#ffviir blogging
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autopotion · 8 months ago
The photo mode in FFVIIR(ebirth) has made me go mad with power
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Boy who looks at jars
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Cloud contemplating bell peppers.
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"Wait sir let me get in the shot--"
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"No, Cloud, we're not taking another one."
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Sweet treats the hawker claims have "zero carbs." Probably because they are not real
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I made her small! 😃
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neoluca · 1 year ago
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first art of the new year!! neko punch!!!
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8bitleitmotifs · 1 year ago
Hello there videogame nerds and weirdos and dorks alike <3 I’m M. Lundy from over at @doonthestair! This is my videogame sideblog, where I’ll probably post content mainly relating to Nintendo, Capcom, and Square(Enix), but that’s not a strict limit! I’ve loved all types of videogaming my whole life and boy do I love talking about it nearly just as much. You can expect a shit ton of posts about videogame soundtracks too (hence the username). Welcome! 
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crisiscutie · 1 year ago
Damn... the chapter names for rebirth have already been leaked. 😭
Yup, so were the achievements and the order of major locations appearing too. Not only that, many reviewers are getting their hands on the full version of the game as we speak now. This is only the beginning lads, brace yourselves for the oncoming SPOILER storm...
I will be marking my postings concerning Rebirth spoilers as "FFVIIR Spoilers or Rebirth Spoilers". This is including any info received from the upcoming State Of The Play on Tuesday which probably will contain some Spoiler content. Spoilers will also be put under a read more as well!
Stay safe out there, guys.
Not gonna lie, one of the chapter titles really fucking makes my head hurt and I'm praying that it's not what I really think.. I'm so tired of this multiverse bullshit so many franchises are doing as an excuse to keep milking the franchise and flanderizing so many beloved characters.
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doonthestair · 1 year ago
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After actual motherfucking years of checking development updates on at least a monthly basis, we’ve gone from “fingers crossed” to “in the future” to “how about winter of 2023-2024” to “February 29th, 2024!” I KNOW I’m two weeks late to the news, keep that shit to yourself, I had exams. It’s 3am and I want to scream and jump up and down because ohhhhhh my GOD mmhrkmkjrh I’m so goddamn excited that part 2 is finally being released. PART 2 IS FINALLY BEING RELEASED <3 <3 <3
I’m so fucking stoked to see literally everything—the gang again, more remastered music, which direction the story is taken in—but if I get into all of that now I’m never going to sleep.
Here’s to Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, coming February 29th, 2024! (!!!!!!!)
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the-fandom-crossroads · 1 year ago
BlackList #Final Fantasy VII Rebirth!
Tomorrow's the big day! This blog will be avoiding major plot spoilers for the first few weeks at the very least.
But if you want to avoid any Rebirth posts that may show up on my blog in the next few days. I will be tagging all posts as #Final Fantasy VII Rebirth #FFVIIR spoilers #FFVII Rebirth #Rebirth Spoilers
So Blacklist one or all of these to avoid my rebirth posts. But again they won't be plot spoilers. Mostly just my twitch live post announcing when we're starting stream.
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cosmicloved · 1 year ago
what if 2024 is the year i finally start using my cloud blog for real
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fanfictions-and-fantasies · 2 years ago
This is the start of our new blog, 'first-class-soldier-shenanigans.'
In an AU where Genesis never starts degrading and leaves, Angeal has no reason to follow him anywhere, and Sephiroth never goes mad, there's a dedicated fan out there who is leaking their new first-class soldier group chat behind Shinra's back.
This is a roleplay blog dedicated to silly little 'leaked group chats' in the FF7 Crisis Core world.
All 'leaks' in that blog are made by @bunnknightnight in Google Docs!
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Shinra made the soldiers a group chat, it seems. Well, not Shinra directly, but Lazard did.
and they bullied Sephiroth, poor bby 🥺
this is only the start of their group chat. I'll post more when they talk more so stay tuned
(just don't tell Shinra. I can't give y'all the goods if I do. my ass will be in JAIL. or worse.)
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supercanaries · 1 year ago
I apologize about the absence! I have been playing P3P and FFVIIR over the past month. I am back now ❤ thanks for still being with my silly blog!
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zelda-photography · 1 year ago
Hm might make a sister blog for ffviir
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autopotion · 8 months ago
Me: Tbh I think I've been enjoying Rebirth more than I did Remake
Zoë: Yeah cuz it's got Aerith in it
Me: No, it's because I like the combat better! And I like that each chapter follows a story beat of the original!
Zoë: Uh huh. You think you would've spent ten hours in Costa del Sol just taking pictures of Yuffie or Tifa?
Me: ...
Me: 😐
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onigiri-dorkk · 2 years ago
Two nights ago I started writing TwiYor smut 🤭 I also outlined a CloTi (Cloud x Tifa) reunion one shot last night. These are two pairings I’ve been DYING to write but have been waiting for a right time to delve in. I still don’t have as much emotional attachment to either compared to Rivamika; RM will forever be my OTP I’ll always primarily write for. But I’m excited to try out these new couples and open up my creativity a little more!
So far, angsty/serious Twilight feels very similar to Levi, without Levi’s attitude lol! I didn’t plan on making it angsty but that’s where it’s headed so far. I’ve never really written a character like Yor who is a bit more… aloof? LOL. Kinda airheady but sweet and loving. I’ve always felt like she’s like if Tohru Honda was an assassin. But I think as long as I stay in that realm of Tohru’s serious side — still loving, still thinking of others, most committed to protecting and loving her close ones — I think I can get it right. Splash a bit of innocence in.
The Cloud Tifa thing isn’t written yet, only outlined, but it’ll be in Tifa’s POV and will also have angsty undertones despite the reunion. I think Cloud/Tifa will be super easy for me to write because Rivamika in Microcosmos I think was subconsciously written like them; Mikasa was a little more emotional and sweet and bright eyed like Tifa, and Levi and Cloud are both easily the brooding soldiers hehe. What has intimidated me writing for the FFVII world, though, is quite literally writing the world 🤯 I haven’t played or read to the end yet—mainly to keep the second half of FFVIIR game a surprise when I do play it. But I’ve always loved them and they give me such Rivamika vibes. While Aerith was a love of Cloud’s life, who arrives and vanishes, Tifa is the constant and who is with him and fights for him and keeps him steady, and he realizes this over time. I am only limited in the time eras… But I’ll brush up on their childhood backstory to make sure I get things right.
That said, I’ve really only written Rivamika/AOT so far. Those of you who write for multiple fandoms and series, do you keep all your works on one account? Or do you prefer separating them?
Maybe that’s a question for readers too! If you subscribe to a writer for their AOT work and get alerts from them, do you get annoyed if you get alerted for a different series? Lol
P.S. I’ve been focusing most of my time post-trip editing my travel photos and writing up the #onigiritravels blog posts! If you haven’t checked it out, please do! 🤍
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denble · 11 months ago
FFVIIR - A Love Triangle post on Reddit
So I just come across this post about the Love Triangle on Reddit
I decide to response to the post here, on my deserted blog, because (1) I have no intention to argue with anyone and (2) should that post not be deleted, it's gonna be a battle field for sure :))))
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The reason I want to response to this post is that OP is very civil. According to the post, he played the OG back in the 2000s so he must not be young by now, and had a clear understanding of OG narrative - that Cloud had to end up with Tifa because Aerith died.
Yet he still finds that Cloud x Aerith is happening after Remake and Rebirth. That their chemistry is great and Cloud x Tifa scenes all seem off, forced, awkward and platonic.
I find it very interesting, because apparently, he sees everything that I see (in Remake, as I haven't played Rebirth yet), but his perception of the events is completely different than mine.
Makes me wonder if I AM the one who interpret wrongly.
(and no, I don't think I'm wrong)
While I always have my own preference and personal feelings when experiencing a work of fiction, I'm always take thing face value. There's a difference between "bad writing, but it happens" and "because I don't feel it, so it doesn't happen". I certainly don't feel good about a lot of characters but they are loved in-game so it's just me. Heck, in Bleach, I never feel Ichigo x Orihime is a thing (and Rukia x Renji is even less so), but both couples happen. What can I do about it? Nothing.
And what is the face value that Remake (and Rebirth) is presenting?
They push Cloud and Tifa together, and push Aerith to Cloud (while still keeping her attachment to Zack). Regardless of how you and I feel about all those Cloud x Tifa and Cloud x Aerith scenes, that's what is happening.
They don't make a whole bunch of scenes of Tifa and Cloud being touchy-touchy just to prove that "yeah, they touch a lot, but it's platonic." What kind of story telling is that?
They don't make Cloud and Tifa kiss in the Gold Saucer Date just to say that "Nah, he's just being out of character." (and they almost kiss in Gongaga).
But yeah, if you want to disregard that, we can disregard all GSD scenes, because all of them are optional. Or to be precise, whom Cloud dates is optional. The scene itself ought to happen (because you know, Cait Sith's betrayal comes next).
Thing is, if you consider all Cloud and Aerith's interaction ALONE, you can easily write a love story. BUT Cloud x Aerith doesn't exist alone. There are Tifa (and Zack) in the picture. Cloud and Aerith holding hand in the GSD is all sweet, until you take into account that he and Tifa kiss during the date. Cloud looking longingly to Aerith when she sings is lovely, until you realize he holds Tifa's hand during that scene if you get Tifa as his date.
In order to Cloud x Aerith to happen, there's a lot to be taken out of the picture (and change the whole plot). And I mean A LOT.
Also, are we arguing:
Whom Cloud actually ends up with? (Answer: It's not Aerith, she's dead)
Whom Cloud SHOULD end up with? (Answer: Tifa, because he never stops loving her; and Aerith is dead)
Whom YOU WANT Cloud to end up with? (Answer: Whomever you'd like, but the game may or may not agree with you)
I very much shipped Locke and Terra in FFVI but eventually it's Locke and Celes. My preference has no power here. I could indulge myself in fanarts and fanfics (I don't though) but I cannot go fight about how Lock and Terra MUST be a thing despite the game presents otherwise.
And lastly, No Promise To Keep neither is about Cloud nor Jack. Nobuo Uematsu and the producers said so. Not a very good song anyway. And not that I care what is is about. I never understand any song's lyrics, let alone hidden layered meanings (if there's any). If the song is good, I vibe, and that's about it.
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mementofloreo-archived · 2 years ago
Welcome to my rp blog, my name is Toby! I ask that you try and find time to read my rules before interacting!
rules page
muse index
My muses are from a pretty wide variety of things but I have a heavy volume especially of Fire Emblem and Genshin Impact muses. I write the others with just as much enthusiasm though! so don't be worried if you're not into the two 'big ones'!
Some other series I write for include Digimon, Legend of Zelda, FFVIIR, and Sailor Moon to name a few.
New mutuals can send me DMs to chat and get to know each other, and after that they can request my discord.
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nyaawn · 3 years ago
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Red XIII is loose in Tokyo =D
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the-blue-wraith · 4 years ago
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Tseng of the Turks
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