#monkey king headcanons
sleeplessdreamer14 · 1 year
Ok, I read an overprotective Monkey King, but what about when s/o DID get injured?. Either something small, like a small cut, some bruises... Or a twisted ankle or black eye.... Or, being a little serious, being punched really hard or anything that endanger their live
Oh dear
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Monkey’s reaction depends on the injury
If you just got bruised or scratched, he would carefully take a look at it
He may use his staff to draw a big circle around you to act as a ward while he runs off to look for aloe or something to make sure it doesn’t worsen
In the case of something like a sprain or black eye or something of that type, Monkey’s kinda panicky and isn’t entirely sure what to do
If you need him to pop something back in, he’ll suck it up, but he’s gonna be so nervous the whole time
He’s surprisingly gentle when handling you
If this is during the journey it the west, he’ll probably let Tripitaka take care of it but stay by you the whole time
Holds your hand even if you don’t need him to
If your wound is serious like a stab or a fracture or something more internal, he drops the humor and goes straight into protection mode
if you’re at least semi-immortal, he won’t be too worried about it but still be anxious because geez that looks like it hurts
But if you’re just mortal, Monkey will be on the verge of a panic attack until you’re taken care of
Telling you “everything’s fine, it’s okay, you’re gonna be okay.” over and over again, kinda talking to himself as he’s trying to hold it together
Like I said before, he feels pretty bad that this happened to you
Afterwards, he’s not leaving your side for a while, even watching over you while you sleep
Don’t be surprised if he tries to get you one of those immortality elixirs
You’re not dying as long as he has any say in it
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aerkame · 6 months
Hey! I saw your HC’s about the versions of sun wukong’s. May I request “ Journey to the West: Legends of the Monkey King 2000? ” I really loved the show as a kid. I saw it on YouTube again and wondered about it! If..you saw this series that is. If not, I’ll take Netflix monkey king! It’s up to you!
I feel like doing both :p Also I'll be doing general HC because I'm not sure if you meant reader insert or just in general if this were in a fanfiction
Journey to the West: Legends of the Monkey King 2000
This monkey man is the definition of assertive
He sees something he likes? He makes it clear he will have it. There's a demon he wants to beat up? He'll talk about beating them up before actually following through with it. There's a person he wants to get with? He makes his intentions crystal clear to everyone around him without hesitation, heaven forbid you try to stop him, he will not allow it.
Surprisingly optimistic despite everything that has happened. There is nothing that can really bring down his mood once he's in a good one.
That means he's not exactly stable when he's in a rare bad mood. Just...give the guy some space if that happens.
Sometimes he'll accidentally break things or break someone. He just gets excitable and well...
Of course there's lots of apologies that ensue if the worst happens, though he doesn't like admitting he did something wrong.
Out of all the versions of Monkey King, this one is probably the most extroverted and friendly of the bunch. He for sure will make loads of friends if given the chance.
This version also seems to be the most open minded on things. Got something to say? He's all ears. Got something you want him to learn? He'll actually sit and listen (a rarity among Monkey kings)
Despite how loud and assertive he is, sometimes he can also be more quiet and gentle when the situation calls for it. It took some learned behavior from Tang though. But, it's a useful trait to have when you're someone like Monkey king.
Very energetic sometimes. He always needs to be doing something with his hands or going out and fighting stuff.
I'd assume this version is extremely protective of his SO if he has one.
Same can be said for his friends.
Would absolutely do everything he can to cheer someone up if they started crying in front of him. It really hurts to see someone so hurt...
Usually encourages people to be a better version of themselves (except Pigsy, he gave up on that guy)
Netflix Monkey King 2023
Oh boy where do I start?
If Leo the zodiac sign was a person, this would be him.
This guy, ooo- this guy really loves himself, and he makes sure everyone around him knows it too at every given chance.
Very confident in his ability to overcome any challenge or obstacle (he's just the best ain't he?)
Probably takes better care of himself and Stick than his own armor or anything else that's with him.
Would absolutely have a bunch of different shampoos, conditioners, and lotions in modern days. The guy loves to love himself, and look loved too.
Probably a huge flirt when he sees someone he mildly finds interest in. That or he'll just brag about himself to seem more impressive. (He's probably exaggerating)
Loves showing off
Modern version of him would probably be a lot more chilled out after the years, learning to just let things go and not be so impulsive or take things personally. He's still got a lot of work to do when it comes to letting people in though.
He's just afraid of losing people like Lin again you know? Right when he realizes he has a family, he loses them and sits isolated form the world for hundreds of years.
Usually prefers staying away from people, alone with Stick. Being alone as a kid does that to you.
Sometimes seeks out validation and love from crowds of people and fans.
He's a little more patient over the years, but just as chaotic.
Expect lots of malicious compliance from him. And pranks, he enjoys getting a good laugh out of others or just doing it for his own entertainment. (though he can border on just being a jerk)
Sometimes talks to Stick when he's alone, it's usually just him venting about things from the past.
Tends to get anxious when he's alone for too long or if there's a thunderstorm (doesn't need a lot of explaining to understand that).
Will be the sweetest monkey with someone he really likes. It's like he's a completely different person!
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penn-dragon · 9 months
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Thank you for giving me an excuse to ramble about my headcanons and to draw all the Straw Hats!
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muffinsouffle · 10 months
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Monkey's first love~
My headcanon is that this is how macaque got feeling for wukong and how he becomes a tomato every time his best friend get close to him.
I hope you liked this post and have a wonderful day 💖
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izuke-the-zombie · 10 months
🌸Sorry for the long ass absent guys 🫠 family and holidays have been crazy😮‍💨
I recently came across this short monkie kid wild West AU fanfic
It's short but it's really good, And it sort of got me in the mood to sketch or at least redraw the two mystic monkeys cowboy outfits again
I really wasn't sure whether to give Mac, purple boots or just black boots you can kind of see it in the first pick faded Mac.
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🌸🐎🐴✨But I don't think I've seen anyone draw them with horses or write something about it, so I'm going to be the first one to do it! (I don't know how to draw them sitting on horses, so bear with me here.)😗💦 I know I put the scar on the wrong side of the Smokey Horse. My bad, let's just pretend it's on the right side.LOL😅🪷
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😽💕I headCannon that when those two summon their horses together, they get really affectionate. The sheriff's horse is more like a big old golden retriever, playful and mischievous, and rarely ever listens to its owner. While over here, Mac's is more well-behaved and obedient, and they can get quite sassy sometimes. I'm not sure what to call it. It's hard to separate those two, so they try not to summon them at the same time.
They're also very affectionate to the monkeys especially the opposite ones.🐶🐎✨💕
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😄I want a scenario where they let the horses stay instead of just poofing them out of existence so MK/MEI can play with the horses just a bit longer since they were begging them by giving them the puppy dog eyes (especially on Mei's side; she's a horse girl fan), and after a long while, the sheriff notices that his horse Nimbus was acting a little more strange and protective over the Smokey horse, letting them eat first, and just never leaving their side. All sorts of strange behavior on the Nimbus side. All he ever notices from the shadow horse is that they were a little sluggish, but he doesn't think too much of it.😗🤠🐵
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🌟Until one day, BAM! This little cutie came into the world as a precious, adorable little cinnamon roll, prancing around like it owns the world.🧁😽🌎✨
🐎There's stupidly protective over this little guy.👿😡🦄🐴☀️🌙🌠
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🐴And there's a huge problem. This little guy is clumsy as heck. He's new and everything, so of course he is, but he likes to adventure out without his horsey parents knowing or anyone else, and he loves playing games like tag his favorite, but because he's so clumsy, he causes damage that MK or his mentors have to fix, so everyone has to be on high alert and watch over the little rascal. LMAO 🐎🍼💥💕✨
🌸I hope you enjoyed this, I certainly had fun drawing this I wish there was more wild West monkeys fics there's some freaking cute💕✨
💥Aaaah! I love these freaking cow monkeys 😆💖
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cyborg-franky · 8 days
Who cheats at games?
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Would NEVER cheat! Jinbei, Chopper, Corazon, Whitebeard, Koby, Yamato, Koala, Vivi, Bepo
Cheats but isn't slick at all and gets calught right away. Luffy, Ace, Perona, Shachi, Buggy Cheats and get's away with it. Brook, Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Usopp, Doffy, Law, Sabo, Marco, Izou, Crocodile, Shanks, Penguin, Rayleigh Looks like they'd cheat but doesn't. Franky, Killer, Whitebeard, Mihawk, Roger Looks like they wouldn't cheat, but tottaly does. Brook, Robin, Law, Marco, Izou, Boa
Cheats but everyones too scared to say anything. Nami, Kid, Doffy,Izou, Crocodile, Boa Doesn't ever cheat but people think they do and their banned anyway. Corazon, Thatch, Roger Cheats - but always loses anyway. Luffy, Ace, Sabo, Shanks, Perona, Penguin, Shachi Cheats - always wins. Usopp, Doffy, Law, Marco, Crocodile, Rayleigh, Buggy Never cheats - always wins Jinbei, Chopper, Whitebeard, Mihawk, Koby, Koala, Bepo,Benn
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foolilazuli · 9 months
Whenever Luffy is bored and there’s nothing else to do, the crew plays a game they call mutiny
The Strawhats chase their captain all over the ship (its better if its in a town) and they try to catch Luffy like a greasy pig (but Sanji forbids Luffy from going in the kitchen while playing cause last time he used up all the butter) They win if one of them can hold Luffy down for ten seconds
Zoro is the one with the most wins cause Luffy always trusts him and Zoro takes advantage of that
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probslozer · 2 months
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You're standing face to face with "I told you so"
You know I hate to say, "I told you so"
You know I hate to say, but, I told you so
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bernummm · 1 year
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they're building All Blue
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vvigmac · 15 days
Spoiler‼️: he wasn’t able to confess
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sleeplessdreamer14 · 3 months
I am in love with your headcanon for Monkey king(2023) especially the kiss reaction headcanons. What do you mean he gets “fidgety”???😳😳😳
Does he take the kiss up a notch??? Does he like pull Y/N deeper into the kiss??? Does he take the kiss much further because he didn’t know what to do and something awakens in him??? I MUST know or I might die!!!😫
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IM SO SORRY THESE TOOK SO LONG 🥲 anyway, there we go!
when I said “fidgety” I meant he’s not sure what exactly to do with his hands
Monkey may have been enough of a menace to piss off almost all the gods in China’s three major religions, but he’s not an absolute ruffian
the first time, his hands actually slumped to his sides as he relaxed into the kiss
when you pulled away he was a little bit dazed for a moment before pulling himself back together
as it happens more and more often, Monkey gradually learns what to do
starting off tame, placing a hand on your cheek or shoulder
before graduating to putting both hands around your waist/shoulders or holding your face to deepen the kiss
and when Monkey gets real comfy, he’ll put his hands around your waist and dip you a lil bit
now it’s your turn to be love dazed when you two part
he also likes it when you run your hands over his hair when you kiss him
hope this shall suffice
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hotcocoamug · 6 months
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Op dump + modern au ideas 💪
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someobsessionrequired · 5 months
OP characters
Would they let you paint their nails?
(Only MILDLY suggestive for Shanks...because yknow...its shanks)
You can absolutely try! He's not against it but this boy will most definitely run off about two fingers in
His color of choice was a ruby red that was supposed to get a coat of silver glitter, sadly you did not make it that far
The few fingers you did get done are completely back to normal within a day from a mixture of picking and chewing at them unconsciously
Is absolutely enthusiastic that you asked him! Tells you to choose whatever color you love the most so he has a constant reminder of you
Most definitely gets a nose bleed the moment you touch his hand, but other than that he sits patiently
Takes extra care in the kitchen to not damage said nails, if they flake off over time he will ask you to fix them for him
Definitely not overly enthusiastic about it but will begrudgingly agree after an idea hits his 2 working brain cells
He will get you to paint his two middle fingers a lime green, and will exclusively use this opportunity to flip Sanji off any chance he gets
Does not last long though within a week all the polish has chipped off
100% down, she will request to paint yours as well afterwards
The two of you will be rocking a cute tangerine orange, every couple weeks you two will sit and touch them up again together
He will absolutely crack a bone joke about how he does not have nails to paint
Will let you paint the tips of his boney fingers though, he would ask for a shade of blue that reminds him of his dear friend Laboon
Shockingly with a protective coat the polish stays wonderfully for many werks
Another who is very happily down and requests to do the same for you! She will make a whole event of the time, tea, and some light reading in-between coats drying
If this becomes a regular ocurance she will mix up colors between dark violet shades and deeper pinks
This man is not quite sure what you are asking of him but agrees with a hearty chuckle
When you ask him to pick a color he will ask for dealers choice, he does not particularly care about the polish but enjoys the way your face lights up when he agrees
Sadly does not last long on him ask with so much swimming it is bound to break down quickly
Beyond down! Another to make a whole event of the time, hair, face mask, and nails
Paint his nails while he tells you beyond Preposterous stories, the self care will be going both ways that night and by the end both party's will be refreshed
He would choose a forest green and after it drys attempt to do little designs of vines and flowers on them, to a somewhat success
You would not even have to ask, this man would run out of his own polish and ask if you had any
A bit annoyed when you ask to paint them for him but agrees under the terms that he can make the two of you match
This man is red all the way, the more like fresh blood the better, will let you once in a while spice it up with painting his middle fingers black
God he really did not want to at first but he is a softy and will agree after he sees your disipointment
At first he thought about matching with his captain but quickly decided against that settling on a deep ocean blue
With the amount of fighting this man gets up too it does not last long, but once a week will go to you to have them fixed up
Obsessed with the idea! Another to have an entire self care night with you
Will pick a deep firey orange with a lighter orange glitter on top, has you help fix up his dreads as each coat drys, he struggles with the ones behind his head so that where your main focus will be
Afterwards will do the same back for you choosing for your nails to half match his, instead having a sparkly blue on top
This will become a regular occurrence
Loves the idea, he's a man of few words so things you can do together that do not put pressure on talking are his favoites
He would wants a darker purple as to complement his outfit, after you finish he would place his hand out and after a moment of confusion you'd understand this him offering to do the same for you!
He takes great care of his nails but fighting takes its damage on them, when they get too bad he will simply approach you and hold out his hand to show how chipped they are, you get the message and fix them up for him
Absolutely! ...not...
He rejects it flat out multiple times and after so long you just stop asking...
That is until one night all the crew was drinking and celebrating their latest victory, after several too many drinks he approaches you, definitely even in his intoxicated state finds himself struggling with his words to request what he wants
After a while of anxiously waiting for the captain to tell you what he wants he simply asks you to follow him, assuming you are in trouble you are shocked to find him request such a silly thing
Happily you lead him to your chambers digging around in your bag you pull out a matte black polish
The next morning he wakes with a ragging hangover on top of the shock of his nails now painted, wants to be angry but knows it looks damn good, continues to take damn good care of them as well
Penguin! & Shachi!
Okay if you ask one they will not only agree immediately but also drag the other along
Unshocking this will not be an easy endeavor, it starts off strong with the two of them dumping out every color you own digging though struggling to choose a color
Eventually they will settle on a color each, penguin having picked and icey blue and Shaci with an almost neon orange, they request you do every other finger with each color
After you finish up they do the same for you each boy taking a hand, it starts off fine but quickly turns into the two insulting each other over how messy they paint, it turns into a competition of who can paint better
Often you find yourself napping and relaxing with Bepo so after a while of this you mentioned the idea of painting the polar bear's claws
He is absolutely giggling and squealing at the idea, quickly requesting for the most fun color you could think of, this boy wants glitter and do not cheap out! A light icy blue base with as many rainbow sparkle coats you can muster up
He will treasure them and keep them as safe as he can but will come to you with tears in his eyes as they peel off, give this boy a huge and fix them up for him!!
Absolutely will but requests you sit on his lap as you do it, this man will use any sneaky trick to get what he wants but as long as you both are happy he's winning
Wants a shade of red that matches his hair, once you finish up his hand he will ask you to do the other hand, out of pure Instinct you look towards where his other hand would be as he lets out a deep vibracious laugh poking fun at you for the rest of the night
We'll say no the first time you ask but if you mentioned it a few times he will eventually give in requesting the most simple soild black you can find
After you finish them he takes a moment staring at them before nodding at you and sending you on your way
Over the next few days you'll notice anytime he walks by a mirror to straighten up his outfit he will take a moment to appreciate the nails and how well they complement his look, he may not want to admit it but you can tell he is feeling himself up
Will eventually ask you to fix them up over time as he says he's grown fond of them
Writers note!
Thank you reading! Requests are open for headcanons, fics, and really just about anything!
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muffinsouffle · 10 months
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I hope you liked this post and have a good day 💖
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deadite-central · 2 months
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I said I’ll remake my Straw Hat headcanons so. Good morning
If something doesn’t make sense that’s cuz eng isn’t my first language pls spare me
Ship stuff (besides NamiVivi) after the cut
• Usopp and Kaya had feelings for each other but they decided not to get into a relationship as of right now
• Robin and Franky are planning to get married once they find the one piece, as of rn they’re together
• Brook used to be together with Yorki before shit hit the fan for the Rumbar Pirates
• Sanji and Usopp are in love with each other but neither did anything about that fact yet cause they’re dummies
•Nami’s first love was Carina (the girl from Film Gold)
• While Zoro doesn’t spend too much time thinking about relationships he really likes Kiku (and she likes him back)
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touchyluffy · 2 months
part one
In the days it takes you to heal from your injuries, Luffy comes to your bedroom to sleep next to you every night. He does try, the night after the first, to sleep in his own bedroom but he can't. Usually sleep comes easy to him, especially after a long day of adventure but not now. He closes his eyes, trying to think of your wounds healing, your soft breathing, your warm hand holding his, but he can't fall asleep. He huffs in irritation and rises from his bed, sulking across the ship to knock on your bedroom door and opening it slowly. You put down your book, you were also struggling to sleep, and open the covers for him. You smile at each other as he excitedly hops into your bed.
And so it becomes routine for you two. Even as your injuries heal completely, as the sunsets and the crew walks off to their separate bedrooms, Luffy follows you into yours and you let him. It becomes normal to roll over in the middle of the night and snuggle into his warm body, to wake up in the morning with his arm wrapped around you, to feel him pull you closer in his sleep, to giggle at his sleep-talking, to hear your name in his mumblings. You offer to let him keep his toothbrush and some clothes in your room, he accepts.
Sleeping together becomes so routine that you have trouble sleeping without him. There were times when you two would be separated by a foe that Luffy challenged and each night you would stay awake staring at his side of the bed, worry clouding your mind and making it impossible to sleep and eventually when Luffy defeated the foe, he would be covered in bandages and it was your turn to listen to his soft, even breathing as he slept. There were times when you be working late into the night and he would come find you, curling up on the floor next to you to sleep in your presence until you eventually finish and drag him back to your bed so you can both sleep comfortably. There were times when you would get angry at him for putting the crew in danger with his recklessness and you'd slammed your bedroom door in his face and toss and turn, your anger at him turning into desperation for him to just come to bed already, eventually you get up to find him and as you open your bedroom door, Luffy's sleeping frame falls on your legs. He'd been sleeping against your door. Smiling you pull his rubbery body into bed and cuddle up next to him, his heartbeat your lullaby. He smiles in his sleep and his arms come up around you. Whenever he's missing his hat or sandals, you find them by your bed.
This new routine of you and your captain sleeping together left your other crewmates with their mouths on the floor several times. They still hadn't gotten used to you two waving goodnight and walking into the same bedroom. When they would ask, you tried to explain but there really wasn't anything to explain. You and their captain couldn't sleep unless you slept together. That's all, why do they always stare at you in such surprise when you say that? Their shocked faces didn't discourage you both into cuddling up to each other at night, finding relaxation, warmth, safety, and comfort in each others arms. What was once your space becomes "our bedroom", "our closet", "our bathroom".
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