#anti nanowrimo
meluiloth · 15 days
Since the whole thing with NaNoWriMo has gone down, I've noticed that one of their former sponsors, Ellipsus, has cut contact with NaNoWriMo because they do not support their stance on AI; I didn't know what Ellipsus was, but upon further research I've found that they are a writing platform that works a lot like Google Docs and Microsoft Word, only with a heavier leaning on the story-writing aspect and connecting with other writers - and they also completely denounce any use of AI, both in the writing process itself and in the use of their platform. I really appreciate that.
Since this is the case (and since I've noticed Google has begun implementing more AI into their software), I've decided to give Ellipsus a try to see if it's a good alternative to Google Docs (my main writing platform). It's completely free and so far, I've found it simple to use (although it is pretty minimal in its features), and I really like the look of it.
I figured I'd spread the word about this platform in case any of you writers would want to give it a try, and if you do, let me know how you like it!
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therkalexander · 17 days
Fuck NaNoWriMo.
If you don’t want to put the time and energy into honing your writing, then do something the fuck else. Leaning on a plagiarism machine that churns out gobbledygook and heats up the planet ain’t it.
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did-i-do-this-write · 10 days
Finally got around to deleting my Nano account even though I haven't used it in years (it's the principle of the thing)
But i also wanted to highlight that I spent like 6 hours yesterday switching all of my documents and stories over to a hard drive and then switching my main writing platform to Ellipsus.
It's very similar to Google docs, I personally love the formatting because it works perfectly for how my brain works, and they are constantly making updates with a steadfast Anti-AI stance. I just felt so much better after switching. Wanted to share.
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almightytuba · 16 days
so in general im not mad about fucknanowrimo coming back strong. i am very glad, actually. ai is disgusting BUT if youre purposely not taking this as an opportunity to acknowledge and also rage about it promoting suicide, pedophilia, racism, terrorism, and fucking grooming kids when it is a SCHOOL ACCEPTED PROGRAM reevaluate yourself. please.
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luckystarchild · 11 days
Obviously since formal NaNoWriMo participation is no longer on the table, my November will now feature the grocery-store generic brand version of writing 50k in 30 days.
"50kin30Days" is now the challenge name for me. Or abbreviated, "50n30."
"This November I'm doing 50n30." Boom. Cut. Print.
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shadelorde · 16 days
we (the ywp users) MADE the ‘anti nanowrimo’ tag. we were the ones who really used it. but guess no one cares until it’s about a hot button issue that everyone can jump in on and not “ew icky grooming makes me uncomfortable :( “
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thisonesatellite · 1 day
...the way nanowrimo is waffling around on the topic of AI, couching their arguments in woke language while somehow painting themselves as the victims of bullying not backlash, the way they keep doubling down and digging in their heels with increasingly flimsy straw man virtue signaling arguments, instead of taking a step back and admitting that possibly they messed up and looking at the issue again with clear eyes and making room to be wrong about something, is like watching JKR do the --initial-- anti-trans dance all over again.
i have neither the time nor inclination to take apart all of their absolutely bonkers justifications, but---- racist and ableist? Really? That's the brush you want to tar us with, the hill you want to die on?
i don't draw. Can't, for the life of me. i WISH i could, but the fact is i suck. And it is hard for me to not be able to bring out into the world what is so vibrant and fully-formed in my imagination. But i would sooner die than use AI to generate the art i cannot produce myself, even though it is so clear in my head. No, really.
It's OK that art is not my medium. i still draw for myself, and i make peace with the fact that my art will always fall short of what i want it to be, and so i write and cook and use a dozen other creative outlets, and drawing just isn't one of them because even if i used AI, IT STILL WOULDN'T BE MY FUCKING ART.
It would be a soulless, empty piece of meaningless plagiary, frankensteined together from the shredded remains of ACTUAL PEOPLE'S ARTISTIC EXPRESSION, and the world would be worse for having it in it.
So, dear @nanowrimo , go on defending the use of supercharged code data mining other people's creative output, and label the people calling you out on it racist and ableist, and paint yourself the fucking victim. Oh, and also, get fucked.
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what about us.
so many posts about the ai thing and i have seen a single post from someone i don't know about the abuse we faced.
what about us?
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jaydove-writes · 15 days
Due to NaNoWriMo's support for AI, I propose a new challenge with a new name: Novelember. Who's with me? I chose the name because it's a combination of novel and November.
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frosti-moon · 16 days
Decided to delete my nanowrimo account because of their pro-AI stance, and...
Tumblr media
You're account
YOU'RE account
I can see why they're pro-AI now these mfs can't even tell the difference between your and you're
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I've tried to use AI for writing because some dude in one of my seminars claimed Chat Gpt was a great way for just brainstorming on your own (very much a tech bro) and I was in a really bad writing slump, still am to a degree so I thought what the hell why not at least try.
And did you catch that I said I'm still in this slump? Yeah because it turns out AI is not better at helping you brainstorm than an empty piece of paper. The ideas in your head are already so much more original than anything you could achieve with AI I promise, like even if AI didn't rely on tons of stolen data even if the moral case wasn't as clear as it is, it would be a bad method in a sea of other really great methods to get your writing started like..idk..interacting with other artists. The thing that kept me going was reading, watching TV listening to music and getting inspired like that, analysing other stuff, figuring out why things make me feel like this and how they are structured. It's more fun like that and you don't get everything you already know spat at you in a numbered list.
I'm still slow as fuck when it comes to writing, I might never write as prolifically as I did when I was younger or hell maybe I will, but AI will not help on this journey, not just because it's soulless or immoral but also because it's fucking useless
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full-of-malice · 15 days
Is it bad that I still miss the YWP. I left the community behind a while ago and I’m doing fine now but sometimes I wish i could just live in the summer where I was ignorant. And I always feel bad about it. Idk.
i get it honestly. you don't need to feel guilty about wishing what you could have you know?
just like a lot of places, it wasn't bad every single moment, and there were close friends and bonds that made you want to stick around through all the bad times and repeating conflicts.
i think it's just really important to remember that what made the ywp so special was the people there. any part of happiness or help that i gained from that website was never because of the moderation or the staff or anything to do with the shitty website format, it was always the people who knew how bad nano was but they were sticking around. towards the end a lot of people stuck around or came out of the works to protect the people who had nowhere else to go. and think that's important.
nano was never any good, the ywp was shit, but it was the people that really made it feel so special when it did.
i distanced myself from the ywp a lot in the months after it was shut down and once i was apart from it i realized how toxic it all was even when doing our bests to separate ourselves from the worsts of nano. and how dependent i was on the place. and then afterwards being apart of the writing server that only harbored some of the most toxic parts and mentalities of nano was not any better. i was forced along with a few others to come to terms with the fact for our sake we had to distance ourselves from that too. in the end we shut it down
but it changed me as a person, i don't think i would be who i am today, for better or worse. through whatever methods it forced me to grow and adapt, and better understand myself. but i certainly wish i could have met everyone somewhere else. in a different time and a different place.
if you ever need it my dms are always open, i'm on a few different platforms as well if you want to talk, feel free to just ask for them. and if you are ever trying to get back into contact with anyone specific from the ywp, i know a good chunk of them and how to contact them, so feel free to reach out and i'll do my best
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thetismvirus · 5 days
does anyone know of a site that's similar to nanowrimo? I was gonna try it this year but then the people behind it started saying that anti-AI is ablest and I'm not using that shit now
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atendencytotangle · 17 days
Why I Won't Be Participating in NaNoWriMo Again
Here's a blog post about my thoughts on the recent NaNoWriMo Statement on Artificial Intelligence.
(note: the above featured image is taken from the NaNoWriMo Statement on Artificial Intelligence and does not reflect my views) I tend not to bring the dramas of the writing and publishing community onto this blog because it’s more of my space to talk about my goals and accomplishments. Also, I tend to try to steer clear of any drama because I find it upsets my creative equilibrium. but seeing…
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k--havok · 25 minutes
Love how we’re all coming together as a community to trash nanowrimo no matter what we write. The true meaning of the holiday spirit <3
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heartreactor · 13 days
Guys, guys, guys.... you know... you can keep track of words with just one pencil and a spreadsheet
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