#mordred reads manga
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euniexenoblade · 3 days ago
Call of the Night season two this year let's goooooo
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thenightshadowqueen · 4 months ago
What are your top 5 (or top 7) favorite media ever (can be anime/manga, tv series, books, movies, games, etc)? Why love them? Thanks ⭐
Thank you for the ask! I love lists. Also, sorry for the delay in answering; it’s been a week.
(Also I’m going to assume that YouTube videos count for the sake of this list; if they don’t, let me know and I can redo the list.)
5. Red, White, and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston (book and movie)
This isn’t one of my four core fandoms, but I genuinely really love it. I think the book was better, but the movie adaptation was really good! It’s definitely one of the better adaptations I’ve seen. I think the main reason I love it is because I genuinely really like the characters (which is rare for me). Alex and Henry both have flaws, which I think is super important, and their dynamic has so much potential and is played out so gorgeously in their story.
4. Vicious by V. E. Schwab (book)
This is my second favourite book, but it lives rent-free in my head in a way that no other characters ever have. I relate so deeply to Victor, and I’m so fundamentally intrigued by Victor and Eli’s dynamic. I’ve made a fair few posts about that, so I think I might leave it here for the sake of not repeating myself, but just… yeah.
3. All of Our Demise by Amanda Foody and C. L. Herman (book)
This is the second book in the duology, and it is my favourite book of all time. I love the first book, but the second one??? Gavin and Alastair are my babies, and I adore them individually and together with all my heart. I remember thinking they had chemistry in the first book, but Alastair was with Isobel, so I didn’t think it would happen… and then I read book two. And I don’t think I’ll ever be over how fucking delighted I was. I think that specific feeling of not being queerbaited is part of why this book has stuck with me, but it’s also just so genuinely fun to read. I love this book so much.
2. BBC Merlin (TV)
This has been my favourite show since I was twelve years old, and I am not changing that now. (Sometimes I wonder if part of the reason I love it so much is because of the person who recommended it to me, but we don’t have time to get into all of that.) Look, I’m not saying that Merlin was the best show ever made, but I genuinely enjoy it so much. (And that’s not just me; everyone I’ve ever introduced it to has loved it.) Honestly, for me, a lot of it comes down to the characters again: Merlin and Arthur, obviously, but also Morgana, and I’m so intrigued by Mordred’s storyline, and the side characters are great, and I could just go on and on. But seriously, it’s my comfort show, and I just enjoy watching it so much.
1. Shoot from the Hip videos (YouTube)
Honestly, I spend so much of my day watching these men that it’s a little concerning. (In my defence, my chronic illness means that I have a whole lot of time.) The thing is, there have, historically, been very few things that genuinely make me laugh. And they manage it every time. I just genuinely really enjoy watching their videos, and I get so invested in their stories, too, because their characters are so well developed (especially considering they’re making it all up on the spot). Also, not to get all serious, but they’ve genuinely been so good for my mental health. I’d been struggling since I got ill (I’m doing somewhat better now), and finding the boys genuinely saved my life, and I’ll leave it there to avoid getting depressing, but… yeah.
Also, I got a second ask more recently that was the same thing, so I’m just going to consider this the answer to both instead of typing this all out twice. I hope that’s all right!
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nic0-r0bs · 3 months ago
A first attempt at a mini-comic from my 7DS ff.
Well, bad drawings and coloring is better than none at all.
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That's from the first chapter of a project which started in 2017 I think. While reading the manga as soon as the chapters were out, and being a big fan of Arthurian legends in general, I started thinking about writing a little something about different generations of Knights of the Round Table (that was long before 7DS ended and KotA went out).
I already had some ideas about Lancelot, because of course a lot has been written about him, but... What about the other Knights? What about the rest of his family?
And, well.
Here you have my OC Hectoria Evainne de Maris Maliaron, future Queen of Gaunnes. Because yeah, why not?
I actually merged Hector de Maris and Bors de Ganis into this female OC... which happens to be a WereBeast. Because WereBeast were so interesting but severely underused and under-represented. And because, well, King Arthur did have a kind of Werewolf among his knights.
Bringing Ban's sister Killa back from the dead would have been more "canon", family tree-wise, to bring Lancelot's cousins/nephews to life, but... 7DS is anything but """canon""", to be fair xD
So the story begins at Vaizel tournament and I just couldn't resist trying to draw a little something
Since the story covers many years and different generations of knights, I also put in there:
Morgana, ispired from BBC Merlin Morgana, which is, obviously, a Fairy
Mordred, ispired from Fate Apocrypha Mordred, who, being thus half Fairy, is non-binary
Kayley and Garrett, inspired from the protagonists of Quest for Camelot
Marrock, who is a WereBeast (wolf) just like Maliaron
I really don't know where the story will go, now that KotA is going on, but I think I will simply keep on writing what I like.
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threbe · 8 months ago
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A key to Arthur past and the final battle and maybe Arthur's redemption arc that'll come towards the end of the manga
We're finally seeing someone from Arthur's past and I think the more people we see link to Arthur's past and from original King Arthur stories like more information on his parents Merlin eventually if she's in this manga and we don't get like another manga that's going to be another part to this franchise connected to the seven deadly sins and the four nights his sister/ half sister depending on what version you read
Morgana lafaye and Mordred his nephew or sometimes nephew / son depending on what version you read
So first thing about Sir jay
Sir Kay I don't believe he's a not a Pendragon
He's just Arthur adoptive brother
people often forget since it's a minor part that shows up at the beginning of King Arthur story's all the time even when it was introduced in the seven deadly sins manga it was a side chapter that people often forget about
That still follows the same story from King Arthur's stories is that sir kay father adopted Arthur
Because Arthur couldn't stay with King uther
I can never remember some of the reasons why but I know in some adaptations he couldn't stay with him due to his father causing conflict with some other rulers and them wanting to kill him and anyone of the Pendragon bloodline so it might have been the same even in this story
And he sent Arthur with his best night I believe or one of his best or loyal nights
And I believe it's at some point and some of these stories that I've read he usually passes away Arthur ends up on his own for a while working at a farm or a stable and always ends up meeting Merlin like that somehow and it could be the same in this adaptation
In nnt /4 knights
But we never really got a full backstory for Merlin and Arthur I'm hoping we'll get that in four nights
They truly do just need to make a spin-off manga where we just see Merlin and Arthur's past like we get to see Merlin when she was little and what she did after the war and in her search for chaos and how she met the Lady of the lake
It also would be nice to see like a full chapter 2 on what Arthur and Merlin's meeting was first like and why Merlin was even allowed to take Arthur away from home without anyone saying anything cuz
I'm sure there were other nights including the night that Arthur's father left him with know that he's the main heir to the kingdom so why would they just let Merlin who at that point was already a known criminal take Arthur away doesn't make sense and has never been clearly talked about
But I'm hoping that gets revealed in this manga at some point it probably won't happen to us the end where Arthur is defeated and Merlin or Lady of the lake go over Arthur's backstory kind of like they did with Merlin in the original series in the chaos art where we learn Arthur's backstory with Merlin his backstory with his adopted brother and how he became the king he is over time since not all the other characters slowly know his backstory and that's why we'll fully learn why he's been corrupted by chaos
And I think usings sir Kay is going to be linked to that too we're going to start to see more people linked to Arthur's past that are linked to him and
care about him in a sense like Kay, nanashi again at some point , well maybe even finally get to see his parents in the manga queen irgean (I believe on spelling her name wrong and I'm too lazy to look it up sorry ) she was a queen of another country and Arthur's father used magic to disguise himself as her dead husband who I believe he had killed in a
battle because he found her so beautiful and enchanting and he wanted to sleep with her and eventually they did end up sleeping together I think he revealed himself to her at some point and that's around the same time she ended up having Arthur eventually, and I believe that is what led to the
conflict where people wanted to kill him and he had to send Arthur away could be the same in this story as well where he was just being an a$$ but his mom wasn't the greatest person either she was kind of a a $$ as well from what I remembering when reading the King Arthur stories and even seen a few videos on his parents they were both basically just really tossed it self-centered people if I'm remembering right and it could be like this in the nnt /4 knighys
Story as well like I said I hope we get to learn about Arthur's past about his parents because I believe everything that's going to happen in the end if we do get certain reveals like the reveal to his half sister Morgana lafaye who he has more with on purpose or by force and depending on what you read when it comes to King Arthur stories if she does get introduced in this story and it's linked to the reason why Arthur corrupted himself with a
fragment of chaos and we learn that towards the end of this story and then have one big final boss fight with chaos or Morgan lafaye and Margaret if they show up it'll be linked to that cuz like I said I think if the more people we see from Arthur's past and linked to him like Merlin his adoptive brother
and even other people that are usually in King Arthur stories we're probably going to get closer to fighting Arthur and a reveal as to why he's been so corrupted and how he could possibly be saved or redeemed because let's be real he's either going to get killed off at the end of the story or get a redemption ark and maybe even still get killed off like other characters have
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kashilascorner · 2 months ago
2024 Favorites, by yours truly - part 1. Reading
I didn't read a lot of manga or comics this year, so for the first time, I'm putting all together. The books here are very losely ordered by preference, with the manga just dropping wherever.
Un amor (Sara Mesa)
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This is a book about obsession, about desire, about (not) belonging. I loved every bit of it and honestly felt like Sara Mesa was reading my mind at some points. This is a novel I would have loved to have written. First book I read last year, and also first 5 stars. It has been translated into English, with the same name.
Endurance (Alfred Lansing)
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I loved this one, and I am convinced they were able to survive because they were silly about their whole ordeal in their first few months. These guys knew how to have fun, that's all I'll say. It's an incredible adventure and I only wish there was an epilogue to it. Also Lansing apparently made up some stuff but it's ok because he's a good narrator.
Young Mungo (Doublas Stuart)
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This book was quite something when it released: I remember seeing it everythwere, specially in LGBT bookstores. I decided to read it because the audiobook (in Spanish) was available in my library and, having come back from a trip to Scotland, I felt like reading a story set there. What I found absolutely broke my heart in many little pieces. It is a beautiful, heartfelt, awfully realistic coming of age story set in working-class 90s Glawgow, full of very, very dark things. That being said, I do think a couple of the darker situations in the book could have been more delicately handled. Please look out the trigger warnings for this one.
Promising young women (Caroline O'Donoghe)
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I foudn this on a second hand bookstore and had it sitting on my shelf for years (literally) but I thought it looked funny and decided to read it. Let me tell you: this book made me feel like I was watchign a good friend about to make the absolute worst mistake of her life, like watchinga train wreck in slow motion. It was darkly funny and then it becomes increasingly dark and even a little bit gothic. Absolutely loved this one. It is a coming of age story for your mid-twenties, it deals with obsession, loneliness, sexism and more.
A Camelot Triptych (Norris J. Lacy)
NOW THIS ONE. It's the arthurian retelling I've enjoyed the most so far: its short and sweet, its structure is a work of genius, it has a very limited scope and yet tells such a big story. There are layers to it. It is composed by three short stories, or chapters, the first from Merlin's point of view, second from Guinevere and third by Mordred. Absolutely fantastic. And very difficult to find so take your chance.
The tombs of Atuan (Ursula K. Le Guin)
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The slow, beautiful second book of the Earthsea series coulnd't be more different in subject and tone from the first one. And yet it was perfect. Despite being so short, it's dense with symbol, heavy with meaning, and requires some patience to read it. This isn't a great fantary adventure. It is something differnt and yet so compelling, brilliant like great fables can be. This was my favorite thing from the novel (CAREFUL, it has spoilers).
Golden Kamuy (Satoru Noda)
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This year I finally finished reading this manga, from volumes 16 to 31. Top 5 manga I've ever read. I love the mix of history, culture & nature, humor, adventure, thriller, and more. I love the characters, I love their design, I miss them already.
The Idylls of the queen (Phyllis Ann Karr)
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Another Arthurian retelling, this one is so cleverly constructed, so keen on detail and threads so many things together into a very spcific moment of the story that I can only call it a work of genius. Want to see Sir Kay as a detective? Look no further! Ms. Karr really wrote one of my favorite Kays, one of my favorite Morgans and one of my favorite Mordreds and I can only say THANK YOU.
The indifferent Stars above (Daniel James Brown)
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Lovely book about a not very lovely story. Earlier in the year I had read a novel called The hunger which overall I liked but felt very lukewarm about the addition of a supernatural element to a story that in real life was extremely compelling but also absolutely horrifying on it's own right. This books follows one of the party members closely and narrates every (mis)step of the doomed Donner Party. Truly beautifully written.
The winter king (Bernard Cornwell)
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Third and final arthurian retelling on the list. I was very hesitant about adding it here because I thoroughly enjoyed the first book but not so much the sequels, though I still like them and how the story progressess (I still have a couple hundred pages left of Excalibur, the third and final book so let's see how that goes). Basically this is grimdark arthuriana, but done well. I love Cornwell's style and Derfel, the narrator, is terribly funny. This is also one of my favorite Arthurs so <3
Special mentions: Cruzamos por el ras de la montaña (Maria de la Cruz), Papa told me vol. 1 (Nanae Haruno), The count of Monte Cristo (Alexandre Dumas), Parable of the talents (Octavia E. Butler), Thérèse Raquin (Émile Zola), Yotsuba vol. 5 (Kiyohiko Azuma), The lying life of adults (Elena Ferrante).
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gellavonhamster · 4 months ago
monthly media recap: november 2024
Mr. Justice Raffles by E. W. Hornung - another portion of the Raffles & Bunny stories read through the Letters from Bunny substack (which is still decidedly not a method of reading books that I am well suited for, but I'm gonna finish this one. And then never subscribe to another substack again, lol). I enjoyed the previous two short story collections more this novel, in part because I didn't quite understand a lot of financial dealings in this one, but it's also good, and I really liked Camilla Belsize.
The Boy and His Magician (Мальчик и ег�� маг) by Yelena Yadrenceva - my dear friend's second published book! Never not amazed by what kind of amazing talented people I have pleasure to know. A story of mentorship, love, and breaking the cycles of violence. I read it while it was still in progress, and it makes me so happy to see it as a completed novel. And it still blows my mind that my name is on the list of dedications ❤
Blessed Bastard by Ruth P. M. Lehmann - a very sweet book about Galahad which actually made me like him for a change. I enjoyed the dreamlike quality it achieves towards the end and the combination of Christianity and paganism that works so well in Arthuriana.
The Masquerades of Spring by Ben Aaronovitch - I love this series but always forget about it, and then BAM, another book. This novella is from the POV of Nightingale's Bertie Wooster-esque school chum as he helps Nightingale track magical music instruments in the 1920s New York. Fun, queer, and overall delightful.
A Camelot Triptych by Norris J. Lacy - holy unreliable narrators Batman. The way the three stories complement each other is immaculate. The machiavellian Merlin, the dignified and tired Guinevere, the bitter Mordred who might be a secret hero or just delusional. Chef's kiss
Les Misérables: the Manga, Vol. 1-2 by Takahiro Arai - actually a really great adaptation! So many details are included (even some that I forgot were in the brick, like Fauchelevent's initial reasons to dislike Valjean), you can feel it's made with love and care. I loved how metaphorical art was at times - Valjean's rage as wild beasts, the ghosts of the past that haunt him, Javert's dog shadow (?). This omnibus covers only up to Fantine's arrest, but I'd love to read further.
Le Comte de Monte-Cristo (2024) - it probably differs from the book quite a lot from what I remember of it (which isn't much, it's been some 15 years since I read it), but it's really interesting. Three hours long but didn't feel dragged out at all. Wanna reread the book now
Edge of the City (1957) - friendship, cowardice, courage, and humanity. I don't know what to say apart from that this is a really good film.
L'amica geniale / My Brilliant Friend (2018-2024, season 4) - a very well-made (not perfect, certainly, but still extremely good) adaptation and amazing television in general. I cried every week which may be not much of an indication, because I always cry easily, but this is an incredibly moving story. And the casting of characters at different ages was superb. Reminding everyone that I have a sideblog @grecocerullo dedicated to these books/show while I'm at it :)
The House on Sorority Row (1982) - perhaps I need to reconsider my stance on slasher horror because I enjoyed this one (apart from some genre-typical ableism). It didn't go quite as I imagined, which made it more interesting to me.
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icharchivist · 1 year ago
Wait, Vane is younger than Lancelot? I guess it makes sense, but still. Did not expect that. Also, WHAT? I thought Arthur and Mordred would be like 15, 16??? Sure, they occasionally act younger than that, but, wow. They truly are the babiest of babies. How dare Gbf keep putting them in awful situations >:(
nonny i'm about to make your day, look at child Lancelot and Vane from the manga adaptation::::::
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this is the most important image of all time, to me.
and if you look a little closely on the uncap of their summer Vane DOES look younger. Or maybe it's just bc i know he's younger.
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i could SWEAR there's a story or two where Lancelot actually joke about how, at some point, Vane was smaller and cuter than him, and what the hell happened, while Vane pouts because he's so happy to be strong now to protect everyone.
i think i recall reading them becoming friends because Vane baked a cake for Lancelot on his birthday, but he was too shy to approach him, so Lancelot had to make a move to get his cake, and Vane mentioned he was just worried because Lancelot looked lonely. but i can't recall for the life of mine where i read it. did i imagine it. who knows.
AND YEAH THE ARTHUR AND MORDRED THING. Honestly i had them in my mind at 15, i keep forgetting. Nowadays they're 14 (bc currently the Dragon Knights saga have been going on for one year in game time), but yeah, they're just kids!! they're little boys!!! just babies!!! who are going through hell like holy shit kids shouldn't have that many death experience before they turn 14 granblue what tHE FUCK.
so yeah. granblue's ages huh!
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nasuversekinkmeme · 2 years ago
Weekly Roundups: Prompts
Kara no Kyoukai
Everyone is a Saberface? Wrong. Saber is a Kohakuface. Chaos ensues.
Fate/Stay Night
In some early versions of Arthurian Myth, Mordred just straight up wins…and marries Guinevere to legitimize their rule. That’s obviously multiple flavors of absurd in PHH, but hey, so’s most of the actual plot of FGO. Give me Guin and Mo romance and/or fucking, in any situation. Maybe a sweet if kinda messed-up second love at Chaldea, or a dark NTR plot in a flashback, or the first mistaken for the second by the Knights. (“Guin is a Rinface” preferred but not required.)
Yariyumi has gone on a few pool dates before, I would like them to go on another, please.
It turns out that Guinevere is physically identical to Aoi Tohsaka, what does Rin have to say about it?
Archer and Sitonai spend a lot of time together, archer carries her to her room when she falls asleep, they hold hands when walking just cause. Then, it surges a rumor that Archer is dating Sitonai, cue to archer getting bad looks and then having to explain to all of Chaldea that they're brother and sister
Finding that this new Knight Mordred, is in actuality her own Son with Morgan. Saber reflects on the similarities between their origins as the results of an affair (If Artoria even is the result of an affair in the Fate universe anyway) and on how right now in Camelot an affair is going on between her wife and her best Knight even as she speaks. I don't have any idea where this would lead her, I just always thought it was interesting just how commonly affairs come up in Arthurian myth.
Smut, y'know maybe a good majority of the carnage in heaven's feel cold've been prevented if someone got sakura a hitachi magic wand & a subscription to playgirl.
one of the other servants (doesn't matter who) sees BB post-slutification and trains her into a proper young lady.
Based on recent events let's get some toxic Yuri up in this bitch and let Kiara fuck Taiga
After the latest reveal in the Seraph manga I want to see Kiara being ripped apart by Unlimited Lost Works.
BB recovers from all the sluttification and realizes she's into it
Emiya Alter sees Jaguar Warrior for the first time and goes through a trauma-induced panic. Only his teacher can bring him back to his senses
BB in complete disgust of the amount of bimbofication and brain drain erotica her master has been reading about her, she just fucking kills Ritsuka because she decides humanity isn't worth salvation anymore
Begging for some Prillya fluff since my partner and I just caught up with the series
Smut, I feel we need more bi rep so Sieg gets double teamed my Astolfo and Jeanne. Bonus for strap
Happily asexual Astolfo. Oh sure, they still love making their partners feel good during sex and all that! But that's what they get out of it - making their partners feel good.
rejoice gudako , for after 5 years of waiting ,you finally have gyaru lancelot!
Yknow how Huang Feihus kids only pop out when he's fighting? What if during one such fight his kids, instead of helping, tell Guda and/or other servants how strong, dependable, and also very very single their dad is
Gender is a game. Astolfo chose not to play, Sexshifting!Ritsuka is winning handily, and Mordred is losing. Badly. Mordred having a complex and adversarial relationship with gender as a concept, experiencing deep envy for, say, both Extremely Female Mata Hari and Extremely Male Fergus and not being at all able to process why. Maybe finally bonding with Artoria over similar experiences.
A male servant walks in on Artemis bathing. Artemis responds with the customary feminisation spell to whoever saw her naked. Problem is, said Servant was doing a stream on Servant-tube when he accidentally walks in, and the spell effects the viewers of that stream, leading to something like half of Chaldea's male heroes getting sex swapped.
Smut, guro, Xiang Yu and Yu Meiren going at it but Xiang Yu being a horse means its really tearing Meiren apart. Good thing her regen ability means she enjoys it!
the super crown in chaldea , what chaos will ensue?
Unfortunately as part of the single wives club, Galatea is constantly hit on by those who he think she'll be easy. Fortunately, Galatea is ace and instead starts infodumping on shoes, clothing, and how lovely her also ace husband is instead
Asclepius getting fucked in the butt so hard call that Assclapius
Everyone talks about overworking the farming supports. Nobody ever talks about overworking the farming payload. I'd like a thing about the big meta farming servants, like Space Ishtar or Edmond Dantes or Zerkerlot, just being put through the wringer.
Smut, ntr, Netorare where castoria peek as Master has a threesome with Morgan and Tonelico, and can't herself but masturbate while crying desiring to be in their place, even better if Morgan notices it and makes sure to show her how better Master feels when having sex with her.
lets give ritsuka fujimaru a reality marble and see what their inner world looks like
A master summons Mata Hari for the Holy Grail War and decides to ditch the whole thing and run away with her instead. Fluffy or angsty and either oc master or canon one up to the writer
it's the day after the biggest rager Chaldea has thrown so far . gudako wakes up in Izou's bed with a hangover that makes BB look pleasant. after a shower & change of clothes , she & izou stagger to the cafeteria for breakfast. turns out not only did goredolf get past 2nd base with MHXX , their party took place during a grail war in fuyuki city. and in the hectic scramble to flee the cops because they trashed this big-ass mansion , they stole that war's saber class servant and their master.
someone gets Columbus's valentines gift, looks him dead in the eye, and drops it in the trash without breaking eye contact.
oberon: his face when he succ all of Britain
Kadoc starts to get feelings for Ritsuka. The problem is that Kadoc knows that Ritsuka won’t feel the same. He wrong.
Smut, Ibuki getting her tits fucked, a lot. If that's cool.
Smut, incest, Since morgan has appeared servants have been keeping an eye on artoria due to some comments artoria makes from time to time, yet she insists that she will not fuck her sister(again) She ends up fucking her sister, merlin involvement is up to the author
blackbeard of all people has been deemed trustworthy enough to be the guard of gudako's porn stash when there's an inspection.
Smut, Morgan gets Railed by Mash and Habenyan. Thats it that's the prompt.
Smut, i need morgan and oberon to have fucked up insane hatesex. hopefully with copious amount of violence and pain. it's fine if one of them dies btw.
I am in desperate need of Artoria and Mordred sitting down and talking things out, reaching an understanding and just… finally coming to terms with each other. Lord knows the actual game writers wont do it at this point…
On the slight chance it's true: Newly summoned Yoshinaka doesn't understand his wife's new hobby but tries his best to support it
Smut, Tonelico desperately tries to hold the moans back when they fuck but when Mash is on top she edges her to DEATH just to be able to hear her screaming her name
Smut, prompt for og Moriarty throwing out his back and Sherlock having to fix him up but instead of using baritsu Sherlock blows his already blown back back into shape. bonus if it somehow works.
Smut, since it is nerofest, the ultra hard gilgamesh exhibition, but instead of fighting him…. enkidu rails gilgamesh SENSELESS.
Smut, There are still 20 days before the fillathon. You know how Euryale is a great counter to Gawain’s boss fight in Camelot? You know how Bhargest is kinda a useless bisexual? Let’s have Euryale domming the absolute hell out of both “Gawains,” much to the relief of both.
Smut, incest, Arjuna and Karna making love. Holding hands, going nice and gentle, kissing battle scars, gazing longingly into each other's eyes... You get the idea. Let them be happy together.
Hello, this is my first time doing this, but how about Kintoki getting hypnotized by a male master? Especially if a little bit of muscle worship is added? Thanks!
Morgan can't simply show her lily form like a normal person. So she makes all saber faces wear tonelico's clothes and it's her husband's/wife's job to choose the correct one
Feet appreciation but it's Guda tearing up over the fact Sumner Cas got 10 toes
Baobhan's partner thinking that she has a foot fetish and so gets a pedicure/puts effort into their feet care. Which is great but - Baobhan doesn't have a foot fetish, but it's too awkward for her to explain the truth. Bonus if they aren't actually together and the other person is trying to seduce Bao with it
Chaldea enters civil war as the lilys and their adult versions begin fighting(Ex: Jeanne, Gil, Saber, Cu, Medea, Medusa, Archer, Draco, Morgan, Maou Nobu)
Unsanitary, Politely asking for male omorashi content please, I have been starved recently
In the Water Margin club (that totally exists cuz they all wanted it and not because Pretender Lizzy cried until they all relented) the other two members are suprised to hear from Lizzy that Li Kui has been summoned. Suprise turns to confusion, however, as Darius walks in, just as confused and wearing what seems to be a glued on beard
Guda summons Tonelico only to not know who she is as they never actually met, considering her some kind of Castoria clone and treating her as such. Both Castoria and Morgan are highly amused
In addition to her impressive strength Baobhan Sith also has Magic Resistance rank EX, meaning that ordinary magecraft can’t even touch her!
Morgan succeeded in capturing and convincing Castoria to join her, naming her the new Tam Lin Mordred. Unfortunately, they are unable to escape their ultimate fates as Mordred brings down Camelot once again
Smut, Guda is horny and gropes castoria, this would be totally fine, if the one he groped was actually castoria. Cue to an extremely angry Tonelico quickly changing into her Morgan form and punishing her Husband (Explicit, Femdom, Sadistic Morgan)
castoria and oberon and morgan get a good view of how guda is when not in lostbelts or singularites with their fairy eyes after being summoned: horny. so fucking horny. all the time about the weirdest things?? about like every of age servant in chaldea and even some of the staff, particularly goredolf. is this some kind of defense mechanism? dont think about everyone youve either watched die or personally killed think about everyone you love and how much you want to fuck them?
Smut, In the lead up to the last fight with Flauros, Jing Ke and Boudicca say words to the effect of “let’s get drinks after this.” Drunken, glad-to-be-“alive” sex surely ensued.
Smut, Selfcest. Medea Lily angrily tops her older self, who is infuriatingly calm about it.
i feel like mephistopheles and leonardo da vinci would make a sexy mechanical waifu doll out of bombs to prank blackbeard at least once. just some absolutely looney tunes shit.
Erice and Tamamo have some sister talk that ends with Erice trying to kill tama for talking shit about her mom
All of the Saberfaces having a BATTLE TO THE DEATH. Only one Saberface wins, everyone else dies
Reason why there is so much saberfaces: Igraine is a time traveler and is the absent mother or father of all them, she also had sex with the moon once, the result was Arcueid.
something not safe for work, in the sense that it's about characters breaking every OSHA regulation known to god and man.
The Mod of the kinkmeme gets a hug from their favorite Nasuverse servant, whoever that is! (mod note: just use any servant you've got my blessign)
"Whelp, here it is. Dunno why you came all this way for it, though. Totally useless, what with all the holes. 'Course, suppose it wouldn't be the Holey Grail if it didn't have them!... what's with the face?"
Anybody at all, from anything Nasuverse: "YOU'RE TOO LATE, HOMOPHOBES, I'M FORKLIFT CERTIFIED!"
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dianight · 9 months ago
You know, I've been thinking. About trans women, mostly.
I was just going to delete this blog but it was like, a bit unfair right? When one of my friends or even just an acquaintance that I've talked to a few times just goes and disappears, it can be a bit stressful when you realize. Orders of magnitude worse when it's a trans woman.
So I was thinking about a bunch of stuff. It started with Yamato from One Piece of all things. I don't remember if it was fanart or he was mentioned on some thread or something. But it was on my mind, like a metaphorical seed if you will.
Then I was reading Shonen Abyss and this panel came up. It's very minor, just a flashback from an earlier chapter:
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And it was like. How typical. We have some unhinged dude that's done some terrible stuff (let's ignore how Gen is also a victim too for now) and how can we show the readers that he's lost it? Well he wants to be a woman, because that's bad I guess.
There's way more I could say about it, how it follows a similar homophobic sentiment that ends up being (trans)misogynistic, how Lukako from Steins;Gate goes through something similar and such. But. It's not quite the point that's been on my mind.
Because you see. With Yamato still there (faintly) a thought appeared in my head. On the Wano arc we have both Yamato and Kiku (in order):
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Yamato is a trans man and Kiku a trans woman. Textually it's very clear. [The spanish fandom wiki misgenders Yamato but not Kiku, not relevant but odd] And somehow both of them still look like women.
Considering the okamas and the whole Sanji being extremely transmisogynistic, I was glad that Yamato and Kiku were handled much better, both in universe and out of it. Although in different ways. So different actually that it made me look closely at those differences.
The point is this, you see: why does Yamato, while clearly looking like a woman, get to declare himself a man and be treated with respect (<- this is a good thing, it's a rethorical question) while Kiku, clearly looking like a woman, gets to declare herself a woman and be treated with respect? (<- this is not worded as well as I'd like in english)
Or in other words, can we picture the reversed situation? Does Yamato, while clearly looking like a man, get to declare himself a man and be treated with respect? I say yes, with absolute confidence. BUT. Does Kiku, while clearly looking like a man, get to declare herself a woman and be treated with respect? I say maybe, maybe in universe. But absolutely not outside of it.
Because this bothered me a bit I tried to remember if I've ever seen that case, a (person who looks like a) man saying that she's a woman and not only being believed, but not treated as something bad and/or a joke. And I could not come up with any examples.
Then again, I mostly read manga so my range is biased and limited. But I could actually come up with a couple examples of the opposite, a (person who looks like a) woman saying that he's a man and actually being respected and believed: Mordred (fate)[arguably Saber too] and Togata (fire punch).
Is it too cynical to think that if some series had a man (pictured with a beard, in masculine clothes) say that she's a woman, she's never (<- some day, perhaps) going to be treated seriously? Not a gnc person, not a genderfluid person, not a manly man that happens to wear dresses, not some caricature or mockery. Some dude declares "I am a woman" and the narrative, the characters, the author and the audience collectively say "ok" (<- genuine).
It's like. I can't see it happening. And obviously I don't mention real life situations because in real life you get ostracized if you are a trans woman, especially if you happen to look like a man.
Because you see, I was going to just delete this account. I'm tired after all the bans, all the harassment (thank fuck no one follows me on this one), all the hate. You can't be a trans woman in real life, and online is real.
But the thing that connects those two points: there's no other platform where I've ever seen overwhelming support for pretransition women except for tumblr. Literally nowhere else. So I guess I'll stay because it's a positive influence, for now.
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mordredpendragon · 3 days ago
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@eviltoxicmosssauce omg!!!! i'm really excited for when you doodle them, please by all means tag me when you do because i'd love to see! also that's a lot of questions haha let me answer them one by one.
yes, mordred's arm is a prosthetic. there's no origin i just made it up because i thought it would be cool. i basically just thought "what if clarent was actually a badass prosthetic arm instead of a sword?" so he can do all sorts of things with it. it's inspired by Guts from the manga Berserk who also has a prosthetic arm! and other hack and slash protagonists, like Nero from Devil May Cry 5 and Zero from Drakengard 3.
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2. honestly there's a whole lot to mordred and percival's relationship in LidERi you might want to either DM me or send me another ask. but if i had to give you one thing, it's that mordred is knight (or rather, squire, in their case) that percival first meets. they've known each other since they were teenagers. mordred also kind of takes yvonet's role in helping percival catch his bearings when he first enters linawasa (albeit begrudgingly, lol)
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anyway, here's them as squires. i posted it on my art blog!
3. if you want to get to know percival more, oh boy am i the person for you! here are some of my recommendations:
The BEST way to get to know percival is to read Chretien de Troyes' Story of Grail. I personally read Burton Raffel's translation as a kid and it's what got me to fall in love with medieval literature, but I also highly recommend Nigel Bryant's translation since it also includes the continuations!
but you also have options! i recommend this beautiful picture book, Perceval: King Arthur's Knight of The Holy Grail by John Perkins & Gennady Spirin (2007) as well as Perceval 1978, a live action adaptation of Story of Grail with its own batshit insane ending. it's also very faithful to chretien!
i also recommend reading Peredur, which you can find in the Mabinogion. i recommend this translation by Meirion Pennar that also has illustrations with a very good intro about Peredur himself. there is another translation by Sioned Davies that includes the entirety of the Mabinogion.
tbh you could also always just look through my blog i don't stfu about this guy. here is a post from @gingersnaptaff discussing Peredur and Cai and another one from @queer-ragnelle discussing the differences between Percival and Galahad's grail quest narratives. percival also has so much beautiful contemporary artwork and depictions that you can derive inspiration from! like this one from Howard Pyle.
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I'm also very fond of his portrayal in Excalibur 1981 by Paul Geoffrey and Knights of the Round Table 1953 by Gabriel Woolf.
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you could also find information on him in The Arthurian Companion by Phyllis Ann Karr, and The Percival Casebook edited by Arthur Groos and Norris J. Lacy.
sorry i'm done. i hope that was enough i held back because i also got a bajillion essays saved on the guy and he also has plenty, i mean PLENTY of medlit all about him.
anyway, in regards to High Noon Over Camelot by The Mechanisms, i love that album! i'm not as into it these days but i loved it when i was first getting into arthuriana when i was younger, and it was also influential in how i write mordred, i love that they depict mordred as an idealist. he's also a trans man which is great! i also depict him as a trans man and that reading of him is one that means a lot to me, so i'm very pleased that it's also shared by a lot of people!
greetings catboy mordred nation. i was wondering whether you've got any medlit recs that have good percival/mordred moments cuz ive never actually seen them interact in what i've read but your art has me invested
also i pronounce it persimmon in my head which i think is an adorable ship name
omg hi moss! thanks you so much for the ask, and yes i confirm it is meant to be announced persimmon. it doesn't mean anything, i just think it sounds cute.
also i'm very happy you got invested in them through my art, that means so much to me 💕 as a thank you, here's a little doodle of them!
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with that out of the way, this post is stupidly long, so all my thoughts will be under the cut below.
if i'm being honest 99% of the stuff for them is basically made up for my own canon and lore in my personal project, LidERi: Paradise Lost. they started off as a crackship and i just thought they'd make a good pairing together, and here we are. if you want to know more about their LidERi: Paradise lost iteration specifically, you can go through the #prsmn tag under my blog or ask me ^^
but in regards to medieval literature, there's one interaction that stands out to me the most and i've actually posted about my thoughts on it here!
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vulgate lancelot part VI, page 325 to be exact.
it's simple and brief, but i find it very poignant and there's a lot worth examining here! mordred calls him "simple" and "prefers peace to war", percival is also described as gentle. 'in no way did he resemble a proud knight'. this is also around the same time he first left his mother, aglovale took him to arthur's court so he hasn't yet faced the hardships of being a knight. 'his shield, where no blow had yet been struck' is an apt observation made by kay.
mordred is also a young knight here, i put him to be around the same age loosely as percival if not just a little bit older. after this brief encounter, their comments are repeated to percival by a court jester to which he's mocked.
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now, i personally don't think mordred or kay (for once this time!) meant any ill will behind them, they simply stated an observation. even then, it rouses percival to go on a quest to prove himself as a worthy knight to mordred (and kay but this isn't about him rn lol)
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it is an incredibly rash action, percival defies his older brother aglovale by leaving court early on (in the middle of winter, no less!) he feels so strongly about proving that he's a worthy knight to mordred that he's willing to die for it. pretty crazy. it's where i got my reading of them as rivals. they started off as one sided rivals on percival's side but he quickly catched up to mordred, to which mordred thinks "oh fuck, i can't let him beat me." lol
this interaction is also in le morte d'arthur, except the scene itself at court is missing, so you only know about it through percival telling patrides/persydes about it.
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anyway, going back to vulgate, arthur finds out about this and reprimands both kay and mordred about it which is really funny.
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and he is right! percival does in fact go on to meet hector de maris and team up with him in order to find lancelot.
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this starts on page 336 if you want to read it yourself. basically, percival comes across The Guilty Knight clad in all black armour in the isle of joy. the guilty knight challenges any and all knights that come across him and is undefeated until percival asks him for a duel to which he wins, and the knight reveals himself to be lancelot.
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so yeah. so called best knight of the world lancelot is actually rivaled by a young percival, he might be one of the only characters to ever equal to or defeat both lancelot and gawain i think. (it's certainly the case in perlesvaus, but that's a post for another day.)
percival also reunites lancelot with his brother hector in a really sweet scene, and then the two of them get to meet the then child galahad who is just 10 years old.
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sorry that ended up just being moreso about percival in vulgate but i hope you understand what i mean! i think it's safe to say that mordred pushed percival to outdo himself and be better, and that brief yet significant interaction led to percival performing wonders. bear in mind that lancelot was missing for A DECADE. they literally got an expedition of knights to look for him INCLUDING but not limited to mordred, gawain, aglovale, etc, and they failed. percival did what they couldn't.
apart from that, they also have a minor interaction in the perceval continuations where percival jousts against mordred and mordred gets his ass beat. it's not that significant so i don't think about it or mention it too much, but here it is if you're curious.
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while not medieval literature the ones i'm about to list are retellings, i'd be remiss not to mention them. but i do know of gradalis (they're like. actually gay in this one) but its entirely in french so i can't tell you much about it.
what i CAN tell you about though is The Last Knight of Albion by Peter Hanratty, wherein percival is the titular last knight, seeking mordred for revenge for arthur's death. it's a follow up from The Book of Mordred, which i recommend you to read first.
anyways, here's some toxic old man yaoi mordred/percival from The Last Knight of Albion, on the house from me. it's got some insane gay tension in it lol i can't believe Peter Hanratty wrote about percival having an intense homoerotic fixation on mordred before i did.
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tl;dr i think they're neat. their interaction in vulgate is brief but resonant enough for me to pull a lot of inspiration from it and you'd be surprised that they also have a lot of parallels and things in common with each other.
they're both the youngest among 5 brothers and have a destiny/fate greater than them (being the one to end arthur's reign and being a grail knight respectively). it's even spicier when you factor in the orkney/wales blood feud which adds onto their rivals bit. i could go on and on about it, like their biblical paralells (percival as biblical adam, mordred as lucifer, percival being tempted by lucifer in disguise during vulgate grail quest, etc), percival in perlesvaus being a vessel of atonement/revenge of the sins done unto his father, mordred carrying the burden of sin as the literal embodiment of arthur's failings, etc etc, but this post is already long af. i hope it's enough to at least give you something to think about and extrapolate from. i hope you enjoy!
much love, and welcome to 🥭 PRSMN NATION 💕
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euniexenoblade · 1 month ago
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brave-symphonia · 2 years ago
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I love the distinction between the king and Arturia here. Mordred wanted to free his father of being king, because of what that did to Arturia. How it forced her to carry everything on her soldiers.
Mordred wanted to be king because he wanted to take that burden away from his father.
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skittymon · 7 years ago
Alright, I finished Fate/Apocrypha.
The second season was a lot stronger than the first (sadly Mordred didn’t show up as much then smh). I loved majority of the cast, Hell it even made me feel something for Gilles (Fate/Zero Caster) so ye.
Again, only shitty part was Seig (he was fine up until like ep 23 when he being bullshit op) and his stupid ass romance with Jeanne. Jeanne when she wasn’t talking about Seig was a really good character and god I hate self interest to romance your ‘waifu’
But yea awesome cast and premise that got weighed down with stupid self interest and romance. But yea it’s at least worth a watch for people who’ve watched other fates (esp if you’ve watched fate/zero).
It’s not as bad as I say Im just really pissed about seig and his stupid ass fling with jeanne cause that’s what the last two eps focused on. There’s a lot of phenomenal stuff in here and Archer of Black vs Rider of Red is probs one of my favorite fights in Fate now.
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call-me-noa · 5 years ago
Fellas I say it a lot but it cannot be understated: The Fate/Apocrypha anime was a bad adaptation.
Entire character arcs were cut, especially for the Red faction. Karna has this whole thing where he really really badly wants to fight Siegfried again which is why he’s so happy when he fights Sieg at the climax. Gone. Achilles has flashbacks about Penthesilea. Gone.
Character moments like Shakespeare buying his books from the store or Sieg helping Jeanne do Laeticia’s math homework are gone.
The anime completely skips over or changes crucial details. No mention is made of Sieg using Galvanism in his fight with Karna, leaving the reason he can suddenly spam his NP a mystery. The anime does not have Kairi teleporting Mordred out of Blasted Tree with a CS, leaving how Mordred survived unexplained.
And so on.
Neither of their translations are finished but please read the novel and/or manga instead of judging Apocrypha solely on the anime.
At least it was pretty to look at and had a banger of a soundtrack.
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tainbocuailnge · 5 years ago
That earlier post about Sieg got me thinking about how like. The fanbase will call fate protags like Hakuno and Sieg (and apparently Shirou once upon a time) bad because they lack personality even though in the first 2’s case they hadn’t even been alive for more than a week, and Shirou has crippling trauma that stunted him as a person, but nah they’re clearly bad characters. Why can’t fate fans read.
FATE! FANS! CAN’T! READ! in shirou’s case it was like 90% the fault of the 2006 deen anime though because they completely gutted his character and he actually was that bland and stupid in that one, so since it was the easiest way to consume a fate + even if you do read the vn you still have to sit through king chauvinist of fuckwad mountain early fate route shirou twisting your image of him further, the image of “shirou is bland and stupid” prevailed until the ufotable anime in 2014. 
and even with sieg i can sorta see where it’s coming from? because he’s got a pretty reserved personality which especially next to more colorful characters like astolfo/mordred/[apocrypha character of your choice] will make it hard for him to catch the attention of more surface level readers. but here too I cannot stress enough how much worse the anime made it for him, because so much of the subtle things that make him good just did not make it to the fucking screen and he actually is a significant percentage cardboard in there, and because neither the novels or the manga are completely available in english it’s literally going to be a repeat of deen shirou i hate it i hate it i hate it
if you think hakuno is bland you literally just don’t have fucking eyes
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grailfinders · 4 years ago
A Grand Order of all servant builds so far:
With over 100 builds, it would be a pain to have to sift through all of those just to get to Mash. There’s a full list under the cut so you can just ctrl+f to find your favorite servant easily.
Mash Kyrielight
Artoria (Alter) 
Artoria (Lily)
Nero Claudius
Gaius Julius Caesar
Gilles de Rais (Saber)
Chevalier d’Eon
Robin Hood
Cu Chulainn
Elisabeth Bathory  
Musashibou Benkei
Cu Chulainn (Prototype)
Leonidas I  
Edward Teach
Marie Antoinette
Gilles de Rais
Hans Christian Andersen
William Shakespeare
Zhuge Liang
Cu Chulainn (Caster)
Sasaki Kojirou  
Hassan of the Cursed Arm
Jing Ke
Charles-Henri Sanson
The Phantom of the Opera
Mata Hari
Lu Bu Fengxian
Sakata Kintoki
Vlad III
Darius III
Eric Bloodaxe
Tamamo Cat
Jeanne d’Arc
Elisabeth Bathory (Halloween) (Rerun)
Francis Drake
Anne Bonny & Mary Read
Medea (Lily)
Okita Souji
Oda Nobunaga
Diarmuid Ua Duibhne
Fergus mac Roich
Santa Alter
Nursery Rhyme
Jack the Ripper
Nikola Tesla
Artoria (Lancer Alter)
Paracelsus von Hohenheim
Charles Babbage
Jekyll and Hyde
Caster of the Timeless Temple
Mysterious Heroine X
Fionn mac Cumhaill
Nero Claudius (Bride)
Ryougi Shiki (Saber)
Ryougi Shiki (Assassin)
Amakusa Shirou
Gilgamesh (Child)
The Count of Monte Cristo
Cu Chulainn (Alter)
Queen Medb
Helena Blavatsky
Li Shuwen
Thomas Edison
Billy the Kid
Jeanne d’Arc (Alter)
Angra Mainyu
Emiya (Assassin)
Hassan of the Hundred Personas
Irisviel (Holy Grail)
Shuten Douji
Xuanzang Sanzang
Sakata Kintoki (Rider)
Fuuma “Evil Wind” Kotarou
Artoria Pendragon (Lancer)
Lancelot (Saber)
Hassan of the Serenity
Tawara Touta
Leonardo Da Vinci
Tamamo no Mae (Lancer)
Artoria Pendragon (Archer)
Marie Antoinette (Caster)
Anne Bonny and Mary Read (Archer)
Mordred (Rider)
Scathach (Assassin)
Kiyohime (Lancer)
Martha (Ruler)
Illyasviel von Einzbern
Chloe von Einzbern
Elizabeth Bathory (Brave)
Vlad III (Extra)
Jeanne d’Arc Alter Santa Lily
Gilgamesh (Caster)
Medusa (Lancer)
Jaguar Warrior
Tiamat (not happening) (we lied)
Beast I: The Beast of Pity
CotTT again
Miyamoto Musashi
First Hassan
Mysterious Heroine X Alter
Archer of Shinjuku
Emiya Alter
Avenger of Shinjuku
Assassin of Shinjuku
Arthur Pendragon (Prototype)
Hijikata Toshizo
Suzuka Gozen
Kiara Sessyoin
Kiara but beastmode
Caster of Nightless City
Assassin of Nightless City
Berserker of El Dorado
Rider of Resistance
Sherlock Holmes
Berserker of Learning with Manga
Nero (Caster)
Frankenstein (Saber)
Nitocris (Assassin)
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