#mod 🌈
where-is-welstek · 3 months
Today Wels and Tango are eating a castle!
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Image by me!
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systuffs · 15 days
yo this blog is awesome!! ::D
TYZM!!!! X3 SO GLAD EVRY1 LIKEZ IT!!!!! [PT: Tysm! X3 So glad everyone likes it!]
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mroddmod · 4 months
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posting this old comic in honor of pride and the 1 yr anniversary of atsv 🫶
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simmireen · 4 months
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A little late, but I didn't expect to make poses for pride.. but I did... soooo HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!
'PROUD' <3 5 couple poses and one trio pose with a toddler with heart signs ♥ DOWNLOAD (SFS) DOWNLOAD (Patreon) (always free!)
You need the pride heart signs here Thank you @someone-elsa for making these amazing heart signs that made me inspired to make some pride poses!
♥~♥ Clipping sadly is inevitable due to sim bodies/faces being different, or the clothing they wear, but I try my best to fit most of them. Be free to tag me at tumblr, insta or X if you use my poses (@simmireen) You can find an overview of all my posepacks at Pinterest Want to commission me? > Ko-Fi page Terms of use Don’t claim as yours or put behind a paywall Don’t re-edit (adjusting hands is always allowed, just don’t change up my pose) Don’t reupload anywhere Please let me know if something doesn’t work! @ts4-poses @sssvitlanz @alwaysfreecc
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farmerlesbian · 1 year
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dunequeer · 22 days
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Wanting a different face than the one you currently have. Could be for dysphoria, aesthetic or any other reasons
This might have been already coined, if it has been consider this an alternative flag
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khaotickoins · 3 months
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An ID where someone feels as though their female/male/enby identity only comes out at night
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is-this-plural · 4 months
Is whatever chara and frisk and the player have plural?
yeah that's plural
holy trinity type plurality or something
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vtuberconfessions · 4 months
Happy Pride! Here's to some of my favorite queer ladies who are vtubers! And to all you aspiring or already debuted queers, have a wonderful pride month!
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where-is-welstek · 3 months
Today Wels and Tango are in Publix getting a pub sub!
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Image by me!
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sewers-headmates · 1 month
Ok genuinely there is someone being an actual loser and copy pasting the same message. they’re saying stuff like they know who you are
for all of you with paranoia they don’t. it’s a lie to trigger your paranoia
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TransTimeTurner is a transid term for those who identify as a timeturner, and as a transpossession term for those who identify as owning/using a timeturner.
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uglydbzmerch · 4 months
I cant beleive that not only is Piccolo bisexual, but he himself is personally running a Tumblr blog.
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It’s true! Here’s an actual photo of me, Piccolo, preparing to set up a post while being capable of experiencing attraction to both people that share my gender and those that don’t!
(Crotchku was feeing modest for once guys, that’s why his most famous feature is covered. It totally isn’t because I have limited vision in a mask and didn’t realize my fingers were in the way, really! This is seriously my real face!)
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headmate-lootbox · 2 months
can u drop me the most stereotypical radqueer anti-angerer alter ever >:3
(hi, new mod (trinket) just dropped, this is my first post, doc needed help :p)
Name;; kengret, stacy, marcy, marvin, stevin
Age/Modifier;; 17, panage
Gender;; bigender, trigender, pangender, omnigender, polygender, any and all genders that are inherantly more than one place on the gender spectrum
Pronouns;; litterally any, all of them, every neo you can imagine
Orientation;; turigirl, gaybian, panrose, nimiusaroace
CisIDs;; intersex, audhd, vertigo, cptsd
TransIDs;; tris intersex, trans wheelchair user, trans ehlas danlos, trans POTS, trans asthma, trans animal fur allergy, trans programmed, trans furry
Paras;; 🌈🥄
Role;; identity holder, instigator, instructed-persecutor, janusian, littlex, middlex, trauma holder
Source;; brainmade
Extra;; trans programs list; delta , beta , zeta , gamma , callback , & duality. big titty emo bimbo man to piss of the antis o7. (fag is just like me fr - trinket fronter)
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fantasy-store · 9 months
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ongietunem "identities" are terms surrounding ones delusions effecting their perception of things - such as their body, reality itself, their environment, aspects of oneself or relationships and so on - as well as the disconnect one feels from reality due to these delusions.
this uncludes the episodic, non-episodic, self-aware and unaware.
for a term to be under the ongietusio umbrella, it means one has a hard time differenciating their perception of that specific thing from what is real and what they expirience or believe it to be, that one's perception of such is effected by delusions, be it brought on by psychosis, a schizospec disorder or other.
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ohn-gee-too-zio / ohn-gee-too-nehm
the "sio/zio" end is pronounced as a soft z, ee, oh sound.
ongietan+delusio / ongrietan+delusionem
taking the first 6 letters from ongietan, the old english word for perception, taking the last 4 letters from delusio, the secondary latin root word for delusion, and taking u+nem from delusionem, the "noun of action from past-participle stem of deludere" - delusiodere being the first root word for delusion.
ongietan, perception, relates to ones view and disconect from what they should be viewing/expiriencing. delusio/deludere/delusionem, delision, specifies and emphasises the disconect from what is real and what is actually being expirienced.
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how to coin.
one can coin an ongietusio by using the prefix ongietu-, example, ongietucorse.
the following template is optional.
[x] is an ongietunem term/ongietusio relating to one's perception of [x] being affected by [x] delusion. this term aknowledges the disconnect between reality and one's expirience, it does not romantisize nor idealize this expirience.
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ongietusio does not support
transid/transx, "transitioning" from reality to a delusion or any other variation of the phrasing, comparing neirological conditions, mental health or disorders/disabilities to being transgender in anyway, radqueers, discourse, ableism and general bigotry.
ongietusio actually supports
arissomei aldernic -cubi terms chronosian (non/anti-radqueer) queer stances people who have gone through traumatic/stressful events people who expirience atypical dysphoria, hallucinations and intrusive thoughts recovering radqueers recovering paras clusters a, b and c cripplepunk neuropunk lgbtq+ mogai/liom neo/xenic identities (researched) self-diagnosis
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who can use ongietunem terms?
everyone in the "ongietusio actually supports" category
people with diagnosed, undiagnosed, proffessionally and self diagnosed delusions
anyone who expiriences a disorder/condition that causes delusions
anyone who anknowledges this term has boundaries and are not transid adjacent nor arissomei or aldernic replacements/alternatives.
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please note intrusive thoughts can be a side effect of delusions but dont cause nor are they actual delusions themselves. having intrusive thoughts alone does not qualify as this specifies one's entire perception of things being disconnected from what is reality.
also note this is not a term made just for fun, but to actually aid in recognizing the disconnect, aknowledge it and spread a bit more awareness about the kind of expiriences people wth delusions may have. it is a serious topic about mental health, not an aesthetic or choice.
thank you.
id's are all in alt text.
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about delusions(link)
anti rq archive(link)
@acetrappolaswife, @hewasanamericangirl, @docsfallfromgrace, @sage-writes-n-coins-mogai, @archival-arrival, @antiradqueer, @arissodic-archive, @objectumluv, @clusterrune
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dunequeer · 2 months
Pt: TransAngry
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When someone thinks they should be, identities as, believes themselves to me (despite not currently being) angry
Pt: PermaAngry
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When someone is or thinks they should be permanently angry
Request are open
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