#Grace Alderspin
meeeeeeese · 1 year
So for the third in my little series on my character's minis, time to talk about Grace's mini.
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When mordremoth's assault on the pact fleet destroyed the airship Grace was aboard, she was plunged down a sinkhole into the caverns below the jungle, and dangerously close to a chak hive. It was lucky then, that the first chak she came across was a newborn Gerent, freshly hatched from a glowing blue egg, and uniquely vulnerable to the mental domination of a mesmer.
Being as aggressive as all chak, newborn or otherwise are, the Gerent attacked Grace on sight, it's newborn body already capable of spewing caustic acids. With a spike of magic directed at the hatchling's mind, Grace quickly turned it to her side. At first it was only to stay it's assault on the mesmer, still wounded from the fall, but she quickly found it to be a valuable ally in evading the insectoid menace swarming the tunnels, so she kept it around as a companion throughout her time in Maguuma and beyond.
It's growth seems to have been stunted compared to other's of its kind. Grace keeps it sated with a supply of her own magic but one human mage is a far cry from the raw might of a ley-line. However, that suits her just fine, an adult Gerent would be difficult to keep under control, to say the least.
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meeeeeeese · 1 year
So A few outfit Thoughts for my mesmer Grace now that I'm playing her more again
Currently, now that she's an adventurer and survivalist she generally wears something along the lines of this:
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Generally a pretty rugged set, half of which is made from hides she's skinned herself!
However, she's had a few different outfits, During her time in the pact here's what she wore:
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Mostly a standard pact uniform, with some added protection at her mother's insistance
And finally her old nobles dress, which she hasn't worn in years!
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meeeeeeese · 1 year
In other news, got a new fit for Grace for her power gear set
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meeeeeeese · 1 year
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Some mesmers profess that their magic can bend not only the minds
of mortals, but tear at space and even rend time itself.
What could that say about our world? Is Tyria itself the projected
mind of some transcendental being if mental magic can affect reality
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meeeeeeese · 1 year
Introducing my mesmer character: Grace Alderspin
Nickname: Abyss Lady
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Grace is third scion of a noble krytan family, her early year were very sheltered, growing up on her families estate and learning to read, write and practice magic from her mother. While talented at mesmer magic, her real love was writing. As her elder siblings were slated to take over the estate, she was free to practice her passion, becoming a bestelling author of several mystery novels including 'Murder on the road to Lion's Arch' and 'The monster of Viathan Lake'. However, her success left her dissatisfied with her lot in life and she began to wonder if there was more she could do. She recieved her answer when, on a research to to Kessex Hills she witnessed the destruction of Fort Salma by mordremoth. Horrifyed by the destructive potential of the dragons, she returned home to Divinity's Reach and joined up with the pact, leaving her final novel unfinished.
Training hard, she was eventually selected to be among those aboard the pact fleet as it took on mordremoth, and just like the rest the pact she was torn from the sky over Tangled Depths when mordremoth retaliated. In the chaos she was thrown from her ship and down a sink hole and into a deep watery cavern, just about managing to swim to shore before blacking out completely. She awoke alone, in a dark hostile environment where EVERYTHING wanted to kill her. She should have died, in every other world she would have died but somehow, she managed to survive and learn to live in the cavernous abyss se found herself in.
Her magic began to change too, before she relied on tricks and deceptions but she found them unsuitable for the beasts roaming the depths, she began to favour more direct mental assaults, firing phantasmal thorns to tear apart the minds of jungle beasts and mordrem alike, becoming something akin to a virtuoso.
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She started being sighted by pact soldiers as they recovered and prepared to move south to take on Mordremoth, and rumors began to circulate about a woman rising from the caverous abyss to fight attacking mordrem before vanishing back into the depths just as quickly, earning her the nickname of 'Abyss Lady'. Grace stayed in the jungle for a year, honing her survival skills, not knowing that mordremoth had been slain and only finding out when she made contact with the Nuhoch who told her the good news and giving her supplies to make her way back home.
Returning to Divinities Reach she found that home no longer appealed to her. She wasn't the novelist who left home over a year ago and she could no longer sit still in the comfort of her house. So once again she left, deciding to seek out further challenges and hone her craft in the most dangerous environments on Tyria
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TL:DR: Novelist turned Bear Grylls style survivalist wanders Tyria seeking out challenges
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meeeeeeese · 1 year
Now that I've at least somewhat make introductions to all my characters, time to introduce the RELATIONSHIP CHART
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Yeah you can tell Rugan's the main character huh
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meeeeeeese · 1 year
Thinking about Grace and her uhhh... strained relationship with her family at this point.
She essentially abandoned her lucrative career as an author to join the military, and not the cushy ministry guard but THE PACT, also known as the job with the highest mortality rate on Tyria.
Then she goes missing in the jungle for over a year, presumed dead. When her parents were just about to give up hope, she returns and barely stays for a month before announcing she's leaving again to travel Tyria.
In short, she's a significant source of stress for them and the few times she's returned to the Alderspin estate for wintersday things have been a bit tense. Her parents keep making pointed comments like "your siblings have all gotten married, when are you going to settle down and find a man?" and her flippant responses aren't earning her any favors.
At least her nices and nephews enjoy her stories of travelling Tyria.
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meeeeeeese · 1 year
Welcome to my pinned post, in which I point out the things to look at on my blog
Want to read about my OCs? Click here
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And there are more posts that don't fall under any of these categories, good luck finding them
Brief OC introductions below
(my dumb worldbuilding sideblog)
1: Rugan Coppertail (he/him)
Pact Commander, master engineer and overall mess of a charr. An iron legion centurion by technicality, though his dragonslaying duties mean he isn't around much
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2: Falx Ghostclaw (he/him)
Rugan's terrible spoiled brat of a cub, an iron legionnaire with an ego the size of the black citadel who, unfortunately can partially back up his wild claims with a talent for necromancy
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3: Cara Silvertail (she/her)
A very normal charr who is definitely not an emissary of an outer god slumbering in the depths of the mists. Nominally part of the legions, though the incredibly suspicious power she wields and the nature of her origin means she kept under watch
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4: Ibex Azureblaze (he/him)
A former flame legion tribune who was exiled in disgrace after a risky attempt to gain power blew up in his face. He now spends his time sulking in the wilderness being bitter.
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5: Teghror (he/him)
Rugan's other cub, concieved during his stay with the olmakhan and raised without his father knowing of his existance. he's now on a journey to meet and possibly punch his sire in the face.
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6: Zerek Mindrend (he/him)
An old ash legion mesmer, one of the few front line fighters of Tyria's sneakiest legion. He's a part time primus and a full time grump, but he's also very talented at chaos magic and chronomancy
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7: Sarro Aquaburn (he/him)
former female and flame legion shaman, he left the gold legion due to their regressive views on gender and now travels Tyria as a free charr to perfect his elemental magics
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8: Sarvius Longshade (he/him)
an ex-flame legion mercenary whose uncontrollable shadow magic bears an uncanny resemblance to the void.
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9: Buffalo Mozzarella (she/her)
An incredibly angry asura hunting down her inquest parents for the crime of... giving her a really stupid name
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10: Archeologist Siv (he/they)
An archeologist whose life work was to delve into the depths of Tyria, and recover relics from the destroyer-haunted ruins of the underground asuran civilisation. But after a doomed expedition left him the only survivor, he returned to the surface with a new god. He had seen the all, and personified the error in the geometry. He had found The Bent God.
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11: Helga Flamewaker (she/her)
A powerful elementalist and havroun of the volcano spirit, she seeks to ensure the course of nature is not disrupted, which brings her into conflict with others who'd rather volcanos not erupt thank you very much
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12: Grace Alderspin (she/her)
A former novelist turned adventurer who seeks to conquer Tyria's toughest environments
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13: Captain 'powderkeg' Rowan (he/him)
A former slave who escaped his pirate masters to become a bounty hunter specialising in capturing pirates
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14: 'Fern' (he/she)
Mordermoths backup body in case the Trahearne plan failed, Fern bides her time in the eternal battlegrounds, waiting for the moment he may return to Tyria and reclaim his place as elder dragon
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