#ministry of peace
countrypapers · 10 months
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tilbageidanmark · 3 months
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nicnacsnonsense · 10 months
I don’t know why this cracked me up so much, but less than five minutes before Zack joins the Nightwatch, some of the most blatantly Nazi shit in this entire show where one of the major themes is fascism, Sheridan asks Zack if he ever studied 20th Century history, World War II. And Zack is just like, “Nope”. Yeah, I’ll bet you haven’t, Zack. Brilliant set up. Absolutely hysterical.
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omegaremix · 4 months
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Spring 1997 Mixtape.
Underworld Second Toughest In The Infants
Atari Teenage Riot “Atari Teenage Riot”
Daft Punk “Around The World”
Prodigy, The Charly EP
Chemical Brothers “Chemical Beats”
Prodigy “Breathe”
Faithless “Insomnia”
Underworld Pearl’s Girl EP
Atari Teenage Riot “Sick To Death”
Daft Punk “Da Funk”
Ministry In Case You Didn’t Feel Like Showing Up
Type O Negative “Love You To Death”
Neglect “Mind Games”
Rusty “Misogyny”
Ministry “Burning Inside”
Sloan “The Good In Everyone”
Our Lady Peace “Naveed”
Iron Maiden “Sabbath Bloody Sabbath”
Sub DK “Hardcore Underground”
Age Of Electric “Remote Control”
Orbit “Medicine Down (Baby Come Back)”
Ministry “Faith Collapsing”
Mayhem "Freezing Moon"
Thrust “Rage” (Didn’t Have To Go)”
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eddis-not-eeddis · 1 month
Prayer Request 8/25/24
Could I get prayers for Y, the wife of a Christian brother in one of my prayer groups who went overseas recently? She suffered a miscarriage just before they left, and they had to return early because her mother is dying. She is going through so much right now. She was faithful even through the deeply painful circumstances and supported her husband's ministry, but her losses are indescribable. Please pray that the ministry they took part in bears rich fruit, and give thanks that this family continued to serve through everything Satan is throwing at them, and pray that they will continue to persevere, and that these trials won't break them, but will instead refine them and make them stronger.
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raks777 · 6 months
Sending Love To The Weeping
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poisonivy206 · 1 year
if i could never give you peace
drarry (E) | 17,495 | read on ao3
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Eleven years after the Battle of Hogwarts, Aurors Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy are forcibly brought together by a new case that's bound to reopen old wounds. Enter a Firewhisky problem, prejudices that never really go away, and an obsession as old as time.
They all talk about it, what Harry’s done, all the lives he’s saved, turning his achievements into legends, his life into myth. But all he’s left with, in the hours of the night when his apartment is empty and no evil at the other end of the wand to fight off, are his mistakes. Those he has to mourn by himself, crack open and untangle and put to rest alone. He’s never quite managed to. “I did it,” he breathes, voice gravelly, like the words are cutting into him on the way out. “I deserved it,” Malfoy replies. His voice sounds different. It makes Harry look at his mouth. Makes him want to crawl out of his own skin. “I don’t know if we did. Not anymore.” His hand moves of its own accord, fingers twitching when they touch the silver line in the middle of Malfoy’s chest, a surge of electricity traveling all the way up his arm, down his spine. It feels a bit like touching the past, all the things Harry’s been afraid of concentrated right there, in the pale expanse of skin. The muscles in Malfoy’s chest jump at the touch, but he doesn’t pull away, so very warm in Harry’s hands. “We all have to pay for our sins,” he says, and in spite of it being almost a whisper, it fills the entire room. “The price of mine is just more visible.” Harry knows he doesn’t only mean the scars on his chest. He wonders if back in France, Malfoy can dare to show his forearms. “Yes, well—I wish we could stop. We were just boys.” Harry presses his thumb to the scar he’s been tracing, watching the skin around it turn red. How hard would it be, he wonders, to claw into Malfoy’s chest. To dig himself in, to hide himself there. The one place no one would think to look. Malfoy grabs his arm, and Harry thinks this is it, he’s gone too far. But Malfoy doesn’t stop him, doesn’t push him away. Instead, he lets his fingers brush the inside of Harry’s wrist, feeling the flutter of his pulse. He’s gentle, so gentle that it makes Harry want to bite even more. “We were never just boys, and if you still think that, you’re more of a fool than I thought.” Harry doesn’t answer, spreading his palm over the silver marbling, and Malfoy’s holding onto him, still, as he presses in, walks his hand all the way to his throat. There’s a touch of red to Malfoy’s ears, a sheen to his forehead, but when Harry catches his eye again, his gaze is smouldering. It strikes Harry, like lightning, that for all his cowardice and wimpiness as a child, Draco Malfoy might just be a braver man than he is. He doesn’t know what else to call this, his ability to call things by their name like it costs nothing. Because when Harry talks, all he seems to do is break things.
in full on ao3.
written as part of @hd-wireless 2023, which has been an absolute blast. if you're looking for some really great drarry, i urge you to check out the entire collection here.
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Overflowing with Hope
May the God of hope completely fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you will overflow with hope through the power of the Holy Spirit! — Romans 15:13 | Free Bible Version (FBV) The Free Bible Version is a project of Free Bible Ministry; Copyright © 2018, Free Bible Ministry. All rights reserved. Cross References: 1 Samuel 1:18; Romans 14:17; Romans 15:19; 1 Corinthians 2:4; 1 Thessalonians 1:5
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8bitmanna · 2 years
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Verse of the Day
💙Galatians 6:9💙
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copias-girl · 1 year
Ok but like
Sugar? Roach? Queenie? Missy?
We sound like characters from some girly pop cartoon
@sucharide @zombiequeenblog @meowsaidmissy
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countrypapers · 7 months
"No cameras found."
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cardis-tricycle · 1 year
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Coffin ⚰ style
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gxlden-angels · 1 year
I hate going to Christian-based hospitals. There's a bible verse slide show on the screens that other places usually have medical information graphics and resources on and I just got asked "Do you have a source of peace in your life?" like babygirl I'm here for neurological pain my source of peace is Lidocaine 4% and a heating pad
#The nurse was definitely lgbt because he came back and asked me for my pronouns when I know good and well that's not in the system here#We talked about his cool ass crocs and he was like 'yea I know they're weird questions but I'm required to ask'#Cause they're all like 'do you have a source of peace and joy' and 'do you have a spiritual reason not to partake in any medications here?'#which is nice in concept like wanting to avoid pork-based or gelatin-based products#and things like that#but when it's paired with all of the bible verses and 'extending the healing ministry of christ' being the hospital's slogan#well.....#all of the screens are verses about joy as if this isn't one of the most miserable places to be#they're unfortunately one of the few places in my area tho that treat CFS/ME 😔✌️#It's probably very nice for older people here fighting for their lives#and I understand/respect that#but I've got a therapy appointment after this and I'm gonna go Off#I just realized how tense I got about this Im actively trying to relax my body#my blood pressure was 140/93 sitting and 148/91 standing#which is Not Good#this entire hospital sets off my fight or flight#they're infamously known in my area not to treat transgender patients with respect#both as a community thing and from people talking to me individually#I went on a long tangent about my gender but it was just rambling lol#anyways be gay do crime don't go to christian based hospitals if you can help it#ex christian#religious trauma
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walkswithmyfather · 1 year
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“Now on one of those days Jesus and His disciples got into a boat, and He said to them, “Let us go over to the other side of the lake.” So they launched out. But as they were sailing along He fell asleep; and a fierce gale of wind descended on the lake, and they began to be swamped and to be in danger. They came to Jesus and woke Him up, saying, “Master, Master, we are perishing!” And He got up and rebuked the wind and the surging waves, and they stopped, and it became calm. And He said to them, “Where is your faith?” They were fearful and amazed, saying to one another, “Who then is this, that He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey Him?” —Luke 8:22‭-‬25 (NASB)
“Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.” —John 14:27 (NASB)
“Experiencing Inner Peace” By InTouch Ministries:
“Remembering that God’s in control is the key to a calm heart.”
“Have you ever fallen asleep on a long trip? Jesus did. Luke tells us that one time Jesus and the disciples got on a boat to reach the other side of a lake, and Jesus fell asleep. The next thing the disciples knew, they were engulfed in a storm, and the one person powerful enough to protect them was blissfully unaware. The disciples panicked and woke Him.
Jesus has promised to give us His peace (John 14:27)—this is the very same peace that enabled Him to sleep through a storm. Without His tranquility, we feel helpless and afraid like the disciples. But with it, we can experience inner calm in the midst of hardship.
Believing in God’s sovereignty is the key to a peaceful heart. In their panic, the disciples believed that a sleeping Jesus wasn’t in control of their circumstances. But we must remember that He is always in control—even in times of difficulty. When we rest in the knowledge that God is in charge, we can exchange anxiety for peace.
Jesus doesn’t want us to be weighed down by fear. He wants to share His peace with us. Are you trusting in His control?”
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at-liberty-news · 4 months
Supercolony Breakthrough
Just over three hours ago, the Ministry of Science completed augmentations to the tectonic drill, enabling it to emit ultrasonic frequencies directly into the ground. These frequencies ward off Terminids from breaching too close to the tunnel, making it far easier for Helldivers to defend them. Well done on the scientists involved for such a swift solution!
Mounting our good fortune is that Terminid resistance is in further disarray, being effectively five point five times as strong as the swarms on Erata Prime. This is only just over half the fight that the supercolony originally put up!
Even more, many citizens across the Federation have taken it upon themselves to handcraft napalm to be loaded into eagle shells. With these extra reserves, all Helldivers will have access to additional napalm strike requisitions until operation "Enduring Peace" is seen through.
We apologize for having unintentionally misled our audience when originally suggesting that the SEAF were sending specialists to destabilize Terminid tunnels. Misinformation is a curse even we sometimes fall prey to, but we aim to always resolve it as soon as possible. That's all for now!
Give 'em Hell, Divers!
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I think it should be totally acceptable to throat punch people who are talking during a movie at the movie theater.🙄
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