#mommy dean headcanons
Dean freezes. Sam is five, just entered kindergarten and he is learning words at a rapid speed.
"Mom." Sam repeats more urgently.
Dean finally turns to face Sam, his face void of emotion. Then he notices Sam is looking at him with a grin.
"It's a word. I finally learnt what it means."
Dean nods his head slowly, prompting Sam to keep going, dreading the answer.
"It's a special word for the person who takes care of you." Sam grins widely. "Dean is Mom."
Dean, aged 9, cries.
Sammy doesn't know what he did wrong but Dean is sad and he gives him a hug. Because when Dean hugs Sammy, Sammy feels better. So if Sammy hugs Dean, Dean will feel better.
"Thank you, Sammy." Dean murmurs against Sam's head.
Sam isn't sure what he did until Dean explains that he's not sad. But Sammy never calls him that again. He only learns what that word really means way later, when he realises that he had a Mom before and she died. Sammy still thought that Dean was a better Mom though. Nobody could be better than Dean.
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mean-vampyre · 2 years
The thing about dean winchester brain worms is that you don't know you have them until it's too late to do anything about it
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according2thelore · 2 months
Holy heck I found the mommy dean tag in your blog and immediately devoured everything under it 😭😭😭
Yall, I've been screaming mommy!Dean to the void ever since I got back into Supernatural, but my friends won't listen to meeeeee.
Dean does NOT slack off mommying! He did such a good job!!! Look at that 6'4 moose???!!!
Dean: *looks at 15yr 6 foot gangly Sam* Damn?! How'd the hell did you get so tall??? Who fed you??
Sam: "You?????"
My personal headcanons are
- That Dean totally has a stash of recipes that he made/collected over a period of time from cooking for Sam [like the exotic Mac & Cheese]
- That Dean had personally setup some sort of make shift bassinet in the impala just so that Sammy more comfortable
[lol ignore the glaring warning for vehicular safety (haha But would John care? Let's be real)]
The last head canon is from my actual childhood where (according to my grandmother) my older sisters tried to make the 7hr drive more comfortable for toddler me when we were running away from a bad home situation.
Urghhhh sorry for the rant, parentification of fictional older siblings are my absolute faves!!!!
hi, anon!!!
we ARE mommy friendly on this here blog--your friends don't see the vision, but we do, anon 🤝
Dean: *looks at 15yr 6 foot gangly Sam* Damn?! How'd the hell did you get so tall??? Who fed you??
Sam: "You?????"
AHAHAHAHA anon that sent me through the ceiling! and AGH! i totally love those headcanons! the bassinet 🥺🥺 that's so sweet that your sisters did that for you--what a beautiful thing!
i can 800% see dean making one! as long as it got sam to sleep and kept dean occupied (leaning over the bassinet every few minutes to make sure sam was still breathing okay), john would be fine with it, lol!
and you're totally right about the recipes--they start with his crazy, scraggly writing from when he was five (mic 2, 30 sekets, most of the letters are backward) and get more mature as he gets older, and the recipes get more complicated. they're on motel pads of paper and napkins and the backs of sun-faded receipts.
one of my personal headcanons is that the one school year sam did soccer (if you remember dean's nostalgic joy about it ("one of the only times you were allowed to be a real boy")), dean attended all of his practices. at first, it was so he could keep an eye on him, because he wasn't used to leaving him alone--and they were in town for a hunt, after all--then he told sam it was so he could hit on all the other soccer moms.
but they talked about local gossip ("did you hear about monica's husband? died on a hunting trip!") and kid-rearing tips ("we use gatorade when jeremy's sick because of the electrolytes" "vaporub will save you, but you can make some of your own using XYZ" "wait, you put WHAT in mac and cheese") and dean still uses the safety-pin-in-the-seam trick they taught him when he has to do a quick repair on his jacket.
you could always find a line of moms on the bleachers with their dye jobs and underlined eyes, and a fifteen year old dean, tobacco stained fingers and four layers of shirts.
dean cheers when sam makes a goal even in practice, and sam gets upset if dean is distracted and misses one. the moms all call him "dean's sam" and sam fuzzes warm and happy when dean leads him away with an arm across his shoulders because yes!! in fact, he is!!
no apologies AT ALL!!! i completely agree--parentification (esp dean's parentification) makes me bite straight through cardboard, lol!
PLEASE rant with me about mommy dean anytime you like!!!! i LIVE for it!!!
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Lance Sweets as a Dad headcanons:
Paring: Dad!Lance Sweets x Twins x Wife!Reader
Summary: headcanons about you and Lance being parents to twins.
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It's no secret Lance is an amazing dad, your twins were a bit of a suprise though. You guy had just gotten engaged when you found out.
He was so happy when you told him, he always wanted to be dad and start a family with you.
“I'm gonna be a dad!” he cheered as he picked you up and spung you around.
He'll always make sure your comfortable and happy through out the whole pragency.
He will alway volunteer to go to the store and get whatever food your craving at the time.
you guys were so excited when you found out you were having twins, you grew up with a brother(Hodgins) so you were glad your kids had each other like you had Jack.
Giving birth sucks... As most did, Lance and Angela were there the whole time comforting you and cheering you on while your brother and the rest of your friends family were in the waiting room.
Lance cried a bit while holding them. “they're so tiny” he smiled looking at his daughter
You chuckled sarcastically as you cuddled your son “don't tell that to the person who pushed them out”
Your set of twins was a boy and a girl, Dean Seeley Sweets and Charlotte Jack Sweets. They both have your eyes and Lance's dark curly hair.
Dean is very much like you, he has your smile and is very compassionate like you. He also gets attached to the same interests you have, he loves Elvis just as much as you do and he wants to be a Forensic Entomologist like you and his uncle Jack.
Charlotte is like Lance, very Geeky and has a heart of gold like her dad, she loves animals and wants to be a Vet but she also wants to be a Shrink like Lance, it changes every other month.
They were very easy baby's to take care of, Dean was a cryer though. Lance was always getting up in the middle of the night to comfort him before he woke up you and Charlotte. “please don't wake up mommy” he mumbled as he rocked his son.
Your kids don't get jealous of each other, they love you and Lance both equally but Dean is a mama's boy and Charlotte is a Daddy's girl.
They're spoiled roaten, Lance would give your twins the world if he could. Your more of the protective one, you'll beat someone up if they harm your babbies.
You guys always show interest in the things your kids love, Lance trys to remember all your daughter's stuff animals names and try to learn how to play with pokemon cards with your son.
Your always watching their favorite movies with them with curiosity and your always willing to listen to their rants or what there passionate about.
Your daughter loves Monster High dolls, she has almost every character and she gets Lance to play with her all the time. He's spent so much time watching the cartoons and playing with her he knows all the names.
He knows Gil and Franky are her favorites, there was a couple of months were Charlotte tried to convince her dad Gil was her boyfriend. She carried the call every where and he was her favorite.
“it's kinda werid? I mean I have a daughter too and I get to some level but he's a fish boy” Seeley said one day.
Lance shrugged as he held the doll. “he doesn't talk back, he doesn't check her out, and he won't cheat”
Just as he said that your daughter came running in with her cute little angry face and her arms cross. “he's Jackass, Daddy! He likes Christine's Barbie more than me”
The boys tried not to laugh but that the same time Lance gave Seeley a side eye, knowing Christine taught Charlotte the word Jackass.
“I stand corrected” Lance said, tossing the doll on the couch.
Your son Dean doesn't really like playing with them, he only play dolls with his sister if he has your old Elvis Barbie doll.
Your son likes music and Pokémon. He grew up listening to old rock music with you, he also wants to learn how to play guitar.
Angel's father is kinda like a grandpa to them, you nor Lance have parents alive so your brother's father-in-law was more than happy to be a grandpa to your twins. Dean wants to learn how to play guitar from him.
Lance trys his hardest not to get mad, even if your kids did something uneceptable. After he got on to them he'll immediately feel bad, he doesn't want them to be afraid of him like he was all his foster parents.
“your an amazing dad and they'll always love you”
Like I said before, he'll give the twins the world if he could but they want a dog, so he'll settle on that. He brought home a black lab puppy one day. The twins were so happy and named him Duke.
Jack and Angela are literally the best aunt and uncle out there, just putting it out there and the twins are really close with Michael Vincent.
Christine is also close to the twins too, Dean has a small innocent crush on her but they're both to young to really understand.
Seeley and Temperance are also amazing 'aunt and uncle'. Charlotte loves being around Seeley and playing with monster trucks with him. Dean always has a listing ear to Temperance if she wants to explain something scientific or talk about a new plot for her book.
You and Lance invested in a California king size bed because the twins are always trying to bunk with you...you also have a black lab joing in on the sleep over too. Getting the big bed just helps everyone be comfortable.
Your always taking them to lab and showing them around, Cam loves them too much to really say anything. They don't mind going to Bureau with Lance but is kinda boring to them, they like saying hi to James Aubrey and Caroline though.
They love going to Seely's office, there's so much stuff to play with. Lance made a joke how Dean is allowed to play with Seeley's bobble head and he's not.
Charlotte just likes setting in the comfy chairs in Lance's office and read Dr. Seuss books.
Lightsaber battles between Dean and Lance all the time, and coincidence or not they're always doing to while you and Charlotte are trying to watch Supernatural or Grey's anatomy.
Dean just gets crazier and crazier the older he gets, in a good way of course. Him and Michael Vincent would be out side playing with firecrackers or digging a hole while Christine and Charlotte set quietly in the house coloring and watching cartoons.
The twins are close but they get into fights alot. Sometimes it worrys you, you don't want them hating each other. “they love each other Honey and it's just a phase... Not every sibling is gonna be as close as you and Jack are”
You know he's right and not even a week later the two were glued to the hip again.
You truly believe your family is perfect, your twins are smart and have hearts of gold and they have an amazing dad.
Lance feels like the luckyest man alive and he couldn't be happier. He also couldn't be prouder of his children.
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merci-bitch · 2 years
Good or Bad?
NSFW Alphabet
Movie!Lady Lesso x fem!Reader
Warning(s): Naughty things will be mentioned obvs
A/N: Well hi there. Been thinking about Charlize’s Lesso. I know the movie ain’t chronically accurate to the books but you gotta admit. The movie version of Lady Lesso is just, no words can describe.
Now I’m still studying her character so bare with me ! Haha.
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- Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Okay, so this is hard. Cause there’s mixed feelings. If you’re a one night stand she’s a cold bitch. But if you’re her loved one, I actually think she would hold you close, help clean you up and take care of you. Don’t get me wrong, she will still tease and make fun of you, but with a soft heart.
- Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
She loves everything about you. She will never voice it, never, but if she had to choose it would be your hips, perhaps your eyes. She loves to touch you, obviously.
- Cum (Anything to do with cum basically…)
She’s one dirty queen. She will devour you. You’re her favorite meal of the day.
- Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
To be fair, course girl got secrets, but I think she lays everything on the table when she starts “courting” you. She doesn’t hide what she likes to do in bed.
- Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Well, I would like to say because of the time period, she doesn’t really have the experience but we all know our dear lady lesso has tried a bit of everything. Of course she’s knowing what she’s doing.
She learns very quickly what gets you going.
- Favorite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Anything where she can look you in the eye. Adores the look of pure bliss on you. Soaks it all up and her ego gets bigger each time.
- Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
I mean. It can be serious but I think she’ll laugh here and there. It is the Dean of Evil we’re talking about 👀
- Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
She keeps it clean and trimmed, even though she doesn’t really care.
- Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Again, if it’s a one night stand, it’s not romantic and usually kinda cold. If you’re her lover it’s more warm in the air, if you get me.
- Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Of course she does it. Keeps the stress away. She doesn’t do it as much anymore as she’s got you. She’s gonna use you instead. She will do it to tease you.
You can look but not touch. 👀
- Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Oh boy. Whew.
BDSM, mommy kink, orgasm denial, praise, pet play, overstimulation, choking, spanking, she likes that she’s taller than you and uses it to tower over you, verbal humiliation, edging, power play, using her magic, pet names is a must, wax play, slapping?, marking you and seeing it on you the next day, 👀
Again it’s the Dean of Evil we’re talking about 👀
- Location (Favourite places to do the do)
She’ll do it anywhere almost. She prefers her office, but she would spare you the open places 👀
“Best be quiet, darling. Wouldn’t want anyone to know how bad you’ve been.”
- Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
She feel’s specifically warm when she hears you yell or tell someone to shut up. Let’s say you’re an unusual quiet Evil, so when you really lose your shit, oh boy does she love it. She’ll get this special glint in her eyes and would just stand there, waiting for you to finish before dragging you away.
She loves teasing you, it’s her specialty. There isn’t a moment where a specific thought doesn’t go through your mind when she’s around. She doesn’t even have to do anything. Just that wicked smile of hers is enough.
- NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Share you. Absolutely not. You’re hers and nobody else’s.
- Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
She loves watching you come undone from her mouth. And it’s enough for her, but she wouldn’t say no if you so sweetly go down on your knees.
- Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
It’ll depend on her mood. Sometimes it’s slow to tease you, but if she’s been having a rough day she’ll go rougher until she has you crying beneath her.
- Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Oh god, she’ll do them all the time. Between classes? She’s all over you. You could be in the middle of a class. She doesn’t care. You’re coming with her.
- Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
She loves taking risks, 100%. Having you be quiet as students pass the door? The time is running out? She loves to experiment in bed. Always trying new things with you.
- Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
She will tire you out. She can go on forever.
“Already tired? Hm, quite disappointing I must admit. I know you got more in you. My good girl.”
- Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
They didn’t really exist, but she will use her magic for a vibrating feeling.
- Unfair (how much they like to tease)
She’s the queen of teasing. She’s so unfair, it’s unfair.
No question, she’s a tease 24/7.
- Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
She’ll make you scream. She isn’t the quiet type either.
- Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
She’s wicked evil 😜
- X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
She wears matching lingerie, in black. It’s a matching lace set. Perhaps a dark grayish color ?
- Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Oh it’s high alright. You won’t ever be bored baby.
- ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
To be fair. After she’s done making sure you’re alright. She’s out. She gets worn out as well, even though she’ll never admit to it. So she will often fall asleep before you do. Her bare, pale face. It’s often you who will watch her sleep for a bit. The soft snores coming out of her? She will kill you if you ever mention it to someone.
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zmediaoutlet · 16 days
Happy WW! 💜
Do you have a pet headcanon that is consistent in your interpretations of wincest, that isn't necessarily explored in canon?
hello, and a happy wincest wednesday to you and yours <3
This is a ponderer! Especially because I try to lift from canon as much as I can, lol. Like I was gonna say our running joke about Dean reading mommy blogs, except -- whoops, that's canon, he does read mommy blogs.
Maybe I'll say, since I literally have sat here for fifteen minutes thinking and can't come up with a better answer -- the way that Dean really, really resents his parents, and yet of course also loves them, and feels a massive sense of obligation to them and to what he imagines they would expect of him and at the same time has this nagging sense of 'fuck you two, you did this to us.' Which I know does come up in the show, but it was kind of depending on the writer and moment -- whether Dean's insisting his dad was the best dad to ever dad, or whether he was telling Mary that he hates and loves her and then it ends in that doofy hug scene. Eeesh. I really hate that scene, haha.
But! The reason I bring it up is that this multifaceted indefinable mass of Feelings about the parents necessarily hovers over how the wincest starts and goes on, and that tangle of FAMILY can't be extracted from how Sam and Dean lay in a bed beside each other. That resentment-but-devotion is such an integral part of how Dean thinks about himself, too -- that he's failing to live up to an ideal, and at the same time is better than the generation that came before, and yet he can't think about it that way because without the pedestal of expectations how can he even define who he is, and yet how dare they expect this much -- and so on, and so on. And then what does that mean when he reaches across a few inches of mattress and touches Sam's big sleeping body and Sam grunts and it makes Dean's whole body relax, even as he's rolling his eyes? How does that integrate with who Dean Winchester, Son of John and Mary, is meant to be?
That stuff. I guess I think about that.
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kavtsuki · 2 years
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everything i post will have adequate warnings and tags applied, but for the safety of everyone here i ask that you please make sure to read this post carefully before sending in a request. requests are currently : 𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐍 !!
i write fluff, angst, smut, headcanons ❪ max five characters ❫, drabbles, alternate universes, and short stories ❪ 5k+ words ❫.
i post some taboo content that anyone under the age of eighteen is not allowed to like, reblog, or interact with. those types of posts will have a "minors do not interact" on it.
i also write stuff that may include age gaps, poly/threesome+, dubcon, incest, toy play, light bdsm, breath play, praise and light degradation, supernatural ❪ i.e. omegaverse, werewolf, vampire, etc. may include knotting in certain cases ❫, choking, stepcest, mommy/daddy kink ❪ to an extent ❫, and dacryphilia.
i will not write about cheating ❪ on the reader's behalf ❫, manipulation, abuse, etc. however, i will write about the reader being cheated on ❪ although not explicitly; mostly just mentioned in passing ❫.
i write strictly male!character x fem! or gn!reader !! i do not write character x character pairings.
i highly suggest reading the warnings on every story that i create in case anything included is possibly triggering for you as a reader. do not proceed to read any story of mine before you have safely comprehended what you are about to read.
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HARRY POTTER UNIVERSE . . . harry james potter, ronald weasley, neville longbottom, draco malfoy, blaise zabini, theodore nott, dean thomas, fred weasley, george weasley, bill weasley, cedric diggory, oliver wood, james potter, sirius black, remus lupin, sebastian sallow and ominis gaunt.
THE BAD BATCH . . . all of the bad batch members ❪ excluding omega ❫.
DC UNIVERSE . . . bruce wayne ❪ gotham version, battinson version, and comics version ❫, jason todd ❪ red hood, titans, and arkham knight version ❫, dick grayson ❪ nightwing, young justice, and titans version ❫, tim drake ❪ young justice and comics version ❫, damian wayne ❪ comics version ❫, wally west ❪ young justice version ❫, garfield logan ❪ titans version ❫, conner kent ❪ titans and young justice version ❫, and jaime reyes ❪ young justice version ❫.
GOD OF WAR . . . kratos, heimdall, brok, sindri, thor, freyr, mimir ❪ before  beheading ❫ and baldur.
ASSASSIN'S CREED: VALHALLA . . . male!eivor varinsdottir, sigurd styrbjornson, vili hemmingson, hrolfr/rollo, ubba ragnarsson, hytham, basim ibn ishaq, otta sluggason, aelfred the great, and leofrith.
MARVEL UNIVERSE . . . bucky barnes ❪ the winter soldier ❫, stephen strange ❪ doctor strange ❫, peter parker ❪ andrew garfield and tom holland’s versions ❫, and pietro maximoff ❪ quicksilver ❫.
HAIKYUU . . . all of karasuno, all of nekoma, all of aoba johsai, all of date tech, all of shiratorizawa, and all of inarizaki. other characters include takeru nakashima from wakutani south, yuudai hyakuzawa from kakugawa high, suguru daishou, kouji hiroo and isumi sakishima from nohebi academy, and sakusa kiyoomi and motoya komori from itachiyama institute.
BOKU NO HERO ACADEMIA . . . all of class 1-A and all of the league of villains. other characters include mirio togata and tamaki amajiki from the big three, tetsutetsu tetsutetsu, sen kaibara, and neito monoma from class 1-B, hitoshi shinsou from the department of general education, yo shindo from ketsubutsu academy, inasa yoarashi from shiketsu high, and pro heroes shouta aizawa ❪ eraserhead ❫, keigo takami ❪ hawks ❫, taishiro toyomitsu ❪ fatgum ❫, toshinori yagi ❪ all might ❫, enji todoroki ❪ endeavor ❫, tensei iida ❪ original ingenium ❫, and mirai sasaki ❪ sir nighteye ❫.
JUJUTSU KAISEN . . . inumaki toge, gojou satoru, chousou, ryoumen sukuna, kento nanami, junpei yoshino, aoi todo, itadori yuuji, and megumi fushiguro.
BUNGOU STRAY DOGS . . . all of the armed detective agency and all of the port mafia. other characters include edgar allan poe and mark twain from the guild, and fyodor dostoevsky from the decay of angels.
DEMON SLAYER . . . tanjiro kamado, zenitsu agatsuma, inosuke hashibira, and giyuu tomioka. other characters include kyoujurou rengoku from the hashira group, genya shinazugawa also from the demon slayer corp, and yushiro the demon.
KUROKO NO BASKET. . . all of seirin high school. all of the generation of miracles, yukio kasamatsu from kaijou high school, takao kazunari from shuutoku high school, tatsuya himuro from yousen high school, and reo mibuchi and kotarou hayama from rakuzan high school.
ATTACK ON TITAN . . . all of the scout regiment. other characters include marco bodt, moblit berner, and reiner braun and bertholdt hoover from the marleyan warriors.
TOKYO REVENGERS . . . manjiro sano ( mikey ), takashi mitsuya, shinichiro sano, naoto tachibana, ken ryuguji ❪ draken ❫, atsushi sendo, chifuyu matsuno, baji kaisuke, kazutora hanemiya, ran haitani, rindou haitani, nahoya kawata ❪ smiley ❫, hajime kokonoi, wakasa imaushi, and souya kawata ❪ angry ❫.
OBEY ME . . . lucifer, mammon, leviathan, beelzebub, belphegor, simeon and diavolo.
VOLTRON: LEGENDARY DEFENDERS . . . keith kogane, lance mcclain, and lotor.
MYSTIC MESSENGER . . . hyun ryu ❪ zen ❫, yoosung kim, jumin han, saeyoung choi ❪ seven/707 ❫, jihyun kim ❪ v ❫, and saeran choi ❪ ray/unknown ❫.
OTHERS . . . leon kennedy + chris redfield + carlos oliveira + ethan winters ❪ resident evil ❫,  joel miller + tommy miller ❪ the last of us - video game version only ❫, steve harrington + eddie munson ❪ stranger things ❫, rick grimes + daryl dixon ❪ the walking dead ❫.
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6rookie-writer0110 · 2 years
MasterList - 55
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head cannon for Roman demigod - Reggie Mantle x Male Reader
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Say Love - Hailee Steinfeld X Male Reader
Under the dusk- Hailee Steinfeld x Male Reader (SMUT)
Big Roles - Hailee Steinfeld x Male Reader
Hailee Steinfeld fluff alphabet
Desperate for the night - Hailee Steinfeld x Male Reader
Keystone - Hailee Steinfeld x Male Reader
Let me sleep with the lights off - Hailee Steinfeld x Male Reader
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headcannons for Emma Frost, Laura Kinney, Illyana Rasputin, and Kitty Pyrde being caught cheating by Reader
Being the New Spider-Man and dating Mayday Parker would include.
Laura Kinney, Emma Frost, and Jubilee jealous headcanon
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Headconon for being the supreme sorcerer (who has a similar origins to Doctor Strange) and dating Zatanna
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Natural Lights - Male Reader/Son X Poison Ivy & Harley Quinn
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I will never confess my sins - Yandere Edward Cullen x Male reader
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Shadow Flame - Male Reader x Hela
Head Cannon with yandere Hela and her S/O
Hela Yandere Alphabet.
The crown of thorns is heavy - Son! Reader x Hela
With throns to show - Hela x Female Reader G!P (SMUT)
Earth isn’t that bad - Hela x Male Reader
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Love on its own - Rogers!Male Reader x Bucky Barnes
Circles - Bucky Barnes x Male Reader
Love Snow - Bucky Barnes x Male Reader
Playboys - Male Reader x Tony Stark x Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers x Ikaris (SMUT)
Let the sun be lonely - Bucky Barnes x Reader
Newcastle - Merman!Bucky Barnes x Male Reader
Being Bucky Barnes’s boyfriend in the 1940s would include...
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Lay back. - Dean Winchester x Male Reader (SMUT)
Faster - Dean Winchester X Male Reader (SMUT)
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It begins somewhere - Midnight x Male Reader (SMUT & Mommy Kink)
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Light on my ego - Denki Kaminari and Eijiro Kirishima & Male Reader x Naito Monoma x Hitoshi Shinso (SMUT)
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Trance Love - Male Reader x Freya Allan
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strwbrrykss · 2 years
𝖐𝖎𝖓𝖐 𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖒𝖕𝖙 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙
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This is just a fun little list I've compiled of Kinks/Kink-based prompts for you guys to submit + character(s) of choice! If you're unsure who I write for the (not exhaustive) list is below the cut too. Try to keep it to one prompt per ask and specify if you want a drabble, headcanons, thoughts/opinions on that character/prompt combo
mirror sex
thigh riding
dry humping
dirty talk
corruption kink
hair pulling
phone sex
temperature play
mutual masturbation
orgasm control
face sitting
cum play
period sex
shower sex
handjob/finger fucking
use of toys
against the wall
body worship
nipple play
morning sex
size kink
car sex
mirror sex
thigh riding
dry humping
voice kink
against the wall
body worship
Robert "Bob" Floyd
Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw
Natasha "Phoenix" Trace
Dean Winchester
Luke hemmings
Rhett Abbott
JJ Maybank
John B Routledge
Rafe Cameron
Jay Halstead
Adam Ruzek
Kevin Atwater
Hailey Upton
Kelly Severide
Matt Casey
Leslie Shay
Sylvie Brett
Connor Rhodes
Will Halstead
Bucky Barnes
Steve Rogers
Eddie Munson
Billy Hargrove
Spencer Reid
Derek Morgan
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Hii! Can you do a fanfic/headcanons just basically abt gn!reader being lady lesso's best student and the special treatment they get and basically leo being a motherly figure for them and being (so rarely) caring towards their mental health and so on (I have mommy issues in case you couldn't tell) bunch of fluff please!
Lavender's Blue: Lady Lesso x Student Reader (Motherly Story)
A/N: This is my first time answering a request on her so I hope you like it.
Warnings: Mentions of anxiety.
You weren't a reader and your parents weren't famous villains so you'd spent most of your life, easily flying under other people's radar's, sometimes you liked it because it provided you with a sense of security and feeling of peace but there were times when you hated it and just wished someone would notice you.
you had now started at the School for Good and Evil and had been sorted into the School for Evil. At first you were apprehensive about being there, unsure as to whether you'd be able to fit or not.
It was your first day and nothing much happened outside of the usual first day of school stuff like getting your timetable and dorm room. It wasn't until your second day that you began your lessons and you actually enjoyed them all.
You seemed to be excelling all of your lessons (except for uglification of course) and quickly you were put into the centre of attention of most of the teachers, at first you liked it but you soon came to hate it as well.
It wasn't until your second week into the first term that began a new subject, Curses and Death Traps and then that's when you met her, the one teacher who quickly grasped your attention.
It was Lady Lesso, the Dean of the School for Evil that had quickly become your infatuation. Each time you had her you made sure to be the first in her lesson and because of how slowly you packed up you soon began to have the opportunity to speak to her.
From then each lesson you had before her's you would count down the minutes, then you would greet the red-head with a hello at the start of the lesso and a goodbye at the end. You'd finally found a place in this school where you felt safe, Lady Lesso's classroom and her presence had become your safe space, your place of security.
By the end of the first term you had now been able to have a full length conversation with Lesso and she would actually respond. She'd ask you how your day had been thus far and how you were finding your other classes, she truly become someone you trusted.
So much so that one day you'd forgotten to think other what you were about to say and had accidentally told her of how you'd suffer with anxiety and the chest pain it would cause you and after that day things began to change.
No longer were you sat at the front of the classroom where all the other student's attention would linger on you, instead Lesso had moved you to the back of the classroom, one of the windows closest to you was now always open during your lessons so you could breathe in the fresh air and lastly Lesso had made sure that a vial of lavender oil sat at your desk so that you could enjoy its calming scent.
She'd truly had put so much consideration into you and your lessons, you truly did lover her platonically of course seeing as you were only 15-years-old.
It was now a Tuesday morning and Lesso opened the door to her classroom, expecting to see you sat at your desk waiting for the lesson to begin but when Lesso surveyed the room you weren't there. It was then that Lesso began to worry, you were never late to one of her lessons. At first she thought you might have simply over slept and were on your way but when other students began to flood into the room and you weren't one of them Lesso truly began to panic.
Quickly, without any warning, she left her classroom not even bothering to find someone to cover her lesso, she didn't care, all she cared about in that moment was finding you.
Lesso walked speedily down the corridor her cane and heels clicking heavily on the stone floor as she walked briskly to your dorm, where she hoped you were.
Coming to the door of your room Lesso carefully opened the door and began to survey the room looking for you and that's when she found you curled up on your bed. Your head tucked into your arms, hair in a slight disarray and your body shaking slightly from what Lesso soon heard were sobs.
Lesso walked cautiously other to you, extending her arm out to gently pat you on the shoulder, "Y/n," She said calmly and quickly your mind registered the voice of your favourite teacher and you looked up to see Lady lesso standing other you.
"What's wrong?" lesso asked you as she disregarding her cane and sat on the edge of your bed, allowing you the time to answer. She knew that you just needed time and she would give you that.
"It's all to much!" you then exclaimed head looking up from your arms as you tried to wipe away the tears that sat atop your cheeks as you continued to cry.
Lesso's heart broke in that moment as she watched you cry anew unsure of what she could to help you feel better. Quickly, not caring for the fact of her injured leg that prevented her from walking far distances, Lesso brought both her legs up onto your bed, tucking when under the other and the she stretched out her arms and pulled you towards her chest.
She knew that you didn't want to speak, that you didn't want people asking you what was wrong, she also knew that all you wanted to do was to cry. You wanted to cry but you also wanted to held, to be hugged by someone who cared about you and that was what Lesso was doing.
Lesso had pulled you so close to her chest that now you were sat atop her lap, head resting just bellow her chin. Holding you like a mother would hold her child.
Lesso knew she wanted to do more, she wanted to help you stop crying and to make you smile. So not that she was all that happy about the Dean of the School for Evil did what all mothers and women did for their children when they cried and began to sing a lullaby to Y/n.
"Lavender's blue dilly dilly, lavender's green, when I am King dilly you shall be Queen. Let the birds sing dilly dilly, and the lambs play, you shall be safe dilly dilly out of harms way."
Lesso began to sing a lullaby to you trying all she could to make you smile and though she was annoyed to admit it as the Dean of Evil it had actually been her first idea to help stop your falling tears.
As she continued to sing the lullaby to you, you began to snuggle closer into her chest, your cries began to quieten until they stopped completely and Lesso sat there holding you. "I love you mummy."
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Weird take but
17 years old Dean who still looks a bit feminine with his pretty face and lean body (due to malnutrition or sth) and has started wearing John's clothes and they are enormous on him
13 years old Sam who looks even younger (also due to malnutrition) and trotting after Dean like Dean is his sole protector
Strangers in the street thinking Dean had a teen pregnancy and Sam is his biological kid. They give them weird looks and people even mumble about "unsafe sex" and "stupid whores" when Dean passes.
Dean hasn't noticed the looks he's getting. Sam notices though. And secretly he loves it. He loves the idea of Dean being his mom, of people seeing Dean as his mom. Because Dean raised Sam and he should get the credit for it.
Sam starts calling Dean "mom" in the middle of the street. Dean is convinced that Sam just wants to annoy him so he doesn't refute it. Sam is waiting for all the people around them to notice. To look at Dean and think that he's Sam's mom.
The strangers stop thinking that when Dean turns 19 and has evident traces of stubble on his chin. Now people think that Dean is his dad and left some poor girl pregnant when they were teens. Sam doesn't like Dean being his dad because dad isn't a word Sam associates with good things.
The looks stop completely when Sam turns 16 and hits his growth sprout. He doesn't look like Dean's kid anymore. And he's suddenly angry at the world for not acknowledging that Dean raised him.
Dean never notices a thing and Sam never mentions anything to him. It's Sam's well kept secret.
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yourandroidgirl · 1 year
Mommy Dean Monday 👀🙏🏼 please give me ur most self indulgent omegaverse mommy Dean headcanon
hmmmmmmm i think i’m gonna go with deanjohn teen pregnancy 😌 bc the two of them are fooling around as soon as dean presents ofc and dean isn’t perfect with the birth control and they have two kids by the time sam is sixteen lmao
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bending-sickle · 2 months
Character Ask Game! (Feel free to only answer some of these if you don't wanna do all! :3)
Crowley: 2, 3, 12, 19
Castiel: 2, 3, 6, 16,
Dean: 2, 3, 10, 20
*cracks knuckles* let's do this! (bear in mind i am currently melting in The Heat so not much brain is happening. you can watch my coherence dissolve in real time :)
2. Favorite canon thing about this character? - that he had a fucking tailor :D
but more seriously, um...how attached he was to his meatsuit? like he always went back for it, even after he was ~murdered~ and had to turn into a rat.
okay but my actual most favourite thing about him is his sassy little flirty ways. delightful. chef's kiss. no notes. say it, king.
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character? - how he lost every single brain cell and sense of self-preservation when he fell for dean or joined the team or whathaveyou. i just.
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don't even talk to me about his suicide and his fucking speech, i will go rabid.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character? - aside from everything i've written, you mean? ;) ...oh god, i've written all the headcanon i have for him already. what's left?? *casts about wildly* the actual loneliest motherfucker.
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like? - two words: mommy issues. i just. he didn't even try to pretend he was over it? centuries and being a demon and he still crumbles at the most obvious emotional manipulation known to man and demon. pull yourself together, man!
to be clear, i am not against the concept, or rowena, just...think it could've been handled better. more subtly. with more complexity. (yeah, on supernatural, i know.)
2. Favorite canon thing about this character? - sassiest angel in the garrison. i love when he gets snappy. go off, feathers.
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^ i still quote that line.
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character? - how they softened the edges of his weirdness the more "human" he got. no, i like him odd and off-putting. i like him as an angel--fallen or otherwise--and not just Some Guy TM.
6. What's something you have in common with this character? - he was right about bees.
(i actually have no idea.)
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character? - i haven't read any sam/cas but my brain won't compute it so. that?
2. Favorite canon thing about this character? - soft. softest boi. he is so gentle with, like, victims and kids and just anyone, and when given half a chance he turns into the sweetest thing.
(i mean i also love when he goes Murder Machine becuase i'm not made of stone.)
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character? - i mean he's so delightfully complex that even the stuff i don't like, i love? like him being shouty and aggressive when angry or frustrated, like, yeah, fascinating.
(okay no, still can't really forgive him for giving castiel the first blade instead of giving it back to crowley, but that's just me siding with mah boi.)
10. Could you be best friends with this character? - absolutely.
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter? - bennyyyy.
(also, i think being friends more with rufus would've done him some good. idk why.)
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lukas-dusk · 1 year
Headcanon - supernatural - Dean
For me Dean is a housekeeping freak, he always tidied up the hotel rooms when they left the room, he always tidied up behind Sam, he always tidied up behind his father. He's used to it.
When Dad was on a hunting trip and Sammy was sleeping, Dean cleans up. He has nothing else to do, he can't sleep, he has to watch Sammy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Now it has become one of his habits. Especially when he's stressed (so often :/) he likes to be in a tidy and clean place, that's just how he is.
Sam is rather a messy person, but only in his room because Mommy Bear Dean is coming for him otherwise. But in general, Sam is really clean. I mean he's lived with Dean all his life.
So yeah, In my opinion the bunker is always very clean🧹
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pregnancykink · 1 year
deanpreg headcanon: sam manages to stimulate him into lactating far earlier than what is considered "normal" because he can't stop showering dean's swollen little tits with affection
Yes yes yessssss he’s addicted to mommy tits you know he is. Mommy issues boy!!!!! Dean jokes about bottle feeding one day and Sam gives him that 😐😒 look you know the one
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ihatedean · 4 months
Is jojo's bizarre adventure a good first anime? I've only watched Sailor Moon as a kid and maybe Dragon Ball but the art is so gorgeous I'm kinda curious!
people who aren't fans appreciating the art style give me life omg<33 i agree it's stunning ! ! just look at this ! wow ! !
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but to answer your question,, i'd say it's 50-50? i know a lot of people that aren't anime fans that LOVE jojo. it's a very unique show that doesn't follow the classic formula that other shonen anime follow like DB does, for example- this is either a huge bonus or it completely ruins the experience, because a lot of people compare it to other shows they're already familiar with. there's no better word for it, it's a BIZARRE series. everything is weird, the dialogue, the characters, the setting, the art. the author's writing style is something everyone sort of had to get used to and we love him for making us go through that.
i actually avoided the anime for years because i thought the characters looked gross and the lack of female characters was kind of an issue for me back then (it gets better it gets a lot better you just have to see it through). but it was my boyfriend's first shonen and he begged me for months to watch it together so i said fuck it- i think i made him watch twilight or play danganronpa in exchange.
.....it might not grip you from the start. part 1 is not a lot of people's favorite part. it wasn't mine- after like four or five episodes (of nine ! it's very short !) of being weirded out by it, i realized that i had to stop seeing it as a shonen anime, and instead began to see it as,,, a play,, of sorts. if you watch the first two parts you'll know what i'm talking about. it's drama. once i changed my perspective on it, i completely fell in love ! ! from part 3 onwards it's a lot more like the usual shonen, and i know it's a lot more enjoyable for the average fan, but the first two parts are charming in their own weird little way :)
looking back on it after watching twin peaks, there are a lot of similarities, with the quirky characters and the themes. i only started twin peaks because of a jjba fic inspired by it. if you like twin peaks, i'm certain you'll like jojo.
but this is my spn blog and i assume you like supernatural so. i'll say: don't expect the same focus on relationships that spn puts on the characters, but know that its present in every interaction. where sam and dean hold each other tenderly and talk about how they're the only thing that matters, in jjba you'll have one character looking at the other in a way that's just drawn differently and the fandom will go insane. the supernatural characters are built very very carefully and have a lot of details that fans memorized- jjba characters are just as good but have a lot more space to play with if you want, regarding headcanons and storylines. their lives and thoughts aren't as well documented as sam and dean's is what i'm trying to say lol you'll know what brand of underwear a character likes most but you won't know his birthday. it happens. yes a lot of the fanfic is ooc because there's barely any character to remain inside of.
last but not least. this is a wincest blog. the first six parts of jojo follow six different generations of the same family. this is not minor. there will be daddy and mommy issues, there will be strange family dynamics. the family tree is FUCKED up and when you learn why you'll either drop the show or become sickeningly obsessed with a certain little guy called DIO. yes like THAT dio. there are a lot of musical references. unlike some characters i know, he's canonically bisexual.
anyways WOW do i like this anime. idk what else to say if you need more convincing this is the opening i guess
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