#Chesarka watches Taiso Samurai
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Moriarty 8 - 11 (FINAL) | HypMic 12 - 13 (FINAL) | Taiso Samurai 7 - 9 | Akudama 9 - 12 (FINAL)
Hopefully I’ll be able to get on to all that backlog soon, because...I don’t want it to keep accumulating and Skate-Leading Stars (first winter 2021 anime) already has an advance 1st ep. up...
Moriarty 8
(Moriarty 8 notes deleted accidentally…)
Moriarty 9
If you want a modern equivalent to the Baker Street Irregulars, then I’d suggest you look this way *jabs finger at Odd Jobs Yamada (from HypMic)*.
These CGI background horse and carriages are…kind of distracting…
I’m guessing back in those days, the Irregulars were better than Google at finding info…because Google didn’t exist until the internet did.
Moriarty 10
Just this ep and one more until the end…at least, until spring 2021.
Wow, the use of colour here is really striking!
White lilies mean…purity/chastity…?
I’ve never heard of “bending someone’s ear” until now. It means to talk to someone, especially to ask a favour or to talk at length.
Probatio diabolica: the devil’s proof. I didn’t even know that was a concept until now…(I never once studied law, as you can tell.)
“William” isn’t normally shortened to “Liam”…It’s normally “Will”…also, notice all the footprints on the floor…
Moriarty 11 (FINAL)
Last ep. before spring 2021.
LOL, kabedon.
The fishy thing about Brits is that they’ve named things across the world names from Britain. I know there’s a Doncaster which isn’t anywhere near Britain, for one thing…
Observe the weird finger-like marking made by one of the bloodstains and the scratches on the suitcase. The latter was probably forced open.
Considering the number of signs the killer left, he was clearly in a hurry…
Well, based on that shoeprint we can find the killer if we can find traces of blood on his shoe.
“Duram” (sic).
Ah! If it was raining in Durham, then there would be traces of mud on the killer’s shoes. I remember early on in Detective Conan Shinichi, then newly shrunk, deduced Agasa was running in the rain based on the mud on his pants…this is similar.
Chloral (hydrate…?).
The “washroom” (apparently a Canadian term, the British term is “water closet”) has privacy and a place to get rid of the evidence, to some extent.
What about the rest of Eddie’s clothes?
Considering there are still 5 minutes of the ep. left…there’s going to be some kind of stinger for the next season. I can feel it.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait…Director Holmes??? Y’mean, Mycroft?! That is a good stinger! See you next time.
HypMic 12
“Ever since I was born, there was never a time I’d felt I’d accomplished something.” – Aw, Doppo, sweetpea (<- this blogger calls people “sweetpea” when they’re feeling lots of moe feels for them). Please don’t say that. You’ve accomplished more than enough in your life!
…Oh, almost didn’t notice it until Hifumi hid behind Doppo and the angle changed to confirm the jacket was on the bed, but Hifumi doesn’t have his jacket on.
I think I saw a tweet that said something about a wall being wrecked (specifically “Wall: Ow…”) but I wasn’t sure of the context, so I saved it in my bookmarks…LOL, so that’s what it means?
Samatoki, I know you don’t like Ichiro…but please stop trying to preach what his 2nd character song says in the title…(i.e. Break the Wall, LOL)
Jyuto’s very much a “I’ll leave this problem to the other guy” guy.
When the Funi subs say “dame”, I think Samatoki is just referring to an “onna” (woman). It’s a bit of an odd choice, really…although I can’t go and interrogate whoever was responsible for it. I don’t have the authority or the contacts that will allow me to.
This is not the time for fighting one another!!!
Notably, in the manga, Jakurai was going to chaffeur Hifumi and Doppo to their place, but then he had to go to work and so they rode the train with their prize money. This “run from Special Forces” ending is better, I think, since people got grumpy at Jakurai for having to abandon them with the money.
“…permission to cover a story.” - Permission from…who?
*screams* I was thinking Tom, Rex and Iris worked for a foreign government! They work for Ichijiku – why didn’t I think of that?!
LOL, I couldn’t even tell what Tom was saying until I played it back…it’s English, just…said in a spot where you don’t expect it.
“…that scares me.” – This may be nitpicky of me, but osoreru is actually a derivative of osore (fear), so “it strikes fear in me”…? “It strikes fear in my heart”? What would sound right…?
Go, host mode Hifumi! (...but does that imply host mode Hifumi is the only “version” of Hifumi able to rap? Certainly, he was able to do Wrap and Rap without his jacket, right…?)
You can tell Tom still respects Jakurai after all this time because he (the former) calls him (the latter) “Sensei”. Also, this’ll be interesting, we haven’t seen many mics and speakers beyond the standard bad guy ones (depicted in both the anime and the manga).
My gosh! All I knew of this song was that m-flo, also responsible for Human Lost’s theme song (and notably they’re a hip hop group with techno influences), was responsible for this song. Man, this s*** slaps! It’s great! (Sorry, I’ve just never really had the chance to capitalise on all the info I gathered on EDM DJs when talking in terms of things from Japan…m-flo is basically the only act I know which does that, so I’m really excited…can’t you tell from how verbose I’m getting in this note?)
That’s interesting that Matenrou won and Tom still took the gold chair symbolism to represent him and the Secret Aliens as the victor instead.
Iris’s parts are awesome. M-flo has a female vocalist and so I’d assume Iris takes on Lisa’s (m-flo’s vocalist’s) parts.
…Hmm, Gentaro’s made a reference to the track “Me Against the World”, has he?...Maybe.
I’m not quite sure, but I think Ramuda said “majo” (witch) when he was referring to Beauty and the Beast in the English subs.
…gosh, what is up with that airhorn…? Still, next time is the last time. See you on Christmas…no, Boxing Day.
HypMic 13 (FINAL)
This is the beginning of the end and the end of the beginning…y’know, considering how stuff trended on Twitter, I’d say this anime’s gonna get a 2nd season, but you can’t really say that until it actually happens. I mean, Boueibu is much less popular than HypMic and that got a 2nd season…
This is the 1st episode where I woke up early enough to watch without spoilers and had no obligations to place over it, so…this is exciting, in its own sense, but in a sense, it could also be called “profoundly disappointing” because this experience is only available to me as of the final episode.
One of the tweets I saw a few weeks back came to mind – someone became interested in sakuga houkai (terrible animation, literally “animation collapse”) because of HypMic…I don’t know if that’s a good or a bad thing…
…Dude, you probably shouldn’t answer a call from someone who just revealed themselves to be a traitor last episode…*sweatdrops*
(Spoiler for rest of franchise) Hmm…Dice’s face is pretty straight. Assuming at this point we knew Dice was Otome’s son, this is a good poker face from him…!
This thing about gangs was mentioned in their profiles (although the words used implies they “went delinquent”), so it actually doesn’t surprise me.
I wonder if this subway exists in the mainline story…?
According to the next ep. preview I saw on Twitter, TDD will reform to take down the Secret Aliens. I’m not sure if that was a guess or whether that’s true, so I’m waiting for the shoe to drop on it.
Samatoki-san, not -sama. Hmm…
There was definitely the word “team” in Dice’s line, so it’s “what the legendary team was made of”.
…oh gosh…they’re still using that airhorn…?
Again with the play on “lonely thunder”. It’s a really fun pun, but one I’d like to see in the rest of the series more.
Notably, Iris’s rap in English missed the word “charisma” where it could have fit (unless I missed reading it the first time).
Note Samatoki does actually use the word “shinsensa” (freshness), so there’s no lie there.
I still love how much they went in on Rex’s theme, even in his raps.
Huh, that’s new. Never seen a tag team like this before.
It seems Tom’s signature is using a lot of English, which makes it easy for us English/Japanese pair translators.
Saburo didn’t actually say “Ichi-nii”, did he…?
…based on the rock intro, this is Rhyme Anima, the OP, or something that sounds similar. What I’d need to confirm this is the “nautilus” line and the “ends corruption” line, which are the OP’s two biggest tells for AMQ.
“rainmaking” – Hmm, another link from Gentaro to Rei. This might be a different part of Rhyme Anima (OP) that wasn’t used as the OP proper.
“this white light invites and heals” (<- paraphrased) – Sounds like Sensei, alright!
…now that (rainbow bit). That’s sakuga!
*a silhouette appears* - Oh nooooooooooooooo! Now they‘ve done it! They’ve included Rei! That’s more than enough spoilers to last a lifetime for y’all anime-onlys!
I wish someone would work on this collaboration between Saburo and Riou…
Hmm…what is the series endgame? Putting in Dice as the new ruler??? I mean, Dice is the worst possible politician ever. He’s far too lax about things.
*Nemu enters* - No! Nemu!
Not only is Iris a “ramen shop owner”, it’s Tom’s favourite food…No wonder ramen has significance to her.
…ooh! A new song! Update: I don’t know what this song’s name is, although it probably will become clear what its name is on the 13th. I’ll keep my eye on Twitter in case the answer is there.
…I knew it was far too early to say if there was an s2 – the DVD’s live events go until September 5th and the 2nd DRB finishes in March. That almost felt like a stinger right there. Oh well, I’m more than happy to call this anime a success, even if I would call it the worst of the arms of the franchise. All HypMic’s anime had to do was deliver fun, before anything else, and it delivered on that front. See you around!
Taiso Samurai 7
Anime burnout means I’m coming back to the anime after the day it finishes.
This dancing scene is kind of like the one at the start of ep. 2 of IWGP, except it has the owl to represent the setting as well as the dance stage.
Leo doesn’t seem to know kanji or katakana, only hiragana.
Even though this part of the anime is set in London, the characters are still speaking Japanese (lel…?).
LOL, Edward Scissorhands much?
LOL, these background gossips are like the Plastics from Mean Girls…haha.
…LOL, that’s not one of those dismounting moves, is it? It’s just kind of…jumping off the bar.
Lookit how Leo’s sticker is 90 deg. sideways from what it should be, haha.
I don’t think it’s true that Olympic gymnasts have never failed. Like other people at the top of their game, they’re probably failed millions of times, but only outside the view of most of the world. Persistence and passion are what’s key to becoming the best at what you are, no matter what field you’re in.
Now Aragaki’s what I call a “determinator” (see TV Tropes on what that is).
Taiso Samurai 8
Notably, the word used for “clothes” is specifically for Western clothing, like dresses.
Well, now we know why Leo can do those stretches…
They’ve clearly sped up the dance here, but…it’s basically the same sort of movements Yuri on Ice used to suck me in. I’m here for it!
Leo seems to be the type who tries to push away his worries by distracting people (including himself) with other things…I see. I didn’t have much of a grasp of his character beforehand.
Britney! F*** you, Britney!
Ah, that must be the (a?) fabled owl of Ikebukuro. I’ve never actually been to Ikebukuro…the closest I got was Akihabara (to memory) and even then, that was for electronics, not anime…so I’ve never seen the owl statue I’ve been talking about close up.
Rei does kind of look like her mother like this.
Ah! Rei and Kitty have a pair look now! ���Twinsies”, they call it.
Amakusa’s head is located right next to Leo’s butt, so I end up staring at it…LOL.
The Hoover mission.
“I <3 Ninja”, LOL.
LOL, “Nyapoo!”
*sighs* The problem with being multi-talented is that you’re going to be told to one day put one passion above the others, even if you don’t want that.
LOL, you can be a ninja with this WikiHow article. (I was looking for Kitty’s quote, but found that instead. It seems to be a quote from one of Tomoyo’s movies.) Update: I was right.
There’s a movie in the back where the title is “Black Rainmaker”. (Tomoyo, I presume) Mifune is the 1st person credited.
Considering this is 2003…you won’t be on Mars in 2013, Kitty.
Wow, a tape! That brings me back to 2003, indeed.
Charlie’s Angels…so that’s what the tape was.
LOL, a shoebill.
“blade in your heart” – That would refer to the character for “ninja”, which has a blade over a heart. Y’know Kiss Shot Acerola Heart-Under-Blade (from Monogatari), yeah? Like that.
…you might think emails were out of place in 2003, but a virus from an email caused me to be an avid reader and that virus was unleashed around the late 90s – early 2000s.
LOL, Kitty’s cat belt buckle.
You said it, Rei. You said it.
Taiso Samurai 9
Lausanne, Switzerland.
I noticed one of the boxes at the start of the OP says “Horizontal Bars”, rather than some random name to make the boxes look like they were discarded.
Someone encoded the video funny…
LOL, BB’s getting possessive of his territory.
Fuku-chan the fukurou (owl) in Ikebukuro…LOL.
LOL, randomly there’s a skeleton with a hat in the background of Britney’s clinic.
Notably, one of the wall hangings says “heart” on it – alternatively, “soul”.
Notably, Atlanta was the 1996 Summer Olympics…there is no 1997 Lausanne Olympics, as far as I know.
Akudama 9
I watched the part where it glitches twice and I can’t quite figure out what that circular symbol is…maybe it’s Hacker’s symbol…?
Ah! Only now they properly confirm Swindler used to work in the Seal centre.
“Life that never dies is defective.” – Doctor
Does that mean Doctor is actually older than she looks, due to plastic surgery…?
Marker? What marker?
Apparently that flower is a cherry blossom…according to Detective Conan.
…I know this anime wasn’t made in America (it wouldn’t be “anime” otherwise), but Anime Feminist is going to have a field day with this one…if they haven’t abandoned it already due to their idea of morals.
…now I can even see parallels between HypMic’s authorities and Akudama’s. Not sure if that’s a good thing or not.
“Why did this have to happen when I’m chief?” – Sounds like…basically every authority during COVID and BLM, to be honest.
See? Akudama likes the S word. I told you.
I haven’t watched The Shining, but reading the synopsis, you can figure out why Cutthroat is the way he is…sort of.
How does the iconic quote go? “Heeeeeeeeeeeere’s Danny!” (or something…?)
They even copied the iconic eye shot! There you go!
Way to take a guy out (with the door, LOL).
…with all this killing, I can see why Akudama Drive was only in one magazine now. (Then again, HypMic was in basically all of them and that also has a tonne of problems…)
Akudama 10
万死 literally means “10000 deaths”.
That police chief is such a mood, LOL.
I can see why people didn’t recognise Swindler, but Courier never changes his look, so…uh…
You can’t become a police chief without a sense of justice, no?
“Since when did you know that I’m not-“ - *facepalms*
Is this what they call an “ass-kickin’ Christmas”? (LOL)
Y’know, Sister, you could just do the whole “wherever you are, I’m also seeing the same sky as you” thing some other anime do.
Notably, there are shide (the paper strips) and a rope over the vault…they really do treat the shinkansen and its immortal children as a single god, huh?
Hmm? They don’t care about Sister anymore? Just Brother? (Somewhere along the way, the priorities must have shifted.)
In the end, the best ship is Brawler and Hoodlum (lel).
Akudama 11
One more ep after this. I’m gonna miss this anime, even if it was crazy over-the-top and I didn’t finish it until after the day it ended.
I think the scariest scene in all of Akudama Drive is the one where the “cleaner” tosses the girl aside.
“This nowhere place!” – Around this time, the bunny and shark’s shirts say “morning”/”afternoon” (shark) and “evening” (bunny).
The blue bird of happiness…literally. That character on the birds is the one for “happy”.
…LOL, that one glitched Courier looks more like Cutthroat.
Hacker’s drone matches Courier’s head angles, LOL.
I guess if you think you’re falling in Kanto, you’re falling in Kanto and if you think you’re floating (like Courier did), you float. I always liked that concept.
War Games. Now the title makes sense!
…but they can be together if they stay here in Kanto as vessels for the citizens? (That sounds mighty antagonistic of me, but…that logic does compute.)
Maybe swindlers play games with the truth…? (What an interesting concept.)
“Just fine.” – I think Hacker needs a “This is fine” meme.
“We can hear your heart talking.” – It means something like “We can hear you spouting your true intentions.”
“…worth every last penny…” – That’s a weird thing to say for someone whose life got changed by 500 yen…Just goes to tell you how American the subbers can be sometimes.
Swindler’s smug face is so good, LOL.
Akudama 12 (FINAL)
This episode isn’t named after a movie. It’s named after the anime itself.
The TV says “Please watch away from the TV”, i.e. stand back from the TV while you watch.
“They came and stole the offerings…” – At this point, bunny’s shirt says “freedom” and shark’s says honpou, meaning “wild, uninhibited, rampant, extravagant”.
…where did Shikoku come from? Is that where Swindler and Sister landed after they tried going to the moon?
Ohh! That Christian imagery! That’s scary!
Is Akudama Drive a tragedy? No, I think…on the contrary, it’s a story of hope.
LOL, “s*** guy”.
I thought the girl had a bomb. Turns out she has a gun, which is…far worse, come to think of it.
Instead of red characters which say things about the situation, now Shark and Bunny have Hacker’s symbol on them.
There’s no way anyone who wasn’t immortal would survive the attack Courier took…
…why is it that falling over represents vulnerability in children in all of these stores where a war has happened and/or there’s a chase? Hmm?
Wow, Sister did everything with heels on…?!
Anyways, that was a fun time. See you next time!
#simulcast commentary#akudama drive#Chesarka watches Akudama Drive#taiso samurai#Gymnastics Samurai#HypMic#Hypnosis Mic#Hypnosis Mic: Division Rap Battle - Rhyme Anima#moriarty the patriot#yuukoku no moriarty#Chesarka watches Yuukoku no Moriarty#Chesarka watches HypMic#Chesarka watches Taiso Samurai
11 notes
View notes
Akudama 2 - 3 | HypMic 4 | Yashahime 3 | Taiso 2 - 3 | Moriarty 2 | Maou-jou 3
Akudama 2
I think one or two of the reviews I read of this anime picked up the names of each episode are based on movies and it seems they’re right. Namely, episode 1 is Se7en while episode 2 is Reservoir Dogs...so they’re crime movies specifically.
Kanto, Hikari etc. are the names of certain shinkansen.
Playing with your own blood in front of a no violence sign and smoking in front of a no smoking sign…LOL. So edgy and yet simultaneously so fun.
…*blinks* Welp, that OP was…an experience.
…hey, Funi are hypocrites…they gave HypMic a language warning, but not this???
Come to think of it, this anime is already exactly how I’d imagine the HypMic MTC episode to go…but with more cyberpunk, of course.
…why is “are you gay?” an insult…? I thought we were past this point years ago.
…what’s up with these puppets? The shark’s shirt says “fool” on it…
The rabbit and shark’s shirts keep changing every time they spin. When they talk about poverty/rich, the rabbit shirts says “poor” and the shark’s “rich” (or something of the sort). When the shark talks about Kansai burning to the ground, his shirt says “nervousness”.
Wow, Hiroshima vers. 2…Rabbit: peace/shark:war
Hoodlum’s just a sycophant…
…ooh, so if the girl and Hoodlum aren’t part of the plan…they could f*** s*** up?
LOL, plasma shield.
“Lil’ stick”? That’s a jitte! A non-bladed weapon which is still plenty nasty by itself!
Ken the 390??? I knew UraShimaSakataSen were on this ED and I knew this was a rap ED because I heard it in AMQ before I was able to finish this ep, IIRC, but I didn’t expect the guy from BATTLE BATTLE BATTLE....
Taiso 2
A-hah! I was right on the money! Tomoyo is an actress!
Oh, it’s senu. That’s an old-timey way of negating your verbs (it’s shinai now), hence “retires not”.
I think they’re hailing Minamino as the first winner in 45 years if I understood the newspaper article on the screen right…?
Does this mean Minamino will join Leo and Aragaki…? The OP shows him with them.
The AnimeLab translation of the title is “Duelling Samurai”, but the translation on the hardsubs is “Rock-Bottom Samurai”. The word donzoko indicates the latter is correct.
I think Leo said “Rei-chan”, not “Rachel”. It’s a bit hard to hear because he’s eating though…
I think there’s only one line where he doesn’t talk like a ninja in his intro to Ayu and that’s the line where he uses keigo instead.
I think the card says “acupuncturist Kawa????” (can’t read the last character due to Britney’s thumb), but…welp, Britney’s kinda disturbing in their (not sure what pronoun to use) own way. There also appears to be an address in Ikebukuro on the card.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Leo learnt how to speak Japanese fluently from ninja movies – that’s a pretty common anime trope, like in Tada-kun’s Rainbow Samurai case. “Always make your heart rainbow!” and all that jazz.
…so that’s what the card said - Kawamoto Orthopedic Clinic.
“My shoulder would…”
Seriously, this anime is just an excuse to look at Aragaki in different outfits (and also shirtless) and I love it, LOL. (I’m such a simpleton.)
Ah…sometimes, people ask me about the days when I used to learn piano and I bring up the fact there is such a thing as “overpractice”. I thought gymnasts would know when they hit their limits in that regard, but…I guess they don’t because they’re so consumed in their passion, or they can’t see what they’re doing to themselves (because it occurs under the skin and doesn’t ache)…?
Minamino is basically Yurio…LOL.
That’s a cute, laidback ED. It’s called Yume? (yes, with the “?”) and it’s by Hatena, hence Leo’s shirt saying “Hatena”.
Welp, I don’t think anything supernatural will happen anymore, but…it’s still a fun anime. They toned down BB too, which should please a huge number of reviewers who found him obnoxious.
Yashahime 3
Hitokon? Short for “hito control” (hito = person)? Update: It seems the name was also kanji for “flying head root”.
“…puts one to sleep.”
“…from a place like that?”
Can a Dream Butterfly steal memories?
Moriarty 2
“Colum” (sic).
These CGI horses are gonna bug me, aren’t they…?
There is this sentiment that people need to be “saved” from poverty, especially when it comes down to African and Asian people living in slums (these days). I get the same feeling from this.
Maou-jou 3
Free advertising for Maou-jou’s home magazine! LOL!
I was wondering why those things were called “Show the Mary”…remember Mezo Shouji from Boku no Hero Academia? Same pun (the walls have ears and the doors have eyes, or something of the sort).
LOL, instead of yokudekimashita (literally, “you did good”) it’s makura ni narimashita (“you made [the book] into a pillow”). The common sentence ending for verbs means it’s funnier in Japanese, I think.
…argh! I can’t read all of Alazif’s info because of the hardsubs! Umm…”Current worry: Princess” and “Worry of the past hundred years: Destroying the demon clan” is in the box next to the logo. “Powerful magic techniques are recorded inside this book, so the demons feared it and sealed it away as a ‘forbidden grimoire’.”/”Currently, under the control of the princess, they’ve been bestowing magic and magic techniques to her, so they haven’t been used for the purpose they were made for and they’re wishing the princess would use them for not-so-stupid things” (I don’t know what pronoun to give Alazif, so I gave them 3rd person “them)…ah, someone translated the stuff for me! (That saves me a lot of time.) So Alazif is a “he”, huh?
OHKO to Demon Cleric, LOL.
SAN…? Oh, “sanity”?
Oh, Demon Cleric’s ears are black goat ears. No wonder you can’t see ‘em.
This sword is like Ex from Princess, ‘Tis Time for Torture!
HypMic 4
From here until episode 6-ish, I’ll be paying extra attention to characters’ role language. I normally do that, but I picked this anime for an assignment because I knew it had a lot of examples…yes, you heard me right. An assignment! I should be happy, but I’m wondering if my taste is going to get roasted by the normies or if I’ve gone too far with my unabashed love…
I was discussing with some of my peeps in a Discord server and…is it possible MTR will get an ED from here on out if you divide the episodes up for an almost equal amount for each division? We’ll have to wait and see.
…Oof. I’m sort of scared for this episode. It’s gonna have swearing galore…and yup, there it is, right out the gate.
Wait, why not translate wakagashira? It just means “young head” or “2nd in command”.
…well, at least they got some variation in their swearing this time…?
Hmm, normally the translation is “rabbit cop” or something toned down like that. They dialled it up to “rabbity-ass cop”. (Yakuwarigo: Samatoki = na, on the whole = very, very slang – as a former naval officer, you would expect Riou to speak formally, but he speaks as casually as almost everyone else (yamero etc.))
I’ve never seen anyone refer to Samatoki as “Kashira”. *laser stares Rentei for guest VA roles*
(Yakuwarigo: Samatoki (?) = zo)
“…why don’t you ask the cops to deal with it?” – Uh, Samatoki? Jyuto is the cop. (Well, a cop.)
I still have no idea why they subtitle the laughing…
Wait, if there’s a casino…is Dice there?!
…yup, right on cue. I didn’t think Tom and co. would be there too.
Oh, LOL. HypMic is a tourist trap anime = see those buns Tom’s eating? They’re chuukaman (Chinese buns). Makes sense in Chinatown.
It took me several watches to realise who’d passed by, but it’s…MTC in formal clothes?! (You can see part of Jyuto’s face, just to confirm it.)
Why are they wearing glasses? Even Jyuto’s wearing different glasses to the usual, LOL.
I learnt how to do some of the casino stuff while trying to get a job as a gaming customer service assistant in a huge casino joint one time. In a sense, this brings me back to then. (Update: I mean, the sound of the roulette, the sight of the board, the chips and the like. That’s what takes me back.)
(Yakuwarigo: Dice slurs his words a lot, especially when yelling things along the lines of “Please lend me moneyyyyyyyyyyyyy!” This is also true in the game.)
Dice seems to have jumped straight to “Riou”, rather than “Riou-san”.
I wonder if anyone will ever elaborate on that incident where Dice and Riou met?
(Yakuwarigo: Samatoki speaks coarsely, but not outright swearing in the source language…for an example, he says kussotare when roped into being Jakurai’s “female counterpart” for the ARB Halloween event, but he doesn’t do anything of the sort here.)
Even Ramuda uses “san” with Samatoki, most likely to emulate how Samatoki calls himself “oresama” (but with lower formality).
Ramuda-chin? That’s new.
Yakuwarigo: Gentaro spoke normally, just with desu/masu. Maybe the “perchance” was to make it blend in with his -de aru?
Uh-oh…Ramuda’s favours always are things like “dress up for me” and “hang out with me”, if the game is any indication. (One of them happens to be how Ichiro was roped into being a sorta-Kirito for the ARB Halloween event.)
This CGI…it’s not the jankiest, but it is gonna bug me ever so slightly.
I’ve noticed a lot of people in the English-speaking fandom, when they watched the anime, took a shine to MTC (because they seem to embody the entire “refuge in audacity” thing they’ve picked up on…plus that one hamster lyric people got attached to). You can see them being all “cop/gangster husbands” here if that’s your gig – it’s kind of my gig, but to be real HypMic is not a scene where I ship dudes. I’m sorry, but I just like watching pretty boys kick butt.
What warranted the dramatic glasses drop…? (LOL anyway)
That whistle…LOL. It’s like “Look at my boy fight” and “Riou’s got some sweet fightin’ moves” rolled up in one.
For some reason, when I saw the sign for the Organised Crime department, I heard the Student Council theme from Boueibu play in my head…? (Remember that harpsichord theme?) *shrugs* I dunno why that happened.
Hmm…they crossed out the subtitles using Swedish letters instead of strikethrough, huh? Didn’t know that was a limitation.
(Yakuwarigo: Jyuto = dazo)
“Wouldya look at that forlorn mug of his?” – Seeing a man taller than you (Riou is a good 190 or so cm, mind you, making him the tallest member of his division above Samatoki’s 180-something and Jyuto’s 170-something) making a sort of demented puppy-dog face…LOL.
(Yakuwarigo: Jyuto elevated himself to kimasuyo…maybe to win back Riou’s favour?)
(Yakuwarigo: The translation elevated Samatoki’s “nanda” to “the f***”. “Nanda” is not that bad – it’s casual, but doesn’t imply swearing like “ittai” is supposed to mean “the hell”.)
(Yakuwarigo: Jyuto doesn’t finish when he says “ore wa hanashi ga”. That’s called an omission, plain as that may be.)
(Yakuwarigo: Taihendaze!...Maybe that’s a bit far to call it “we’re f**ked”…? It could just be “we’re doomed!” or “we’ve got trouble!”)
(Yakuwarigo: Jyuto uses desune. He’s the most feminine of the trio by virtue of being the smallest height-wise and most polite due to his job, but he seems to bounce between casual and polite a lot.)
…wow, even the rap lyrics have the F bomb…and this time, you can see the evidence.
Natsu no mushi = bugs in the summer. Not a perfect match, but it works. (Notably, things like Gentaro’s speech and rap lyrics don’t play by the same yakuwarigo rules because you can play characters within it – e.g. the evil doctor Jakurai sometimes plays. I’ve noticed most of the songs use casual or whatever rhymes, even for someone like Doppo who’s considered more polite than most.)
…Despite the swearing…that song slaps, man! That’s great.
MTC seems to have more tragedy on average than other divisions. This is because FP and BB are quite light-hearted and mostly family-friendly with hidden depths, but MTR mostly has stalker stories. Update: That’s when they’re focussing on MTR solo. FP’s currently could get pretty dark soon and a lot of the dark/tragic stuff is not actually going to make the anime because it’s in the drama tracks/manga.
My gosh, we got to see Nemu animated!
Okay, I’m not well-versed in yakuza slang but kumicho = boss, so Samatoki would have to answer to a kumicho.
(Yakuwarigo: Notably, when Riou bows, he doesn’t elevate his speech.)
(Yakuwarigo: Jyuto = desukane)
…and randomly, rock solo postcard memory away from the sunset. (LOL) (Also, I believe I befriended Zainou during my time on WordPress. This episode title really does mean things, in a certain sense.)
Ah, it did switch! It’s just…uh, gone to an MTC version of itself (and it has the same name, “Kizuna”). So that means we wait another 6 episodes for MTR. On the other hand…what will the final version be? A whole cast version? A different song? No song at all? *shrugs* Only the future can tell us these things. (Also, why is Jyuto so loud…? That’s why I’m not a bigger fan of him. Much like Ramuda’s minna genki?, his iconic quotes like “In the building!” are so loud and silly-sounding, you just can’t get them out of your head.)
The cityscape in the middle of the disc at the ED’s start seems to have changed. I would assume that’s a Yokohama skyline.
Keiichi Nakagawa is the voice of Rentei…I should stop burning myself on guest VA appearances, this guy’s a rookie. This Nouzenkazura VA (Kenji Hamada) though is voiced by the guy who does Otegine in Touken Ranbu and isn’t as much of a rookie as Rentei’s.
Notably, where BB do the “BB sign” (as it seems to be known), MTC do a finger gun. MTR have the wolf fang, but…what is FP’s, then? Update: It’s a peace sign to the side to make an F.
Today’s new music was “Red Zone (Don’t Test da Master)”, by KLOOZ and DJ WATARAI.
*cringes at the airhorn* *briefly presses fingers to forehead, as if going to massage temples, but then removes them* The airhorn reminds me of crazy sport fans. Crazy anime fans are more civil than them, which is one reason why I don’t follow sports on the regular.
Update: Oh! The pond owl cafe in episode 2! It means Ikebukuro!...Sort of. Fukurou rhymes with ‘bukuro and ike = pond.
Akudama 3
Hmm? Is it just me or is that T in the code the kanji for “bird” (tori)?
“It’s where I belong.” – I know my reason for pursuing Japanese is a purely selfish reason – so I can stay above others in the topics I think matter to me and pursue the endless natural high that comes from the thrill of translation (which may be all one reason or two, depending on how you look at it).
Oh, the bunny and shark again.
The bunny’s shirt said “life” at one point, I didn’t understand the shark’s though.
At one point, shark: Ka (from “Kansai”), bunny: ken (authority).
At the end, shark: heaven, bunny: hell. These broadcasts look like NHK broadcasts at the end.
Most of these words are katakana, making them look foreign.
Kansai 300, 25-1.
“Move-you-s**t!” – It…seems a bit out of character for Swindler to say the swear word there.
Taiso 3
That CGI…is not the greatest.
According to Moon Land, gymnastics operates on a deduction/addition system. You add points for difficulty, but deduct points for errors like how Minamino’s feet are apart.
*sees montage* - Those CGI scenes really take out the budget, huh…?
Gymnastics moves are named after their creators…kinda like scientific names and finders.
There was a lot of commentary in Moon Land so I’m not sure what the moves are called from memory (the dialogue always did that for me), but having the reactions speak for themselves…I think the anime team has enough faith the reactions will convey everything. They did, by the way.
You can see the bone at the base of Minamino’s neck, under the skin…it’s sort of scary.
The fact you couldn’t see Jotaro’s eyes for a shot or two…that kind of unnerved me and built tension.
Oh! The men in black appear after the credits!
#simulcast commentary#akudama drive#HypMic#Hypnosis Mic#Hypnosis Microphone#Hypnosis Mic: Division Rap Battle - Rhyme Anima#Taiso Samurai#hanyo no yashahime#Moriarty the Patriot#Yuukoku no Moriarty#maou-jou de oyasumi#Chesarka watches Taiso Samurai#Chesarka watches Yuukoku no Moriarty#Chesarka watches HypMic#Chesarka watches Akudama Drive#Chesarka watches Yashahime#Chesarka watches Maou-jou
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Taiso Samurai 10 - 11 (FINAL) | Skate-Leading Stars 1 | Maou-jou 7 - 8
Started winter 2021 early.
Taiso Samurai 10
Swagganegger (LOL)…? (<- tried typing “Schwarzenegger” from memory and ended up failing)
Note the slight hop at the end. Unless that’s part of the skill, it’s going to get a deduction.
Yuka makes sense, as that translates to “floor”, but anma (?) = pommel horse? The “horse” matches, but what does the hiragana “an” stand for…?
…LOL, Yusuke Kuwabara. I didn’t realise it at first until I googled it up, but it’s (Kazuma) Kuwabara and Yusuke (Urameshi) combined.
LOL, we never learnt Tackey’s first name until now. Also, “oke-kara” is apparently what all the hip kids say.
Where’d Liu go…?
I’ll Give It My All…Tomorrow is the name of a manga series, coincidentally enough.
I realised he (Leo) called her “Rei”…not Rachel.
Taiso Samurai 11 (FINAL)
The rock thing Rei does seems to be a good luck ritual.
Zoshigaya…a place in south Ikebukuro.
“A lot can change in one year…” – *glares at the year that was 2020* You can say that again.
Never underestimate a dive-bombing bird!
“…taking you to see Dad.”
The horizontal bar is known as the “iron/metal bar” in Japanese, so…it makes sense Tetsuo (“iron/metal man”, with the same kanji) would excel on it.
“connected to the next era” – Note 2003 was smack bang in the middle of the Heisei era, but closer to the end.
“Swan Like” (sic), LOL. How old is Rei now? 15…?
…what. The. Absolute. F***in. Heck. Leo?!? What did you do to the pretty, long-haired Leo?!? His hair is so short now??? Anyways, that’s all from this anime. See you next time!
Maou-jou 7
LOL, how does that demon see with a mask like that?
…well, at least Hades has nice abs. (LOL)
This anime is either enjoyed best in the morning, when you won’t sleep from it, or at night just before sleeping. That’s my opinion, at least.
Ker + Ber + Ros are afraid of big dogs and the captive princess. They’re overly spoiled.
Suima = Sleeping Demon = Hypnos…Makes sense.
Notably, the quest info says “kyou mo” (today also…”, so it only applies to that day the princess is doing her quest on…I guess?
…oh yeah, I just said they don’t like big dogs…
Lookit them heels! Hades could kill a (human) man with those heels!
I guess it’s what doesn’t happen that makes a good comedy…
Skate-Leading Stars 1
Funimation worked their magic and got this show for us early!
“…I’ll quit figure skating!” This is in one of the 1st lines of the anime…
With the male character designs, sometimes you can tell they’re Yana Toboso’s.
…I never thought I’d see the day where I was mildly hyped for a surfing anime, a skating anime and a skateboarding anime in one season. Winter 2021 is sort of scary in that sense – I have to learn a lot to stay afloat if I like those 3.
Oh dear…that CGI in the OP doesn’t bode well.
They didn’t even change the logo on that Pocari Sweat.
The exposition in YoI was pretty fun, actually, because making learning fun is a hard feat. You can almost see Maeshima being a lead.
Can this glasses guy be seen as blackmailing Maeshima…?
This series’s sense of motion is nice – then again, it’s a figure skating anime. It has to have a good one, or else it’s a goner! (What do I mean by that? It has a good grasp on how people move. I’d like to think I have a good grasp on that as well…but I can’t really transfer that to paper because I’m only good at static poses, plus sometimes when I imagine someone doing a motion repetitively, I imagine them doing it over and over again – like that one ad of a dancer spinning around endlessly, while it asks you what direction they’re spinning in - which isn’t particularly helpful when you only need it once.)
…how did no one realise that Yamada looks nothing like Maeshima…? Also, “Michiyuki” means something like “go on [a] road”, while “Yamada” is a generic surname.
These watercolour parts and that part where the colour was added was nice!!!
Well, it might not be the most solid thing ever, but it’s a pretty strong start to the winter 2021 season!
Maou-jou 8
…couldn’t they have done this wormhole business earlier? Also, I realised even the most manly of men use wa as a sentence ender, so my dissing Scissors Demon was unwarranted. (Sorry!)
I think “D-Whatsit” might be “A-whatsit” in Japanese (= Akatsuki). Update: I was right on the money, the eyecatch calls him “A-nantoka-kun” (A-whatsit).
They’re trying to make this funny, but since they’re also trying to seriously convey Dawner’s backstory…it’s not funny.
Dawner (<- I’m calling him this because it’s shorter) has very good prospects for his future…whatever that means…his worry from not too long ago was, “The princess doesn’t remember my name!” His recent worry was, “I want to meet my friends from the forest again,” meaning he met some people/things in the forest which he befriended (possibly aside from the princess). I can’t read everything due to hardsubs, but his future dream is to be a hero…which he is now.
The “su” in Suya (in the princess’s elaborate poem) is a phonetic sound, but the “ya” means night, which I think is appropriate. The joke is that this calligraphy text is an old-timey poem, so it’s like Suya is going off to war or having a double suicide rather than facing a cavity.
Cursed Dentist…will he curse her? Or her teeth? I can see why Syalis doesn’t like him now.
It seems the dentist is part chicken. Look at those fluffy tail feathers.
Sakkyun…short for succubus, hence “Cubey”. However, she’s just a colour swap of Syalis…
So in the end…the only innocent one is Poseidon? (LOL)
#simulcast commentary#taiso samurai#Gymnastics Samurai#Maou-jou de Oyasumi#Skate-Leading Stars#Chesarka watches Taiso Samurai#Chesarka watches Maou-jou#sleepy princess in the demon castle
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Higurashi New 2 | Wandering Witch 2 | Moriarty 1 | Taiso Samurai 1 | Kamisama 1 | Munou na Nana 2 | Golden Kamuy 3 1 (25) | Yashahime 2
I’m trying a seasonal challenge this time...so that means I have to leave some Crunchyroll anime to the side. That’s why I’m putting in the tags now.
Higurashi New 2
Apparently, now this Higurashi is called “Gou”…I dunno what that means in the context of this series, but *Saitama face* OK.
Is this girl…Rika? Or this Hanyuu girl I heard of on ANN? Update: Wait a bit from that point. You’ll get your answer.
Do they ever examine why the girls in Higurashi are what they are? Rika seems to have something supernatural going on, but Rena…is just a psycho girl right now, so it’s hard to care.
LOL, I was wondering where this “nipah” Rika meme came from, but it is present in the dialogue.
I predicted that Gilligan cu-er, transition far too easily…
Why is that kid’s face so tanned (?) in comparison to the rest of him???
How did these girls get up the building so fast??? (LOL?)
Wow, the cicada noise was pretty loud there, so…props to the sound guys for making that sound stifling.
Can we really trust what Mion is saying about Tomitake…?
I thought we were going to see Watanagashi in ep 3, but…okay.
Satoko speaks rather formally. She says kochira de gozaimasuyo! instead of kocchi! or kochiradesuyo!.
Who’s that blonde lady? Someone from Umineko?
The bright colours really help to sell the ominous nature of this ED and anime. I don’t think I understand everything that’s happening in said ED, though…
Gonna pause it here because I heard you need to watch the OG and Rei to understand this, now that the new Higurashi is operating under its “proper” name.
Wandering Witch 2
…Elaina’s a bit full of herself still…
…what the heck was that instrument playing over the titlecard? Bagpipes…?
LOL, it’s the Attack on Titan world!
Did Elaina lose her hat when she fell? That must be a very stable hat indeed.
Ooh, particle effects! However…there’s CGI here, although it’s only kinda noticeable.
Have you never heard of money…?
Wait, witches get discounts???
It seems Saya comes from Japan.
LOL, this is basically Quidditch without a snitch!
I like mushrooms, so I don’t get why people kick up such a fuss about them.
Saya seems to act like this is yuri bait…*sigh*
Saya’s crying like her sister died…c’mon, it’s not that bad!
I’m hitting pause. If this is actually how the series is, then it’s primed for a drop, but I can’t help but keep it on for the spectacular visuals and the fact it’s basically anime Harry Potter.
Taiso Samurai 1
I keep swearing I’ll finish my old simulcasts…but then new ones pop up like daisies…(I guess it’s better than having no anime to finish, right?)
I just realised how pretty Jotaro’s eyes are…! The fact he just sort of splats and then doesn’t get up shows how weary he is, unlike Sakura from Moon Land, who would��ve probably gotten up and never tried doing gymnastics again if he were in the same position.
Just by glancing over the results when I google for this Montreal gold, it seems it was done by a Kouhei Uchimura, but I might be wrong on that front…oh wait, there are 3 golds, so it’s not necessarily just that one…
You can tell this is 2002 because of that flip phone.
Intai Zamurai…it’s constructed the same way as the anime’s title. Two characters and then “samurai”.
BB (Big Bird) on the side there is so goofy, he’s…kind of distracting. <- Note the official website refers to Big Bird as BB, hence my use of it.
I was wondering if Rei was the daughter or the wife…so it’s the former.
Kinugawa Ropeway…it rings a bell, somehow. Maybe the Boueibu crew went there as DVD/BD extras.
…does everyone know that a ryokan is like a mini hotel with a traditional set-up?
*snorts* LOL, Keanu (Reeves, obviously).
That montage was a bit worrying…maybe the CGI took out part of the budget? I was a bit worried when I could tell there was CGI in that one starting segment.
…LOL, wut. Agent Smith (from the Matrix)?
Yamakasi seems to be a parkour thing which has its own movie.
…I’m sort of wondering: was that ninja a woman? If Jotaro gets another wife…I dunno if I’ll like the anime as much. Things could become far too dramatic if he did. Update: You do find out later in this episode.
I think – from lip reading – the ninja used -de gozaimasu. I remember getting it drilled into me that people don’t use that these days, but in the time of ninja and samurai, they did.
…another anime set in Ikebukuro. I knew from the station, but…’bukuro must be a nice place if people are reppin’ it all of a sudden.
Was Tomoyo an actress…?
“Kinugawa, as in the river where ogres get mad?” – See, that’s the pun I made about Boueibu’s Atsushi years ago…
This Takizawa guy’s so expressive, LOL.
Gotta love a man in a suit, yes…
…they keep building up to this retirement, only for him to not retire??? Which is it?! (LOL) That declaration works better in Japanese because the -shimasen goes at the end of the sentence so the weird sentence structure in the English translation actually makes Jotaro look like he really messed up due to nervousness speaking in front of crowds. Update: He just sounds like he stopped in the middle of a sentence in Japanese, which he obviously did.
There’s no time travel for sure, but there are ninjas! Plus dudes in jumpsuits!...plus, of course, gymnastics! It could still work, but I keep swearing there’s something supernatural coming around the corner for this…Also, this “gymnast trying to retire” thing seems to be drawing me in because of my whole current lack of direction in basically everything, much like Rikuo of Sing Yesterday for Me.
Kamisama 1
Hmm…Kamisama ni Natta Hi…it doesn’t say the subject stating this became a god, so the pronoun could be “she” or “you” rather than “I”, which seems to be the current standard for it. Update: It says on the title card “I”, so it should have an I then…I guess(?)
There’s a fish on the logo.
…this girl, I already know her name is Hina. That’s the 2nd Odin this season (the first is in Sigdrifa…or however it’s spelt)…she’s gonna be annoying, isn’t she…?
What’s this about a date…?
There are two Izanamis this season, too. The second is Hifumi from HypMic.
Looks like there was an accident, according to one of the signs.
…This feels exactly like a visual novel. I’m surprised it’s an original.
I was wondering why “Key Ramen” (Kagi Ramen) sounded weird…then it hit me. Key! You motherf**kers!!! *shakes fist* You were hiding right under my nose all along!
Hey, Potato-kun! (I know his name is Youta, but…eh, aside from having a possible girlfriend candidate and being a Nice Guy, he’s still a Potato-kun.) Stop staring in disbelief and do something!
…Why Potato-kun, anyway? Is it because his name means “become god”???
…This Izanami is so emotionless…it’s hard to imagine her cheering, Youta was right on that front.
…that style in Hina’s background…I’m pretty sure I’ve seen it for Sailor Moon Crystal, but I’ve forgotten what the artist’s name is (the one that inspired that artstyle)…
I almost expected Hina to interrupt the confession, like Leo from Taiso Samurai.
I kinda just shrugged near the end of the episode and finished it just to see if the confession would be interrupted, so…big fat drop there. I must not like much Key beyond Angel Beats (and even then, it’s only okay because it’s the relic of a time gone by).
Moriarty 1
I’ve been picking up Sherlock-related things left and right ever since I was a fan of Detective Conan…not Sherlock, Elementary or that Robert Downey Jr. movie, but the stuff Conan Doyle had his hands in. (I’d also like to keep an eye out for that Miyazaki movie, but I don’t know if I can/should go out of my way for it.) Therefore, I was a pretty easy mark for a bishonen Moriarty.
Who’s this “El” guy anyway?
…That OP is basically Black Butler all over again. I admit I went, “Oh, stuff this” for a second when I saw Rasmus Faber’s name on credits – when I went to entire series for him, they always ended badly for me – but I couldn’t stop watching the episode (since I skipped forward to the actual episode due to background noise), so this might be the anime to change everything.
I’ll be real with you – aside from Japan, America and China (the former two of which I’ve gone to and the latter I’ve technically gone to Hong Kong, which I have stronger ties to anyway), I honestly don’t have anywhere on my bucket list. That said, anime (obviously, the London arc from DC was a big factor) and this one movie called What a Girl Wants have been pretty instrumental in making Great Britain…almost make the list of places I want to go to. Key word: almost.
…I want a dub. With accents like Princess Principal.
Also, I forgot Soma Saito was our Moriarty…LOL.
“…for Man of Standing” (sic).
Turn the other cheek, Mr. Tailor.
The eyes really tell you everything about a person in this anime.
Ooh, this has absolutely no holes in its logic. It’s a strong contender!
Yashahime 2
Holy s***, is that Kagome’s brother?(!) He kinda reminds me of Takagi from Detective Conan for some reason…
Come to think of it…writers like Takahashi don’t normally have androgynous leads like Towa, do they?
That was…not the best fight scene, man.
Ooh, naginata. I’ve read a bit about them, but I’ve never really seen one used in an anime before…not to my memory. Not even the naginata in Touken Ranbu (plural) can help with that.
…this Rainbow Pearl business reminds me of Sailor Moon’s…uh, whatever they’re called…Rainbow Crystals, that’s right.
There’s something oddly comfy about predicting the “it won’t be my crying face, it’s yours you’ll get!” line, as bad as that sign may be for predictability on the whole.
I’ve felt in the years leading up to now, the progressive nations are slowly causing the entire gender binary to unravel. The more I think about my own relationship with my concept of gender – I accept gender-neutral third-person pronouns because initially I wanted to be anonymous on the internet, but now I’m just generally fine with it, for instance – the more I can agree and yet also disagree because of the progress the LGBTIQ+ community has made in recent years.
Munou na Nana 2
Ah-hah! People were calling it that the enemies of humanity were actually the superpowered kids and this proves it.
Ah, I think this Shibusawa is Masuda. I was here for him, so here he is.
Nana just says konnichiwa, which is the most basic of Japanese greetings. I don’t think it was phrased as a question, so…why did the subbers go with that?
Nana keeps breaking her chopsticks by leaving a bit at the end.
Lemme guess…Shibusawa’s talent is actually reversing time, not stopping it.
Is…that Shibusawa Nana’s giving flowers to…?
Golden Kamuy 3 1 (25)
If this is episode 25, was this always planned as a split-cour with season 2? I wonder…
Lingonberries! Oh, lingonberries! They’re those berries Ikea puts into their jam, right? (I’ve never tasted a lingonberry, but…yeah. That’s how I know of them.)
The sign says “Hurep Honpo” (backwards, as some older Japanese/Chinese things do), so it really just says “hurep” (since “honpo” = main shop). Update: Hurep actually means “lingonberry” and not the berry wine like I thought it did here, so it says “hurep wine” after all.
Thank goodness for 2D bears! (LOL)
Ratel?...uh, honey badger! That’s what they’re called in English!
…uh, and then it turns out to be a wolverine. I don’t know my Mustelidae, it seems.
There’s nothing like someone throwing a wolverine to know this is Golden Kamuy…(as weird as that sounds.)
…what was that random line about boobs about…? (Maybe it was just said to be random…?)
…ohhhhhhhh. These yellow eyes work much better than the standard red eyes you see in Munou na Nana or Moriarty. They’re so sinister.
Why did it suddenly change to an interview style…? Weren’t we waiting for a fight? Update: Seems the answer is “padding”. Not that I mind, I think it was interesting actually. Do more of that if you can.
#simulcast commentary#Golden Kamuy#Higurashi: When They Cry - New#Higurashi: When They Cry - Gou#Kamisama ni Natta Hi#The Day I Became a God#Taiso Samurai#Gymnastics Samurai#Moriarty the Patriot#Yuukoku no Moriarty#Wandering Witch: The Journey of Elaina#Majo no Tabitabi#Chesarka watches Taiso Samurai#Chesarka watches Yuukoku no Moriarty#Munou na Nana#Talentless Nana#hanyo no yashahime#Chesarka watches Yashahime
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HypMic 7 - 9 | Maou-jou 5 - 6 | Akudama Drive 6 - 8 | I7 s2 6 - 9 | Taiso Samurai 5 - 6
HypMic 7
I will never not laugh at the content advisory, haha.
I like Kazuha already. Too bad he’s probably evil…
Oh, is it the day of the DRB in the series already…? Or maybe, because it’s the qualifiers, BB and MTC’s match is on a different day to FP and MTR’s.
Oh? Does Tom know Jakurai well enough to call him “Jakurai-sensei”? (<- middle ground between “Jinguji-sensei/Sensei” and “Jakurai”) Also, Tom uses “ore”.
Ooh, Iris is a motorbike rider, eh? Interesting. I thought they (<- not sure if Iris is a “she” or “he” with a really weird name) were more of a Saburo-type and didn’t bother with things like that, based on their appearance. Update: Someone on Yahoo Answers said based on Iris’s watashi, she is a woman.
Typo fixed! Good job, anime staff! Update: I’m referring to “…darkest hour is just before the down” (sic).
…bukkorosu = “f***in’ slaughter ‘em”. It’s not wrong…it’s just the subbers really like to abuse the F word for MTC. But you knew that already if you got this far…right?
LOL, Ramuda wants to “scratch [Rex’s] back” (figuratively) to…get SNS views? Hahaha.
This Studio Alita is probably a reference to Shinjuku Alta.
Yotsutsuji!!! That was the one big spoiler I got before watching the episode today and I’m so happy I got to see him animated!
(One of) Irihatoma and Degarashi refer to Jakurai as “Jakurai-sensei” as well. Hmm, I never noticed. Update: That’s Degarashi, because Irihatoma speaks to Jakurai alone later this ep.
There’s 50% chance I’m getting this wrong, but I’m going to go out on a limb and say Kazuha is voiced by a veteran VA…one I already know about.
Doppo calls Kazuha by his first name…That upgrade means their relationship escalated quickly (or this is a quirk of HypMic in general, since I noticed most characters are on first name basis with each other). Also, it’s cute Doppo finally has someone in his corner. No other part of the franchise has one, to my memory. Update: It might actually be “Kazuha-kun”…but I’m still surprised though. Update 2: It’s both, actually.
I’ve listened to the phrase “some random guy” several times from Hifumi’s mouth and all I can figure out is the “yatsu” at the end. (Doesn’t help my ears blocked themselves up again, although it’s less than it used to be.)
Harumi Wharf.
R? On a helicopter landing pad?
…uh oh. I was right when I thought Kazuha was going to be evil. Also, Doppler shift/effect. Update: “Doppler” is clearly a pun on “Doppo”.
Hmm? “Hey, Doppo” from “yaa”…it doesn’t have a name referred in there. It’s a small but odd thing to do. (I remember a professional translator was complaining that people with intermediate Japanese were giving them flak for translating things “wrong”, but what I do here is analysis for my future and edificiation. I’m not here to knock down pro translators’ doors and demand a refund, because I’m trying to go pro to atone for my sins as a scanlator.)
The soundtrack’s slightly sinister tone, plus the fact I figured the culprit well before Doppo did, makes me slightly scared…for MTR.
I realised they skimped on the budget…this “hot off the car chase” line seems more like an MTC line, doesn’t it…?...Yeah, it’s almost word for word for MTC in DRB+. Maybe the subbers rushed and used this translation (this link I put here) rather than their actual lyrics…? I will have to get to the bottom of this. Update: Turns out the translation is slightly different, but…yes, there is reference to a car chase in the start of Shinjuku Style. (Sorry, I don’t know every lyrics of every song off the top of my head.)
…wow, this got really Doppo-centric. I’ve never seen the leader relinquish their position when it comes to “leading into battle” before. It just goes to show the staff really do pay attention to how popular Doppo is.
Note “Doppo” means “walk alone”, roughly speaking, hence the “solitary” line.
This song is very, very faithful to its original lyrics, because I was trying to look at Hifumi’s “mixing paint” line and it pretty much matches.
Hifumi’s “my men”, LOL.
Kazuha = “one leaf”, hence the “leaves” in one of Jakurai’s lines.
I cringe every time I hear screaming coming from this episode, y’know…?
…oh dear. MTC’s plot actually bled into MTR’s.
I already knew from browsing Twitter earlier today that Kizuna was going to become FP’s today, but hearing it is another matter entirely.
Kosuke Miyoshi is Kazuha. Apparently, this guy also voiced Mashirao Ojiro (the tail guy) from BnHA, but that’s his only major role…so I was right in that I knew him, but wrong in that he was, again, a relative rookie in comparison to most.
Apparently FP’s sign is a peace sign sideways to represent an F, but…it’s just a sideways peace sign to me…
…how is Dice’s bead ornament attached to him? Is it on his hair, on his ear, on the skin behind his ear…? I was trying to replicate his outfit and got stuck on how to represent it, so I ended up opting for trying (and failing) to do a small braid on the right side.
IWGP shows up this season…it’s the song with the “hoo!” noise BB perform in this episode.
LOL, “Dead men tell no tales” is a perfect saying for MTC.
Akudama 6
Is there a movie called “Brother”…? There’s apparently one that’s the plural of that, but not that itself.
If HypMic likes the F bomb, then Akudama like the S word.
I-Is it just me or is the choreography sped up at some points in this episode…? It’s a bit disorienting to come back to.
I thought the kid was a robot…but close enough.
Oh no! Why does the teacher always have to die for the student to become stronger???
Kairaku/shugi -> pleasure/doctrine (if I didn’t somehow misunderstand the shark’s kanji combo),
The part after the ED looks a little too long…keep watching.
The Japanese says “Lost Children”, but the English says “The City of Lost Children”, probably referring to this French sci-fi film.
I7 s2 6
I like how Gaku is taking special offence to Yamato’s comments about him being a playboy.
Re:vale-san. I never noticed until now.
“I’m already looking forward to it.” That’s how I would translate Tsumugi’s “I’m already excited”.
“…who could possibly complain?” – I think Mitsuki might.
The pun in the MEZZO show is that tai (group/squad) sounds the same as tai (want to ~). Rabbinsta is obviously Instagram + Rabbit (Chat?).
Oh my gosh! It’s the Yotsuba sister!
Mitsuki’s shopping trip OST is nice, man. This piano.
This episode has a really great sense of danger and foreboding for the future.
I7 s2 7
Perfection Gimmick. Never heard it in the anime before.
Even the ramen house’s name is a play on “Idolish7”.
LOL, Yamato sure turned that comment around.
The sign talking about beer says something about coupons below it. (It went by too fast and my CR app’s kinda fiddly, so I can’t really go back…)
Kimi to Ai na Night (pun on Idolish7, aka “AiNana”, again).
Mitsuki, no one hates you! You’re just imagining it all!
I7 s2 8
Momo hugely resembles Sasara, right down to the highlights on the hair…
“…you’re so handsome…” – I’m dying on the inside here, people! *laps up the BL pandering with a derpy smile on my face*
Banri and Tsumugi haven’t been focussed on lately…they’re clearly doing something regarding Banri’s ties with Re:vale, but I can’t quite figure out what that “something” is.
Why is there a basketball and a football in the back of the Takanashi office…?
Please don’t run in heels, Tsumugi…
“I love Idolish7!” - Ah, despite my quibbles, Tsumugi is good after all.
“making one’s best exertions” – Why do those words on the cup worry me a bit…?
Isn’t “I’m watching you” a creepy statement…?
Apparently Tamaki’s symbol is mp (mezzo pianissimo), hence Sougo’s words.
…my gosh! Aya’s foster father is Kujou?!
I7 s2 9
If I heard it right, Tenn’s line was “I can be your idol”, not “your prince”.
“Older Izumi” - …ah, poor Mitsuki.
“Damn you, sexy beast…” – LOL!
…aw, I think this is the first time my heart has been lightened by Tsunashi’s laugh. He’s a good boy.
The chibis…I’m still trying to get used to them…
As a song once said, “You can’t please everyone so you just gotta please yourself.” (Blah blah blah, something about garden parties…)
Takao what now???...okay, Takao Dayuu.
…You’re lucky that wasn’t Tenn doing Takao Dayuu. It would’ve been very “Gentaro does his courtesan voice” if it was.
Nagi doesn’t overpronounce things as much in this season. It’s…pleasant, actually. Give me more of that.
Nagi’s “Oh my god!” was hilarious.
Taiso 5
Ra (ら) and ro (ろ) look kinda similar in hiragana.
Even without the audio, I can guess the words were “yarubeki koto” (things you should do) -> shachihoko.
The texts are written in gyaru-moji. Gyaru-moji is basically indecipherable to anyone who doesn’t know how it works – kind of like the common teen vernacular, to be honest (LOL…?) – and so the subs actually kind of ruin the confusingness of it all, but they did slightly better when they went “UR”.
Movie shiritori! But…has it really been half a year since Leo started? I feel slightly robbed about that plotline with the Men in Black right now…(then again, HypMic is just as bad about important plotlines, if not worse, so…I’m going to be patient and not complain.)
July 5th…Rei is a Cancer…?
They’re…finally moving on this Men in Black plotline! I only complained two points ago! Thank you, staff, for listening to my complaints (…?).
Moon Land finished recently, so I wonder if I’ll lose interest in this anime from here on out…? There was a Pommel Horse Prince in that.
Moon Land taught me that gymnastics has a lot of skills named after their creators, much like the Aragaki previously. The score is out of 10 for both D (difficulty) and E (execution), meaning a 20 is the best you can do, but the judges can get really picky...
The word for “vault” literally means “leaping/jumping horse”…makes sense.
Some of these names are names I’m familiar with from Moon Land already…but I never remember what the skills look like.
…welp, Leo just proved he really is a ninja after all.
Dr Stone’s s2 had its ED announced to be “Koe?” by Hatena and “Yume?” here really makes a theme…does Hatena give all their song titles question marks on the end?
Taiso 6
Colour gangs? Like in IWGP?
It’s nice to see they’re (Jotaro and Rei) communicating properly for the first time in possibly this entire anime.
On the wall, that thing is an evacuation map…of some sort.
…I’ve always wondered: if a bird eats chicken, does that count as cannibalism?
This is like thw Makkachin incident all over again (in YoI).
“…there’s no reason for you to grin and bear it.”
…Leo and Jotaro, both are so dense! Boys *shakes head*.
BB? More like ET (LOL)!
Maou-jou 5
…I didn’t even notice the cast was all dudes bar the princess at this point.
Tatakau Onnatachi. It could mean “fighting women” or “female warriors”.
I’m still vaguely pissed that Kirito is here under my nose…darn Demon King!!!
One of the harpy’s recent worries was that she wanted to become friends with the princess…That’s kinda cute…
Didn’t Syalis already get the coffin that one time? Or did it get confiscated?
*eyes sparkle* Cloud…I’d like to sleep on a cloud…*dreamy look on face* Cloud.
This is basically Princess, ‘Tis Time for Torture in reverse.
Is it “make do” or “make due”…?
I don’t think I need to explain the joke where the harpy is happy.
Gendo pose!
I wonder if the bed or the sheets will talk to her (Syalis) someday?
Maou-jou 6
The New Gearbolt’s quote is “guruguru dokkan”, which is just a bunch of sound effects. It would translate to something like “whir-whir-thud”.
Underwear episodes are some of the worst episodes ever…they’re so juvenile…I dropped at least one series based on the underwear episode alone.
Ah! The seal on the ice monster’s shoulder! Too cute!
How can a mechanical princess mecha (…thing?) have worries?
LOL, never underestimate the hilarity of the teddy demons ganging up on the Demon King.
I like how the Japanese pointed out the demons only moved the princess.
HypMic 8
I thought the robberies were Kazuha’s doing…? Or is this a separate case?
Samatoki answering his phone with his feet up…LOL, there’s just something funny about it. It shows he’s just so badass, he can get away with it.
Riou’s hacking (?) skills come to the fore again. (Or is that listening to enemy intel?)
Ooh, Iris is sassy. I love her already.
…er, Samatoki? Blowing cigarette smoke into Jyuto’s face is just rude…
“…don’t hang up your gloves.” – Considering Jyuto has his red gloves…LOL.
What the heck is that backing track when the 2nd car moved out? That’s a cool track.
Ah! Iris is a Saburo-type…LOL, Saburo’s fake identity.
“a cop who’s in with the yakuza” - Wow, way to diss your own teammate, Samatoki.
For a guy who was only just in the water, Riou doesn’t even look wet.
“2 DIE 4” – Hmm? So did the anime staff know what Riou’s 2nd round song title was at the time…? Update: Judging by the name “Requiem” dropped in the next episode, I would say yes.
“…f*** the police…” - Wow, way to diss your own teammate, Samatoki. X2
Hmm? In Riou’s rap bit near the end, he goes “mad warrior” and that rhymes (in a very loose way of speaking) with “Mad Trigger”. The English didn’t keep that.
I remember seeing a spoiler which said that line (the one about slaves)…but seriously, Jyuto is such a “sexy revenge cop” (as someone once said – I think it might be Slug, or an anon to Slug) that literally nothing else seems to matter about him.
Why do they subtitle the laughing??? I still have no idea.
“Sgt. Iruma”? The guy just says “Iruma-san”. Is he a sergant or some other rank? Update: Yes. (As in, he is a sergant.)
I’ve never actually seen Ramuda sleep in a bed before, come to think of it. Does he not have a bed?
I would assume Gentaro is going…but he said he won’t be going, then negated that and then negated it again. Unless the 2nd time was him admitting it was a lie the first time…is he going or not???
“shinsetsu no human” – (Spoilers for later on/manga)…Yes, that’s actually what Ramuda says. It’s as if Ramuda subtly admits, right there, he isn’t human.
Nodo = throat…If this were translated more literally, it would sound pretty clunky.
“…rappa no inochi…paa!” – Yep, the subbers got the gist of the joke there.
Dice is basically a worm at this point…He’s squirming like one, anyway.
That “number of pips facing up” thing has got to be foreshadowing for something, y’know? Nothing in a story ever goes to waste. Also, it’s likely the dice are weighted or something…
…yep, there you go.
That voice Gentaro used for “I despise lies” was amusing…because it’s so different to his normal voice, and because Gentaro is a serial liar.
The 2nd song…which I already know is called “JACKPOT” from browsing Twitter earlier today…was a bunch of fun.
Hmm…emphasis on the candy. I wonder what that means? (<- already knows, I just want to keep it a secret from you, dear reader, if you don’t know it too)
ANIME SHOP is so clearly a pun on Animate, including the colours, that I can’t even…LOL.
FP’s Kizuna sounds distinctly different to the others…probably because of Ramuda. It’s mostly Ramuda carrying the tune there.
“Life is what you make it.” – Hmm, an interesting quote for sure.
HypMic 9
…welp, they don’t call it Fling Posse for nothin’.
I didn’t believe my ears, so I went and listened to it again. Sure enough, Ichiro calls Jakurai -san, not -sensei.
Ramuda’s normal voice! Things are getting serious~!
“Hifuming”? Is that a deliberate choice on the translators’ part? Or is it a mishearing?
…I’m laughing at how Samatoki called Ichiro a “hypocritical piece of s***”. I know the “s***” part is correct at minimum from the audio.
I believe Samatoki said -san, not -sama when he asked for an honorific. Hmm, interesting.
I knew this would get animated, but…I still can’t believe I’m watching it! Amazing…absolutely amazing.
If you’re wondering…yes, that long thing is her entire title and name. It’s said the name “Kadenokouji” is the longest Japanese surname in existence.
I remember reading a tweet earlier today that said somebody wanted “Altercation! Altercation! Altercation!” as a song title…and now I LOL, because the subbers made Gentaro say the exact same word.
Hmm…I only just noticed BB are the only ones with bags. They probably came last, but who took the others’ bags into Chuoku…? Update: Some of the others did have bags, I just never spotted them. For instance, Riou is carrying a large black rectangular bag, but Samatoki and Jyuto don’t have any. Jakurai has the bag from his TDD days.
The 2nd DRB brackets got announced today. BB vs DH, MTR vs BAT, FP vs MTC, rolling out across Japan (and Japan only due to COVID) in 2021.
“What happened between you and him?” - I was going “who?” in Cantonese (as I sometimes do), but turns out they’re just referring to Samatoki.
This is exactly as it played out in the drama tracks and manga…exactly what I was waiting for all this time! So good, dangit!
LOL, in the future, we will have camera drones working our concerts like they do in the DRBs…I think (?)
I wonder what Dice is thinking right now, seeing Otome on the screen…hmm…
…gah! Airhorn! Airhorn to the ears! *tilts to side due to sound*
I still kind of remember Slug’s take on the final battle…”The popo? More like the poopoo!” (or something like that). *sniggers*
The little barking bit after Jiro’s verse was…kinda cute, actually.
…ow, these are some burn-ass words. See? This is the power of the DRB!
…eh? Riou’s mic has his MC name on it. Don’t think I’ve seen that in any other part of the series.
Hoh, Riou even made references to Saburo’s character songs.
You can see “Hc” on Samatoki’s mic too…probably another case of his MC name, but partially obscured by his hand.
Aw, “Samatoki no sabaku toki” is a good lyric. Why couldn’t you try to keep that, instead of translating it literally to “judgement day for Samatoki”?
You can hear a thumping beat in the background when Samatoki prepares himself. That seems to be a similar way to how ARB treats this stuff.
“I’m THE Samatoki” – “Samatoki-sama da”.
I think it was really cool to show Samatoki handing the song over to Riou, but it also indicates there’s a disjunct in the lyrics that would cause such a thing. From this, maybe Riou is MTC’s weak link…?
Skeletons with katanas! Is that not cool?!?
…hey, that joined words thing Ichiro does…I would assume that’s what Rhyme Strike looks like in the HypMic universe?
Notice Samatoki took the word “signal” from Ichiro’s part and put it into his own one.
“Today is a good day to die.” – *eyes bulge* Oh…gosh. What a quote. Update: Someone theorised Ichijiku wrote these titles (the last 2), but someone else – like me – theorised this quote was what FP and M fans thought for this battle.
Akudama 7
…that’s one twisted kid.
Never threaten to kill a kid who can regenerate far better than you, Hoodlum.
Brawler is still in the OP…it’s kind of saddening to see him now.
I noticed a certain character appears on the Executioners’ hands if you pause at the right moment in the OP. It’s the first character in shori (management).
Bunny: set meal/Shark: roasted meat (yakiniku)
…This sounds a heck of a lot like the genbaku dome (Hiroshima Peace Park).
Bunny and Shark’s shirts together: Idiot -> Shark: Bone
Actually, this also reminds me of the Osaka Expo held in 1970. I loved writing about that event – it was just so fun to write about.
This anime is like Appare-Ranman’s sequel, except without the racing and crazy racial stereotypes (although there are still crazy stereotypes).
…whoa! This scene is going on the end of year list for sure. Just…have to remember this scene, where all the children disappeared, exists.
…”The City of Lost Children” is an apt title for this episode.
(HypMic spoilers!) I wonder if they’ll reveal that Ramuda is a clone in what’s left of the HypMic anime?
…oof, Doctor’s a filthy traitor!
Rule number 1 of fighting: never yell out “Smokescreen!” when the smokescreen is meant to cover you.
…LOL, dark censorship bar. Please wait for the Blu-Rays to see this scene uncensored.
What the heck?! The countdown went from 7 to 0 so fast!
Akudama 8
Black Rain, huh? *checks* It’s a movie about a pair of New York policemen who have to save a Japanese gangster from his death.
…don’t jinx it, Swindler!
Your brother isn’t on the moon, Sister. It’s just your dreams on there.
Notice “Neo Lake Biwa” actually has “Reiku” in its name, as opposed to, say, “mizuumi” or “ike” (the Japanese equivalent).
You can still see where Doctor stitched herself up.
What did Doctor “hold on to”?
Way to monologue through the whole morality thing… (<- not as satisfied as they would like from this scene)
I wonder if the seal is electronically tracked…
Tsubo = pot, vase…*thinks about drugs* (Not that pot.)
“…I’ll make you into a real man.” – More like a eunuch, LOL. (partially sarcastic)
I recall from Sarazanmai that “pair look” is the term for “twinsies” in Japanese.
Oh! Swindler kind of looks like the Executioner Boss now.
…I find it ironic that Swindler had long hair up until not too long ago.
Can to the eye! Ouch! That’s gotta be worse than a lightsaber…er, jitte to the eye!
This makes me wonder…was Courier a rich kid once…?
#simulcast commentary#hypnosis mic#HypMic#hypnosis mic -division rap battle- rhyme anima#Akudama Drive#taiso samurai#Maou-jou de Oyasumi#sleepy princess in the demon castle#idolish7 second beat#Chesarka watches HypMic#Chesarka watches Akudama Drive#Chesarka watches Taiso Samurai#Chesarka watches Maou-jou#Chesarka watches I7
1 note
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Deca-Dence 5 - 6 | Moriarty 3 - 4 | Yashahime 4 - 5 | Maou-jou 4 | I7 s2 5 (22) | Akudama 4 - 5 | HypMic 5 - 6 | Taiso Samurai 4 | HPGC 4
Deca-Dence 5
“…cannon won’t ignite in time!” The subbers spell cannon as “canon” later as well.
Off to the cliffside, where Kaburagi goes to die…
Deca-Dence 6
“Maybe someone intervened.” – I think Minato did, somehow.
This Death Dive reminds me of Wipeout.
Moriarty 3
I once made up a quote that goes, “When life detests you, fight back.” I think it’s also roughly along the lines of advice Albert needs.
I remembered an odd line from Macbeth: “Brother, he has killed me!” Seriously, Moriarty is scarier than some actual horror anime, I swear…Update: It’s actually “he has killed me, Mother!”, but same impact.
I had my hands over my mouth from the moment the fire began. That’s how intense this is.
This ED…doesn’t sound like an ED. It sounds like the OP for a different anime, like Joker Game or something. Also, having Saito Soma as Gentaro and Moriarty…is a bit unsettling because they have a lot of overlap but one’s basically the evil twin of the other.
Yashahime 4
“…was raised here…”
“…we can…”
I felt a heart twinge when I saw Towa tear up…man, it’s been years since I last dealt with Inuyasha properly.
“…nights where I can’t fall asleep.” – So…you’ll play it a lot then, Setsuna.
Oh, so Kirara is a nekomata? I never knew until now.
According to the mythology, the kirin rules over the middle…so why is Kirinmaru the monster in the east?
Is “s***” unwarranted here? I didn’t have the volume on, so I don’t know…Going back, I think Moroha said “kuso”, but it’s still kinda weird to have a swear word in a mostly family-friendly series in a slot near Detective Conan. (Then again, Detective Conan is where I learnt “kuso” from…so my standards are probably not as up-to-scratch as they should be.)
Rin! People keep saying Rin is the mother of the girls and it’s basically the only conclusion that could be done, considering the relationship the two had…but it’s still kind of squick…(Says a person who has no problem with SGRS s2’s ending.)
Update: Someone on ANN said the teacher’s name (Osamu Kirin) being similar to Kirinmaru is sketchy and I agree.
Maou-jou 4
There’s no pun for Rocket Turtle…that’s kinda startling, actually.
I’m not going to translate the eyecatches anymore. Seems they were actually translated in the manga and someone just copies them over or something.
I’ve seen some characters use wa when they really aren’t that feminine. However, the voice Suwabe uses for the Sorceror leads me to believe this guy really is trying to be feminine, even if in just a vocal capacity.
…aw, no puns here too.
Oh no, the seal…!
…hmm? The Scissors Sorceror’s info is…we’re not allowed to look at it. That’s what the red text says.
…my brain exploded for a second when I suddenly heard jazz music. It’s a Detective Conan parody! *screams*
Iina! doesn’t really mean “Lucky!” It means more like “cool!” or “It’s good, isn’t it?”
I7 s2 5
I missed these boys!
I like the Kinako transition. It’s cute.
I don’t really like it when Tenn looks at the screen…it gives me 1st person cam vibes.
Why is Tsunashi being called “this”, anyway?
Oh yeah…mensore = youkoso = welcome.
Uh oh…is Yuki actually evil???
Riku (earth) vs. Tenn (heaven). Hmm.
I still can’t believe they don’t believe Gaku is the soba guy. It’s so obvious!
Someone on staff ships Gaku and Tsumugi together…hmm…
Oh! So this is DESTINY, huh? I’ve probably heard it on Spotify before, but I don’t recognise it by sheer sound like I do HypMic. (Then again, the half-year off the airwaves probably really hurt I7, man…)
Akudama 4
Say what you will about how bad Funi translations can get…they’re definitely entertaining!
Geesh, Doctor gets all the sexy shots, but Brawler gets all the ab shots. Can I get a sexy Courier shot…?
“…she’s right.” – There’s a lot of dialogue here, so…uh, who’s “she” in this case?
What’s a “bro fro”?
Wow, Brawler, talk about being punched into next Tuesday…(partially joking)
Swindler’s face, LOL. (I know she’s an ordinary gal, but calling her “Swindler” is shorter to type.)
I remember reading around and people agree Swindler works at the Seal Centre.
The shark and bunny’s shirts say things like “Kanto/Kansai”, “earth, air/water” and “pollution/clean” during their montage.
“feminist” – Uh, ex-squeeze me?! Feminism does not equal “ladies first” or “going easy on ladies”. Update: I went and listenend to it and although one of my ears is mysteriously almost constantly plugged these days, I’m fairly sure Doctor did not say “feminist” (in katakana). Update 2: Then I listened to it again and…I’m not sure anymore.
LOL, Hoodlum hit the in-series camera. With his face.
Oh, vault = garage or storage. Right, how did I not know that?
Cat, nooooooooooooooooo! Don’t die!
HypMic 5
After the two “darker” divisions, it seems almost strange to not have a “dark” introduction about the seedy underbelly of alt. future Japan…
Oh, my gosh. That’s Ichijiku on the phone.
The studio has the word “drops” on it.
Lemme guess: Neither hand!...Yup.
The only spoiler I know for this ep. is it’s a Halloween episode, and “Ramuda ruins Halloween”. That quote is way too subjective to mean anything, though…
…hmm, Gentaro doesn’t say “shousei” in that sentence involving “this humble bard” (not that I heard, but one of my ears is mysteriously plugged after I stayed up late browsing Twitter on my phone – don’t tell anyone that, though! They’re not meant to know!). Gentaro is not a humble bard (although that would translate “shousei” quite correctly in the Shakespearean), he’s an author.
LOL, that “ding!”
Gentaro actually says “ghostbusters” in katakana, LOL.
I almost thought this Shinjuku man was Doppo…but no, this Aoyama Cemetery exists. It has nice cherry blossoms.
The “dun dun dun” soundtrack is great. It really sets the atmosphere.
Gentaro really is an idiots’ minder, just as I used to characterise him. (Then the FP and M manga and developments regarding Ramuda being evil changed my mind.)
I-Is this just gonna be an episode of FP being scared and Ramuda yelling? It’s fun for a bit, but when you’re stopping to analyse every few seconds, Ramuda’s voice is gonna get annoying eventually…
Kurosu seems to be a cross between Jyushi and Doppo.
This ep…makes FP look money-crazy. Dice is only money-crazy when he’s broke…because of course you would be…but the others aren’t.
That rock track that plays when FP hand out flyers is cool!
Are they…eating squid?...Welp, squid jerky. I’d say I’m correct.
Oh, so they’re all street photographers? Not just Tom?
I was wondering…how would the “tie to a different division” occur in episode 5, considering episode 6 is where the plot really kicks in? Turns out…they tie back to BB, which is not a thing I was expecting at all.
BB have a BB tablet…makes sense, because I think Hypster have iPhone cases for each division.
Oh, they’re planting the seeds of Ramuda’s ability here, so to speak. By knowing what Hypnosis Mics are capable of doing, you can see the building blocks of Rap Abilities as well.
Okonbanwa! The extra O is meant to make things formal, but only in front of nouns (sometimes it’s “go”, e.g. goshujin), so it’s Ramuda being overly formal to be cutesy and unconventional.
*lightbulb goes off in head* It makes sense that the group affiliated with illusions and randomness does the Halloween episode, actually.
…Yargh! Of course all these onee-sans are FP stans!...*lightly touches temple, as if to get rid of a headache* I should’ve known.
The new song is “Shibuya Ghost Night” by Tokyo Health Club, Yuki “T-Groove” Takahashi and Yuma Hara.
*stops video before the darn airhorn sounds* Thank goodness…hey, isn’t this quote from Magical Girl Spec-Ops Asuka…?
This episode is very seasonal, but doesn’t really make sense outside of airing on Halloween. C’mon, couldn’t you have given us a Sasara appearance instead of having Ramuda yell down the house…? I knew the FP episode was going to be either lighthearted with a dark undercurrent, like the BB ep (considering we haven’t gotten to Ramuda dying yet), or full-on lighthearted, but…I somehow wonder if the staff had an empty spot labelled “Fling Posse episode” due to COVID and went, “Okay, it airs on Halloween this year, let’s make it Halloween-inspired”…or something. Also, I feel Gentaro got the short end of the stick here.
Update: As for yakuwarigo, Ramuda trends towards the feminine side, which is not something I noticed until my groupwork partner pointed it out to me. The message in this episode has a “yone”, which proves that point even further. “Dayo~n” is a variant of the gender-neutral “yo” ending. Meanwhile, I have game samples that prove Dice uses “ze” like BB/MTC, while Gentaro uses “yo” and desu/masu like Jakurai, so it was really Ramuda anyone wanted to pay attention to since his speech patterns are the most feminine-leaning, possibly due to his extensive hanging out with ladies. (I once read a Tofugu post on how non-binary people deal with language that said if you hang out with ladies a lot, you take on feminine yakuwarigo and if you hang out with guys a lot, you do the same in that direction, but I clearly remember Ramuda using “sa”, which is a slightly male-leaning ending.)
Taiso Samurai 4
There’s something in the background which stops me from listening to it and one of my ears is blocked, but I gotta find out what Tackey was saying about the NHK Cup (the joke, I mean). Update: So I think it’s ninja/nukihara/kekkou, but I may have heard that wrong due to my blocked ear…I should get someone to clean it out properly.
Here’s the YoI monologue about competitions again. <- (neutral on it) Also, NHK is in English letters/romaji in the term “NHK Cup”, but the “Cup” isn’t (it’s in kanji).
Sekigahara had a huge historical battle.
Huh? This episode’s called “Samurai Musume (daughter)”, so…where did “Battling Samurai” come from? That’s one of the previous episodes, right?
Selfies, before they were cool.
I was wondering if Leo actually calls Rei “Rachel” like he calls Jotaro “Joe”…and he does. I just haven’t paid much attention to the audio, that’s all.
The Battle of Chibi? Never heard of it until now, but the Battle of Red Cliffs is the same thing.
Leo Naruto runs…LOL.
If Rei was in 4th grade in 2002…are we going to see the characters in the present in the end? She would be 28 in 2020.
I guess I should’ve guessed from “hat trick”, but a Bergkamp trap is related to soccer.
There’s a random Japanese-sounding track in the background…didn’t expect that.
A cemetery…on the day after Halloween.
“Grandma’s place” = the bar…Ohhhhhhhhhh. I was wondering, didn’t the grandma and Rei live together? Then it all came together.
Jim Beeam (sic), LOL.
I wonder, are Tackey and Ayu dating like he asks?
Gotta love a man in a suit! *chef’s kiss*
Yashahime 5
Who’s this Tokotsu guy again…? Also, the “ja” in Jakotsumaru means “young”.
Oh, Myoga. It’s been a while.
Can there be 4 Perils when there’s only 3 of them…?
Well, it makes sense that a dog demon would have demon fleas…in a sense.
Why is “trying to swallow up this world and turn it into a degenerate age” (or whatever Kirinmaru’s aim is) so vague? You could say the present is already an age of mass degeneracy…
Maybe the Dream Butterfly took Moroha’s memories…?
Wait, why is Myoga only allowed to drink Moroha’s blood when she puts on the rouge?
So this is an arhat. Also, aren’t morals an Anglophone ideal imported into Japan and the rest of Asia? That’s what separates Towa from Setsuna.
Akudama 5
This drone definitely won’t come in handy at all…(sarcastic)
There’s an Evangelion feel to these “masks”…
That box is like Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs! It’s great!
I like how the kids jump to the potential fact (?) this is a Swindler trick.
You can see Courier’s bike in the background when the bunny says “…and I mean everything.”
*Knights of Sidonia music starts playing* Search! And! Destroy! *record scratch as music stops*
I think this little discussion between Courier and Swindler will go down in Akudama Drive history as one of my favourite moments because it’s the little conversations that count. Also…does Courier have a mechanical hand, or is that just me thinking weird things…? Is that a glove?
Ooh, scars. Sexy. (On the Executioner Master, at least.)…Now I get why the guy wears that mouth covering.
HypMic 6
Halfway through the season already…? Yikes, how time flies. By the way, my assignment’s come and gone so I don’t need to focus on it anymore.
Hmm? Why did the subbers put “Prime Minister” when Ichijiku merely says “yes”…?
Wait, 1st question: how does one sign up for a rap battle? I don’t think that’s ever been answered. 2nd question (well, not a question): Dice is paying attention to Otome now…
I’m fairly sure that red brick warehouse was just that…as in the Red Brick Warehouse in Yokohama, which was also featured in Bungou Stray Dogs. Update: Oh, it’s (partially) a shopping mall…? I didn’t know that until now.
See, I told you they’re (Tom, Iris and Rex) probably foreigners…
That one shot of Jakurai? *chef’s kiss* Beautiful. Give me a million of ‘em. (Okay, I’m kidding to some degree, but I can’t help staring at it. Jakurai’s just too pretty…)
“Tweet-like lyrics”? Eh? When was Twitter a collective pessimist?
Oh, that’s basically the scene from the drama track. Where the heck is Jakurai fishing though…? I always imagined it to be at a river or a pier, not some concrete complex. Update: According to a user on Twitter, the fishing place is called “Ichigaya Fishing Centre”. It is, as you would expect, found in Shinjuku. Apparently, even Osomatsu-san featured the place...which would explain why it looks vaguely familiar to me.
Wow, I can’t believe how upfront they’re being about Ramuda breaking up TDD.
Ramuda thought in his deep voice…I almost didn’t recognise it for a second. It doesn’t even sound like Shirai. It sounds more like…Hayami, in fact.
“F*** yeah!” - …and they’re still going with the F bomb. Keep being you, subbers, keep being you.
That shot of Saburo in a dimly-lit room almost looks like the SR card in ARB, except in that one he has his headphones on (and might be outside, to my memory).
Oh, so the round thing really is Ichiro’s ring. It’s got an “I” on it too, i.e. the Roman numeral for one.
*Ichiro explains what happened to TDD from his and Samatoki’s side* - I don’t think we’ve ever seen the story from Ichiro’s or Samatoki’s perspective enough to know either thought this (or this way).
“Jiro! Saburo! Let’s go!” - …and Tom’s just taking photos as they leave, LOL.
I didn’t expect the TsudaKen guy to be back again, really.
Well, if this Google route is to be believed, “Sadamezuka’s soul” only lasts about 30 minutes by car crossing from one point to the other, hence Jiro’s remark.
Googling “Toyotama” and “Toyotama Line” gets you…Ghost of Tsushima links…?
…hmm. I’m not listening to it on a hugely loud volume, so I can’t quite tell what the pun is, but I think the word for “monk” in this case is “bouzu”. Then what’s the word for “electric dynamo”…? Update: The pun, according to Takahisa Maeyama, is Erekiteruteru Bouzu.
That ticking thing was really effective in terms of the song…but sasuga HypMic. Things went ka-blammo again.
So we’re probably going to see BB’s first DRB round next ep…or Matenrou doing another takedown similar to ep. 3. Or both. Both is good. (Or it could be the FP/M side of things, much like we got the BB/MTC side of things here.)
...Uh, shouldn’t that be “dawn”? The anime’s generally been very good about this (aside from the obvious typo in the BB logo), but…welp, they’ve done it now.
Update: The LOVE you see Hifumi and Doppo near is this one.
Update 2: As for the yakuwarigo, it…turns out, to no one’s surprise, it stays oddly consistent across all media, although individual treatment of the characters can differ depending on the author.
Ooh, is this Element of Light?
Fate/Stay PreCure! Here we come!
Moriarty 4
Why is the “to” capitalised? (Is that even capitalised?)
I kind of knew the grapefruit and the heart condition and/or quinine would be relevant somehow…and boy howdy, was I right! I just didn’t really know what it was going to do, that’s all.
I thought the ED didn’t match very well, but looking at the translated lyrics…now it kind of makes sense.
#deca-dence#healin' good precure#moriarty the patriot#yuukoku no moriarty#akudama drive#Hypnosis Mic#HypMic#taiso samurai#Yashahime#Princess Half-Demon#simulcast commentary#Idolish7#Idolish7 Second Beat!#Maou-jou de Oyasumi#Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle#Chesarka watches HypMic#Chesarka watches Yashahime#Chesarka watches Maou-jou#Chesarka watches Yuukoku no Moriarty#Chesarka watches I7#Chesarka watches Taiso Samurai#Chesarka watches Akudama Drive#Chesarka watches Deca-Dence#Chesarka watches HGPC
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