#minigame bandit
bloxbomber-guezz · 22 days
My Bandits
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Arcade (Minigame Bandit) and Coins (peach & purple coloured Coin Bandit)
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(they aren't supposed to be that red anymore)
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cookieofearthbread · 2 years
Added two ocs to the guest lists
Cinnamon Coffee and Betta Fish.
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suppermariobroth · 1 year
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To determine the winner in the "Balloon Popping" minigame in Yoshi's Island, the code does not actually check whether Yoshi or the Bandit opponent has popped the winning balloon, but rather, oddly, whether Yoshi is touching the winning balloon as it is popped.
As a consequence, if Yoshi is standing on the winning balloon and the Bandit pops it, the game will declare Yoshi to be the winner.
Main Blog | Twitter | Patreon | Small Findings | Source: twitter.com user "geibuchan"
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tadcrodeoau · 7 months
What exactly do you have done so far for the Au?
(Disclaimer: It's mostly headcannons compiled, but I'm really excited to share )
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This is a Mostly fluff au
Everyone isn't insane mostly, and don't hate each other
the entire vibe is like animal crossing but with legend of Zelda breathe of the wild roaming. (( i wanted to say stardew valley, but I never played it, so idk what it's like sksks.))
Kinger is the rodeo champion and still holds the title. Nobody can beat him. (This frustrates Jax the most.)
This au's Jax is still loves pranks, but is more focused on competitions. But he absolutely will not prank the horses. He respects them too much. But the riders, However, are a different story.
They all have different roles:
Kinger is the champion
Caine is the Rodeo star/ manager (obv.)
Ragatha is the equestrian caretaker
Jax is a herder/ trick rider (His horse is named centipede☆)
Gangle handles the saloon and inventory
Zooble is in charge of the barn but doubles as a bandit when✨️ special events ✨️ happen.
Pomni is the rodeo Clown.
The abstractions are wild animals/Bulls.
this is one of the seasons changing games, so you can have weather shenanigans.
Everyday activities stem from exciting things like events like a stampeed to mundane minigame things like churning butter.
Outfit changes with the seasons is a must ✨️
Lore Bit
Abstractions are interesting, though..
Because your still trapped In a game
Most Abstractions happen whenever someone gets lost in the mines. The level was never finished and rumor has it that if you can find the end of it you can find the golden door that leads to the title screen to log out... but at the same time, it's so complicated and HUGE that most end up back at the start no matter what route they take. That's when they start to abstract. The locals call it "Gold fever." And recommend people avoid the mines unless completely necessary.
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weaponwiki · 3 months
i won't lie, bandit tricking is probably the best part of siege. it's like a minigame and if you win, you'll make the enemy team lose hope/morale/energy. i love it.
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hustlecandy · 1 year
Part 1 of my doodles for @/crisbeedonut's art prompts! Under the cut because long:
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Day 1: Honey
"For one, seeing honey being produced sounds delicious."
"Leif, you are not to eat any of it!"
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Day 2: Ice
"By the great antcestors... what kind of sorcery is that!?"
"We, uh, are unsure? This is new. "
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Day 3: Caves
"Time to unearth this place's secrets."
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Day 4: Queen
"...Thank you, Elizant. You raised a fine successor."
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(I don't have any witty comments, I just really love Spy Cards. Also how do you draw the Boss Card wtf)
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Day 6: Good Deed
Day 7: Wild
"The Rangers inspired me to explore, yes. But...I don't need them anymore. Think of all we've been through. The Spider, the machines and bandits...the Beast. We did that all together, and they were real adventures. We've...we've surpassed the Bug Rangers. So it's time to hand this down, so that a new child may dream of exploring!"
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"No! This beast...this beast ate my friends! ...You vile, wretched scum. You will rue the day you let me live!"
"Kabbu, we get you're angry! But this is too risky!"
"We've beat way stronger foes! We will destroy it!"
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Day 8: Original Character
(This is my silly little guy Dr. Boulder, he's a sweet upbeat therapist with a tragic backstory. He's a Chiron/Neptune Beetle hybrid :>)
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Day 9: Flame
"To command! To possess! To enjoy! That is the privilege of royalty! And it shall all be mine!"
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Day 10: Moth
"It's such a joy to welcome you to our family! When Muze's husband stops working at the lab so much, maybe you'll get to meet him!"
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dutifulsnack · 2 months
Realize that Skyrim does not offer me real choices when roleplaying through the game (E.g. Nocturnal and Thieves Guild).
Realize that I can simply ignore all dialogue and play the game, substituting the in-game reasoning with my own headcanons (“I simply said No to Nocturnal’s deal. She’s a businesswoman, she gets it.”)
Realize that all quests, when deprived of their stories, go through very few environments and enemies (Wizard’s guards were just reskinned bandits, the entire setting for that quest was a Dwemer ruin)
Realize that the gameplay can still be dynamic and fun, even without a great variety of enemies and environments (Assassin’s creed and old God of War games, all pull from basic sets of enemies and very repetitive sets but the gameplay is still fun and engaging)
Realize that the core Skyrim dungeon gameplay loop is not all that fun. Challenge comes in the form of big numbers that get bigger as you get better. Enemies either become boring fodder between me and the actual challenge, or their numbers are scaled up to match mine.
Realize that the most fun I had was while enchanting, alchemy and sneak. I don’t have to focus on the combat if I don’t like it.
Realize that the only purpose (with 1 exception – water breathing) crafting skills serve is to clear dungeons, or to make better items to clear dungeons. Realize that the crafting minigame is cultivating habits that slow the gameplay loop down (GATHER EVERY INGREDIENT. SOUL TRAP EVERY ENEMY).
Realize that I do not have to feed those habits. There is more to the world than just ingredients. There is lore to be read, places to discover and NPCs to meet.
Realize that the lore and NPCs don’t really matter. NPCs are just as shallow as Morrowind’s, if not shallower, acting simply as either quest targets or quest givers.
Realize that quests form the basics of any game, and to criticize the game for having quests is stupid. Quests are how you interact with NPCs, to give them depth and allow you to interact with the world.
Realize that the quests do not allow me to interact with the world. There is no interaction, just another dungeon to clear. There is no follow-up to getting Amren's sword back. There is no follow-up to delivering Adrianne's sword. Taking down Riften's Skooma trade means nothing. Killing the Summerset Thieves means nothing, they may as well have been bandits. There is no reaction or consequence to becoming leader of any faction. I can kill the emperor and nothing changes, he was an NPC that did/does nothing before or after existing.
I think this kind of gaming is not for me anymore. I can't buy into this stuff now.
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autopotion · 2 months
Corel Prison is the first section in Rebirth where I've felt frustrated by the story changes. In the original, the existence of Corel Prison was a nasty shock; the glitzy playground of the Gold Saucer was hiding a decrepit prison in its shadow and was using the incarcerated folks there as labor and entertainment in the chocobo races. The relaxing minigames of the amusement park are replaced with hostile, desperate NPCs and tense random encounters. Really direct and clear message there re: that the privileges of the upper world only exist through the exploitation of its underclass, a constant recurring theme of the game (Midgar, Junon). What's more, that Barret and Cloud have been falsely accused doesn't matter one bit; to free himself and his friends, Cloud still has to allow himself to be exploited and participate in the chocobo races.
But Rebirth muddies that messaging by turning Corel Prison into, like, a bandit club, where "Corel Prison" seems to be some kind of edgy nickname instead of a description of the type of institution it is. The guy in charge isn't Mr. Coates anymore, who had institutional authority, but some guy named Gus who appears to just be Chief Sleazeball with no official backing from the Gold Saucer. We haven't been actually arrested, just... temporarily detained, because we're actually working with Dio? Also Chocobo Billy is here again for some reason. And now we have to get vegetables for our sick chocobo by... playing minigames. Ok.
This feels like Remake defanging AVALANCHE, but while I get (though am annoyed by) milquetoast execs don't want to be seen as condoning eco terrorism (huge lols), the motivations this time are inscrutable to me. Like do they not want the Gold Saucer to explicitly be working with a prison to provide cheap labor? Do they not want all their Gold Saucer NPCs to come off as corrupt assholes? Gold Saucer already looks pretty bad cuz of the situation with North Corel, Corel Prison logically follows themes that have already been set up! This "ex-employee housing overrun by goofy bandits" thing makes no sense! Is it actually a prison and, if so, what is its institutional relationship with the Gold Saucer? And if it's not, then... What is happening here, exactly? Why does this place even exist? What's the point?
Kinda worried how they're gonna handle Dyne lol
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metfell · 2 years
learning how to dm a tabletop game is like the stardew fishing minigame youre only gonna get better at it if you do it a lot and no amount of prepping for hours no amount of youtube videos no amount of studying up can prepare you for the unexpected. just go for it your friends will understand if youre not the best!!!!!! i started dming when i was 16 and i was so fucking bad it was unreal!!!!!!!!!!!! i started that same homebrew campaign later when i was 19-20 and i had gained enough roleplay experience where it was a lot easier. you just gotta Do It. and its REALLY fun when you get a group of friends together and go "yeah actually you just rip the head right off that bandit yeah it was really fucked up" or you describe some fucked up horror scene like "you watch as the black spines explode out from his back, torso completely unrecognizable as the demon frees itself from the human it was hiding inside of" shit like that. like their FACES when you drop those bombs. the way that people will cheer and gasp and cackle is SO REWARDING. dming is great pleaseplease give it a try your dm friend will absolutely help you
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iam-back · 10 months
Super Mario RPG playthrough diary - 4
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So we help cheer the little dude up. Ain't he a card?
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Mario and Mallow - so we have the M&M combo out to stop a thieving mobster croc!
And appreciate the beautiful, whimsical music of Bandit's WayyyyaaaiiII have to go talk to Nomsirc (my fanon name for this Red Toad here).
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Okay, NOW let's appreciate Bandit's Way's awesome tune.
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Our first battle as a party of two!
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I'll need to get used to the Hammer's timing as I have it...
...Ah there we go. Also, apparently Gauge Moves are a thing.
Also, help, I can't find the Hidden Treasure in the area with the spinny flowers and K-9s!!
And after much surprisingly hard Croco Catchers™: The Minigame, let's go kick his little bum.
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The key is to light his ass on fire - or actually his tail.
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In doing this he'll skip a turn to extinguish his little tail.
Although I ran out of Flower Points and Honey Syrups and therefore had to resort to physical violence, I won.
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Let's head back... oh.
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I'll see you in a little bit with part 5.
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frigidlyauthorial · 1 year
I’ve been replaying horizon zero dawn and I can’t believe I forgot just how enjoyable Nil’s character is. Like he’s so creepy and full of such a dry wit that I wanted to keep taking out bandit camps for the sole reason of talking to him. I never even met him in horizon forbidden west because I wasn’t a fan of the racing minigame, and while I’m glad he’s found a productive outlet outside of murdering people for sport, it still seems that he was deliberately defanged in an unsatisfying way that has left no room for his character to reappear in the franchise :(
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bloxbomber-guezz · 4 months
mario bandits again
damn I love sharing multiple versions of one drawing
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couldnt decide what face to stick with lol
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i love these rascally creatures I think they're cool.
I imagine these two are like partners in crime and go on all sorts of misadventures.
or maybe coin bandit just helps with bandit's other business at the minigame hut, usually stealing stuff to help restock as prizes, while bandit hosts the minigames.
they seem to hate each other but they're actually best pals.
they throw insults and pester each other while flunking a good ratio of their heists in a variety of comedic ways. sometimes its from their recklessness, maybe some miscalculations or stupid luck. they still manage to slip away without getting seriously caught somehow.
but at the end of the day, they atleast get some funny stories to tell.
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gentlenekomata · 1 year
wanted plots ;
So many interesting insights this month!! I really do hope to thread with maaaany people as well, regardless the mission's prompts  (⋈◍>◡<◍)。✧♡
CREEPY CRYPT MYSTERY – Sakura LOVES exploring secret places and this prompt is just the perfect chance for her to visit the Monastery’s underground; let’s hope that the curiosity doesn’t kill the cat! < [ grants Axe +1]
SAUNA TWINS – she adores relaxing in the sauna actually, she keeps it as a habit for the weekends; this prompt is very peculiar, might as well give a try to get some cute or fluff scenes ♡´・ᴗ・`♡ [ grants Gauntlet +1]
GHOST BRIDE –  a long-lost love story, this is what I’m hoping from this prompt and what Sakura would love to deepen and resolve [ grants Reason +1 ]
THE LOVE PLANT –  romance and gardenary together- YES PLEASE. Sakura best stuff to deal with, she would definitely care a lot for this plant and for the romantic story behind it [ grants Faith +1 ]
THREE LEGGED RACE –  this reminds me of Tokimeki minigames… Sakura will definitely want to participate, just for the fun of it and to be able to bond with some new people o(〃^▽^〃)o [ grants Heavy Armour +1 ]
ANIMAL BONDING YAY – Sakura loves any kind of creatures and she actually takes care of some of the horses at the stables, so why not taking care of other cuties too? [ grants Riding +1 ]
BABY WYVERN PLS – she wants to take care of the baby wyvern she saved from some bandits ; v ; [ grants Flying +1 ]
Please, pin me on Discord (both DM or plotting channel) or just DM on Tumblr.
Love you all \(◦'⌣'◦)/ ♥
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zorua-gaming · 2 years
Chapters Six through Eight & Paralogue Two
In which Alear recruits some redheaded thieves and we enter Brodia. (Actually, we gain a lot of redheads.)
Alfred, how long ago did your father die that you remember exactly where this shrine that you’ve only been to once is?
Like that slanted two camera shot of Alfred and Yunaka.
That delivery on “Come again?” from Alear was real funny to me.
Okay, Yunaka’s real funny so far.
Damn, Yunaka has real good eyesight.
Ooooh, fog of war!
Since I don’t really play FEH with the sound on, it didn’t hit me that Manuela and Micaiah are both voiced by Veronica Taylor until just now when Micaiah spoke and I was like “that’s Manuela!”
And now we have “Heal us, Emblem of Dawn!”
I had a feeling Yunaka was the one who stole the ring given her reaction to Alear entrusting it to her upon retrieving it from that bandit.
And here we have another encounter with Veyle. She’s a cutie.
Onto the next paralogue!
Oh, this is the Anna paralogue.
Did. Did she just hide in a treasure chest?
I really like Yunaka’s win animation.
Oh thank fuck Anna actually has support convos this time. And it’s not limited to just Alear, which is neat.
Okay, now onto Chapter 7!
So, has Alcryst not visited the Divine Dragon all that often as to where he doesn’t recognize Alear? (Also Micah Solusod, what’s up?)
XD THAT FROG JUMP!! Does he practice that?
Why is Lapis giving that look? Idk how to even describe it.
Ah, so Brodia has the ring of Roy Our Boy.
Wait, hold on. Is that Cherami Leigh? (Just checked; it’s not.)
Chloé is a literal beast. She keeps getting MVP.
Elusia is out here being ring hoarders.
Oh my gosh, Morion is funny.
And unlike my guess on Jean’s father, I just KNOW you’re gonna die.
And now we add “Rise up, Emblem of Binding!” to the list.
I wonder if there’s some meaning to Emblem Roy introducing himself as just Roy as opposed to Emblem Roy.
Oooh, more two camera shots!
Add “Free us, Emblem of Genealogy!” to the list.
Okay, Emblem Leif didn’t introduce himself as Emblem Leif either - just Leif.
Yes! Listen to Diamant! He’s smart! You’re gonna die!
Holy shit, that fishing minigame was so intense.
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oxythedigiguy · 2 years
Day 5 of playing Digimon World:
Remember me being tired of getting Numemon? Well, guess whose Pabumon evolved directly into Sukamon. Yeah, mine.
I still tried to get Sukamon to evolve, but the time ended way before I could meet all the requirements. I guess having it evolve directly from the first stage to an adult really did a number on its stats, so it was a lost battle from the start. Either that, or it's possible to improve the gym and things will get easier later on. Or both, which seems likely.
I got the same digiegg again, and this time I managed to get a Birdramon, which raised my Tamer level to 1, whatever that means. Keep in mind at this point I already spent a lot of time trying to train an adult in vain, so I was not looking forward to hitting the gym again. Instead of that, I decided to spend a while defeating RedVegiemons, both for the money and for the carrots, which will help me train future Digimon and hopefully get past the adult stage.
After some time of that, I decided to go to Monchromon's shop. At this point I know for a fact it's recruitable, so I was determined to get him to join the city. I saved the game and proceeded to repeat the minigame, reloading my save file each time I failed. Almost three hours later, I've gotten nowhere. And it's late. So that's it for today.
Plans for tomorrow: try the minigame again a few more times. If I can't win, I'll head to the bottom of the canyon and deal with the bandits at the very least, maybe explore some more.
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suppermariobroth · 3 years
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In Yoshi’s Island, the random number generator decides nothing ahead of time, but rather on the spot. An example is the Popping Balloons minigame, where one of the balloons is the winning one. Instead of determining which of the balloons is the winning one before the game starts, the random number generator simply has a chance of deciding that a balloon is the winner at the moment it is popped.
This can be seen in action in the Nintendo Switch Online version of the game, which includes a rewind function. Note how the second balloon the Bandit pops is the winner, but after rewinding a few seconds, that balloon is no longer the winner even though logically, nothing about the scene has changed.
Main Blog | Twitter | Patreon | Small Findings | Source: YI (NSO SNES)
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