the--grin--reaper · 4 months
Ship Names !! (Symbolic edition)
Voidblade - Lindon/Yerin (Canon)
Dreamlight - Kelsa/Jai Long (Canon)
Soulcane - Seisha/Jaran (Canon)
Frostedge (MINTIM) - Min Shuei/Timias Adama (Canon)
Swordwing - Cassias/Jing (Canon)
Puredragon - Lindon/Chen (Uh? Partially canon? Alternatively thread of fate canon? I guess?)
Lifearmour - Meira/Kiro (Canon? Idk?)
Graceflame - Grace/Lindon (One sided/Unrequited)
Ghostmalice - Lindon/Malice (Malice has canonically flirted with Lindon multiple times but he rightfully finds it yucky)
Puremercy - Lindon/Mercy (Pride thinks this one is canon but also one sided/unrequited on Mercy's side. I think)
Prideflame - Pride/Lindon (I find gay pride jokes funny)
Mindice - Min Shuei/Charity (Old lady yuri)
Thundereyes - Yushi/Cladia (Idk anymore. Lovers to enemies yuri)
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luxeuonlinestore · 2 years
Glocusent Upgraded LED Neck Reading Light - Perfect for Reading, Knitting & Repairing
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Glocusent's Upgraded LED Neck Reading Light is the perfect companion for your nighttime reading, knitting, and repairing adventures. Featuring 3 colors and 3 brightness options, this light is adjustable to fit your needs. Equipped with a 30-minute timer, you can easily control the amount of time you spend with the light. Plus, this neck light is rechargeable and designed for comfort, making it perfect for extended use. Enjoy your nighttime activities with the Upgraded LED Neck Reading Light from Glocusent. Read the full article
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axyy1505 · 1 year
neasteptat s a intamplat; oare cine s ar fi gandit neasteptat s a intamplat; si sper ca nu ma indragostesc…
e uimitor cum oamenii
apar in viata ta si ti dau gandurile peste cap
iar tu, crezand ca esti puternic si rezisti
pici in capcana sentimentelor ce te fac vulnerabil
si uite asa, zi de zi ai in minte imaginea lor
si incerci sa scapi de ea, caci nu vrei sa pari slab,
nu vrei sa fii indragostit
dar nu asa functioneaza;
sunt puse paie pe foc, momente intime si profunde
ce se deschid intre noi
si ne mintim ca reusim sa ramanem “prieteni”
vor trece sigur si momentele astea, dar pana atunci; ma gandesc cum ma tii in brate dupa o noapte lunga plina de amintiri frumoase
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mariacallous · 2 years
On October 18, Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada passed a resolution declaring “the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria” to be “temporarily occupied by the Russian Federation.” In addition to highlighting Moscow's history of using military force to impose its will, the symbolic move served as an acknowledgement of the role Chechen separatist fighters have played in opposing Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. It’s no surprise that Ukrainians and Chechen independence advocates have found common cause; their histories have many parallels. Almost three decades ago, however, when Russia deployed troops in Chechnya and launched the First Chechen War, the Chechen independence movement received rhetorical support from what now seems a far less likely source: Tatarstan. Journalists from Idel.Realii, a division of the U.S. state media outlet Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, recently dove into archives from that period, finding documents that offer a glimpse of a bygone era in which Russian politicians openly expressed disagreement with the Kremlin, Tatarstan was protective of its autonomy, and Russia’s transformation into “a voluntary union of equal nations” was seen as inevitable.
In November 1994, three years after the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria declared independence, the Russian authorities launched a covert campaign to take control of Grozny. The operation, which involved arming the Chechen opposition, was a failure; nonetheless, commenting in the aftermath, Russia’s defense minister at the time, Pavel Grachev, claimed he could capture the city in just two hours with a single airborne regiment. Weeks later, on December 9, Boris Yeltsov signed the decree launching the First Chechen War.
That same day, the Presidium of Tatarstan’s Supreme Soviet published an appeal to the federal government in the newspaper Izvestia Tatarstana. Viewed from 2022, its contents are something to behold:
The ill-considered actions of the leadership of the Russian Federation, primarily its security forces, on the current political realities in Chechnya have brought the entire North Caucasus region to the verge of wide-scale civil war. The natural process of recognizing equal rights for various peoples, which has become a trend of historical development worldwide, is inevitable for the Russian Federation, as well. Only realizing this and managing this process in a civilized way will allow Russia to maintain sovereignty. A voluntary union of equal nations — this is the basis for the Russian Federation’s revival and democratic future.
Earlier that year, in February, Tatarstan had agreed to remain part of Russia in exchange for a “special status” under which it would share power with Moscow and enjoy more autonomy than Russia’s other constituent regions. (Later, beginning with Vladimir Putin’s rise to power in 2000, Tatarstan’s autonomy would slowly erode, until 2017, when it lost its “special status” entirely.) Tatarstan’s president, Mintimer Shaimiev, was thus taken aback when the federal authorities didn’t even warn him about their plans to invade Chechnya — and he had no qualms about publicly condemning Moscow’s actions:
Moscow tried to eliminate [first President of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria Dzhokhar] Dudaev’s regime with the help of an opposition that was artificially created and armed by [Russia] itself, so that they could subsequently negotiate with a different government. In addition, Russia essentially contributed to the creation of armed formations loyal to Dudaev, welcoming his rise to power at one time and leaving weapons and military vehicles from withdrawn army units in the republic.
A week into the war, on December 16, 1994, Izvestiya Tatarstana published an article titled “The Kazan Echo of the Caucasian Mountains,” analyzing the situation in Chechnya through the lens of the “parade of sovereignties” — the declarations of independence by the USSR’s constituent republics after the Soviet collapse — and the recent agreement between Tatarstan and Russia:
The events in Chechnya confirmed many political scientists’ predictions: the “parade of sovereignties” is bound to end on a tragic note. Tatarstan, it seems, predicted all of this, which is why it considered it prudent to sign a bilateral agreement with Russia. Of course, the majority of organizations [advocating for Tatarstan’s independence] were not thrilled by this middle-ground solution to the problem: they will keep [the prospect of] the republic’s independence “in the back of their minds” in any circumstances. All of this has been made clear by [the Tatar response to] the Kremlin’s “showdown” with Chechnya.
The article went on to explain that a pro-Chechnya protest rally was held in central Kazan on December 14. A resolution released by its participants condemned “Russia’s imperial aspirations in the Caucasus” and demanded that Moscow withdraw its troops and stop “waging a new colonial war.”
One of the first officials to speak out against the war was Oleg Morozov, a State Duma deputy from Tatarstan. In December 1994, he and his colleagues wrote that “Russia’s [territorial] integrity must be defended not with military force but with convincing arguments that guarantee economic and political […] development to each subject of the Federation as part of a single federative state.”
Decades later, Morozov is still in politics. In fact, he’s still a member of Russia’s parliament. These days, however, he’s a reliable supporter of the federal government, including Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. During a TV interview in May, for example, Morozov suggested Russia abduct a NATO defense minister and bring the prisoner to Moscow for questioning.
On December 23, 1994, Izvestia Tatarstana released an interview with Tatarstan President Mintimer Shaimiev in which he offered to become a mediator between Chechnya and Russia, insisting that “the bloodshed must be stopped.” The president noted that the international community had lauded “Tatarstan’s model” as a constructive approach to resolving interstate conflict situations.
Discord and estrangement, even in a single family, negatively affect the lives of everybody involved. And [in this case, we’re dealing with] republics, whole nations. In the interest of avoiding the negative consequences of this crisis, which could poison the lives of many generations of people from both republics and beyond, I call on the leaders of the Russian Federation and the Chechen Republic to exercise political wisdom and bring the confrontation to an end, to find a mutually acceptable formula to solve this acute conflict situation."
On April 21, 1996, Dzhokhar Dudayev was killed by a missile strike during a phone conversation with State Duma deputy Konstantin Borov. It was the Russian authorities’ fourth attempt to kill him.
In July 1996, after his dismal approval ratings rebounded slightly following a public acknowledgement that deploying troops to Chechnya had been a mistake, Boris Yeltsin won another presidential term. The next month, Chechen forces successfully conducted a “jihad” operation and took control of the cities of Grozny, Argun, and Gudermes.
On August 31, Russia and Chechnya signed a peace treaty. Russia agreed to withdraw federal troops from Chechnya, while talks about the breakaway region’s status were postponed until December 31, 2001. By official counts, Russia had lost 5,732 soldiers, though the Soldiers’ Mothers Committee reported 14,000 dead and missing. The Chechen Republic of Ichkeria said it had lost about 3,000 soldiers, while Russia claimed to have killed “17,391 separatists.” Human rights observers at the Memorial Foundation reported 2,700 Chechen soldiers killed. The total number of civilian casualties is unknown; estimates have ranged from 30,000 to 120,000 people.
Three years later, the Second Chechen War began when Chechen rebels crossed into Dagestan, prompting Vladimir Putin, then serving as Russia’s prime minister, to send troops into Chechnya and order airstrikes against its capital.
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plptrm · 4 months
Viskas, nebeatrašinėsiu Dirksčiui, vagia ir dalinasi mano mintim driežas. 😢
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rozesvirplyte · 8 months
buvo vakaras
užlietas mintim
ir tą vakarą
išsiliejo poezija
tik tokiais vakarais
kai aplink nematyti
danguj liejas poezija
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mamagrizknamo · 2 years
Raugo krekeriai su morkomis, aguonomis ir medumi
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Kad iš proto kraustausi dėl krekerių, jau visi apsiprato. Apsiprato ir su tuo, kad kai juos kepu, niekam nevalia arbatos ar kokio maisto užsimanyti, nes vietos virtuvėje yra tik kepimo skardoms, makaronų darymo aparatui, dar mano mintims ir, aišku, sąsiuviniui, kuriame žymiuosi eksperimentuose dalyvaujančius gramus ir visų, gerų ir nelabai, bandymų rezultatus.
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Tai va, kaip supratot, nieko virtuvėn neįsileidžiu bent kartą per savaitę. Nes kepu krekerius. Bet niekaip negaliu kept tokių pat, tai tenka pasukt galvą ir prisimąstyti visokių smagių dalykų, kurie paskui bus lygiai taip pat smagiai suvalgomi.  
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Mano naujieji, raugo tešlą liečiantys atradimai apsistojo ties medumi, morkomis ir aguonomis. Ir jausmas toks, kad tuoj pabandysiu paaiškinti kodėl. Nežinau, įtikins manieji argumentai būsimuosius recepto naudotojus ar ne, bet man, akivaizdu, save įtikinti pavyko. Taigi:
Medaus kiekvienuose namuose būti privalo, nes gi nežinai, ims kas ir pasigaus slogą, kurią gydysi gal vaistais, kojų mirkymu ir druskos inhaliacijomis, bet pirmiausia, aišku, medumi. Šiuose kepiniuose jo intensyvumas nebus itin ryškus, bet tikrai jausis švelniai malonus saldumas. Tiesa, negarantuoju, kad išgydys pavasarinį nuovargį ar prikibusį šaltkrėtį, bet idėja tikrai patiks tiems, kurie ieško  alternatyvų taip peikiamam cukrui.
Mažyčiai aguonų grūdeliai suteiks papildomo traškumo ir, be abejo, savito skonio.
O morkas aš tiesiog mėgstu ir galiu jas valgyti bet kokia proga. Bet yra, kurie negali, nes, pvz., tingi skusti ir tarkuoti ar pjaustyti. O dar būna, vaikams niekaip neįsiūlysi morkų. Nežinia kodėl, bet kartais mažieji atsisako vitaminų, ko gero, naiviai tikėdamiesi, kad žvitriaakiais išliks amžinai.
Tai va tokiems atvejams, kai šiek tiek tingisi ar šiek tiek nesinori, idealiai tinka morkų milteliai. Krekeriuose šviežioms morkoms būdingo traškėjimo ir sultingumo tikrai nebus, užtat į organizmą keliaus vitaminų dozė (1 arbatinis šaukštelis morkų miltelių atitinka 100 g šviežių morkų. Vadinasi, krekeriuose, kuriuos iškepsite, bus 200 g., nesvarbu, kad miltelių pavidalu, oranžinių ilgauodegių).
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Formuojant krekerius, delnuose iškočiojami va tokie ritinukai, kurių nei storumo, nei ilgumo liniuote tikrai nereikia matuoti. Pavoliojami miltuose ir 2 kartus perleidžiami per makaronų darymo aparatą (žr. nuotraukas viršuje ir apačioje)
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Plonulyčiai, beveik perregimi - tokie ir turi būti. Valgydami neatsidžiaugsite krekerių trapumu (žr. nuotrauką apačioje)
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Iš nurodyto kiekio prikepsite va tiek. Hm...čia ne visi, nes kramsnojau net fotografuodama 
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- 200 g universalaus ar kvietinio raugo;
- 20 g medaus;
- 5 g druskos;
- 2-3 v. š. alyvuogių aliejaus;
- 8-10 g morkų miltelių;
-170 g universalių kvietinių miltų + miltų krekerių formavimui;
- 2 a. š. aguonų;
- aliejaus arba vandens krekerių paviršiui suvilgyti.
Krekerių gamybai galima naudoti aktyvų, t. y., pamaitintą arba jau savaitę šaldytuve snaudžiantį raugą - paprastai jį sunaudoju va tokiems neįnoringiems (blynai ir blyneliai, krekeriai, makaronai ir lazanijos lakštai) dalykėliams. Aktyvų ir nuolat prižiūrimą raugą palieku kvietinei ar ruginei duonai, bandelėms ir raugo pyragams. 
1. Medų ištirpinti garų vonelėje. Dėti morkų miltelius ir išmaišyti.
2. Į dubenį sudėti raugą, medaus-morkų miltelių košelę, druską, aliejų; išmaišyti. 
3. Suberti aguonas, miltus ir užminkyti tešlą. Ruošiate ne duoną, todėl ilgo ir nuobodaus minkymo nereikės - užteks kokių 3 minučių. 
4. Tešlą galima įvynioti į maistinę plėvelę, bet pastaruoju metu dedu ją į dubenį ir tik tada aptraukiu plėvele - tešla tuomet būna nesuvystyta, o laisva. Nežinau geriau jai taip, ar ne, bet aš matau jos vystymosi eigą ir man ramiau. 
Iš principo tešlai ramybėje reikia pabūti apie pusvalandį, bet, kaip minėjau, mėgstu eksperimentuoti, todėl, bent jau šį kartą, tešlą palikau net 3 valandas. Labai patogu - tešlą pagaminau po rytinės kavos, o prieš pat pietus, kai turėjau laisvą pusvalandį, ir iškepiau - bus savotiškas saldžiai sūrus popietinis desertas.
5. Pakilusią tešlą perminkyti, padalinti į lazdyno riešuto dydžio gabaliukus. Dalį pasilikti ant stalviršio, o kitą, su kuria dirbsite vėliau, pridengti (kad nedžiūtų) maistine plėvele.
Tuos mažus gabaliukus patikėti makaronų gaminimo mašiną. Būtų gerai, jei kočiojimo veiksmą pakartotumėt 2 kartus - krekeriai gausis plonesni, tiksliau, visiškai plonyčiai, o paviršius bus lygus. 
Krekerius sudėti į skardą, šiek tiek suvilgyti aliejumi. ,,Šiek tiek’” reiškia, kad nereikia jų maudyti aliejuje, nes pasidarys ne itin gražūs ir ne tokie skanūs.
Aliejumi pateptus krekerius apibarstyti aguonomis, nors tikrai nebūtina, nes dalis jų ims ir nubyrės - asmeniškai man užtenka tų, kurios yra pačiame kepinyje.
Kepti 180*C orkaitėje apie 10 minučių, bet tikslų kepimo laiką, priklausomai nuo orkaitės įnorių ir krekerių iškočiojimo plonumo, reikėtų nusistatyti individualiai -manieji, kadangi darau ypatingai plonus, iškepa per 7 minutes.
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Šitie krekeriai apibarstyti aguonomis, bet bus kur kas geriau, jei grūdelius įmaišysite į tešlą - tuomet jie nenubyrės
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twitterkaledos · 2 years
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@nukiekgalima:  skelbiu šių metų kiečiausią dovaną su giliausia mintim, kurią tik ką atsiėmiau  titulas atitenka @Dariu5, nes žmogus normaliai mane pastalkino ir iš to padarė bajeriuką, kuris mane biškį pramyždino  ačiū, nuostabu, puikiausia dovana. gražių ir jums švenčių! (šaltinis)
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avutiee · 6 years
Ne mințim când spunem ca ne va fi dor mereu de o persoană, totul trece, iar dezamagirile te fac să nu mai simți. Te vei obișnui, dorul trece, iar gândurile pentru acea persoană vor fi întâmplătoare, în situații în care ceva îți amintește de ea. Dar aceste gânduri vor fi tot mai rare, până când uiți. Și întâlnești pe cineva care merita orice gând de-al tău.
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aintthatgoodforyou · 6 years
Tokia saulėta diena,
O aš kažkodėl ne.
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geraspaukstis · 3 years
na ka, miela publika, dabar 3.30 ryto ir negaliu uzmigti. blogiausia dalis, kad nieko negaliu kaltinti, na zinoma apart saves pacios, nes diena takinau huuuge nap. buvo verta, tai kaip ir nesigailiu. taigi… jeigu jau nemiegu, o kad ir kas skaito irgi greiciausiai nemiega, noriu pasidalinti keliom mintim apie kelis dalykus
1. marlboro auksines. sudas. sudas as jums sakau - sudas. neissiplesiu, dar per anksti atskleisti savo vidini zveri
2. tas didelis akmuo ant sirdutes kai isgirsti kazka ko nenoretum isgirsti. o dievai. tas akmuo toks didelis ir jis taip stipriai nukrenta, kad skauda fiziskai
3. na buvo toks kompiuterinis zaidimukas kuriame dominavo geltonas autobusas. nepamenu kodel tas autobusas buvo ten, bet neturiu ne menkiausios abejones, kad jo egzistencija svarbesne uz musu visu sudejus. zaidimo esme buvo statyti miesta. maziuka toki. ten buvo parduotuves, jas galejai tobulinti…jei kazkas zinot apie ka kalbu (greiciausiai ne, bet visko gali buti) prasau su manimi susisiekti asap man reikia. sito. zaidimo.
4. mano suo. mano suo yra nuostabus rojaus gabaliukas netycia atsidures zemeje. ji nesiojamas radiatorius. ji… ji viskas, ji momentas!
5. zodis majonezas ohmygod koks grazus zodis. pats majonezas nera labai grazus, bet pats zodis. ak, kaip graziai suvyniotas
6. koju pirstai yra labai keista
7. tas nutikimas kai vyras pasiule man 5 eurus ir as atsisakiau. kodel as atsisakiau? kodel? as nezinau. man liudna, kiekviena lekiancia sekunde prisimenu ta vyra ir jo penkis eurus. o kaip jie dabar stipriai praverstu
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ineluluisaturn · 3 years
In poze zambim, in realitate ne mintim
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patylom · 3 years
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Toks tas vienišumas. Norisi dažyti lūpas, dėtis aukštakulnius ir sukneles, šokti prieš veidrodį, daug rūkyti, per daug rūkyti, važiuoti visomis galimomis kryptimis, norisi dėmesio ir lygiai tiek pat nedėmesio.  Tokios tos dienos. Tingios, su daug kavos puodelių, bet visad po vieną, užtrauktom užuolaidom, nematant pasaulio, kuris sustojęs, tylinčiu telefonu, jaučiant, kaip laikas lėtai slysta oda. Tokios tos naktys. Ilgos ir bemiegės, raudonu vynu nudažytos, su netylančiom mintim ir netylančiu automobilių ūžimu už lango. Tokie tie jausmai, nerimaujant dėl ateities, liūdint dėl praeities, gailintis klaidų, kurios amžinai paliko dėmę ant mano karmos, kartojant sau, kad negalima gailėtis, planuojant sugrįžimą ir kuriant scenarijus savo galvoje, kaip šį kartą elgtis teisingai, kaip nebedaryti klaidų, kaip apsimesti, kad nerūpi. you can never go back - tokios tos klaidos, sugriaunančios ateitį, praeitį, principus ir tuos pamatus, ant kurių jie pastatyti, sudrebinant visus įsitikinimus, žinant, kad jos ir tas gėdos jausmas tave persekios visą likusį gyvenimą. Toks tas vienišumas.
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princesepersikas · 3 years
Laimės paslaptis - susitaikyti su mintim , kad pasaulis siaubingas .
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man pradeda atrodyti, kad daugiau žmonių nukentės ne nuo covid-19, o buvimo su savo mintim
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utopia-game · 4 years
Strategy Corner with FFW: Kingdom Setup
Strategy Corner by FFW: Picking Your Kingdom's Setup
Every start of the age, we go into discussions about what is the "best" setup. How do we truly define what the best is? We're joined by Dowla of Hipmunks, Smiles of Warbirds and myself FFW of Merciless in a forum of how to pick your kingdom's setup and be a more successful warring kingdom. We've also got a special guest Peetah who has co-led many kingdoms to numerous crowns over the ages. Let's talk about setups and is it truly important to have a setup? Peetah: Yes, this will help leadership to coordinate efforts to win the war. Running a lot of different races and pers will give leadership a hard time to make builds. Set certain times to “nuke” a prov with ops. Dowla: It is absolutely important to have a setup to achieve anything it is you want to achieve if it requires your kingdom to do well in the game. You can achieve screwing around without a setup. Smiles:Setups are make or break and a lot of things simply won't work well. That being said, all the things that do work, are pretty similar FFW: I think we can all agree that setups are important. All successful kingdoms will have a proper setup but not all kingdoms with a proper setup is successful. So let's go into the finer details of picking a setup. Before we even start talking setup, let's talk strategy. How important is it to think about the win conditions before even deciding what to pick? Peetah:There are different ways to win a war and a setup will make it a lot easier to achieve victory if it’s in line with your idea on win conditions. Par example with a smash setup you want to win at mintime. After that your chances of winning go down. While a setup based on econ can easily go war for a week. Do realize this will be a burden for leadership as well. You need to plan according to what you got available. Smiles: I don't think you have to be super specific about the strategy. A general idea is enough since there are lots of things to think about and some assumptions to make but the early age is pretty consistent FFW: Let's talk about the some assumptions in strategy for the age since you've brought it up Smiles. I normally like to assume that early advantages are the most awful for a successful warring kingdom since you want to be consistent through the age and not just win for the first 3 weeks and suck the next 6. Do you agree with this? For the record, I'm not saying you throw away the early age either. Smiles: For the most part the early strengths can let you steamroll certain things but generally you can assume some early easy wars, leverage your later age bonuses since most early advantages don't scale well but some do. FFW: What about you Dowla? I hear that you have got a unique perspective on this topic. Dowla: We do not pick a setup with a focused effort on selecting a win condition usually. We usually just go for a good setup that works for us.The base line is creating something that the enemy simply cannot control anymore. There are ages where win conditions are very important and there are ages where we want to do well all around. FFW: That's interesting Dowla, so you would rather pick a comfortable setup and then decide strategy on a war to war basis? Dowla: That's how we operate. We agree on a setup start of the age, and a general way of how we'd play it. The dynamic of warring changes every war. We pick what works for us and it's usually something we're comfortable with. Something that wars well. FFW:So would it be fair to say your strategic approach to setup picking is oriented around balance so you won't be too badly matched against anything the server throws at you? Dowla:Yes. That is exactly how we pick our setup. Something that works well and can work against anything. FFW: Let's talk about what worked for us in the past as to give examples What's your most successful strategy that you've run with thus far? Peetah:I think I played with most combos and won crowns with all. I’ve also seen all kind of setups win crowns and even multiple crowns in one age. Most kingdoms develop a style they seem fit and chose a setup accordingly. Smiles, Dowla and FFW can probably give more insight on what makes a certain setup a HM/Merciless/Warbirdies setup. Smiles: comfort strat, 2-4 pure mystic, 4 rogue 4 hybrid mystic synced core with the view of hybrid casters provide ET support and duration coverage of spells your TMs don't want to have to cast. They also work as a buffer where people might hit them instead of pure TM. The outcome is that you end up with more mana, more attackers. Dowla: Tried a few different ones, but what works best for us is hybrid turtles that become UB and then steamroll from there. FFW: I like having a big offensive fist so that core can create space for our TM to work a later war economic advantage and always assume you have to win on a 50% double networth win. Picking the racial and personality choices. What works and what order do you pick in? TMs first or Core first? FFW:I prefer picking core choices first since they are normally the majority in the kingdom, so it helps us to decide what our battering ram will be then decide what type of supporting actors we want to support the core. Peetah: First, you need to find your balance! How much TMs how much hitters and do you need support? Smashing setups want at least 16-18 hitters. Plus do you wanna run hybrids or just pure hitters and pure TMs. Smashing kingdoms want pure TMs as they need to cover all thievery and magic operations. Your hitters you want to build to make sure you can hit enemy TMs bring down the winning condition of your opponent. Going for the econ play you want provs that are able to hold out and sustain their off. While you work on creating land on UBs and slowly convert to hitters. UBs mostly are your TMs. Basically circle back to the strategy you've chosen to play for the age. Dowla:We usually agree on T/M choices rather quick and then keep on deciding on core picks until the last minute. First of all I want to say it's not me personally picking the setup. It's a group of us doing it. Usually the whole LS team decides on it. A few of us make a setup we'd play, then we all comment on each others setup and we work from there. So we incorporate a bit of everything or we create a totally different setup than anybody proposed. For T/Ms there are always a very limited amount of choices that are playable, and by this I mean combos that work the best. While for attackers it's much more complicated. A super heavy attacker can mean more T/Ms, an econ based attacker can mean less, do we want long wars or do we want to zerg rush, it all depends with them. So, we set the T/Ms and they set the dynamic. What kind of attackers we need and then we pick what works for that type of strategy. Or simply we're comfortable with this many T/Ms and this many attackers. That's our go to if we have troubles agreeing on what we want. Smiles: As stated before, in my head the most generic setup is: 4 mystics 4 rogues 2-4 paladin/cleric/PF caster depending on what the age needs. 15 synced core I usually start there ask, is it a heretic age? If heretics, what am I cutting to stay in that 8 Pure TM range FFW: There seems to be a lot of focus on picking the right TMs so let's talk about that next Picking Your Kingdom's TMs. What works? FFW: I see you didn't put much emphasis on heretics Smiles? What's up with that? Smiles: It's fine to have 1 heretic just for access to blizz/fg depending on the age but I don't think they're bad. I just rarely have that 1 tick sync for NM and I in general am not a fan of NM like I used to be. With the exception of high GS+WT+dpa tanks, I don't ever think you NEED NM because it just makes chains go deeper, rarely adds additional chains and rarely allows you to hit TM+Chain as is the classic desire for NM. So really you're trading significant TM mana just to take chains a little deeper. Deep chains don't matter as much anymore anyways. I chain to secure UB, if it doesn't go deep enough, but trims their offense, good enough for me FFW: What about you Dowla, what do you value in picking TMs? Dowla: Most usually it's bonuses in TPA/WPA. We value it over anything else as in the event of a dragged out war it allows us to try raining fire over enemy T/Ms with out own. Or in any war. T/M supremacy is what it's all about. FFW: I can relate to that. I love population bonus on my TMs since it leads to better raw numbers which leads to much better modified numbers to have TM supremacy late age. Smiles:Generally for TMs, all TMs my order of priorities >UB, Defense mostly >T defense >wpa>tpa>eco/offense. Recently, I prefer the safest easiest possible rogues. Since if a rogue every gets chained/massed out, they're basically unrecoverable although wpa and honor recovery isn't possible for the most part. Mystics, I like TOG paired with +1 mana but I am more willing to pick the mystic I expect to be strongest at its peak FFW: Before we close, what's the single most important advice we can give to aspiring war kingdoms out there? You go first Smiles Smiles: Pick a kingdom you admire or setup you think is strong and just copy. Add a small spin for what you like and don't be original. When Warbirds formed and we were ready to run a top tier setup for the first time, we essentially straight copied Hipmunks from the age before as we had warred them twice, lost twice. FFW: Dowla will be pretty happy to know Hipmunks inspired Warbirds to an extent. Let's hear from him next. Dowla: If you're unsure on how to play it and what exact setup to pick then pick something simple. Start with something simple as two types of T/Ms with 3-4 of each, 3-4 clerics and pick the rest as heavy attackers or ditch the clerics and everything else can go into attackers. Keep it simple until you start feeling comfortable with changing it and doing things a different way, a way that suits you. Do know that every single one of the best warring kingdoms has a usual way they pick setups and each one of those setups works for them because they've gotten good at playing with those setups. FFW: Be bold and brave. Don't hesitate to experiment with choices since all the best strategies and setups have been called retarded or silly once upon a time. Your new idea could be the next top strategy but be sure your entire kingdom is on board with it. Consensus is important. Editorial Section: Wrapping up this session, it is clear that there's no one best approach in picking your Kingdom's setup and strategy. What is truly important is that you choose a strategy that works for you and remember that mastery over a particular strategy would cement your place as a top warring kingdom. When it comes to the finer details of picking your race and personality choices, pick a combination that is most comfortable for what you want it to do. The key important takeaway is the concept of objectives and whatever combination you pick should conform with the objectives of your kingdom. PS: Dowla volunteers to help people struggling with choices if you PM his retired ass on discord since he inspired Warbirds. Link to his interview on his honor crown achievement below
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