#mobile users im sorry
anatomical-puppet · 3 months
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loafabun · 5 months
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Sketching 🌸
Please click for ✨quality✨
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pa-rou · 6 months
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there is something wrong with you that is also wrong with me
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iooiu · 2 years
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“yeah, i think i get it too.”
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bluecubeblues · 21 days
Sky with a pipe
What crimes will they commit
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2dieavirgin · 11 months
chase md
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because anon sparked something in me
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sk-ench · 5 months
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Weirdgirl parade
[Image Description: A drawing featuring 6 characters from Ace Attorney, holding hands in a chain and walking towards the left side of the image. Phoenix leads, looking back and smiling. Maya is next, also looking back with a wide grin at the next character, Pearl. Pearl is being lifted off of the ground a couple inches by Maya and Ema, who is next in the line. Ema is gripping Franziska’s hand, and finally Trucy brings up the rear, clasping her hands around Franziska’s elbow. Behind them is a simple background with a blue sky that has fluffy clouds and some greenery at the side of the sidewalk they are walking on. End Description.]
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feliville · 13 days
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why is it SOOOOO difficult to write SOBS
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demeterdefence · 2 months
my energy has been low lately so i've stuck to just liveblogging chapter releases, but i was thinking earlier about why lore olympus really nettles me and it's truly indicative of a wider issue.
it's disappointing that a major ancient religion that is still practiced by some people today has been reduced to a caricature of itself, and i say this knowing that there are thousands of reinterpretations of the greek myths, there will always be a new opinion or retelling of them. retelling the myth of hades and persephone isn't necessarily the issue, so much as the constant and dripping disdain to the cultural roots. we don't need to be greek to appreciate the story, but why remove everything greek from it? why westernize every aspect and remove ties to the cultural roots? why whitewash everything from a myth thousands of years old?
part of the reason these myths continue to resonate with us is because the themes are still relevant today. the loss of a child, the struggle against impossible forces, the (often patriarchal) powers against you, a mothers love. these stories hold power, they gave hope and inspiration, they created meaning and connection, and they were vital to the people who lived in that time, in that place. they will resonate with us for many years still, but stripping the roots and core of it out only makes it a hollow, shallow imitation. it's reality tv with neon colours, no love or heritage present; it's cold and shiny and plastic, and it insults what it claims to portray.
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popfizzles · 17 days
I'm not very savvy with Tumblr so my apologies if this is really obvious lmao, but how would one message you for your nsfw acc?? And would one have to be a certain age to receive this URL? (゜_゜) anyway hope you have a wonderful day! and I love your art ^_^🩵🩷
okay well um
First of all, very important information, I don't give out my 18+ blog to people who do not have their age public in their bio or in a pinned post, and I straight up block minors/anyone I find following me without their age.
If you ask for it, and do not have a public age, or an age listed that's under 18, You Will Be Blocked.
Secondly, to message someone from desktop, you can open this here on the left side of your screen
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which will open a pop-up where you can click the blue "New Message" text, then type in a blog name to send them a message.
I really only respond to messages having to do with business, so please don't message me for polite conversation, or about my art. <:) That's what my inbox is for!
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tubbytarchia · 5 months
I was watching Pearl's episode 2 and thought about you at every Gempearl moment
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HELP WHAT??? NO WAY STOPP I'm gonna blush
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todayisafridaynight · 4 months
everyday i constantly think of masato's wheelchair and if that's his only one/main one no wonder he's so pissed at everyone
#snap chats#someone pointed this out to me like last year so im stealing it sorry cause I Think Of It Constantly#the handling of masato's disability will forever annoy me esp with how vague it is but esp his chair#one day ill draw masato with an appropriate wheelchair. maybe then he'll be happy for once#in a way i guess it could tie into how restricted or trapped he felt since the type of chair he's shown is more like. a hospital one#and not one youd really use as a regular user- like in that vein it is a bit of storytelling in that he can ONLY go out with help#since hospital chairs are SO much different from home chairs ESPECIALLY in regards to mobility and independence the user has#AND NOT TO MENTION HOW UNCOMFORTABLE THOSE CHAIRS ARE get his ass a proper cushion P L E A S E#like it portrays the idea that its unfathomable for him to go anywhere on his own and so in that vein . Interesting Storytelling#theres a lot of implications going on here if im so honest and again it makes for Really Interesting Story Telling#however i refuse to give rgg credit like that when it comes to disabilities. ... they havent earned that from me yet#see this is why the vagueness of his condition annoys me because he's shown to be independent enough to roll himself to his elevator#and presumably get himself dressed but he cant have a proper chair ?#because ik there are people who have expressed they have conditions where even writing is tiring#so if his condition was in-line with that and it was hard for him to push himself in his chair then i could buy it#obviously the issue lies with his lungs but i just want to know the full extent yk...#to wrap this up tho ive been thinking of character design in rgg and how we dont give credit to it enough#sooooo if i make a second post ten minutes from now thats why cause i keep forgetting to spam my thoughts on here LMAO#ok bye
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loustyles · 2 years
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You’re so quick to judge, cos yeah I might have changed, but everybody does.
BIGGER THAN ME | Louis Tomlinson (lyric video)
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littjara-mirrorlake · 9 months
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It's really cool that these are different Phyrexian words! But... what's the contextual/usage difference between them?
Answers of varying correctness all accepted.
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cockyroaches · 25 days
hey man guess who got aseprite just to make silly shit like this
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see it scamper
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chwejongho-archive · 2 years
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⟣ mingi ⟡ paradigm mv making film ⟢
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