#sorry Im tired
imagefire · 5 months
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patchoulimodelo · 2 years
conservative voice: all lesbians are secretly heterosexuals who are confused, therefore it is ok if men ask them out "progressive" voice: sexual fluidity is the default state of humanity, everyone is a little bit bi, therefore it is ok if men ask out a lesbian just in case
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jojo-the-bird · 7 months
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It's my little brother's birthday today so we went out to get his cake, it was raining. It didn't matter to us as we stepped in puddles along the way even though we knew our socks would be wet once we were home. He got a red velvet cake, it's the only type of cake where everyone in my family eats. We were laughing as we tried to keep the cake dry. I don't know, it felt important to mention. It felt like healing.
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how do i tell if im aplatonic??
hm i guess ask yourself a few questions
. have you ever felt an attachment to your friends?
. if so, is it with most or all? or only friends you know well? (demiplatonic) does it fade? (lithoplatonic) and more (check the aro or ace wiki, all of those have apl counterparts and idk if there an apl wiki)
. have you ever been sad when a friend leaves your life (assuming on good/neutral terms)
. was it because you liked them or did you like their company? if its the latter then theres a good cjance youre apl
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domesticmp3 · 1 month
as a person who doesn't use twitter and observes twitter discussions from afar, after i've seen numerous interpretations of ch.266 by twitter users brought here by tumblr users to mock them point out how it's easy to misinterpret something by being delusional or acquainting a bad translation, i think the main reason for such misinterpretations is lacking reading comprehension. and it's almost everywhere, no matter the fandom and/or the medium of a piece of fiction. it sometimes almost feels like people are watching films/series/etc. or reading books/comic/manga/etc. without opening their eyes fully and are taking every new shot/chapter as something completely separate [from the whole]. i'm, honestly, a bit tired of people who wait that an author will serve everything on a plate for them. there is room for interpretation, always, but, by god, most stories are more complex than fixating on whether one of the main characters would want his sister to form a romantic couple with his friend - most stories are waiting for you to look at a particular situation and muse on concepts behind it (friendship, love, devotion, yada yada yada) than obsess over "matchmaking".
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ghostboyhood · 4 months
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alright queer
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harrowitzer · 3 months
so you're telling me this rizzless nerd has been dead for 90 years and now all the sudden a cat and a crow in human fursonas AND his soccer hooligan best friend all wanna jump his bones?
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c10v3r · 1 year
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this was a lot funnier in my head
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polutek · 2 months
Guys do you still think im funny and cool? :((
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I've tried to use AI for writing because some dude in one of my seminars claimed Chat Gpt was a great way for just brainstorming on your own (very much a tech bro) and I was in a really bad writing slump, still am to a degree so I thought what the hell why not at least try.
And did you catch that I said I'm still in this slump? Yeah because it turns out AI is not better at helping you brainstorm than an empty piece of paper. The ideas in your head are already so much more original than anything you could achieve with AI I promise, like even if AI didn't rely on tons of stolen data even if the moral case wasn't as clear as it is, it would be a bad method in a sea of other really great methods to get your writing started like..idk..interacting with other artists. The thing that kept me going was reading, watching TV listening to music and getting inspired like that, analysing other stuff, figuring out why things make me feel like this and how they are structured. It's more fun like that and you don't get everything you already know spat at you in a numbered list.
I'm still slow as fuck when it comes to writing, I might never write as prolifically as I did when I was younger or hell maybe I will, but AI will not help on this journey, not just because it's soulless or immoral but also because it's fucking useless
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Daily fish fact #530
Goliath tigerfish!
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The average fish grows to be 1.5 meters long and 50 kg heavy!
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nerdtboytheodore · 3 months
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me core #we stay silly
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stellarwaffles · 1 year
Could you please draw Clay and Macy together?
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They’re going on a library date
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syunkiss · 5 months
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Ivlove this jajsnqndnebe
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ghostorbz · 1 year
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redrobin-detective · 2 years
me logging onto tumblr to watch people ship the most uninterested, aroace coded characters imaginable:
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