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actual-haise · 12 days ago
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Average day at Chaldea
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Would Reika Rikudou (Master of Assassin of Black in Fate/Apocrypha) pay child support?
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sakasagami · 19 days ago
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Jeanne does a little cosplay
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chronologiical · 1 year ago
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my top 3 favourite master and servant combo ✰
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 1 year ago
Autistic Anime Boys Side B Round 1 Match 2
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Karna -
"Canonically comes across as unintentionally cold and blunt to others due to his straightforwardness and honesty, he is consistently drawn with a flat, unexpressive face, one of his canon dislikes is listed as being 'The word "communication skill" and multiple issues of his stem from his inability to properly communicate what he means to say to others without them misinterpreting it due how he talks and looks….despite this there's an incident in the mobile game where he has a multi-page spiel about how much he admires the fighting spirit of crabs. He's also projected his rival onto at least TWO people including a 3 week old guy because he's so obsessed with fighting the guy again and I'd argue that counts as a kind of hyperfixation, not to mention how he often tries to relate things back to his divine father and his general one track, hyperfocused mentality whenever he's convinced something needs to be done a certain way. This man is autistic as hell."
Takeo -
"He’s a very straight-forward, honest high schooler, who doesn’t understand social conventions but is also so oblivious that he rarely notices when he breaks one (though he is in fact aware of his own obliviousness, and spends a lot of time worrying that he fucked something up.) He’s very loud, enthusiastic, and earnest about things, and is also a physically massive and not conventionally attractive guy, so a lot of people initially dislike or are frightened by him, but if they spend more time around him, they often realize he’s actually an incredibly good person. Sometimes it’s because they just understand his personality better with time, sometimes it’s because they see him leap to help others no matter how dangerous the situation is (usually the danger is something physical, but he has put himself at risk for other types of dangers, like having his beloved girlfriend stolen by a cool pastry chef)."
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princessshikky · 5 months ago
Wrote it elsewhere, also posting here:
Modern media is terrified of radical change. You barely see any books/movies/games/whathaveyou where a character destroys the established rotten system, but there's an abundance of those saying "don't rebel, stay put, if you try to force changes through violent means, you're no better than the horrible abusive system you're fighting". Revolutioners in media are well-intentioned extremists at best, antagonists at worst, and they always lose/fail/make the situation worse, because the very thought of breaking the status quo sends modern writers into a fit of panic.
I don't like it. Where's my Lelouch of the rebellion, proudly saying "It's not me who was wrong! It is the world!" and then living up to it?
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animanga-stuff · 5 months ago
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Astolfo from Fate/Apocrypha
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qweaenr · 3 months ago
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FATE - Gilgamesh: King of Heroes, King of Kings, Oldest King, Golden King, King of Babylon, Archer -
"All the evils in the world? Bring thrice as much if you want to stain me!"
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cantheykillmacbeth · 1 year ago
Can Astolfo from Fate/Apocrypha kill MacBeth?
On the one hand, you can argue being summoned into existence by a ritual makes Servants, in general, applicable for the Unconventional Birth Clause, although I personally would not accept that; Astolfo was born as a human at some point, and the ritual is more like a resurrection than a birth.
The question is whether Astolfo applies for the Gender Clause, which....? Could be a serious argument.
As you've explained, this is indeed an extremely complicated case. Not only is rebirth/revival counting towards the Unconventional Birth Clause or not a whole can of worms in and of itself, but it's also not clear where he came from BEFORE that from what I could find, so I think we'll need to leave him uncategorized for the UBC for now.
And on top of that... we have his gender situation. Like- Okay, I normally only post an image of the character when it's confirmed that they can, but I need everyone to have context for what we're working with here:
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This is like an anime F1NN5TER. This is the epitome of the "how I look with he/him pronouns in bio" meme. Which, like, respect, love it, pop off, but it also makes things very hard for the purposes of this blog the way that he talks about it. He refers to his own gender as "le Secret♪" at one point, and he presents feminine 100% on purpose. We have the quote "For no man can show as much a lack of restraint as I, Astolfo!" from him, which might imply that he doesn't view himself as a man, but also could just as plausibly imply that he does.
If someone has more detailed information on his dialogue and how he refers to himself/reacts to the term man, PLEASE let me know. I might be playing 5D Gender Chess but he just scored a touchdown and I don't know what's going on anymore. I haven't broken character this much since Lightning McQueen. I'm scared.
Thank you for your submission!
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futurehauntedghost · 3 months ago
Fate fans I’m thinking of getting into the series. Is it okay to start with Fate/Strange Fake?
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oc4everything · 2 years ago
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Ok, I’m new to the Fate Fandom but I think I’ve got this cracked.
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actual-haise · 3 months ago
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I miss my wife, Tails
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Would Archer of Red pay child support?
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cestacruz · 11 months ago
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Jeanne D'Arc
(eye color swapped ?? under cut ? ig)
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lightbrand · 2 days ago
here's an edit I made of the in-game sprites for Achilles to better match the way he looks in the anime + some personal minor headcanons of mine rolled into there. and a few bonus expressions! I need him stupid style btw
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socoolinmypajamas · 1 year ago
I love how we all agree A Knight is "fruity" (pun intended) with almost no mention to the fact that he is based on/actually is Roland/Orlando from Chanson du Roland/Orlando Furioso/Orlando Inammorato.
My guys, these 2 are cousins.
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