to harm me, you punched me? *staring at Tubbo* You know w- *camera glitches and cuts off audio*
Tubbo: I don't wanna be possessed
Ranboo: "Get a professional"? I am a professional. Right? Right?
Tubbo: I need holy water
Ranboo: *audio cuts off* What do you want me to do?
Tubbo: *laughs* Boil the hell out of some water *camera and audio glitch again*
Ranboo: What do you want me to do? People are saying "lag" *stream lag*
Ranboo: Ok, that worked. That actually worked as soon as I said that. I am so powerful. Ahh man
Tubbo: I don't wanna be a demon!
Ranboo: Well.. kinda too late for me at least
Tubbo: I don't wanna be a demon!
Ranboo: How do you think I became so popular on content creation in such little time?
Tubbo: By using the- No I can't- I'm under an NDA (non-disclosure agreement) I can't say..
Ranboo: Stop saying that I'm an industry plant and just say-
Tubbo: You're an industry plant!
Ranboo: I would rather be called a demon than an industry plant
Tubbo: You're an industry plant
Ranboo: I'm not an industry plant. That is not true. That is not true
Tubbo: Oh grey screen is back
Ranboo: It went grey again? I'm gonna- Ok we're fine
Tubbo: It only does it for like two seconds. Relax, holy crap
Ranboo: But the thing is though, like-
Tubbo: What's that Harry Styles song about the watermelon? *starts dancing*
Ranboo: What does that have anything- I'm explaining to you how I'm a demon
Tubbo: Maybe the demon likes songs. Wait, I wanna play a song to the demon
Ranboo: Oh wait! Yeah let's play a song to the demon
Tubbo: Wait, no, let me pick! I wanna pick one
Ranboo: Let's play a song to the demon
Tubbo: Um.. Ok! Does the demon like "Airplane Mode" *jamming*
Ranboo: I have something. Now, here, ok. You've got yours. Now let me play my song to the demon. *white noise*
Tubbo: *starts singing Boom Boom Pow by the Black Eyed Peas* When the beat drops, gotta get that that that that. Boom boom boom, gotta get that. Boom boom boom gotta get that *dancing*
Ranboo: So how come you enjoy this? Why do you suddenly enjoy this when I'm playing the music that's meant for the demon?
Tubbo: Stooop! I was just joking
Ranboo: The evidence is piling up, ladies and gentlemen. Tubbo is possessed, I think
Tubbo: I am not!
Ranboo: The evidence is kinda piling up quite a bit actually
Tubbo: Leave me alone! I'm not possessed!
Ranboo: Quite a good amount!
Tubbo: Stop saying I'm possessed
Ranboo: So how come you keep doing things that the demon- that I'm asking the demon to do
Tubbo: I literally just did a TikTok dance
Ranboo: Yeah, 'cause I said that the demon would like the music
Tubbo: The demon wouldn't have done that. The demon would've not "hit the woah" or the weird Q&A thing (ref: The "Questions I get Asked" TikTok dance)
Ranboo: Who do you think- Who do you think invented those things? Demons on TikTok
Tubbo: *gasp* What?!
Ranboo: Yeah, that's right. TikTok is run by demons
Tubbo: TikTok demons? Tik-emons?
Ranboo: TikTok is run by demons
Tubbo: I'm not possessed dude. They're all saying that I'm possessed
Ranboo: You might be.. You could be
Tubbo: I'm not possessed
Ranboo: No, out of either of us, honestly, I would be the one to be possessed.. Honestly.. I already am *stares at camera*
Tubbo: Heeughh.. I'm sus!
Ranboo: *does hands gestures* Yeah
Tubbo: This is comfy!
Ranboo: I mean, the thing- Wow so you're saying that my merch that comes out on September 5th is quite comfortable? Wow, what a great review from Tubbo himself!
Tubbo: Oh *facepalms* It also smells of sweat
Ranboo: No, it does not! I know it doesn't
Tubbo: *sniffs Ranboo's hoodie*
Ranboo: It does not
Tubbo: How sweaty are you? *keeps sniffing*
Ranboo: I'm not at all! He's just trying to slander me!
Tubbo: *intensely sniffing hoodie* It does smell like you though. Everything that you touch gets that "you" smell. It's kinda weird..
Ranboo: That's really really weird actually
Tubbo: Like..
Ranboo: I think you may be possessed honestly
Tubbo: No!
Ranboo: How do you have a sense of smell that does-
Tubbo: No, I'm not even kidding! Where you sit on my sofa, you make the area of my sofa where you slept smell like you, and I'm like *sniffs hoodie* Eugh!
Ranboo: *silent*
Tubbo: *pats Ranboo* No, you don't smell that bad. It's ok! There there
Ranboo: *moves arms away and stares at Tubbo*
Tubbo: I'm not a demon!
Ranboo: No, I'm not doing that because I think you're a demon. I'm doing that just because it's.. weird. Just incredibly weird
Tubbo: What? No.. Sympathy pats?
Ranboo: No sympathy pats
Tubbo: Oh..
Ranboo: No more
Tubbo: Oh I just got a text message from TommyInnit. All will be ok
Ranboo: That was in a group chat
Tubbo: Wait, who the hell is this?
Ranboo: That was in a group chat so..
Tubbo: Wait..
Ranboo: That was in a group chat.. That's kinda sad that you said you got a text from TommyInnit but it was just in a group chat. So that's kinda sad..
Tubbo: Do you know that number?
Ranboo: Nope!
Tubbo: Uh oh..
Ranboo: Anyway.. "Ask the demon if he likes the Dream SMP"? Will do. Do you like Dream SMP?
Tubbo: How big is your willy?
Ranboo: It said yes!
Tubbo: Did it actually?
Ranboo: The tree demon is a Dream SMP enjoyer! Woo! Welp, and now it's just spelling out words. "S" "T" "O" "P" "W" "H". "Stop while".. "Stop while you".. "Stop while you can"!
Tubbo: I.. really hate-
Ranboo: You would like that, wouldn't you? You wimp! You wimp!
Tubbo: *takes Ranboo's phone and throws it away* Knock that off! I hate this!
Ranboo: My phone... my phone!
Tubbo: Have my phone
Ranboo: You don't have demon apps on your phone!
Tubbo: I don't like it! It's being creepy!
Ranboo: What do you mean it's "being creepy"! I told y-
Tubbo and Ranboo: *stare at demon Ouija app's planchette moving on its own in fear*
Tubbo: *scared* Why is it going on its own?
Ranboo: It's going on its own
Tubbo: I just wanna leave. Can- I'm going to bed dude, it's past my bedtime. I'm honestly- I'm gonna go-
Ranboo: Can you at least grab me my phone?
Tubbo: Yeah.. I'm done
Ranboo: You're done? What do you mean you're done?
Tubbo: Why did it just say "No"? It said "no", I'm not done *scared*. I am done! Leave me alone!
Ranboo: You're not done. You're never done
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jawusa · 3 years
Tumblr media
"Planchette, Noela... do we really have to do this?" I don't think..."
"We gotta stay strong and perform this seance now! You know, She's the only person who can give us answers! Planchette, give me that book!"
"I.. uhm, I should really get going, I don't think I feel comfortable..."
Tumblr media
"Stay, where you are, Miss! I know exactly why you're here, you want to resurrect your mom! But you're not aware that a long journey awaits you... you have to leave Lunar Lakes if you want to survive. Otherwise, they will come!"
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"... who will come?"
"The same bastards who kidnapped my son and your mother! Now, they're after you! That's all what I can say, the rest, you will have to find out yourself, farewell!"
Tumblr media
"Mathilde, everything's gonna be alright! We'll come with you! They won't find you, nor will they ever hurt you!"
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"Uhmm... guys, I think we should really get going now... I see her in the mirror... and she doesn't look pleased at all!"
"It's already too late, dear mortals! But I can cast a lightning strike which will teleport you three to the edge of the universe where they cannot find you! But only two of you will survive... one of you will not make it through!"
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On that night, a mysterious lightning strike teleported the three to Aileen Landing... after passing through a strange tunnel of darkness and light at the same time, they were happy to see each other again, but something wasn't quite alright and took more of a sinister turn...
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chaotic-lydia · 4 years
I saw your posts for Lydia X Wednesday, what are you hcs for meeting the family?? :D
My good friend, thank you for your ask! I absolutely adore Lydsday/Black Wednesday so I’m overjoyed to answer this (I am still working on your other ask, however I’m still in the homework stage with it). So, meeting the family!
The Addams family:
I strongly believe that Wednesday is the first to invite Lydia home to meet her family, rather than Lydia inviting Wednesday to Deetz-Maitland home (because... well, what if she freaks out about the ghosts and demons and decides she no longer likes her and doesn’t want to see her again and then she’ll be alone— well, no matter how unlikely it seems, you get the idea)
Lydia takes one look at the Addams family home and just HAS to take a picture. So now she has a framed photograph of Wednesday stood next to the wrought iron gates at the foot of the hill on which her home is situated (it’s her favourite photograph). And let’s be honest, she positively beams at Gate when it opens for her, even stroking one of its bars in gratitude.
Okay but THE FOGHORN BELL. Lydia can’t help but giggle at it (and Wednesday nearly swoons) in its full glory. It’s here that she meets Lurch, and suddenly she no longer thinks Wednesday would mind Beetlejuice nor the Maitlands very much. He offers to take her veil and she compliments his wonderful sneer.
Lydia offers her hand to Gomez to be shaken, but instead her takes in and drags her into a hug instead. She’s like “this is fine ;-;” as she suffocates in his lapel and affection. He proceeds to nearly shake her arm off. Gomez shows a lot of enthusiasm for her photography, despite knowing nothing about himself, and is most taken with her more gloomy pictures. He buys a copious amount of them from her for prices she cannot even begin to fathom (“I’ll buy this for fifty thousand dollars!”; “Mr Addams, please that’s—“; “Not enough! You’re right, how stingy I’m being for such magnificence, ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS!”). Lydia gets ambushed every time she enters the house by a moustached man and his sabre. He intends for her to “be able to protect yourself from harm, now you’re part of the clan”. Gomez definitely plans their wedding.
I think Morticia is more the type to compliment Lydia by singing her praises to Wednesday instead. She’ll say things like “What a woefully gloomy young woman you’ve found here, Wednesday,” to express her approval. Morticia is the kind to give Lydia the “hurt her and perish by the hands of our family” talk but Lydia responds adequately (unlike Fester in The Addams Family) and Morticia warms to her then. Morticia, Wednesday and Lydia all attend tea and seances every full moon.
Gomez and Morticia end up making out (naturally) and Wednesday’s like “we’re leaving, bye” and drags her from the room.
Pugsley drops in with some form of torture device (as an excuse because he wanted to meet the new girl) and is like “oh hi” before trying to convince Wednesday and her “girlfriend” to play Is There A God? with him. Well, at “girlfriend” Wednesday begins to chew him out with carefully chosen words honed to such a sharp precision they could make one bleed. Lydia watches with amusement for a while before eventually cutting in with how “there isn’t a God but there’s certainly a Netherworld.”
OKAY BUT LYDIA AND THING GET ON LIKE A HOUSE ON FIRE. Wednesday was most afraid of their introduction in case it was a little too much but Thing’s spritely personality matches Lydia’s penchant for mischief almost perfectly. If anything, there was more to fear AFTER they met than before.
Faster and Grandmama are only met on her second visit to the Addams’ residence (and so are Gomez’ swords “All good woman must learn how to weild a sabre!”)
The Deetz-Maitland family:
This visit no doubt comes straight off of the back of their visit to the Addams’ residence before Lydia can chicken out. She begs everybody to be on their best behaviour and just... try. For her, for one night (like One Normal Night from the musical but opposite). Obviously nobody adheres to it.
Charles and Delia are the first to be greeted once they’re in the door and Lydia has taken Wednesday’s coat. Both Charles and Delia have a moment like “OH NO. NOW THERE’S ANOTHER ONE” but Charles is better at hiding it. He introduces them with all of the businessman charm he can muster, meanwhile Delia is clutching onto her crystal for dear life. All of this very much pleases Wednesday. Not to mention, you can definitely expect her and Charles to hit it off about business. Wednesday doesn’t mind at all talking about her father’s shares in the lint industry. (And she definitely tells Delia about black magic and the negative opposite of the energies she embraces to freak her out make conversation)
Lydia is SO RELIEVED that Wednesday can see the Maitlands, and Wednesday is fascinated by their condition
Adam introduces Wednesday to the realm of dad jokes. She is not amused; he makes it his mission to get her to laugh/smile at AT LEAST one of his jokes. Wednesday is fascinated by how tangible and corporeal the Maitlands’ spectral form is and ends up discussing it for hours with Adam (since all of the seances she’s attended have been calling upon invisible spirits)
Barbara goes full on MomModeTM on Lydia. She tells Wednesday all the humiliating stories she knows about Lydia (Wednesday files away the “strange and unusual” comment for future teasing, as Lydia blushes). Of course she compliments Wednesday in all of her woe and how well she suits Lydia. Not to mention how happy she’s made her adopted daughter (cue even more blushing from Lydia). OKAY BUT PHOTO ALBUM TIME.
@gothic-but-will-fight-u and I headcanoned that the Maitlands totally dig out the photo album (Wednesday WILL see the customary picture of baby Lydia’s first bath whether they like it or not) but they know every page that has painful memories for Lydia to skip. Then a picture slips out and... there’s a sadness to Lydia that gets addressed when Wednesday excuses them to go to her bedroom. Cue a retelling of the events of Beetlejuice from when her mom became her dead mom.
Which, naturally, leads us onto the ghost with the most himself: BEETLEJUICE! My goodness the two couldn’t be more opposite and there’s immediate tension between the two. “You’re the one who’s stealing my best friend, huh? You’re smaller than I’d anticipated.”; “So you’re the demon who tried to marry my underage girlfriend, huh? You remember the pain you felt when you died? What if I told you I could triple that and make your afterlife into a deathly Hell. Consider it a threat and a promise.”; “Firstly, it was a green card thing. Secondly, I like this one, Lyds. Where’d you find her?” Lydia proudly proclaiming she found her in the cemetery. Wednesday and Beej have a relationship where they love to hate one another: both know Lydia would be unhappy without one of them, but they doesn’t stop them trying to mutilate one another.
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tulipfarm · 4 years
content creator tag
rules: answer the questions and then tag 10+ other creators to answer the questions! 
tagged by: @taylorjoy-anya, @seance, @niinazenik & @neve-campbells (thank you!)
tagging: everyone i mention in this post (ignore if you did it already tho or only if you want!)
first creation and most recent creation of 2020: gonna cheat and say my first creation was this petermj holiday fanfic that i kinda hate now lol and most recent is zendaya in 2020
one of your favorite creations from 2020: i don’t even like zutara like that but i love this one
a creation you’re really proud of: day one of jatpweek! my favorite character
a new style you tried this year and a gifset that uses it: i only started gifmaking this year but it was really cool learning how to do the torn paper effect. i only did it twice and it wasn’t great but i’d like to try it more
your favorite coloring: bi colors for atla
a creation that took you forever: the gaang + mbti because an anon requested it and since i had no knowledge of mbti i had to do some research. then i had to figure out which scenes would work. and then i had to screencap everything (i hate screencapping) and i really wanted it to look good. i think i remade it 3 times until i was happy with it
your creation from 2020 that received the most notes: zendaya’s bday gifset as it should!!!
a creation you think deserved more notes: jatp + types of crushes deserved more love. the ratio on that one hurts.
a creation with a favorite scene/quote: flynn is so cute omg
a new fandom you joined and a creation you made for it: julie and the phantoms babey (here’s willex and juke my babies)
a creation you made that breaks your heart: julie molina + learning to grieve
a ‘simple’ creation that you really love: atla + tumblr’s year in review and also jatp + the songs outside of their performances
a creation that was inspired by another one (add both your creation and the one that inspired it!): this petermj set i did!!! looking back on it now, i wish i made it prettier but yeah, i love them so much. inspired by bartonclinton’s naley set
a favorite creation created by someone else: gonna have to say literally anything mer @ahssoka makes 🥰 here are some examples of how talented she is: one // two // three // four // five !!!!
some of your favorite content creators from the year: cannot possibly name all of them but here’s some of them: @stewart-booboo @kor-ra @sailorsmoon @iridescentides @grayson-richard @beltik @juliesmolinas @katecastle @valenttine @cloud19s @alexsmercer @nora-reid @taylorjoy-anya @suyins @merceralexs @chonis @coulter @kataang @kevsryans @jakeperalta @yonceknowles @cheryl-bombshell @juliesmolina @betty-coopers @milesgmorales @martacabreras @zavens @lyraspans
for good measure, a couple more creations of yours that you love: im gonna do more than a couple because i feel like it: julie molina + the symbolism of doorways // ariana grande’s 34+35 // katara + chloe x halle // jatpweek + favorite friendship // zutara + cloak & dagger // juke + the 5 love languages // zuko + quote // katara + vincent van gogh // zendaya + big three // mailee + quote // katara character profile // atla’s book three
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blookmallow · 3 years
hoouhgh i finally watched hereditary even though i knew it would upset me but i really, really liked midsommar and wanted to give it a shot but it Did, In Fact, Definitely Fucking Upset Me :’) im alright though im just like well! i am never watching That again 
anyway it was. really interesting but i feel like i did not understand it at all. heres me trying to untangle some thoughts 
- I don’t totally understand the significance of the dollhouse/miniature parallels. something something “a way to control her life/the things happening to her when she Can’t control them” annie is unable to express feelings, so she expresses them in her art (her miniatures) like charlie expresses through drawing 
she makes models about her trauma, it seems to be how she processes them, she has models of her mother in hospice care, her mother like an apparition at the bedroom door, and then a graphic model of charlie’s death 
- paint seems to be a significant symbol in some places. maybe... paint represents Emotion/grief? annie normally paints her models very, very delicately and carefully, cautiously controlling and keeping the strokes tiny and precise. she spills the paint before she goes to joan’s house for the first time - maybe a spilling of emotion, trauma pouring out in an uncontrolled mess, so it serves as the catalyst for her deciding she needs help (or, if you go with the “everything was predetermined” concept, she spilled the paint specifically to point her to the paper so she would call joan, i guess) 
in her sleepwalking state in the past, annie covered herself and her children with paint thinner as a flame accelerant  - something to make emotions lesser, to water them down, ultimately to destroy them?
then when she runs into joan again (another Probably Not Coincidence) it’s as she’s coming out of the craft store (possibly, buying more paint, possibly even replacing the spilled paint with something else)
- flame is an obvious important symbol too: charlie sees her grandmother engulfed in flame, her parents are constantly concerned that she’ll freeze because she sleeps in the tree house without heaters and goes out without a coat (possibly she doesn’t feel the cold because of. hell. i dont know) the seance rituals start with a candle flame, dumping water on annie stops the possession 
annie slept in the tree house surrounded in heaters, she did feel the cold and tried to protect herself from it, and she thought she was the link to whatever was terrorizing her family but instead of killing her, burning the sketchbook killed her husband instead, so i think that might be implying that annie is not in fact what’s actually causing all of this. im guessing the book burned her at first to stop her from destroying it - as charlie is really the cause, and probably needs it - and then burned the. father whose name i have forgotten instead of her out of spite or to send a “this isn’t about you, and you cannot stop me” message 
- i think the death of the pigeon may have been what awakened something in charlie, she cuts off its head and draws the severed head with a crown, both foreshadowing what is about to happen to her, and that she. i guess, is actually. hell royalty. or whatever the fuck that was 
she mentions her grandmother wanted her to be a boy, but since peter was born first, i dont understand why this... demon thing passed on to charlie, the second child, instead of the firstborn, who was a boy, which is apparently the demon’s preference. maybe something to do with the fact that annie did not want him and actively tried to miscarry him fucked up the. whatever it is that causes the rebirth
I really just don’t buy that charlie was always a hell demon and never loved anyone in her family? it seems like it took her over or awakened in her as time went on, annie mentions her mother had DID so it’s possible that charlie and. whatever the demon’s name is are in fact two different entities that both lived within charlie (most likely when the grandmother died, it moved to charlie because of the connection charlie had with her. still dont know why charlie was the one groomed into this rather than peter, though) 
- there’s a lot of passively Wanting To Die or seeing the inevitability of death; charlie wandered off, slept in the cold, didn’t bring a coat, didn’t bring her epi pen, wasn’t careful about nuts, possibly Knew or at least subconsciously knew that body, that self, was necessarily going to die, and didn’t ultimately matter. she asks her mother “who will take care of me when you die” and weirdly instead of saying something like “don’t worry, I won’t die for a long time” or something reassuring, annie just says “well, then your father will, or peter” almost implying somewhere subconsciously she knows she’s going to die too
when charlie died, annie in her grief screamed that she wanted to die too. her unconscious self tried to kill her children and herself before, and may have tried to strangle peter (it’s unclear if that actually happened or if it was the demon and peter thought it was his mother or if it was a hallucination/nightmare altogether) and she actively tried to miscarry to prevent peter from being born in the first place 
im not sure what exactly that means. could be that annie subconsciously could feel the trauma and tragedy that was, inevitably, coming for her and her family and was trying to kill them all to save them from it (but was horrified on realizing this, as she didn’t consciously know this) but her attempts always failed because the demon stopped her from denying fate 
 - it’s very odd to me that the father is never included in these incidents, though. we see almost nothing of his own emotional self or grief. the demon never affects him at all until the moment of his death and even then it feels like he was only killed to hurt annie and peter 
we see his anger, but it comes out like annoyance rather than grief, we don’t see him break down until way, way later when he’s alone in a car with his unconscious son (he makes a sudden stop, and. nothing happens, but it’s possible something in the physical act of... almost getting in an accident, almost having That Happen Again, himself, might have snapped something in him)
then they come home, and annie goes from relief that her husband in the front seat is okay, to immediate panic realizing, once again, her child is unresponsive in the back seat with a head injury (though obviously way less severe. he uh. he still had a head)
so. parallels. i lost where i was going with that thought. the demon doesn’t seem interested in the father at all and he seems to be completely emotionally disconnected from his family and his life and im not sure what purpose that serves
- on predestination: charlie’s treehouse may have always been a cult temple (then, did sleeping there affect her spiritually/mentally, or did she want to sleep there because the demon was already in her?) 
we don’t know the extent of joan’s involvement in their lives. she knew annie’s mother, so she’s been involved The Whole Goddamn Time, but we don’t know how far that influence goes. she could have had a hand in putting the nuts in the cake somehow (knew someone there, recommended the recipe, something). peter swerves because there was a dead animal in the road - joan and/or the other cultists could have put it there. joan probably was waiting for annie at the grief counseling group and could have followed her to the craft store to stage an “incidental” meet up (annie is the one who notices her and calls out to her, but she could have just been making herself visible expecting that she would probably see her - if she keeps showing up places and reaching out to her first, annie might become suspicious that she’s doing it on purpose) 
she gives annie the means to talk to her daughter’s spirit, knowing that she’s broken and desperate and will likely do it (probably knowing she’s a medium already, too), knowing that this will make contact with the demon (the incantation she gives her is probably specifically for that purpose - since annie can’t read the language, she wouldn’t know this. the moral here is don’t read weird ancient latin texts out loud) , and knowing that annie will then blame herself for what she perceives is what she’s done to her family - when really, it was the plan all along 
anyway. uh. that sure was a lot 
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bennybentacles · 4 years
Extra-Ordinary: My Life as Number Seven
00.04 the seance
0.004, the sèance, my brother klaus. ever since the sèance was a child, he is very rumbustious. he spent his childhood with seemingly one goal, and that is to ruin our lives. he spent days and nights screaming in his room, loudly thumping on the thin wall separating his room and mine. he sleeps in the bedroom next to mine and it is a normal occurence for me to wake up because he is causing a racket in the middle of the night.
the sèance is also a flamboyant child. ever since we were younger he broke gender norms, he is often sporting the rumour and my own clothes. he started painting his nails when the rumour started doing hers, and when the rumour tried makeup, the sèance was never seen without kohl lining his eyes. our father never minded how the sèance is dressing up himself, i guess he is never against it but my father hated the sèance's attitude
our father tried reprimanding the sèance on multiple occasions. he reprimanded the sèance in front of everybody, throwing harsh words but our brother just spat them back to our father. on other occasions our father pulled the sèance our of our sight and we can only wonder what our father did to reprimand him on those times. sometimes that method works for a few days before the sèance will wreck havoc once more, outdoing himself everytime.
the sèance is very vocal on how he despises his powers in and out of our house. he has stated in multiple interviews that he gave as a child on how he wishes to lose his powers, seemingly not knowing that he hurts me in the process. if i can take his powers for a day so that he would know how awful it is to be powerless in this house i would've done it. but alas, i cannot and i had to listen to him whine about his gifts from the day he had them until the day he ran away.
when the sèance reached ten, he started stealing alcohol from our fathers liquor cabinet. our father has beaten him black and blue when he has found out what the sèance is doing but my brother only laughed at the duration of my fathers beating. that night, i know he still snuck out to drink our fathers liquor. when he started drinking, i started sleeping through the night. i guess the liquor knocked him out everytime that he didn't have the time to cause his nightly commotion and i could sleep the night away.
when the sèance was eleven he started broadening his choices. gone were the night when i can only smell liquor from him, he has started smoking too. i had to breath in the smoke he pushes out of his lungs because my room is closest to his. my clothes started smelling like cigarettes too as if i also started smoking. i didn't hate the cigarettes as much as i hate the alcohol. i guess the sèance was the reason why i also started smoking cigarette at fifteen after i saw his left over cigarette laying around the house and tried it.
the sèance broke his jaw when he was twelve after he fell from the top of the stairs while he was wearing our mothers heels. those eight weeks when his jaw was wired shut were the most peaceful weeks of the academy. he was still jittery on those weeks, still took the center of the attention despite not being able to talk. he was on hard painkillers at that time, his eyes always droopy and gaze never staying still. maybe thats when he started getting addicted to drugs.
by the time that the sèance was thirteen he was rolling joints under the table. i know that he shares his drugs with the horror, both of them always out of their minds at night time. unlike the horror who never got too high that he couldn't function, the sèance spent his days high out of his mind. it seems like he doesn't care about anything but his addiction anymore. he was even high the day the boy ran away
even though the sèance was always high, i know that when the horror died the sèance was sober for two weeks after our father flushed all his stashes into the drain. i remember that fateful day, the sèance screaming for help, him pushing our fathers ginormous vases and breaking them in the process because spaceboy wouldn't be able to take the horror into the medical wing otherwise. i remember the sèance not leaving the horror's side, i remember the sèance talking to the horror on that day where he was conscious. and i remember how the sèance screamed when the horror died, his haunting wails echoing throughout the mansion, forever etching in my memory.
the sèance never let us grieve the horror, spat out curses at anyone who tried to show their respect. he spent days drunk and high of his mind sleeping on top of the horror's grave. he wept everyday, his cries filling our ears, resulting in an eerie noise in the middle of the night. two weeks after the horror's death, the sèance ran away, not even seeing the horror's statue that replaced the grave that he had.
the sèance never listened to anybody, always off to do his own thing. he killed himself slowly, looking like a ghost as days passed by. it is a shame that he has this wonderful powers that he never used and its a shame that he turned out the way he did. the sèance was never a sèance and i don't think he ever plans on becoming who he is supposed to be
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