#moght delete this later
I've tried to use AI for writing because some dude in one of my seminars claimed Chat Gpt was a great way for just brainstorming on your own (very much a tech bro) and I was in a really bad writing slump, still am to a degree so I thought what the hell why not at least try.
And did you catch that I said I'm still in this slump? Yeah because it turns out AI is not better at helping you brainstorm than an empty piece of paper. The ideas in your head are already so much more original than anything you could achieve with AI I promise, like even if AI didn't rely on tons of stolen data even if the moral case wasn't as clear as it is, it would be a bad method in a sea of other really great methods to get your writing started like..idk..interacting with other artists. The thing that kept me going was reading, watching TV listening to music and getting inspired like that, analysing other stuff, figuring out why things make me feel like this and how they are structured. It's more fun like that and you don't get everything you already know spat at you in a numbered list.
I'm still slow as fuck when it comes to writing, I might never write as prolifically as I did when I was younger or hell maybe I will, but AI will not help on this journey, not just because it's soulless or immoral but also because it's fucking useless
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movdotmov · 1 year
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(leans into mic) cinderheart is plural your honor
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emilnikos · 11 months
i think it's interesting that people's first reaction to "hey you guys seem to ignore women in media a lot even when they're the main character. that's a bit fucked up right" isn't "hm yeah. maybe I should reevaluate how I view women in media" and is instead "But I'm GAY??? IM GAY ?? I can't relate to women because I'm GAY??? i think MEN ARE INTERESTING NOT WOMEN??? Why should I have to pay attention to them they just don't interest me because I'm GAY???"
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sxibunny · 1 day
I'm so deeply sad
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if-loki-was-a-fox · 1 year
Thinking of redrawing my first ever c!promiseduo art...
(I've been working on a redraw for a different fanart from around the same time period, so that stuff's just on my mind)
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cdd-systems-support · 2 months
hi idk if you do like... advice or anything? ik ur blog has support in the url but I'm not the best at inferring stuff sometimes so like if u don't answer this sort of thing ur totally free to delete it, no hard feelings i can always find someone else to ask 👍
anyway I'm just... kind of stressed that i moght be wrong about being a system? i mean it's something I've been kind of sure of for a few years now but i also have a lot of other mental health stuff going on so 1. I'm worried being a system AND psychotic AND depressed AND having ocd AND being autistic AND having adhd is like... too much? even though i know it's fully possible it still feels like I'm not allowed or something. and 2. i can't relate to a lot of apparently common experiences? like i can't talk to my alters or anything like that but i have memory loss and dissociate a lot and reading back conversations and old posts i can tell like. oh that message i don't remember sending doesn't sound quite like me. so it makes things super confusing and makes me worried about saying anything about it because if I'm wrong I'll feel like an awful person, but if I'm right then it's something I'd like my friends to know, you know?
anyway I'm sorry for dumping all this on you but if you have any advice for like. figuring this stuff out (or if you can just tell me like "yeah you're not a system" that would help immensely too lol) it would be hugely appreciated, but again, no pressure to answer or even read this, wishing you the best regardless!
hi! am answer this sort of things, so don't worry! thank you for asking.
1) it's not only normal but pretty common to have a lot of comorbidities. disabilities are like "buy one, get 7 for free." let's look at your list.
adhd and autism have high comorbidity rate and it's widely recognized in community and medical field. sourse
"as many as 80% of adults with adhd have at least one coexisting psychiatric disorder." sourse
and it's also widely recognized and known that autism and adhd have high comorbidity with depression and anxiety disorders.
"individuals first diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders had a 2-fold higher risk of a later diagnosis of ocd, whereas individuals diagnosed with ocd displayed a nearly 4-fold higher risk to be diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders later in life." sourse
"there is strong evidence for the existence of a high comorbidity between autism and psychosis with percentages reaching up to 34... according to literature, up to 34.8% of the patients with a diagnosis of asd can show psychotic symptoms and, similarly, autistic traits have been reported in schizophrenia patients in a percentage ranging between 3.6 and 60%." sourse
"while some studies showed no co-occurrence of ssds (schizophrenia spectrum disorders) and dds (dissociative disorders), others showed that between 9% and 50% of schizophrenia spectrum patients also meet diagnostic criteria for a dd. one study showed that in a sample of patients diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder (did) 74.3% also met diagnostic criteria of a ssd, 49.5% met diagnostic criteria for schizoaffective disorder, and 18.7% met diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia." sourse
as you may see, neurodivergencies you listed are comorbid with one another. it's very possible to have them all (yes i haven't found comorbidities for every diagnosis with every diagnosis but there's some examples).
also, being system is a result of trauma, and being neurodivergent kid may be traumatizing experience. you may face ableism and misunderstanding, live in world unfriendly to your neurotype, etc. also being neurodivergent may increase your sensitivity to trauma or may do some "normal" things traumatic to you (like being forced to socialize, being forced to mask, etc).
so it's definitely not "too much" to have all these neurodivergencies and it makes sense actually.
2) your experience of being system doesn't have to match perfectly with others' experiences.
some people can't talk to alters. some people use external communication. some people can't communicate with alters at all. some people (me) may not notice communication.
it's possible to have high dissociative barriers. it's possible (and pretty common) to struggle with communication. it may be underrepresented in some community places, but it's very real challenge for lots of systems.
(also you may wanna research osdd-1a and pdid).
i have made post with some did signs (not exhaustive but heard of). maybe you may find it useful to look for different signs of alters presenting, not only communication. here
and again. if you come up wrong, you won't be awful. making mistakes doesn't make someone awful. it's okay not to know. it's okay not to be sure. it's okay to be questioning. it's okay to question something and be wrong / decide it's not your situation. you aren't bad. you don't appropriate things when you try to understand yourself. when you try to figure things out.
you may tell your friends if you wanna. even if you aren't perfectly sure. you may call yourself questioning system.
no one is born with clear and perfect knowledge abt themselves. to know yourself you have to question things. and sometimes you will be wrong. and it's okay.
hope it was helpful. if you have more questions (or if i misunderstood something and haven't answered properly), feel free to ask.
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keepinventory · 2 years
i think my most favoritest thing i ever started doing, writing-wise, was creating a scraps doc.
whenever i want to delete something from my working doc, i paste it into my scraps doc, with bolded text at the top giving some context, (i.e, “OLD PLOT OUTLINE”, “XYZ BACKSTORY”). everything in the scraps doc is non-canon by default, but if i ever go ‘hey, that old scrapped concept/piece on conversation moght actually work here!’, i dont have to rely purely on my foggy memory to write it again.
its made my working doc much cleaner, since i dont have to worry about deleting something i just might want to reference later
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squiddcakes · 3 years
Hey ya’ll remember Aphmau? Remember Minecraft Diaries? Yeah me neither,,,
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uglypastels · 3 years
Imma do it. I'm making a scented candle. Here are the fragrance options
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What do we think would be a good Tom candle?
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cyro-starfire · 3 years
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uncleshits · 4 years
almost died and almost pissed myself in a snowstorm today 😎 pooooooog
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This probably isn’t the place to post this, but I honestly need to get my feelings out and maybe it will be cathartic:
I was attacked yesterday.
When I was leaving the train station, a young woman who was also on my train came up behind me, and grabbed a handful of my hair, pulling hard enough that I nearly fell completely backwards. My scalp still hurts.
Nothing was stolen. She just attacked me and ran away with her friends laughing. This was a crowded area by a bus stop. Two women checked on me, and one yelled after the girls. After I gathered myself, so texted my husband and two friends. My husband drove to the station immeadiately to be with me while I waited for the police. I don’t know if I necessarily want to press charges since I wasn’t seriously hurt and nothing was stolen. I know what a record could do to these people’s lives.
But I can’t deny that I am angry, confused, and afraid. I had never seen that young woman and her friends before yesterday. Why me? Who the hell attacks someone like that in public? I left work today because I am struggling with concentrating. There’s a part of me that thinks I am overreacting, but I objectively can say I am not. As a friend reminded me, a stranger came up at attempted to harm me in broad daylight.
My boss is thankfully supportive, and admitted he was surprised I came in today when I revealed what happened. My husband is being great and my rock. My friends are helpful. I haven’t told my parents, because I live hours away and I don’t want them to worry more than they already do.
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pusangkambing · 2 years
Also, I cant understand people using the excuse that its their server like okay??? And??? That doesnt mean their not being assholes??? Like if u run a server with a lot of people in it and blow up their stuff for no good reason, and only for ur fun, people will still think ur an asshole???
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yumenosakiacademy · 4 years
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alxrians · 4 years
[Muse is 0 right now so I'm just gonna drink wine and watch YouTube.]
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