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Medium - Craftsman Sunroom Example of a mid-sized arts and crafts medium tone wood floor sunroom design with no fireplace and a standard ceiling
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⥠boom! studios brains and brawn icons ⥠free to use ⥠credit appreciated but not required
#donatello#raphael#boom! studios#tmnt#blog resources#graphics#ours#mod moji#mmpr/tmnt#tmnt icons#tmntdaily
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Did you see the video Rainbow posted on Tik Tok?𼲠I didn't have high hopes for anything but I'm really scared for the plot ever since the mention of social media
In all fairness, mentioning social media or aspects of the internet in general isnât a new thing for Winx Club. In the OG seasons, it was all about finding stuff on the âRealm Wide Webâ or more recently in s8 where they introduced those ridiculous âWinx-mojis.â
My only concern is if they try to make it integral to the storytelling but Iâm hoping itâs just a one-off line for Mitzi (insane that sheâs making a comeback btw!).
I will give them props on the smoothness of the animation (at least in the first half of the video where it shows Bloom in whatâs either her room on Earth or the dorm room âwho knows at this point). Iâm not saying the style is my favorite, because itâs certainly not. Itâs giving Disney ripoff. But itâs the smoothest animation Iâve ever seen come out of that studio, so that will be a nice change of pace.
All in all, Iâm reserving full judgments for whenever the trailer gets released so I have more context. I still hate Bloomâs outfit with all my heart though. Thatâs never going to change.
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Okay but 𤥠for the jatp asks because Fuck Netflix This Show Is Ours Now
Also fuck the books, I read them all cause I was desperate for Content and also Bobby Shaw really has grown on me but in general theyâre badly written and they donât make the rules!
Fuck book canon that says they rent the studio from some old lady. Fuck âso where is your kitchen?â I will die on this hill Julieâs house used to be Bobbyâs. He bought it off his parents with his rockstar money and then gave it to his Only Remaining Living Friends (donât even get me started on the Molina-Wilsons of it all Iâll never get over not having more of that backstory confirmed thereâs so many good implications) and thatâs why Mr. Photographer Ray Molina can afford that gorgeous house and thatâs why Luke knows how to climb safely out of Julieâs bedroom windowâ cause it used to be Bobbyâs.
Thanks for the ask! Send me mojis and Iâll be feral about this show!
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idk nisam toliko opsjednut sa z++ koliko bih trebao biti s obzirom da je lik nizak debeli bradati muĹĄkarac jednostavno se ne mogu uĹživiti.. sviÄa mi se pokoja pjesma ali brzo dosadi + ta estetika opasnog urbanog Ĺživota se nimalo ne uklapa sa ijednom mojom fantazijom kao kakav moshpit ljubavi... pa ne znam sta reci. volim tuĹžne muĹĄkarce ali ne kad se toliko trude biti kul. plus njegovi demoni =/= moji pa mi je teĹĄko i projecirati. Ĺželim biti normalan i sluĹĄati normalnu lokalnu glazbu kao moji normalni vrĹĄnjaci ali se uvijek vraÄam na pink studio. moĹžda jednog dana
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đŻ . ď¸ľď¸ľďš critter ,, finny
đŻ . ď¸ľď¸ľďš he / him / it
đŻ . ď¸ľď¸ľďš transgender masc + man // masc + neu terms pls ââ !! NO FEM PRONOUNS OR TERMS !!
đŻ . ď¸ľď¸ľďš flip ! [ agere , petre , cg ; regressor lean ]â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â âł this little baby talks
đŻ . ď¸ľď¸ľďš otherkin â crow harpy âââ therian â wolfdog ďšđžďš
đŻ . ď¸ľď¸ľďš âż other blogs âż â �� main ; @xxcritterz â
agere ; @critterznursery
â â â â â â â â !! TAKING COMMS !! â LINK !!
the discord ââ ( revamp in progress kinda )
đŻ . ď¸ľď¸ľďš this is my emote blog where I make cute little emotes !
âł this is more for a hobby 4 me , though im on here a lot ( ´ ⣠` '' ) â I love making emotes tho !
đŻ . ︾︾ďš!! Disclaimer !! â I am / can be very slow at doing requests ! I get burnt out and / or distracted very easily , so please take into account and do not get mad at me for these things !
đŻ . ď¸ľď¸ľďš I don't have a giant dni and would like to try and avoid discourse , though these may be things I highly disagree with or things that make me uncomfortable . please understand this and follow my dni !!
dni list . . .
â NSFW blogs
â proship and anything related
â " maps " , any other related + harmful ' identities ' that try to insert into queer spaces
â endogenic / non-traumagenic systems ( I just disagree )
â basic dni ( literally just any type of bigotry and harmful ideologies )
int list . . .
â queer people ( cuz I'm queer too )
â traumagenic systems
â literally anyone that's not on the dni list âšđš
001 ď¸ľď¸ľďš Do Not Claim as Your Own
002 ď¸ľď¸ľďš Do Not Trace
003 ď¸ľď¸ľďš You may take Inspiration from my emotes , just tag me cuz I wanna see
004 ď¸ľď¸ľďš You may reference my emotes while making your own but please credit me
005 ď¸ľď¸ľďš Do not use my emotes to spread hate and bigotry
things you can request !
001 ď¸ľď¸ľďš You can request anything SFW
002 ď¸ľď¸ľďš I will not do anything NSFW
003 ď¸ľď¸ľďš I will do anything agere/petre, some characters, word mojis, system emotes, disability emotes, queer community related, etc.
004 ď¸ľď¸ľďš I have the right to refuse any request without a reason
â Fandom Requests â
Fandoms you can request from
⸠Wild Kratts
⸠Slime Rancher
⸠Studio Ghibli
⸠Dsmp , only characters (really depends tbh)
⸠James Cameron's Avatar
⸠Most animes
⸠Other Fandoms You like ( I'll check them if I don't know them )
will continue later . . .
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Moje myĹĄlenky a zĂĄvÄry na nehranĂĄ videa
Tento zĂĄpis jsou mĂŠ myĹĄlenky a zĂĄvÄry, kterĂŠ si odnĂĄĹĄĂm ze studijnĂch materiĂĄlĹŻ:
K pdf dokumentu tĂ˝kajĂcĂch se nehranĂ˝ch videĂ mĂĄm jen jednu poznĂĄmku:
Pokud nÄkomu Loom nesedĂ, doporuÄila bych mu OBS Studio. Je to celkem profesionĂĄlnĂ tool, funguje dobĹe a je zdarma ke staĹženĂ myslĂm... JedinĂŠ negativum je, Ĺže je vĂce komplikovanĂ˝ na obsluhu, ale na YouTube je tuna tutoriĂĄlĹŻ.
Z ÄlĂĄnku od VideoGuru jsem si odnesla, Ĺže prezentovĂĄnĂ komplexnĂch konceptĹŻ jednoduĹĄĹĄĂ audiovizuĂĄlnĂ formou vede k tomu, Ĺže si jej lidĂŠ lĂŠpe zapamatujĂ, neĹž aby pouze o danĂŠm problĂŠmu jen Äetli.
DĂĄle se takĂŠ jednĂĄ o efektivnĂ ĹeĹĄenĂ, jelikoĹž materiĂĄl, kterĂ˝ vytvoĹĂme se dĂĄ opakovanÄ pouĹžĂt a uĹĄetĹĂ nĂĄm nadbyteÄnĂ˝ Äas i nĂĄmahu.
CoĹž mÄ napadĂĄ: Kdyby doĹĄlo v rĂĄmci vzdÄlĂĄvacĂho materiĂĄlĹŻ k nÄjakĂŠ zmÄnÄ (napĹ. InstruktĂĄĹžnĂ video: DĹĂve se dÄlalo nÄco touto formou, ale dnes se to dÄlĂĄ jinak.) Byly by spoleÄnosti ochotnĂŠ zmÄnit jen ÄĂĄst materiĂĄlĹŻ co je zastaralĂĄ? Nebo by vytvoĹily ĂşplnÄ novĂŠ video? ProtoĹže vÄci se nynĂ mÄnĂ aĹž pĹekotnou rychlostĂ a dochĂĄzĂ k rychlejĹĄĂ revidaci informacĂ a zpĹŻsobĹŻ jak se co dÄlĂĄ + jeĹĄtÄ to stojĂ penĂze...
DalĹĄĂ je ÄlĂĄnek od Huong Giang Bui zmiĹuje v prvnĂch dvou pozitivech to samĂŠ, ale v dalĹĄĂch dvou se mluvĂ o motivaci studentĹŻ k uÄenĂ a o inspiraci k tomu se uÄit.
(CoĹž je pravda. UpĹĂmnÄ jsem se napĹĂklad na gymplu nauÄila vĂce dÄjepisu z toho, Ĺže jsem se koukala na rĹŻznĂĄ videa od OverSimplified, neĹž jen poslouchala uÄitelovu ĹeÄ nebo hustila text v uÄebnici.)
A tady se koneÄnÄ dostĂĄvĂĄme i k negativĹŻm: VytvoĹenĂ videĂ stojĂ penĂze a takĂŠ to, Ĺže by video mohlo rozptylovat. Utvrzuje to jen moji otĂĄzku, zda ĹĄkoly nebo spoleÄnosti budou ochotny za tento druh vzdÄlĂĄvacĂho materiĂĄlu platit, kdyĹž jakĂĄkoliv informace mĹŻĹže zestĂĄrnout dĹĂve, neĹž staÄĂme mrknout. Kdo pak bude pĹidĂĄvat dodatky, Äi stĹĂhat to zastaralĂŠ?
DalĹĄĂ ÄlĂĄnek od Vyondu s dĹŻvody, proÄ je animovanĂŠ video lepĹĄĂ, neĹž kterĂ˝koli jinĂ˝ materiĂĄl. Je nĂĄm zmĂnÄno, Ĺže animovanĂ˝ typ videa je lepĹĄĂ na pochopenĂ po vizuĂĄlnĂ strĂĄnce, neĹž live-action video a Ĺže jsou vĂce pĹitaĹžlivĂĄ ke sledovĂĄnĂ.
Ale! Je zmĂnÄno, Ĺže animace mĹŻĹže bĂ˝t levnĂĄ a Ĺže se dĂĄ lĂŠpe zeditovat, neĹž jinĂ˝ typ video-obsahu.
Tady by bylo dobrĂŠ zmĂnit, Ĺže existuje drahĂĄ i levnĂĄ alternativa animovanĂŠho videa. Pokud se jednĂĄ o video, kterĂŠ pouĹžĂvĂĄ levnou animaci (coĹž znamenĂĄ, Ĺže se sklĂĄdĂĄ z pre-made animacĂ a my jen pĂĄrkrĂĄt kliknem a hotovka) bude vĂ˝sledek vypadat jinak, neĹž s animacĂ, kterou od zaÄĂĄtku do konce tvoĹĂ animĂĄtor speciĂĄlnÄ pro konkrĂŠtnĂ spoleÄnost (tedy custom-made video).
Cena tedy odpovĂdĂĄ za kvalitu videa. Pokud nechceme zbyteÄnÄ utrĂĄcet, bude to ve vĂ˝sledku vidÄt. Na druhou stranu, pokud se jednĂĄ o video, kterĂŠ nenĂ urÄeno profesionĂĄlnĂmu publiku a my soudĂme v rĂĄmci moĹžnostĂ, Ĺže nemusĂme mĂt profi materiĂĄl, tak je to naprosto v poĹĂĄdku.
PoslednĂ ÄlĂĄnek, kterĂ˝ tedy mĂĄm, Ĺže zamÄĹuje na animovanĂĄ videa ze dvou ĂşhlĹŻ pohledu. PĹidĂĄvĂĄ se zde i negativum, Ĺže video zabĂrĂĄ vĂce pamÄti (na PC/USB) a Ĺže se nejednĂĄ o zĂĄleĹžitost pro zaÄĂĄteÄnĂky.
CoĹž chĂĄpu. Chvilku (asi tak... rok, dva) jsem i jĂĄ sama animovala 2D videa od ruky. Je to vÄda, kdyĹž to ÄlovÄk dÄlĂĄ poprvĂŠ. NeĹž se zorientujete v nĂĄstrojĂch a v zĂĄkladnĂch principech animace...
Taky je otĂĄzka, jakĂ˝ typ animace to je a kaĹždĂ˝ typ je dost obtĂĹžnĂ˝ ve svĂ˝ch smÄrech...
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Formal - Craftsman Living Room
#Example of a small arts and crafts formal and enclosed light wood floor living room design with beige walls#a standard fireplace and a plaster fireplace moji studios#staging a house for sale#re/max#home staging#vintage#real estate#home stagers
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#Paladins#Paladins champions of the realm#PCOTR#Paladins game#Hi-Rez Studios#Fuck you#Bullshit#Moji#Nerf#Unfair
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Whoâs this new champion? I love her!!
#fanart#paladins#paladins champions of the realm#pcotr#moji#moji and friends#po-li#gaming#hi-rez studios
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Ita Rina
First and Forgotten Yugoslav Film Star who provocated Gestapo

Ita Rina was born on 7 July 1907 in the small town of DivaÄa (then Austro-Hungarian Empire, later Yugoslavia, now Slovenia) as Italina Lida Kravanja. She was called Ida Kravanja for short. She was named after a journalist Finzi HaydĂŠe, Jewish family friend from Trieste. The first daughter of JoĹžef a railroad worker and Marija Kravanja, Rina had a younger sister Danica. Shortly after the outbreak of the World War I, the family moved to Ljubljana, where Rina matriculated in 1923. She was not a good student; she repeated the third grade of elementary school. However, her dream was to be an actress.

In October 1926, Slovenski narod (Slovenian People) magazine organized a beauty pageant, and Rina entered the competition. She was crowned Miss Slovenia and was to travel to the final event for Miss Yugoslavia, which was supposed to be held on 20 December 1926 in Zagreb. However, her mother did not want to let her go to Zagreb. After a group visit from the Slovenian delegation, Marija Kravanja relented. Unfortunately, when Rina arrived in Zagreb, the jury was already choosing the most beautiful of three finalists. She was, however, noticed by Adolf MĂźller, the owner of Balkan Palace cinema in Zagreb. He immediately sent her photographs to German film producer Peter Ostermayer. As her mother did not want to let her go to Berlin, Rina ran away from home.
Her escape was enabled by a family friend, a painter Alojz Malota and his wife Hedvig Ĺ arc. They invited her to come with them on a trip to Austria, and instead she went to Berlin. She has said that she felt very lonely and scared during the train ride and thought about returning home.
âThat was my longest and hardest journey. I huddled myself in a corner of a coupe and looked around myself in fear. I only knew few words in German...â
Rina arrived in Berlin in 1927. Shortly after she had her first audition, following which she had classes in acting, diction, dancing.

"They would shine a spotlight on me" she later said "cameras would buzz. There were cables everywhere. Some complete strangers would stare at me, whispering amongst themselves. They told me to scream, to laugh, wave and cry. I think I looked most natural in scenes where I was crying. All I had to do was remember how far away from home I've gone and how I've deceived my mother."
"You don't know how to walk!" a director was yelling. I've dedicated all my strength on walking as gracefully as possible, and I thought to myself "how's it possible that I, who have climbed Triglav thrice, all of sudden am incapable of walking." I must admit, first few steps on film were harder than any danger definitely mountaineering.
After several small film roles in 1927 and 1928, the critics finally noticed her in the 1928 film The Last Supper. The same year, Rina met at a Yugoslav embassy party, her future husband Miodrag ÄorÄeviÄ, a shy engineering student from Belgrade, son of a general director of the Royal Post Office.
He asked her out to dinner in a little more upscale restaurant. What he would find out later is that his students account was not enough to pay for the meal. He went to the phone in an attempted to call a friend who could lend him money. Ita figured out what was going on, and since she was already rich, secretly passed him a few bank notes, to spare him the embarrassment. She always liked him, and they understood each other well.
Around that time newspapers in Yugoslavia started to sensationalize her love life, as a counter she published an open letter.
Cenjeni g. urednik!
Vsikdar sem bila ljubeznjiva napram g. dopisniku VaĹĄega lista. Ĺ˝elela sem na ta naÄin izraĹžati simpatije, ki sem jih gojila do âVremenaâ. Toda neĹžentlementski dopis VaĹĄega dopisnika od 15. t. m. je zlorabil to mojo ljubeznivost in me prisilil, da Vas naproĹĄam zaradi istine za uvrstitev naslednjih vrstic: PriĹĄla sem domov na oddih, da se pripravim za bodoÄe delo, ne pa da se zaljubljam kakor goska. Zaradi tega ne potrebujem nikakih senzacij, zlasti pa ne senzacij, ki gredo preko meja dopustnega. Äudim se prostosti, ki si jo jemlje g. AmbroĹž, da izmiĹĄlja kar imena mojih idealov. Prava senzacija bi bila ĹĄele, ko bi g. AmbroĹž nekoliko sreÄneje uganil moje ideale. Kar pa piĹĄe g. AmbroĹž, je bilo doslej meni in vsem mojim znancem docela neznano. Odpotovala bom tedaj, ko me pokliÄe novo delo. Senzacijonalni odhod avtomobilov itd. je prosta glupost.
Da konÄam. Ĺ˝al mi je, da se je edini g. O. AmbroĹž smatral za najpametnejĹĄega od vseh tukajĹĄnjih novinarjev in da je segel po tako nehvaleĹžnem poslu. NaĹĄi javnosti je treba servirati resnico o mojem delu in moji osebi, ne pa glupih izmiĹĄljotin. Prejmite g. urednik izraze itd.
Ita Rina.
Her breakthrough into European stardom came after taking a role in a controversial film Erotikon by a Czechoslovakian director Gustav Mahaty. As soon as she read the script about a seduced and then abandoned daughter of a guard of a railroad station, she understood it as her big chance, and she was right.
Erotikon premiered in Prague. Czechoslovakian censors cut out the scene of her giving birth to a child, but the movie garnered great success with film critics and audiences across Europe. At the premiere in Paris in Moulin Rouge and the film goers carried her out of the theatre on their hands.

The films success angered the puritans. Especially the french catholic theologian, abbot Betteleme who wrote: "... First, they lie next to each other, and then one to another ... It is true that the cover hides their figures, but it certainly does not hide their movements... The protagonists are shown in particularly long shots, especially Ita... A viewer can recognize her excitement, then her expression of anxiety mixed with longing, then the pain and at the end... I blush while describing the scenes". He went though streets of Paris tearing down the posters that were plastered all over. That only raised the popularity of the film.
In 1930, Rina acted in three films, most notable being the first talking Czechoslovakian film Tonka of the Gallows, which is often named her best role. Meanwhile, she married Miodrag ÄorÄeviÄ in 1931. Although she had announced her retirement from her film career, but she actually continued her acting until the outbreak of World War II. Her last prewar film was crime drama Zentrale Rio.

The situation in Germany was getting tense, especially for anybody who was considered undesirable which included actors who were foreign. She left Germany on the insistence of the then ambassador of Yugoslavia Ivo AndriÄ. In 1939, very close to the start of WW2 every time she went to work or went home, there was a man who sat in the car. In the beginning he was very quiet and she thought he was an assistant of the producer and that he might represent some new custume, a way of saying thanks to the actors. And then he spoke. At first there were talks of the superiority of the German race, but later his changes because more apparent. "I argued with him in that car" she told to the operator in the studio and retold him the whole conversation. "How could you have dared, that man is from Gestapo." said the operator. The story was retold to Ivo AndriÄ, and he ordered her and her husband to urgently leave Germany. The taping of the film was mostly done. That night they packed all of their belongs. In the morning she taped a few leftover scenes and absconded for Belgrade that same day.
"Only on the road I understood what's going on. Tanks everywhere, soldiers."
They went to live in Belgrade. She didn't act as the war was starting to rage and had her first child Milan in 1940 and thee years later a daughter Tijana. Her in-laws disagreed with the marriage to a controversial actress at first. And they had a permanent table for themselves and their friends at the local tavern.
After the bombing of Belgrade they moved to VrnjaÄka Banja. Life during wartime was hard and she laboured and sold all of her possessions to keep family fed. She even rescued her husband from jail where he landed after he, in a tavern proclaimed that Hitler will have the same fate Napoleon did in Russia.
They moved back to Belgrade after the end of World War II in 1945. Although she was promised several roles in Yugoslav films, all projects were cancelled and she was treated unfavorably. After receipt of a letter she had written to President Tito, Rina began working as a coâproduction advisor in Avala Film. But she soon left Avala Film and moved to LovÄen Film.
She returned to the silver screen once, in the 1960 film War, about nuclear war fallout, directed by Veljko BulajiÄ. This was her last role. She got her role not though a studio, but through her husband asking nicely.
âBefore the shooting of the film War began, I was approached by a very likable gentleman, that was the husband of Mrs. Ita Rine Miodrag, and in a very discreet, shy way, asked if we can talk and during that conversation, suggested to cast Ita. Honestly speaking, I have already completely forgotten about her. There was war, and they she didn't work for a very long time. She wasn't listed anywhere in cinematography as an active actress. I remembered her from her films. I suggested we meet. So we met, I don't know where in Zagreb or Belgrade, I cannot remember, but she impressed me. She made a strong impression, of a smart woman, an actress who didn't want to be in a film for no other reason, but to be filmed. She wanted to know about her role. I really liked that, so we made a deal.â

As she suffered from asthma, Rina and her husband moved to Budva (then Yugoslavia, now Montenegro) in 1967. There, she took care of her husband, who was ill with sclerosis. Rina died on 10 May 1979 from an asthmatic attack during the great earthquake that leveled the capital of Montenegro. She was buried a few days later in Belgrade, in the presence of numerous film artists, admirers, friends and family. Her husband died next year.
Best source is in Slovene here:
#ita rina#slovenia#german cinema#european cinema#20s#fritz lang#german expressionism#1920s#1930#Yugoslavia#natache
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Weebviews: Charlotte
Aired: Jul 5, 2015 to Sep 27, 2015
Episodes: 13
Genres: Drama, School, Super Power
Source: Original
Studios: P.A. Works
Licensors: Aniplex of America
A couple years ago I watched this for the very first time. I remembered it being really freaky and difficult to understand, and I finished it to finish it. I had gone and googled the entire plot because I was just absolutely confused by it.
Now, rewatching, I have some insights that I didnât have before. The anime started off pretty normal. The main character was alright, sometimes really unbearable in the first episode, but alright. I really liked Naoâs character, and her story kinda made me a little sad.
Getting further into the anime, it started to kind of jumble and not make sense. At some point MC goes through some weird time thing, introduces a new character, and then all of a sudden the new character is one of the most important??
What made this anime not that great for me, was the ending. It felt so.. rushed, and not coherent, and it didnât give me a satisfying feeling. It felt so unnecessary for the MC to go through that, and it felt like the anime was ended abruptly. Give it a watch if you want, but itâs ok to not like it lol.
MAL : 7.76/10
PER: 5/10
OPENING: "Bravely You" by Lia
ENDING 1:"Yake Ochinai Tsubasaâ by Aoi Tada
ENDING 2: Rakuen madeâ by Maaya Uchida
ENDING 3: Tasogareâ by Anant-Garde Eyes
ENDING 4: Kimi no Moji" by Anri Kumaki
#charlotte#yuu otosaka#nao tomori#powers#anime#manga#weebview#weebviews#anime series#anime review#super power#drama#school#ayumi otosaka#student council#charlotte anime
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éłĺä¸ç [Audiovisual World] - Sept 2006
a very wonky but delightful translation under the cut
Placebo ; We are the 21st century modern rock band Text/Interview with Zhang Weiwei/Xingyue
On the first day of "2006 Beijing Pop Music Festival", "Placebo" Perform on the main stage of the company. "Placebo" is hailed as "the most Record the distinctive British music yin", this is their first time on the Chinese stage. Long talk will undoubtedly be a feast for listening to you. Mission to the last century In 1996, one named Brian Moco )lkO) boy,â painted Seven eyes Liangying, leaving pitch black Childish behavior: âThe violent red color I'm learning girls like a demon Sing a song "Nancy Kid" When I vent without hesitation Stupid material life and The emotion brought by the ft world. From the moment on stage, cloth Who is the backlog in my heart Thrown in front of the world, lead Shoulder, reputation, obsession and even People band one by one "placebo" Horribly turned out, "(Radiohead)s" "'Oasis" (Oasis) Three The altar adds a stunning Household Don't one by one Lane was born into a wealthy Bank entrepreneur, mother Christianity. Childhood, Tossed in Scotland, Libby Between Schlossburg. Serious , And moved countless times Dogs have no fixed partners in childhood Jidu is lonely, even learning
The classmates and teachers in the school are also particularly alienated, plus , My parents ignored because of busy banking , The physical and psychological growth of his son, Bryan from 11 I have been learning from the streets, newspapers and magazines since I was Factory women give themselves makeup and always like to surround Women go round and round. When he was 16 years old, his parents gave him a copy Telecaster guitar, very sensitive to music Brian soon bought a real price A real guitar, and I've been obsessed with playing guitar ever since, So that everyone can often see it on stage Brian gently hugged the guitar one by one He plays the role of a mother in his life Important role. But in fact, Bryanâs parents Straightforwardly oppose him to engage in art-father- I want to let Brian inherit his career and become a Bankers one by one Blaine began to use gender boundaries Vaguely neutral dress to resist father and family Against pressure. Until the end, Brian and his father There is no longer any contact or exchange. In 1990, 18-year-old Brian left the family. Came to London alone and entered Gold Smiths Academy of Art and Drama Studies (British The prestigious Royal Academy of Art, "Blur" Former guitarist Graham Coxon Coxon) also graduated from the college J. Cloth at this time Ryan has been able to skillfully play a variety of instruments such as Ji Him, keyboard, bass, drums, saxophone, and even DJing, He also worked as a DJ in several clubs, but he was honest Say that I am not very good at being a DJ0 By chance in 1994, Brian Kensington subway station encountered a later career ride Stefan Olsdal,} Invite him to form a band with himself and join in one, Club performance. Osdo listened to Brian Immediately after the song was attracted, not only that, he , Put his Swedish friend Robert Schutz (Robert Schultzberg) pulls into the music Be a drummer (until 1996). Until later , Bryan also emphasized that Osdo accepted his The moment I invited to the band was my whole life E one of the unforgettable moments. During this period, Bligh En called the band "Ashtray Heart" (Ashtray Heart) Heart)0 After quickly gaining awareness, they The band was renamed "placebo". Soon, Caroline Records has recognized this and A different young band. In 1996, Robert Schutzberger The conflict with Brian increased and left the band, from Therefore, the position of the drummer has always been Steve Huey çš (Steve Hewitt) instead. In the same year, the band The first album of the same name "Placebo" (Placebo) released Row. Singles "Nancy Kid" and "Young Rage" (Teertage Angst) immediately became a hit single, The stubborn and rebellious children of the entire Yao British Empire Was boosted by this three-person band, "placebo" It seems that they have been able to relieve their psychological barriers A great pill for manic heart. Just as Brian is different from Ordinary costumes-mascara, eyeshadow, full lips, ď˝ Nail polish, skirts, this series will only show up The characteristics of a womanâs body are now affected by a height,The British man who is less than 1.75 meters boldly and naturally used to dress himself up. The British media took advantage of the trend and gave him the title of "fashionable Bowie". "Media reporters like to make boo heads. Maybe it's because life in the UK has always been so dull and boring. That's why they were surprised when they met me and yelled. I like "Sonic Youth" and "Sonic Youth". "Pixies", I prefer to dress myself up as I want to appear on the stage, in the MV and even in life. I just enjoy such an open-self lifestyle." Brian shrugged and said softly. In a tedious and lengthy interview after a TV show performance, Brian deliberately pointed the guard ď˝l to the male reporterâs chest, so that the reporter was tossed by the sly Brian that he had no intention of continuing the interview. Go on, while Hewitt and Stephen are laughing together. After the album of the same name was released, the band easily got the mainstream record company Virgin In November 1998, he quickly recorded and released the second album "No "Without You I'm Nothing". This album has a rare change in the depth of the lyrics and Brianâs vocals compared to the first album. Brian in "Pure Morning" lowered his throat and reluctantly sang "Send charcoal in the snow." "A Friend in Need A Friend Indeed" (A Friend in Need A Friend Indeed). A famous sentence like household. Bryan, dressed in black, jumped out of the building and walked straight down the wall. The MV for this song was also planned by Bryan. A keen listener can find from this Xin album that the alcohol, drugs, and erosive relationships in "Nancy Kid" have changed to the mixed emotions and emotions toward urban men and women in "Every You Every Me".
The rhetoric of the low-level media is more intense. Every large-scale live performance, "placebo" In order to pursue the perfect sound effect comparable to the recording studio, Always bring fixed musicians with them Stage performance, and these fixed musicians also accompanied Placement has gone through a worthy 10 years. Although But on the stage they always hide without light In the dark, but they are the same as the "placebo" three The relationship between the members is like a formal team member. Observant Fans will also find that "Velvet Gold Mine" These regular musicians also participated. And "Ann Placement" "Believe in Me" held in Paris (Soulmates Never Die) large concert now The DVD and MV compilation are everybodyâs Placement" a precious treasure that loyal fans must collect, The Paris concert not only included the "placebo" essence Chamâs hot live performance also hides a 30 Minute tour documentary, including how the three escaped Avoid the chase of fans and talk about the fun in the lounge Bryan teaches you how to draw eyeshadow and sightseeing Precious fragments of time crazy Stefan. "Placebo" will play an electrified style The ultimate is the new album released this year Meds; compile the album cover with "Sleep with the Elves"
Itâs exactly the same, it seems to come from the same designer hand. As Brian said, in the past 10 years heâ We work hard to find a position and style that suits us, Looking for an invisible limit. Bryan and Le The team has been trying to get out of this restriction, out of them Have experienced, followed, intoxicated, avoided A sensitive area that has been and moved by. Although cloth Leith now has a child named Cody Zihe ~ a touching wife who maintains a stable relationship with him One by one wife, son, and teammates are all Bligh En is deeply loved one by one, but Brian is uneasy in his blood The molecules make him feel full of emotion and sensitive heart The world has never changed. Now the "placebo" starts Putting aside some long-standing conventions, in the new album Significantly reduced the iconic guitar distortion, the band Focus boldly with a more fashionable electrified style With drugs, alcohol, and love, itâs like a giant record jacket The naked, twisted, and shouting woman, "Ann The placebo" bravely broke free from the past System", more calmly standing in the British rock music front.The growth of the Bone Association Band? I am very happy with the growth of the band. Our growth and success are all through long-term hardship...Shan:1 Linde. Itâs been an almost uninterrupted tour for 10 years. This is a relatively old-fashioned way of running Cantonese. "(The tail is also what we like very much. The live performance of the mountain and the constant currency" requires that you can get yourself in it. In the early days of the bandâs establishment, we had already decided to deliver the music to our listeners in the most direct way. What do you think of the development of Yaoiâi Gun Music? "Lonz Ferdinand" (1,s,i Pordinand), "Arctic Monkeys" (Arctic Monkeys). "The Kooki"; do you think they really have "material"? Just because they are from the same island does not mean they are anointing Le Buya! What is in common. Of course "Franz Ferdinand" and "Arctic Monkey" must be influenced by the music of IJ Moji {Fei, in my heart! Bu! . He is a very good band in J1IJ4 II. Especially the L tail, "Arctic Monkey r", their "material" lies in the quality of their Shule creations. They are very humorous, full of the strong vitality of the factory, modern city, and very British creative style. What they are telling Very interesting, but also very "human", very A true story is a very realistic expression Present form. I think if the "street boy" (The Streets) is a rock band, they ' It will be the "Arctic Monkey". I personally have always been very happy Happy "Franz Ferdinand", from their first An album begins. They are from Scotland and also It brings another kind of cultural experience. What I want to say is that although there are so many Success bands are all from the UK, but they donât Not necessarily have something in common, nor is it necessarily It means that rock music in the UK will be more Good or worse. Good is good, bad is good Is bad, there is no need to divide by region Standards. What kind of concept do you hold on creation? We are a rock band, just like I We are a modern rock music team. We enjoy using various tools and equipment The possibility of creating music. Rock music is not only Itâs a simple guitar with electronic elements Not only can be used in a certain kind of special music In the category. The key to its function depends on you How to use it and how to integrate it better In your own music category. Was the grunge trend in the U.S. Has any influence on you or a British band? You like Is Grunge Fun? I never really liked it Grunge, I have never heard of "Nirvana" (Nirvana) Music until Kurt Coben (Kurt Cobain) passed away. For me, "nirvana" Too mainstream T0 I am more interested in those very Alternative bands, like "Sonic Youth" (Sonic Youth), or the late 70s, 80s Post-punk band in the early years. What do you think of as a British band American culture? We ourselves think that "placebo" is a European bands. Of course we were founded in London. Half of my blood is Scottish, history of drummer The name "Friend (Steve Hewitt) is of British descent, Stefan Olsdal is a Swedish. We Speaks many languages, Stephen speaks 5 languages, I speak French and English. We grew up in Europe There are K people from the I1 family in Zhou, we see ourselves as Europeans, I donât think I have any special UK Pity. We can, will historically and geographically The music of the country and the era is biased. Ok Meeting the music and blood should be interpreted, and it is truly I found it at Ill lii.} I donât care if the music comes from Which country, as long as it can move people. but I I want to say: "I'm very happy that I will be in Europe Life". Countless tours and publicity all over the world make people Enjoy it? I enjoy the tour, but not the publicity. But it is equally important. In the past 10 years, We have been through live performances all over the world Accumulated a group of very loyal and sincere fans. Every year, the number of our fans grows very much View. Although it takes a lot of time to do this, it also gives me We added a lot of fun. You know there are many "placebos" in China Fans? They are very obsessed with "placebo" The violent distortion guitar and your charming voice, even Even when playing the piano is hot, many fans want to know the invitation, What do you think of your fans. Ah, haha, of course I hope so. "I must wait until Ij comes to Beijing in September to learn about Chinese musicWhat a fan is like, I look forward to it very much. Itâs not just heterosexual people. Placement", many gays also like you We, what do you think is the reason that makes "Ann Does "Placement" attract different fascinating groups? Great! I think this is great! I think For our honesty in emotions and the truth in life Desire to communicate, um, if our music can move people, it must be physically,There are three aspects, both mentally and emotionally. You are now a father What kind of impact? The kind of perplexed and perverted Dong Is Xijijing completely far away from you? Honestly, no. As for myself Those who are confused and perverse, maybe less A little bit. But now there is another person Let me care, need my protection, so that it will not be this Hurt by a huge bad world. You have always loved to dress up, you still Do you love applying black nail polish to yourself? I have not bought black nail polish for many years Yes, but I still paint eyeliner and eye shadow. I do Did not try to do anything special through these performances Communication, in addition to thinking that people should dress up, Freedom in dress, choice and preference, not affected by Constrained by any established standard. If hard If any message is conveyed, it is freedom. But I do this entirely because I like it, I think I look great like that, like a The mentality of a lady with makeup. How do you think a man should make his evening watch more cultured and tasteful? I think in the 21st century, men should be free, Wear what they like and dress up like they like Huan look. In comparison, women are more They can wear skirts or they can wear Pants, they can make up or not, They can look bright and beautiful, or they can watch Go up and take control. In the 20th century, menâs The choice has become so small. Looking back, Louis France in the fourteenth period, and the restoration period In Great Britain, men used to love makeup that much, Their clothes are so gorgeous and they look so good elegant. So we just trace the roots in history. The media will use it when evaluating "placebo" Keep your eyes on such things as "male and female", "gorgeous", ) If you have to symbolize, how can you give yourself Has it been defined and classified? A modern rock band. A 21 The modern rock band of the century. Let me show you and all Some magazine readers confirmed that "placebo" is not Hermaphrodite, the "placebo" members are all men, Everyone is.
In addition to work, the three of you often Play together? The three of us spend time together Family and love have more time. So when we After we got home, we gave all the time Family material lover, ha ha. Can you chat online? No, it never happened. I know net Some people on the network will call themselves Brian Mok, Husband ,,ââNo~1 million That would definitely not be me. If you are online I met someone like that and I visited Brian Mo But my blog or Myspace, I read my Diary, you have to believe that it is definitely a lie. I Will not publish their life information on the Internet, I am a privacy-conscious person. What's the story of the performance in China this time ? What are your expectations for the Chinese record market What? Just like going to Thailand and Korea, through hosting Partyâs invitation, weâll come and we know people We like our music, so we can play for them We are also very happy to play. As for the record market, I Really have no idea. I just look forward to acting I hope to bring an outstanding performance. Please describe you in one word or sentence " 3 people. Just one sentence. Have you seen "Starship Fans Is this TV show "Star Trek"? Oh, your country may not broadcast it. Stephen It's "Mr. Spock" (Mr. Spock) Itâs âDr. McCoyâ and Iâm "K Captain Kirk" (Captain Kirk)
#gonna post sappy nostalgic stuff for my bday lol#sly brian did what to the journalist...#đ#sleep with the elves.... please tell me thats the official chinese album title!#literally the most expensive thing i bought in china lol#placebo#brian molko#steve hewitt#stefan olsdal
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Bylo to takovĂ˝ ĂşzkostlivĂ˝ tÄĹĄenĂ. Takovej ten pocit neobvyklosti, vĂ˝jimeÄnosti. Ten, co jsem necĂtila dlouho a dĂky tlumĂcĂm ĂĄdĂŠÄkĹŻm jeĹĄtÄ dĂ˝l, neĹž by bylo nutnĂ˝. Naposledy poprvĂ˝ pĹi prvnĂm opravdovĂ˝m koncertu v Praze. Naposledy poprvĂ˝ pĹi setkĂĄnĂ s X po nÄkolika mÄsĂcĂch. Naposledy poprvĂ˝ na prvnĂm rande. Naposledy poprvĂ˝ cestou na mou prvnĂ kĂŠrku. TÄĹĄila jsem se jak malĂĄ, aĹž mi jehla bude kreslit po ruce obrĂĄzek, co tentokrĂĄt nepĹŻjde smĂ˝t. S vĂ˝znamem, kterĂ˝ mĹŻĹžu znĂĄt jen jĂĄ. ÄistÄ sobecky jen pro mÄ, jen proto, Ĺže mĹŻĹžu a chci. MyslĂm, Ĺže to je prvnĂ vÄc, kterou jsem udÄlala ÄistÄ pro sebe. Z vlastnĂch pohnutek, z vlastnĂ vĹŻle. ProstÄ proto, Ĺže jsem dospÄlĂĄ.
TetovacĂ studio blĂzko budov, kam jsem v prvĂĄku chodila na teorii literatury, relativnÄ mĂĄlo lidĂ, zato hodnÄ stromĹŻ. TenkrĂĄt jsem se prochĂĄzela podzimnĂm listĂm a infantilnÄ sbĂrala kaĹĄtany, protoĹže ĹĂjen byl za rohem a asi jsem si chtÄla jeĹĄtÄ uĹžĂt blaĹženĂ˝ nevÄdomosti a toho, Ĺže nemusĂm na svÄt koukat filtrem umĂrĂĄnĂ a tragiky. ZahĂĄnĂm myĹĄlenky a vracĂm se do pĹĂtomnosti. Ve studiu dvÄ tatĂŠrky a zĂĄkaznice, ve vzduchu tĂłny Cigarettes after sex a za pĂĄr minut ty balenĂ˝ venku na dopolednĂm slunku. nervĂłznÄ ĹĄlukuju ze svĂ˝ prefabrikovanĂ˝ cigarety. I'm reading the room. MluvĂme o penisech bĂ˝valĂ˝ch klukĹŻ aĹž po filmy a seriĂĄly. VyklĂĄdĂĄm nÄco o West Worldu, ale vlastnÄ se asi mnohem vĂc zamÄĹuju na jejich reakci, jestli poslouchajĂ. Nikdy jsem si neuvÄdomila, Ĺže to dÄlĂĄm. Je v tom nÄco chladnÄ robotickĂ˝ho, pĹipadĂĄm si sama jak android. Trochu.
D. ĹĂkĂĄ, Ĺže se jĂ lĂbĂ, Ĺže jdu na prvnĂ tetovĂĄnĂ na tak velkej motiv. Nemohla jsem se rozhodnout pro nic malĂ˝ho, protoĹže by to pro mÄ nemÄlo tak velkej vĂ˝znam. Obkresluje a obtiskuje Ĺženskou postavu na mou ruku. G. vedle tetuje mnohem pokreslenÄjĹĄĂ sleÄnu a pouĹĄtĂ Sufjana Stevense. NapadĂĄ mÄ, Ĺže aspoĹ jedno svoje poprvĂ˝ proĹžiju pĹi poslechu boŞà hudby. Tohle pĂchĂĄnĂ je sakra intimnĂ.
Hned po prvnĂ lince se ptĂĄ, jestli to nebolĂ. (Taky mnohem lepĹĄĂ neĹž moje poprvĂ˝.) Jsem pĹekvapenĂĄ, jak mĂĄlo to cĂtĂm, Äekala jsem mnohem horĹĄĂ bolest. Naopak se mi to nÄjakĂ˝m zvrĂĄcenĂ˝m zpĹŻsobem lĂbĂ. D. se sklĂĄnĂ nad mou rukou a ptĂĄ se, jestli je ten tĂ˝pek Perseus. Ĺeknu, Ĺže jo a pak jĂ koneÄnÄ vylĂÄĂm skrytej vĂ˝znam. A pĹipadĂĄm si hroznÄ nahĂĄ, nahĂĄ jako ta vznikajĂcĂ postava na mojĂ ruce. PĹipadĂĄm si obnaĹženÄ, a pĹitom nic moc konkrĂŠtnĂho neĹĂkĂĄm. Ĺ˝e byla znĂĄsilnÄnĂĄ. Ĺ˝e se snaĹžila jen brĂĄnit, ale Perseus vlĂtnul do jejĂho domu a snaĹžil se ji ulovit. Ĺ˝e je ochrĂĄnkynÄ Ĺžen a ztvĂĄrnÄnĂ, kterĂ˝ jsem si vybrala, je symbolem MeToo. A vlastnÄ bych rĂĄda ĹĄla jeĹĄtÄ hloubÄji a klidnÄ jĂ Ĺekla svĹŻj ĹživotnĂ pĹĂbÄh, ale nÄco mÄ zarazĂ. Doprdele, zas ten poĹĄahanej vnitĹnĂ mechanismus. KdyĹž o tom teÄ pĹemýťlĂm, tak je mi lĂto, Ĺže jsem jĂ toho neĹekla vĂc. Nakonec mĂĄ tetovacĂ jehlu pod mou kĹŻĹžĂ. PrvnĂ obrannĂ˝ val byl poboĹen, pĹekonĂĄn.
VlastnÄ se to tĂ˝kĂĄ vĹĄeho. VĹĄech, kteĹĂ se kdy pĹes tu moji obrannou linii dostali. MuĹži, Ĺženy. Je to jeden velkej, spletitej pĹĂbÄh a D., kterĂĄ mi ho teÄ zapisuje do kĹŻĹže, je zĂĄroveĹ jeho souÄĂĄstĂ. Je to metapĹĂbÄh. Ve chvĂli, kdy se to dÄje, je to zĂĄroveĹ zapisovĂĄno. Jako bych byla Bastien v NekoneÄnĂ˝m pĹĂbÄhu. KaĹždĂĄ linka je jako vlĂĄkno, kterĂ˝ spojuje vĹĄechny postavy dohromady a vytvĂĄĹĂ to, co jsem dnes.
Intimita. Nebo aspoĹ nĂĄznak intimity. Ten feministickĂ˝ vĂ˝klad se jĂ dÄsnÄ lĂbĂ, ĹĂkĂĄ, Ĺže to dĂĄ na Insta i s tĂm. PĹemýťlĂm, jestli jsem teda pĹece jen aspoĹ takhle po sobÄ zanechala stopu.
BavĂme se spolu o feminismu. NadĂĄvĂĄm na disent 90. let, jako mĂĄm poslednĂ dobou ve zvyku. Ona zaÄne mluvit o AfghĂĄnistĂĄnu, poslouchala podcast o tamÄjĹĄĂ situaci. ObÄma nĂĄm naskoÄĂ husĂ kĹŻĹže. V mysli mĂĄm vzlĂtajĂcĂ letadlo, jehoĹž podvozku se drŞà lidi. Tak moc se chtÄjĂ zachrĂĄnit. Tak moc chtÄjĂ pryÄ ze zemÄ. MluvĂme o cenzuĹe na Instagramu a KatastrofĂŠ. ZaÄala jsem o EC. Ĺekla mi, Ĺže mÄla anorexii a jak si ÄlovÄk najde nÄjakĂ˝ho idola, kterĂ˝mu se chce podobat, je to hroznÄ tÄĹžkĂ˝. Jo. To je. A si pĹipadĂĄm tak nÄjak na pozici obou. Ale zas mlÄĂm.
Ale proÄ, kdyĹž bych jĂ mohla povÄdÄt o dalĹĄĂ postavÄ pĹĂbÄhu a tom, Ĺže jsem villain a victim? MoĹžnĂĄ jsme chodily na stejnĂ˝ pro ana blogy, ale v tu chvĂli mi pĹijde nevhodnĂ˝ nÄco dalĹĄĂho ĹĂkat...moĹžnĂĄ to nenĂ potĹeba. TÄlo MedĂşzy je nedokonalĂ˝, nesoumÄrnĂ˝ a krĂĄsnĂ˝. Je to mĹŻj statement standardĹŻm krĂĄsy. Sexualizaci. VĂ˝znam je skrytej uvnitĹ.
Rukama v rukavicĂch natahuje mou kĹŻĹži a druhou tetuje, mĂsta natĂrĂĄ vazelĂnou nebo nÄÄĂm takovĂ˝m. Skoro mi neteÄe krev, jenom nakonec pĹi poslednĂch tazĂch bĂlou. KdyĹž pĹejĂĹždĂ po hotovĂ˝ch linkĂĄch, bolĂ to vĂc. Svaly se samy od sebe natahujĂ, nejvÄtĹĄĂ strach jsem mÄla z toho, Ĺže budu cukat rukou nebo dostanu nÄjakou kĹeÄ. PĹebyteÄnej ink utĂrĂĄ ubrouskem. Fascinuje mÄ, kdyĹž to tetovĂĄnĂ stĂnuje nĂĄstavcem s nÄkolika jehlama. po utĹenĂ zĹŻstĂĄvĂĄ na mĂstÄ jen pĂĄr decentnĂch teÄek.
BavĂme se o ĹĄkole. Studovala dÄjiny umÄnĂ, moje srdce plesĂĄ. PokaĹždĂ˝, kdyĹž se podĂvĂĄm na to vznikajĂcĂ tetovĂĄnĂ, tak se usmÄju. PtĂĄm se, jestli ji neznervĂłzĹuje, Ĺže jĂ koukĂĄm pod ruce. Je to zvlĂĄĹĄtnĂ. Nejsem zvyklĂĄ, Ĺže je nÄkdo tak blĂzko. VynoĹuje se dalĹĄĂ skrytej vĂ˝znam, kterej se uĹž dlouho snaĹžĂm zakopat a pohĹbĂt nebo na nÄj aspoĹ nemyslet...
Nakonec mi tetovĂĄnĂ vydezinfikuje a pĹelepĂ a dĂĄ instrukce, jak se o nÄj starat.
PĹi odchodu se obejmeme.
#diary#intimate#disordered mind#fiction#Äesky#pĂĹĄu Äesky#ÄeskĂ˝ tumblr#complicated feelings#first tattoo
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HypMic 7 - 9 | Maou-jou 5 - 6 | Akudama Drive 6 - 8 | I7 s2 6 - 9 | Taiso Samurai 5 - 6
HypMic 7
I will never not laugh at the content advisory, haha.
I like Kazuha already. Too bad heâs probably evilâŚ
Oh, is it the day of the DRB in the series alreadyâŚ? Or maybe, because itâs the qualifiers, BB and MTCâs match is on a different day to FP and MTRâs.
Oh? Does Tom know Jakurai well enough to call him âJakurai-senseiâ? (<- middle ground between âJinguji-sensei/Senseiâ and âJakuraiâ) Also, Tom uses âoreâ.
Ooh, Iris is a motorbike rider, eh? Interesting. I thought they (<- not sure if Iris is a âsheâ or âheâ with a really weird name) were more of a Saburo-type and didnât bother with things like that, based on their appearance. Update: Someone on Yahoo Answers said based on Irisâs watashi, she is a woman.
Typo fixed! Good job, anime staff! Update: Iâm referring to ââŚdarkest hour is just before the downâ (sic).
âŚbukkorosu = âf***inâ slaughter âemâ. Itâs not wrongâŚitâs just the subbers really like to abuse the F word for MTC. But you knew that already if you got this farâŚright?
LOL, Ramuda wants to âscratch [Rexâs] backâ (figuratively) toâŚget SNS views? Hahaha.
This Studio Alita is probably a reference to Shinjuku Alta.
Yotsutsuji!!! That was the one big spoiler I got before watching the episode today and Iâm so happy I got to see him animated!
(One of) Irihatoma and Degarashi refer to Jakurai as âJakurai-senseiâ as well. Hmm, I never noticed. Update: Thatâs Degarashi, because Irihatoma speaks to Jakurai alone later this ep.
Thereâs 50% chance Iâm getting this wrong, but Iâm going to go out on a limb and say Kazuha is voiced by a veteran VAâŚone I already know about.
Doppo calls Kazuha by his first nameâŚThat upgrade means their relationship escalated quickly (or this is a quirk of HypMic in general, since I noticed most characters are on first name basis with each other). Also, itâs cute Doppo finally has someone in his corner. No other part of the franchise has one, to my memory. Update: It might actually be âKazuha-kunââŚbut Iâm still surprised though. Update 2: Itâs both, actually.
Iâve listened to the phrase âsome random guyâ several times from Hifumiâs mouth and all I can figure out is the âyatsuâ at the end. (Doesnât help my ears blocked themselves up again, although itâs less than it used to be.)
Harumi Wharf.
R? On a helicopter landing pad?
âŚuh oh. I was right when I thought Kazuha was going to be evil. Also, Doppler shift/effect. Update: âDopplerâ is clearly a pun on âDoppoâ.
Hmm? âHey, Doppoâ from âyaaââŚit doesnât have a name referred in there. Itâs a small but odd thing to do. (I remember a professional translator was complaining that people with intermediate Japanese were giving them flak for translating things âwrongâ, but what I do here is analysis for my future and edificiation. Iâm not here to knock down pro translatorsâ doors and demand a refund, because Iâm trying to go pro to atone for my sins as a scanlator.)
The soundtrackâs slightly sinister tone, plus the fact I figured the culprit well before Doppo did, makes me slightly scaredâŚfor MTR.
I realised they skimped on the budgetâŚthis âhot off the car chaseâ line seems more like an MTC line, doesnât itâŚ?...Yeah, itâs almost word for word for MTC in DRB+. Maybe the subbers rushed and used this translation (this link I put here) rather than their actual lyricsâŚ? I will have to get to the bottom of this. Update: Turns out the translation is slightly different, butâŚyes, there is reference to a car chase in the start of Shinjuku Style. (Sorry, I donât know every lyrics of every song off the top of my head.)
âŚwow, this got really Doppo-centric. Iâve never seen the leader relinquish their position when it comes to âleading into battleâ before. It just goes to show the staff really do pay attention to how popular Doppo is.
Note âDoppoâ means âwalk aloneâ, roughly speaking, hence the âsolitaryâ line.
This song is very, very faithful to its original lyrics, because I was trying to look at Hifumiâs âmixing paintâ line and it pretty much matches.
Hifumiâs âmy menâ, LOL.
Kazuha = âone leafâ, hence the âleavesâ in one of Jakuraiâs lines.
I cringe every time I hear screaming coming from this episode, yâknowâŚ?
âŚoh dear. MTCâs plot actually bled into MTRâs.
I already knew from browsing Twitter earlier today that Kizuna was going to become FPâs today, but hearing it is another matter entirely.
Kosuke Miyoshi is Kazuha. Apparently, this guy also voiced Mashirao Ojiro (the tail guy) from BnHA, but thatâs his only major roleâŚso I was right in that I knew him, but wrong in that he was, again, a relative rookie in comparison to most.
Apparently FPâs sign is a peace sign sideways to represent an F, butâŚitâs just a sideways peace sign to meâŚ
âŚhow is Diceâs bead ornament attached to him? Is it on his hair, on his ear, on the skin behind his earâŚ? I was trying to replicate his outfit and got stuck on how to represent it, so I ended up opting for trying (and failing) to do a small braid on the right side.
IWGP shows up this seasonâŚitâs the song with the âhoo!â noise BB perform in this episode.
LOL, âDead men tell no talesâ is a perfect saying for MTC.
Akudama 6
Is there a movie called âBrotherââŚ? Thereâs apparently one thatâs the plural of that, but not that itself.
If HypMic likes the F bomb, then Akudama like the S word.
I-Is it just me or is the choreography sped up at some points in this episodeâŚ? Itâs a bit disorienting to come back to.
I thought the kid was a robotâŚbut close enough.
Oh no! Why does the teacher always have to die for the student to become stronger???
Kairaku/shugi -> pleasure/doctrine (if I didnât somehow misunderstand the sharkâs kanji combo),
The part after the ED looks a little too longâŚkeep watching.
The Japanese says âLost Childrenâ, but the English says âThe City of Lost Childrenâ, probably referring to this French sci-fi film.
I7 s2 6
I like how Gaku is taking special offence to Yamatoâs comments about him being a playboy.
Re:vale-san. I never noticed until now.
âIâm already looking forward to it.â Thatâs how I would translate Tsumugiâs âIâm already excitedâ.
ââŚwho could possibly complain?â â I think Mitsuki might.
The pun in the MEZZO show is that tai (group/squad) sounds the same as tai (want to ~). Rabbinsta is obviously Instagram + Rabbit (Chat?).
Oh my gosh! Itâs the Yotsuba sister!
Mitsukiâs shopping trip OST is nice, man. This piano.
This episode has a really great sense of danger and foreboding for the future.
I7 s2 7
Perfection Gimmick. Never heard it in the anime before.
Even the ramen houseâs name is a play on âIdolish7â.
LOL, Yamato sure turned that comment around.
The sign talking about beer says something about coupons below it. (It went by too fast and my CR appâs kinda fiddly, so I canât really go backâŚ)
Kimi to Ai na Night (pun on Idolish7, aka âAiNanaâ, again).
Mitsuki, no one hates you! Youâre just imagining it all!
I7 s2 8
Momo hugely resembles Sasara, right down to the highlights on the hairâŚ
ââŚyouâre so handsomeâŚâ â Iâm dying on the inside here, people! *laps up the BL pandering with a derpy smile on my face*
Banri and Tsumugi havenât been focussed on latelyâŚtheyâre clearly doing something regarding Banriâs ties with Re:vale, but I canât quite figure out what that âsomethingâ is.
Why is there a basketball and a football in the back of the Takanashi office�
Please donât run in heels, TsumugiâŚ
âI love Idolish7!â - Ah, despite my quibbles, Tsumugi is good after all.
âmaking oneâs best exertionsâ â Why do those words on the cup worry me a bitâŚ?
Isnât âIâm watching youâ a creepy statementâŚ?
Apparently Tamakiâs symbol is mp (mezzo pianissimo), hence Sougoâs words.
âŚmy gosh! Ayaâs foster father is Kujou?!
I7 s2 9
If I heard it right, Tennâs line was âI can be your idolâ, not âyour princeâ.
âOlder Izumiâ - âŚah, poor Mitsuki.
âDamn you, sexy beastâŚâ â LOL!
âŚaw, I think this is the first time my heart has been lightened by Tsunashiâs laugh. Heâs a good boy.
The chibisâŚIâm still trying to get used to themâŚ
As a song once said, âYou canât please everyone so you just gotta please yourself.â (Blah blah blah, something about garden partiesâŚ)
Takao what now???...okay, Takao Dayuu.
âŚYouâre lucky that wasnât Tenn doing Takao Dayuu. It wouldâve been very âGentaro does his courtesan voiceâ if it was.
Nagi doesnât overpronounce things as much in this season. ItâsâŚpleasant, actually. Give me more of that.
Nagiâs âOh my god!â was hilarious.
Taiso 5
Ra (ă) and ro (ă) look kinda similar in hiragana.
Even without the audio, I can guess the words were âyarubeki kotoâ (things you should do) -> shachihoko.
The texts are written in gyaru-moji. Gyaru-moji is basically indecipherable to anyone who doesnât know how it works â kind of like the common teen vernacular, to be honest (LOLâŚ?) â and so the subs actually kind of ruin the confusingness of it all, but they did slightly better when they went âURâ.
Movie shiritori! ButâŚhas it really been half a year since Leo started? I feel slightly robbed about that plotline with the Men in Black right nowâŚ(then again, HypMic is just as bad about important plotlines, if not worse, soâŚIâm going to be patient and not complain.)
July 5thâŚRei is a CancerâŚ?
TheyâreâŚfinally moving on this Men in Black plotline! I only complained two points ago! Thank you, staff, for listening to my complaints (âŚ?).
Moon Land finished recently, so I wonder if Iâll lose interest in this anime from here on outâŚ? There was a Pommel Horse Prince in that.
Moon Land taught me that gymnastics has a lot of skills named after their creators, much like the Aragaki previously. The score is out of 10 for both D (difficulty) and E (execution), meaning a 20 is the best you can do, but the judges can get really picky...
The word for âvaultâ literally means âleaping/jumping horseââŚmakes sense.
Some of these names are names Iâm familiar with from Moon Land alreadyâŚbut I never remember what the skills look like.
âŚwelp, Leo just proved he really is a ninja after all.
Dr Stoneâs s2 had its ED announced to be âKoe?â by Hatena and âYume?â here really makes a themeâŚdoes Hatena give all their song titles question marks on the end?
Taiso 6
Colour gangs? Like in IWGP?
Itâs nice to see theyâre (Jotaro and Rei) communicating properly for the first time in possibly this entire anime.
On the wall, that thing is an evacuation mapâŚof some sort.
âŚIâve always wondered: if a bird eats chicken, does that count as cannibalism?
This is like thw Makkachin incident all over again (in YoI).
ââŚthereâs no reason for you to grin and bear it.â
âŚLeo and Jotaro, both are so dense! Boys *shakes head*.
BB? More like ET (LOL)!
Maou-jou 5
âŚI didnât even notice the cast was all dudes bar the princess at this point.
Tatakau Onnatachi. It could mean âfighting womenâ or âfemale warriorsâ.
Iâm still vaguely pissed that Kirito is here under my noseâŚdarn Demon King!!!
One of the harpyâs recent worries was that she wanted to become friends with the princessâŚThatâs kinda cuteâŚ
Didnât Syalis already get the coffin that one time? Or did it get confiscated?
*eyes sparkle* CloudâŚIâd like to sleep on a cloudâŚ*dreamy look on face* Cloud.
This is basically Princess, âTis Time for Torture in reverse.
Is it âmake doâ or âmake dueââŚ?
I donât think I need to explain the joke where the harpy is happy.
Gendo pose!
I wonder if the bed or the sheets will talk to her (Syalis) someday?
Maou-jou 6
The New Gearboltâs quote is âguruguru dokkanâ, which is just a bunch of sound effects. It would translate to something like âwhir-whir-thudâ.
Underwear episodes are some of the worst episodes everâŚtheyâre so juvenileâŚI dropped at least one series based on the underwear episode alone.
Ah! The seal on the ice monsterâs shoulder! Too cute!
How can a mechanical princess mecha (âŚthing?) have worries?
LOL, never underestimate the hilarity of the teddy demons ganging up on the Demon King.
I like how the Japanese pointed out the demons only moved the princess.
HypMic 8
I thought the robberies were Kazuhaâs doingâŚ? Or is this a separate case?
Samatoki answering his phone with his feet upâŚLOL, thereâs just something funny about it. It shows heâs just so badass, he can get away with it.
Riouâs hacking (?) skills come to the fore again. (Or is that listening to enemy intel?)
Ooh, Iris is sassy. I love her already.
âŚer, Samatoki? Blowing cigarette smoke into Jyutoâs face is just rudeâŚ
ââŚdonât hang up your gloves.â â Considering Jyuto has his red glovesâŚLOL.
What the heck is that backing track when the 2nd car moved out? Thatâs a cool track.
Ah! Iris is a Saburo-typeâŚLOL, Saburoâs fake identity.
âa cop whoâs in with the yakuzaâ - Wow, way to diss your own teammate, Samatoki.
For a guy who was only just in the water, Riou doesnât even look wet.
â2 DIE 4â â Hmm? So did the anime staff know what Riouâs 2nd round song title was at the timeâŚ? Update: Judging by the name âRequiemâ dropped in the next episode, I would say yes.
ââŚf*** the policeâŚâ - Wow, way to diss your own teammate, Samatoki. X2
Hmm? In Riouâs rap bit near the end, he goes âmad warriorâ and that rhymes (in a very loose way of speaking) with âMad Triggerâ. The English didnât keep that.
I remember seeing a spoiler which said that line (the one about slaves)âŚbut seriously, Jyuto is such a âsexy revenge copâ (as someone once said â I think it might be Slug, or an anon to Slug) that literally nothing else seems to matter about him.
Why do they subtitle the laughing??? I still have no idea.
âSgt. Irumaâ? The guy just says âIruma-sanâ. Is he a sergant or some other rank? Update: Yes. (As in, he is a sergant.)
Iâve never actually seen Ramuda sleep in a bed before, come to think of it. Does he not have a bed?
I would assume Gentaro is goingâŚbut he said he wonât be going, then negated that and then negated it again. Unless the 2nd time was him admitting it was a lie the first timeâŚis he going or not???
âshinsetsu no humanâ â (Spoilers for later on/manga)âŚYes, thatâs actually what Ramuda says. Itâs as if Ramuda subtly admits, right there, he isnât human.
Nodo = throatâŚIf this were translated more literally, it would sound pretty clunky.
ââŚrappa no inochiâŚpaa!â â Yep, the subbers got the gist of the joke there.
Dice is basically a worm at this pointâŚHeâs squirming like one, anyway.
That ânumber of pips facing upâ thing has got to be foreshadowing for something, yâknow? Nothing in a story ever goes to waste. Also, itâs likely the dice are weighted or somethingâŚ
âŚyep, there you go.
That voice Gentaro used for âI despise liesâ was amusingâŚbecause itâs so different to his normal voice, and because Gentaro is a serial liar.
The 2nd songâŚwhich I already know is called âJACKPOTâ from browsing Twitter earlier todayâŚwas a bunch of fun.
HmmâŚemphasis on the candy. I wonder what that means? (<- already knows, I just want to keep it a secret from you, dear reader, if you donât know it too)
ANIME SHOP is so clearly a pun on Animate, including the colours, that I canât evenâŚLOL.
FPâs Kizuna sounds distinctly different to the othersâŚprobably because of Ramuda. Itâs mostly Ramuda carrying the tune there.
âLife is what you make it.â â Hmm, an interesting quote for sure.
HypMic 9
âŚwelp, they donât call it Fling Posse for nothinâ.
I didnât believe my ears, so I went and listened to it again. Sure enough, Ichiro calls Jakurai -san, not -sensei.
Ramudaâs normal voice! Things are getting serious~!
âHifumingâ? Is that a deliberate choice on the translatorsâ part? Or is it a mishearing?
âŚIâm laughing at how Samatoki called Ichiro a âhypocritical piece of s***â. I know the âs***â part is correct at minimum from the audio.
I believe Samatoki said -san, not -sama when he asked for an honorific. Hmm, interesting.
I knew this would get animated, butâŚI still canât believe Iâm watching it! AmazingâŚabsolutely amazing.
If youâre wonderingâŚyes, that long thing is her entire title and name. Itâs said the name âKadenokoujiâ is the longest Japanese surname in existence.
I remember reading a tweet earlier today that said somebody wanted âAltercation! Altercation! Altercation!â as a song titleâŚand now I LOL, because the subbers made Gentaro say the exact same word.
HmmâŚI only just noticed BB are the only ones with bags. They probably came last, but who took the othersâ bags into ChuokuâŚ? Update: Some of the others did have bags, I just never spotted them. For instance, Riou is carrying a large black rectangular bag, but Samatoki and Jyuto donât have any. Jakurai has the bag from his TDD days.
The 2nd DRB brackets got announced today. BB vs DH, MTR vs BAT, FP vs MTC, rolling out across Japan (and Japan only due to COVID) in 2021.
âWhat happened between you and him?â - I was going âwho?â in Cantonese (as I sometimes do), but turns out theyâre just referring to Samatoki.
This is exactly as it played out in the drama tracks and mangaâŚexactly what I was waiting for all this time! So good, dangit!
LOL, in the future, we will have camera drones working our concerts like they do in the DRBsâŚI think (?)
I wonder what Dice is thinking right now, seeing Otome on the screenâŚhmmâŚ
âŚgah! Airhorn! Airhorn to the ears! *tilts to side due to sound*
I still kind of remember Slugâs take on the final battleâŚâThe popo? More like the poopoo!â (or something like that). *sniggers*
The little barking bit after Jiroâs verse wasâŚkinda cute, actually.
âŚow, these are some burn-ass words. See? This is the power of the DRB!
âŚeh? Riouâs mic has his MC name on it. Donât think Iâve seen that in any other part of the series.
Hoh, Riou even made references to Saburoâs character songs.
You can see âHcâ on Samatokiâs mic tooâŚprobably another case of his MC name, but partially obscured by his hand.
Aw, âSamatoki no sabaku tokiâ is a good lyric. Why couldnât you try to keep that, instead of translating it literally to âjudgement day for Samatokiâ?
You can hear a thumping beat in the background when Samatoki prepares himself. That seems to be a similar way to how ARB treats this stuff.
âIâm THE Samatokiâ â âSamatoki-sama daâ.
I think it was really cool to show Samatoki handing the song over to Riou, but it also indicates thereâs a disjunct in the lyrics that would cause such a thing. From this, maybe Riou is MTCâs weak linkâŚ?
Skeletons with katanas! Is that not cool?!?
âŚhey, that joined words thing Ichiro doesâŚI would assume thatâs what Rhyme Strike looks like in the HypMic universe?
Notice Samatoki took the word âsignalâ from Ichiroâs part and put it into his own one.
âToday is a good day to die.â â *eyes bulge* OhâŚgosh. What a quote. Update: Someone theorised Ichijiku wrote these titles (the last 2), but someone else â like me â theorised this quote was what FP and M fans thought for this battle.
Akudama 7
âŚthatâs one twisted kid.
Never threaten to kill a kid who can regenerate far better than you, Hoodlum.
Brawler is still in the OPâŚitâs kind of saddening to see him now.
I noticed a certain character appears on the Executionersâ hands if you pause at the right moment in the OP. Itâs the first character in shori (management).
Bunny: set meal/Shark: roasted meat (yakiniku)
âŚThis sounds a heck of a lot like the genbaku dome (Hiroshima Peace Park).
Bunny and Sharkâs shirts together: Idiot -> Shark: Bone
Actually, this also reminds me of the Osaka Expo held in 1970. I loved writing about that event â it was just so fun to write about.
This anime is like Appare-Ranmanâs sequel, except without the racing and crazy racial stereotypes (although there are still crazy stereotypes).
âŚwhoa! This scene is going on the end of year list for sure. JustâŚhave to remember this scene, where all the children disappeared, exists.
âŚâThe City of Lost Childrenâ is an apt title for this episode.
(HypMic spoilers!) I wonder if theyâll reveal that Ramuda is a clone in whatâs left of the HypMic anime?
âŚoof, Doctorâs a filthy traitor!
Rule number 1 of fighting: never yell out âSmokescreen!â when the smokescreen is meant to cover you.
âŚLOL, dark censorship bar. Please wait for the Blu-Rays to see this scene uncensored.
What the heck?! The countdown went from 7 to 0 so fast!
Akudama 8
Black Rain, huh? *checks* Itâs a movie about a pair of New York policemen who have to save a Japanese gangster from his death.
âŚdonât jinx it, Swindler!
Your brother isnât on the moon, Sister. Itâs just your dreams on there.
Notice âNeo Lake Biwaâ actually has âReikuâ in its name, as opposed to, say, âmizuumiâ or âikeâ (the Japanese equivalent).
You can still see where Doctor stitched herself up.
What did Doctor âhold on toâ?
Way to monologue through the whole morality thing⌠(<- not as satisfied as they would like from this scene)
I wonder if the seal is electronically trackedâŚ
Tsubo = pot, vaseâŚ*thinks about drugs* (Not that pot.)
ââŚIâll make you into a real man.â â More like a eunuch, LOL. (partially sarcastic)
I recall from Sarazanmai that âpair lookâ is the term for âtwinsiesâ in Japanese.
Oh! Swindler kind of looks like the Executioner Boss now.
âŚI find it ironic that Swindler had long hair up until not too long ago.
Can to the eye! Ouch! Thatâs gotta be worse than a lightsaberâŚer, jitte to the eye!
This makes me wonderâŚwas Courier a rich kid onceâŚ?
#simulcast commentary#hypnosis mic#HypMic#hypnosis mic -division rap battle- rhyme anima#Akudama Drive#taiso samurai#Maou-jou de Oyasumi#sleepy princess in the demon castle#idolish7 second beat#Chesarka watches HypMic#Chesarka watches Akudama Drive#Chesarka watches Taiso Samurai#Chesarka watches Maou-jou#Chesarka watches I7
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REPOST and fill in with details about your muse as if they were a character in a Dating Sim. (Inspired by Huniepop)
NAME. Kamisori ShĹga PROFESSION. Artist at HySy Studios WHERE THEY CAN BE FOUND.
morning. HySy Studios
afternoon. HySy Studios
evening. The arcade with Kiru, Moji, and Teaser.
night. His and Kiruâs apartment, Helter Skelter bothering Itori, or hunting in the fourth ward.
FAVOURITE FOOD TYPE. A human liver. FAVOURITE ALCOHOLIC DRINK. Blood wine. FAVOURITE TRAIT (romance, passion, sexuality, talent, flirtation, sentiment, joy). talent. WHERE THEY WOULD GO ON A DATE. art museum, arcade, art supply shop, a coffee house, and Helter Skelter. IDEAL GIFT. art supplies, earrings, and headbands. HOW MANY DATES UNTIL THEY GO TO BED. The first, Kamisori is quick to hop in the sheets if he can, but heâll wait if thatâs what his partner wants.
tagged by: @honourquinxâ tagging: @howlinsâ @playfulghoulâ
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