#modern frankenstein
unicyclehippo · 1 year
Hey Ollie, hope you're doing okay. Just wanted to tell you I'm a huge fan of every piece of writing you throw our way. I was wondering (feel free to tell me to f off if I'm overstepping) do you have any plans of picking up the imodna Modern Frankenstein AU?
oh cheers mate, glad u enjoy my stuff
i am still gently working on faramore: the modern pandora, it is very slow going, initially bc i wasnt QUITE sure how to write it & then bc i got distracted by other stories. that being said, i think abt it often. here, as a treat, miss imogen faramore herself:
With thanks, and a request for privacy reinforced by a palmful of gold, the Investigators moved toward the table and their contact.
Sat at the table, posture relaxed and gestures slow as a well-contented cat in amber sunlight, was a young woman. She was wonderfully pretty in a way that ought to put them at ease; the unknowing would see nothing more than a woman in the kiss of youth, and be swayed by the sweetness of her features—gentle coils of fair hair and a pleasant heart-shaped face, the pink bow of her lips, the graceful turn of her neck—and, if not by her sweetness, then moved by her delicate constitution—for despite a dusting of freckles upon her cheeks, she owned the complexion of one who had never known the sun, and had upon her the ill-touch of sickness, yet fading, which rendered her frame gaunt and lent her skin a waxed sheen. She did not move when they arrived but remained sat in profile to them, half her face eclipsed in shadow.
Everything the setting lacked in suitability for an ambush then served to highlight the nature of this woman. The day mild, its sun honey-gold and air sweet. The manicured field, the yellow-green of its highland grass scattered with pretty and useless meadow flowers. An immaculate table remained undisturbed through the hours she had awaited them, save for a single cup of tea that she lowered to the table to acknowledge their arrival. She sat within this space - utterly beautiful, utterly mundane - and though the wind blew through her hair and the sun painted her features in its light, there came over the Seekers the unsettling knowledge that the keenness of their eyes and instincts—those most trusted tools of their trade—had failed them. Wariness flared in them both; other senses roused in response to the sudden force that they were confronted with. It was unseen, unheard, unfelt; and without sense or understanding by which to measure that force, they were left wih only that most primitive of senses—fear itself. For Seeker Paris, it was as the precusor to fever: an unpleasant warmth, his palms beading with sweat, an ache building in his joints. For Seeker Sward, that keen and terrible sensation—like a knife, tickling at the back of her neck—of being watched by an unkind eye. It was a truth long held by the Seekers that in every thief, murderer, and villain they encountered there was, first and foremost, a human. The same could not be said of Lady Faramore.
this is ofc just a draft n not a finish product but pls enjoy & perhaps i will put out chapter one soon since i do have it almost finished (i am still working on the outline & how i want to write imogens chapters, which is why its been hard for me to move on but honestly i just need to write the thing tbh)
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frankingsteinery · 1 year
AITA for not telling my fiancé I know he’s queer? 
I 20s (F) have a 20s (M) fiancé, V, and he’s been talking about this terrible secret he cannot tell me and he keeps almost starting to come out and then backing out. The issue is V and I were raised together by his parents, and my surrogate 40s (M) father and (now deceased) surrogate mother arranged for our marriage back when we were both children. They thought it was the best for us and at the time we were too young to realize the implications and had no reason to reject to the match. When we were teenagers our mother was on her deathbed and she told us again that she wished for us to marry, and of course we both agreed. However, V is also best friends with a 20s (M) guy called H, and they were nearly inseparable as boys and teens. They also went to university together and shared an apartment but V had to come home due to family reasons. Lately he’s been going out all day and coming home at night hours later. He insists that he’s fine and that we all leave him alone and not worry for him, but I think he and H have been sneaking around. He even delayed our wedding day by arranging a trip to go to England alone with H. It’s exhausting for all of us and I think I should just tell V I know and support him and that we can call off the marriage, but I’m not sure that’s the best course of action? I’m completely fine with not marrying him - he always felt more like a brother to me anyway - but I worry it might come off wrong. The worst part is he’s really beating himself up about it. He’s so guilty it’s beginning to take a toll on his health. I don’t care if he has a boyfriend I just want him to be happy.
EDIT: nvm he built an 8ft creature in his dorm
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lmaowhosemaddie · 1 year
The Creature: You made me, therefore you must bear the consequences of my creation.
Victor Frankenstein: Nuh-uh
The Creature: fym nuh-uh?
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euterpesflute · 11 months
you're harnessing the power of nature in an attempt to conquer death | rain sounds 6hrs
a lot of people are surprised to learn that they won't actually kick you out of med school over something as subjective as ethics. our healthcare system is built to support insurance companies, not the fragile psyches of the recently bereft. and when you tell those recently bereft that they can enter their loved one's corpse into an experimental new trial program for revivification, many of them say yes. 
what they Will kick you out of med school for is gross overspending of government grants. but that's fine. there's nothing the silicon valley VCs want more than immortality, so funding has not been an issue. it's the technology that's taking too long to catch up to your brain. 
the last trial of the energy storage system your apprentice designed overloaded, and you're running out of patience. 
but there's nothing quite like the raw electrical power of a lightning strike. one good strike, properly harnessed, should be enough to jolt the tissue back to life. 
you flip the switch that opens your lab up to the elements. you can feel the rain against your skin.
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rosquinn · 5 months
"mutuals can ask for discord" mutuals can haunt me after they die. mutuals can paint my immortal youth in a cursed portrait. mutuals can build a 8ft tall creature in my college dorm. mutuals can watch me wake up as a monstrous vermin. mutuals can feed me soup after i commit murder. mutuals can help me kill uncle claudius. mutuals can go out with me and my girlfriend from across the bay. mutuals can hunt the beast with me. do better
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thetiredprometheus · 5 months
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Different ways to interpret Frankenstein
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mrhyde-mrseek · 7 months
While I continue to procrastinate on SMS I think y’all need to see the copy of Frankenstein I just bought because I’m OBSESSED with it
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First of all, gorgeous cover art.
Then you get to the actual PAGES, and
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420technoblazeit · 15 days
reading frankenstein rn and my take away so far is that there are disastrous consequences to letting twinks in stem be deadbeat mothers
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I'm drawing the recycled boy again
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and also inspired by this scene of a fic:
(which I will link as soon as I find it!)
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respected-coconut · 2 months
Being really into Frankenstein while at the same time being Chinese is so funny because every time Lord Byron gets brought up, the way his name is pronounced always makes me think of the word 白人 (bái rén), which translates into “white guy”. Lord White Guy.
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soft-n-hobbit · 8 months
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comms open !!
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can-of-w0rmz · 1 year
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Damn, pretentious traumatised men driven to their downfall by their obsessive pursuit of knowledge and their poet boyfriends who take care of them. Real not fake.
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lansolot · 4 months
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linnytheseagull · 3 months
Here's how to spot a Mad Scientist:
Is very smart in a specific field
Probably hasn't slept in the past 4 days
Slowly decends into madness/gets obsessed over something to the point where they destroy their lives over it/makes causing general chaos and destruction into their life goal
Here are other minor signs you might want to look out for (doesn't apply to all Mad Scientist):
Very pathetic. A loser, if you will
Is gay
Wears glasses
Has a best friend who is extremely friendly and also a poet
Graying hair despite their relatively youthful appearance
Can be a little bit silly (as a treat)
Note that not all Mad Scientists are actual scientists. The Mad Scientist can be disguised as something else and may try to trick you; do not be fooled. Look for these traits to identify a real wild Mad Scientist.
Now you are ready to go out into the wild and find your very own Mad Scientists to hyperfixate on for the next month! Hope this helped❤️
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theygotlost · 5 months
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burningvelvet · 1 year
Percy Shelley doodling while helping his wife edit the draft of her first novel, Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus (1818):
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The idea for the story was devised in mid-June 1816. The draft shown here was written between August and December 1816, and it was revised until April 1817. The book was published January 1st 1818 when Mary was 20-years-old. She was only 18 when she conceived the story, as her 19th birthday was on August 30th 1816.
Source: The Shelley-Godwin Archive online
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