481 posts
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fantasy-store · 20 days ago
Disabled artist - comms open!
[disabled artist - comms open]
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Hi! I'm spirit, I'm an artist, physically disabled, 21, and taking commissions! My main is @gravediggerss
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Right now I have a visa debt to pay off and medication to buy but I don't have the money.
I have more than just art commissions open on my kofi, such as bracelets, art prints, tarot and more, and I'd be incredibly grateful for any help.
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fantasy-store · 22 days ago
although i did send the ask before i looked through your blog when it came to the cluster specific stuff n found your cluster B flag - could I still ask for a pdnos flag? /genq
- 🎐
im gonna take thisout of our inbox so we can do this request on @cripcoin
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fantasy-store · 2 months ago
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simple chronic migraine (by @fantasy-store) psyduck icons for me
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fantasy-store · 3 months ago
all the prints available in my kofi!
[all the prints available in my kofi]
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"crying aurora", "aurora lyrics" and "aurora no lyrics" available in fanart prints
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"aurora green" and "grayscale aurora" available in fanart prints
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"thanatos", "blitzo" and "dragon neuvilette" available in fanart prints
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"clod and tifa", "catra flame" and "catra mask" availavle in fanart prints!
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"firenado", "the goddex", an "lesbian northern lights" available in non fanart prints
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"moth", "luna moth elf" and "the moon" available in non fanart prints
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"winter sunset" available in non fanart prints!
i also have bracelets, comissions, tarot readings and more available in my store! please consider supporting me and helping me pay for expenses!
i will soon have more to add, i am hoping to have more art available to print, stickers, and more
i also post updates on the progress of my comic "the adventurers" and all wip art project updates will be posted there as well for feeback!
any support is a huge help to me.
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fantasy-store · 3 months ago
Gonna make this now for the sake of it!
Huge promo for our blogs!! Please reblog and check us out!
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Coining: (includes edits, userboxes and npts)
@bookish-bitch - book/manga/written media themed coining
@cripcoin - phys disabled based coining
@dollilian - doll themed coining and edits (includes ai/robot/android/puppets etc)
@hexereius - show/movie based coining
@koisplosion - game themed coining
@lucewyre - word related coining / term and coining assistance
@lunamoth-moons - sailor moon, moth and moon related coining/edits/graphics
@objectumluv - objectum coining and para safe
@starflags - textured flag edits, LGBTQ flag coining (alt and edits for flags)
@sypphic - mspec and xyz loving xyz centered coining
@skelatomy - anatomy based gender coining
@serra-coining - "after dark" coining (18+)
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@disabledsysboxes - userboxes for disabled systems
@ego-est-ignis - para and mania (primarily pyro) centered info blog
@pyrocultureis - culture is blog for pyrophiliacs and pyromaniacs
@systiveboxes - userboxes for introjects
@your-fave-is-crippled for cpunk/phys disabled media
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Bpd / obsessive symptoms related
@youryanderex - reclaiming yandere flag coinings
@yandere-culture-is - culture is blog for bpd and obsessive tendency havers who reclaim yandere
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@queersrus is a little inactive ATM but hopefully getting it up again soon, npt centered blog
Same with our edit centered blog @vineyard-edits
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Please be sure to read the dnis before following/interacting
A handful also have blacklists of media or mediums we won't do!
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Tagging for reach, feel free to ask to be untagged!
@sanguinaryfreaks @hewasanamericangirl @the-church-of-strabismus @rwuffles @de-rune @winecovered
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fantasy-store · 4 months ago
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a term for those who identify as vampires and are attracted to other vampires. vampire for vampire or vampire loving vampire. may or may not relate to otherkin/vampirekin.
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flag by @thrillingterms <3
userbox by us on @dewdrop-edits
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fantasy-store · 4 months ago
HI! so for the time being this blog is just an archive of our coins, we now run several seperate coining blogs!
please follow us on:
this means for the time being .fantasy-store will also be an archive.
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fantasy-store · 4 months ago
coulda been a comment not reblog of our intro and i dont know if anyone has answered you yet but i'll go for it anyway incase anyone else needs to know still: (/lh)
a radqueer (radical ((inclusion)) queer) is someone in this community of people who claim to be radcally inclusionry while they more often than not re actually just supportive of very harmful things like pro-contact harmful paraphilia (specifically the big three), transitioning to things you cant like claiming to be disbled or another race when you arent.
in short the radqueer community is so "inclusive" its harmful and toxic. minors are groomed, its an echo chamber of harmful misinfo and so on.
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Welcome to Bell, Book and Candle, the Store of Fantasy.
[pt: bell, book and candle,]
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BLOG RULES: these are my boundaries. please do not disrespect them.
do not reblog/add my creations to mogai/liom archives. this is not a mogai blog, the only acception are when i post templates for my gender flags. nothing else here is made with the mogai community in mind.
none of my work is to be used by the radqueer or transx/id communities.
anyone is free to use my flags/terms and identify with them even if on my dni, so long as you are respectful, dont 'recoin/reclaim/reuse' my terms/flags for other purposes.
if a flag is excusive to a group and you are not part of that group do not use it.
im fine with people using my palettes for flags or anything else, just dont go claiming anything i posted here is yours.
i will block freely for my own comfort.
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BEFORE YOU NTERACT: a few things to note.
im anti-endo, i stay away from discourse and would rather avoid any talk around "system origins" and the like. this blog is no space for that either
i do have a mogai blog if you are looking for that content, im not really active on either of them but i ran @/wateryourgender and am on a hiatus on @archival-arrival
i am pro-self dx so long as it is researched heavily.
i am pro-recovery but anti-contact para, sunset para if you will.
i am pro-mspec and aspec gays/lesbians, neo/xeno users
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DO NOT INTERACT: just some boundaries around interaction.
radfems, terfs, gender critical etc
harry potter/jrk fans/supporters
and your usual basic dni stuff ig
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disability/disorder flags flags for different disabilities/disorders, general or specific, exclusive to ppl with those disabilities/disorders
pride flag edits combos, textured edits, etc includes requested versions for skyset pride
specific orientation flags coining terms/flags for orientations if one doesnt exist for or fit your experience, making flags like i did "knight lesbian" for example.
colour palettes mostly from characters or provided images but i can make them from concepts, names or so on.
whatever lets me work with colours. only thing i dont do here is gender coining. i have @queersrus for names/pronouns too.
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blanks and templates - skyset pride
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MOD LIST: all from @the-archived system
#mod cass - it/he+neos/none - @de-rune #mod skye - she+neos/none - @tate-nova
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[id: a green to white gradient box with a gif of candles and witchcraft tools on a shelf in the background and dark green text on top of the image reading "dni if transx/transid, radqueer, terf. more in pinned post. free to use/identify so long as you respect my boundaries. exclusive terms/flags are non-debatable". :end id]
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fantasy-store · 6 months ago
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[Text: This system is questioning STPD.]
Like/Reblog if you save or use
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[Text: This system is questioning Schizotypal Personality Disorder.]
Like/Reblog if you save or use
Flag credits to @fantasy-store
Link to “This system has Schizotypal Personality Disorder (STPD).”
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fantasy-store · 6 months ago
Pyromania centered blogs
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Pyrophilia list(wip)
Feel free to ask to be tagged or untagged, generally listing blogs we see most in pyro tags
Our own:
This one as well as @pyrocultureis and @bleu-flame
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@pyro-baby (last active 2023)
@ignis-and-pyromania (last active 2019)
@pyromaniad (last active 2021)
@always-an-angel-never-enough (has pyromania related posts, seen in pyro tags, warning in their bio for other content)
@pyromaniac-within-you (last active 2020)
@p-y-r-o-m-a-n-i-a-c (last posted 2019)
@pyromaniacs-and-flames (2019)
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General pyro safe blogs
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Please feel free to suggest blogs to be added or other content we could make for the master list
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fantasy-store · 7 months ago
Blog promo??
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Hello! We're blue/spirit, also known as the archive, any prns.
This blog is run by our mass effect introjects (currently), garrus and Shepard.
We make userboxes for disabled systems! (And we *aren't* transandrophobic.)
Feel free to check out our rules for exactly what we're willing to make and you're welcome to ask if you're curious about anything.
We would really appreciate a promo to let people know our blog is here!
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Tagging for reach: sorry moots !
@systiveboxes @delightfulweepingwillows @hewasanamericangirl @kodiescove @cpunkwitch @the-church-of-strabismus @writingbrainrot @rwuffles @de-rune @chaos-and-ink @cdd-system-terms @sysboxes @disrealities
Credit for our replycons goes to @decayednightmaremogai
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fantasy-store · 8 months ago
Introject roles - 16
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Schizophrenia flag by @fantasy-store others by @cdd-system-terms
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fantasy-store · 8 months ago
Inanimate insanity introjects - 1
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Schizophrenia flag by @fantasy-store
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fantasy-store · 8 months ago
may we have a promo?
[may we have a promo?]
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hello! we're finally back and open for requests again!
we do (themed) npt packs:
names including but not limited to first names, nicknames, middle and surnames, system names, character names, alt spellings, specific languages and more
pronouns including but not limited to 1st, 2nd and 3rd neopronouns, prnouns and neopronouns in different languages, xenopronouns and more
titles including but not limited to 2nd/3rd person titles (for others to use on you or you to use in third person), 1st person titles, job/descriptor titles, book titles and more
as well as usernames (in private to avoid url claimers snatching them up), and npt checks!
we may also offer alt terms for things depending on what they are and id listing/searches (for example, listing a handful of links to some genders or other terms under a theme if asked)
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we also want to shout out a side blog two of our mods run, @dollilian, where we do various things related to doll, ai, robot, puppet and similar themes!
theres already quite a few things there including userboxes, npt lists and icons, check out the pinned post over there for the taglist to navigate and the wills/wonts list !
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taggng for reach, feel free to ask to be removed!
@disrealities, @rwuffles, @delightfulweepingwillows, @hewasanamericangirl
endos, supporters, radqueers and transid preferably dni please and thank you!
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fantasy-store · 9 months ago
Hypermobile and Scoliosis pride flags
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flags for people with hypermobility(left) and scoliosis(right)
exclusive to pw either of those respectively
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fantasy-store · 9 months ago
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fantasy-store · 9 months ago
Promo post
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Hi! We're blue/the archive, we make userboxes for introjects, both fictive, factive and others!
Please check out our dni before interacting!
We will try our best to be active and have requests open !
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Tagging: @hewasanamericangirl @delightfulweepingwillows @sysboxes @rwuffles @disabled-sysboxes @vineyard-edits
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