#moment: baxter step 4
is there any difference in dialogue if ur mad or sad at baxter at step 4? are there any different options depending on whether you pick fond, crush or love if ur mad or upset? sincerely, curious anon
(this anon clarified that they specifically mean the differences between being mad versus being sad and not the differences between mad/sad and other options; thank you!)
Hi, curious anon~!
There actually are quite a few differences depending on if the MC is angry or sad over Baxter. There's overlap (a general "upset" state where both will get the same narration/choices/dialog), but in general, an angry MC will be more hostile towards Baxter while a sad MC will feel discouraged at Baxter's treatment towards them.
Example from initially seeing Baxter would be:
if the MC is angry
"Mhm. Miranda knows him, so do you, Terry. It's Baxter, again."
"No one can recognize you if you're not wearing black and white, Baxter." (the MC will even add "You didn't leave much else to remember you by.")
"You said you weren't coming back," you spat out.
"Is it too late to say I can't help with this?"
"You have got to be kidding me. Not him." / "You have got to be kidding me. Not that asshole." (depending on if the MC swore in Step 3 or not)
You glared with a silent fury.
if the MC is sad
"Miranda, you know him. So do you, Terry. He's... Baxter."
"Baxter, you don't wear only black and white anymore."
"I thought you weren't coming back," you whispered.
"I remember you."
No words could form in your tight throat.
When attention goes to the MC to agree to continue participating in the wedding:
if the MC is angry
"I'll put up with you for Jude and Scott. That's it."
"You're so phony. Whatever. I don't care."
You glared but kept your mouth shut.
You gave a curt nod.
You said nothing. You did nothing. He got no acknowledgement.
(the MC will also have the option to give their number to Baxter "begrudgingly" if they're specifically angry with him)
if the MC is sad
"It's alright. Don't worry about me."
"All that matters is that the wedding goes well."
You shifted uncomfortably. You didn't want to be around him, but couldn't ruin this.
You nodded weakly.
You said nothing. You did nothing. You couldn't give any acknowledgement.
After the MC reads the "most recent" texts:
if the MC is angry
He vexed you, but... maybe you could be friends again. / He vexed you, but... maybe you could be close again. / It was so infuriating because the truth was, you still wanted to be with Baxter. (depending on if MC is at Crush/Love with him or not)
Getting to speak with him hadn't changed anything. You were as mad as ever.
Being reunited was an unbelievable chance. You had some optimism for where it'd go.
Things were different now. You'd focus on being entirely professional around him.
You weren't sure what to think or how to feel about Baxter anymore.
if the MC is sad
If you were being entirely honest, you hoped to be friends again. / If you were being entirely honest, you hoped to be close with him again. / It hurt so much because the truth was, you still wanted to be with Baxter. (depending on if the MC is at Crush/Love with him or not)
Being reunited was an unbelievable chance. You had some optimism for where it'd go.
Getting to speak with him hadn't changed anything. You were just sad.
Things were different now. You'd focus on being entirely professional around him.
You weren't sure what to think or how to feel about Baxter anymore.
After Baxter asks for the MC's address of where they're staying, the narration will say "Fine. You could do that- and did." if your MC is angry but "Cautiously, you did as requested." if your MC is sad.
Then, after he apologizes for his behavior at the bakery (if the MC didn't insist on having a talk), the MC won't respond at all if they're angry ("You gave him as much consideration as he'd shown to you. None.") or will let out a mumble-y response if they're sad.
If the MC did insist on having a talk, then Baxter will asks how they are, to which the MC will respond "How do you think, Baxter?" if they're angry or "I'm not doing very well, Baxter." if they're sad. Something similar to the above paragraph will also occur afterwards.
If the MC had the difficult conversation with Baxter (if they were upset with him at the end of Step 3), then the MC will think sarcastically to themself after Baxter texts the group about that day's accomplishments if they're angry with him, or wince about it if they're sad.
If the MC was upset with Baxter after meeting him again (depending on their choice after the MC notes Baxter's most recent text soon after meeting him again), their cuts after making the groom's cake will become aggressive, whereas they'll slump in their seat if they're sad.
And, if the MC agreed to have a conversation with Baxter instead of becoming friends/lovers again right away after the wedding, then choose to tell him, "I never wanted to see you again," the MC will say they were "furious" if they were angry with him or "shattered" if they were sad.
Those are most of the big differences between being mad and sad specifically. Interest level doesn't play a large role.
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kimbapisnotsushi · 21 days
baxter dlc sure was something
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diavorchid · 2 years
okay OKAY I'm now in love with you too
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gb-patch · 1 year
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[Charming guest art is by MELLodrawmatic on Twitter]
Hallelujah. And happy birthday, Mr. Monochrome.Enjoy exciting summer days in the company of Baxter Ward during Steps 3 and 4!
Steam Page (Windows/Linux)
Itch.io Page (Windows/Linux, Mac, Android)
GOG Page (Windows/Linux)
From May 19th to the morning of May 26th, the Baxter DLC is 10% off! The older DLCs and the soundtrack have discounts ranging from 20% to 25%.FEATURES:
Unlocks 5 Step 3 Moments: Sightseeing, Hang, Drinks, Mountain, & Planning
Unlocks an entirely new storyline in Step 4
Allows you to form a deeper relationship with Baxter Ward (platonic or romantic) and spend time more with your friends
Includes new character sprite art, background locations, and CG images
Provides  even more options for adding custom qualities to your character. Is  your protagonist a good dancer or do they have two left feet?
Unlocks bonus scenes in the other Step 3 Moments where what happened in these events is referenced and reflected on
Increases the overall playtime by multiple hours
The base game and some of the DLCs were updated with Baxter related alterations and general fixes. If you have the game already, please let Steam/GOG update those files or download the new updates yourself on Itch.
And, well, here we are. It's been nearly three years since the original launch and the final Our Life: Beginnings & Always DLC is finally available. I cannot believe it took this long, and I can believe it even less that so many people have continued to follow us over such a lengthy development. Support for our team and the game has never wavered no matter how much time has gone by. That's something I'll always appreciate regardless of what happens in the future.
Thank you for moving into a sleepy neighborhood in Sunset Bird and making a life there. It wouldn't have been the same without you 🥰️!
Now I hope you'll enjoy this last full-length story of a particularly dramatic man. He requires a lot of patience, which clearly you have, haha.
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Derek propaganda:
“Extreme hot take but Derek is the best OL1 love interest. He has the best and sweetest confession in the game. You play video games together. He seems reserved until you actually start dating and find out that he's actually just a gentleman who didn't want to be overly forward with someone he's not in a relationship with. He's a family man. You get to blatantly abuse your 'dating' privileges in front of his brothers. He's just so insanely sweet and caring and makes me wanna cry whenever I play his DLC.”
“- Impossible to dislike
- No, like, literally impossible. OL1 will allow you to be indifferent to it's two other LIs, Cove and Baxter but you actually can't pick that option for Derek. Game decided that You Will Be (at least) Friends With Derek
- This boy is so good!!!! He's a sweetheart and has your back in the best way and he's constantly doing his best to make sure the people around him (especially you) are happy
- This is also a complex flaw of his because he feels like he needs to be the best that he can be and to be worth something
- This both manifests in how he treats others (he's exceedingly well-mannered and does everything for others because he secretly hopes that someday someone will do the same for him) and his career prospects (he takes on excessive practice to get good at football/soccer so that he can potentially get a scholarship and become famous all so he can potenially feel like he's worth something. This is actually a major conflict in his Step 4)
- His DLC also has some of the best moments in the game
- He also has a family and they're also really good and you get to see a lot of them
- His dad is hilarious, his mom is gorgeous and their relationship is very cute
- Meanwhile, Derek's brothers are great. I wanna gush about them because I love them but also play Derek's DLC yourself!!! See how good they are for yourself!!!!
- I will say that these three have a really good relationship dynamic and the development it takes in the 10 years between when you first meet Jorge and Nico as little kids to Step 4 where they're adults (and a teenager, Nico is 16 in Step 4) is genuinely very well written
- If you're into the steamy stuff, Derek also has the best make-out session out of all of the boys
- He's also just. Very funny. This boy will invite you to a waterpark and then ask you if its a date so he knows whether or not it's ok to check you out in your swimsuit
- Or, if you aren't dating by that point (but you do want to to date him), the narration will note how he's trying so so hard not to check you out, he's just trying so so so hard
- Puppy dog face. Look at it. Tell me you can look at that face and not want to smooch him
- His confession is also the best, did I mention it's the best? Because it's absolutely the best one in the entire game
- He has a whole thing about having to confess to you on a ferris wheel and he's so committed to it that he actually avoided ferris wheels for a long time before this confession because he promised himself he'd do it the next time he went on one
- And then he went on one...and he literally doesn't confess when he does it because he lost track of time and he had to get off
- so he asks you to go on the ferris wheel with him again so he can actually confess this time
Just. Just vote for him!!!!”
“He's sweet, polite, and out-going and is always willing to put you first (sometimes too willing).”
“polite responsible jock u r NOT immune to this”
Asra propaganda:
“He GIVES AWAY HALF HIS HEART TO REVIVE YOU okay but like. He's the MCs roommate and they were together for a few years before the MC caught a plague and died and he obsesses over a way to bring them back before succeeding by making a deal with a god to trade half his heart for MC and betraying the emperor. And then when MC comes back but without any of their memories, he takes care of them and teaches them how to live all over again and he never asks for anything in return. On all the routes where you don't choose him he's really supportive and helps you out despite your history and overall he's just really nice and supportive of the MC and is their rock no matter what route you go down. Also he has a pet snake named Faust and I love her she's so <33 
Idk I just appreciate him so much”
"He gave you half his HEART!! He would literally go to hell and back for you!! He wants to take you on adventures all around the world—doesn’t matter where, as long as he’s by your side!! AND he’s nonbinary!!!"
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animeomegas · 1 year
More Baxter thoughts~
Imagine post Step 4, MC telling Baxter that he was their first kiss. They sort of laugh and explain that for some people 18 would be considered a late bloomer, but that was the right time for them. They joke that Baxter was just too irresistible.
MC is trying to keep the mood light, just joking about it, but that doesn't really go to plan.
Because Baxter is shocked for three seconds, pleased and flustered for one second, and then deeply guilty from then on.
He feels guilty for not knowing, for taking MC's first kiss even if they kissed him first, and he feels even worse for ghosting them now, which he didn't think was possible.
He tries to just smile and say he's honoured, but he cannot sleep that night because he feels so guilty. He wants to punch 19 year old him in the face (don't we all).
I think MC'd have to firmly pull him from the guilt and kiss him until he truly understands that they'd forgiven him for the shenanigans he pulled 5 years ago, and that they definitely don't regret him being the first person they kissed.
Actually that would be a good strategy to pull his head out of the guilt cloud: MC should ask him if he regrets being the first person they kissed and then watch this man backtrack at the speed of light and vehemently deny it lol.
But also, imagine MC face timing Baxter for the first time after they had to go home.
They'd both do it late at night, I think, maybe they'd both be in bed, and when the call connects, they both just stare at each other for several moments.
Until MC pushes out an 'I miss you' and Baxter melts and says it back.
MC was sort of expecting to be teased about missing him when it's only been a day since they left, but Baxter isn't about to deny that he's already wishing they were with him again.
Just imagine them softly talking about their days to each other, tucked up in their respective beds, wishing the other one was close enough to touch and hold.
Imagine them having to end every face time with a reminder about when they were going to see each other next, just to soften the bitter blow of the end of the call.
Imagine MC taking a screenshot when Baxter looks cute, his hair mussed from his pillow.
Imagine Baxter taking a screenshot when MC starts nodding off, head propped up by one dangerously swaying hand.
Imagine neither of them wanting to bring up staying on the call as they sleep, but both thinking about it every time.
Just... soft Baxter and MC, because they'd be the cutest sappiest couples, especially when they're alone.
This third one and final one is not as cute, but imagine an artist MC who is just enamoured by the mole on the upper back of Baxter's thigh.
They really want to not be creepy, but also... they really want to sketch it.
And so they sketch it, but it doesn't capture the beauty properly, so they add colour and edit and keep going until they have a near photo realistic image of the back of Baxter's thigh XD
Baxter finds the drawing one day and basically blue screens for a good 40 seconds before he attempts to compliment their art work and tease them about the subject material at the same time, the words coming out as a jumbled, flustered mess.
That is all XD Thank you for letting me scream my Baxter ideas into the void haha.
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v3x-y0urs3lf · 3 months
Qiu Lin x Loner / unpopular / shy? MC
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Written during the demo ⭐️
Tamarack x Popular reader
Depending on what steps I’m talking about, I’ll change Qiu’s pronouns..
Also, I’m aware that being a ‘loner’ or unpopular doesn’t necessarily mean you’re shy. I do occasionally mention the MC being shy, unlike step 1 Qiu I’m not always going to be able to be too accommodating.
I kind of got sidetracked during the end of Step 3, I’m sorry it doesn’t really fit with the theme.
I am incredibly tired right now, apologies if the English isn’t clear. I did not proof read this.
I feel like this trope perfectly fits Qiu during a majority of the steps (1-3 I don’t really know about 4.) mainly because Qiu - despite not really intending on it, just is naturally popular even during step 2 (somehow?)
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Step one Qiu just doing his usual thing with being overly accommodating and super welcoming to the new neighbour and they’re just.. not accepting it?
You can try and turn Qiu down softly or even just straight up ignore him and he’d.. accept it? I dunno, going off by Qiu’s normal reactions to when you choose to dismiss him.. he doesn’t seem like he’d care unless someone’s starting to judge or bother the MC and vice versa.
I’d like to just highlight that like.. everyone knows Qiu? I quite literally just imagine a bunch of kids during school constantly asking to play with him and while Qiu feels a bit too mean to decline.. he really wants to go play with his new neighbour?
Qiu would try and introduce the MC (and Tamarack.. maybe.) to all of his other friends but.. Neither of them are really budging which puts Qiu at a bit of a cross point.
I’m honestly not too sure what he’d do, lol. My heart wants me to say that Qiu would just go play with the MC anyways, regardless of how many people want him to play with t them but. My brain is telling me he’d give in to all the majority and play with them for a while before going to find the MC later.
Does that mean Qiu doesn’t want to go play with the MC instead? No. Does that mean Qiu doesn’t look their way occasionally while he’s playing tag with the other kids? No. Does that mean Qiu hurts the other kids’ feelings by straight up turning them down? Also no.
Logically thinking, despite what he wants- Qiu would pick to accomodate for the bigger crowd but leave a section of his time to make up for ‘ditching’ the MC for a moment.
It’s very obvious around that Qiu will always go back for the MC. No matter how fun the game is, No matter how distracted/forgetful he usually gets, No matter how many people he’s playing with- He will. Without a doubt. Go talk or play with the MC for at least 10 minutes before break or whatever ends.
Now, Step two.. “All they want in life is a little peace with the ones they trust. Such as, potentially their very favourite neighbor/neighbour.”
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Qiu is still very obviously and very much ‘popular’. That never changes throughout their life (probably). They just don’t want to be.
Picture Qiu and MC, chilling by themselves and just avoiding people. By this stage there shouldn’t be any shyness or complete hatred and so, the two of them just sit with each other comfortably as Qiu rejects and declines any and all offers to hang out with anyone else but MC, Ren, Baxter(?) and.. potentially Tamarack? (Not sure about the last two.)
Unfortunately, Qiu can’t control their popularity or ‘Acquaintances’/old friends and everyone does notice when the ‘popular kid’ starts solely hanging out with one person in particular.
I’m not saying MC is getting bullied.. I’m just saying everyone can tell there is obvious favouritism and high school students can and will be mean.. take that as you will.
This is totally the time for “doesn’t get the hype but warms up to person B”.
I might just be biased but.. After 4 years you’d think you’d warm up to the neighbour kid enough to start to.. tolerate? Be content? .. perhaps even enjoy the presence of?
I don’t want to describe the MC too much but let’s just say the feelings between the both of them are mutual. (As in two teens just wanting to get away from the world.)
The two of you find solace in each other’s presence, the two of you having a mutual understanding that you both don’t really want to interact with the world but you’re totally fine with each other.
I hate how short step 2 was but I don’t know how else to describe angsty teens being angsty teens. So we’re moving onto Step three.
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Qiu now understands the MC more, After having 8 years knowing each other and at least 4 years of deep conversations as angsty teenagers they can now officially say they understand your point of view.
Qiu doesn’t try to push the MC out of their comfort zone like he would’ve back in Step 1 but they certainly wouldn’t leave the MC to exactly stay in their own shell of aloofness.
Qiu does try to suggest getting out there, meeting new people but if you totally don’t want to- Up to you! They aren’t you and so they will NOT make that decision for you.
Autumn is up for a chat if you’re looking for one though, even the quietest, shyest, most aloof people in town sometimes need someone their age to talk to. Qiu gets it.
You were there through a very deep part of Qiu’s life and they are ready to be for you too if you want them there. Qiu can’t promise that they’ll help solve your problems or make you the talk of the town, but you better bet that they’ll cherish your relationship far after death do the two of you part.
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rui-drawsbox · 5 months
Ruri x Baxter posting! Many stuff after the cut cuz I'm gonna say random facts about Ruri
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They are SO in love with each other honestly what's wrong with them
Also in game moments where i think Baxter started to/ fell harder for the MC, i added a badump everytime cuz i thought it was funny
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Gonna reblog this one with the zoom ins later
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Random Ruri facts!
If IF Derek confessed between steps 2 and 3 she totally 100% no doubt wouldve fell for him at the moment, but he didn't so rip🥺
The only thing she wanted as a teen was someone that showed her some interest (she had Derek! But was always oblivious bc she thought it was in a friend way)
↑also main reason of why the mysterious soiree boy stuck on her head so long, the leg compliment was so random and unprompted that she made a whole novel inside her head the rest of the evening lmao
Not very smart, academically sucks, passed the last high school years cheating (and with some of Cove's help)
Mainly cheating bc on her reinforcement classes after school she had this "friend group" of older and problematic kids that adopted her like the pet of the gang (she was like 15 and the others like 18-19)
Never really got her into big problems but she became disturbingly skilled with knifes and at throwing things bigger than her head
If the mean not-grandparents made Cove cry when they were a little older than ten she wouldve throw a rock at their window
A hopeless romantic, also a hopeless idiot
You know how we can tell Cove that we found an animal skull on the beach once in Ghost? Well she kept it and named it Ramón (because I have an animal skull in my room I found on the beach and I named it Ramón)
Found a new confidence after she had to move out with Cove, things about being a responsable adult and such
Main love language is physical touch! Second is quality time
Romantic inclination? Whatever that likes her back tbh (became pretty picky after step 3 but it's bc she never got over Baxter). Sexual inclination? Her beloved partner
A night owl that tried to keep up with an early bird (Cove), that's why she has more droppy eyes and eyebags in step4, she's always at her 70%
Cove relatioship was nervous fond at steps 1-2 and relaxed fond at steps 3 and 4 (they're family!). And Baxter was nervous crush at step 3 and direct love in step 4
Scared of driving cars so she has moto in step4! Baxter think is hot (Trust me, he told me)
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freyyzu · 1 year
All Cove wants is to see you happy, and all Baxter wants is to reassure him that he was going to do exactly that.
a/n; takes place some time during step 4 when your friends throw you another surprise party and you're off talking to someone else. i just think the two most important men in mc's life should interact a little more. implied step 3 ending on a bad note.
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The twinkle of the fairy lights that hang from every wall of the first floor is mesmerizing. It's simple decoration, easy to put up, easy to get down, but beautiful all the same. The soft glow it emits puts Baxter at ease; even more so when accompanied by the sight of your smiling face.
His heart skips a beat when you glance over in his direction, your eyes meeting for the briefest moments. You discreetly wave at him, trying your best to not interrupt whatever story Terry is going on about, and he gives you a wave of his own back. He doesn't even try to fight the smile that tugs at his lips.
It was such a straightforward interaction, one that lasted all but three seconds, but just that was enough for him to feel the butterflies in his stomach lurch into a frenzy.
He's so enthralled by you, in fact, that he doesn't even notice the sound of someone making their way closer to him until they're already speaking.
"Uhm, how... how are you enjoying the party?" It's an expected question coming from an unexpected source.
Baxter turns to face the new presence by his side, more than a little surprised. Out of all the people here, Cove Holden would be the last person he expected to initiate a conversation, but the appearance isn't unwelcomed. Far from it.
"It's been fun," he says with full sincerity.
Despite the sparse decorations and only handful of people here, Baxter would say with his full heart that this is the best party he's ever been to. Surrounded by people who really care for him, those who took the time out of their day to surprise him even after all the stunts he's pulled. "Thank you for your part in this. I deeply appreciate it."
"Oh," Cove sputters, apparently flustered by the earnestness. "It's no problem. I'm... glad you're enjoying yourself."
Baxter smiles knowingly, "is there something on your mind?"
The taller male doesn't answer, but he fixes his gaze on a particular person across the room, still intently listening to Terry's story. Miranda and Xavier have joined them by this point.
'Ah.' his expression softens. "Are you worried about them?"
"Of course I am," he replies. Any hesitation in his voice from before lost within those four words. His hands clench and loosen by his sides a few times and he glances down at his feet, as if debating whether or not it was okay to say the next words.
You had forgiven Baxter a long time ago, that was a fact, but Cove couldn't forget your dejected expression or how many false smiles you wore to assure everyone you weren't hurt that summer.
Baxter waits quietly. He doesn't know exactly what your best friend intends to say, but from his fidgeting alone, he could garner a guess. Eventually though, he does break the silence. "I won't hurt them."
Cove looks over to your boyfriend, unable to keep the doubt from his expression. He trusts you, he wants you to be happy, that's all he ever wants for you; but that's even more of a reason for him to be wary. Baxter had broken your heart once, and he never wants to see that happen again.
"Can you promise that?"
There's a pause, and then a shake of a head from the black color haired man and Cove feels his heart nearly sink. "I'm not like you. I haven't known them my entire life. I'm just someone who showed up to the doorstep of your neighborhood one summer and then left."
There's a gleam in his brown eyes that make them seem to sparkle even more than the lights decorated around the room. "We'll have arguments, we'll get into fights," his voice lowers, "but I hope I can learn from those mistakes. That I'll make a better decision the next time." He turns to face Cove. "I can promise that."
Cove swallows the lump in his throat. He had come here to talk to Baxter, but in the end he ended up not being able to say anything at all. Though, maybe that was okay too. Whatever the lead up was, he heard what he needed to hear.
"Thank you," he says.
Baxter's face lights up at those words, eyes widening with boyish glee, before reverting back to his more well-known smirk. "No, thank you for coming over and chatting with me. I'm thankful we got to have this time together."
"Aha," Cove chuckles awkwardly now that the air has cleared. "But uh, Baxter?" He calls, wanting to get just one last word in.
"You... should take care of yourself, too." And with that final statement, he steps forward to join your group.
Baxter blinks once.
He takes a moment to reign in his shock. Did Cove Holden of all people just give him some encouragement? He chuckles, straightening up as he spots you splitting from the circle to make your way over to his side.
This week has been full of surprises.
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differenteagletragedy · 7 months
Swap AU Alert!
At last, a Step 4 for Baxter, your best friend since childhood. Hallelujah.
Here's the last fic in this delightful series, with links to the previous ones!
You were sitting by your gate in the airport, waiting on the plane that would take you back to your hometown, when you felt your phone buzzing in your pocket. You took it out, looked at the screen and smiled.
Baxter had sent you a photo, and when you opened it, you saw it was specifically a selfie. He was at the country club with your moms, deep into planning their anniversary party. In the picture, they had him in one of their trademark mom hugs, and he was smiling wide with one of his arms out to capture the moment.
Before you could respond, he sent a follow-up text: "You should be here now."
"On my way," you told him.
When you made it to Prism Vista City, you'd texted Baxter like he'd asked, and you were outside for just a few minutes when you saw his sleek white car pull up towards you. You made your way towards him, anticipation at seeing your best friend making you move faster. He parked, got out, and threw himself at you.
You forgot your bags for a minute, letting them drop as you put your arms around him instead. He hugged you like he always did ever since you both left town and stopped being neighbors who saw each other every day -- hard, like he had to be sure to feel every single bit of you to remember in the weeks or months until you saw each other again.
"How have you been, darling?" he asked, pulling back to look at you. He brought a hand up to stroke your hair, then let it rest on the curve between your shoulder and neck. If anyone was watching, they'd think you were two lovers reunited, but you weren't. You were just you and Baxter.
"We talk everyday," you told him, pulling your own hand around to rest on his chest. "You know how I've been."
"I know, but it's different seeing you. Being like this."
You were about to reply, but a honking car stopped you. With a particularly dramatic sigh, Baxter let go of you and grabbed your bags, carefully placing them in his trunk as you got in the passenger side. As he drove away, he shot you a grin, then held his open palm out over the middle console. You laughed, grabbing it and putting it in your lap to hold for the drive to his apartment.
It was a little strange, you knew that. Best friends didn't normally behave as affectionately as you did. But you'd had a crush on Baxter for over a decade, one that had long since turned to love, and so you embraced his flirty, touchy tendencies. It might not mean anything to him, but it definitely meant something to you.
"Can I ask you the question now?" he said, giving your hand a squeeze as he pulled away from the airport and onto the main road.
"Already? Isn't it a little early?"
"I'm feeling particularly inspired," he told you, so you said, "Ok, go ahead."
He took a breath, gave you another squeeze, and launched into a question he'd asked you countless times in the past year since he'd moved back to the area after graduating from college.
"Will you move in with me?"
You chuckled, and he took it as an invitation to continue.
"I have a second bedroom. It's fully furnished, completely ready for you to move in at a moment's notice. You'd be closer to family."
"I like my job," you told him.
"You can do your job here, too," he argued. "And even if not, I already pay the rent and bills on my own, I could support you until you found something else."
"Baxter, I wouldn't let you support me."
"Then you can rely on your industrious spirit," he laughed. "I don't care. Just move in with me."
You told him what you always told him whenever the subject came up: "I'll think about it."
He hummed, not entirely pleased with the noncommittal answer, but he didn't have much of a choice besides accepting it.
Soon you arrived at his apartment building, and when he parked, he got out and swiftly made his way to your side. You waited for him, content to give him the opportunity to be a gentleman, and he opened the door, then offered you his hand so he could help you out of the car.
"I can do this kind of stuff on my own," you told him, watching him grab your bags from the back.
"I know, but why would you? You've got me."
You followed him into the building, then into the elevator that took you up to his floor. You'd been here a few times since he'd moved in last year, but you were always impressed with how nice it was. For all he went on about cutting his parents out of his life and making his own way in the world, he was still doing very well for himself.
He unlocked the door, held it open for you, then followed you inside. He quickly moved to the guest room to put your bags down, but he was back by your side in a flash.
You hung out for a bit to rest before heading out to Sunset Bird to visit your parents. From there, you and Baxter followed them back to the airport so you could give Liz a quick hug when she arrived. She went back to your hold house with your moms, then the two of you were free again.
He wanted to cook dinner for you.
Back at his apartment, you sat by the counter, watching him prepare a somewhat complicated dish, still wearing his crisp suit. It was a nice view.
Seemingly reading your mind, he said, "It could be like this every night, you know."
"Is that so?" you asked, knowing what he was doing but wanting to hear him tell you about it anyway.
"It is. I could cook for us both, you could sit there looking gorgeous. It would be quite the life, don't you agree?"
Even after years of those kinds of comments, they could still sometimes take your breath away. Your cheeks turned red, and he grinned.
"Just think," he said, taking his voice a bit lower, "all the ways I could make you blush if we shared a home."
The way he looked at you then, glancing over from the stove, was a little different than the way he usually did. There was a sort of heat in his gaze, and you felt your face get even hotter.
Before you could find any words, his phone rang. Still, he kept his eyes on you.
"Should you answer that?" you asked. "It could be about the party, or a client."
He paused, still watching you, but eventually reached for his phone. He told you that it was a client, then took the call.
The next day was the party, and most of the day was spent with Baxter at the country club, getting things ready. The prep wasn't nearly as intense as it was for a wedding, but he still wanted things to be perfect, so he put in the same amount of effort as he would for his actual clients.
When the guests started arriving, it took Baxter a moment to flip from planner mode to party mode, but your moms forced it. As their unofficial third child, they wouldn't accept him not sharing the table with them, and so when it was time, he took the seat by you.
Dinner passed quickly, and when you were done, he gave you a familiar smirk. It didn't take a lot of considering to figure out what he was getting it -- he'd hired a band, so he wanted to dance.
With a playful sigh, you held up your hand. He took it, and pulled you to the dance floor.
"Imagine if you lived here, how often we could do this," he told you once you got in the swing of things.
"I think that's more of a reason for you than me," you replied.
"Of course, but you can't say you wouldn't like it."
He was right. You couldn't.
Much of the rest of the night was spent dancing. Your moms took turns dancing with Baxter, and you had to share your own dance with Lee. You loved it like this, everyone being together.
You hadn't told Baxter, but it was getting harder and harder to refuse his requests for you to move in with him. It really would be so nice to be closer to your parents and to see him every day. The main reason you didn't wasn't because of your job -- he was right about that too, you could do it anywhere. It was because you thought living with Baxter, so close to him while not actually being with him, would just be too hard.
When things were winding down, he approached you for a final dance, and you agreed.
"I have a proposition," he told you. "Do you think after we leave here, you might indulge me just a little?"
"In what way?"
"It's a surprise," he said, his eyes twinkling.
You couldn't say no, and he knew it, so instead of waiting for a response, he just smiled.
And that's how, when the party was over, you went with him on the familiar road back to Sunset Bird.
Baxter drove all the way to your old street, refusing to answer any questions about what exactly he was doing. He parked on the street, but this time by your moms' house -- his own parents had left the house across the street while he was in college.
You got out too, too impatient to wait for whatever he was planning. He approached you, offered you his arm, then led you down the path to the beach.
"I still don't get what's happening," you told him, but all he would say is, "You'll see."
He took you down by the shore, and when he was in a spot he deemed acceptable, he let go of you and started taking his shoes off.
"Is the surprise that you want to wade in the water?" you asked. "Because that's kind of a weird surprise."
Instead of answering you, Baxter took his socks off too, then his jacket. He unbuttoned his shirt, added it to the pile of clothes that was forming by his feet, then took off his pants.
"This is still a weird surprise," you told him, but your voice was a bit constricted this time.
"I want to go swimming," he replied. "With you. Out there. That's the surprise."
Your eyes went wide. Baxter was scared of the ocean, he always had been. Despite ten solid years of living right beside it, he'd never once gone in deeper than his knees. He always said that someday he would, but you stopped believing it a while ago.
But it looked like someday was now.
Too excited to think about being self conscious, you took your clothes off too. Both in your underwear, you made your way down to the waves.
When they started hitting his legs, he instinctively grabbed your hand. You held it firmly and let him take the lead, which he did. Despite being tense and visibly nervous, he kept going until the water was up to his chest. Then he laughed.
"You're doing it!" you told him proudly.
"Almost," he said. He let go of you then went a bit further out, fully swimming. His biggest fear, or one of them, at least, was conquered.
These days, Baxter was generally happy, but this was different. He was elated. You could see his dimples standing out on his cheeks in the moonlight. He looked like a little kid splashing around, not the mature professional he usually presented himself as. It was adorable.
You swam with him for a bit, staying close in case he got nervous, but he didn't. When he'd had enough, he moved closer to the shore so he could stand solidly again, the water up around his ribs.
You followed him, ready to congratulate him on the massive accomplishment. But before you could, he gripped your hips, pulled you against him and kissed you.
After freezing for a split second, your body reacted for you. You wrapped one arm around his shoulders, the other coming up to rest on the back of his head. The kiss was long and deep, and although you were so close already, he kept trying to bring you closer. He'd pull away for just a moment to trail smaller kisses across your cheeks, down your jawline, on your neck and across your shoulders, but it never took him long to find his way back to your lips.
Finally he took a break, leaning in close and breathing heavily. You searched his face and saw that same expression of pure and utter happiness.
"What was that for?" you asked quietly.
"For being you," he said, as though it was the most obvious thing in the world. "For being my favorite person. For being patient with me even though I should have done that years ago."
Your heart was racing, but with Baxter so close, you could feel his heart beating steady. He was excited, you knew that, but he was sure. Solid. This was what he wanted. He wanted you, it seemed, just as badly as you had always wanted him.
"Baxter?" you said, spinning a lock of his hair around your finger.
"Ask me the question again."
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The "non-dating kiss" in the Baxter DLC for people who don't want to seek it out themselves.
You also get the option to bring it up during Step 4:
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if the MC was upset after meeting Baxter again:
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if the MC was not upset after meeting Baxter again:
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Requirements for how to get it below the break:
Be at Crush with Baxter.
Do not date him. You can't be in a relationship with Cove either.
Planning must be the last moment you play out of Baxter's moments.
After Baxter pulls out the champagne and gets to talking with you, do not ask him, "Are you saying that you'll be true to me, always?" (this will kill the mood)
The option to kiss him should appear during the next multiple choice.
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 9 months
👀 a plus-sized love interest in a game? please tell me more
yuuuup you heard me right
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in our life 2, one of the romanceable leads is plus-sized and the other lead starts off using he/him pronouns but comes out as genderfluid part way though the story
our life as a game essentially functions as a visual novel that takes place during your early childhood (step 1), preteen/early teen days (step 2), young adult (step 3) and then finally with step 4 adulthood where you and your extremely customizable mc (that you can name, customize the hair color/texture of, change your pronouns throughout the story if you desire, if they're ace or not, the kinds of people they're interested in, etc. etc) as you grow up with your friends, family and of course the leads whom you can either have a purely platonic, romantic or familial relationship with
basically, everyone gets a piece of the pie as the game is incredibly inclusive and the base games are free, you only pay for the dlcs (which are about 3.99/4.99 each) if you want additional content
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in our life 1 the primary love interest is cove holden, your shy but 'opens up like a flower when you get to know him childhood friend' whose dad offers you $20 bucks to befriend his son over the summer, will you take the money? or nah? whether or not you do, you do have the choice to tell him or keep it a secret. either way, cove is a lonely kid in love with mermaids and the ocean whose parents are going through a divorce and maybe a special kid born and raised in sunset bird can help him out. (canonically on the autism spectrum as well)
but with some fairly priced dlcs, you can also unlock two more love interests
derek suarez: oldest of 3 brothers and while playful, he means very well. sometimes that well-meaning nature can get him into trouble though. he has a crush on the mc and if given the chance, asks if you're both single as adults if you can get married. you mainly get acquainted with him in step 2 as step 3 he's a bit too busy to be around, but depending on your choices you can stay in touch despite all that or perhaps you'll lose touch over time only to rekindle old feelings in step 4.
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and baxter ward: an eccentric but extremely charming tourist that comes to sunset bird in step 3 with a penchant for dressing in black and white all the time. if you choose to get close to him, he asks if it's possible if he can be your suitor for the season (it's possible, through a moment in step 2 to meet baxter earlier than his intended proper introduction though). either way, you do have a chance to take things to a more permanent relationship in step 4 when you reunite once again when you've become a bridemaid for a wedding and oh shit baxter is the wedding planner
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ol1 takes place in a fictional town called sunset bird which is essentially a touristy seaside retirement community. you're raised by your two moms along with your sister liz, the both of you being adopted.
also, this game is told through various summers in your life.
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our life 2, on the other hand, takes place in a completely different fictional town called golden grove located in oregon (baxter's hometown) and there are 2 base leads you can romance (idk if there will be anymore though):
qiu "autumn" lin: to start, qiu is very charming and that leads to him being very popular in step 1. he's the guy everyone adores to the point each semester there's a 'who gets to sit next to qiu' chart so it's all fair. by step 2 though, they're going through their emo phase and if you aren't close to them by that time (or choose that you stopped being friends between steps 1 and 2), then as far as they're concerned you're just another face in the crowd. by step 3 though, they're back to the charming rizzler they were back in step 1
(step 4 designs/info not out yet for for ol2)
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and tamarack baumann: who starts as a bit of a wild child in step 1. she prefers to the forest to the city and can spend all day there. she's blunt and can be loud, but she has your back from day 1. by step 2 though, all that self-assured confidence where she knew herself is gone and tamarack is considerably shyer and more awkward. she can find solace in your friendship though should your promise to be friends forever in step 1 still hold out. by step 3, she's evolved into a quietly confident grandma friend
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also contrast to the first game, ol2's story is told throughout various autumns of your life.
you and your mom are a solo duo who have recently moved into golden grove about a week after tamarack (a fellow new kid! it makes it easier for you to connect with her), your mom being a single mom by choice through ivf (but it's strongly hinted that a waiter at the local diner (born intersex, assigned female then transitioned into male) is into her and i am MANIFESTING MY ASS OFF they get together at some point). ol2 also will have a poly feature that comes in the game for those who wish to be committed to both of the leads!
the leads themselves are all pansexual, leading to them being able to date your character regardless of gender and sexual identities and are just extremely wholesome and lovely overall. i always play them whenever i need a mood boost. between the two though, ol2 is not yet done BUT there is a demo of step 1 out right now on itch.io and steam
it's a fun game where all your choices matter and are referred throughout the game as a 'hey remember when yn and cove tried running away from home? that was such a nightmare' or 'hey i met you! a few years back at the summer soiree! wow, if anything had gone slightly different, we might not have even met then' or even 'yo remember when we spent that summer doing beach cleanup??? we should do that again'
even the side characters you grow up with or become acquainted with throughout the steps have journeys from either transitioning and identifying with different pronouns than they were initially introduced with or pursuing specific degrees at school, moving away and either you stayed in contact or hell maybe it's one of those situations where a friend of yours moved away and you never heard from them again etc etc. the ol universe also extends partly into the universe of the xoxo droplets game (made by the same team and also free, unless you wanna pay for the paid version with 3 more romanceable leads and a mc with a hilariously unique personality) with some characters from that game making cameos as childhood encounters in ol. it's all really fun! i really recommend giving the game a try, you'll fall in love with sunset bird and golden grove i guarantee it
you can have a peaceful run with the normal amount of growing pains, or you can go full novela and have lots of drama and flair but rest happily knowing that in ol everything ends up working out. your mc can be shy or bold and out going in one step and then be completely the opposite in the next. maybe you have a very biting attitude or maybe you're extremely gullible. you can change it up with each run, it's extremely replayable
can't stress enough how much i love this game and the characters in it
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sunbloomdew · 11 months
i can't stop thinking about the constant mentions of fall and summer in regard to baxter and mc, in the dlc.
i find the emphasis put on the seasons very interesting. unlike other potential love interests - cove and derek - baxter is not from the sunny state of california, but a town in oregon, surrounded by forests and mountains. in fact, baxter is the only character from the cast of olba that is not associated with summer, but with autumn instead, so it makes perfect sense to draw attention to that dissimilarity.
following that fact, just by acknowledging it we can see how different baxter is from other characters from sunset bird at his core. and since most of his time is spent with mc, that means the focus will be drawn to how different are these two specifically.
on a side note, this might be a complete overreach, but i consider it interesting how baxter uses the phrase 'suitor for a season' to describe himself in step 3. the use of the word 'season' in my opinion drives home the idea that their time together will inevitably come to an end, just like summer will end eventually, and there is simply no other outcome for this relationship.
when we consider the seasons theme even more, a thing that stood out to me is that summer and fall aren't opposites, like i'd say summer and winter are. they are next to each other (like california and oregon) and in some ways they intertwine. still they are different enough, to be regarded as separate seasons.
just like baxter and mc, no matter how alike, feel so different from each other, and they are aware of that.
i really love the monologue in the sightseeing moment, that mc has about them and baxter being different in that way.
"More and more, you felt as though Sunset Bird formed a vital part of your emotional core. Happiness to you was the sound of waves on the shore, the feeling of warm sand between your toes. [...] Maybe you'd forever be seeing the world through sea glass. But Baxter was another person entirely. For him, perhaps the world was monochrome, or maybe it was golden, but with color of leaves instead of sand. Talking with him made it impossible to ignore just how different your lives had been up until now. How separate your worlds were. All up until that moment, when he showed up on your street. Now your lives were intertwined, however briefly, the forests and the seafoam commingling. Though you knew his love was in the trees and the fall air, you couldn't help but feel happy that he'd wandered his way down to the shore. To you."
i find it so beautiful. everytime i read it i get a little choked up, you know? in my opinion, the summer/fall parallel is the perfect way to portray their relationship. the brainrot gets so intense every time i remember about this,,,
the same seasons theme returns in step 4 when the two reunite. to be precise, it comes back during mc's internal monologue preceding a confession. i was unable to recall if it appears somewhere else in the dialogue as well, but if you happen to find some more, feel free to reblog with this post!
"He tore himself away from you like an autumn storm bringing down a sapling/He fell away from you as naturally as a leaf fluttered off its branch in the fall. There was no holding on to your suitor for a season. Yet the affection you'd nurtured never died out. It had gone dormant for a long winter, ready to burst back to life if the cold passed. Seasons were meant to come and go, but there was no guarantee summer would come again for you and him."
(i'm pretty sure the dialogue here changes based on how you decided the break up went, cause i found two versions of the same confession monologue. still, both of them have a comparison to autumn!)
seasons can be used in art with a lot of different symbolism and meanings behind them. the cycle of the seasons is usually used to portray the passage of time, how the nature but also people change.
in this part of the monologue we see the usage of changing of the seasons to show how despite the time that passed ('winter'), mc still had feelings for baxter, that were ready to return ('spring'). the words "seasons were meant to come and go" bring our attention to how wrong things were between the two, to have something inevitable like the seasons cycle stop.
each season on its own also has its own meanings, and can be used to enhance certain themes or emotions in the text.
in case of baxter and mc, summer is the season in which they met time and time again. not only did their relationship start during summer but it developed in that season as well. as such, for them summer is inextricably a time of growth for their relationship.
outside of their relationship, individually their characters' are connected to summer and fall respectively. as mc referred to it, their emotional cores were influenced by their hometowns - one a summer tourist spot and the other a picturesque autumn town.
to bring back one more thing from mc's monologue in step 3, they wonder if baxter sees the world in gold, but in the colour of the leaves and not sand. well, i noticed, how when they make up after the wedding, the whole place is bathed in gold. you could view it as the summer gold and autumn gold merging together, as those two finally reconcile. or you could see it as a summer gold, as this season is important for their relationship. i like both options.
aside from that monologue, there are several instances of baxter's appearance being compared to things associated with autumn or nature, like descriptions of his eyes as "brown rich like the earth" (i love this one sm it lives in my head rent free) and "oak brown eyes". i think it's a great characterization to have baxter be a 'woodsy person', despite most of us (me for sure) thinking he would be a 'city boy' kind of character at first glance.
i think the reason there is such strong focus on the fact that mc and baxter embody different seasons, is to make the differences between them even more pronounced. when they ultimately reunite and overcome their struggles to mend their bonds, it's even more impressive to witness.
either way, i cannot stop thinking of summer/fall parallel and how genius i think it is. the vibes! the emotional turmoil!! the art potential!!! it's incredible. especially if you try to implement it more into your mc, which is what i'm trying to do.
i'll leave you with this screenshot, that is kinda making my stomach go funny, because of the whole summer/fall parring thing,, i am so unwell in the best of ways
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because like if you think about it way too deeply which i of course had, he's saying that summer/fall combination is beautiful, like he's not saying anything besides that BUT when you remember that mc is summer and baxter is fall, then you know?????
i hope you had fun reading this spontanous post! i've been thinking about the summer/fall thing since my first playthrough, so i'm happy to finally gush about it <3
i should not be here, it's 4am and i'm leaving in three hours,,, my time management skills never fail me. toodle-oo~
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now-and-4ever · 5 months
Imagine a situation with Step 4 where Baxter still has feelings for the MC, but the MC had forgotten about him and now only sees him the same way you'd see any professional you work with.
Baxter had just finished mentioning some moment from the summer fling he and MC had five years ago.
"Huh, I guess that did happen," said MC.
"I'm surprised you don't remember," said Baxter, "You were quite proud of it."
"What can I say, a lot's happened since then. It's not like you were some unforgettable part of my life, or anything."
"No, I suppose not." Baxter let the rest of the drive go on in silence.
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gb-patch · 1 year
Hi! I just finished my first playthrough of the Baxter dlc (I loved it btw) and I was wondering if there were any 1 on 1 "steamy" moments with him similar with what we had with cove and derek?
I just wanted to know if I missed a specif dialogue or if there wasn't any, thank you in advance!
Yeah, there's a briefer one in Step 3 and a longer one in Step 4!
Step 3:
-Be at crush with Baxter
-Play Sightseeing and follow the steps in order to start dating him
-Play Mountain
-Go downstairs for drinks at night
-Choose to feel excited being up with him rather than sleepy
-Invite him to your room (and then reaffirm the request when he doesn't accept right away)
Step 4:
-Be at crush or love with Baxter, don't be dating or in love with Cove
-Confess yourself or let him confess so you're in a relationship
-When you're in his work office alone at night choose to feel excited rather than contented
-Choose to flirt with him there in the office or encourage him to head back to the apartment for some romancing
I'm glad you enjoyed his story :D
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Derek propaganda:
“Extreme hot take but Derek is the best OL1 love interest. He has the best and sweetest confession in the game. You play video games together. He seems reserved until you actually start dating and find out that he's actually just a gentleman who didn't want to be overly forward with someone he's not in a relationship with. He's a family man. You get to blatantly abuse your 'dating' privileges in front of his brothers. He's just so insanely sweet and caring and makes me wanna cry whenever I play his DLC.”
“- Impossible to dislike
- No, like, literally impossible. OL1 will allow you to be indifferent to it's two other LIs, Cove and Baxter but you actually can't pick that option for Derek. Game decided that You Will Be (at least) Friends With Derek
- This boy is so good!!!! He's a sweetheart and has your back in the best way and he's constantly doing his best to make sure the people around him (especially you) are happy
- This is also a complex flaw of his because he feels like he needs to be the best that he can be and to be worth something
- This both manifests in how he treats others (he's exceedingly well-mannered and does everything for others because he secretly hopes that someday someone will do the same for him) and his career prospects (he takes on excessive practice to get good at football/soccer so that he can potentially get a scholarship and become famous all so he can potenially feel like he's worth something. This is actually a major conflict in his Step 4)
- His DLC also has some of the best moments in the game
- He also has a family and they're also really good and you get to see a lot of them
- His dad is hilarious, his mom is gorgeous and their relationship is very cute
- Meanwhile, Derek's brothers are great. I wanna gush about them because I love them but also play Derek's DLC yourself!!! See how good they are for yourself!!!!
- I will say that these three have a really good relationship dynamic and the development it takes in the 10 years between when you first meet Jorge and Nico as little kids to Step 4 where they're adults (and a teenager, Nico is 16 in Step 4) is genuinely very well written
- If you're into the steamy stuff, Derek also has the best make-out session out of all of the boys
- He's also just. Very funny. This boy will invite you to a waterpark and then ask you if its a date so he knows whether or not it's ok to check you out in your swimsuit
- Or, if you aren't dating by that point (but you do want to to date him), the narration will note how he's trying so so hard not to check you out, he's just trying so so so hard
- Puppy dog face. Look at it. Tell me you can look at that face and not want to smooch him
- His confession is also the best, did I mention it's the best? Because it's absolutely the best one in the entire game
- He has a whole thing about having to confess to you on a ferris wheel and he's so committed to it that he actually avoided ferris wheels for a long time before this confession because he promised himself he'd do it the next time he went on one
- And then he went on one...and he literally doesn't confess when he does it because he lost track of time and he had to get off
- so he asks you to go on the ferris wheel with him again so he can actually confess this time
Just. Just vote for him!!!!”
“He's sweet, polite, and out-going and is always willing to put you first (sometimes too willing).”
“polite responsible jock u r NOT immune to this”
Zen propaganda:
"Extremely handsome, HES A MUSICAL ACTOR FKFNKSNSJ, deep and relatable family trauma, He's genuinely a good person behind the vainness <3"
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