antiomnia · 2 years
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My art for the @solocollabom 2022. Prompt: Fire/Leaves
I partnered with @8kintora in this collab, read her heart wrenching fic Silverleaf and Hyacinth on AO3 to understand the context T-T ♡
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baby-beelzeburger · 1 year
A while back I posted a collection of random Solomon headcanons, and in it I talked about how I hc that he knows that he’s a terrible cook and that he’s just fucking with everybody.
To expand on that, I think MC is 100% in on the joke. They were the first and only person to ever break and tell him that his cooking was bad, and he just laughed and said that he knew. He figured it out a while ago, but since nobody has had the guts to say so, he’s just torturing them with it at this point. Now they both hold back their laughter when everyone is sat in front of Solomon's horrendous cooking, trying to procrastinate taking a bite. They both think its hilarious.
MC is giving Solomon cooking lessons in secret, but no one else has to know.
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pieground · 1 year
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Man, I love you so much.
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bluesylveon2 · 1 year
Hot take but Solomon traveling back in time and living with MC is just him living out his song, Our Destiny 😂
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capriblue · 1 year
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Obey Me! Part 1 Chibis | Part 1 Icons | Part 2 chibis | Part 2 Icons
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obey-my-headcanons · 1 year
Solomon's body is covered in all the 72 pact marks.
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Pspspspspsps do you have any HCs for IK babysitting the little guys
okay keep in mind i don't actually know what happened in that kid pop quiz, so this is the literal premise of "these got turned into little primary school boys".
how i imagine this happening: satan + solomon are brewing some dastardly potion and asmo + simeon come in to chat with/ask them about what's going on. lucifer walks in, gets highly suspicious and tries to intervene, solomon accidentally drops something into the cauldron, and then it's hiss, BANG, child
i'll put the boys at around 7 years old both physically and mentally - they retain their usual memories, but they're kind of vague and hand-wavey about what exactly they remember - so they recognise everyone they're meant to but don't know why in particular
the potion going BANG happens at the rad and prof baal is down the hall, so they (attracted by the sound of explosions, their one true love) quickly show up
when they open the door there are five little boys sitting around in various states of shock. solomon turns around and sees this crazy-looking adult in with big glowing goggles and spiky hair, and also has the distinct feeling he's done something wrong, and subsequently starts crying
this sets asmo off, which sets simeon off, which makes satan angry so now he's loudly scolding them for crying for no reason
lucifer just sits there silently, apparently trying to process everything in his now significantly smaller brain
prof baal can only do one thing. leave
and call diavolo
who calls ik because he can't get the boys to stop crying, and when asked for help barbatos just inadvertently made solomon cry more
eventually ik, reeling somewhat, gets them all calmed down and ascertains what happened
unfortunately the two main guys who would be able to figure out a reverse potion are little boys now. so diavolo takes the issue to wiz and ik continues to hang out with the kids
it's. fun?? it's also incredibly jarring
big news! wiz is going to need at least a weekend to analyse the remains of the potion and reverse engineer its effects! the kids are going to have to stay at the castle in the mean time!
so let's get to know them:
lucifer: very serious and earnest - tries to act mature and rein the others in, which is mostly ineffective. likes having his hand held but won't admit it. very particular about keeping himself neat and gets annoyed when he feels he's being talked down to. spends most of his time quietly following ik around.
satan: closer to 6yo and very energetic - runs around exploring things, crawls into whatever spaces he can fit into to. his lucifer-grudge manifests in one of those kiddie rivalries where he has to prove he's the COOLEST one. likes to be read to when he's calm, dislikes it heavily when lucifer is praised in front of him
simeon: just the sweetest little guy... very smiley and bright, seeks approval to an almost worrying degree, kind of clumsy. a little shy around the other boys but super outgoing with the grown-ups (and ik + luke), tries to help out even when he doesn't know what he's doing, and consequently breaks things
solomon: also very energetic, very loudly curious, asks a lot of questions but is moving too fast to actually hear the answers. one of those kids with grabby hands and very little sense of personal space. also keeps having magic accidents because he's not great at controlling his powers in this state
asmo: cheerful but also very blunt and honest with his words. cries quite easily but is also easily consoled; enjoys playing make-believe and dress-up, but very insistent that you do it HIS way. likes being carried around and gets a little crabby if he doesn't get attention for too long
the others are involved in looking after the boys as well but i'm just going to focus on ik for brevity's sake
ik has at least three of the kids surrounding her at all times
at any given moment, at least one of them wants to be carried. another one has something cool to give her. another one wants her to follow them and look at something. lucifer is probably still clinging to her hand the entire time.
the other boys play. lucifer reads a little bit, tries to tell them off, then spends the rest of his time walking around and looking for ik so that she will hold his hand. nevertheless he will look away when asked about this and insist it's nothing
solomon spends a not insignificant amount of time trying to cause as much trouble for barbatos as possible - he's clearly conspiring with some of the little ds as well - and forces ik to go on constant tours around the castle with him so that he can ask her questions at a billion miles per hour
he keeps pointing at things and accidentally making them explode or erupt into flames, or trying to conjure pretty lights and instead summoning bats
he walks into the kitchen with a massive rat in his hands and barbatos almost bodily hurls him out of the window
satan can sprint around the entire castle (including up and down the towers) before he exhausts himself, and he is the bane of lucifer's seven year old life because he will not stop BOTHERING him
satan can theoretically still read at his usual level but he 1. can't sit still long enough do so and 2. now lacks the neural power to comprehend super complex paragraphs, so when he tuckers himself out, he makes ik read him super morbid history books from the castle library
(lucifer is there too, sitting cross-legged and listening solemnly. when satan gets squeamish or spooked he looks at lucifer and reminds himself that he MUST get a better grade in scary stories than him)
(inevitably satan falls asleep and ik will let lucifer pick a book to switch to. when satan wakes up he is inevitably very mad about this)
asmo REFUSES to exert his little legs on the castle steps, so ik has to carry him, never mind the fact that she is also not very well equipped to be taking those stairs
ik plays house with him and pretends to be a little old grandpa, which delights asmo to no end
ik brushes out his hair and he insists on returning the favour, and then tangles a bunch of ornaments in her hair because he thinks it'll look pretty
sometimes he walks into things and cries even if it didn't hurt at all because he likes being fussed over
simeon's just happy to be here!
he tries to help the little ds with chores but mostly just undos their progress (and trips himself down the stairs in the process)
he likes being doted on but doesn't know how to express that, so instead he'll follow ik around, looking at her with these really big hopeful eyes
the boys like to play tag or hide-n-seek in the castle gardens, though the grounds are so extensive that they will inevitably get lost
lucifer has a knack for finding them - he'll silently slip off while ik and barbatos are wondering what to do, and come back with everyone in tow like a border collie herding sheep
when he's finally persuaded into joining their games, satan pushes him into a pond and then immediately tattles on himself because he feels bad
ik gets them to hold hands until they've made up (and barbatos takes a picture that both satan and lucifer will hunt him down for once they're back to normal)
they make fairy cakes together and asmo's decorations are 1. a flower, 2. himself, 3. a cat, 4. himself again, and 5. someone getting their head chopped off????
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I know we all know Solomon as the "funni wizard grandpa who cant cook" but my god, he is terrifying.
All of the cast are, we just tend to forget cuz they are soft and sweet with us.
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miiyochi · 11 months
i really really love the idea of when mc is solomon's student, they start going out more together. experiencing things humans typically don't on little spontaneous adventures.
imagine getting a text from solomon that's like "be there in 3." randomly and being so ??? confused and all of a sudden he appears and tells you shit like "I wanna show you something, mc." and its either something wonderful, sentimental, and memorable or some bullshit he does for his own amusement LMAO
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despatatas · 2 years
happy new year, indeed. 😍😍😍
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baby-beelzeburger · 1 year
I love Solomon so so so much, but it's genuinely so funny watching Barbatos bully him in nightbringer.
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viriporne · 1 year
Now do I draw Solomon getting bent over and railed or Leviathan…much to think about
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nnnneeev · 2 years
i read every damn fic/headcanon about wizard boy and now i don't have any grrrrr my thirsty a$$ needs some solomon thingy
SAME lol i kept re-reading every fic, hc or anything i can find about him here and on ao3 like it's my daily supplements 😔
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caelcstis · 1 year
So far nightbringer has only given Minhyuk anxiety and flashbacks to Lucifer not remembering them and the possibility of losing their pacts 🙃
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obey-my-headcanons · 2 years
Greetings, dear exchange students...
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Welcome to another Obey Me! Headcanon blog!
This blog is just a hobby of a college student, so don't expect some extraordinary posts or routine. Just some silly ideas about our favorite immortal beings. Probably this blog will have a lot of errors and mistakes because I'm not used to maintaining a blog but whatever.
Of course you can help this database of headcanon to grow, and that's why this post is here: to show the rules and the respective tags:
This is a friendly space, any type of discrimination or predatory attitude are prohibited.
No need to say this is a safe space to ANYONE in the LGBTQ+ community. And as a safe space, I have to make clear: NO LEWDING LUKE! Also, we don't accept demoncest headcanons.
This blog is headcanon focused, not a writing blog.
If you want to see a written scenario about your ideas, sorry. This is not the space. But if you send a small paragraph with a little scene, it's still possible to share here.
NSFW is still a debate...
Be mindful we're only having fun here
For the sinners out there who like some spicy stuff... it's still uncertain. If this blog gets open to accepting NSFW headcanons, this page will be updated stating such. For now, only suggestive stuff will be acceptable. (And carefully examined)
Remember there are minors in the Fandom!
I don't think I need to say this, but just in case: headcanons are not canon. It's just our beliefs about a certain character or media for fun or to grow empathy for a character. That's the whole point of this page!
No fighting or attacking other because of headcanons or because that info is not canon. This is called "headcanon database" for a reason.
Tag system:
Basic tags-
#Obey me!
#obey me! headcanons
Character focused tags-
Overworld tag-
#Three Realms
Owner talking tag-
#The Sheep Talks
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enoe-of-noen · 27 days
An Mc who has a bad day
☞ Nightbringer timeline (sorry if anything is inaccurate, I forgor)
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It had started off as any normal day. Of course, excluding the three times Mc stubbed their toe on their bed. Nor the tripping out the door, face planting on the harsh terrain. Nor getting smacked in the nose by the elbow of a taller demon. Nor the puddle they accidentally stepped in, muddying their uniform. They got a talking to from the eldest born of the sins. Although, that was usual.
Yet the day continued, their bad luck following. Their uniform got caught on a door, embarrassing them as they fell to the ground the second time that day. They fell down the stairs, twitching in anger as Mammon helped them up. They almost passed out when they saw their bag drenched from the one and only avatar of envy. All of their homework…
It was truly awful, they felt exhausted. Luckily, they have comforting company.
Living in Cocytus Hall together, he was the first to witness Mc’s terrible, terrible day.
He winced every time Mc physically hurt themselves, offering to heal them.
He was denied each time since Mc said they could take it.
Welp, now he feels horrible.
It seemed every time he looked over to them, another incident happened.
He couldn’t just leave them so helpless to their environment, perhaps a little protective spell could help?
At home, Solomon will offer to cook something good for them. Which was promptly denied.
Solomon allows them to vent, once again offering to heal them with magic if need be.
Letting Mc rest, Solomon uses magic to help clean out their uniform and waterproof their bag. Whatever he could magic-fy to prevent another day like this to happen.
After doing what he could, he joins them in bed, providing his warmth.
Mc admits it was a bad day, but at least they have the one and only Monsolo by their side.
Mammon stuck close to his attendant.
After witnessing them tumble almost an entire flight of stairs scared the bejeebers out of him.
He felt like a sad puppy by their side, keeping a keen eye on them.
Even if he couldn’t be by their side physically, Mc could tell whenever a crow was in the area.
Walking home, he frantically looked around for any hazards to Mc.
His brothers laughed at him for sort of switching the roles, but he didn’t care.
Mc found it endearing, brightening their day just enough.
Before Mc left to go back to Cocytus Hall, they thanked Mammon for all his efforts.
It made him blush red.
He wanted to do so much more with them.
He didn’t think a common demon could do so much to him.
And yet, they left to go back to that stupid wizard.
Oh Mc…
Does this feel yandere-coded or is that just me?
He’ll make sure tomorrow, he’ll keep them safe and sound!
Having a meeting with the newly appointed avatars’ attendant, he noticed their dull mood.
Being the considerate prince he was, he asked how their day was.
Mc sighed, setting down their tea cup before spilling it all.
Diavolo’s brows furrowed after hearing accident after accident, physically recoiling when he heard how they fell down a flight of stairs.
He pitied the poor demon, knowing how annoying that could be.
He offered more snacks to ease them and let them relax.
Mc smiled and enjoyed themselves, making small talk with Diavolo.
Mc decided that maybe today wasn’t so bad. They had Diavolo.
And while it may not have been their Diavolo, he was ever the same in both the past and the present.
They thanked him for his time and complimented Barbatos’ baking.
Mc walked home just a little bit happier that evening.
He had noticed Mc’s mishaps throughout the entire day, giving a worried glance.
In small moments, when given the chance, he helped them avoid the incidents or helped them up.
He offered Mc to come over to the palace for a quick snack with Diavolo. Something to relax them.
Mc couldn’t say no to Barbatos, not when he was offering to serve them in such a way.
Barbatos always was and always will be a great cook. There is no denying that.
He offered a protective charm, saying a demon such as Mc would probably do well with it.
Mc appreciated the gesture, wearing it proudly back to Cocytus Hall.
Let’s just say, Soloboy was a tad bit jealous.
Oh my, the poor demon.
He squeaked every time he saw Mc, seeing them take a step closer and closer to another accident.
He couldn’t take it and approached them.
He figured they had enough trouble for one day, offering to take them out somewhere nice.
Inconspicuously protecting them with his angelic aura.
Hanging around Simeon, Mc found the day…more manageable.
If they had tripped, Simeon caught them easily.
If they had a worrying gut feeling, it dissipated the instant Simeon smiled at them.
If they had felt their body stiffen instinctively, Simeon provided comfort.
It was…odd.
Why is he acting like a guardian angel to a lowly demon?
Does he perhaps know Mc is a human that needs protecting?
Is it instinct?
After their little date, Simeon dropped Mc off to Cocytus Hall. He smiled as he saw the wizard open the door.
“I decided to take them out for a stroll around, I hope you don’t mind, Solomon.” He smiled at the white haired man.
Solomon smiled back at him, feeling a twinge of jealousy. “Not a problem, Simeon. As long as my little apprentice is safe.”
Simeon raised a brow at that remark. A human caring for a demon was surprising to him.
Although, he couldn’t judge with how he felt for the brothers.
“I’ll be off, good day, Mc.” He smiled gently at them.
Mc didn’t know what to feel in that moment. That wasn’t their Simeon..and yet..
And yet, he was so familiar. He was so reliable. He was so..safe.
Mc needed to lie down, their brain shackled with too many thoughts.
“I miss my Simeon..” was all they could think that night.
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Idk what else to do so, maybe part two?
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