#moose are terrifying and yet
draculagerard · 2 years
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meeeeeeese · 1 year
Introducing my mesmer character: Grace Alderspin
Nickname: Abyss Lady
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Grace is third scion of a noble krytan family, her early year were very sheltered, growing up on her families estate and learning to read, write and practice magic from her mother. While talented at mesmer magic, her real love was writing. As her elder siblings were slated to take over the estate, she was free to practice her passion, becoming a bestelling author of several mystery novels including 'Murder on the road to Lion's Arch' and 'The monster of Viathan Lake'. However, her success left her dissatisfied with her lot in life and she began to wonder if there was more she could do. She recieved her answer when, on a research to to Kessex Hills she witnessed the destruction of Fort Salma by mordremoth. Horrifyed by the destructive potential of the dragons, she returned home to Divinity's Reach and joined up with the pact, leaving her final novel unfinished.
Training hard, she was eventually selected to be among those aboard the pact fleet as it took on mordremoth, and just like the rest the pact she was torn from the sky over Tangled Depths when mordremoth retaliated. In the chaos she was thrown from her ship and down a sink hole and into a deep watery cavern, just about managing to swim to shore before blacking out completely. She awoke alone, in a dark hostile environment where EVERYTHING wanted to kill her. She should have died, in every other world she would have died but somehow, she managed to survive and learn to live in the cavernous abyss se found herself in.
Her magic began to change too, before she relied on tricks and deceptions but she found them unsuitable for the beasts roaming the depths, she began to favour more direct mental assaults, firing phantasmal thorns to tear apart the minds of jungle beasts and mordrem alike, becoming something akin to a virtuoso.
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She started being sighted by pact soldiers as they recovered and prepared to move south to take on Mordremoth, and rumors began to circulate about a woman rising from the caverous abyss to fight attacking mordrem before vanishing back into the depths just as quickly, earning her the nickname of 'Abyss Lady'. Grace stayed in the jungle for a year, honing her survival skills, not knowing that mordremoth had been slain and only finding out when she made contact with the Nuhoch who told her the good news and giving her supplies to make her way back home.
Returning to Divinities Reach she found that home no longer appealed to her. She wasn't the novelist who left home over a year ago and she could no longer sit still in the comfort of her house. So once again she left, deciding to seek out further challenges and hone her craft in the most dangerous environments on Tyria
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TL:DR: Novelist turned Bear Grylls style survivalist wanders Tyria seeking out challenges
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nhlclover · 2 months
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summary: now that gabe's back in town, new feelings arise potentially changing the relationship between the two of you.
warnings: pure fluff
word count: 2.05k
Summertime was your favorite. It involved days on the lake, hours spent in the sun, and evenings around a bonfire with friends. Most importantly, it meant that Gabe came back to town.
Throughout your life, Gabe spent his winters travelling throughout the States, playing hockey in Michigan at the program and now at Boston College. But during the summers, he was yours to cherish.
Gabe had been your friend for as long as you could remember. He was a constant in your ever-changing world. He was the one who would challenge you to races when you were young and let you win (a secret you always knew even though he professed you beat him fair and square). He was also the one who knew all your secrets and dreams, he could practically read your mind. Summer was the season when the two of you could pick up right where you left off as if no time had passed at all.
This summer felt different, however. It felt as if something had shifted. You couldn't pinpoint when your feelings had changed, but now, every moment with him felt charged with new emotions. The realization had been both exhilarating and terrifying. Nerves ran through you as you wondered if he didn’t feel the same way. Yet, the possibility that he might filled you with a nervous kind of hope.
Despite getting in late the night before, Gabe didn’t waste any time checking in with you. It was a perfect summer morning, with not a single dark cloud in sight and the slightest breeze that made sure you didn’t feel like you were actively melting when you stepped outside. You lay in bed, still in your pajamas, your phone pressed to your ear. Gabe’s familiar voice came through the speaker, butterflies fluttering in your stomach as he spoke.
“Listen, I’ve been craving some ice cream so how about we hit the ice cream shop in town?” he suggested, his voice warm and full of energy.
"That sounds great," you replied, trying to keep your excitement in check. Just hearing his voice made you smile uncontrollably. "What time should we meet?"
“How about noon?” Gabe asked. “You’re no doubt still in bed.”
“It’s the summer, you can’t expect me to be up at six in the morning,” you argued. Gabe chuckled, his laughter sending the butterflies into flight again. “Noon sounds good, I’ll see you then.”
“Perfect, see ya soon,” Gabe replied, hanging up the phone.
As you put the phone down, you couldn't help but lie back and replay the conversation in your head, savoring the sound of his laugh and the way he said your name.
Arriving at the ice cream shop a little past noon, your heart raced with anticipation. The place hadn’t changed much; it still had the same checkered floors and light pink walls, exuding a nostalgic charm. The bell above the door jingled as you entered, its sound a comforting reminder of countless summer days spent here. Standing by the counter was Gabe. He spotted you immediately, his face lighting up with a bright smile that made your heart skip a beat.
"Hey, you," he greeted, pulling you into a hug. “How’re you?”
“‘M good, how’re you?” you ask.
“Better now that I’m here,” Gabe replied. You knew that he meant Sherbrooke, but part of you couldn’t help but wonder if he also meant back with you.
“What flavor are you feeling today?” Gabe asked.
“Mmmm… I’m thinking French vanilla,” you said.
“Oh come on, pick a fun flavor,” Gabe said, poking your side.
You squirmed away, a small giggle escaping. “Fine, fine. I’ll try moose tracks.”
“That’s better.” Gabe smiled.
“What’re you getting?” you asked.
“C’mon… you know me,” Gabe said.
You rolled your eyes, knowing Gabe was ordering strawberry ice cream as always. As you got your ice cream, you picked a table by the window to sit and catch up. As Gabe talked about his experiences in the States, you found yourself mesmerized by his animated expressions and the way his eyes lit up. You were content just watching him, soaking in the sound of his voice and the comfort of his presence.
You listened as he told you about his new teammates, specifically about his goalie Jacob who he swears you’d get along really well with, the different parties he’d gone to, and all the away arenas he’d loved to play in. You caught him up on the hometown drama he’d missed, as well as how your individual university experience had been.
“So, any new guys in your life I should know about?” Gabe asked, leaning back in his chair.
You chuckled softly, knowing that Gabe was the only boy who’d caught your eye the entire year. You shook your head. "Not really. What about you?"
Gabe looked at you for a moment. “There's someone, but I don’t think she knows how I feel.”
You raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Why haven’t you told her?”
He shrugged, a playful smile tugging at his lips. "Maybe I'm just waiting for the right moment to tell her."
You felt your heart skip a beat, wondering if there was a hidden meaning behind his words. “Well, don't wait too long. You might miss your chance.”
Gabe's eyes met yours, and for a brief second, it felt like time stood still. “I won't,” he said softly, his gaze never leaving yours.
Your breath catches in your throat as you consider his words. You almost feel taunted by the vagueness of his answers, which are just enough so to give you a flicker of hope that they might apply to you.
“I've missed this, you know. Just hanging out, talking about anything and everything.” Gabe admits softly.
“Me too,” you agree.
Silence washes over you, the afternoon sun beaming in through the window beside you. The sunlight catches strands of his light brown hair, giving them a shimmering effect.
“Let's go somewhere,” Gabe says.
You chuckle, amused by the brunette's inability to sit still for a moment. He stands up, stretching his arms above his head, and throws away your now-empty ice cream cups. “Where?”
Gabe shrugs, a playful glint in his eye as he thinks for a minute. “Mini-golf?”
A flood of memories rushes back as you realize he’s talking about the old mini-golf course in town, the one you’d visited countless times during your childhood.
You nod in agreement, and soon you’re both on your way. The walk is filled with the kind of easy conversation that flows naturally between the two of you, mixed with nostalgic anecdotes and shared memories. When you arrive, the mini-golf course looks almost exactly as you remember it, though a little more worn down by the passage of time. The once vibrant greens are now faded, and the paint on the whimsical obstacles is chipped and peeling.
As you pay and step onto the course, a familiar sense of excitement washes over you. The course might be in disrepair, but the fun and competition it promises are as alive as ever. Gabe grabs a putter and a bright orange ball, handing you a bright pink one, the combination mirroring the one you’d always chosen through childhood.
You began, and with each hole, you fell into a comfortable rhythm of teasing and playful banter. You’d tease Gabe whenever he missed a shot, while he feigned outrage whenever you got a lucky shot. Every laugh and taunt feels like a step back in time, yet with an undercurrent of something new.
Every brush of fingertips when he’d collect your ball for you, or shared look when one of you made a particularly good or bad shot, carries a weight that wasn’t there before. The lighthearted jabs and teasing comments are laced with a tension that neither of you acknowledges out loud. It’s in the way Gabe’s eyes linger on you a moment too long, and in the way your heart skips a beat every time he smiles at you.
You’re used to Gabe kicking your ass when you played, but you’re surprised to find yourself tied in shots as you approach the final hole. It takes Gabe two shots, and he flashes you a cocky and triumphant grin not believing you could get it in less than him.
You line up your shot, but your mind is more on the boy standing beside you than the game itself. You watch it roll and hit off obstacles haphazardly before rolling softly towards the hole and dropping in. Gabe is next to you in an instant, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into a celebratory hug. You feel your feet lift off the ground as he cheers for you. When you’re finally back on the ground and Gabe pulls back, you notice his eyes searching yours as if he’s looking for something, though you can’t name it. For a moment, it feels like he might say something more, but then he just smiles and drops his arm from your waist.
“Congrats to the new golf champion.” he smiles softly.
You curtsy, allowing Gabe to take the clubs back to the front desk. From the mini golf course, you wandered down the main street, exploring quaint shops and reminiscing about old times. You found yourself leaning closer to him, your arms occasionally brushing against each other. The simple act of being near him made your heart race.
As evening approached, you decided to have dinner at a cozy little restaurant on the edge of town. You chose a table on the patio, where they could watch the sunset. The conversation continued over dinner, not running out of topics to talk about. The undercurrent of tension was there, but it was comforting, like something inevitable yet right.
After dinner, you walked to the nearby park. The sky was now a tapestry of stars, and the air was cool and refreshing. You found a bench and sat down, Gabe draping his arm around your shoulders in a gesture that felt both protective and intimate.
You leaned into him, goosebumps painting the exposed skin on your arms and legs. The comfortable silence was broken only by the chirping of the crickets and the rustling of the leaves from the breeze. It felt like a perfect summer night as a sense of calmness enveloped you as you sat with Gabe.
Gabe shifted slightly, his fingers tracing soft shapes on your bare shoulder. “You know,” Gabe said, breaking the silence with his soft tone. “I’ve been thinking a lot lately.”
You turned to look at him, your heart beginning to pick up its beat. “Oh? About what?”
He took a deep breath, his eyes locking onto yours. “About us. About how much I've missed being around you, how much I miss this.” He gestured between the two of you, his expression earnest. “You're not just my best friend. You're…”
Gabe’s voice trailed off, but you recognized the weight of his words. “Gabe I-” you started, but he interrupted you.
“Let me finish, please,” he said softly. “I… I haven’t said anything till now because I was afraid of ruining what we had. But not saying anything is killing me. I spent the last year in Boston thinking about you all the time and I realized that I can’t imagine my life without you in it.”
You felt your lips curve into an uncontainable smile, your heart swelling with joy as the words you’d been dying to hear came out of Gabe’s lips. “I feel the same way, Gabe,” you confessed, your voice barely above a whisper. “I've been so scared of saying anything because I didn't want to lose you.”
Gabe’s face lit up with a mixture of relief and joy. “You have no idea how happy that makes me,” Gabe said, his voice trembling slightly. “I’ve wanted to tell you for so long.”
You felt Gabe’s hold on your shoulders tighten as he leaned in, pressing his lips to yours delicately. His lips brushed against yours tentatively. The kiss was soft and sweet, filled with the emotions that both of you had kept bottled up for so long. Your hand slid up to his face, cupping his cheek softly. When you finally pulled away, both of you were breathless, your foreheads resting against each other.
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clarina04 · 2 months
In my previous post, I talked at length about why I think Winters and Eugene Roe are the second most perfect pairing after Winnix, so I'll share my opinion on my third place winner, which is Roe and Speirs.
Unfortunately, we don't see them together much during the series, only once, (they don't even communicate with each other) but knowing both of their personalities, I think they'd have a lot of potential.
Basically, they're both introverts, they don't talk much, they keep a few steps away from everyone, but while Roe is respected and loved for who he is, Speirs is more feared and people try to avoid him as much as possible. They're similar, yet they emanate so much different energy, and I think we all feel that perfectly. Eugene has a positive aura that makes you feel safe when you look at him. He's aloof but a sweetheart, caring about the people around him, their needs, their injuries, their physical/mental health and trying to do all he can to help keep them alive. People trust him implicitly, because Eugene has proven time and time again how good a person he is and how conscientiously he carries out his duties. We viewers also like him a lot (for me, he and Winters are the absolute most sympathetic characters).
And then there's Ronald Speirs, who we immediately know as a ruthless, cold-blooded killer, incapable of empathy for either enemies or his comrades. People are spreading malicious rumours about him, which we as viewers can decide whether to believe or not, although I would add that the directors/writers have done a perfect job in this regard, as they have created the character of Speirs in such a way that it gives you the creeps. Just think of the intense, lifeless look he gives others, his emotionless face, his mechanical demeanour, his silent movements reminiscent of a beast stalking its prey, his harsh words... It's as if the creators of this show deliberately wanted us to believe everything bad we hear about him without doubting it.
And now the justification...
We know that Eugene is there to save lives by being a medic, but Speirs doesn't believe at all that he or any of his comrades can come home alive from this war and he makes no secret of that (think of the scene with Blithe in the third episode). Unlike Winters, he doesn't try to inspire those he sees as afraid or desperate, but on the contrary... he even dampens their spirits by showing them no empathy. He tries to make them understand why it is good to be able to turn off their emotions completely and function like a machine, but this attitude only makes them more afraid (again, I can cite the case of Blithe, who was just as terrified as before after Speirs' "advice", but when Winters was there and he tried to shake him up so he could keep fighting, the curse was broken, because once he fired his gun, he was no longer afraid, and that was thanks to Winters).
Just think how interesting it would have been to listen to a conversation between Speirs and Roe, where their world views clashed. They don't even need to talk about these things specifically, just a mere sense of how different their mindsets are. As they would try to make the other understand their own point of view. Roe, who believes in God and prays to him regularly, and Speirs, who can no longer believe in anything and who has long since accepted that he is dead.
And the other thing I would have also watched at least one scene of is the two of them getting into a fight about something. Again, I can only cite the scene in episode 5, where Eugene is yelling at Winters and Welsh for not paying attention to how many ampoules of morphine they gave Moose when he was accidentally shot. Imagine how much more tense the already incredibly tense situation would have been if Speirs had been there instead of Welsh and Roe had been yelling at him. Because I'm pretty sure he would have yelled at him the same way. Eugene doesn't look like he's afraid of any of his superiors, and it's well illustrated in this scene. Even Winters and Welsh respect him, they let him lecture them, because they know exactly that Eugene is right and I have a feeling that Speirs would have reacted the same way they did. He would have kept quiet and I think this because in episode 10, when Grant is shot in the head, Speirs does everything he can to save him. That's the only scene where we see him and Roe together (I wish we could have gotten some interaction on how it all went down between them) and when they find that brain surgeon who finally performs the operation. Here it becomes clear that Speirs actually does care about his people and is not a heartless monster who doesn't care about anything because "we're all dead anyway". Like everyone else, he is tired of the horrors of the war, fed up with it all, and this incident was caused by a drunken idiot, not an enemy soldier. As it was said in the episode, people died the same way after the war was over. And Speirs didn't want any more unnecessary casualties. Enough had already died. That's why he was so desperate, and why he searched everything he could to find the right person to save Grant's life, the one he stayed with all along, interlaced his fingers with his and stroked the back of his hand. And in the meantime, there was Eugene, to whom he didn't speak, but together they fought for the life of a comrade.
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The series doesn't reveal what kind of a man Speirs was before the war, (nor about Eugene) but he is certainly more empathetic than we get to know him in the very first episodes. He had his oddities, he had his unsympathetic manifestations, but overall I don't consider him a bad person. He's just a victim who's been emotionally destroyed by the war, but by the end of the show I think he's pretty much back to his old self, or at least changed if he was always like this. He's resurrected.
Overall, my opinion is that they deserved more screen time and interaction, because very interesting conversations could have been generated, which might have even deepened their relationship. Eugene could have been the one to change Speirs' outlook on life with his thinking, or at least help him understand the importance of life and why they are fighting (my god, the amount of angst and hurt/comfort that could have come out of this... I still can't believe the creators didn't take this opportunity and see the potential in the two of them...). And of course I can't forget how intense and satisfying it would be to watch two such strong characters bickering, shouting at each other to prove themselves right, and wondering which one would break first, which one would finally see that the other was right... which one would apologise first and in what form.
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mrghostrat · 7 months
WOWOWOWOW as a canadian its sooo cool to see your australian au and im VERY excited to learn more (tho i must admit the more i learn about australian wildlife the more terrified i am. raccoons and mooses have NOTHING on what yall got going on)
BRUH the sweetest part of this is all yall non-aussies who are getting invested??? like wtf i thought it was just gonna be us bogans who'd have any interest, but every message like this fills me w such joy
and so much australiana is tied into nostalgia for me (since i've become americanised as i've grown up and engaged more with the online word) so it's magicallllll remembering all these lil aussie memes and experiences and getting to share those with you all :'D
(that reminds me, my novel Paranomads, about a ghost hunter cameraman who's in love with the ghost hunter, is also three aussie childhood friends who are visiting america for the first time. so there's lots of fun silly lil "LOOK AT THIS WTF" in between all the slowburn pining (and i have just realised this story is ALSO YET ANOTHER ghost rat special of 'trapped in a small space together'/'going on a trip' bc theyre living in a tour bus for the length of the story ththfhptfd)
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Hi, I have a request:
Could you write a One-shot Human GN Reader x Angel Dust and Husk (platonic)?
The reader is a shy human with magic skills (like John Constantine) and when they try to do a ritual, they made a mistake, fall in Hell, where they meet Angel and Husk. The first thing than the reader do when they see the two sinners is run away, think the two guys want to kill the reader, and in their hopeless run, they meet other sinners who don't have any good intents. And when the reader think than they will die, Angel and Husk come to save them.
Sorry if this request is long and specific, but I haven't found so many fanfition about Human reader x Hazbin Hotel Characters than I liked. And I want a Hurt to Comfort with my two favourite characters.
Thank you and Bye
Friends from the Other Side - Husker x human!reader x Angel Dust
Hello! Thank you so much for your request! I wanted to mention that it’s been a while since I watched Constantine, and my recollection of his powers is a bit hazy. So, I hope this still aligns with what you were expecting. I’m sorry it’s a bit shorter than you might have hoped. I really hope you enjoy it! ❤️
(Also, this might appeal to Supernatural fans as well... ;)) )
Words: ~1000 TW: violence and cursing
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Your hunting days were long gone. You were never one to be a fan of monster hunting, mostly because you chose to live a peaceful life. You decided it was better to use your powers for simpler things, like tarot or palm reading.
But when two old friends asked for your help in their quest to find a demon, you couldn’t refuse. The ritual was simple, even mundane, something you had done thousands of times before.
The room, lit only by candles, was filled with incantations as you held a bowl of blood and other necessary ingredients. You could feel the connection forming between you and the target, the familiar, slightly unsettling sensation settling inside you. But this time, something was different—something dark was lurking, and the sense of imminent danger made you shiver.
You opened your eyes quickly, and before you stood a man in a black suit. You could feel the dark aura surrounding him, chills running down your spine. The bowl slipped from your hands, the blood splashing across the floor as you stumbled back. "Who… who are you?" Your voice trembled.
The man’s lips curled into an amused smile, his gaze sharp. "I told those two they can't spoil my fun just yet. Sorry, you got dragged into this," he said with unsettling calm. "You’ll be going on a little holiday until I’m done. Oh, and… tell Moose I said hi—if you make it back."
Before you could react, darkness swirled around you, pulling you into a void. You screamed, but no sound escaped. Your body grew heavy, and everything went black.
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"Are they dead?" A voice broke through the haze.
"Probably," another replied. You felt a nudge. "Nope, definitely alive."
Your eyes fluttered open. "What the hell…" you muttered, your head spinning as two figures came into view. You couldn't quite see who they were as your vision was still blurry.
"Toots, don’t freak out, okay?" the first one said, leaning closer.
"Freak out...? Why would I..." Your breath caught in your throat as your vision cleared up realizing what they were. Demons. You scrambled backwards, eyes darting around the strange hotel lobby.
“See? Now you’re freaking out,” the cat-like demon said dryly. In your panic, you instinctively cast a spell, filling the room with dark smoke, and blocking their view from you. You bolted toward the massive doors, too terrified to care where you were headed. The world outside was a chaotic, twisted city, and you kept running, ignoring the bizarre sights.
But your escape didn’t last long. You collided with something solid, falling hard to the ground.
"Well, what do we have here?" a voice rang out as you tried to recover from the impact. You opened your eyes, and before you stood a demon, grinning widely as his eyes scanned you from head to toe. "It's been a while since we've seen a nice, lil' human like you..."
"Stay back!" you warned, as golden light encircled your hand, making him step back. But, to your surprise, your hands were immediately immobilized by another demon, pinning them behind your back while a cold knife threatened to cut deep into your throat.
"Woah! Why don't you put those aside, sugar? We don't mean any harm..." The demon stepped closer, running a claw down your cheek, pressing lightly. "Now... me and the boys were really... eager to taste something new today..." he laughed as two more demons approached.
"Please... I don't know how I got here..." Panic surged as you struggled to break free, but the blade pressed harder, stopping your movements.
"Oh, come on, don’t get so worked up... We’re just—"
A loud bang echoed, your ears ringing as the grip on your hands slowly disappeared. You blinked, dazed, as the demon in front of you staggered, blood splattering across his face.
"That's it, fuckers!" You turned and saw the tall, spider-like demon firing two guns, expertly taking down the demons surrounding you. One demon grabbed your wrist, but with a quick move, you sent a blast of energy, propelling him into the air.
"Not bad, kid!" the cat-like demon shouted as he tackled another to the ground, a bullet from the spider demon finishing the job. The demons' screams echoed around you, the fight ending quickly.
You stood shakily, adrenaline still rushing through your veins. "Who… who are you?"
"Name’s Angel Dust," the taller one smirked, holstering his guns. "And that’s Husk. You?"
"I'm (Y/n)... I think a demon teleported me here..." you replied, guilt creeping in. "And, uh- .... Sorry for the spell back there..."
Husk shrugged at your words. "Expected it, to be honest."
"We should head back to the hotel before anyone else notices a human here," Angel suggested, brushing himself off. Then, with a grin, he added, "By the way, that magic of yours? Fuckin' badass."
A small smile tugged at your lips. "You guys weren’t too bad yourselves."
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Back at the hotel, it took Charlie a few days to open a portal for you, but there it was - shining brightly in the hotel lobby.
"Do you really have to go, toots?" Angel pouted, resting a hand on your shoulder. "I kinda liked having you around."
"I’ll be back… someday," you promised with a smile, giving him a quick hug.
Husk stood a little off to the side, his arms crossed. He didn’t say much, but there was a flicker of something—maybe disappointment—in his eyes.
"Aww, what’s wrong, Husker? Missin’ ‘em already?" Angel teased.
Husk rolled his eyes at Angel's comment, trying to maintain his usual indifferent expression. "Shut it, ya damn prick…" He muttered, his voice tinged with a hint of annoyance. "Ya better be back… someday." He said gruffly.
"I promise." you said.
"Byeee! And please don’t forget to tell the demons on Earth that the Hazbin Hotel has its doors wide open for them!!!" Charlie exclaimed, her excitement palpable.
You chuckle as you step through the portal, the same overwhelming feeling engulfing you. You felt as if you were reborn again and through the darkness - you saw light.
You fell right back onto your couch, your two friends who probably came to check on you seemingly disturbed by your sudden appearance.
"What the fuck was that?" one of them asked. You took deep breaths, trying to steady yourself as your gaze shifted from one to the other, assessing the situation.
"Which one of you morons is 'moose'?"
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Tags: @ratsematary @littlebluefishtail
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xxmia0wm4yh3mxx · 1 month
(Chapter: two)
Part 2 of my crap fic of my comfort au
Everyones kinda ooc Sorry :(
Its also kinda bad and Cringe
Part 1
Caine announced Today's Adventure with usaul grander and gusto
Caine: The Legend says that Deep in the Forest Of Mount Allapackawape Is a Terrifying Monster with the Head of an Alligator, The body of a Bear, antlers of a Moose and The tail of a Raccoon!
Bubble popped out His hat
Bubble: A Big scary Monster? Sounds horrifying!!
Caine: Extremely Terrifying!
Bubble: ...Sounds kinda Hot-
Caine popped Bubble before he could say anything else
Caine: Your Job is to Hunt down this Hideous Helicopter and Save The People of AllapackaWape! Good Luck!
Caine snapped his Fingers and Summoned a Portal, As the Cast starting heading for the portal when Caine stopped them When He saw The Boy following them
Caine: Woah, Woah, Woah! Where do you think your Going Son?
The Boy: I dunno, Mount ally-backy-wamp Or whatever dumb thing you said
Caine: ....Are you sure you want To go? I mean, I don't want to Ruin Your Circus Experience but its quite Dangerous for a Child like you to go without A Parent or Guardian
Jax: C'mon Caine let the Kid come, Isn't This a Place for "All Ages?"
Caine: I-I Know, It's just my responsibility to Keep you happy and sane, And I'm afraid This Adventure Might be To Extreme for him
The Boy: pfft I'm notta Baby, Crapface!
Ragatha: Woah! Hey! Caine's just trying to help, Theres no Need to be Angry!
The Boy rolls his Eye
The Boy: I don't need his Help because He's an Idiot! And I don't Anybody else!
The Boy Jumped through the Portal
Caine: wah- HEY! That is no way to speak to your Ringmaster!
Pomni: Don't worry Caine I'll talk to him, Kid! Wait!
She Jumped through the Portal followed by the rest of the cast, Caine watched the portal closed, He was Worried about the Child and was definitely worried about Him possibly getting lost or scared
Caine: Tsk. Tsk. what a Troubled Boy...
Rogerg popped out of a trash can, eating a apple
Rogerg: Don't you have your own kid to worry about?
He poofed out and Rogerg rolled his eyes
Deep In the Forest of Mount AllapackaWape, The cast Was hiking on the Allapackawape Trail Taking in the peaceful Sights of nature, Expect for Pomni who Was Trying to catch up to The Slime Boy trying to escape
Pomni: Hey! Kid! Wait Up!
The Boy: Go away Loser!
He tried to slink away but Pomni grabbed him by the back of his neck, He was trying to squirm away from her grasp like a Cat or a gelatinous Snake
Pomni: Would You cut it out?!
The Boy: @#$% Off Lady!
He flung his body away from her grasp and face planted on the Dirt Trail
Pomni: Done Now?
Boy: Fine. Whatever. Just don't tell me what to do
The boy reluctantly joined the Rest of The cast
Pomni: look...I know your only a kid and you don't know any better, But you really shouldn't Talk To Caine Like that When he only wanted to keep you safe
The Boy: *Raspberries* I Talks How I want to Clown Lady!
He slithered away from her
Pomni: HEY! Look, kid, I know its Scary, Being so far from home, trapped In a world that your not used to, stuck in a body that isn't yours, Being So far away from your parents... You must miss them alot...
The Boy: Hmmm.... Nah, I don't
He slinked away
Pomni: Wait, What?
Ragatha: Isn't This Nice? I Almost Forgot How Peaceful The adventures can be! Right Jax?
Jax Was staring at a white baby Rabbit Chewing On a leaf
Jax: Huh- What- Uh Yeah sure, cool... (it kinda looks like Patches)
Queenie: Oh Darling Look! Forget-met-nots, and delightful! And a.... Whats that Bug Near It?
Kinger: It looks like a Monarch Butterfly Dear!
Queenie: *gasp* A fellow monarch!
She Let the Butterfly climb unto her Fingers, Both admiring the white spots and black Stripes
Zooble Picked Up a Red feather
Zooble: Hey You Think Niku would Like this? Like maybe It could be and antenna or a finger or something
Gangle: Oh its Beautiful! Maybe we can Find more... Oh look!
She pointed to a Blue Feather stuck in a Tree
Gangle: Its even Their Favorite Color!
Zooble: I dunno... Its kinda High up
Gangle: Don't worry I got It!
Gangle climbed up the Tree And reached Out for the Feather, before she could grab it The Branch Started to creak and break and she Fell down a ditch
Zooble: GANGLE!
They slid down the ditch
Zooble: Gangle, You alright?
Gangle was face down in the dirt, Her Comedy Mask broken
Gangle: ...Did...Did I get it?
Zooble: Don't worry about it, what matters is you're okay, ...wait, Whats that?
Zooble poked their head out of the Bushes
Zooble: hey Guys, I Think I found Something
The Rest of the Cast Slid down the Hill and saw The trees Covered In giant Claw marks
Kinger: We must be getting close!
Jax: Okay, heres what were gonna do, One of you guys Will Be bait, And Then I sneak up behind it and Stab repeatedly
Zooble: Oh wow, Great idea Jax, and What happens when in stabs you back?
Queenie held up Her Axe
Ragtha: Wait! We don't have to kill it! Maybe Theirs a way we can trap it and release it far away from the mountain, what do You think Pomni?
Pomni: Um... Well maybe... Wait a second, where's the New guy?
Jax: I dunno, your the one who told Caine who'd watch him
Pomni: Oh God, We lost him!
Ragatha: D-don't Worry! He couldn't have gone far, We just have to Find him!
Later, The Boy was Walking in the forest by himself, using his Gelatinous body to Easily slither past the thrush
The Boy: Watta Bunch of Freaks... I don't need them! I don't need anyone! Im going to punch that Stupid Bear-Moose in the face and show them How brave and awesome I am! And If that Teeth face guy or those Psycho-Aid-Lia-Losers will know if they start acting weird, Im gonna Beat there #$@%es!
Twig snapped and The boy shrieked like a Girl
The Boy: *Cough* I mean- WHO GOES THERE?!
The Boy: God thats stupid, Who Goes their? Who shes that? What am I a-
A shadow loomed over the Boy, with Giant Antlers and a Alligators Snout
The Boy: Is it raining or Something- OH MY GOD-
Pomni: God, Why'd he have to Wander off? Anyone find anything?
Kinger: I think I found Some Green Stuff!
Zooble: Thats just Moss Kinger
Kinger: Oh
Gangle: M-Maybe We should Split up?
Jax: Well then everyone gets lost Stupid!
Zooble: Watch Your Mouth Jack@#%
Ragatha: Guys Stop! We shouldn't be fighting with eachother when A Kid is Lost in the forest with a Monster on the loose, We should Just stay calm and-
A blood curdling scream rang through the Forest
Pomni: Oh God! Thats him!
Queenie took out her Battleaxe and Sprinted towards the Screaming, Kinger eagerly following behind her
Kinger: Wait for Me Love!
Everyone Ran to the Screams of the Boy, And Found The Boy cowering against a rock with the Alibearmoosecoon, Cornering Him, The Beast Let out a roar which sounded like a mix between a Bear and a Moose
Jax: I Got This!
Jax Took out his Pocket knife and Jumped on the back of the Beast and jammed the Blade deep in Its back, The Beast led out another Roar and Fell on its back before getting back up on its Giant paws, Leaving Jax Squished like a pancake, Gangle snickered at this
Jax: Ow...
Zooble: Nice going Dumb@#$
The Alibearmoosecoon rushed towards her, She Used her axe to Parry against the beasts Antlers
Kinger: Woo! Go Queenie!
Kinger Clapped his Hands excitedly, Cheering for His wife, Pomni Snuck Past the Monster and Made her Way To The Boy
Pomni: Kid, Come with me! I'll get you out!
The Boy formed his hand to reach Pomni for a moment, before Retracting it back into himself
The Boy: I Told You! IM NOT A BABY!
The Boy lauched himself like a Spring and Jumped on the Beast's back and started punching it weakly, The Monster Flung its Head to the side, trying to Reach The Boy, Queenie went flying into the forest
Kinger: QUEENIE!
The Boy Grabbed the Alibearmoosecoon's antlers holding on like it was a Mechanical Bull Ride
Jax: What can We Do?!
Pomni: I Dont Know!? Something!?
Gangle Looked around Looking for something to Help, She Picked up a small Rock and Threw it at the Monster, The Monster Looked over to The rest of the cast and Started charging towards them sending them Running into the woods
Jax: Nice Going Ribbons! Now were all gonna Die!
The Boy still holding on for dear Life and still punching The Monster on the Head, Poked the Beast in The Eye getting slime stuck in it, It scream in Pain and Flung the Boy off of It, Throwing Him against a Tree, The beast went charging at him and Started vigorously Clawing at the poor Child
Pomni: NO!!!
The boy Was nothing left put splatters of goo across the forest, The Creature turned back to Finsh the rest of the Cast, When the goop on its Alligator face started moving down its body and Towards where the boy was Previously cowering
Pomni: Huh?!
Gangle: Whats happening?!
The Slime splattered on the leaves, bushes, trees and rocks slithered towards eachother and formed a pile and into a small tower and into The boy, His Bright Orange Eye shooting across the area
The Boy: Im alive? IM ALIVE!
The beast roared at him again, and the Boy Ran launched himself into the forest with the Monster charging towards him, The boy Grabbed unto branches to push himself futher
Infront of him the Boy saw a giant ravine and stopped and clung to a tree branch right before he could fall, The Alibearmoosecoon ran right into The Ravine, it levitated in the air for a Moment Before Quietly saying "Uh Oh" and fell to its demise
Everyone Just looked down into the ravine completely expressionless
Jax: Huh, Can We go back now?
Later, everyone was exiting the portal and Into the Circus
Caine: Welcome Back you Malpracticed Mangos! I hope you all had a Wonderful experience!
Caine floated down to Pomni
Caine: So Did You talk To him?
Pomni: Well kinda-
She was cut off By the Boy Screaming and Falling from the ceiling and splattered on the floor and Reformed without a scratch
The Boy: COOL!!
The Boy intentionally sprinted into a nearby wall
Ragatha: um... What are you doing?
The Boy: I'M INVINCIBLE!! THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER!!! I gotta see what else I can Do!
Pomni: Hey Wait!
Caine: Well At least he doesn't seem mad at me anymore!
Pomni gave him the side eye
Caine: What?
The continued to Test his New indestructiblity with increasingly More dangerous acts, He ran up To Gangle who was Gifting a Red feather to Niku
Gangle: I'm sorry I couldn't get you a Blue one
Niku: Quite Alright!! Much appreciated Muma!
Niku Stuck The Feather on the Side of Their head
The Boy: Hey Guys Look!
The Boy took three Knives and threw up in the Air, Letting them land On his Head and Niku and Gangle Screamed in horror and Shock
Niku: How could anyone do Such a Thing?!
The Boy: Calm down, Im fine! Wanna See it Again?
Niku: Nononononononon! Please no!
The boy rolled his eye and oozed away, and climbed up slithered up The giant Blocks unto the top
Princessa: What on earth Is he Doing?
Patchricia shrugged and they both looked up at him
The Boy leaped down the blocks, Splattering himself all over the Floor getting Bits of himself all Over the Two Girls, causing them both to Scream
Patchricia: EEEEEEEEWWW!!!
They boy reshaped himself not leaving a single drop
The Boy: Pfft Losers
Patchricia: FREAK!
The Boy: Whatever, You can go Get Stabbed!
The Boy continued his Self-injury spree, each one becoming more and more dangerous, Squishing himself under Blocks, Letting Gloinks try to tear him apart, Even setting himself ablaze, Making Every person with morals concerned
The Boy: Calm Down dude! I won't get hurt!
Princely: Why is He doing this?! Isn't he scared?!
Princessa: He doesn't have A real body Princely, Just pure Glop
Princely: I know, but still!
The Boy carried on to injure himself through the week, Testing the Limits of his Resistance to pain, stabbing himself with Darts, Beheading himself with Queenie's axe, and even shooting himself with a Gun He found, even Making the most nonchalant cast members and Pals uncomfortable
He was cut off when he Felt a Sharp, pricking sensation shoot through his Eye, He couldn't See what it was Because He went completely blind, He screamed in pain as loud as possible, calling For help
Enock dropped the Bow
Pomni was Helping Him get the Arrow out of his eye, pulling on it Causing more Pain For the Poor boy
The Boy: OW! OW! OW!-
Pomni: Hold still!
Pomni was able to yank the Arrow out of His eye, letting The Boys vision return
Pomni: Maybe you shouldn't play with Arrows...
The Boy: Yeah Okay..- Wait No- Im mean- YOU'RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME!! I DO WHAT I WANT!!
The Boy Raspberries at Pomni and Sprung away
Pomni: HEY!
The Boy slithered away from Everyone
The Boy: Whatta bunch of loser dorks...
The Boy: Oh great...
Enock ran Up to him, Crying profusely
Enock continued to Apologize to him over and over, nearly incomprehensible due to his Crying, The Boy Just stared at him like he was bathing in peanut and jelly in public naked
The Boy: Dude- Dude- Dude calm down its fine! Im okay! God!
Enock: Are you sure?! You're not upset?!
The Boy: Well.. I mean...
Enock out stretched his Arms and The boy back away from him
The Boy: Weirdo...
Enock: *sniffles* sorry...
The Boy oozed away from Enock, leaving him crying by all by himself and alone
Caine: Heya Sport! I found a Rock that kinda looked your Mother and-
Caine Noticed His Son was Crying
Caine: Enock what's wrong son?
Enock: *sniffles* I accidentally shoot the slimy guy and He's mad at me now
Caine: You shot him?!
Enock: Yeah... With a Bow
Caine: Well You go around bull's eyeing your friends Ennie!
Enock: I know! But he asked me To!
Caine: He asked you... To shoot him with a arrow..
Enock: Yeah! A-and earlier I saw him Eta Bomb!
Caine: He ate.. A Bomb..
Bubble: A Delicious Gourmet Meal!!
Caine: As he been Hurting himself for a while now?
Enock: yeah 'vrebody tells him to stop but he doesn't lishen! I kinda... scared for him...
Caine: hmmm... I need to Go talk to You're Uncle about this, Here play with Your giraffe! Love you kid!
Caine poofed away and Summoned a yellow Balloon Giraffe splotched in colorful spots and Two Big googly eyes That could Stare into your soul lovingly, The Giraffe-puppy Barked happily and Licked Enock's Tears away
Enock: Nanner!!
Enock squeezed Bananer gently
The Next morning The Boy slowly opened His to Be Jump scared by Caine appearing at of nowhere and screaming at him causing the boy to scream back
The Boy: AHH-
Caine: AHH-
The Boy: AHH-
Caine: AHH-
Thats a good Question!
Caine: Ive been Told that You have been expressing yourself In harmful ways, And its making everyone very... Disturbed...
The Boy: Yeah, But, I Can't get hurt so what?
Caine: Well I'd hate to interfere with Your Self expression, But maybe You Could find another way to make yourself entertain-
The Boy sprung away but Caine stretched out his arm and pulled him back to Him, Holding him like a Hissy Kitten
The Boy: LET ME GO YOU @#$%!!
Caine: Now, Now son theres No reason to Get explicit, I've Come to Bring You Good news!
The Boy stopped thrashing and looked at him
The Boy: Really? What?
The Caine: Your gonna go to School with your new Friends, The P.A.Ls!!
Part 3
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fandomcrazy6226 · 5 months
Liveblogging Dracula Daily - May 5
Brought to you on May 7 because tech week is k i l l i n g me
I'm actually skipping my 7th period class cause I was gonna take a nap and I may still do that but I'm gonna get through these two posts first, cause technically I'm already late on the May 5 catchup. Whoopsie. Anyway, there'll be two posts today, more or less back-to-back, so enjoy the double feature!
Ooh, we're finally getting to the castle! More sleeping problems, trust me that's very relatable atm. I'm so exhausted after rehearsal every night and then it's impossible to actually fall asleep when I get home.
OK that 'robber steak' actually sounds really good. Love me some bacon.
"A name meaning 'word-bearer'"... huh? Like they call the door by a name? They call him a name? That structure is a bit confusing.
Oh joy, Satan, hell, witch, and *gasp* vampire! Hmm... something tells me this Count won't be the most transparent about these rumors. (Also as someone who watched the Sam and Colby video where they went to Dracula's Castle I wonder if there's a reason "strigoi" wasn't listed here. I do see "stregoica" though, which does look similar)
I think this is where someone who knew nothing about Dracula would definitely figure out something is wrong. Like, the last chapter with the old woman and the innkeeper suddenly not speaking German were definitely a tip-off but an entire crowd of people doing a gesture to ward off the evil eye? Yeah that's a big ol' flashing red light
Honestly I'd get super emotional too if a huge crowd of people I didn't even know did some kind of big protective gesture for me. Also, I'm sorry, the driver's pants are how big??
Again, the way this scenery is described is just so beautiful. And I definitely appreciate the translations here otherwise I'd spend way too much time on Google Translate
Okay... this driver seems odd. "The dogs are too vicious to walk", sure, thanks for the warning. "You'll probably have enough problems tonight", um. Get off my lawn you creepy thing with huge pants. And now I feel bad for the horses.
Okay they're going real fast now, and the other people are offering Jonathan gifts? Strange... but alright then. Oh and they're also doing the evil-eye-protection thing. Yeah does Jonathan realize he's probably walking into a blanket-fort-sized red flag with this trip yet?
Wait, what? What does he mean "not expected"? Are they really gonna take him all the way back to the inn and make him wait for however long just to bring him back? What the hell?
Ummmmmm red eyes you say? And black horses? And hiding his face? Is this a disguise? And the red lips and sharp teeth, yeah calling it now this guy is actually Dracula.
OK as someone who doesn't drink, why would the brandy help? Like is is just a courage thing? Or maybe for sleep?
Oh, midnight, all the evil things come out at midnight. According to the old lady from before, I think. Good thing he's got that cross, and like a million villagers helping him out.
Hm... methinks this driver has superstrength and can talk to animals. Wouldn't you guess what two more vampire powers are?
Is he... are they following a Will-o-Wisp? Is that was the blue flame is? Cause the popping around magical blue fire floating in the air sounds a lot like a Will-o-Wisp
OK that sounds terrifying, surrounded by wolves. But hey, I'm pretty sure wild wolves don't actually attack humans, since humans aren't prey. Or at least that's what Wild Kratts taught me. OK Google is backing me up here. I think wolves are generally pretty chill with humans, although the horses would definitely have a reason to freak out, considering wolves can take down moose.
Oh, so the driver basically waves his arms and the wolves go away? Not suspicious at all...
Oh jeez, this just keeps on going. Hang on, how much is left of this entry? OK I shouldn't have to split the chapter. I'm just gonna keep going, hopefully I'm done before the bell rings.
Um, no, Jonathan, I don't think this is a common occurrence for most realtors. Aww, Mina mention again! Oh, this poor boy seriously needs to sleep. (Me too, buddy)
That's definitely a perfectly normal way to invite someone in. "Enter freely and of your own will" Hand of a dead man hmmmmmmmm?
Ha! Even he thinks it's the driver.
I assume Mr. Hawkins is his boss? And that's a really sweet thing to say. Mmmmm chimcken. I'm very hungry the lunch at my school is not great on Tuesdays, especially when it's flavorless pasta with flavorless tomato sauce. Like somehow the lack of flavor is it's own flavor.
Hair on palms isn't actually... possible. The only two places your body doesn't grow hair at all are your palms and the soles of your feet. So that's extra strange.
This chapter definitely makes things a lot more tense, and I'm very excited to see how that build in the next one!
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thebestofoneshots · 10 months
It’s your favourite (and only to my knowledge) moose annon!! I’m back! I have some random questions you can choose to answer:
1) how are you
2) what’s your opinion on sausage dogs
3) if you could do one thing right now, what would you do?
4) who’s your least favourite Harry Potter character?
5) if you could pick one marauder to battle in the back of a Greggs, who would it be?
Thank you for Moose’s random questions, with Moose. -🫎
Hey darling Moose!
I'm great! Thanks for asking. The godawful flu I had is finally gone and I'm feeling like new. Also, my new computer (got it as a Christmas gift) just arrived and I'm super hyper to use it for writing even more of GC, the screen's a lot bigger than my current PC so my eyes love it. How are you? It's been a while since I've heard from you.
Umm.. they're adorable, though a little fierce. My uncle has one of them, and he has lots of energy, loves getting balls thrown at him and fetching them. I must admit I'm a cat person (because they require less care) but if I could have a dog, I'd get a huge black dog. Bet ya'll can guess why.
Right at this instant? What are my parameters? Does it have to be realistic? Because if it does not, can I be snogging Sirius somewhere? Now, if it does have to be realistic, I'd like to be eating something tasty, I'm rather hungry atm.
Dolores and Peter. Silly because I actually kind of like the Peter I've created on GC, but his treason is still something I'm not over yet. But yeah, those are definitely the characters I dislike the most.
Omg, this requires analyzing actually... because I mean, again what are my parameters? For example:
Remus wouldn't hit a woman, so I'd be in advantage. But then, if for some storage reason, he didn't care about that, then I would easily be fucked by trying to fight Mr. Werewolf strength / tallest marauder (and probably the strongest one too).
Sirius might be skinny, but something tells me an angry Sirius would beat the shit out of me just as well as Rem could, perhaps I'd come out a little less scuffed, but let's be honest, If either of the two actually wanted to beat me up, I wouldn't stand a chance. Having said that, I think fighting Sirius would be fun because if it's like a sexy fight with sexual tension. Think black widow, knifes on throats, that kind of thing, I'm so IN!
James is another marauder I'd be a little terrified of battling on a fistfight, first, the boy plays quidditch, he can definitely beat the shit out of me. Second, he gives me playful Peter Parker, jokes when he fights vibes, which is super cool, as long as you're not the one being punched.
And lastly, Peter. I think, if we're talking about a clean fistfight, it's here where I would stand the best chances. Not because I think I'm stronger than Peter, like hell nah, but because I think I could outwit him. Especially if this is a no-magic universe and he can't just Avada me in three seconds like he did to Cedirc.
Now, even if I could actually win a fight against Peter, I think ultimately I'd pick Sirius, for two simple reasons, he's probably less strong than James and Remus and he'd definitely be the kind to flirt-fight. Even if he didn't, I'd rather be punched by him than Peter so...
Yes, I am a simp.
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far-side-skies · 1 year
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*cries in unfinished*
So I wasn't able to finish her off properly in time for the deadline, but here's what I've got so far.
This is Cynniris! An aquinoan/dawnrunner hybrid (dawnrunners are a fan-species courtesy of @grimm-the-6th, thank you for letting me use them!)
Born as an aquinoan on the Far Side, Cynniris was abandoned after birth and found by the dawnrunner Champion/demigod known as Daystalker. A Champion of the hunt, Daystalker decided to take the infant in as a ward, making her into a hybrid of the two species. His goal was to raise her into a terrifying aquatic hunter, and he succeeded.
Cynniris is a long-standing hunter for the Dawnrunner pride she was raised in, and she frequently braves the Far Side to hunt for food. Her key tactics involve waiting for days in bodies of water for large animals like moose and wolves to go to drink, grabbing them and pulling them into the water for a death roll. Her prowess has lead to her developing an ego, and she frequently challenges her pridemates to hunting games. More often than not she wins, but so far she has yet to beat her adoptive parents at their own game.
There's a chance of the Storm Hawks briefly encountering her on the Far Side, and her subsequently horrifying them by killing a deer in front of them and dragging it off. Not her fault they were too slow to catch it themselves.
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princessmisery666 · 1 year
PM666Reads - Fic Recs - March 2023
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March was a bit of a shit show. I won’t get into the specifics but I didn’t read as much as I’d have liked. I have also tried to create this post 3 times and dumblr deleted the whole thing so here goes nothing. 
Thank you to all the authors who shared their works and helped me escape for a while.
Fic Title - Author - Summary & warnings (if any) copied from author original post.
Dean Winchester
💟All Out of Options - @julesthequirky - Warnings: Angst
💟Run To You (Chapter 12) - @deanwinchesterswitch - The pair are a filthy, sweaty mess. Kasey surprises Dean with an unexpected gift. Warnings: Language; Here, there be smut; and lots of it.
💟Rumors (series) - @deanwinchesterswitch - Fear and anger forced them apart. Pain and regret kept them separated. An opportunity arises to repair the damage when a well-meaning friend pushes them into a reunion. Yet, rumors threaten to tear them apart for good. Warnings: 18+ Angst; Some fluff; Dean being Dean; Language; Mentions of smut; Mentions of sex work (nothing detailed); Canon divergence. Parts 3 and 4 contain descriptions of high emotional distress; possible triggers.
💟Use Me - @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior - You'll do anything to make Dean's nightmares go away. Warnings/Explicit 18+: Bit of smut, mostly angst, so - smangst. Nothing too crazy. Implied, future smut, nakedness, featuring Dean's mouth. 
💟Even Better Than Pie - @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior - Y/N knows just how to make Dean smile. Warnings: None really. Kissing. Implied smut. Smidge of angst. Pretty much, all fluff.
💟Catch Me - @justagirlinafandomworld - Song Prompt from Unclaimed Love Songs: Arms by Christina Perri
Bucky Barnes
💟And The World Shifted - @girl-next-door-writes - Panic attacks are terrifying, even if you are a 100 year old super soldier. Luckily for Bucky, he doesn’t have to deal with them alone. 
Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin
💟Exile - @writercole - Warnings: Very angsty. Breakup.
Sam Winchester + Dean Winchester (no wincest)
💟Tattered: Growing Pains (ongoing series) - @stusbunker -  Warnings, etc: Dean has discovered he’s into her being pregnant. Sam and Dean tag-team smut. Oral, knotting, there’s lots of bodily fluids, but also a bath tub. Breeding kink, possessive and jealous Alphas. Nesting, pregnancy problems.
Jensen Ackles 
💟Dominion - @deanwinchesterswitch - image drabble
Dragon Age
💟When All Else Fades (AO3) - @slytherkins - "Hawke's gone. I'm so sorry."No matter how many times he read those words, Fenris refused to believe it. Hawke might be gone, but Hawke wasn't dead. Despite the pity in the eyes of everyone he turned to for help, Fenris could feel it. Hawke was alive, and Fenris was determined to save him.Which left him no choice but to turn to the one man he knew would understand, who might help. Too bad he fucking hated Anders. And the feeling was mutual.
Supernatural x Good Omens
💟Untitled - @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover - So I want a fanfic crossover. Supernatural and Good Omens. Good omens Gabriel is scaring Sam Winchester shitless. So Spn Gabriel fights the snobbie bastard
Sam Winchester
💟Half Timing, Half Luck - @justagirlinafandomworld - Soulmate AU where the first words you speak to your soulmate are tattooed on their body.
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EDIT: I don’t like editing posts after they’ve gotten notes but it’s hours later and I realized I didn’t copy the instructions 😬
Mundane asks for OCs/underused canon character you adopted. Tag 10 people.
@christian-latte-anon tagged me and since I DID just finish writing more for these two adopted side characters.
What is their favorite movie? This is hard to answer for a series set 500 years in the future, but Tom’s favorite movie is definitely NOT any of the Disney classics he has to sit through with Chyler 🤣
What is their favorite season? Again, hard for two people who spend most of their time in space. However, I’ll say summer for a weird reason. I’ve headcanoned that Tom and Chyler were stationed on Reach for awhile until the Covenant hit, and New Alexandria is on the northernmost continent. So the summers were probably very short and very pretty. Maybe the occasional moose or equivalent trespassed on the FLEETCOM grounds 😂
What do they find annoying? Tom: Chyler’s unending Disney soundtrack (but he also kind of likes it, don’t tell anyone). Roland, enough said, LOL. Paperwork. Rules that serve no purpose. Chyler’s bed-hogging. Chyler: Tom’s aversion to putting clean clothes IN DRAWERS or THE CLOSET like a NORMAL PERSON. Spartan-IV antics (I need to write a fic about this). Roland, but to a lesser extent because he’s mildly terrified of her 🤣. Her BDU vest as explained in For Better Or Worse. Tom’s complaining about her bed-hogging.
How would they like to spend their Christmas or equivalent holiday? I don’t think this is ever mentioned in the Halo world. If I had to guess, there’s probably a mash-up end-of-year holiday party aboard ship but the day itself isn’t a huge deal. The job must go on.
Do they play an instrument? If so, what? How good are they at it? Headcanon subject to change, but for now, no.
What's their favorite meal to eat? Chyler likes Mac n cheese with beef because her mom used to make it. Tom’s is…I’m not sure, but it’s something very spicy. Chyler doesn’t want his ghost pepper sauce in the same room with her and she won’t kiss him for at least an hour after he’s eaten it 🥵 Credit where credit is due, the spice thing is sort of stolen from @infinityactual but it’s also a scene that plays out with me and @mrtobenamedlater way too often.
Do they have a favorite video game or board game? Probably? Whatever video games look like in the 2550s. I imagine Chyler sitting there with her cross-stitching adding commentary while Tom plays.
Do they celebrate their birthday? Their birthdays are close together, Chyler is older by about six weeks, and every year they try to make the day(s) pass without fanfare and every year the crew finds out and throws them a party anyway.
What's their bedtime routine? They rarely make it to bed at the same time, so usually “try not to wake the other.” When they do manage the same bedtime, Tom has an awful habit of trying to finish work in bed. Chyler sometimes falls asleep on his chest while he’s working, unwittingly reinforcing the bad habit because Tom loves it.
What's an oc (or canon character) that they like to spend time around? What do they tend to do together? Sarah Palmer, she functions as the straight (wo)man to the Tom/Chyler comedy show 😂 I haven’t written anything about this one yet but Chyler runs into Veronica Dare a lot. As wives do, they end up discussing their husbands. Oh yes, and Roland 🤣🤣🤣
Made up some of these on the fly! That was fun. I spent WAY too long completing this and am out of patience to tag anyone. If you’re reading this, here’s your tag.
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jamesunderwater · 1 year
But now I need to know your Yellowjackets thoughts.
Oh nooo oh noooo the yellowjackets can of worms I've been stuffing into an old box in my mind 😆 are you wanting my thoughts on anything in particular??
I actually still have 6 episodes left in season 2 so my thoughts aren't fully formed yet, but I just found out Van survived 😭 and I'm so happy 😭 also I was fucking SHOCKED when Jackie died, I was just staring at the screen with wide eyes and my mouth hanging open, goosebumps down both my arms. The actress for young Shauna performed that so incredibly, I felt her shock and pain and desperation.
Other than that....agh I dunno! It's really interesting to me the way they're telling both the past and present stories at once, because at least for me it can be hard to connect the adults to their teenage selves since it's just been SO long. I'm fucking dying to understand what is happening in the present day, too. And to understand if what happened in the woods was actually supernatural shit or just literally a result of trauma and them trying to make meaning of and have a sense of control over what they were going through. Bc if it really is just that, then what's happening in the present with Taissa and Travis and Lottie? I mean...eh yeah it could also just be the trauma. Yeah. I'm hooked and curious.
As for opinions on the characters........ probably Natalie is my favorite in both time periods. When they lost the moose in the frozen lake and she sobs "we need it! We need it!" 💔💔💔 and her heartbreak over Travis. Fuck man. I just think she loves so hard and never gets it in return and that makes me really sad. I love that Shauna's so unhinged in the present, tbh. I'm frankly kinda terrified of Misty and want everyone to just......stay AWAY from her. I love Taissa so much but I'm so frustrated with her older self because girlfriend GET HELP you're a grown woman, a mother, wtf dude go see a psychiatrist why do you think you can handle this with some fucking espresso. Oh and I loooove her friendship with Shauna. It's just sweet how they've trusted each other with their most vulnerable things and even all those years later Tai still felt safe showing up at Shauna's house when she didn't know where else to go. Oh and and. I fucking love Ben and he's currently really losing it and I'm gonna be so gd depressed when he dies (cause.....I don't see how he won't)
Lol sorry it really did turn into a can of worms. 😅 I'll be even more excited to go on and on about it when I finish the season, I'm sure. What are your thoughts???
Omg and I didn't even address the cannibalism 🤦 uhhh well I literally couldn't watch. And it was so freaky how they all sort of hive mind converged. Thought the way the writers had Ben not participate and be so digusted by it was a great way to force the audience to feel that. And. Tbh. I can't blame them. I don't know if I could have done it but like...I can understand how...in some ways...it could have felt like a waste of meat? Idk like if you're capable of separating it mentally then honestly good for you. What was Jackie gonna do with it? She's already dead. So. That said it was obviously the moment that tilted them over the edge into eventually creating traps and actively killing and eating people. So. Not great.
Okay I really am done now 😅
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absent-enigma · 2 years
Centaur au drabble (?) 1
Skull (Horror) as an intro of sorts for the idea.  
They said a giant had come down from the mountains, away from the cold and lack of company.  They said the giant came to live deep within densely forested trees at its base, right before winter set in, to claim a new, more populated territory.
Deep reverberations shook the ground daily once this so-called giant had settled in.  The shaking of the ground, within a certain range, occurred around the same time each day and night, like clockwork.  It was as if this giant were searching for someone, or something, it could not find, day after day, and night after night.  Ever searching, yet never finding, from the constant movement.
Some insisted it was not a giant, but a creature of some kind, with a single large glowing red eye that pierced through the dark of night, or during daylight, peering through the bare branches of the trees surrounding its new territory. The footsteps were quickly found to not be that of an actual giant, but of an enormous moose.  The hoofmarks were deeply embedded in the dirt and grass, barely able to be seen in some places with the constant back and forth travel. Measurements of the hooves revealed that they were much bigger than any moose that had ever been recorded.
Paired with the glowing eye hovering above the anticipated head level of such an animal, investigators into the mystery suggested the possibility that the moose was possibly a centaur.  Especially when one such investigator had come across deep marks on tree bark that was much too high for even the tallest moose to reach, remarking that the deep grooves in the bark looked like claw marks.
No one had been able to catch more than these brief, fleeting glimpses of this newcomer roaming about.
By the time winter began in earnest, and snowfall began to accumulate, several recording devices had been set up high in the branches of several trees, near the well-travelled route.
Finally, footage was captured the following evening.
It was a skeletal moose centaur, the lower half of the body deep brown in color, and covered with numerous scars, patches of fur missing from those areas, leaving behind silvery scars. This continued on all the way down each of the legs to the hooves. The fur transitioned into bone around its upper waist, the ribs broad, thick and littered with scars, nicks and missing pieces of bone. The broad expanse of the chest held a particularly deep scar that went halfway across ribs and sternum, where the scar then sharply cut up and into the left humerus. Another line of cracked bone went up the left side of the massive skull to stop where a gaping hole was.  The placement meant the centaur’s antler would be missing on that side of the skull next spring due to the horrific wound. 
The right socket was completely empty, a dark void, but the left socket was filled completely with a deep crimson light that was currently fixated on the camera recording him.
The skull was tilted slightly to the right, as if the centaur’s single antler lost earlier that fall had weighed his skull down so much that even after it was gone, the memory and previous heaviness lingered. 
The blazing crimson light inspected the camera. 
Without so much as a warning, the front hooves stomped down, the ground shuddering from impact beneath the powerful legs. Skeletal hands clenched into fists as the eye light flared brighter. The wide set toothy grin stretched in a terrifying way as teeth parted to grind out three words in a deep voice.
“don’t come back.”
The feed went dead as the camera was presumably destroyed.
No one entered the forested area for some time after the aggressive take down of the camera and clear, if guttural, warning.
Notes I didn’t end up writing as a drabble:
*Skull doesn’t know why the humans keep following him around.  Particularly trying to get a good look at him, as he is used to being avoided.  All he is doing is looking for his brother right now, so why all the curiosity?  When he sees the thing in the tree with the glowing light on it, he decides to destroy it.  Gets confused over why the humans are upset that he destroyed the things in the trees that they had put there in his temporary territory.
...why is he there again?
His brother.  
He was looking for his brother.
*Days later Skull sustains a nasty wound, and later, that injury ends up getting infected. He becomes more aware of the fact that the humans are getting much too persistent looking for him, especially when they find signs of his injury in the snow.  He tried to warn the humans away, in a lot of pain, but eventually ends up being sedated so that no one gets hurt.  He’s moved from the area for safety reasons-with quite a lot of difficulty considering his sheer massive size (moved both for human safety, Skull’s safety, and hunters who may have tried to go after him once it was let out what was in the forest) and bring him to the sanctuary/preserve to recuperate
Skull (Horror) when he comes to his senses:
where the hell am i and why is there a small angry sambar deer centaur (upper half also skeletal, with dark blue eye lights) demanding that i state who i am and why i’m so close to their territory?
*too tired to deal with this. easily pins the other centaur questioning him in a much too loud voice, and uses him as a tiny pillow as the offended ‘Black’ screeches at the disrespect of being used as a resting place for a stranger*
Kind of reminds Skull (horror) of his brother, at least in volume, though his brother is less aggressive and prickly than this centaur is.
Will later try to use Mc (aka reader) as a pillow but in a more hug and snuggle as he tries to settle his skull on them instead, with great difficultly because size difference.
Black eventually accepts his fate as furniture that first night, but bristles at the indignity of it all.
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tailhitch · 1 year
Tailhitch after living among the residents of happy tree town for a while has opinions on most of them.
Flippy: getting the easy one out of the way, they’re friends. Tailhitch understands flippys pain and trauma better than just about anyone. Add in both of them being soldiers and they get along pretty well. Flippy appreciates the fact that Tailhitch, as a cybertronian is immune to anything fliqpy can do. When the autobot is around collateral can be minimized. They tend to avoid each other whenever Tailhitch uses his holoform. It reminds flippy of a friend he lost and mistakes he made.
Fliqpy: fliqpy despises Tailhitch for stopping him during his rampages, but most of what Tailhitch feels towards the rampaging monster is pity and sadness. During the few brief conversations the two have had fliqpy has admitted that he respects Tailhitch as a soldier and that it’s a shame that they’re on opposite sides. Tailhitch couldn’t help but admit that fliqpy’s “creativity” was impressive. Beyond that it’s one sided animosity.
Flaky: he/she/they are terrified of Tailhitch. Just like they’re scared of pretty much everything. Tailhitch tries to be friendly with the porcupine and give them advice on anxiety but there’s only so much he can do. Flaky has had a few positive interactions with Tailhitch and has expressed they don’t hate him. But he’s 17 feet tall and a robot. It’ll freak a lot of people out.
Nutty: Tailhitch ain’t a fan, there’s only so much his processors can take you know? He’s loud he’s way too energetic it’s annoying. Just being around the squirrel overstimulates the young autobot.
Splendid: you’d think that both being aliens who want to save people would let them get along right? Wrong. First time they met splendid tackled Tailhitch thinking he was some kind of alien invader and both started swinging. Since then they don’t speak to each other outside of “polite” greetings. (Usually just calling each other names)
Lumpy: Tailhitch does not like the moose. It seems as though he is willfully ignorant of his surroundings unless money is involved. Then he’s just a greedy jerk to everyone.
Handy: Tailhitch has no idea how the beaver does the things he does without actual hands, he’s impressed and is becoming friends with handy via the construction of a catapult.
Giggles: Tailhitch doesn’t have too many opinions on the chipmunk. She’s polite enough, and pleasant enough to be around but interests clashing makes it hard to be friends.
Cuddles: he’s a good guy but he’s always the first one to come to Tailhitch with a terrible idea that he SWEARS will be totally awesome. Outside of that they’re chill with each other.
Lammy: either there’s something wrong with her or something’s going on with that pickle. He has a hard time trusting her.
Toothy: Tailhitch doesn’t really have an opinion on toothy, he seems to be alright but the mech doesn’t hang out with the beaver too much.
Russell: Tailhitch likes Russell, he’s cool. Could just be because Tailhitch is a one piece fan, could be that Russell is just that likable who knows.
The mole: the mole freaks tailhitch out, he never speaks and somehow despite being blind he avoids being caught in the crossfire frequently.
Splendont: Tailhitch’s opinions on the red flying squirrel are much the same as his opinions on the blue flying squirrel. Not good.
Mime: Tailhitch doesn’t really have an opinion on the mime. Hes somehow even quieter than the mole, and Tailhitch isn’t sure if it’s actual mutism or just dedication to the craft. If the mime is just really dedicated to the bit even when in danger, then Tailhitch is impressed because he’s never heard the mime scream once.
Petunia: Tailhitch was a miner for most of his life, he’s a messy guy. Petunia does not appreciate this and frequently tries to make him less messy, it has yet to stick. He finds her somewhat annoying but he humors her attempts.
Sniffles: Tailhitch appreciates the presence of the anteater, they share similar interests and sniffles is even trying to find a way to send Tailhitch home, they keep spare copies of all of the notes and blue prints with Tailhitch whenever sniffles blows himself up and they have to start over. Plus he helps Tailhitch whenever his energon is low and he needs refueling.
Disco bear: he’s weird and kinda annoying but dammit Tailhitch loves music too much and getting funky is too much fun. He can appreciate a guy who lives his life with a bit of groove.
Pop and cub: Tailhitch can tell that pop loves his son very very much but he just wishes he’d pay a bit more attention to the little guy. Watching the kid die is always the most horrifying. Cub always has stars in his eyes whenever Tailhitch is around and Tailhitch does like the kid. Tailhitch occasionally babysits for pop whenever he and disco bear go out together.
Lifty and shifty: Tailhitch has gotten way too fed up with the twins and has punted them before. He’s not a fan of them.
Cro marmot: he honestly scares Tailhitch, the mole may freak him out but cro marmot scares him. How does he do the things he does? It’s weird and creepy, Tailhitch doesn’t like it.
Truffles: Tailhitch honestly forgets truffles exists sometimes. No real opinions on the guy.
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seeminglyseph · 8 months
My attention span is 2 seconds long I swear to god. I'm watching some random like. Beastars thing. and I never really put a whole lot of consideration into Beastars before, though I watched part of the anime and read part of the manga... but the fact that one of the most aggro Herbivore characters that has the most power is a deer feels pretty fitting. and part of that also feels like a byproduct of Beastars coming out of Japan and not like. Canada. Because if it came out of a place with Moose there would be a mild shifting of power dynamics just by the nature of cultural familiarity with Moose. but Buck Deer will leave their own impact if you have any interactions with them. (Though Elk and Caribou are also similar yet still more powerful...)
But in general, honestly, large herbivores will fuck you up. I respect their power. Carnivores in general are less terrifying than large herbivores. So I feel like having a Buck be one of the most powerful characters is very reasonable. Bucks will fucking murder the shit out of you. They got knife heads and hammer feet and no chill whatsoever.
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