#netflix sun wukong
aerkame · 6 months
Hey! I saw your HC’s about the versions of sun wukong’s. May I request “ Journey to the West: Legends of the Monkey King 2000? ” I really loved the show as a kid. I saw it on YouTube again and wondered about it! If..you saw this series that is. If not, I’ll take Netflix monkey king! It’s up to you!
I feel like doing both :p Also I'll be doing general HC because I'm not sure if you meant reader insert or just in general if this were in a fanfiction
Journey to the West: Legends of the Monkey King 2000
This monkey man is the definition of assertive
He sees something he likes? He makes it clear he will have it. There's a demon he wants to beat up? He'll talk about beating them up before actually following through with it. There's a person he wants to get with? He makes his intentions crystal clear to everyone around him without hesitation, heaven forbid you try to stop him, he will not allow it.
Surprisingly optimistic despite everything that has happened. There is nothing that can really bring down his mood once he's in a good one.
That means he's not exactly stable when he's in a rare bad mood. Just...give the guy some space if that happens.
Sometimes he'll accidentally break things or break someone. He just gets excitable and well...
Of course there's lots of apologies that ensue if the worst happens, though he doesn't like admitting he did something wrong.
Out of all the versions of Monkey King, this one is probably the most extroverted and friendly of the bunch. He for sure will make loads of friends if given the chance.
This version also seems to be the most open minded on things. Got something to say? He's all ears. Got something you want him to learn? He'll actually sit and listen (a rarity among Monkey kings)
Despite how loud and assertive he is, sometimes he can also be more quiet and gentle when the situation calls for it. It took some learned behavior from Tang though. But, it's a useful trait to have when you're someone like Monkey king.
Very energetic sometimes. He always needs to be doing something with his hands or going out and fighting stuff.
I'd assume this version is extremely protective of his SO if he has one.
Same can be said for his friends.
Would absolutely do everything he can to cheer someone up if they started crying in front of him. It really hurts to see someone so hurt...
Usually encourages people to be a better version of themselves (except Pigsy, he gave up on that guy)
Netflix Monkey King 2023
Oh boy where do I start?
If Leo the zodiac sign was a person, this would be him.
This guy, ooo- this guy really loves himself, and he makes sure everyone around him knows it too at every given chance.
Very confident in his ability to overcome any challenge or obstacle (he's just the best ain't he?)
Probably takes better care of himself and Stick than his own armor or anything else that's with him.
Would absolutely have a bunch of different shampoos, conditioners, and lotions in modern days. The guy loves to love himself, and look loved too.
Probably a huge flirt when he sees someone he mildly finds interest in. That or he'll just brag about himself to seem more impressive. (He's probably exaggerating)
Loves showing off
Modern version of him would probably be a lot more chilled out after the years, learning to just let things go and not be so impulsive or take things personally. He's still got a lot of work to do when it comes to letting people in though.
He's just afraid of losing people like Lin again you know? Right when he realizes he has a family, he loses them and sits isolated form the world for hundreds of years.
Usually prefers staying away from people, alone with Stick. Being alone as a kid does that to you.
Sometimes seeks out validation and love from crowds of people and fans.
He's a little more patient over the years, but just as chaotic.
Expect lots of malicious compliance from him. And pranks, he enjoys getting a good laugh out of others or just doing it for his own entertainment. (though he can border on just being a jerk)
Sometimes talks to Stick when he's alone, it's usually just him venting about things from the past.
Tends to get anxious when he's alone for too long or if there's a thunderstorm (doesn't need a lot of explaining to understand that).
Will be the sweetest monkey with someone he really likes. It's like he's a completely different person!
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cartoonfanatic · 4 months
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Monkey King's Eyes (3/6)
This is possibly the most positive attention/interactions wukong's had in YEARS
(the first panel is currently one of my fave ones)
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sun-of-4-gun · 10 days
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at least he didn't suggest to sell stick!
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alicedusstuff · 1 month
Plusieurs petits croquis de nuits avant d’aller dormir >w<
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tsukouis · 1 year
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Tsukouis commissions form
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quitealotofsodapop · 8 months
After watching some monkey documentaries and primatology reports; I have discovered that a common theme among orphaned and/or socially isolated macaques is oral fixation - as they lack a mother, they subconciously seek out oral stimulation via thumb-sucking or chewing on twigs to simulate nursing. These repetitive behaviors follow them into adulthood, even when they've grown into healthy wild monkeys. Some even continue the behavior when they have their own infants, mimicking their baby's behavior via twig-chewing.
Me noticing a theme in Sun Wukongs...
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monkeykingdomblog2 · 4 months
Hmmmm.... How about something cute with the 2023 Netflix Wukong x Y/n? Like, maybe Y/n praises Wukong and he gets shy because his favorite person is being super sweet to him?
"...You are the greatest hero the East has ever seen, Sun Wukong, The Beautiful Monkey King, Great Sage Equalling Heaven. And the most handsome too".
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I started doing your ask but then it just kinda evolved into this. lol
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sleeplessdreamer14 · 1 year
Make monkey king x reader fluff more headcannons
With pleasure! 🥰🍑
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For all his confidence, Monkey actually gets kinda nervous (dare I say even flustered) around you sometimes
When he first started to catch feelings for you, he thought he might have been getting sick or something
The more time he spends with you, he more you get to see him with his guard down
You’re his favorite (tied with Stick) and it shows
Likes to stare at you because “he just likes you.”
Sometimes he doesn’t even realize how much he’s smiling or staring at you until you look back at him
Loves it if you can match his chaotic and adventurous energy
Monkey can actually be pretty romantic when he wants to be
His love languages are physical touch and acts of service
Goes weak if you caress his face and likes to touch his forehead to yours when talking sincere with you
Brings you fruit as a part of the courting process and learns your favorites
Also constantly does his best to impress you
If you can not only hold his stick but wield it, he’s absolutely head over heels
You’re out there kicking srs demon butt and he’s falling in love all over again
He just feels like he belongs with you and is grateful you came into his life
To be honest, Monkey never really imagined falling in love before. But now that he has, he never wants to let go.
There’s very little in this world that Monkey wouldn’t do for you
If he could, he would give up his immortality for you
Yeah, he loves you that much
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spoofyleaf · 1 year
Netflix’s The Monkey King spoilers!!!
This is what I meant in my previous post
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dumbbitch2-0 · 2 years
Oh shit the ShadowPeach is going to Princess Prom hope no gay tensions arise
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kasssscali · 1 year
I'm a sucker of love potion scenarios ❤️. Can we have both monkeys (Lego and 2023) affected by some?
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Lego Monkie Kid Sun Wukong is pretty much the definition of confidence
He doesn’t really care about the consequences and is kind of a go with the flow type of guy from what I’ve seen from the show
he’ll drink the love potion without even reading the label like the genius he is
he’s thirsty, and its the nearest liquid he can get
The affects of the potion will kick in, in about ten-ish minutes
and with his massive ego he won’t hesitate to flirt with you once the love potion kicks in
he’ll have more physical affection than 2023 Wukong, he’ll wrap his arm around your shoulder and make small talk about the weather or maybe just himself
he’s not afraid to stare at you with a flirty look either, Mk’s is going to have to take the burden of trying to pry him off of you
Sun Wukong would definitely give you pet names like Peach, and he’ll call you Babe too
he’s simply not afraid to go above and beyond with how he feels about you
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For Netflix Wukong, he can’t read
Picking up the potion he won’t be able to make out the readings on the bottle
he doesn’t want people to know that he can’t read, he’ll make up something about the potion
and to prove that he’s right about this made up potion he’ll drink it in front of you to prove that your wrong
however your not wrong
“I don’t feel anything, see what did I tell ya?”
Wait around ten minutes, that’s when the affects kick in
Netflix Monkey King is different with the lotion potion from lego because his love language is teasing
once the affects of the potion kick in, he’s going to start teasing you
and he’ll poke you with stick frequently too
asking him to stop will just encourage him more
”Oh you don’t like that? Well happens when I… *poke* HA! Gotcha again!”
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kaycode1999 · 6 months
Y/N: I'm proud to identify as morosexual. I'm attracted to dumbasses and dumbasses exclusively. Wukong asked me what the Spanish word for tortilla was once and now I dream of kissing him under the moonlight
Wukong: What kind of animal is the pink panther?
Y/N, already taking off their clothes: Wukong you're so fucking stupid
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sun-of-4-gun · 10 days
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keep your filthy paws off his slippers‼️
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alicedusstuff · 7 months
Dessins et croquis de saint Valentin. Un peu tard. Je les finirais quand je pourrais.
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carzychameleon · 1 year
Funny moment in the movie Monkey King 2023
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Spoilers for the new movie 
I like this scene, in the new movie at this time “Monkey King movie 2023”, he puts up 8 fingers instead of 10. Guys and Girls he can’t count either. 🤣
Side note: what if he didn’t beat up 100 monsters what if he lost count 😅
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doodlebat33 · 1 year
Ok here we go!
Y/n x Netflix wukong headcannons! 💖
How would a relationship develop?
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Similar to lin, he would think of y/n as not inherently a burden to drag around but regardless he's got some help now. He's not used to help and sees it as weakness. He will tease, mess with and try his best to push y/n away buuuut
As he gets to know y/n, they don't seem all too bad. They help him along the way in the sense of friendship and caring and not just to get the upper hand on him or using him for what they want. The teasing is lightened up but still a way that he shows platonic affection. And as time goes on, he could start to feel something more. Something he's never felt before.
He's never really had a friend before so if anything were to develop on y/n's side (them flirting with him and such) it would go right over his head and take it as praise and a strong bond between you two. Not sure if stick would know anything about love and/or notice, but if it did, it would definitely nudge him along. Maybe give him advice but again, right over monkey kings head.
But soon enough, he would figure it out somehow and rather than being excited about this new found feeling, he'd be anxious.
He's NEVER and I mean NEVER gotten this close to someone before. What if he screws it up? The one person that wants to be around him, leaving him? Alone for another eternity… he can't risk that! So, instead of saying things out right, he would ask y/n hypothetical questions and try to be as subtle as possible (wrapping his tail around them more, trying to flirt back and miserably failing, ect)
Once monkey king and y/n make it official, he is a bit hesitant to let others know about it at first, (to not risk endangering y/n) if y/n is capable of taking care of themselves, then oh BOY will he not shut up about it! With every demon to be fought, he would declare loud and proud of their bond.)
He will do anything to protect y/n because they're all that he has, they're his world. Due to this he can be a bit overprotective at times. With that, he is an incredibly loyal companion.
Monkey king x reader masterpost
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