#mob route WHEN
the-writing-mobster · 3 months
Because I constantly get hate for WDYW Chapter 49,
(I get it, it's polarizing) allow me to like,,, explain why I went with the plot point? I don't really owe anyone an explanation, and literally fuck any of my haters, they're ants, but I think my readers/people who actually like my writing would like to know the lore behind my choices.
So, context, in chapter 49, Frisk is drugged into obedience by Muffet and Muffet, being the money hungry cunt that she is, sells Frisk's body on the black market. It's a really uncomfortable concept, and when it happened it caused a lot of readers to drop the fic or rant at me in the comments, talk shit about my fic in private forums behind my back, or even imply a bunch of horrible things about me as a person lmao.
So why did I decide to go with this plot?
Well, for one, it all stems from two books: The Hunger Games, Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins and the Empress by S.J Kincaid.
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In both of these books, there is a pivotal character who is drugged, manipulated and used for political gain by a dastardly authority figure. In The Empress, this plot point was ESPECIALLY devastating, because it completely changed and corrupted the character into a horrific shell of their old self to where they were actively antagonistic and irredeemable!
This plot device has intrigued and fascinated me ever since. Drugging a protagonist to make them wholly dependent on their abuser/villain, manipulating them, having them at rock bottom is, in my opinion, one of the worst things that can happen to a character... And seeing how the character can overcome it is the greatest triumph!
Ever since reading these books, this plot device has buzzed in the back of my mind and there is a part of me that always tries to recreate it, but I can never come close to perfecting it.
Either I always miss on the addiction part of the manipulation, or I can never commit truly to character corruption. Either way, the closest I've ever gotten to scratching this itch has been in WDYW part 3, but even then, I barely came close to getting it right.
My second reason for choosing the route; In WDYW, Frisk's whole arc is about having control over her own agency/autonomy/fate. What happens to her in Part 3 is the culmination of everything she's ran away from, fought against, and her greatest nightmare come to life. It was the lowest point I could bring her character, and make her face her past demons in a horrifically evil way. But my plan had obviously been that despite all of the torture she survives, that she not only survives but fucking WINS!
That was the whole point, but when I wrote it I was like,,, 17/18 😅, so there was definitely things I wasn't as graceful about.
With that said, would I change anything? Yes. If I could change anything I wrote about part 3, I would do a couple things:
1. Take out that obedience spell Muffet puts on Frisk. The reason I made that was because it was like a catch all spell to keep Frisk in Muffets clutches? But it was pretty OP and seemed like a hand wavey excuse to brush aside plot holes. I should've just simplified the spell to where she was simply tethered to Muffet's soul so Sans couldn't kill Muffet, or teleport Frisk away.
2. Frisk's "obedience" to Muffet should've been entirely addiction based, which would make the plot point of Frisk using determination to burn out her addiction in Part 4, and then eventually Determination becomes the addiction instead, (because overcoming addiction is really fucking hard actually and a constant struggle) a lot stronger.
3. I would probably be much more careful with my word choice in chapter 49. Some of it comes off as sexualization. Not my intention, but it was because I was writing in the creepy photographer's pov and he was objectifying her. In my head I was like, "surely people can read between the lines right???" (They can't. Only a select few fanfic readers have media literacy apparently)
So, TLDR, No chapter 49 was not some author's barely disguised fetish (that's honestly a really gross way to think about my writing and about me as a person) it was my genuine worst nightmare as a woman, and one of my favorite plot devices from two of my favorite books 😭 Please lay off me about chapter 49, and Part 3.
Last but not least... Some art is meant to disturb the comfortable and comfort the disturbed.
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 1 year
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amazing to me how bc someone allied with the church he's all mad now and bc it's going to make it harder for him to win and get his uwu promotion, the alliance is now "filthy rogues" and "a mob".
man is literally so mad they can't just one and done this that he has to call them names for putting up a fight. they have the crest of flames as their banner? must be filthy rogues!
like seriously, he's literally just calling them these things because they're his opponents; not because they ever actually did anything.
and we're supposed to feel bad for this guy?
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hybbat · 1 year
You know a world where your ability to carry something is determined by quantity rather than size or weight is very easy to accept in a video game, because of mechanical convenience, but would probably be so strange in a story in any other medium, and I think a few more books and shows could stand to get a little funkier with the fundamentals of their reality like that.
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intomybubble · 2 years
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I think i know what this person’s type is
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yanderenightmare · 7 months
TW: nsfw, noncon, poverty & debt, gun violence, organized crime, death threats, arranged marriage
fem reader
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Thinking about owing the mob…
Not you specifically, but your family – debt you weren’t aware of before you’re being cashed in to settle it.
You imagined several terrible things before the arrangement was explained to you. 
One of the sons needs a wife with a clean reputation. 
It’s a simple equation. You’re eligible, and he isn’t picky.
And though it leaves you in mourning for a life yet lived, it still comes with a sense of relief. It’s one of the better deals you could’ve gotten. At least you wouldn’t need to witness or partake in any crimes, nor act as a scapegoat for the likes either.
Besides… though you’ve yet to meet your fiancé, you’ve been explained that he only plans on treating you like a wife on and for the camera – that his tastes otherwise lie in the gentlemen’s lounge. 
All you ever have to do is smile. He isn’t interested in anything else.
That’s what you were told, and yet…
“It’s funny.” Your husband says after the wedding ceremony. 
You’re back at the mansion you’re meant to call home. The grounds are about twice the size of the block you come from. Marble, gold, and diamonds – it’s so outrageously excessive it’s shameless. 
“I was told your brothers run routes for us to make ends meet.” He continues, looking at you and the expression on your face as you stare up at the chandelier – it’s clear you’ve never seen anything like it. “Fuck, I mean, I can’t imagine risking my life and still end up needing to pick between food or rent at the end of the day.”
Your gaze falls down to him at that. 
Clad in lush wedding expense – white gown and silver tiara – you still stick out like a sore thumb. Something in the way it wears you and not the other way around. It’s obvious you’re uncomfortable with it all. It’s probably worth more than your family's ever owned.
He steps closer with a chuckle.
“Then, the poor suckers go and fuck up so bad they end up needing to sell their own sister.”
He spots your fists ball at your sides. But you keep your cool. Only a slight grimace curling your lips along a tiny furrow between your brows. It all smoothens into something else when he reaches out to grab your chin.
“What’s even more funny…” He tilts your face in his hand – jaded eyes assessing you like he’s found a coin on the ground. “You don’t look like street trash like I expected.”
Your frown returns, and you try pulling back – but he grabs your arm before you can.
Tsking, “Ah-ah – Remember,” His smile sharpens. “You’re property now. When I touch you, you let it happen.”
You weren’t that easily convinced. He bet you’ve had to fight off a lot of unwanted attention back where you come from. But he isn’t some back-alley thug. When he wants something, he expects it not only to be served on a silver platter but to be hand-fed to him with a silver spoon.
He pulls the gun out from behind him. Slotted in the band of his dress trousers, it had stayed hidden beneath the coverage of his suit jacket during the ceremony.
Your throat dries up, and any protests you had died of thirst along with it – eyes wide as you stare at the piece.
You can’t believe he’d carry that thing into a church with vows upon his lips – now pointing it at the very same wife he’d made those vows to. 
“Make me spend a single bullet, and your family will share the rest.” He taps the barrel’s mouth against the quiver of your lips. “I’d rather not it come to that. It’ll ruin the carpet…”  
You quiver, feeling weak with a shudder – your eyes slip closed with a shivering tear.
“Not to mention this…” He strokes the pitiful droplet off your cheek with the weapon while eyeing the way you quake with grinning eyes. “Pretty little body I’ve only just acquired.” 
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BNHA – Dabi
JJK – Sukuna, Geto, Gojo, Naoya, Toji
BLLK – Reo
HxH – Illumi
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god-syndicate-if · 1 month
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DEMO [TBD] You've always been angry.
Rage comes naturally to you. With how much life has messed with you it's only fair that you use your anger. That's why you became a boxer. The thrill of breaking an opponent. And hoping they might break you in turn. They never do though. Every fight is a disappointment, almost as much of a disappointment as they pay for each fight.
Enter Jackie Roth, club owner, mob boss, and former god. When she offers you a job you can't say no. Not that you would, not when she and everyone in her gang feel so familiar to you. At least with this job you'll be able to use that rage inside you more.
As you learn the ways of the criminal underground you reconnect with people you never met. Reforge bonds that you've never made. And recall memories you've never had. You were a god once upon a time, can you become one again?
God Syndicate is an interactive novel where you play the newest incarnation of Ares, The God of War. It's 18+ for violence, explicit sexual themes, drug use, morally questionable behavior, and more.
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Customize your MC, play male, female, or nonbinary. With transgender options and pronoun selection. Customize your appearance and develop your personality.
Romance or befriend a cast of characters, including gods with more issues than you can count or even a mortal! Asexual and Aromantic options available.
Show the gods why you were feared all those years ago or prove that you're better than your past lives.
Uncover the mystery of disappearing gods as well as the mystery of your past.
Help out Elysium, the club where you'll practically live from now on. It seems to attract gods and that isn't always good.
Take out your anger on people who might even deserve it.
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Zeus: Jackie Roth - She/Her. [Not an RO]
Jackie is The King of The Gods and she makes sure everyone knows it. Her word is law in Elysium and beyond. Fail her and you'll have a storm waiting for you. In the years since your disappearance Jackie's love for her family has seem to only grow. But she has a criminal empire to run and you're just the weapon she needs.
Hermes: Riley Liao Zhi - Gender Selectable. [RO]
The Messenger of The Gods. Or in Riley's case, the ever bored personal assistant to Jackie. Riley's an adrenaline junkie with a heart of gold. As the one who found you they feel almost responsible for you. But why do they also seem so afraid of you?
Apollo: Franco Valerio - He/Him. [RO]
As expected of The God of Music, Franco's your classic rich and famous rock star. Well he would be, if only he could get out of Elysium. His love of singing and love of his family are two chains he can't break that tie him here. Will your arrival help break those chains or tighten them?
Aphrodite: Damiana "Dame" Rivette - Gender Selectable. [RO]
Quiet and Serious, Dame is no longer The God of Love they once were. The passion of their life faded and now bitterness grows where love should. The only friend they have in Elysium seems to be their fiance, Johnny. To make their life even worse, you arrive.
Nemesis: Verne Mercer - They/Them. [RO]
Protective? Vindictive? As the God of Retribution Verne can be described as both perfectly. As the bouncer of Elysium and Jackie's right hand Verne refuses to allow a threat near them or their friends. And what are you if not a threat?
Dionysus: Mitch Dorsey - He/Him. [RO]
It's almost cliche that Dionysus is the bartender for Elysium. But if Mitch needs to fall into old habits to help pay for his daughter's life then he will. He's tired of his life here and has never tried to hide it. Now with you coming back he wonders how long he can protect his daughter from The Gods. (Optional Poly route available with Sigourney)
The Mortal: Sigourney Hawthorn - She/Her. [RO]
Newly divorced from Mitch she struggles with juggling her (demigod) child, relentless job, and love life. As her daughter, Claudia, grows she wonders if she can keep up or if she'll be left behind. And now with your arrival Claudia's godly family gets bigger and her presence gets smaller. (Optional poly route available with Mitch)
Artemis: Rebel Reyes - She/Her. [RO]
How can The God of the Hunt thrive in the city? The prey here are either too weak or too annoying to hunt. The only thing Rebel craves is to feel that thrill again. With your arrival she has a perfect chance, who better to hunt than the God of War? She can't wait to meet you.
Nike: Johnny Noble- He/Him. [Not an RO]
How can you beat the God of Victory? When fate itself decides that it's special little boy gets to win then he wins. In any competition you can name, love included, he wins. You can't beat him so don't even try. He's engaged to the God of Love, friends with everyone in Elysium, and worshiped by everyone who meets him. You might as well join. No matter how insufferable he might be.
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mickyschumacher · 3 months
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𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: you and charles have been dancing around each other for a while now. it's time to bring the theatrics to an end. or in which charles decides to cross the line of 'just friends'.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: 18+ (minors dni), unprotected sex (wrap your willies), teasing, titty lover!charles, fingering, not really public sex but sorta, bathroom sex, p in v, oral sex, mutual orgasms, cumming inside, reader has a vagina
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: charles leclerc x fem!reader
𝐀/𝐍: guess who's back?? back again! yes, it's true. i have finally actually written something! (if anything blame my uni, work, and internship.) proofread-ish as per usual! hope you like it ♡︎
⋆  •°.  。  .°•  ⋆
It was no secret.
There was nothing clandestine about those bluey greens eyeing you from across the room nor the discreet yet purposeful brush of your fingers when you passed each other.
The hitched breath when you felt him behind you was audible over the loud chatter and clinks of glass. You could almost see his dimpled grin from the back of your head as the cameras flashed in your eyes.
Your gaze darted to the feel of his hand grazing your arm, its linger falling into a debate, itching to find your waist. But much like your cat-and-mouse relationship, his hand remained at the border, merely hovering.
"Chérie," Charles' voice whispered in the shell of your ear. Sweetheart.
You sucked in a sharp breath, struggling to keep your eyes on the camera at hand. With your fingers clenching at the satin material of your dress, you hummed quietly in response.
"Don't panic but your dress is stuck underneath the buttons of my shirt."
"What?" Brows immediately furrowing, your head innately turned only to be nudged back by Charles. You pouted. You should’ve known the cream spaghetti dress that had been in the back of your closet and screaming to be worn would pull something like this.
You pressed your lips together and held your breath once again upon the feel of Charles’ hand on your waist. “After the photos, just walk with me and we’ll fix it, hmm?”
Your head nodded before your brain could even refuse entering such a dangerous territory. The minute of waiting for the cameras to stop flashing was torturous. The bright lights were making you sweat enough as is… and now you were playing the waiting game.
A quick ‘thank you’ slipped from Charles’ mouth, accompanied by a nose of acknowledgement as he led you away from the mob of people you couldn’t care less about.
Your heart was in a hard game of tug of war, slamming heavily against what was your chest but felt like your ears. You could feel the straps of your dress nestled underneath the buttons of his shirt, making Charles cling to your back.
You tried your best to give small smiles to the people you passed, recognising very quickly the route you had taken to fix your hair a couple minutes before the event.
A relieved sigh fell from your lips upon arriving to the bathroom, managing to hear the click of the door over your heartbeat along with the amused huff arising from Charles.
You narrowed your gaze towards the Monégasque, meeting those sparkly ocean eyes through the large mirror in the centre of the bathroom. You rested your hands on the quartz bench, stilling yourself as you felt the warmth of Charles' body radiate off of him.
"In rush?" Charles queried, moving his eyes to the side of your face. His heart skipping a beat or two as he watched the corners of your mouth rise up.
"Hardly." you quipped back, feet restlessly tapping against the marble floors.
Charles smiled softly in response, moving his hands to the back of your waist. His teeth sunk into his lips at the feel of your sharp breath. Goosebumps littered across your bare skin as his fingers grazed the nape of your neck and gently moved down. Gingerly playing with the straps of your dress, he took his time with each one, ensuring he could feel the warmth of your skin.
Very slowly you could feel the straps becoming unstuck, pulling away from the tension of his buttons. Your tongue poked the inside of your cheek, carefully watching Charles through the mirror. "Are you done?" you managed to whisper, not having even an ounce of trust in your voice.
"Yup..." Charles pursed his lips, pretending to furrow his brows as he purposefully unwinded and winded the straps around the buttons of his shirt. "... nearly."
You could feel the final strap detach itself from Charles, letting a little air roam between the both of you as he removed his hands. Almost immediately, you turned around, eyes widening at the sudden proximity. Your ears burned at the way his eyes darted across your face as though he was trying to take in every single atom of your being to memory.
Your throat felt dry. But you managed to play the amused smile. "You are such a liar," you retorted to his previous behaviour.
Charles' dimples devilishly twinkled at you. "I hardly think that's a crime. If anything, you're the criminal here," he said, hand moving to move one of your loose tresses past your ear.
You swallowed the lump in your throat and raised a brow. "Oh? Do tell. You shouldn't leave me hanging."
It was Charles' turn to suck in a sharp breath, intentionally taking a step back to let his eyes rake over you. "Well, walking in today with this dress was one thing..." he started, taking a step closer to you before he put his hands on your waist, trailing the warm skin of your back ever so softly. "And now this..." he grazed the straps of your dress.
A gentle laugh fell from his lips, the blue and green hues moving to your face. "I didn't get to tell you earlier but you look beautiful today," Charles whispered, making your skin flush a red that only he could bring out.
Curiously you watched his eyes follow his own fingers, trailing every curvature and crevice of your face, memorising the softness of your skin, every texture he could bring himself to feel. "I can't even believe you're real," he murmured, on the cusp of falling into a trance.
Charles spotted your furrowed brows and smiled. "Sometimes I think I'm living in a dream and I just... made you up."
You blinked blankly in spaced increments, unsure how to respond as your pulse quickened. There was level of mutual understanding from what he had said. You, yourself, weren't sure if Charles was real.
Whatever you had harboured for him had changed the way you lived.
How was it possible that the very world you lived in was only brighter with his presence? Even the sounds of it's functioning sounded sweeter with him. As though the world had been waiting for the very intersection of time and Charles itself to spin again.
Before Charles could even muster a response to his admissions, he felt your hand brush against his cheek moments before your warm lips met his and closed the distance between the both of you. It was brief but Charles thought that momentarily the world has stopped spinning, leaving only the both of you to exist in this continuum.
"How was that for real?" you asked, voice barely above a whisper as you pulled away to rest your forehead on his. Your blood rushed to the surface of your skin, dotting your body with shades of pink and red while your hands shook at your sides.
Charles' chest heaved, voice thick with emotion as he watched you close your eyes with some sort of magical fear. He breathed out slowly, thumb reaching out to tilt your chin up. Comfort filled his chest upon seeing your glittering eyes. He smiled. "Not good enough."
His hands travelled to your face with a speed unbeknownst to you, bringing his lips to yours. Your sweet fragrance was intoxicating, unwillingly infiltrating his very being but accepted with open arms.
A sigh of pleasure fell from your lips as your body began to show signs of malfunctioning: mind in a state of lavender haze, knees buckling, goosebumps littering every inch of your skin.
Your hands reached out, feeling the taut waist of Charles and bringing him closer towards you. Your mouth quirked at the feel of his teeth grazing your lips, momentarily pulling away from you as though he needed to catch a breath of air.
But Charles didn't need it that much. Not when he could elicit a shudder from the tips of your feet as his tongue delved past the soft confines of your mouth. Not when he was sure that the tightening of your hand on his shirt was going to undo him.
You felt dizzy, needing to part your lips away from him. The sounds of your breaths heaving reverberated throughout the bathroom. Charles' lips were still on you, grazing the skin of your neck as he rested his hands on your waist.
Charles' voice was hoarse, as if the words were coiled in his throat and he could only just get them out. "J'attendais de faire ça… depuis toujours." I've been waiting to do that… for forever.
You smiled softly at his words, thumb gliding over his hand. "Would it be crazy to say that I've been dreaming about this moment?"
You weren't crazy was what Charles would've said if you hadn't taken his ability to speak away from him. Charles would daydream about this. It consumed his very being. Every second that raced by, every minute that flitted by, every hour that brought the night closer... it was all you. Everything and nothing was you.
Your teeth sunk down on your swollen lips, head tilting to the side. "We should probably get back to the party," you so maturely advised only to feel Charles' grip on your waist tighten.
"I really don't want to," Charles mumbled, chin nestling into your collarbone.
A small laugh slipped past your mouth. Cheesy to say, but it was music to his ears. "Charles, it's your party. You kind of have to."
"I'd rather just sit here with you." Charles removed his chin, blue eyes planted firmly on your face as he moving your hair behind your ears. His hands fell to your arms, gently tugging them towards himself while he took comfort sitting on the marble floor. "God knows how many seconds I've missed without you. I need to make them up."
You stared at him in awe, entirely baffled at his way with words. You could only smile in return, taking his hand to sit down on his lap before they found their new resting place around your waist once again. Your own hands were no different, hanging around his neck as you held his gaze with a gentleness beyond him.
Charles closed his eyes upon feeling your fingers in his hair. He could hear your sweet voice surround him. "Well..." you started with an amused tinge to your voice, "what are we going to do in here?"
Charles peeked open an eye, a small grin forming onto his face. "I can think of a few things," he suggested with a faux innocence.
You shook your head, suppressing your smile. "Your ideas wouldn't involve anything disgraceful, would it?"
"With you?" Charles questioned, eyes twinkling with a familiar tint of mischief. His head neared yours, hovering over your lips before finding the surface of your collarbone. With a lingering kiss, he spoke, hot breath flowing past your dress and down the valley of your breasts. "Never."
A shaky breath escaped your lips, feeling Charles' teeth skimming your skin, peeling off the straps of your dress from your shoulders while his hands busied themselves with the intricacies that had gotten you into this situation in the first place.
Moving your hands out of those straps, gently you shimmied off as much of the dress as you could, letting it pool at your waist.
"Oh fuck," Charles whispered under his breath, taking in the sight of you. "Belle." he praised, moving his lips down the valley of your chest, absorbing the warmth of your skin. Beautiful.
Your lips parted, letting a soft sigh fall, hands running through Charles' brown locks. The feel of his hands squeezing the flesh of your thighs made your heart race while the coolness of his rings against your searing skin made you shiver.
"Shit," you gasped as Charles' tongue found your pebbled nipple, head lolling back to push yourself into his touch. The grip of his hands on your thighs became tighter at your sounds. He took the time to circle your mounds, lathering them with every inch of himself, teeth purposely grazing to send ripples down your back.
Charles' pants felt impossibly tight, bulge pressed up against your thigh, only inches away from the burning heat between your legs. A small grin made its way onto your face, hips rocking forward.
You carefully watched the pure bliss sprawling across Charles' face as he moved away from your breasts. His hands moved from your thighs to your lower back, creeping towards your ass. Your eyes closed, feeling his clothed cock grind into your pussy, hands in his hair now firmly gripping those brown locks.
As the hairs of your body stood straight, an electric current seem to run through you. You felt dizzy again. But this time, it wasn't mind-numbing. No, you felt alive. Every sense was heightened. The soft lips of Charles' messily trying to kiss you, attempting to resist the collapse you were bringing him under as you ground into him. The sounds of your hot and heavy pants mixing together with only the pray it was covered by the music of the party. The unconscious feeling that someone could knock on the door that practically catch you was thrilling.
Charles could only just hear the moan of his own name fall from your swollen lips, lost in all the lewd sounds and desires whirling within him. He forced his eyes to open, breath falling into stutters upon the sight of you. A hum of acknowledge was all he could muster, for the fear he would entirely fall apart under you overwhelmed him.
He intently watched your lips, brows furrowed ever so slightly. Trying to understand what you were saying was proving to be difficult with this newfound lust-ridden tinnitus in his ears. But he was sure he understood you. Whether you said it backwards or in another language, the look on your face would tell him exactly what you begged.
"I need you."
Everything happened in a rush. Neither of you were quite sure how it happened nor when.
You both would remember a few glimpses: the desperation of Charles' hands trying to take off his pants, the feel of your hands on his chest, taking what felt like forever to undo the menacing buttons of his shirt, your heaving chest shuddering as his tongue found its way to the valley of your breasts yet again while he pulled off your dress, and the sparkling tint in your eyes when you found his gaze spelling out those three special words.
Charles' carefully watched your body quiver, your own eyes following his hands as they dipped between your legs, gently traversing your throbbing core. The whimper from your mouth as his finger took a stripe of your folds made him feral.
Your eyes followed his fingers, watching your arousal coat him entirely. Charles grinned, letting his dimples touch you in the right places. But his voice was nowhere near as light. "So wet. For me?" He queried with a harsh strain on his chords.
You moaned at his words, nodding as though you were hypnotised. "All for you," you responded, surprised at the rasp of your voice.
From that point out, you were simply a mess.
You had imagined what it would be like to feel Charles' fingers in you but God, it was better than anything you had ever come up with. The way his fingers pushed into your pussy, thrusting in and out at the most tantalising pace was chaotic. The occasional ghost of his thumb over your clit sent currents of pleasure so sharp it had you in shambles.
You couldn't help but buck your hips into his hands, greedy for more. And Charles was more than willing to help you fulfil that burning need. He pushed his fingers in further, making your lips part upon the feel of his cold rings against your scorching core.
"Oh fuck," you cried out, suddenly finding it almost difficult to breathe.
Again, Charles kept his eyes on you. Focused on the way your back arched for him while your body writhed at his touch. He was as insatiable as you were, moving his fingers faster, curling them at just the right spot, feeling the walls of your pussy clench around him. All the dreams he had of you gripping his cock were now beginning to flash through his mind.
You hands shot out to his arms, fingers sinking into his skin only slightly. "Charles," you mewled, "I'm going to– I..."
Fuck, you couldn't even finish a sentence. The end of the tunnel was so close... white was beginning to dot your vision, the tingling feeling sitting in your core that had been coiled up was now unwinding...
But it was your most unfortunate fate that greed had too infected the Monégasque. Any white light you had seen had reverted back, grounding you in reality.
"Charles, no, no, no... please," you begged, watching his fingers come out of your core, leaving you clenching around nothing.
Your pleas were terrifyingly turning Charles on by the second. He leaned forward, bringing his lips to quiet you with a soothing kiss. "I know," he murmured softly against your lips, voice strained more than ever. "But I really need you."
You were so caught up in your own pleasure, for a moment you had forgotten about Charles'. The entire time, his hard cock had been pressed against his stomach, standing in an angry and aching pain, pleading to be touched.
The rushed return of your lips upon his was enough to tell him to what he... what you both wanted.
Charles' hands moved to your waist, shifting you ever so gently over his cock. You watched the brush of his cock against your engorged folds send him into a state of convulsion for a second.
Christ, when was the last time Charles had felt this vulnerable? As though he was genuinely sure he couldn't last a second any longer.
"Putain." A high-pitched hiss spilled from his lips as he ground his bare cock against your pussy, savouring the pure craze he sent you by grazing his tip against your clit. Fuck.
"Cha, please, please don't tease," you whispered with your eyes closed, unsure whether you could handle this any longer.
Charles managed a soft smile, only finding himself in agreement with your words. He let out a shaky breath, aligning his length with your body. He looked up at you once again, finding your eyes now fully on him. "Tu vas bien?" Are you okay?
You smiled in return, nodding. "Perfect."
Charles grinned, keeping his eyes on you as he moved his hips, gently pushing his cock into your warm folds. His lips parted, watching you carefully adjust to the stretch he had brought. The sheer pleasure running through his spine could barely be put into words. "Chérie," he rasped, "can you take some more?"
You paused for a second, letting out a low blow at the mere sound of how needy Charles was. Slowly you nodded, head lolling back as he fully unsheathed himself into you, filling your every crevice with him.
His hips began to snap against your own, swollen lips pressed up and groaning against the skin of your neck. His cock rutted into you, feeling your walls grip him tightly as he imagined, allowing him to relieve the aching torment you had brought him under.
For a moment, in the lust haze, you wondered if anyone could hear you out there. You wondered if they could hear the obscene sounds coming from the both of you: the lost moans or the slaps of your sticky skin covered in a worked-up sweat as Charles pushed deeper into you.
Charles was also in a similar conundrum. He wondered if who else had seen you like this. And by this, he meant the blessed sight before him. The way your hair stuck your flushed cheeks, the absolute dazed look in your eyes, the angelic whimpers of need, the way your necklace shined against your skin, or the dance of your eyelashes as you looked at him... you were beautiful.
Charles' hands gripped your waist even tighter, his moans becoming more repetitive. Your ears perked at the sound of your name falling from his lips.
"I..." Charles began, voice drenched in an emotional frequency only you were tuned into. "I..." he breathed, holding your gaze.
For a mere flit of a second, you could the glassy sheen over those perfect eyes of his and you knew exactly what he meant.
"I know, Charles," You softly murmured, "Je t'aime aussi." I love you too.
With the deeper thrusts and a grazing brush over your clit, you could see those white dots again as your body began to shake. The vice grip you had on his cock told Charles everything he needed to know.
A silent gasp fell from your lips. Your surroundings began to blur, orgasm hitting you in waves, each one harder than the one before. In the midst of the flood, you could hear Charles' moans. "Tell me where to cum, please," he groaned, fastening his pace.
"Inside," you responded, only hearing a guttural moan fall from Charles' lips, his own hips stuttering to the music of your voice.
Again, you could feel him in every crevice of your pussy, but this time your walls had been painted with ropes of his warm cum spilling into you. And you clenched around him, taking every single last drop you could get.
Charles felt your body gently collapse against him, equally as tired and fucked out as him. He smiled gently, pressing a soft and exhausted kiss to your forehead, feeling you return a small kiss on his chest. "Je t'aime... pour toujours." I love you... forever.
You kept him close to you, hugging him tightly. "...et toujours. And always.
The pounding music of the party slipped past the cracks of the locked door. You spotted the clothes you had sprawled across the floor and winced. Pulling your body from Charles, you giving a cheeky smile. "So about that party..."
Charles blinked, also hearing the music. He groaned, head falling to your bare chest. "Please no."
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gutsby · 9 months
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Joel Miller
Waiting Game (dbf!Joel)
Joel has mastered the art of self-control in all areas except one: not fucking his friend’s daughter. A cross-country road trip home from college takes a hard turn when he’s forced to share a motel room with you.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
One shots for the Waiting Game ‘verse
Homemade: While your dad’s watching a movie downstairs, you and his best friend decide to make one of your own.
Diehard: Joel tries Viagra for the very first time.
Ruined!: Joel is an old man who struggles to cum sometimes. You’ve got time to kill and a tight hole to fill.
Cabin Fever (Dark!Joel x Dark!Reader) [DEAD DOVE]
Joel saves your life, but help comes at a price.
Confines: Joel locks you up in a subterranean bunker.
Finders Keepers (bfd!Joel)
Something about the sun in Cabo San Lucas and your best friend’s father’s sweaty body makes you a horny mess. When you find an old shirt of his lying around, you can’t resist. When Mr. Miller finds you humping a pillow and moaning his name, neither can he.
Cry, Baby
Joel fucks you to the point of tears. That’s all.
Just Peachy [anal]
Joel’s got a jealous streak and a bold idea.
Bucky Barnes
Wedded Bliss (Mob!Bucky)
The marriage was arranged, and the sex is deranged. Bucky is so obsessed with your pussy that he almost forgets he’s meant to be faking this whole thing—and hating it, like sworn enemies are supposed to do.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Daryl Dixon
Dead Ringer
Weeks of separation and sexual frustration come to a head when Daryl pays you a visit in the middle of the night. Whether it's the product of your own sex-deprived subconscious or reality, you can't be sure—and couldn't care less. Daryl wants to fulfill the fantasy any way he can.
Easy Street
You steal a cop car and almost run Daryl over en route to the Sanctuary. You can’t decide if you want to fight him, fuck him, or bring him back to Negan. Lucky for you, Daryl is game for all three.
You decide to bring Spencer to the neighborhood Halloween bash to take your mind off your breakup with Daryl. Your ex isn't so easily convinced of your intentions and decides there's no better place than his motorcycle to show you just how much he misses you.
Cherry Pie
You know virtually nothing about sex, and Daryl’s done it all. Together, you take on an impromptu anatomy lesson, and you learn that Daryl has a lot more to teach you than what’s covered in the textbooks.
Walker Bait
An unforeseen foray into a sex shop leaves you and Daryl trapped between a plastic cock and a hard place as a herd of walkers closes in. Angry sex ensues.
Grow a Uterus and We’ll Talk
Daryl has a bad case of baby fever, to put it lightly. You’re practically terrified of children. Rick lends you his kid for the night, and together, you come to learn that parenthood might not be the worst thing in the world. Even easier than baking muffins, one might say.
Honey Trap
You’ve been tasked with two simple jobs: infiltrate Alexandria’s community and bring intel back to your boss by any means necessary. When your entry point into the group takes the form of a familiar blue-eyed archer, you expect this to be your easiest gig yet—that is, until your prey decides to hunt you back.
Pregnant Pause
Babymaking is a bit trickier than anticipated, and months have passed with no sign of pregnancy. When your period finally doesn’t show up on time, you and Daryl act fast and head straight for the pharmacy—and get a little caught up along the way.
Mr. Dixon
Your efforts to seduce the DILF next door have all failed spectacularly, so you decide a wet hot car wash in front of his house is in order. Mr. Dixon is less than impressed with your antics and plans to teach you a lesson in good manners and ‘neighborliness.’
I’m a Good Girl, Officer!
Apparently flashing your tits to truckers on the freeway is frowned upon in small towns like yours. When three familiar King County cops take charge of the case, you learn they punish bad girls a little differently.
Playing Dangerous
Working undercover in a seedy part of town, homicide detective Daryl sees you in your skimpy club attire and mistakes you for a hooker. A wrongful arrest makes for a funny way to foreplay, but you’re still game.
Fake It Til You Make It (Or Drown)
Daryl finds out you faked an orgasm. Instead of getting mad, he decides to get even.
Best Served Cold
Since your fiancé can’t seem to keep his hands off of Lori, you decide Daryl is the perfect way to make him pay. Revenge sex has never felt so good.
Coming Soon:
Bite the Bullet
Back at the prison, new recruits have been showering you with gifts. One of these presents doesn’t sit quite right with Daryl, and he decides it’s time to let the men know just how he feels—and who you belong to.
Atlantic City
A very drunk Daryl meets a stripper in Jersey and wastes no time putting a ring on her finger. With the late, great Elvis Presley presiding, the two get hitched in a slipshod ceremony a couple weeks before the world descends into chaos. This marriage may be short-lived, but damn if the honeymoon won’t be one to remember.
Requests are open!
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hansensgirl · 5 months
💸 — 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 (3/3)
summary. | The mob boss has an alternate way you can pay off your debt.
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pairing. | dark!mob boss!Ari Levinson x naive!fem!reader.
chapter warnings. | NON/DUBCON, SMUT, dark themes, obsession, stalking, mob themes, manipulation, pet names, age gap, innocence kink, abuse of power, corruption kink, power imbalance, smoking (ari), debt, Daddy kink, control kink, jealousy/possessiveness, anxiety/fear, mild foreplay, vaginal sex, rough sex, praise, degradation, dirty talk, rough sex, mild choking, deceit, lying, drinking, creampie, manhandling (a bit), size kink (cock), alluded spying/stalking, and more. 18+ MINORS DNI!
word count. | ~5.6k
author’s note. | series masterlist. after a million years, here’s the final part! i hope you enjoyed this series. please enjoy the final part and don’t forget to reblog. any and all feedback (positive) is welcome. no beta, all mistakes are my own. taglist: @hansensfics. MINORS DNI! 18+ ONLY!
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Time drags by slowly, each minute feeling longer than usual. Perhaps it’s because you don’t do much anymore. You continue with your regular routine, though waking up and going to bed early isn’t necessary.
Ari visits often, taking you on drives along scenic routes you never knew your city had. He sometimes stays with you at home, watching a movie while you feast on snacks. Any time you’re graced with his presence, he comes bearing gifts.
The first present required much convincing for you to accept. It was a set of rings with elegant jewels that cost more than your life. The mob boss placed each one on your fingers and kissed the pads of your digits, his lips so soft that you can still feel them.
You keep the rings locked up in your drawer, buried under items a thief wouldn’t bother searching through. Wearing them makes you feel like someone you aren’t—his girlfriend. No, you’re just his… something, for now.
The day after Ari’s first gift, he arrived on your doorstep with another.
Whenever you see him, he is always put-together. He wears expensive suits, and his hair is perfectly styled yet effortless. He’s considerate, too, always asking about your eating habits and making sure you’re doing more than well while under his care.
The second present was a pair of shoes you had secretly been vying for whenever you got the chance to window-shop downtown. Ari sat you down on your couch and gently lifted your feet, slipping the shoes on as if you were Cinderella, and he was Prince Charming.
His touch remained gentle, although you knew he isn’t always this way with others. Sometimes, you think of what Ari does when he isn’t with you. Does he torture his enemies? Lurk in the shadows? Visit restaurants that are really fronts for more lucrative operations?
You push these ideas out of your mind when you realize they’ll do you no good, as the older man often says. He catches you zoning out and getting lost in your thoughts repeatedly. It’s not as if you’re overthinking about yourself; you just can’t help but worry about the arrangement you’re in.
Unlike the rings, you wear the shoes with pride and a twang of guilt. You’re supposed to be paying Ari back, yet here he is, spoiling you into oblivion. You don’t want to ask him why. You figure it must be mobster gentlemanliness, right?
It’s been one month since the arrangement began, and you find you’re settling into it well. Ari makes sure of this, smoothing over all the wrinkles and ensuring that everything is the way it should be—the way he wants it to be.
You wake up in peace, noting that it’s half an hour later than you usually set your alarm. You even linger in bed, trying to recall your terrifying dream about running from a man who posed as an ally at first. But you never escaped, and now you have to catch your breath. You barely remember what he looked like.
On your bedside table—which is brand new after Ari replaced your old one—is a piece of paper you know you didn’t leave. You grab it and sit up, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes once you brace against the backboard.
You recognize the handwriting immediately. It’s Ari’s. You don’t question when he left it, although the older man didn’t visit yesterday. Something about a deal gone wrong made him busy. You told him you didn’t mind just so he would spare you the details.
The truth is that you did mind. You mind a lot, actually. You find yourself thinking about the mob boss almost every second of the day, like he’s some crush you hope you can have all to yourself.
I hope you slept nicely. Don’t tire yourself too much today. I’m taking you out tonight. Please answer the door at around 1:30. It’ll be one of my associates.
*Yours forever, Daddy
You smile as you re-read each word. You appreciate the beauty of his handwriting and the fact he took the time out of his hectic days to leave you a note.
Once the rose-coloured haze disappears, you focus on the contents of the letter. Butterflies fill your stomach, but they taunt and awaken your worries instead of making you lovesick. You haven’t gone out in forever—where will Ari take you?
You get out of bed, and instead of brushing your teeth, you begin to pace along the expanse of your small bedroom. You have nothing nice enough to wear out on the town—nothing to suit your counterpart, at least. You believe you’ll look like an utter fool next to the revered man.
You eventually will yourself to calm down. You eat a delicious breakfast and search through your closet. Nothing.
The morning bleeds into the afternoon, and before you know it, there is a knock on your door. It’s the same pattern Ari used before getting himself a key to your home. You recall the orders he left on the note and rush to open the door.
You’re greeted by the face of Curtis, Ari’s most trusted associate. You’ve seen him from time to time, often staring down the girl in charge of serving the men with drinks and cigars or cigarettes. Whatever vice they want, she offers it up immediately.
Curtis doesn’t say much, and neither do you. He hands you two heavy bags—a paper one filled with boxes and a garment one—and grabs the door handle, shutting it for you. The exchange is weird, but you know Curtis is just doing his job. You can only imagine what Ari would do if he found out one of his employees went against his rules.
The mob boss has told you about his jealous streak, but you would never reveal how flattered you are that he feels that way about you. Though you chalk it up to just being business.
You turn the lock into place and set the bag on the couch, sitting next to it. Another gift! You’re more excited than you’d like to admit. With slightly shaky hands, you reach into the bag and take the tissue paper out.
It’s white with little colourful circles that remind you of confetti cake, Ari’s favourite. You baked it with him one night, and it was delicious. You giggle at the memory of him covered in flour and cake mix.
You’re gentle as you unwrap your gift. The first box is sleek, and you recognize the brand name. You’ve only ever dreamed of affording their cheapest item.
The gasp that leaves you when you take the lid off the box is audible and would make Ari chuckle. Inside is a pair of heels that gleam in the low light of your living room. You take one shoe out gently and inspect the details. They’re a work of art—and they’re all yours.
You feel like a spoiled kid on Christmas morning, squealing and gawking at everything. You close the first box and reach for the next. This one is smaller but heavier. The outside is covered in what feels like suede or velvet.
You pry it open, and your jaw drops. Inside is a beautiful diamond necklace with matching earrings. You’re not sure what the price is, but you know it must be worth a fortune. Your fingers itch to touch the jewels, but you resist the urge.
It’s too much. You can barely breathe.
As if you’re being spied on, your phone rings when you abruptly shut the box. You search for the device briefly, succeeding just at the last few trills. It’s Ari.
You answer the call quickly. His baritone voice comes out of the speaker, sounding just like honey.
“Hey, sweetie,” he greets. You can hear doors shutting on his end, as well as the click of a lighter and the telltale squeak of his chair. “Hi, Daddy,” you sigh almost dreamily.
Ari exhales audibly, and you assume he’s smoking. The thought of his nasty habit makes you wrinkle your nose. “D’you get your gifts, baby?” he asks. “Yes—but I can’t accept them, Daddy, it’s too much,” you protest, glancing back at the boxes. You realize you haven’t opened the garment bag yet.
“There’s no such thing as ‘too much’ when I’m spoiling you, honey,” he chides. You fiddle with the wrinkled fabric of your t-shirt. “And if I’m hearing right, it sounds like you’re telling me ‘no’…”
Your breath hitches. No, that wasn’t your intention. “I’m not—I’m sorry, Daddy. I just– I just don’t know what to do. I’m not used to this,” you express honestly.
You’re determined to never break his rules for the next few months. You’ve already completed one—which he celebrated with a deliciously home-cooked dinner.
The older man shushes you. “I know, baby. You don’t know what to do without Daddy, hm?” he coos. The words make you feel slightly embarrassed, but it’s true. He’s the only one that has helped you cope with your new—albeit temporary—life.
You let Ari claim the following few words. Whenever he uses that title—Daddy—it’s as if he snaps you out of some stupor, and you realize what you’re doing. But when you use it, it feels like second nature.
“Don’t worry,” the older man says, attaching your name to the end of his reassurance to really grab your attention. Ari successfully grounds you. “Just do what I say, baby. Alright? You don’t have to accept the gifts, but you’ll wear them tonight,” he further explains.
“Tonight?” you repeat. “Tonight. When we go out. I have a small get-together planned with a few… friends,” the mob boss clarifies. "You know, honey, this is gonna be our first night out. Are you excited?” Ari asks, his tone a bit more light-hearted.
Admittedly, you’re much less than excited. You’re nervous—scared. But you can’t tell him this. You don’t want to be a bother.
“Y– Yeah. Of course, Daddy,” you tell Ari. You have no idea what you’re going to do. “I’m looking forward to it, baby. I can’t wait to see you all dressed up,” he hums. He picked the dress for you especially, wanting his girl to feel like a princess. “Me too… Where are we going?” you question.
“My place. You’re gonna love it, I promise,” he says. You nod your head, although the mob boss can’t see you. Ari chuckles briefly. “I’ll give you a tour once the guests are gone. They’ll be nice, but don’t talk to anyone when I’m not there, ‘kay?”
You listen to him gladly. You wouldn’t even dare to look at his other mobster friends.
“I gotta go now, baby. Call me if you need anything, alright?” Ari abruptly says, sighing deeply as if frustrated. “Yes, Daddy,” you tell him. He blows you a kiss over the phone and hangs up.
You always knew that this day would come, but you never thought it would arrive so soon. You stand up on shaky legs and read the text message Ari sends. He tells you to be ready by 9:00, and you acquiesce. You just hope that tonight goes smoothly. And quickly.
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The clock ticks closer and closer to when Ari said he’d pick you up. He texted you here and there, responses quick and well-rounded. You resist using your abbreviation and onslaught of emojis.
You take your time getting ready, making sure that everything is perfect. The dress fits perfectly and is absolutely gorgeous. You ignored the price tag, knowing it wouldn’t sit well with you on the ride to his home.
You can’t help but admire yourself in the mirror, though. You feel like the movie stars you’ve always admired in their grand pictures with even larger budgets for the wardrobe, establishing them as fashion icons.
Holding your clutch to your chest, your other hand lightly touches the diamond necklace. It’s a harsh contrast to the simplicity and lightness of your gown. The pink tulle is slightly sheer but leaves much to the imagination. You spin around a bit, too, emulating your childhood princesses.
There is a knock at the door. You take a deep breath and open it, greeted by the sight of Ari.
Ari and his handsomeness. Ari and all your fantasies and weaknesses. You smile at him until your cheeks hurt, but even then, you don’t stop. You rush to hug him, squealing as he lifts you off the ground and presses a kiss on your cheek.
“You’re an angel, baby,” he says once he puts you down. You preen under his careful gaze, his kind words. “You look so handsome, Daddy,” you honestly tell him. You admire the ruggedness he keeps despite his current elegance.
He grins, and the car ride to his place is just like this. You sing praises to each other when the awkward silence becomes unbearable. Ari does most of the talking, while his trusted driver keeps the partition rolled up as classical music blares.
The older man tells you all kinds of jokes. You stare out the window whenever he catches you looking at him. His large hands remain on your thighs while yours are crossed in your lap. So far, so good, you think to yourself.
The drive goes by quickly, and soon, you pull up to his lavish mansion. It is on the outskirts of the city, nestled between tall trees resembling a forest. Ari exits the car first so that he can open the door for you.
You thank him and turn around to marvel at his house. It takes your breath away. You've never seen anything like it. Before you can ask Ari a few questions about his home, he drags you towards the entrance, hand on the small of your back at first, until he decides to loop it around your waist and pull you close to him.
“Don't worry, baby. Just be a good girl, 'kay?” Ari husks in your ear, glancing at the associate who opens the for for the two of you. You simply nod your head, words leaving your mouth as you take a peak inside.
So many people. So many eyes—all of them on you.
You gulp thickly. Ari grabs a flute of champagne from a server’s tray, offering yoou one with a telling glace. You shake your head. Even with all the alcohol in the world, you wouldn’t be able to calm down.
Ari’s hold on your waist grows firmer as men approach and speak to him. Sometimes, he strays to your ass, and you end up choking on your spit each time he does so.
You don’t recognize anyone here, except for Curtis and the other associate that had brought you to Ari the day you reckoned your fate. Neither of them spare you a glance, and if they do, you don’t notice it.
You hold onto the mob boss tightly, scared of losing him. You wouldn’t dare speak to anyone if that happened.
“Everything alright, baby?” the older man asks, once again tilting his head down to hear you better. “Yup,” you breathe out shakily, looking around. You notice that Ari doesn’t return to his normal stature, and then he realize your mistake.
“Sorry, Daddy,” you’re quick to say, and he presses his lips together in a line. “It’s okay. Don’t let it happen again,” Ari warns. “Yes, Daddy,” you diligently repeat, and he presses a quick kiss to your cheek.
Someone calls the mob boss’ name. You turn to look at who the voice belongs to, and you’re greeted by the sight of a man with two barely-clothed women hanging off his arms. You can see it in their faces—the unhappiness, the fear.
Ari can sense how tense you are, and he can sense the way Daniel has been dying to push his buttons all night.
“Price,” the mob boss bluntly addresses his colleague. The other man—the one with a goatee and an ego bigger than the entire continent—simply nods. “Levinson. Nice party you’ve got… Even nicer girl, hm?” Arthur smirks.
You can feel the stranger’s eyes on you, drinking in your appearance. You hate that feeling. You meet his gaze and he leers at your brazenly, winking and darting his tongue out to lick his lips, the action too slow for comfort.
Ari clears his throat to interrupt the moment. Daniel directs his eyes to the older man before engaging in some ‘work-related’ chatter, while you choose to focus on the women he practically holds hostage. Aren’t you just like them? Treated with more class and manners, but how long will that last?
You want to leave, but you know you can’t, and that upsets you. You have no autonomy, and for some reason, this finally upsets you after about a month of living in Ari’s precarious arrangement.
“Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have somewhere else to be,” he suddenly ends the conversation, snapping you out of your reverie.
Ari drags you away from the watchful, prying eyes of others. You can barely keep up with his pace.
“W– Wait, Daddy!” you call to him, but he doesn’t listen. Ari leads you up a set of stairs, and the amount of bodyguards lessen with each step, until there is no one left except for you two.
“What was that? Hm?” the mob boss questions angrily, pushing you into his personal bedroom. No one else has ever been inside it before—not even his past girlfriends.
“I– I don’t understand,” you stutter, panting as you try to catch your breath. “Really? I saw you gawking at Price,” Ari disproves. You furrow your brows. “I wasn’t! I would never,” you promise, placing your hands on his chest to placate him as best as you can.
Ari doesn’t shrug off your touch, but he does look away from you. “Please, Daddy. You have to believe me,” you continue. Ari looks back to you, and he sighs. “Promise?” he asks.
There isn’t much light in the room, save for the lamps in the corners. But you can still see the darkness of Ari’s eyes, and while it should frighten you, you can feel your panties dampen at the sight.
“Promise, Daddy,” you repeat. For added measure, you press a kiss on his nose, ready to pull away with a smile. But Ari’s hands quickly grab your face, cupping your cheeks and keeping you in place. “Daddy?”
The older man doesn’t say anything. He pulls you close and captures you in a rough kiss. It appears to be passionate, yet it screams ownership. You don’t know the difference—how could you? It feels right, it feels like what you owe the mobster. At least part of your debt, anyway.
When Ari finally pulls away, you can barely breathe. He doesn’t say a thing, and neither do you. Instead, he pushes you towards the bed, and you fall back with an ‘oomph.’
“W– Wait, Daddy–” you start, trying to sit up. Ari shushes you, pushing you back down with a small motion once he climbs on top of you. “You’re my good girl, aren’t you?” he pants, grabbing your body and flipping you onto your stomach. Ari manhandles you with ease.
You nod your head and try to wriggle out of his grasp. It’s all moving too fast for you. “Stay still. Let Daddy make his baby feel good,” he demands, his voice hard enough to will you to listen. You still beneath him.
“Attagirl,” Ari chuckles, pulling the skirt of your dress above your ass. It was already a bit shorter than you’d like, but now everything is exposed to him. The cold air on your ass makes goosebumps rise on your skin. You shiver at the sudden cold.
“Fuck, this ass is perfect,” Ari growls, grabbing a handful of the supple flesh. He lands a sharp smack to your butt, and you gasp at the contact. It stings at first, but as the feeling dies away, you realize that you enjoy it. You grow shy with shame. “I’m gonna ruin you, princess.”
His words seem like a promise, but they sound like a threat.
“Don’t you think we should take it slow, Daddy?” you ask him, voice a pitch higher out of fear. Fear of him? Fear of his answer? “I’ve taken it slow, honey. I’ve been a gentleman,” Ari assures you.
He isn’t wrong, but you’re not sure if you agree with him. It’s only been a month. You haven’t known him that long.
“But this wasn’t a part of the deal,” you protest one final time. You’re quieter this time around, and Ari pauses in his tracks. There is silence for a few moments, until he speaks up. “It is now.”
That is all he says as he grabs at your panties, ripping the fabric off your skin. You gasp at his actions, and the sound turns into a lewd moan when his fingers find your folds.
“You’re soaking, baby. Like a little whore,” he coos, rubbing the pads of his digits up and down your wet skin. You shudder from the pleasure, squeezing your thighs together when Ari touches your clit. “It’s okay. Daddy loves his little slut,” he professes.
Your head spins from the pleasure, the confession, and the turn of events. Your voice catches in your throat when Ari rubs your clit, sending jolts of electricity throughout your body. He pulls sounds from you that you never knew you could make. They’re music to the mob boss’s ears.
Ari chuckles, as if in victory, when you begin to gyrate your hips to meet the movements of his hands on your pussy. He can feel his hard cock straining against his pants, and all he can think about is fucking you. He hasn’t stopped thinking about fucking you since he first saw you—and that wasn’t the day you went begging to him.
“Daddy,” you mewl, sending a rush of blood to Ari’s dick. “I’m here, baby,” he coos, picking up the pace of his fingers. His other hand plays with your ass, groping and lightly slapping the flesh as he brings you closer and closer to your first orgasm of the night.
The older man makes you see stars. You’ve never felt this way before—not during the late, lonely nights under your covers.
The pressure inside you builds, and your pornographic sounds become louder. The squelching of your cunt nearly rivals your moans. “Fuck, you gonna come, honey? Gonna make a mess on Daddy’s hand?” Ari asks, his words coaxing you towards that brink.
You topple over and cry out, dripping hole clenching around nothing. As if your body is a separate entity that belongs to him, you involuntarily nod your head at Ari’s question.
“Shit. That’s it. Such a good girl,” he praises, the words going to straight to your head and making you smile through your pleasure-filled haze. You grip onto the expensive bedsheets and ride out your climax, grinding on Ari’s hand until the nerves of your clit become oversensitive.
Ari, unable to hold back anymore, pulls his fingers away and admires how they glisten with your slick. The sweet scent of your cunt fills the room, and he has the overwhelming urge to make you come apart on his mouth. But that has to wait for now.
The mob boss places his wet digits inside of his mouth, revelling in your taste. He makes a show of it, too, knowing you can see him in the mirrors that are in headboard of his bed. The sight his lewd—enough to make you throb in need and get wetter with want.
There’s a small voice in your head that sounds exactly like you. It tells you that this was never a part of the deal, that Ari shouldn’t be doing this. You find it difficult to listen to its reasoning, too clouded by lust.
You watch as Ari reaches for the zipper on the side of your dress, pulling it so harshly that it breaks. In just a few seconds, he tears the fabric from your body. You gasp at the display of strength, not even having the chance to bid farewell to the dress.
Your nipples pebble from the cold air, and they rub against the bedsheets, sending a wave of euphoria through your body. “Daddy… Please,” you whimper, rubbing your thighs together as your desperation for something grows.
“I got ya, baby. Daddy’s here,” Ari shushes you, mildly slurring his words. You barely even register that this is the first time Ari has seen you naked. In fact, he never should be seeing you naked.
Ari marvels at your body, although this isn’t the first time he has done so. You’re just so gorgeous, he can’t help himself.
The mob boss begins to undress himself, not caring open the buttons that fly as the fabric stretches against his toned muscles. The velvet suit—one of Ari’s favourites, which he can always get another of—ends up on the floor. The tendrils of hair fall from the gelled style he originally had, framing is face to make the man look more rugged than usual.
He pulls down the zipper to his pants and frees his hard, thick cock from the confines of his boxers. Ari gives himself a few strokes, letting a few beads of pre-cum drip onto your ass.
You arch your back just a bit, giving the older man better access and a better view of what’s his. Ari slaps his fat tip against your leaky hole, sliding it through your folds as he teases you. When he reaches your sensitive nub, your muscles twitch slightly.
You maintain a steady hold on the sheets, bracing yourself for the intrusion. You’ve had sex before, but it was so long ago and an experience that you gained nothing from. You’re always too busy to properly treat yourself. You can imagine that this’ll feel like your first time—only better.
“You feel that, baby? Hm?” the older man asks, bending over you. One of his strong arms is near your head, used as leverage to hold himself up. “Uh-huh,” you moan, feeling how Ari’s hard cock rubs against your pussy. *He’s so big—just like the rest of him.
“S’all for you, honey. You have no idea what you do to me,” he grunts, sliding his cock back to your hole. Before you can respond, Ari begins to push into your cunt, stretching you out slowly. You breathe through the entirety of the ordeal, moaning at the intrusion and the sheer filth of it all.
When Ari finally bottoms out, his heavy balls are flush against your clit. His dick is deep inside you—you feel so full. You take a few moments to adjust to his thickness, getting up onto your forearms so that you can look at Ari.
You tilt your head upwards and make eye contact with the mob boss. His usually blue eyes are blown out with lust—a dark look to him that you’ve never seen before. Ari leans over you even more, his cock still deep inside your wet pussy.
His dominant hands moves towards your neck, and he wraps his hand around your throat after shifting upwards, almost as if he’s holding your jaw. The action frightens you, but you feel no pressure being put on your airway.
It’s the control. The fact that you’re his, and he can do anything he’d like to you.
Before you can say anything, Ari begins to fuck you. He pushes and pulls his cock in and out of you. The mob boss hits your g-spot with expertise and turns you into a moaning, pathetic mess. Ari watches you intently, never once breaking eye contact as your mouth drops open in pleasure.
Your sounds are pornographic. You don’t have a moment to feel shameful about them, though. The noises that come from his skin slapping against yours is loud. So is the squelching of your sopping cunt.
“Daddy—so deep!” you cry out, going limp in his hold. It’s as if you can feel him in your guts. You babble like a baby, making Ari chuckle. He’s dreamt of this moment for so long, and it’s better than he could ever imagine. “Yeah? Wait ‘til I try that pretty mouth a’ yours,” he whispers in your ear, biting the lobe.
The thought of Ari fucking your face creates a lewd picture in your mind. You’ve never thought about it before, but the way you pussy squeezes his cock tells Ari what you think of the idea. Even if, deep down, you didn’t the mob boss to fuck your face, he would still get what he wants.
“Shit,” you mewl, eyes rolling back into your skull. The older man pummels into your relentlessly, practically abusing your cunt. Ari’s dick is coated in your slick, the smell of it and sweat filling the room. “This cunt’s cryin’ on my cock—you gonna cry, too, princess?”
You don’t really register what Ari is saying, so you just nod your head like the obedient girl you are. “Good girl—always such a good slut for Daddy,” he groans, looking down to admire how your ass ripples when his pelvis slaps against the soft flesh.
You cry out as Ari pumps into you relentlessly. You can feel the euphoria build up, and it’s unlike anything you’ve ever felt before. “‘S so much, Daddy…” you express through your moans, fuelling Ari’s ego. “Yeah? You gonna come all over Daddy’s fat cock, baby?” the mob boss asks.
Nodding your head, you topple over the edge of your climax. Your sounds become choked and grow even louder. Your pussy squeeze Ari’s dick, creaming around his hardness as you come undone. Ari marvels at the sight.
Your eyes squeeze shuts and your hold onto the bed sheets tightly. You’ve never felt such pleasure before—even at your own hands. It’s like Ari knows your body—and your entire being—better than you do.
“That’s it. Good girl, ” Ari growls, admiring how your leaky pussy just swallows his dick. The arch in your back is mean, but he loves it. He loves watching you take it. His once-innocent princess is now the older man’s whore. All his, forever.
The stars in your eyes dissipate as you ride out your high, coming down from it slowly but surely. It’s hard, though, as Ari is relentless in how in pounds into your cunt. “Who owns this pussy, honey? Hm?” Ari asks. He can feel his own orgasm building up, and he knows he cannot hold back any longer.
“You! S’all yours, Daddy. ‘M yours,” you mewl, and as if on cue, Ari shoves his hips forwards and he stills his movements. His heavy balls clench as he leans forward, completely covering your body with his. Ari holds onto you tightly, filling your pussy with his cum.
Ropes of his seed shoot from his tip and coat your inner walls, filling you to the brim until some of it leaks past his fat cock. He gives a few thrusts just to tease you, smiling when you whimper from the stimulation.
It’s so damn messy where the two of you are connected. Ari has the desire to clean you up, but he knows that your sweet-self wouldn’t be able to handle all that in one night. At least, for now.
When the older man finally catches his breath, he slowly pulls out of your pussy. A trail of his cum follows, leaking out and mixing with your juices. He rolls you onto your side gently, laying down next to you as he watches your face intently.
You have no clue what to say. You can’t even begin to wrap your head around what happened, especially as the haze doesn’t seem to leave any time soon.
A few moments of silence pass. Ari’s hand rubs up and down your arm, moving upwards to cup your cheek again. He drinks in very detail of your face and you watch him, too, just not with the same intensity.
“D– Daddy?” you quietly say, and his ears perk up. “Yeah, baby?” Ari responds. “What now?” you question. Where do you go from here?
“Well… I think you should get some rest,” he starts, sighing deeply and he seemingly fights back a yawn. You agree, but that’s not what you meant. “I’ll get you cleaned up, don’t worry,” the mob boss assures you.
“What about the deal?” you continue.
More silence, and the sound of Ari clearing his throat. The deepness of his voice remains as he speaks.
“I think I may have to extend it, honey,” he honestly tells you, words heavy with disappointment. You don’t really know what to think—you have no reaction, save for the small nod you give him. You’ve come to realize that whatever Ari wants, he gets. And he’s so damn greedy.
You drift off to sleep slowly, accepting your fate even though it was too late the moment you resigned and stepped into his office a month ago. It could be worse, you could be dead, you reassure yourself.
Ari stares at the ceiling and thinks about how time can fly. Soon, those promised months will turn into a year, and then even more. Just like he planned—just how it’s supposed to be.
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water-to-drink · 2 months
You want a request? Sure, here ya go! 😀
Back when Genshin Impact first came out, a lot of folks compared it to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. (Some even thought Hoyoverse was directly copying Nintendo, if you can believe it) This little nugget of info was stored away in my head for some time, and now it's finally borne fruit!
SAGAU universe, bc ofc it is, where Creator!Reader would turn off the Genshin music and instead listen to Zelda tunes as they play! Nobody in Teyvat knows where these songs come from, but the Vision Holders who have heard them believe these melodies to be of holy origin. Something that connects them to their Creator, and is either shared to the masses or kept amongst themselves...a secret that only those blessed to be the Makers Vessels are to know.
If we're going the Imposter SAGAU route, it could be that our poor Creator is awaiting to be executed by the Genshin Cast. In an attempt to comfort themselves, they hum one of the songs that they love from the Zelda games (Zeldas Lullaby is always a favorite of mine personally) and the Acolytes overhear them. Whether this leads to more harm or to the Reader getting help, I'll leave that up to you.
Divine Melody
(Synopsis): After being transported to one of your favorite game you’re a accused of being an imposter but a melody changes the minds of Teyvat
(Tags/Warnings): Reader is treated as an imposter, reader almost dies, (if I missed anything lmk)
(Word Count): 770
(A/n): I remember that era, it was a ridiculous accusation to throw, and I hope this fulfills your expectations
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A bright light shines in your face causing you to open your eyes
You find yourself in a grassy field and laying in the shade of a large tree. Odd you don’t remember falling asleep outside, this area looks pretty familiar. After a few seconds of trying to figure out where you are, you looked to see a statue
The statue looked absolutely majestic, walking to the front of it you saw that it was holding a glowing teal orb and the statue is in the likeness of Venti
The realization hit you like a ton of bricks
You’re at Windrise, you’re in Genshin
Excitement fills you and instantly began to run to Mondstadt City
Being transported to your favorite video game is supposed to be an amazing experience. Experience the world first person, interact with the characters, all that good jazz. That’s what you expected when you step foot in the city
Instead of the kind smiles you would normally see from behind your screen you were met with the people whispering amongst themselves whilst looking at you
Odd, you kept walking around the city until a knight came up to you and pointed his sword at you
“Halt, foul imposter!” The knight spat out. “How dare you come here wearing their holy presence.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I just woke up like-” You were cut off by the sword coming closer to your neck
You looked around to see a crowd gathered around waiting for you, the intensity of the situation only grew and so without much hesitation you ran away from the knight and the crowd
You ran until you bumped into a person, looking up you see Kaeya
“Oh thank god! Kaeya please explain to these people that they got it all wrong, I’m not an imposter!” You pleaded
But why did he look at you with such contempt and disgust? Without a word from him he restrained you, his grip ironclad threatening to leave bruises to your arms
“I got them!” Kaeya yelled at the crowd
The mob gathered around you and bound your hands behind your back and the two knights lead you to a jail cell that had long been abandoned
Why were they treating you this way, you’ve done nothing wrong. Hopeless you curled up into ball on the floor and began to cry uncontrollably
You don’t know how long you spent crying when a knight came to get you from your dingy cell. She took you outside and you the moment you were out the sun blinded you. As you were lead through the street the people pelted rotten fruit at you
All that was going through your mind was “why”
Why are they doing all of these awful things to you, the yells of contempt was a stark contrast to the friendly smiles you’re used to seeing
As you got closer you saw the stake that you’re about to be tied to and set alight, the reality hit you and in a desperate attempt to calm your mind you begin to hum a melody that you would listen to while playing the game
You hum loudly to drown out the chants from the crowd. Strangely it comforted you, perhaps in your last moments finding solace in familiarity pushes the situation out of your mind.
You hummed loudly that someone heard you
“Stop! Stop! Stop!” A familiar voice yelled, quieting the crowd
You look up to see it was Venti who was standing before you. He gets down on his knees and looks you in the eyes
“That melody, sing it again.”
You kept humming the tune and the vision holders all had horrified looks on their faces, they all drop to their knees and bowed before you
“Your Grace, please forgive us for our grave mistake.” Jean said
“W-what are you talking about?” You asked confused beyond comprehension
“Your Grace, do you not realize that you are the creator of Teyvat?” Eula said
You ended the story and looked around at the faces of the children gathered around you. A story that is long behind you and now you dictate your time in teaching future generations the lesson
“What was the song you sang, your Grace?” A girl asked
“It was a song that the vessels would hear when I would pilot them, here let me hum it to you.” You began to hum the melody and as the song progressed you saw the children slowly get lulled to sleep. Finishing your tune you stood up from you chair and whispered “Goodnight, my sweet children.”
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talesofsonicasura · 8 months
To Save A DogDay
I couldn't help but write this after seeing the constant dedication of saving the giant toy doggo. So here's something to assist you guys in the effort. I've done some research(even though Google was being an ass) and took a look at this particular post by @dafloof
First off, DogDay is surprisingly big despite being cut in half. If I have to compare his size then think of those giant plushies you win from a theme park or carnival game. Thus the only possible carry for the average person to safely escort him is bridal or hanging off like a koala on the side due to the grab pack. He might be able to shrink himself to a more manageable size if DogDay is similar to CatNap in body structure.
Although that doesn't mean the task is impossible outside of adrenaline. DogDay may be big you got to think about his possible weight. Bigger Bodies are still toys with the Smiling Critters being plushies. How much of him is stuffing and not organs?
The necessary body parts for him to still be alive are the lungs, heart, brain, stomach, and some sort of skeletal structure. Here's a weight chart for the average human. (Although these might be smaller if harvested back as a child than an adult.)
Stomach: 2-4 pounds/lbs
Brain- 2.5 pounds/lbs
Heart- 0.25 pounds/lbs
Lungs- 1.8 pounds/lbs
Human Skeleton- 15-25 pounds/lbs
Average weight here 21.05 - 31.05 lbs. His arm bones might be reinforced similar to the Prototype but they still wouldn't be that heavy. For carrying in your arms, 35- 55 lbs is what the the untrained person can hold. Body weight contributes to how much someone can carry with a 139 lbs untrained woman being able to deadlift around 74 lbs. For men it is 125 lbs for 148 lbs.
Adrenaline can help contribute to this as there have been feats done by people in dangerous situations. One example being a human mother fighting off a polar bear to protect her kids or someone moving a car by themselves to get free. We can do insane things when it comes to survival.
There's also the mental side to this. Our brains actually diminish the perception of how strong we are by 40%. If you carry something you love or cherish like a person, then they can weigh less just from that viewpoint. Sometimes thinking like the Little Engine That Could will make a difference.
Now I am not forgetting the dangerous little critters. There are ways to deal with them and have enough time to bring DogDay along. In his cell, there are two ports they can crawl out of. Blocking these whether by flares or stuffing them with nearby items can do the trick.
Second is bribery. We aren't restricted to the environment like in the game and throughout the facility there are intact vending machines. The toys obviously need to eat but seem unable get into the machines. YOU CAN.
Break the glass and stockpile as much snacks as possible. Finding bags or boxes to carry them wouldn't be hard. Offer these to the little Critters in exchange for DogDay. You can open one bag for further incentive as the chance to get a special treat is something no one will be able to resist.
DogDay might be able to drag himself so breaking the chains with the Grab Pack or a different tool is possible. They are probably rusty thus easier to break. It will obviously hurt for DogDay to drag his body so stealing something like a cushion from CatNap's hideyhole could ease the pain.
Should that not be the case then other options are available. Considering Playcare is a fun house, you might be able to find scooterboards or a platform cart to carry him. If not then a makeshift sled to pull DogDay about is the next best move.
Now there's actually another escape route. A duck ride that you couldn't access in the game due to bugs. I think Mob was planning for a chase down there as it is fully fleshed out with puzzles and an environment.
DogDay can hold onto the boat while you solve the puzzles to get out. For those who hadn't chosen bribery then flares will keep pursuing Little Critters away. Maybe set a fire as you escape since there's plenty of items to make a molotov cocktail if crafty enough.
I suggest finding some walkie talkies as someone needs to look after DogDay. The area under the statue can be a possible safe spot but being able to contact Kissy Missy and Poppy will better the chances of his recovery than just survival. Both know the factory's inner works enough to remain hidden so they might know where to find supplies. A possible ally with valuable info can sway them to help.
There is also the option of coming back to Playcare. DogDay might still be alive as you can hear his muffled cries during the chase. He might be worse for wear due to the little menaces piloting him like a bootleg Megazord. Walkie talkies can help you page Kissy Missy to help with escorting the Bigger Body safely.
It is possible to save DogDay if you are smart or crafty enough to use the environment. The factory offers a lot of potential options to help with that. Do know that you can turn a simple water gun into a flamethrower.
Why follow the rules of the game when there are ways to break them?
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lexirosewrites · 3 months
Mob boss alpha Eddie meets a very pregnant omega Steve one day while he's searching for the perfect birthday gift for Wayne, who frequents the novelty gift shop Steve owns. Imagine Eddie's surprise when he walks in expecting to simply buy a present but instead meets the most beautiful person he's ever seen. He doesn't see a ring or a mating bite, just blank mole speckled skin and a dazzling smile. The two get to talking after Eddie asks for a recommendation, Steve just as sweet as he smells. Thus begins Eddie frequenting the shop just to talk, waiting for a time to subtly inquire about the omega's relationship status and the situation regarding the pup. He's been besotted since first laying eyes on him and won't let him go without a fight. He brings it up one day, catching Steve off guard and making him close off. He apologizes, and changes the topic, not wanting to make the omega uncomfortable. He can't help but to notice that Steve is very jittery and anxious though, always taking notice of his surroundings and who's entering the store. It makes Eddie uneasy, so he posts some men nearby to keep watch. If the shop just happens to be on the way back to his apartment through the new, longer route he's begun taking to keep an eye on him, that's nobody's business. Their rapport builds back up, the two joking and sharing bits and pieces about their lives, but Steve never shares the truth about his situation. Eddie's on his way home one day when he sees smoke billowing from the shop, his beloved omega nowhere in sight on the sidewalk. Eddie leaps from his car and barges into the building, smoke thick and murky. He runs through, calling Steve's name until he reaches the backroom where he sees the omega's prone form lying unconscious on the floor. He scoops him up and takes him outside just as emergency services arrive, and an ambulance quickly takes them to the hospital, where Eddie gets him a private room. The omega is thankfully unharmed beyond some mild smoke inhalation, and the pup is safe too. Eddie is beside himself with fear and anger that someone would dare harm his omega and their pup, but he has no choice but to anxiously wait for Steve to wake up. When he does, he's shocked to see Eddie, who fills him in on what he knows. He gently reminds Steve that he can protect him, he just needs to know what happened. Steve breaks down, telling him that the alpha he thought was going to be his mate was actually just using him for access to Wayne (the old mob boss who stepped down when Eddie took over) and never wanted him or their pup. He didn't want Steve to be with anyone else though, so when he thought that the two were getting too close, he attacked, making the fire look like an accident. Long story short, Eddie gets his revenge and Steve ends up with a loving mate and father to their pup, one who dotes on them both generously. He also doesn't need to be persuaded to give Steve the whole litter he wants, more than happy to keep trying
something in me loves the idea of eddie stepping up to raise a pup that he didn’t sire because he loves steve so much🥲
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zahri-melitor · 10 months
Thinking about the decisions made by Tim and by Dick at the end of Battle for the Cowl again, and I just realised this is one of the few moments when Dick and Tim’s instinctual reaction to a situation flips and they take the route the other usually chooses.
Because Dick’s maxim since 1980 or so has been that, when situations get bad, you can walk away and leave. Your problems can be left behind. People will cope without you. When things get personally stressful, Dick generally leaves. (Leaving Bruce to become Nightwing after the you’re fired/I quit conversation, walking away from the Titans after his relationship and wedding fell apart with Kory, going to Bludhaven to establish his own separate identity after reuniting with Bruce, wandering in a daze after Blockbuster dies and then running off to join the mob, the manner in which the Dick/Babs breakup(s) are structured, needing the World Trip Cruise after Bludhaven is bombed, etc)
While Tim’s choice in bad situations has generally been to cling, to stay and hold things (hold people) together, because if he doesn’t take on the role, who will. Tim worries that without someone stepping up, things will fall apart. (‘Batman needs a Robin’, staying during Knightfall and Knightquest, coming to No Man’s Land to pull the city back together, returning to Bruce even after his 16th Birthday, returning to Robin during War Games, even going to Bludhaven after War Games is holding Bludhaven together for Dick while he’s not able to do so, to go on the World Trip Cruise to keep an eye on Bruce and Dick, to try and clone people/resurrect people because he’s clinging to their memories).
But then we hit the start of Batman Reborn. And Dick makes the decision to stay, to hold Gotham together, to hold Damian together, a decision that usually you would see Tim make.
And Tim chooses to leave, to believe that Dick and Gotham can cope without him, while he prioritises something else (the search for Bruce).
As characters, Dick and Tim have been arguing over this point for 34 years now, and it’s fascinating to see that on one of the big occasions when the decision flipped, they both ended up on the opposite side to usual.
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bomber-grl · 9 months
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General Mob dating hcs
Pairing(s): Shigeo Kageyama x Gn!Reader
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He’s so cute
And really really awkward, almost painfully so
I mean when he first confesses to you it was done two ways
The first was after being continuously hyped by dimple, reigen, and his brother so he decides to buy a bouquet of flowers and go from there
That or it was all spontaneous and you had accidently confessed to him, it was all overwhelming for him and he almost went to ???
But you quickly comforted him and reassured him of how u really felt (although a downside was having to say the truth of your embarrassing feelings)
You were most likely friends with mob or were similar to Tsubomi
I’ll go with the first route to start
Since the two of you were friends, he probably had never thought of liking you in that way
Until he did
In this scenario you’d have to be an esper along with mob since you’d have to be close enough to work alongside him with reigen
Anyway, because you’re both esters (especially if you’re a powerful one) then he’d feel really connected to you
I mean, you’re one of the few people who could possibly understand how he feels
If you’re one of the popular kids and are constantly getting love letters then he’d look at you from afar
He really admires and likes you so once you guys get together in this scenario he’s more than pumped and obviously ends up telling anyone he can
More into the relationship hcs-
He’s really cute, which is more than obvious
He’s pretty awkward and if you’d wanna ask him anything you’ll have to give him a few seconds before he manages to say anything
He’s pretty slow on hand holding too
If you were to ever hold his hand he’d have to let go instantly before his powers make it a negative memory
He’ll even go to reigen and his brother for help with gifts and advice too
(Yknow, after reigens character development)
A specific scenario would be like for Valentine’s Day or just to gift you something
He decides to go to reigen then his brother, and even tome
He’d ultimately decide to get you a little basket full with your fav snacks and even a little bouquet
When it comes to finally giving it you he gets so flustered 😭
He gives them to you despite his nervousness and when you decide to hug or give him a kiss on the cheek-
He nearly explodes on the spot
Mob exe has stopped working
Please just give him some space afterwards 😭
(He severely needs it)
If you ever gift him anything back like this, or even milk from the vending machine at school-
He’ll definitely fluster and even thank you formally 😭
You’ll have to tell him to stop because people are staring but also because the two of you are literally dating
When you first hug him he’s so stiff
He’s just stiff in your arms and when he returns it, he just snuggles into your neck to try and hide his face from passerby’s
When you start being more open about your relationship and start openly holding hands the body improvement club/ telepathy club really congratulate him
+ tome just getting mad at mob for not letting her know of your relationship sooner
And just the rest are shenanigans of her trying to convince you to join the club
If you guys were to ever have a sleepover it’s most definitely at your house
Ain’t no way it’s gonna be at his
Anyway, you’ll probably watch a movie and when you feel mob lean on you you decide to just lay him down and go to bed which ends in the two of you cuddling
Of course dimple had to be there for “supervision “ he says
But anyway when you decide to hold mob in your arms you feel him moving and starts mumbling incoherently
Then he gets up abruptly and totally freaks out when he realizes how close you two were
He gets teased endlessly by dimple 😭
Now, speaking of ritsu
He’s really supportive of mobs relationship with you, he was just a lil worried about the confession if he’s gonna be real
He was more worried that you wouldn’t like mob back and even worse, how he’d react
So when the two of you start going out he’s really happy for his older brother
And surprisingly, he thinks good of you before you even meet
(Surprisingly because of how emo he is)
If you ever get in a situation where you can’t defend yourself then he’ll definitely be there
He’d go “???” And go absolute ham on whoever hurt you
He gets seriously upset that he became that way infront of you and needs serious reassurance from you
Eventually you’re introduced to ritsu and it’s goes as best as it could
It’s pretty awkward but atleast ritsu thinks ur good enough lmao
Of course he eventually becomes more open
Especially with his emotions
But things between you, things stay pretty much the same
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talaok · 1 year
Hi, I was watching your writing and I'm in love, could you do one where Pedro Pascal and the reader have a child and are very famous?
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x reader
A/n: OK. i'll be honest i panicked cause I don't know if by have a baby you meant giving birth to one or having having it, so I googled it and Google said the first one, so I went with that.
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Having to sneak out of your own home while in active labor definitely wasn't on your to-do list, but the mob of paparazzi right at your front door didn't give you much of a choice.
It was midnight, why the hell they were still there was well beyond you, but then again, everything that had happened since you and Pedro were first spotted together had been just as crazy.
It was like a media tornado. Everyone seemed to have an opinion about you, and of course, a constant need to regurgitate it on the internet, magazines, and even newspapers at one point.
It was ridiculous it's what it was.
And when the vultures found out you were pregnant... oof, you can imagine what a shitshow that was.
A camera was being pointed at you every time any of you left the house, whether you saw it or not, you could be certain it was.
And Pedro had tried to do everything in his power to stop it, he wasn't someone who lost his cool very easily, but when it came to you and the child growing in your belly... he transformed completely.
He had filed lawsuits and spoken with everyone he could to let you have some godforsaken privacy and peace, but when that clearly wasn't working he started to get more practical.
You walked everywhere with him now, so that the moment the paparazzi got even a tiny bit annoying he could do his best to try and make them stop (which oftentimes required him to scream at them to "let you fucking breathe").
And now, that the media had somehow obtained your due date, of course, Pedro had planned the perfect escape route.
Which was why he was now backing up the car to rush to the hospital.
"You ok?" he breathed, although his lungs had long been uncooperating.
"yeah" you hissed through another contraction "just-hurry please"
His eyes were on the road the whole time, but you could feel him staring nonetheless.
His right hand was holding yours for dear life, telling you -I'm here, it's all gonna be fine- all the way to the delivery room.
"Just another push" the doctor said, and you obliged, pushing and squeezing Pedro's hand until all his veins were seconds from popping.
And then-just when you were ready to say fuck it, I'm done here, you heard it- you heard the cry, and you didn't know why, you didn't know how... but tears, tears a mile long started flowing from your eyes.
"It's a girl," The doctor said, handing the now blanketed child to you, into your arms.
If you could you would have told him that it wasn't a good idea, that your arms felt about as strong as noodles right now- but all you could do was watch, as the baby -your daughter- stared back at you with her dad's eyes.
"hey" you felt a voice to your left, and turned to find Pedro crouching beside you.
"hey there" he whispered to the baby, letting his finger trail her minuscule face.
"It's your daddy," he murmured "Listen, I know you're probably tired and don't wanna listen to me, but I just wanted you to know-" he paused, looking almost unbelieving, like he was waiting for the moment he would blink, and everything was gonna disappear, his daughter, you, everything he cared for the most in the world just... poof.
But you didn't.
And he still couldn't believe it.
"I just wanted you to know that I love you" he said, "I love you and your mommy more than anything, anything in the whole world" he kissed her pretty forehead "And I swear... I swear I'm gonna spend every single day of my life proving it"
You smiled through the tears, as he struggled to fight back his.
"I'm sorry, we need to take her for a moment" The doctor spoke again, 
You had forgotten he was still in the room.
"Do you?" Pedro asked, although he already knew the answer
"We do, Mr. Pascal, I'm sorry, we need to wash her and make sure she's all right"
He sighed, looking down at the tiny creature in your arms with a glint in his eyes you had never seen before.
"fine" he mumbled
You sniffled, staring down at her.
"I love you." you murmured, kissing her cheek "God, I love you so much" you chuckled, before handing her to the nurse.
Please be careful, you had to fight the urge to say.
And just like that- only you and Pedro remained in the room.
Silence, a light, stunned, happy silence fell- and only after you regained consciousness, and realized what just happened, did all the noises come back.
The beeping of the monitor, the buzzing of the tv, and- and shouts from outside, talking and murmuring of what you already knew was a crowd.
Pedro must have noticed too, because he went to peek from the window.
"I'm gonna kill them" he sighed, his forehead falling to the glass, watching as interviewers and paparazzi clogged the entrance of the hospital.
"It's a lot?" 
Again, silence.
"Baby?" you called 
"We'll think about it later," you said, holding your hand out for him.
He immediately took it.
He crouched next to you and you looked at one another, so many things to say and yet no idea how to say them- until- until-
"We have a daughter" you smiled
And he laughed, he laughed all the happiness and anxiety right out of his body.
"We do" he grinned, his eyes teary "We have a daughter"
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lukasdoodles · 1 month
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Wanted to talk abt some of my Jesse headcanons bc they r creatures to me (General hcs bc they have slightly different stuff depending on the Jesse)
All the Jesse's play different routes to me, with slightly different choices and experiences. But they're all a little aware that their actions are not their own, some more so than others. Green suspenders/red hair clip are the most in tune with that awareness, so they're a lil more messed up/unhinged than the rest. (Plus they've done multiple playthroughs to me, and while no one remembers the playthroughs they DO have an odd sense of deja-vu) and all the jesse's r he/they/she with no particular preference
Green suspenders Jesse (my fav and the one ill prolly talk abt the most lol) has a LOT of scars but hides them under his clothes. The only one he cant hide is the one across his nose, that he got from Aiden during sky city, but he breaks Aiden's nose in return so its all good :3 Other scars come from various random enemies/mobs, but most of them come from failed quicktime events or the witherstorm. ill prolly doodle it out sometime :)
Some of the Jesse's have tattoos! Navy/purple suspenders Jesse has a red witherstorm tattooed on their back, Pink suspenders has misc sleeves and a love for rhinestone/gem-like art, Yellow hair clip has black flowers on her shoulder/back, and Blue hair clip has white doves on her wrists (matching with Petra, who has black crows :3)
After the events of season two, Jesse becomes a bit of a shut in. They still hang out with friends and make public appearances for Beacon town, but the admin left them with a bad reputation, and many people are still mad at Jesse for things they never did. Jesse prefers to stay inside and work on paperwork, have Radar make the public appearances and all that. Lukas is the one who shows up to pull Jesse away and make them rest most of the time, with Jack and Nurm showing up as well as Ivor and Harper visiting every now and then to make Jesse rest.
Jesse doesn't forgive any of their enemies that easily. He gets along with Ivor slowly, building trust and finally *really* trusting him only in episode seven. They start to trust Lukas more in episode four. Aiden isn't forgiven easily, Jesse more-so puts up with him bc Aiden is trying to better himself on his own accord, and Olivia is giving him a chance to change (Aiden comes back to the homeworld and becomes Olivia's apprentice on accident and also they r in love) But its easier for Jesse to forgive Maya and Gill bc they were just loyal to a fault, and are trying to be better people after it all (Plus Jesse grows a soft spot for Maya when he sees the way Radar looks at her [they r also in love]). Jesse has mixed feelings for Cassie Rose, understanding the sentiment and wanting to go home, but despising her for murdering innocent people/trying to kill their friends. Cassie sends Jesse threats every now and then, Jesse almost wishes they could reach out and help Cassie somehow, but at the same time they wouldn't care if Cassie had died in that pit oh so long ago. Jesse used to have mixed feelings about Harper, but Harper risked everything and wasn't REALLY meaning for Pama to go beserk the way it did. Jesse forgives her easily, but is hesitant when she reveals Pama V2 lol. Hadrian and Mevia aren't forgiven. Simple as that lol Jesse hates them. Stella was a rival, but not really an enemy, more so just an annoyance. Jesse doesn't hate her, she does some bad things but comes thru in the end to help. Jesse would've taken her in as a second secretary had she not gone out to work first-hand and help salvage Champion City/help rebuild for the few survivors. He still appoints her as an ambassador and welcomes the survivors to beacontown while they rebuild. Romeo doesn't get forgiveness, most Jesse's will try and leave him to die but those that save him will make him work for redemption, borderline bullying Romeo to be better.
Jesse is a silly lil guy, no matter what :3
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